Gastric bulbitis. Reasons for the development of the disease. Pronounced bulbitis of the stomach

Diseases gastrointestinal tract require urgent treatment, otherwise even the most mild form discomfort can have serious consequences. It is best to detect diseases at an early stage. In this case, you can not even resort to medical treatment, but.

Superficial gastritis, bulbitis requires timely treatment.

A person who ignores proper nutrition can easily get such an entry in the medical record as "superficial gastritis, bulbitis." This is not a terrible, fairly common diagnosis, which, however, can lead to more backfire, if you neglect your health and do not catch yourself in time to start treating the disease at first. Let's take a closer look at what it is, what signs these diseases have and how to deal with them.

Superficial gastritis -, but if ignored, it can develop into a stomach ulcer, has three stages of development. It is characterized by superficial inflammation of the mucous membrane, muscle tissue digestive organ is not affected. This form of gastritis is characterized by a transition to a chronic version of the disease.

Bulbitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the duodenal bulb, which connects to the stomach, is a type of duodenitis. Diseases can go in one bundle with each other, because one can often pull the other along with it.

Types of superficial gastritis

The disease can affect the lining layer of the gastric mucosa both in foci and cover the entire surface.

The disease can be localized in various parts of the body:

  • the entire upper layer of the mucous membrane, the bottom, the body of the stomach is affected;
  • superficial gastritis of the antrum. In this case, the antral gastric region, bordering the intestines, is affected, it ceases to function normally, narrows and, as a result of increased acidity, causes irritation of the duodenum.

The transition of the disease to chronic condition can cause serious complications. Although given form gastritis is not so terrible, it can turn into catarrhal, erosive gastritis, leading to bulbitis, and other equally unpleasant varieties. A disease lasting more than ten years can flow into stomach cancer.

Reasons for the appearance

Superficial gastritis occurs due to a number of factors that favor the development of the disease:

  • bad habits such as smoking and,
  • malnutrition,
  • side effects of medications,
  • diseases of other internal organs,
  • infection caused by Helicobacter pylori.


Symptoms of the disease are very similar to other types of gastritis. It is possible to distinguish which form of the disease the patient suffers with the help of FGDS research. Gastritis is characterized by:

In case of detection similar symptoms should immediately consult a doctor to start taking necessary measures to eliminate the disease and prevent complications.

To get rid of the disease, it is necessary to follow the diet prescribed by the doctor, perhaps with a mild form of the disease, only it will be enough. In any case, the transition to a new diet that excludes unhealthy foods is necessary. If the stage of gastritis is not the easiest, then a course of drug treatment is prescribed together with the diet.

It is possible to use folk remedies, but before taking various decoctions, you should consult a specialist. If the disease becomes acute, then in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. The anatomical connection of the stomach with the intestines often causes the transition of the resulting inflammation to the duodenal bulb.

Reasons for the appearance of bulbitis

Inflammation can be caused by a number of factors:

  • helminthic diseases, giardiasis;
  • Crohn's disease ( chronic inflammation gastrointestinal tract);
  • malnutrition, abuse of fatty, fried, spicy foods;
  • pathology, bulb injury;
  • infection caused by Helicobacter pylori;
  • inflammation against the background of gastritis;
  • genetic predisposition.

Bulbit symptoms

Symptoms of the disease are very similar to the characteristic manifestations of gastritis. Bitterness in the throat, heartburn, nausea, stool disturbance, stomach pain, stomach discomfort felt after eating - all this is also a symptom of bulbitis. But such obvious signs are characteristic if an acute or erosive bulbitis has developed.

The superficial form of the disease is not so obvious, it is completely invisible to the patient, so you can skip the moment when you should already begin to treat the disease. Due to the superficial bulbitis that does not give itself away, the predecessor of more, complications arise, erosion can develop, which, if the problem is further ignored, turns into ulcers on the intestinal walls.

Treatment of bulbitis

To begin with, the causes of the disease are clarified. When gastritis acts as a provoking factor, both diseases are treated together. In chronic and catarrhal bulbitis are prescribed antibacterial drugs, antibiotics. In the acute form of the disease, accompanied by pain, painkillers are also prescribed. Bulbitis treatment involves complex therapy, along with taking medication, the patient must follow a diet, without which it will be impossible to get rid of the problem.

Diet for bulbitis and gastritis

So, in order to recover, you must completely reshape your daily diet. The diet for duodenal bulbitis is akin to that used for gastritis. And when both diseases go together, then the doctor prescribes general instruction on food intake. Of course, for each case, the specialist will prescribe an individual diet, but there are certain principles underlying the diet. It is important to immediately stop smoking and exclude:

  • fried, spicy, salty, fatty foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • spices;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol.

In this case, food should be fractional, in small portions several times a day. In no case is excessively hot or cold food allowed. The diet should contain more liquid food: broths, light soups, cereals. Bakery products At first, it is better not to diet.

It is necessary to take measures to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. By itself, the problem does not go away, but only gets worse. Acute, neglected forms of diseases: erosive gastritis, bulbitis, stomach ulcers, intestines are much less treatable.

It is worth remembering that even if you are currently healthy, you should not abuse alcohol, smoking and unnatural or too salty, spicy foods. Proper nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will prevent the development of gastrointestinal diseases and such problems will not bother you in the future.

When people go to the doctor with severe pain in the abdomen, as a rule, an examination is prescribed and, in conclusion, the pathology found is written. In some cases, a chronic erosive process is found in the duodenum called gastric bulbitis - what it is and how to treat it will be described below.

What is stomach bulbitis

Pathology is characterized by inflammation of the bulb duodenum, for the same reason, the disease is also called bulboduodenitis. The inflamed area is only adjacent to the stomach, so the presence of the name of this organ in the diagnosis is incorrect. Knowing what bulbitis is and how to treat it, it should be understood that we are talking more about the duodenum. It was called the pathology of the stomach only because in most cases this ailment is accompanied by gastritis.

Both diseases have a common and similar pathogenesis, often occur due to each other, complicate the course of inflammatory processes. Bulboduodenitis and gastritis have similar symptoms, so often the inflammation of the bulb in the duodenum is hidden, masquerading as attacks of gastritis. These two diseases greatly reduce the level of comfort of a person's life and need to be treated.


This is one of the forms of pathology that is diagnosed in humans. Superficial gastrobulbitis is different in that abdominal pain is not the main symptom. It is possible to determine it on fibrogastroduodenoscopy, it is characterized by slightly edematous folds of the gastric mucosa, brighter color, dilated capillaries. Superficial bulbitis can provoke reflux phenomena, in some cases even into the esophagus from the bulb. A patient with this form of bulboduodenitis may notice the following symptoms:

  • tendency to constipation;
  • chronic rumbling in the abdomen;
  • irritability;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • chills;
  • nausea (rare);
  • general malaise;
  • permanent strong feeling hunger.


This type of pathology is characterized by superficial inflammation of the bulb, edema of the intestinal wall, and desquamation of the epithelium are observed. Catarrhal bulbitis can be purulent, mucous, serous, this factor determines the nature of the effusion. Sometimes there is a gradual change of exudate during the development of gastric bulbitis. More often the catarrhal form occurs in an acute form and without pus. Doctors say that such a bulbitis of the stomach proceeds quickly, is easily treatable and passes without residual effects.


This type of gastric bulboduodenitis is considered as a separate standing form, because pathology becomes the result of an immune response to the penetration of aggressive agents or infection. Inflammation occurs, an increase in the intestinal wall of lymphoid follicles, which forms clinical picture, which is very similar to catarrhal form diseases.


