Pink discharge after menstruation in a week. What are the causes of pale pink discharge in women? Treatment and prevention

In certain cycles, the fairer sex may notice that they have pink discharge after menstruation. Some begin to worry immediately, others go to see a doctor, and someone does not pay attention to them at all. The last variant of attitude to one's health is unacceptable, since such a symptom often indicates the development of diseases.

If a week after menstruation, pink discharge replaced the usual leucorrhoea, then it can be assumed that a certain amount of blood is present in the composition of the biological fluid. Particular attention in such situations should be given to accompanying symptoms, and if they are alarming, a thorough examination will be required. Consider what is considered normal, why there are pinkish discharge after menstruation, and when they are dangerous.

In most cases, in women with normal reproductive health, after regular bleeding ends, it smears after menstruation. In this case, pink discharge is rare, they are often transparent and practically do not have any shade. Gradually, the level of estrogen in the body rises, the amount of mucus becomes large, and its consistency is liquid.

By menstruation, you can determine whether a woman is healthy. Source:

After menstruation, pink discharge can be for no more than two days, while this condition will not be considered pathological. Often, doctors answer women who come with such a complaint that this is due to a decrease in the ability of blood to clot. This also does not exclude the deterioration of the contractile function of the uterus, if there is a stagnation of menstrual fluid.

Therefore, if pink discharge appeared after menstruation, that this is not considered a deviation can be judged if they last no more than two days. Provided that there is no foreign unpleasant smell, there are no clots and discomfort. After menstruation, odorless pink discharge disappears on the third day, and by the middle of the cycle they become like protein.

The reasons

When pink discharge appears in women, the causes after menstruation may be different. They depend on age, the presence or absence of comorbidities, recent treatment. Sometimes this happens with an increase in uterine tone and an improvement in the blood circulation process in the reproductive organ.

Light pink discharge after menstruation may be the result of such effects:

  • The woman was actively involved in sports, lifted weights, was involved in work with increased physical activity;
  • Immediately before the cessation of menstruation for 1-2 days there was intimacy;
  • Pale pink discharge after menstruation occurs when visiting a bath, sauna, hot bath, after being under the sun;
  • A daub, pink after menstruation, appears in the fairer sex, who, during the discharge period, took medications that have the ability to thin the blood;
  • Recently, severe stress has been transferred or the girl has taken alcoholic beverages.

All the conditions described can have a certain effect on the woman's body as a whole, and the reproductive system in particular, which is why pink discharge appears after menstruation in a few days. But there are other reasons to consider as well.


Most women wonder why pink discharge occurs after menstruation. It all depends on what period they appeared. So, for example, the occurrence of such a symptom during the period of ovulation is not considered a deviation. The egg matures and leaves the follicle for about 10-15 days, injuring the vessels, so sometimes there is bleeding.

Isolation of a secret with such characteristics is short. At the same time, it should be said that scanty discharge in women of pink color after menstruation may go unnoticed. However, if pregnancy is planned, then this condition indicates the onset of the most favorable day for conception.


When pink discharge occurs after menstruation, what is it that a gynecologist can determine. It is possible that this symptom is the body's reaction to taking drugs with a contraceptive effect, or medications of the hormonal group. In this case, you need to wait until the body adapts. If the addiction period is over, it is recommended to change the medication.


If girls notice pink discharge after menstruation, why they appear, they are interested in the first place. The likelihood of such a symptom occurring after active sexual intercourse is high. If the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ was injured. This condition appears when there is insufficient production of lubricating mucus, which leads to dryness in the vagina.


Pink discharge at the end of menstruation occurs in menopausal women, in whom sex hormones are still produced and bleeding, albeit not regular, but still there. The occurrence of an atypical shade is also associated with vaginal dryness. But you should definitely visit a gynecologist, because at this age there is a high risk of developing gynecological diseases and tumors.

In children

When the girl's body is preparing for the onset of menstruation, about one year before the onset of regular bleeding, she will have leucorrhoea, which will have a characteristic slight yellowish tint. Since, during the maturation of the follicles, there is a rapid fluctuation of the hormonal background, after the first bleeding ends, you can notice pink-brown discharge after menstruation.

This condition is considered normal and natural, since the body is in a state of stress. The entire adaptation period can take up to two years, during which menstruation will come with various deviations, but this will not indicate a violation in the reproductive system.

