Black or white charcoal. What is the difference between white charcoal and black activated charcoal. Indications for use

From time to time, each of us may need the help of sorbents. Such medicines are simply indispensable for malaise caused by poisoning. They quickly and effectively bind aggressive particles and facilitate their evacuation from the digestive tract. In addition, sorbents can be used in the treatment of a variety of pathological conditions - they are advised to be used to cleanse the body, in the treatment of allergic diseases, skin rashes, etc. Known sorbents include white coal and black coal, we will clarify further on this page "Popular about health" , what is the difference between such means, and discuss their properties.

One coal and the second coal - the difference is what?

In fact, white charcoal and black activated charcoal are two completely different drugs. So black (or activated) carbon is created from real coal, which is of natural origin (for example, charcoal) and undergoes special processing. Undoubtedly, such a substance is a fairly strong sorbent, it is able to absorb a variety of aggressive substances.

As for white coal, its composition is completely different. This substance is a source of microcrystalline cellulose and highly dispersed silicon dioxide.

The dosage form also contains some additional components, represented by potato starch and powdered sugar. Silicon dioxide has the main binding effect, removing various aggressive particles from the body. Its influence is complemented by the properties of microcrystalline cellulose.

Let's talk about the differences in composition, consider the properties of black coal and white coal in a little more detail.

Different coal - properties are similar?

Activated (or black) charcoal is able to remove alkaloids from the body, which are of natural and synthetic origin. In addition, it binds and eliminates gases and various toxins (animal, bacterial and chemical origin). This drug effectively cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from poisons, glycosides, sleeping pills, salts of heavy metals and phenolic derivatives. In addition, it copes with aggressive hydrocyanic acid and sulfonamides.

Activated charcoal has rather moderate properties in removing alkalis and acids.

Silicon dioxide (contained in white charcoal tablets) perfectly cleanses the body of aggressive chemical and microbial toxins. In addition, it helps to get rid of bacterial and food allergens, protein breakdown products, excess intestinal gases and even gastric juice. Such an active component stimulates the evacuation of a number of substances from the lymph and blood, represented by glycosides, alkaloids, organophosphorus compounds, ethyl alcohol, barbiturates, heavy metal salts, serotonin, prostaglandin, histamine, residual nitrogen, creatinine, urea and lipids. There is evidence that the use of white coal can correct metabolism and normalize the amount of triglycerides, total lipids and cholesterol in the body.

The presence of microcrystalline cellulose in the composition of white coal contributes to a more active cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract from free radicals, decay products and toxins. In addition, such a substance contributes to better absorption of useful components, vitamin preparations and medicines in the intestines. Microcrystalline cellulose also prevents constipation.

The difference in properties between white and black coal

The properties of coal are different. White coal, unlike black coal, is able to absorb and remove only aggressive substances from the body. According to the manufacturers, it does not violate the absorption of vitamins, minerals and other substances that our body needs. In addition, white charcoal is not able to provoke constipation, which occasionally occurs in patients taking ordinary activated charcoal.

Studies have shown that the properties of white coal are such that it is characterized by a much greater sorption activity than black coal. Accordingly, it can be used in smaller quantities to achieve a positive effect, and it begins to act somewhat faster.

So in the instructions for white coal it is written that it should be taken three tablets three times a day - about an hour before the planned meal.

And they use one tablet for every ten kilograms of weight, the reception can also be carried out up to three times a day. In addition, in order for black coal to show its activity, it is best to use it crushed - which requires additional time.

Among other things, the developers claim that it acts much more gently on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, and is not able to damage them. At the same time, black coal contains tiny particles that have an irritating and traumatic effect.

For many users, it is important that white charcoal has a neutral appearance, taste and smell - it is more pleasant to use. Others are more comfortable with its cost-effectiveness - after all, you only need to use a few tablets per reception. However, some patients believe that, if necessary, ordinary black charcoal can successfully detoxify the body, and it costs much less than advertised white charcoal.

It is worth noting that both white and black coal have certain contraindications for use. So both drugs should not be used for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal obstruction.

It is very popular with patients. And this is not surprising, because the mentioned funds have a high sorption capacity.

Typically, such preparations are porous substances obtained from carbon-containing materials that are of organic origin (may also be of synthetic origin).

What other properties do black and white coal have? Comparison, reviews and features of these tools are presented below.

General information

White coal - what is it? This is a drug that promotes absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and excretion of endo- and exogenous toxic substances from the human body (for example, waste products of microbes, bacterial allergens, etc.).

It should also be noted that this agent indirectly reduces the manifestations of toxic-allergic reactions, reduces the metabolic load on the detoxification organs (liver and kidneys), corrects metabolic processes and immune status processes, and also eliminates the imbalance of biologically active substances and enhances intestinal motility.

