Medicinal herbs St. John's wort for what. How to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers with St. John's wort oil. Very interesting video about St. John's wort! Worth a look

Herbaceous plants have been used in medicine and cosmetology since ancient times. They contain essential oils, anticoagulants and other substances useful for the human body. One of these herbs is St. John's wort. The plant is found in all regions of Russia.

What is hypericum

The perennial grows near the edges of coniferous forests, in sunny glades, on the outskirts of fields and along roads. Botanists identified 560 species and 9 genera of St. John's wort. The plant belongs to the subclass Dilleniidae, the tea order, the St. John's wort family. St. John's wort (ordinary), tetrahedral, cup-shaped are often found on the territory of Russia. Peculiarities:

  • The leaves are simple, opposite, with dark or transparent dots.
  • Flowers actinomorphic, solitary or collected in pyramidal, corymbose inflorescences.
  • Raw materials are collected from June to August. The plant is cut to 30-35 cm, tied in bunches and dried indoors or under a canopy. Raw materials should not be exposed to sunlight. After the leaves and flowers have dried, they are crushed and stored in glass jar. You can store raw materials in bags made of linen, cotton or other natural thick fabric. Shelf life - 2 years.

The benefits and harms of St. John's wort

The plant belongs to the class of low toxicity, so it is used to treat adults and children. Hypericum Benefits:

  • helps to get rid of hypertension;
  • is a natural aphrodisiac;
  • restores nerve fibers;
  • normalizes the production of melatonin;
  • reduces inflammation.

Any medicine is good for health only in certain proportions. If they are exceeded, serious side effects will occur. John's wort harm:

  • greatly increases arterial pressure;
  • in high concentration causes emotional lability or increased excitability;
  • accelerates the excretion of nutrients from the body;
  • if the cyclical intake is not observed, it disrupts the functioning of the hormonal system.

medicinal properties

The substances that make up the plant have a beneficial effect on human health. Medicinal properties of St. John's wort:

Chemical composition

The plant contains vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, flavone compounds. Chemical composition herbs:

  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • myrcene;
  • retinol;
  • tocopherol;
  • nicotinic and ascorbic acids;
  • cineole;
  • alkaloids;
  • geraniol;
  • pinenes;
  • carotene;
  • phytoncides;
  • routine;
  • saponins;
  • hyperoside;
  • coumarin;
  • quercetin, isoquercetin;
  • azulene;
  • hypericin.

What helps St. John's wort

The plant is suitable for the treatment of many diseases. St. John's wort helps with following states:

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • inflammation of the outer tissues and internal organs(pustular diseases, sinusitis, infections genitourinary system, abscess, hemorrhoids);
  • insomnia, migraine, anxiety;
  • excessive oiliness of the skin;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder, problems with the gastrointestinal tract caused by viruses and chronic diseases.

Medicinal use

The plant is used in traditional and folk medicine, allopathy. St. John's wort is used to treat:

  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis);
  • depression, insomnia, psychosis;
  • acute and chronic diseases digestive tract and intestines (bloating, gastritis, hepatitis, diarrhea, heartburn);
  • diseases of the spine and joints (rheumatism, arthritis).

The dosage depends on the disease. Women use up to 400 mg of dry product daily. For men, the dosage increases to 600–800 mg. St. John's wort is given to children from the age of 12 after consulting a doctor. If the age of the child is less, then this herb is not prescribed. Children are given no more than 150 mg of dry product daily.

In traditional medicine

Useful properties of St. John's wort are used in pharmacology. Based on this plant, antidepressants and sedatives are produced. In allopathy, grass is used to strengthen the immune system, normalize the work of the heart. Examples of medicines:

  • Life 900.
  • Gelarium Hypericum.
  • Neuroplant.
  • Deprivation.
  • Negrustin.
  • Novoimanin.

The use of St. John's wort in folk medicine

The grass is used in the form of decoctions, lotions, external mixtures, tinctures, ointments. A mixture of several will give a greater effect. medicinal herbs(mint, chamomile, elderberry, etc.). Healers treat St. John's wort:

  • gastritis;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • different types arrhythmias;
  • alcoholism.

In cosmetology

The plant tones the cells of the skin. St. John's wort for the skin is used for the following problems:

  • Acne. At acne it is useful to treat the face with St. John's wort lotion or herbal decoction daily. After 7-10 days, pimples and blackheads will disappear.
  • Dandruff and baldness. One third of a glass of infusion is consumed 10 minutes before meals 2 times a day. The same tool is used to rinse the hair.
  • Peeling skin. An infusion is used to soften the skin. It is applied every 2 days to flaky areas.
  • Skin aging, wrinkles. Infusion of the plant is diluted with red or pink clay to the consistency of sour cream. The resulting mask is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. The tool copes with shallow mimic wrinkles, tones the skin.

Folk recipes

Healers prepare different drugs based on St. John's wort. Folk recipes:

  • St. John's wort tea. Put 1 teaspoon of herbs in a teapot and pour 250 ml of boiling water. If desired, add honey, linden flowers, a handful of strawberries or raspberries. The resulting tea is used to restore immunity, treat the onset of a cold.
  • Plant decoction. 1.5 tablespoons of dry herbs are placed in an enameled pan, and then poured into a glass hot water. The container with the brewed plant is heated for 20-30 minutes in a water bath. It is impossible to bring the broth to a boil, otherwise some of the useful substances will be destroyed. The tool is used immediately.
  • Infusion. 2 tablespoons of dried or fresh herbs pour a glass of boiling water. The liquid is infused for 3-4 hours in a dark place, and then consumed 15-20 ml 3 times a day.
  • Hypericum tincture (extract). The grass is insisted on vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 10 or 1 to 7. The remedy is infused for 3 days in a dark place. Alcohol tincture is diluted with 50 ml of water before use.
  • St. John's wort oil. The flowers of the plant insist on olive, peach, almond or jojoba oil in a ratio of 1 to 2 for 3 weeks. The finished product is used for compresses.

St. John's wort treatment

In the right proportions, St. John's wort will cope with microbes, strengthen immunity, and relieve inflammation. The herb is used to treat:

  • colds;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • impotence;
  • vitiligo;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT);
  • urinary system.

For gargling

The plant has a pronounced antimicrobial action, effective against streptococci, staphylococci and other microorganisms. For elimination pain syndrome or bad breath, use a decoction or infusion of the herb. In case of illness, rinsing is repeated from 3 to 10 times a day. You can not swallow the drug. At bad smell use the infusion from the mouth after brushing your teeth.