This pathology is often called ulcerative bulbitis, because erosive areas are formed on the intestinal mucosa, which develop into ulcers. This form of pathology requires special attention and urgent therapy, because there is a high probability of developing a secondary peptic ulcer, the appearance of intestinal bleeding (if wall perforation occurs), peritonitis. Acute and chronic forms of erosive bulbitis of the stomach are diagnosed with equal frequency. Patients with an erosive form are more difficult to tolerate, it is more difficult to treat this type of disease.

Causes of the disease

In traditional medicine etiological factor development of chronic and acute inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract is considered bacterial infection Helicobacter pylori. A proven fact is that this microorganism is present in the duodenum, stomach with ulcers and inflammation. Is it the cause or only accompanies these diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of accurate data so far. Major violations eating behavior, which, according to experts, become the cause of the development of stomach bulbitis become:

  • abuse on an empty stomach by smoking, alcohol;
  • spicy, fatty poison, fast food;
  • overeating;
  • sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • frequent headaches;
  • irregular meals.

All these factors cause changes in the acid-base state, which provokes further chronic, acute inflammatory processes. Another one probable cause- helminthic invasion, giardiasis, often found in children, in people with an asocial, marginal lifestyle. A rare but reliable cause of this pathology of the stomach is granulomatous enteritis, Crohn's disease. Patients clearly show abnormalities in immune system, genetic predisposition.

In Crohn's disease, bulbitis will be one of the many symptoms, syndromes of the disease, it will not be the only manifestation of the disease. This is due to the systemic nature of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, and not focal manifestations. The reasons for the development of bulbitis include taking certain medications, harmful conditions labor, work with aggressive substances that can penetrate the intestines.

Bulbit symptoms

Often the disease is disguised as signs of gastritis, it is asymptomatic for a person. For this reason, it is difficult to put forward a version of the inflammation of the bulb in time. The most characteristic manifestations of bulboduodenitis can be considered hunger pains two hours after eating at night. Symptoms of gastritis and bulbitis on early stages very similar, so diagnosis is difficult. Bulbitis of the stomach - what is it and its symptoms:

  • cutting pains in the abdomen radiating to the navel;
  • in the morning bad smell from mouth;
  • spasms in left side;
  • vomiting, nausea, dyspepsia.

All these symptoms should be cause for concern, undergoing an examination in order to identify pathology. If induced hyperacid gastritis with gastroesophageal reflux develops, heartburn, a pulling feeling near the sternum, and belching of acidic contents are added to the above symptoms. Signs subside after taking antacid medications, the patient's condition returns to normal. These symptoms appear in many, but this does not mean that in 100% of cases a person develops bulboduodenitis.

Diagnostic methods

Bulbitis of the stomach is found, as a rule, by chance during a routine examination, because the symptoms are disguised as gastritis. A blood test shows nothing until the pathology is reached in an ulcerative severe form, the ESR is slightly increased. X-rays also do not give a complete informative picture. The ability to diagnose the disease appeared only after the invention of endoscopic equipment.

Examination with an endoscope has become the gold standard for the detection of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to carry it out in conjunction with esophagogastroscopy, which helps to get the most complete picture on the state of the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum, esophagus. Data diagnostic methods will show:

  • erosion;
  • puffiness;
  • ulcers;
  • inflamed areas;
  • bleeding.

A flexible fiberscope opens up the possibility of not only diagnosing a pathology, but also starting therapy for the damaged area. For rate possible factor development of gastritis, bulbitis, general acid-base state of the gastrointestinal tract, daily pH-metry is performed. If endoscopy fails for some reason, then it can be replaced with antroduodenal manometry and electrogastroenterography.

Treatment of stomach bulbitis

Pathology is easier to cure if it is detected on early stage. There are several directions on how to treat bulbitis. The maximum effect is achieved by an integrated approach to therapy, apply following methods:

  • medication;
  • folk recipes;
  • diet therapy.


Start treatment medicines only after consultation with a gastroenterologist. The selection of medicines is carried out based on the cause of the bulbitis, the morphological form of the pathology. The following types of drugs can be prescribed for therapy:

  1. Antacids. This group has proven effective when acid reduction is required. As a rule, Gastal, Rennie, Almagel, Maalox are prescribed, which decrease irritant effect that affects the gastric mucosa. Antisecretory agents such as Omeprazole, Ranitidine can also be prescribed.
  2. Painkillers. In the acute form of bulbitis, the doctor may prescribe No-shpu, Papaverine, Baralgin to reduce pain.
  3. At helminthic invasion anthelmintic (anthelmintic) drugs will be prescribed: Suramin, Levamisole.
  4. When infected with bacteria, weakening the hydrochloric acid barrier, prescribe antibacterial agents. The appointment is based on microbiological, laboratory research.
  5. Light sedatives help with the stress factor of the occurrence of gastric bulbitis.


Recipes home medicine achieved high efficiency in the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies. Folk remedies are created only by them natural ingredients, so it combines well with traditional medicines without the risk of causing unexpected side effects. For example, milk has an enveloping effect, reduces inflammation and irritation of the gastric mucosa. The anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of bulbite is possessed by phytocollections from:

  • chamomile;
  • plantain;
  • hypericum;
  • calendula flowers;
  • Icelandic moss.

A positive effect in the treatment of pathology has a freshly prepared carrot juice, which you need to drink 30 minutes before a meal. Decoction and plantain helps to cope with inflammatory process. All these funds with bulbite have a real medicinal effect, are safe for humans, but it is worth consulting with a doctor so that the mutual influence of medications does not invalidate the effectiveness of treatment. It is not recommended to independently select a course of therapy.

Diet for duodenal bulbitis

One of the main directions in the treatment of pathology is the normalization of nutrition, the use of only a certain type of food. Very important complete failure from alcohol and smoking, which have a strong irritating effect on the gastric mucosa and gastrointestinal tract. Their influence can greatly aggravate duodenal bulbitis, cause a transition from mild to severe.

At acute attacks pathology, it is recommended to completely refuse food for a while in order to reduce inflammation, swelling, pain, then it is allowed to eat cereals in water or low-fat milk. Diet for duodenal bulbitis at a non-acute stage allows following products for consumption:

  • the use of fermented milk products: yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese;
  • crackers from white bread;
  • vegetable broths;
  • jelly.

With a pathology of the stomach, carbonated drinks should be removed from the diet forever, strongly spicy food, fried foods and smoked meats. Proper nutrition with bulbitis must be observed throughout life for patients who have a predisposition to the development of gastrointestinal diseases. The patient's body can fully recover, which will allow you to return to your usual diet. An approximate menu for the day during the treatment of gastric bulbitis looks like this:

  1. The first breakfast is an omelet steamed with carrots.
  2. Snack - apple puree, rosehip broth.
  3. Lunch - soup with meatballs or boiled rice, kissel.
  4. Snack - crackers, a glass of milk.
  5. Dinner - buckwheat, fish soufflé, carrot salad.
  6. Snack - tea (weak), breadcrumbs pudding with pear puree.
  7. Before going to bed - tea.


The peculiarity lies in the fact that with duodenitis, the inflammatory process affects both the stomach and the duodenum, but with bulbitis, only the bulb of the duodenum is damaged. Today we will take a closer look at the features of stomach bulbitis, what it is and with the help of what measures this pathology is treated.

