Diet by grain units. Bread diet is an effective way to lose weight with a good mood. XE in flour foods

Almost every person with diabetes (especially those who make insulin) knows about bread units. So what is a bread (carbohydrate) unit? 1 XE (UE) is 12 g of carbohydrates, the equivalent of which is 25 g of any bread (half of a loaf of black bread 1 cm thick). 1XE raises blood sugar by 1.7-2.2 mmol/l (without insulin). Any carbohydrate-containing products can be counted according to the system of bread units. It is especially necessary to know this table for what insulin does, because. the dose of insulin depends on the number of grain units. But those who receive oral hypoglycemic therapy also need to know this in order to navigate the issues of product interchangeability.

Table of exchange of grain units


Product volume

Milk, kefir, cream of any fat content

1 glass (250 ml)

Natural drinking yogurt

1 cup (250ml)

Bread, rolls any, except for rich

1 piece (25g)

Raw groats (any)

1 st. spoon (15-20g)

Boiled groats (porridge)

2 tbsp. heaping spoons (50g)

Vermicelli, noodles, horns - "raw"


1.5 st. spoons (15g)

2 tbsp. spoons (45g)

Any flour

1 st. spoon (12 g)


Lump sugar, refined

1 st. spoon (12g)

2.5 pieces (12g)


1 st. spoon (15g)

3 large (20g)

Raw puff pastry

Yeast dough


1 medium potato (60g)

Mashed potatoes

1 st. spoon with slide

Fried potatoes

1.5-2 tbsp. spoons (40g)

Dry fried potatoes


0.5 large cob

Canned peas

boiled beans

1 slice (90g)

0.5 large (with peel)

1 small (90g)

1 large (200g)

Melon "collective farmer"

300g with peel

400g with peel

1 medium (120g)


3 medium (110g)

Plums are blue

Renglod plums, red

3-4 medium (100g)

2-3 medium (80g)


3 small (170g)


1 medium (170g with peel)

1 medium (100g)

1 medium (80g)


10 medium (160g)

15 large (100g)

Strawberries, blackberries, black currants, raspberries, gooseberries, cranberries -

1 tea cup (140-150g)

Apple juice

100g (less than 1/3 cup)

grapefruit juice

orange juice

0.5 cup (130g)

0.5 cup (130g)

1 medium (85g)

Pancakes with curd

Curd mass sweet

Ice cream

1.5 tbsp (12-15g)

1 tbsp (12-15g)

1 cup (250g)

1 cup (250g)



1 large

Fritters (sour dough)

1 medium

Meat pie

1 PC. average

1 piece boiled sausage

Sugar biscuits 100g

50g chocolate

100g cake

Marmalade 100g


Hamburger double

Big Mac triple

small bag of potatoes

1 XE

Pizza 300g

Cake-pie 1 piece




1st BREAKFAST FOR 2 HE(at 9h)

Vegetable salad (without oil) or vegetables in any form.

1/2 cup boiled cereals (rice, vermicelli, buckwheat, oatmeal) - this is 1 XE

1 piece of any bread, weighing 30 gr. - this is 1 XE. , 2 pieces of low-fat sausage or 2 sausages, or 2 pieces of hard cheese (low-fat cottage cheese).

A glass of tea or coffee.

2nd BREAKFAST FOR 2 HE(at 11:30 - 12:00)

1 Fruit - 1XE (1 red or green apple weighing 100 gr. or 1 pear, or 1 orange, or 1 peach, or 2 plums, or 2 tangerines or 12-15 strawberries or incomplete 200 gr. for 2/3 filled glass cherries or cherries, or currants, etc.)

1 piece of bread weighing 30 gr. + cheese or sausage weighing 30 gr.

LUNCH FOR 3 HE(at 13h 30-14h)

Vegetable salad or vegetables in any form.

Vegetarian cabbage soup (if there are not enough potatoes or cereals, you can ignore it)

Garnish: 1 cup boiled cereal.

1 piece of bread weighing 30 gr. + 2 sausages or cutlet, or fish.

AFTER SNACK- 1 XE(4:30 pm - 5:00 pm)

1 glass of kefir or milk+ 90 g low-fat cottage cheese.

1 - DINNER FOR 2 HE(18h - 18h 30 min)

Vegetable salad.

1/2 cup any boiled cereal or 2 egg-sized potatoes or 2 tablespoons mashed potatoes + 1 30g slice of bread

Maybe a meat roast weighing 100 gr. or mushrooms, or cutlet, or fish.

