Reserves of the body is a general idea of ​​the reserves of the human body. Intuition: turn on the internal reserves of the body

Nowadays, scientists and doctors are becoming more and more convinced that the influence of thought, the role of the mental attitude in maintaining human health is enormous. There are theories explaining the psychophysiological phenomenon of the influence of thought on the processes of the body. But to finally explain how exactly the miracle of recovery occurs, science is not able to. One thing is clear - the body is a single system controlled by the brain. And if you pick up special keys and approaches, learn how to influence the functioning of the brain, then truly inexhaustible possibilities open up for a person. Practices are known that are aimed at awakening the hidden reserves of a person. Some are helped by one, others by others. Science today is not able to give a universal practice that suits everyone. Probably, this happens because each person is individual and must find his own key that opens the door to the pantry of the body's reserves. But the “working” practice is always based on the efforts of the spirit (regularity in exercises and practices, a special attitude when doing exercises) and the efforts of consciousness - a clear idea of ​​​​the goal, a treatment plan, an understanding of the physiology of one’s illness).

Numerous cases of amazing, almost miraculous recovery are known. As a rule, they are associated with a colossal tension of all spiritual forces, with a great desire to overcome fate and striving for a goal. Emotional uplift or concentration of forces in connection with difficult trials mobilize the human body, allow it to “forget” about diseases, overcome them faster and easier.

Here is a simple example that shows the mechanism of interaction between the brain and our body. Let's say you really don't want to go to work today (to college, school, training...). You may not be aware of this, but the unwillingness to work has already formed at the subconscious level. If the desire is strong, the brain perceives it as a command - to create a reason why it would be possible to skip a day. The decision has been made to create a slight imbalance in the respiratory system, which will look like an indisposition and give you the legal right to stay at home. Obeying the command of the brain, the body obediently gave the necessary signs of ill health: symptoms of a runny nose and cough, fever. And here already the consciousness comprehended these symptoms as a disease and decided that it would be better for you not to go to work today. You go to the clinic, take sick leave. Everything, the goal is achieved, the brain has created the conditions for the execution of the command of the subconscious. And by the time you get home, you are “recovering,” because now your subconscious mind needs rest and it doesn’t need illness. In an adult, this mechanism does not always work, because “you have to work to get paid” sits very firmly in the subconscious and only a very strong unwillingness to work can force it out of there. But with children, everything is easier. The “must” has not yet been formed, so children very often “get sick” five minutes before going to kindergarten or school and recover instantly as soon as their mother decides to leave them at home.

His path inspired me

The path to health is not paved with rose petals. To be honest, training is very hard! Even after so many years of training, it cannot be said that my body flies on wings to it. No, I still have to order myself, force myself, constantly consciously whip up in training. What to do if the body does not want to! He can, but he doesn't want to. My body became strong, strong, healthy and unpretentious. But, despite this, my body tends to take the easiest path - to be disabled.

Therefore, in order to "convince" the organism, "good motives" are needed. Moreover, the strongest motivation and internal incentives are needed. I was always struck by the example of Valentin Dikul. That's how, from where a fifteen-year-old boy found unchildish strength, so as not to lose heart and drag himself out of weakness for six years! Almost a child - and how much will and faith, because he did not immediately achieve the result. There was a strong belief in victory over the disease!

Of course, I was not 15 years old, and the state is not so depressing. But I had small children. For me, it was the strongest motivation - to restore health in order to raise small children. This is the thought that haunts me day and night. I cannot judge now whether I would have gone this path to health without having the example of Valentin Dikul in front of me. Since Dikul could, then I can too!

But we must not forget that man is not a machine. Machines, and those break down, and a person even more so needs to relax. But I didn't allow myself that luxury.

Paradoxically, but the hardest work is work on yourself. But this work will be many times harder when you do not see the result right away, and it becomes more and more difficult when no effects are visible in a week or a month. But the main thing is to believe in the result! And believe me, he will!

I am very grateful to Valentin Ivanovich Dikul for the fact that he himself, without realizing that, played such a role in my life.

I found my motivation. You, too, find or come up with the strongest motivation for yourself. Nothing without her.

