fasting method. Therapeutic starvation at home: results, reviews, photos. Possible harm from curative fasting

Many people ask the question, why does a person who owns progressive methods and technologies need fasting today? Answer to this actual question everyone who first learns about the fasting method is looking for.

But if you delve into essence of the question, then modern man many reasons to apply the method more often than many centuries ago. With the development of science, technology and medicine, life has not become easier. On the contrary, today we are constantly influenced by a large number of negative factors.

Modern the person became immobile uses a large number of fatty foods . Foods used daily of poor quality are saturated preservatives and various artificial additives. Man also breathes polluted air drinks dirty water. Every day we are in stressful situation and feel the high pace of life.

All these factors negatively affect our health and reduce the level and quality of life.

Medicine today cannot solve all these problems, in addition, the use of various drugs exacerbates the situation even more. Man today fully trusts taking care of your health to doctors.

It turns out an interesting situation we eat a lot bad habits , moving a little, and then turn to to doctors and want reestablish his health with the help of medicines. Of course, this does not lead to anything good. After all medicine, it's just Chemical substance, which in our body everything won't change.

Fasting, absolutely without financial costs, can effectively neutralize various negative factors with which our lives today are so saturated.

Using fasting, you will go to new level relationship with food. Applying fasting, you will be forced eat food plant origin and choose the right combination certain products. Starving systematically you can learn to control their food instincts and gradually get rid of the habit of overeating.

Fasting is an excellent diet. In the process of starvation, the body begins to move to the stage of internal nutrition.

That's why fasting promotes effective reduction weight per short period time without leaving. It has been shown that systematic use of fastingrestores metabolic processes in the body, and this contributes to long-term stabilization and normalization of weight and getting rid of a lot. Fasting is a great help to cope with bronchial asthma, various allergies diseases of the skin, heart, musculoskeletal system, digestive system and many other ailments.

Therapeutic fasting also stabilizes and improves mental health person.

Starvation is a conscious and voluntary step to stop taking any food. starvation for man it is the source of health, and strength. There is no treatment that can compare with method starvation by one's strength impact on the body.

The method of fasting has come into modern life from time immemorial and has stood the test of time. There is no religion in the world that does not use the fasting process.

Naturally, before using the fasting method, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the essence of the fasting method. For these purposes, books and scientific works of popular authors are suitable: P. Breg, Yu. Nikolaev, G. Shelton, etc.
  2. Fasting is gradual. It is not necessary to start the first fast with long periods, as this will not lead to anything positive. The first fasting for a period of 1 to 3 days can be done independently at home.
  3. Fasting from 7 to 10 days is also recommended to be carried out at home, but only when you conduct test fasts short terms and get acquainted with the specifics of the fasting method in detail.
  4. Fasting at 14-21 days or more is not recommended at home.
  5. Be careful while fasting. Fasting can cause some complications. You should stop the fasting process if you have health problems.
  6. For some diseases, constant intake of hormones and insulin, fasting is necessary only in specialized clinics!

The basic rule of fasting is the complete rejection of any food.

Forbidden drink any juices, coffee, tea. Completely excluded alcoholic drinks, chewable rubber bands and gummies. Only thanks total absence food, you can switch to internal nutrition. The body will break down its own fats, which will provide you with everything you need during the fasting process.

The slightest use of food will disrupt the process of transition to internal nutrition and there will be no positive result from the fasting process.

Same way prohibited use during fasting nutritional supplements and vitamins. The body in the process of starvation independently synthesizes the necessary substances, and you will not experience shortages in vitamins and microelements.

Application medical preparations during the fasting period has its own characteristics. If you systematically use drugs for the heart, medicines that normalize blood pressure, hormones, insulin, then you need to contact your doctor and fast in the clinic under the supervision of qualified doctors. In other cases, during fasting medicationprohibited. Only the use of homeopathic preparations is shown to improve the therapeutic effect in certain diseases.

During fasting, you can drink only water. Water can be any: boiled, distilled, spring, melt, etc. The main requirement for her is that she must be clean. The amount of water drunk during fasting is individual. For those, who is starving for the first time, better drink plenty of water. This will facilitate the process of starvation and help to quickly endure intoxication.

Starving with great experience already feel how much water they need in a particular case.

For beginners in the first days of fasting, to reduce the feeling of hunger, it is recommended one-time drinking water with honey. When unpleasant symptoms disappear, then you should continue only on the water.

Before as start the process starvation necessary to carry out cleaning activities. First of all, it is necessary cleanse the intestines. It is recommended to carry out cleansing procedures a month before the designated fasting period. It is better to do this with an enema. Colon cleansing will provide you with comfort during the first fast, as well as help the body quickly switch to internal nutrition, reduce intoxication and feelings of hunger.

For bowel cleansing you can use different saline laxatives drugs. Namely: sodium sulfate ( Glauber's salt), magnesium sulfate (Epson's salt), sodium phosphate and sodium citrate.

These laxatives stimulates the accumulation of water in the intestines. As a result, the contents of the intestine liquefy, peristalsis increases and feces are easily and quickly excreted. The effect after using a saline laxative begins after 4-6 hours.