2nd DINNER FOR 2 HE(21h-21h30 min)

1 fruit + 1 slice of bread, 30 g of cheese or low-fat sausage or boiled meat.


12 carb meal plan

(1200kcal, 60g protein, 35g fat, 85mg cholesterol,

144 g digestible carbohydrates)

Breakfast (30g carbohydrates, 250 kcal)

2 slices of rye bread (60g)

1 piece of diet margarine, 1 tsp. jam

tea or coffee with sweetener

2nd breakfast (18g carbohydrates, 80 kcal)

1 small banana 140g

Lunch (36g carbohydrates, 410 kcal)

Chicken breast with rice and vegetables

ü - cook 50 g of rice (3 tablespoons with a slide of raw cereals)

ü - Sprinkle 60 g of chicken breast with salt, black pepper and sweet pepper powder. Fry in 1 tsp. vegetable oil in a non-stick pan. Put on a plate.

ü - 1 small onion, 2 small bell peppers (red and yellow) cut into slices and fry in a pan. Add some water, then 1 tsp. tomato paste and parsley.

ü - ½ red bell pepper, ½ small zucchini or zucchini cut into strips and stew with 1 tsp. vegetable oil in a little water. Add salt, pepper, parsley

Tea or mineral water

Afternoon snack (12g carbohydrates, 60 kcal)

3-4 pcs. prunes or dried apricots

Dinner (36g carbohydrates, 310 kcal)

Salad: 1 grated raw carrot, a small apple (90g), cut into pieces, mix green lettuce leaves and season with lemon juice, salt, a pinch of sugar and 1 tsp. vegetable oil.

2 slices wholemeal bread (60g)

30 g lean ham or 1 sausage

Tea or mineral water

2nd dinner (12g carbohydrates, 90 kcal)

kefir 1.0% 200 ml (1 cup)

15 carb meal plan

(1465 kcal, 68 g protein, 40 g fat, 107 mg cholesterol,

180 gdigestible carbohydrates - 15 UE)

Breakfast (36g carbohydrates, 260 kcal)

Oatmeal porridge: boil 3 tablespoons of oatmeal in 200 ml of 1.5% milk

½ grapefruit

coffee or tea with sweetener

2nd breakfast (2 4g carbohydrates, 170 kcal)

2 slices of bran bread (60g)

piece of hard cheese 20g

Lunch (48g carbs, 525kcal)

Potato, flounder fillet, stewed vegetables

v - boil 320g potatoes (3 pieces with a diameter of 5 cm)

v - Sprinkle 150g flounder fillet with lemon juice, sprinkle with pepper, salt and fry in 2 tsp. vegetable oil

v - ½ red bell pepper, ½ small zucchini or zucchini cut into strips and stew in 1 tsp. vegetable oil in a little water. Add salt, pepper, parsley.

Afternoon snack (12 g carbohydrates, 60 kcal)

½ grapefruit

Dinner (48 g carbs, 360 kcal)

Pasta with vegetables:

v Boil 75 g of durum wheat pasta - 200 g of boiled pasta (“stars”, “feathers”, etc.)

v ½ small zucchini or zucchini cut into cubes and stew in 1 tsp. vegetable oil, add salt, pepper

v ½ red bell pepper

v Mix vegetables with pasta and season with 1 tbsp. low-fat sour cream, 1 tsp vinegar or lemon juice, salt, pepper

Tea or coffee with sweeteners

2nd dinner (12 g carbohydrates, 90 kcal)

kefir 1.0% 200ml (1 glass)

Add unlimited vegetables to every meal.

The grain diet is attractive due to the lack of hunger and the minimal risk of breakdowns. Excess weight at the same time goes away easily and forever. Learn how to eat to lose up to 7 kg in just a week!

Almost all diets have common drawbacks: it is very difficult (or very expensive) to follow the diet, hunger haunts day and night, and as a result, chronic irritability appears. The limited diet leads to weakness, poor health, drowsiness and apathy. But even after such sacrifices, in most cases, the weight still returns sooner or later.

Supporters of the revolutionary bread diet prove by personal example that you can lose weight and stay slim without much effort and at the same time maintain a great mood and well-being.

