How to get joy from life? Simple joys. Psychology. Other Ways to Increase Your Enjoyment of Life

Do you want to live a happy life? If you say yes, like most people, then it is important to learn how to truly enjoy life. Some people may think that they can only enjoy life when they have a lot of money or have a successful career. But it's not. You can start enjoying life right now with what you already have. Absolutely everything depends on you and on what eyes you look at the world.

Two magic tips

Before we give you tips on how you can learn to enjoy life in the here and now, let's open up two tips that are necessary to live a happy life.

First - gratitude for what you have. Even if you have a lot of money, a great job, an ideal family, etc., but you do not learn to be grateful for everything that you have and appreciate it, you will always see the world in a negative way. And, on the contrary, you can be content with not much at all, but appreciate what you have and live with pleasure.

The second clue is to slow down. Life has many simple things that you can enjoy. But if you move too fast, you will unwittingly miss most of them. So don't rush. Don't move too fast. Slow down and pay attention to the world around you. Most of the ways in which you can truly enjoy life can be fully appreciated with just a little slowdown.

Appreciate the beauty. Every day we encounter beauty in many forms and manifestations. It is very bad that many people are so used to this beauty that they no longer appreciate it. We suggest that you start looking at the people, plants, buildings (to name but a few examples) around you as something special, unique. Try to understand and appreciate what makes them so special, see their beauty.

Take inspiration from nature. Nature is an amazing healer and healer of depression, stress, neurosis, which the modern pace of life brings to a person. Go on picnics in the park, garden in your yard, watch the sunset as often as possible, stop and listen to the birds sing... And these are just a few of the simplest and most affordable ideas.

Laugh! E. Cummings once said: "The most empty of all days is the day that passed without laughter." Never be too busy to laugh or too serious to smile. Instead, surround yourself with interesting, fun, upbeat people and don't get caught up in your own melancholy.

Appreciate the "simple pleasures". A cup of good coffee in the morning after waking up. Time spent playing with a young son. Delicious dinner in the evening. All this may not seem very significant and important, but these are some of the simplest and most affordable pleasures that invariably make the world around you more beautiful. If you slow down for a moment to appreciate these ordinary things, life will immediately become a little more pleasant and easier.

Communicate! Man is a social being. Wearing and interacting with other people gives us the greatest happiness in life. Only for this, people around must be "correct". Form your social circle - surround yourself with loved and loving people, sincere friends, cheerful friends. Beware of ever whimpering and aching, grumbling, as well as energy vampires. In general, surround yourself with those people with whom it is easy and comfortable to be around, from whom you can recharge with positive and energy.

Learn! There is a close relationship between learning and life satisfaction. Given this, you need to constantly stimulate your brain and learn something new every day - at any age. A good way to find time for extra learning is while commuting to and from work. Audiobooks and e-books are ideal for this purpose.

Celebrate your successes. Often we jump over our goals and successes without seeming to enjoy them at all. We just set ourselves a new bar and run on, sticking out our tongue ... And so all our lives!

Stop. Think about what you are proud of today. You may have successfully landed a difficult client, made good sales, or received great feedback on your work. Why not take a moment to celebrate your success? Reward yourself with some nice shopping, a good break, or a glass of wine with a close friend. It inspires and gives impetus to new victories.

Rethinking yourself and your life in the morning or evening. In the morning, in a crazy impulse, you immediately jump out of bed and start getting ready? Turn off your TV or computer late at night and go straight to bed? Try to take some time before bed or in the morning to yourself. Sit with a cup of tea, dream about pleasant things. Or wake up a little earlier in the morning, lie in bed, think about something pleasant, get up slowly, go out onto the balcony, listen to the birds singing outside the window ... You will see, such moments of solitude in your "world" will make life much more pleasant in the end.

A group of German scientists from the University of Erlangen - Nuremberg has been monitoring the health of 10,000 people aged 18 to 96 for over 10 years.