Basic properties and composition

Now you know what it is (what it is was described above).

The main component of such tablets is ultrafine silicon dioxide, that is, a mineral that is widely distributed in Europe. In addition to it, white coal contains microcrystalline cellulose fibers and auxiliary ingredients such as potato starch and powdered sugar.

Binds and removes food allergens and bacteria, as well as toxins from the body. In addition, it promotes the transport of toxic products from the lymph and blood, including alkaloids, glycosides and salts of heavy metals.

Features of black coal

White coal and black coal, the difference of which will be described below, have the same properties. They are both adsorbents.

It is no secret to anyone that black coal has a high activity (surface) and high sorption properties. It reduces the absorption from the gastrointestinal tract of salts of heavy metals, toxic substances, glycosides and alkaloids, as well as medicinal ingredients, contributing to their excretion from the body. In addition, it adsorbs gases on its surface.

Indications for use

When is white charcoal and black charcoal prescribed? The difference in the indications of these drugs is not significant. They are used as a dietary food supplement.

Such funds are an additional source of enterosorbents, which are used to prevent and alleviate symptoms in:


When should white charcoal and black charcoal not be used? The difference in contraindications for these drugs is insignificant. They can not be used for ulcerative lesions and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, such drugs are not prescribed for individual intolerance to their components, during lactation, with intestinal obstruction and pregnancy.

White coal and black coal: the difference

The difference between the mentioned tools lies in the following parameters:

  • In sorption properties and drug concentration. To ensure the desired effect, 10-16 tablets of black coal and only 1-2 white ones are required.
  • In the selectivity of action. As you know, black coal removes both harmful and beneficial substances from the human body. As for white, it helps to eliminate only toxins and toxins,
  • In solubility in water. White coal dissolves in liquid much faster and better.

  • In side effects. Unlike black, white coal almost never causes constipation and other dyspeptic disorders.
  • In ease of use. Before taking black coal, it is advisable to crush or chew it. White, on the other hand, you just need to drink water.

Medication cost

How much does white and black coal cost? The difference in the price of these funds is significant. If you can buy 10 coal for 15-18 rubles, then for white coal you will have to pay about 80-100 rubles.

By the way, these drugs differ in their origin. Black activated carbon is a form of carbon that has been obtained by processing natural raw materials without adding any impurities. The new enterosorbent is a fully synthetic preparation. Therefore, despite the high efficiency of the second, most people give their preference to a proven natural drug.

The drug belongs to dietary supplements. It is prescribed for diseases associated with the ingestion of toxic substances, pathogenic bacterial agents, as well as to improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Despite the fact that it is a dietary supplement, White Coal is recommended by many doctors, because the effectiveness of the product has been confirmed by clinical studies. Specialists refer to "White Coal" as a new generation of sorbents, which not only act quickly, but also do not cause side effects.

Features of the drug

Many tend to believe that "White Charcoal" is the result of clarification of conventional activated carbon. In fact, the compositions of the drugs have nothing in common. "White coal" consists of:

  • silicon dioxide;
  • fine crystalline cellulose (MCC);
  • powdered sugar;
  • potato starch.

The main adsorbent of "White Coal" is a synthetic substance. The contents of the dosage form instantly disintegrate into powder when ingested.

The area of ​​the adsorbing surface of "White Coal" exceeds that of ordinary coal hundreds of times, due to which the recommended dosage of the drug is reduced. The composition is supplemented with a natural stimulant of intestinal peristalsis.

Operating principle

Silicon dioxide used in the production of "White Coal" is produced according to a special technology of a German pharmaceutical company, and therefore has a number of features:

  • particle size - does not exceed 10 nm;
  • the shape of the particles - each particle has a spherical shape, so the adsorption capacity of the drug is realized within ten minutes after ingestion;
  • high dispersion- thanks to this, the drug eliminates any toxins of both endogenous and exogenous origin.

Along with substances of a chemical nature, "White Coal" attracts and retains the decay products of microorganisms, their toxins, which are often allergens.
The presence of fine crystalline cellulose in the composition provides extended absorption to absorb harmful particles. Useful properties of "White Coal"
also due to the fact that it does not absorb:

  • amino acids;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • water.

Proper intake of the drug, even for a long time, does not lead to electrolyte imbalance, vitamin deficiency and loss of nutrients from food. MCC stimulates intestinal motility, therefore, in the case of the use of "White Coal", the development of constipation is excluded. MCC also provides the fastest removal of toxins.


Due to the listed unique properties, the drug is widely used. In particular, it is recommended for the following pathological conditions.

