Can sinusitis occur without symptoms. Is there sinusitis without a runny nose? Medical treatment of sinusitis

Sinusitis without a runny nose and nasal congestion requires early diagnosis and timely treatment to reduce the risk of life-threatening complications.

Violation of the outflow of contents from the maxillary sinus against the background of inflammatory processes leads to a destructive change in the bones of the facial skull.

The erased form of the disease without specific treatment turns into a chronic inflammatory process with a predominance of proliferative changes that provoke the growth of polyps in the maxillary sinus and nasal passages. The accumulation of pus in the chronic form of the disease leads to the gradual destruction of the mucous membrane, sinus plates and the lower wall of the orbit.

Sinusitis or maxillary sinusitis is an acute or chronic disease resulting from a bacterial, viral or fungal invasion. Inflammation is accompanied by edema, swelling of the sinus mucosa, increased formation of initially serous, and then purulent exudate.

Forms of the disease are classified according to etiology, pathogenesis, course.

According to the etiology, the forms are distinguished:

  • bacterial;
  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • odontogenic;
  • post-traumatic;
  • allergic.

According to the pathogenesis and clinical symptoms, sinusitis is:

  • subacute(edematous-catarrhal, vasomotor, allergic);
  • spicy(serous-purulent, purulent);
  • chronic(granular, papillomatous, polypous, hypertrophic, trophic).

The causes of sinusitis without a runny nose and nasal congestion in children and adults are due to the following changes:

  • excessive swelling of the fistula of the maxillary sinus with the nasal concha;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • severe deformity of the nasal passages;
  • postoperative scars, synechia;
  • polyps;
  • cysts;
  • tumors.


Violation of the secretion of mucus with complete or partial obturation of the lumen and blockage of the maxillary cavity leads to the rapid growth of bacterial flora with the formation of pus, which, due to the lack of drainage, destroys bone structures and soft tissues.

Sinusitis without a runny nose and nasal congestion develops with influenza and SARS against the background of rapid swelling of the mucous membrane, when the patient only a few days after the onset of general intoxication shows symptoms of sinusitis (impaired nasal breathing due to low air permeability, discharge of pus, mucus).

Symptoms of sinusitis without runny nose and nasal congestion:

  • headache, toothache;
  • puffiness of the face;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • swelling of the lower eyelids and cheeks;
  • heat;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • dilatation of small blood vessels below the orbit.

Diagnosis of sinusitis without runny nose and nasal congestion:

  • X-ray reflects a violation of sinus pneumatization, fluid level, is the most informative method of examination;
  • diaphanoscopy of the maxillary sinus with a purulent lesion will reveal a violation of light transmission, areas of blackout;
  • computed tomography in layered sections will display changes in the mucosa, bones of the facial skeleton; sinus contents.

The doctor chooses a diagnostic method depending on a number of factors - the severity of the disease, the age of the child, the patient's condition. Reviews of doctors on the forums about the use of diaphanoscopy note the low diagnostic significance of this study.

Is there sinusitis without a runny nose: signs, course of the disease and treatment with prevention

Is there sinusitis without a runny nose? Signs of the maxillary sinus in violation of the outflow of mucus are characterized by the predominance of common cold symptoms at the onset of the disease.

As purulent contents form, local symptoms begin to appear.

Sinusitis most often develops against the background of catarrhal viral diseases, it is possible to suspect the onset of inflammation by the characteristic local manifestations of inflammation.

At the first sign of sinusitis, you need to urgently seek help from a general practitioner or an otolaryngologist.

Common symptoms include:

  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • headache;
  • chills;
  • temperature above 37.8;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • muscle pain.

Local symptoms of sinusitis without a runny nose include:

  • a feeling of fullness in the projection of the sinus;
  • pain in the paranasal region when the head is tilted forward;
  • redness of the cheek from the eye socket to the wings of the nose;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • nasal voice;
  • swelling of the face;
  • photophobia;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • toothache.

Local symptoms develop against the background of increasing inflammatory changes and infiltration of soft tissues with leukocytes. Carrying out rhinoscopy at a doctor's appointment allows you to accurately determine the presence of the disease and begin specific therapy.

The course of sinusitis without a runny nose differs from classic inflammation paranasal sinuses by the formation of high pressure in the maxillary sinus. Timely X-ray examination and rhinoscopy will allow to suspect the presence of obturation of the lumen of the maxillary orifice.

Late diagnosis increases the risk of abscess breakthrough into the soft tissues of the face, damage to the outer meninges with the development of meningitis, rhinogenic sepsis. With an erased clinical picture, a long-term inflammation passes into an atrophic stage, at which destructive-degenerative changes in the mucous membrane and bone tissue develop.

Treatment of sinusitis without a runny nose includes a surgical method, conservative therapy and traditional medicine.

The surgical method is a puncture of the maxillary sinus, which is a diagnostic and treatment procedure that provides high-quality drainage with discharge of pus. The puncture is carried out in a medical institution, performed in the office of an otolaryngologist or operating room.

After the puncture, drainage is established, the sinus is washed with solutions of antiseptics and antibiotics. The puncture is the most effective method of treatment due to the emptying of the sinus and inhibition of the growth of pathogenic flora.

Conservative therapy is carried out immediately after diagnosis, is a complex effect on the lesion. In acute sinusitis without a runny nose, treatment is aimed at quickly suppressing the growth of bacterial flora, removing edema, and restoring the patency of the nasal passages.

Antihistamines are used to eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane. Rinsing the nose with saline or seawater spray increases the rate of mucus discharge, pus release, and swelling relief. The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent proliferative processes, often the use of nasal glucocorticosteroids is required so that the inflammation does not become chronic.

Systemic antibiotics are prescribed, are selected depending on the class of the drug and the sensitivity of the pathogenic flora. In the presence of viral and fungal invasion, preparations based on interferon and antimycotic agents are used.

Traditional medicine is aimed at increasing general immunity, strengthening human health. It is categorically contraindicated to warm the maxillary sinus during, as this stimulates the growth of bacteria.

Prevention of sinusitis with a runny nose consists in the early start of treatment, the use of vasoconstrictor drops and nasal lavage. Sinusitis develops as a result of the reflux of turbulent mucus flows through the maxillary fistula into the maxillary sinus.

Blowing your nose when you have a stuffy nose is not recommended., it is preferable to rinse the nose with sea water spray after using xylometazoline-based drops. Preventive washings under pressure are carried out in medical institutions by moving along the Proetz (cuckoo), high-quality drainage prevents the accumulation of mucus, pus, and gently cleanses the sinus from pathological secretions.

What is the difference between rhinitis and sinusitis?

It has long been known about diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis, but most often people do not know what the difference is between them, and many do not even know what it is. These are diseases that are found in almost every inhabitant on the planet, so it is necessary to know what symptoms indicate a particular disease and how to cure it.

Basic information about rhinitis

Rhinitis is also called the common cold in another way. This is an inflammatory process that occurs in the nose of a person. Most often, a runny nose in a patient is one of the symptoms of the main disease, which has a viral, bacterial, mechanical or immune origin.

When rhinitis appears in the nose, a slight burning sensation may be felt, a mucous secretion occurs. Dryness in the nasal cavity can also be observed, due to which a person partially or completely loses his sense of smell.

Rhinitis is divided into acute and chronic.

If a person does not treat acute rhinitis, then the disease can become chronic, which will require a long time of treatment and high material costs. There are about 200 types of different viral infections on the planet, and almost all of them have a runny nose as their main symptom. Also, everything depends on hereditary predisposition, environmental living conditions, the frequency of hypothermia, the characteristics of immunity and the allergic pathogens themselves.

Often in medical practice, these types of rhinitis can occur:

  • atopic rhinitis;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor allergic rhinitis;
  • inflammation due to hyperplasia;
  • infectious rhinitis;
  • catarrhal rhinitis;
  • drug rhinitis;
  • psychogenic rhinitis.

Symptoms of rhinitis

It all depends on what type of rhinitis a person has and at what stage it is. Symptoms can vary from simple dry irritation to serious mucous membranes with the addition of pus and blood. In chronic rhinitis, a headache occurs, an unpleasant odor is felt, bleeding, itching, sneezing, drowsiness, and snoring are possible. The difference between acute rhinitis is that in the nasal cavity a person will feel dryness or burning, mucous secretions will appear, redness of the area around the wings of the nose, partial loss of smell.

