A bump in the armpit in men hurts. Lump under the arm (hydradenitis): causes and treatment

This is a fairly common problem. We have all probably noticed bumps under the armpits at some time, and because of this, we should not worry too much. Here we will explain what should be done in such cases.

What can lead to the formation of bumps under the armpits?

Eighty percent of cases are normal and should not cause any problems. The first thing you should do when you find a bump is not to panic, because it is probably a type of furunculosis. You may ask: what is furunculosis? Here are some basic explanations:

The most common cause of the formation of bumps under the arm is furunculosis. This is a common inflammation of the hair follicle and can be painful and scary to find. It occurs, as a rule, due to infection of the sweat glands as a result of ingrown hairs. When sweat cannot exit the follicle, bacteria accumulate quite quickly. As a result, larger or smaller bumps may appear.

While this is fairly harmless, it can be very annoying. Sometimes the lump goes away on its own, and sometimes very serious cysts form that require appropriate treatment. A doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics to protect against a staph infection. But if this does not solve the problem, the cyst must be removed.

What can you do to prevent underarm cysts from forming? Unfortunately, some people are just more prone to them than others, and if you've had them before, there's a good chance you'll get them again.

There are some antiseptic creams that can slow hair formation, but the best solution is to be very careful with hair removal methods, including shaving. Every time you shave, these little bumps can occur as the hair can become trapped in the follicle.

Try washing and exfoliating the underarm skin first to open up the pores. And don't use harsh chemical deodorants, as they can damage the sensitive area. In general, this is the most common cause of bumps.

The second common cause is swollen lymph nodes.

Don't be scared. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. As you probably know, there are many lymph vessels at hand that move lymph fluid through the bloodstream, performing a cleansing and filtering function. They help the body fight infections.

But sometimes, when the immune system is weakened or attacked by a virus, the lymph nodes can become inflamed or swollen. Hence the bump in the armpit. Lymphadenitis can occur after skin infections or other bacterial infections.

So what to do when the lymph nodes are swollen? First, the lymph fluid should be analyzed to determine the cause of the inflammation and the presence of any bacteria. To do this, you will take some fluid from the gland. The area may be slightly numb, so this procedure is not painful.
The results will show what caused the inflammation and indicate what treatment should be applied to solve this problem.

Reason number three: lymphoma

This is also possible. When you find a lump under your arm, there is a small chance that it could be due to a swollen lymph node caused by lymphoma. Among the types of lymphoma are "non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" and "Hodgkin's lymphoma". Both are types of cancer and their treatments are very effective. The survival rate is 90% and 70% respectively. Both types of lymphoma generate types of white blood cells called lymphocytes, which is how doctors detect the disease.

This type of cancer requires several sessions of chemotherapy, but of course each person is unique, so the number of sessions and length of recovery may vary. Today, there are many scientific advances in the field of cancer treatment, and there is hope. This illness requires a lot of personal effort, courage, and support from family and friends. You can overcome it.

How to know that the bump appeared due to furunculosis or lymphoma?

The first thing to do is to remain calm and not overthink yourself. As soon as you notice a lump under your armpit, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Lymphoma also commonly causes fever, trouble sleeping, night sweats, and weight loss.
But since you may not have these symptoms, see your doctor first. And don't worry - most cases involve normal bone formation.

Better to be sure and make an appointment with a doctor. And don't worry, in most cases it is due to a simple cyst caused by a hair follicle.

Lymph nodes, a large number of sweat and sebaceous glands are localized in the armpit. Inflammation of any duct can cause seals to appear. A bump under the arm is one of the most common reasons for visiting surgeons. In the initial stages of the disease, conservative treatment is allowed.

Education can be absorbed with anti-inflammatory ointments. Patients are prescribed immunomodulators and antibiotics. If the situation is running, then surgical intervention is applied.

Anatomical structure

The armpit is a depression, it forms a skin fold. In the armpit, the temperature is higher than in other parts of the body. In addition, there is increased humidity. All this creates favorable conditions for reproduction under the skin of bacteria and microbes.

Lymph nodes are located in the armpits, the skin is rich in sebaceous glands and sweat glands, hair follicles. Any inflammation in conditions of high humidity and constant friction forms the appearance of balls.

In most cases (more than 90%), the compaction under the armpit is a purulent inflammation of the local form. More serious diseases, expressed by cones, are much less common.

