Not easy scrupulous care: how to clean braces so as not to damage tooth enamel? The basics of caring for braces during orthodontic treatment How to brush your teeth with braces with a toothbrush

Patients experience difficulties with oral hygiene. This is because the braces themselves and the arc that connects them prevent a regular toothbrush from cleaning plaque and food debris from the tooth gaps. Moreover, the foreign complex structure itself becomes an additional source of infection, collecting the same food residues on the surface.

This problem can have dire consequences, as the ability of the dentist to prevent and treat caries while the patient is wearing braces is also significantly limited. Taking into account this fact, it is worth monitoring oral hygiene as carefully as possible during the active phase of bite correction. You need to purchase everything for the care of braces in an online store or pharmacy. The list of necessary devices will be given to you by the dentist after the installation of the orthodontic structure.

Why do you need special care after the installation of braces?

We have already considered the first and most important reason - braces interfere with high-quality cleaning of teeth from food and soft plaque. That is why brushing your teeth with braces with a regular brush is ineffective. Over time, the plaque will begin to thicken and get rid of it will become even more difficult. Moreover, bad breath will become your constant companion, despite rinses and mouth fresheners. By the way, you will also not be able to use chewing gum due to the presence of the same braces in your mouth!

If caries has developed on the tooth, then before starting treatment, the dentist will remove the bracket from it, suspending the process of correcting the bite until the end of therapy. In addition to the fact that this lengthens the treatment time in general, the removal and re-installation of the bracket is a paid procedure. Therefore, careful dental care will allow you not only to get the desired “Hollywood” smile sooner, but also to prevent unnecessary financial expenses.

Oral care appliances during orthodontic treatment may look strange and uncomfortable at first glance, but they are not. If you are interested in where in Moscow you can buy an orthodontic toothbrush and brushes for cleaning braces, then just ask this question to a dentist or search on the Internet. Today, most pharmacies and a large number of online stores offer a complete range of hygiene products for patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. Moreover, the prices for these instruments can vary, both from fairly high prices for professional dental brands (for example, toothbrushes and brushes for Curaprox braces (Curaprox), and to mass-market brands that are absolutely affordable for brushes (toothbrushes and brushes for Oral braces). B (oral bi).

How to take care of your teeth after braces?

In general, the basic principles of dental care remain unchanged:

  1. Actively brush your teeth 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Cleanse as needed after every meal.
  3. Visit the dentist regularly for preventive professional hygiene.

However, taking into account the presence of braces on the teeth, each of these stages becomes longer and requires the use of very special tools.

Orthodontic brush for cleaning braces

An orthodontic toothbrush looks like a regular toothbrush, however, the special arrangement of the bristles on its head attracts attention. Firstly, such brushes are available only with soft hairs or medium hardness. Secondly, the length of the hair varies from the longest along the edge to the shortest in the middle of the brush. Thus, their appearance resembles the letter V. Today, buying a toothbrush for braces in pharmacies is quite simple, since such a model is already included in the portfolio of almost all well-known brands from economy to luxury segment.

How to brush your teeth with braces with an orthodontic toothbrush? The process will take place in three stages:

  • Horizontal movements clean the vestibular (outer) surface of the dentition (where the braces are located). If you have a lingual construction, then horizontal movements are made accordingly from the inside, moving along the length of the arc.
  • We place the toothbrush at an angle of 450 to the surface of the gums and carefully clean the structure itself and the gaps under the arc with a little pressure.
  • In the usual way, we clean our teeth from the inside (outside, if the braces are lingual).

How to clean braces with a brush?

If few people can be surprised with a set of brushes for braces, then special brushes are a completely new tool in the arsenal of an ordinary person. The brush is a small vertical brush, with which it is very convenient to clean the interdental spaces.

In addition, the brush is indispensable for cleaning the surface of the tooth under the arch connecting the braces. It is necessary to carefully insert it under the arc and rotate it clockwise to remove plaque and stuck food particles.