With a cold

When coughing and fever, doctors recommend using an infusion of water. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of dried chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water, let it brew. When the liquid has cooled, it is filtered and taken 3-4 times / day. The duration of treatment is 1 week. The infusion is suitable for washing the sinuses with sinusitis.

John's wort for impotence

A decoction of the plant is taken 1–1.5 hours before sexual intercourse. To improve the effect, mint or honey is added to it. Folk healers believe that St. John's wort and potency in men are strongly related. If you constantly use products with this plant, natural production testosterone will decrease.

With vitiligo

With this disease, some areas of the skin lose pigmentation. In some patients, parts of the body become completely white. Vitiligo is treated with ointment and infusion based on St. John's wort:

  • Collected for ointment fresh flowers plants, they are tightly packed in a glass jar, and then poured with cold-pressed oil. The mixture is left for 2 weeks in the sun, and then the procedure is repeated again 5 times. White spots are treated with a ready-made thick ointment.
  • The infusion is taken 3 times a day for 8 weeks.

John's wort in gynecology

After cauterization of cervical erosion, the damaged mucosa needs additional care. Douching with St. John's wort is carried out 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days. For procedures use infusion room temperature. Another remedy is cotton-gauze swabs with St. John's wort oil. They are administered for 2-3 hours during the day or all night.

St. John's wort will help with oncology. For the treatment of cancer of the uterus and appendages, the following mixture is prepared:

  1. 200 g of garlic are steamed, crushed to a mushy state.
  2. 200 g of crushed hazel kernels and 300 g of ground kernels are added to garlic walnut. The mixture is thoroughly stirred.
  3. 25 g is added to the mixture licorice root, 25 g of St. John's wort flowers, 25 g of powdered ginger, 50 g of ground dill. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  4. The resulting homogeneous mass is added to 1 kg of honey. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Consume finished product 1 tablespoon 2-3 times / day after meals.

With menopause

Hot flashes during menopause are experienced by many women. To get rid of them, it is recommended to make herbal tea. This will require:

  • St. John's wort - 25g;
  • melissa leaves - 15g;
  • cuff leaves - 15g;
  • yarrow flowers - 15g;
  • hawthorn leaves and flowers - 5g;
  • elderberry flowers - 5g;
  • cornflower flowers -3g;
  • calendula flowers - 2g.

1 tablespoon of the collection is poured with 1 liter of boiling water. Herbal tea drink 2 3 times a day before meals. At depressive states traditional healers recommend to use alcohol tincture. The drug is taken before meals, 20 drops 3-4 times a day.

St. John's wort as a sedative

Hypericin is a red substance widely used in the treatment of depression, increased anxiety and others mental illness. This compound, together with hyperforin, is found in St. John's wort. Sedative preparations with this herb were first released in 1998 in Germany. At home, prepare the tincture according to the recipe above. The course of treatment is 1 month. Tincture is taken 10-12 drops 3 times / day before meals.

For diseases of the stomach

St. John's wort is good for gastritis, diarrhea, cholecystitis, provided it is taken regularly. Features of the treatment of diseases of the stomach:

  • With an exacerbation of gastritis, an infusion will help. It is drunk 15 ml before each meal.
  • Diarrhea is treated with a mixture of St. John's wort, mint, thyme, linden, rosehip. These herbs are mixed together in equal proportions. 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture is brewed with 500 ml of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes, and then filtered. Drink at least 200 ml of decoction daily.
  • With cholecystitis, the benefits of St. John's wort tea are immediately noticeable. The tool is an antispasmodic and choleretic agent. Drink it on an empty stomach 3 times / day.
  • At chronic diseases Liver use infusion 3 times / day, 125 ml. The course of therapy is 1.5 months. It is repeated 2 times a year. The plant accelerates the regeneration of liver cells, improves vascular blood flow relieves spasms.

St. John's wort for the liver and kidneys

With gallstone and urolithiasis St. John's wort is used. The concentration of medicinal substances here is lower, but in this form St. John's wort is more useful against stones. The infusion is consumed 100 ml 3 times / day for a month. The tool stimulates the healing of damaged diuretic and choleretic channels.

Treatment of cystitis

A tablespoon of St. John's wort is poured with a glass of boiling water, covered with a towel, left for 20 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered, take 1/4 cup 3 times a day. Use the remedy until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

Contraindications and side effects

The healing properties of St. John's wort are not always manifested. The herb should be used with caution by people suffering from hay fever. Such patients are preliminarily tested for sensitivity. If after contact with big amount there is no reaction to the plants, treatment can be continued. Contraindications:

  • Photosensitivity (sensitivity to ultraviolet light). The plant enhances the skin's susceptibility to sunlight.
  • You can not use St. John's wort when breastfeeding and during pregnancy. Grass makes milk bitter, contains substances that can adversely affect the development of the baby. External means during gestation and lactation are allowed to use.
  • Hypertension. Grass greatly increases blood pressure.
  • Recovery period after transplantation. Substances from grass provoke rejection of transplanted tissues and organs.
  • Reception contraceptives. The effectiveness of contraceptives decreases.
  • Taking antidepressants. It is especially dangerous to combine St. John's wort tablets in patients with manic syndrome. The plant causes an exacerbation of this disease.
  • Reception of Indinavir, anticoagulants, cardiac drugs. Grass reduces the content of the listed drugs in the blood by almost 2 times. This is due to the fact that when using St.

Side effects:

  • loss of coordination;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • sharp drops sentiments;
  • decrease in the level of iron in the blood;
  • confusion;
  • increased sensitivity to ultraviolet;
  • constipation, diarrhea, flatulence.


What is St. John's wort beneficial features and what are the contraindications medicinal properties this plant, all this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods treatment, including with the help of medicinal herbs and spices. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

St. John's wort (lat. Hypericum) is a genus of plants from the St. John's wort family (Hypericaceae); perennial herbs, shrubs or trees with a branched thin rhizome and numerous adventitious roots. Stems erect, 30–80 cm high, for the most part tetrahedral, strongly branched in the upper part. The leaves are opposite, fragrant, oblong-oval, most often entire, with translucent oily glands. Flowers with a golden yellow corolla, serrated at the crown, 5 sepals, 5 petals, 3 bunches of stamens, 3 columns, three-celled ovary. The plant blooms from June to August.

