Why dream of a stream of water near the house. Dirty water according to Miller's dream book. Why do ponds dream

To the question of why a lot of water is dreaming, each interpreter will have his own answer. They agree on only one thing: water is a symbol of change, deep feelings, difficult relationships.

To the question of why a lot of water is dreaming, each interpreter will have his own answer.

  • Miller's dream book interprets a dream in which there is a lot of water as well-being, prosperity, strong emotional ties and changes that will radically change the dreamer's life.
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation explains such dreams with a premonition of important news, reconciliation of the warring parties, achievement of the goal.
  • Dream Interpretation Magini gives its own interpretation: streams of rain, vast expanses of water - this is a sphere of feelings, not only personal, but also business, as well as an important indicator of the dreamer's health.

Water in a dream book (video)

Seeing a lot of water on the street: what does it mean

If you dream of a flood, seething streams of dirty water, you will have a difficult struggle for your good name.

  • You stand knee-deep in water, the wind blows in your face, the rising water overflows with your head, but you stay on your feet - you should prepare for severe trials, but try not to worry: no life's hardships can break you.
  • A powerful stream of icy water rushes down the street, picks you up and carries you to the horizon, above which you can see the edge of the rising sun - a symbol of enduring health and excess energy. If the dreamer is sick at this time - to a speedy recovery.
  • She dreams that a column of boiling water breaks out of the sewer manhole - to good luck in love, a bright romantic relationship.

If you dream of a flood, seething streams of dirty water, you will have a difficult struggle for your good name.

Muddy water flows along the street with fragments of ice floes - you will be deceived by your best friends and lose faith in people for a long time.

Why dream of big water around you

If you dream that you are inside a giant crystal-clear water sphere, such a dream indicates the dreamer's high spiritual development, his connection with nature, from a grain of sand to cosmic depths.

  • The dream that you are walking along the seashore, the water of which has a purple hue, and the traces you leave are filled with blood, means hostility from relatives awaits you. Very often, such a dream is accompanied by the appearance of a large animal, real or fantastic. This means that you will receive information either from a letter or from a person located towards you.
  • If you dreamed that you were on a small island in the middle of a stormy sea, and formidable foamy shafts with a terrible roar fall on your shelter without causing any harm to it, a person will soon appear (or already exist, but you don’t know about it) in your life , which will become your safe haven during worldly storms.
  • A dream that the rooms in your house are filled with bright clear water, you swim on them, slide between the legs of furniture, play and frolic, means a transition to a new, higher level of spiritual development. Such dreams are rare and characterize the dreamer as a gifted person with extraordinary intuition and, possibly, a connection with the subtle world.

You are flying in a helicopter over a huge forest or park; at first you see only trees, then small lakes flash by more and more often, and soon the whole forest is under water - such a dream means that your efforts to improve your well-being will be hampered by external factors. Do not try to resist the circumstances, it is better to listen to yourself. Such dreams come to a person who is too tired, his subconscious mind is looking for any opportunity to rest, but the stubborn mind continues to work to its own detriment. Pay attention to whether there is anyone other than you in the cockpit of the helicopter. If there is a real high-ranking person nearby, a superhero or an angel, such a neighborhood means that you are being patronized by higher powers.

If you often dream of water: what is it for

The water that you often see in a dream reflects your indecision, inability to make decisions on your own, especially if you are knocked down every time and carried away by a muddy stream.

The water that you often see in a dream reflects your indecision.

Why dream of a lot of clean water

Pure clear water is a symbol of positive emotions, new feelings, sensations.

  • If you dream that you are facing a waterfall, and fine water dust settles on your hair, face, clothes, this dream promises a stormy romance with a happy ending.
  • Seeing a fountain whose jets sparkle in the rays of the bright sun is a very good symbol of financial stability, especially when you see gold coins at the bottom.
  • A pool filled with clear blue water is a harbinger of joyful events when you can relax and unwind after a long period of intense activity.
  • Warm streams of heavy rain are a symbol of great changes, especially favorable if everything around is flooded with the golden rays of the sun. If a downpour suddenly hit you in a dream, the changes will be quick and unexpected, but you should not be afraid of them: any twists of fate that occurred after this dream benefit the dreamer.

Pure clear water is a symbol of positive emotions, new feelings, sensations

Why do ponds dream

  • A lake with deep clear water - to the appearance of a secret admirer. If in a dream you are drowning in such a lake, in reality you will reciprocate your passionate passion.
  • A stream running among huge mossy boulders is a victory of living thought over obsolete traditions, something new that will enter an orderly life. It can mean the marriage of a convinced bachelor to a young girl or woman with a child.
  • The stream that was seen in a dream is a symbol of emotional maturity, growth and development of spiritual forces. May indicate the dreamer's powerful psychic abilities, which should manifest themselves in the near future.
  • The sea seen in a dream portends love. If the sea is calm, and the water in it is clean and transparent, this means that mutual feeling will develop slowly, but surely, and will lead to a happy marriage. If you see a restless blue sea with lambs of white foam, a difficult relationship awaits you with violent outbursts of emotions and no less violent reconciliations. You can forget about peace in this union, but you don’t have to complain about boredom.
  • The ocean is a symbol of a deliberate decision to connect your life with the life of another person for the rest of your life. This could be called a marriage of convenience, but the strong friendly affection experienced by partners in such an alliance, mutual respect and devoted care is a worthy substitute for love. Such dreams are more common among middle-aged people who have learned to appreciate quiet family joys.

If you dream of a big full-flowing river, expect something new: relationships, replenishment of the family, a change of job or profession. The best option for such a dream is if a large turtle gets out of the water ashore, digs a hole in the sand, lays eggs, buries them and swims downstream. This means that everything you aspire to, for which you make so much effort, will soon come true, and exactly as it was planned from the very beginning.

Get out of the water dry in a dream: five meanings

A dream in which you get out of the water without even wetting your shoes predicts victory over all adversities, difficult life circumstances.

  1. If you get out dry from the seething whirlpool of water, you are incredibly lucky. The intrigues of your enemies will turn against them. The victory will be so complete that there will be no room for gloating in your soul.
  2. Get out of the pool unscathed - safely avoid the danger of succumbing to a strong feeling for a cruel egoist.
  3. Walking along the bottom of the sea, the waters of which part before you, is a marriage that will not leave any noticeable trace in your soul.
  4. Falling off the deck of a ship in a dream and, barely touching the surface of the water, being picked up by a marine animal (whale or dolphin) - in not the best times for you, feel the support of a close friend or patron located towards you.
  5. Drowning in ink-black water and suddenly emerging to the surface, radiating a bright glow, is a wonderful dream that indicates that you will miraculously cope with a serious illness. Some interpreters consider such a dream to be a happy escape from prison, where the dreamer ended up taking on someone else's fault.

If you got out dry from the seething whirlpool of water, you are incredibly lucky.

If you dream of the sea

  • Calm sea in clear weather - to great joy, a family holiday.
  • Stormy - disappointment in a partner, intensity of passions, showdown in raised tones.
  • Sailing on the azure sea is a lasting marriage with your loved one.
  • The sea begins to worry - a premonition of trouble, anxiety, distrust of a partner.
  • To admire the sea at dawn, standing on the shore, is a strong mental fatigue, nervous exhaustion, the need for rest.
  • To look after a ship sailing into the sunset is a collapse of hopes, humility, resignation to fate.

Dive to great depths - find out some secret that has been hidden from you for a long time.

The article on the topic: "dream interpretation of the flow of water from the mountain" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Water is the most versatile and most difficult symbol to interpret dreams. The range of meanings is very wide, and therefore it is necessary to pay attention to whether it is transparent and clean, warm or cold, a lot of it or a little, and so on.

What is the dream of water according to popular beliefs

you will not be able to bear the unfavorable situation created by your misuse of your power.

a harbinger of despair that will seize you with false news.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman Water»›

means joy, improvement of well-being, a lot of pleasure.