Before fasting, you can use seaweed, agar-agar, some fruits and special mineral water, which contains magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate in the required quantities.

Laxatives, the action of which is aimed at chemical irritation of the digestive system, is not recommended.

Seven days before fasting need give up high calorie foods, hot spices and alcoholic beverages. It is best to stick to milk during this period - plant based diet. This type of food will reduce appetite and facilitate the process of starvation.

Important choose right time for fasting. held at any time of the year, and long-term fasting - at the end of July, August and early September. During this period of time it is warm, there are a lot of fruits and vegetables.

First fasts one day duration best spent on weekends and long-term fasting is recommended to start on vacation and preferably in the fresh air.

Way out of fasting is very important part fasting process. You can do a good fasting process, but spoil the result with the wrong exit from starvation.

For the correct exit from fasting, you must use the following rules:

  • food should be fractional;
  • the number and concentration of products should be increased gradually;
  • start eating with vegetable and dairy food, and vegetable fats enter only on the 4th day of exit;
  • the duration of the exit from starvation should be equal to the period of fasting.

Exit the fasting process the most important part of fasting practice. That's why should not be in a hurry be careful and restrained, you should succeed!

Therapeutic starvation is one of the methods of treatment certain diseases. Therapeutic effect is to bring out harmful substances from the body, which have accumulated there due to the disease. The mechanism of therapeutic starvation, despite the abundance of literature on this topic, has not yet been studied enough. There is evidence of a beneficial effect of fasting on the body in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system. nervous system, which arose due to infectious diseases and various intoxications of the body, bronchial asthma, digestive organs, diseases of the skin and joints.

Treatment with hunger is carried out only in special departments of hospitals after a detailed examination of the patient under strict medical supervision.

Complete course of curative fasting

Complete therapeutic fasting is necessarily preceded by cleansing the intestines with enemas and the use of alkaline mineral waters(for example, Borjomi). At least 1.5-2 liters of water are consumed per day. Medicines are canceled, smoking, drinking alcohol is prohibited. It is possible to prescribe multivitamins and rosehip broth without sugar. Recommended warm baths, massage, walks in the fresh air. The duration of fasting is determined for each patient individually. On average, a full course of therapeutic fasting is from two to four weeks. After this period, restorative nutrition is prescribed to achieve the original body weight. Weight loss with a full course of fasting is usually 15-20%

Therapeutic nutrition includes 1-1.5 liters of fruit and vegetable juices per day in the first two days. This amount is taken for 5-6 times. After three days, grated apples and carrots are gradually included in the diet, dairy products. They are used 4-5 times a day. Then the menu is supplemented with a vinaigrette of beets, boiled potatoes, fresh cabbage, raw grated carrots, finely chopped onions, cucumbers, green peas, vegetable oil. In parallel, wholemeal bread (400 g per day), oatmeal or buckwheat on milk. On the 15-20th day after the start of the exit from starvation, 25 grams are introduced into the diet. butter and 50-100 grams of nuts. Food is prepared without salt. Such a diet lasts as long as the fast itself (from two to four weeks).

Therapeutic fasting at home

This is what can rather be called self-treatment by fasting at home. Moreover, overweight and obesity are often treated. This method of getting rid of extra pounds not only harmful, but also dangerous to health. With regard to weight loss, the fasting method does not positive effect. If a person refrains from eating for a long time, tissue proteins break down and are lost, vitamins and mineral nutrients cease to enter the body. Quantity plastic materials, which are necessary for the structure of cells, decreases. During the period of uncontrolled starvation, lactic acid and products of incomplete oxidation of fats and proteins accumulate in the blood, acid-base balance(acidity increases), the amount of sugar in the blood decreases.

What complications can occur during fasting? First, this sharp drop blood pressure, mental disorders, hypovitaminosis, skin and hair damage, anemia. Irreversible changes can occur in the liver, kidneys, intestines and other vital organs. The resumption of the diet after such a fast is accompanied by an intense deposition of fat, therefore, a person quickly gains the initial weight. That is why therapeutic fasting at home is out of the question.

Many believe that therapeutic fasting helps to remove toxins from the body. But the human body is a system of biochemical reactions, and everything is balanced in it, and foreign substances are not retained in the body, but are excreted by the liver and kidneys. Only a few days a person can do without food, without fear of negative consequences for the body. After this period, irreversible changes in the organs may begin.

The optimal method of weight loss is food restriction, increased physical activity. If you need to get rid of excess weight, pay attention to diet food overweight and obesity, and fasting days. These methods can be used at home. As for therapeutic fasting, without medical supervision, it can harm the body.

24 hour fast

At home, you can only do 24-hour therapeutic fasting. It is carried out from breakfast to breakfast or from dinner to dinner, using only distilled water. Only one exception is allowed: honey or a teaspoon of lemon juice can be added to a glass of water. This is not done to maintain your strength and not to make drinking water more pleasant. Such supplements act as solvents for harmful mucus and toxins in the body so that they pass through the kidneys more easily. It is this organ that plays the most important role in daily fasting. If possible, you can withstand 36 hours on the water. It is very important to drink at this time. large quantities distilled water.

