How to treat non-healing wounds. The wound on the leg does not heal for a long time, what should I do? Leg scratches won't heal

Poorly healing wounds are a serious problem. They may indicate the presence of a pathological process in the human body. There are many reasons for this condition. Recovery of the skin after damage takes place in several stages, which can be affected by various factors.

An important role in the healing process is played by the state of immunity, the presence of chronic diseases, and the timeliness of first aid.

Main reasons

If wounds do not heal well, something is missing in the body, or some process affects the skin. The main factors that can affect the healing of injuries are:

  • infections. After an injury or during the treatment of a wound, pathogenic microorganisms can enter it. This condition is characterized by an increase in body temperature, the occurrence of suppuration, red stripes on the skin, swelling and severe pain. Treatment consists of cleansing, killing bacteria, and stitching. In advanced cases, a blood transfusion may be needed;
  • diabetes. In diabetes mellitus, skin lesions heal very poorly. This is due to swelling of the limbs, circulatory disorders, which subsequently limits the nutrition of cells and contributes to a weakening of the immune system. In this case, a large wound can develop from a scratch. First, the damage cracks, dries up, then purulent processes begin, the wound turns red and hurts. This problem can be eliminated only by starting the treatment of the underlying disease. Such wounds must be treated with antiseptic agents and special ointments with antibacterial properties;
  • age. Older people have many health problems that negatively affect the process of tissue repair. In such cases, treatment consists of cleansing, washing the wound, and antibiotic therapy;
  • lack of vitamins in the body. Poorly healing wounds can be a consequence of beriberi. Most often, the problem of vitamin deficiency occurs in children. With such a problem, any abrasion will not heal well. This condition can occur due to a lack of calcium, zinc, vitamin A or B vitamins. These vitamins and minerals are actively involved in skin regeneration, if there are enough of them in the body, then any damage heals quickly. With beriberi, hair also falls out, nails break, the condition of teeth and bones worsens. Treatment should be carried out only by a specialist after a thorough examination. The doctor selects a complex of vitamins that the child lacks. Only the elimination of the cause can speed up the healing process;
  • trauma after tooth extraction. This operation negatively affects the state of the whole organism. Injuries to the gums or bones may occur, inflammation develops. If inflammation begins at the site of tooth extraction, the wound does not heal, the temperature rises, severe pain appears, which cannot be eliminated with painkillers, the gum swells, and there is a putrid smell from the mouth. If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to visit a doctor and begin treatment of inflammation immediately. In such cases, anti-inflammatory drugs, rinsing with antiseptic solutions, vitamins, analgesics, and in some cases antibiotics are prescribed.

Other factors

The skin also does not heal well in case of circulatory disorders at the site of damage, in the presence of inflammation in the body, in malignant processes, obesity or exhaustion of the body. The human immunodeficiency virus can also cause such a problem. These problems affect tissue regeneration processes in the following ways:

  1. With poor blood circulation, the damaged area does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients that it needs for normal scarring.
  2. Weak immune system. HIV, hepatitis, stress - these factors negatively affect the functioning of the immune system, and the body becomes defenseless against bacteria.
  3. Improper wound care. Those who are wondering why a wound won't heal should know that caring for the injury also plays an important role in this process. If you do not treat the wound with an antiseptic, do not apply a bandage, then you may encounter an infection.
  4. Some types of damage cannot heal quickly. These include lacerated or deep wounds with a large distance between the edges.
  5. Certain medications can slow down the healing process of the skin. Aspirin and glucocorticoids have such properties.

Therefore, in order for tissues to begin to recover normally, it is necessary to determine the cause of the problem and eliminate it.

Treatment Methods

In order to avoid problems with wound healing, you need to know how to properly care for the damaged area. How quickly the tissues recover depends on proper processing.