The fruit is an ovoid three-leaved box with small seeds.

The St. John's wort family includes more than 150 species, mostly growing in the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere, subtropics, and also in the mountains of the tropics.

In Russia, St. John's wort grows almost throughout the country, with the exception of the Far North. There are several types of St. John's wort, of which the most common in the European part of Russia is St. John's wort, or perforated, and St. John's wort tetrahedral. Both species are considered medicinal.

As a raw material, grass collected during flowering before the appearance of immature fruits is used. Dry in attics, under a canopy or in rooms with good ventilation, tying it in small bundles or laying it out thin layer on paper, grids, periodically mixing. The end of drying is determined by the degree of fragility of the stems. Properly dried grass does not change its color. There are a lot of biologically in the grass active substances: hypericin, flavonoid glycosides, tannins, essential oil, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, carotene. Such a diverse chemical composition explains the many-sided pharmacological properties Hypericum. No wonder the people call it a herb from 99 diseases.

St. John's wort is now introduced into culture, the basic methods of plant cultivation have been developed. Medicinal raw materials serves as grass collected during flowering. Raw materials are harvested by carefully cutting up to 30 cm of the upper part of the plant with a sharp knife or scissors so as not to uproot. With this method of harvesting, one plant can produce 2-3 crops per summer. Collection time - June-July. St. John's wort is dried in the shade (under a canopy) at a temperature of 35–40 ° C. Herbs should be stored in wooden boxes lined with paper on the inside. In a dry, cool place, St. John's wort lasts up to 2-3 years.

IN traditional medicine this plant, along with chamomile, is very popular. It has been known for over 3000 years and has long been used in Tibet and Ancient Greece. Traditional medicine in many countries of the world reveres St. John's wort as the main cure for 100 diseases.

So wide application John's wort is due to the complex chemical composition of the plant.

The ground part of the plant contains hypericin and pseudohypericin - coloring substances, flavone glycosides - hyperoside, quercitrin, rutin, a greenish essential oil, which includes terpenes, sesquiterpenes, carotene, isovaleric acid esters, tannins, choline and cetyl alcohol. St. John's wort contains resinous substances and traces nicotinic acid and ascorbic acid. The chemical composition of the plant includes macroelements (mg/g): iron - 0.11, potassium - 16.8, calcium - 7.3 and magnesium - 2.2, as well as microelements (mcg/g): copper - 0.34 , zinc - 0.71, manganese - 0.25, cobalt - 0.21, chromium - 0.01, molybdenum - 5.6, aluminum - 0.02, nickel - 0.18, lead - 0.08, boron - 40.4, selenium - 5.0, strontium - 0.1 and cadmium - 7.2.

St. John's wort is one of the few medicinal plants that concentrate cadmium, which is harmful to the human body. Possibly, technogenic pollution is the reason increased concentration cadmium in plants, so it is necessary to collect medicinal raw materials of St. John's wort away from highways and industrial enterprises.

Molybdenum, which also accumulates in St. John's wort, has useful action, retaining fluoride and preventing the development of caries.

Due to the presence in the plant of such a multitude chemical elements St. John's wort renders therapeutic effect with various diseases.

St. John's wort is remedy at cholelithiasis, chronic kidney and liver diseases, as well as some gynecological diseases. In addition, it has an analgesic, diuretic and anthelmintic effect. St. John's wort is also used for heart disease, rheumatism, migraines, flu and colds, chronic gastritis and colitis, gastric ulcer and duodenum acidity, inflammation Bladder, hemorrhoids. And the so-called St. John's wort oil is an effective remedy for periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis and many other diseases.

St. John's wort flowers accumulate manganese and contain saponins, bioflavonoids, tannins, essential oil, carotenoids. Relatively recently, the ability of St. John's wort to influence the level of serotonin in the central nervous system and act as an antidepressant due to the presence of hypericin was discovered.

The aerial parts of St. John's wort contain tannins and dyes (especially a significant amount of hypericin), flavonoids, essential oil, carotene, ascorbic acid, choline and alkaloids. In folk and official medicine preparations containing St. John's wort are prescribed as anti-inflammatory, regenerating, astringent and antibacterial agents. They are indicated for diseases of the throat and oral cavity, organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, with their help, skin diseases are successfully treated: furunculosis, abscesses, ulcers.

Obtained from St. John's wort antibacterial drug- a newcomer. as a 1 percent alcohol solution it is used externally in the treatment infected wounds, boils, trophic ulcers and burns. Novoimanin's solutions are integral part aerosol inhalations for the prevention and treatment of bronchitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, acute respiratory diseases. John's wort is widely used in homeopathy.

St. John's wort has an antispasmodic effect in diseases of the stomach, intestines, biliary tract, has pronounced astringent, antimicrobial, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory properties, well stimulates regenerative processes. Thanks to hypericin, it has a photosensitizing effect - it increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.

However, be careful: St. John's wort can cause discomfort in the liver and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, constipation, reduce appetite, and increase blood pressure.

In cooking, dried and fresh St. John's wort is used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes. In addition, it is included in the composition of spice mixtures. Powder from the dried leaves of the plant is added to alcoholic beverages.

John's wort harm:

St. John's wort should not be taken if you regularly take antidepressants. You can not use it in severe depression.

Grass can lead to photosensitivity, that is hypersensitivity to the rays of the sun. Therefore, during treatment, you can not stay long time in the sun and even more so in the solarium.

St. John's wort can cause manic states in some patients with bipolar depression.

Allergy sufferers should first consult a specialist, as one of the side effects is various allergic reactions.

Gently used in patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Do not use in patients with insufficiency of liver and kidney function, as they will not be able to remove hypericin from the body.

Do not use in patients with estrogen-dependent tumors.

You can not combine treatment with St. John's wort with taking drugs such as warfarin, theophylline, heparin, drugs for the treatment of migraine, antiepileptic drugs.

In addition, it should be remembered that the treatment medicinal herbs requires compliance with:

Collection and storage:

Stems, flowers and leaves are considered medicinal. St. John's wort should be collected in June-July at the beginning of flowering, cutting off shoots 20–35 cm long.

Raw materials should be tied into loose bundles and dried under a canopy, spread out in a layer of 5–7 cm on cloth or thick paper. When drying in an oven, the temperature must not exceed 40 °C. Raw materials can be stored in a dry place for 3 years.