During the first few months of bearing a child, a girl may have so-called false menstruation. They often appear as scanty brownish discharge. They are not dangerous if their volume does not increase, and there is no pain. This indicates a kind of restructuring of the body and a change in the hormonal background.

After childbirth

Pink discharge in women after menstruation can be observed when breastfeeding. It must be said that the period of restoration of the regularity of the cycle after the birth of a child depends on many factors. If natural feeding is performed, then menstruation may be absent even during the year.

When feeding a baby with mixtures, bleeding occurs after a month and a half. We can definitely say that the nature of these secretions will differ from those that were before labor, since the period of bearing a child was accompanied by stretching of the reproductive organ, and after performing its function, it began to return to its previous size.

Definitely, pink discharge with an unpleasant odor after menstruation should be alerted, especially if they are accompanied by itching and burning in the genitals. This may indicate that infection of the birth canal has occurred and a pathological process is developing that must be stopped.


Sometimes the occurrence of such secretions may indicate that a woman develops a complex and dangerous disease of the reproductive organs or the functioning of the reproductive system is disrupted. To be convinced of this and decide to go to a specialist, you need to pay attention to the presence of some alarming symptoms.

The development of pathology is evidenced by:

  • Change in the color of the discharge, which becomes bright red or burgundy;
  • There is a pronounced unpleasant odor from the vagina;
  • The produced secret is intense and saturated;
  • The secretions contain lumps, clots, foam, mucus;
  • The condition does not go away for two days or more;
  • There is a destabilization of the menstrual cycle.

Also, for the development of diseases, the presence of pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature, the occurrence of general weakness and increased fatigue, and changes in body temperature are considered normal.

With endometritis, the cycle is disrupted and there are pink discharge.

Pink discharge can appear at any phase of the menstrual cycle. Before menstruation or in the middle of the cycle - for ovulation - they are the norm. Pink spotting in pregnant women can last up to 3 months.

Why do pink discharge appear after menstruation

Why do pink discharge appear after menstruation? This question interests many women. After all, they want to be sure that everything is in order with them, and they also need to know what signs to look for when a daub appears and how to behave: treat themselves or see a doctor?

The menstrual cycle is the duration between periods from the beginning of one to the first day of the next. A cycle of 28 days is considered ideal. It is individual and ranges from 21 to 35 days. It is recommended that all girls and women every month mark the day of the onset of menstruation on the calendar. This information will be useful for the woman and her gynecologist.

With normal microflora e, odorless, do not cause discomfort and irritation of the vagina. In the middle of the cycle, they become more abundant and more viscous. Closer to the next menstruation, they thicken and acquire a sour smell.

It lasts from 3 to 7 days, and the allowable volume of blood loss is 100-150 ml. Both the length of the cycle and the volume of blood lost are individual for each woman.

Menstruation is divided into certain periods. The first phase or the first day begins with the rejection of the "old" endometrium and is accompanied by bleeding. It is always discomfort and even pain caused by uterine contractions.

The second phase can also be painful. A new egg begins to form in the body. Great importance at this stage should be given to personal hygiene.

Third phase. At this time, the wall of the uterus is an open wound, so you should be especially wary of infections. Be sure to refrain from sexual activity until the end of menstruation.

By the onset of the fourth phase, the woman's well-being improves. Physical activity at this time is contraindicated, as it can increase blood loss.

In the fifth phase, the uterus completes the healing process. The blood coagulates, dark clots appear without the presence of third-party odors in the norm.

Causes of pink discharge before menstruation

Pink discharge can appear at any phase of the menstrual cycle. They vary in color and character and are as follows:

  • bloody, similar to menstruation;
  • pale pink;
  • scarlet;
  • transparent with veins.

Before the onset of menstruation, a light tone of pink daub is both a variant of the norm and may indicate a pathology. Normally, pale pink discharge does not bring discomfort. Sometimes their appearance is caused by a third-party object - an intrauterine device, as well as taking hormonal drugs or the onset of pregnancy.

Causes of pink discharge after menstruation

Pink daub for every woman is an individual phenomenon and depends on the impact of various causes and factors.