Causes of the manifestation of pathology and its features

So why is the bulbit, which affects the bulb of the duodenum, called the bulbitis of the stomach? The fact is that this disease very often occurs together with gastritis, which, as you know, affects the gastric mucosa with inflammation. It is for this reason that the term "bulbitis of the stomach" appeared, which is so often used by gastroenterologists. There are several varieties of bulbit and then we will find out:

  1. What is erosive bulbitis.
  2. What is a catarrhal bulbitis of the stomach.
  3. Superficial bulbitis of the stomach - what is it?
  4. Features of chronic bulbitis of the stomach.
  5. Danger of acute inflammation.

There are several reasons for the appearance of bulbitis, and the most common of them is the presence of gastritis in a person. It is he who becomes the provocateur of the development of this pathology, since with gastritis the increased production of acid entering the duodenum causes the development of superficial bulbitis, which can later develop into an erosive process.

In addition, one of the reasons is sometimes the embryonic mesentery preserved in humans, which causes excessive intestinal mobility, after which the forming loops interfere with the passage of food masses. The latter, in turn, are deposited and provoke the reproduction of bacteria and the inflammatory process. This process is especially negative when using a large number fatty, spicy and fried foods.

But chronic bulbitis can be caused by helminthic invasion or Crohn's disease. Manifestation catarrhal bulbitis is associated with the spread in the body of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which perfectly copes with acidity in the stomach and begins to affect the mucous membrane, causing an inflammatory process in the duodenal bulb. Acute bulbitis occurs after the abuse of alcohol, fatty and junk food. In addition, uncontrolled intake of drugs can be a provocateur of the inflammatory process not only in the stomach.

Important! Bulbitis of the stomach will appear later genetic predisposition to this disease, therefore, in such cases, one should not forget about prevention.

Varieties and symptoms of bulbitis

As with gastritis, in time for stomach bulbitis, symptoms can be both pronounced and almost imperceptible. But at acute pathology a person is pursued by severe paroxysmal pains, which are very common in pancreatitis. A small table shows the symptoms of bulbitis with different currents pathologies:

Variety: Symptoms:
Spicy: Severe paroxysmal pain, which very often leads to nausea and vomiting. Bile may be found in the vomit. Sometimes patients feel the taste of bitterness in the mouth.
Catarrhal and chronic: Aching pain that can radiate to the navel and right hypochondrium. Sometimes malnutrition leads to nausea, but vomiting is not observed. characteristic feature will be the appearance of poly after eating.
Erosive: It is characterized by pain of varying degrees, it can appear both for no reason, and after eating. In addition, a person may feel “hungry” pains that occur at night and during long breaks between meals.
Pathology is treated with medications and dietary nutrition, which is prescribed only after a person has passed a series of diagnostic studies- it is they who will help confirm or refute the bulbitis of the stomach and identify possible comorbidities.

Follicular bulbitis of the stomach manifests itself against the background of an infectious effect. Because of this, the lymphatic follicles change their size and increase markedly. Since the mucosa has pale pink color, nodes or vesicles are well distinguished on it during duodenoscopy.

Consequences of focal bulbitis

Focal bulbitis, like gastritis of the stomach, is enough insidious disease, which is reflected not only in the work of the duodenum and stomach, but also in the body as a whole. Focal bulbitis without proper treatment can develop into an erosive form of pathology, which in a neglected state causes a duodenal ulcer.

What is peritonitis is known to everyone, and who is not yet aware - this is a process that occurs after perforation of the ulcer, when the contents of the organ enter the abdominal cavity. Without timely assistance, the consequences can even be fatal. Erosion, which has formed in the stomach or intestines, gives its owner a lot of trouble, so the symptoms will be pronounced.

Launched focal bulbitis can cause disruption in the work of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine systems. Among others, one can also distinguish atrophic bulbitis, a characteristic feature of which is fatigue patient, weight loss, frequent dizziness against the background of exhaustion of the body. The consequences of atrophic bulbitis of the stomach are a deficiency of iron and vitamin B12, which leads to anemia.

Important! In addition to the fact that perforation is a complication of bulbitis, there are also consequences of pathology. They consist in the deterioration of the work of the stomach and intestines, in which the body is no longer able to get the vitamins and amino acids it needs from food. This threatens to reduce immunity, which will certainly lead to the development of other comorbidities.

Treatment of stomach bulbitis

All medicines, pills and diet food with bulbitis, the gastroenterologist prescribes only after complete diagnosis sick. Since bulbitis is often accompanied comorbidities, it is extremely important to identify them at the very beginning of treatment. The treatment regimen must be strictly observed, since deviations from the doctor's prescriptions can lead to a complication of the disease and a deterioration in the general condition of the person.

For example, if bulbitis is caused by a bacterial infection of the body, then the patient is prescribed antibiotics - any deviation from the dosage can lead to dysbacteriosis, which is no less difficult to treat. The doctor also prescribes painkillers that can be injected, thus not getting into the human gastrointestinal tract and thus not causing additional damage to the already damaged mucosa.

Important in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is the nutrition of the patient - if you follow therapeutic diet, then the recovery process will be quite fast. It is necessary to correct nutrition not only for the duration of treatment, but also for the rest of your life, since a return to an incorrect lifestyle threatens with new inflammation of the mucosa. Easily digestible meals and products should become the main food of the patient.

Allowed products for bulbite

All products must undergo special heat treatment, fried and spicy dishes completely excluded from the diet. In addition, you need to forget about the use of alcohol, soda, fast foods, chips, and quit smoking. From the allowed list of products and dishes, the following can be distinguished:

  • Light vegetable soups and low-fat broth.
  • Casseroles.
  • Boiled porridge.
  • Vegetable stew.
  • Boiled dietary meat.
  • Compotes.
  • Mineral water without gases.

It must be remembered that the temperature of the dishes is also very important for the inflamed gastrointestinal tract, so you should not eat very hot and cold food, and also alternate it with each other. It is allowed to use foods whose temperature corresponds to body temperature.

Important! If worms have become the cause of the pathology, then first you need to get rid of them and only after that begin to treat stomach bulbitis.

Bulbit is inflammatory disease mucous membrane of the duodenal bulb, which occurs due to a violation of its mobility and the formation of an additional loop in which part of the food is retained, which creates favorable conditions for bacterial growth. Often this pathology due to the similarity of symptoms, it is associated with gastritis, in connection with which it is called "gastric bulbitis". Bulbitis of the stomach is a type of duodenitis.

Most often, bulbitis occurs in women and develops over a long period of time. Often occurs in early childhood.

The reasons

The cause of stomach bulbitis in most cases is pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori, the rapid development of which, if it enters the human body, occurs against the background of gastritis. Also, the causes provoking the bulbitis of the stomach include hyperacidity gastric juice that enters the duodenum.

Bulbitis of the stomach can occur both in acute and in chronic form. acute form diseases are most often provoked by taking certain medications, drinking alcoholic beverages, poisoning the body toxic substances. The course of the pathological process in a chronic form may be due to giardiasis or Crohn's disease. In addition, the cause of bulbitis can be a mechanical injury to the stomach caused by the ingress of a foreign object into it.


Depending on the nature and causes of the disease, several types of gastric bulbitis are distinguished:

  • superficial bulbitis - affected top part mucous membrane;
  • erosive bulbitis - small ulcers appear on the mucosa;
  • focal bulbitis - accumulation of ulcers;
  • atrophic bulbitis - thinning and pallor of the walls of the duodenum.


Symptoms of acute bulbitis are characterized, as a rule, by general malaise, headache, dizziness, chills, strong weakness, increased heart rate, nausea and vomiting. On palpation of the abdomen, pain is felt in the navel. When pressed, its intensity increases significantly. Often, the symptoms of acute bulbitis are mistaken for symptoms of a duodenal ulcer.


