Gynecology redness of the labia treatment folk remedies. What causes irritation on the labia and how to get rid of it? When the labia minora swells

Inflammation on the labia minora and labia majora, called in medical practice, occurs in the female half of society of all ages. This disease is quite painful and causes a lot of problems. In women of reproductive age, it may be accompanied by inflammation of the vagina and urethra.

Inflammation of the labia - the causes of the appearance

Any inflammatory process of the lower part of the genitourinary system, in its etiology, can be specific and non-specific. The most common cause of inflammation of the labia in women is a non-specific infection. These are, as a rule, streptococci, staphylococci, yeast fungi, all the so-called representatives of conditionally pathogenic microflora. The possibility of the appearance of inflammation of the female labia and as a result of infection with specific bacteria that are sexually transmitted is not excluded.

The following factors also have inflammation of the internal and external labia:

  • the first cause of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the labia is insufficient hygiene;
  • synthetic, tight underwear;
  • inflammation of the labia may be an allergic reaction to intimate hygiene products, washing powder, medications;
  • mechanical injury to the mucosa during intercourse, scratching during vegetative neurosis, etc .;
  • hormonal and metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, obesity);
  • irritation of the mucous membrane with vaginal discharge, if there is an infection in them;
  • in little girls, a common cause of vulvitis is helminths.

Inflammation of the labia is usually classified into primary and secondary. The first is most susceptible to young girls and older women, as inflammation develops as a result of external stimuli, such as poor hygiene or injury to the mucous membrane.

Vulvitis as a secondary manifestation is considered in cases of infectious and inflammatory processes in other organs. Most often, secondary inflammation on the labia minora and labia majora occurs in women of reproductive age.

Inflammation of the labia - treatment and symptoms

In itself, inflammation of the labia minora and labia majora is not a pleasant sensation, requiring mandatory treatment. It often appears:

  • severe itching and burning in intimate places;
  • swelling and redness;
  • with constant irritation, sores may appear;
  • patients note an increase in symptoms when walking and urinating;
  • less common is an increase in inguinal lymph nodes, fever, general weakness and malaise;
  • in the absence of adequate treatment of inflammation on the labia minora and labia majora, irritation spreads to the outer thighs, clitoris, and vagina.

Such symptoms not only cause a lot of inconvenience, but can have a number of negative consequences in the future. It is especially important to take urgent measures to eliminate inflammation in girls. Since, as a result of untimely cured vulvitis, scars may appear in small patients at the healing sites, in addition, the surface of the mucous membranes is deformed, an adhesive process occurs with a possible fusion of the labia minora. In the future, this will affect the quality of sexual life, in the worst case, it can lead to infertility.

Therefore, it is quite advisable to ask: how to treat inflammation of the labia immediately when the slightest prerequisites for the disease appear.

The only right decision in the process of treating inflammation of the external genital organs, both in adults and in children, is to contact a specialist. It is important to determine the cause of the problem, because, as listed above, there can be many of them. Until the appointment of drug therapy by a doctor in order to eliminate acute symptoms, you can use traditional medicine - make baths and wash with decoctions of herbs.

Vulvitis is an inflammation of the external genital organs in women and girls, caused by pathogenic or opportunistic microflora of the vagina. According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10), vulvitis stands along with diseases such as vaginitis and vulvovaginitis. This disease can occur in different forms, so sometimes it is confused with other lesions of the genital organs of women, such as vaginitis or colpitis, and even STIs (sexually transmitted infections). An experienced gynecologist will help diagnose and treat vulvitis.

It is important to know that vulvitis does not apply to STIs, since it occurs not only in mature women, but also in girls. The causes of vulvitis often lie in wearing tight underwear made of artificial fabric, a long stay in unsuitable climatic conditions, which can cause an imbalance in the bacterial balance of the vagina. Sometimes inflammation of the labia can be caused by the constant use of flavored sanitary napkins, scratching the external genital organs due to helminth damage, wearing wet clothes (on the beach), oral sex (the entry of pathogenic flora into the body), hormonal abnormalities, obesity, sweating, etc. .