Knowing your body and symptoms, a person can independently diagnose rhinitis. But the important thing is not the presence of a cold, but finding the source of the disease. After all, a runny nose can be a signal of a very dangerous disease. The elimination of a symptom is not the elimination of the entire disease. Rhinitis is a very frequent visitor in children under 10 years old, since before this age the body learns to cope with various infectious diseases, continues to form an immune system that will fight viruses and bacteria in the future.

Regardless of age, it is necessary to appear to good specialists in order for them to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary medications.

Very often, in the absence of temperature, it is recommended to apply mustard plasters on calves, to make foot baths with the addition of special essential oils. But if the doctor diagnoses bacterial or viral rhinitis, then antibiotics are indispensable here. It is clear that with an allergic rhinitis, completely different drugs are prescribed and it is advised to be as far as possible from the source of the allergy. Specialists pay attention to the fact that it is impossible to blow your nose too much: it may happen that mucous secretions get into the middle ear and inflammation (otitis media) will develop because of this. This is one of the most dangerous complications of a cold.

The main rules to exclude a new occurrence of rhinitis are as follows:

  • strengthen the immune system (vitamins, sports, hardening);
  • do not run any kind of runny nose;
  • treat various pathologies of the nose, for example, curvature of the nasal septum.

The main goal of the doctor is to make the patient breathe correctly and without any obstacles.

General information about sinusitis

Rhinitis and sinusitis are very similar, as they belong to the same organ, in which various inflammatory processes occur.

But there is also a difference. Sinusitis is an inflammation that is accompanied not only by mucous secretions, but also by pain on the face, temperature, while the sinuses located in the forehead, nose, eyes and cheeks are filled with mucus.

A person has four groups of paranasal sinuses:

  1. The frontal sinus, which is located in the frontal bone.
  2. The maxillary or maxillary sinus is the largest sinus located in the upper jaw.
  3. Ethmoid labyrinth - formed with the help of cells of the ethmoid bone.
  4. The sphenoid sinus, which is the main sinus and is located in the body of the sphenoid bone.

Sinusitis occurs when the sinuses become clogged with a runny nose, cold, flu, and other infectious diseases. Under favorable conditions, bacteria begin to multiply quite quickly, which leads to an inflammatory process.

There is a classification of sinusitis, which depends on the duration of the disease:

  1. Spicy. It develops in less than 4 weeks. Caused by a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract, namely SARS. In most cases, it goes away on its own.
  2. Subacute. Develops from 4 to 12 weeks. It is considered untreated acute sinusitis.
  3. Chronic. Its duration is from 3 months or more. Frequently recurring acute and subacute sinusitis can cause chronic sinusitis. In addition to them, asthma, allergies, immune disorders, and an abnormal structure of the nose can be added to this list.
  4. Recurrent. It is repeated within one year more than 3 times.

The symptoms of sinusitis affect a person's life. Due to pain and fatigue, mood is disturbed, it becomes necessary to reduce your presence at work, at school.

Sinusitis treatment

The main goal of the treatment of sinusitis: the desire to resume the work of all the channels that connect the sinuses and nasal passages. In this case, the outflow of mucus will occur and breathing will be restored. If the inflammation is viral, then often the use of potent medications is not required. Usually, experts recommend taking an antipyretic, drugs that relieve swelling and constrict blood vessels.

If the inflammation is bacterial or fungal, then here doctors prescribe antibiotics that already specifically act on a certain group of microorganisms and eliminate it. Medicines that are often used in such cases are aerosols, sprays, tablets, and sometimes injections. But it happens that all means have already been tried and no medicine helps a person. In this case, surgical intervention, the so-called puncture, is required. It is performed using an endoscope.

The basic rule of every patient: if something bothers you, then you need to go to the doctor. This rule applies to any, even the smallest suspicion of sinusitis. If a person assumes that he has this disease and at the first symptoms he turned to a doctor, then it will quickly be cured. If you bring the disease to a neglected form, then this can lead to rather serious consequences.

You need to understand that all human sinuses are very close to the brain. If the infection spreads further, it will provoke meningitis, and then the person may get an abscess.

Any disease is a weakened immune system, so first of all you need to take care of it. A person must be aware of what kind of food he eats so that his diet is balanced. Vitamins, which are found in vegetables and fruits, will help to quickly improve health. It is necessary to constantly move, preferably in the fresh air. The room in which a person lives should be humidified and ventilated.

It doesn't matter if a person has rhinitis, sinusitis, or another similar disease; the important thing is that a runny nose cannot be ignored. If this is an ordinary seasonal SARS, then its treatment should not be postponed until later. You need to try to get to the doctor as soon as possible. After all, heavy workloads make the immune system weak. Therefore, even after a mild, advanced cold, you can finally ruin your health.

Symptoms and treatment of sinusitis without nasal discharge

Sinusitis without discharge from the nose is less common than in the usual form, accompanied by a profuse runny nose. The latter is optional, there is sinusitis without a runny nose. It is an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the upper paranasal sinuses. They are located under the bridge of the nose, directly above the point of attachment of the nasal cartilage to the bones of the skull, in the upper jaw. The disease, as a rule, is accompanied by an abundant separation of mucus with pus, with its release into the nasopharynx. Nevertheless, sinusitis in a dry form is also not so rare.

The age of the person who gets sick with it practically does not matter, it poses the same danger to both the child and the adult. If treatment is not done in a timely manner, the disease can go into a chronic stage and its cure will require much more time and effort.

Symptoms of the disease and their detection

Distinguishing sinusitis without a runny nose is somewhat more difficult than the classic form, and in this case you need to focus on a combination of a number of signs. First of all, this is the appearance of nasal congestion, which lasts for weeks and is accompanied by a slight rise in temperature in the early days. This causes discomfort in the part of the face located above the upper jaw, which turns into pain during dynamic loads, especially chewing food or talking. The negative sensations themselves directly depend on the position in which the head is located. They become most powerful when a person lies on his back.

It should be borne in mind that sinusitis without a runny nose in children may have slightly different symptoms and manifestations than in adults. The absence of nasal discharge should not deceive parents. With a stuffy nose, the child's voice timbre changes, he begins to complain of discomfort inside the nose, and quickly gets tired.

The gums of the upper jaw begin to hurt him. Then the pain begins to spread to the ear area. An unpleasant odor appears from the mouth, which does not disappear even after brushing the teeth. When these signs appear, the best solution is to conduct fluoroscopy of the sinuses. In the pictures, dense opaque spots are clearly distinguished in their area, and these are true objective signs of the development of sinusitis.

Treatment of the disease and its forms

As with many other inflammatory processes, ways to cure sinusitis can be both conservative and surgical. At the same time, the treatment procedure must certainly be brought to full recovery, otherwise not only relapses of the disease are very likely, but also the spread of the inflammatory process to the bone walls of the sinuses and even to nearby parts of the brain. With a medical form of treatment, sinusitis without a runny nose requires almost the same medications as those accompanied by secretions.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the nature of the disease, which is most often either infectious or allergic. Only a qualified specialist can determine this accurately, so a visit to a doctor is strictly mandatory. Self-medication can only aggravate the disease. Together with antihistamines or antibacterial drugs, drugs are prescribed that stimulate the outflow of pus and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. At elevated temperatures, antipyretics and painkillers are added to them. Together with medicines, medical procedures are used, of which heating with the help of a UHF apparatus is considered the most effective.

Surgical intervention is prescribed only when other means do not give the desired effect. This usually occurs when the disease is extremely advanced or its cause is a deviated nasal septum. The main type of surgical intervention is the puncture of the outer walls of the maxillary sinuses, followed by suction of the purulent secretions accumulated in them. After that, the cavities are washed with an antiseptic solution. It happens that the cause of the disease is neglected caries of one of the teeth, most often indigenous. Then its removal eliminates the focus of infection and the elimination of the consequences becomes easier.

Folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis

Folk remedies can also help cure sinusitis without a runny nose.

The combination of such drugs with drug treatment can achieve the optimal effect.

One of the most effective means of traditional medicine in the treatment of ailments of the mucous membranes, including those in the maxillary sinuses, is considered to be an infusion on the vegetable oil of the herb called "ledum". Daily instillation of three drops into the nose during the day has a very positive effect, relieving inflammation and swelling.

Another remedy that combines extreme simplicity and high efficiency is the clay compress. A lump of raw clay is kneaded in hot water to the state of dough for bakery products and applied to the face in the region of the nose. It should sit there, cooling slowly, for about an hour. The effect of such warming is very beneficial.

