Causes of belching, how to get rid of it. Belching. Eructations of air, after eating, sour, with a rotten smell. Causes of belching. Diagnosis of the causes of belching. What to do at home and how to treat the causes of belching

Many of us have the wrong idea about such a phenomenon as belching, considering it to be one of the features of our body. But it may indicate the presence of bowel disease. Therefore, if this phenomenon is permanent, especially after eating, it is recommended to seek the advice of a specialist in order to avoid a serious illness, since regular belching indicates malfunctions in the body.

Causes of belching and its types.
Belching is a sudden phenomenon, expressed in a one-time release or release of small portions of gas from the stomach through the mouth. Being in a normal state, the stomach has gas, due to which its secretory and motor functions are stimulated, and which quietly exits through the mouth of a person. In case of excessive swallowing of air, there is an increase in intragastric pressure, contraction of the stomach muscle and simultaneous relaxation of the valve (sphincter) located between the esophagus and stomach, and compression of the valve between the duodenum and stomach, which leads to the appearance of belching air.

Belching air today worries many people. The reasons for its appearance may be an excess of gas formation in the stomach (against the background of taking certain foods, namely peas, milk, cabbage, fresh bread, carbonated drinks), as well as swallowing air from the outside (fast food intake, dry food, drinking carbonated drinks, eating in a hurry, talking while eating, treatment with oxygen cocktails, etc.). The belching of air that appears against the background of these reasons is easy to prevent by normalizing the diet. Namely, there should be at least four to five meals during the day, while this should be done in a calm atmosphere and, if possible, at the same time. In addition, it is not recommended to overeat, as this causes heaviness in the stomach and leads to an increase in pressure inside the stomach, and as a result, this unpleasant problem occurs. It is also worth removing or significantly limiting the use of products that lead to increased gas formation. Do not drink carbonated drinks during and immediately after meals. Mineral water should be opened in advance to remove carbon dioxide. After eating for fifteen minutes, active walking is necessary; lying down or sitting immediately after this is not recommended.

In addition to belching with air, belching with food can be observed, during which small portions of the contents of the stomach in liquid form are released into the oral cavity in combination with gas. Such belching can be sour, bitter or putrid in nature. It is much more difficult to get rid of such a phenomenon than from belching with air, since it is usually accompanied by diseases of the stomach and duodenum. Acid eructation, which usually occurs with peptic ulcer disease, is caused by increased acidity of the contents of the stomach due to excessive secretion of gastric juice or fermentation in the absence of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice.

A bitter eructation appears against the background of bile being thrown into the stomach from the duodenum. In cases where food is retained in the stomach for a long period of time, putrefactive decomposition of its contents (pyloric stenosis) may occur, resulting in putrefactive belching.

Belching with rotten eggs is observed against the background of stagnation of food in the stomach and its decomposition, resulting in the formation of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, which cause an unpleasant odor. Such a phenomenon may be a sign of stomach cancer or be observed with pyloric stenosis against the background of constant exacerbations of peptic ulcer. That is why, when belching with rotten eggs appears, it is very important to consult a doctor to determine the cause of this phenomenon.

Often, "rotten" belching is an early manifestation of exacerbation of chronic atrophic (hyposecretory) gastritis. Later, heaviness and a feeling of fullness in the stomach, pain in the pit of a aching character, nausea, and regurgitation join it.

If frequent belching occurs, regardless of its nature, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.

As a rule, to eliminate such an unpleasant phenomenon, treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed, since it makes no sense to treat belching directly. During the course of treatment, the patient is prescribed a certain diet. In cases of hypersecretion of gastric juice, antacids are used (to reduce acidity).

Belching as a sign of disease.
Belching in people in good health is very rare. Too often, the occurrence of this phenomenon may indicate diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder. In addition, it is the main symptom of conditions associated with a violation in the mechanism of closing the sphincter located between the esophagus and stomach. Similar conditions can be observed after surgery on the stomach or in the presence of a diaphragmatic hernia. In the presence of a disease of the duodenum, belching with air is observed in most cases.