In case of damage to the skin, it is necessary:

  • apply an antiseptic to the wound and the skin around it. Perfectly eliminate the risk of infection iodine and hydrogen peroxide. They should be in everyone's first aid kit. Before applying such products, wash your hands well with soap and water or wear sterile gloves, if available;
  • in some cases, within a few hours after the injury, it is necessary to use antibacterial agents. Only a specialist should prescribe such drugs;
  • bandages should be applied to the wound. It is advisable to use materials that allow the skin to breathe. Experts recommend applying wet dressings and changing them twice a day;
  • if purulent processes have begun, it is necessary to use an ointment with stretching properties. Dressings are done at least three times a day. Vishnevsky's ointment is popular for such situations;
  • in the absence of an inflammatory process, a drying gel can be applied to the damaged area to accelerate tissue regeneration;
  • It is important to eat right so that all the necessary vitamins and minerals that affect the wound healing process get into the body.

Ointments for tissue scarring

The whole healing process consists of several stages. These are: inflammation, regeneration and scar formation. Therefore, in order for the recovery to be successful, it is enough to know which remedy and when to apply:

  1. At the stage of inflammation, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of infection. For this, ointments Levomekol, Levosin, Betadine, Nitacid, miramistin ointment are suitable.
  2. At the second stage, the discharge from the wound is reduced, and the regeneration processes are accelerated. At the same time, you can help the body with the help of such means as D-Panthenol, Bepanten, Actovegin.
  3. At the second and third stages, the Rescuer ointment helps well. It consists of natural ingredients and is approved for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women.

It should be remembered that with the development of a purulent-inflammatory process for several days, no ointments can be applied. They can slow down the healing of the wound.

Streptolaven helps with burns and trophic ulcers. It is advisable to consult a doctor for such problems, since putrefactive processes in wounds can have serious consequences for the whole organism.

Why do wounds heal poorly?

Everyone is familiar with injuries and wounds. On some people, wounds heal quickly, while others have to fight for their recovery for a long time. What is the reason for poor wound healing?

Wounds on the skin do not heal well if they become infected. Microbes can get into the wound not only during damage (although this is most often the case), but also after. This can happen when the wound is bandaged. Or the infection is transmitted with surrounding objects.

Wound infection is characterized by:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • the appearance of red stripes;
  • subcutaneous suppuration;
  • severe pain;
  • swelling.

Treatment consists in special treatment, suturing, cleansing, and destruction of microbes. In more serious cases, they may additionally prescribe a blood transfusion, vitamin preparations.

In the pharmacy, you can ask for a suitable ointment, they are now a wide choice and they are quite effective.


Skin lesions do not heal well in people with weakened body forces. With such a common disease as diabetes, wounds heal for a long time. At first, they can dry out, then crack, fester. Rapid healing of wounds on the legs is hindered by swelling of the lower extremities, which often accompany diabetics.

Poor circulation and, as a result, insufficient nutrition of skin cells do not allow wounds to heal quickly.


  • increased body temperature;
  • swelling, redness;
  • pain;
  • pus.

Treatment of skin lesions in diabetes mellitus consists in taking measures to combat the underlying disease, proper nutrition, treating wounds with an antiseptic, and applying antibiotic ointments.

old age

The age of a person affects the duration of wound healing. Older people often have diseases of the cardiovascular system, overweight, poor blood clotting, and other pathologies.

Non-healing wounds in old age are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain;
  • edema;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pus;
  • hot and reddened skin.

Treatment of skin lesions in this case consists in cleansing the wound, fighting microorganisms, removing purulent accumulations, washing the wound, and antibiotic therapy.


Although such a problem can occur at any age and cause longer scarring of wounds, it is in the first place in children, because they are less likely to develop other health problems.

Wounds in a child do not heal well if the growing body lacks the necessary vitamins and minerals. These can be calcium, zinc, vitamin A and B vitamins.

This condition is manifested not only by prolonged healing of wounds, but also by brittle nails, hair, poor condition of teeth, bones.

Treatment of beriberi in a child involves an immediate appeal to a specialist who will select a complex of vitamins. By eliminating the cause, you can count on the rapid healing of wounds.

Injury to the gums and bones after tooth extraction

Tooth extraction (extraction) is a serious test for the human body. It can be accompanied by trauma to the gums and bones. In this case, there is a risk of an inflammatory process. Then you can not count on the rapid healing of the wound.