From the statements of those who are engaged in the Dikul system

In our example, to solve the problem, the brain set the mind to unbalance health. But after all, you can set goals for him, for the fulfillment of which it is necessary, on the contrary, to turn on the mechanisms of recovery, to use the mental reserve of health. And then, perhaps, it will even overcome the threshold of its biological capabilities. For example, in everyday life, a fragile woman could hardly lift a bag of groceries. But she was able to lift a heavy concrete slab, which crushed her child. Then this slab could not be moved by three strong men. Similarly, people who have been given a terminal diagnosis may recover. What worked in this case? On a subconscious level, the brain received a command to mobilize all the available capabilities of the body, the brain promptly responded. This is not a miracle, it is an uninterruptedly working mechanism, which modern science is only beginning to understand.

The mechanisms of interaction between consciousness and subconsciousness are still not well understood. It is also not entirely clear how the brain coordinates the interaction of these systems. But one thing is clear - having established close contact with your brain, it will be possible to set certain goals for it. For example, solving health problems.

Only your active and positive participation can significantly affect the course of the disease, the results of treatment and the quality of their future life.

There are several stages of recovery:

1. When a person learns that he is ill, and possibly fatal, many of the rules of life that he has adhered to until now begin to seem insignificant to him.

2. The disease seems to give him permission to change. A person acquires greater freedom of action, uses new life resources.

3. The desire to live gives impetus to physiological processes that lead to better health.

4. A recovered person has spiritual strength, a positive self-image, confidence in his ability to influence his own life - all that, without any doubt, indicates a higher level of psychological development.

This is the path of a man with a strong will, such as Valentin Dikul. And what about us ordinary people? Not everyone has such a desire for life, stamina. Perhaps many, having read up to this point, have already thought: “I can’t do it!” Do not despair! They will help you. There are special techniques that will create the desired message in your subconscious. First, we will get acquainted with them, learn how to control the subconscious. This will be our first step on the path to health.

hidden reserves of the body

Experiments and clinical observations have confirmed the presence in our body of huge hidden reserves - forces that can repeatedly overlap emerging unfavorable living conditions for the body. This happens due to the fact that the structures that carry out biochemical processes at the intracellular level are rebuilt, the properties of cell organelles change. This means that the metabolic processes of the entire cell as a whole change.

So, when the body is faced with changing environmental conditions, the old biological structures begin to rapidly break down and be replaced by new ones. These new structures have certain differences aimed at adapting to the extreme conditions that have arisen. Moreover, the changes are so significant that they can be called simply miraculous.

For example, such an experiment was carried out on animals. Animals were gradually accustomed to the effects of adverse factors: high temperatures (42–43 °C), a decrease in oxygen in the inhaled air, and hunger. In order for adaptation to occur, it is necessary that the effects be regular, but strictly dosed, short-term. as a result, resistance to such influences increased by several tens (!) times.

But we would like to tell you more about several points related to human adaptation.

Oxygen starvation training and heart attack

Everyone knows what a heart attack is. “The heart could not stand it,” say ordinary people who do not have a medical education. But what does this mean? What physiological processes lead to a heart attack?

Myocardial infarction (heart muscle) occurs as a result of the death of part of the cells of the heart muscle with insufficient oxygen supply to them. The vessel of the heart contracts against the background of an emotional outburst - the heart muscle receives less blood, which means less oxygen, the heart cells cannot withstand, they die. The heart can no longer work normally - a person has a heart attack.

Although myocardial infarction is an extremely dangerous disease, doctors today are successfully coping with this disaster, especially if they recognize the disease on time and immediately seek medical help. And what to do then, when the main danger has passed? How to protect yourself from a second heart attack?

The question is not easy and, most importantly, very important, since the risk of a second heart attack increases many times over.

For a long time, doctors thought that the main thing was to provide the heart muscle with comfortable conditions, to prevent a lack of oxygen (hypoxia). Hence the recommendations - to be more in the fresh air, to avoid unrest and physical exertion. Appropriate treatment was also prescribed - drugs that dilate the coronary vessels. But all these efforts fell short of expectations. A person cannot be placed under a glass jar, life throws up surprises, and the number of repeated heart attacks continued to grow.

And so the doctors came up with a paradoxical thought: what if we call on the forces of adaptation to help, not avoid a lack of oxygen, but, on the contrary, accustom a person to this state after a heart attack with the help of dosed training by oxygen starvation - hypoxic training? The results were amazing. in people who underwent such a course of rehabilitation, not only did the sensitivity of the myocardium to oxygen deficiency decrease, but the functional properties of the heart muscle also increased, simply speaking, the heart began to work better. Neither physical nor emotional stress, which previously would certainly have led to a heart attack, now did not cause serious consequences.

What happened? Where did the new forces and reserves come from?