Three- and seven-day therapeutic fasting

It is allowed to carry out at home and three and seven days of fasting. Naturally, you should first pass tests and get permission from your doctor for this procedure. You need to consult a specialist in therapeutic fasting. He will explain to you what to eat when entering and exiting a fast. If you decide to fast for three days, it must be carried out in ideal conditions. You should be able to rest anytime you feel unwell. These are the poisons leaving your body. During this period, it is better not to read, not to watch TV and not to communicate with loved ones. It is better to lie down in complete peace and quiet. Being optimistic while fasting is very important. You must understand that you cleanse the body of poisons, make your body healthy and young. It is even possible that you should not discuss with anyone what you are doing, because other people's negative emotions are not in the best way affect your optimism.

Therapeutic starvation or diet for weight loss?

Majority fat people constantly sitting on various diets trying to get rid of overweight. Magazines and newspapers talk about new sensational diets, which can consist of one product (mono-diet) or different products. Specialists who promote therapeutic fasting are sure that only fasting is a natural and scientifically based method of reducing excess body weight. People who have practiced three- and seven-day fasting know that on the second day a person no longer has an appetite. And if a person is on restrictive diets that allow most foods, but are considered low in calories, he usually feels even more hungry.

Fasting for weight loss gives great results. Many people who are overweight lose 5-8 kilograms of weight in the first course of a seven-day fast and feel cheerful and energized. They are back in good health.

In order to lose weight, it is recommended to fast three times a week for 24 hours. One day a person eats, the second day he starves, using only distilled water. Daily fasting several times a week will allow you to quickly lose weight gained during the time that a person allowed himself excesses in food. But if fasting three times a week is difficult for you, spend one day on distilled water per week. By doing this, you will render your body an invaluable service.

We are accustomed to constant food intake. That is why we consider any break in food as hunger. 24-hour fasting is not fasting, but one of the oldest treatments. Always follow the logic, do not miss the moment when, after a daily fast, you should return to eating. By making 24-hour fasting an important part of your life, you will not allow overweight make you sick and weak person.

When we need to lose weight, we go on a diet. And when it is necessary to cleanse the body - we think about therapeutic fasting. Today we will consider in detail the question of how to properly conduct therapeutic fasting on our own. After all, in fact fasting is not a way to lose weight. There are easier ways to do this. Fasting is a process that requires a responsible approach. Just like that, with nothing to do, you can’t start it. And if you finally decide that you need it, consider the whole process in detail.

What is the essence of therapeutic fasting

Has anyone wondered why we have no appetite during illness? In this way the body stores vitality, required for recovery, which previously went to the digestion of food.

Why do we eat? Because you're hungry? Not always.

Sometimes we just eat automatically, out of habit, out of weakness or nothing to do. While fasting itself it is the natural state of the body.

Doctors say that occasional shaking is helpful. For example, walking backwards is of great benefit. This is contrary to the usual course of things, and the body is immediately mobilized. And therapeutic fasting at home is also a shake-up.

Another reason for fasting is body cleansing.

Often, food does not have time to be completely digested, especially if it is heavy, fatty and saturated with carbohydrates. The previous one did not have time to digest, and we throw fresh on top. So deposits are formed in our stomach. When we deprive him of regular provisions, he has no choice but to start using the old reserves.

The progenitors of therapeutic fasting are Indian yoga. Their philosophy, which involves observing nature and becoming one with it, accepts fasting as the most effective way to cleanse the body not only physically, but also spiritually.

Proper therapeutic fasting

Normalizes chemical and hormonal processes in the body, including metabolism, gland secretion, blood circulation, tissue regeneration, mobilizes defensive forces organism. In addition, proper fasting leads to mental balance.

Improper therapeutic fasting

Namely, a sharp and prolonged fasting can lead to a sharp weight loss, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, a decrease in immunity, a deterioration in the functioning of the thyroid gland and kidneys. In addition, the wrong exit from fasting can lead to very grave consequences as chronic diseases and sharp set weight.

Below is a curious review of fasting.

"I've been into it for a long time fasting days. Sometimes you sit at a party, there are so many delicious things on the table. And you think where all this will immediately be postponed and how many kg will add. And if the next day you sit on kefir or apples, then no heaviness, no extra folds. From friends I heard about therapeutic starvation at home. And so I decided to try it. Day first. If all goes well, two. And then the situation. The first day everything was OK. The second, in principle, also passed without excesses. Just now I really wanted coffee. And fell asleep. I decided to go to bed early so as not to inadvertently rush to the nearest hypermarket for food. But when I woke up on the third day ... In general, I have had low blood pressure all my life. So, when I woke up on the morning of the third day, it seemed to me that the pressure was at zero. Getting out of bed made me dizzy and darkening of the eyes. Somehow I made it to the bathroom. But an attack of nausea just knocked me down, and I decided to wait out this state on the bathroom floor. So I sat there for about half an hour. And when she let go a little, she got to the kitchen and cut off a piece of cheese for herself. In the evening I already had dinner with stewed potatoes. True, the weakness persisted for a couple of days. Marina".