The reason why the wound does not heal well after tooth extraction may be infection of the hole.

Some time after extraction, pain appears at the site of the extracted tooth and in the gum. It is not stopped by painkillers. The body temperature rises, swelling occurs. The patient has a general malaise, a putrid smell, lymph nodes increase. Such symptoms indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.

With these signs, you need to urgently seek help from a specialist. To quickly heal the wound, the doctor will begin to treat the inflammation. In this case, the wound is washed with an antiseptic solution, a medical swab is introduced into the well.

Additionally, rinsing, taking anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, analgesics are used. In some cases, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

Other reasons

Poor wound healing is present with such health problems:

  1. Lack of blood supply at the site of skin injury.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the body.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Obesity or malnutrition.

These diseases are accompanied by a significant decrease in immunity. Therefore, for the rapid healing of skin lesions, treatment of the underlying disease is required.

Vitamins A and group B are actively involved in skin regeneration. Their sufficient amount stimulates wound healing. Stress, chronic fatigue, as well as bad habits such as alcohol and smoking can cause prolonged healing of damaged skin.

The process of tightening the wound depends on its nature. Puncture, purulent wounds require more careful care than injuries with sharp edges. The closer the wound is to the heart, the faster it heals.

In order for the wound to heal quickly, it is necessary to properly care for it, treat chronic diseases and seek help from a specialist in a timely manner.

Wounds do not heal well: causes

If wounds heal slowly, there may be several explanations for this: infections, weakened immunity, diabetes, advanced age, and vitamin deficiencies. In the presence of some chronic diseases, you need to carefully monitor the wounds.

Wound infections

Wound infections are the most common cause of delayed healing. Infection can occur when foreign bodies, microscopic particles that carry pathogenic bacteria, enter. Often the infection gets due to untimely or inadequate treatment. In the presence of an infectious process in the wound, the formation of collagen slows down, which impairs wound regeneration.

Weak immunity

The speed of wound healing largely depends on the state of the immune system. Insufficient defenses of the body contribute to the development of an infectious process in the wound, which can slow down the process of restoring the skin.


Wounds heal poorly in patients with diabetes mellitus. Initially, the wounds may dry out, then crack and fester.

Edema of the extremities, which are often found in diabetes mellitus, interferes with rapid regeneration when the skin is damaged. Also, this process is hindered by poor blood circulation and insufficient nutrition of tissues.

In order to solve the problem of slow wound healing in diabetes mellitus, first of all, measures are needed to address the underlying disease. Patients with diabetes need to carefully monitor the condition of the lower extremities.

Elderly age

Human age is one of the main factors affecting the rate of regeneration. Accumulated chronic diseases in old age. Non-healing wounds in the elderly are often accompanied by symptoms such as pain, high body temperature, swelling, redness and suppuration.

In old age, you should more carefully monitor the condition of the skin. When injuries occur, the wounds should be washed and antibacterial and antiseptic treatment should be carried out (echinacea tincture, hydrogen peroxide, etc.).

Vitamin deficiency

Poor wound healing in children and young adults often indicates a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Especially when it comes to a deficiency of B vitamins, vitamins A and K, as well as calcium and zinc. As a rule, the lack of these vitamins and minerals is also accompanied by brittle hair, nails and poor dental health.

Skin acting as a shield for the body, have the ability to recover quickly. The tissue regeneration phase begins on the sixth day after injury, while the skin is able to renew itself on the second.

Photo 1. The rate of wound healing depends on its depth and characteristics of the organism. Source: Flickr (Darko Pevec).

Why Wounds Don't Heal

Fine the healing process covers three(some researchers suggest four) consecutive stages.

  1. In the first minutes after injury in damaged tissues, inflammation phase: various elements (platelets, phagocytes, macrophages) enter the wound through the bloodstream, preventing its infection and increase in the wound surface. The damaged area is literally cleared of dead cells and microorganisms, preparing for the second phase. This period usually takes about 1-2 days.
  2. Proliferation phase(growth) lies in the fact that the wound cavity is filled with actively dividing cells and vessels. There is a process of tissue regeneration, which takes a longer time (from 3 to 14 days).
  3. Full phase(final) healing and recovery can take months or even years. But small scratches are able to recover throughout the week.