When cells live in comfortable conditions, they get used to a constant level and volume of incoming oxygen and lose the ability to efficiently bind and use oxygen to obtain the energy they need. Why save when there is enough good already? Cells seem to be “lazy” to synthesize structures that are not currently needed. Therefore, with a sudden deterioration in coronary circulation, such cells are not able to quickly rebuild, switch to another type of intracellular metabolism. The amount of energy produced in the cell drops sharply, and it dies.

If, however, periodically give a dosed hypoxic load, the cells of the body, including the heart muscle, will experience oxygen starvation. A sharp deterioration of the situation does not occur, because the loads are strictly dosed, all cells remain fully functionally intact. But artificially created new conditions will require an adaptive response from the body. Cardiac muscle cells begin to take this factor into account, metabolic processes change, and structures of antihypoxic protection materialize.

Now a sudden uncontrolled hypoxic load will not cause damage to the structures of the myocardium, because its cells have already been trained, they have an apparatus that can effectively bind and use blood oxygen, fully providing themselves with energy even in conditions of repeated deterioration of blood flow.

In the course of research, another surprising pattern was discovered. In some cases, when using dosed hypoxic training, previously lost myocardial tissue was fully restored. "What's so amazing about that?" You ask. The fact is that this radically changes our understanding of the possibilities and course of recovery (regenerative) processes in the body. Previously, doctors believed that dead myocardial cells in all cases are replaced by connective tissue - a scar. Now it turns out that by placing the body in certain conditions, we force it to "grow" a new, healthy heart.

So, let's sum up. A constant sparing regimen, the absence of physical and emotional stress, forced expansion of the coronary arteries with medications not only indirectly block the processes of adaptation of myocardial cells to hypoxic stress, but further increase their sensitivity to oxygen deficiency. Such people, focused only on external assistance, as a rule, live under the sword of Damocles of expectation of new heart attacks, which reappear sooner or later. Thus, a vicious circle arises - intensive treatment leads to an improvement in the blood supply to the heart, but this artificial improvement detrains myocardial cells. A more promising way to restore the health of people who have had a heart attack is the use of dosed load methods, and in particular, hypoxic training. In general, enough facts have been accumulated in modern science, confirming that under extreme conditions, the body's defenses increase, autoregulation mechanisms begin to work intensively. as an example, let us give data obtained as a result of experiments on animals. Domestic scientists conducted the following study. Experimental animals (rats) were injected with toxic substances and thereby provoked the onset of diabetes. After the development of the disease, the animals underwent hypoxic training. as a result, not only did their blood counts improve, but, even more surprisingly, some of the lost pancreatic tissue was restored.

But dry fasting has even more powerful possibilities for dosed training of the whole organism. As soon as the flow of food and water into the gastrointestinal tract stops, fundamentally new conditions for existence are created for the body. The coordination of various types of metabolism is disrupted, while the body is adapted to a regular and systematic intake of nutrients. Naturally, there are shifts in the indicators of the state of the internal environment, difficulties arise in the implementation of the cellular metabolism of organs and tissues in the previous mode. The lack of external intake of nutrients, a source of energy and plastic materials, leads to a decrease in their concentration in the blood and, consequently, to a sharp decrease in the nutrition of working cells and organs.

The body's first reaction is stress. Stress in this case is a general adaptive reaction to rapidly developing changes in the internal environment of the body. Stress is the inclusion of reserve capabilities. It is designed to help the body quickly adapt to the changes that have arisen, and here, first of all, the state and operation of regulatory systems change. Animals react in the same way to changing living conditions: this is how they prepare for a fight, active search for food, hunting, for any physical stress - in general, for any activity associated with the danger of injury and other unfavorable scenarios.

In the wild, the lack of food for living organisms has always been one of the most unfavorable factors. If you don't solve this problem, you will die. But the ability of animals and humans to survive would be sharply limited if nature did not provide for a wonderful opportunity - a temporary regulatory and adaptive restructuring of the course of metabolic processes, which, in conditions of a temporary lack of food and water, makes it possible to maintain cell metabolism due to the body's internal reserves.

At the first stage (1-2 days), our body uses the reserves of rapid response. However, if a person continues to starve, his body can no longer support itself due to the temporary rearrangement of metabolic processes, and the state of cellular metabolism continues to deteriorate. The absence of glucose leads to the accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood, which, in increased concentration, begin to play the role of endogenous toxins. Thus, the situation for the cells continues to worsen and the prospect of their death appears.

