Medicinal herbs are one of the most widely available folk remedies. How to be treated with herbs correctly and safely - complete instructions for use Is it possible to be treated with fresh herbs

It is worth saying that doctors share two types of disease: ischemic and hemorrhagic. The second occurs if a vessel in the brain ruptures, blood accumulates in tissues that are nearby. As a result, there is pressure on these tissues and their normal functioning is disrupted.

Ischemic stroke occurs more often than hemorrhagic, it occurs as a result of blockage of cerebral vessels.

Traditional medicine can be used to prevent both one and the second type of stroke. Herbs after a stroke will contribute to the recovery of a person after a stroke. Some of the herbs can also be taken to treat stroke.

Preparation for treatment

There are quite a few folk remedies that will help a person get back on his feet after a stroke. It is only important that all methods are used in combination. First you need to be prepared for treatment with traditional medicine. This is necessary to rid the vessels of toxins, blood clots, cholesterol plaques.

To get an excellent cleansing potion, you need to take half an ordinary glass of dill seed, 250 ml of natural honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of valerian root. You will also need a 2 liter thermos. All the ingredients are put there, poured with boiling water, insisted for a day. Then pour into glass containers. It is necessary to take the resulting drug in the amount of 1 tablespoon before meals for half an hour until the infusion is over. Within a year after the occurrence of stroke, such a drug is drunk every 3 months. It is advisable to repeat the cleansing treatment course once a year.

The second recipe for cleansing: 500 ml of honey, 150 ml of olive oil, 250 ml of lemon juice should be taken and mixed. Use the mixture 3 times a day for a teaspoon 20 minutes before meals. After completing one course, it will need to be repeated in six months. This recipe helps not only to cleanse the vessels, but also to give them elasticity. Both described recipes are used as stroke prevention.


Folk remedies that help overcome a stroke have their own contraindications. First, you can not abuse them. It is necessary to take drugs strictly in the quantities indicated in the recipe. No need to drink decoctions, infusions, mixtures longer than the prescribed period. Secondly, before preparing this or that recipe, you should make sure that you are not allergic to any ingredient. A person may not even suspect that he has an individual intolerance to a certain product. All medicines “one is treated, and the other is crippled”, this also applies to traditional medicine. That is why you can not increase the recommended dose. It is this dose that has been tested over the years by many people, there will be a minimum of side effects, and a maximum of benefits.

There are specific contraindications to the use of pine cones as folk remedies for stroke, for example:

  • inflammation of the liver;
  • age over 75 years;
  • chronic kidney failure;
  • allergic to the components of the tincture of pine cones.

The same applies to the use of any other products from which tinctures, mixtures, decoctions are prepared. You need to learn in detail about each ingredient, make sure that there is no allergy to it, and then prepare the drug and take it. It is also worth consulting with a neurologist about this.

Be sure to find out which herbs are compatible with each other and which are not. And is it possible to take this or that remedy at the same time with the prescribed medications.

Remedies for stroke

Folk remedies for stroke are not full-fledged substitutes for medicines, but they help cleanse blood vessels, increase immunity, and improve blood circulation. Mainly used:

  • bee products;
  • cones of coniferous trees;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • herbal infusions;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • beaver stream;
  • ayurvedic methods.

The use of cones of coniferous trees

Spruce cones are able to bring the metabolism back to normal, destroy microbes in the body, have a diuretic effect, stimulate the immune system.

Spruce oil is added to bathing water, used for aromatherapy, dripped into an aroma lamp. The oil has a sedative effect, destroys microorganisms.

A tincture of ethyl alcohol or vodka, as well as a decoction of cones, will help control blood pressure, thanks to which tissues are restored. Stagnation of the hemorrhagic type is eliminated.

The use of pine cones can eliminate the effects of a stroke. Especially important is the tincture of pine fruits for alcohol. It contains biologically active substances that directly affect damaged brain tissue. Thanks to this tool, you can control blood pressure and blood pressure, eliminate congestive pneumonia, which often appears after a stroke.

Cedar cones help make up for the lack of vitamins in the human body, they are useful for getting rid of colds. Cedar oil allows you to eliminate congestive pneumonia after stroke, significantly improve the function of breathing. Useful is vodka tincture of cedar cones. Its use allows you to control blood pressure, it is useful as a wound healing agent, as well as an expectorant. If you use it regularly, then the blood will become thinner, respectively, improve blood flow. If the walls of the vessels are fragile, then they can be strengthened with a tincture. Means from the fruits of coniferous trees are useful for both hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke.

The fruits of coniferous trees are used because they contain the maximum of useful substances. It is even possible to use cone jam.

Rosehip from a stroke

Rosehip is able to heal wounds, it is used as a diuretic. Many people know that rosehip contains a maximum of vitamin C, and remedies from this plant are able to normalize blood pressure, dissolve blood clots and make this important biological fluid rarer.

All of the above properties have a rosehip decoction. It is easy to prepare, just brew it like tea and drink as much as you want. In high concentrations and excessive amounts, such a decoction is harmful to the kidneys, this should be taken into account.

Sophora japonica and white amela from a stroke

Sophora green and white amela are actively used to get rid of the consequences of stroke. They make the walls of the capillaries strong, dissolve cholesterol deposits on the walls, expand the cavities of the vessels, extracts from these plants are useful.

If a stroke is caused by vascular atherosclerosis, heart disease, a tumor, then the use of green sophora tincture is appropriate. It will not be difficult to purchase a ready-made sophora tincture in a pharmacy.

Hawthorn against stroke

The fruits and leaves of hawthorn contain a huge amount of substances that will help to cope with the consequences of a stroke. There is:

  • hyperoside, which saturates the blood with oxygen, improves the absorption of glucose, increases myocardial contractility;
  • quercitrin, which improves vascular elasticity, fights tumors;
  • vitexin, which can expand blood vessels, as well as activate metabolic processes in the body;
  • quercetin, which can activate blood circulation in the brain, helps to cope with heart ailments.

