Winter fairy tale snowman - hans christian andersen. New Year's fairy tale about a snowman Fairy tale my dear snowman read online

The fairy tale The Snowman by the wonderful writer H. H. Andersen will teach children simple life truths, it can be read online or downloaded in DOC and PDF format. Here you will find the full text, summary, analysis of the tale and the main idea.
The main characters of the fairy tale Snowman.
A snowman made of snow, instead of eyes he had two fragments of roofing tiles sticking out, instead of a mouth - a fragment of an old rake. He did not like the sun, and when the moon came out, he thought that it was the same thing, but it came from the other side. Silly, grouchy, but very romantic, impressionable and vulnerable.
An old chain dog, with a hoarse voice. She used to live in the master's house, but she bit the younger owner on the leg, for which she was put on a chain. She often talked with the Snowman, told about her fate, taught the naive snowman how to live.
A young girl and a young guy, a couple in love walking in the winter garden. The owners of the house where the dog used to live.
An iron stove on four legs, stands in the closet of the housekeeper, the Snowman's crazy dream.
Summary of the Snowman fairy tale.
The boys fashioned a Snowman out of the snow and ran off to skate on the ice. Since the Snowman had just been sculpted, he did not know anything about life and did not understand what was happening around him. He took the sun and the moon for one object, he immediately did not like them and he wanted to move or run away altogether. One late evening, an old chain dog entered into a dialogue with him, since then they began to communicate. The dog told her life story, and how she ended up on the street. The snowman liked to listen to the dog, but he was most impressed by the story about the stove in the housekeeper's closet. The stove was visible through the window, and every day the Snowman watched how she devoured firewood and fire burst from her mouth. At that moment, the Snowman was overcome by some strange feeling, he was pulled with terrible force to the stove, and he did not understand why. The old dog warned that if he got to the stove, then he was finished!
The weather has changed and the weather has thawed. The snowman first diminished, and then completely collapsed. So his wonderful dream did not come true. In the place where the Snowman melted, an iron poker remained, on which the boys strengthened it when they began to sculpt.
- Well, now I understand his anguish! - said the chained dog. - He had a poker inside! That's what was moving in it! Now it's all gone!
Analysis of the fairy tale The Snowman.
Analyzing the fairy tale, one can note the fact that the Snowman was not pleased with his native element. He did not enjoy the beautiful frosty morning, the winter garden, iridescent snow, frost on the trees, which covered everything like diamond dust. He was interested in the stove, heat, fire, heat, an environment completely uncharacteristic of him, and also deadly. As the saying goes, opposites attract.
But at the end of the tale, when the Snowman melted, everything becomes clear. It turns out that there was a poker inside it, it served as its basis and fortification. It was his gut that was so drawn to the stove, and not the Snowman himself. From that he did not understand why he was so drawn to the stove, and what caused this dangerous passion. The actions of the Snowman were not dictated by reason, but by feelings that are hidden somewhere in the depths of our soul, in this case it is a poker.
There is such an everyday concept as the call of blood, this is when a person who is not familiar not only with his biological parents, but also with his nationality, suddenly begins to reproduce the behavior characteristic of his native culture. That is, the Snowman did not know what was inside him, but anyway it broke out, as they say, you can’t crush the gene with a finger. So what if it's made of snow? Inside it is something else, in this case a poker. A stove and a poker are inseparable things.
On the one hand, oranges will not be born from aspen, but on the other hand, it happens that they were brought up in the same family, but completely different people. So in this case, it seems to be an ordinary Snowman made of snow, but the hidden poker inside made him different from the others.
What does the Snowman fairy tale teach and what is its main idea.
The fairy tale of H. H. Andersen The Snowman teaches children to be able to enjoy what is, to enjoy every moment of life, to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature. The snowman did not know how to do this, he did not understand that his life is very short to waste his time on grumbling and unrealistic dreams. You can dream, and you need to, but if this dream is, in principle, feasible. It is impossible to be divorced from reality, it prevents us from living in the material world. A person with such sick fantasies may not take place in real life, as they will prevent him from studying, working, starting a family. Moreover, it can be life-threatening and lead to a sad ending. The tale is especially instructive for teenagers who, without thinking, throw themselves into the pool with their heads, due to their ardor and inexperience.
The main idea of ​​the Snowman fairy tale is that one cannot live by momentary desires and one should not rush into one's plans and decisions. It is important to understand what you really want, to weigh the pros and cons. Feeling and following the call of the heart is good, but sometimes you need to turn on your head.