What is useful St. John's wort for men?

St. John's wort has long been used as a powerful aphrodisiac. Ancient legends say that this plant evokes in a man just an animal, primitive passion in an intimate way. St. John's wort is certainly present in many ancient love drinks, which served as a weighty reason for its study. Numerous studies have shown that this plant really has a strong effect on the male genital area, causing sexual attraction, emancipation and desire.

This herb is especially useful for men who have potency disorders against the background of fatigue, psychological disorders and stressful conditions. St. John's wort has been successfully used in the treatment of prostatitis and impotence. It enhances blood circulation, due to which there is a persistent erection.

What is useful St. John's wort for women?

The unique properties of this plant have been used in folk medicine for centuries to treat diseases in gynecology. A decoction of St. John's wort relieves pain during PMS, improves well-being during menopause.

Regulates hormonal background in women - reduces the content of prolactin in the blood and slightly increases the level of androgens (male hormones).

Such a correction can be extremely important when unbalancing the menstrual cycle and diseases of the tissues of the internal genital organs. However, due to its strong effect on the female body, St. John's wort should not be taken by pregnant and lactating mothers, since prolactin is extremely important for their body.

Very interesting video about St. John's wort! Worth a look!

What does St. John's wort treat?

In folk and official medicine, preparations containing St. John's wort are prescribed as anti-inflammatory, regenerating, astringent and antibacterial agents. They are indicated for diseases of the throat and oral cavity, organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, with their help, skin diseases are successfully treated: furunculosis, abscesses, ulcers.

How to treat St. John's wort gastritis?

For gastritis accompanied by high acidity, it is recommended to prepare the following mixture of dry herbs: 30 teaspoons of St. John's wort, 15 teaspoons of peppermint, 2 teaspoons of watch leaves, 15 teaspoons of yarrow flowers, 15 teaspoons of dill seeds.

Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour 2 cups of boiling water and insist in a hot oven for 2 hours. Then strain and take 0.25 cups in small sips 4-6 times a day.

For gastritis with low acidity, a mixture of dry herbs should be prepared: 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort, yarrow, centaury, gentian roots, 3 tablespoons of chicory herb, 4 tablespoons of smoke herb.

Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture, pour 1 liter of hot water and leave for 12 hours. Then bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and insist again for 30 minutes. Strain the broth and take 1/2 cup 4 times a day.

How to treat hepatitis with St. John's wort?

Pour 1 tablespoon of dry chopped St. John's wort with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals.

1 tablespoon of dry herb St. John's wort, 1 1/2 tablespoons of sandy cumin flowers and 1 tablespoon of crushed buckthorn bark pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Take 1 glass 5 times a day.

John's wort for colitis:

1 tablespoon of dry herb St. John's wort pour 1/2 liter of 40% alcohol. The container should be tightly closed and infused in a dark, cool place for 3 days. Take 30 drops diluted in water 3 times a day after meals.

St. John's wort treatment:

Pour 1 tablespoon of dry herb St. John's wort with 1 cup of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. With a runny nose, instill 2-3 drops into each nostril every 3 hours. With sinusitis, it is effective to wash the nasal cavity with infusion of St. John's wort.

Neurasthenia treatment:

1 tablespoon of dry herb St. John's wort pour 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol and insist in a cool dark place for 7 days.

Take orally 40-50 drops in 1/2 glass of water 3 times a day after meals.

Treatment of burns, wounds and skin diseases:

For any damage to the skin for the speedy healing of fresh and infected wounds, for the treatment of boils and purulent inflammatory processes apply fresh crushed leaves of St. John's wort, applying them to sore spots. You can also prepare an ointment or St John's wort.

Take 100 g fresh leaves St. John's wort and sage and grind them thoroughly with 200 g of fresh lard. Squeeze the mixture through gauze and store in a cool place in a tightly sealed container. If necessary, lubricate burns and wounds by changing dressings 3-4 times a day.

2 tablespoons of dried flowers of St. John's wort pour 4 tablespoons of almond or sunflower oil. Insist for 2-3 weeks. Especially effective is the use of St. John's wort oil in the treatment of burns. In addition, the oil can be used for severe bruises, carefully rubbing it into the sore spot.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases:

This group includes diseases of the heart (rheumatism, myocardial infarction, cardiac asthma), arteries (hypertension, atherosclerosis) and veins (thrombophlebitis).

Prepare a mixture of dry raw materials: 3 tablespoons of St. John's wort, 3 tablespoons of yarrow, 2 tablespoons of lemon balm, 2 tablespoons of chopped valerian roots. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour it with 2 cups of boiling water. Insist for 3 hours and strain. Take 0.5 cup 1 time per day in small sips.

St. John's wort for acne:

1 tablespoon of dry St. John's wort, pour 200 ml of 40% alcohol and leave for 3-4 days in a dark, cool place. Dilute 40 drops of tincture in 0.5 cups of water and wipe the skin in places where acne rashes.

Recipes from the book by S. Kashin "Heal with spices."


Dear readers, today we will continue our conversation with you about St. John's wort. We met you with, I told you about how to distinguish St. John's wort, which has healing power, from other types of St. John's wort. Today we will talk about the use and treatment of St. John's wort, and I will also share recipes based on this unique herb.

John's wort is used in many countries to treat various diseases, its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, astringent and sedative and some other properties are widely used in the form of decoctions, infusions, alcohol extracts, compresses, ointments and oils.

St. John's wort grass. Application

Perhaps there is no other such herb, the range of medicinal properties of which would be so wide. Here are the main problems in which St. John's wort treatment has a positive effect:

  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • varicose disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • burns;
  • bedsores;
  • skin infections;
  • headache;
  • nervous disorders;
  • pain in the joints;
  • diarrhea;
  • depression.

St. John's wort herb infusion. Recipe

The recipe for the infusion . To prepare an infusion of St. John's wort, you will need two tablespoons of chopped fresh herbs or one tablespoon of dry herbs. Pour the grass with a glass of boiling water, insist under the lid for an hour or two, after which the infusion is ready for use. We filter it and take a tablespoon before meals for gastritis, colitis, cystitis, and headaches.

With the same infusion, you can gargle with sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, as well as the oral cavity with gum problems. In inflammatory skin diseases, the infusion is used as lotions and washes.