Can be used in combination with onion peel and hawthorn. Tincture, decoction can be prepared at home or bought at a pharmacy ready-made, which is cheap.

Horse chestnut in the fight against stroke

Horse chestnut contains special biologically active substances that fight the effects of stroke:

  • flavonoids strengthen blood vessels;
  • vitamin C improves the nutrition of brain tissues;
  • escin eliminates inflammatory processes in the capillaries, increases their tone.

At home, you can use this recipe: take 10 peeled chestnuts, chop them and pour half a liter of water, place in a jar and cover, leave for a week in the cold, but the place should be dry.

Red clover in the fight against stroke

Red clover tincture will help get rid of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, eliminate thrombosis. But you need to use a tincture or extract from this plant with caution, especially if you have heart disease, thrombophlebitis.

St. John's wort against stroke

St. John's wort has an antiseptic effect. The substances contained in it are able to fight microorganisms. The plant is also characterized by wound healing, astringent, analgesic, diuretic, choleretic properties.

The astringent component of St. John's wort is able to increase blood pressure, so the alcoholic tincture of the plant should not be used by hypertensive patients. But it is good for the heart, because it contains quercetins, routines and helps to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Ischemic stroke

Treatment of ischemic stroke in acute form takes place in a hospital. This is followed by a period of rehabilitation, when the patient is at home. It is required to restore the lost functions of the body, cleanse the blood vessels, everything must be done to set the paralyzed limbs of the patient in motion. For this, not only medicines are suitable, but also traditional medicine, the recipes used have 2 directions:

  • means that can put a person on his feet;
  • drugs that stabilize blood pressure.

To get rid of paralysis, you need to use traditional medicine that contribute to this:

  • A teaspoon of crushed peony roots is infused in a glass of boiling water for about 1 hour. Drink the drug in a tablespoon every 3 hours.
  • A tablespoon of sage is infused in a glass of boiling water, the infusion is taken orally several sips throughout the day. It is useful to combine the reception of a decoction with a bath, into which an infusion of sage was poured, brewed as follows: 300 g of grass per 10 liters of water.
  • A tablespoon of coniferous needles is placed in a glass of boiling water, insisted for an hour and filtered. Half a lemon is added to the resulting warm infusion. The drug is drunk on an empty stomach for 2-3 months.
  • 2 g of mummy is taken at night for 2 weeks. Then rest for 5 days and repeat the procedure.
  • They take 1 part of juniper needles, 12 parts of butter, 6 parts of bay leaf and, having mixed all the ingredients, they get an ointment, it is rubbed into the limbs that are paralyzed. This must be done 2 times a day.

Means that can normalize blood pressure:

  1. Finely chop 20 g of garlic and put in a glass. Add sugar to half of this glass, then add boiling water and stir. Then leave in a dark place for at least 6 hours. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.
  1. To half a glass of flower honey, add the same amount of fresh cranberry juice. Use the remedy for 2 weeks on a teaspoon 2 r. in a day.
  1. To take dried bread and mistletoe equally in the amount of 4 tbsp. l. put in a liter thermos, pour boiling water, insist, drink during the day.

A ready-made collection that can be brewed and taken with a stroke can be found at a pharmacy.

Hemorrhagic stroke

For patients who have had a hemorrhagic stroke, the following recipes will help:

  1. Prepare bay oil to rub it into places that have lost sensitivity after stroke. To do this, 30 g of bay leaf is added to a glass filled with vegetable oil, insisted in heat for 2 months, constantly stirred. After the specified time, strain and bring to a boil, then cool and use.
  2. Every day before breakfast and dinner, the patient eats a clove of garlic and a teaspoon of honey.
  3. The patient takes coniferous baths.
  4. For breakfast, there is only sprouted wheat.
  5. Celandine in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons are placed in a glass of boiling water and insisted for a quarter of an hour. Consume 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day before meals. You need to do this for 2-3 weeks.
  6. Instead of tea, brew black elderberry and drink.
  7. You can make a soothing herbal tincture from peony roots. To do this, take 300 g of vodka and a teaspoon of dry roots, insist for a week and take 25 drops of 3 r. per day.

Therapeutic diet after a stroke

Stroke survivors can't afford to eat like they used to. They must limit their diet to certain limits. You need to cook in sunflower oil. They also use rapeseed, olive and soy. You can eat no more than 120 g of meat per day.

Seafood is the most useful in the prevention of recurrent stroke. It is advisable to eat them 2 times a day.

It is better to replace dairy products with sour-milk ones and limit their quantity. You can eat no more than 3 eggs per day. It is better to buy black bread or one that is baked from cornmeal. Another suitable bread, which contains oat bran.

You need to drink plenty of clean water every day. Raw fruits and vegetables should be at least 400 gr. The consumption of blueberries is very beneficial. No need to fry food, it should only be baked, boiled, steamed. You need to eat foods containing folic acid, they are as useful as possible. The most important on the menu are oats, sprouted wheat, bran, brown rice.

Unhealthy for patients are sweet and fatty foods. It is necessary to exclude harmful margarine, pastries, butter. The amount of salt should also be kept to a minimum. Any dishes need to be salted only slightly.

How to clear blood vessels of cholesterol and get rid of problems forever?!

The cause of hypertension, high blood pressure and a number of other vascular diseases are clogged blood vessels, constant nervous strain, prolonged and deep experiences, repeated shocks, weakened immunity, heredity, work at night, exposure to noise, and even a large amount of table salt!

According to statistics, about 7 million deaths each year can be attributed to high blood pressure. But studies show that 67% of hypertensive patients do not suspect at all that they are sick!