The following factors contribute to the disease of candidal vulvitis:

  • insufficiently thorough toilet of the external genital organs;
  • the use of improper hygiene products for cleaning the vulva, which are very dry (for example, ordinary soap);
  • inflammatory processes in the urinary tract (cystitis);
  • diabetes;
  • acute colds (strongly reduce the protective properties of the body - immunity).

According to the reasons, vulvitis is divided into primary and secondary. The primary form (or nonspecific vulvitis) most often affects older women (during menopause) and girls. The infection affects women due to the drying of the vulvar mucosa, insufficient secretion, which in turn reduces the protective properties of the body. Girls may suffer from vulvitis due to mechanical damage to the external genitalia, since their skin is very delicate, and the vulvar mucosa is thin, which constitutes insufficient protection against dangerous microorganisms.

Quite often, women during menopause are affected by atrophic vulvitis. It can be caused by a lack of the female hormone in the blood (estrogen). Due to the lack of hormones, the mucous membrane of the genital organs becomes much thinner.
Secondary vulvitis, as a rule, occurs as a result of diseases of the internal genital organs (for example, colpitis). Specific vulvitis may be the result of STIs (for example, chlamydia).

It is easiest to cure vulvitis in the early stages, when the disease has not passed into an acute chronic form. At the first sign of vulvitis, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

With vulvitis, the patient usually complains of:

  1. painful urination.
  2. itching and burning in the perineum.
  3. swelling and redness of the labia.
  4. pain in the inguinal lymph nodes.
  5. causeless jumps in body temperature.
  6. general fatigue and fatigue.
  7. discharge with a specific unpleasant odor.
  8. hyperemia of the vulva (redness).
  9. inflammation of the small lips in women (roughness of the small labia).

According to the duration and characteristics of the treatment, acute, subacute, and chronic vulvitis are distinguished. So, the acute form of the disease can last up to 1 month, subacute - 3 months, they say about the chronic form when the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves for more than 3 months.


Vulvitis is dangerous for women who have not given birth, because then the disease can become chronic, which is fraught with infertility. In addition, inflammation of the vulva can develop into inflammation of the internal genital organs, which will cause diseases such as vulvovaginitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis, cervicitis. Therefore, if you notice obvious signs of vulvitis in yourself, you should urgently make an appointment with a gynecologist.

How is the examination carried out? First, the doctor will ask what the patient is complaining about in order to identify the symptoms of the disease and make a correct diagnosis. This may be followed by a question about the patient's sexual life. Don't let that scare you, because asking such questions is the responsibility of the gynecologist. By asking such questions, the doctor is trying to exclude the possibility of a patient getting an STI, so a specialist should not lie: timely diagnosis and qualified help from a doctor can save your life.

Questions about your past illnesses and surgical interventions are usually followed by an examination of the patient on a gynecological chair. Vulvitis is immediately easy to diagnose by specific secretions and swelling of the external genital organs. The doctor may perform palpation (palpation by hand) to detect a violation of the epithelial integument or an increase in lymph nodes.

Then, with a special brush, the doctor takes the biomaterial for examination. To do this, he takes a few smears from the vagina. Usually one of them is sent for microscopy to identify the causative agent of the infection. And the second - for a bacteriological study in order to understand which antibiotics these microorganisms are sensitive to.

To rule out an STI patient, the doctor may send one of the smears for PCR (polymerase chain reaction).
OAM (general urinalysis) is prescribed if the patient complains of pain during urination. OAM can diagnose causes of vulvitis in women such as cystitis.


The doctor prescribes treatment according to the cause of the disease. After all, the symptoms of different manifestations of the disease (primary, secondary vulvitis) are almost the same, but the pathogens are completely different. It is on them that the decisive “blow” is dealt.

To relieve the main symptoms immediately after the examination, in order to alleviate the patient's condition, the doctor may prescribe antipruritic agents (ointments, creams). Elimination of the main causes of the disease and the appointment of appropriate drugs is possible only after laboratory tests of smears taken the day before. Usually, the study of biomaterial does not take more than 3 days after sampling.

It is important to know that at the time of treatment of vulvitis should stop sexual activity. This is due not only to the fact that physical impact on the vulva during this period is highly undesirable, but also to the fact that most antimicrobial suppositories, which the doctor is likely to prescribe, contain a fatty base, which can significantly reduce the strength of the latex in the contraceptive and contribute to unwanted pregnancy.