  • Poisoning. "White coal" can be used for poisoning with alcohol, mushrooms, drugs. Also effective for hangovers.
  • Intestinal infections. As a result of the use of low-quality or expired products, a person can become infected with salmonellosis, dysentery, and other intestinal toxic infections. The drug, along with toxins, also adsorbs bacteria, quickly eliminating the symptoms of poisoning (diarrhea, vomiting, nausea).
  • Worm infestations. Defeat by helminths provokes a general intoxication of the human body with the products of their vital activity. An additional load on the detoxifying organs (liver and kidneys) is exerted by the use of drugs, as well as the accumulation of helminthic toxins as a result of their mass death. The drug cleanses not only the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), but also the blood and lymph, indirectly reduces the load on the liver and kidneys.
  • Digestive disorders. Regardless of their genesis, the drug eliminates the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestine, stopping flatulence. Also, the tool helps to promote the food bolus through the digestive tract. "White Charcoal" quickly eliminates diarrhea caused by malabsorption in the intestines.
  • Lack of liver function. With cirrhosis, as well as with hepatitis, the liver is not able to independently cope with the task of neutralizing toxins. The drug in this case reduces the load on it. It also binds compounds that are normally excreted by the kidneys, which is very useful in kidney failure.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of allergies. It neutralizes allergens that enter the body with food. Cleansing the intestines from toxic substances also helps to cleanse the skin. Indirect activity regarding fat-containing compounds, as well as stimulation of intestinal motility, allow the use of "White Coal" for weight loss. In this case, there are no unpleasant phenomena that accompany the intake of activated charcoal (feeling of heaviness, fluid retention, constipation).

Rules for taking the sorbent

Despite the fact that no side effects of "White Coal" have been identified, its use must be agreed with the doctor. This is especially true for the following categories of the population:

  • children;
  • women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • elderly people;
  • patients with chronic diseases.

"White coal" is produced in the form of tablets, packaged in 10 and 24 pieces, as well as in the form of a powder for suspension. The activity of both dosage forms is the same. Cases of overdose have not been recorded.

Contraindications for the use of tablets or suspensions are:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • ulcerative lesions of the duodenum;
  • colitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract.


Tablets can be taken orally without chewing, as this does not affect the rate of action of the drug. Recommended dosages:

  • children from three years old - two tablets three times a day;
  • children from five years old - three tablets three times a day;
  • children over seven years old and adults - three to four tablets three to four times a day (depending on the severity of intoxication).

If the child is not able to swallow the tablet on his own, it is better to give him the powder. It is also important to follow a few more recommendations.

  • How to drink. Better at the same time throughout the course of treatment. At the same time, it is important to observe the drinking regime - at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.
  • When to drink. Between meals. The interval before meals should be at least an hour. The interval after eating is two hours. Take the tablets with a glass of water.

The minimum course of treatment with tablets is three days. If necessary or for special indications, it can be extended up to a maximum period of 14 days.


The powder must not be consumed dry due to the risk of asphyxia. Preparation of the suspension takes only a few minutes. You need to boil drinking water, cool it to room temperature. Open the bottle with the drug and remove the protective membrane. Then pour water into the vial with the powder up to the indicated mark (on the neck). Shake the contents thoroughly until a homogeneous suspension is obtained.

The suspension, ready for use, is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than one and a half days. Dosing of the drug is carried out using a special cap:

  • for children from one to two years old - half a cap three times a day;
  • for children three or four years old - a whole cap three times a day;
  • for children five or six years old - one and a half cap three times a day;
  • for children from seven years old and adults - two full caps three to four times a day.

The duration of the course of treatment is individual, depending on the patient's condition, the severity of the poisoning, the purpose of taking the drug.

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The role of sorbents in the body is difficult to overestimate. The mass of harmful substances that come with food, medicines, drinking water requires immediate elimination through the excretory organs and the digestive tract. This process can be helped by the use of sorbents, which, due to their structure, ensure the binding of molecules of harmful substances and their deposition on their surface.

Requirements for enterosorbents:

Since enterosorbents are designed to help the body cope with intoxication, they should be:

  • harmless;
  • Have a fast action;
  • Have no consequences after application;
  • Do not damage the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Do not accumulate in the body;
  • Possess low allergenicity;
  • Have a high sorption capacity.

What is activated white charcoal

The drug is the property of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry. In its composition:

  1. Microcrystalline cellulose;
  2. Silica;
  3. starch;
  4. powdered sugar.

According to its properties, it meets all the requirements for enterosorbents, while being a faster-acting substance. In addition, the dosage for its use is characterized by a lower daily dose and duration of treatment.