St. John's wort decoction. Recipe

A decoction differs from an infusion in that it is prepared using a steam bath, so it is more concentrated. For a decoction, you need to take a tablespoon of St. John's wort and a glass of hot boiled water, heat in a water bath for 20-30 minutes, cool and strain.

A decoction is used in the same way as an infusion, it is used inside for gastritis, indigestion, and intestinal infections. Outwardly, the decoction is used for rubbing the skin, for lotions and baths.

St. John's wort tea

In the season of colds, a good prophylactic is tea with the addition of St. John's wort.

St. John's wort tea recipe very simple. To prepare it, put any black or green tea in your usual proportions and add a teaspoon of St. John's wort. It is very good to add lime blossom, dried raspberries or strawberries, a currant leaf or a few rose hips to such tea, you can put honey or a slice of lemon.

What is useful tea from St. John's wort? This tea is incredibly tasty, it helps to cope with a cold, strengthens the immune system, improves sleep and mood.

John's wort tincture

St. John's wort tincture recipe . You can prepare an alcohol tincture from St. John's wort, for which you need to take 3 tablespoons of chopped dry grass for 250 grams of 70% alcohol. Alcohol can be replaced with high-quality vodka. Withstand the tincture in a dark place for at least 14 days, then it is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. If desired, you can buy St. John's wort tincture in a pharmacy.

This tincture is used for compresses for pain in the joints and for rubbing with pain in the muscles. To rinse the mouth, a teaspoon of St. John's wort tincture is diluted in half a glass of boiled water.

St. John's wort herb oil. Recipe. Application

There are several ways to prepare St. John's wort oil, I will describe the easiest way that allows you to cook St. John's wort oil yourself

St. John's wort oil recipe at home

For its preparation you will need fresh grass St. John's wort (tops only) and olive or linseed oil. St. John's wort is placed in a glass jar, but not tamped, and filled with oil to the top. Insist for four weeks in the light in a warm place, then filtered, the raw material is squeezed out. The oil should have a rich ruby ​​color. If it is not possible to prepare the oil yourself, you can buy it at a pharmacy.

Hypericum oil. Application

This oil is used to treat bedsores, burns, purulent and ulcerative skin lesions, wounds and bruises. Oil is effective for sore throats, inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa, for the treatment of sinusitis.

St. John's wort oil is also used orally for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, stomach and intestines. The oil relieves spasms, soothes pain, has an anti-inflammatory and mild diuretic effect. In this case, it's better to just add it to vegetable dish. Pure St. John's wort oil can cause nausea.
St. John's wort oil is also used in cosmetology, especially suitable for problematic skin with a tendency to acne. The oil cleanses the skin well, disinfects, tightens pores.

This oil is also very good for strengthening our hair and those who have problems with dandruff. It is necessary to rub this oil into dry hair, cover with polyethylene, put on a cap or wrap your head with a towel, keep it for at least an hour, then rinse your hair thoroughly with regular shampoo. It is best to do a course of such procedures. 2-3 times a week for a month, or even more.

Hypericum oil. Contraindications

St. John's wort oil is contraindicated in children and in the following cases:

  • if you are in the sun for a long time;
  • at high air temperatures;
  • with hypertension;
  • at elevated temperature body;
  • during pregnancy.

I suggest watching a video on how to make tea and St. John's wort oil for us at home.

Hypericum treatment. Recipes

  • With depression, nervous disorders, sleep disorders a good effect can be achieved by taking alcohol tincture of St. John's wort 10 - 15 drops with a little water. Take the tincture before meals three times a day for 3 to 4 weeks.
  • At chronic hepatitis cirrhosis of the liver it is recommended to take 10 drops of tincture three times a day for a month, then drink tea with the addition of St. John's wort twice a day for another three weeks.
  • With cholecystitis within a week, take a decoction of St. John's wort, 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day after meals.
  • With no appetite tea with St. John's wort, which you need to drink in the morning during the week, will help.
  • With hypertension, varicose disease take three times a day before meals, a tablespoon of a decoction of St. John's wort. For prevention cardiovascular diseases drink daily tea with the addition of St. John's wort, half a glass is enough.
  • For colds, headaches take infusion of St. John's wort 1/4 cup twice a day after meals.
  • For the treatment of dysbacteriosis . St. John's wort tincture helps very well in this, especially if dysbacteriosis in initial stage. A few drops of St. John's wort tincture are added to tea and you need to drink such tea 3 times a day.
  • With a runny nose, with sinusitis washing the sinuses with infusion of St. John's wort helps well. Before the procedure, warm up the infusion a little so that it is warm, and draw it into a small syringe or syringe without a needle. Many are afraid to carry out such washings, but, as a rule, everything turns out very easily, you just need to tilt your head over the sink and a little to the side. Pour the infusion into the nasal passage in small portions. Part of the liquid will enter the nasopharynx and must be immediately spit out, and part will pour out of the other nostril. Such washings are very useful, if you do them regularly, then you can forget about a runny nose forever. Also, with sinusitis, St. John's wort oil is instilled into the nose.
  • For stomatitis and gingivitis rinse your mouth with tincture of St. John's wort, spreading 30 - 40 drops in half a glass of water.
  • For sore throat use for rinsing a warm decoction of St. John's wort for at least a week, until relief comes. Such treatment must be carried out in combination with the medicines and procedures prescribed by the doctor.
  • For muscle and joint pain St. John's wort oil is used, it is heated, impregnated with a cotton cloth or gauze napkin and applied to a sore spot, covered with wax paper and wrapped up.
  • For diseases of the spine St. John's wort oil is used as a massage oil, it is used in a heated form, rubbing into the muscles during a massage session.
  • For the treatment of vitiligo St. John's wort oil is used, it is taken in a tablespoon three times a day for three weeks, then they take a break for a week and repeat the course. The number of courses depends on the severity of the skin lesion. Simultaneously with ingestion, vitiligo spots are smeared with St. John's wort or bandages are applied for 30 minutes once a day.

Treatment of the stomach. St. John's wort recipes

I want to talk in more detail about the treatment of the stomach with St. John's wort. This is a very common problem, and every second inhabitant of large cities suffers from gastritis or stomach ulcers. In the treatment of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, it is better to use herbal preparations, which include St. John's wort.