Basic Rules

All “thinners” have long known that the main enemy of a slender figure is carbohydrates. Therefore, the basis of every diet is the almost complete rejection of carbohydrate foods. Olga Raz-Kestner experimentally proved the opposite. According to her, all low-carb diets drastically reduce the level of the hormone of happiness - serotonin. As a result, the mood worsens, appetite grows, and an uncontrollable feeling of hunger appears. On a bread diet, the body will not suffer from a lack of carbohydrates, while the process of weight loss will continue.

The basis of the diet from Olga Raz-Kestner is low-calorie bread made from whole flour or with the addition of bran, rye bread or crispbread. It is this bread that contains vitamins E, B1, B2, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and other useful macronutrients. The maximum number of calories allowed is 35-45 kcal per piece.

When eating bread rich in coarse fibers, there is no sharp release of glucose and insulin, energy is produced more slowly and is consumed by the body gradually. Accordingly, the body will not accumulate any fat deposits in unnecessary places. The main thing is to follow simple rules.

  1. It is necessary to eat fractionally and often (4-5 times a day) and at the same time.
  2. It is necessary to observe the interval between meals at 3-4 hours.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to skip the next meal, even if you are not hungry yet.
  4. It is necessary to observe the drinking regime and consume at least two liters of fresh drinking water.
  5. In extreme cases, dietary bread can be replaced with regular rye bread at the rate of 2:1.

The bread diet from Olga Raz-Kestner is divided into two stages:

Stage 1: active weight loss. During this time, it is allowed to eat reduced-calorie bread, spreading it with a thin layer of low-fat spread. On the day you need to eat:

  • women - 8-12 small pieces;
  • men - 12-16 small pieces.

In addition, the menu must include products from the list of permitted. The nutritionist recommends combining bread with protein foods and vegetables. The duration of the stage is 14 days.

Stage 2: consolidation of the result. The main goal is not to regain the lost weight. At this stage, it is necessary to gradually expand the diet, supplementing it with permitted products. The duration of the stage is determined individually. On average - 2-3 weeks.

Approved Products

Allowed products for the first stage of the bread diet:

  • sandwiches with low-fat cottage cheese (up to 5%), fish (including salted), lean meat (chicken, turkey, quail, beef, veal);
  • ham;
  • any vegetables, except those containing starch. It can be cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, asparagus, green peas, various types of leafy lettuce;
  • eggs (3 times a week in any form);
  • fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk) - 200 grams per day;
  • It is recommended to eat meat or fish with vegetables 3 times a week. On this day, bread consumption must be reduced by 1/3;
  • daily consumption of fruits (avocados, apples, plums, pears, etc.) is mandatory;
  • it is allowed to use a small amount of vegetable oil for dressing salads;
  • green tea, coffee (sometimes), vegetable juices (tomato, carrot, celery juice).

The second stage is characterized by a gradual expansion of the diet. Whole grain bread is gradually being replaced by other products from the list of permitted.

Allowed products for the second stage:

  • porridge and pasta. It is advisable to choose cereals that have undergone minimal processing (green buckwheat, brown rice, etc.). So, instead of two slices of bread, you can eat wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal or rice porridge or a small portion of durum wheat pasta;
  • potatoes (it is acceptable to eat 1 baked potato per day);
  • legumes (lentils and beans);
  • the amount of fruit increases (up to three times a day);
  • dairy products every day are still required.


During the diet, the following foods are prohibited:

  • any sweets (honey, sugar, confectionery, sweets, chocolate, marmalade) and everything that contains refined sugar;
  • smoked meats, pickles, sauces, marinades;
  • ketchup and mayonnaise;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • jams and jams;
  • any pastries;
  • food high in animal fats;
  • fatty meats;
  • fatty dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, sour cream).

How to supplement the diet

Since the diet is not very diverse, nutritionists strongly recommend supplementing it:

  • throughout the course of this nutrition system, take multivitamins and calcium;
  • drink plenty of clean drinking water - for women the recommended amount of water is 8-10 glasses per day, for men 10-12.

Menu for 7 days

The first stage of the grain diet

When compiling the diet at the first stage, the so-called "vegetable" (4 days a week) and "meat" (3 days a week) days alternate.