So crunches in me! Glorious frost! the snowman said. “The wind, the wind is biting!” Just love! And what are you staring at, bug-eyed? - He was talking about the sun, which was just setting. - Anyway, go ahead, go ahead! I won't blink! Let's resist!

Instead of eyes, he had two fragments of roofing tiles sticking out; instead of a mouth, there was a fragment of an old rake; so he had teeth.

He was born to the joyful "cheers" of the boys, to the ringing of bells, the creak of skids and the clicking of cabbies' whips.

The sun went down, and the moon floated out into the blue sky, full, clear!

- Look, it's crawling on the other side! the snowman said. He thought it was the sun again. “I still weaned him from staring at me!” Let it hang and shine on the sly, so that I can see myself!.. Oh, how could I manage to move somehow! So I would have run there on the ice to ride, like just now the boys! Trouble - I can't move!

— Out! Out! barked the old watchdog; he was a little hoarse - after all, once he was a lap dog and lay by the stove. The sun will teach you how to move! I saw what happened last year with someone like you, and the year before too! Out! Out! Everyone got out!

"What are you talking about, buddy?" the snowman said. “Will that bug-eyed girl teach me how to move?” The snowman was talking about the moon. “She herself got away from me just now; I looked at her so intently! And now it crawled out again from the other side!

- You think a lot! said the chained dog. - Well, yes, because you just sculpted! The one that looks now is the moon, and that which is gone is the sun; it will come back tomorrow. It will push you right into the ditch! The weather will change! I can feel my left leg hurt! Change, change!

- I don't understand you! the snowman said. - And it seems that you promise me evil! That red-eyed one that is called the sun is not my friend either, I can smell it!

— Out! Out! barked the chained dog, turning around itself three times and laying down in its kennel to sleep.

The weather has indeed changed. By morning the whole neighborhood was shrouded in a thick, viscous fog; then a sharp, chilling wind blew and the frost crackled. What a beauty when the sun comes up!

The trees and bushes in the garden were all covered with frost, like a forest of white corals! All the branches seemed to be dressed in brilliant white flowers! The smallest ramifications, which in summer are not visible because of the dense foliage, now clearly loomed in the finest lacy pattern of dazzling whiteness; every branch seemed to radiate radiance! The weeping birch, swayed by the wind, seemed to come to life; its long branches with fluffy fringes moved quietly - exactly like in summer! That was magnificence! The sun rose... Oh, how everything suddenly sparkled and lit up with tiny, dazzling white lights! Everything was as if showered with diamond dust, and large diamonds shimmered in the snow!

- What a delight! said a young girl who had gone out into the garden with a young man. They stopped just beside the snowman and looked at the sparkling trees. You won't see such splendor in summer! she said, beaming with pleasure.

And such a young man too! said the young man, pointing to the snowman. - He's incomparable!

The young girl laughed, nodded her head at the snowman, and jumped off with the young man across the snow, and it crunched under their feet, as if they were running on starch.

- Who are these two? the snowman asked the chained dog. “You’ve been living here longer than me; do you know them?

- I know! the dog said. - She stroked me, and he threw the bones; I don't bite like that.

- And what do they pretend to be? the snowman asked.

- A couple! said the chained dog. - Here they will settle in a kennel and will gnaw bones together! Out! Out!

- Well, do they mean anything, like me and you?

- Yes, they are gentlemen! - said the dog. - How little does he understand, who only yesterday crawled into the light of day! This is what I see in you! Here I am so rich in both years and knowledge! I know everyone here! yes, I knew times better!.. I didn't freeze here in the cold on a chain! Out! Out!

- Glorious frost! the snowman said. - Well, well, tell me! Just don't rattle the chain, otherwise it just jars me!