Pinkish discharge is acceptable in the following cases:

  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • rough sexual intercourse;
  • intrauterine device;
  • condition ;
  • the end of menstruation;
  • the appearance of discharge in the middle of the monthly cycle (for ovulation).

In many women, and quite often, a pink daub appears after menstruation - this is the remnants of menstruation. The appearance can be eliminated by replacing them with others.

A week after menstruation, even ordinary discharge becomes much more abundant, and up to two weeks their volume increases even more. At this time, the level of estrogen rises, and the uterus is preparing to receive it. This condition may be accompanied by light pink discharge in women.

A similar phenomenon is observed when the days of the next menstruation in pregnant women approach, this is called "false menstruation", and it can be observed up to 3 months.

A small pink daub after injuries is explained by the formation of microcracks. The reason may be a rough sexual intercourse, as well as an examination of a woman by a gynecologist. In this case, she is advised to rest.


Any discharge, if they do not fit within the norm, causes discomfort. The appearance of third-party unpleasant odors should be considered as a pathology. In this case, you should, without delay, consult a doctor.

The causes of the appearance of pathological pink daub include the following conditions:

  • infectious diseases;
  • disruption of the ovaries;
  • various neoplasms;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pregnancy due to endometriosis.

Particular attention should be paid to various unusual discharges that appeared no later than 3 days before menstruation - this is a sign of a serious illness.

If the daub has become more abundant and thicker, its color has changed to pink, reddish or otherwise, which means that inflammation has appeared, an infection is not excluded.

During pregnancy, when the discharge of a pinkish tint does not stop, but only intensifies, and the test is positive, there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, placental rejection, or serious inflammatory processes.

Scarlet bloody daub occurs against the background of erosion of the cervix. This suggests that the lining of the uterus is inflamed.

Pink dirty discharge with an unpleasant odor occurs with chronic endometritis before and after menstruation. In addition, the vaginal secretion in this disease often has a liquid, watery consistency. White discharge with streaks of blood indicates inflammation of the cervix.

In ectopic pregnancy, a dark vaginal secretion is often noted, not pink, but rather red or red-brown.

Treatment with medical methods

Bloody discharge with various impurities, unpleasant odors, accompanied by itching, irritation and discomfort require an immediate visit to the doctor. You can not postpone a visit to the gynecologist. Pregnant women can not do without testing, examination and examination by ultrasound.

In the absence of pathologies

First, the cause that caused the pathological discharge is established. When it is mechanical damage or sexual intercourse, rest (abstinence) is recommended. If the cause is contraceptives and contraceptives, they are replaced by others.

To stop bleeding, hemostatic agents are prescribed, such as vitamin K (Ascorutin) and calcium gluconate. They strengthen blood vessels and reduce blood loss.

With pathologies

In pathologies, antibiotics, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Sometimes there is a need to take hormonal drugs, as well as physiotherapy procedures.

If malignant neoplasms are diagnosed, scraping and surgical treatment are prescribed. The therapy strategy and all appointments are determined by the attending physician.

Folk remedies

Nettle tea is drunk to stop spotting. One tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, let it brew. It is useful to take calcium at the same time. It can be ground eggshells or pharmaceutical preparations.

After menstruation, therapeutic baths with a decoction of pine buds are used, prepared at the rate of 100 ml per 10 liters of boiling water.

For douching, a decoction of chamomile is used, it can be replaced with calendula or St. John's wort. Take 3 tablespoons of raw materials, pour 2 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil, insist. Strain before use. Use in the morning and evening. If it is St. John's wort, it is advisable to boil it over low heat for 20 minutes.

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Almost every woman of reproductive age has experienced pink discharge after menstruation. Such a phenomenon is not uncommon, and if, in addition to these discharges, there are no other symptoms, then the phenomenon can be considered the norm. If the discharge is accompanied by any additional signs, then this may be a manifestation of a sign of pathology.

Possible reasons

The reasons why spotting occurs after menstruation can be divided into 2 groups: those that are the norm, and those that indicate any disease.