Belching eggs can be a sign of atrophic gastritis.

Belching with air may well indicate aerophagia or gastric neurosis. A similar phenomenon can occur reflexively against the background of diseases of the abdominal organs (gall bladder, liver) and various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Belching treatment.
Treatment of belching is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of its cause. In particular, restore the diet, rationalize nutrition, restore the neuropsychic state, remove food from the diet that increases gas formation. If the above measures do not help, the doctor conducts an examination and prescribes appropriate treatment.

In the treatment of belching, you can use traditional medicine recipes. In particular, freshly squeezed vegetable juices (white cabbage, beets), which accelerate the healing of ulcers and help reduce the acidity of gastric juice. To increase the acidity of gastric juice, it is effective to use plantain and beans. To reduce the manifestation of belching, antacids and adsorbents are prescribed.

With increased secretion of gastric juice, which is one of the causes of frequent belching, alkalizing drugs (alkaline mineral water, magnesia, etc.) are prescribed.

Folk remedies to eliminate belching.
It is possible to use folk remedies only when the cause of the eructation that occurs is precisely established.

In chronic gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice, it is useful to drink tea from the leaves and branches of blackberries, mint and lemon balm.

A mixture of flax and fennel seeds, lime blossom and mint leaves, taken in two tablespoons, helps to gently normalize acidity. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, then take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Close the mixture tightly and wrap and insist until it cools down, then strain through cheesecloth folded in several layers. Take ¼ cup twice a day until the condition returns to normal. The treatment course is quite long.

With gastritis with high acidity, which lasts less than ten years, an infusion of a mixture of three tablespoons of rowan fruits and flowers and one tablespoon of calamus root helps well. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting composition with 200 ml of cold water and put aside for an hour. Then put the mixture on fire, keep until boiling, then cool and strain. Take 100 ml warm two to three times a day immediately before meals.

Mix four tablespoons of trefoil watch leaves with three tablespoons of yarrow inflorescences, the same amount of dill seeds and mint leaves, dill seeds, add six teaspoons of St. John's wort. Take two tablespoons of the resulting herbal mixture, brew with two cups of boiling water and let it brew. After two hours, strain the infusion and take two tablespoons half an hour before meals.

Mix half a glass of cranberry juice with the same amount of aloe juice, add a tablespoon of liquid honey and a glass of boiled water. The resulting composition is taken three times a day for a tablespoon. The course of treatment is seven days. This treatment can be repeated after a month. This recipe can be used as a mild laxative.

A fine powder of calamus root on the tip of a knife should be washed down with water in case of severe heartburn. Drink water.

Combine 100 ml of potato and carrot juice and take half a glass three times a day immediately before meals.

With a strong burp, you can eat fresh carrots or an apple.

An effective treatment for belching is to take goat's milk (half a liter) after meals. Drink milk three times a day.

In case of nervous belching, before eating, it is recommended to drink an infusion of valerian root or do some physical exercises that will relieve tension.

Often belching is the result of intolerance to certain foods. In this case, it is necessary to determine them empirically and exclude them from the diet. Usually it is milk, eggs, wheat, corn and soy products, citrus fruits, chocolate.

With an ulcer at the initial stage, tincture of aloe has a healing property. Before cutting the leaves for two weeks, you can not water the flower. You need to take 500 g of aloe leaves, wipe them well and place them in storage for five days in a dark, cool and ventilated place. After that, pass the leaves through a meat grinder, mix with 0.5 kg of honey, previously melted in a water bath to 50 degrees, and add 0.5 liters of natural red wine. Pour the mixture into a dark glass container and seal tightly. Leave the mixture in a dark and cool place for a week.

To increase the acidity of gastric juice before eating, it is recommended to drink a drink from sea buckthorn and rosehip berries, it is useful to eat apricots and drink juice from them.