And here is the transition of the body to the so-called endogenous nutrition (2-5th day.). The body begins to compensate for the lack of nutrients due to the destruction of biomolecules and due to the partial decay of organs and tissues. It sounds a bit ominous, but it's actually not all that scary. First of all, unused systems die, therefore, those biostructures that are not able to rebuild fall under the “axe”. and above all old and diseased cells.

Of course, this is a simplified understanding of the process, but it allows you to see the main causal changes in the body against the background of starvation and some of the healing effects of this method.

By the way, during dry fasting, cleansing the body of toxins is not the main thing, because at the first stage they become not less, but more due to the intensive formation of endotoxins, and later only a certain balance is established between the intensity of their formation and excretion. There is no significant detoxification here. Something else happens: a fundamental change in the conditions of existence causes the body to significantly rebuild the structures that carry out cell exchange.

Therefore, old biomolecules are “dismantled”, low-resistant tissue cells die and disintegrate (due to them, the deficit of energy and plastic substances is replenished). But at the same time, new cells are synthesized that are capable of surviving in the changed conditions. What is this, if not rejuvenation of the body?

It is very important that the creation of new biostructures under fasting conditions is carried out against the background of a reduced level of endogenous intoxication: the activity of metabolic processes is lower, the intake of intestinal toxins is limited. Therefore, the quality of the newly created biomolecules is higher, they are more stable in their structure, the regulatory systems are not affected by extraneous interference in the form of endotoxins of intensive metabolism.

The exit from fasting is considered as an important component of the entire procedure, which requires a clear understanding of the complexity of this period, strict adherence to medical recommendations. and this is absolutely fair. However, a very important circumstance is often overlooked by practitioners of this method. The repeated restructuring of cellular metabolism, caused by the newly changing conditions of life, is not a return to the old, but a new transition that requires material embodiment. Yes, there is a return to partially reduced biostructures. But these will not be the old, but renewed, rejuvenated structures.

In the process of starvation, two very interesting moments stand out - primary and secondary restructuring, when the body's regulatory systems are forced to switch to new life support conditions, when old ones are partially utilized and new biostructures are synthesized that differ from the old ones in their qualitative properties. in turn, the new quality directly depends on those specific situational changes that cause shifts in the internal environment of the organism.

The principal distinguishing feature of therapeutic fasting from spontaneously arising is its dosage, because it can be stopped at any time. It is extremely important that fasting takes place against the backdrop of a favorable psychological climate. When we make a volitional decision to starve in order to influence a specific problem, our consciousness begins to interfere in the restructuring processes taking place in the body, to exert a regulatory influence on them. And this means that it is possible to design a future restructuring of the body with the formation and synthesis of new biostructures with useful properties, that is, in fact, we are talking about the conscious regulation of the processes occurring in the body, about the conscious improvement of one's body.

All this says one thing. Our body in a state of complete comfort and rest weakens, loses its adaptive forces. But under the conditions of a changing environment, which is influenced by strong negative stimuli, hitherto unknown abilities are awakened, the mechanisms of autoregulation are turned on. Now we are beginning to understand health in a new way. A healthy organism is not one that maintains normal performance, but one that is able to successfully adapt to changing conditions, which is very important for our adverse environmental conditions.

Now let's take a closer look at the main therapeutic mechanisms that occur during dry fasting in the human body.

Water is the matrix of life, the basis of metabolism, changing its structure, its physical and chemical properties, it regulates life processes. Without water, any form of life is impossible - carbon, silicon, etc. Blood and lymph water delivers all the necessary metabolites to cells and tissues and removes metabolic products. Numerous other mechanisms of water regulation of life processes are also known. Water is essential for the existence of all living organisms; Since ancient times, it has been considered the primary source of life along with fire, air and earth. Without water, there would be no life on Earth. All living things need water, which is also the most important component of plants and animals. Our body is approximately 65% ​​water; in some jellyfish, its content even reaches 99%. If water suddenly disappeared from the surface of the Earth, it would turn into a dead desert. Water is necessary for the normal functioning of all vital processes in the body: respiration, blood circulation, digestion, etc. There is no chemically pure water in the body. many substances are dissolved in it: proteins, sugar, vitamins, mineral salts. The healing properties of water are related to its molecular structure. and these properties disappear as soon as the structure of water is disturbed. Water plays an extremely important role in all life processes, not only as an integral part of the cells and tissues of the body, but also as an environment in which various physiological transformations occur associated with the vital activity of the body.

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Non-state educational institution.

Krasnoyarsk Cooperative College of Economics of Commerce and Law.

Discipline: Physical Culture.