Treatment of stroke folk remedies

Pine cones - an effective treatment for post-stroke and post-infarction conditions

Pine cones are a source of useful substances that help with various diseases. So, phytoncides strengthen the immune system, have an antimicrobial effect. Essential oils give fir cone products a pleasant pine aroma. Tannins are able to stop the death of brain cells. Therefore, pine cones are useful in the treatment and recovery of patients after a stroke. On the basis of experiments, it was proved that the use of drugs containing tannins can effectively reduce cell death and restore blood circulation processes, successfully cope with such consequences of strokes as paresis, high blood pressure and speech defects.

Bioflavonoids, tannins and other unique trace elements found in large quantities in the tincture of red pine cones show a pronounced effect in reducing bad cholesterol in the vessels and prevent the process of red blood cells sticking together into blood clots.

Pine cone tincture for stroke

You can cook it yourself. This will require young pine cones with seeds. It is best to collect them in March, since it is at this time that the cones open and begin to throw out seeds - this is the best time for collection.

Tincture of cones on vodka. We take a liter jar and collect opened pine cones from the pine. Rinse the cones under water, fill a liter jar to the top with them, pour vodka and leave to infuse in a dark place at room temperature for two to three weeks. When ready, drain through 2 layers of gauze. The tincture should turn out a thick dark red color. Use tincture of cones for the treatment of conditions after a stroke, 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

An important point - the cones must be torn from the tree, immediately removing rotten and affected by pests, it is impossible to collect from the ground, because bacteria, as a result of their vital activity, leave poisons and toxins in the cones.

The ideal time for collecting pine cones starts in March and lasts until the end of April. However, May does not drop out of the list, it is also suitable for collection. In the following months, from June to October, the cones lose their healing qualities. At this time, the cones are heavily washed by rain, gain moisture, and then dry again under the sun. In addition, medicinal resins are evaporated and destroyed by the action of the sun.

Water decoction. For those who are contraindicated in alcohol-based products, a decoction is suitable. Finely chop 5 pine cones, add half a liter of hot water to them and boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Drink a decoction of 1/4 cup 1-3 times a day, after meals.

Case history of Rybakov V.I.:

Most people who have had a stroke and use the tincture of red pine cones speak very well of its healing and effective properties in the treatment of various types of paralysis, hypertension and thrombosis in the post-stroke period.

Where could I buy? If you do not have time to prepare the tincture yourself or the collection time has already been missed, then you can order pine cone tincture on this site (only for residents of Russia)

Spruce cones from a stroke

Very useful and cones ate. They can be stored in the house to purify the air. Spruce cones have antispasmodic and antimicrobial effects, making them effective for colds and infections. Tinctures are used for inhalation, treatment of osteochondrosis and bronchial asthma. Spruce cones are rich in vitamin C, essential oils. Means prepared on their basis have a coniferous smell.

For the prevention of stroke, a tincture of spruce cones is used. You can collect them starting June 5th.

Recipes from spruce cones

Spruce cones should be finely chopped, half filling a 3-liter jar with them, and then pouring cold boiled water to the top. The resulting mixture should be left to ferment in a dark place. After 10 days, strain the tincture, and pour the cones with fresh water. After a week, you can take this remedy several times daily. The main thing is that the volume drunk per day does not exceed 30 ml. The tincture is very fragrant and tasty. Therefore, drinking this remedy is not only useful, but also pleasant.

There is another recipe for tincture of spruce cones. To prepare it, you need apple cider vinegar. Ripe cones cut and pour vodka or alcohol. For 5 pieces, 250 ml of liquid is enough. Infuse the mixture for 10 days. After that, strain it and pour in a teaspoon of grape or apple cider vinegar. Better if it is homemade. Add a teaspoon of the resulting medicine to tea daily. You can use this remedy for prevention or treatment within six months. After that, it is recommended to take a break.

herbs for stroke

Phytotherapy has gained recognition in both folk and traditional medicine. Plants have been proven to help in the treatment of serious diseases. Therefore, herbs can be used in stroke and for its prevention. It is worth paying attention to recipes based on medicinal plants:

sage helps restore speech during rehabilitation. A weak decoction should be prepared from it and drunk several sips at least 3 times during the day. Before use, it is recommended to insist for half an hour;

you can brew a mixture consisting of the same amount of plantain leaves, yarrow, St. John's wort, walnut, eyebright, strawberries, calendula flowers and agrimony. The broth must be boiled well and taken chilled before meals 3 times a day. Permissible dose - 1/3 cup;

Celandine is a poisonous plant, however, with the right dosage, an effective medicine is obtained from it. A decoction is prepared from this herb. A tablespoon of dried celandine leaves is enough for a glass of boiling water. The decoction must be insisted. It should be taken carefully, starting with a teaspoon, gradually move to the maximum dose - 2 tablespoons. After a stroke, celandine can be drunk for a month 3 times a day.

Dioscorea Caucasian is a good remedy for stroke. To prepare the tincture, you need 100 gr. roots of this herb, which should be poured with 500 ml of vodka. After 10 days, strain and add more vodka so that the total volume of liquid is half a liter. Add a small amount of tincture to tea, water, compotes and drink half an hour before meals. Stroke treatment should be continued for a month, after which a break is made for a week. It must be repeated 4 times;

to normalize the work of the heart and improve sleep during the recovery period after a stroke, it is recommended to drink tincture of gray jaundice. A teaspoon of its leaves is brewed with boiling water and insisted. It is necessary to drink such a decoction 3 times a day for a tablespoon;

a frequent consequence of a stroke is paralysis of certain parts of the body. In this case, thyme tincture can be used. 50 g of dried grass should be poured with alcohol or vodka and left for 2 weeks. Use tincture for rubbing paralyzed parts of the body;

you can make a decoction of juniper. To do this, its crushed leaves are boiled for at least 20 minutes. The resulting solution is left in a thermos for several hours. This tincture is suitable for rubbing with paralysis, and for oral administration.

hydrogen peroxide for stroke

According to experts, this remedy has practically no contraindications. Its use is impossible only with individual intolerance. Hydrogen peroxide can be used in the treatment of many diseases, including stroke. Its useful properties in this case are determined by the ability to regulate metabolic processes in the body.