  • With an exacerbation gastritis with low acidity St. John's wort, peppermint, yarrow herb and chamomile flowers are mixed in equal amounts. Brew a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain and take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • At hyperacidity mix two tablespoons of St. John's wort and plantain leaf, add one spoon of peppermint leaves, knotweed herb, yarrow herb, calamus rhizomes and a teaspoon of cumin fruits. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with 1.5 cups of boiling water, insist in a sealed container for 4-5 hours, strain and take 1/4 cup three times a day 30 minutes after eating.
  • At chronic gastroduodenitis mix 3 tablespoons of St. John's wort, two tablespoons of flax seed, one tablespoon of peppermint, blackcurrant and plantain leaves. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 6 hours. Strain and take 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.
  • For heartburn and belching I suggest such a collection: 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort and flax seeds, one tablespoon of rose hips and hawthorn, a teaspoon of sage herb and nettle leaves. Grind the fruits, mix all the ingredients. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture with two cups of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 5-6 hours. Take 1/4 - 1/3 cup.
  • With erosion and ulcerative lesions stomach and duodenum St. John's wort oil is recommended, it is taken with a small amount boiled vegetables or with a piece of bread, starting with 1/2 teaspoon 2 times a day between main meals, bringing after some time to one tablespoon twice a day. Keep in mind that St. John's wort oil has a specific taste and smell, so before you start treatment, try it just a little, see how you tolerate it.

I suggest watching another video about the use of St. John's wort. Phytotherapist Valery Baburin tells a very interesting story about him.

St. John's wort. Contraindications

Preparations based on St. John's wort for people sensitive to sunlight should be taken very carefully, while being in the sun is strictly prohibited. They should not be taken with antibiotics, antidepressants, birth control pills and drugs that suppress immunity in organ transplants.

You can not use St. John's wort for children under 12 years old, pregnant and lactating women, as well as those suffering from hypertension and internal bleeding.

These are the tips and recipes for using St. John's wort for our health that I have today. I hope that the information was interesting and useful for you.

Questionnaire for the magazine "Fragrances of happiness"

Dear readers, my fellow bloggers. Probably, many of you have already read our winter issue of the "Fragrances of Happiness" magazine.

In order for the magazine to be more interesting and continue to please all of us, I have prepared a questionnaire for you. It does not take a lot of time. I would like to ask you to answer all questions. And I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has already taken part and responded to them.

fill out a form

And for the soul, we will listen today poems by Eduard Asadov. winter fairy tale And the Secret Garden music is playing. I was very touched by this video. And what wonderful verses, and the music, again ... I hope that you will listen to everything with pleasure.

I wish you all health, use simple recipes that nature gives us. simple joys in every family, harmony, comfort and warmth.

see also


    21 Feb 2018 at 0:24




    Andrey Kotov
    29 Mar 2016 at 10:23







    Our article will tell you about the healing properties of St. John's wort, and also tell you in which cases it is better to refuse to use it.

    St. John's wort is a flowering plant that grows mainly in the middle climatic zone. Since ancient times, people have used it to treat various diseases. St. John's wort treats skin problems, diseases of internal organs, and also helps to normalize mental condition. For cooking useful tools mainly use flowers and young leaves and shoots.

    They are used to prepare ointments, decoctions, lotions and various masks. As part of St. John's wort, there are quite a lot of useful substances - essential oil, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, flavonoids, as well as vitamins E, C, P, PP. It can be used to prepare antibiotics that will block pathogenic bacteria without exhausting the body.

    But the most important thing is that the medicinal products prepared from the flowers and leaves of St. John's wort do not suppress the properties of other components, but even enhance them. Therefore, it can be safely combined with other plants, without fear that it will negatively affect them.

    St. John's wort: useful and medicinal properties

    St. John's wort has anti-inflammatory properties

    Almost a hundred species of this plant are familiar to man. But in medical purposes most often used perforated St. John's wort. It is believed that it contains the maximum amount of vitamin and minerals.

    With proper and regular use, this plant in the most short time can normalize the work of internal organs and tidy up the dermatological integuments.

    Useful properties of St. John's wort:
    Stops bleeding quickly
    Has a positive effect on capillaries
    Decreases salmonella fairly quickly coli And Staphylococcus aureus
    Has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect
    Puts in order nervous system
    Prevents the formation of vascular plaques
    Increases the protective properties of the body

    St. John's wort harm and contraindications

    Allergy is a serious contraindication to the use of St. John's wort

    But, despite the fact that this plant has quite a lot positive qualities, in some cases, it can worsen the well-being of a sick person. If, for example, you have hypertension, then you should be careful enough to take medications that contain St. John's wort.

    If the dose is large, then there is a possibility that a person will develop a hypertensive crisis.

    Also, do not forget that St. John's wort contains a certain amount of not very useful substances. Therefore, do not take it for a very long time. This can cause problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

    Contraindications for use:
    Cirrhosis of the liver
    lactation period
    Heat body
    Diseases of the vascular system

    St. John's wort for men, benefits

    St. John's wort will help get rid of erectile dysfunction
    • If we consider the benefits of this plant for men, then first we really need to talk about potency. Since ancient times, people called a decoction of St. John's wort "love" drink
    • It was believed that he helped a person to be liberated. This action is due to the fact that the composition of the herb has positive impact on the nervous system, raising mood and reducing apathy
    • Therefore, a person who has drunk this miracle tea usually quickly loses all fears and appears cheerfulness and a desire to live. And since problems with potency are most often associated with a poor emotional state, its normalization usually quickly improves intimate life.

    The benefits of St. John's wort for male body:
    Treats gastroenterological diseases
    Relieves inflammation of the prostate
    Normalizes urination
    Increases immunity

    St. John's wort for women, benefits

    St. John's wort for women

    It has been proven that for female body Hypericum is the most indispensable tool. Its use has a positive effect on hair, nails, skin and internal organs. Due to the fact that this plant has an analgesic effect, it can help reduce the manifestation of PMS.

    The benefits of St. John's wort for the female body:
    Sets up menstrual cycle
    Treats endometriosis and fibroids
    Eliminates gastrointestinal problems
    Promotes wound healing
    Adds shine to hair
    Sets up metabolic processes in the skin

    St. John's wort during pregnancy

    It is best for pregnant women to avoid the use of St. John's wort
    • Usually, gynecologists prohibit pregnant women from using drugs containing St. John's wort to treat diseases.
    • Since during this period the hormonal background of a woman is slightly elevated, it is believed that the body may not respond quite correctly to such treatment, and this will lead to a problematic pregnancy or even miscarriage.
    • It is also believed that regular intake of decoctions from St. John's wort can ruin the taste. breast milk and the baby will refuse to eat it

    Side effects that may occur in a pregnant woman:
    Allergic reaction
    Swelling of the limbs
    Disorders in the development of the fetus

    St. John's wort for children. Is it possible to give St. John's wort to children?