Drink clean and fresh water: a sign of auspicious completion of the most daring undertakings.

Cloudy water: portends danger or despondency.

Fall into muddy water: a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes.

If you dream that water flooded your home and continues to rise at the same time:

you will fight and resist evil.

If, on the contrary, the water decreases: succumb to the dangerous influence.

If you dream of water splashing on your head:

it means the awakening of passionate love that will bring you happiness.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Water»›

to well-being, muddy

to success, triumph, draw it

A dream in which you drink clean and fresh water:

portends you success in all your affairs and undertakings, troubled water

luckily, frolic in the water

If in a dream you see how water glitters:

the impression of your new acquaintance can be very deceptive.

To dream of a smooth water surface: a good dream symbolizing your success

restless, with a swell: small problems and worries await you

if there are big waves or a storm: you may face difficulties in business and problems.

a warning about a harmful effect on you or about an upcoming adventure, during which they will try to take advantage of your gullibility.

a warning that great obstacles and problems await you in achieving your goal

if the whirlpool has drawn you in: it will be quite difficult for you to deal with them.

means that you will be offered unprofitable work, hard and poorly paid.

to great obstacles in business and difficulties in overcoming them.

Seeing dirty, muddy or greasy sewage in a dream:

not a good sign, clean and transparent

noisy and thundering in a picturesque area:

portends anxiety, annoyance or trouble.

If you admire the waterfall for a long time in a dream: it means that in reality you live in illusions.

The newest dream book Water»›

to the fulfillment of plans

swim in it to healing (if you are sick).

Cloudy water: to a disease that can be successfully cured by traditional medicine

to illnesses, slander, gossip, accusations of non-existent sin are not excluded.

to a negative program.

Pour water: empty, meaningless conversations

A stream of water pouring down will mean some universal influence, which is pointless to resist. In the case of harmony with this influence, and the establishment of reasonable contact, future fame should be expected. A person will acquire a certain originality and glorify himself among others.

Quenching thirst with cool and clear water dreams of positive, progressive changes not only in the life of a sleeping person, but throughout the world. In conjunction with society, the remnants of the past will be washed away and restored in it in an improved form.

Polluted water symbolizes only bad, and impending difficulties in relation to others. If in this case you do not show your good intentions and tolerance, you can run into a tough rebuff to all your undertakings and get a lot of grief from the problems that have come up.

A person drowning in a dream - in reality, is waging a difficult and bloody struggle with the obstacles placed by fate on the path of life.

The stream that flooded your home portends a lot of news that is different in meaning and essence, which can have a strong impact on the consciousness and assessment of yourself and your position in society, which can radically change your relationship with others.

If you dream that a clean stream floods your house and its level rises quickly, then you expect a fight against evil, but if it leaves, its level goes down - calm down, you will not succumb to the influence of bad people.

Why dream of clean water if you see a dream where you swam in a clean river. This dream says that others appreciate your actions.

Drink cold water- to health.

Drink warm water- to illness.

Drink water and get burped from it- means the loss of an estate, the death of a husband, wife or children.

Drink water from a river in a dream- to inescapable prosperity. If you have drunk all the water from the river, there is a chance to enter the highest echelons of power (of course, we can talk about managing, say, the city in which you live). If the water is unpleasant in taste or excessively saturated with salt, then such a dream is unfavorable.

swim in the water- this may mean that you have not yet separated yourself from the mother's essence and mother's psyche. Having already become quite an adult, you still continue to hold on to "mother's skirt."

Float on a tree on the water- unfulfilled hopes.

Swim in muddy water- obstacles.

enter the water- enter into an intimate relationship.

Enter sea water or ocean- to experience unusual sensations.

Enter the mountain river with clear water- to be surprised by the behavior of your partner.

Dive into a mountain stream- a love story that is not so easy to get rid of.

Dive head first into the water- to be in a difficult position.

Stand on the surface of the water- portends trouble.

Walk on water- well-being, success, luck; sign of celebration and success of the enterprise.

Drinking dirty, muddy, unclean water in a dream is a harbinger of a possible disease. If preventive measures are taken in time, the danger can pass by and the dreamer will not get sick.

If you dream of Water:

Why dream of water - Pure - luck, prosperity, muddy, dirty - depression, resentment, gossip

What does it mean if you dream of Water:

  • To see water in a dream is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away of sins and oblivion.
  • In a dream, drink clean cold water - in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new capacity, along with many people around you.
  • If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of the coming wave of cosmic influence on you, which is unreasonable to resist.
  • If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world.
  • Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, the complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions.
  • If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality wait for a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people.
  • Drowning in water - in reality, resisting the natural course of events, as a result of which you will tear your health and shorten your life.
  • Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of the water in a dream - you will hardly endure the coming changes, but by standing in this stormy stream of the event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Dream Interpretation: Water in a dream

  • Water - Cold - happiness.
  • Spill - you are fond of the right thing;
  • muddy - an obstacle;
  • drowning in water - you will encounter obstacles;
  • to ford - you will be freed from danger;
  • to swim - you are rehabilitated from suspicions;
  • bathing - get along with enemies;
  • drink cold water - health;
  • drinking warm is a disease;
  • scalded with boiling water - incur losses through negligence;
  • walking on water - you will overcome all obstacles;
  • to hear the sound of water - you will be sharply condemned.

Why dream of Water in a dream book:

  • Water is the symbol of life. Seeing crystal clear water collected in a huge ball - this dream portends favorable weather, which will bring many benefits for agricultural work.
  • Drinking water and seeing a fly at the bottom of a glass - this dream means a lawsuit, litigation or slander that will change the mood of society and its faith in tomorrow.
  • Walking on water and seeing flocks of carps - this dream suggests that relations with Japan will be brought to a critical point, but it will not come to violence or a declaration of war.
  • Walking underwater and talking with dolphins is a harbinger of discovering a previously unknown nation to the world.
  • Seeing strongly seething water is a sign of the birth of a new doctrine or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments.
  • Seeing water with blood - this dream portends the birth of a scorpion who will become a great man and declare himself publicly.

Wander in a dream in still water portends minor troubles or illness, stormy strong flow water is a dangerous disease that can suddenly fall on you. If in a dream you were given have a drink water, then you will have a long life. Water from a spring and a well promises success in all endeavors and wealth.

If you were given water, it means a long life. If river water is a huge income; water from a spring, well - wealth; from

Pits - quarrels; from the canal - Your crop will be flooded during a storm.

If a person carries water along the street, failures will leave him forever.

Water in a dream Culinary dream book

Drinking warm water in a dream is a sign of danger from a strong enemy. Cold water -

souls, devoted friends. Holy water - health, sinlessness. Walking on water is a success, a triumph. To see that the water evaporates, dries up - to a change in weather for the better. To scoop up water - to long occupations and big efforts. Spilling water in your room is a hassle, labor as the amount of water spilled.

Water in a dream Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

Walking on water is a great happiness; standing on the surface of the water is a nuisance; boundless streams of water - marriage; fire appears on the surface of the water - great happiness; frolic in the water - happiness and benefit; fall into the water

trouble will happen; drinking water non-stop is a great wealth; continuous streams of water surround the body - official business; water in the house - the death of a loved one.

Water in a dream Old Russian dream book

drink clean - fortunately; muddy - to the disease; walking in troubled waters is a disappointment for the better; immersion in water - get into a personal predicament; wash - to joy, liberation; pour - to shame, mistake; watering - to loss; looking at the waterfall is a terrible meeting.

Water in a dream French dream book

If you saw standing water in a dream, know that you are in danger. On the contrary, pure and fresh spring water promises a happy start and future success in your business. In addition, clear and fresh water - dreams of recovery.

Psychological exploration of your inner world

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

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Why dream of a stream of water?

