How to rejuvenate lips. Rejuvenation of the mouth and perioral area. Modern views and concepts. Causes of mimic wrinkles

To look attractive and be desirable, you must work tirelessly on your appearance. A dress, shoes and beautiful underwear can be bought, but making your lips soft and sensual without danger to health is not easy, but doable. An ideal lip mask based on nutritious, affordable and harmless ingredients.

Lip mask recipes

The skin on and around the lips is very thin and sensitive. Any bad weather in an instant leaves its pernicious touch, which takes weeks to correct. And only lip masks can keep the skin smooth, and in many cases make the mouth more voluminous and sexy. You can select the ingredients depending on the time of year - after all, almost everything from which you prepare “goodies” for your loved ones will do. But certain recipes are available.

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Dairy World

In one teaspoon of sour cream (you should choose a fatter product), squeeze 3 drops of lemon juice and add the same amount of olive or any cosmetic oil. Apply the prepared mixture in a thick layer on the lips. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

Mix one teaspoon of fine-grained cottage cheese and cream. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. As additional ingredients, vegetable or fruit juice, chopped herbs can be added to cottage cheese.

It is interesting! If the components in the curd mask are alternated, the cells will receive the maximum amount of essential vitamins.

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apple nectar

Soften ½ teaspoon of butter, add the same amount of finely grated sweet apple. We must try not to eat the remedy in the next couple of minutes (well, very tasty!).

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Lip augmentation home secrets

At home, you can change the size of the lips by making masks to increase them. It will take a little longer to tinker, but the goal is worth it.

It is enough to mix ½ teaspoon of petroleum jelly, honey, sugar, lemon juice. Then add glycerin the size of a pea, and melt everything in a water bath. Lubricate the lips liberally with a warm solution, going beyond the contours, and leave for 15 minutes. The procedure is completed by washing with warm water.

For the lazy, there is a way to increase the lips "in haste". It is enough to lubricate the lips with Vaseline daily. This mask can easily be left on all night.

By the same principle, a honey lip mask is prepared. The treat should be natural and liquid. If crystals have already appeared, you must first melt the honey. After such a procedure, dryness and cracks will completely disappear, the sponges will simply become “honey”.

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Extra care

The volume and bright color of the lips appears due to blood flow, so a daily massage is needed. Enough options:

  • use a clean toothbrush to make circular movements for 1 minute;
  • scrub the skin of the lips with sugar and honey;
  • the most daring are recommended to use red pepper.

And do not forget about passionate kisses - a pleasant and healthy way to increase the lips.

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The best remedies for getting rid of nasolabial folds

And if young creatures don’t care anymore, then older beauties already lie in wait for wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial folds. But this problem is not so terrible. At home, it is easy to make masks from mimic nasolabial folds and take care of the skin around the lips.

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Laurel wreath"

Pour a bunch of bay leaves (10 pieces) with a small amount of water and boil for 5 minutes. Then strain, add 2 eggs to the broth, 1 tablespoon of any cosmetic oil (vegetable oil is also suitable) and the same amount of burnt alum. Mix the mixture and apply to the problem area for at least 30 minutes.

The procedure is carried out in courses of 3 days with the same break.

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Ice Strike

Nasolabial folds are terribly "afraid" of the cold. You need to prepare ice cubes and a soft cloth the size of a handkerchief. Lie down on a flat surface (no pillow) and apply wrapped cubes to problem areas.

The exposure time is up to 1 minute. The procedure should be carried out in courses (daily for 15 days, then take the same break).

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Fruit and berry delight

Cut fruits and berries into thin slices, lay on problem areas and leave for 15-20 minutes. You should not be limited only to the nasolabial area, because the elements that contribute to the production of collagen are needed by every cell.

It is interesting! The effect will be more noticeable if the components of the mask are ground on a grater. But such a composition should be applied only in the supine position.

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honey nectar

An ideal remedy is a honey mask, which smoothly turns into a massage. Apply honey in a thin layer. Then, very carefully, make jerky movements with your fingertips, touching your face. As a massage tool, you can use 2 teaspoons.

Contraindications are:

  • individual intolerance to treats;
  • close proximity to the surface of the epidermis of blood vessels;
  • very thin and sensitive skin.

Women are created to give warmth and comfort with their presence, so do not let the processes of the body take their course. After all, using simple tips, you can maintain youth and attractiveness for a long time.

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Lip scrub video recipe

The lips, along with the eyes, are the brightest and most attractive part of the face. It is not surprising that in recent years it is plump, juicy, bright lips that are considered the standard of beauty. Whatever tricks women of fashion do not resort to - for example, they resort to filler injections or tattooing to make lips as voluminous as possible. But this area also needs special care, which it needs every day. And having some secrets, you can do without painful and traumatic procedures.

Why do you need special cosmetics for lips

The skin of the lips is thin and sensitive, there are no sweat and sebaceous glands in it, it suffers greatly from the negative effects of the environment: frost, sun, wind. At the same time, it is the mouth and the surrounding area that can serve as an indicator of the lack of vitamins and trace elements. If the skin of the lips is intensely flaky, microcracks form, it makes sense to consult a doctor to identify the true cause of these phenomena.

However, daily lip care at home is the key to their unfading beauty and attractiveness. Choose products carefully: professional lip cosmetics that contain natural oils, vitamins and moisturizing ingredients will be an excellent solution.

Lip care: "golden rules"

  • Regularly clean the skin of the lips - the same milk is suitable for removing makeup as for the eyes. And 1-2 times a week, do a special peeling to eliminate peeling and improve skin breathing.
  • In spring and summer, do not forget about sun protection - use balms with an SPF factor.
  • Avoid aggressive toothbrush massages that are so popular on the Internet. This can stretch the lips and cause wrinkles.
  • Stop smoking - this addiction noticeably worsens the condition, thins the already thin skin, which leads to the formation of wrinkles and a decrease in the brightness of the lips.
  • Choose high-quality decorative cosmetics, the beauty of a smile directly depends on it. Cheap lipstick will give a short-term effect of "decoration" of the lips, but will leave the skin without moisture.
  • Include balms in your day and night care, and masks in your weekly.
  • Do not resort to painful filler injections - they can lead to unpleasant consequences that will be very difficult to correct. There are excellent creams and lipsticks for lip augmentation, the effect of them is temporary, but there is no risk!

