Medical rhinitis. Who is at the conference now. General effect on the body

Rhinitis is called in medicine inflammatory processes occurring due to different reasons in the nasal mucosa. The most commonly diagnosed runny nose viral origin, resulting from an elementary cold or SARS.

Inflammation of the nasal structures can also occur due to bacterial attack, displacement of the nasal septum, foreign body into the nose. Vasomotor, or vascular, disorders are another common circumstance that affects the appearance of nasal congestion. These types of lesions include allergic, neurovegetative rhinitis.

There is also such a kind of inflammation of the nasal mucosa as a medicinal or drug-induced runny nose. Why and in whom such a condition arises, what signs characterize it, we will analyze below. In addition, consider the questions: how to prevent and how to treat drug rhinitis.

Medication rhinitis occurs as a result of prolonged and illiterate use of nasal agents. Runny nose is such a popular disease in our country, both in children and adults, that in most cases self-medication is practiced. Going to a specialist is a waste of time and money, as many people think.

Therefore, when copious secretions from the nose, sneezing, difficult nasal breathing, every second person simply buys vasoconstrictor sprays or drops at the pharmacy. In addition to the fact that the choice of the drug can be made incorrectly, in an effort to increase the effect, some exceed the dosage and frequency of use.

As a result, side effects may appear, but this is not even the worst thing. With repeated and incorrect use medicines having vasoconstrictor effect, their action weakens over time, and instead of positive results, even more swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, nasal congestion increases, observed a large number of nasal secretions.

Most often, similar states develop as a result of hormonal drugs and vasoconstrictor drugs, such as or Naphazoline.

Mechanism of development of inflammation

The composition of the above funds includes active substances that, acting on the receptors of the nasal cavity, narrow the capillaries. Blood flow to the site of inflammation decreases, swelling of the mucosa subsides and mucus production decreases. On the certain time the patient feels relieved: nasal breathing restored, the smells and taste of food are almost fully felt again.

But then the medicine wears off and the symptoms return.

The fact is that many do not take into account the nature of the origin of the initial inflammation of the nasal cavity. It could be an allergy endocrine diseases, viral and bacterial lesions, and many more disorders. A person, not being a specialist in the field of medicine, uses vasoconstrictors to relieve local symptoms, but does not eliminate the cause of the disease.

In the absence of adequate treatment of the common cold, inflammation of the mucosa becomes chronic. The tone of blood vessels that have lost the ability to narrow on their own is disturbed, since for a long time they were forced to function. There is an addiction to the drug, and gradually the effectiveness of the drug drops to zero.

Signs of medical rhinitis

The patient feels congestion in the nasal passages, resulting in difficulty breathing. Among the key signs of such a runny nose are also:

  • Pressing headaches;
  • Dryness in oral cavity;
  • Excessive secretion and accumulation of nasal mucus;
  • Decreased sense of smell;
  • Lack of appetite and loss of taste sensations;
  • Increased fatigue, irritability, poor sleep.

Symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis are the result of damage to the ciliated epithelium of the nasal mucosa and tissue metaplasia, in which tubular structure transforms to flat. The damaged mucosa cannot cope with its functions of disinfection and air humidification. Enlargement of the glands leads to increased capillary permeability and nasal hypersecretion. Swelling of the mucosa, clogged nasal passages prevent the outflow of mucus, creating an ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria and further development inflammatory processes.


Given the above, it is obvious that vasomotor drug-induced rhinitis is dangerous disease accompanied by various complications.

Accumulations of mucus and a weak outflow of fluid contribute to the fact that in the nasal and paranasal sinuses formed purulent inflammation, - so arise, ethmoiditis,. Inflammation can develop according to the same pattern. hearing aid, - otitis media different kind and severity.

Since the patient is forced to constantly breathe through the mouth, the level of local immunity decreases, foci of inflammation can appear in the oral cavity, touch the trachea, pharynx, and bronchi.

Direct damage to the nasal mucosa in the absence of competent therapy can reach such high level at which irreversible processes take place. Atrophic or in many cases requires surgical intervention, and full nasal breathing is restored only with the help of a surgeon.

Apart from possible violations in terms of physiology, similar pathology often causes psychological problems. There is such a term as naphthyzinic addiction. Those who unsuccessfully struggle with a runny nose of a medical nature develop panic fear in the absence of the usual drugs, general anxiety, absent-mindedness, irritability increase, memory lapses appear.

Therefore, timely and qualified treatment of medical rhinitis is so important.


When symptoms are found similar disease contact an otolaryngologist. Only a specialist can accurately determine the type and nature of inflammation, and knows how to get rid of drug-induced rhinitis.

A specific treatment program will be assigned only based on the results of tests and examinations. In some situations, rhinoscopy (examination of the nasal cavity) is sufficient, in others it is necessary to carry out nasal endoscopy, examine the product of nasal secretion under a microscope, carry out laboratory research blood.

The first task of the patient is the rejection of vasoconstrictor (or hormonal) drugs, which caused the development of pathology. If the doctor considers it necessary, weaning can be carried out according to a relaxed scheme, gradually reducing the dosage.