In this case, the whole problem is in a sudden transition to the water. In addition, accompanied by low pressure.

It is worth dispelling your fears. Starve at home you can, but be careful. And with all the rules.

Self-healing fasting: warnings

You can try therapeutic fasting to cleanse the body if you have do not have the following diseases:

  • diabetes,
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • varicose disease;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.

If you have discovered at least one of the above diseases, then therapeutic fasting at home is not exactly contraindicated for you, but not recommended. In this case it is desirable watch your body follow the analyzes and keep under control all the changes. This is especially true for diseases of the liver and kidneys, because it is they who work most intensively during fasting.

Even if you are completely healthy, and you decide to resort to fasting in order to cleanse the body, in the process of self-healing fasting you must adhere to the following rules.

Therapeutic fasting at home: basic rules

Fasting doesn't have to be long. Fasting happens: long (from 10 to 40 days); medium duration(from 2 to 10 days) and short-term (from 24 to 36 hours).

No need to be a hero start fasting with tomorrow after today's meal.

Rule number 1. Proper entry and exit from fasting

When you fast under medical supervision, your diet is monitored by a doctor. And therapeutic fasting at home implies your independence and responsibility.

For example, you are going to starve for one day. Three days before that, you need to exclude fatty, fried and flour products. And on the day before fasting, eat only vegetables and fruits, and use as a drink herbal teas and juices. This was the entrance.

Exit, you guessed it, in reverse order. A day after fasting on a fruit and vegetable diet, and then a balanced diet - fiber, proteins, healthy carbohydrates(fish, cottage cheese, legumes). In this case, the duration of entry and exit is equal to the duration of starvation. In our example, the day to enter and the day to exit.

Rule number 2. gradualism

Therapeutic fasting is therapeutic, in order to be beneficial, not harmful. The term “gradually” also applies to timing. The body cannot immediately endure fasting for 10 days. And you don't know how it will affect him.

To start need to try one or two days. If everything goes well, after a period (during which we do not forget about rule No. 1), we increase the period to three or four days.

And then, according to the reaction of the body, we determine whether it is necessary to continue in the same spirit, or to reduce the period of fasting, or maybe increase it.

Rule number 3. Only water

Therapeutic fasting means only water as a drink and as food. Even a piece of bread, even one small apricot already makes the whole process meaningless. As soon as food enters the stomach, it begins to stand out gastric juice, intestinal motility is irritated, start digestive processes. And during self-cleaning you can not distract the body to extraneous unnecessary actions.

And finally, our advice. First meal after fasting- this is grated carrots with an apple and a cup of tea (preferably with the addition of herbs).

In fact, despite the seeming complexity, therapeutic fasting is a simple process. The main thing - follow the rules, listen to your body and be able to respond to his signals.

In the article you will find the rules of therapeutic fasting at home, the methods of dry fasting and fasting on water, the principles of one-day and long-term fasting. You will get acquainted with the reviews and the results of fasting.

Therapeutic starvation is a way to temporarily suspend the work of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, a kind of reboot of the body occurs, due to which the body is healed from many diseases.

Benefits of therapeutic fasting

IMPORTANT: Therapeutic starvation in medicine is called unloading dietary therapy (RDT).

Unloading and dietary therapy - a way to improve the body

it official way effective cure for a variety of diseases. This method treatment and weight loss is practiced in medical centers. What is the main benefit of therapeutic fasting? This way:

  • normalizes metabolic processes
  • is the prevention of many diseases
  • regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • raises defense mechanisms organism
  • deeply cleanses the body of toxins and toxins
  • restores sleep
  • improves general state clears thoughts

Methods and rules of proper therapeutic fasting

IMPORTANT: As important as it is to follow all the principles of the hunger treatment procedure itself, it is just as important to properly prepare your body for the session and exit it.

Long before the first procedure, start eating natural and healthy food. Doctors recommend switching to proper nutrition 2-3 months in advance, but try to adjust your diet at least 14 days before the first fast.

Here are a few more conditions for the correct conduct of the event:

  • drink at least 1.5 clean drinking water without gas per day
  • stay in a warm room, try not to overcool
  • spend more time outside the home, the best option is to go to nature
  • exercise yourself less physically, because the absence nutrients will not give you enough strength for physical activity
  • Alternate any work (physical or mental) with quality rest
  • follow a strict daily routine

On the 7-10th day, with prolonged fasting, acidotic crisis- a turning point in therapy, after which the real cleansing and healing of the body begins. Usually after a crisis there is a decrease negative symptoms fasting. The starving person has strength, his mood improves, disappears bad smell that came from the body and from the mouth. The desire to eat also disappears.

Therapeutic fasting to cleanse the body

Cleansing fasting involves not just the rejection of solid and liquid food, but also a course of special cleansing enemas.

IMPORTANT: To facilitate the cleansing process, a few weeks before the session, switch to plant foods. During the time of eating vegetables and fruits, your body will already get rid of a certain proportion of toxins and toxins.

On the eve of the procedure, have a light dinner no later than 6 pm. Take a saline laxative at night. Take an enema in the morning after going to the bathroom.