Each element in the realm of Hypnos has its own meaning. Water is more related to income, well-being, the state of health of the sleeping person. Here it is important to note the quality of the water: its color, the speed of the flow, whether it is cloudy or transparent, whether there is something on its surface.

What if you dream of a stream of water?

The flow of water symbolizes life itself. Therefore, dreams in which the water element is present can tell a lot about the present and near future of the sleeper. If a person sees in a dream a calm river with clear water, this indicates a good state of health and excellent prospects for business activities. If something floats to the surface of the waters from the depths, it means that soon the sleeper will have to answer for an act committed in the past. If the flow of water is dark and seething, this portends a period of sadness in the near future.

The flow of water, which symbolizes well-being, should be calm, clean, pleasantly murmuring. A good sign if the sleeper sees fountains and springs in a dream. It is also important that the water is cold or cool. If it is warm, this is a sleeping illness.

To see a stream of water flowing from a tap, and the sleeper cannot stop it, means that his life forces are rapidly leaving the body. Therefore, a dream carries a warning that you should pay attention to your health and be less nervous over trifles. To dream of waves rolling on the shore - to the fast road. Seeing or hearing the surf means that in the near future in the life of the sleeping person all his problems will be safely resolved. If a stream of water flows in a dream near the dreamer's house, then soon his financial situation will improve.

What portends?

If a stream of water, regardless of whether it is clean or transparent, takes away someone close, this portends a serious danger or death to the one who is drowning. A dream is considered a good sign in which the sleeper sees the tide. This predicts a significant improvement in his life. If a source of clear blue water suddenly appears in the dreamer's house, this is a good sign. He predicts that in real life a person will have good health, his income will increase, and the atmosphere in the family will delight everyone at home.

To understand what the flow of water is dreaming of, you need to pay attention to all the details of this dream. If in a dream the sleeper drowns in a stormy river, then in real life he is in serious danger. If someone saves him, then in reality he will be able to avoid misfortune.

Seeing in a dream how a stream of water carries away some object means that this thing dear to the heart of the sleeping person will forever leave his life. If a person sees a high noisy waterfall, this means the machinations of enemies and the danger to life threatening through them.

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The flow of water interpretation of the dream book

Often in dreams, images come to us that warn of something important in life. Turning to dream books for advice, you can find out that the most accurate interpretation is provided about dreams in which various elements appear. For example, do you want to know why the flow of water is dreaming? The interpreter will tell you everything in detail.

Basic interpretation

In a dream, clues come to us from our subconscious. Therefore, try to remember in detail what you dreamed about and understand what the future has in store for you. If you cannot remember a single detail, then try to match part of the plot you saw with the main prediction. So, if you dreamed of a stream of water:

  • In which you happened to get into it by accident, then, according to the dream book, in reality you have a lot to worry about.
  • Crystal clear, then expect great joy in reality.
  • Muddy, then in reality you cannot avoid gossip, rumors and difficulties.
  • What knocked you down, you need to protect your good name and health.
  • What did you see in your home? Prepare for unexpected events.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book believes that if you had a dream about a stream of water that is approaching you, then soon you have a lot to go through. If the water was clear, and you were able to see the bottom, then your business will eventually improve. If a patient dreamed of pure fast water, then soon he would be healed.

A stream of clean and clear water flowing into the house means that you will have a rich patron who will help. But if water flows out of the house, then a poor person predicts trouble because of his wife or children. Bogotoma, on the contrary, is an addition to the estate and success in a career.

Did you dream that the rapid flow of water turned out to be clean and transparent? The Dream Interpretation of the White Magician believes that soon you will experience vivid and strong sensations that you have never seen before. To see that a seething and swift river has become cleared of various debris and dirt before our eyes means that in reality you will be able to get rid of all the evil that has accumulated in your soul.

To problems

According to the prediction of Miss Hasse's dream book, if you happen to stand in a dirty and stormy stream, then expect trouble. First of all, you will begin to experience difficulties in relationships with people around you. Did you have to stand in a stormy stream? This dream is a symbol of instability. If the swift waters turned out to be completely dirty, then you should really be wary of gossip, slander and lies.

If in a dream you dreamed that a friend had to stand in a dirty and stormy stream, then in real life he will cause your troubles and problems.

To surprises

Did you dream that you witnessed how a huge stream of water pours out of the windows of your own apartment and rushes down the street? The lunar dream book believes that you will soon be very lucky. You will be able to benefit for yourself, even being in a difficult situation.

Did you see that a rapid stream of water pours out of a tap in a house and floods everything around? The dream book believes that in reality you experience subconscious fear and cannot begin to fulfill your cherished dream. Try to overcome your fear. After all, all your desires are feasible.

Did you dream that you were washed out of bed into the street by a stream of water? Soon you will find changes that will change your life for the better, make it rich, exciting and fun.

Why dream a lot of water: meanings and interpretations

To the question of why a lot of water is dreaming, each interpreter will have his own answer. They agree on only one thing: water is a symbol of change, deep feelings, difficult relationships.

Why dream a lot of water: general interpretations in the dream book of Miller, Vanga, Magini

  • Miller's dream book interprets a dream in which there is a lot of water as well-being, prosperity, strong emotional ties and changes that will radically change the dreamer's life.
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation explains such dreams with a premonition of important news, reconciliation of the warring parties, achievement of the goal.
  • Dream Interpretation Magini gives its own interpretation: streams of rain, vast expanses of water - this is a sphere of feelings, not only personal, but also business, as well as an important indicator of the dreamer's health.

Water in a dream book (video)

Seeing a lot of water on the street: what does it mean

If you dream of a flood, seething streams of dirty water, you will have a difficult struggle for your good name.

  • You stand knee-deep in water, the wind blows in your face, the rising water overflows with your head, but you stay on your feet - you should prepare for severe trials, but try not to worry: no life's hardships can break you.
  • A powerful stream of icy water rushes down the street, picks you up and carries you to the horizon, above which you can see the edge of the rising sun - a symbol of enduring health and excess energy. If the dreamer is sick at this time - to a speedy recovery.
  • She dreams that a column of boiling water breaks out of the sewer manhole - to good luck in love, a bright romantic relationship.
If you dream of a flood, seething streams of dirty water, you will have a difficult struggle for your good name.

Muddy water flows along the street with fragments of ice floes - you will be deceived by your best friends and lose faith in people for a long time.

Why dream of big water around you

If you dream that you are inside a giant crystal-clear water sphere, such a dream indicates the dreamer's high spiritual development, his connection with nature, from a grain of sand to cosmic depths.

  • The dream that you are walking along the seashore, the water of which has a purple hue, and the traces you leave are filled with blood, means hostility from relatives awaits you. Very often, such a dream is accompanied by the appearance of a large animal, real or fantastic. This means that you will receive information either from a letter or from a person located towards you.
  • If you dreamed that you were on a small island in the middle of a stormy sea, and formidable foamy shafts with a terrible roar fall on your shelter without causing any harm to it, a person will soon appear (or already exist, but you don’t know about it) in your life , which will become your safe haven during worldly storms.
  • A dream that the rooms in your house are filled with bright clear water, you swim on them, slide between the legs of furniture, play and frolic, means a transition to a new, higher level of spiritual development. Such dreams are rare and characterize the dreamer as a gifted person with extraordinary intuition and, possibly, a connection with the subtle world.

You are flying in a helicopter over a huge forest or park; at first you see only trees, then small lakes flash by more and more often, and soon the whole forest is under water - such a dream means that your efforts to improve your well-being will be hampered by external factors. Do not try to resist the circumstances, it is better to listen to yourself. Such dreams come to a person who is too tired, his subconscious mind is looking for any opportunity to rest, but the stubborn mind continues to work to its own detriment. Pay attention to whether there is anyone other than you in the cockpit of the helicopter. If there is a real high-ranking person nearby, a superhero or an angel, such a neighborhood means that you are being patronized by higher powers.