Chronic bulbitis is accompanied significant decline immunity, which manifests itself in the form of malaise, excessive sweating, fatigue, headaches. Long periods between meals lead to trembling in the body and the appearance of a sharp muscle weakness. Symptoms of chronic stomach bulbitis are similar to the symptoms of all types of this disease.

catarrhal and follicular

Symptoms of catarrhal bulbitis are difficult to distinguish from symptoms of diseases of the stomach and duodenum. These include aching and cramping pains in the epigastric region, belching of food eaten, heartburn, unpleasant odor and bitter taste in the mouth, nausea and vomiting after eating, a tendency to constipation, weakness and trembling in the muscles, irritability, dizziness, sleep disturbances.


Superficial bulbitis is the mildest form of the disease, which precedes other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. At this stage, there is slight swelling and redness of the folds of the mucous membrane, dilated capillaries are visually noticeable. Sometimes there are phenomena of reflux reflux of bile from the bulb into the stomach and esophagus.

Superficial bulbitis is manifested by constant rumbling in the stomach, general malaise, irritability, a feeling of severe hunger, nausea, and constipation. Pain syndrome does not always accompany pathological changes. given period. The occurrence of aching intermittent pain is possible in the epigastric region on an empty stomach or after eating.


The dominant symptom of erosive bulbitis is hungry pains, which are localized in the stomach and intestines and are of a constant girdle or spasmodic nature. Immediately after eating, hunger pains are replaced by heartburn.

The characteristic symptoms of erosive bulbitis also include general malaise of the body, weakness, severe fatigue, frequent swelling stomach, taste of bitterness in the mouth, belching.


The main symptoms of focal bulbitis are pain and digestive disorders, which manifest themselves as a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, heartburn, belching, etc. Pain can occur at any time of the day. Often it is localized in the epigastric region, and in some cases it extends to the right hypochondrium and the umbilical region. Almost always, exacerbations of focal bulbitis are accompanied by general weakness of the body and headaches.


Symptoms of atrophic bulbitis are manifested by belching (often with a sour taste) that occurs after each meal and persistent heartburn. The frequency of these factors increases as the pathological process develops. The patient is worried constant feeling heaviness in the stomach, as well as rumbling and gurgling in the stomach, a violation of the stool in the form of constipation or diarrhea. Due to incomplete absorption of trace elements, vitamins and especially important nutrients, the general condition of the body worsens, as evidenced by the appearance of weakness, increased fatigue, and frequent dizziness. Against the background of deterioration or complete loss of appetite, a decrease in body weight occurs.

Deficiency of iron and vitamin B12 leads to the development of anemia, which is accompanied by pallor and dryness of the skin.

Treatment of bulbitis

Treatment of stomach bulbitis, as well as all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, should begin with a particularly sparing diet (table No. 1a):


  • fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, mild cheese, fermented baked milk);
  • jelly;
  • mucous porridges;
  • bread crumbs;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • boiled or steamed meat.

Bulbitis treatment should include:

  • Rational fractional nutrition at least 4 times a day. Food should be finely ground, warm and semi-liquid. Dishes must be stewed, baked or boiled. In the selection of the menu for every day, the emphasis is on cereals, a variety of soups and broths.
  • Refusal of alcohol and smoking.
  • Exclusion from the diet of food that irritates the mucous membrane - sour, pickled, fatty, salty, fried, spicy, spicy, strong tea and coffee, garlic, onions, legumes, various sweets.
  • During the period of exacerbation of the bulbitis of the stomach, hunger is recommended for two days. After that, the stomach is washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and the intestines are cleansed with a solution of magnesium sulfate. At pain syndrome used antispasmodics.
  • Decreased emotional and mental stress.
  • Dentistry, as oral cavity is the gateway to any infection.
  • Treatment with drugs should be symptomatic. Mandatory drug treatment for all types of disease should include the use of drugs that normalize the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the excretion of hydrochloric acid, as well as bismuth preparations, antacids and reparants.
  • A good therapeutic effect is given by the regular use of warm mineral water "Truskavets" or "Essentuki", from which gas is released in advance.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many folk remedies and recipes with which you can cure stomach bulbitis at home.

During the period of remission, patients with gastric bulbitis are shown physiotherapeutic procedures and spa treatment.

Bulbitis is an inflammation of the upper part of the duodenum, called the bulb. On x-ray examination, this part has round shape, hence the name.

Causes of bulbitis

Bulbitis is quite common

The bulb is located in close proximity to the stomach and gallbladder. This section of the intestine performs very important function– neutralization acid environment. The food we eat is digested in the stomach with the help of gastric juice, which is acid-like in composition. Then the food in the form of a lump, glued together by this juice, enters the duodenum, where the acid is neutralized. And in this form, safe for the intestinal microflora, the food moves forward. Very often duodenal bulbitis is accompanied by gastritis, developing against its background. The symptoms are similar, so it's easy to confuse them. Even a term appeared to describe this phenomenon as "bulbitis of the stomach." Among the factors that cause this disease, the following can be distinguished:

The symptoms of bulbitis are very similar to those of gastritis.

As mentioned above, the signs of bulbitis are very reminiscent of gastritis. Therefore, without examination and further diagnosis, it is difficult to make a diagnosis. But the following symptoms may indicate it:

  • Abdominal pain. Pain with bulbitis is different: both acute and severe, and shingles paroxysmal. It hurts either in the stomach area, or a little lower - in the navel area. With very severe pain, when painkillers do not help, it is necessary to call ambulance. Usually the pain begins when food reaches this section of the intestine, that is, an hour and a half after eating.
  • Heartburn. With bulbitis, food cannot be digested normally, so heartburn occurs after eating. If heartburn has become a permanent phenomenon, it can cause a lot of inconvenience.
  • Vomit. Vomiting with bulbitis is rare, usually it ends with nausea. But with serious violations, vomiting is also possible. At the same time, traces of bile can be seen in the vomit.
  • Constipation. Due to disrupted bowel function, food lingers in the body, causing constipation. With untimely treatment, constipation can turn into hemorrhoids.
  • Headache, weakness. These are common symptoms of bulbitis. They can also include decreased appetite and dizziness.

Diagnostic methods include external examination. The doctor probes the abdomen for pain. The specialist may also prescribe x-ray examination, which will reveal violations of peristalsis and spasms.

The most informative method of examination for this disease is duodenoscopy.

The duodenoscope is inserted through the mouth and reaches the duodenum. With the help of a small camera at the end, you can carefully examine the entire mucosa and identify pathologies, foci of inflammation, ulcers, erosion and other disorders. During the examination, the mucosa is not injured, since the duodenoscope has a small diameter. To reduce pain and vomiting reflex, the doctor will treat the larynx with an anesthetic.

Electrogastroenterography can also be attributed to diagnostic methods. This examination method can be compared with a cardiogram. Electrodes are attached to the patient's body, which catch and display on the monitor screen the impulses transmitted by the gastrointestinal tract. In this way, the stability of peristalsis can be checked.

Treatment and diet

You can't do without a diet!

During treatment, it is necessary to relieve the load on the digestive tract with the help of a special diet. It is necessary to completely exclude alcohol, cigarettes, carbonated drinks, fried and smoked foods, fatty meats, salinity. Drinking coffee and strong black tea is also not recommended.

You need to take food in small portions, but often, every 3-4 hours. If you are oil tolerant and do not have serious problems with pancreas, can be taken in a teaspoon olive oil before eating. This will ease the work of the intestines and relieve you of constipation. The first week of the diet should be especially strict. Everything is only boiled, low-fat, mashed. You can eat vegetable soups, drink kissels, steamed meat. It is advisable not to eat bread and sugar. After a week, you can add a little to the diet butter, dried bread, low-fat dairy products. It is important not only to eat right, but also not to stress the body, it is enough to sleep and rest. Only in this case, the treatment will be effective.