In conclusion, I want to say that belching in itself is not a disease, but it can indicate serious problems in the body. Therefore, to prevent the development of a serious illness, if frequent burping occurs, you should consult a specialist.

If you are suffering from belching, do not endure it! Such a delicate and unpleasant problem can be solved if you find out the causes of its occurrence and act correctly.

What happens when you burp?

In general, belching is the exit of air from the stomach or esophagus through the oral cavity. This phenomenon is often accompanied by a characteristic sound, as well as an unpleasant odor. Sometimes food particles or gastric juice come out with the air, which is even more unpleasant.

It is worth noting that belching may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as heartburn, bloating, increased gas formation, pain or discomfort in the abdomen, constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea. But sometimes the release of air or food occurs as an independent sign.


There are different types of belching:

  • When belching air, only air comes out. Such a phenomenon can be called quite common, because each of us has observed such a burp at least once in a lifetime.
  • Belching with food occurs less frequently, this phenomenon is more unpleasant, since the contents of the stomach are ejected through the esophagus into the oral cavity.

In turn, belching food is divided into several types, depending on the contents leaving the stomach:

  • Sour eructation occurs with increased acidity of gastric juice or with an excessive amount of it. This happens, for example, with ulcers or gastritis.
  • Putrid belching is a consequence of the decay of food in the stomach and its further decomposition. During such processes, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are formed, which give the contents leaving the esophagus a putrid taste, similar to the taste of rotten eggs.
  • A bitter eructation is observed if excess bile is thrown from the duodenum into the stomach.

Also, belching can be conditionally divided into quiet and accompanied by sound. In the latter case, when food or air comes out, a characteristic sound is observed.

What causes it?

We list the main causes of occurrence:

  1. Swallowing air. This happens when eating food quickly or eating food "dry", that is, without drinking. In addition, air can enter the stomach during conversations if a person speaks very quickly and emotionally.
  2. If you don't chew your food thoroughly, it won't be able to be digested properly, and because of this, it can leak out in some cases.
  3. Tumors of the digestive tract. Firstly, they will disrupt the entire digestive system, and secondly, they can create mechanical obstacles to the passage of the contents of the stomach and the digestion of food.
  4. Reflux is a condition in which food is thrown from the stomach into the esophagus and then into the mouth. This problem occurs due to the malfunction of the esophagus. Thus, the sphincter, which is supposed to hold back food, does not function properly, so that air and food pass out of the stomach and esophagus.
  5. Binge eating. In this case, the food simply does not fit in the stomach, its excess can exit through the esophagus.
  6. Often, belching occurs if, after eating, a person begins to actively move, for example, to do hard work or play sports.
  7. For babies, this phenomenon is normal, it is due to the fact that the digestive system has not yet had time to fully form.
  8. It often occurs in pregnant women. First, the growing uterus can compress the digestive organs, which will interfere with digestion. Secondly, at this stage, hormonal changes are observed, which can also affect digestion.
  9. The use of foods that cause increased gas formation or fermentation: apples, carbonated drinks.
  10. Problems in the work of the intestines. If the intestines do not work as they should, then the food is not completely digested, gases are formed. It turns out that the work of the entire digestive tract is disrupted. And gases that stagnate in the upper intestines can enter the stomach and overfill it.
  11. Problems in the liver. This organ also belongs to the digestive tract, it secretes enzymes and plays the role of a filter. And if failures occur in work, then digestion will be disturbed.
  12. Violations of the functioning of the gallbladder. Bile from it (subject to its excessive amount) can enter the stomach and be expelled through the esophagus.
  13. Diseases of the pancreas, such as pancreatitis.
  14. Diseases of the duodenum (ulcer, duodenitis).
  15. Gastritis.
  16. Gastric ulcer.
  17. Stenosis of the esophagus or the outlet of the stomach. In this case, the lumen of one or another section narrows, which makes it difficult for food to move.
  18. Hernia of the esophagus.
  19. Pathologies of the structure of the digestive organs, for example, congenital anomalies (various partitions, kinks).