The direction of action is the removal from the body of toxic products and allergens that come with food, medicines, water or are of bacterial origin. In addition, coal helps to remove gaseous substances formed as a result of intestinal activity, as well as excess gastric juice.

Benefits have also been noted in other areas:

  • Stabilizes sleep;
  • Increases work capacity;
  • Improves skin color;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Promotes regenerative processes.

Characteristics of the constituent components

Silicon dioxide, being the main active ingredient, is not included in the group of drugs, but rather belongs to biological additives. Promotes easy digestibility of food and the fastest removal of its decay products.

Accelerates the excretion of glycosides, alkaloids, ethyl alcohol barbiturates, salts of heavy metals, serotonin, histamine, prostaglandins and other unsafe biological substances from the blood. Due to this, the kidneys and liver are unloaded, metabolic processes are corrected, and lipid metabolism indicators are normalized.

The mechanism of action is as follows: when entering a liquid medium, silicon dioxide attaches hydroxyl groups to itself, thus forming a complex spatial structure. Sorption of molecules occurs at the same time on the surface of the particles, in places of direct relationship of silicon oxide with hydroxyl groups. An increase in their total sorption area due to dissolution in water accelerates the therapeutic effect and expands the range of sorbed components. Thus, white activated carbon is more likely to adsorb substances with a large molecular weight (allergens, microorganisms) than black.

Microcrystalline cellulose is evaluated as an additional supplier of dietary fiber isolated from plant fiber to the body. Its mechanism of action is carried out in two ways:

  1. sorption;
  2. Mechanical.

The cellulose included in the composition is identical to natural, it has the property not to be broken down and not dissolved in the intestine. The drug causes increased intestinal motility, the intensity of the breakdown of nutrients, a decrease in the absorption of bile acids and monomers. Irritation of the intestinal receptors, due to increased intestinal motility, stagnation and the removal of a lump of food are eliminated.

In the small intestine, due to microcrystalline cellulose, parietal digestion is activated, the absorption of nutrients from plant products improves.
Activation of metabolic processes in the body leads to strengthening of the immune status, correction of the imbalance of certain biological substances produced endogenously and entering the body from outside.

Application features

White activated carbon: instructions for use provide for certain conveniences in the use of the drug:

  • A small daily dose (up to a maximum of 4 g per day);
  • Lack of taste and flavor additives;
  • Lack of fixing action;
  • Possibility of application similar to food additive;
  • Convenient release form (tablets or powder for suspension);
  • Easy solubility in liquid;
  • Harmlessness.

The intended purpose of the drug determined the indications for its use:

  1. As a preparatory therapy for instrumental examinations of the intestines and abdominal organs;
  2. To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and ensure its functioning;
  3. For the treatment of acute infectious diseases accompanied by general intoxication;
  4. To provide emergency assistance in case of poisoning of various origins, including salts of heavy metals;
  5. For the treatment of liver and kidney failure;
  6. With allergic reactions of various origins;
  7. For the treatment of dermatitis of endogenous nature;
  8. As part of the treatment of hepatic and chronic renal failure;
  9. For the treatment of dysbacteriosis;
  10. To alleviate alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  11. To accelerate the process of treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues;
  12. To remove decay products during a diet for weight loss;

Contraindications for use:

Individual characteristics of the body are sometimes unpredictable. Therefore, before the use of drugs, it is necessary to determine how safe their use will be. You should be especially careful when:

  • Individual sensitivity to the drug or its components;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • Tumor processes in the intestine;
  • Younger childhood.

If necessary, the simultaneous use of the drug and other drugs, you should consult your doctor about their combination.
When using, people with diabetes should be careful: each charcoal tablet contains 0.26 g of glucose.

The action of silicon dioxide can cause constipation. To prevent such consequences, a sufficient amount of liquid should be consumed.
Long-term use of the drug can contribute to the deterioration of the absorption of vitamins and calcium, so it should be used with caution in children under 14 years of age. If necessary, drug treatment courses should be carried out at intervals.

Evaluation of the drug according to consumer reviews

Despite the fact that the drug appeared on the pharmaceutical market quite recently, it received a well-deserved appreciation from its consumers.

The effectiveness of its use is given in the treatment of allergic conditions, the removal of symptoms of poisoning, food intoxication, and excretory functions.

There is experience in the use of white activated white charcoal as part of a diet for weight loss, as well as the treatment of acne on the face by internal cleansing of the body from toxins, harmful heavy metals. Unlike black coal, the doses of its use are not so large and act faster.
The only argument against this new drug is its relatively high price.

It should be remembered that the name of the drug is only a marketing trick, since the drug has nothing to do with coal, only a similar pharmaceutical effect.

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