Reasons that are normal:

  1. A woman who gave birth a year or less than a year ago may have pink discharge after menstruation. They will stop as soon as the body adjusts to the menstrual cycle.
  2. Often the reason that they go after menstruation is taking oral contraceptives from an unwanted pregnancy.
  3. Often, the cause of pink discharge after the end of menstruation can be a spiral, shortly before installed in the uterus. As soon as the body gets used to the foreign body, such phenomena will disappear.
  4. Often the cause can be the remnants of menstrual blood. Formations of this nature may appear the next day after the cessation of menstruation.
  5. A visit to the gynecologist can also sometimes provoke the formation of secretions. This happens if the doctor, during the examination, accidentally damages the woman's genitals with medical instruments.

Causes representing pathologies and diseases:

  1. In the event that pink discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, we can talk about a disease such as chronic endometritis. With this disease, the discharge that appears can be in the form of mucus or ichor.
  2. An ectopic pregnancy can also have symptoms such as light pink discharge after critical days. As a rule, with an ectopic pregnancy, such discharge can be observed during the first weeks. In addition, a woman may feel severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Often in this situation, there is severe vomiting, weakness, darkening in the eyes, fainting is possible.
  3. In infectious diseases and inflammatory processes that occur in the uterus or ovaries, pink mucous formations are observed that have a putrid odor and are accompanied by pain and irritation.
  4. If yellow-brown or gray-brown impurities can be observed in pink discharge, this is a sign of cervical erosion.
  5. Disruption of the ovaries due to hormonal failure can cause a disease such as polycystic ovaries, in which bloody discharge after menstruation is also possible.
  6. Fibroids, cysts, polyps and other formations in the female genital organs can cause a similar phenomenon.
  7. A disruption in the endocrine system, in particular a reduced activity in the thyroid gland, can cause pink discharge after menstruation.

Sometimes the cause of pinkish discharge can be the so-called false menstruation. Pink "daub" in this case may be accompanied by pain in the abdomen, spine and lower back.

What should be the treatment?

To get rid of pink discharge after menstruation, you need to know exactly the cause of their appearance and first get rid of it. Once the cause is removed, the abnormal manifestations should stop on their own.

If the discharge is provoked by a gynecological examination, you should definitely consult with a specialist. In the case when wounds can cause harm to health, the doctor will prescribe proper treatment. If there are no health threats, then nothing needs to be done - the discharge will stop as soon as the wounds heal.

In the case when the discharge is the reason for the use of oral drugs that prevent pregnancy, the pills should be changed to some other contraceptive. If the discharge is too long, but there is no reason to panic, you can use hemostatic drugs (Ascorutin, calcium gluconate).

When the cause of bleeding is endometritis, the gynecologist may prescribe douches, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Hormonal drugs are also prescribed in high dosages. The use of physiotherapeutic treatment is very effective: electrophoresis, magnet therapy and laser therapy. Often endometrial formations are removed surgically. Such an operation is quite simple, it can be carried out even during the examination.

In case of cancerous malignancy, in particular with uterine fibroids, surgical intervention may be offered, this operation is called laparoscopy. The disease can be treated without surgery, in which case the patient is prescribed hormones in large doses, suppositories and drugs that strengthen the immune system.

In the presence of erosion, it must be cauterized, since in the future the disease can provoke the formation of cancer cells.

Whatever the reason for the formation of pink discharge after critical days (even the most harmless), you should regularly visit a doctor and consult with him, because this is the only way to avoid many health problems.

folk therapy

In this situation, with the help of traditional medicine, you can get rid of the feeling of discomfort that has appeared due to discharge at the end of the menstrual month.

  1. Pour one tablespoon of dried and crushed nettle leaves with a glass of water and cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Cool the finished broth, strain and drink in small sips throughout the day.
  2. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of St. John's wort with two liters of water and simmer for 25 minutes, then cool the broth to room temperature and strain. With this tool, you can do douching several times a day.
  3. Coniferous baths have an effective effect on pink discharge after menstruation. To prepare them, you need to pour 100-150 grams of pine buds with 10 liters of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour.

Do not forget that you can use folk remedies only if the nature of the discharge is considered the norm. Otherwise, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist.

For every female representative, the menstrual cycle is accompanied by vaginal discharge, which has different shades. These secretions are a kind of signal from the female organs about the processes taking place in them: is everything normal or are there deviations.

Pathologies that cause pink discharge

The main causes of prolonged pink daub are:

  • chronic endometritis;
  • and danger;
  • inflammation caused by infections;
  • a defect in the lining of the cervix, for example, erosion;
  • ovarian dysfunction, for example;
  • various tumor formations inside the female organs;
  • weak functioning of the thyroid gland.