Intravenous hydrogen peroxide is not used in traditional medicine. However, based on the results of clinical studies, it was found that if you have time to make an injection in case of a stroke, many serious consequences can be avoided.

Hydrogen peroxide solution is used for mouthwashes. Regularly carrying out such a procedure can prevent a stroke. In addition, rinsing is not only the prevention of a serious illness, but also a way to clean the mouth from food debris. You will need hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 3%, which should be diluted in water. The ratio is 1:1. You can rinse your mouth with this solution for a minute.

Paralysis won't break us

The man had a stroke, after being discharged from the hospital, his legs did not move at all. The doctors helped him a lot in the treatment - they did what they could. But he decided to continue his stroke treatment at home. He began to treat a stroke with folk remedies, mainly herbs. He also took all the medicines prescribed to him in the hospital. I drank a tincture of marina root.

For such a tincture, you need to take two teaspoons of chopped root for one glass of boiling water, let it brew for four hours. Then strain and take two tablespoons three times a day.

The man also took mummy. He took a small piece, like a match head, and diluted it in two tablespoons of boiled water.

Also make oil from bay leaves. To do this, take three tablespoons of chopped bay leaf and pour this mass with one glass of unrefined sunflower oil. Let it brew for seven days. Then strain and smear twice a day, in the mornings and evenings, paralyzed places - arms or legs, if they suffered after a stroke.

The man was treated like this for a year. Every month he rested from treatment for ten days. During this year, he began to notice that the performance of his legs returned to him. He started walking again.

How to recover quickly after a stroke

If you take a composition of two herbs at the same time, you can cure even the most severe consequences after a stroke. We are talking about Japanese Sophora and white mistletoe. After two courses of alternative treatment for stroke, you can regain your previous performance.

In order to prepare a medicine, take fifty grams of white mistletoe, the same amount of Japanese Sophora. You need to mix these herbs and pour them with half a liter of vodka. Let the herbs soak in a dark place for a month. Shake the jar of infusion frequently. Drink twice a day, one teaspoon. Do this for twenty days. Then take a break for fifteen days and repeat the treatment again.

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herbal stroke treatment

In order to return speech after a stroke, you need to drink an infusion of sage. Pour one cup of boiling water over a tablespoon of sage leaves, bring to a boil and turn off the heat. After that, insist for thirty minutes. Drink two sips for thirty days, eight or ten times a day. After such methods of tincture, speech will be completely restored.

The main thing when you treat a stroke is that seals and scars resolve in the brain tissue. To do this, you need to take 0.2 grams of mummy twice a day for two weeks. reception should be before breakfast and at night. And then in the next two weeks, treat yourself with a twenty percent propolis tincture. Drink it three times a day, thirty drops in milk. Then repeat the treatment with mummy and again with propolis.

Stroke treatment with lemon

If someone close to you has suffered a stroke and is in serious condition, try to treat this person in the following way. Buy a kilogram of lemons, pass them through a meat grinder, mix with a kilogram of sugar. Store the resulting composition in the refrigerator. Every morning, give the patient one teaspoon of this mixture and another small clove of garlic.

Also every other day do sage baths. To do this, take three glasses of grass and fill them with two liters of boiling water. Infuse for sixty minutes, then strain the infusion and pour into the bath, where warm water should already be drawn.

It is also useful to give a sick person a tincture of white footsteps - this is a paralytic herb. Dilute twenty-five drops with water and give to the patient in the evening and in the morning after meals. And the tincture itself is made as follows: pour one tablespoon of crushed grass roots with two glasses of vodka. Steep for a week and then strain.

If the limbs are paralyzed, rub the ointment into them twice a day. In order to prepare this ointment, take a bay leaf and pine needles. Grind them separately to a powder. Mix one teaspoon of crushed pine needles and six teaspoons of bay leaf powder. Also add twelve teaspoons of butter to this mixture.

After two months of such treatment, a person who has had a stroke will already be able to walk and talk.

Eat for health

If you have a stroke or facial paralysis, the following folk method of treating stroke will help you. Take fresh ripe dates, remove the seeds from them and cut the fruits or pass them through a meat grinder. Eat the resulting composition twice a day after meals. Maybe three times a day. If you find it difficult to swallow food, then take crushed dates diluted in milk or ghee. Treatment will take you a long time - from one to several months.

And here is another useful story. A woman in her seventies had a stroke. After that, her performance decreased significantly, her memory was disturbed. Her daughter read in a book on folk remedies that a stroke should be treated with fresh village eggs.

In the spring she took her mother to the village to her aunt. There she ate two raw eggs every day in the morning and evening. A month later, the woman began to feel much better, her memory returned to her again.

Source: Healthy lifestyle newspaper, all-Ukrainian newspaper-healer "Babushka"

Treatment of stroke with folk remedies: the best recipes and methods

A stroke is one of the serious and dangerous diseases that very often occurs unexpectedly in a person.

The disorder can develop in just a few minutes, and a person who was healthy five minutes ago loses consciousness and lies immobile. With this disease, blood circulation in the brain is disturbed, and often it develops in older people.

In order for stroke treatment to be effective, it must first of all be comprehensive. Expensive drugs are not always effective in the fight against the disease; many people managed to improve their health with the help of traditional medicine methods. In addition, these methods are less harmful to humans.

Herbal Recipes

Herbal preparations can be used not only for the treatment of the disease, but also for its prevention. It is worth noting that healers and healers have allocated a lot of medicinal herbs, the most common recipes based on them will be presented below.

Treatment of stroke with sage herb

In order to restore speech, you need to drink a tincture based on sage. It is necessary to prepare a strong herbal infusion, leave the drink to infuse for an hour and take it at least three times a day, several sips.

To improve the condition of a sick person, you can prepare baths based on sage.

To do this, pour three cups of dry grass with 2 liters of boiling water.