An important rule of hygiene is the life of the brush. If an orthodontic toothbrush is ready to serve its owner for a standard 2-3 months, then the brush should be changed every 2 weeks. Usually, orthodontic brushes for cleaning braces are sold in sets of several pieces for the convenience of patients.

How to use a mono-bundle brush for braces?

In the photo, a single-beam brush for braces resembles the letter "G". This is a miniature bundle of bristles, which is attached at an angle to a long handle. You need to use it with special sweeping movements, moving from the neck of the tooth to its crown. It is very convenient to use such a brush to clean the bracket itself, because in addition to one small bundle, the working head is also small in size and allows you to look into the most inaccessible places.

Some brands offer to buy multifunctional brushes with different attachments for braces and more thorough oral hygiene in general. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the overall ergonomics of the design. The handle should fit comfortably in your hand (ideally have rubber stops or notches), and the nozzles themselves should be firmly attached to it.

As for the bristles, for the care of orthodontic structures, it is worth choosing brushes with a soft and medium degree of hardness so as not to damage the miniature structures.

How to use an electric toothbrush for braces?

Some patients are wondering if braces can be cleaned with an electric or ultrasonic brush? However, you can choose models that are equipped with special nozzles. As a rule, such a nozzle looks like a single-beam brush of a slightly larger diameter. The brush itself should be made of soft or medium bristles. An important feature of orthodontic electric brushes is the presence of a special low intensity mode, which will allow you not to spoil the braces themselves during cleaning. Usually, manufacturers of high-quality models post a video on the Internet on how to properly brush your teeth with braces, and provide a link in the instructions to it or to a proprietary application that needs to be installed on your phone.

Flossing teeth with braces

Ordinary dental floss has become so firmly established in our lives that daily high-quality hygiene already seems impossible without it. Is it worth giving it up for the period of orthodontic treatment? Can you brush your teeth with braces with regular floss? Of course, it is possible, orthodontists answer, however, it will be more effective to use superfloss instead of the usual thread.

Superfloss is essentially a dental floss, however, it combines several functions at once. For example, one of the brands widely represented in the dental market produces threads with a hard tip, which allows it to be inserted under the arch of an orthodontic construction. In the middle of the segment of the thread, a part of a spongy porous fiber is presented for a more thorough removal of food debris.

How to clean braces with an irrigator?

The irrigator is a universal device for oral hygiene, which is also suitable for cleaning braces. The essence of the method lies in the fact that water under high pressure is supplied to the teeth. Thus, it is possible to gently and effectively remove food debris from the interdental spaces and plaque from the surface of the teeth without damaging the orthodontic structures themselves.

If necessary, rinse aid or disinfectant solutions suitable for dental use can be added to the water tank.

Most often, braces care kits that are sold in the store include toothpastes with a high content of fluoride or calcium. This is justified by the fact that the orthodontic system has a negative effect on tooth enamel, slightly thinning it. However, dentists do not recommend frequent use of fluoridated toothpaste while wearing braces, as this can contribute to staining of the enamel. They will become especially noticeable after the removal of the system and will require additional measures to restore the aesthetics of the smile.

Additional activities after cleaning

In addition to directly brushing the teeth during orthodontic treatment, some other manipulations may be required to improve the patient's quality of life - this is rinsing the mouth and working with wax.


In addition, regular rinsing of the mouth with antiseptic solutions helps to relieve inflammation, which especially often makes itself felt in the first days of wearing braces.

Why is wax needed?

If you buy a kit for cleaning braces, then in the vast majority of cases, in addition to the already familiar tools listed, it will also contain wax. Why is it needed?

It is no secret that the sharp edges of braces and even the arc can cause microtrauma to the mucous membrane of the tongue, lips and cheeks. This is especially noticeable in the first 2-3 weeks of wearing braces, when all the known shortcomings of this orthodontic system are manifested to the maximum.

To avoid the formation of wounds, bleeding and generally improve the quality of life of the patient and increase his loyalty to treatment, orthodontists recommend the active use of wax. A small amount of it must be kneaded in the hands and applied to the part of the bracket with sharp edges. Gradually, the need for this will disappear, since the oral mucosa adapts to the structure on the teeth.

