The use of Glauber's salt in medicine. I. General information. Glauber's salt deposits

> Glauber's salt

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be used for self-treatment!
Before using drugs, it is MANDATORY necessary to consult a specialist!

Short description: Glauber's salt, or 10-aqueous sodium sulfate, is a laxative, choleretic and detoxifying agent. It is prescribed for animals with constipation, flatulence, intestinal overflow, to remove toxins from the body, atony and hypotension of the proventriculus of ruminants, as an antidote for poisoning with salts of mercury, barium, lead. In small doses, the remedy increases appetite and improves digestion. The hypertonic saline solution draws fluid from the tissues. This property of the drug is used for dropsy, edema, pleurisy, peritonitis, to cleanse wounds.

For whom: Applies to all animals and birds.

Vacation form: Glauber's salt is a large-crystalline powder, odorless, with a bitter-salty taste. In the air, the crystals erode or become damp, in water they quickly dissolve. The powder is packed in plastic jars of 1 kg, 400 and 500 g, in bags of 35 kg.

Dosage: Before use inside the powder is dissolved in water. To improve digestion, the agent is used in the form of a 1-2% solution in a dose: horses, large cattle- 0.5 g / kg of weight, sheep, pigs - 0.3 g / kg, cats, dogs - 1.0 g / kg. In case of hypotension of the proventriculus, the rumen of ruminants is washed through the gastric zones with a 1% solution.

For constipation, other problems with the intestines, poisoning, the drug is given to animals in the form of a 6% solution in a dose: horses, cattle, deer - 1.0 g / kg, cats, dogs - 1.5 g / kg, sheep, pigs - 0.5 g/kg, foxes, arctic foxes, minks - 5-20 g per individual, chickens - 2-4 g per individual. In the same doses, salt is used as a dehydrating agent.

For the treatment of wounds and ulcers, lotions are made to animals with hypertonic saline sodium sulfate.

Restrictions: Glauber's salt is undesirable for diarrhea. The drug should not be given to old, emaciated, dehydrated animals, animals with signs of heart failure.

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A small backyard farm can be very productive. The main thing is the good content of cows, which then respond with high milk yields.

Winter maintenance, which involves feeding cows with hay, dry food, significantly reduces milk yield. Suffering and the immune system the herd that threatens infectious diseases. We correct the situation with Glauber's salt. If you dissolve a small amount of the product in water intended for drinking cows, then it improves digestion. The weight gain, the volume of milk received are noticeably corrected.

For digestive problems, "Glauber's salt" is also used. Only the concentration of the solution is much higher. The drug corrects the situation with peritonitis, pleurisy, which cows also get sick. I noticed - the larger the herd, the more often you meet with diseases.

"Glauber's salt" is a universal, multidisciplinary remedy, we consider with our spouse. The container is always at hand, no additional tools are required. In advance, they compiled a memo on concentrations, hung out in the barn.

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Our three-year-old cat asked for cats 6 or 7 times in a row during the winter. We were exhausted and decided to take her for sterilization. After sterilization, it turned out that the problem was in the fibroid, and we brought the animal on time, another week, and could not have saved it. But these were not all our misadventures: we ran into a problem - the cat, coming out of anesthesia with difficulty and for a long time, almost did not drink, even though we tried to infuse water with a syringe. Also, apparently, the soreness of the stitches after the operation prevented the cat from going to the toilet normally - and because of this, constipation arose. I had to puzzle over how to save the beast. Read on the internet about vaseline oil and Glauber's salt, it turned out to be easier at that time to find the latter. They gave her to drink 5 cubes of a 6% saline solution from a syringe, then they forcibly poured water into the cat many more times so that she would not become dehydrated after the action of the remedy. I won’t say that right away, but things gradually improved, and now I remember those days of fussing with the unfortunate animal like a bad dream.

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My mother and I work in the field of veterinary medicine. Mom is a doctor, I am a paramedic. We work in the district veterinary clinic. The range of activities is quite wide, from horses and cows to parrots and chinchillas. Very often we are called to farm animals. Just in working with them, we use Glauber's salt. This is an excellent preparation for washing the body and for stimulating digestion. It all depends on the doses. Recently there was a case with a cow from one granny in the village. Burenka somehow went into the barn herself, where there were sacks of corn. Nobody saw it, well, she stayed there a lot. She ate as much corn as she wanted. From this, everything inside stopped working, atony of the proventriculus. I had to wash it with solutions of Glauber's salt using a gastric tube. The procedure was repeated twice. They took about 250 g of the drug. A couple of days Burenka went on the mend. As soon as she was released, she immediately found herself in that shed. Only she didn’t touch the corn, she didn’t want to.

