Melt water - choose the right recipe. Methods for preparing melt water

Everyone has heard about the benefits of water. And what is the use of melt water?

First, how does melt water fundamentally differ from ordinary water?

Answer: by the fact that it is free from impurities and is living water with an ideal spatial structure. This is water, where all harmful energy-informational influences are nullified.
Secondly, this water is especially useful for the body, as it allows you to effectively remove all toxins, promotes weight loss, longevity, and rejuvenation.

How to prepare melted water?

1. Take a container with a tight-fitting lid to keep out odors, designed for freezers.
There are many discussions on the Internet whether it is possible to take plastic containers, glass, metal ...
If you have a glass lid with a tight lid, this is welcome, just don't pour it full, otherwise it may burst (water expands when it freezes). I use special plastic freezer containers.
2. Fill the container 2/3 with filtered water. Which filter do you have. If there is none, then just let the water stand for several hours and do not drain the sediment from the bottom. Close the container with a lid and put it in the freezer (you can take it out into the cold if you have a real winter).

Substitute a wooden plank or cardboard under the bottom.

At the first stage, we need an ice crust to form on top.

3. Remove the ice crust (some researchers write that heavy water is contained there) increased amount deuterium).

You can remove the crust from the container, or pour the liquid into another container, empty the container of ice and pour the liquid back again.

How long will it take before the formation of an ice crust, I don’t know, it all depends on your capacity and on the temperature of the freezer.

Do it the first time on a day off to check the water every hour or two. Usually after 2 hours a crust forms, but some write that it takes 5 hours. In general, this indicator is individual and is determined experimentally.

4. Put the container back in the freezer and keep it there until half to 2/3 of the water is frozen.

You will also need to determine the time experimentally.

5. Drain the water into the sink, it contains a lot of impurities.

6. The remainder is the required product.

To get water from ice, break off required amount and thaw at room temperature.

Ice must be clear.

It is not necessary to store this water for a long time - it loses its properties.

It must be used throughout the day.

You can cook tea, herbal decoctions on it, but it will be almost ordinary purified water.

7. Drink water cool or room temperature little sips.

How much melt water to drink?

To increase energy and improve general condition Enough to drink 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach.

In any case, start small if you've never drunk before. melt water And in general if you drink little water.

Increase the dose gradually.

How to drink melt water?

1. Melt water is not boiled or heated, it is drunk cold or at room temperature.

2. You should drink in small sips, warming each sip in your mouth. If a cold water enters the stomach, then the energy of the liver or kidneys is used to heat it (as oriental medicine). And we often lack the energy of these organs!

In Tibet they say that water should be "chewed".

3. Drink water on an empty stomach about half an hour before meals.

4. Start with a small dose (about ¼ cup), gradually increasing to 1 cup in the morning, and then up to 3 cups a day.

4. The course of admission is not less than 21 days. You can drink it all the time. Highlanders, on the other hand, drink water flowing from glaciers and live a long time!

On our hikes, we enjoyed such water flowing directly from the glacier. Her taste is extraordinary! Check out a photo of one of the big ones. natural sources melt water from the Maashey glacier in Altai. We “climbed” this glacier and saw it from all sides.

Melt water properties.

1. There are no harmful impurities in it.

By removing the ice crust at the beginning and the unfrozen water at the end, we get rid of all harmful components.

2. Melt has an ordered molecular structure. As a result, such water is a powerful source of energy for the body.

The photo shows how beautiful and perfect the melt water molecule is!

3. Scientists note that after freezing, small supramolecular structures are present in the water for some time, which contribute to the rapid and efficient penetration of water cells into the cells of the body.

It speeds up metabolic processes in the body and promotes weight loss and elimination of waste and toxins.

Remember that water absorbs all the information around?

So prepare and drink water with love, saying to the water good words and "writing" on it what you want to receive.

If you add a drop of “holy” water brought from the church to melt water, or Epiphany water, then all water will acquire its properties.

When should melt water be used?