To successfully get rid of this vasomotor rhinitis the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Antihistamines (Erius, Zirtek, Tavegil);
  • Glucocorticosteroid (, Tafen);
  • Vitamin complexes to improve immunity.

To remove the swelling of the mucous membrane that occurs with medical rhinitis, it is imperative to rinse nasal cavity. For this are used:

  • Herbal decoctions (based on chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot);
  • saline;
  • Medicines such as Dolphin, Aquamaris, Aqualor.

In cases where nasal congestion is accompanied by the formation of crusts, dry mucous membranes, it is recommended to use special ointments(hydrocortisone and erythromycin ointment, talker). Also good effect in this regard provide vegetable oils enriched with vitamins A and E.

With medical rhinitis mild form excellent results are observed thanks to physiotherapy (UVF, acupuncture, electrophoresis).

As general strengthening procedures, patients are shown:

  • Bath visit;
  • Swimming;
  • Walking on fresh air;
  • Sanatorium treatment;
  • Strengthening immunity with physical activity, moderate hardening;
  • Compliance with proper nutrition.

If medical rhinitis cannot be cured with the help of conservative medicine, surgical methods come into play. The purpose of surgical procedures is to remove excess tissue (with hypertrophic form inflammation) or mucosal stimulation (with atrophic form rhinitis).

Reduce the likelihood of such an outcome of events will help timely appeal to specialists and preventive actions.


First, it is advisable to consult a doctor when using any medications.

Secondly, it is necessary to strictly follow the specific instructions, not to exceed the dose and course of treatment.

Remember that the use of nasal vasoconstrictor drugs is prohibited for more than 5-7 days.

Although drug-induced rhinitis occurs much less frequently in children than in adults, such a risk cannot be completely ruled out. Moreover, given the unstable immunity in childhood and structural features of the nasopharynx in children. Parents need to be extremely careful.

Well-known pediatrician and TV presenter Komarovsky advises not to use drugs at all vasoconstrictor action in relation to children. For the most successful treatment runny nose of any etiology, he recommends washing the nasal cavity with saline and lubricating the nasal passages with fortified oils. The rest of the treatment should be aimed solely at eliminating the root causes of inflammation, and not to relieve local symptoms.

IMPORTANT! A runny nose is always unpleasant, but do not rush to get rid of it by all known methods. Get hot, eat natural vitamins, play sports, and then your nose will calmly transfer the infection and even exposure to allergens. But if shortness of breath and nasal congestion bother you for a long time, do not risk your health, entrust the treatment to professionals.

One of the varieties of the common cold, with which patients often turn to an ENT doctor, is drug-induced rhinitis. Pathology develops due to the abuse of vasoconstrictor drops, since many people, at the first symptoms of nasal congestion, immediately go to the pharmacy for a life-saving remedy, while using it uncontrollably and much longer than the prescribed 3-5 days.

Certainly the action similar drugs is fast and persistent, but not everyone knows about side effects that cause vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. How to prevent disastrous consequences after using cold remedies and what to do if addiction has already developed will be discussed further.

To understand why drug-induced rhinitis develops, it is necessary to know the principle of action of vasoconstrictor drugs, and why their long-term, uncontrolled use can lead to negative consequences.

The nasal passages of a person are covered with a layer of cavernous tissue, which, with abundant blood filling, can increase many times over and decrease on its own with the same speed.

The main function of the cavernous epithelium is the regulation of the temperature of the air that enters the lungs, that is, its timely cooling or warming.

When entering the cold air, the cavernous bodies increase, for the most comfortable contact of cold air with the nasal mucosa, and the inhaled flow has time to warm up before penetrating into the lung cavity.

When entering a warm room, the vessels return to their usual state, since additional heating of the epithelium is no longer required.

Vasoconstrictor drops act on the capillaries of the nasal passages forcibly - they make them shrink, in no way linking this need with the conditions environment. As a result, the nervous system cannot recognize this command, and causes the vessels to expand again. The mucous membrane becomes swollen, the patient is again tormented by nasal congestion, and he is forced to turn to the help of drops from the common cold - a vicious circle is formed.

The more often a person uses vasoconstrictors, the more the mucous epithelium swells, in many the pathology turns into chronic form when a whole bottle of drops is spent per day in order to at least somehow breathe freely through the nose.

Rare Causes

Much more rare provocateurs of drug-induced rhinitis in adults are drugs from the groups of alpha-blockers (Prazonin, Doxazosin), sympatholytics (Adelfan) and central adrenomimetics (Clonidine, Methyldopa).

All of these drugs are prescribed for the treatment of hypertension, with tumors of the adrenal cortex and Raynaud's disease, but they are taken orally and not used intranasally, although the side effect is similar to vasoconstrictor drugs. When the active substances reach the nasal cavity, moving through the general bloodstream, an unexpected swelling of the cavernous epithelium develops.

This effect is manifested after 2-3 months of constant use of the listed medicines.