During gestation, a woman needs to be very attentive to any even small changes inside the body. A one-time discharge with a light pinkish tint is evidence of the fixation of the fetal egg.

But if the daubing does not stop and the amount of discharge even increases, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist.

A daub of a pale pink hue can also appear for the following reasons:

  • the occurrence of false menstruation;
  • increased sensitivity of the tissues of the female organs.

What measures to take?

If, after cyclic menstruation, light pink discharge from the vagina appears, you need to carefully listen to what is happening inside the body.

If there is no itching, burning, various types of pain, an unpleasant smell of secretions, these are normal phenomena and there is no reason to worry.

In the case of discomfort, even minimal, and the discharge goes on for a long time, you need to go to the doctor to determine if there are any pathologies or inflammations.

If there are no reasons why the pink masses that stand out began to change their usual shade to dirty gray or green, and sometimes to bloody-purulent, there is pain in the abdominal cavity or lower back, unpleasant odors of discharge are felt, irritation occurs , you need to go to a consultation with a “female doctor” as soon as possible.

Brown daub after menstruation is caused by the process of blood clotting, and should last no more than three days.

When you need the help of a gynecologist:

  • Curd masses of white color with a sour "aroma" are.
  • A yellow or dirty green discharge is a sign of a bacterial infection.
  • The red color of the discharge before menstruation should also be alarming, because it can be a sign.
  • - perhaps the girl began to uterine bleeding.

If scarlet and stronger discharge appears at any stage of pregnancy, this may be caused by the threat of a frozen fetus or miscarriage. This should be the reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.

Treatment of a pinkish daub that appears after menstruation depends on what is the cause of its appearance.

For example, discharge after menstruation, provoked by intimacy, will easily stop if a woman stops sexual intercourse for a while. The same should be done in case of other damage to the vagina of a mechanical nature. If the injury is caused by contraceptives, it is necessary to stop using them and change to others.

Medical treatment

If the discharge after menstruation is caused by endometritis, they can be treated with aseptic medicines, douching preparations. It is also possible to use hormones, physiotherapy:

  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis, etc.

Large malignant tumors are rarely treated surgically. With, for example, curettage or laparoscopy is prescribed. But more often, treatment is carried out using baths, or immunocorrection.

To eliminate discomfort, if the doctor allows it, you can use folk methods. It includes the use of herbal infusions, both inside and for baths.

For example, you can use coniferous infusion from 100 g of pine buds and 10 liters of boiling water for therapeutic baths.

You can also use nettle decoction. For this purpose, 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water and insist.

A decoction of chamomile should always be “at hand. Sedentary baths in a decoction of chamomile are used for various inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. You can also do douching. Either way, they won't hurt.

The female genitourinary system undergoes many changes throughout life. Her work is influenced by both environmental factors and physiological processes associated with hormonal changes, medication, pregnancy, childbirth and feeding the baby.

Every woman at least once in her life faced with the problem of the appearance of secretions of different colors and textures on different days of the menstrual cycle. The presence of pink secretions may indicate both the normal course of physiological processes, and the presence of diseases or pathologies of the reproductive system.

The most common are pink discharge after menstruation, which can conditionally be considered the norm, if not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms:

  • profusion;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

In such cases, a trip to the gynecologist is required.

But if the discharge is light pink, with a slight shade of brown, it may be the release of blood, which in small quantities still remains in the vaginal mucosa.

Before finding out the causes of pink discharge, it should be noted that pink discharge can be called rather conditionally. Their color can vary from light pink, almost transparent, to brown-pink.

It all depends on the day of the cycle and the reason why such phenomena occur.

  • Reception of hormonal contraceptives can provoke the appearance of a vaginal secret, painted in red-pink color. This process can occur both a week after menstruation and last for several days, and a week before. Hormones affect the menstrual cycle, causing hormonal failure, especially with long-term use of drugs.
  • The presence of an intrauterine device (especially in the first month of use), the use of contraceptive patches and vaginal rings with combined contraceptives can provoke the appearance of pink mucus from the vagina.