If you often dream of water: what is it for

The water that you often see in a dream reflects your indecision, inability to make decisions on your own, especially if you are knocked down every time and carried away by a muddy stream.

Why dream of a lot of clean water

Pure clear water is a symbol of positive emotions, new feelings, sensations.

  • If you dream that you are facing a waterfall, and fine water dust settles on your hair, face, clothes, this dream promises a stormy romance with a happy ending.
  • Seeing a fountain whose jets sparkle in the rays of the bright sun is a very good symbol of financial stability, especially when you see gold coins at the bottom.
  • A pool filled with clear blue water is a harbinger of joyful events when you can relax and unwind after a long period of intense activity.
  • Warm streams of heavy rain are a symbol of great changes, especially favorable if everything around is flooded with the golden rays of the sun. If a downpour suddenly hit you in a dream, the changes will be quick and unexpected, but you should not be afraid of them: any twists of fate that occurred after this dream benefit the dreamer.
Pure clear water is a symbol of positive emotions, new feelings, sensations

Why do ponds dream

  • A lake with deep clear water - to the appearance of a secret admirer. If in a dream you are drowning in such a lake, in reality you will reciprocate your passionate passion.
  • A stream running among huge mossy boulders is a victory of living thought over obsolete traditions, something new that will enter an orderly life. It can mean the marriage of a convinced bachelor to a young girl or woman with a child.
  • The stream that was seen in a dream is a symbol of emotional maturity, growth and development of spiritual forces. May indicate the dreamer's powerful psychic abilities, which should manifest themselves in the near future.
  • The sea seen in a dream portends love. If the sea is calm, and the water in it is clean and transparent, this means that mutual feeling will develop slowly, but surely, and will lead to a happy marriage. If you see a restless blue sea with lambs of white foam, a difficult relationship awaits you with violent outbursts of emotions and no less violent reconciliations. You can forget about peace in this union, but you don’t have to complain about boredom.
  • The ocean is a symbol of a deliberate decision to connect your life with the life of another person for the rest of your life. This could be called a marriage of convenience, but the strong friendly affection experienced by partners in such an alliance, mutual respect and devoted care is a worthy substitute for love. Such dreams are more common among middle-aged people who have learned to appreciate quiet family joys.

If you dream of a big full-flowing river, expect something new: relationships, replenishment of the family, a change of job or profession. The best option for such a dream is if a large turtle gets out of the water ashore, digs a hole in the sand, lays eggs, buries them and swims downstream. This means that everything you aspire to, for which you make so much effort, will soon come true, and exactly as it was planned from the very beginning.

Get out of the water dry in a dream: five meanings

A dream in which you get out of the water without even wetting your shoes predicts victory over all adversities, difficult life circumstances.

  1. If you get out dry from the seething whirlpool of water, you are incredibly lucky. The intrigues of your enemies will turn against them. The victory will be so complete that there will be no room for gloating in your soul.
  2. Get out of the pool unscathed - safely avoid the danger of succumbing to a strong feeling for a cruel egoist.
  3. Walking along the bottom of the sea, the waters of which part before you, is a marriage that will not leave any noticeable trace in your soul.
  4. Falling off the deck of a ship in a dream and, barely touching the surface of the water, being picked up by a marine animal (whale or dolphin) - in not the best times for you, feel the support of a close friend or patron located towards you.
  5. Drowning in ink-black water and suddenly emerging to the surface, radiating a bright glow, is a wonderful dream that indicates that you will miraculously cope with a serious illness. Some interpreters consider such a dream to be a happy escape from prison, where the dreamer ended up taking on someone else's fault.

If you dream of the sea

  • Calm sea in clear weather - to great joy, a family holiday.
  • Stormy - disappointment in a partner, intensity of passions, showdown in raised tones.
  • Sailing on the azure sea is a lasting marriage with your loved one.
  • The sea begins to worry - a premonition of trouble, anxiety, distrust of a partner.
  • To admire the sea at dawn, standing on the shore, is a strong mental fatigue, nervous exhaustion, the need for rest.
  • To look after a ship sailing into the sunset is a collapse of hopes, humility, resignation to fate.

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Once in the arms of Morpheus, a person sees dreams, which, in turn, have some meaning for the dreamer. By studying dream books, one can be convinced that dreams about the elements have the most meaning, among which water is far from the last place. A lot is known about this element, seen in a dream, which cannot be said about its raging stream. It is interesting to know why the flow of water is dreaming? Then forward, to the interpretation!

A dream is a warning about something, a hint of the subconscious. If you remember what you dreamed about, then the dream books will give a detailed explanation of the dream and tell you what to do. Don't remember everything? Well, remember at least part of the plot, that will be enough. So: the flow of water.

  • To get into it by chance - to experiences.
  • If it was transparent - to joy.
  • Muddy - to gossip and trouble.
  • Knocked down - take care of your health and reputation.
  • Seeing in your home is a surprise.

Miller's dream book

All those who had a dream about an impending stream of water, Miller's dream book warns of an approaching period of experiences. It’s another matter if the water was so clean that even through the current you were able to see the bottom: things will start to get better. And for the sick, pure fast water is a symbol of speedy healing.

A stream of crystal clearness as a symbol of new emotions and joy

Is it a dream that a strong bubbling stream of water is clean and transparent? According to the dream book of the White Magician, this means the entry into the dreamer's life of impressions and feelings so vivid and strong that he has not been familiar with until now.

But if a strong current of a seething river before our eyes is cleared of impurities, becoming transparent, this means either the purification of your thoughts from “impure” thoughts, or getting rid of the negative energy that “ate” you from the inside. In any case, this is a wonderful symbol.

Mud mudflows - a sign of problems and troubles

A bad interpretation of sleep is given by Miss Hasse's dream book, in which the dreamer had to stand in a dirty stormy river. This portends difficulties in communication. Standing in a stormy stream is generally a sign of instability, and if it is also dirty, then it is likely that someone who has seen such a dream will have problems because someone decides to slander him.

Well, if you dream that a friend has to stand in a dirty turbulent stream of water, then this may mean that it is he who will bring you problems and difficulties.

Where there should not be a leak, or Unexpected turns of Fate

Did you dream that you, being on the street, witnessed how a large stream of water escaped from the window of your apartment? You are unexpectedly lucky. You will be able to benefit for yourself where, it would seem, this is not possible, the Lunar Dream Book predicts.

A dream will surprise you with its interpretation, in which you see how a jet bursts out of a tap under great pressure in a house, flooding everything around. You are afraid to take the first step towards the fulfillment of your cherished desire, but if you manage to overcome your fear, you will get what you want, and quickly and without significant difficulties.

But if you suddenly dream that you were washed out of your own bed into the street, then it's time to let something new into your life. It will greatly facilitate your existence and make life brighter and more fun.

Water is the most versatile and most difficult symbol to interpret dreams. The range of meanings is very wide, and therefore it is necessary to pay attention to whether it is transparent and clean, warm or cold, a lot of it or a little, and so on.

What is the dream of water according to popular beliefs

Drop something into well water:
you will not be able to bear the unfavorable situation created by your misuse of your power.

Fall into well water:
a harbinger of despair that will seize you with false news.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman Water»›

Seeing pure water in a dream:
means joy, improvement of well-being, a lot of pleasure.

Drink clean and fresh water: a sign of auspicious completion of the most daring undertakings.

Cloudy water: portends danger or despondency.

Fall into muddy water: a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes.

Drink cloudy water: to illness.

If you dream that water flooded your home and continues to rise at the same time:
you will fight and resist evil.

If, on the contrary, the water decreases: succumb to the dangerous influence.