What to do?

How to treat belching? Only a doctor can prescribe treatment, so your first action is to visit a gastroenterologist. He will conduct an examination and establish the reasons for throwing food or air, and then decide what to do.

Here are some areas of treatment:

With an increase in the secretion or acidity of gastric juice, drugs are prescribed that reduce its production, such as Phosphalugel, Almagel and some others. They should be prescribed by a specialist after the examination!

With a lack of digestive enzymes, it may be advisable to take enzymatic agents. These include Creon, Pancreatin, Mezim.

In inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, it is important to relieve inflammation and eliminate its causes. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, in some cases antibiotics are indicated (if the cause is a bacterial lesion).

Pathologies of the structure of the organs of the digestive system in some cases can be eliminated surgically.

It is extremely important to follow a diet and diet. Avoid foods that cause fermentation or increase gas formation, which include legumes, grapes, some fresh vegetables (cabbage, for example) and fruits (grapes, apples), carbonated drinks, alcohol, fast food and convenience foods.

Eat often, but in small portions. Do not talk while eating, and after eating, rest a little. Take your time, chew everything carefully and slowly.

How can you get rid of burping without medication? Try to use folk remedies. For example, before eating, you can drink a soda solution. Half a glass of water will require a quarter teaspoon of baking soda.

But do not overdo it, soda in large quantities is harmful and dangerous! Mint tea, decoctions of St. John's wort and other herbs can also help. Cool milk helps some, but remember that it is contraindicated for milk protein intolerance.

There are some exercises. For example, try lying on your back and elevating both legs about 45-50 centimeters off the floor. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, then slowly lower your legs. Such actions help strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity and tone the walls of the stomach and intestines.

How to prevent?

Prevention implies compliance with the following recommendations:

  • Take your time when eating and talking.
  • Eat right, observe the mode of eating, refuse gas-producing foods.
  • Watch your health.
  • Do not be nervous (often stress causes malnutrition and belching).

How to treat belching You probably know about such a nuisance as belching. And most likely, like most people, you consider this a feature of the body. This is not so, belching can be the result of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and ...

You probably know about such a nuisance as belching. And most likely, like most people, you consider this a feature of the body. This is not so, belching can be the result of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even nervous disorders.

If you notice frequent belching, especially after eating, there is a reason to consult a doctor to find out how to treat belching, otherwise you may not notice serious illnesses that have crept in, because. constant belching is the result of a malfunction in the body.

Today we will talk about how to treat belching at home with folk remedies.

How to treat belching folk remedies

But do not forget that when using these remedies, you must first find out exactly the cause of the belching.

If belching occurs as a result of heartburn from nowhere, then the simplest treatment is the use of Essentuki No. 4 mineral water. Usually a couple of days of constant drinking of this mineral water is enough to get rid of both heartburn and belching.

With gastritis that occurs in a chronic form, with the existing increased secretion of gastric juice, a decoction (tea) from the leaves and branches of blackberries, mint and lemon balm can help alleviate the symptoms. The leaves are simply brewed with boiling water or added to a teapot, and blackberry sprigs should be boiled for 5-10 minutes.

From burping there is a potent remedy in folk medicine. No wonder it's goat's milk. It is necessary to take a dose of milk in the size of a glass at a time after meals. The duration of the course of treatment is 2-3 months. I ask you not to look at a long course of treatment, because by curing belching in this way, you will get rid of it forever.

You can also use a quarter of a small spoonful of baking soda or magnesia diluted in water. In addition, you can come to the aid of the use of 1-2 times a day 5-6 drops of clove oil on sugar.

It is necessary to mix half a glass of cranberry juice and half a glass of aloe juice. Next, add a large spoonful of honey (preferably liquid), stir and dilute with boiled water 1 to 1. After making, you should use a tablespoon 3 times a day. Treatment of belching by this method will last seven days. For prevention, the treatment should be repeated after a month. This mixture is used as symptom relief.