Another proven folk remedy can be considered a daily water infusion of herbs, consisting of lemon balm leaves, lemongrass and plantain. Three drops of this infusion must be instilled into the nose three times during the day. As a result, the inflammatory process calms down.

Can there be sinusitis without a runny nose?



People say everything is correct, but if the sinuses are FRONTAL, and not maxillary, run to the lore! X-ray will show everything. The brain is close, and there is no guarantee that the contents will not go inside!
p / s I saw such a Koasavian with a screw in his forehead, and a drain in the screw, it looked beautiful!


one of my patients had
visit lora


Lobnye pasuhi - eto sinusit, begi k wra4u, a to sabolit kak sleduet, wragu ne pozhelaju

Olga Yurievna

Try salt. Warm up in a frying pan, and a rag bag, or at worst in a sock, and it is desirable to warm it in the evening. Course 10 days. I highly recommend!


maybe ... she got sick herself


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which are also called maxillary sinuses. The main cause of the disease is that the opening that connects the sinuses to the nasal cavity is closed. Because of this, the natural process of cleansing the sinuses is disrupted, microbes multiply in them, and swelling of the mucous membrane occurs. First, the secretion of mucus increases - a runny nose begins, and then pus forms. Long-term swelling of the nasal mucosa is usually due to inflammation or allergies. If a person has a normal runny nose for a long time, most likely, sooner or later he will develop sinusitis with a cold. The cause of sinusitis can be dental caries or any other pathology of the teeth and jaw system. It is especially dangerous when the upper teeth are affected, the roots of which are in close proximity to the wall of the maxillary sinus.


But you just don’t need to heat it, because if you have a purulent process, you can heat it yourself !! ! Moreover, the cause of the pain has not yet been clarified !! ! Go to Laura, take a picture, and then you will see!!

Vladimir Trushin

DON'T TRY TO HEAT ANYTHING!!! Go to the LOR, you need to look. Sinusitis can be without a runny nose, and without a headache. You may also have trigeminal neuralgia. That's why you need to contact the LOR.


irs 119
rinse with salt water
drink vitamins

Why does the runny nose go away

Most people do not consider a runny nose (rhinitis) to be a serious illness. The usual weekly period can be transferred without loss. You don't have to lie in bed. You can choose a convenient treatment and stock up on a sufficient number of wipes. If a runny nose does not go away for a long time, the general condition changes in two weeks, and the ability to work suffers. It is necessary to consult a doctor to clarify the cause of rhinitis. The expert will draw conclusions.

Causes of a prolonged runny nose

The most common causes to think about if a runny nose lasts a month or two are related to:

  • with the state of the vessels of the nose (vasomotor rhinitis);
  • with allergic inflammation;
  • with a complication of the common cold with sinusitis (sinusitis or frontal sinusitis).

Why does vasomotor runny nose occur?

Most often, the cause of vasomotor rhinitis is the passion for vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. If the instructions for the use of Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin say that they are not recommended for treatment for longer than a week, then this should be done.

In this case, a reverse reaction of the vessels to irritating factors occurs: if they previously narrowed, now they expand, causing swelling and nasal congestion. Such a runny nose is also called "false" because it is not caused by an infectious agent.

Other causes of vasomotor rhinitis are:

  • dustiness and gas contamination of the environment or working premises (including being in a smoky room);
  • stressful situations;
  • dependence on weather conditions, atmospheric pressure drops;
  • alcohol abuse makes the vessels very sensitive;
  • eating very hot or cold food;
  • hormonal background (decrease in thyroid function, menopause, pregnancy, taking hormonal contraceptives).

Vasomotor rhinitis is observed in the elderly, when various combined cardiovascular drugs are used for more than a month to treat changes in blood pressure.

Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis

The diagnosis of "vasomotor rhinitis" is beyond doubt:

  • if mucous contents flow from the nose when the temperature changes (entrance to the room from the street or vice versa);
  • if half of the nose is stuffed up, on the side on which the person lies;
  • if difficulty in nasal breathing occurs with nervous tension;
  • if insomnia and headache are associated with a runny nose.

Treatment, when a runny nose with vasomotor rhinitis does not go away for a long time, comes down to advice on stopping the use of vasoconstrictor drops, a healthy lifestyle, doing anything else is not recommended. False rhinitis can cause the appearance of nasal polyps in two months, contributes to inflammation in the maxillary sinuses.

allergic rhinitis

Occurs when an allergen reacts with immune cells that occurs on the nasal mucosa. Another name is "Hay Fever".

Allergies can be caused by:

  • medications;
  • food products;
  • smells of food and flowers;
  • plant pollen;
  • house dust;
  • pet hair.

Runny nose goes away when uncoupled from the allergen. Symptoms appear upon contact with the allergen in the form of copious outflow of mucus from the two nasal passages, sneezing, lacrimation. Due to the flowering of certain plants, it is seasonal, passes in winter. An allergen will help to establish after special analyzes an immunologist-allergist. Parents should contact this specialist if the child does not have a runny nose for a month.

An allergic rhinitis in a child not treated for one or two months can cause bronchial asthma. This confirms why pediatricians always take the common cold very seriously.


The transition of inflammation from the nasal mucosa to the paranasal sinuses (sinuses) occurs if the pathogen is strong enough, the immune system is weak. In adults, the immune system suffers from chronic diseases, eating disorders, alcohol abuse, smoking, carious teeth. From the enumeration of possible reasons, it becomes clear what to do.

In a child's body, the immune system develops gradually, hereditary deficiency is possible. The cause of sinusitis can be difficulty breathing with nasal adenoids, tonsillitis.

Of the four possible sinusitis, two most often occur: sinusitis of the frontal sinuses (frontal sinusitis) and maxillary maxillary sinuses (sinusitis).

Manifestations of sinusitis

Symptoms are associated with the localization of the sinuses, acute or chronic course. If a runny nose lasts one or two months, acute sinusitis without treatment turns into a chronic process.

  • Prolonged runny nose (more than a week) with the release of mucopurulent contents;
  • pain on both sides in the forehead, above the eyes, in the cheekbones and eyebrows;
  • in children, pain often radiates to the ear;
  • increased pain in the evening and when the head is tilted forward;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • insomnia due to lack of nasal breathing.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, urgent anti-inflammatory therapy, antibiotics, washing of the sinuses and nasal passages, and physiotherapy will be required. It is possible to perform a puncture of the maxillary sinuses, even surgical treatment.

The proximity of the sinuses to the brain makes it necessary to take quick and concrete steps towards recovery, to make the most of the available methods of treatment.

Alternative methods of treatment are used for a long time (two or more months), but they give a good effect, serve as an addition to medicines. It is recommended to wash the nasal passages with sea salt, decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula), onion juice two or three times a day. The excellent effect of compresses with a decoction of bay leaf was noted.

What exactly to do with a prolonged runny nose will be recommended by an otolaryngologist after examination and examination.

Among the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, sinusitis without a runny nose and nasal congestion is of particular danger. Erased forms quickly turn into a chronic disease, which leads to the fact that the mucous membranes atrophy, and the walls of the sinuses are destroyed. Inflammation goes to the orbit, to the brain tissue.

With sinusitis, there is swelling of the mucous membrane of the sinuses, a serous or purulent exudate is formed in them. And most often inflammation is accompanied by copious discharge from the nose. The composition of the secret depends on the type of infection.

There are acute and chronic sinusitis. According to the clinical picture, it can be:

  • catarrhal;
  • purulent;
  • chronic with the formation of papillomas, polyps and atrophic changes in the mucosa.

But there is dry sinusitis, which is caused by:

  • deformation of the nasal septum;
  • postoperative scars;
  • changes in the shape of the nose, trauma;
  • the appearance in the nasal passages of neoplasms in the form of polyps, cysts and tumors.

From here there is a blockage of the nasal canal, and there is no passage for the outflow of the secret. Sinusitis without snot usually develops when the patient has a cold or flu.

A number of symptoms of sinusitis without nasal discharge include:

  1. The patient feels unwell, weakness, accompanied by a body temperature above 37 degrees.
  2. In the area of ​​the affected facial sinus, a feeling of fullness appears.
  3. When the head is tilted down or forward, pain is felt in the area of ​​​​inflammation.
  4. You can see redness in the upper part of the cheeks near the eye sockets.
  5. The mucous membrane of the eyes becomes inflamed, swelling of the face is noticeable.
  6. The pain radiates to the upper jaw.
  7. There is an unexplained cough.
  8. The timbre of the voice changes, it becomes nasal.