If you dream of water splashing on your head:
it means the awakening of passionate love that will bring you happiness.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Water»›

See clean water
to well-being, muddy

Walk on water:
to success, triumph, draw it

A dream in which you drink clean and fresh water:
portends you success in all your affairs and undertakings, troubled water

Walk in a dream on water:
luckily, frolic in the water

If in a dream you see how water glitters:
the impression of your new acquaintance can be very deceptive.

To dream of a smooth water surface: a good dream symbolizing your success

restless, with a swell: small problems and worries await you

if there are big waves or a storm: you may face difficulties in business and problems.

Flood in a dream:
a warning about a harmful effect on you or about an upcoming adventure, during which they will try to take advantage of your gullibility.

Seeing a whirlpool in a dream:
a warning that great obstacles and problems await you in achieving your goal

if the whirlpool has drawn you in: it will be quite difficult for you to deal with them.

Pouring water from a bucket:
means that you will be offered unprofitable work, hard and poorly paid.

Do water slalom in a dream:
to great obstacles in business and difficulties in overcoming them.

Seeing dirty, muddy or greasy sewage in a dream:
not a good sign, clean and transparent

Seeing a waterfall in a dream: to the news

noisy and thundering in a picturesque area:
portends anxiety, annoyance or trouble.

If you admire the waterfall for a long time in a dream: it means that in reality you live in illusions.

The newest dream book Water»›

Pure water: to health

to the fulfillment of plans

swim in it to healing (if you are sick).

Cloudy water: to a disease that can be successfully cured by traditional medicine

be in dirty water
to illnesses, slander, gossip, accusations of non-existent sin are not excluded.

Splash with water: to surprise

to a negative program.

Pour water: empty, meaningless conversations

useless chores.

A stream of water pouring down will mean some universal influence, which is pointless to resist. In the case of harmony with this influence, and the establishment of reasonable contact, future fame should be expected. A person will acquire a certain originality and glorify himself among others.

Quenching thirst with cool and clear water dreams of positive, progressive changes not only in the life of a sleeping person, but throughout the world. In conjunction with society, the remnants of the past will be washed away and restored in it in an improved form.

Polluted water symbolizes only bad, and impending difficulties in relation to others. If in this case you do not show your good intentions and tolerance, you can run into a tough rebuff to all your undertakings and get a lot of grief from the problems that have come up.

A person drowning in a dream - in reality, is waging a difficult and bloody struggle with the obstacles placed by fate on the path of life.

The stream that flooded your home portends a lot of news that is different in meaning and essence, which can have a strong impact on the consciousness and assessment of yourself and your position in society, which can radically change your relationship with others.

If you dream that a clean stream floods your house and its level rises quickly, then you expect a fight against evil, but if it leaves, its level goes down - calm down, you will not succumb to the influence of bad people.

Why dream of clean water if you see a dream where you swam in a clean river. This dream says that others appreciate your actions.

Boiling water to drink- happiness.

Drink cold water- to health.

Drink warm water- to illness.

Drink water and get burped from it- means the loss of an estate, the death of a husband, wife or children.

Drink water from a river in a dream- to inescapable prosperity. If you have drunk all the water from the river, there is a chance to enter the highest echelons of power (of course, we can talk about managing, say, the city in which you live). If the water is unpleasant in taste or excessively saturated with salt, then such a dream is unfavorable.

swim in the water- this may mean that you have not yet separated yourself from the mother's essence and mother's psyche. Having already become quite an adult, you still continue to hold on to "mother's skirt."

Float on a tree on the water- unfulfilled hopes.

Swim in muddy water- obstacles.

enter the water- enter into an intimate relationship.

Enter sea water or ocean- to experience unusual sensations.

Enter the mountain river with clear water- to be surprised by the behavior of your partner.

Dive into a mountain stream- a love story that is not so easy to get rid of.

Dive head first into the water- to be in a difficult position.

Stand on the surface of the water- portends trouble.

Walk on water- well-being, success, luck; sign of celebration and success of the enterprise.

Drinking dirty, muddy, unclean water in a dream is a harbinger of a possible disease. If preventive measures are taken in time, the danger can pass by and the dreamer will not get sick.

  • Water - Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep freshwater lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If the dream contains this significant symbol in any form, it is extremely important to understand its role. Water in dreams is a strong symbol, because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a murmuring stream flowing through a meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols generate a feeling of fear or ANXIETY, then the stormy ocean intensifies it.
  • Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. It is a reflection of the human experience with water. At the dawn of mankind, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was the central ingredient of life. (You die much faster from thirst than from hunger.) It was even more important to know where the water was, for it made it clear where the FOOD was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, which was fraught with unknown dangers. JOURNEY on the water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas claimed the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease.
  • Emphasizing a positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water, in controlled amounts or in a controlled environment, almost always evokes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to problem solving. If there is a lake in a dream, is the entire coast line within sight and likely reach? If you dream of a river or stream, then have they overflowed their banks, and can they, in your opinion, be overcome in the usual ways? These are all examples of managed water. Water presented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a traveler and tired, dreamer suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey, close at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a BOAT, slowly sliding on the surface of the water. The sleeper must be looking forward to a respite from worldly worries or is trying to create such an opportunity on purpose.
  • Unmanaged water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer is.
  • Still, deep water that feels refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the danger potentially lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what is in the depths. An exception to the above general statements are water faucets. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the crane is controlled by a dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer is not effectively operating the faucet, then it can be assumed that he feels that he is not in control and is not able to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the faucet). If the tap is controlled by another person, then it can be concluded that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of the other. This whim can cause considerable discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss. , lover or other persons significant to you.

Modern dream book

If you dream of Water:

Why dream of water - Pure - luck, prosperity, muddy, dirty - depression, resentment, gossip

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean if you dream of Water:

  • To see water in a dream is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away of sins and oblivion.
  • In a dream, drink clean cold water - in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new capacity, along with many people around you.
  • If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of the coming wave of cosmic influence on you, which is unreasonable to resist.
  • If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world.
  • Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, the complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions.
  • If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality wait for a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people.
  • Drowning in water - in reality, resisting the natural course of events, as a result of which you will tear your health and shorten your life.
  • Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of the water in a dream - you will hardly endure the coming changes, but by standing in this stormy stream of the event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Dream Interpretation: Water in a dream

  • Water - Cold - happiness.
  • Spill - you are fond of the right thing;
  • muddy - an obstacle;
  • drown in water - you will encounter obstacles;
  • to ford - you will be freed from danger;
  • to swim - you are rehabilitated from suspicions;
  • bathing - get along with enemies;
  • drink cold water - health;
  • drink warm - a disease;
  • scalded with boiling water - incur losses through negligence;
  • walking on water - you will overcome all obstacles;
  • to hear the sound of water - you will be sharply condemned.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why dream of Water in a dream book:

  • Water is the symbol of life. Seeing crystal clear water collected in a huge ball - this dream portends favorable weather, which will bring many benefits for agricultural work.
  • Drinking water and seeing a fly at the bottom of a glass - this dream means a lawsuit, litigation or slander that will change the mood of society and its faith in tomorrow.
  • Walking on water and seeing flocks of carps - this dream suggests that relations with Japan will be brought to a critical point, but it will not come to violence or a declaration of war.
  • Walking underwater and talking with dolphins is a harbinger of discovering a previously unknown nation to the world.
  • Seeing strongly seething water is a sign of the birth of a new doctrine or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments.
  • Seeing water with blood - this dream portends the birth of a scorpion who will become a great man and declare himself publicly.

Wander in a dream in still water portends minor troubles or illness, stormy strong flow water is a dangerous disease that can suddenly fall on you. If in a dream you were given have a drink water, then you will have a long life. Water from a spring and a well promises success in all endeavors and wealth.

If you were given water, it means a long life. If river water is a huge income; water from a spring, well - wealth; from

Pits - quarrels; from the canal - Your crop will be flooded during a storm.

If a person carries water along the street, failures will leave him forever.