To enhance the effect of such an event will help water procedures. This is a contrast shower twice a day and a visit to the sauna or bath. Don't forget to take it off your tongue white coating with a toothbrush. Daily rate liquid should be at least 2 liters of purified drinking water, which must be drunk in equal portions throughout the day.

Despite the reduction rule physical activity, doctors recommend not to spend the whole day in inactivity, but if possible move moderately.

IMPORTANT: Experts advise not to smoke on the day of fasting, as tobacco smoke leads to vasospasm and irritates the gastric mucosa.

Therapeutic fasting for medicinal purposes

Fasting is carried out not only in order to free the body from harmful substances and lose weight. Most people are prone to one or another chronic disease, with which hunger therapy successfully fights. Therapeutic fasting has the following healing effect:

  • powerful anti-inflammatory effect on the whole body
  • normalization of digestive function
  • treatment of autoimmune diseases: asthma, allergies, arthritis, rheumatism, etc.
  • recovery mental function, treatment of mental disorders
  • strengthening of thinking processes, increasing its efficiency

Therapeutic fasting for weight loss

Advantages of therapeutic fasting before diets:

  • you lose weight quickly but safely
  • fasting is easier than dieting, as the desire to eat leaves you sooner or later
  • the skin during hunger therapy does not sag and is not covered with stretch marks, the muscles do not become thinner, as a result of which the body does not look flabby and ugly
  • in parallel with weight loss, the body is cleansed and healed

However, with all this, hunger therapy is quite hard way lose weight, because weight loss will not happen in a few days. With a one-day fast, you can lose up to 3 kg, depending on your initial weight. With a 5-10-day fast, the total weight will be 7-10 kg, and this figure will depend on the experience of the starving person. A two-week fasting treatment will help you lose up to 12 kg. If you are an experienced starving person and have been practicing unloading and dietary therapy for more than 2 weeks, then in the future the plumb line will be about 1 kg in 3 days.

IMPORTANT: If one-day fasting is easy to carry out without consequences at home, then long-term therapy is best done under the supervision of a doctor in a special medical center.

Cascading fasting for weight loss

Cascade treatment uses dry fasting therapy. This means that you need to give up not only food, but also any liquid, including water. Dry therapeutic fasting is considered more effective, since it allows you to achieve an acidotic crisis in a shorter time, and therefore heal from chronic diseases.

Dry therapeutic fasting is of 2 types.

  1. During the partial dry treatment session, you refuse any food and drink, but you have the right to take a shower
  2. The procedure of complete dry therapy involves a ban on any water procedures, up to the fact that you cannot wash your hands

The second type of fasting is more difficult, but is a more effective way to lose weight and heal the body.

7 days before the start of the cascading event, go to raw food. The course itself is an alternation of days of dry fasting and days of raw plant foods. On the day you eat, you can drink as much liquid as you want, and also come into contact with water.

IMPORTANT: Normal fasting entails increased absorption of nutrients by the body, as a result of which you can easily recover again. The cascade method allows not only to lose weight more effectively, but also to maintain the achieved result.

The course must be carried out according to a special scheme. You always start with a hungry day, the next day is reserved for plant foods. Then 2 days of hunger and 2 days of raw vegetables and fruits. So alternate the same number of hungry and well-fed days until you bring their number to 5. After 5 days of plant-based eating, proceed to exit the fast.

Intermittent fasting for weight loss

An expert in the field of fasting, Paul Bragg, advises everyone to carry out unloading and dietary therapy without exception. This is especially true for people with overweight, because intermittent fasting will help normalize the percentage of adipose tissue in the body.

Hunger regulates digestive function, a right job gastrointestinal tract - important condition weight loss. Hunger also cleanses the body of toxins, toxins and other toxic substances. The body littered with all this is simply not able to quickly lose weight.

Periodic is called short fast(usually one-day), which is held regularly. The optimal course of such fasting is 1 day per week. Even when reaching perfect figure the constant repetition of hungry days will help you never gain excess weight again.

Therapeutic fasting at home for weight loss

Do not start the practice of hunger immediately with long courses. For a beginner, one-day fasting, repeated once every one or two weeks, is suitable.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to practice weekly fasting therapy for six months or more in order to move on to longer activities.

  • Since your entire menu will consist of water, make sure that it is natural, purified and tasty moisture. Cleansing the body is impossible with the participation of raw tap water, the quality of which remains very doubtful
  • Apart from water, you cannot afford any other drinks. Any juices, broths, fermented milk drinks etc. Avoid all food completely
  • Intensive motor activities are prohibited. It is best to spend this day in a calm, stress-free and anxiety-free environment. It is optimal to plan fasting on a day off from work. You can go out of town, communicate with wildlife, and cleanse your thoughts along with cleansing your body.