— Out! Out! barked the chained dog. “I was a puppy, a tiny pretty puppy, and I was lying on velvet chairs there in the house, lying on the laps of noblemen!” They kissed me on the face and wiped my paws with embroidered handkerchiefs! They called me Milka, Baby! .. Then I grew up, became great for them, they gave me a housekeeper, I ended up in the basement. You can look there; You can see very well from your seat. So, in that closet, I healed like a gentleman! Although it was lower there, it was quieter than upstairs: I was not dragged and squeezed by children. I also ate just as well, if not better! I had my own pillow, and there was also a stove, the most wonderful thing in the world in such cold weather! I even crawled under it!.. Oh, I still dream of this stove! Out! Out!

“Is she really that good, the stove?” the snowman asked. Does she look like me?

- Not at all! That said too! The stove is as black as coal: it has a long neck and a copper belly! She devours firewood, fire bursts from her mouth! Next to her, under her - real bliss! you can see it through the window, look!

The snowman looked and really saw a shiny black thing with a copper belly; there was fire in my stomach. The snowman was suddenly seized by such a terrible desire - it was as if something stirred in him ... What had come over him, he himself did not know and did not understand, although every person would understand this, if, of course, he is not a snowman.

"Why did you leave her?" - the snowman asked the dog, he felt that the stove was a female creature. How could you get out of there?

- I had to! said the chained dog. “They threw me out and put me on a chain. I bit the younger barchuk on the leg - he wanted to take the bone from me! "Bone for bone!" - I think to myself ... But they got angry, and I ended up on a chain! Lost my voice... Do you hear me hoarse? Out! Out! That's all for you!

The snowman was no longer listening; he kept his eyes on the basement floor, on the key-keeper's closet, where stood on four legs an iron stove the size of a snowman himself.

"Something strange is moving in me!" - he said. "Will I never get there?" It's such an innocent wish, why wouldn't it come true! This is my most cherished, my only desire! Where is the justice if it does not come true? I need to go there, go there to her ... Cling to her at all costs, if only to break the window!

- You can't go there! said the chained dog. “And if you even got to the stove, then you would be finished!” Out! Out!

“The end is coming to me anyway, and look, I’ll fall down!”

All day the snowman stood and looked out the window; in the twilight the closet looked even more welcoming; the stove shone as softly as neither the sun nor the moon could shine! Where are they! Only the stove shines like that if its belly is stuffed. When the door was opened, a flame darted out of the stove and sparkled brightly on the white face of the snowman. His chest was also on fire.

- I can't stand it! - he said. How cute she sticks out her tongue! How it suits her!

The night was long, long, but not for the snowman; he was completely immersed in wonderful dreams - they crackled in him from the frost.

By morning, all the windows of the basement floor were covered with beautiful ice patterns, flowers; The snowman couldn't have wished for a better one, but they hid the stove! The frost crackled, the snow crunched, the snowman would rejoice and rejoice, but no! He yearned for the stove! He was positively ill.

“Well, it’s a dangerous disease for a snowman!” - said the dog. “I suffered from it too, but I got better. Out! Out! There will be a change in the weather!

And the weather changed, the thaw began.

The drops rang, and the snowman was melting before our eyes, but he did not say anything, did not complain, and this is a bad sign. One fine morning, he collapsed. In its place, only something like a bent iron stick stuck out; on it, the boys strengthened it.

Well, now I understand his anguish! - said the chain dog - He had a poker inside! That's what stirred in him! Now it's all gone! Out! Out!

Winter soon passed.

— Out! Out! the chain dog barked, and the girls in the street sang:

Flower of the forest, blossom soon!

You, little verbochka, dress with soft fluff!

Cuckoos, starlings, fly in,

Sing the glory of spring to us!

And we will pull you up: oh, lyuli-lyuli,

Our red days have come again!

The New Year holidays are approaching, the kids with bated breath are waiting for gifts from Santa Claus and the appearance of miracles. But we must not forget that only obedient children get sweets and toys, and those who behave badly will not only be left without a New Year's surprise, but may also face trouble. About why you should always listen to your parents, you will be told by a fairy tale about a snowman for children.
In a far, far away country of eternal snows and hard frosts, a family of snowmen lived: a mother with a father and a little son. The younger snowman was called Frosty and he grew up as a funny, but not very obedient child.