Sometimes lavage of the external genital organs is prescribed with agents that have antiseptic properties, for example, Miramistin. Antibacterial suppositories should only be used as directed by a doctor. The course of standard candles usually does not exceed 10 days.

After the main treatment, a course of therapy with folk remedies (sea buckthorn oil, rosehip) can be prescribed. Often the use of folk remedies takes place in the treatment of primary vulvitau girls, when the cause of the disease was mechanical damage, and not pathogenic microorganisms, and antibiotics are useless here. In this case, the gynecologist may prescribe a course of herbal baths. In addition, the doctor may prescribe special vitamins to increase the body's immune forces.

Treatment of genital itching in girls (vulvitis) requires mandatory bed rest. For women, it is recommended to wear cotton underwear with sterile pads during treatment (in the presence of discharge).

If itching of the vulva occurs during pregnancy, you should immediately contact the nearest gynecology. Unfortunately, the body of a pregnant woman is often attacked by harmful bacteria, since this period is characterized by a strong decrease in immunity. The cause of itching of the vulva during pregnancy may also be its conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is active during a decrease in the body's defenses.

It is important to remember that self-medication can lead to complications of the disease, since it is extremely difficult to diagnose vulvitis on your own. By external signs, vulvitis looks like colpitis or thrush (itching, discharge).


The consequence of vulvitis in women may be infertility as a result of long-term inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (chronic vulvitis). In addition, chronic vulvitis can lead to:

  • fusion of the labia (in girls at an early age);
  • genital deformities in adult women.


In order to prevent the development of the consequences of vulvitis, preventive measures should be strictly observed:

  1. personal hygiene.
  2. wearing clean cotton underwear.
  3. giving up cigarettes and alcohol.
  4. use of the method of barrier contraception (condoms).
  5. control over the body's immune system.
  6. weight control.
  7. avoidance of overheating.
  8. physical activity.

Inflammation of the labia in gynecological practice is called "vulvitis". This is a general term for infection of the labia majora, labia minora, clitoral cap, vaginal vestibule, gland, and sometimes the hymen. The disease is painful and brings many problems. In women of childbearing age, vulvitis may be accompanied by inflammation of the genitourinary system and vagina.

Inflammation in the intimate area

The external genitalia are the labia minora and labia majora. The causative agents of an unpleasant gynecological disease - vulvitis - are:

  • enterococci;
  • gonococci;
  • coli;
  • staphylococci.

The disease can be primary and secondary type. Primary vulvitis can develop in girls who do not follow the rules of intimate hygiene, allow trauma to the labia, as well as in those who have a predisposition to exudative diathesis and pinworms. Most often, the process occurs in an isolated form. The secondary type, as a rule, occurs in those who are sick with cystitis, pyelitis, urogenital fistulas - in this case, infected urine irritates the external genitalia. It is a concomitant phenomenon of inflammatory processes in other reproductive organs.

At risk are people who have:

  • obesity;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • other diseases that contribute to a decrease in the immune functions of the body.

Inflammation of the labia minora: causes

Consider the most common causes that provoke the development of vulvitis:

  • infection with bacteria when the vagina is irritated mechanically (narrow, poor-quality clothing that creates the effect of a “sauna”; masturbation; hard, hard padding during menstruation, etc.);
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal intimate hygiene;
  • if fistulas are found, as well as copious white discharge.

Causes of the disease:

  • candidiasis;
  • diphtheria;
  • leishmaniasis;
  • actinomycosis;
  • other.

Predisposing causes may be endocrine disorders, ovarian failure, obesity, metabolic imbalance and diabetes. All pathogens that provoke the disease are sexually transmitted. In addition to infectious diseases, diseases of a general nature, for example, diabetes mellitus, can start the inflammatory process. Both chemical and mechanical factors are capable of becoming a catalyst for an anomalous process.

As a rule, fungal infections appear after taking hormonal drugs (contraceptives), as well as with regular visits to the pool. If the disease worsens during menstruation or after bleeding, this may indicate that the causative agent is the herpes virus, which quite often acts as the causative agent of vulvitis. Also, inflammation in an intimate place can cause an allergy to washing powder or intimate aerosols. If the metabolic processes in the body are disturbed, then vulvitis may occur. Bartholinitis can cause inflammation of the labia minora. Quite often, the disease occurs in adolescents and women. During puberty, vulvitis can be caused by beriberi or ovarian dysfunction.