Approximate vegetable day menu

  • From 7:00 to 9:00 - drink 1 glass of mineral water. Take calcium and a multivitamin.
  • From 9:00 to 11:00 - 4 slices of bread with any permitted spread, grated carrot salad seasoned with lemon juice, a cup of green tea or coffee.
  • From 12:00 to 14:00 - 1 apple or 200 g of fermented baked milk, natural yogurt, kefir to choose from.
  • From 15:00 to 17:00 - stewed cabbage, 4 slices of bread with any allowed spread, 1 soft-boiled egg, a glass of vegetable juice.
  • 16:00 - 18:00 - a glass of water.
  • From 17:00 to 19:00 - 4 slices of bread with allowed spread, fresh vegetable salad with herbs, seasoned with 1 tsp. vegetable oil, light vegetable soup. A cup of green tea.
  • From 19:00 to 22:00 - stewed vegetables, a glass of mineral water.
  • From 21:00 to 24:00 - 200 g of fermented baked milk, natural yogurt, kefir to choose from.

Approximate meat or fish day menu

  • From 7:00 to 9:00 - drink 200 g of fermented baked milk, natural yogurt, kefir to choose from. Take calcium and a multivitamin.
  • From 9:00 to 11:00 - 3 slices of bread with any spread, sauerkraut salad with green onions, a cup of green tea or coffee.
  • From 12:00 to 14:00 - 1 orange or 200 g of fermented baked milk, natural yogurt, kefir to choose from.
  • From 15:00 to 17:00 - lean meat or fish stewed with vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil, a glass of vegetable juice.
  • 16:00 - 18:00 - a glass of water.
  • From 17:00 to 19:00 - 3 slices of bread with spread, vegetable soup, cauliflower, steamed or boiled, a cup of tea.
  • From 18:00 to 20:00 - a glass of vegetable juice (can be replaced with a glass of mineral water).
  • From 19:00 to 22:00 - stewed vegetables (vegetable stew or sauté), a glass of mineral water.
  • From 21:00 to 24:00 - a glass of water or unsweetened tea.

Second phase

The purpose of the second stage is a soft exit from the diet and fixing the results. At this stage, bread snacks are gradually replaced by the following dishes:

  • durum wheat pasta;
  • a portion of porridge (wheat, rice, buckwheat, bulgur) without additives;
  • 1-2 boiled or baked potatoes;
  • boiled beans or lentils (1 cup);
  • boiled corn (1 cob);
  • 2-4 tablespoons of oatmeal or muesli (you can use low-fat milk).

Diet Options

The original diet from Olga Raz-Kestner was gradually modified by the fans of the method and, over time, several types of bread diet appeared. Each type is no less effective than the original and has been tested by many women.

Kefir-bread diet

The essence of the diet is that one and a half liters of fat-free kefir and no more than 6 slices of bread are allowed per day.

A very popular method that allows you to lose 500 grams per day. The disadvantages include the scarcity of the diet, so sticking to such a diet for longer than 7 days is not recommended.

Kefir-bread-water diet

The diet includes only kefir, water and bread. During the day, it is allowed to drink 4 glasses of fat-free kefir, 8 glasses of water and eat 250 g of whole grain bread. Such a diet allows you to lose weight by 4-6 kg in 5 days, but it cannot be followed for more than 7 days.

Diet by grain units

At its core, the bread unit diet is a low-carbohydrate nutritional program recommended for patients with diabetes. The similarity with the methodology of Olga Raz-Kestner lies only in a varied diet and the possibility of its long continuation.

The basis of dietary nutrition is the calculation of the daily intake of carbohydrates consumed. It was for this that German nutritionists introduced a new concept - a bread unit (XE).

bread unit(XE) is a conventional unit that is used to roughly estimate the amount of carbohydrates in foods:

  • 1 XE \u003d 10 grams of carbohydrates (excluding dietary fiber);
  • 1 XE \u003d 13 grams of carbohydrates (including ballast substances);
  • 1 XE \u003d 20 (25) g of bread.

We usually consume up to 30 XE per day. At the same time, their daily norm should be distributed as follows:

  • 3-4 for breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • 1-2 for an afternoon snack;
  • it is forbidden to use more than 7 XE at one meal;
  • the bulk of food containing carbohydrates should be consumed before 12:00.


You can control the glycemic index of foods and monitor the amount of XE consumed using a special table for bread units. If any product is not in the table, it can be consumed without calculation.