Then you need to insist the broth for an hour and pour into a warm bath.

Cleaner to help

Celandine is also effective for people who have had a stroke. Although it is a poisonous herb, it is effective in many ailments. Preparing a decoction based on this plant is very simple:

  • in a glass of boiling water add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass;
  • infuse the decoction for several hours;
  • take three times a day, first 1 tsp. spoon gradually increasing the dosage to 2 tbsp. spoons at a time.

Decoctions based on other herbs

In order to improve the patient's condition after a stroke, you can prepare a decoction based on the following herbs:

To the mixture of herbs you need to add agrimony and walnuts. All herbs should be taken in the same ratio. The medicine must be boiled, cooled and taken as directed three times a day, 1/3 cup.

In order to normalize the work of the heart, you need to take a tincture of gray jaundice. For a teaspoon of tincture, you need ½ cup of boiling water. After the broth has cooled, it can be taken three times a day for a teaspoon.

If a sick person has paralyzed limbs, then an ointment prepared at home will help him. This remedy should be rubbed into the limbs twice a day, and it is easy to prepare.

To prepare it, you will need a bay leaf and pine needles. These ingredients must be ground to a powder state. They must be mixed in a ratio of 6:1. For measurement, you need to take 1 teaspoon. To this mixture add 6 tbsp. tablespoons of butter.

Essential oils

Essential oils have a positive effect on a person and the body as a whole. It is best to take baths with the addition of oils. One of the effective recipes is the following:

  • mix a glass of milk with a few drops of essential oil (it is recommended to take ylang-ylang oil -2 drops and lemon balm oil -3 drops);
  • take a bath with a temperature of degrees;
  • pour the product into the bath;
  • take a bath for no more than 25 minutes;
  • the course of such treatment consists of 10 procedures.

Honey and milk - an inseparable couple

There are other methods for treating stroke. Such a product as honey has managed to establish itself as an effective product. The recipe for the preparation is extremely simple.

Mix a glass of linden honey, 5 ml of peppermint infusion and 60 ml of Kombucha infusion. All components are well mixed and can be taken.

In order to prevent the development of a stroke, you need to drink a glass of milk with the addition of valerian tincture before going to bed. Also, sick people are advised to take tomato juice along with lemon juice.

Citrus fruits are the number one enemy of stroke

Citrus fruits are fruits with which you can quickly bring the patient's condition back to normal. The most effective fruit can be called a lemon.

In order to bring the condition of a sick person back to normal, you need to make the following medicine, which is especially effective after an ischemic stroke, as it cleans the blood vessels:

  • twist a kilogram of lemons in a meat grinder;
  • add a kilogram of sugar to the mass;
  • place the product in the refrigerator.

Every day this medicine should be taken in a teaspoon, preferably in the morning. For greater effect, in addition to this mixture, it is recommended to eat a clove of garlic.

Thanks to lemon, you can prepare another remedy to improve the patient's condition:

  • Peel ½ lemon, remove pits
  • cut the fruit into small slices;
  • mix lemon with coniferous broth;
  • let the drink brew for several hours;
  • take a drink ½ cup 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

Use of cones

For the treatment of stroke, you can use different cones, both pine and spruce. In order to prepare a tincture of pine cones, you need to use the following recipe:

  • collect a jar of opened cones;
  • wash the cones;
  • fill them with vodka up to the neck of the jar;
  • remove the agent to infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks;
  • after this time, strain the tincture through a dense gauze.

The finished tincture will have a red-brown tint. You need to take a drink 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. But if there are no pine cones at hand, then spruce cones will also be effective. The recipe for the tincture is very simple:

  • cut the cones of spruce into two parts;
  • fill them with ½ 3 liter jars;
  • pour cones with cold boiled water;
  • leave the decoction to infuse for 10 days;
  • after this time, strain the tincture;
  • pour cones again with water;
  • after a week you can take a drink.

People's Choice

Healers distinguish from numerous traditional medicine recipes the following methods that are effective in treating stroke:

  1. Citrus treatment. These fruits, and especially lemon, are able to strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation and are used as a natural antioxidant.
  2. Wormwood or celandine along with honey can improve mental development and calm the human nervous system.
  3. Effective for treatment and ointment prepared on the basis of bay leaf.
  4. Application of recipes based on pine cones.
  5. The use of herbal tinctures and decoctions.

Non-traditional methods

Witch doctors and healers identified several more methods of treatment that were used by grandmothers many years ago. But many people have forgotten about them today, although these methods are no less effective for treating and recovering from a stroke at home:

  • apply an ice pack to the opposite side of the affected hemisphere;
  • pierce the veins in the elbow area on both arms and drain dark blood until light-colored blood appears;
  • use according to Art. a spoonful of kelp after eating, drinking water;
  • put an aquarium at home, as aquatic inhabitants and algae calm a person and improve blood circulation;
  • more often look at blue, green and blue colors.

To prevent a stroke, you must constantly wear a copper bracelet on your arm. You can also wear diamonds. As experts recommend, you can wear jewelry with such stones during the day: beryl, turquoise, variscite, diotopaz.

Features of nutrition and diet

In order to quickly improve the condition of a sick person, it is necessary to review his diet and make a diet.

Nuts and dried fruits must be in the human diet, which help to recover faster. These foods are rich in calcium and vitamins. They can be taken with milk.

In order for food to be healthy and not affect the human condition, it must be fat-free, and for this you need to learn how to cook it correctly.

General principles

When compiling a menu for a person who has had a stroke, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • cook food only with vegetable, rapeseed, olive or soybean oil;
  • Eat no more than 120 gr per day. vegetable oil;
  • eat no more than three boiled eggs per week, you also need to limit yourself in dairy products;
  • in the diet of a sick person at least twice a week should be seafood;
  • Eat at least 400 gr per day. vegetables and fruits;
  • food should be varied;
  • you should not get involved in baking, it is recommended to eat brown bread;
  • refuse coffee;
  • drink at least two liters of purified water per day;
  • When cooking meat, remove the upper fat layer from it.