Topic: Concepts: health, reserves of the human body, a healthy lifestyle.

Made by teachers Ts.K.

Military sports training

1. Concepts: health, reserves of the human body, a healthy lifestyle.

2. Healthy lifestyle factors.

3. Nutrition.

4. The impact of overweight on health.

5. Means of maintaining normal weight.

6. Smoking. its role in the development of diseases.

7. Alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse. Their role in the degradation of personality.

8. Physical culture and healthy lifestyle.

9. Hardening. value, means, technique.

10. The role of rhythms in human life.

1. What is health? One person does not get sick with the flu even during its epidemic, it is enough for another to sneeze, and he is already sick. One gets into the wormwood in winter and doesn’t even get a runny nose, the other one went for a walk in the fresh frosty air, and he already has a sore throat. We say about the first that he is in good health, about the second that he is in poor health? Yes, it is important, but not only. Other definition of health is the ability to maintain balance between the body and the constantly changing external and internal environment. Any living organism, including the human one, has great reserves in maintaining such a balance. What is a reserve? This is the difference in the performance of an organ, system at maximum load and the level of rest.

Let's explain with an example. The human heart at rest pumps about 4-5 liters of blood per minute. Under load (for example, when running for 3 km), the body's need for oxygen, and consequently, for blood flow, greatly increases. The volume of blood that the heart can pump in a minute can increase up to 20 liters, i.e. such a heart has a fivefold reserve. Why do you need such a large reserve in life? Example. The man fell ill with typhus. The body temperature rose to 40°C. The need for oxygen increased by 2 times. With a five-fold reserve, the heart will cope with such a load without stress. An untrained heart has no such reserve. Within a few minutes, the body tissues will be in severe oxygen starvation.

Reserves are possessed by all body systems and the greater, the more subjected to training. Now is the time to give a definition of health by the most authoritative body - the World Health Organization (WHO). It operates within the framework of the United Nations (UN).

“Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease.” Physical well-being is when all organs of the human body are in order, function within the normal range and can even, if necessary, work with a significant excess of the norm, i.e. have a reserve.

Spiritual (spiritual or mental) well-being implies the predominance of a person in a good mood, his confidence in his future, a positive attitude to overcome difficulties and adverse situations, in contrast to a decadent mood that causes negative emotions and even depression. Spiritual well-being also implies a kind attitude towards LIODIES, the absence of misanthropic traits in the character, which is very important for creating a benevolent background of human relations around oneself. Social well-being implies a stable position of a person in society, the presence of a good paid job, a family.

What do you mean by "healthy lifestyle"? Lifestyle is a system of relationships between a person and himself and with environmental factors. A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is understood as one in which the reserves of the body are preserved or expanded.

2.0lifestyle depends on many conditions (factors). For ease of remembering, they can be grouped into three groups.

l-th group of factors. Everything that surrounds a person is the environment. These are the walls of the apartment and the house, the streets are transported on them. These are forest and mountains, meadow and river, sun and air, human clothes. Here we also include people surrounding a person - a microsociety, as scientists say. Family and study group, production team, roommates.

2nd group of factors. Everything that a person "introduces" into himself. Food, drugs, nicotine, alcohol, drugs.

3rd group of factors. What a person gives with him as a result of volitional efforts and awareness of the need for his actions. Here we include physical education and sports, hardening, organization of your working day - alternation of work and rest, rhythm in work.

Let us now touch briefly on all three groups of factors.

We can say that a person is not able to influence such components of the environment as climate, radiation, cleanliness of air and water. But such an assessment would be incomplete. Even the solution of global problems depends on each specific person, on his civic position, on his conscientious performance of his work. After all, people, having united, managed to resist the implementation of the project of transferring the flow of rivers flowing north to south. Moreover, it is in the power of each person to solve their personal, specific problems related to their own health. It is well known, for example, that constant noise exceeding threshold values ​​also adversely affects health. It would seem harmless and pleasant listening to music through the player. And it turns out that it significantly impairs hearing. Research by students in Tennessee (USA) showed that 60% of young people have the same hearing ability as people aged 60-69 years, i.e. reduced.

Loud noise causes constriction of blood vessels, dilated pupils, increased muscle tone, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, breath holding and stomach cramps. Persistent narrowing of the blood vessels can lead to hypertension.