There are various factors that affect the speed of these stages of injury. That's why if wounds on the skin do not heal well, the reasons may be as follows:

  • Size and nature of damage. Of course, the incision after surgery will take longer to heal than a small scratch.
  • Improper wound care or its absence. Neglect of the rules of asepsis and disinfection leads to infection of the damaged area. It takes longer for the body's defense cells to fight off the infection.
  • Age. The processes of regeneration and epithelialization in children take place without scarring and much faster than in the elderly. This is due to the different content of collagen in tissues and increased activity of immune cells at a young age.
  • Food. The cause of poor wound healing can be malnutrition or beriberi. The lack of nutrients has a strong effect on the functioning of the circulatory and immune systems, which are involved in the restoration of the state of the wound surface. At the same time, vitamins, micro- and macroelements are involved in the synthesis of collagen (vitamin C, zinc), accelerate epithelialization (vitamin B7) and protect the skin from adverse external factors (coenzyme Q10, vitamins A and E).
  • Diseases. It is known, for example, that diabetes causes non-healing wounds on the legs. Such disorders that provoke skin damage include hormonal imbalances, tumors, autoimmune diseases, and immunodeficiencies.

Non-healing weeping wounds

The appearance is explained by damage to soft tissues through the formation of ulcers. Such damage does not dry out due to constant secretion of ichorus(blood plasma). The main danger of this type of pathology is the possibility of developing sepsis.

Note! If a weeping wound or ulcer does not heal for a long time, the process is accompanied by pain, the wound becomes larger or changes color, and its edges diverge, you should immediately seek qualified medical help. Even one of these signs is enough to immediately undergo an examination.

There are several reasons for such non-healing wounds:

  • infection. The ichor acts as a "rinse" of the wound cavity, removing foreign microorganisms (bacteria, fungi).
  • The occurrence of bedsores. In the supine position, excessive pressure is created on the soft tissues, which disrupts normal blood flow and their nutrition. This problem occurs in patients who are forced to lie down or sit for a long time. Medical personnel caring for such patients are obliged to carry out the prevention of bedsores.
  • Diseases. For some pathologies, the formation of weeping wounds is characteristic.
  • Diabetes causes the formation of trophic ulcers that look like.
  • Skin diseases(eczema and psoriasis).
  • Varicose varicose veins on the legs and thrombophlebitis.
  • Immunodeficiencies.

Features of therapy for diabetes

“Diabetic foot syndrome” is the name of a symptom complex, the signs of which are the appearance of weeping ulcers in the feet and legs, inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue and bone tissue. If the patient does not receive appropriate treatment, there is a risk of developing gangrene, followed by amputation or death.

Therefore, medical healing of wounds on the foot with diabetes is mandatory and should be carried out. under medical supervision.

To prevent all possible negative consequences, the patient, first of all, must revise mine life style and strictly adhere to the recommendations of the endocrinologist. If the wound on the leg does not heal for a long time, only a specialist will tell you how to treat it.

Note! Without correction of carbohydrate metabolism, it will be extremely difficult for a diabetic to eliminate ulcers on the legs.

Treatment of non-healing wounds

Consult a doctor for advice- the best recommendation for the treatment of this pathology: if, after numerous treatments, the damage does not go away, but on the contrary, it gets worse, this indicates the seriousness of the violations.

In this case, you should first establish the reasons why the wounds on the skin do not heal and, starting from the diagnosis, eliminate them.

Wound healing medicines

  • Antibiotics. Eliminate infection by inhibiting the development of microorganisms.
  • Painkillers drugs. They are used for severe pain syndrome (for example, aspirin, ibuprofen, analgin, ketanov).
  • Desensitizing drugs. Glucocorticoids, antihistamines reduce swelling and signs of inflammation.
  • Antiplatelet agents. This group of drugs is prescribed to patients with diseases of the blood and blood vessels, which caused skin wounds.