Best Foods for Stroke

In the diet of a person who has had a stroke, fruits and vegetables must be included. Preference should be given to those that contain fiber and folic acid.

If a sick person has a sugar level within the normal range, then you can eat one banana at a time. This fruit contains a lot of potassium, and with its regular use, the risk of a second stroke is reduced by 25%. Blueberries, which contain many antioxidants, are useful for restoring the body.

Potatoes and meat are useful for humans only in baked or stewed form. But daily use of these products is not recommended, it will be enough 2-3 times a week. Beans are good for health because they contain a lot of folic acid. By regularly eating foods with this trace element, you can reduce the risk of stroke by 20%.

It is necessary to eat foods enriched with vitamins A, E and C. The list of allowed foods during a stroke includes the following:

What is prohibited

It is worth noting that the list of prohibited foods after a stroke is much larger than the list of allowed foods. Foods that are not recommended after a stroke include the following:

The dosage should be checked with the attending physician; with individual intolerance, the doctor may prohibit the intake of alcohol.

Proper nutrition is the first step on the road to recovery. You also need to give up bad habits so as not to aggravate your health.

What else can you do at home

In order to recover as soon as possible after a stroke, you need to carry out gymnastics and massage using ointments prepared at home.

For treatment, you can use hydrogen peroxide, which is completely harmless to humans, according to doctors.

Doctors do not approve of the intravenous administration of this drug, although in practice this method proves its effectiveness and due to its implementation, serious consequences can be avoided.

You can also rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide, diluting it in equal proportions with water. You can perform this procedure after each meal lasting 1 minute.

Treatment and rehabilitation after a stroke at home with folk remedies, as practice shows, is effective and efficient. But doctors do not recommend self-medication; before using this or that method, you need to consult a specialist.

Recently, phytotherapy is rapidly gaining popularity. Many people, not wanting to be treated with so-called "chemistry", prefer herbs. But are they so harmless? Herbalist Boris Skachko spoke about the pros and cons of herbal medicine.

When medicine becomes poison

Important information to help you use homeopathic remedies correctly Myth 1 Homeopathy will help if you start treatment at the first sign of a cold. Homeopathy will help in any case, but the sooner the treatment is started, the more effective it is - this is true for all drugs. For example, the instructions for the French medicine Oscillococcinum strongly recommend taking the medicine early. Myth 2 Homeopathic remedies cannot be combined with traditional ones. On the contrary, compatibility with other drugs is a property of homeopathy, which is very much appreciated by doctors.

"There is no doubt that herbs are a medicine. Hundreds of diseases are treated with herbs, and extracts from medicinal plants are widely used in pharmacology. For example, cardiac glycosides, which have a tonic effect on the heart muscle, are obtained only from such plants: lily of the valley, foxglove, adonis. Scientists have not yet succeeded in synthesizing these substances in the laboratory,” says Boris Skachko.

However, according to the doctor, self-medication using medicinal plants is just as dangerous as drinking pills indiscriminately.

"It must be remembered that almost all medicinal herbs are toxic. They can be both poison and medicine - it all depends on the method of preparation and dosage. So, pouring marshmallow root with cold water, you can get an excellent expectorant, and if you boil it over low heat 10 "15 minutes - it will turn, figuratively speaking, into rubber. However, properly preparing a medicinal plant is only half the battle. It is equally important to know in what cases it can be used. The same marshmallow root for coughing caused by acute bronchitis will quickly alleviate the patient's condition , but with an asthmatic cough, he would rather put him in a hospital bed, "the phytotherapeutist warns.

Self-treatment - only externally

According to Boris Skachko, many grandmother's recipes based on seemingly harmless natural remedies can cause irreparable harm to health.

The advice as old as the world to chew apple pips because they contain a lot of iron is not just careless - criminal! Yes, they have a lot of iron, iodine, but there is no less potassium cyanide! Even mice don't eat apple pips.

The phytotherapeutist claims: without a doctor's prescription, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs can only be used externally. For example, washing with a decoction of a string, which significantly improves the condition of the skin. Yarrow has a healing effect, so it is applied to wounds. And for colds, inflammation of the oral cavity and pharyngitis, he advises gargling with decoctions of chamomile, sage or calendula.

According to the herbalist, mint tea raises blood pressure in women, and causes erectile dysfunction in men. A decoction of calendula normalizes hormonal levels, but at the same time significantly reduces vascular tone. Linden decoction negatively affects the kidneys. A cup of fragrant tea with lemon can send a hypertensive patient to intensive care. The fact is that citric acid enhances the effect of caffeine. Therefore, tea with lemon is strictly contraindicated for people with high blood pressure. But corn stigmas block caffeine, due to which the pressure decreases.

What to look for when buying medicinal herbs

However, the wrong dosage is not the only reason why medicinal plants become poisonous.

“If herbs are collected, prepared and stored incorrectly, their use can cause serious harm to health,” says Tatiana Garnik, chairperson of the Committee on Traditional and Alternative Medicine under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. “That is why future doctors and pharmacists are specially trained to work with herbs.”

It should be remembered that a plant is a living creature that breathes, feeds and accumulates substances in the soil and the environment - useful and toxic. Therefore, before herbal remedies enter pharmacies, they all undergo rigorous certification. However, according to WHO recommendations, not only medicinal plants are subject to certification, but also the land on which they are grown.

"Medicinal herbs bought from grandma in transit can be toxic"

“Any plant that gets on the shelves of pharmacies has a passport, which clearly indicates what biologically active substances it contains,” says Tatyana Garnik. “But medicinal herbs bought from a grandmother in the passage can be toxic. guarantees that the chamomile, which will be brewed, did not grow near the track.

Especially dangerous

Some plants used in traditional medicine as medicines are especially toxic from the point of view of official medicine.