It is necessary to treat the patient when there are no symptoms of a runny nose with sinusitis, it is necessary to quickly. The disease, especially in childhood, progresses, causing general intoxication of the body. With late detection of inflammation, it passes into the atrophic stage, in which the destruction of the bone walls of the sinus occurs, irreversible processes in the mucous membrane.

Is there sinusitis without a runny nose: treatment methods

There are several ways to treat sinusitis without snot:

  1. The operational method involves the removal of mucus by puncture. After the operation, a drain is inserted for a week, so that the outflow of the excreted secret takes place constantly. In this case, the patient must constantly rinse the sinus with saline solutions.
  2. To eliminate puffiness, suppress the growth of bacteria, take a course of systemic antibiotics. The viral flora is fought with the help of preparations containing interferon. Vasoconstrictors rarely help, they are needed only to relieve nasal congestion.
  3. Physiotherapy includes washing, inhalation, massage, acupuncture. For the introduction of antibiotics into the sinuses, electrophoresis or phonophoresis is used.
  4. From folk remedies, the use of aloe and Kalanchoe juice for instillation into each nostril is effective. Inhalations with the addition of propolis tincture help to cope with pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Has a bactericidal effect decoction of lavender, coltsfoot, St. John's wort. Vapors of herbal collection must be breathed every day.

But heating the area of ​​​​inflammation is strictly prohibited, as it will lead to the spread of pus into the blood vessels, neighboring organs. at the initial stage of inflammation. Having wrapped a boiled egg in a cloth, apply it to the site of the lesion.

All types of therapy can not be used independently, without consulting a specialist.

Can sinusitis occur without nasal congestion and temperature

If it is known that sinusitis without a runny nose and congestion can be, then the absence of temperature is not an indicator of the absence of inflammation. You can determine if you have sinusitis or not by:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • causeless pain in the ears and upper gums;
  • bad breath;
  • rapid fatigue, fatigue.

Signs of inflammation are weakly manifested not only at the beginning of the pathological process, but also in the chronic form of sinusitis. Often with rhinitis, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is diagnosed. You can also determine the disease like this: tilt your head forward, and a pain sensation will appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facial sinuses.

Sources of infection of the maxillary sinuses may be not fully treated diseases. There can be sinusitis when a patient with:

  • flu
  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • maxillary cysts;
  • advanced caries;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • periodontitis.

Viruses and bacteria, once in the sinuses, lead to swelling of the mucosa. It swells, blocking the nasal passages. The outflow of fluid stops, which leads to its accumulation in the facial cavities. Sinusitis without nasal congestion develops due to the fact that the epithelium lining the walls of the sinuses loses its functions. It does not clean the incoming air, does not warm it. There is atrophy of the mucous membranes. And pathogenic microorganisms feel comfortable on the epithelium of the maxillary sinuses.

Is there sinusitis without temperature: methods of diagnosis and treatment

It is easier for an adult to identify sinusitis, and a child cannot complain of malaise. But if he breathes constantly through his mouth, it means that there are violations in the nasal canals and sinuses. Even if there is no fever, then you need to contact a specialist. He will direct the passage:

  • x-ray examination;
  • diaphanoscopy;
  • computer and magnetic resonance imaging.

Only laboratory tests will indicate inflammation, reveal its cause. After all, sinusitis without a runny nose and temperature is not such a rare occurrence. It is dangerous for its complications. The fluid that may be in the sinuses presses on the walls of the cavity, destroying them. If a purulent secret enters the eye socket, it will cause an abscess in the area of ​​​​the organ of vision. In the walls of the sinuses, large blood vessels and venous plexuses can also get pus, causing blood poisoning.

In the treatment of an infectious disease, it is taken into account which symptoms are pronounced. If the development of sinusitis without temperature is rapid, then surgical intervention is necessary. An operation is performed with a puncture of the area of ​​​​inflammation and cleansing of the maxillary sinuses. After the procedure, drainage is carried out, which will allow the fluid to be removed outside within a week. Apply and operation without a puncture.

This method is safe for children, it helps to quickly carry out treatment and restore the tissues of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses.

With a weak development of signs of sinusitis, conservative methods of treatment can be used: taking antibiotics, painkillers. Among the drugs effective against bacteria are those belonging to the group of macrolides.

From physiotherapy, the cuckoo method is effective in the treatment of sinusitis without a runny nose and temperature for cleaning the sinuses from fluid. Using a probe, the solution is injected into one nostril, and a device with an electric suction is inserted into the other. Due to the rarefaction of the air, a purulent or serous secret is removed from the maxillary sinuses.

Ultrasonic waves have a tonic and analgesic effect on the site of inflammation. Procedures are carried out for ten to fifteen minutes every other day.

Widely used in irradiation with ultraviolet rays, which have a bactericidal effect. After exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the area of ​​inflammation in the maxillary sinuses, the immunobiological properties of the body are enhanced.

To avoid subsequent sinusitis during the cold season, it is recommended to follow the advice of your doctor.

A common disease of sinusitis is familiar to many. It is an inflammation of the sinuses. It is accompanied by unpleasant phenomena: constant liquid discharge, often purulent, flows from the nose. But sometimes you can meet other varieties of the disease. It is worth figuring out if there can be sinusitis without a runny nose and nasal congestion.

Causes of the disease

The nasal mucosa is very vulnerable. This is where a lot of pathogens come in. The human immune system successfully copes with them, but there are also more resistant viruses, which are the cause of the disease. Reduced immunity, weakening of the body's defenses also provoke sinusitis.

Sinuses are normal and with sinusitis

During colds, viral microorganisms directly affect the mucous membrane. The upper layer of the epithelium is damaged, its functions are disturbed. There is sinusitis.

What is the difference between sinusitis and runny nose?

Another name for the common cold is rhinitis. This is a condition characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane. What does this mean? The disease with rhinitis completely covers the entire space of the upper respiratory tract: the nasopharynx, nasal passages, equally all the paranasal sinuses.

With a runny nose, people complain of a stuffy nose and discharge, which can be of different consistency. How to distinguish sinusitis? It happens that with sinusitis there is no runny nose. How does the disease progress? During sinusitis without a runny nose, the entire opening that connects the sinus to the rest of the nose is completely clogged. The disease does not spread, remains and matures almost asymptomatically, especially at the initial stage.

Why does sinusitis occur without a runny nose?

  1. infections. If you do not treat influenza, rubella, SARS and other viral diseases in time, you can earn complications. Even the wrong treatment leads to a worsening of the situation. It is enough to endure a severe cold on the legs. Everything happens like this:
  • during the underlying disease, the mucous membrane swells;
  • nasal congestion appears;
  • the passage to the maxillary sinuses narrows or is completely blocked;
  • there are violations of the outflow of the secret;
  • mucus accumulates in the sinuses.

At the same time, the symptoms of the viral underlying disease begin to disappear. The person feels better and thinks he is on the mend. And the pus gradually accumulates and fills the entire sinus completely.

  1. dental diseases. If diseased teeth are not treated in time, the infection will begin to spread from the tooth to the maxillary sinus. The disease is caused by:

In this case, the symptoms may not be immediately noticeable.

  1. Trauma, damage. Deformation of the nasal septum leads to blockage of the sinus and impaired secretion outflow. Sinusitis develops without a runny nose.
  1. atrophic course of the disease.

If there is no snot with sinusitis, it means that the ciliated epithelium is broken. The mucous membrane in such a situation becomes thin and loses its functions. It cannot clean the inhaled air, cannot warm it, does not secrete mucus. The shell cannot fight pathogenic bacteria. This condition just does not appear, you need a long protracted inflammation and constant infectious diseases.


Now that it is clear whether sinusitis happens without a runny nose, it is worth identifying the symptoms. In young children and adults, they are different, so the diagnosis and treatment are individual. Age must be taken into account, this will help to effectively get rid of the disease.

Symptoms in adults:

Other symptoms.

If the main symptoms do not manifest themselves, you can determine your condition with the help of additional ones. At all stages of the disease, you can feel:

  • persistent stuffy nose;
  • insomnia, poor sleep;
  • deterioration in general condition;
  • the appearance of lethargy, fatigue;
  • reduced performance;
  • deterioration or even loss of appetite;
  • occurrence of photophobia.

Symptoms in a child

In children, the disease manifests itself differently. What can they complain about?

  • severe congestion, difficulty breathing;
  • pain that always gets worse at night;
  • pain in the ears;
  • hearing impairment;
  • fatigue, distraction, weakness;
  • bad breath.