More often medication vasomotor rhinitis develops in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia, since these patients are prone to disruption of the hormonal and nervous systems. For children under the age of 10, this pathology practically undiagnosed.

Characteristic symptoms

The clinical symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis are as follows:

  • persistent nasal congestion;
  • complete or partial violation of the lack of olfactory function;
  • copious secretion of mucus from the nasal passages;
  • burning and itching in the nostrils and sinuses;
  • sleep disturbances, the appearance of night snoring.

Having noticed one or several of these symptoms at once, the patient should immediately contact an ENT doctor for a thorough diagnosis.

In some cases, when the pathology is on initial stage development, can be observed only and, and these signs are stopped only for a short time, but after a couple of hours they return again.

It is at this point that you need to apply for medical assistance, since getting rid of drug-induced rhinitis, which has not yet become chronic, will be much easier.

Diagnostics and differential examinations

As a rule, treatment of drug-induced rhinitis begins after the diagnosis is confirmed. Examination of the nasal mucosa, which is carried out using a rhinoscope or endoscope, reveals the following changes in the state of the epithelium:

  • loss of ciliated cilia from the surface of epithelial tissue;
  • metaplasia of the upper epithelial layer into a flat one, the cover becomes non-keratinized;
  • an increase in glands in volume, against the background of increased production of mucous secretions;
  • increased capillary permeability and excessive swelling that occurs as a result of this symptom.

Apart from external diagnostics, it is necessary to conduct a differential examination, because drug rhinitis can occur in various forms- against the background of tissue atrophy, allergic reaction, disturbances in the work of the hormonal and nervous systems.

To detect allergies, skin tests, with the definition of the stimulus. If bacterial or viral form runny nose, a swab is taken from the nasal cavity (bacteriological culture).

If during instrumental examination polyposis growths were found, due to which the patient had nasal congestion and a persistent runny nose, he was shown to undergo an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

How to refuse vasoconstrictor drops

In order to cure medical rhinitis on your own, you will need great strength will and perseverance, since most patients experience the process of weaning from vasoconstrictor drugs very painfully.

It should be clarified that home treatment will only help those patients whose pathology has not yet become chronic. There are several ways to get rid of addiction.

A sharp rejection of drops and sprays with a vasoconstrictive effect

The method is radical and rather complicated, not many patients agree to use it for the treatment of addiction. To get rid of drug-induced rhinitis, it will take at least 4 days absolutely without the use of drops, during which time the capillaries will partially return the lost functions of self-control.

Full restoration of regulation will occur only after 2 weeks.

Gradual withdrawal

This method is considered more gentle, since the patient is allowed to use vasoconstrictors, but only with an increase in the time between instillations.

Drug replacement

If the patient is addicted to, for example, naphazoline-based drops, it is recommended that he start using a product containing xylometazoline, while increasing the intervals between instillations.

In parallel with the listed methods of getting rid of addiction, doctors recommend inhalation Sodium chloride (saline) or an ordinary dining room mineral water such as Borjomi.

This will help get rid of excess swelling of the epithelium of the nasal passages, moisturize it and remove mucus. In addition, the patient after inhalation will be able to do without drops for some time.

Pharmacological treatment

If independent attempts to get rid of drug addiction were unsuccessful, the ENT doctor will prescribe a scheme pharmacological treatment, which will be based on the use of intranasal agents of another group - corticosteroids.

Auxiliary healing procedures will be selected depending on how far the addiction to drops has gone, and what changes are noted on the part of the mucous epithelium of the nose.

Local glucocorticosteroids for the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis are represented by the following drugs:

  • Nasonex is a mometasone spray. It is used 1-2 times a day, 1-2 injections in each nasal passage;
  • Flixonase is a medicine containing fluticasone. Apply as well as Nasonex, or in accordance with the doctor's recommendations;
  • Avamis - spray, also containing fluticasone, the method of application is similar;
  • Tafen Nasal is a remedy active ingredient which is budesonide. Use twice a day, 1-2 sprays in each nostril;
  • Dexamethasone - contains the hormone of the same name. It is injected into the nasal passages 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 1 week.

Experts agree that intranasal drugs containing mometasone are more effective than fluticasone-based drugs, they have practically no side effects and do not enter the general circulation (however, they are much more expensive).

In parallel with the use of these funds, it is recommended to take antihistaminesLoratadine, Zyrtec, Erius, Zestra, Claritin and others.

They are assigned to exclusion allergic nature rhinitis, as well as to relieve increased swelling of the epithelium.


Surgical intervention is indicated for patients who received conservative (pharmacological) therapy for a month, but the results could not be achieved. To date, there are several surgical methods treatment of medical rhinitis:

The light beam acts on the surface of the mucous epithelium of the nose for a certain time (it is selected taking into account the state of the cavernous tissue), while the vessels are compressed, and the swelling subsides. The effect of the operation can last from several years to the end of life. Carry her under local anesthesia, and the recovery period is 10-20 days, at which time the patient is shown nasal lavage procedures.

  • Ultrasonic disintegration.