Daily ritual: what are lip care products

So, it is obvious that lip skin care should be different from caring for the rest of the face, but at the same time be regular. How to combine all the means so as not to spend a lot of time on it and get an excellent result?

In the morning:
protective balm

Before makeup:
lip volume cream

In the evening:
cleansing milk +
revitalizing balm

2 times per week:
scrub +
lip mask

Lip scrub: why you need it

The skin of the lips, like other parts of the body, is constantly updated. Horny scales often remain on the surface, causing flaking of the skin and worsening its appearance. On such sponges, lipstick or gloss does not last long - they roll down and clog into microcracks. Here, in order to avoid all this and return the perfect look to the skin, scrubs are needed. No need to torment delicate skin using toothbrushes or facial peels. Use specially formulated products for the lip area, such as Christian Breton Gentle Lip Scrub. Diatomaceous silt and rice starch gently exfoliate the skin without injuring it, while the herbal complex included in the composition provides comprehensive care.

Lip Balms

This is a vital tool for the beauty and health of the lips, which should be in every cosmetic bag! In this niche, Korean lip cosmetics successfully compete with their American counterparts. The beauty of balms is that they quickly moisturize and soften, eliminate microdamages and make lips unforgettably beautiful.

Lip augmentation instead of injections

At the peak of popularity - lip augmentation through injections. This method has a lot of fans, but there are enough risks. With a poorly performed procedure, you can get unpleasant side effects up to tissue necrosis. Agree, it’s easier not to take risks, but to achieve similar results with the help of cosmetics. Yes, of course, you can’t get “duck” lips with lipstick, but is it really so beautiful? But there are no negative reactions from creams and lipsticks for lip augmentation.

How it works?

  • Volumizing products contain herbal ingredients that stimulate blood flow to the lips, and they swell. These properties are menthol and red pepper extract.
  • Pal-GHK molecules and hyaluronic microspheres are used for a long-term increase that is more noticeable with each use. These components accumulate and retain water, resulting in a visible volume creation similar to fillers.
  • The visual effect is achieved by the inclusion of reflective particles in the formula of the product. Due to the gloss, the lips look more plump and sensual.

Lip masks

The skin of the lips also needs intensive care. Regular use of lip masks allows you to provide the skin with deep hydration, reduce the number and depth of wrinkles, restore an intense natural color that fades over the years. It is believed that cosmetics for eyes and lips are often similar in composition, and this explains why the same gentle patches based on collagen and hyaluronic acid are made for lips. In just 15-20 minutes, such a mask can restore damaged skin, eliminate peeling and restore the attractiveness of the sexiest part of the face.

Do you want to get the maximum effect? Then carry out the procedures in sequence: first a scrub, then a mask, and finally apply your favorite balm. And then the attractiveness of your lips will be obvious to everyone.

Mimic wrinkles on the face cause discomfort to women even at the age of 25-30, and after 40 they become a real problem. Most often, young ladies are concerned about the appearance of defects in the eye area.

However, you often have to worry about the problem of wrinkles around the lips, which are just as difficult to get rid of at home. But with due effort and the use of the necessary preparations, natural recipes, you can get a good result.

Causes of mimic wrinkles

No one can protect themselves from the formation of mimic wrinkles around the eyes and lips, since these parts of the face are particularly mobile. A smile, tension, anger, laughter, dedication to work, tears - all this is reflected in the female and male faces. Every year wrinkles become deeper and multiply.

But there are factors that significantly increase the intensity of the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, which becomes difficult to get rid of at home:

  • Constant movement of the area around the lips - due to long conversations, frequent smiles. There is very little subcutaneous fat in this area of ​​the face, and the epidermis is very thin.
  • Time is a factor that no one can handle. As we age, collagen production decreases.
  • Incorrect position of the head in a dream - on its side or directly facing into the pillow.
  • Too rapid weight loss, as well as smoking - the habit stimulates the tension of the muscles of the oral region.
  • The sun and other unpleasant factors of nature - wind, frost, heat - negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  • Absence or improper care.
  • Extraction of teeth - the absence of front and molars leads to sagging skin.
  • Genetic predisposition and chronic diseases.
  • Poor tone of the epidermis.
  • Too active expression.
  • Restructuring of the hormonal background.

To remove wrinkles around the mouth at home in a short time, you need to provide maximum support to your body. And for this you need to follow some rules:

The choice of a cream for everyday skin care should also be based on basic principles.

Proper facial cosmetics

It is impossible to get rid of annoying wrinkles around the lips at home without the use of high-quality drugs. A quality cream should contain peptides, antioxidants and vitamins. Together, they fight the signs of aging, remove harmful substances, smooth wrinkles and moisturize the skin.

It is important to use a good lip balm if you want to get rid of wrinkles around your mouth.

You need to apply it, slightly going beyond the boundaries, touching deep wrinkles. The product is absorbed by itself, it should not be washed off.

Special preparations for wrinkles

To quickly remove wrinkles in the corners of the lips at home, special tools will help:

  • Estje Lauder launches Perfectionist CP+R, a special corrector for mimic wrinkles. It is sold in a tube with a convenient applicator, which allows you to apply it pointwise to problem areas. The innovative composition perfectly corrects wrinkles around the lips.
  • FromVanessa Liqiuskin is another great remedy that relaxes muscles and helps get rid of wrinkles around the lips at home.
  • Triumph Technologies has created a means for correcting mimic wrinkles with black caviar extract "Kavar Moisturizing".

There are other manufacturers that create good products to eliminate wrinkles around the lips. You should choose the highest quality composition without mineral oils, chemicals, PEGs and other harmful additives.