Varieties of bulbita

There are many varieties of bulbit

Bulbit can proceed in different ways and have different shape. In this regard, there are several types of disease:

  • Erosive. The erosive form of bulbitis is dangerous because it can easily turn into an ulcer. A small erosion forms on the duodenal mucosa, which can grow and bleed. The patient is experiencing pain in the abdomen prolonged absence food and heartburn after eating. Pain may be accompanied by dizziness, weakness, chills. Alcoholic drinks can lead to erosive bulbitis, mechanical damage Gastrointestinal tract, infections, severe poisoning.
  • Surface. With superficial bulbitis, the upper part of the mucosa becomes inflamed. It can be called initial stage illness. There is usually no severe pain and vomiting, but heartburn, heaviness, and slight pain may be present. Most often, this form of bulbitis occurs with malnutrition, smoking, alcohol abuse. If left untreated, the disease will progress.
  • catarrhal. In fact, such a disease does not exist in nature. Catarrhal bulbitis is the next stage after the superficial one. There is a violation of digestion, increased acidity. The patient may have pain after eating, heartburn, general weakness, belching with a bitter taste.
  • Focal. Focal bulbitis is similar to erosive, but there is an accumulation of several ulcers in the intestine. Pain almost always occurs in the pit of the stomach, nausea, vomiting are possible. The causes are still alcohol, smoking, unhealthy diet, infections.
  • atrophic. Atrophic bulbitis is accompanied by thinning of the duodenal membrane. This causes pain in the abdomen, sour belching, frequent heartburn, constipation alternating with diarrhea. Vitamins and other useful substances are poorly absorbed in the intestines, so the body's condition worsens, weight quickly decreases.
  • Chronic. Symptoms of chronic bulbitis are the same as in other forms. But in this case, immunity is still reduced, headaches occur, muscle weakness. Lesions of the intestinal lining can be microscopic. At first, there is no severe pain. The presence of ulcers is excluded.

All types of diseases are treatable, and if you start it on time, you can avoid serious complications. Chronic disease most often occurs due to a negligent attitude to the doctor's recommendations.

With the anatomy of the stomach and duodenum will acquaint the video:

Many people suffer from various diseases. A large proportion of diseases are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Bulbit stomach what is it? Bulbitis is a chronic disease of the stomach. This disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the stomach, and more precisely in the department of the bulb adjacent to the stomach or, as it is called in medicine, the duodenum.

Such a disease causes quite strong pain in the stomach, as with a more familiar gastritis disease. These pains appear in attacks and can be provoked by overeating, alcohol or harmful components of the food taken. Bulbitis of the stomach is accompanied by serious problems with digestion.

Types of bulbites

Bulbitis of the stomach in the general case is always inflammation of the duodenal bulb, the question arises - why then the disease is called stomach bulbitis. The fact is that the bulb is closely adjacent to the stomach and for simplification, this name is adopted. At the same time, several types or types of bulbitis are distinguished, depending on the form of the course and the characteristic features of inflammation.

In total, there are three main types of bulbit:

  • surface;
  • erosive;
  • catarrhal.

Catarrhal bulbitis of the stomach is acute illness. A characteristic feature of the course of such a bulbitis are sharp pains in the stomach. May be accompanied by severe headache. Such a bulbitis is quite difficult to cure. For achievement positive result in the treatment of the patient must adhere to all the recommendations of the doctor.

Superficial bulbitis is the mildest form of the disease, as it only affects outer areas mucous membrane of the duodenum. It may be hidden, the patient may for a long time be unaware of the existence of the disease. However, if you do not consult a doctor in time for advice and treatment, the superficial bulbitis can easily acquire an erosive form, that is, go deep into the tissues.

Erosive bulbitis is a disease with severe symptoms. This form of bulbitis is accompanied by frequent bouts of nausea and the urge to vomit. These symptoms usually appear after eating. In an advanced stage, such a duodenal bulbitis develops into an ulcer, that is, through lesions of the bulb.

Follicular bulbitis is pretty a rare variety. With its development, this type of bulbitis causes severe digestive disorders and causes serious inconvenience to the patient.

Moderate bulbitis can be hidden by analogy with the superficial form, it may be accompanied by headache, nausea and vomiting. Such symptoms are especially pronounced in cases of exacerbation of the disease.

Focal bulbitis affects small areas of the duodenal bulb - foci - hence its name. With such a bulbitis, along with the main treatment, they prescribe strict diets. Focal bulbitis is very dangerous, and its symptoms are quite eloquent, you should not postpone seeking medical help.

Atrophic bulbitis causes dysfunctions of the duodenum. Such disturbances cause severe vomiting. A characteristic feature is the loss of body weight.

Bulbitis is also distinguished by degrees of activity - there are two of them - most often you have to deal with bulbitis of the 1st degree of activity.

Chronic stages of bulbitis cause serious violations bodily functions. Patients suffering from chronic forms should be under the constant close attention of doctors.

Symptoms of the disease

Such a disease as stomach bulbitis is very difficult to diagnose, especially in the early stages. Diagnosis can only be made by using special equipment. The fact is that the signs of the disease are not expressed clearly enough and are not characteristic only for this disease.

Only subtle signs can appear during the illness, mostly nausea. Meanwhile, the inflammation of the bulb - the so-called duodenal bulb - may already be in full swing.

The causes of bulbitis may be drugs, irritating mucous membrane, food containing any caustic substances, such as acid. As a result, the symptoms of bulbitis are weakness and loss of strength, lack of appetite, severe pain in the head, pain in the abdominal region can become unbearable and have the character of pain. After eating there are bouts of nausea. There is a bitter taste in the mouth associated with increased secretion bile.

When diagnosing bulbitis, an important point is the initial examination of the patient, such an examination allows you to outline the ways and methods of further diagnosis. However, the main means for making a correct and comprehensive diagnosis are laboratory tests.

The reason for the examination and diagnostic studies are the patient's complaints. The patient usually complains about pain attacks right abdomen. The visual indication may be yellow plaque in the patient's language. Pain can also appear near the navel. Such pains with bulbitis have a character periodic spasms. The reason for the exacerbation is food intake.

Patients with bulbitis develop an unpleasant odor in the mouth. Belching from the mouth, sweating, headache and malaise are constant companions of patients. This is due to the fact that in the stomach during the course of bulbitis, increased amount toxins.

Diagnosis of the disease

Patients are often asked to undergo x-rays to clarify the diagnosis. Such procedures require the introduction of a special substance that has contrast properties. The bacteria that make up the microflora of the 12th duodenum are also being studied.

Gastroscopic research methods can confirm or refute the presence of erosions and inflammation along the entire length of the digestive tract.

very important for carrying out correct diagnosis is the definition of the causative agent - the culprit infectious inflammation. For this, a sample of bile is taken from the patient. This is quite difficult, since bile for such a bacteriological study must be taken directly from the 12th duodenum itself.

The reasons

The main form of bulbitis is chronic erosive bulbitis. It appears as a result of the development of superficial bulbitis. Bulbit develops mainly as a result of the action of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Gastritis and bulbitis have similar symptoms and causes of development. Stool disorders, nausea caused by eating - these symptoms are also characteristic of gastritis.

Meanwhile, it is gastritis that causes the development of bulbitis in some cases.