  • After intense sexual contact, pinkish mucous discharge may appear due to microdamages in the vaginal mucosa. Yellow-pink discharge after sex may indicate the presence of cervical erosion.
  • Pink discharge in women in the middle of the cycle may indicate an upcoming or completed ovulation, when the endometrial mucosa is ready to accept a fertilized egg. It is on these grounds (if the discharge is insignificant and regular) that many women determine the most favorable period for conception.

  • If menstruation begins with a pink daub, which turns into full-fledged bloody, and then pink discharge after menstruation is observed for another 2-3 days - this is the norm.
  • An underactive thyroid gland can cause hormonal imbalance and cause pinkish discharge. Also, this phenomenon can be observed due to severe stress or nervous shock.
  • Pink-brown or pale pink discharge may occur early in pregnancy.

If you suddenly have a discharge that has a different shade, and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the perineum (itching, burning), pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, a rise in body temperature, they have an unpleasant odor and a suspicious consistency, you should urgently consult a doctor so that as soon as possible determine the causes of this phenomenon, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

If pink discharge occurs regularly, is not abundant and does not cause unpleasant symptoms, everything is within the normal range. But during a scheduled examination by a gynecologist, be sure to tell us about the processes that have appeared.

Discharge during pregnancy

As you know, during pregnancy, menstruation stops, since the ovaries do not produce eggs. But sometimes pale pink discharge may appear, which does not always indicate a pathological course of pregnancy. However, any discharge during this period should alert and become a reason for an unscheduled visit to the antenatal clinic.

  • Slight mucous discharge, which has a pinkish tint, can be observed in the early stages, especially on days when women were menstruating. This is due to the active hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.
  • A slight admixture of blood in the mucous secretion can be observed after sexual contact, examination by a gynecologist using mirrors, ultrasound with a vaginal probe. At this time, the blood supply to the internal genitalia is enhanced, and the mucous membrane has an increased sensitivity. The period is dangerous with the threat of miscarriage, therefore it is recommended to limit sexual contacts, and not to carry out instrumental studies of the uterine cavity without special need.

  • Implantation of a fertilized egg can cause mild red discharge about a week after fertilization. The woman's body perceives the fetal egg as a foreign organism, and an inflammatory reaction occurs on the surface of the mucosa, which, on the one hand, improves the implantation process, and on the other hand, responds with slight bleeding from the inflamed mucosa, which is rich in blood vessels.
  • If during the implantation of the fetal egg, a certain amount of blood has accumulated under the placenta, the mucous masses turn pink due to its release. This condition is called a minor detachment and may be accompanied by slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. As a rule, this does not pose a threat to the life of the expectant mother and her baby.

  • The appearance of pink-brown discharge during pregnancy is an alarming signal. It may indicate placental abruption, pregnancy fading, or the presence of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy.
  • If premature damage (rupture) of the membranes occurs, amniotic fluid may leak, which will have a white-pink tint.
  • Immediately before childbirth, the mucous plug comes out, opening the birth canal. This process is accompanied by pink or bloody discharge.
  • After childbirth, a woman has an exit of a blood secret. These are the so-called lochia - physiological discharge from the uterus in the form of non-viable tissues with blood and mucus.

What discharge can tell

Vaginal discharge accompanies a woman for almost her entire life. They can have a different color, texture, smell. Accompanied by unpleasant symptoms or pass painlessly, almost imperceptibly.

If a variety of whites occur against the background of an examination by a gynecologist, the use of an intrauterine device, hormonal contraceptives, in the first trimester of pregnancy, and do not cause discomfort, this phenomenon should not be of particular concern, although a consultation with a gynecologist will not hurt.

If the discharge is not quite usual in appearance and smell, is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and occurs on different days of the monthly cycle (and every month on different days) - this is a signal about the course of pathological processes in the body.

  • Venereal or other diseases that are sexually transmitted. They are characterized by pain in the lower abdomen during sex and itching of the external genitalia.
  • Disruptions in the hormonal system. Such conditions are also characterized by weight fluctuations, mood swings, cycle failures, and increased sweating.
  • Endometriosis is the growth of the inner layer of the endometrial mucosa, in which menstruation does not completely exit the uterine cavity, provoking inflammatory processes.
  • Neoplasms - both benign and malignant. Accompanied by cycle failures.

Any alarming phenomena should not be ignored. Timely contacting a specialist will help to cope with the problem in time.

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