At home, you can use local preparations in the absence of alarming symptoms (soreness, swelling, enlargement of the wound).

  • . Solutions of hydrogen peroxide 3%, chlorhexidine, furacilin.
  • with an antibacterial component. For example, Levomekol, Streptolaven.
  • Sorbent dressings. Voskosorb, Gelepran.

After the sore dries, you can use healing creams and gels("Solcoseryl", products with panthenol, "Actovegin").

Folk remedies

  • Lotions from grated potatoes.
  • Lotions with onion juice.
  • Lotions with vodka and honey / propolis.
  • Crushed mummy powder.
  • Aloe juice.

Photo 2. Lotions from aloe - a proven way to speed up wound healing.

anonymous , Female, 35 years old

Good afternoon. Please tell me which doctor to contact or what it can be and how to treat it: the fact is that 2 years ago a small pimple with a diameter of 7 mm appeared on the forehead in the temporal region, which then dried up and began to peel off. At the end of July of this year, I turned to an oncologist, after looking, she suggested a basalioma and offered to remove it and send it for histology. The removal was done by radio wave excision. After 10 days, the result came: hyperkeratosis with lymphoid infiltrate, she said that the analysis was good, everything would heal in 2 weeks. A month later, I again went with this oncologist, because. After removal, the sore dried up and began to peel off as before removal, the oncologist sent me to the regional oncology center, where the specialist, after looking at the results of histology and the appearance of the sore, said that there was no need to further injure the skin and still do research, that for some time the sore itself will heal. It has been 3 months since the removal, but the skin does not heal, it continues to redden and peel off in the area of ​​​​the already removed sore, which is now 13 mm. I'm really worried and hope you can help me. Thanks in advance for your reply.

Hello! From your words, there is a clear discrepancy between the clinical picture (prolonged lack of healing) and the histological diagnosis (hyperkeratosis with lymphoid infiltrate). I recommend that you send histological preparations for review to a larger oncological institution - this is necessary to exclude the malignancy of the removed tumor. Also, I strongly recommend that you visit the regional oncology center again, because, I repeat, a wound that does not heal for a long time may indicate a recurrence of a malignant neoplasm. I would be grateful if you attach a photo from the formation with good lighting - perhaps the appearance of the formation can clarify the situation. Be healthy!


Good afternoon. The fact is that the analysis of the remote formation was done in the regional oncological center, they did not touch the sore again, referring to the good result of the previous one. Unable to send photo. As I understood from your answer, you need to contact the oncologist again and have the histology analysis re-taken, right?

Good afternoon! Not certainly in that way. I will describe the process in more detail: After the formation on the skin is removed, it is placed in a container with formalin, then fixed in! a paraffin block!, then sections are made, the sections are placed on! glass!, stained and studied under a microscope. After the morphologist looked at these glasses, he writes the conclusion "hyperkeratosis with lymphoid infiltrate." You need to take from the laboratory the glasses and blocks that were obtained after the removal of the formation and give them to a larger oncological institution (optimally MSC or St. Petersburg) in order for their morphologist to give a conclusion. If there is not hyperkeratosis, but a basalioma, a second excision or radiotherapy is needed. If you can’t send a photo, you can do it through the online consultation form on my website - it is indicated in the profile on Be healthy!

Everyone has skin lesions, but some recover quickly, while others have to invest a lot of effort to recover. The causes of poorly healing wounds on the skin are internal and external processes that slow down regenerative functions.

Wounds and scratches appear due to mechanical damage to the integrity of the skin, mucous membrane. The main task of integumentary tissues with accelerated regenerative abilities is to protect internal organs and systems from exposure.

High-quality processing and care accelerate regeneration, but under the influence of certain factors, the process may be delayed. Sometimes skin wounds heal slowly due to damage to ligaments, tendons, nerve fibers, or blood vessels. The causes can be diseases, the presence of pathologies, weakened immunity, beriberi, a violation of metabolic processes in cells, which slows down tissue regeneration. Long-term recovery may be intermittent, decrease in the protective functions of the body, systematic in nature - requiring a thorough examination to determine the true causes, which may be:


Impairs the healing of small cuts. Processes with a scratch are considered characteristic signs of diabetes: drying, suppuration. The scratches on the legs are slowly recovering. The reason for the decrease in the regenerative abilities of the skin is edema, which occurs with signs of infection.