A vascular surgeon destroys capillaries that have lost their independent ability to contract using ultrasound. In their place, new ones gradually grow, with the ability to function correctly. The impact with an ultrasonic probe is carried out for 10-15 seconds inside each nostril, the procedure is carried out under local anesthesia.

The next day, the cavernous epithelium is processed steroid drugs, to relieve inflammation and speedy tissue regeneration. Independent breathing through the nose returns to the patient already 4-5 days after the operation.

gentle and effective method treatment of drug-induced rhinitis, which gives positive results in 90% of cases. Before the intervention, the patient is recommended to undergo computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses in order to decide on the appropriateness of the operation.

Cryotherapy and conchotomy are considered less popular and outdated treatments, since the results of these procedures are controversial, in addition, after they are carried out, an increased frequency of relapses of the pathology is noted. If, simultaneously with drug-induced rhinitis, the patient has signs of a curvature of the nasal septum, he is recommended septoplasty.


Both during the treatment of medical rhinitis and in recovery period after surgical intervention, the patient is shown physiotherapy:

  • acupuncture;
  • phonophoresis with the use of hydrocortisone ointment;
  • intranasal electrophoresis using Diphenhydramine and calcium.

These procedures help to improve blood supply to tissues, improve the contractile function of capillaries and increase local immunity. The duration of the course of therapy is determined by the attending physician.

In addition to the listed methods of physiotherapy, doctors recommend washing the nose with the Cuckoo method or self-regular irrigation of the nasal passages with drugs Dolphin, Aqualor, Humer, Sterimar.

So that the nasal mucosa does not dry out, it can be lubricated Erythromycin and hydrocortisone ointment, as well as the drug Lorizan.

Alternative medicine

most popular and effective methods alternative medicine for the treatment of medical rhinitis:

  • Aloe juice. Squeeze juice from several leaves of a plant (preferably 3-5 years old), dilute it in half with boiled warm water. Introduce the resulting composition into each nostril 3-4 times a day.
  • Honey drops. Have to take a small amount of fresh, liquid honey and dilute it boiled water in a ratio of 1:1. The resulting drops must be instilled into each nasal passage up to 6 times a day, 4-5 drops each.
  • Onion oil. One medium-sized onion must be chopped on a grater, and then 200 ml of boiled (hot) corn oil should be added to the gruel. After that, they wrap it in a warm cloth, scarf or jacket, and let it brew for 9-10 hours in a row. The resulting agent is lubricated with the mucous epithelium of the nose to relieve swelling and get rid of the common cold.
  • Chamomile infusion. To prepare a decoction for washing the nose, you need to take 1 tbsp. dry raw materials, pour boiling water in an amount of 250-300 ml and leave for at least 40 minutes. After the solution must be filtered and the procedure carried out at least 3 times a day.
  • Beet . You can prepare drops - squeeze the juice from one grated root crop and inject it into the nostrils 3-4 times a day (can be mixed with water). Or make an infusion like this - peel and chop one fruit, pour boiling water and infuse in a warm place for 3-4 days, then strain through gauze and use as drops in the nose.

The greatest effect is complex therapy(alternation of medicinal and folk remedies) will produce on patients who cannot immediately completely abandon vasoconstrictor drugs.

Possible Complications

If you ignore the symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis for a long time and do not attempt to get rid of addiction, Negative consequences pathologies can affect different systems organism.

Complications may not be the most pleasant, among them:

  • inability to independently breathe through the nose;
  • regular headaches;
  • insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, resulting in hypoxia;
  • deterioration of memory, concentration and attention;
  • severe sleep disturbances;
  • decrease in immunity.

In almost all cases of the disease, snoring occurs at night, and against its background, the patient notes a loss of olfactory function. Medication runny nose, not amenable to adequate treatment for several years, becomes so neglected that the patient can be considered a pathologically unhealthy person.

These patients are diagnosed arrhythmia, hypertension, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, tachycardia. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to start treatment of drug addiction in a timely manner.

Recovery and forecast

If the patient turned to the otolaryngologist in time and received a comprehensive adequate treatment, based on the aggregate clinical symptoms and laboratory tests, then the prognosis of therapy will be good. Often, it takes 1-2 months to completely get rid of drug dependence, while the patient is recommended to maintain respiratory function through gymnastics, acupressure and doing sports.

The recovery period after surgery lasts an average of 10-25 days, depending on what type of operation was performed. Some surgical methods, such as conchotomy, are traumatic and fraught with relapses, so it is better to choose modern and safe techniques. Yes, after laser treatment the percentage of complications and relapses is only 5-10%.

Like any disease, drug-induced rhinitis is easier to prevent than to treat for a long time and hard. First of all, vasoconstrictors should not be abused - their use should be limited to 2-3 instillations per day, with a course of no more than 5 days.

Before using drops and sprays, it is recommended to try to eliminate a runny nose with inhalation, breathing exercises, rinsing the nose with saline and herbal decoctions. To prevent a runny nose, it is worth visiting the fresh air more often, regularly carry out wet cleaning and airing the room, and use Oxolinic ointment during the cold season - it will reduce the likelihood of contracting SARS and influenza.