  • It is not so easy to survive the whole day without food, as it may seem. Therefore, try to stay away from food places, grocery stores, kitchens, refrigerators. Ask your loved ones to get in position and not embarrass you with food
  • Think about your favorite activities, because unloading and dietary therapy with its ability to clarify thoughts is an excellent opportunity to direct your creative energy into the mainstream of creation. Take up hobbies or things that you have long dreamed of completing. For more relaxation, turn to calm music, aromatherapy, meditation
  • Sessions will have an additional weight loss effect contrast shower on this day, visiting the steam room, cleansing enema

Diet for the course of therapeutic fasting

Before entering into fasting, you must carefully prepare your body. It's about about special diet based on the principles of proper nutrition.

IMPORTANT: It is worth starting a diet a few weeks before the first hungry day.

Here are the ground rules diet for a course of therapeutic fasting:

  • Do 3 basic, pretty dense reception food. Be sure to have a snack every 2-3 hours between them. As a snack, fruits are suitable, raw vegetables, low-fat dairy products, nuts, dried fruits
  • Make breakfast especially nutritious and in no case skip it. But dinner should be the easiest of the receptions. For dinner, cook fish or chicken without adding oil with vegetable side dishes, cottage cheese and other dairy products
  • Give up too fatty and high-calorie foods, from everything salty, spicy, smoked
  • Keep sugary foods to a minimum. Limit consumption of flour and confectionery products
  • Do not buy ready meals and semi-finished products. Eat only homemade food, and for cooking choose only natural and fresh products
  • Drink from 1.5 liters plain water in a day. Drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach, and half an hour before each meal. After eating, you can drink liquid after at least 30 minutes. Don't drink food

Therapeutic fasting for a day, for 1 day

One-day fasting is the best choice for a beginner. It is also a great way to prevent the most various diseases with regular repetition of hungry days once every one or two weeks. The procedure lasting a day is easy to carry out on your own without the participation of a doctor. The main thing is to do everything according to the rules, which are the same for fasting of any duration.

Therapeutic fasting for weight loss for 7 days

Seven-day therapeutic fasting is a serious undertaking that is best not done at home if you are inexperienced. You can switch to weekly therapy only after you have practiced daily hunger treatment for several months in a row. For the purpose of weekly weight loss, it is best to seek help from a clinic specializing in unloading and dietary therapy.

The principle of conducting a 7-day fast is no different from the rules for a one-day fast. Be sure to pass preparatory stage, and at the end of the session, follow the recommended recovery nutrition. During the week you may be disturbed backfire, such as a specific smell of the skin, white coating on the tongue, exacerbation chronic ailments. All this is a normal consequence of fasting.

IMPORTANT: By the end of the 7-day period, all side effects usually disappear.

Therapeutic fasting 10 days

A 10-day fast is considered a medium-term fast. During this period, an acidotic crisis is usually achieved.

IMPORTANT: You should start a 10-day therapy only if the 7-day course does not cause you any special difficulties and for a week you are not tormented by the only thought of food.

The 10-day fast is different in that the true cleansing processes take place during it. After all, deep cleansing of the body is possible only after an acidotic crisis, which not everyone achieves in a week.

Be attentive to your condition. From one fasting session to another, you should feel a surge of strength, energy, and health. If it doesn't, then you're doing something wrong. In this case, please contact qualified help to a doctor, under whose supervision you can, even without special preparation, go through the procedure of treatment with hunger before a crisis.

Therapeutic fasting 21 days

A three-week therapeutic fasting for many can become a physiologically completed course. The physiological completion of fasting is a course that lasts until the end internal reserves organism. It is possible to determine whether internal resources have run out by a sudden feeling of hunger, active separation of saliva, and bowel cleansing. If you notice these manifestations in yourself earlier than 21 days, fasting should be stopped immediately.

Prolonged therapeutic fasting

Prolonged therapeutic fasting is used for special purposes:

  • for the deepest cleansing of the body
  • to cure serious chronic diseases
  • to achieve enlightenment, complete clarification of thoughts
  • to know your body

For most people, 20 days is not enough to achieve all of these goals. The physiological completion of fasting depends largely on the amount of human fat reserves. The more fat in the body of a starving person, the longer his body can feed on internal resources. And then the physiological completion of fasting will occur only on the 30th or 40th day.

IMPORTANT: The maximum fasting period of 90 days is officially fixed.

Usually under medical supervision long-term therapy passes without much trouble. From the moment of the acidotic crisis, a deep cleansing and healing of the body begins. By the 20th day, there is sometimes clouding of the urine, mild pain in the stomach and intestines, weakness, general deterioration. This is another tipping point, similar to an acid crisis, but much easier to bear.

IMPORTANT: For a fasting session of more than 20 days, you can lose 20-25% of total weight body.

Therapeutic starvation at home according to Nikolaev

Fasting according to Nikolaev is a 20-21-day course of treatment with hunger, less often - a longer therapy. According to the Nikolaev method, procedures are carried out in stationary conditions. However, you can use his advice for a home session as well.

Therapeutic fasting according to Nikolaev is whole complex procedures

Mandatory conditions for such fasting are daily auxiliary procedures:

  • enemas
  • spending 2 or more hours outside
  • use of rosehip decoction
  • massage treatments
  • cold and hot shower
  • bath or sauna visit
  • physio procedures

Nikolaev advises to devote all the time free from sleep and procedures to occupational therapy and hobbies in order to be distracted from thoughts about food.