Is it possible to do professional cleaning with braces?

It is worth noting that professional teeth cleaning at the dentist is mandatory shown before installation and after removal of braces. In the first case, this allows you to remove calculus and plaque from the surface of the tooth in order to:

  • Minimize the risk of developing caries during orthodontic treatment;
  • Ensure better attachment of the bracket plate to the tooth surface.

Accordingly, at the end of the treatment, the doctor removes plaque that has settled on the teeth due to hygiene difficulties, and thus evens out the color of the teeth.

If the patient is shown to wear braces for a long time - more than six months, then professional cleaning is carried out at the agreed time or according to the doctor's indications. At the same time, there is no need to remove the braces themselves, it is enough just to remove the arches during cleaning (and even then not always).

The price of professional teeth cleaning with braces at a dentist in Moscow is slightly higher than that for other categories of patients.

Peculiarities of tooth treatment depending on the type of orthodontic construction

Regardless of which structure is installed on the teeth - vestibular or lingual - the cleaning steps and the rules for maintaining oral hygiene remain the same.

It is only worth noting that braces made of plastic and ceramics can slightly absorb pigment from food, so they need more thorough cleaning after eating (not earlier than 15 minutes, but not later than half an hour after eating).

If you decide to correct crooked teeth, you need to prepare in advance for the fact that the correction tool will require care. Surely you want to know how to brush your teeth with braces. More precisely, how to do it right. Many people face this problem. After all, the presence of a complex structure on the teeth does not allow you to carry out oral hygiene in the way you are used to.

Important nuances of the question

It seems to some that everything is extremely simple - I went to a pharmacy or a store, bought pasta, etc. - and all problems were solved. Maybe you will be lucky and you will miraculously find suitable brushes. Only here in supermarkets and pharmacies, they are often not available at all.

Personally, for all the time I went to ordinary stores, I didn’t come across a single one where specialized braces care products would be on the counter.

As for information on how to use them, not all doctors tell their patients about it. They often forget that without such consultation, a person has no idea about proper care. The result is a lot of problems with teeth and gums.

How to brush your teeth with braces - instructions

Stock up on patience. Without it, wearing braces is nowhere. Ask your orthodontist (if he didn't tell you himself) which toothbrush is best to use. You don’t have to choose yourself, ask other people with braces, and even more so ask sellers for advice.

How to clean? This should be done in gentle circular motions. First of all, the front side of the teeth is cleaned, then the chewing surface. If the characteristics of the braces themselves require doing it differently, the orthodontist should tell you.

Next, set the brush at an angle to the braces locks and move gently up and down to remove plaque and food debris from under the arch. If you have ligature braces, do it carefully so that the ligatures do not fly off. Continue brushing all sides of the teeth in a circular motion. At this stage, most of the deposits are removed. Rinse your mouth to wash out small particles of plaque.

How to brush your teeth with braces - the basic rules

Table. Some popular dental floss, their cost.

Name, manufacturerDescriptionPrice
Flat silk thread249 r.
Round unwaxed thread with menthol and fluoride239 r.
Volumetric waxed thread with antibacterial impregnation with the smell of bergamot and lime151 r.
Tape teflon thread with chlorhexidine851 r.
Superfloss389 r.
Dental floss with holder449 r.

Then use rinse aid. It may contain antibacterial components, but the main task is to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Some experts specify that the upper jaw is cleaned with downward movements, and the lower jaw - vice versa. Try not to put pressure on the brush so that one of the braces does not come off.

Brushes, brushes, irrigator and other braces care products

There is a set of devices that are used in order to effectively brush your teeth with braces. The first thing you will encounter is special brushes. They are designed to clean the space between the tooth and the arch of the braces.

Replaceable nozzles are attached to the holder, the service life of which is limited to two weeks. They can be of two types - standard (conical) and special - cylindrical. The latter are used in cases where the patient's gums are inflamed.