Medication rhinitis is complex disease, provoked by addiction to drops. Characterized by violation permanent congestion nose, while the patient may complain of frequent sputum, burning and itching. It is difficult to cure the disease, since the addiction that has already arisen simply does not allow you to use it. traditional means to relieve the symptoms of rhinitis. Most often, the violation occurs in those patients who prefer to be treated on their own, without seeking the advice of a therapist. If, due to self-medication or for other reasons, drug rhinitis has been diagnosed, treatment must begin from the first day.

To date, there are three main reasons why a patient may experience drug rhinitis:

  • a decrease in vascular tone due to the suppression of the synthesis of ephedrine and substances that have a similar effect, because of this, permeability decreases and sputum begins to constantly stand out;
  • the atrophic state of the mucous tissue of the nasal cavity, as well as the pathological expansion of the vessels of the nose, occurs due to the use of Naphthyzinum and similar medicines;
  • formation vascular dystonia nasal cavity, which causes a decrease in the resistance of vascular tissues and leads to rapid addiction to any vasoconstrictor.

Attention! Provoke drug-induced rhinitis can also be caused by prolonged use of antihypertensive drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones and tranquilizers of all kinds.

First aid for medical rhinitis

No matter how trite it may sound, but first the patient will need to completely abandon any nasal drops. In this case, there is no difference with which active substance you used the medication. Usually, in 60-70% of patients, if they have not taken treatment with vasoconstrictor drops for more than 12 weeks, nasal breathing is completely adjusted on its own without medical intervention. The recovery period will take approximately 10-15 days. If such a technique did not give the proper result, treatment with full antagonists of vasoconstrictor drops is necessary.

Attention! The longer the patient takes vasoconstrictor drops, the more difficult it is for him to restore nasal breathing. Typically, drug rhinitis occurs in adult patients, they make up 85-95% of all cases. This ratio is due to the fact that when treating children, parents usually strictly follow the instructions, which cannot be said when treating adults.

Nasonex against drug rhinitis

It is recommended to take this medication at the same time as Loratadine, it is in this combination that he shows the fastest and most possible result. Nasonex refers to hormonal drugs designed to suppress prolonged runny nose and nasal congestion, including allergic nature. chief active component medication is mometasone.

The dosage of the drug should be selected for each patient individually, taking into account the duration of the use of vasoconstrictor drops and the complication general condition. The classic dosage in the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis is 2 injections in each nostril once a day. After the onset of relief and removal acute symptoms it is recommended to reduce the dosage of the active substance to 1 injection in each nasal passage, also once a day. The duration of therapy is 2-4 weeks.

Attention! Nasonex should not be used with severe injuries nose or after surgical interventions, when the wound has not yet healed and has not formed a flat surface or scar. When using the spray, any infections of the nasal cavity should also be excluded.

Avamys against drug-induced rhinitis

The drug is a nasal spray from a homogeneous dense white substance. The main active ingredient of the product is fluticasone, which has an anti-inflammatory, soothing and moisturizing effect. Avamys refers to artificially created hormonal drugs, it is used only after consultation with a specialist.

Taking into account the severity of nasal congestion and the manifestation of drug-induced rhinitis, it is recommended that in the acute stage it is recommended to instill two doses of the active substance into each nostril. After the removal of acute symptoms, the amount of Avamys is reduced to one spray in each nostril. Duration of therapy during treatment medicinal rhinitis usually does not exceed 2-4 weeks. It is not used in the presence of fungi and bacteria in the nasal cavity.

Tafen Nasal for drug rhinitis

The drug appeared on the shelves of our pharmacies not so long ago, but at the same time it has already managed to show its effectiveness in the treatment of rhinitis, including that caused by the use of vasoconstrictor drops. The main active ingredient of the drug is budesonide. This component has a general anti-inflammatory and calming effect, refers to local hormones, rarely affects the human hormonal system when used correctly.

Taking into account the severity of symptoms, Tafen Nasal should be taken twice a day, two injections in each nostril during the acute period of rhinitis treatment and one injection after removal severe inflammation. The duration of therapy is determined separately for each patient, but it cannot be more than 12 weeks. It usually takes no more than four weeks to suppress drug-induced rhinitis and restore nasal breathing. It is not used in the presence of fungi and bacteria in the nasal cavity.

Homeopathic remedies for drug-induced rhinitis


Combined drug. When used, it significantly reduces inflammation and conduction of the nasal mucosa and blood vessels. Available in the form of lozenges. When treating adult patients, it is recommended to take 1 tablet every hour, but not more than 12 per day, before removing acute period. After that, the treatment involves the use of 1 tablet no more than three times a day until complete recovery. Take tablets 30 minutes before or after meals. The duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks.