The importance of tonic procedures

It is possible to qualitatively remove mimic wrinkles near the mouth at home only as part of an integrated approach. And it must include tonic procedures:

Not done in the complex care of the skin around the mouth to get rid of wrinkles at home and without the right gymnastics.

Effective wrinkle exercises

Special gymnastics will help to quickly remove wrinkles around the lips at home.

Already in 2-3 weeks, pleasant results will be noticeable if you do the exercises every day and do not be lazy.

The additionally presented complex tightens the chin, removes the cheeks and fights the most difficult wrinkles above the upper lip - purse-string. You should prepare for the fact that the maximum result from gymnastics occurs only for 3-5 months of use:

  • Pull your lips in, as if saying "y", fingers should be pressed to the lips. Now try to overcome the pressure with your mouth, using the muscles of the nasolabial part. Exhale through your mouth without changing position. Repeat the exercise at least 8 times.
  • Now you need to stretch the corners of the mouth without revealing the teeth. The lower lip is lowered without the use of hands so that the gum opens. You can feel how the jaw muscles under the chin are well tensed.
  • Now you need to stretch the upper lip without moving the jaw. The muscles of the upper part are tensed during exercise, but not the lower. Repeat 10 times.

The use of folk remedies

Various scrubs and masks made from natural ingredients will help remove wrinkles around the lips at home. The most effective of them are strawberries, honey, aloe and cucumber. These products perfectly tighten and moisturize the epidermis, protect against the appearance of new wrinkles above the outer lip:

  • Mask of honey, milk, oatmeal and peas. About 2 tsp. flakes are crushed together with 1 tsp. ground peas, add 1 tsp. dry milk and the same amount of honey. Apply around the mouth and leave to dry. Remove with a damp sponge.
  • Honey and aloe juice. Aloe leaves are ground in a blender and combined with 1 part of honey. Apply for 10 minutes from the corners to the upper lip, rinse with cool water.

  • Clay, eggs and essential oil. Mix 1 beaten egg with 2 tbsp. l. blue clay, add 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil, lubricate the area around the lips.
  • Olive oil in its pure form will help fight wrinkles. Just apply it with a swab around your mouth. No need to rinse.
  • Use a mask of sea buckthorn oil, liquid vitamin E. Apply for half an hour 2 times a week.
  • Take the protein, beat it and apply it neat around the mouth.
  • A good ripe chopped tomato can be applied around the mouth and washed off after 30 minutes.
  • From 1 st. l. yeast, 1 tsp. sour cream prepare the mask. When the yeast begins to foam, apply around the lips. Hold 15 minutes.

  • Fatty sour cream, carrot juice and grapefruit pulp are mixed in equal parts and applied to the face, washed off after 20 minutes.
  • Mix 1 part of honey, yolk and fat sour cream. Keep 30 minutes on the skin around the mouth.

You can also make an excellent homemade cream to get rid of deep wrinkles around the lips. For him you need to take: 2 tsp. gelatin, ¼ tsp. alum, lanolin, petrol tincture and camphor, they can be bought at the pharmacy. You will also need 5 drops of neroli ether and 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

In 2 tbsp. l. water melt alum, add gelatin and oil. When the gelatin swells, pour in the glycerin and begin to heat, avoiding boiling. When the gelatin dissolves, add the rest of the products and stir until thickened, removing from the stove. If the mixture does not become thick enough, beat with a special egg mixer. Store in the refrigerator and use every day.

Pure oils for wrinkles

Pure oil will also help get rid of wrinkles around the lips at home. In addition to olive oil, other varieties can be used:

  • Camphor oil eliminates not only wrinkles, but also scars, acne, enlarged pores;
  • Flaxseed oil stimulates healing, relieves inflammation and removes harmful substances;
  • Wheat germ oil is very rich in vitamin E and slows down the aging process of the epidermis.

If you want the fight against wrinkles around the lips at home to be as effective as possible, and the result is preserved forever, remember the important rules:

  1. The first wrinkles are not a reason for strong feelings. It's just a natural process. But stress from nervous tension can worsen the situation and provoke the development of more severe wrinkles!
  2. If you do not eat right, lead a bad lifestyle and abuse smoking, alcohol, then no way to combat wrinkles will be effective.
  3. To prevent the appearance of unpleasant facial wrinkles around the mouth, you need to use protective equipment. In the hot season - apply balm and cream with an SPF filter.
  4. Only daily use of cosmetics, regular use of masks and other anti-wrinkle products will give the desired effect.
  5. For prevention, take simple fish oil capsules. Do not focus on expensive nutritional supplements with Omega-3 fatty acids. They are rarely more effective than regular fat.

Also, you should not strain your facial muscles too much and constantly laugh or, conversely, cry. Constantly pouting lips only accelerate the process of wrinkle formation around them. The same goes for the popular ducky sponge selfie poses.

The age of a woman is betrayed by her skin. A flabby neck, pronounced nasolabial folds, a blurred oval of the face, wrinkles on the forehead and around the mouth, "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes - there are enough signs that indicate the biological age of the lady. Changing the skin of the lips is not for the better is also included in this impressive list. Over time, it becomes less hydrated, which is why it cracks and flakes; more dull, pale, not so elastic, soft. In addition, lips lose their natural volume with age. But do not despair - all of the listed defects can be corrected if you come to grips with lip rejuvenation!

Home beauty products

Among the recipes for folk cosmetics for the skin of the lips, there are many really effective options that can cope with a number of signs of aging with a bang. If you are a fan of natural beauty products and have enough patience, then this lip rejuvenation method is for you.

Acid scrub mask. Ingredients: honey, coconut oil, fine granulated sugar - 1 tsp each. each ingredient; 1 small sour apple, 2-3 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Wash the fruit, peel, grate the pulp on a fine grater. Select 1 tsp. the resulting apple gruel, combine with the rest of the ingredients, mix. Melt coconut oil before use in a water bath. Apply the acid mask on the slightly moistened surface of the lips with gentle massaging movements. Leave the beauty product on the skin for 3 minutes, then rinse off. At the end of the procedure, be sure to lubricate the lips with cream.