Now it is known whether sinusitis can be without a runny nose. The symptoms are different, but they will help to recognize the disease and not start it.

It is worth paying attention: sinusitis without snot, the treatment of which is not easy, is not detected in the first stages. That is why the disease quickly passes into more severe forms.


It is almost impossible to determine sinusitis on your own. You need a trip to an experienced otolaryngologist who will help recognize the disease. The doctor will check the nasal cavity and mucous membranes. This will help to identify the disease at an early stage.

Diagnosis for sinusitis

If suddenly the symptoms are not enough, additional methods are prescribed. Modern methods allow you not to start sinusitis:

  1. x-ray. Allows you to see the inflamed foci in the picture. They are indicated by dark spots.
  1. CT scan. A more advanced way. It allows you to notice not only areas of inflammation, but also to find out the stage of the disease.
  1. Diaphanoscopy. The nasal sinuses are translucent with a tube with a light bulb at the end. This allows you to conduct research on the presence of areas of inflammation.


Many do not pay due attention to sinusitis and consider it frivolous. No need to think that everything will go by itself. If left untreated, you may face more serious consequences: the spread of infection to the membranes of the brain, the appearance of meningitis, sepsis.

Treatment is carried out in two ways:

  • surgical method;
  • conservative option.

The first method is rarely used. It is used in situations where conservative treatment has not helped, and the disease is progressing. The intervention of surgeons is also required in the case when polyps or formations were found in the paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity.

The conservative technique includes:

The cause of the disease may be in the curvature of the nasal septum or severe caries. In this case, it is these phenomena that need to be eliminated. Medicines are needed that improve the outflow of fluid from the maxillary sinus, reduce swelling and improve well-being.

In some cases, traditional medicines can help, but they should not be taken without consulting a doctor. It is necessary to treat sinusitis in a complex way, medicinal herbs alone cannot be dispensed with.


Sinusitis at first glance seems harmless, but threatens with serious complications on the brain. It is better to monitor your health and prevent illness in time.

  1. timely treatment of all colds and especially the common cold. Even such a harmless state cannot be launched;
  2. if children have adenoids, the nasal septum is curved, timely intervention is necessary. Birth defects must be constantly monitored;
  3. a competent blowing technique is required: one nostril is covered with a finger. Then the mucus will not seep into the sinus;
  4. drops in the nose must be instilled in a special way: tilt the head slightly back, in the direction in which the nostril is required to drip drops. Then the solution does not enter the nasopharynx, but into the nasal passage;
  5. hypothermia must be avoided. In cold weather, wear a hat;
  6. indoor air humidification. You should try to avoid dry air;
  7. maintaining immunity, the use of vitamins, fruits, vegetables;
  8. regular visits to the dentist. It will help in the first stages to cure caries and other processes that also lead to sinusitis.

Finally, you need to carefully take care of yourself, do not start chronic diseases. Can sinusitis be without snot? Of course. Therefore, the disease must be monitored carefully. At the first sign of discomfort, an immediate visit to the doctor is required.. If a person monitors his health, he will be able to avoid acute problems. The main thing is to take everything seriously.

Inflammation of the sinuses, which is medically known as sinusitis, is considered a common occurrence. The disease affects both children and adults. You can recognize it by its characteristic features, the main among which is a runny nose. However, there are cases when sinusitis occurs without a runny nose, which makes the diagnosis process difficult.

Many people are interested in whether there can be sinusitis without a runny nose and how, in this case, to find out about the course of the inflammatory process in the body. In fact, such cases are well known in medical practice.

Is there sinusitis without a runny nose: symptoms of the disease

The presence of purulent mucus in the sinuses is a clear sign of an inflammatory process in them. The absence of this feature is an obstacle to early diagnosis. Nevertheless, there are some specific symptoms of sinusitis without a runny nose, which allow you to detect the inflammatory process and start its treatment earlier.

The main symptoms of the disease are the following processes:

  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • prolonged nasal congestion;
  • pain in the head and jaw, it increases during chewing and talking;
  • the intensity of the headache varies depending on the position of the person's body, when he lies down, the pain and discomfort intensify.

Without a runny nose, sinusitis also occurs in children, however, their symptoms of inflammation of the sinuses may be slightly different than in adults. Having noticed them, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if the baby himself began to complain of feeling unwell.

With the development of the inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses in children, the following signs are characteristic:

  • disturbed nasal breathing;
  • fatigue and constant fatigue;
  • pain in the gums and ears;
  • sensation of bad breath.

Sometimes there is sinusitis without a runny nose and temperature, this can be with a weak form of the inflammatory process or at an early stage of its development. Nasal congestion and pain in the face and head will help to recognize the disease. You can also try to tilt your head forward, with the development of the disease there will be pain in the forehead and sinuses.

Sinusitis without a runny nose and nasal congestion is almost never detected at an early stage of its development. This leads to a neglected form of the disease and the occurrence of many complications.

Diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis without a runny nose

Regardless of whether there is a runny nose with sinusitis or not, complex therapy is required. The inflammatory process must be cured, otherwise the infection can penetrate the brain or blood vessels.

Diagnosis of the disease with insufficient symptoms is carried out using methods such as:

1. X-ray. In the case of the development of this ENT disease, the foci of inflammation in the picture will be visible in the form of dark spots.

2. Diaphanoscopy. The otolaryngologist, using a special tube with a light bulb at the end, shines through the nasal sinuses and examines them for the presence of foci of inflammation.

3. CT scan. Using the method, you can not only detect the focus of inflammation, but also determine the stage of its course.

Treatment of sinusitis without a runny nose can be conservative and surgical. Specialists resort to surgery as a last resort, when other methods have failed to get rid of the disease.

At elevated body temperature, the patient must be given antipyretics, as well as painkillers. The entire period of treatment, the patient must comply with bed rest. The absence of mucus in the nose does not mean that it is not in the paranasal sinuses themselves, just that its outflow is impaired. To increase the outflow of accumulated mucus and open the nasal passages as much as possible, it is necessary to use special nasal drops or sprays.

With sinusitis, physiotherapy procedures give a noticeable result. Specialists can prescribe the use of blue, sollux, dynamic current, but the UHF procedure is the most effective.

If you ask experts whether sinusitis without a runny nose is the result of a curvature of the nasal septum or dental caries, they will answer that these are also common causes of the disease. In such cases, in order to cure sinusitis, the root cause should initially be eliminated. To prevent the development of sinusitis, it is important to treat all diseases of the nasopharynx in a timely manner.

Features of the treatment of sinusitis and prolonged rhinitis

When treating sinusitis and a protracted runny nose, you need to show a fair amount of patience. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinuses), occurring in an acute or chronic form. If a runny nose does not go away for weeks and months, then a particularly long treatment process is ahead.

What are sinuses?

The human skull consists not only of bones, but also of 7 small hollow spaces in their depth - the paranasal sinuses or sinuses. Six of them are paired, which are located on both sides of the nose, there is still a single sphenoid sinus:

  • two frontal - above the brow arches;
  • two maxillary (maxillary) - in the depth of the bone of the same name;
  • two trellised - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of the nose;
  • wedge-shaped - in the depths of the bone of the same name at the base of the skull.

The paranasal sinuses not only form the skeleton of the face, but also warm the inhaled air before it enters the lungs, and are also resonators that amplify the sounds of speech. Their most important feature is that they do not function separately, but together. All sinuses have openings through which they are connected to the nasal passages.

The health of the paranasal sinuses directly depends on unhindered communication with the nasal cavity. The space of each sinus is lined from the inside with delicate mucous membranes.

And they, as you know, are very susceptible to attacks by pathogenic bacteria, viruses and easily become inflamed.

As soon as the nasal mucosa swells due to a runny nose (rhinitis) and the channel between one of the sinuses and the nasal cavity is blocked, the air from the “blocked” sinus is absorbed by the blood vessels, and its cavity is filled with fluid. In it, the infection begins to multiply rapidly.

Types and causes of the disease

If several pairs of sinuses are simultaneously involved in the inflammatory process, the ENT doctor deals with sinusitis. But more often 1-2 sinuses become inflamed. Diseases are classified depending on which sinuses it is:

  • the sphenoid sinus is affected - this is sphenoiditis;
  • the ethmoid sinuses are inflamed - ethmoiditis;
  • one or both maxillary sinuses fester - sinusitis is diagnosed;
  • the frontal sinuses are infected - this is frontal sinusitis.