Now about brushes. The regular ones you used to brush your teeth before you put on the braces are no longer suitable. You will need specialized

  1. The first option is orthodontic. She has a small head (no more than 3 cm) and a special v-shaped bristle.
  2. The second type is an electric toothbrush. The process of processing the surface of the teeth and the braces themselves is accelerated at times.
  3. Monobeam. Thanks to a thin tuft of bristles located on a small head, it does an excellent job of removing plaque from small crevices. The space between the teeth and braces is much easier to clean.

How to brush your teeth with braces - photo

It is worth paying tribute to expensive non-ligature braces. They are much easier to clean. At least because they are smooth and without “wings.

Very often, patients complain that these measures are not enough to clean their teeth and interdental spaces with high quality. Especially for this, such a convenient device as an irrigator was invented. Pressurized water can do things you couldn't do on your own.

Another advantage that such a device gives is gum massage. It is important. Indeed, in the process, the blood flow of the periodontium and metabolic processes in the tissues surrounding the teeth improve. Please note that the presence of an irrigator does not relieve you of the need to clean your braces with a toothbrush.

The device can be portable or stationary. Stationary is a contraption that resembles a food processor. Only instead of a mixer or blender - a wire nozzle. Water supply, pressure and other parameters are regulated. The main part has a water tank. Usually its volume is 0.5 liters. You can add not only water, but also rinse aid to the container.

There is one disadvantage of such a system - it is cumbersome. Where to put it in the bathroom is not clear. Water is suitable only filtered. Otherwise, you will have to take it in for repair in a few months. You won't take it on the road.

Compact models have a container built into the handle. Together with water, they weigh approximately 500-600 g. A lot for a hand-held device. But you can take it with you on the road, to work, etc.

Cons - you have to constantly add water. One standard procedure will take 400-500 ml. water with a capacity of not more than 200. Since the device is powered by batteries, they need to be changed regularly. It is easier to buy batteries and recharge.

There are also models of flow type. They are connected to the faucet of the water supply system. This is convenient if you do not plan to go anywhere. You can't take this device on the road.

Irrigators are a salvation for everyone who wears braces of any type - vestibular or internal (lingual). They help to remove even small plaque particles that are inaccessible to the brush.

How to brush your teeth with braces - additional recommendations

If during the cleaning process you experience pain, bleeding from the gums, you should contact your specialist. Perhaps additional treatment is required, or simply the use of any means of eliminating these unpleasant symptoms.

In some cases, all the described methods do not give a 100% guarantee of effective cleaning. Therefore, it is necessary from time to time to visit a specialist who performs professional cleaning. It can be a laser or ultrasound procedure.

What is the advantage of such cleaning? The fact that the doctor knows exactly how and what to do so that nothing breaks or peels off. After all, most of the problems that require paid repairs are due precisely to the fact that people have no idea how to brush their teeth with braces, what they can and cannot eat. Moreover, even after the orthodontist gives a lecture for half an hour, little changes.

When choosing a paste, keep in mind that its abrasiveness should not be too high. While wearing braces, the enamel of the teeth already withstands additional stress. The risk of damage during this period increases. Some doctors recommend taking fluoride pastes. Only now, any normal specialist will tell you that an increased content leads to a softening of the enamel. The best way to keep your teeth healthy is through regular oral hygiene and a balanced diet.

Video - Dental hygiene with braces

Tokareva Anna Alexandrovna

Reading time: 5 minutes


If you decide to correct crooked teeth, you need to prepare in advance for the fact that the remedy will require care.

You need to know how to brush your teeth with braces properly and effectively. Many people are faced with a problem due to the presence of a complex structure on the teeth, which does not allow the cleaning procedure to be carried out as usual.

Hard-to-reach places form in the mouth after the installation of the braces. With improper care, there is a risk of tooth and gum disease. To keep your teeth healthy after removing braces, it is important to learn how to clean them properly.

Why do you need a special approach to cleaning when wearing braces?