Inflammation of the labia minora: features of the symptoms

The inflammatory process of the labia minora and labia majora is not a very pleasant phenomenon, and it requires mandatory treatment.

Symptoms characteristic of vulvitis:

  • burning and itching of external organs;
  • severe irritation, redness and swelling;
  • if irritation occurs regularly, ulcers may occur;
  • symptoms worsen during walking and emptying the bladder;
  • rarely, but still there is an increase in lymph nodes, body temperature rises, general weakness and drowsiness occur;
  • If left untreated, irritation can spread to the outer thighs, vagina, and clitoris.

Such symptoms cause a lot of discomfort, and can also have a number of negative consequences in the future. It is especially important to take timely action if the girl has inflammation. If the situation is prolonged at the sites of inflammation, scars may appear at the sites of healing, in addition, the mucosa may be deformed, and an adhesive process will occur, and subsequently -. Over time, this will affect your sex life and can lead to infertility.

Inflammation of the external genital organs: treatment

Vulvitis does not always develop due to infection. As a result of hypothermia, a lymph node becomes inflamed in an intimate place - a pea (seal) is formed. If a woman has vulvitis, then she needs to observe bed rest. The outer labia should be washed 3 times a day with a weak and warm solution of potassium permanganate, a 2% solution of boric acid, or a decoction of chamomile. After 3 days, sitz baths can be carried out 3 times a day with a decoction of chamomile or potassium permanganate. It is necessary to exclude spicy, sweet and salty foods. You can also take sedatives.

Baths with a solution that has disinfectant properties can be prescribed. If unbearable itching occurs, you can use "Anesthesia" ointment. Ice compresses can also help in the treatment of vulvitis. It is necessary to change underwear regularly and often. Wash it with a hypoallergenic detergent and steam it with an iron after each wash.

At the first manifestations of vulvitis, you need to contact a gynecologist. It is possible that a number of laboratory tests and tests will be required. Inflammation of the outer labia and cancer are very similar; these serious diseases can be distinguished only after a biopsy. But, as a rule, cancer manifests itself in isolated cases, and women of advanced age have a tendency to it.

Dear women, do not forget that timely treatment will help prevent the development of the disease and the appearance of serious complications that will require surgical intervention.

An unpleasant symptom that causes a lot of inconvenience is irritation on the labia. Usually it is not associated with serious diseases, but in order to know exactly the cause of its appearance, it is worth visiting a gynecologist. This will exclude or confirm the presence of a disease of the female reproductive system, which is often accompanied by other signs: discharge of a different color, different consistency, unpleasant odor, burning or swelling.

Causes of irritation on the labia

Red labia in a woman is the first sign of a problem. If such a symptom occurs, you do not need to postpone a visit to the doctor. Itching is an individual unpleasant feeling, because of which there is a desire to comb and rub the skin in the area of ​​​​the labia due to the influence of some kind of irritant.

Pain, burning sensation is usually caused by local irritants, dysbacteriosis, infections or menopause. In the latter case, there is a decrease in estrogen production, which is observed at the end of the reproductive female age, causing dryness and thinning of the skin. This is the cause of itching and irritation.

Irritation of the labia minora:

  • Bacterial vaginosis. Having a healthy community of bacteria in a woman's vagina is normal. But if one of the species prevails over the other, then an infection begins to develop. A burning sensation, itching, discomfort in the area of ​​​​the external organs, grayish, whitish discharge indicates the development of this disease. But it is worth remembering that the appearance of one symptom does not indicate its occurrence. To cure this, it is necessary to restore the microflora of the vagina with the help of special tablets and suppositories.
  • Acute vaginitis. The vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed when infected with pathogenic microorganisms. The first sign of this disease is a strong discharge, after a while the labia minora reddens. They itch, swelling appears.
  • Yeast infection (candidiasis) affects every second woman. Urogenital candidiasis often manifests itself in the form of vulvovaginitis (thrush). Itching, burning and redness of the outer lips can be signs of this disease along with a cheesy vaginal discharge. Inside it turns red, whitish spots form on the labia. Symptoms intensify during sleep, after a long walk and during critical days.
  • The production of more of some hormones can also lead to redness and itching.