This is due to the fact that during gastritis an increased amount of acid is released, which enters the bulb - the duodenal bulb - this acid causes irritation of the bulb, leading to inflammation.

Another reason for the development of bulbitis may be hiding in the tolerable giardiasis. Giardia is a type of worms that, when ingested, infect the stomach lining. Such attacks of worms in medicine are called invasions, that is, penetrations.

Among the reasons may be the abuse of alcoholic beverages, causing violation normal healthy microflora of the stomach, this should also include the uncontrolled use of medications - after all, some potent drugs also strongly irritate the surface of the stomach. The reason may be a foreign object that accidentally got into the stomach. Such an object can easily injure not only the walls of the stomach, but also the esophagus, and later the intestinal tract. Of course, such items can leave the body. naturally, but it may also be necessary surgery by extraction.

Pains of a different nature are companions of bulbitis, they cause great discomfort to the patient. Such pains can occur near the navel, with right side stomach. The pains can be cutting in nature, but more often they manifest themselves in the form of aching, long-lasting sensations. Treatment of the disease should be started as early as possible. At whatever stage the development of the disease is, it must be treated.

Reliably identified cause of bulbitis is the key to its successful treatment. Properly performed diagnostics can only be carried out in specialized medical centers that include gastroenterological departments equipped with special equipment.

The treatment of bulbitis is very long and requires the same return from the patient as from doctors. Treatment necessarily includes strict diets, on compliance with which the outcome and quality of treatment depend.

Principles of treatment

Symptoms and treatment are closely related. Treatment, as already mentioned, is based on the identified cause of the bulbitis. The cause must be reliably determined at the diagnostic stage. What is bulbitis has already been considered, but bulbitis is still considered as a special case of duodenitis.

Consider the general approaches to the treatment of gastric bulbitis, used in medical practice. Treatment is always carried out in a complex manner, that is, along with the use of drugs, the patient must adhere to certain rules, such as diet. Often, treatment is supplemented by the use of folk remedies, which helps to fix results achieved and avoid relapses. Often consider the bulbitis of the stomach, what is the formation of an additional loop, where the food mass gets stuck and favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of bacteria.

The nutrition of the patient should be strictly defined and made in small meals during the day. By reducing the amount of food for 1 meal, increase the number of these meals. The minimum number of meals per day should be 4 meals.

Food taken should always be warm, but not hot. The food is boiled or stewed. Before serving the patient, food is crushed. Irritating ingredients are excluded from food - pepper, pickles, fat, vinegar, coffee. It is not recommended to eat raw onions and garlic. Smoking and alcohol are completely excluded during treatment. Whether to follow this rule, of course, remains at the discretion of the patient. It is necessary, if possible, to remove those factors that can adversely affect the patient's condition.

If we consider the bulbitis of the stomach as a breeding ground for bacteria, then in order to prevent re-infection of infections, it is necessary to put things in order in the patient's mouth, removing and healing all carious manifestations and inflammatory processes.

The use of drugs is prescribed strictly individually, taking into account the characteristics of each patient and the results of diagnostic studies. In this case, treatment is used according to the type of symptom-drug. To alleviate the condition of patients in almost all cases, agents are used that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. These drugs are called antacids. Drugs that promote cell regeneration, the so-called reparants, are used.

In some special cases, the patient is treated with a short fast. Such fasting can be effectively combined with stomach cleansing procedures. These procedures rid the body of excessive slagging and toxins.

The use of a diet in combination with medications gives nice results. With acute pain, the patient is given antispasmodics. It is very useful for bulbite to drink warm mineral water without gas.

So, such unpleasant disease as bulbitis, the treatment of which is given with great difficulty, can only be diagnosed in a hospital. Experienced specialists will determine the methods of getting rid of bulbitis - the main thing is not to delay the treatment.

When people go to the doctor with severe pain in the abdomen, as a rule, they prescribe an examination and write down the pathology found in the conclusion. In some cases, a chronic erosive process is found in the duodenum called gastric bulbitis - what it is and how to treat it will be described below.

What is stomach bulbitis

Pathology is characterized by inflammation of the duodenal bulb, for the same reason the disease is also called bulboduodenitis. The inflamed area is only adjacent to the stomach, so the presence of the name of this organ in the diagnosis is incorrect. Knowing what bulbitis is and how to treat it, it should be understood that we are talking more about the duodenum. It was called the pathology of the stomach only because in most cases this ailment is accompanied by gastritis.

Both diseases have a common and similar pathogenesis, often occur due to each other, complicate the course of inflammatory processes. Bulboduodenitis and gastritis have similar symptoms, so often the inflammation of the bulb in the duodenum is hidden, masquerading as attacks of gastritis. These two diseases greatly reduce the level of comfort of a person's life and need to be treated.


This is one of the forms of pathology that is diagnosed in humans. Superficial gastrobulbitis is different in that abdominal pain is not the main symptom. It is possible to determine it on fibrogastroduodenoscopy, it is characterized by slightly edematous folds of the gastric mucosa, brighter color, dilated capillaries. Superficial bulbitis can provoke reflux phenomena, in some cases even into the esophagus from the bulb. A patient with this form of bulboduodenitis may notice the following symptoms:

  • tendency to constipation;
  • chronic rumbling in the abdomen;
  • irritability;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • chills;
  • nausea (rare);
  • general malaise;
  • constant strong feeling of hunger.


This type of pathology is characterized by superficial inflammation of the bulb, edema of the intestinal wall, and desquamation of the epithelium are observed. Catarrhal bulbitis can be purulent, mucous, serous, this factor determines the nature of the effusion. Sometimes there is a gradual change of exudate during the development of gastric bulbitis. More often the catarrhal form occurs in an acute form and without pus. Doctors say that such a bulbitis of the stomach proceeds quickly, is easily treatable and passes without residual effects.


This type of gastric bulboduodenitis is considered as a separate form, because the pathology becomes the result of an immune response to the penetration of aggressive agents or infection. Inflammation occurs, an increase in the intestinal wall of lymphoid follicles, which forms the clinical picture, which is very similar to the catarrhal form of the disease.


This pathology is often called ulcerative bulbitis, because erosive areas are formed on the intestinal mucosa, which develop into ulcers. This form of pathology requires special attention and urgent therapy, because there is a high probability of developing a secondary peptic ulcer, the appearance of intestinal bleeding (if wall perforation occurs), and peritonitis. Acute and chronic forms of erosive bulbitis of the stomach are diagnosed with equal frequency. Patients with an erosive form are more difficult to tolerate, it is more difficult to treat this type of disease.

Causes of the disease

In medicine, the bacterial infection of Helicobacter pylori is considered to be a traditional etiological factor in the development of chronic and acute inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. A proven fact is that this microorganism is present in the duodenum, stomach with ulcers and inflammation. Is it the cause or only accompanies these diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of accurate data so far. The main eating disorders, which, according to experts, become the cause of the development of stomach bulbitis are:

  • abuse on an empty stomach by smoking, alcohol;
  • spicy, fatty poison, fast food;
  • overeating;
  • sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • frequent headaches;
  • irregular meals.

All these factors cause changes in the acid-base state, which provokes further chronic, acute inflammatory processes. Another likely cause is helminthic invasion, giardiasis, often found in children, in people with an asocial, marginal lifestyle. A rare but reliable cause of this pathology of the stomach is granulomatous enteritis, Crohn's disease. Patients clearly show disturbances in the immune system,

In Crohn's disease, bulbitis will be one of the many symptoms, syndromes of the disease, it will not be the only manifestation of the disease. This is due to the systemic nature of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, and not focal manifestations. The reasons for the development of bulbitis include taking certain medications, harmful working conditions, working with aggressive substances that can penetrate the intestines.