This homeopathic remedy comes in the form of an aerosol to be injected into the nose. The main active ingredients of the product are chlorobutanol, camphor and menthol. Kameton can also be used as an inhalation if drug-induced rhinitis has caused irritation of the larynx or its swelling. For treatment, it is required to spray the product with one click in the mouth or nose in each nostril. Spray the medication should be strictly in the inhalation phase. For the best effect in the acute stage, Kameton can be sprayed into the mouth 2 times in one session.

Nux Vomica

In the treatment of medical rhinitis, this drug is used in the form of peas, which should be taken strictly before going to bed. The dosage of Nux Vomica can vary, but usually it is three peas. Treatment is continued for three days, after which the withdrawal of the drug is required. This medicine belongs to homeopathic, but at the same time it has strong impact on the body, therefore, it cannot be used without a prescription from the attending physician.

Attention! Usually, when using homeopathic medicines, experts do not recommend using any other drops and preparations. Therefore, when prescribing them, you should more fully clarify your course of treatment and doses. active substances in case of their combination.

Folk recipes for medicinal rhinitis

SubstanceImageCooking methodDoseA course of treatment
1 lemon with zest mixed 1:1 with honey, moisten the bandageApplications in the nasal cavity 2-3 times a day for 5 minutesUp to 14 days in the absence of irritation

Up to 10 days
Brew 2-3 peas in 100 ml of boiling water for 20-30 minutes2 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a dayUp to 7 days
Take only natural pharmacy2 drops 3-4 times in each nostrilUp to 10 days
2 teaspoons per 200 ml brew for 10-20 minutesRinse the sinuses in the morning and in the evening, 100 mlUp to 7 days, as washing can cause otitis media

Attention! On the initial stage treatment, when the complete abolition of any medication is practiced, folk remedies are not prohibited and can speed up the patient's recovery. At severe cases drug rhinitis, home-made preparations can only be used in combination with pharmacy ones, if there are no contraindications. In addition to the described means, the nose can be washed with the usual saline solution also no more than 3 times, so as not to provoke otitis media.

Surgical treatment of medical rhinitis

The decision to perform surgery is used only in severe and advanced cases when the combination hormonal drugs and other methods did not give the desired result. During surgery, the specialist cuts the so-called "rollers" at the lower nasal passages. This allows you to significantly increase the size of the sinuses, which restores nasal breathing to normal volume. During the operation, the surgeon, taking into account his qualifications and the equipment of the clinic, can use a traditional surgical scalpel or use ultrasonic disintegration and a laser, which is used for photodestruction.

Attention! Two latest method considered safer and less invasive. When using ultrasound and laser, the patient is not exposed to big risk infection, heavy bleeding and the recovery period is much shorter than with traditional surgery.

If a runny nose occurs, you should not immediately seek help from vasoconstrictor drops. First you need to try to improve your condition with the help of warm salt compresses, inhalations and aromatherapy. If improvement does not occur within the first two days, only mild vasoconstrictor drops should be used. In this case, it is better to choose those medicines that have an additional moisturizing effect. If the exact instructions for their use are followed, drug rhinitis occurs in only a small percentage of patients.

And sprays without prior approval from the otolaryngologist, and even significantly exceed the allowable dosage. As a result, after 7-10 days, they begin to show the first unpleasant symptoms medical rhinitis.

How to recognize given deviation and can it be avoided? In order not to harm health, it is necessary to use all nasal medicines wisely, and if there are warning signs- contact a specialist immediately.

The reasons

The development of drug or medicinal rhinitis occurs due to the excess of the permissible dosage of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays, especially if it lasted for a long period of time. Nasal preparations really well and quickly relieve nasal congestion, reduce swelling, and remove. And this is precisely what causes the temptation of many patients to use drops and aerosols endlessly.

But each drug has its own maximum allowable period application, after which it is not necessary to treat the nasal cavity with one or another substance. Most vasoconstrictor drugs are addictive.

Realizing that without drops or spray the nose will not fully breathe, the patient begins to irrigate it uncontrollably even if the slightest prerequisites for its congestion arise. As a result, a person can no longer refuse drops, that is, he becomes completely dependent on them. And when he refuses the drug, he immediately has unpleasant symptoms.


Signs of drug-induced rhinitis appear literally 12-24 hours after the nasal drops or spray have been canceled. Symptoms of pathology are manifested through:

  • persistent nasal congestion;
  • the appearance of a runny nose;
  • reduction or complete loss of smell;
  • irritation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by itching, burning and redness;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • tearing caused by nasal congestion;
  • during sleep.

It is very important to respond to these symptoms in a timely manner and address the issue of treatment caused by intranasal administration of medications. Otherwise, the consequences will be unpleasant.

Which doctor treats medical rhinitis?

Noticing the symptoms characteristic of drug-induced rhinitis, it is necessary to seek advice from an otolaryngologist.


As a rule, to make a diagnosis, it is enough for an ENT doctor to collect an anamnesis based on the patient's complaints. But in order to exclude the possibility of development different types, the doctor may refer the patient to an X-ray, MRI or CT scan of the paranasal sinuses.


How to treat medical rhinitis? The therapeutic approach for this pathology is different for children and adults, so we will consider these issues separately.