You can use melt water to restore health in case of any diseases, for longevity (like mountaineers), to cleanse the body of toxins, to reduce weight, to rejuvenate, using it inside and out.

The benefits that the consumption of melt water brings have long been known. In particular, it improves metabolic processes activates cellular activity. And all because in its own way molecular structure melt water is close to the liquid that is contained in the cells human body. As a result, it is easier and faster to digest.

How to prepare melt water

The algorithm for its preparation is the same for summer and winter: it is poured into a plastic or enameled container from the tap plain water. The container is closed with a lid and placed in the cold: in summer it can be put in the freezer, and in winter - on the balcony, if it is not glazed or insulated. Once the water has frozen, it is taken out and thawed in vivo- at room temperature. And then you can drink it without boiling. But cooking on melted water is not recommended: when heated, it loses all its beneficial features.

There is no need to boil water before freezing: freezing is the deepest and most the best way her purification. Furthermore, low temperatures restore normal structure water, even if it comes from the city sewer. However, water from melted snow should not be consumed: it contains too many impurities. And even after boiling, such a liquid is dangerous to drink.

The purest and lightest water is "extracted" from the ice accumulated along the edges of the dishes. But the ice that has formed in the center of the freeze in the form of a whitish-bubbly block must be removed, since all the dirt collects in it. To do this, it is enough to direct a jet into the middle of the ice container. hot water. But this must be done carefully so as not to touch the clean ice edges.

For freezing, you can take not only tap water, but also spring water. However, you should not take the liquid sold in stores. It may contain impurities that even freezing will not be able to remove.

How to store and consume melt water

Best of all, do not prepare it for future use. The fact is that melt water after thawing retains its natural crystal structure not for long - just for a day. Therefore, you need to drink it immediately, after giving it the opportunity to slightly warm up naturally.

As for ice, you can break it into pieces and store as much as you like in the freezer, thawing as needed in small portions.

Drink melted water to get beneficial effect, you need every day for 1-2 glasses. This volume will gradually remove excess weight, normalizes activity of cardio-vascular system, improve cell nutrition and blood composition, have a beneficial effect on the work of cerebral vessels. In addition, with diet and fasting days melt water - the best remedy to satisfy hunger. It also removes toxins.

Very useful for the body. Man himself consists of 70-80% water in young age. With age, the amount of water in the body decreases and the person ages.

For correct operation all human functions need water, and the purer it is, the healthier body. The purest is melt water. There are almost no extraneous unnecessary impurities in melt water. Melt water crystals have well-defined and beautiful shapes.

Melt water contains molecules similar to crystal-like ice molecules. Such water is easier to enter into chemical bonds in the human body, so that the body does not consume additional energy.

The body is in dire need of water. A person can live without food for more than a month, without water for several days. All nutritionists say that you should drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day. What is the best water to drink? You can maintain health and prolong youth by drinking melt water.

Any water has a powerful energy charge and is able to memorize and store information. Therefore, it is important what kind of water we drink: either pure spring water, which contains the information of nature, or tap water, which carries the information of rusty water pipes. It is possible to pass water through filters, but this will not give the complete and desired purity of water. Even purchased water is better to freeze and thaw, the benefits of such melt water will be incredible.

Useful properties of melt water

  • Melt water removes toxins and excess salt from the body.
  • Supplementing the cells, participating in the processes of hematopoiesis, melt water cleanses the blood and helps to remove cholesterol plaques.
  • E if you drink water up to 3 liters per day, i.e. more than the body needs (if there are no problems with the kidneys and heart), you can get rid of excess body fat. After all, fat also mainly consists of water, and drinking large quantity water than required per day, the process of emergency removal of water from the body starts, fat disappears naturally and painlessly.
  • Helps with pain in the head, partially reduces blood pressure, recommended for cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system.
  • Melt water reduces fatigue and increases efficiency, improves sleep, increases the body's resistance to viral infections.
  • If you drink melt water on hungry days, you don’t feel like eating.
  • The longer the time of drinking melt water, the less medicine is required. The immune system becomes higher, diseases are cured more easily.
  • The efficiency and attentiveness of children who drink melted water increase. Water is also useful for allergies.
  • E if you wash your face with melt water, the complexion will improve and be fresh, with a slight blush. An even greater effect can be achieved by rubbing the face with ice cubes made from melt water.
  • Regular drinking of melt water helps to rejuvenate the body.
  • Herbs brewed with melt water will give more of their healing properties.