The cleanliness of clothing adjacent to the body is of particular importance for people involved in physical culture and sports. Quite often, students after intensive knowledge, causing profuse sweating, do not wash under a warm shower, do not change their clothes. As a result, they not only spread the smell of sweat that is unpleasant for other people, but also harm their own health. The human skin has many functions. It regulates heat transfer, penetrated by a dense network of venous blood vessels. Nerve endings are located on the skin, the skin is directly connected with the endocrine system. No life processes are possible without skin. For example, like the lungs, the skin inhales air and water through microscopic pores, and when the small pores that occupy most of the surface of the body become clogged for some reason, the person loses consciousness. Dirty skin is also the cause of skin diseases (furunculosis, etc.) and difficult rest after exercise.

Microsociety. A family, a study group, a team interact with a person constantly - all the working day and the whole working week. Therefore, the nature of this relationship, the psychological background, is very important for human health. If the relationship is friendly, attentive, sustained, without rudeness and insults, this contributes to health. A person is in a good mood, good mood, he himself studies goodness and bright feelings. It is very important to be kind and friendly yourself. After all, any permanent group consists of personalities, several "I", which create a favorable or vice versa, oppressive psychological climate of the group.

3. First of all, it is necessary to point out the good quality of food products. They should not contain substances harmful to the human body (nitrates, salts of heavy metals, etc.), be contaminated with radiation. When buying products on the market, it is very important to find out where they come from - whether they are from areas affected by radiation pollution after the Chernobyl disaster; where the potato grew, whether it was by the road, collecting all the harmful substances from the exhaust gases of cars. The next requirement for a healthy diet is its balance.

Balanced food and calorie intake. The main food products are proteins, fats, carbohydrates. The ratio in human nutrition of proteins, fats, carbohydrates should be maintained in a ratio of 1:0, 7:4.

Proteins are the main building material. Once in the human body, proteins break down into amino acids, from which the substances necessary for the body are formed. Some of the amino acids can be synthesized in the body, they are called nonessential. Amino acids that are not synthesized in the body are called essential. They must be ingested with animal products and cereals, i.e. bakery products.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy. They are found in vegetables, fruits, milk. With an excess intake of carbohydrates in the body, they are able to turn into fats. Excess protein can also be converted into fats.

Fats (they are of animal and vegetable origin) are a source of energy and fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamins are accelerators (catalysts) of metabolic processes. The balance of food in terms of calories implies moderation in nutrition, following the saying: "You need to eat to live, not live to eat." Feelings of hunger, greed for food do not always indicate starvation of the body. This feeling is trainable. With the constant satisfaction of this feeling, adaptation (adaptation) arises and claims increase. If the environment provides an abundance of food, then the training of appetite and the excess of income over consumption is inevitable. Only a strong competing feeling can stop this process - says Professor N.M. Amosov - for example, any or the belief that "getting fat is ugly and harmful." The habit of constant chewing in childhood leads to the formation of an increased number of fat cells in the body. It is not possible to get rid of them even when switching to a normal diet. In passing, it makes sense to say about the habit of constantly chewing chewing gum that has spread in recent years. First of all, it's unethical. What a pleasure it is to talk to a chewing person! But it turns out that this is not harmless. Doctors have found that the constant use of chewing gum leads to an increase in the acidity of the gastric juice. And this is the way to gastritis and ulcers.

4. Excess fat under the skin changes the shape of the figure, moving it away from the ideal. But if only all the troubles were limited to aesthetic costs! Excess weight leads to a number of diseases. Studies conducted at St. Petersburg University in Sweden have shown that even a small excess of 3-5 kg ​​leads to an increase in blood pressure, an increase in blood cholesterol levels (diabetes disease). Fat men are more likely than thin men to have cancer of the colon and rectum, and women have cancer of the breast, gastric bladder, uterus, and ovaries. Studies have found that fat cells in the abdomen are more dangerous in their pathogenicity than the same cells in other parts of the body. Norwegian nutritionist Hans Waaler compared the dependence of Norwegian life expectancy on their weight and concluded that the body of slender women (height in cm minus 100, minus 10%) are less resistant to diseases. Healthier women whose weight exceeds the average by 10-12 kg. 1-10 if the "feminine ideal of Rubens" is exceeded, the opposite effect occurs. According to Valer, deviation in both directions from the framework of the "Rubensian" figure reduces the hope of living to an advanced age.

Among persons whose weight exceeds the norm by 2 times, the mortality rate is 12 times higher. Therefore, the saying “the more the better for a good person” can only be taken as a joke. And one more thing: what is good for women is bad for men - for them, any overweight is a risk factor.