Product The amount of product in 1 XE
apricot (pitted/pitted) 130/120 grams
quince 1 fruit or 140 grams
pineapple (with skin) 90 grams
orange (peeled / unpeeled) 180/130 grams
peanut with skin 85 grams
watermelon (with rind) 250 grams
banana (peeled/unpeeled) 90/60 grams
big mac triple 1 heh
pancakes 50 grams
beans, beans, lentils, soybeans (ripe grains) 170 grams
cowberry 140 grams
elder 170 grams
vareniki 2 pieces
dumplings with cottage cheese 2-4 pcs
grape 70 grams
cherry (with pits) 12 pieces or 110 grams
double hamburger 3 hee
peas (fresh and canned) 4 tbsp. heaped spoons
pomegranate 1 fruit or 200 grams
grapefruit (peeled / unpeeled) 200/130 grams
walnuts 90 grams
pear 90 grams
guava 80 grams
diabetic confiture 25 grams
diabetic chocolate 1/3 tiles
melon (with rind) 130 grams
blackberry 170 grams
strawberries 170 grams
baked dough products 50 grams
yogurt (any fat content) 1 cup (250ml)
jacket potatoes 1 piece
boiled or baked potatoes 70 grams
dry potatoes 25 grams
french fries fried 2-3 tbsp. spoons (12 pcs)
mashed potatoes (on water) 2 tablespoons
mashed potatoes (milk, butter) 2 tablespoons
mashed potatoes (dry semi-finished product) 1 tablespoon
potato fritters 60 grams
potato chips 25 grams
french fries small 1 heh
any boiled porridge 2 tablespoons
kvass 1 glass
pine nuts 60 grams
kefir (any fat content) 1 cup (250ml)
cashew nuts 40 grams
kiwi 120 grams
dumplings 15 grams
Strawberry 200 grams
cranberry 120 grams
coca-cola, pesi-cola half a glass
Cornflex (muesli) 4 tablespoons
cutlet 1 medium
starch (potato, corn, wheat) 15 grams
crackers (dry biscuits, drying) 15 grams
any raw cereal 1 tablespoon
gooseberry 150 grams
corn 100g
corn (cob) 100g
canned sweet corn 60 grams
corn and rice flakes (breakfasts) 4 tablespoons
hazelnuts 90 grams
boiled pasta 60 grams
pasta, dry 4 tablespoons
raspberry 200 grams
mango 90 grams
tangerine (peeled / unpeeled) 160/120 grams
honey 1 tablespoon
honey diabetic 1 tablespoon
almond 60 grams
milk (any fat content) 1 cup (250ml)
carrot (medium) 200 grams
ice cream 65 grams
wholemeal flour, whole wheat grains 2 tablespoons
Rye flour 1 tablespoon
whole soy flour, semi-fat 4 tablespoons
fine flour 1 tablespoon
pancakes 50 grams
breadcrumbs 1 tablespoon
papaya 140 grams
dumplings 4 pieces
frozen dumplings 50 grams
peach 1 fruit or 140 grams
peach nectarine 1 fruit or 100 grams
meat pie half a pie
pizza 6 heh - 300 grams
"popcorn" 15 grams
chocolate pudding powder 1 st. a spoon
germinated wheat 25 grams
curdled milk (any fat content) 1 cup (250ml)
gingerbread 40 grams
granulated sugar 10 grams
rafinated sugar 3 pieces
beets (medium) 150 grams
condensed milk 110 ml
cream (any fat content) 1 cup (250ml)
red plums 80 grams
blue plums (pitted/pitted) 120/110 grams
Red currants 200 grams
black currant 180 grams
soybean powder 2 tablespoons
Orange juice 0.5 cup
grape juice 0.3 cup
cherry juice 0.4 cups
grapefruit juice 1.4 glasses
pear juice 0.5 cup
cabbage juice 2.5 glasses
strawberry juice 0.7 cup
redcurrant juice 0.4 cups
gooseberry juice 0.5 cup
raspberry juice 0.75 cup
carrot juice 2/3 cup
cucumber juice 2.5 glasses
beetroot juice 2/3 cup
plum juice 0.35 cup
tomato juice 1.5 glasses
apple juice 0.5 cup
salty sticks 15 sticks
sorbitol 12 grams
sausages, boiled sausage 160 grams
noodle soup 3 tablespoons
crackers 2 pcs.
dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs, dates) 20 grams
cheesecake 1 medium
cottage cheese mass with raisins 40 grams
curd sweet mass 100g
raw dough: yeast 25 grams
raw dough: puff pastry 35 grams
Jerusalem artichoke 70 grams
pumpkin 200 grams
feijoa 160 grams
pistachios 60 grams
fructose 12 grams
white bread, any rolls (except rich ones) 1 piece (20 grams)
diabetic bread 2 pieces
wholemeal bread, with bran 1 piece (30 grams)
wheat bread for toast 20 grams
Rye bread 1 piece (20 grams)
crispbread 2 pcs.
persimmon 1 medium fruit
cherry (with pits) 10 pieces or 100 grams
bilberry (blueberry) 170 grams
apple (any color) 1 medium fruit