You can buy melted water, or you can cook it yourself and start taking it regularly. The effect will not be immediate, this is not a pill, but when the water is completely replaced in the tissues of the body, you will be surprised at the results yourself.

Cooking melt water at home

O be sure to prepare the melt water yourself at home. It is truly an elixir of youth and health. The literature describes cases complete cure from some diseases. A propagandist of the method of receiving melt water A.D. Labza, using only melt water in food, cured himself of a serious illness.

There are several preparation methods. The simplest method is this. Take a 1.5 liter plastic bottle, fill it almost to the top with tap water, but still filtered, close tightly with a lid and place in the freezer. Under the bottle, for thermal insulation, put a piece of cardboard. Experimentally (periodically checking how frozen the water in the bottle is), it is necessary to determine the freezing time for about half or a little more of the water in the bottle.

That time is from 8 to 12 o'clock. Gotta get the bottle. It will contain unfrozen water, which contains various unnecessary impurities and salts. You need to get rid of it by piercing the bottle. And the ice must be thawed and used for drinking, making tea, coffee, soup and other dishes.

In the second method of preparation of melt water. We pour water not into a bottle, but into an enameled pan. We also put it in the freezer, closing the pot with water with a lid. After about 4 hours or a little more, we take out a pot of water from the freezer and see that the surface and walls of the pan are stuck with thin ice.

We don't need that ice, it will hold heavy water molecules. Pour the water into another pan or you can already pour it into a plastic bottle and send it back to the freezer. When the water hardens by 2/3, we take out and drain the water, and thaw the ice and use it for its intended purpose.

From children's fairy tales, everyone knows that there is living and dead water. All this, of course, was always perceived only in a fabulous way.

However, it turned out that the semblance of living water actually exists not in a fairy tale, but in reality.

We are talking about melt water. She is truly credited miraculous properties. But we must always remember that by itself it is not able to treat any disease.

It only gives support to our body, strengthening it. So replace her medicines impermissible.

Melt water - what is it?

It is a liquid after thawing ordinary frozen water. Her beneficial effect on the body has been known since ancient times.

It was drunk and washed by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers.

After all, at that time there were no creams and lotions. And as a result of washing with such water, their skin was healthy and clean.

Melt water was certainly present in the bath, hair was rinsed with it.

Thanks to this, they became lush and acquired shine. She even watered the plants. As a result, their growth accelerated, they became stronger.

Scientists set up an interesting experiment on old cats that have lost the ability to give birth to kittens. Whole month they were not given water to drink, but melted water. The results were amazing. Cats again acquired the ability to give birth to kittens.

Its composition is characterized by a truly high quality. It contains a minimal amount of deuterium and heavy water.

In its structure, it is a natural energy drink, which gives the whole body a tremendous boost.

At the same time, the body, as it were, is saturated with energy, acquires strength to protect itself from different kind adversity.

Structure of melt water

The main part of our body is water. However, it is not simple, not the one that flows from a faucet.

This water is structured.

AT ideal the body should receive such water, which is as close as possible to the water of the body itself.

There should not be any salts of heavy metals and other rubbish in it.

The mineral composition in it should be presented in complete harmony of their combination.

Naturally, there should be no talk of any bacteria and viruses at all. Only under such conditions the body is able to absorb water without any additional costs.

Structured water refers to unboiled water that has been frozen.

Berry and juice products can serve as an example of such water. No wonder it is considered the most useful. It contains water biological activity. Such products are quite easily absorbed by our body.

The molecules here are linked to each other. In plain water, their chaotic dispersion is observed.