In those moments when people forget about the rules of nutrition and gain on such an occasion a certain amount of extra pounds, it is insulting and bitter. We all want to be attractive. And a normal figure is one of the bricks on which attractiveness is built for others and for oneself. Diets and the rejection of spicy and salty foods come to the rescue. However, one salt is still often used for the accelerated dropping of extra pounds. Intrigued? This substance is none other than Glauber's salt.

Glauber's discovery

Johann Rudolf Glauber, who discovered such a wonderful substance for the people, was a German alchemist. It happened at a difficult time in his life. Once the scientist fell ill and could not eat at all - so he was plagued by intestinal spasms and related phenomena. Johann was advised to take a piece of bread and go to a wonderful source. The inhabitants of the town claimed that if bread was soaked in that magical water, a person would be cured and would eat. Not too hoping for a miracle, the alchemist nevertheless visited the water source and did everything as he was told. After the bread meal, he drank the same water and, to his surprise, felt better. How scientist man, Glauber began to consider the composition of the liquid. For several months he conducted chemical tests, and in the process of evaporating water from the source, crystals of an unknown salt type were found.

However, the fateful discovery was still a few years away. Years later, while studying salt, Glauber conducted experiments and was surprised to find that some of the resulting crystals had the formula of the salt that saved the scientist's life. The substance was named "wonderful salt" - mirabilite. This salt is found in some Siberian lakes, in the sea waters of the Czech Republic, in California, Germany, on the island of Sicily.

mirabilite properties

The formula of Glauber's salt is Na 2 SO 4 10H 2 O. These are transparent crystals of a grayish tint. The crystals have no smell. Their taste is bitter-salty. Glauber's salt is able to weather. Perfectly soluble in ordinary water.

What is known in medicine

Salt crystals dissolved in water are one of the most powerful laxatives. This property is useful in case of poisoning. To prepare for some therapeutic manipulations in the intestinal area, the use of Glauber's salt is mandatory procedure. For complex treatment biliary tract and liver is also used this substance. In some areas of medicine, it is actively used to combat fluid retention in the body.

How it works?

The formula of Glauber's salt is such that the substance draws on itself the liquid in the body. Once in the intestines, such salt naturally attracts water and thins the stool. In turn, the work of the intestines intensifies, and the masses are soon evacuated from the human body. Together with feces, Glauber's salt is able to free the body from four liters of fluid. Toxic elements and putrefactive bacteria who left human body, at the same time facilitate the work lymphatic system. Lymph is cleansed thanks to mirabilite, and the body is healed. Crystals of Glauber's salt, dissolved in water, also "carry away" poisonous salts of certain metals (mercury, lead, copper, barium). Due to the large volumes of fluid lost, the solution is used during weight loss. The liquid has weight, respectively, by removing it, a person gets rid of kilograms.

Glauber's salt: instruction

If you decide to get rid of toxins and a few kilograms of weight, and you came up with the idea to do this with mirabilite, first consult with a medical specialist. In the case when there is no ban on taking this salt, we begin cleansing from the inside.

Cleansing with the help of Glauber's salt is for a purposeful and hardy person. The course of salt intake lasts three days. During the mentioned period of time, complete failure from food. Food these days will be replaced by assorted juices. These drinks do not have to be from the store. So you have to squeeze the juice yourself. Every day make a serving of juice from the following citrus fruits:

  • lemon - about two pieces;
  • oranges - four pieces;
  • grapefruits - three or four pieces.

For two liters of the resulting juice, the same amount is added pure water without gas.

Prepare a solution for the cleansing procedure as follows: pour a tablespoon of mirabilite into two hundred milliliters of heated boiled water and dissolve.

The purge has begun

In the morning, drink a glass of the solution on an empty stomach. After thirty minutes, use freshly prepared juice solution. Repeat reception citrus juice with water is necessary every half-hour period of time. The laxative effect will be very pronounced, so do not forget to drink the prepared mix of water and juice. This technique will save you from possible dehydration. Remember: dehydration is life-threatening!

If you can't stand a three-day hunger, then eat a few tangerines or a couple of oranges. Or let yourself enjoy a grapefruit. This is all you can eat for three days. Teas, buns and other products are completely removed from the diet.