How to fix the effect

As you know, playing sports in combination with a diet helps to accelerate the burning of body fat. Many adherents of other nutrition systems complain of a lack of strength, weakness and lethargy and cannot resort to physical activity. The grain diet is built on carbohydrates and is quite balanced, so it does not cause feelings of drowsiness and fatigue. It can be combined with light physical activity: walking,

1.5 cm thick and contains 12 g of carbohydrates. An adult who does not have problems with blood sugar levels eats an average of 30 XE per day, that is, 360 g of carbohydrates.

The essence of the diet is to limit the amount of carbohydrates consumed to 10 XE. The diet for grain units is designed for 4 weeks. In the first week, intensive weight loss occurs, but mainly due to ridding the body of excess fluid. Adipose tissue begins to go away by the end of the second week and is about 2 kg in 7 days. Weight returns to normal slowly but surely.

The essence of the diet is to reduce the proportion of carbohydrate foods in your menu

Diet menu by grain units

Attention: some products from the list can be replaced with those that are more suitable for you, but it is important not to violate the main principle of this system - the limit of 10 XE consumed daily.


  • Breakfast: 250 g of carrot-apple salad seasoned with lemon juice, 200 ml of tea or coffee without sugar.
  • Dinner: 250 ml of vegetarian borscht without frying, unsweetened fruits or berries.
  • Dinner:


  • Breakfast: 250 g coleslaw and sour apple, 200 ml coffee with milk without sugar.
  • Dinner: 250 ml of vegetable soup on the water, unsweetened fruits or berries.
  • Dinner: 150 g low-fat steamed fish, 200 ml low-fat milk.


  • Breakfast: 250 g of sour apple and dried apricot salad, 200 ml of rosehip broth.
  • Dinner: 250 g stewed vegetables without fat.
  • Dinner: 150 g of boiled lean meat, 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

Reducing the amount of XE in the diet contributes to easy weight loss


  • Breakfast: 250 g of sour apple and raisin salad, 200 ml of green tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: 250 ml lean vegetable soup, 200 ml fruit compote without sugar.
  • Dinner: 250 g boiled brown rice with soy sauce, 200 ml natural yogurt.


  • Breakfast: 250 g of sour apple and orange salad, 200 ml of natural coffee without sugar.
  • Dinner: 250 ml of sour cabbage soup, unsweetened fruits or berries.
  • Dinner: 250 g of lean buckwheat porridge with soy sauce, 200 ml of low-fat kefir.


  • Breakfast: 250 g carrot-apple salad dressed with lemon juice, 200 ml coffee with milk without sugar.
  • Dinner: 250 ml lean vegetable soup, 200 ml sugar-free fruit compote
  • Dinner: 200 g durum wheat pasta, 2 tomatoes, 200 ml natural yoghurt.


  • Breakfast: 250 g sour apple salad and 1/2 banana, 200 ml green tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: 250 ml of vegetarian borscht without frying, 200 ml of fruit compote without sugar.
  • Dinner: 150 g of boiled chicken fillet without skin, 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

Is there a grain diet? It turns out yes. And this is not a fake, not nonsense, but a really effective type of diet for weight loss, which allows you to quickly lose a couple of unpleasant kilograms of weight from your waist and other problem areas during a weekly course.

Fans of delicious and fragrant bread should take note of this diet.

The principles and approximate menu of the bread diet were developed and formulated by the Israeli popular nutritionist Olga Raz. This nutritionist gained world fame precisely thanks to the creation of an original and unusual diet that violates all the canons of dietology. Agree, we are accustomed to consider bread a high-calorie, contraindicated product for losing weight. Nevertheless, this seemingly contradictory diet has been successfully used by people suffering from overweight and alimentary obesity for many years, with a high degree of effectiveness and efficiency of treatment.

The principles of the bread diet for weight loss.