Aloe Vera Oil Mask. Ingredients: rosehip oil - 1 tsp, chopped ginger root and ground cinnamon - 1/4 tsp each, 1 fresh aloe leaf. The leaf should be washed, cut lengthwise and with a spoon remove the pulp, which should immediately be mashed to a puree state. Add warm rosehip oil and spices to this vegetable gruel. Stir the beauty product, apply a thick layer on the skin of the lips. Ideally, you should feel pleasant warmth during this procedure. If so, keep the mask on the surface of the lips for up to 7 minutes. If you experience an unbearable burning sensation, wash it off immediately. After clean, dry lips, treat with a nourishing cream.

honey cream. Components: bee liquid honey - 1 tbsp, pork fat - the same amount. The second ingredient should be melted in a water bath. Then you need to add honey there and stir well - so that the mixture acquires a uniform texture. Transfer the cream to a jar and refrigerate. Lubricate your lips with it daily before going to bed.

Oil based balm. Required ingredients: jojoba and mango oil - 1 tsp each, avocado and rosehip oil - 0.5 tsp each, ylang-ylang and lemon balm essential oils - 5 drops each. Combine all base oils, except for that of wild rose, in a container that must be placed in a water bath. Let this mixture become homogeneous. When this happens, put out the fire and cool it down to 40ºC. Now add rosehip oil to the composition and drip essential extracts there. Stir the balm. It is better to store it in glass in a cool place. Lubricate the lips with a rejuvenating beauty product every day. Half an hour after applying the balm, remove the excess that has not been absorbed by the skin with a sponge.

Special exercises

To keep lips looking young and fresh for longer, they need to be given a load. There is a special gymnastics for the lips, the techniques of which are aimed at increasing elasticity, firmness, as well as maintaining the tone and natural volume of the most seductive organ of the female face.

Exercise 1. Pronounce the vowel sounds alternately as long as possible: “o”, “a”, “i”, “s”, “y”. Do this several times in a row, tensing the muscles of the lips in the process of speaking.

Exercise 2. Take a deep breath through your nose. Now slowly exhale the air from your lungs through your mouth for six seconds. To end, sit with your mouth open, relaxing your lips as much as possible for 10 seconds. Smile broadly without baring your teeth, relax again.

Exercise 3. Open your mouth. Stick your tongue out as far as possible. Fix it in this position for as long as you can stand it. Then return the tongue to its place and relax the oral cavity. The number of repetitions of this technique is five times.

Exercise 4. Stick out your lips. Simultaneously move them and the lower jaw for 30 seconds. Then relax and close your mouth. Repeat these manipulations 10 times in a row.

Exercise 5. Round your lips as if you were making an "O" vowel. Slowly stretch the lips fixed in this position back and forth, back and forth. Carry out this technique 7 times. At the end, open your mouth wide and sit for five seconds.

Exercise 6. Press your lips together tightly. Attach the index fingers of both hands to them. Press them on closed lips until you feel the tension of the latter. Now you need to slowly move your fingers along the mouth from the center to the edges and back. At the end of the reception, you should open and relax your lips.

Exercise 7. The starting position is the same - tightly closed lips. However, in this case, it is necessary to arrange so that the corners of the mouth are as tense as possible. You don't have to clench your teeth. Press the index fingers of both hands to the tense corners of the lips, then alternately raise and lower them.

Lip massage

It is better to do it not with your hands, but with a toothbrush if you want to get a really good result. Such a massage helps to warm up the skin of the lips, and therefore a sufficient amount of blood flows to the dermis, which means that nutrition, elasticity and natural skin color improve. It is desirable to perform massage actions in relation to such a delicate and vulnerable part of the face with a toothbrush with soft bristles. Buy a new brush for these purposes.

You need to drive the indicated device along the surface of the lips in two directions: vertical and horizontal - alternating them. Moreover, the latter should be of a smoothing nature. Apply a gentle effect on the lips, maintaining an amplitude of about 1 cm. Before you start massaging with a toothbrush, lubricate problem skin with base oil or moisturizer.

At the end of the procedure, it is useful to make a homemade sour cream mask for the lips. 1 tsp fermented milk product must be combined with the same amount of almond or grape seed oil, add a couple of drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the nutritional composition and mix. Apply the mask on the surface of the lips in a thick layer. The exposure time of the beauty product is 20 minutes.

Salon procedures

Among the methods of clinical lip rejuvenation, the most popular and quite effective are biorevitalization and mesotherapy. Both of them, in essence, involve the subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid preparations into the problem area. The only difference is that in the process of biorevitalization, spot treatment of the skin of the lips is carried out, and during mesotherapy, it is necessary to use a special mesoscooter, the use of which makes the introduction of the drug more accurate.

Biorevitalization can be both an injection and a laser procedure. In order to get a really good result, experts recommend giving preference to the first method, since in this case the flow of hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the dermis of the lips is guaranteed. The laser method of biorevitalization provides a uniform distribution of the drug, but not so deep. The duration of the procedure, regardless of the method you choose to perform it, is approximately 30-40 minutes. As a result, your lips will become firmer, smoother and brighter.

As for mesotherapy, it can also have two versions in relation to the lips. The first of them is the filling of the contours with an agent with active substances (in addition to hyaluronic acid, the meso-cocktail often includes amino acids, antioxidant compounds, vitamins). The second option is called "Parisian lips" and results in not only the disappearance of wrinkles on the surface of the lips, but also an increase in their volume.

Before you decide on a salon lip rejuvenation procedure, you should definitely consult with a specialist!

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Kochneva I.S., Sarukhanov G.M.