Since all sinuses communicate with each other, an infection in one of them can easily penetrate into adjacent cavities. If the inflammatory process covers all paranasal sinuses, it is pansinusitis (or polysinusitis). Depending on the symptoms and nature of the course of the disease, two forms of sinusitis are diagnosed: acute and chronic. In relapses, chronic sinusitis usually proceeds as acute sinusitis.

The most common causative agents of all types of diseases are pathogenic bacteria or viruses, less often fungi or mycoplasmal organisms. Sometimes pathology develops as a result of allergic reactions. Sinusitis can worsen due to polyps in the nasal cavity, a crooked nasal septum, adenoids, chronic rhinitis, tonsillitis, and even caries.

Symptoms of the disease

A typical picture of the development of sinusitis is as follows: the disease begins with hypothermia, colds, SARS or flu. First, rhinitis develops with a profuse runny nose, and then the infection passes to the mucous membranes of the sinuses.

And then, to the traditional symptoms of a cold: general malaise, muscle weakness, possible fluctuations in body temperature, signs of sinusitis are added. For acute and chronic forms of this disease of all kinds, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • stuffy nose, often one-sided, and nasal breathing is difficult;
  • mucus is discharged from the nose, at first clear, and then greenish-yellow due to pus; if the capillaries burst, an admixture of blood appears;
  • the sense of smell weakens or completely disappears;
  • with inflammation of the maxillary sinus, the skin on both sides of the nose may turn red;
  • the patient is tormented by a dry cough, especially strong at night;
  • pain syndrome occurs.

In acute frontal sinusitis, the forehead hurts above the superciliary arches. Due to acute ethmoiditis, pain is usually localized near the bridge of the nose, in the region of the eye sockets, but may also radiate to the back of the head. In acute sinusitis, strong unilateral or bilateral pain sensations are concentrated mainly below the eyes. In acute sphenoiditis, they are localized in the back of the head, less often in the temples, crown. Chronic sinusitis presents with milder but longer-lasting symptoms. Pain, cough, discharge with pus may suddenly disappear, then reappear after a while. At the same time, the chronic patient has a constantly stuffy nose, breathing is difficult. He often catches a cold, suffers from respiratory infections.

Treatment of the disease

Making a diagnosis for an ENT doctor is not particularly difficult. Inspection of the nasal mucosa (rhinoscopy) and maxillofacial x-ray allow you to accurately determine the localization of inflamed areas. Treatment of acute sinusitis takes about 3 weeks, chronic - much longer (up to 2-3 months). The first thing you need to start treatment procedures with is the restoration of free communication between the nasal cavities and the affected sinuses.

To do this, it is necessary to remove the swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal canals, which will allow for an effective outflow of mucus from the inflamed sinuses and normalize their ventilation.

Puffiness is removed with vasoconstrictor drops. Children are advised to bury nose drops with xylometazoline: they are more harmless. But any drugs against the common cold that constrict blood vessels should be used no longer than 3-5 days, otherwise they can be harmful instead of good. There is a risk of drying and atrophy of the mucous membranes, as well as the formation of more mucus.

At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate the multiplied infection. If the disease is prolonged, it is difficult, a course of penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics is prescribed. Azithromycin is a powerful drug, especially effective in mycoplasmal sinusitis. The more local antibiotic Bioparox is also effective. In milder cases, preparations based on medicinal plants are preferable.

With sinusitis of an allergic nature, antihistamines are prescribed. If the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, antipyretics should be taken. Rinsing the nasal passages with sprays with sea water, inhalation helps to free nasal breathing. If conservative treatment fails, a prolonged, progressive disease will have to be treated surgically. The patient is given punctures (punctures) into the affected sinuses in order to pump out the purulent contents and remove part of the overgrown mucous membrane, which also prevents the ventilation of the cavities.

Treatment of chronic rhinitis

It is not uncommon for a cold to go away quickly, but the rhinitis it causes lasts for weeks or even months, especially in young children. It indicates an ongoing inflammatory process in the nasal cavity. How to cure a chronic runny nose?

It is important to choose the right medicines. If the mucus released from the nose is transparent, Vibrocil, Otrivin or Nazivin, which narrow the vessels, will help. But it is useless to use these drops if the mucus is small and thick. Here you can not do without frequent rinsing of the nasal cavity with sprays with sea water and the use of antibacterial drugs.

A protracted runny nose caused by an allergy should be treated not by an ENT doctor, but by an allergist. Temporary relief will bring an antihistamine. But then it is necessary to determine the type of allergen and eliminate contact with it.

If there is no pus in the mucus, it is useful to do inhalations. Calendula flowers are poured with water, brought to a boil, let it brew for 4-5 minutes. Then the head and the container with hot infusion are covered with a terry towel and the steam is inhaled through the nose. It is good to alternate calendula with chamomile flowers, eucalyptus leaves or essential oils of tea tree, cedar, thuja.

A runny nose responds well to physiotherapy procedures (primarily the famous "cuckoo"), UV heating, and laser devices.

Treatment of a protracted runny nose is a process in which the body itself must take an active part. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the immune system of children from an early age by taking them to the sea in the summer. Sunbathing, sea air, water rich in salts and iodine give a wonderful hardening effect.

Frontitis: causes and symptoms of the disease

  • Forms of manifestation
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • Complications
  • Symptoms

Inflammatory processes occurring in the frontal paranasal sinus are called frontal sinusitis. This is the most dangerous type of sinusitis, which requires mandatory diagnosis and timely treatment.

Frontal sinusitis has acute and chronic forms. Often accompanied by ethmoiditis, localized in the ethmoid bones. If the acute form of frontitis is not treated, then it becomes chronic, which is dangerous with severe consequences and sometimes requires surgical intervention.

To understand how sinusitis occurs, you need to know the structure of the nose and the process of air exchange in it. How does this happen?

Inhaled air circulates freely throughout the nasal cavity. Due to swelling of the mucous membrane, the lumen leading to the frontal sinus narrows and blocks the access of air. As a result, the secretion is difficult to withdraw from the sinus and an acidic environment is formed in which bacteria actively multiply.

The main causes of frontal sinusitis are similar to sinusitis, inflammation of the maxillary sinus. But this type of sinusitis is especially poorly tolerated and can threaten the life of the patient.


If you do not ensure the outflow of mucus and pathogenic microbes from the frontal paranasal sinus, then the disease will progress every day. This will cause severe painful conditions of the patient and various complications. Therefore, at the first signs of frontal sinusitis, treatment should be started immediately.

Most often, the disease develops as a result of acute respiratory diseases or influenza. But there are other causes of frontitis:

  • allergy;
  • getting into the sinuses of foreign bodies;
  • deviated septum of the nose;
  • previous diseases (scarlet fever, diphtheria);
  • untreated runny nose;
  • incorrect blowing;
  • reduced immunity;
  • the presence of polyps and adenoids in the nose.

The causative agents of frontitis are most often staphylococci. In addition to them, frontal sinusitis can also be caused by such pathogenic microorganisms as: streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, catal marcellus. With reduced immunity in the frontal sinuses, the reproduction of various fungi and other microorganisms is possible.

The initial manifestations of frontal sinusitis are difficult to distinguish from the usual runny nose caused by a cold. In addition to mucous discharge from the nose, there is a slight increase in temperature, as well as pain in the nose. The symptoms of acute and chronic frontal sinusitis can be different.

Symptoms characteristic of acute frontal sinusitis:

  1. Significant increase in body temperature. This figure can reach 38 - 39 degrees Celsius.
  2. Strong headache. It is especially disturbing in the frontal part of the head, but it can also manifest itself in the temporal and occipital regions. The pain grows and dissipates. Strongly manifested at night or in the morning, when the patient is in a horizontal position for a long time. After the release of the paranasal sinuses from the secret - subsides. Increased pain can be with pressure on the area where the infection is localized. Turning, tilting the head forward or moving the eyes leads to sharp pinpoint pain. The pain may spread to the eyes, ears, and teeth, especially in the upper jaw.
  3. Swelling of the mucous membrane makes breathing difficult. It is harder to breathe when the patient is in the supine position.
  4. There is a cough at night due to the flow of mucous or purulent discharge along the wall of the larynx.
  5. In severe cases, the patient may decreased sense of smell and taste.
  6. Mucous discharge from the nose can be either transparent or yellow or green with purulent inflammation. When the patient is in an upright position, there is more discharge. If the lumen in the nasal sinus is completely closed by mucosal edema and no outflow of secretion occurs, then there are none at all.
  7. General symptoms are manifested in weakness, apathy, loss of appetite, rapid fatigue and loss of strength. The patient may experience such phenomena as: cerebrovascular accident, dizziness.