Why bumps form

Causes affecting the appearance of seals under the armpits:

  • increased sweating - in this case, there is constantly high humidity under the armpit. It creates good conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene - with any microtrauma, bacteria enter the body, and the inflammatory process begins;
  • improper use of body hygiene products - many deodorants clog the ducts, they do not reduce sweating. If you use them before playing sports, then the sweat will have nowhere to go. After some time, hidradenitis or other inflammations may appear;
  • microtrauma and cuts during shaving can cause boils or hydradenitis. Any injuries must be treated with antiseptics;
  • if a bump appears under the arm and hurts, this may be the result of infectious pathologies (measles, tonsillitis). Compaction is associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes, often diagnosed in a child;
  • lymphadenitis may indicate serious illnesses - cancerous growths, blood diseases, syphilis or tuberculosis.

When bumps appear, some people do not know which doctor to see. With questions of seals and other neoplasms, it is necessary to make an appointment with the surgeon.

Types of diseases

Doctors distinguish several main types of bumps inside the armpit.

Among them are the following reasons:

  • clogging of the sebaceous glands - this leads to the formation of lipids;
  • inflammatory process in the sweat glands - the condition ends with hydradenitis;
  • inflammation of the hair follicle causes a boil;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes leads to lymphadenitis.

All types of neoplasms can be viewed in the photos posted on the network. But only a surgeon can make a definitive diagnosis.

Problems with the sebaceous glands

Thickening under the arm in women and men is caused by blockage of the sebaceous ducts. Fat begins to accumulate, it cannot go outside, because the ducts are closed. The result is a lipoma. In patients, a dense and hard ball is formed. It is well palpable, has a round shape.

Usually the bump is not painful, does not bother a person in any way. The disease proceeds without redness. But it must be treated, because an inflammatory process is possible. In this case, the infection can penetrate into the lymphatic angle, which is fraught with more serious consequences.


If the bump under the arm hurts when pressed, then the patient may be diagnosed with inflammation of the sweat glands or hydradenitis. Previously, the people called the disease "bitch's udder." The disease develops as follows: the sweat gland is clogged.

A secret begins to accumulate in it, bacteria on the skin join it. The result is severe swelling and redness. Painful compaction greatly interferes with the movement of the hands. In some cases, it is even difficult and painful for the patient to raise his hand because of, or.

Additionally, hidradenitis causes a deterioration in general well-being, fever, fatigue and weakness. Pus accumulates inside the ball. The disease is subject to mandatory treatment.


Thickening under the arm in men and women can be caused by inflammation of the hair follicle. The ball hurts when pressed, the symptoms are similar to hydradenitis. A furuncle is a red hard lump. She abscesses, and pus accumulates inside.

But the size of the inflamed follicle is smaller than that of hydradenitis. A purulent rod is located in the epicenter of the boil. The disease is caused by bacteria. They enter the follicle through a microtrauma, multiply. Then the purulent process begins.

The bump needs to be treated. Large boils are opened surgically. A small ball is treated with anti-inflammatory ointments.


Inflammation of the lymph nodes is a bump in the armpit. It is easily palpable and mobile. When pressed, the seal hurts, but may not cause discomfort.

The nature of the disease is purulent-inflammatory. Bacteria usually get under the skin through microtraumas or cuts. They begin to multiply, to which the lymph nodes actively respond.

Inflammation occurs, and a bump forms in the armpit, which interferes with a normal lifestyle.

Other diseases

In some cases, when a ball has formed under the arm and hurts, this indicates a serious illness.

Inflamed lymph nodes indicate suppression of the immune system. A person may have cancer. Most often it is breast cancer in women.

If a seal appears, this may indicate diseases of the hematopoietic system (leukemia), syphilis, tuberculosis, even the immunodeficiency virus.

In case of serious diseases, doctors prescribe complex therapy to destroy the causative agent of the pathology. In oncology, the bump is cut out, chemotherapy or radiation therapy is performed.


Therapy depends on the type of bump. Most often, surgeons resort to surgical intervention. Inflammation under the armpit cannot be treated on its own or opened at home. This can lead to serious complications.

When a ball appeared under the armpit, you need to go to an appointment with a surgeon. The doctor will conduct a visual examination, interview the patient and make a diagnosis. After that, treatment will be prescribed.