When food gets stuck under the structure, the process of decay begins, which leads to the formation of pathogenic microbes that cause caries and enamel destruction, and bad breath appears. After the destruction of the enamel, white spots appear on the teeth, plaque appears, which in advanced cases, it is possible to remove only in professional ways.

Important! If you start caries and plaque formation, the braces will have to be removed ahead of schedule. This will entail additional costs and reduce the effect of bite alignment.


For thorough oral care, you should purchase the following set of tools:

How to choose a paste?

Attention! Choosing a toothpaste after installing braces is recommended together with your doctor.

The old paste probably won't work.

You need to purchase a set of tools suitable for different periods of wearing the structure.

  1. During the first three weeks, avoid using fluoride products in order to avoid its overabundance, as it is contained in the adhesive composition.
  2. The application will change the shade of the enamel everywhere, except for the places where the locks are fixed. After removal, stains will appear, which will have to be removed bleaching, which is not always possible due to hypersensitivity.
  3. Best to choose toothpaste for sensitive teeth- this will help to avoid painful sensations from cold air, while brushing or eating.
  4. Suitable for plaque splitting fermented pastes.

Also toothpaste. must meet the following criteria:

Special pastes protect and strengthen the teeth, which are more susceptible to external influences during treatment.

  • Brush your teeth and braces at least three times a day.
  • After every meal you need rinse the mouth thoroughly with special means- gels, foams, rinses. Carry out hygiene no later than 10-15 minutes after eating.
  • Duration of cleaning - at least 2-3 minutes.
  • If dark or whitish spots appear on the enamel, you should consult a dentist, as spots indicate the onset of caries.
  • Visit your doctor regularly for check-ups.
  • Reduce the amount of sweets you eat.
  • Regularly change toothbrushes and brushes after two weeks of use, orthodontic after 8-12 weeks.

How to properly brush your teeth with fixed braces?

For your information! The main difficulty in brushing your teeth is the presence of a structure that interferes with the usual movements.

Proper cleaning of installed braces takes 20-30 minutes.

If braces are installed in a child, it is better to carry out the first cleanings with parents..


Advice! A small convex mirror will allow you to see stuck pieces of food and remove them.

Frequency of the procedure

Professional cleaning at the dentist

Most often, the attending physician himself appoints the time of the patient's visit for professional cleaning. On average, inspection is required once every six months. But if there are problems (pain, bad breath), a visit to the orthodontist should not be postponed.

Can an electric toothbrush be used?

facilitate the process of cleaning teeth and braces. Rinse your mouth with water before brushing to remove food particles.

Rotate the brush at a 45 degree angle towards the gums above the braces. It is necessary to apply the surface of the brush completely, without pressing.

In order to avoid damage to the enamel and the system, it is best to give preference to devices with a special sensor. First, the teeth are brushed from the outside near the braces, slowly and avoiding uncleaned areas.

Make sure there are no foreign particles in the staples. After the outer side of the jaw, the inner side is processed.

The most effective movement in a circle. To avoid the formation of tartar, carefully go over the bottom row and back teeth. Using an electric toothbrush does not replace flossing and mouthwash.

It should be remembered! Locking elements can loosen and lose stability due to mechanical impact.

When choosing an electrical appliance, look for a model with ORTO marking. Don't forget to consult with a specialist.

Can I use a regular toothbrush?

An ordinary toothbrush for high-quality cleaning of the oral cavity and braces will not work. It can only be used to pre-clean the mouth and remove food particles in easily accessible places.

Useful video

This video will show you how to properly brush your teeth with braces:

Yes, braces are expensive and uncomfortable, but very effective. While wearing, you will have to face restrictions and minor troubles, but a beautiful smile will be a worthy reward for the money spent and the inconvenience caused.

Brushing your teeth with braces is not an easy task, because you need to take care of them scrupulously - in addition to an orthodontic brush and brush, you need to have a whole set of tools designed specifically for care.

Oral hygiene with braces is complicated and requires a special approach, because the structure glued to each tooth makes the process much more difficult.