Symptoms characteristic of chronic sinusitis:

  1. Swelling of eyelids and brow ridges, especially after sleep.
  2. Conjunctivitis and other inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision.
  3. Frequent headaches.
  4. Decreased sense of smell, up to the complete absence of this function.
  5. The development of a cough into a chronic form that is not amenable to standard treatment.
  6. Constant weakness and fatigue.

The severity of symptoms of chronic frontal sinusitis is weaker and it is more difficult to determine the disease. To do this, the doctor conducts not only a visual examination, but also laboratory diagnostics. Therefore, only a specialist after the examination can prescribe a set of effective measures to combat the disease.


Acute frontal sinusitis usually lasts 2 weeks. In the absence of proper treatment, it easily becomes chronic. Frontitis in a chronic form either worsens or subsides. The only way to get rid of this disease is the right treatment.

The manifestations of frontal sinusitis and sinusitis are in many ways similar, but there are still differences. The main differences between these diseases:

  • different localization of the focus of infection;
  • pain with sinusitis mainly affects the front of the head, and frontal frontal and occipital regions;
  • sinusitis is more conducive to complications from the organs of vision;
  • pain in frontal sinusitis is stronger, sometimes becomes unbearable, which leads to a nervous breakdown;
  • with sinusitis, the horizontal position improves the patient's well-being, and worsens with frontal sinusitis.

Just like sinusitis, frontal sinusitis is dangerous because it can go to nearby tissues and cause serious pathological changes. As a result, diseases such as meningitis, sepsis, brain abscess may appear.

Frontitis: what is it, symptoms and treatment of frontitis

Among all varieties of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis is characterized by a particularly severe course of the disease and has rather dangerous consequences: tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, and even pneumonia.

Frontit - what is it:

  • refers to a variety of sinusitis;
  • a special type of inflammatory disease;
  • develops in the paranasal sinuses.

In the nose of a person are sinuses, which have a mucous membrane.

This shell is extremely important because it performs a protective function: it blocks the possible penetration of infections and bacteria into the body, filters the air and warms it up. With frontal sinusitis, these sinuses suffer the most, inflammation begins, which suspends the normal functioning of the sinus protection.

Separately, mention should be made of acute frontal sinusitis, when the disease can last up to three weeks. The mucosa is located next to the orbit and the anterior cranial fossa - such a neighborhood can provoke the development of complications with frontal sinusitis. It is extremely important to diagnose sinusitis in time and start treatment.

There are also two main forms of frontitis:

  • Unilateral, when there is inflammation of the sinus on only one side.
  • Bilateral, when the sinus becomes inflamed on both sides.

According to official statistics, frontal sinusitis is a characteristic disease among men. The reasons explaining this phenomenon have not yet been established. The disease can occur at any age.

Frontitis can also be the result of congenital deformities of the nasal septum, the curvature of the canal in the fronto-nasal zone.

As a rule, sinusitis develops against the background of a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. It is not uncommon for frontitis to occur as a result of exposure to the body of rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses or parainfluenza viruses. With polypous (cystic) frontal sinusitis, the mucosa grows in a pathological form, lining the sinus and forming a cyst. A parietal-hyperplastic frontal sinusitis may form when a bacterial-type infection develops against the background of mucosal cell division.

The source of infection in the frontal sinuses can vary. The main ones are:

As a rule, the development of frontitis is provoked by staphylococci. Also, the cause of the disease can be streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, catal marcellus. If frontitis occurs in a person with a weakened immune system, then the development of fungi and other harmful microorganisms is quite possible.

There are the following types of frontitis according to the type of pathogen:

  • Allergic.
  • Bacterial.
  • Viral.
  • Fungal.
  • Mixed.

Depending on the type of causative agent of frontal sinusitis, the treatment of the disease will also vary.

The key symptoms of this disease include:

  • Pain and pressure in the frontal sinuses behind the eyes.
  • Pain and swelling near the eyes and nose. If a person leans forward a little, then the pain will increase (this symptom is a hallmark of sinusitis: with sinusitis in a horizontal position, the patient's pain begins to subside).
  • Edema in the nasal passages.
  • Coryza with yellow or green mucus.
  • Pain in the ears.
  • Rise in temperature at night.
  • Development of a severe cough.
  • The appearance of toothache (pain in the upper jaw is especially pronounced).

In addition to the listed symptoms, others are possible if the frontal sinusitis is very difficult.

These symptoms include:

  • Decreased taste sensations, impaired sense of smell.
  • The appearance of pain in the throat.
  • Bad breath.
  • The development of meningitis, if you ignore the primary symptoms of frontal sinusitis and do not treat it. Meningitis is dangerous because it provokes inflammation of the meninges, and this can be a threat to the patient's life.

It should be noted

At the initial stage of the development of frontal sinusitis or in its chronic form, the disease can proceed without a runny nose and fever. If frontitis is not accompanied by discharge from the nose, then there is cause for concern - swelling of the mucous membrane completely covers the frontal sinuses, so the pain becomes unbearable.

In order to determine frontitis, what it is and how it manifests itself, it is necessary to know the features of the symptoms of different types of the disease.

  • catarrhal, which is characterized by nasal congestion, copious discharge from the nose, the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the area above the eyebrows. If you do not treat catarrhal frontal sinusitis, then it will go to the next stage, when purulent inflammation begins.
  • Purulent, which is characterized by the accumulation of purulent discharge in the frontal sinuses. The headache manifests itself quite intensely, the patient's condition is much worse than in the usual course of the disease.

The treatment of frontitis should be determined by the doctor after examining the patient. If the sinusitis was the result of an infection, then first of all it is necessary to treat the infection, and only after that it is taken to restore the irritated sinus cavity. If the drugs do not give results, then the patient is prescribed antibiotics (usually with the development of purulent processes). As a rule, antibacterial drugs help within 3-5 days. If the pain with frontal sinusitis becomes unbearable, then the doctor additionally prescribes an anesthetic.

Good support for the main treatment will be anti-edema drugs, which can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Such remedies will soothe inflammation in the sinus cavities, narrowing the vessels, reduce pressure and return the ability to breathe normally. Means are taken no longer than 5-7 days, so as not to be addictive. Decongestants are vasoconstrictor drops and sprays containing antibiotic and steroid hormones.

Treatment of frontitis in pregnant women should be carried out as soon as possible: the frontal sinus becomes a focus of infection that can harm the child. In no case should you self-medicate. Frontitis is also dangerous for the baby during breastfeeding if the mother takes medication to treat this disease. If the sinusitis is detected on time, then it can be treated with non-potent drugs.

If you have sinusitis, and you smoke, you will have to forget about cigarettes (at least for the duration of the treatment of the disease).

You can additionally use folk remedies, but the treatment prescribed by your doctor should be paramount. In chronic frontal sinusitis, the treatment is exactly the same as in the acute form.

Forms of manifestation of frontal sinusitis: bilateral, unilateral, purulent, catarrhal, without runny nose and temperature

Frontit differs in the following indicators:

  • type of inflammatory process;
  • etiological factor;
  • process localization.

According to the type of inflammatory process, frontal sinusitis is divided into two categories:

  • exudative- accumulation of fluid in the frontal sinuses of the nose: serous, purulent, catarrhal frontal sinusitis;
  • productive- proliferation of mucous tissue in the frontal sinuses of the nose: cystic, polyposis, parietal-hyperplastic.

The initial form of frontitis is catarrhal. It occurs as a result of inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes of the frontal sinuses. In this case, frontal sinusitis can be without a runny nose and temperature, but have other symptoms characteristic of this disease. If the inflammation is not cured, then the disease begins to progress.

The most dangerous form of the disease is purulent frontal sinusitis. If at the initial stage the discharge from the nose is liquid, serous, then with the development of the disease, the pathological content in the sinuses becomes purulent. This is due to an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria. In this case, there is a strong intoxication of the body and it is not worth delaying the treatment. With purulent frontal sinusitis, antibiotics are prescribed to fight the disease.

More about the front

Main symptoms Main symptoms How to treat

In the treatment of polyposis or cystic frontal sinusitis, the frontal sinus of the nose is opened and the overgrown tissue is removed.

Depending on which pathogen caused inflammation of the frontal sinuses, they speak of an etiological factor.