How to treat belching if all of the above is not in the house? It's simple, you just need to mix potato and carrot juices in equal parts and drink only half a glass 3 times a day before meals. Numerous diseases of the stomach are treated with potato juice, but I think there is no need to talk about the benefits of carrots with their vitamins.

For heartburn or belching after eating, eating raw carrots or a green apple sometimes helps. When spitting up food, you can suck on a piece of ice from a decoction of chamomile or mint.

If the belching appears on a nervous basis, you can use such a folk remedy as a decoction of herbs: goose cinquefoil, sweet clover, hop leaves, heather.

If you managed to notice the provocateur of this phenomenon, then the solution suggests itself - get rid of this irritating effect!

Eliminate the consumption of carbonated drinks containing soda and carbon dioxide.

Watch for thorough chewing of food.

Do not use chewing gum often, because. when chewed, air bubbles enter the digestive tract and then require an exit.

After consulting a doctor, it is advisable to use some drugs to soothe the walls of the stomach and esophagus. Take care of your health.

Many people think about how to get rid of belching. This is a controlled and sudden release of gases from the gastrointestinal tract through the mouth, often along with pieces of food and gastric juice. Usually belching comes from the stomach and esophagus. In this case, the discharge of gases has an unpleasant odor. The causes of the phenomenon are different, so with its constant occurrence, it is imperative to conduct a diagnosis.

The factors leading to the development of belching can be: problems with the digestive organs, malnutrition, drinking carbonated drinks, swallowing air, etc. Now there are many methods that eliminate the unpleasant manifestation. Usually, doctors recommend switching to a diet. If necessary, medications are prescribed. As a supplement, traditional medicine recipes are used.

1 Principles of nutrition

If belching is tortured, then you need to reconsider your diet: this applies to both the diet and the regimen. You need to eat in small portions, but often. In this case, food must be thoroughly chewed, and not immediately swallowed. The process should be done slowly, thoughtfully - this is the best and easiest method to avoid burping. Not only the portion should be small - a spoon or a sip of liquid should also have a small volume. Do not talk while eating. Otherwise, a large amount of air enters the stomach, which will then come out in the form of belching.

Be sure to audit all the products that a person usually eats. It is recommended to exclude from the diet those that cause fermentation in the stomach. For example, these are legumes, sweets, rich products, cabbage. In addition, nutritionists and gastroenterologists are advised to give up mineral water and carbonated drinks.

It is not recommended to drink liquids with food: tea, etc. Usually you need to wait about 0.5-1 hour after breakfast, lunch or dinner. If water enters the stomach with food, it will begin to dilute the concentration of gastric juice. Because of this, the food is digested worse.

It is necessary to refuse jam, sweets, cakes and other sweets. Sugar, getting into the stomach, causes fermentation. This provokes not only belching, but also flatulence, increased gas formation. Do not eat sweets immediately after the main meal. If you want to have a dessert snack, then it is best to do it half an hour before lunch or 1.5 hours after it.

Dysfunction of the digestive tract is provoked by fatty foods, especially if the diet has a lot of butter, lard, sausages, cheeses, fatty fish and meat. They are allowed, but only in very small quantities.

If heaviness is felt in the stomach and belching appears, then beer, coffee, carbonated drinks, chocolate, exotic fruits, cabbage, beans, peas, whole milk should be excluded from the diet.

Once a week, according to gastroenterologists, you need to adhere to a special diet. It is required to drink 6-10 tablets of activated charcoal. During the day, you can eat only dairy-free cereals. It is allowed to drink a lot of clean water without gases, but only a couple of hours after the end or 30 minutes before a meal. Such a diet will help normalize the work of the digestive tract, as a result of which the symptoms of heaviness in the abdomen and belching disappear.

2 Stages of treatment

Many medicines have now been developed that help eliminate belching and its symptoms. You can also take drugs that will prevent the phenomenon. If you suffer from stomach problems, they should be used strictly according to the instructions. You should first consult with your doctor. Do not self-medicate, as this may worsen the patient's well-being.