The reserves included in the case of a significant intensification of human activity, in particular, training and competitive ones, can be designated as functional reserves and structural (morphological) reserves. Functional reserves are the hidden capabilities of the body, they are:

  • 1. in changing the intensity and speed of energy and plastic metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • 2. in changing the intensity and speed of physiological processes at the organ and cellular levels;
  • 3. in increasing and improving physical and mental qualities at the organ level;
  • 4. in the ability to develop new and improve old skills.

With such a characteristic of functional reserves, they can be divided into:

  • 1. Biochemical reserves associated with the intensity and efficiency of metabolic processes and their regulation;
  • 2. physiological reserves associated with the intensity and duration of the work of organs and their neurohumoral regulation;
  • 3. psychological reserves associated with readiness for competition, with the ability to overcome fatigue and discomfort, and even pain, with a willingness to take risks in order to achieve the created goal;
  • 4. Pedagogical (technical) reserves associated with the number of existing motor and tactical skills, for their improvement and development of new ones.

It can be seen from the presentation that physiological reserves refer to the organ, systemic and organismic levels of regulation of the functions of the human body.

The physiological reserves of a person, in the narrow sense of the word, are understood as the ability of organs and organ systems to change the intensity of their functions, as well as the interaction between them, in such a way that a certain optimal level of functioning of the body for the given conditions, the level of its performance is achieved.

The material carriers of physiological reserves are organs and systems of human organs, as well as regulatory mechanisms that ensure the maintenance of homeostasis, information processing and coordination of vegetative and motor (animal) acts.

In other words, this is the usual mechanism for regulating physiological functions, which, in the process of adapting a person to changing environmental conditions and for leveling shifts in the internal environment, are used by him as a reserve of adaptation.

Therefore, we can talk about the physiological reserves of organs (heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.) and organ systems (respiratory, cardiovascular, excretory, etc.), as well as the reserves of homeostasis regulation and the reserves of coordination of the work of muscle groups between itself and with the work of the respiratory and circulatory organs. This allows us to talk about the physiological reserves of such physical qualities as strength, speed and endurance.

Table 1.

The physiological reserves indicated in the table, like all the others, taken separately, contribute to the achievement of success, but do not guarantee it, because. to achieve sports success, it is necessary to mobilize all types of reserves.

Table 2.

Physiological reserves are not included all at once. They are switched on in turn and can be subdivided into three stages of the echelon.

It is assumed that in the conditions of everyday life a person performs work within 35% of his absolute capabilities. This habitual work is done freely, without volitional effort. When working with a load within 35 - 50% of absolute possibilities, strong-willed efforts are required, and such work leads to physical and mental fatigue. Above 65% of absolute possibilities lies the threshold of mobilization. Outside this boundary, only autonomously guarded reserves of the body remain, arbitrary, with the help of an effort of will, the use of which is impossible. And, at the same time, any "super-effort" requires the appeal to these reserves.

The first stage (echelon) of physiological reserves (35%) is switched on during the transition from a state of rest to the usual daily activities. The level of systems operation (expendable reserves can be characterized by energy consumption and functional shifts that occur in the body during daily professional and training activities.

The second stage (up to 50%, 2nd tier) of physiological reserves is activated when a person finds himself in an extreme situation associated with sudden changes in environmental conditions, or when changes in the internal environment of the body are caused by extreme physical effort, work to arbitrary failure. A person can, by an effort of will, mobilize another 15-20% of his reserves, but in this case he is threatened with injury, fainting, and sometimes death. These reserves can be characterized by energy consumption and functional shifts when working to failure, i.e., at the maximum possible work.

The third line of reserves is usually activated in the struggle to save life, often after losing consciousness, during the agony.

In size, these reserves amount to 65% or more of the absolute possibilities. Studying them is extremely difficult, because. their situation cannot be modelled.

The reserves of the first echelon are included on the basis of conditional and unconditional reflexes. The mechanism for switching on the second echelon of reserves is not only a complex of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, but also volitional efforts of emotion, which can be considered as a mechanism for emergency mobilization of physiological reserves of the second echelon.

The inclusion of the reserves of the second echelon is provided, most likely, by unconditioned reflexes and feedback humoral connection. In any case, the mechanism of conditioned reflexes and emotions is excluded.

The above division of reserves is very arbitrary and schematic, since there cannot be a clear boundary between the reserves of the mentioned echelons. During systematic training, the reserves of the second echelon, which are realized in competitive activity, i.e. from poorly mastered by the body to well mastered. Mastering by the body at least part of the reserves of the third echelon is very likely for outstanding athletes who set world records.