Every woman is unique, amazing and beautiful in her own way. Each, looking in the mirror, wants to please others and herself, and each, looking in the mirror in the morning, asks the question: “My light is a mirror, tell me. Am I the sweetest in the world ... ". And every time she wants to hear in response: "Yes, you are beautiful - no doubt ...". And, of course, every woman dreams of being always young and attractive. Rejuvenation in general and facial rejuvenation in particular becomes the goal. In the pursuit of youth, most women resort to such operations as a facelift or blepharoplasty, but at the same time they forget about the rejuvenation of such an important area as the lips and perioral region, which require no less close attention than the rest of the face.

But, before we delve into the description of techniques and modern approaches to mouth rejuvenation, in our opinion, it is necessary to determine its main anatomical components.

Rice. 1. Anatomy of the mouth and perioral region

  1. skin part of the upper lip;
  2. filtrum column (two vertical ridges above the upper lip);
  3. filtrum groove;
  4. cupid's arc;
  5. white roller (white lip roll) - a thin strip of light skin that surrounds the outside of the red border of the lips;
  6. tubercle;
  7. commissure - the junction of the lips at the corners of the mouth;
  8. vermilion (red border of the lips).

Rice. 2. Muscles surrounding the mouth

The circular muscle of the mouth is formed by muscle bundles located in the thickness of the lips. It begins in the region of the corners of the mouth, where its fibers are woven into the skin at the commissure and surrounds the lips in the form of a sphincter. The function of this muscle is to close the mouth, pull the lips forward.

The muscle that lowers the angle of the mouth or DAO (Musculus Depressor Anguli Oris) originates and attaches to the bony edge of the lower jaw and ends in the skin of the commissure of the lips.

The subcutaneous muscle of the neck (M. platizma) covers the entire front surface of the neck with a uniform thin layer. M. platizma starts from the clavicle area, is woven into the superficial tissues of the cheek area and at the level of the corners of the mouth (its lateral bundles Lateral Platisma - LP). M. platizma can act as a strong lower lip depressor, i.e., strongly lower the lower lip. In some people with a well-developed subcutaneous muscle of the neck, this part of the platysma (LP) can be clearly seen with active movements during chewing, swallowing, while talking.

It is important to distinguish between the action of DAO, which pulls the corner of the mouth downward (Fig. 3a) (vertical pull) and the action of LP, whose fibers pull the corner of the mouth backwards and downwards (posterior oblique pull) (Fig. 3a). Their action is complemented by contraction of the lower lip muscle (m. depressor labii inferioris "DLI"). The motor innervation of the DAO comes from the marginal branch of the mandibular nerve marginalis mandibulae nervus M.M.N., which is projected in the region of the “puppet” fold (Fig. 2).

Rice. 3. a - the action of the DAO muscle; b - action of the lateral part of the platysma (LP).


Rice. 4. a - a schematic representation of a young mouth; b - photo of a young mouth; c - photo of a smile of a young mouth.

  • Slightly exposed upper teeth.
  • The lower teeth are completely covered by the lower lip.
  • The corners of the mouth are slightly raised.
  • The skin of the upper and lower lips is smooth without vertical wrinkles.
  • Lips are quite full.
  • A clear white roller (white lip roll) is a thin strip of light skin that surrounds the outside of the red border of the lips or the contour of the lips.
  • The grooves of the filtrum are pronounced - two vertical ridges above the upper lip.
  • The shape of the edges of the lips with artistically pronounced anatomical curves.

With a harmonious smile, the upper teeth are exposed by 2/3. The lower lip only slightly exposes the lower teeth.


Rice. 5. Photo of the mouth of an elderly person - a) with closed lips; b) the mouth is slightly open.

  • The upper lip becomes disproportionately long and completely covers the upper incisors, the red border turns inward and visually decreases.
  • The lower teeth are exposed (Figure 5, b) when the lips open.
  • Gradual drooping of the corners of the lips under the action of the muscle of the same name (DAO) and the appearance of furrows in the corners of the mouth (wrinkles of the "puppet").
  • A small network of vertical wrinkles appears around the mouth (“purse-string wrinkles”).
  • Lips lose their original volume, become thinner.
  • A clear contour or the so-called white roller disappears.
  • Elongation and flattening of the filtrum occurs.

All these signs are associated with loss of elasticity and thinning of the skin, atrophy of subcutaneous adipose tissue, decreased elasticity of the fibers of the circular muscle of the mouth, and the muscle that lowers the corners of the mouth, partial resorption of the bones of the facial skull, alveolar processes of the jaws, malocclusion due to loss of teeth.

Based on the above signs, the principles of mouth rejuvenation are determined.

  • It is necessary to raise the mouth as much as possible (mouth lift) in order to cover the lower incisors (lift of the middle zone of the face, impact on the chin muscle - mentopexy, resection of the muscle that lowers the lower lip, resection of the DAO, lifting of the oral mucosa).
  • Smooth out purse-string wrinkles and even out the relief of the skin around the mouth (mesotherapy, biorevitalization, chemical peeling, laser resurfacing, botulinum toxin injections, contouring or lipofilling of the lips).
  • Emphasize the artistic contour of the lips - white rollers (using gels based on hyaluronic acid, lipofilling of the lip contour, lifting with threads - GORE-TEX or AlloDerm collagen thread, installing Permalip silicone lip implants, etc.)
  • Restore the volume and elasticity of the lips lost with age (it is very important not to overdo it). It is necessary to ensure that the dynamics of the mouth do not change and that the individuality of each smile remains. There should be no distortion of the smile zone (for example, the use of fillers or fat in large quantities). Bring to balance the ratio of the upper and lower lips by volume 1:1.6.
  • Avoid external incisions on the lips, as the resulting scars may later be visible and will give the lips an unnatural appearance.

Now let's look at each of the points in more detail.


The most famous author of methods for rejuvenating the mouth and perioral area is the American plastic surgeon Dr. W. Little. He was the first to suggest performing a mouth lifting procedure through small incisions in the mucosa. The author called this operation stomopexy (Stomopexy). The concept of "stomopexy" includes a whole range of methods, the choice and volume of which depends on the severity of age-related changes in the mouth area. Note: Figures 6-10 from articles and presentations by Dr. W. Little.