    St. John's wort can cause nausea in children

    Although St. John's wort is considered a non-toxic plant, it is better not to give it to young children. This is due to the fact that no one has ever studied how it affects the developing children's body.

    Usually young children are prone to allergies, and as you know, it is herbs that provoke the development of this pathology. Therefore, all you can afford is to use the decoction for bathing or treating inflamed skin.

    Side effects that occur in children:
    Dry mouth

    Is it possible to drink tea with St. John's wort?

    St. John's wort tea

    The most common way to use St. John's wort is properly brewed tea. Of course, you can drink it, but do not forget that the substances that are in this plant can accumulate in the body.

    Therefore, prolonged and uncontrolled intake of such tea may not lead to pleasant consequences. If you want it to bring you only benefit, then add other herbs to the tea leaves, and also do not forget to take at least a minimal break in taking this decoction.

    Never make a very concentrated brew
    Brew tea immediately before drinking it
    It is best to drink this drink in the autumn-winter time.

    How to brew St. John's wort?

    We make tea with St. John's wort

    Since St. John's wort belongs to medicinal plants, then before you start taking it, it is best to consult with your doctor. Only in this way you can be sure that this tea will have an extremely positive effect on your body.

    Rules for brewing St. John's wort tea:
    Rinse the kettle with boiling water
    Pour 1 tbsp into it. dried St. John's wort flowers
    Fill them with freshly boiled water.
    Leave the tea leaves to infuse
    Pour the tea into cups and add water to it (adhere to the ratio of 1: 3)

    Hypericum treatment for depression

    St. John's wort will help lift your spirits

    Depression is a mental condition in which a person loses the desire to do business, meet friends and just live. Usually people who develop such a pathology make contact rather poorly and try to lead a reclusive lifestyle.

    Correct the situation can be means that have a positive effect on the nervous system and improve mood. St. John's wort may well become such a tool.

    Recipe for a soothing tincture with alcohol: So, take half a liter of vodka or medical alcohol, add 20 g of dried St. John's wort leaves to it and put the liquid in a dark place. After two weeks, the plant mixture should be filtered and poured into a clean container. Take a sedative should be 30 drops twice a day for 45 days. Be sure to drink it with plenty of water.

    St. John's wort for the treatment of the liver

    John's wort drug

    This plant is a fairly good choleretic agent, not addictive. Therefore, if you have liver problems, then without hesitation, start taking a decoction of St. John's wort.

    He, in the shortest possible time, will help to establish the work of this body, and will also have a positive effect on the whole organism as a whole.

    Recipe medicinal decoction: To prepare it, you will need the leaves and stems of the plant and water. To begin with, put vegetable raw materials in a saucepan, fill it with water and boil it for 10-15 minutes. After this time, remove the pan from the heat and leave the mixture to infuse. Then the broth must be filtered and can be taken. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day for a month.

    Treatment of vitiligo with St. John's wort


    Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder of the skin as a result of which spots of pink and white color. Usually, this problem is fought with ointments containing a photosensitizer, which increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

    This makes it possible to gradually even out the color of the skin and light the manifestation of the disease to a minimum. St. John's wort possesses all these qualities.

    But in order for such a method of treatment to give good result it should be started as soon as the first spot appears on the body. After all, the older the vitiligo is, the harder it will be to get rid of it.

    Treatment of sinusitis with St. John's wort

    We treat sinusitis with St. John's wort

    A person who has had sinusitis at least once in his life knows how much it unpleasant problem. This disease in its most acute stage provokes not only nasal congestion, but also headache and an increase in body temperature. Therefore, antibiotics are often prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis.

    Everyone knows that although these drugs contribute to the disappearance of the disease, they have a rather bad effect on the internal organs of a person. the most harmless side effect such means is dysbacteriosis. If you want to avoid such problems, then try treating sinusitis with St. John's wort.

    Recipe for nose drops: So, take 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort and chamomile flowers, fill them with water and put on fire. Bring the liquid to a boil and leave the vegetable mixture to infuse. When the liquid darkens and cools, you can pour it into a convenient bottle. The resulting remedy should be instilled 4 drops in each nostril 3 times a day.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids with St. John's wort

    St. John's wort sitz bath

    Hemorrhoids are a rather unpleasant, painful pathology that is familiar to many adults. Most often, the development of this disease provokes vascular dysfunction in the rectum. All this leads to the fact that in the region anus painful cracks and bumps appear that interfere with normal defecation.

    A decoction of St. John's wort will help you quickly get rid of this problem. All you have to do is brew concentrated solution and add it to the water for sitting baths. If you repeat this manipulation every night before going to bed, then after 10 days you will be able to forget about hemorrhoids.

    St. John's wort treatment for alcoholism

    • At the initial stage, when a person's dependence on alcohol is exclusively psychological character St. John's wort can be used for treatment
    • Due to the fact that this plant has antiseptic, tonic, sedative and anti-inflammatory properties, it quickly normalizes emotional condition drinking person, will adjust correct work internal organs and will contribute to the gradual weaning from alcohol
    • From St. John's wort, you need to prepare a decoction and take it 2 times a day for 20 days.

    St. John's wort treatment of gastritis of the stomach

    The use of St. John's wort for the treatment of gastritis
    • Usually people find out that they have gastritis when they start to show late symptoms. A sick person develops bitterness in the mouth, nausea, dizziness and bloating
    • Further, these secondary manifestations fade into the background and severe pains appear in the stomach area, which can be eliminated only with the help of painkillers
    • And since medical devices have the ability to irritate mucous membranes, then they may well be replaced by St. John's wort. Its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties will help reduce painful manifestations, and after some time, in general, they will relieve you of gastritis

    St. John's wort treatment

    St. John's wort will help to improve the work of the digestive tract

    In the case of the intestines, the treatment of the disease must be approached comprehensively. It is necessary to choose a remedy that would simultaneously restore water balance, removes toxins and kills harmful microorganisms. A good option in this case would be slightly concentrated decoction from the leaves of St. John's wort.