The likelihood of plaque, discoloration of braces and the development of caries are real problems for patients who have neglected the procedures.

Therefore, you should treat the issue of care responsibly - acquire the necessary devices for this and use them even after short snacks, this will help keep the system safe and sound.

Care products and accessories

  1. brushes ideal for removing food debris from hard-to-reach places, making it easier to clean interdental spaces and areas around the system itself. The process is performed clockwise with return movements, and the brush itself must be changed after two weeks of use.
  2. Orthodontic toothbrush has a V-shaped cut in the middle and a thin neck, which is what differs from its standard version. To clean the surface of the tooth under the arch, a small amount of toothpaste is applied to it and circular movements are performed in the corresponding area.
  3. Great for removing plaque and food debris from interdental spaces. If you have to wear braces for more than a year, then it is better to opt for waxed floss with fluoride, which will help protect your teeth from cavities.
  4. - oral spray that cleans the space between the teeth using a jet of water or a special liquid under pressure. It tends to improve blood circulation in periodontal tissues and massage the gums.
  5. Single-beam brush - shaped like the letter "G" and looks like a handle with a bunch of fine hairs at the end.
  6. Protective wax orthodontists advise using if braces injure the mucous membrane or the patient has problems with diction.
  7. Dental cosmetics - exist in the form of mouthwashes and toothpastes, contain calcium or fluorine in their composition.

If you have braces, you should always have at least some of the above accessories with you.

Video: care for braces.

How to clean braces?

It must be remembered that at home this process requires a detailed approach - braces are a strong structure, but at the same time fragile, therefore, before starting the procedure, it is advisable to remove removable elements (traction or elastic bands).

Orthodontic toothbrush

In order to thoroughly clean the tooth surface yourself, without resorting to the help of a doctor, you need:

  • apply a paste, preferably containing fluoride, to the brush (if funds do not allow you to purchase a special orthodontic device, you can use its traditional counterpart, but only with soft or medium bristles);
  • you need to start cleaning from the upper jaw, using horizontal movements (outside) along the arc of the bracket system, after which the same actions are repeated already on the lower jaw;
  • placing the brush at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the gums, brush in a circular motion along the gum line at the point of contact with the teeth, while each brushing of one tooth takes at least 10 seconds;
  • cleaning the brackets is the next step, you should press hard on them, so the bristles will completely clean the bracket, penetrating inside it as much as possible.


Thanks to the device, you can independently cope with the cleaning of hard-to-reach places under the arc. The brush should be used after brushing your teeth with an orthodontic brush, using translational rotational movements.

Dental floss

With its help, cleaning is completed by introducing the thread into hard-to-reach places - it does an excellent job with places between the teeth, and can also be an alternative to a brush.

Instead of flossing, dentists advise to pay attention to superflossing, it has a variable thickness along the length of the thread, which helps to make the process convenient and fast.


The device operates under pressure, supplying a jet of water or any other rinse, effectively cleaning the surface of the teeth and at the same time making a hydromassage.

Irrigators are stationary and portable, the latter can always be at hand, which is very practical. It can be used for preventive purposes even after removing the entire system.

What paste to clean braces?

To increase the resistance of tooth enamel to caries, the risk of which is possible due to prolonged wearing of braces, you should choose a paste with a high content of fluorine or calcium in the composition.

For help in choosing a brand, it is important to contact an orthodontist who will advise a suitable product.

Video: nuances of hygiene with braces

Procedures at the dentist

Braces are a kind of complication for performing oral hygiene procedures. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to visit a doctor once a month for a thorough professional cleaning.

The procedure will help to cope with the removal of pathogenic bacteria and food debris in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe system attachment and protect the teeth from dark plaque, allowing you to keep them healthy.

The service is provided through:

  • laser;
  • bleaching;
  • ultrasound;
  • chemical solution.

Also, after professional cleaning, the doctor covers the teeth with varnish, which helps to saturate the tooth enamel with fluoride.

Cleaning at the dentist will be practically useless if you neglect the rules of daily care, as pathogenic bacteria quickly recover, reaching their previous level within a couple of days after the procedure.