Water in a dream Culinary dream book

Drinking warm water in a dream is a sign of danger from a strong enemy. Cold water -

souls, devoted friends. Holy water - health, sinlessness. Walking on water is a success, a triumph. To see that the water evaporates, dries up - to a change in weather for the better. To scoop up water - to long occupations and big efforts. Spilling water in your room is a hassle, labor as the amount of water spilled.

Water in a dream Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

Walking on water is a great happiness; standing on the surface of the water is a nuisance; boundless streams of water - marriage; fire appears on the surface of the water - great happiness; frolic in the water - happiness and benefit; fall into the water
trouble will happen; drinking water non-stop is a great wealth; continuous streams of water surround the body - business; water in the house - the death of a loved one.

Water in a dream Old Russian dream book

drink clean - fortunately; muddy - to illness; walking in troubled waters is a disappointment for the better; immersion in water - get into a personal predicament; wash - to joy, liberation; pour - to shame, mistake; water - to loss; looking at the waterfall is a terrible meeting.

Water in a dream French dream book

If you saw standing water in a dream, know that you are in danger. On the contrary, pure and fresh spring water promises a happy start and future success in your business. In addition, clear and fresh water - dreams of recovery.

Psychological exploration of your inner world

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.
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Often in dreams we receive images that warn of something important in life. Turning to dream books for advice, you can find out the exact interpretation of dreams in which various elements appear. For example, do you want to know why the flow of water is dreaming? The interpreter will tell you everything in detail.

Basic interpretation

In a dream, clues come to us from our subconscious. Therefore, try to remember in detail what you dreamed about and understand what the future has in store for you. If you can’t remember a single detail, then try to compare part of the plot you saw with the main prediction. So, if you dreamed of a stream of water,

  • which you happened to get into by accident, then, according to the dream book, there will be many experiences in reality;
  • crystal clear water - expect great joy in reality;
  • muddy - in reality, gossip, rumors and difficulties cannot be avoided;
  • knocking down the stream - you need to protect your good name and health;
  • flow in the house - get ready for unexpected events.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book believes that if you had a dream about a stream of water approaching you, then soon you have a lot to go through. If the water was clear, and you were able to see the bottom, then your business will eventually improve. If a patient dreamed of pure fast water, then soon he would be healed.

A stream of clean and clear water flowing into the house means that you will have a rich patron who will help. But if water flows out of the house, then a poor person predicts trouble because of his wife or children. To the rich, on the contrary, an addition to the family and career success.

To joy

Did you dream that the rapid flow of water turned out to be clean and transparent? The Dream Interpretation of the White Magician believes that soon you will experience vivid and strong sensations. To see that a seething and swift river has become cleared of various debris and dirt before our eyes means that in reality you can get rid of all the bad things that have accumulated in your soul.

To problems

According to the prediction of Miss Hasse's dream book, if you happen to stand in a dirty and stormy stream, then expect trouble. First of all, you will begin to experience difficulties in relationships with people around you. Did you have to stand in a stormy stream? This dream is a symbol of instability. If the swift waters turned out to be completely dirty, then you should really be wary of gossip, slander and lies.

If in a dream you dreamed that a friend had to stand in a dirty and stormy stream, then in real life he will cause your troubles and problems.

To surprises

Did you dream that you witnessed how a huge stream of water pours out of the windows of your own apartment and rushes down the street? The lunar dream book believes that you will soon be very lucky. You will be able to benefit for yourself, even being in a difficult situation.

Did you see that a rapid stream of water pours out of a tap in a house and floods everything around? The dream interpretation believes that in reality you experience subconscious fear and cannot begin to fulfill your cherished dream. Try to overcome your fear. After all, all your desires are feasible.

Did you dream that you were washed out of bed into the street by a stream of water? Soon, changes are expected that will change your life for the better, make it rich, exciting and fun.

For many centuries, a person has been trying to unravel the meaning of dreams, to open the curtain of secrecy and get recommendations for the future. Events and images left in your memories are able to prophesy and prevent certain events, push you to certain actions.

The semantic load contained in dreams is studied in a science called somnology. Physiologists are trying to explain the processes that occur in dreams from the standpoint of the existing baggage of knowledge.

Water in a dream is a common occurrence. Someone dreams that he is drinking water, who in dreams are azure sea shores, someone is a stormy waterfall, and some are water sports. Why can all this be a dream? why dream of water? What does water mean in a dream?

Perhaps you simply do not have enough drive or rest in your life, or maybe you had a fun evening yesterday and you are thirsty? It is not always worth looking for an interpretation of a dream about water, sometimes it is necessary to understand the impulses of the body and go on a journey, or maybe just get up and drink water :).

But if your dream is in no way connected with your well-being, spiritual urges, then we invite you to find out what water is dreaming of. Water, which plays a huge role in human life, in a dream can be interpreted both as a good omen and as a bad one.

  • Reading water - to favorable changes.
  • Turbid water in all dream books is interpreted as a warning of danger.

Why dream of water according to Miller's dream book

Seeing clear, clean water in a dream, you can expect that in the future you will have a wonderful prospect of increasing your well-being or getting a lot of pleasant, joyful pleasures. Clean water - to changes in life, to a favorable turn of events.

If in a dream you drink clean water with pleasure, then you can wait for the fulfillment of your innermost desires. The dream that you have been nurturing in your heart for so long will soon come true.

Splashes of clean water falling on you in a dream may portend the beginning of a sensual love affair with a happy ending.

Turbid and dirty water, with unpleasant impurities, warns of impending troubles that threaten you in the future.

If in a dream you fell into muddy water, then this can be interpreted as the prospect of you making many small mistakes that will be painfully experienced by you. The muddy water that fills the ship on which you are sailing in a dream means the prospect of solving difficult problems that you will be able to solve thanks to your own courtesy.

Drinking muddy water can be a sign of a hidden disease or portend a deterioration in well-being.

The water that floods your home and arrives portends a struggle and resistance to any evil forces, unpleasant circumstances. Receding water dreams that you will give up and stop fighting dangerous events.

Sports exercises that you do in the water, or splashes of water falling on your head, speak of the coming awakening of feelings, the prospect of love and passionate adventures.

Water in a dream - Vanga's dream book

What is the dream of water according to Vanga's interpretation? Water symbolizes changes in life, evolution. It is interpreted as a force that promotes renewal and deliverance from sins.

If in a dream you are caught in the rain, or jets of water are pouring on you from above, then this will portend a strong cosmic influence that should not be resisted. Finding harmony with outer space in real life can lead to the formation of a great person in your face, the opportunity to become famous throughout the world.

Contemplation of muddy water in a dream means troubles and misfortunes, as well as difficult life situations and worsening relationships with people. A favorable way out in this case would be to show patience and kindness. This will help not to stain the soul with inappropriate impressions.

The water flooding your house is dreaming of a huge amount of news. At the same time, one piece of news will serve as an impetus for a radical change in your attitude, a change in your relationship with people.

Choking and drowning in a stream of water is an omen of impending resistance to the established course of your life. The result of this can be torn health and a decrease in life span.

Ripples and circles diverging along the water surface portend rather unpleasant future changes. If in a dream you hold on and stand in this water stream, then in real life you will be able to gain power over life circumstances, over yourself and other people.

Dream Interpretation of Juno - water

According to the dream book of Juno, the ancient Roman goddess and wife of Jupiter, who guards the family hearth and family values, dream prediction is based on knowledge accumulated over many centuries.

Juno's dream book includes 40 collections on the interpretation of dreams from the most famous authors. An explanation of the images and events taking place in dreams, and some recommendations for the future are given by Nostradamus, Freud, Solomon, Cleopatra.

Water in all interpretations is associated with the emotional and sensual perception of what is happening, the mysterious element of female energy. A stormy but not dangerous water stream symbolizes sensual and emotional impulses. A blockage in the way of such a flow may indicate that you tend to hide your feelings, not allowing them to come out.