Wound treatment takes place in a complex: diabetes is treated, damage is processed.

The doctor selects effective therapy, diet, treatment with antiseptic preparations, ointments containing antibiotics.

Body aging

In older people, healing slows down due to pathological processes (cardiovascular disease, pressure) that require medication, sometimes not combined with each other. An aging body, the presence of sores, a reduced perception of medications are the reason for the increase in the recovery period.

chronic wounds

During long-term treatment, wounds on the skin of a chronic nature do not heal. The reason is a diabetic leg, trophic ulcers. Arising as a result of a violation of cellular metabolism in tissues, inhibiting regeneration. Under circumstances, dead tissue is excised. After removal, healing proceeds naturally.

Vitamin deficiency

In childhood, there is more often a lack of vitamins and minerals. During the period of growth, the body requires a large amount of nutrients that ensure normal growth and development. If there are not enough vitamins, anemia develops.

The doctor selects the treatment.

After the treatment of vitamin deficiency, the regenerative ability of tissues improves.

Other factors

Untimely treatment of scars on the skin can become a source of infection that provokes inflammation. Under the influence of bacteria, the wound begins to fester, swell, hurt.

Inflammation increases the healing time.

Poor blood clotting caused by various diseases can cause a slowly healing scratch on any part of the body. Weakened immunity leads to long-lasting damage in pregnant women and umbilical scars in newborns. Impaired blood circulation slows down the healing process.

Insufficient nutrition negatively affects the state of health, the regenerating abilities of tissues. Prolonged diet, lack of food causes exhaustion of the body, loss of strength. Scratches on the skin are slowly restored due to wearing tight clothes, shoes that put pressure on problem areas.

How to speed up the process of tissue regeneration

Restoration of the integrity of integumentary tissues can be accelerated in several ways, by means that activate wound healing. Enhance regeneration causes:

  1. Proper nutrition. A well-composed diet containing foods with vitamins A, B, C and E accelerates recovery and increases tissue activity. It is recommended to revise the diet for the elderly, growing children, these categories are more likely to suffer from a lack of vitamins.
  2. Procedures in beauty salons. The beauty salon offers various procedures that renew the epidermis. The procedures include masotherapy, photorejuvenation, laser correction, which allows you to get rid of unwanted moles without a trace. An extreme measure is skin grafting, which is necessary for severe burns, to get rid of scars, scars.
  3. Medicines - creams and ointments, consisting of components that can replace, nourish, restore cells of the skin, mucous, stimulating regenerative properties. With the help of pharmaceutical products, you can relieve itching, smooth out acne marks on the face, heal wounds in the mouth, on the lips. With the help of medicines, you can cure acne, accelerate the maturation of the boil.
  4. Effective recipes for homemade masks help speed up the renewal and healing of the epidermis. With the help of the necessary components, you can rejuvenate the skin, disinfect the scar, relieve swelling, inflammation.

With the right procedures, you can improve the health of the skin.

Features of the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds

If it does not heal for a long time, it is recommended to contact the clinic. During the examination, examination, the doctor establishes the causes that hinder recovery, prescribes an effective treatment that eliminates the problem. Depending on the degree of damage, treatment is prescribed:


To get rid of poorly healing wounds, external agents, ointments and gels are used that can relieve inflammation, remove pus, and cleanse the skin. The treatment regimen is expanded with antibacterial drugs for oral administration. If the lesion is extensive, having every chance of developing bacterial complications.

Antiseptic drugs Betadine, Miramistin will help reduce the risk of inflammation, cleanse the skin of bacteria. Antimicrobial agents Levomekol, Iruksol - are able to eliminate inflammation, cleanse of pus, dry it. You can draw out the purulent contents with Vishnevsky's ointment, and anesthetize with a spray with Lidocaine. With extensive damage, Solcoseryl, D-Panthenol is used. If the wound does not heal in a child or pregnant woman, you can treat the area with a Rescuer, an ointment with natural ingredients that are completely safe for the body. Severe burns and ulcers are well treated with Streptolaven, which can quickly dissolve fibrous tissues and compounds. Remove blood clots, liquid, eliminate signs of necrosis.