Bulbit symptoms

Often the disease is disguised as signs of gastritis, it is asymptomatic for a person. For this reason, it is difficult to put forward a version of the inflammation of the bulb in time. The most characteristic manifestations of bulboduodenitis can be considered hunger pains two hours after eating at night. The symptoms of gastritis and bulbitis in the early stages are very similar, so diagnosis is difficult. Bulbitis of the stomach - what is it and its symptoms:

  • cutting pains in the abdomen radiating to the navel;
  • bad breath in the morning;
  • spasms in left side;
  • vomiting, nausea, dyspepsia.

All these symptoms should be cause for concern, undergoing an examination in order to identify pathology. If induced hyperacid gastritis with gastroesophageal reflux develops, heartburn, a pulling feeling near the sternum, and belching of acidic contents are added to the above symptoms. Signs subside after taking antacid medications, the patient's condition returns to normal. These symptoms appear in many, but this does not mean that in 100% of cases a person develops bulboduodenitis.

Diagnostic methods

Bulbitis of the stomach is found, as a rule, by chance during a routine examination, because the symptoms are disguised as gastritis. A blood test shows nothing until the pathology is reached in an ulcerative severe form, the ESR is slightly increased. X-rays also do not give a complete informative picture. The ability to diagnose the disease appeared only after the invention of endoscopic equipment.

Examination with an endoscope has become the gold standard for the detection of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to carry it out in conjunction with esophagogastroscopy, which helps to get the most complete picture of the state of the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum, esophagus. These diagnostic methods will show:

  • erosion;
  • puffiness;
  • ulcers;
  • inflamed areas;
  • bleeding.

A flexible fiberscope opens up the possibility of not only diagnosing a pathology, but also starting therapy for the damaged area. To assess a possible factor in the development of gastritis, bulbitis, the general acid-base state of the gastrointestinal tract, daily pH-metry is performed. If endoscopy fails for some reason, then it can be replaced with antroduodenal manometry and electrogastroenterography.

Treatment of stomach bulbitis

Pathology is easier to cure if it is detected at an early stage. There are several directions on how to treat bulbitis. The maximum effect is achieved by an integrated approach to therapy, using the following methods:

  • medication;
  • folk recipes;
  • diet therapy.


You can start treatment with drugs only after consulting a gastroenterologist. The selection of medicines is carried out based on the cause of the bulbitis, the morphological form of the pathology. The following types of drugs can be prescribed for therapy:

  1. Antacids. This group has proven effective when acid reduction is required. As a rule, Gastal, Rennie, Almagel, Maalox are prescribed, which reduce the irritant effect that affects the gastric mucosa. Antisecretory agents such as Omeprazole, Ranitidine can also be prescribed.
  2. Painkillers. In the acute form of bulbitis, the doctor may prescribe No-shpu, Papaverine, Baralgin to reduce pain.
  3. With helminthic invasion, anthelmintic (anthelmintic) drugs will be prescribed: Suramin, Levamisole.
  4. When infected with bacteria, weakening the hydrochloric acid barrier, antibacterial agents are prescribed. The appointment is based on microbiological, laboratory research.
  5. Light sedatives help with the stress factor of the occurrence of gastric bulbitis.


Home medicine recipes have achieved high efficiency in the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies. Folk remedies are created only from their natural components, so it combines well with traditional medicines without the risk of causing unforeseen side effects. For example, milk has an enveloping effect, reduces inflammation and irritation of the gastric mucosa. The anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of bulbite is possessed by phytocollections from:

  • chamomile;
  • plantain;
  • hypericum;
  • calendula flowers;
  • Icelandic moss.

A positive effect in the treatment of pathology has freshly prepared carrot juice, which you need to drink 30 minutes before eating. Decoction and plantain helps to cope with the inflammatory process. All these remedies for bulbitis have a real medicinal effect, are safe for humans, but it is worth consulting a doctor so that the mutual influence of medicines does not cancel the effectiveness of the treatment. It is not recommended to independently select a course of therapy.

Diet for duodenal bulbitis

One of the main directions in the treatment of pathology is the normalization of nutrition, the use of only a certain type of food. It is very important to completely give up alcohol and smoking, which have a strong irritant effect on the gastric mucosa and gastrointestinal tract. Their influence can greatly aggravate duodenal bulbitis, cause a transition from mild to severe.

In acute attacks of pathology, it is recommended to completely refuse food for a while in order to reduce inflammation, swelling, pain, then it is allowed to eat cereals with water or low-fat milk. The diet for duodenal bulbitis at a non-acute stage allows the following foods for consumption:

  • the use of fermented milk products: yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese;
  • white bread crackers;
  • vegetable broths;
  • jelly.

With a pathology of the stomach, carbonated drinks, highly spicy foods, fried foods and smoked meats should be permanently removed from the diet. Proper nutrition with bulbitis must be observed throughout life for patients who have a predisposition to the development of gastrointestinal diseases. The patient's body can fully recover, which will allow you to return to your usual diet. An approximate menu for the day during the treatment of gastric bulbitis looks like this:

  1. The first breakfast is an omelet steamed with carrots.
  2. Snack - apple puree, rosehip broth.
  3. Lunch - soup with meatballs or boiled rice, jelly.
  4. Snack - crackers, a glass of milk.
  5. Dinner - buckwheat porridge, fish soufflé, carrot salad.
  6. Snack - tea (weak), breadcrumbs pudding with pear puree.
  7. Before going to bed - tea.


One of the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is bulbitis. This is a disease of the duodenum, and it is closely related to the stomach.

What is this disease? What are its forms and types? Is it possible to treat with medicines and folk remedies? What is the prevention of bulbitis? The answers to all the above questions are here.

The concept of bulbite

Bulbitis of the stomach - what is it? This is a type of duodenitis. Directly, a disease of the duodenum. More precisely, it is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of its bulbar section.

Often the disease is accompanied by gastritis. These diseases have a similar form. Therefore, the term bulbitis of the stomach is used to name the disease.


Bulbitis of the stomach occurs due to such an unpleasant thing as Helicobacter, or Helicobacter pylori. Many bacteria live in the human body, but it is this one that is the cause of diseases such as gastroduodenitis, gastritis, bulbitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There is a certain balance between increased and decreased acidity of gastric contents. It enters the duodenum. If this balance is disturbed, its mucous membrane is damaged. And this causes favorable conditions for the reproduction of Helicobacter. This is how disease occurs.

What provokes the disease?

In addition to the causes of stomach bulbitis described above, there are indirect factors. These include:

    Abuse of alcoholic products.

  • Wrong nutrition.

    genetic predisposition.

    Weakened immunity.

    Regular stress and lack of rest.

    The presence of worms in the body.


    Crohn's disease.

Bulbit types

The main types of duodenal disease can be divided into:







    Erosive bulbitis: symptoms and causes

    This type of disease is the most complex and dangerous. Its danger lies in the fact that the patient may open a duodenal ulcer. That is, a through lesion of the bulb. A person with erosive bulbitis develops erosions and bleeding.

    The main symptoms of damage to the duodenal bulb of this type of disease are as follows:

      Nausea and vomiting (or gagging) after eating.

      A state of weakness.

    • Dizziness.

    Why does erosive bulbitis of the stomach develop? First of all, due to wrong image life, alcohol abuse and unbalanced nutrition. In addition, the causes of the disease can be poisoning, injury different nature and those infections that can enter the human body along with products.

    catarrhal type

    Catarrhal bulbitis of the stomach - what is it? This disease is of an intermediate nature. It occurs as a result of increased acidity in the duodenal bulb. The main symptom of the occurrence of catarrhal bulbitis of the stomach is a sharp pain in the latter. This type of disease is accompanied by a persistent sour taste in the mouth and headaches.