Years of work has yielded unexpected results. It turned out that participants who rated their lives as a C and did not expect anything good from the future were less likely to get sick and live an average of 10 years longer. And in the group of optimists who gave a favorable forecast for the future, people were more likely to become seriously ill (on average by 9.5%) and die suddenly (by 10%).

Moreover, it turned out that pessimists are much more likely to ... become happy. 43% of the participants who looked at their lives in black colors, after the specified period, answered that they were still happy, while 24% of the optimists turned to psychologists about ... depression.

“Pessimism is a kind of fuse that keeps us out of trouble,” summed up Frieder Lang, professor, research leader. “It makes people of all ages live carefully, pay attention to their health, safety, makes them soberly assess the situation, and thus avoid life's disappointments.”

Therefore, pessimists are more successful in other areas of life. For example, in career development.

Stop, locomotive!

Optimists are characterized by a sharp start - they quickly find an interesting high-paying job, and then, in full confidence that nothing bad can happen, they make mistake after mistake.

“Optimists usually explain failures by other people’s mistakes and coincidence, and therefore they don’t work on themselves, they don’t draw any conclusions from what happened,” says Svetlana Shishkova, neuro-psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, director of the Moscow psychological center “Dom”. - That is why they step on the same rake very quickly. In addition, inadequate inflated self-esteem, not confirmed by concrete results, irritates employers and puts an end to a career.”

Calculating and laying straws, pessimists, as a rule, have a reputation for salvaging the most failed projects. Therefore, by the age of 40, gloomy pessimists, at best, become the bosses of cheerful optimists, at worst, fire them without regret.

The situation is similar in personal life. Pessimists, fearing to make a mistake, choose a life partner extremely carefully, and they treat the family as if they were work - they conscientiously perform household duties, honestly visit their mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law, meet distant relatives at railway stations, and therefore they live safely first until the silver wedding, then to gold. In addition, they always see when a partner feels bad, and are ready to lend a shoulder in difficult times.

Optimists start families at a young age, they are characterized by hasty marriages. As soon as problems arise, they run away to seek solace in the circle of many friends. It is not surprising that the first marriage is quickly followed by the second, then the third ... And by old age, optimists often remain alone, which negatively affects both health and mood.

A bit of May...

And yet you will not envy the pessimists. Their life slogan is "In war as in war!" leads to the fact that they "solve problems" all their lives and do not get any pleasure.

“Besides, expecting the worst is a serious burden on the body,” he said. Yuri Vyalba, psychotherapist, head of the rehabilitation center "Vozrozhdenie". “Such people seem to be carrying a backpack behind their backs, which prevents them from enjoying the results of their achievements.”

To become happy, pessimists need to work on themselves a little, and then their life will be not only useful, but also pleasant.

How to learn to enjoy life


Physiologists call a smile a good mood button - a joyful facial expression relieves muscle clamps and stimulates the parts of the brain responsible for a good mood.

go in for sports

During exercise, the brain absorbs more oxygen, and the body produces joy hormones (dopamine, serotonin), which increase mood for 4 hours.

Find an outlet

Life is a struggle, but to lead it without rest and breaks is exhausting. A good way to gain positive emotions is to find a thing that gives you pleasure and do it regularly.

Choose your social circle

Try to communicate more with cheerful people. A person's chance of becoming happy is increased by 25% if their best friend is happy.

Learn to forgive

The ancients said that to be offended is to drink poison and think that another will die from it.

I immediately remembered the status of a friend in the social network. Her page read: “When you see a happy family, do not envy. They passed the same tests as you, only they didn’t break.”. This phrase can also be applied to people who have learned to love life, who look at life with optimism and do not allow bad thoughts and empty experiences to overcome them. As a rule, we believe that they are always lucky in everything, that they have not had serious losses, that they have not experienced grief. I confess, I used to think so too. But a closer acquaintance and communication with such people, I also call them “people of the sun”, changed my mind. They also met with difficulties, they also faced trials, but they did not break. By the way, that person is my mother. I told about her fate in article "Life is like a miracle" on the Portal "Sunshine Hands". Therefore, the weather in the soul depends only on ourselves. Learning to enjoy life, enjoy life and treat it with humor is difficult, but possible. Even scientists have proven that pleasure is not only a chemical reaction, but also an ability, and everyone is endowed with it: someone to a greater extent, someone to a lesser extent, but everyone can develop it!