If the recovery process is delayed due to beriberi, you should undergo an examination, select a vitamin complex that activates regeneration


With the help of traditional medicine recipes, you can facilitate recovery, accelerate the healing abilities of the skin.

For the treatment of wounds, baths, compresses, ointments prepared from natural ingredients are used.

Spruce ointment will help to cope with a boil, ulcer, abscess. To prepare the product you will need: honey, vegetable oil, spruce resin, wax, taken in equal proportions. Mix the components, melt in a water bath until smooth, after cooling, treat the wound, which does not heal well.

Celandine and burdock ointment is an effective medicine that accelerates natural healing. To prepare the product, take ground burdock roots - 30 g, celandine - 20 g. Mix, pour vegetable oil in a volume of 100 ml, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, let cool, then filter. With the resulting mass, treat the affected area twice a day.

Willow powder - accelerates tissue regeneration, it can be taken orally, sprinkled on a scar. Due to the hemostatic, antiseptic, regenerative effect, damage to the skin is delayed, heals without consequences. Yarrow has similar properties. Its juice can treat wounds, apply compresses.

Be sure to consult your doctor before using folk remedies, due to contraindications that complicate recovery.

Consequences and terms of healing after the necessary treatment

If there are wounds on the body that do not heal for a long time, it is recommended to abandon the hot bath, sauna, bath. A salt-free diet, abstinence from smoking, and alcohol abuse will help speed up the process. If the lower extremities are affected, it is recommended to reduce the load on the legs.

3-4 weeks are considered normal time spent on the complete restoration of the integrity of the skin, over a month is the first sign of a long-healing wound that requires the attention of a doctor. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor who determines the drugs, the duration of their administration. In case of ineffective drug therapy, an operation is prescribed, due to which the affected area is eliminated, and natural recovery begins.

Timely and high-quality first aid reduces the risk of developing an inflammatory process in the ko, complicating recovery. Proper care and nutrition are the main factors that accelerate the natural regeneration of integumentary tissues.

If wounds heal slowly, there may be several explanations for this: infections, weakened immunity, diabetes, advanced age, and vitamin deficiencies. In the presence of some chronic diseases, you need to carefully monitor the wounds.

Wound infections are the most common cause of delayed healing. Infection can occur when foreign bodies, microscopic particles that carry pathogenic bacteria, enter. Often the infection gets due to untimely or inadequate treatment. If present in the wound, the formation of collagen slows down, which impairs wound regeneration.

Weak immunity

The speed of wound healing largely depends on the state of the immune system. Insufficient defenses of the body contribute to the development of an infectious process in the wound, which can slow down the process of restoring the skin.


Wounds heal poorly in patients with diabetes mellitus. Initially, the wounds may dry out, then crack and fester.

Swelling of the extremities, which are often found in patients, interfere with rapid regeneration in case of skin damage. Also, this process is hindered by poor blood circulation and insufficient nutrition of tissues.

In order to solve the problem of slow wound healing in diabetes mellitus, first of all, measures are needed to address the underlying disease. Patients with diabetes need to carefully monitor the condition of the lower extremities.

Elderly age

Human age is one of the main factors affecting the rate of regeneration. Accumulated chronic diseases in old age. Non-healing wounds in the elderly are often accompanied by symptoms such as pain, high body temperature, swelling, redness and suppuration.

In old age, you should more carefully monitor the condition of the skin. When injuries occur, the wounds should be washed and antibacterial and antiseptic treatment should be carried out (echinacea tincture, hydrogen peroxide, etc.).

Vitamin deficiency

Poor wound healing in children and young adults often indicates a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Especially when it comes to group B, vitamins A and K, as well as calcium and zinc. As a rule, the lack of these vitamins and minerals is also accompanied by brittle hair, nails and poor dental health.

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