Rice. 6a. M-modiolus: a group of muscles that raise the corners of the mouth, 6b - vertical rhytidectomy

I - Deep midline lifting (SMAS-plasty) leads to raising the corners of the mouth and smoothing the jowls due to the shortening of a group of muscles called modiolus (Fig. 6a). However, in vertical rhytidectomy (lifting only the skin of the midface without SMAS), the corners of the mouth are only partially lifted (Fig. 6b). With any type of facelift, the lifting of the oral fissure is achieved indirectly.

Rice. 7 Mentopexy

II - Impact on the mental muscle (mentopexy): Dr. W.Little frees the pectoralis muscle at the base and at the same time lifts the block of soft tissues with the help of a special thread passed through a small incision in the oral mucosa in the region of the lower incisors. (Fig. 7) After this procedure, the contour of the chin is improved, which (instead of the characteristic senile and pointed chin) becomes more rounded. The lower lip moves to a higher position, which allows you to cover the already visible lower teeth with age.

Rice. 8 DAO resection

III - Resection (release) of the muscle that lowers the lower lip (DLI-release): during the lifting of the chin, the detachment can be extended in any direction. This releases the muscle that lowers the lower lip (m. depressor labii inferioris). (Fig. 8) This maneuver was first proposed by the French plastic surgeon Christian Marinetti in 1999.

Rice. 9 Lifting of the oral mucosa

IV - Lifting of the oral mucosa: Dr. Little usually excised a narrow triangle of oral mucosa above and slightly lateral to the corner of the mouth. When stitching the triangle, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised (Fig. 9). Small scars that remain after this procedure are located inside the mouth on the mucous membrane, and only the dentist, upon careful examination, can see them. All incisions are sutured with a thin absorbable thread.

Rice. 10 Auxiliary suture for the commissure of the mouth

V - Auxiliary suture for the commissure of the mouth: passes in the form of a loop in the subcutaneous layer and is attached to the deep dense tissues at the base of the nostril of the corresponding side of the mouth. For this, a special non-absorbable thread (tissulift) is used. (Fig. 10) This procedure is rarely used (according to the author, in less than 5% of cases).

VI - Resection of the DAO (m. Depressor Anguli Oris - the muscle that lowers the corners of the mouth) is performed to adequately raise the corners of the mouth. Dr. Little in almost all of his patients combines a facelift with a transection of the muscle that lowers the corners of the mouth. The DAO resection procedure was first described by the French plastic surgeon Claude LeLouarn (Figures 11-13 from the article "Treatment of Depressor Anguli Oris Weakening With the Face Recurve Concept" Aesthetic Surg Journal 2006;26:60).


Rice. 11 Preoperative marking

Preoperative marking is performed in the vertical position of the patient. The projection of the muscle that lowers the corners of the mouth is 1 cm lateral (outward) and 1 cm below the commissure of the corner of the mouth. A horizontal line is drawn in the upper quarter of the crease of the puppet parallel to the lower lip. Under local anesthesia, an injection needle is inserted percutaneously and a marking of the future incision is made on the buccal mucosa (Fig. 11).

Rice. 12 Isolation of DAO muscle fibers

The horizontal fibers of the buccal muscle are moved apart with a special tool. Then we reach the deeper vertical DAO fibers (Fig. 12).

Rice. 13 a - isolation of the lateral edge of the DAO b - resection of the DAO muscle

At this stage, it is important to see the lateral (outer) edge of the DAO (Fig. 13a). The muscle is isolated, and, under the control of vision, it is crossed to the level of subcutaneous fat (Fig. 13b). Several absorbable sutures are placed on the mucosa.

Rice. 14 Lipofilling of the depression zone after DAO resection

It is very important at the end of the procedure to fill the area of ​​depression formed after the separation of the muscle with your own fat (Fig. 14). Dr. Little has shown that a single DAO resection during a facelift results in a long-term rejuvenation effect.

Rice. fifteen

Rice. 16

Rice. 17. Photo of patient B. with muscle tension: "before" - the corners of the mouth are lowered; "after" DAO resection - the patient is not able to voluntarily lower the corners of the mouth (the chin muscles remain intact).


In order to improve the condition of the skin around the mouth, to remove the fine mesh of wrinkles, it is necessary to use various cosmetic techniques. There are various ways to improve the condition of the skin around the lips, and only a competent cosmetologist will be able to choose exactly the technique that is most effective in each case.

  • Biorevitalization of the skin and mesotherapy of the face will help to qualitatively improve, rejuvenate the condition of the skin around the mouth. Both of these techniques have a deep and long-lasting moisturizing effect. As a result, the skin is smoothed, filled with moisture, becomes velvety and acquires a healthy color. Both methods are aimed at skin rejuvenation: increasing turgor and elasticity, smoothing fine wrinkles, as well as moisturizing. Biorevitalization involves the use of low concentration hyaluronic acid and gives an instant, but less lasting effect of saturation and rejuvenation. The result of mesotherapeutic cocktails containing vitamins, microelements, collagen, elastin, coenzymes, etc., manifests itself more slowly, but gives more lasting changes, being also the prevention of skin aging.
  • The rejuvenating effect of peels and injections of Botulinum toxin is associated with smoothing the skin relief and smoothing wrinkles. Any peels (physical (laser or mechanical resurfacing) and chemical (glycol, yellow and many others) significantly affect the condition of the skin around the mouth: they increase blood circulation, stimulate cell renewal, thereby even out the relief, resulting in smoothed out fine wrinkles, become almost invisible deep, and also for a long time there will be no new purse-string wrinkles.After peeling, the skin will look even, smooth, young.Botulinum toxin injections, blocking nerve endings and turning off some facial muscle groups from active facial expressions, will also help smooth out purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip and lift the corners of the mouth.
  • Lip contouring and deep wrinkles. To obtain a brighter effect of rejuvenation, it is necessary to fill the lips, which eventually lose their youthful plumpness. This can be done with hyaluronic acid fillers or lipofilling. (Description of these methods will be described in more detail below).