In adults

With the development of drug-induced rhinitis, swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs, so all efforts should be directed to stopping this process. To begin with, the doctor cancels the drops or spray that caused the occurrence of a drug-induced rhinitis. Then you can go directly to treatment.

To relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and cure medical rhinitis in an adult patient, the ENT may prescribe hormonal sprays in the nose - or Flix. These drugs have an anti-allergic and anti-edematous effect, but, unlike vasoconstrictor drops, they not only relieve symptoms, but treat existing inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity. So, the drug Nasonex can be used even by pregnant women, but with extreme caution.

However, otolaryngologists often suggest that patients completely abandon the nasal drops or sprays used and wait 7-14 days until the nasal mucosa recovers and the congestion itself disappears.

But this option works only at the initial stage of development of medicinal rhinitis. If the disease has become chronic, the only way out is surgery. In particular, physicians recommend laser cautery nasal mucosa, cryotherapy, submucosal vasotomy of the lower nasal conchas, etc.

In children

Drug rhinitis in children requires a special therapeutic approach. To save a child from drug addiction, using hormonal sprays alone - Nasonex, Flix, Dexamethasone, etc. - is not enough, and sometimes it is strictly prohibited.

To cure medical rhinitis in a child, it is necessary to carry out the following measures:

  1. Nasal lavage with hypertonic or isotonic saline solutions: Humer, Quicks, Pshik, etc.
  2. The use of antihistamines: Loratadine, Edema, L-Cet, etc.
  3. Carrying out physiotherapy: UHF, phonophoresis, acupuncture.
  4. Lubrication of the mucous membranes and wings of the nose medicines- Erythromycin ointment, Hydrocortisone ointment, Lorizan.

If these measures did not give the expected results, then there is only one way: surgical intervention.

Traditional medicine recipes

How to get rid of medical rhinitis using folk remedies? It should be remembered that alternative medicine recipes can only be used as an auxiliary therapeutic technique.

In this case, it is advisable to rinse the nose with decoctions of chamomile, sage, eucalyptus or medicinal marigold. To lubricate the nasal mucosa, vegetable oils (olive, sea buckthorn) are used, and for steam inhalation- essential oils of lemon, eucalyptus, cloves. If there is no allergy, you can bury your nose with propolis drops.

Treatment of medical rhinitis folk remedies in children allows the use of decoctions medicinal plants for washing the nose and the use of propolis in the form of drops or intranasal tampons. It is better for parents to ask their doctor about the possibility of using essential oils for inhalation, since these substances can cause powerful allergic reactions.

Possible Complications

At long-term use nasal drops or sprays, which leads to addiction, it is possible to develop:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • persistent hypertension;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the respiratory system.

Complications can be avoided if you respond to alarming symptoms in a timely manner and address the issue of treating drug-induced rhinitis.


To prevent development drug-induced rhinitis one thing to remember important rule: it is impossible to use vasoconstrictor drops uncontrollably, and even more so without the appointment of the attending physician.

In addition, you need to carefully study the instructions for using the drug and do not use it longer than indicated.

To get rid of the symptoms of a common cold, it is not at all necessary to use vasoconstrictor drugs - instead, it is better to use decoctions of medicinal plants.

Walk more, do hardening, include in the diet as much as possible more vitamins and minerals - these are exactly those important steps, which are necessary to prevent the common cold. As a result, the development of addiction to vasoconstrictor drugs is not to be feared.

Useful video about medical rhinitis

It is very difficult to cure. medicinal rhinitis, as a rule, causes the so-called "naphthyzinic dependence" - psychological and physical addiction from vasoconstrictor drops, which can lead to respiratory failure, allergies, hormonal changes and pathological changes nasal mucosa and nasal septum.

The longer you use nose drops without changing them, the more serious consequences runny nose.

At the initial stage, the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis is possible with conservative methods, such as medications and physiotherapy. In a more serious stage of drug rhinitis, the only salvation for you is surgery.

How to treat medical rhinitis? The treatment regimen for drug rhinitis is as follows:

General hardening of the body

  • Being outdoors for at least 2 hours a day
If you have the opportunity to go to the mountains, then take it. The mountain air is healing and has positive effect on the respiratory organs and nose, helps to improve the condition of the mucous membrane with medical rhinitis. However, it is necessary to completely abandon vasoconstrictor drops.
  • Swimming for 1-2 hours twice a week or more
However, before going outside, you need to dry your head well and wait from 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Bathhouse visit
Especially with different essential oils. It is advisable to go to the bath once or twice a week.
  • Taking activated charcoal, polyfepam or enterosgel two hours before meals for 30 days
Take medications in accordance with the instructions.

Refusal of vasoconstrictor drops

It is quite difficult to do this, it will take great willpower and firmness of character, and the support of loved ones will also not hurt. There are several ways to get rid of drops and sprays in the nose:

  • Gradual dose reduction
Gradually reduce the dose of drops per day and completely get rid of the drops within 2 weeks in this way.