All operations are performed under local anesthesia, they are considered simple and take 15-20 minutes. After surgery, the patient is always prescribed a course of antibiotics (if the infection is caused by bacteria). It is possible to take immunomodulatory drugs and vitamins.


Induration under the arm appeared in many people. When a strange bump is found, most patients wonder what it could be and which doctors to go to.

In 9 out of 10 cases, the disease has a purulent nature and is amenable to surgical treatment. The bump can be caused by inflammation of the sweat or sebaceous glands, hair follicles, or lymph nodes.

With the appearance of seals, bumps in the armpit, you should immediately visit a specialist.

If the bump under the arm hurts, this is an alarming sign. This phenomenon is typical for all ages and genders. This is of greatest concern to women and children.

Such formations bring discomfort. Often accompanied by inflammation. Consider the main causes of cones, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

All seals in the armpit are either rounded or irregular. Their color depends on what caused the occurrence. The cones also differ in size: from small to large. Consider the causes of occurrence:

  1. The most common cause is poor personal hygiene or overuse of antiperspirants. There is a blockage of the sebaceous glands. In this case, two scenarios are possible: the addition of a secondary infection or a course without inflammation.
  2. Inflammation of the sweat glands (hydradenitis). People suffering from hyperhidrosis are almost 90% more likely to have such an ailment.
  3. Infectious diseases of various etiologies. There is inflammation of the lymph nodes. It is observed during the period of illness with influenza, tonsillitis, SARS, and tuberculosis.
  4. Atheroma is a formation of a non-infectious nature, a cyst of the sebaceous gland. When resolved, remnants of hair, sebum, skin scales may be released.
  5. Furuncle - inflammation of the hair follicle.
  6. Oncological diseases.

The main peak of the appearance of bumps in the armpit falls on the age of 20-30 years. It is less common in children and the elderly, as the sweat and sebaceous glands do not work at full strength.


Symptoms depend on the cause of the compaction. With a simple blockage of the sebaceous glands, a formation appeared without reddening of the skin. As a rule, such bumps in the armpit do not hurt. They have a dense structure. Without proper attention, they can become inflamed, causing lymphadenitis.

With hydradenitis, the clinical picture will be different. The bump may be small. Soreness in the area of ​​inflammation does not appear immediately, but after a couple of days. The body temperature rises. The bump turns red. After 2 days from the appearance of the seal, a purulent head is either white or yellowish. After spontaneous or medical opening comes relief. The symptoms go away.

The most intense pain occurs with a boil. First, a person notes swelling and redness of the skin area. Further development of the inflammatory process leads to the formation of a bump that hurts even at rest. The color of the skin becomes bright red, up to cyanotic. In this case, you can not do without medical help.

Lymphadenitis is accompanied by pulling pains in the armpits. The patient is forced to give a certain position to the hand. It has two forms: purulent and non-purulent. In the second form, a dense lump is determined, it is mobile, it hurts when pressed. With a purulent form, the lymph nodes are motionless, there is a pulsating constant pain. The body temperature also rises, redness of the skin appears.

Atheroma painless to the touch, mobile. It is initially small in size, grows very slowly, does not cause inconvenience to humans.

Any formation in the armpit should not be ignored. Swollen lymph nodes can be a sign of cancer or HIV infection, while not having any special clinical manifestations. Bumps left untreated can lead to a number of complications.


A slight blockage of the sebaceous glands can lead to the development of atheroma, which in turn can be complicated:

  • to abscess, that is, suppuration develops;
  • spontaneous opening leads to the formation of ulcers;
  • very rarely (less than 0.1%) degenerates into a malignant formation.

Furuncle without timely treatment can cause sepsis. The infection spreads not only to the skin. But also on the internal organs.

Complications of lymphadenitis can be:

  • subcutaneous abscess;
  • septic arthritis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • sepsis, the consequence of which is the death of the patient.


The doctor establishes the diagnosis on the basis of a visual examination and a number of laboratory and instrumental methods. Be sure to carefully examine the skin of the patient's armpits for the presence of any seals.

The diagnosis can be made on the basis of the clinical picture. After a visual examination and the establishment of a preliminary diagnosis, the doctor decides on other methods.

With lymphadenitis, the following options exist:

  • general blood test - allows you to establish a qualitative and quantitative composition;
  • if oncology is suspected, a biopsy is done - the tissue of the lymph node is sent for histological examination;
  • setting a skin-allergic test and bacteriological examination of sputum, if tuberculosis is possible;
  • testing for HIV infection.