In order to make the lips look more expressive, American plastic surgeons have proposed the “Parisian lips” procedure. Its essence lies in the fact that it is necessary to emphasize the contour or white roller of the lips, which flattens with age, loses its expressiveness. You can strengthen the contour of the lips with the help of fillers based on hyaluronic acid (Juvederm Ultra, Restylane, Surzhiderm, etc.). The gel is injected into the problem area, taking into account the wishes of the patient. Some prefer to enhance the cupid's arch area, others want to highlight the lateral sections of the upper lip. In certain cases, amplification of the filtrum columns is indicated. At the same time, the natural contour of the lips is recreated, their natural youth is restored. Unfortunately, the procedure will need to be repeated once a year.

To create an even and clear lip contour, in addition to injection methods, surgical methods of correction can also be used: in particular, GORE-TEX synthetic thread or AlloDerm collagen thread. Carrying out the threads provides a stable long-term result. For example, the AlloDerm thread is replaced by its own collagen within a few months without loss of volume. In recent years, the Permalip silicone implant has been widely used in the United States to restore the contour and volume of the lips.


In addition to smoothing the contour, with age, the lips lose their original volume and become thinner. Restoration of lip volume can be performed using gels based on hyaluronic acid or lipofilling. Lip contouring with hyaluronic acid gives an instant enlargement effect, but not very durable - for a maximum of 1 year.

Rice. 18 Lip lipofilling scheme

Self-fat injections for lip augmentation and deep wrinkles are characterized by 2-3 weeks of postoperative edema. At the same time, a more natural shape, consistency, beautiful, bright lip color, as well as a permanent result. It is important to note that when performing lipofilling, the lips should not take the form of a tube. Fat must be administered according to certain rules. The upper lip must be filled along the contour and in the form of balls of the central part and on the sides of it. The lower one is strictly along the contour and on both sides of the center line in the form of “balls” (Fig. 18). Let's also not forget about the small wrinkles around the mouth. They also need to be filled with your own fat.

Many patients initially increase their lips (fill wrinkles) with hyaluronic acid fillers and, if they like the effect, fix it by performing lipofilling.

All of the above procedures must be performed in such a way that the dynamics of the mouth does not change, the individuality of each smile remains (Fig. 19). There should be no distortion of the smile zone (for example, due to the use of fillers or fat in large quantities).

Rice. 19. Mouth rejuvenation. The patient "before and after" DAO resection, lip lipofilling, intradermal fat filling of purse-string wrinkles, nasolabial furrows and marionette wrinkles.

In addition to filling, a stable increase in lip volume is provided by V-Y lip plasty. V-Y cheiloplasty helps to increase the volume and height of the red area of ​​the lip, due to the "eversion" of the inner (wet) surface of the lip outward. During the operation of cheiloplasty, several V-shaped incisions are made on the inner surface of the mucous membrane of the upper or lower lip, which are then sutured with an absorbable thread in the form of a Y. This manipulation "pushes" the lips outward and gives them volume (Fig. 20).

Rice. 20. Scheme of the V-Y operation.

Rice. 21. Photo of patient S. 27 years old “before and after” V-Y plastic surgery of the upper lip.

With age, the lips not only lose their volume, but the skin of the upper lip also lengthens. At the same time, for rejuvenation, the removal of a narrow strip of skin right under the base of the nose is shown in the form of a wavy ribbon, tapering along the edges, resembling buffalo horns in pattern. For which this technique received the name “ bullhorn" (bull's-horn - bull horns) in English. After excision of the skin, the edges of the wound are sutured. After 3-6 months, the postoperative scar turns pale and becomes almost invisible. As a result of the operation, the red border of the lips rises and “turns out” a little, the upper lip becomes wider, the upper teeth are slightly exposed (Fig. 22).

Rice. 22. The scheme of the operation "Bullhorn".

Thread suspensions (lip suspension) are indicated for patients who want to only slightly lift the upper lip, slightly reduce the distance of the skin part of the upper lip, and emphasize the columns of the filtrum. Threads are passed through mini-incisions inside the nose using a special technique, and the upper lip is lifted (Fig. 23).

Rice. 23. Scheme of the procedure "Lip suspension".

Rice. 24. Patient D, 32 years old. "Before and after" photos of V-Y plasty and lip suspension procedure of the upper lip to shorten its skin part.

In this part of our article, the technical aspects of performing certain procedures related to the rejuvenation of the mouth and perioral region were considered in detail. However, to choose the most optimal method for correcting age-related changes, it is necessary to have a theoretical understanding of the causes, mechanisms and stages of their occurrence. To date, the most significant contribution to the development of the theory of facial aging and, accordingly, rejuvenation has been made by the concepts of B. Mendelson (spaces, ligaments, resorption of the bones of the facial skull), S. Coleman (facial lipoatrophy) and others. However, in our opinion, the mechanisms of aging and methods for correcting age-related changes in the perioral region are most fully reflected in the concept of Claude LeLouarn called “Face Recurve” or “Face Restoration”. This is what will be discussed in the second part of our article.


In 2006, renowned French plastic surgeons Claude LeLouarn and Jacqees Buis developed their original concept of "Face Recurve". The development of this revolutionary concept was based on new ideas about the mechanisms, principles, stages of facial aging, on the basis of which the approach to rejuvenation of the face and the perioral region in particular was radically changed. According to Claude LeLouarn and Jacqees Buis, the formation of clinical signs of an aged person takes place in 2 stages (stages): stage 1 - "cutaneous" (superficial) and stage 2 - "structural" (deep) (Fig. 25).

Rice. 25. Stages of facial aging (Claude LeLouarn).

Stage 1 - "skin aging" includes changes that occur over time on the outer "shell" of the human body, that is, on the skin. This is manifested in the loss of elasticity, firmness of the skin, its thinning, expansion of pores, the appearance of age spots or vice versa, areas of depigmentation, fine wrinkles, etc.