This diet consists of two stages, divided by time and quality characteristics of the food taken. The principles of the bread diet are based on the variability and flexibility of its application and allow you to flexibly and as necessary regulate nutrition, weakening or strengthening its effect. However, you must understand that the stricter you treat yourself, the better and more qualitative the effect of the bread diet can be expected. Despite the flexible nature of the two-stage diet with the use of bakery products, there are rules that a losing weight must steadily and systematically follow when eating food on a diet.

Daily dietary meals should be taken at least once every three hours, while a losing weight person will definitely have to drink 8-10 glasses of pure or filtered natural water. This in no way means that you will have to completely refuse to take other liquids, such as tea or coffee. Nutritionists practicing with diets on bread strongly recommend taking multivitamin complexes enriched with microelements against the background of observing the conditions and principles of the diet. The effectiveness of the bread diet increases with the simultaneous use of multivitamins. They can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription and it makes no sense to dwell on them separately, they can be different. But the main feature of the bread diet for weight loss is the calculation of conventional bread units in each product, as follows:

Table of grain units.

It should be understood that to wait for effective weight loss, with any diet, including bread, you can only count the calorie content of the foods eaten. The daily norm for maintaining the existing weight should be at the level of 2000-2500 kcal, and for effective weight loss by 1000 kcal. less. To simplify the calculation, and most importantly, to make it easier to remember exactly how many extra carbohydrates are contained in the product, Olga Raz coined the term XE (bread units). For clarity, she cut the bread into pieces of 25 grams each and equated it to 1 bread unit, then calculated the amount of carbohydrates in this piece. For stable weight loss, the body needs about 12 grams of digestible carbohydrates.

In order not to gain weight, maintaining it in a stable state requires 15 grams of digestible carbohydrates. 1 bread unit (XE) is 15 grams of carbohydrates digestible by the body. Thus, the daily rate for weight loss should not exceed 10 XE. Below is a reference table of food products by bread units, based on how many grams of a particular product make up 1 XE:

A table of bread units (XE) with a calculation of the consumption of specific products for confident and effective weight loss is located on our website.

The first stage of the diet on bread for weight loss.

Start following the bread diet for weight loss by eating about 8-10 small pieces of whole grain bread per day. Some white bread is also allowed. To improve the taste of such unusual food, it is not forbidden to spread bread with a thin layer of semi-fat cottage cheese with a fat content of 5% or use cottage cheese with 0% fat content for lubrication. Cottage cheese can be periodically replaced with a thin piece of low-fat ham. Products may be different, but should not exceed 10XE, in accordance with the table of bread units.

For the duration of the diet, it is recommended to stop taking sugar, sweets, as well as vegetables and cereals that contain a lot of starch (potatoes, corn, etc.). For one week, it is allowed to eat boiled eggs every other day. You should not give up any fruits, but their amount should be reasonable so as not to stretch the walls of the stomach, in order to avoid increased secretion of gastric juice. Otherwise, the body will constantly require additional food to pay off excess stomach acid, and you will experience a constant feeling of hunger. As a result, it will be possible to forget about losing weight before reaching the second weekly stage of the diet.

The second stage of the grain diet.

Then comes the second stage of the bread diet. At the second weekly stage, you can replace a couple of slices of grain bread that have become familiar with 200g. boiled legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas) or durum wheat pasta. It is quite possible to replace them, for a change, with one boiled potato or corncob. Sometimes, depending on the mood, you can use three to four tablespoons of corn flakes. But control their calorie content and choose cereal with a minimum sugar content. The amount of fruit consumed, compared with the first weekly stage, can be increased. The first stage of the bread diet should take one to two weeks, the second is up to you. If you like bread and bakery products and at the same time want to lose weight, then this diet is for you, the main thing is to follow the bread units.

About, . On the beneficial properties of fresh berries.

Losing weight by following a diet is obtained by most losing weight. But about 5% can keep the achieved result for several years. This figure triples the grain diet, which many consider a waste of time. And absolutely in vain! It provides a good result of both weight loss and its stabilization. Let's figure out what a bread diet is and what determines the effectiveness of this weight loss system.

Video story about losing weight with a bread diet

Bread is the basis of diet and good mood

The nutrition system was developed by an Israeli doctor Olga Raz. Based on the research, it was found that eating bread dishes increases the amount of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, which not only allows you to resist stress, but also causes a feeling of satiety. This is a significant difference from low-carb diets, on which a person becomes depressed and irritable.