Hemlock. Hemlock tincture in folk medicine is often used in the treatment of cancer, and also as a pain reliever. However, doctors classify hemlock as a highly poisonous plant, it causes severe damage to the nervous system and provokes toxic gastroenteritis.

Rosemary. Traditional healers recommend drinking a decoction of rosemary flowers for whooping cough and bronchial asthma, forgetting that the flowers of this plant have poisonous nectar and pollen, the toxic properties of which are transmitted even to honey. Eating wild rosemary honey can cause fever, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Celandine. Infusion of celandine herbalists treat gout, rheumatism, venereal diseases. But this plant is extremely poisonous and in large doses has a narcotic, hallucinatory effect.

Inna Biryukova

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Important information to help you use homeopathic remedies correctly Myth 1 Homeopathy will help if you start treatment at the first sign of a cold. Homeopathy will help in any case, but the sooner the treatment is started, the more effective it is - this is true for all drugs. For example, the instructions for the French medicine Oscillococcinum strongly recommend taking the medicine early. Myth 2 Homeopathic remedies cannot be combined with traditional ones. On the contrary, compatibility with other drugs is a property of homeopathy, which is very much appreciated by doctors.

Herbs instead of pills

Have a cold? Do not rush to take medicine! St. John's wort and echinacea are popular medicinal herbs. St. John's wort is considered an effective and harmless alternative antidepressant. Echinacea is called a natural immunomodulator, and it does have properties that increase resistance to viral infections. However, when taken as concentrated infusions or tablets, these herbs can speed up their elimination from the body and even increase or decrease activity.

Waking up correctly is an art that is designed to set the mood for the whole day. 50-year-old TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva is sure of this: “One Chinese doctor taught me how to wake up. In the morning, while still in bed, you must first pat yourself on the head, 7-10 times. Then rub your ears clockwise and counterclockwise, and a hundred times slowly turn your head left and right.All together it takes a maximum of 3-4 minutes, and the charge of vivacity gives an amazing.Then you should stretch and slowly get up.

Beer cures colds

Beer will help to cope with a runny nose and SARS. Such a sensational statement was made by Japanese scientists. True, they also clarified that for a therapeutic effect, you need to drink at least 30 cans, which can lead to the opposite result. Beer, as it turned out, contains humulone, which helps the body fight the common cold and SARS. Its content is insignificant, so it is hardly rational to be treated with beer directly. However, there is one old folk recipe that is ready to argue with this conclusion.

Skipping rope fitness: 7 effective exercises. Video

In childhood, the jump rope was considered interesting fun, in adulthood it has become a substitute for exercise equipment. Rope exercises are one of the most effective workouts in the fight against cellulite, they burn centimeters at the waist and perfectly develop coordination of movements. Earlier, we did a material on how to choose a rope and how to properly distribute the load. This material presents a fresh video with training.

Medicinal herbs are one of the most widely available folk remedies. Possessing a wide and mild effect on the body, all medicinal herbs and names that will help cure many diseases without resorting to the use of chemicals that have many undesirable side effects.

A relatively small set of medicinal herbs allows you to prepare medicinal preparations used for a variety of diseases. For example, eye herbs such as eyebright and dandelion are widely recognized as some of the best herbs for the eyes.

Since time immemorial, people studying the properties of plants have used medicinal preparations, decoctions for healing. And today, folk, as well as scientific medicine, widely use natural resources, such as medicinal herbs, to heal many ailments.



St. John's wort


The bark of the tree is used. Shows antiviral action. In practice, it is used as an anti-febrile and analgesic.


cilantro (coriander)

Ancient herbalists, medical books and records of healers provide an opportunity to discover long-forgotten compositions, formulations, prescriptions for medicinal herbs and remedies. The study of ancient books will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the technologies and recipes for the preparation of medicines, which can be useful in our time, will open up an idea of ​​​​pharmacy and the level of development of medicine in the past.

Amazing feelings can be experienced by a modern reader of ancient herbalists. On the one hand, you understand the imperfection and naivete of methods and methods of treatment, a poor assortment of medicines, and on the other hand, you see the originality of technology and recipes, you regain forgotten medicinal recipes and substances. You are amazed at the persistence of healers and pharmacists of those years, who managed to successfully deal with various ailments with this simple arsenal, and sometimes work miracles.

Herbalists of medicinal plants.

Traditional medicine and its secrets occupy the minds of many people today. Now it is almost impossible to find at least one completely healthy person, while never suffering from colds, viruses, headaches or allergic reactions.

To treat all these diseases, modern pharmacists have invented a huge variety of drugs that allow you to instantly solve the problem, but at the same time creating others that can be much more complex.

The reason for this lies in the fact that any drug or drug has a chemical composition designed to save a person from a particular virus or pain, but cannot be simultaneously calculated not to harm the stomach or other vital organs of a person.

But many of these simple diseases can be cured at first, it may not seem so high, but you can have complete confidence that preparations and infusions from natural plants will not cause any harm to your body.

All recipes and secrets of treatment with medicinal herbs and plants have been collected and kept for centuries, passed down from generation to generation. There is also no doubt that over such a long history they have been repeatedly tested in experience and proved their right to exist.

When treating with traditional medicine, of course, one should not count on miracles and believe that the effect of herbs, for example, with a virus or tonsillitis, will be as fast as that of antibiotics. Of course, this is not the case, and you will only feel the real effect on the second or third day, and not after taking the first pill, so be sure to study the reviews on the treatment of venous insufficiency before starting herbal treatment, and if you have a toothache, immediately go to dentistry.

But you will know for sure that your gastrointestinal tract will not suffer in the process of herbal treatment. Antibiotics, in turn, can have an extremely negative effect on your body and cause much more harm than the virus itself would cause you.

But the most contentious issue, one that never dies down in medical circles, is unconventional treatments for severe and deadly diseases such as cancer.