“Sonny, dear, run to eat faster,” the snowman mother called him. But Frosty didn't hurry home. He played with friends for a long time and only returned late in the evening. The frustrated mother reheated the cold food and asked him to come on time next time. Frosty nodded positively as he munched on delicious meatballs. It is unlikely that he took his mother's reproaches seriously, because he knew that everything would get away with it.
Or another case. Frosty played on the floor with cars and Christmas trees, even though it was bedtime. Mom repeated the request for the fifth time to collect the toys, but the little stubborn snowman showed no desire to do this. Then he just went to bed, and my mother stayed to restore order in the room. It was very bitter for her to have such a disobedient son.

The Tale of the Snowman: Why It's Dangerous to Be Naughty

The New Year was approaching. Frosty was very, very looking forward to his arrival, because he loved the Christmas tree, fun, New Year's gifts, and most of all sparklers. These bright sparkling lights attracted the snowman with their mystery. Parents strictly forbade their son to light them on his own, because it is dangerous. So Frosty couldn't wait for them to do it together.
Here are all the preparations for the holiday. There was a beautiful Christmas tree in the room, the aromas of delicious New Year's dishes came from the kitchen, and Frosty put on a festive costume. Mom and dad ran to rush the guests - to celebrate the New Year, snowman neighbors were supposed to come to them, and our Frosty himself was bored in the house. He couldn't wait to light the fires. Suddenly, the idea came to him to do it without the supervision of his parents. After all, he is old enough. At first, he cautiously lit one sparkler. Making sure that nothing terrible happened, he lit the second, third, fourth. The happy snowman was so carried away by this activity that he completely forgot about the safety rules. He thought it would be very interesting to light a whole pack at the same time. But the spark was so strong that the tree caught fire. The poor snowman did not know what to do, and at first he was afraid to call for help, and then it was too late. His toys caught fire, the house melted, and even Frosty himself began to thaw. He was very scared. “If only I could turn everything back! I would be the most obedient child in the world,” Frosty cried. At that moment, Santa Claus appeared.

“Frosty, Frosty, why are you so naughty? What have you done? he nodded his head.
- Grandfather Frost, I didn’t want to, I won’t do it again. Please help me! I promise to be good and listen to my parents. asked a frightened Frosty.
Grandfather Frost was very kind, so he helped the snowman. He struck with his staff and at that moment a strong wind with snow began to blow, the tree stopped burning, and the house became what it was before the fire. The snowman sat down to wait for mom and dad and could not believe in his happiness. After that, he never played with dangerous objects again and always listened to his parents.
This is how our New Year's fairy tale about a snowman ended. Have you been obedient this year?

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Sotnikova Ruslana Nikolaevna
The story of the snowman.

Somehow an extremely incredible story happened in the winter forest ... But I'll start everything in order. In early December, a lot, a lot of fluffy sparkling snow. Children with teachers came to the forest on an excursion from the kindergarten. Children admired fabulous beauty of the forest, built snow castles, played snowballs, sculpted snowman...

When the ruddy and happy guys left, a strong wind suddenly blew, howling like a wounded animal, a bright, blinding light arose and the Snow Queen appeared!

She approached snowman, touched him with her icy hand and said: "I need an assistant who will guard the forest all winter and warn me about intruders!". And the Queen disappeared as quickly as she appeared.

A snowman ... blinked his eyes, twisted his nose-carrot, began to warm up, squat ... and rushed to dance!

The forest dwellers came out to him, who had been watching the miracles happening all this time. These are squirrels, badgers, hares, foxes and many others. They greeted snowman and asked, What's his name. "Just call me Snowman I will protect you!".

A holiday was arranged in the forest clearing, everyone sang, danced, danced round dances. So The snowman began to live in the forest.

Once, on one of the seemingly beautiful winter days, shots rang out through the forest. Trees rustled in alarm, animals and birds quickly began to hide. Snowman at that time he was repairing a bear's den, which was filled up snow... The shot rang out again, now somewhere nearby. snowman got it that they were hunters, the forest dwellers told him about their invasions.

He could not inform the Snow Queen, as she had recently warned him that she had received a visa and was flying to Lapland for several weeks.

What to do, how to save friends? For a long time he wanted to show his courage, dexterity and perform some heroic deed, but fate still did not provide this chance, however, it seems that now he has appeared!