If syphilis or gonorrhea became the cause of vaginitis and there was no adequate treatment, infertility can result.

Irritation of the labia majora:

  • Unpleasant manifestations threaten frequent epilation, excessive exposure of the cream when removing excess hair with it. The place of the procedure becomes red, itching and burning appear.
  • Genital herpes or a recurrence of this disease is manifested by itching, the formation of vesicles, crusts, after which peeling begins.
  • Diabetes mellitus sometimes affects the appearance of itching and peeling in the area of ​​​​the external genital organs.
  • Chemical irritants. Intimate cream, gel, condom, soap, washing powders, flavored toilet paper can lead to serious irritation of the labia majora. They can provoke an allergic reaction. Unusual discharges are not added to the feeling of discomfort, but sometimes there is more usual mucus from the vagina.
  • The cause of irritation may be a psychological factor that manifests itself in the physical aspect. Regular stress, nervous breakdown, prolonged depression - all this leads to an increase in the sensitivity of the skin, which provokes irritation and itching.

Peeling develops only on the skin of external organs. The labia minora consists of such an epithelium that, when inflamed, it does not produce scales.

Redness of the labia with candidiasis

What to do about it?

If the labia is reddened, then in order to establish the true factor that provoked itching and irritation, and then to choose the right treatment in the woman's intimate zone, a diagnosis is needed, which includes:

  • consultation with a gynecologist, if necessary - examination with the help of mirrors;
  • analyzes in the laboratory: general analysis of urine and blood, etc.;
  • examination of a smear taken from the vagina.

The results of the diagnosis will help the doctor determine the treatment or, if necessary, prescribe other additional procedures to investigate the source of the disease.

You can relieve the feeling of itching using the following methods:

  • Adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. It is necessary to wash at least 2-3 times a day with warm water. It is worth adding a few drops of furacilin or chamomile to it. Do not use toilet soap for the intimate area.
  • You need to constantly moisturize this area. To do this, pharmacies sell special gels, lubricants based on natural ingredients.
  • Until the irritation, itching, burning sensation subsides, intimacy should be abandoned, which can provoke more itching and irritation of the genital organs.
  • Stick to the diet prescribed by the doctor. Eliminate sweets, spicy, fatty foods, seasonings with a rich taste, alcoholic beverages, grapes, blue cheese from the diet.


Treatment for redness depends on the underlying cause:

  • If an infection has provoked the problem, it is necessary to use local or systemic therapy with antibiotics.
  • Antifungal drugs are prescribed if the disease (for example, thrush) was caused by a fungus.
  • An allergic reaction can be relieved with antihistamines and sedatives.
  • In case of violations of the endocrine system (improper production of hormones), hormone therapy is used. In this situation, you can not do without visiting the endocrinologist.
  • If a psychological factor has become the source of itching, a course of treatment by a psychologist and the use of sedatives are required.

A gynecologist can prescribe suppositories, tablets, ointment to eliminate itching and relieve the inflammatory process.

Why itchy, swollen, dry labia. What diseases give such a symptom. How to get rid of itching.

Itching is a sensation that is very difficult to overcome. You can imagine how unpleasant it is for a woman who really wants to scratch "there." Should she immediately run to the gynecologist? It is necessary to understand why such discomfort occurs, how to get rid of it.

What does itching and swelling of the labia mean?

I call itching an irresistible desire to scratch the skin. It literally originates in the mind. This is how the nervous system reacts in response to local irritation.