First, the doctor identifies the causes of belching and only then selects medications. Initially, you need to treat the primary disease that causes belching. All questions are occupied by a gastroenterologist. He prescribes drugs, selects the optimal doses and duration of therapy.

Commonly used medications are:

  • Omez;
  • Motilac;
  • Ranitidine;
  • Motilium;
  • Rennie;
  • Motonium;
  • Denol;
  • Imodium;
  • Passagex;
  • Festal;
  • Gastal;
  • Almagel.

They will help eliminate the symptoms of belching.

It is very useful to do special exercises on the back. Of course, charging itself will not be able to cure belching, but it can cope with unpleasant symptoms and improve a person’s well-being. It is necessary to lie on your back and raise your legs 45 ° from the floor. Limbs should be straightened. In this position, you need to stay 3 minutes. Then slowly lower your legs to the floor. It is best to do several approaches. Due to such a load, the symptoms will first intensify, but then quickly stop.

To prevent burping, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. After eating, you need to take a short walk at a calm pace. Enough 0.5-1 hour.
  2. If you want to lie down, then you need to lean on a high pillow. This will prevent reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.
  3. No need to wear tight and tight clothes, various belts that strongly tighten the stomach.
  4. If the patient plays sports and the symptoms of belching increase, it is necessary to exclude exercises that create a large load on the abdominal muscles.
  5. It is recommended to get rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol.

If there are symptoms of belching with a rotten aroma, then you need to take activated charcoal.

The dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the patient. It is best to crush and crush the tablets, and then dissolve them in water. This will improve the absorbent properties. The liquid must be drunk completely. You can chew all the tablets and drink water. If the patient has an acute form of peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines, then activated charcoal is prohibited. To eliminate the condition, it is permissible to take Smecta, but this is only a temporary solution.

3 Treatment of belching folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many recipes that will help cure an unpleasant symptom:

  1. Get rid of belching with natural goat milk. It is necessary to take it three times a day for 1 glass after breakfast, lunch or dinner. Usually the course of such therapy lasts about 2-3 months. During this time, digestive problems disappear.
  2. Flax seeds are the best cure for burping. It is very easy to prepare, and the result from the reception will be noticeable immediately. You need 1 tsp. crushed raw materials pour a glass of boiling water. When the remedy is infused for 30 minutes, you need to drink a quarter of the volume. Take the medicine three times a day for half an hour before meals. The course lasts 2-3 weeks.
  3. Aloe and cranberry. It is necessary to take 0.5 cups of juice of both components, mix thoroughly and add 1 tsp. honey. Then pour 1 cup of warm water. This medicine should be taken 1 tbsp. l. three times a day, if it appears. The course lasts a week. Then you need to take a break for a period of 2 weeks and repeat the reception. The entire treatment takes six months.
  4. If burping with air interferes, then you can prepare an herbal collection. It will take 30 g of St. John's wort, 15 g of dill seeds, pepper heel leaves and yarrow inflorescences. Then you need to add another 2 g of a trefoil watch. 2 tbsp. l. herbs pour 2 cups boiling water. The tool is infused for a couple of hours. Then it must be filtered and taken 1 tbsp. l. Such a remedy is very helpful if the patient has an increased acidity of the stomach along with constipation.
  5. Calamus root must be crushed to a powder state. Then take 0.5 tsp. 15 minutes before eating.
  6. On the basis of the roots of elecampane, you can prepare a decoction. It will take 2 tbsp. l. raw materials per 1 liter of water. You need to take the drug twice a day before meals. A single dose is 0.5 cups. The course lasts a week.
  7. If you are worried about belching with air, you need to mix carrot and potato juice in equal proportions. The result should be 100 ml. Drink 0.5 cup before meals three times a day.
  8. If burping with air constantly interferes, then you need to use carrot puree or ordinary fresh carrots after eating. If not, then you can use an apple. Puree from both products is also very useful.
  9. Ordinary clean water also saves from belching. It is enough to drink a small amount of liquid in small sips before eating. It is not recommended to drink water after eating.