Snowman, without thinking for a long time, grabbed a broom and rushed into battle ... When a living snowman, and even showing tricks, like a ninja turtle, they turned to stone, and then rushed to their heels, who went where, without looking back ...

"Glory, glory snowman Glory to our savior!- the animals shouted joyfully. Snowman modestly averted his eyes and said that it was just his duty. But everyone knew very well about his brave, kind and sympathetic heart!

But at snowman such a beautiful heart, because it was made by cute and kind children!

As soon as the snow fell, the children made a Snowman. He watched what was happening around and did not understand much. What the Snowman was told by a dog that was tied next to him. It is a pity that the life of little men from the snow is short - only until spring.

Fairy tale snowman read

So crunches in me! Glorious ice cream! - said the snowman. - Wind something, wind something and bites! Just love! And what is this staring, bug-eyed? - He was talking about the sun, which was just setting. - Nothing, nothing! I won't blink! Let's resist!

Instead of eyes, he had two fragments of roofing tiles sticking out, instead of a mouth, a fragment of an old rake; so he had teeth.

He was born with the joyful "cheers" of the boys, to the sound of bells, the creak of runners and the clicking of cabbies' whips.

The sun went down, and the moon floated out into the blue sky, full, clear!

Look, it's crawling on the other side! - said the snowman. He thought it was the sun again. - I still weaned her from staring at me! Let it hang and shine on the sly, so that I can see myself!.. Oh, if only I could somehow manage to move! So I would have run there on the ice to ride, like just now the boys! Trouble - I can't move!

Out! Out! - barked the old chain dog; she was a little hoarse - ever since she was a lap dog and lay by the stove. - The sun will teach you how to move! I saw what happened last year with someone like you, and the year before, too! Out! Out! Everyone got out!

What are you talking about, buddy? - said the snowman. - That bug-eyed one will teach me how to move? - Snegur spoke about the moon. - She herself ran away from me just now: I looked at her so intently at close range! And now it crawled out again from the other side!

You understand a lot! - said the chained dog. - Well, yes, after all, you have just been sculpted! The one that looks now is the moon, and that which is gone is the sun; it will be back tomorrow. Already it will move you - right into the ditch! The weather will change! I can feel my left leg hurt! Change, change!

I don't understand her! - said the snowman. - And surrenders, she promises me unkind! That bug-eyed girl who is called the sun is not my friend either, I can smell it!

Out! Out! - barked the chained dog, turned three times around itself and lay down in its kennel to sleep.

The weather has indeed changed. By morning the whole neighborhood was shrouded in a thick, viscous fog; then a sharp, chilling wind blew, and the frost crackled. And what a beauty it was when the sun rose!

The trees and bushes in the garden were all showered with frost, like a forest of white corals! All the branches seemed to be covered with brilliant white flowers! The smallest ramifications of the branches, which are not visible in summer because of the dense foliage, now clearly loomed in the finest lacy pattern of dazzling whiteness; from each branch, as if radiance poured! The weeping birch, swayed by the wind, seemed to come to life; its long branches with fluffy fringes moved quietly - exactly like in summer! That was magnificence! The sun has risen ... Ah! how everything suddenly sparkled and lit up with tiny, dazzling white lights! Everything was as if showered with diamond dust, and large diamonds shimmered in the snow!

What a delight! - said a young girl who went out into the garden arm in arm with a young man. They stopped just near the snowman and looked at the sparkling trees.

In the summer you will not see such splendor! she said, beaming with pleasure.

And such a young man - too! - said the young man, pointing to the snowman. - He's incomparable!

The young girl laughed, nodded her head at the snowman, and skipped off across the snow with the young man; it crunched under their feet as if they were running on starch.

Who are these two who came? - the snow gur asked the chained dog. - You, after all, live here longer than me; do you know them?

I know! - said the dog. - She stroked me, and he threw bones - I don’t bite those.

And what do they pretend to be? - asked the snowman.

Parrrochka! - said the chained dog. - Here they will settle in a kennel and will gnaw bones together! Out! Out!

Well, do they mean anything, like me and you?