The transparency of spring water indicates the purity of your feelings, the relationship of your feminine energy with intuition. In stagnant, stale water, a symbol of vicious emotions is seen that should be somehow removed from your life.

A ball filled with clean water, according to Nostradamus, is able to predict good weather. An insect in a glass can symbolize a lengthy lawsuit or slander against you. Seething water dreams of a major discovery in the scientific field.

Why dream of water according to Freud

Freud interpreted water as a reflection of intimate relationships between the sexes, evidence of the birth of a new life. Bathing in water speaks of the passionate nature of a person, the desire and ability to enjoy the closeness of a loved one, and splashing indicates an extreme propensity for sexual fantasies.

Swimming in the water for women can be a sign of imminent motherhood, and a strong desire to become pregnant is associated, according to Freud, with the absorption of dirty water. Filling a vessel with water indicates a strong desire to fall in love with a loved one.

If you admire your reflection in the water, this means that you pay too much attention to your own interests, regardless of the opinions and desires of your partner, who most likely lacks your affection.

Why dream of water - women's dream book

According to the women's dream book, to see clean water in a dream means prosperity and sensual pleasures. Dirty and muddy water dreams of danger threatening you and gloomy despondency.

Flooding your home with water portends a battle with adversity that awaits you. If water leaves a flooded dwelling, it means that the troubles awaiting you will soon recede.

Scooping up water from somewhere and getting wet feet dream of troubles and illnesses, and also portend you troubles and troubles.

Drinking clean, clear water - to positive changes in fate and coming true hopes. The dirty water you drink is a disease.

Splashes of water falling on your head mean mutual love passion.

Why dream a lot of water

A huge amount of clear calm water means peace and prosperity after long and difficult life upheavals.

Sweeping in the same stream with the stormy waters of a raging river can be a sign of a serious illness or obstacles in an important matter for you. If in a dream you saw people who are carried away by a stormy current, then this may portend a dangerous, hopeless situation and heavy loss.

To see the streets of a city or a settlement flooded with a huge amount of seething water is a possible disaster that can lead to many misfortunes and negative events.

Flooding marks the onset of various adverse events, as well as a change in sexual partner or intimate lifestyle. If you dreamed that you were surrounded by clean water, then luxury and wealth await you ahead.

Water approaching your feet promises trouble in matters of real estate transactions, the possibility of its loss or deception, which entails its loss.

Dream Interpretation - cloudy or clear water in a dream

Why dream of cloudy or clear water? Clean, clear water portends future favorable changes, spiritual cleansing and improved well-being.

Drinking pure water in a dream means the fulfillment of the most secret desires and dreams. Esoteric and French dream books interpret water seen in a dream as evidence that portends success and positive emotions, as well as a firm hope for a speedy recovery.

A dream in which you find yourself splashed with clean water will speak of the beginning of a new romantic relationship with a happy ending.

Pure water, pouring down on you, should promise, waiting for you soon, honors and glory. Wine diluted with water should bring disappointment and deceit.

All dream books associate dirty and muddy waters with warnings about the dangers that threaten you and the increased activity of enemies. Such waters also portend a deterioration in your well-being and unpleasant events.

Sleep fall into the water, drown in the water, walk on the water - what does it mean?

Falling into the water means the unfulfillment of your hopes and desires, the unfavorable outcome of the current affairs that your thoughts are busy with. Falling into dirty water marks the commission of many mistakes and ill-considered actions that will affect your life for a long time to come.

Falling into the water of any large body of water in a dream means a serious and long illness, if soon after the dream you get sick in reality. Unexpected good news awaits you if you fell into a well of water in a dream.

Drowning in water means the possibility of injury, accident or loss of property. In the event of a successful rescue, you will be promoted up the career ladder, honored and respected by others.

Dreaming of walking on water means the fulfillment of your desires. The more water is under your feet while walking on water, the more obstacles you will encounter on the way to the goal. So, if in a dream you are walking along a small stream, then your wishes will come true soon. And if you wade along the river, then only by overcoming many obstacles will you be able to fulfill your dream.

Crossing a restless, raging river dreams of difficult problems and obstacles that must be solved and overcome on the way to the cherished goal.

If in a dream you came to the aid of a drowning person, then either well-deserved happiness awaits you, or the opportunity to help a friend in promotion.

A girl who saw a drowning lover in a dream expects disappointment and trouble. If you dream that your enemy is drowning, then for you this is a happy dream, portending joy or triumph.

If you very often dream that you are drowning, then you need to think about the danger hanging over you, the result of which may be the collapse of hopes and business relationships in business.

Why dream of water - a bucket, river, lake or sea

If in a dream you scooped clean water with a bucket, then expect a significant financial income and a strengthening of your financial situation. The water that you collected in a bucket with your own hands says that you are lucky in everyday affairs, which you attract with your own hands, with your diligence.

The fuller the bucket, the more happiness it promises. At the same time, the severity of this bucket, experienced in a dream, will be a measure for your efforts. That is, the heavier the bucket, the more work must be done to implement the plan.

An unsightly, rusty or leaking bucket indicates that the troubles and instability of your financial situation are your fault. Therefore, it is necessary to change either the way of life or one's own behavior in order to come to a positive result.

If in a dream someone gave you a full bucket, then expect unexpected help in business thanks to some person.

To dream of a calm, small river - to a favorable turn of events, portending success in all endeavors. A muddy, drying up or dirty river will actually bring temporary sorrows and troubles, possible disappointment.

A full-flowing, non-dangerous river can mean promotion, career success. A stream flowing into a river or sea symbolizes salvation from the traps of ill-wishers.

A calm and clear sea, which you watch from the shore, can mean a measured life, without any special worries and upheavals. Sailing on a calm sea - to cool in relationships with friends and loved ones.

Watching the raging sea promises trouble. Swimming in such a sea in a dream usually reflects the state of your life, full of events that are not easy to understand.

Seeing or sailing in a boat on the clear, calm waters of the lake means a pleasant, carefree life of wealth and happiness. Looking at a lake with dirty water - to poverty and humiliation, and swimming on such a lake, the shores of which are covered with bare stones and dry trees - to the impossibility of carrying out planned activities.

Why dream of blue, black water?

Clear blue water speaks of well-being in business and, perhaps, some emotional insaturation of life that occurs in conditions of material prosperity and the absence of desires that stimulate vitality. Perhaps you should think about bringing a little adventurism and romance into your everyday life.

Black water is evidence of internal depression, gloomy thoughts and hidden negativity that interfere with fruitful activity. Therefore, after analyzing your own thoughts and feelings, you need to come to a rethinking of what is happening and reconfiguring in a positive way.

Dream Interpretation - water on the floor, on the ceiling.

If the water has completely flooded the floor and its level is rising, then such a dream can be interpreted as an upcoming struggle with troubles and troubles. If its flow is too strong, then you have serious problems ahead.

Water slowly rising from under the floor signals the appearance of enemies in your life, whose intrigues will cause you certain inconveniences that you cannot avoid.

Water in someone else's apartment on the floor - to inheritance and good health. Clean water dripping from the ceiling to the floor, on which you walk - to the speedy implementation of your plan.

Water flowing from the ceiling means that many worries and troubles await you in the near future. Moreover, the greater the flow of flowing water, the more urgent matters will appear. In addition, some interpret this same dream as evidence of your uncompromising nature.

Therefore, in order to avoid conflict situations, you should try to build relationships with others more flexibly, listening to their opinion.

Why else dream of water?