To make a diagnosis of atheroma, a histological examination of tissues is necessary. This is used for its differential diagnosis with hygroma, fibroma, lipoma.

All other cases do not cause difficulties in diagnosis. The diagnosis is established on the basis of external manifestations, the general clinical picture.


The choice of treatment tactics depends on the established diagnosis. A simple blockage of the sebaceous gland does not require special therapy and treatment at home is possible.

Atheromas are treated surgically. The cyst is removed under local anesthesia. Currently, laser technology is used in three ways:

  • laser photocoagulation - based on the evaporation of the pathological focus, it is used if the diameter of the atheroma is not more than 0.5 cm;
  • excision of atheroma with a shell - used for sizes up to 2 cm;
  • laser evaporation of the shell from the inside, if the cone is more than two cm.

How to treat a lymph node under the arm? In the initial stage of lymphadenitis, it is possible to get by with physiotherapy methods (electrophoresis, galvanization, ultrasound), anti-inflammatory ointments. If the infectious nature (bacterial) of the disease is established, in 100% of cases an appropriate antibiotic is prescribed. If tuberculosis is confirmed, therapy continues in the anti-tuberculosis dispensary with appropriate drugs.

With a purulent process in the lymph nodes, the cavity is drained with further dressings.

If oncology is established, an integrated approach is required: radiation and chemotherapy, surgical intervention.

With hydradenitis, local antiseptics, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. The festering bump is opened.


The formation of bumps in the armpit can be partially prevented. If the question arises about oncological diseases, then seals in the armpits can occur at any time.

Try to follow the rules of personal hygiene: use personal shaving accessories, take a daily shower, do not abuse antiperspirants. Wear loose clothing made from quality materials.

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There are situations when some seal may appear under the arm. Most often it is a local inflammatory formation. Such a bump under the arm hurts inside and causes discomfort. This can happen as a result of a shaving injury disorder or wearing tight clothing.

Bump inside. Photo, causes of inflammation

Several factors can provoke such a situation. For what reason a lump under the arm was formed, only a doctor can establish. It could be:

  • furuncle - inflammation of the hair follicle;
  • hidradenitis - inflammation of the sweat gland (popularly this disease is called;
  • lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph node;
  • an enlarged lymph node as a result of any infection, for example, SARS, mumps, measles, etc.;
  • neoplasm (tumor benign or malignant).


A boil (boil) is Most often its development provokes non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Shaving in this area or wearing tight clothing that rubs the skin in the underarm area can cause microtrauma. Through them, the infection easily penetrates. At this point, there is first a slight swelling and slight redness. Further, the inflammatory process begins to progress. The lump is inside and causes inconvenience.

The color of the skin over the formation changes and acquires a bright red tint, sometimes with a bluish tint. The temperature of the skin over the area of ​​inflammation is increased, it is felt when touched.

The general condition of the patient may worsen, chills appear and the temperature rises to 38 degrees and above. Often in such a situation there are symptoms of intoxication - nausea and even vomiting.

In this case, you need to seek medical help. Most likely, the boil will have to be opened. A course of antibiotics may also be prescribed for treatment.


The next reason that a bump jumped up under the arm and hurts may be hydradenitis. This disease is an inflammatory process of apocrine sweat glands, which are located in the shallow layers of the epidermis. The causative agent of hydradenitis is very often Staphylococcus aureus. It penetrates through microscopic cuts on the skin, which can occur during shaving, waxing, or as a result of poor personal hygiene. can also cause this disease.

Most often, this disease is experienced by those who have reduced immune defenses. Colds, exacerbations of chronic processes and even caries can weaken the immune system.

Children before the onset of puberty cannot have hidradenitis, since the apocrine glands do not work until this moment. This disease can occur in both women and men. But in women it develops more often. The fact is that the apocrine sweat glands in the beautiful half of humanity are much larger than in men, and they are more developed. In women, in addition to sweat, these glands also secrete pheromones.

With age, the work of these glands weakens, and after 55 years, inflammation of the sweat gland practically does not occur.

Treatment of hidradenitis

If the bump under the arm has already formed inside, you should definitely contact the surgeon. It is impossible not to treat hidradenitis, because the infection can go further and affect the lymph nodes or cause an abscess that will have to be opened.