Stage 2 - "structural aging" affects the deeper layers: adipose tissue (lipoatrophy), muscular-fascial system, bone tissue (resorption). Clinically, this manifests itself in the form of flattening of the middle zone of the face, deepening of the nasolacrimal (dark circles under the eyes) and nasolabial furrows, folds of grief, the appearance of bags under the eyes (fatty “hernias”), jowls, etc. And further progression of this process leads to sagging of facial tissues (ptosis).

According to the "Face Recurve" concept, facial aging develops mainly under the influence of constant contraction of certain facial muscles. These muscles initially have a curved shape and in young people are located on a deep fat layer. Over time, facial muscles straighten and shorten. (Figure 26). These changes in the shape of the facial muscles of Claude LeLouarn and Jacqees Buis were confirmed by X-ray studies.

Rice. 26. a) the muscle of a young person (has a curved shape), b) the muscle shortens and straightens with age (Claude LeLouarn).

Under the action of muscle contraction, the underlying fat is pushed out more superficially. Thus, furrows are formed (a “stretched”, straightened muscle lies under them), surrounded by excess fat along the periphery. This is how circles under the eyes, uneven cheekbones, folds of "sorrow" and sagging cheeks, as well as vertical folds on the neck are formed (Fig. 27, 28).

Rice. 27. a) facial muscles in a relaxed state b) facial muscles during contraction. The green arrow indicates the direction of muscle contraction, the blue arrows indicate the direction of expulsion of deep fat outward from the muscle fibers (Claude LeLouarn).

Rice. 28. a) the circular muscle of the eye and the zygomatic muscles in a relaxed state; b) the same muscles during contraction (the underlying fat is pushed outwards); c) blue arrows - the direction of expulsion of fat during contraction of muscle fibers: fatty “hernias” of the lower eyelids swell, the nasolacrimal groove worsens, the irregularities of the contour of the cheekbones increase (Claude LeLouarn).

According to the authors, in the process of facial skin aging, gravity is only of secondary importance in those areas that are most susceptible to repeated contraction of facial muscles. Some bundles of these muscles are a kind of age markers (signs) and are responsible for the formation, for example, marionette folds (an analogous name is “folds of sorrow”), medial fibers of the neck muscle (m.platizma), nasolabial fold, etc. (Fig. 29).

Rice. 29. Age "markers" - indicated in yellow (explanation in the text) (Claude LeLouarn).

On a young face, the mimic muscles are elongated, curved and relaxed at rest (Fig. 30a). Only when these muscles are tense can signs of future markers of aging be seen (Fig. 30c). In the process of aging, age markers (deep nasolabial fold, folds of grief, medial cords of the neck, etc.) are clearly defined even in the absence of facial expressions (Fig. 30b).

Rice. 30. a) 20 years of facial oval at rest, b) 60 years of facial oval at rest, c) 20 years of facial oval with tension of mimic muscles.

Based on their findings, Claude LeLouarn and Jacqees Buis developed the Face Recurve technology, which involves timely action on some groups of facial muscles, as well as on the correction of deep fat. In addition to a new approach to facial rejuvenation, the authors proposed a whole range of new cosmetic and surgical procedures aimed at preventing and correcting age-related changes in the face. French surgeons were the first to propose a certain algorithm of actions depending on the age and condition of the patient's face. According to the concept of facial aging, this algorithm is divided into several stages, each of which corresponds to a certain set of preventive and therapeutic measures aimed at rejuvenation.

(Inquisitive readers can find the full version of the concept of Claude LeLouarn and co-authors on the respective author's websites).

Depending on the age, Claude LeLouarn and Jacqees Buis propose to divide “facial aging” into several stages and, accordingly, to carry out preventive and therapeutic rejuvenation measures according to this “division”.


Rice. 31. Model 20 -25 years old preventive stage of facial rejuvenation

A. Preventive stage of facial rejuvenation - "Toxin recurving". At the age of 20-25 years, the introduction of Botulinum toxin prevents a gradual increase in muscle tone at rest and delays the appearance of signs of aging. Precise doses of botulinum toxin injections are injected into the DAO muscle. The injection of the drug should be as close as possible to the motor nerve of this muscle. If the injection is made 5 mm further than the projection of the nerve, the effectiveness is reduced by 50% (Fig. 32 a, b).

Rice. 36. a - diagram of the intersection of DAO and LP muscle fibers is indicated by red lines; b - scheme of lipofilling of the marionette wrinkle and depression zone after DAO resection.

Rice. 37. Model over 50 years old - III stage of aging.

Restoration of the face with the help of lifting - Face Recurve Lift. In patients aged 50 years and older, treatment includes facelift and excision of excess facial skin with DAO resection and lipofilling (Fig. 38).

Rice. 38. Face and neck lift (Face Recurve Lift). The zone of skin detachment is indicated in blue, the blue curved line is the boundaries of the skin incision, yellow is the “age markers of the face”, red lines are the points of intersection of muscle fibers involved in the formation of the nasolabial fold, wrinkles of grief, flails, “strand” of the medial part of platysma. Pink cross - horizontal plication of the lateral part of the platysma (to correct protrusion of the submandibular glands) (Claude LeLouarn).

The article uses materials from publications and presentations of Dr. W.Little, Claude LeLouarn, as well as author's diagrams and photographs from his own archive.

It seems like a lot of effort to achieve one goal - mouth rejuvenation. Fortunately, each of the methods described above is simple and quick to perform, and all incisions and scars remain invisible. And it takes quite a bit of time to show how much it will improve, the mouth and perioral area will rejuvenate, deep and small creases will go away, the former fullness and seductiveness will return to the lips. And most importantly - all these changes will look absolutely natural. It is important to note that all the above methods of rejuvenation of the mouth and perioral region can be used for face beautification - improving the shape, volume of the lips and perioral region at any age.

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