Many people think about how to get rid of burping with air. This unpleasant symptom causes a lot of trouble if it manifests itself systematically. But you can get rid of it. When belching torments, first of all you need to reconsider your diet. If the problem is associated with various diseases, then you need to go to the hospital. The doctor will select the appropriate treatment.

Many of us consider belching a normal feature of the body. Losing the fact that belching may indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If this phenomenon occurs frequently, especially after, it is recommended to pay attention to your health. Regular belching can indicate a malfunction in the body. The following material is devoted to its causes and treatment.

Causes of belching

Belching occurs suddenly, it is expressed in the removal of a portion of gas from the stomach through the oral cavity. Belching may be accompanied by a loud sound. In the people, this phenomenon is called as "a cry from the depths of the soul." It happens quite often, in almost every person. This happens due to the accumulation of gases in the stomach, and with excessive swallowing of air through the mouth during meals.

The muscles of the stomach contract, relaxing the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach, which leads to the release of air in the form of belching. The reasons can be hidden not only in health problems, but also in the foods that a person eats. The following products may be the result of belching:

  • legumes;
  • dairy;
  • dishes from;
  • fresh bakery;
  • carbonated drinks.

Among the frequent causes, physiological characteristics and non-compliance with the rules of eating are distinguished. By eliminating these habits from your behavior, you can reduce the frequency of burping. Excess gas formation in the stomach worries many people, they are all looking for effective methods of treatment. Against the background of taking certain products, belching can be caused by:

  • swallowing air from outside;
  • hasty eating;
  • dry food;
  • talking while eating;
  • the use of oxygen cocktails.

If there are no pathologies, properly organized nutrition can prevent the formation of frequent gas emissions by the mouth. Meals should be divided into 5-6 times a day. It is unacceptable to eat food on the go, neglecting soups and borscht. They must be present in the diet every day. Sukhomyatka causes stagnation and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract, a consequence of acquired diseases.

What happens belching

A harmless-looking eructation can be of different types, its course depends on the cause. In addition to burping with air, several more types of unpleasant phenomena can be observed. With the eructation of air, particles of food and unpleasant putrefactive gases can be released. Getting rid of this type is much more difficult, since the reason is not nutrition, but stomach problems. In medicine, the following types are noted:

  • Sour burp. Occurs in the presence of peptic ulcer, more often in people with high acidity. Due to the excessive content of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, gases escaping through the mouth have a sour taste.
  • Bitter burp. It is a consequence of throwing bile into. This happens due to the stagnation of unprocessed food in the stomach. Gases are formed due to putrefactive decomposition of food.
  • Rotten belching is caused by putrefactive changes that occur due to food stagnation. An unpleasant odor is a consequence of the formation of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia gases in the stomach. Most often, this type of belching is characteristic of exacerbation of peptic ulcer or gastritis.

Over time, such species can join: heaviness in the stomach, abdominal pain, nausea, regurgitation of food or bitterness. If you experience discomfort and pain, you should immediately contact the clinic for examination. Stomach ulcers, gastritis and many other diseases are easier to prevent at an early stage than to treat advanced forms. Doctors prescribe treatment aimed not at belching, but at its cause.

Which doctor to contact

Not every person knows which doctor to contact about belching. Most often they go to a therapist, he, in turn, writes out a referral to narrow specialists. In case of problems with the health of the gastrointestinal tract, first of all, they turn to a gastroenterologist. After passing the examination and passing the tests, a course of treatment and the corresponding one are prescribed. If you strictly follow the recommendations of a gastroenterologist, you can once and for all forget even about advanced diseases from the gastrointestinal tract.