If you find defects in the tooth surface, you should immediately consult a doctor - even careful and proper care does not always allow you to avoid trouble.

There are general provisions that dentists recommend adhering to:

  • after eating, it is worth cleaning the mouth no later than 15 minutes - later the decomposition of food debris occurs, which has a devastating effect on both tooth enamel and the bracket system;
  • to saturate the dental tissue with minerals and strengthen the enamel, it is better to replace the usual toothpaste with one that contains calcium or fluoride;
  • each process of brushing your teeth should last from 10 minutes and be carried out at least three times a day;
  • special attention is paid to the interdental spaces - they must be cleaned as diligently as possible, preferably using dental floss, a brush and other devices that help clean hard-to-reach places.

You also need to pay attention to other features when wearing braces:

  • it is strictly forbidden to remove food debris in the interdental spaces with the help of piercing objects (needles, pins, etc.);
  • it is desirable to limit the use of red wine and black tea;
  • do not eat too cold or too hot food, in order to avoid temperature fluctuations;
  • the use of chewing sweets, caramel and dried fruits is prohibited - a viscous consistency can lead to displacement of parts;
  • it is undesirable to take too hard foods - apples, corn flakes and crackers;
  • you should give preference to foods high in calcium, magnesium and vitamin C (greens, dairy products, rice, including citrus). They reduce the risk of developing gum and dental disease.

Additional questions

What paste to brush your teeth after removing braces?

In patients who have worn the system for a long time, after removal, there is a possibility of tooth stains. To avoid this phenomenon or get rid of it, we advise you to switch from a paste containing fluorine to a traditional one.

I clean my braces with a regular brush - what could be the consequences?

A standard toothbrush is not able to properly clean the teeth near the gums, in the places of attachment of the structure and in the interdental spaces, including, as a result of which caries, tissue demineralization and inflammation of the gums will be difficult to avoid. Therefore, you need to follow the recommendations of dentists and acquire a special set of tools.

Can an electric toothbrush be used?

It is advisable to use such brushes only with a special nozzle - narrow, with a soft system, the operation of which should be in a reciprocating rotational mode. Brush heads will have to be changed every 2-4 weeks, as toothbrushes wear out much faster in braces wearers.

Braces are orthodontic devices for correcting malocclusion and aligning unevenly growing teeth. Modern corrective braces are mainly made of metal and ceramics, they differ in the method of fixation: lingual (internal) and vestibular - fixed on the front of the crowns.
During the period of orthodontic therapy, especially careful hygiene procedures are required, since a favorable environment is formed under the corrective device for the development of pathogenic microflora. Brushing your teeth with a bracket system installed in your mouth is a complex procedure due to the presence of a large number of hard-to-reach areas, so dentists recommend that oral hygiene be carried out using specialized tools. Also, in order not to damage the enamel and not interrupt the corrective therapy of the dentition, you need to know how to brush your teeth with braces.

Dental hygiene products are characterized by special bristle shapes and the curve of the cleaning brush.

  • Oral irrigators

The irrigator is a unique tool for cleansing everyday deposits, removing plaque, crushing stone deposits on tooth enamel and massaging the gums. This technology is especially relevant in the presence of deep periodontal pockets. The design consists of a vessel for liquid, a handpiece, a pump that supplies water to the handpiece, and various nozzles, an additional advantage of the device is that it can be manually adjusted to any jet flow power.
The irrigator happens:

  • stationary (requires connection to a power source);
  • compact portable irrigator with battery technology.

The method of cleansing the interdental spaces is carried out thanks to a pulsating jet, which washes away the remnants of food and plaque from the surface of the enamel with pressure. The jet consists of microscopic oxygen bubbles that not only clean the teeth, but also saturate the gum tissue. For cleaning, it is recommended to use the irrigator separately for each individual tooth for 10 seconds.