A scientific approach to the joys of life

The human body is a complex interconnected system. When something goes wrong, it all suffers. The body is very dependent on the work of the thyroid gland. She is an indicator of our well-being, mood, sexual desire, and more. etc. In other words, illness, blues, joy, optimism - all this is the result of the thyroid gland, that is, we depend on it. But, on the other hand, it also depends on us. When we are calm, and everything is in order with the hormonal background. If we worry, quarrel, then not only our loved ones, but also the thyroid gland are at risk. pay attention to article by Anastasia Gai, editor-in-chief of the Solar Hands website, “We quarrel correctly” . The tips that Anastasia shares will help you behave properly with your loved ones during unpleasant situations and not offend them needlessly.

What makes up the joy of life?

While I was preparing this article, I found an interesting study on the Internet. Scientists have calculated how many times a day we need to experience positive emotions in order to feel completely satisfied. Every day we need 14 joyful occasions . And then we will be happy! I think in this case exceeding the "norm" is only welcome.

Appreciate what we have . It seems to me that the problem for many of us is that we do not know how to live in the present. We yearn for the past and look forward to the future instead of enjoying and enjoying life here and now. We all think that as soon as we get a better paid job (by the way, finding a job that we like will help), we will meet a man, etc., how everything in our life will finally get better, and we will be happy. That is, in fact, we shift the responsibility for our lives to a new employer, a new man, and when we do not get what we expected from them, we are disappointed. And so it is repeated until we learn to appreciate the present and not overestimate what we do not have.

I have a girlfriend. She achieved certain successes in her career, she went to this for a long time and achieved everything with her work. You ask me if she is happy? No. Having achieved success in the professional field, she sighs that happiness is not in this.

Another friend madly wanted to marry a foreigner (read how to get married in the book by R. Kirranov How to fall in love with a man and successfully marry» . Now she bears the complex surname Bouchard and lives in France, but in every e-mail from her there is homesickness and the phrase: “Do you remember ...” Of course, the level of hormones of joy from such a state will definitely not increase!

If you want to enjoy life, learn to take care of what you have, and do not shift the responsibility for your fate to the past and future. If you are also looking for a foreign husband, pay attention to article "Dating foreigners, fairy tales or broken dreams ..." on the website "Sunny Hands" .

Choose as friends people who love life . Probably, you yourself have noticed more than once how you are charged with the energy of the person with whom you communicate, both positive and negative. If a person in 15 minutes of conversation managed to tell you about how he “suffers”, how no one “understands” him and what a bad world, the mood immediately drops, alertness and fear appear. But one has only to communicate with a positive person, and even if before that you were in a bad mood, your mood immediately rises, strength appears. Familiar situation? At my last job, there was a girl among my colleagues. When I first joined this company, I could not understand why the rest of the employees try to avoid communicating with her. Later I found out the reason, or rather, felt it for myself. This girl was very fond of complaining about life. She could talk nonstop about her bitter fate, unloved husband, evil boss and careless colleagues. At first, out of politeness, I did not interrupt her, but then I noticed that after talking with her, I experienced a breakdown, irritation. Of course, I began to avoid her. How to get rid of such people and start enjoying life .

The people around us influence us, this is an indisputable fact. Therefore, try to minimize communication with people who are unpleasant to you, who consider life a dangerous event and do not see joy in it. Reach out to those who do not miss a reason to smile, and become one yourself, and also teach your loved ones to enjoy every day if they tend to complain about life. And even more often tell them about your warm feelings. Why is this so important, told in article "People who are important to us - love them and do not forget to tell them about your love!" Olga Sheina, author of the Solar Hands portal .