On a note:

  • If you are constantly thirsty, and you need to extend the juice drink until the evening, drink plain clean water.
  • Do not abuse this method of cleansing and weight loss. This is a rigorous procedure and perhaps only once a year.
  • In the case when nausea, weakness or chills appear, stop all cleaning. And if suddenly there is an increase in temperature or other dangerous moments, call the doctor.

After three day fast and cleansing saline solution on the fourth day, start introducing food. For breakfast, treat yourself to porridge boiled in water. Have lunch from chicken broth. From the fifth day, carefully introduce normal food into the diet.

Negative points of using sodium sulfate

At the means, except good times, there are also negative ones:

  • Dehydration. Much has been said about this, but we will repeat it again. Dehydration is dangerous and bad.
  • Inclination to vomit.
  • Removal of essential substances along with waste products from the body.
  • When using salt to lose weight, remember: fat is not going anywhere during the cleansing of the body. Only water comes out.

Cases in which the use of Glauber's salt for humans is contraindicated

The substance can aggravate the course of certain diseases. People who have chronic problems co, should beware of any self-treatment and self-purification. It must be remembered that before any intervention in the measured course of the life of the body, you should first visit a doctor. The case of Glauber's salt is no exception. After consultation with a doctor and the necessary laboratory tests, you will find out if you can use something similar.

Other reasons for prohibiting the reception of the solution:

  • Pregnant women are contraindicated in any self-medication. It is forbidden at this time to carry out salt exposure to the body.
  • Women who are breastfeeding are required to refuse this procedure. Do not forget that the child, along with milk, will receive what is dangerous for him.
  • Hypotonic and malnourished people should not take the solution.
  • Older people should be wise and take care of themselves.
  • Any diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract are the reason for refusing to take mirabilite solution.

Glauber's salt is sold mainly through veterinary institutions. For animals, this salt - beneficial substance. It is given to increase the appetite of livestock. Method of application and dose - directly on the package or in the accompanying instructions.

Glauber's salt: formula, properties, use and contraindications to the site.

Our life consists of everyday little things that in one way or another affect our well-being, mood and productivity. I didn’t get enough sleep - my head hurts; drank coffee to improve the situation and cheer up - he became irritable. I really want to foresee everything, but it just doesn't work. Moreover, everyone around, as usual, gives advice: gluten in bread - do not come close, it will kill; a chocolate bar in your pocket is a direct path to tooth loss. We collect the most popular questions about nutrition, diseases and give answers to them, which will allow you to better understand what is good for health.

Sodium sulfate, or the second name of Glauber's salt, is the discovery of the famous German scientist Glauber. Therefore, it received the name from the name of its creator. Glauber's salt got its wide application in medical practice, it belongs to the category of drugs with powerful laxative properties. Glauber's salt is usually prescribed by doctors for people with various poisonings, with diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Therapeutic effects of Glauber's salt is that she capable of making liquid feces masses, and this in turn provokes emergence of the strongest diarrhea. Therefore, the use Glauber's salt contributes to the removal of a man of malicious slag and accumulated toxins along with human waste products.

Also Glauber's salt has and outdoor use, in which case its use contributes to cleansing of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

In medical practice, there were frequent cases when Glauber's salt removed from the body from two to four liters of excess fluid, as a result of which a person, standing on the scales, immediately noticed a sharp decrease in body weight.

But, never forget that Glauber's salt is a strong laxative means. That's why, to avoid dehydration organism, should simultaneously drink big amount of liquid. If you decide to use Glauber's salt for cleansing purposes organism, then on the same day eating is strictly contraindicated. Nutritionists recommend exactly on the day on which you will cleanse the body, your preference give special juice, which the getting ready in a special way, absolutely simple recipe.

It is necessary to prepare fresh from the following set of fruits:

  • four fresh grapefruits;
  • two large lemons;
  • three oranges.

Received useful drink should breed filtered water in proportion 1:1 . As a result, you will receive about four liters healing juice.

The use of Glauber's salt for weight loss is not very difficult to perform.

For this With most morning, without taking any food, required drink one glass of water, wherein dissolved one a tablespoon of Glauber's salt. After that, exactly in 30 minutes start drink drink, the recipe of which is given above. It should be drunk 2-3 sips every 30 minutes for Total days. Before a night's sleep carry out the procedure bowel cleansing, using enema. in two liters warm boiled water mix thoroughly juice of one or two lemons, with this mixture you can cleanse the intestines well from accumulated toxins and slags. Such procedures required fulfill smooth three days, not doing deliberate breaks. On the fourth day already include in your diet fresh vegetable juices , from the fifth day allowed to eat fresh raw vegetables and fruits.