Of considerable interest is the problem of the activation of reserves, the transfer of reserves of the second echelon to the first and the third to the second.

A natural physiological mechanism for activating the mobilization of reserves is training (especially with maximum loads). Causing corresponding functional shifts in the athlete's body, on the basis of which compensatory mechanisms develop, including the corresponding reserves. However, this process is very slow and takes many months and years. Emotions are the mechanism of urgent mobilization. They mobilize the reserves of the second and, possibly, partly of the third echelon, but at the same time disrupt the coordination of movements, which is highly undesirable and which has to be dealt with.

An artificial way to mobilize reserves is the use of pharmacological drugs of a stimulating type (hormones of the adrenal medulla and mediators of the sympathetic system). The danger of their use lies in the fact that, by transferring a significant part of the reserves from inviolable to active, they can cause an accelerated depletion of reserves and the death of the body.

A very fundamental question in this regard is whether the volume of a person’s physiological reserves increases as a result of intensive training to failure, or at the same time the volume of reserves of the first and second echelons increases due to the volume of reserves of the third echelon and the person comes to the brink of his capabilities. There is currently no direct answer to this question, but indirect data speak in favor of the fact that not only the volume of reserves of the first and second echelons is growing, but also the total size of the reserves of the athlete's body. It can be assumed that this happens when training is carried out thoughtfully, with a reasonably increasing intensity.

Systematic training, which causes the effect of economization of functions at rest, leads to a relative increase in the reserves of the first and second echelon in trained individuals compared to less trained and, especially, untrained people.

Ecology of knowledge: In an extreme situation, a figurative expression about a person's ability to swim across oceans and move mountains in such conditions turns into a very real development of events.

The human body needs basic necessities like food, water, sleep and oxygen to sustain life. If a person is deprived of one of them, then in a few minutes or days the person will die. In an extreme situation, when it comes to survival, the body can significantly increase this time, contrary to all known laws of nature and the predictions of doctors. A figurative expression about a person's ability to swim across oceans and move mountains in such conditions turns into a very real development of events.

In the struggle for life, the body begins to use hidden internal reserves. There are many cases when people survived in critical conditions, where, it would seem, they had practically no chance. We recalled several real stories that prove the limitlessness of the possibilities of the human body.

In July 1942, four Soviet sailors found themselves without water and food supplies in a boat in the middle of the Black Sea. On the third day, the sailors began to drink sea water, consuming up to two flasks a day. After 19 days of swimming without fresh water, exhausted from hunger, people began to die. The first left his comrades on the 19th, the second left on the 24th, the third on the 30th day. Pavel Ivanovich Yeresko lasted the longest. On the 36th day of his fast, he was found by sailors of a warship. During this time, he lost 22 kg in weight, which was 32% of his original weight, but remained alive.

It is believed that the lethal cooling of the body in cold water should occur in 60 - 90 minutes. In April 1975, 60-year-old biologist Warren Churchill was doing research on a lake covered with floating ice. His boat capsized, and the man spent about 1.5 hours in the water, the temperature of which was + 5°C. By the time the doctors arrived, his heart was barely audible, and the temperature of the internal organs had dropped to 16°C. However, the biologist survived.

The maximum duration of a person's stay without water largely depends on the ambient temperature and physical activity. At rest in the shade at a temperature of 16 - 23 ° C, a person can not drink for 10 days, at an air temperature of 26 ° C, this period is reduced to 9 days. After the earthquake in Mexico City in 1985, under the rubble of a building, rescuers found alive a 9-year-old boy who had not eaten or drunk anything for 13 days.

According to average statistics, the body can withstand more than 4 days without sleep. But in 1963, 17-year-old Randy Gardner decided to challenge this claim. For 11 days in a row, the young man did not sleep.

An ordinary person can be without air for a maximum of 5 minutes. But this time can be increased if, before holding the breath, breathe deeply and often with pure oxygen. So, Californian Robert Foster after such breathing exercises could be without scuba gear under water for 13 minutes 42.5 seconds.

The human body is able to withstand in dry air a temperature of 71°C for one hour, and 104°C for 26 minutes. However, in 1828, a case was described of a man staying in a furnace for 14 minutes, the temperature in which reached 170 ° C.

It has been established that a person spends up to 70% of his muscular energy, and the remaining 30% is a reserve for an emergency. Such a case fell on the duty of firefighter Chris Hickman in 2008 in Florida. Without outside help and auxiliary tools, he lifted the Chevrolet Blazer 30 cm off the ground to free the driver's pinched hand. published

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