Rainwater has a slightly better structure than tap water. Therefore, subjectively, it is softer and more tender.

An established fact is the circumstance under which it is legitimate to say that water has a memory. Words, music, etc. can influence its structure. Even thoughts can influence this.

has a structured character. church water, because it is cleared of a variety of negative information.

It is noticed that the one who constantly uses structured water, diseases of a catarrhal nature are sick much less frequently.

However, it should immediately be noted that in full positive traits only 12 hours are saved.

After this period, all its useful properties disappear.

The benefits of melt water and why is it better than ordinary water?

Indeed, what is the use of melt water?

Since ancient times, it has been noted that when using such water, the benefits for the body are invaluable:

  1. With the use of such water, all metabolic processes proceed in an accelerated mode.
  2. Risk of occurrence allergic reactions is reduced to a minimum.
  3. Melt water contributes to the fact that toxins and slags simply leave the body.
  4. Thanks to the use of such water, the body's immunity is on the rise. It becomes stronger and is able to withstand the action of various negative agents.
  5. The indisputable fact is that under the influence of such water digestion is significantly improved.
  6. The person begins to feel much better. Sleep is normalized, memory becomes better, physical endurance improves and overall performance increases.

The elimination of many problems associated with vessels is noted:

Melt water solves many problems associated with skin diseases, in the development of which allergy plays a certain role:

  • eczematous skin lesions;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • psoriasis.

Melt water plays a certain role in the fight against the processes that cause the aging of the body.

Such water is excellent tool for the prevention of obesity. It helps to get rid of extra pounds. To do this, it is enough to drink one glass of it every day. Therefore, it can be used for weight loss.

How to make melt water yourself at home?

It is quite possible to do this at home.

In order to achieve maximum effect a number of rules must be followed:

  • natural ice or snow should not be used as a base, as they contain a lot of dirt. It is necessary to freeze drinking water;
  • freezing should be carried out in a plastic container, but not in glass, as it can burst;
  • do not use metal containers for these purposes, since the effect will be low;
  • do not use a “fur coat” from the freezer for these purposes;
  • after the water has thawed, it must be consumed within 8 hours. After that, all of her healing properties will disappear.

The preparation of such water is quite simple.

To get an answer to the question of how to prepare melt water at home, you must consistently perform a series of actions:

  1. A liter is poured tap water(handy for freezing).
  2. The water should stand for several hours.
  3. The water container must be plastic. It must be covered and placed in the refrigerator.
  4. Later certain time, upper layer covered with a crust. It must be removed, because it contains deuterium.
  5. After removing the crust, the water is re-placed in the refrigerator.
  6. When the ice fills the container up to 2/3 of the volume, the remaining water must be drained. It contains many harmful chemicals.
  7. The remaining ice melts. But he must melt only naturally, that is, simply melt at room temperature.

It is easy to see that it is not difficult to cook this at home.

How to use melt water?

When the product is ready, it remains to find out how to drink melt water?

The tonic effect can be felt with just one sip.

If you drink 2 glasses daily, you can feel a surge of vigor.

The first dose should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Daily water intake is carried out at the rate of 5 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

It cannot be said that the use of melt water can harm the body, but one should not consider it a panacea for everything, and replace medicines with it.

And recently discussed. Let's talk today about melt water - an affordable, simple and cheap way to get purified, healthy, healing water.

Such water is not only absolutely safe, but also healing for the body, since hydrogen bonds are preserved in it. natural water. In its structure, melt water is similar to the structure of protoplasm human cells, due to which it quickly penetrates into the cells of the body, saturating it with oxygen and ideally absorbed by it.

Melt water perfectly cleanses the body, having antioxidants, it rejuvenates it.

The benefits of melt water

  • It is characterized by extremely high biological activity.
  • Melt water also strengthens the body.
  • Provides excellent coordination of work of all systems of an organism.
  • decides vascular problems, reduces, dissolves blood clots, has a good effect on the body with varicose veins.
  • Perfectly restores the body after surgery and illness.
  • Relieves headaches, eliminates allergies.
  • Reduces weight if you take 150 ml of melt water in the morning on an empty stomach, and then during the day 150 ml 2-3 times a day. Weight loss occurs due to the normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Useful for asthma and bronchopulmonary diseases, is widely used in inhalation especially in children.