It is worth noting that many people, after such cleaning activities with Glauber's salt, feel tides of weakness and dizziness. AT high efficiency weight loss with the help of Glauber's salt, you will be convinced within 5-7 days and you will understand that you have got rid of extra pounds by removing excess fluid from the body.

Nutritionists warn that the beginning of using the method getting rid of excess weight with help Glauber's salt, can only after consulting a doctor therapist or gastroenterologist.

Glauber's salt - have you heard of this? .. They say that it cleanses the body of toxins, removes all excess liquid and improves the functioning of the body. Is this really so, said consumer market expert Stanislav Cherkasov, writes health info with reference to

“Glauber's salt became known due to its popularization as effective remedy for fast weight loss. This product is also called Siberian salt, Gujir and mirabilite, which in Latin means “wonderful salt”. In fact, these bitter-salty, odorless, colorless crystals are nothing more than sodium sulfate. They erode in the air and dissolve well in water. For the first time, this salt was discovered quite by accident during experiments in the 17th century by the German chemist and royal doctor Glauber, after whom it got its name, ”says Stanislav Cherkasov.

It is obtained mainly from natural sources, most of which is located in Russia - this is Lake Kuchuk in Altai, several lakes in the Tomsk region (hence the second most popular name for salt - "Siberian"), on the Astrakhan Malinovsky lake. Glauber's salt is also fished in Canada, the USA, Germany and Sicily. In dissolved form, natural sodium sulfate is present in springs in the world-famous spa town of Karlovy Vary.

First of all, Glauber's salt was widely used in medicine due to its powerful laxative properties. It is usually prescribed to people with various poisonings, diseases of the liver, biliary tract, gastrointestinal and renal complaints. AT alternative medicine Glauber's salt is also actively used for fluid retention and as a prophylaxis for cleansing the body.

When cleansing the intestines, Glauber's salt can remove up to four liters of excess fluid from the body. Because of this, many nutritionists began to include the product in weight loss programs. Indeed, in many cases, the use of this salt leads to sharp decline body weight. But remember: Glauber's salt in no case breaks down accumulated fat. Her vocation is to cleanse the intestines and remove excess fluid from the body. This product should be used only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor - self-cleansing the body with Glauber's salt can cause significant or even irreparable harm to the body, warns Stanislav Cherkasov.

What else you need to know

The standard dosage for an adult is 10-30 grams of sodium sulfate, they must be dissolved in 400-500 ml of water. Eating any food on the day of taking Siberian salt is strictly prohibited. In addition, you need to drink a large number of water to prevent dehydration.

AT Food Industry Siberian salt is used as a preservative. AT retail it is quite difficult to buy it: most often it is sold in veterinary pharmacies - it is prescribed to all types of animals and birds to increase appetite and improve digestion, as a laxative for constipation, overflow and clogging of the intestines, flatulence, and also as an antidote for poisoning with barium salts, mercury, lead.

GLAUBER'S SALT- sodium sulfate decahydrate Na 2 SO 4 10H 2 O, discovered and first described by the German chemist Johann Glauber. After Glauber's discovery of the medicinal properties of sodium sulfate, this substance was studied in sufficient detail. Many of its natural sources have been discovered.

The most common sodium sulfate mineral is mirabilite (natural Glauber's salt), decahydrate (decahydrate) Na 2 SO 4 10H 2 O. This is one of the lightest minerals (density 1.49 g / cm 3). It precipitates from solutions in the form of large colorless transparent prisms, which gradually erode in air, lose water and crumble into White powder. Mirabilite is also found in the form of raids and crusts on gypsum and rock salt in many salt deposits. Large quantities fall into winter time from the water of Kara-Bogaz-Gol in Turkmenistan. Mirabilite is found in Lake Kuchuk in Western Siberia, in salt lakes of the Tomsk region. Its huge deposits (about 100 million tons) are in the province of Saskatchewan in central Canada. In the 19th century 30 km from Tbilisi, rich mirabilite deposits were found in the form of a dried-up lake with an area of ​​55,000 m 2, with a layer thickness of about 5 meters, covered from above with a layer of sandy clay with a thickness of 30 cm to 4.5 m. In California (USA), Sicily, Germany , in Bolshoi Malinovsky Lake (Astrakhan region), along with mirabilite, double salts are found: minerals astrakhanite Na 2 Mg (SO 4) 2 4H 2 O, leveeite Na 2 Mg (SO 4) 2 2.5H 2 O, vanthoffite Na 6 Mg (SO 4) 4, glauberite Na 2 Ca (SO 4) 2, glaserite Na 2 K 6 (SO 4) 4. In addition to decahydrate, rhombic crystals of Na 2 SO 4 7H 2 O heptahydrate crystal hydrate and Na 2 SO 4 H 2 O monohydrate salt are also known. Significant amounts of sodium sulfate are found in sea ​​water and in the water of mineral springs.