You should also know that against the background of diseases of the stomach, the cause of belching may be associated with the abdominal organs (gall bladder and liver). The patient may be referred to a cardiologist if belching occurs due to diseases of the cardiovascular system. There are many consequences of gas discharge by the mouth, the doctor must establish the cause on an individual basis.

Medical treatment

Common symptoms of dyspepsia include belching, heartburn, bloating, flatulence, nausea, and an unusual taste in the mouth. All these symptoms are associated with various gastrointestinal diseases. You can relieve an unpleasant symptom with the help of:

  • magnesium dissolved in water. For 120 ml of liquid, take ¼ teaspoon of magnesia. Take when there are signs of belching.
  • A popular way to combat this phenomenon is food. Despite a number of contraindications regarding its use, it allows you to quickly get rid of discomfort and heartburn.
  • Well helps with the discharge of gases through the mouth clove oil. Consume it along with sugar. On a sugar cube, 3-5 drops of clove essential oil.
  • The most popular medicines, if belching is associated with the stomach, include: Omez, Mezim, Almagel, Imodium and their analogues. Take them with caution, according to the attached instructions.

Medications alone cannot solve the cause, you must, first of all, take care of proper nutrition. Medicines will remove the symptom, the relief that comes will dull the person's vigilance. He is not in a hurry to seek help from doctors, he is self-medicating. Sweets should be excluded or at least not combined with the main diet. Reduce the consumption of fatty foods (lard, sausages and fried meat). It is unacceptable to drink strong coffee and beer.

Folk methods

To overcome the disease, people often turn to folk methods. Each of the methods helped our ancestors who were treated without drugs. It would be wrong not to believe them. In addition, many medicines contain herbs, essential oils and other components that are used with success in traditional medicine. They should not be overlooked, the main thing is not to start the disease.

  • One of the available methods during burping is to drink mineral water.
  • If there is an increased acidity of the stomach, decoctions from leaves - blackberries and mint will help alleviate the condition. Brew herbs like regular tea. Insist 5-10 minutes.
  • Excellent results are noted when taking goat's milk from belching. It is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses per day. To achieve the effect, you need to drink goat at least 2 months.
  • Since ancient times, this problem has been used - aloe juice and honey. Dilute these components in warm water at a ratio of 1:1. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Some note good results in the fight against belching with potato or carrot juice. Drink juice before meals.
  • If there are no medicines at hand, and the belching overcomes, you can eat a green apple.
  • If the disease is caused by nervous strain, they drink herbal decoctions from the leaves of hops, sweet clover, goose cinquefoil.

Traditional medicine methods should not be a panacea for problems, they are most often aimed at relieving symptoms. In any case, you need to consult a doctor. Otherwise, erosion may form in the stomach. Take care of your health in time and right!


A number of preventive measures will allow you to get rid of or at least alleviate your condition. The diet has already been mentioned above, you need to reconsider your diet. Drink enough water. Lead an active lifestyle. Avoid overwork, go to bed on time and rest. As well as:

  • chew thoroughly, eat slowly with your mouth closed;
  • do not eat food in an overexcited state, it is better to calm down;
  • exclude from the diet drinks that contain carbon dioxide;
  • do not chew chewing gum, it provokes the swallowing of air;
  • do not drink drinks from a bottle, use a glass or a straw;
  • no need to take a horizontal position immediately after eating;
  • with an increase in acidity, take means to lower it;
  • to exclude the intake of alcoholic beverages, to get rid of smoking;
  • introduce into the habit of doing gymnastics, walking or light running.

Take a close look at your diet. You should pay attention to which foods cause belching. It is necessary to exclude all irritants. For people who, for whatever reason, do not play sports, it will be enough to move more often to make it easier. For example, doing housework or taking a walk in the fresh air.

While watching the video, you will learn about belching.

The material presented above is aimed at getting acquainted with the problem that worries almost every person. Methods for relieving symptoms are not a curative measure. If there are health problems, they will not be enough. Love yourself, watch your condition and visit a doctor!

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