Humor is the best way out of any awkward situation. . The ability to laugh at oneself is a special gift that helps everyone who is endowed with it to worry less about every occasion and take life easier. Psychologists recommend, if you do not yet have self-irony, such an exercise. If you find yourself in a situation that makes you uncomfortable, instead of being upset, imagine that you need to tell strangers about it, so much so as to make them laugh. This will help you look at the situation from a different angle, and it will no longer seem hopeless to you, which, of course, will allow you to take life's vicissitudes more calmly.

Ability to be here and now . Thinking about problems at work, comparing the present moment with the same, but in the past, disappointment that we expected it to be better prevent us from focusing on our feelings and immersing ourselves in them ... I remember my last year trip to Prague. The capital of the Czech Republic met me with beautiful weather, friendly people, beautiful architecture. Literally a month after returning, I meet a guy I know, it turns out that he, too, had just returned from Prague. We exchange opinions: I am enthusiastic, he is dry. I ask what exactly I didn't like. He answers: “I don’t know. I just thought it would be better." (By the way, read my report on the trip to the capital of the Czech Republic.) Learn to enjoy what is happening to you at the moment. For example, you love to swim and, finally, were able to get into the pool, but you are surrounded by girls of model appearance, while your figure is far from perfect. And instead of enjoying swimming, you try to “hide” in a corner and leave as soon as possible. Stop comparing yourself with others, there will definitely be no benefit from this, but swimming is good for the figure. Remember the forgotten sensations - how great it is - to dive into the water, to feel every muscle of your body, how easy it is after the pool.

I read in one magazine that the ability to see the beauty of the world in the most ordinary things (autumn leaves, raindrops) and enjoy it increases immunity 3 times more effectively than hardening procedures. Winter is coming and, of course, no one wants to get sick. So why not try this new method - the pleasure of life - and not prove its effectiveness by your own example? Happy discoveries!

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.

Pleasure from life can be received regardless of the thickness of the wallet or the presence of a fashionable car. It is much more important to at least sometimes be distracted from earning money and feel your existence on earth.


1. Think of all the things that bring you great or little pleasure. The laughter of a loved one, traveling, playing with children, a glass of good champagne, your favorite aquarium fish, chatting with friends, swimming on your back or a serving of chocolate ice cream? Try to surround yourself with these joys or at least once a week allow yourself one of them.

2. Try to fulfill at least a few higher desires, which they say are “the dream of the whole life". Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to fly into space, but, let's say, it is possible to see the real northern lights if you wish. It is enough to fly to Murmansk (or any northern city located beyond the Arctic Circle) in winter and catch a frosty clear night.

3. Give gifts to loved ones more often. It will be pleasant not only for them, but also for you. Even if it will be inexpensive surprises, and even better, do-it-yourself things. To get even more pleasure from this process, present souvenirs just like that, for no reason. And always do it selflessly.

4. Learn to forgive or at least forget unpleasant situations. Living with a stone in your heart is very hard. Moreover, if negative emotions constantly swarm in you, you will not be able to fully enjoy life. Do not waste it on resentment - it is very difficult to smile with pursed lips.

5. From time to time change something in your appearance. Of course, you should not rush from one extreme to another, but you can always change your hairstyle or makeup. Or swap out striped shirts for plaid shirts.

6. Sing. Sing your favorite tune on the way home, while washing dishes, in the shower, etc. Even if you are in a bad mood, singing or purring quietly under your breath will clearly distract you from bad thoughts.

7. Be in nature more often. The natural beauty of the planet, not spoiled by man, is mesmerizing. Admire the mountains, listen to the sound of the surf, and if this is not possible, try to at least walk among the birches more often or take a nap in an outdoor hammock.

Oscar Wilde, in his The Picture of Dorian Gray, said: “I love ordinary pleasures. This is the last refuge for complex natures. So it turns out: the deeper the inner world of a person, the easier it is for him to receive pleasure from life. But this will also have to be learned.