More rare in nature is anhydrous sodium sulfate - the mineral thenardite, named after the French chemist L.J. Tenard. Rich deposits of thenardite were found in Chile, in Central Asia, in the state of Arizona (USA). In Spain, in the valley of the Ebro River, a layer of anhydrous sulfate was found (between layers of clay and gypsum) up to several meters thick. In all these places there are arid desert zones, which contributes to the preservation of anhydrous salt. It is often found as a powder of a yellowish or brown tint (due to impurities), and sometimes in the form of colorless transparent crystals with a vitreous luster, which become cloudy and lose transparency in the presence of moisture. Such crystals can precipitate from salt lakes, but only when intense heat when the temperature exceeds 32.4°C; at lower temperatures, a crystalline hydrate precipitates. If the salt lake contains and table salt, thenardite precipitates at more low temperatures. So, if the solution is saturated with both sulfate and sodium chloride, anhydrous sulfate precipitates already above 18 ° C. Sodium sulfate melts at 884 ° C.

Na 2 SO 4 10H 2 O crystalline hydrate dissolves in water with strong cooling; the thermal effect of dissolution is 78.5 kJ/mol. When the crystals are heated to 32.4 ° C, they melt (dissolve in their own water of crystallization). Interesting and rare feature sodium sulfate - its maximum solubility in water at 32.4 ° C, which is 49.8 g per 100 g of water (calculated as anhydrous salt). Below and above this temperature, the solubility drops - up to 4.5 g at 0 ° C and up to 42.3 g at 100 ° C. Sodium sulfate is remarkable in its ability to form supersaturated solutions (): if you prepare a hot saturated solution of this substance in distilled water and cool slowly and carefully, no precipitate will form. However, small impacts (shaking the solution, seeding - a small crystal of Na 2 SO 4) cause rapid crystallization.

Sodium sulfate is widely used. It is one of the main components of the charge in the production of glass, it is also used in the processing of wood (the so-called sulfate pulping), in the dyeing of cotton fabrics, to obtain viscose silk, various chemical compounds- sodium silicate and sulfide, ammonium sulfate, soda, sulfuric acid. Sodium sulfate solutions are used as a heat accumulator in devices that store solar energy. The large demand for sodium sulfate leads to its extraction on a huge scale. Thus, in the United States during the period from 1934 to 1947, the production of sodium sulfate increased from 20,000 to 290,000 tons, and by the 1990s reached 750,000 tons.

Until now, Glauber's salt is used, albeit to a limited extent, in medical practice as a laxative. This substance has a salty-cooling, somewhat bitter taste. Its action is based on the slow absorption of salt in the intestines and changes in it osmotic pressure(. OSMOS). As a result of osmosis, water is transferred to the intestines, its contents liquefy, increase in volume, and as a result, peristalsis (contraction of the intestinal muscles) increases. A certain role is also played by direct irritation of the receptors of the intestinal mucosa with a solution of sodium sulfate. At the same time, the separation of bile is noticeably increased. Use Glauber's salt and food poisoning, because it not only cleanses the intestines, but also delays the absorption of toxins and their entry into the bloodstream. In case of poisoning with soluble salts of barium or lead, Glauber's salt promotes the formation of insoluble sulfates of these metals, which are harmless to the body (barium sulfate is even specially introduced into the food tract in the form of X-rays of the stomach and intestines). contrast medium). On the medicinal properties Glauber's and other salts based action mineral waters the famous resorts of Karlsbad (now Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic), Marienbad in Austria and other sources. The composition of these waters can be judged by the composition of the artificial Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary) salt, which contains 44% sodium sulfate, 36% sodium bicarbonate, 18% sodium chloride and 2% potassium sulfate.

Ilya Leenson

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