Daily enemas are very important, as cleansing the intestines with a single enema procedure is not possible. Patients of the Nikolaev clinic are surprised at how long it takes to cleanse the intestines, provided that food does not enter it. When the body switches to internal nutrition, it begins to send its own nutrients to the intestines, thereby carrying out a process similar to the formation of primordial feces in infants.

Video: How Yuri Sergeevich Nikolaev came to therapeutic fasting

Therapeutic fasting according to Paul Bragg

Paul Bragg does not have medical education, but this did not become an obstacle for him when creating his own method of fasting. Bragg used hunger treatment both for his own healing and for helping his loved ones. The Bragg technique is based on the use of as much liquid as possible.

Paul advises starting the practice with one-day sessions and gradually increasing the duration of the event to a week or 10 days. Bragg considers 7-10-day treatments to be optimal for home use.

Take a saline laxative the night before your session. After taking it, it is forbidden to eat anything.

IMPORTANT: Bragg against enema during unloading and dietary therapy. He believes that enemas force the body to expend too many precious resources and interfere with the full recovery of the large intestine.

Here is a Bragg treatment plan that will ensure your health and longevity:

  • daily sessions every 7 days
  • weekly fasting once every 3 months
  • 21-day sessions once a year

Therapeutic fasting on the water

Therapeutic fasting on water differs from dry fasting in that you are allowed to drink liquid. Most methods allow you to drink only ordinary drinking water. Paul Bragg, for example, is in favor of consuming the maximum possible amount of moisture during the day of fasting.

He calls distilled water the best choice for treatment, as it perfectly removes excess salts from the body. Nikolaev, in addition to water, recommends drinking rosehip broth twice a day, which helps gastrointestinal tract cleanse and strengthen as much as possible.

If at first it is psychologically difficult for you to completely refuse food, then several times a day it is allowed to add 1 tsp to a glass of water. honey.

Therapeutic fasting for pancreatitis

IMPORTANT: In the acute form of pancreatitis, fasting therapy will help to completely recover. At chronic form cure will not occur, since the pancreatic tissue is severely destroyed during for a long time illness.

Hunger is observed for several days. The first day is completely dry fasting. After lunch on the second day, you can drink 200 ml of warm water. After another 60 minutes, it is allowed to use a portion of vegetable broth, after another couple of hours - a bowl of cereal soup in vegetable broth.

Dry fasting therapy does not cause inconvenience, since during this time the pain, nausea disappears, improves general well-being. It is dry fasting that provides the pancreas with the necessary rest so that the secretion of the digestive juice that is destructive during inflammation of the gland stops.

Exit from therapeutic starvation

IMPORTANT: Way out of fasting - component the whole process and its integral part. You can reduce all efforts to nothing and even harm the body if you do not follow the rules of restorative nutrition.

Restorative nutrition rules:

  • Restorative nutrition lasts the same period as the course of unloading and dietary therapy itself. If you fasted for 21 days, then the exit from hunger should also be 3 weeks.
  • Eat often and in small portions
  • It is forbidden to overeat, but starving is also not recommended.
  • Do not eat salt, sugar and spices during the recovery period
  • In the first couple of days, eat only plant foods and fruit and vegetable juices. After 2 days, enter fermented milk products and cereals into the diet. And only for 4-5 days add proteins to the menu - meat, chicken, fish dishes
  • Increase the amount of food gradually

Therapeutic fasting results: before and after

Prolonged therapeutic fasting helps to lose up to 25% of the original body weight. During a one-day session, it takes up to 2 kg.

Medical fasting. Photos before and after

General well-being improves, the body is charged with energy for long days ahead, the symptoms of chronic diseases are relieved. Prolonged fasting can cure several chronic ailments in just one course, although it usually takes several interventions and even several years.

Unloading and dietary therapy has won many positive feedback how effective technique weight loss and health improvement. The disadvantages of therapy are manifested in the following side effects each procedure:

  • headache
  • dizziness
  • physical weakness
  • drowsiness
  • belching with smell
  • chills
  • peculiar smell from the skin and from the mouth
  • joint pain

Video: The Science of Fasting

People who have been wrestling with their weight for years are trying different methods weight loss. It is easier for many to go on a strict diet, some prefer proper nutrition, and there are those who decide to starve, but do not always do it correctly. What should be the correct fasting for weight loss? Let's find out the main points.

How to fast to lose weight

There is no way to lose weight based on dietary restrictions, which would not have contraindications. Our life and good health are caused by food, because food is a kind of fuel for a well-coordinated mechanism called the “human body”. Not eating at all and feeling great, while losing weight qualitatively - from the words it looks like a fiction, but if you approach the process of starvation wisely and organize it correctly, this fiction can come true.

Fasting for weight loss should not be torture or a threat to life. First of all, you need to tune in, start with short intervals. The first time you should not abstain from food for more than 24 hours. When the body gets used to temporarily do without nutrients, you can increase the fasting period to three days, then take a seven-day course, or fast for a couple of weeks. Every fasting course, no matter how long, must be started with the right login and ended with the right logout to avoid various health problems.