“Doctors working in the field of balneology and restorative medicine noted, for example, that a person who drinks 1–2 glasses of melt water daily normalizes the activity of the heart, cerebral and spinal cord improves blood composition and muscle function,” says Alexey Novikov.

It is important to know that melt water loses its beneficial properties over time and after 6 - 12 hours ( different sources name different numbers). So for the future it will not work to cook it.

However, with all the great usefulness of melt water, one should remember the fact that it is practically does not contain useful metal salts, when freezing water, as well as when boiling, they precipitate.

Melt water in my own way chemical composition close to distilled water: the content of impurities in it is very small. Therefore, you should not always drink only melt water! If, nevertheless, you decide to make the entire volume of water taken from melted water, then you need to replenish the body with the potassium, magnesium it needs, and especially (30% of it comes with water) from additional sources.

Melt water. How to cook it at home correctly

Melt water is easy to prepare yourself at home. There are several ways to prepare water. The most common using the usual plastic bottle from under the water.

A popular way to prepare melt water

What you need to prepare melt water at home.

  • Freezer or frost outside
  • Water, preferably pre-purified, drinking;
  • Container (plastic or metal, glass will crack).

Pour water into a bottle and send it to the freezer. The freezing process must be monitored. After an hour, not frozen water from the edges must be drained - this dirty water containing impurities. The one that managed to turn into ice - the middle stage is the most useful, we leave it. The unfrozen water in the middle of the bottle contains harmful salts and should be discarded after about 2-2.5 hours. The method is bad because you can simply forget about the water, and do not drain the harmful impurity in time. The process must be kept under control at all times.

Preparing melt water is the best and most convenient way

I use a 1.5 liter metal saucepan for freezing, so that in freezer didn't take up much space. I pour purified water from the Aquaphor system into it from my special tap like this, leaving 2 cm to the brim, (water expands when frozen), defend and send it to the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning I take out the pan, boil a kettle of water and pour boiling water on top of the frozen water. Like this:

The top layer melts immediately, it is harmful, dirt, light impurities have surfaced in it, we pour it into the sink.

Harmful suspensions and salts heavy metals gathered in the very center of the pan, boiling water melts this part, forming a funnel. The resulting water is also poured out. Why did harmful salts gather there? Because their freezing point is below 0º. Ice, forming near the walls, displaces these salts in the center of the tank.

At the bottom there were calcium salts precipitated, they also left with boiling water.

The purest and light water formed on the sides of the dishes. I take out such an icy transparent bagel - this is the most useful, devoid of impurities and harmful suspensions, melt water - structured.

The ice is better to melt itself, you should not heat it, but if it is very important, you can warm it up a little. It is recommended to drink melt water on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast. There is an opinion that at a temperature of +36º water loses its structure, and hence its properties. Therefore, it is better to drink cool, room temperature, it is more useful.

From the entire volume of ice, about 500-700 ml of melt water is obtained, I drink it per day. The recommended volume of melt water per day is at least 200 g. I make up the rest of the amount of water I need with fruits and vegetables.

If you need more water - take a pot of 2-3 liters. Provided that the water is clean, you can melt all the frozen, leaving an average small ice. We boldly throw it away. Sometimes, being lazy, I do this, but in my melt water there is a white suspension, in the form of flakes, the same precipitated calcium that remains at the bottom. Our water is very hard, calcined, so the sediment is visible to the eye.

And so we get clean water, devoid of any impurities, including salts of heavy metals, close to distilled. The question arises, but we replenish ours with water. There is an opinion that calcium from water is poorly absorbed, deposited on the walls of blood vessels, it is best to replenish it with food: seafood, vegetables and fruits. Read about calcium and how to replenish it

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