Yes, they are gentlemen! - said the chained dog. - How little does the one who just yesterday crawled out into the light of God understand! This is what I see in you! Behold, I am so rich in both years and knowledge! I know everyone here! Yes, I knew better times! .. I didn’t freeze here in the cold on a chain! Out! Out!

Glorious frost! - said the snowman. - Well, well, tell me, tell me! Just don't rattle the chain, otherwise it just jars me!

Out! Out! barked the chained dog. - I was a puppy, a tiny, pretty puppy, and I was lying on velvet chairs, there in the house, lying on the laps of noblemen! They kissed me on the face and wiped my paws with embroidered handkerchiefs! They called me "Milka", "Kroshka"! .. Then I grew up, became too big for them, and they gave me to the housekeeper; I got into the basement. You can look there; You can see very well from your seat. So, in that closet, I began to live like a lady, yes, a lady! Although it was lower there, it was quieter than upstairs: I was not dragged and squeezed by children. I also ate just as well, if not better! I had my own pillow and… there was a stove, the most wonderful thing in the world in such cold weather! I completely crawled under it!.. Oh, I still dream about this stove! Out! Out!

Is she really that good, the stove? - asked the snowman. - Does she look like me?

Not at all! That said too! The stove is black as coal; she has a long neck and a copper belly! She devours firewood, fire bursts from her mouth! Next to her, under her - real bliss! You can see it through the window, look!

Snegur looked and really saw a shiny black thing with a copper belly; fire glowed from it. Snegur was suddenly seized by some strange desire - something seemed to stir in him ... What came over him, he himself did not know and did not understand, although every person would understand this, if, of course, he is not a snowman.

Why did you leave her? - the snowman asked the dog. How could you get out of there?

I had to reluctantly! - said the chained dog. “They threw me out and put me on a chain. I bit the younger barchuk on the leg - he wanted to take the bone from me! "Bone for bone!" I think to myself ... But they got angry, and now - I'm on a chain! Lost my voice... Do you hear me hoarse? Out! Out! Here you have all the short time!

Snegur was no longer listening; he did not take his eyes off the basement floor, from the key-keeper's closet, where stood on four legs an iron stove, the size of the snowman himself.

Something in me is moving so strangely! - he said. "Will I never get there?" This, after all, is such an innocent desire, why shouldn't it come true? This is my most cherished, my only desire! Where is the justice if it does not come true? I need to go there, there, to her ... to snuggle up to her at all costs, even if I had to break the window!

You can't get there! - said the chained dog. - And if you got to the stove, then you're done! Out! Out!

The end is coming to me anyway, and I’m about to fall down!

The whole day the snowman stood and looked out the window; at dusk, the closet looked even more welcoming: the stove shone as softly as neither the sun nor the moon could shine! Where are they! Only the stove shines like that if its belly is stuffed. When it was opened, a flame shot out of it and sparkled with a bright reflection on the white face and chest of the snowman.

I can't stand it! - he said. - How cute she sticks out her tongue! How it suits her!

The night was long, long, but not for the snowman; he was completely immersed in wonderful dreams - they crackled in him from the frost.

By morning, all the windows of the basement floor were covered with a wonderful ice pattern, with flowers; there was nothing to demand from the best snowmen, but they hid the stove! The windows were not thawed, and he could not see the stove! The frost crackled, the snow crunched, the snowman would rejoice and rejoice, but no! He yearned for the stove! He was positively ill.

Well, this is a dangerous disease for a snowman! - said the chained dog. - I also suffered from this, but recovered. Out! Out! There will be a change in the weather!

And the weather changed, there was a thaw.

The thaw intensified, and the snowman diminished, but he did not say anything, did not complain, and this is a bad sign.

One fine morning, he collapsed. In its place, only something like a bent iron stick stuck out; on it, the boys strengthened it.

Well, now I understand his anguish! - said the chained dog. - He had a poker inside! That's what was moving in it! Now it's all gone! Out! Out!

Winter soon passed.

Out! Out! - the chain dog barked, and the girls in the street sang:

Flower of the forest, blossom soon!
You, little verbochka, dress with soft fluff!
Cuckoos, starlings fly in,
Sing the glory of spring to us!
And we will pull you up: ah lyuli-lyuli,
Our red days have come again!

They forgot to think about the snowman!

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