These measures can be taken with simultaneous reception, prescribed by a doctor-lorom drugs, if you abruptly stop dripping your nose, you do not have enough patience and strength.

  • Using more gentle drops
With a serious dependence on drops, use more gentle drops, such as: Vibrocil (twice a day) with a gradual decrease in doses.
  • Replacing drops for adults with children
Replacing adult drops with children's drops like Otrivin Baby. Drip them for 2 weeks, then start reducing the doses to complete failure from them to the second week of use.
  • Replacement with "placebo"
Replacing drops with so-called pacifiers is a “placebo”. Drip the nose of a divorced sea ​​water, poured into a bottle from under your permanent drops, or use drops based on sea ​​salt such as Aquamaris, Humer, etc.

Use of drugs - topical glucocorticosteroids - for drug-induced rhinitis

Arranged in descending order of price:

Nasonex (contains mometasone) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

FLIKSONASE (contains fluticasone) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

AVAMIS (contains fluticasone) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

TAFEN NAZAL (contains budesonide) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

NAZOPHAN (contains fluticasone) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

ALDECIN (contains beclomethasone) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

DIPROSPAN - once a day for 10 days, do not apply to children under 16 years of age, as this drug very strong and used in severe cases of drug-induced rhinitis

DEXAMETHASONE - 2 times a day for 7 days

BENARIN (contains budesonide) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

Experts believe that drugs containing mometasone are more effective than drugs containing fluticasone. Mometasone is almost not absorbed into the blood and has almost no side effects, but drugs with this substance are more expensive.

At the same time, practice shows that all these drugs act in almost the same way. And since there are no special differences, then it's up to you and your doctor to decide.

The course of endonasal steroids should last no more than one month. If it did not help in a month, there is only one way out - surgery.

Taking antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs

To exclude the allergic nature of the disease or allergy to drugs in combination with endonasal steroids, it is necessary to take antihistamines for the treatment of drug rhinitis.

The following drugs should be taken once a day, 1 tablet (tablespoon) for 7-10 days:




Nasal lavage

Washing the nose gives a good effect with medical rhinitis. For washings are used as medicinal pharmaceutical products, and the procedures carried out at the lore:

AQUALOR (twice a day)

STERIMAR (twice a day)

DOLFIN (1 time per day for 2-3 weeks)

Lubrication of the nose with medicinal rhinitis

It is advisable not to allow the nasal mucosa to dry out. To do this, you can use the following ointments 1 time per day for 10 days:

LORIZAN (inside the nose)


HYDROCORTISONE OINTMENT(wings and bridge of the nose)

CHATTER, consisting of a mixture of oils and hydrocortisone, is done at the lore (inside the nose)

Physiotherapy for drug rhinitis

It is good to use UHF, acupuncture, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone ointment, intranasal electrophoresis with diphenhydramine and calcium chloride and others in the form of additional funds.

Surgery for medical rhinitis

If a conservative methods treatment did not help, do not delay treatment and go for surgery.

  • Laser surgery (cauterization)
There are different opinions about this operation among doctors.
  • Conchotomy
The old method, which is now being tried to be abandoned, since the operation and its results are rather controversial.
  • Cryotherapy
Is safe method, but not very effective in the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis.
  • Traditional submucosal vasotomy of the inferior turbinates
It is by far the most effective, frequently used and gentle method for the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis. This operation gives positive results in more than 90% of cases. If the nasal septum does not affect breathing, this operation is sufficient. Usually assigned CT scan paranasal sinuses to make the final decision regarding the operation.
  • Submucosal vasotomy Coblator or cold plasma vasotomy or coblation
Medical rhinitis is also treated with this method, but the results from the operation are not as impressive as from a traditional vasotomy.
  • Turbinoplasty
This is the name of any intervention on the inferior turbinates with the preservation of the mucous membrane, including vasotomy. Therefore, if you are prescribed turbinoplasty for the treatment of drug rhinitis, be sure that the doctor meant a conventional vasotomy.
  • Septoplasty
It is used if there are problems with the nasal septum.

Folk remedies

They are a support measure. They are good for washing the nose, inhalation, etc.
It is only necessary to remember about the individual intolerance of some components or allergies.

Homeopathic remedies for drug-induced rhinitis

To traditional ways it is difficult to attribute them, but for people who believe and use homeopathic preparations the following tools may be useful:

KAMETON (2 times a day for a month)


NUX VOMICA (3 peas for three days at night)

CADMIUM SULFURICUM (3 peas 3 times in one day with 6 hour intervals between each dose)




Balm "Asterisk"(dab under nose)

Using homeopathic remedies drops and other medicines should not be used.

Well, let's sum up. How to get rid of drug rhinitis? Basic treatment for drug-induced rhinitis should include: nasal irrigation, antihistamines, topical glucocorticosteroids, and, in the absence of treatment results, surgery.

The rest of the methods are complementary.

No need to immediately grab onto all the recommendations and follow them from A to Z. Each person and his body is unique and requires individual approach, so it is best to go to an appointment with a specialist doctor, get tested and get a qualified, suitable treatment only for you.

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