Itching and swelling of the labia in a woman is often a non-specific symptom of one of the many gynecological diseases. Also, the occurrence of uncomfortable sensations can be associated with non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

The most common reasons why the labia swell and itch are:

  1. Insufficient hygiene of the genitals, when a woman is rarely washed away
  2. Synthetic underwear that does not "breathe" and creates a "greenhouse effect"
  3. Wearing sanitary tampons for more than 3 hours and panty liners for critical days for more than 5 hours
  4. Frequent washing with soap
  5. Allergy to panty liners
  6. Allergy to intimate hygiene products
  7. Injury during sex
  8. Overheat
  9. hypothermia
  10. stress
  11. Irritation after shaving or waxing
  12. Pubic lice bites
  13. Dysbacteriosis of the vagina
  14. The use of certain drugs
  15. Inflammation of the genital organs of a non-infectious nature
  16. Inflammation of the genital organs of an infectious nature (including venereal diseases)
  17. Metabolic disorders due to diseases of the endocrine glands, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause
  18. Diseases of the urinary system
  19. Blood diseases
  20. Oncological diseases

IMPORTANT: Itching of the labia, accompanied by their swelling, is often observed in nervous, overly emotional women. There is a psychosomatic

Irritation from a razor is one of the reasons why the labia itch.

If there is a single episode of itching of the labia, it may be caused by squeezing underwear, an uncomfortable posture, etc. There is no point in worrying, everything will pass by itself. Do not let the problem take its course and consult a doctor without fail, if it itches constantly, itching is accompanied by:

  • swelling and redness
  • swelling
  • secretions (with an unpleasant odor)
  • cracks and abrasions of the labia
  • painful urination
  • pain during intercourse

IMPORTANT: Often the itching of the labia is so intense that a woman is unable to sleep at night and do her usual activities during the day

Itching and swelling of the labia without discharge, causes

Itching dull pain in the region of the labia minora and labia majora, accompanied by swelling, but without discharge, may indicate vulvodynia in a woman.

IMPORTANT: Vulvodynia is a pain syndrome that is not associated with infections. Most often it occurs due to allergies or neuropathy.

  1. Pathology is most often observed in women of childbearing age.
  2. Pain and itching occur for no apparent reason and literally prevent a woman from living.
  3. Discomfort in the genital area affects a woman's sexuality
  4. Vulvodynia is the cause of depression

Vulvodynia is the cause of itchy pain in the female vulva.

The cause of itching in the area of ​​the labia and the entire vulvar complex is an increase in the number of signals sent to the brain from local nerve endings. This is often associated with inflammation (neuritis) of the pudendal nerve. Pathology is provoked:

  • childbirth
  • abortion
  • sloppy, too rough intercourse
  • mechanical injury

If, after a thorough gynecological examination, tests for genital infections, ultrasound and other examinations, the diagnosis of vulvodynia is confirmed, it is often necessary to undergo treatment not only with a female doctor, but also with a psychologist and / or neuropathologist.

Vulvodynia is treated:

  • diet (to reduce oxalate in the urine)
  • Kegel exercises (to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and relieve spasm)
  • baths
  • antihistamines (if allergic)
  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs (Diclofenac, Naproxen)
  • antidepressants

IMPORTANT: Sometimes psychotherapy is indicated for a patient with vulvodynia

Itching of the labia and white discharge, causes

The cause of itching, pain, redness of the labia minora and labia majora, the external genital organs of a woman can be a Candida fungus. Simply put, thrush in women can manifest with such symptoms.

IMPORTANT: Up to 75% of women of childbearing age have had thrush at one time

Yeast lives in the vagina in most women. If the immune system is strong, the vaginal flora is normal, they do not make themselves felt.

Thrush develops if:

  • a woman has reduced immunity due to stress, acute or chronic illness, overwork, beriberi
  • the woman had a hormonal imbalance
  • woman taking contraceptives, antibiotics
  • woman's blood glucose levels are elevated
  • woman eating ill
  • hypothermia occurred

Candidiasis is the cause of itching of the labia and white discharge from the genital tract.

The doctor detects thrush during a routine examination and confirms the diagnosis with the results of an analysis of the vaginal microflora. As a treatment, he will prescribe:

  • antifungals topically or orally
  • remedies to boost immunity
  • anti-inflammatory drugs
  • diet

If a woman has thrush, her sexual partner should also be treated.

VIDEO: Thrush in women symptoms treatment. Thrush during pregnancy treatment. How to cure thrush

Itching and swelling of the labia during pregnancy, causes

During the period when a woman is carrying a child, her body becomes very vulnerable. Many diseases can "cling" to the expectant mother. Also, there are relapses of those that she had previously in a chronic form.