  • Dreaming of clean water for well-being, muddy water for sadness, green water for career advancement, icy water for good health.
  • Walking for water - good luck, triumph; to draw water - to big troubles; to wash - to a joyful event; watering something - to loss and sadness.
  • If you dreamed that you were drinking fresh and clean water, you will achieve success in all your affairs and undertakings. A dream in which you drink muddy water warns you of danger. Drink water non-stop - make big profits.
  • Walking on water in a dream - fortunately, playing in water - for profit or a profitable business. The dream in which you saw a fire on the surface of the water portends you great luck.
  • If in a dream you see how water glistens in the sun, then your impression of a new acquaintance is deceptive.
  • A smooth water surface in a dream is a good sign symbolizing your success; restless water, with swell - minor troubles and worries await you; big waves or a storm dream of upcoming business difficulties and problems.
  • A flood in a dream warns you of negative influence from outside or an upcoming adventure, someone will try to take advantage of your gullibility.
  • If you dreamed of a whirlpool, be careful: you may expect big obstacles and problems in achieving your goals; if you are caught in a whirlpool, then it will be difficult for you to overcome them.
  • Pouring water from a bucket is a sign that you will be offered a difficult, unprofitable job with unworthy pay.
  • If you dreamed that you were engaged in water slalom, you may expect great difficulties in business and unsuccessful attempts to overcome them.
  • If you dream of dirty, muddy or greasy sewage, this is a bad sign. To see clean and clear water - be sure that everything is in your hands, it depends on you whether you can overcome obstacles or not.
  • The waterfall dreams of the news; if it is located in a picturesque area, and also makes noise and rattles, annoyance, anxiety or trouble can await you.
  • If in a dream you watch a waterfall for a long time, it means that in life you harbor illusions.

The correct interpretation of dreams depends on the smallest details, therefore, when thinking about what water is dreaming of, it is very important to remember everything that you dreamed about. After carefully analyzing the unconscious images, you can try to draw your own conclusions from what you see.

Dreams can become an inexhaustible source of information and a complete guide to action if you learn how to decipher them.

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Boundless streams of water - marriage. Continuous streams of water surround the body - office business.

Sleep online - Water streams

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Continuous streams of water surround the body - portends a court case.

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Promotion on the social ladder. A stormy stream of water - misses and gossip are possible.

If you had a dream - Awareness of the flow of dreams

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

An advanced esoteric method of working with dreams consists in tracking (stalking), analyzing not one single dream, but a whole long chain of night stories, considered as a continuous interconnected single stream of consciousness. At the same time, the general line of development of dreams is revealed and realized (see ...

If you had a dream - Causal-informational energy flow

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Causal energy - creates and organizes waking events on a non-physical level long before their materialization or incarnation. And also orients in various kinds of versatile information during the day.

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If in a dream you are knocked down by a stream of water, then this dream predicts a stunning event.

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

An image that symbolizes the life instinct that shapes life.

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: Water flow in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

This is an attack, an attack of enemies. And if people benefit from it, then this is a sign of uninterrupted benefits.

Stream, stream in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Crossing a swift stream - this promises security in difficult times.

Carried away by the fast flow of the river to see yourself in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A bad dream that does not bode well. You have blocked the subtle channels of the mind under the influence of tridoshas that have gone out of balance. If you remember this dream and interpret it, you can determine whether you are terminally ill or the disease can be cured, thereby tearing you out of ...

If you had a dream - Flow

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

We saw a stream - the weather will be good. They drank, washed themselves with water from it - you will have a good rest in nature. vacation will be successful.

Stream (stream) in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Big, wide - do big things. Roaring is a poorly established business. Standing in it or swimming is recovery from illness. Go to the ford - you will reach the goal. With clean water - a pleasant future. Infested with fish - a profitable enterprise. Deep - fake…

How to interpret the dream "Autobahn"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

In the event that you dreamed that you see cars passing by you on the autobahn, which merge into a continuous stream: in real life you are moving along a well-trodden rut and do not seek to change anything in your life. If in a dream...

What does sleep mean - Whirlwind

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Whirlwinds (powerful energy flows), felt in a dream as powerful pressure, gusts of strong wind - indicate the wrong practice of Taoist or Indian yoga.

How to interpret the dream "Thunderstorm, lightning, thunder"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A thunderstorm is considered in a dream a manifestation of divine will, a sign. In some cases, a thunderstorm means conflict, fear, news, anger. In a dream, you were frightened by a flash of lightning and thunder - this dream indicates that you are leading a far from righteous life, ...

Dream Interpretation: why Wine is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

For a long time, wine has been an essential attribute of the table of many peoples. It symbolized prosperity and well-established economy. To this day, wine (cahors) is part of the ceremonies conducted by the church. Among the people, not only wine is famous, but also its “underripe” version - mash. …

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

This is an attack, an attack of enemies. And if people benefit from it, then this is a sign of uninterrupted benefits.

Sleep Online - Flow

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Boundless streams of water - marriage. Continuous streams of water surround the body - office business.

Sleep online - Water streams

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Promotion on the social ladder. A stormy stream of water - misses and gossip are possible.

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If in a dream you are knocked down by a stream of water, then this dream predicts a stunning event.

Dream Interpretation: what is Water dreaming about

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

One of the most complex dream symbols. The subconscious mind can send this image to you, linking it with the expression: “How much water has flowed under the bridge since then!”, Which means nostalgia for the past. This symbol can also be associated with the phrase: "Crush water in a mortar", then ...

Sleep Online - Body

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing the naked body of your wife is a great happiness. A snake wraps around the body - the birth of a noble offspring. Wings grow on the body and you fly - great happiness. Sweat appears on the body - portends misfortune, evil. They are going to put blocks, shackles on the body ...

Sleep Online - Surround

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Continuous streams of water surround the body - office business. The space surrounded by blue or blue walls is joy and happiness.

Sleep Online - Continuously

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Continuous streams of water surround the body - portends a court case.

Sleep online - Sea

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Great happiness and prosperity. Boundless streams of water - portends marriage. The boundless sea is a great happiness and prosperity.

Sleep online - Water

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Boundless streams of water - marriage. A large river with clean and clear water is a harbinger of great happiness. The water in the well is about to dry up - the family will soon fall apart, the family will die, fade away. A bucket without water - portends misfortune. Bucket full of water...

Dream Online - Boundless Sea

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Great happiness and prosperity. Boundless streams of water - portends marriage.

Dream online - Vastness

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Boundless streams of water - portends marriage. The boundless sea is a great happiness and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

You will take on a new position. If the water in the stream runs fast, then a mistake is possible, take your time. Promotion on the social ladder. A stormy stream of water - misses and gossip are possible.

Dream Interpretation: why the Amulet is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The time goes into the darkness of centuries when a person learned to make amulets: objects that have the power invested in them and can protect, protect their owner from any misfortune. In ancient times, man was much more dependent on the formidable elements of nature than now, and the desire ...

Dream Interpretation: why the Bottle is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Or another vessel resembling it: to feel the state of your body: the correct / incorrect exchange of water in the body, depending on the kidneys. Seeing a bottle filled with liquid without paying attention to whether it is open or not means a pathological accumulation of fluid in the body. To see a bottle filled with liquid with ...

How to interpret the dream "Ice"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Ice in a dream is an unfavorable sign. If you dreamed about it, then you will face many disasters. Evil people will look for an opportunity to hurt you in the most expensive business for you. If you see ice floating in a stream of clear water, this dream means ...

Dream Interpretation: why Ice is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

In a dream, you saw ice in the form of icicles - this can mean sadness, suffering, tears. In a dream, you lick or gnaw on ice - most likely, you will soon get sick. In a dream, you slipped on ice, which means that you can get hurt ...

Dream Interpretation: what is Water dreaming about

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Boundless sea and ocean waters dream of good luck, and being under water means that circumstances will appear that will save you from any unpleasant situation. A white boat on the surface of the water is a possible disappointment in someone or something. You dreamed that you…

Dream Interpretation: what the Waterfall is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To see how a stream of water falls on you from a height - to receive stunning news and a warning to be more restrained and careful in your statements in order to avoid the failure of your plans. A waterfall with flowing clear water means washing away everything superficial and unnecessary in ...

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