1. Start with yourself. Stop frowning, getting angry, getting annoyed over trifles and testing the patience of loved ones. Decide once and for all: tomorrow morning I get up from "the wrong foot" and wish this world a good morning! Light up your reflection with a smile pleasure m kiss your mom or your soul mate, congratulate your colleagues on the wonderful weather and buy a bouquet of flowers on the way home. You are a self-sufficient, strong and positive person. Hold on to this rule for at least one day, and before going to bed, evaluate the buzz that you got from your mood.

2. Learn to enjoy the most ordinary activities. Extract pleasure from everything. Do you not like your job? Evaluate it again, because it brings you income that you spend on yourself and your loved ones. Isn't spending money on yourself pleasure? Moreover, in the work itself you can find a lot of pluses. For example, you are obviously in great demand as a specialist, and you may also have colleagues who run to you for business advice. Feel pleasure on their importance and expected career advancement. Do you have a grumpy wife? Remember all the pleasant moments of your dates and the pre-wedding commotion, when you most of all wanted this woman to belong only to you. It's time to arrange a double romantic trip, sending the children to a summer camp, and buying trips to exotic countries themselves. Enjoy communication with each other and get pleasure from rekindled feelings!

3. The most ordinary everyday activity can be turned into a holiday. A meal that boils down to traditional microwave heating and eating something on a plate in front of the TV is unlikely to give you a lot of joy. But if you open a cookbook, point your finger at the most incredible recipe and manage to turn it into reality, you will deliver pleasure not only to yourself, but also to your loved ones. In the end, without any culinary skills, send yourself in the company of a friend or soulmate to the most amazing restaurant and arrange a real belly feast there.

4. Go in for sports. At first glance, you won’t get much pleasure from this step and you will have to force yourself to go to training. However, it has long been proven that after intense physical activity, our body receives a signal from the brain to synthesize substances in the body called endorphins. It is designed by nature to naturally anesthetize the muscles. That is why after the gym a person always feels a slight euphoria and satisfaction. Do not be lazy after a hard work to relax on a run, in the pool or gym.

5. Go to bed with the thought that tomorrow will be even better than today. Count in your mind how many times you got pleasure a day and get a good night's sleep. After all, even pleasant bliss in a warm bed can give you no less pleasure.


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The following is NOT about how to live right or how to get something out of life. It describes how to learn to feel pleasure from the current moment of life. The difference is that you can live correctly, but feel inner discomfort, constantly overcome yourself, force you to do something or vice versa not to do it. Generally speaking, all this should be done automatically subconsciously. But since a problem arose and the machine malfunctioned, you will have to switch to manual control and figure it out in detail and in stages.

Return to yourself

You need to start with yourself, self-perception. The mind of a person is busy with problems, questions, plans, things, people around him. Thus, a person is widespread, he is, as it were, beside himself. There is anxiety and excessive brain activity.
You need to return to the point, to yourself. Mentally gather, concentrate and feel. No connections, no one, no nothing. This state will tend to collapse. Problems / questions will remind you of themselves every second, causing thoughts and anxiety. It is necessary to reject them, ensuring inner silence. First of all, there is you yourself, no problems and worries - all this needs to be calmed down, postponed, ignored.

Recognize yourself positive

So, we are in ourselves, and there is silence around. Nothing worries us. Right? Let's make sure again.
Now, as if feeling yourself, you need to realize your positive aspects. Who are you at the moment, what have you come to. Positive is a must, and its awareness will play the role of fuel, giving confidence. It is important to remain calm. Feel your inner confidence and contentment rise.
Let's fix this state. We enjoy ourselves, appreciate ourselves. We do not move on to the next stage until we consolidate this state, we do not feel confident in it.