The bread diet for weight loss consists of two stages, the duration of which can be set independently, given the "fan" of excess fat folds. It does not apply to short. Weight is reduced slowly but steadily. There is no need to starve, so the system is suitable for most chubby persons who love hearty meals. In addition, any doctor will confirm that it is slow weight loss that is less dangerous for the body, and rapid weight loss is stress that can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. But in our time there are practically no absolutely healthy people, so you need to give preference to the safest weight loss systems.

With a certain diet, bread helps to get rid of extra pounds

Diet at the first stage

The bread diet for weight loss begins from the first stage. During this period, up to 2.5 kg per week is lost. The duration of the first stage of weight loss is from 7 to 14 days. Women are supposed to include 8-12 slices of bread in the menu, men - 1.5 times more. It is best to buy a dietary product made from wholemeal flour, but you can replace it with ordinary rye, only halve the amount.

The prescribed bread ration should be divided into equal portions and eat every 3-4 hours, even if you are not hungry by this time.

Appetizing dishes make the procedure attractive for many gourmets

In addition to the main product are:

  • Vegetables (with the exception of starchy ones) in any quantity. They can be stewed, boiled, baked, eaten raw. For the preparation of salads, it is allowed to use 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil per day.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, boiled fish, chicken, veal, cheese. It is allowed to use a very thin layer or slice for making sandwiches.
  • Portion of stewed fish, meat, egg in any form. You can eat 3 times a week. These days, the amount of bread consumed is reduced by 2-4 slices. You should not include these products in the menu for several days in a row.
  • 1 fruit (apple, pear, kiwi, orange, grapefruit) or 3 plums (a small handful of berries) daily.
  • Tea and coffee without sugar can be drunk during each meal and in between.
  • A glass of natural yogurt or kefir is a must on the daily menu.

Any sweets, mayonnaise, fatty sauces, butter, alcohol are excluded at this time.

It is necessary to drink daily 8-10 glasses of pure water or mineral water without gases, herbal decoctions, green tea.

The composition of the menu of the second stage

After the successful completion of the initial phase, food can be varied by replacing every 2 slices of bread with another dish. For their preparation, durum wheat pasta, dark rice, buckwheat, legumes, oatmeal, chicken, fish, veal are used. Daily fruit consumption is increased by 3 times. You can pamper yourself with boiled potatoes (1 medium-sized piece per day), an ear of corn, breakfast cereals (no more than 4 tablespoons per day).

Important nuances:

  • The total serving volume should not exceed 1 cup. In this case, the stomach will not stretch, constantly requiring more food to saturate.
  • The use of yogurt (kefir) and water remain mandatory.
  • The frequency of eating does not change.

The duration of the second stage is not limited.

Contraindications for the grain diet

The allowed products of the bread procedure are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, but there are also contraindications for its use:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • unbalanced psyche;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

And for those who have no contraindications and decided to go through two stages, you need to additionally take drugs with a high content of calcium.

Bread unit - diet or indicator

Another weight loss system is a diet by bread units. The opinion that a bread diet and a bread unit are identical concepts is erroneous. The similarity is only in the observance of a certain diet for weight loss.

Bread unit (XE) is a value that reflects the amount of carbohydrates contained in the product. Patients with diabetes adhere to this indicator when compiling the menu. 1 XE contains 12 g of carbohydrates and is equal to a slice of wheat bread 1.5 cm thick.

A diet for weight loss, taking into account the bread unit, involves reducing the intake of carbohydrates to 10 XE. This is three times less than with the usual diet of a healthy person. Weight goes away slowly, about 1.5 kg per week, but it is easier to “keep” it at the achieved level.

You can choose priority products for menu planning

It is impossible to independently determine the amount of XE in a particular product, but there is a special table thanks to which you can choose priority dishes and create a menu. You can also use ready-made recommendations. For example, a menu for one day might look like this:

  • apple and carrot salad seasoned with natural yogurt, tea or coffee without sugar;
  • vegetarian borscht, fruit compote (no sugar);
  • boiled fish or chicken, a glass of kefir.

Such a diet will be especially effective if you adhere to its principles for a sufficiently long time. To lose 5-7 kg, you must follow a diet for at least 4 weeks. Weight will go away gradually, but steadily. At the same time, the diet is not hungry, it is easily tolerated.

At the same time, one should not forget that any diet can adversely affect the functioning of internal organs, cause problems that require medical intervention. Therefore, before starting the procedure, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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