Pregnancy can be overshadowed by discomfort in the area of ​​the labia: their itching and swelling. Causes of discomfort:

  1. Physiological changes in a woman's body associated with hormonal changes, a growing uterus. Swelling and itching may occur due to circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs, nerve infringement, etc.
  2. Varicose veins. The formation of venous nodes provokes swelling and redness of the vulva, a desire to scratch, pain
  3. Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the external genital organs of a woman. These are bartholinitis (inflammation of the Bartholin glands located near the entrance to the vagina and secreting lubricant to moisturize the mucous membrane), vulvitis (inflammation of the vulva), vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vulva and vagina)
  4. Thrush recurrence. A chronic yeast infection often wakes up during pregnancy.
  5. Sexually transmitted infectious diseases

IMPORTANT: The health of the expectant mother is very fragile. Her illnesses can be transmitted to the child or harm him. Therefore, if swelling and itching of the labia occurs, a woman should consult a doctor who is pregnant.

What does severe itching of the labia after sex mean?

One of the reasons why a woman has itchy labia after sex is an allergy to condoms.

IMPORTANT: Condoms are made from latex obtained from the hevea tree. Latex contains proteins that are allergenic. Not only latex can cause a reaction, but also all kinds of lubricants, flavors. other

Allergy to condoms can manifest itself in many ways, from itching and rashes on the genitals to asthma attacks. If a woman notices that her vagina or labia itches after protected sex, she needs to visit a gynecologist. He will rule out other possible causes of the problem, such as infection, give a referral to an allergist and tests to identify the allergen.

Itching and pimples and cracks on the labia, causes

Despite the fact that running water is in almost all homes, there are convenient panty liners and feminine hygiene products, itchy and cracked labia can appear due to such ridiculous reasons as:

  • pollution
  • urinary irritation
  • ingestion of stool on the vulva
  • sweating
  • wearing synthetic, too tight underwear

As a rule, it is enough to eliminate these causes to get rid of the problem.

But sometimes things get more serious. Perhaps inflammation of the labia began - vulvitis. It notes:

  • itching and swelling of the labia
  • drying and cracking of the mucosa
  • rashes
  • the appearance of a whitish coating
  • general malaise, nervousness, fever

Vulvitis can be:

  1. Primary - due to mechanical, chemical irritations, hypothermia, allergies, etc.
  2. Secondary - infectious, when pathogenic microorganisms enter the vulva from the vagina, cervix, uterus with vaginitis, colpitis, cervicitis, endometritis, etc.

To cure inflammation of the labia, eliminate its cause and symptoms.

Dryness and itching of the labia, causes

Women complain of dryness of the mucosa of the external genital organs and in the vagina, itching, during pregnancy, after childbirth, in the premenopausal or menopausal periods, after menstruation, when they undergo hormonal changes.

Lack of lubrication produced leads to drying, tightening of the mucous membrane of the labia, discomfort and itching. Sometimes discomfort has to be endured using local moisturizers. Sometimes hormone therapy is required. Only a doctor can accurately answer the question of what treatment should be.

VIDEO: About dryness of the female genital organs

What to do with itching of the labia, how to treat folk remedies?

The woman is not able to find out the cause of the itching of the labia herself and eliminate it with medication. After examination and analysis, this is done by the doctor according to an individual scheme.
With the help of folk remedies, you can try to reduce discomfort. Help:

  1. Douching with soda, iodine, herbal decoctions
  2. Aloe juice tampons
  3. Baths with chamomile, sea salt
  4. Air baths

RECIPE: Douching with soda, salt and iodine

  • in 1 liter of water dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda and salt, 10 drops of iodine
  • using a syringe, a solution is injected into the vagina, they wipe the labia with it
  • repeat the procedure twice a day until the symptoms disappear

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to introduce into the diet as much as possible lactic acid products - yogurt, kefir, acidophilus

Cream and ointment for itching of the labia. Is it possible to smear the labia with baby cream?

Ointments help reduce the feeling of itching in the labia area:

  • antihistamines (Beloderm)
  • corticosteroid (mesoderm)
  • analgesics (Diclofenca)
  • with antibiotics (Akriderm)

IMPORTANT: You can smear the labia with baby cream to relieve mechanical irritation, for example, due to rubbing with underwear or due to irritation with a razor

VIDEO: Itching of the genitals? There is a solution to the problem of folk remedies

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