Recognize the pros and cons

So, when we have grown stronger inside, we carefully feel the surrounding space (both real and thoughts/concerns/plans). The task is to realize what we like, what, on the contrary, causes negative feelings. Both within us and in the immediate environment. We control every second so that chaos does not cover us. Covers - return to the points above.
What we like - we fix, remember, enjoy, discuss, live it, take it as an achievement.
What you don't like - remember in the list for elimination. We weaken his perception, ignore, do not remember once again, neutralize the perception. Criticism of the negative increases concentration on it - we don't need it.

Sweetness control

Sweetness is such a thing that we play when we feel bad. The embodiment of sweetness can be very different - everyone has their own, for example, someone likes to eat deliciously, “eat” troubles.
Sweetness is a powerful and uncontrollable thing. If it takes possession, it is very difficult to get rid of it until it is good, and it will not be good, because ... the sweetness will still be sweeter. Exit one: controlled rejection of sweetness.
The sweetness brings an enveloping, warm feeling and of course pleasure. You need to understand that this is a false pleasure. Its signs are “noise in the head”, “itch in the stomach”, anxiety, restlessness, constant distraction from business for empty pleasures. And this is with seeming pleasure. This is a signal of an imbalance between the brain, the inner conscience and the actions taken. If there is, these sensations must be stopped. Genuine pleasure gives a feeling of lightness, harmony and perhaps love.
So, our task is to send sweetness away. Despite her seductive arguments, one must remember that sweetness eventually leads to stupor.

Understand the passage of time

We are in ourselves, our positivity gives us calm energy, we are aware of what is good and bad around, we are at the peak and do not allow sweetness to envelop us. Let's start moving in time.
Surely, you are not happy with everything, which means there is something that needs to be done, changed. What needs to be done, we found out earlier - this is from the negative group. This is where you need to realize time - it flows, yes, yes, and these seconds have already flown away irrevocably. Is there panic and confusion? We remove it. If necessary, restore the feeling of silence again. And we gently begin to realize what we are ready to do in the near future, moreover, for pleasure, and for it to bring pleasure.
It would not be superfluous now to realize the positive achievements that we have achieved so far. These are our merits, it is warmer from them.
Don't pull the cat's tail! What prevents now to do something, the next step? Sweetness? Seconds of life are running. Or are we satisfied? Or maybe His Majesty Fear? We eliminate everything, we realize that a step is really needed - we take a step.

But why is this...

It happens that you can not find any motivation for these steps. What for? After all, it seems so good, and sweet! And this is a serious obstacle.
So, first of all, this is necessary for our own well-being, for true calm enjoyment, so that we feel even better at last! And it's easy to realize if you fix a sober state in yourself with a willingness to move forward, to live. Why is this? And then, in order to eliminate those discontents that lurk inside the head, dissatisfaction with oneself, one's actions or the environment - they exist, it is they that prevent one from feeling soaring and happy. Our desire to move lives in us with potential, you just need to figure it out, see it in yourself in order to come into a state of harmony between desires and possibilities - to become yourself!

Be yourself

Don't play the part. There is what we want and what we can, to which we are optimally adapted by nature. We need to identify this difference and try to eliminate it. What can be eliminated, what can not be accepted. And the game will lead to a distortion of reality and confusion.
To be yourself right now, not putting yourself off until tomorrow - postponing is endless, and you will lose yourself by becoming someone else, and not who you would like to be. It's not bad to think here: who do we want to be and, most importantly, can we, will it not be a game.

We don't fight ourselves

In the fight against the unsatisfactory in oneself, in overcoming laziness, etc. you can not put bans and declare war. By doing this, we pump forces into the opposing side, and it will spring back to us at any suitable moment. No need to break, you need to figure it out, argue, and the imaginary enemy will surrender himself. And if not, we will go through the points again.

Brief remarks

  • If it is difficult, you need to be aware of small segments, steps, and they will give pleasure.
  • There should be no sense of temporality
  • No fuss. Step by step awareness. If there is a fuss - slow down
  • Let your style surround you. Do not tolerate "foreign" things, create comfort
  • Don't be afraid to have fun: be happy and contented
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