How much can you lose on hunger in a week

Losing weight by fasting contributes to the rapid and effective dumping of weight from the body in the form of extra pounds subcutaneous fat. The amount of such a load that can be thrown off using this technique cannot be determined in general numbers - it all depends on the individual characteristics of each person. In any case, the weight will go away - at first rapidly, then more slowly. A one-day course can make you lighter by two and a half kilograms, but this does not mean that if you fast for a week, you can lose weight by 14 kg - fat is not burned as intensively in the following days as in the first.

How to fast to cleanse the body

Fasting as a technique involves the complete cleansing of the body from the collected food debris. The body systems do not stop functioning even with an absolute refusal of food, gradually processing and removing the remnants of nutrients from the intestines, at the same time ridding it of toxins, toxins, harmful microorganisms. Proper fasting to cleanse the body must be organized regularly. Useful for such cleaning will be the miraculous salad "Metelka".

Therapeutic fasting on the water

Recently, it has become popular to fast on water alone. It is efficient and fast way clean up your body. Fasting for health prohibits eating any food while brushing. Pure water is the only acceptable product. The daily norm is 100 ml per kilogram of weight. With the help of water, you will have to learn how to tame your appetite in the first stages of abstinence from food - drink every time you feel hungry, deceiving the body a little for its own good. If they appear severe symptoms malnutrition, weakness - you can add a drop of honey to the water.

How to start fasting

A common mistake of those who want to lose weight on a hunger strike is abrupt rejection from power or irrational exit from the system. As a result, an unsatisfactory result and distrust in the effectiveness of this technique. Before starting a fast of any kind, regardless of hourly restrictions, preliminary preparation should be carried out in order to level the stress of the body resulting from the refusal of food. A smooth entry into fasting will help not to break the system from malnutrition.

Preparation for fasting on the water excludes animal proteins, pastries, sweets from the dishes on the eve of the chosen period of food abstinence. On the day before the start of a hunger strike, you need to eat moderately, leaning on plant foods. To enter the system sooner, to get a better and faster result, you can do an enema with salt water at night for maximum bowel cleansing.

Dry fasting is also practiced, when not only food, but also liquid is prohibited. During a dry fast, you can not drink and give the body the opportunity to come into contact with water. It is very complex and rigid technique- the body's water reserves are critically depleted, if the rules are not followed, dehydration begins. Such a cleansing at home can cost a life, so it should be done only in specialized center, where you will be provided with optimal preparation, competent exit, medical support for healing fasting.

How to get out of fasting

In order to consolidate the result obtained without severely injuring the digestive system, the exit from fasting should be as mild as possible. The duration of the exit should be equated to the period of the hunger strike, or at least half. If you plan not to eat for a day, two or three, this is not too critical for the stomach - digestive system be able to restore their functions and adjust normal work for a day or two. During this period, vegetable and cereal dishes should become the basis of the menu.

Way out of prolonged fasting

If you're targeting long-term fasting, breaking out of it can be difficult. At the first stage of completing a long hunger strike, it is allowed to drink a liter of vegetable or fruit juice diluted equally with water. And it is better to take fruits with a minimum acid content. In the following days, it is worth limiting yourself to dishes from fresh vegetables or vegetable broth, gradually adding to daily ration other vegetables and grains. Foods rich in animal proteins include usual menu You can only a couple of weeks after the exit from a long fast.

How many days can you fast

Many are concerned about the question: how long can you starve on the water? The answer will depend on the reason for your decision to fast. If you just need to cleanse the body, one or two days is enough. In order to lose weight, you can starve for 5-7 days or arrange weekly short hunger strikes - for beginners, such an alternation of satiety and hunger is more acceptable. Long-term fasting of several weeks or even months is recommended only under medical supervision.

The benefits and harms of fasting

Many authors of works on fasting present such a method of losing weight and cleansing the body as a panacea for most diseases. The essence of the theory is that the body directs all its energy reserves to fight the disease, and not to digest food, because there is simply nothing to digest. Not long-term abstinence from food can really force the body to overcome the symptoms of the disease, but it is unlikely to be able to completely get rid of its manifestations. So what does fasting do more - benefit or harm?

The benefits of fasting for the body

Is fasting good different organisms and in various diseases - the question is still open. Benefit from intermittent fasting eat - thanks to a reasonable denial of nutrition, the body is completely cleansed, which entails not only weight loss, but also the establishment of vital work important systems body, cleansing the skin, getting rid of depression, chronic fatigue, renewal, even rejuvenation of the body. Such results become a reality in the case of a competent approach to abstinence from food, ideally after receiving personal recommendations from an experienced nutritionist.

The harm of fasting for the body

Major harm fasting for health - unpleasant side effects that always occur in a person after complete failure from nutrition. These are headaches excruciating dizziness, which may be accompanied by nausea, pressure drops, heart failure, a critical decrease in blood sugar, resulting in the appearance ketone bodies causing severe toxicity. Not every body can overcome such ailments on its own, so the process of fasting must be approached deliberately, and better - under medical supervision.

Video: how to fast for health

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