    It will improve the process of digestion of food, contribute to the proper absorption of useful microelements, and also improve intestinal perelstatics. But know that St. John's wort can stimulate your appetite and make you want to eat more than usual. This may become another problem for you, as treatment intestinal infection requires a diet.

    Treatment of prostatitis with St. John's wort

    Infectious prostatitis

    Most often, the development of prostatitis provokes infectious inflammation prostate tissues. If the problem is not started to be eliminated when the first unpleasant sensations appear, then after some time the man will have pain during urination and problems with sexual life will begin.

    Therefore, herbs are ideal for the treatment of such a pathology, which can relieve inflammation and normalize blood circulation in the tissues.

    Recipe for a decoction of prostatitis: Take 1 tbsp of St. John's wort leaves and pour in a glass of hot water. wrap up herbal remedy in a cotton towel and leave to infuse. The resulting liquid must be filtered, divided into three equal parts and drunk during the day. Treatment should last at least 25 days.

    Video: St. John's wort. Useful, medicinal properties of herbs

    St. John's wort has long been praised in Rus'. “Just as it is impossible to bake bread without flour, so it is impossible to cure a person without St. John's wort,” says folk wisdom. And to this day it medicinal plant widely used in traditional and folk medicine.

    What is St. John's wort?

    John's wort is a perennial herbaceous plant with bright yellow flowers, reaching a height of one meter. There are about 200 species of this herb in the world, 50 of them grow in Russia. IN Western Siberia, Central Asia and in the Caucasus, the most common St. John's wort, or perforated. You can meet this plant in the forest or in the field. St. John's wort grows like a weed along roadsides, in wastelands, clearings. In such places, collecting grass for further use is not recommended.

    There are several versions of where the name "St. John's wort" came from. According to one of them, it came from the Kazakh language. In translation, "dzherabay" means "healer of wounds." According to another version, the name of the grass speaks for itself. St. John's wort can provoke severe burns on skin livestock with white fur. This is explained by the content of a special pigment in the grass, which several times enhances the sensitivity of albinos to sunlight. Only for such animals is St. John's wort dangerous.

    The benefits and beneficial properties of St. John's wort are widely used in the production medicines. In addition, folk alternative medicine cannot do without it.

    Chemical composition

    St. John's wort flowers and leaves contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. The chemical composition determines healing properties plants for use as medicinal product. Vitamins E, C, PP, essential oils, tannins, carotene, choline and other micro and macro elements provide effective prevention and treatment of many diseases.

    Useful properties of St. John's wort. Its harm to the body

    At proper cooking and in the right dosage flowers and leaves of the plant have on the body therapeutic effect. In alternative and conventional medicine, St. John's wort tea is also prepared, the benefits and harms of which have become known for a very long time. John's wort is used as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, wound healing, antidepressant, diuretic and cholagogue. It also has a general strengthening effect on the body, thereby increasing its resistance to various diseases.

    The benefits and harms are as follows:

    • Successful treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis).
    • Removal of nervous excitement - acts on the nervous system as a sedative.
    • Effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases (strengthens the heart muscle).
    • Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
    • Normalization of bowel function (prevention of constipation, treatment of diarrhea).
    • Treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in women and men.
    • Regulates the menstrual cycle, stops uterine bleeding.
    • It is used for bronchitis and asthma.
    • Treats bedwetting in adults and children.

    The beneficial qualities of St. John's wort can be endlessly listed, because it has long been considered a remedy for a hundred diseases. However, the grass is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance.

    The indiscriminate use of folk remedies based on St. John's wort can cause significant harm to the body.

    Firstly, St. John's wort, the harm and benefits of which depend on certain factors, narrows blood vessels thereby raising blood pressure.

    Secondly, it is important to prevent an overdose of folk remedies and preparations based on St. John's wort. It can provoke abdominal cramps, cause headache, nausea and vomiting, in the blood in women.

    Thirdly, with prolonged treatment, a weak toxic effect on the body may appear. You can not use it simultaneously with other drugs, because the plant reduces their drug effect.

    Contraindications for use

    St. John's wort in any form should not be taken:

    • pregnant and lactating women;
    • with an increase in body temperature;
    • people with high sensitivity to solar radiation;
    • with individual intolerance.

    All products prepared using St. John's wort should be taken only after consultation and as prescribed by a doctor.

    St. John's wort tea: benefits and harms

    St. John's wort can be cooked healing drink with a pleasant tart taste. St. John's wort tea, the benefits and harms of which have long been known, will help get rid of many ailments.

    • Stop diarrhea. It is enough to take a tablespoon of dried St. John's wort and yarrow and brew in a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
    • Stop bedwetting in children. To do this, it is enough to drink a glass of tea from St. John's wort some time before bedtime.
    • St. John's wort and mint tea will help calm the nervous system.
    • You can strengthen the immune system if you drink weak tea from St. John's wort and rose hips daily.

    How to make tea from St. John's wort

    To really cook healthy drink, you should learn how to brew tea correctly. To do this, you need a porcelain teapot, which must be doused with boiling water before adding the herb.

    The dry mixture is poured into the kettle at the rate of one teaspoon per glass of water. Then boiling water is poured in and tea from St. John's wort, the benefits and harms of which allow it to be used as a tonic and soothing drug, is ready. Before pouring it into cups, it must be infused for at least 15 minutes.

    By mixing St. John's wort with other herbs, leaves and berries, you can enrich the taste and healing composition tea. For example, if you add oregano and rose hips and let the raw materials brew in boiling water for at least half an hour, you can get a delicious

    Refreshing St. John's wort tea, the benefits and harms of which have long been proven, can be prepared by adding blackcurrant, raspberry or cherry leaves to the dry mixture. Such a drink will be not only useful, but also especially fragrant.

    How to prepare St. John's wort for the winter

    St. John's wort is harvested, as a rule, in July - on the (7th day). This is the time when it blooms. For harvesting, not only the flowers of the plant are used, but also upper part stem. St. John's wort is dried on outdoors in a place protected from sunlight or in a well-ventilated area (for example, in the attic). Suitable for this and a special dryer for vegetables and fruits. Temperature regime while it should be set at 35-40 degrees.

    St. John's wort, the harm and benefits of which have long been appreciated both in modern and in alternative medicine, can be stored in bags made of natural fabric, in cardboard boxes or paper bags no more than two years.

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