If the inflammatory process is not started and is at an early stage, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Wipes moistened with antiseptic solutions are applied to the sore spot.

From physiotherapy, UVI and dry heat can be prescribed. These procedures often help prevent severe inflammation and avoid pus formation.

If the bump under the arm hurts inside, and the inflammatory process has already gone too far, the treatment is carried out surgically. After all the pus has been removed, antibiotics are prescribed.

What can cause hydradenitis?

The causative agent of the disease (staphylococcus) most often penetrates through small wounds on the skin, which may remain after depilation or shaving. To reduce the risk of developing this disease, you need to use only high-quality depilation done exclusively by professionals, and, of course, carefully observe personal hygiene.

In addition, so that the lump under the arm no longer forms inside, it is better not to use antiperspirants with talc and medical products that contain aluminum salts. Such funds are prescribed to get rid of excessive sweating. But by solving one problem, they create another. Such antiperspirants are able to clog the sweat glands, thereby creating good conditions for inflammation.


A bump under the arm, it hurts inside - what else can cause this situation? Lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph node, in this case located in the armpit. As in previous cases, the causative agent of the disease is a bacterial infection. Most often it is staphylococcus or streptococcus. Less commonly, specific lymphadenitis is diagnosed, which causes pathogens of tuberculosis, syphilis, etc. In this case, the infection most often enters the lymph nodes from the affected organ.

Lymphadenitis is usually acute. Rises feeling weak. Even the slightest touch to the area of ​​the inflamed lymph node causes pain.

Antibiotics are required to treat lymphadenitis. If the bump under the arm (inside) is provoked by infection of another organ, then it must also be treated. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment that will help.

Lump under the arm - is it cancer?

I really want to say "no", but sometimes it really is. Often a small bump under the arm can indicate cancer. So, for example, very often with oncology of the breast, the axillary lymph node also reacts.

In this case, the formation under the armpit will be painless. The skin over it will not be changed. In 9 out of 10 cases of breast cancer, women find the tumor on their own.

Lump under the arm - what to do?

So, if a bump has formed under the arm, in no case should you self-medicate, warm yourself up or go to the "grandmothers". It would be wiser to seek qualified help. The doctor after the necessary examination will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. And if it really turns out to be oncology, delay can cost lives. Most often, such problems are still associated with some kind of hygiene violations or excessive use of antiperspirants.

What can threaten an outwardly healthy body if a lump appears under the arm and hurts (see photo)? What diseases have similar symptoms?


One of the reasons for the appearance of a painful bump under the arm is hydradenitis. In the armpit in a person there is an accumulation of sebaceous and sweat glands.

Since a person constantly sweats, a lot of sebum and sweat accumulate under the arm during the day. This is an excellent breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria.

If staphylococcus bacteria enter this environment, the sebaceous glands can become inflamed, as a result of which such bumps appear under the armpits.

Hidradenitis can manifest itself as one such bump, or nodule, or as a small rash of several inflammations. If there is no severe inflammation, then the body after some time is able to cope with the problem itself.

The festering knot matures and after some time it opens. To prevent such phenomena, one should only maintain normal hygiene: wash regularly; Treat armpits with warm soapy water and dry thoroughly with a clean towel. In hot weather, armpits should be washed more frequently.

lymph nodes

A bump under the arm can also form as a result of inflammation of the axillary lymph node. Treatment in this case of the inflammation itself does not make any sense, because it can be a symptom of a more serious disease.

No ointments will help here. It is better to immediately contact a therapist and undergo a complete examination, especially if there is fever, chills and other abnormal, painful manifestations.


Furunculosis can also cause this phenomenon. The bump in this case is quite large, dense when touched, it can be painful to suppurate.

In no case should you open it yourself, so as not to get blood poisoning! It is possible to be treated for furunculosis only under the supervision of a doctor.


Unfortunately, the appearance of a seal or inflammation in the armpit, which resembles a bump in shape, may indicate not only a banal flu, but also an oncological disease. Especially if the axillary lymph node is inflamed (this happens when there is some kind of infection in the body).

So the appearance of a lump under the arm (especially if it is painful) may indicate a dermatological problem, infection of the body with pathogenic bacteria or viruses, and the appearance of dangerous neoplasms. For this reason, with such symptoms, it is better to immediately go to the doctor, and not engage in any self-medication.


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