All these disputes usually lead to the conclusion that traditional medicine treatment is an absolute evil, because it gives a person false hopes and does not allow him to turn to doctors in time or agree to surgery when it is still possible. But this conclusion is not entirely correct. When such complex diseases are identified, people try to find at least some hope, grasping at every straw.

And then traditional medicine can actually become that very straw, often being essentially just a placebo. But the true cure is given to a person by his very belief in a positive result. This treatment, of course, does not exclude the parallel appeal to doctors and the use of traditional medicine to get rid of the disease.

Constant stuffy nose...

I have a stuffy nose and it's hard to breathe. Sometimes, especially in a stuffy room, I just suffocate. What can be done at home?

We need plants that will relieve swelling and reduce brain hypoxia. If this is acute rhinitis with severe nasal congestion and you just don’t see white light, you can buy rotokan tincture (chamomile, yarrow, calendula) at the pharmacy. Dilute with water, moisten cotton swabs and insert into the nose, hold for 10-15 minutes two to three times a day for a week. This effect is similar to Sanorin.

You can also recommend herbs that help restore vascular tone. Because if you have a stuffy nose for a long time, then the brain is also in a state of hypoxia - lack of oxygen. And such herbs are sold in pharmacies. These are linden flowers, sweet clover grass, clover. Their strained broth should be washed with a nose, and the oil extract should be instilled. Vascular herbs need to be taken from 3-4 weeks to two months to feel and consolidate the effect.

We treat the heart, but the stomach suffers

- Due to heart problems, I regularly take blood thinners. And they are bad for the stomach. As a result, I have frequent and multiple erosions of the stomach, gastritis with high acidity. Is there a chance to get out of this "vicious circle"?

- As an alternative to anticoagulants (blood thinners), you can use a teaspoon of white or yellow sweet clover herb to make an infusion and take throughout the day. This remedy gently thins the blood. But first, check with your cardiologist!

As a means of healing damage to the gastric mucosa, you can use a decoction of cudweed grass - 1 teaspoon with the addition of a teaspoon of elecampane roots to a glass of water. Bring to a boil, insist 20 minutes, strain. Take 2 tablespoons before meals and one hour after meals. On an empty stomach. In the evening - 20 drops of peony tincture.

How to bring down the temperature of a child

- What fees can be brewed for a cold for a child of 7 years old? There is no food allergy. But all sorts of acute respiratory viral infections are very frequent - we get sick five or six times a season. And is it possible to bring down the temperature with herbs?

In pharmacies there is a collection of phytogors (mint, lemon balm, sage, polygon). It is shown to children from 5 years. Plus breast collection with the addition of antipyretic herbs, such as linden flowers. To bring down the temperature with herbs during the day by 1 - 2 degrees is absolutely real.

But it is important to consider how much the child tolerates heat, whether there was an injury during childbirth, perinatal encephalopathy. If we are talking about a healthy and just a cold child, pediatricians even recommend that temperatures up to 38.3 - 38.5 degrees not be knocked down with medicines.

During an infection, it is beneficial for our body to maintain an elevated temperature in order to change the metabolism, create unbearable conditions for life for viruses or bacteria (microbes prefer the body temperature of a healthy person - 36.6 degrees).

But if a child may have febrile convulsions, impaired consciousness, at 38.3 we begin to bring down the temperature! Everything needs common sense. Herbal treatment is a milder, but sometimes longer method.

And in acute situations, you need to call an ambulance and resort to emergency measures. The child should be rubbed with diluted vinegar or vodka. Plus drink plenty of water.

Pharmacies sell enterosgel - a silicone sorbent. A very convenient thing to remove additional intoxication of the body during colds. It can also be given to children.

If the vessels "crack" from the cold

- My head often hurts - from fatigue, tension, frost. This year, the whole of January is just bending over. They say weak blood vessels...

Weather sensitivity does not appear from scratch. It is important to know the features of your headache:

1. It is associated with insufficient blood supply to the arteries of the brain (pain like migraine) due to osteochondrosis, heart failure. In this case, decoctions of such herbs as loosestrife, briar, eyebright, rattle will be useful.

2. There is a violation of the venous outflow of blood (pressing pain, heaviness in the head). In this case, I advise a collection with primrose, horsetail, arnica, chestnut.

The ratio of herbs will depend on the predominant disorder.

And spasms of blood vessels, including the type of cold reaction, will help to remove the seeds of umbrella plants - cumin, fennel, chamomile, lemon balm, snakehead. Also, sweet warm spices - cardamom, cloves, cinnamon - have an antispasmodic effect. They can be added to a collection of herbs or tea.

Is it necessary to "steam" with a water bath?

- If we buy fees in a pharmacy, how to brew correctly? Insist on a water bath, as they say in the instructions? But it's so annoying...

But life shows that the release of useful substances (extraction) occurs without it. So you can brew herbs like this: we take a glass teapot with a piston (this is a sieve, a dispenser, and just a beautiful little thing). At the bottom we put dry, better herbs a little crushed by hands and pour boiling water.

The beneficial properties of decoctions do not last long! Microbes begin to multiply there, and under their action various enzymatic transformations begin. Therefore, without a refrigerator, a decoction of medicinal herbs is stored for a day. In the refrigerator - two days.


Oil extract can be cooked... in the microwave

Herbal oil extract is a very valuable thing. It is effective if instilled with hoarseness, rhinitis, otitis media. And you can cook it without too much trouble right in the microwave! 3 - 4 tablespoons of dry herbs put in a cup of unrefined sunflower or olive oil (200 - 250 g). We put in the microwave oven for 10 - 15 minutes in medium mode. Take a larger container so that the extract does not spill over the edges.

report by Elena Ionova.

Some of my friends in Novosibirsk opened a flower shop. To those of my readers who live there, I recommend: salon "Tochka". They have the most beautiful wedding bouquets in Novosibirsk. For example, they make up such bouquets of flowers:

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