This original bracket cleaning brush is designed specifically for cleaning brackets and locks on the system. The device has a comfortable bristle in the form of a Roman numeral V, which allows you to comfortably clean hard-to-reach areas. Special brushes effectively remove plaque and food debris from the interdental space, clean the surface of the teeth around the arc of the corrective structure.

  • Mono-bundle brushes

A brush with a nozzle in the form of a bundle of long synthetic fibers is made in the shape of the letter G, it cleans the space around the braces themselves, interdental gaps and gum grooves. When using such a device, the possibility of bleeding gums is reduced, the development of plaque and the development of periodontal disease are prevented.

Consists of a short handle with interchangeable bristle heads. There are several types of brushes: cylindrical; conical; curved. Additionally, they differ in the degree of stiffness of the bristles, a softer structure is designed for patients with sensitive teeth, tips of hard and medium hardness are used with normal sensitivity of tooth enamel. Brushes do an excellent job of cleaning braces, removing plaque and tartar in the interdental gaps and clean areas between the gums and dental crowns.

Important! “The orthodontic corrective wire quickly destroys the bristle structure of the ruff, so the bristle head needs to be replaced every other week.”

Dental floss is one of the most necessary means of cleaning hard-to-reach areas between the brackets of the corrective device. When cleaning, you should go through each tooth, gap, bracket and arch of the upper and lower jaw. Dental floss with a hard base is recommended for comfortable use.Dental floss is impregnated with antibacterial agents and minerals during production, so the use of dental floss is an additional disinfection of the teeth and oral cavity.

Tooth rinse

An important part of the final brushing procedure is rinsing the teeth with a dental rinse, which can remove the remaining plaque, strengthen the tooth enamel and create a protective film on the surface of the teeth. The rinse contains extracts of eucalyptus, lemon or mint, which contributes not only to cleansing , but also the healing of small cracks in the oral cavity.

Toothpaste for hygiene procedures

Toothpaste for hygienic procedures during orthodontic treatment should be with a high content of fluorine, phosphorus, calcium carbonate, zinc chloride and tetraklium pyrophosphate. Additionally, the presence of triclosan in the paste is necessary to prevent the appearance of plaque and mineral deposits. should not be whitening, so as not to provoke the appearance of yellow spots that will be noticeable when the braces are removed.

To prevent the development of plaque and preserve the structure of the enamel coating, it is necessary to comply with the technical specifications when brushing your teeth and corrective system. Teeth brushing with braces is performed at least three times a day, each manipulation lasts 20 minutes, this is the optimal period of time to remove all accumulated deposits and other foreign elements from the dental space and the gap between the surfaces of the teeth and the brackets of the system.

Important! “Once a month it is recommended to replace toothbrushes and brush heads, while wearing braces, dental appliances become unusable much faster, which contributes to the growth of bacteria in the bristly areas.”

Professional dental cleaning

Despite all the daily procedures and adherence to the rules on how to clean braces, in any case, it is necessary to periodically visit the dental office for professional cleaning. It is recommended to visit the dentist at least once every 4-6 months. The dentist will remove the braces and professionally clean the tooth enamel using ultrasound, laser irradiation and chemicals. In addition, to reduce the sensitivity of the tooth enamel, the doctor will treat the surface with special fluorine-containing solutions. brushing teeth is as follows:

  • cleaning surfaces with the help of specialized chemicals applied to the places of accumulation of plaque formations;
  • whitening and cleaning of tartar with laser equipment;
  • prevention and treatment of carious formation.

Preventive measures

It should be remembered that caring for metal staples requires much more effort than when using plastic or ceramic products, with poor care, enamel surface changes, discoloration and caries formation may begin. When applying a corrective design, you should limit the use of certain foods: temporarily refuse solid food; do not eat food with sudden changes in temperature; drinks containing coloring pigments are contraindicated; chewing gum is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to use special devices - brushes, threads, an irrigator, this will facilitate the daily hygienic care of the enamel coating, gum grooves and complex areas of the corrective structure. If all the recommendations are followed correctly, the enamel will remain intact, and at the end of the corrective treatment, all teeth will be snow-white and healthy.

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