    Symptoms of the disease:

      Stomach ache.

      Unpleasant taste in the mouth, bad breath.

    • Appearance of vomiting after eating.


      Sleep disturbance.

    Superficial bulbit

    Most light type illness. Only the outer areas of the duodenal mucosa are affected. The patient is unaware of his illness for a long time. However, without medical intervention, this type of disease can develop into an erosive one.

    Causes of such a disease as stomach bulbitis:

      genetic predisposition.

      Alcohol use.

    • Wrong nutrition.

      Weak immunity.

      The symptoms of superficial bulbitis are as follows:

        Pain in the stomach. Moreover, they can appear both after eating, and without it.

        White coating on the tongue.

        Gas formation.

      Focal type

      This disease got its name due to the fact that it affects certain areas (foci) of the duodenal bulb. Focal bulbitis is very dangerous, so it is highly undesirable to ignore its symptoms.

      What are the symptoms of the disease?

        Weak stomach pains.


        Bitter taste in the mouth.

      If they occur, you should immediately visit a doctor.

      Follicular bulbitis

      The rarest. It is characterized by severe digestive disorders. Symptoms are as follows:

        Fasting occur sharp pains stomach.

        The pain radiates to the back.

        An eructation appears, in which there is a taste of recently eaten dishes.

        Vomiting, bringing relief to the patient.

      moderate type

      Runs just like the surface. The main symptoms include nausea, vomiting and headache. It is important to consult a doctor in time to prevent the development of complications.

      Forms of the disease

      There are acute and chronic forms of bulbitis. Chronic bulbitis of the stomach can last for years with seasonal exacerbations. The general picture is this:

        Mild symptoms even during an exacerbation.

        No deep organ damage.

        Alternating exacerbation and remission.

      Main symptoms chronic form are of the following nature:

        Pain in different departments abdominal region. Usually the epicenter pain belongs to the underlying zone.

        Pain in the umbilical region.

        Girdle pain sensations.

        Nausea 1.5-2 hours after eating.

        Stitching pain in intestines.

        Feeling of fullness in the stomach.


      How to treat the chronic form?

      First of all, stomach bulbitis and diet are things that are inextricably linked. To get rid of the disease, you must definitely adjust your diet. The diet for the disease is selected by the doctor, however general information and recommendations are given below.

        Food is consumed 5-6 times a day.

        Portions should be small.

        Keep a close eye on food temperature. She must be warm.

        Under no circumstances should hot or cold food be consumed.

        Be sure to give up fast food, as well as smoked meats, pickles, fatty and spicy foods.

        Soda water and packaged juices are prohibited.

        from baking and fresh bread will have to refuse.

        You can't eat raw vegetables and fruits.

        Alcohol and smoking - main enemy sick.

        Eliminate stress.

        Food is consumed boiled, stewed or baked.

      From diet to without fail mushrooms, radishes, radishes, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, dairy products, strong tea and coffee are excluded.

      Medication treatment

      No one has yet canceled the treatment of stomach bulbitis with pills. All medicines are prescribed by a doctor. The preparations below are for informational purposes only! Do not use without doctor's advice!

        Antibiotics. As a rule, in chronic bulbitis, these drugs are prescribed (to eliminate Helicobacter pylori).

        Vitamin complexes and minerals. Help the immune system to cope with the disease.

        Antispasmodic drugs.

        "Omeprazole" - to reduce the synthesis of hydrochloric acid.

        "Almagel" - to protect the digestive system.

        "Espumizan" - to reduce gas formation.

        "Duphalac" - to normalize the stool.

      Folk remedies

      In addition to diet and medical preparations you can try the treatment of folk remedies for stomach bulbitis. Below are a few recipes that have been tested by human experience.

      • Propolis based product.

      Required ingredients: 60 grams of propolis, a glass of alcohol.

      Method of preparation: mix propolis with alcohol and leave to infuse for one week. Before using the tincture, mix it with boiling water. For 5 ml, 150 ml of water is taken. Drink in small sips throughout the day until recovery.

      • Hypericum tincture.

      Required ingredients: dried St. John's wort - 2 tablespoons. Boiling water - 250 ml.

      Method of preparation: mix St. John's wort with water and let it brew for 1 hour. Tincture to use before meals, 3 times a day.

      acute form

      In the acute form of the disease, treatment is carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor. Symptoms are similar to an attack of gastroenteritis or an acute form of pancreatitis. The acute form of bulbitis is accompanied by severe pain, nausea, vomiting with an admixture of bile. Severe poisoning or abuse can provoke an attack. medicines. The chemical composition of the tablets is such that it is a powerful mucosal irritant.

      Pronounced bulbitis of the stomach

      The diagnosis is made if the folds of the duodenal bulb are slightly edematous, the color of the mucosa is brighter than required by the norm, and the capillaries located in it are very dilated.

      Treatment of this type of disease is complex and lengthy. The patient will have to reconsider the quality of his life. It is necessary to give up alcohol and smoking forever. Nutrition should be fractional, 5-6 times a day, and dietary table number 1 - it is prescribed for peptic ulcers. In addition to following the diet, the patient is also prescribed medication.

      Another type of disease

      We will talk about atrophic bulbitis of the stomach. What it is? The disease is accompanied by heaviness in the stomach and rumbling in the abdomen. In addition, symptoms of atrophic bulbitis include belching with a bitter or sour taste and persistent heartburn. Treatment is both medication and diet.

      Diagnosis of bulbitis

      In order to identify the disease, you need to visit a gastroenterologist. The doctor will recommend what procedures the patient needs to undergo. Usually this:

      Prevention measures

      What are preventive measures with such a disease as stomach bulbitis? They are easy to remember and do not carry any difficulties in following:

        Be sure to follow the diet. Its duration is from 1 month to 6 months. The first two weeks of the diet are the strictest. Then gradually, with the permission of the doctor, you can expand the diet. Yes, you will have to give up your favorite sandwiches, sausages with pasta and fried meat. But it will be possible to forget about what it is like to suffer from painful sensations.

        Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol. These habits are the source of many diseases. So why voluntarily pay for something that kills your own health and suffer from pain when you can just quit smoking and drinking strong drinks?

        Dodging stressful situations. The world we live in is full of stress. Here they got a little nervous, there they cried - that's the basis for the disease. Of course, it is impossible to avoid trouble all your life. However, it is quite possible to “cut down” stress factors. Avoid, if possible, conflict situations, do not be nervous over trifles - these measures will become assistants in the prevention of diseases.

        It is desirable to visit more fresh air. Walking strengthens the immune system, and one of the causes of bulbitis is just a weakened immune system.

        Exercise is not a panacea for disease. However, a protective wall from many of them. It is enough to allocate 15 minutes a day for physical activity. Benefits for the body are guaranteed.


      The article described in detail what is stomach bulbitis, symptoms and treatment of the disease. From the presented material, the following conclusions can be drawn:

        Changing your habitual lifestyle, diet and giving up bad habits will bring a positive effect.

        If you notice these symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor.

        Strictly follow the prescribed treatment.

        Do not take any medications without consulting a specialist.

        Folk remedies as one of the methods in the fight against bulbitis cannot be written off.

        Must pass once a year medical examination. Be sure to do gastroscopy, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, take biochemical materials for research, urine and blood tests.

      Compliance with these simple rules help to overcome a difficult disease.

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