There are the following types of frontitis according to this indicator:

  • Viral. It is a consequence of influenza and SARS diseases.
  • Allergic. It develops against the background of allergic reactions.
  • Bacterial. It occurs as a result of getting into the frontal sinuses of the nose of various bacteria.
  • Fungal. This type of inflammation occurs due to a fungal infection.
  • Mixed. Such a diagnosis is made if several types of pathogen are present.

The treatment of these types of frontal sinusitis can fundamentally differ. And what medicines will be effective can be determined only after identifying the causative agent of the disease.

According to the localization of the inflammatory process, there are:

  • double-sided front;
  • left frontal;
  • right front.

With a bilateral form of frontal pain, pain occurs symmetrically, and the release of pathological contents occurs from both nostrils. With left-sided or right-sided frontitis, symptoms appear on the left or right, respectively.

  • Can there be frontal sinusitis without a runny nose?
    All types and forms of frontal sinusitis have common symptoms, but there are differences. In the initial or chronic form of the disease, frontal sinusitis occurs without a runny nose and temperature. At the same time, there are such symptoms as: nasal congestion, difficulty in nasal breathing, pain in the frontal part of the head, eyes. Frontitis without discharge from the nose can also signal that the swelling of the mucous membrane completely covers the frontal sinuses. In this case, the pain becomes very severe, since the pathological contents are not excreted and put pressure on nearby tissues.

Frontitis: ICD 10, types of diagnosis and treatment

In the international classification of diseases of the 10th revision (ICD 10), the following codes are assigned to frontitis:

  • J31 - chronic form of sinusitis, J32.1 - chronic frontal sinusitis;
  • J01 - acute form of sinusitis, J01.1 - acute frontal sinusitis.

In order to properly treat frontal sinusitis, diagnostics in a medical institution is necessary. The doctor determines the methods of examination depending on the form and stage of the disease.

  • Collection of anamnesis. At the first stage, the doctor conducts an oral questioning of the patient. An experienced specialist can collect the lion's share of information about the disease only from the words of the patient. After the interview, a general visual examination of the patient takes place. Is there swelling on the face, is there pain on palpation of a part of the head above the frontal sinus.
  • Rhinoscopy. Allows you to see the condition of the nasal mucosa: the presence of edema, polyps. The procedure is carried out using an expander with mirrors.

  1. Endoscopic examination condition of the nasal mucosa. This procedure allows you to see the location of the infection, the structural features of the sinuses and septum. It is performed using a flexible tube with a camera. The image is displayed on the screen.
  2. X-ray of the sinuses. Determines the state of the frontal sinuses, reveals inflammation and swelling. It is performed using an x-ray machine. Diagnostics is carried out on a picture.
  3. ultrasound. It reveals the volume of inflammation, allows you to control the course of treatment. An ultrasonic linear sensor is used to diagnose frontal sinusitis. The image is displayed on the monitor.
  4. thermal imaging. In this study, hotter areas of the body, that is, those that are inflamed, are established.
  5. Bacteriological examination of the secret. Allows you to identify the causative agent of the disease, as well as its sensitivity to drugs. For research, a smear is taken and mucus is inoculated on nutrient media.
  6. Computed tomogram. With maximum accuracy indicates the presence of inflammation and the structure of the bones of the skull. The study uses x-rays.
  7. Cytological examination. It is carried out to determine the cause of the disease. Mucus is taken from the nose and examined under a microscope.

After the necessary diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment to the patient and gives recommendations. Among the methods of treatment of frontal sinusitis, the following are distinguished:

  • medication;
  • surgical;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • nasal lavage;
  • inhalation.

Medicines are prescribed depending on the type of frontitis.

  1. Nasal drops. In order to relieve swelling, vasoconstrictor drops are used. For catarrhal frontitis, combined preparations with anti-inflammatory components are used. If the sinusitis is allergic, then you need to bury your nose with antihistamine drops. Appropriate drops are used to fight bacteria and fungi. Popular drops for the treatment of frontal sinusitis are Tizin, Nazolex, Sinupret drops, Bioparox.
  2. Antibiotics. Assign for the treatment of purulent form of frontal sinusitis.
  3. Nasal lavage. Such means as have proven themselves: Dolphin, Aquamaris, Aqualor. You can make your own sea salt solution.
  4. Inhalations. They are used to treat an uncomplicated form of frontal sinusitis, as well as for chronic frontal sinusitis, but not during an exacerbation. Steam inhalation is strictly prohibited in the presence of elevated body temperature or purulent pathological contents in the sinuses. For a safe procedure, doctors recommend using a nebulizer. Such a device is indispensable in the treatment of young children.
  5. Physiotherapy carried out on the front wall of the inflamed frontal sinus. Phonophoresis (ultrasound with hydrocortisone) or electrophoresis is recommended as a procedure.
  6. Massage is done by point movements in the projection of the frontal sinuses. Not recommended in the process of exacerbation and elevated temperature.
  7. Surgical intervention carried out in severe cases of frontal sinusitis. With a purulent form, a puncture (puncture) is made to pump out the pathogenic contents of the sinus, and with a polyposis, the frontal sinus is opened to remove polyps.

A popular method of dealing with the disease is the treatment of frontitis with folk remedies. Given the complexity and danger of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the advisability of using one or another alternative method of treatment.

Consequences and complication of frontal sinusitis

With improper or untimely treatment, the consequences of frontal sinusitis can be extremely negative and even lead to death. Most often, the infection spreads to neighboring sinuses, causing sinusitis, sphenoiditis and ethmoiditis.

Complications of frontitis can be diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, such as:

  • angina;
  • tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Among the most dangerous complications of frontitis are the following:

  • meningitis of the brain and bone marrow;
  • osteomyelitis of the frontal bone (purulent disease);
  • brain abscess;
  • blood poisoning;
  • detachment of the retina, phlegmon of the orbit.

To prevent the consequences of frontitis, you must follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Do not stop taking medication or performing a procedure when your condition improves.

In this case, the disease will return again.

Prevention of frontal sinusitis is the best way to avoid both the disease itself and severe complications.

Among the actions to prevent a dangerous disease are the following:

  • treat colds in time;
  • with a runny nose, use drops that relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • carry out hardening procedures;
  • do sport.

After frontal sinusitis, prevention is especially relevant. Often, the disease with a cold comes back again. Especially often after a frontal headache. “Is this normal?” people ask on the forums. Headache can occur both as a result of a complication, and due to an untreated disease. To get an accurate answer, you need to contact the doctor who prescribed the treatment.

What is the difference between sinusitis and common rhinitis (runny nose)



Sinusitis (sinusitis; anat. sinus paranasalis paranasal sinus + -itis, syn. paranasal sinusitis) - inflammation of the mucous membrane of one or more paranasal sinuses.
characterized by chills, fever, poor general health, headache of varying intensity, often radiating to the forehead, root of the nose and teeth. Pain in the area of ​​the affected sinus increases with pressure on its front wall. By nature, the pain is intense and constant, accompanied by a feeling of fullness, aggravated by tilting the head, coughing and sneezing. Sometimes photophobia and lacrimation join. The nose is stuffed up, there is an abundant discharge of mucous, mucopurulent, purulent nature. On the side of the affected sinus, the sense of smell is reduced. When the periosteum is involved in the process, swelling of the cheeks and swelling of the lower and sometimes upper eyelids are noted.
Rhinitis (rhinitis; Greek rhis, rhinos nose + itis; synonymous with runny nose) - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. There are acute and chronic R. As independent forms, vasomotor R. is distinguished, which in turn is divided into neurovegetative and allergic.
Acute rhinitis often occurs independently as a result of an isolated effect on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity of pathogens of a viral or bacterial infection. It can be accompanied by acute infectious diseases, such as influenza, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, glanders, gonorrhea, etc. The inflammatory process can also develop secondarily with damage to the paranasal (paranasal) sinuses, pharynx, trachea.
In acute R., catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane develops, which is manifested by swelling of the tissues, most pronounced in the region of the turbinates. The lesion extends to both halves of the nose.
During acute R. allocate three stages. The first stage lasts from several hours to 1-2 days. ; it is manifested by a sensation of itching and dryness in the nasal cavity, sneezing, often lacrimation, headache, general malaise, fever, decreased sense of smell; the mucous membrane is dry, hyperemic. In the second stage, transparent watery (often in large quantities) discharge from the nose appears, difficulty in nasal breathing, nasality are noted: the mucous membrane is moist, edematous, serous-mucous discharge in the nasal passages. In the third stage, nasal breathing improves, nasal discharge becomes mucopurulent in nature, their number gradually decreases; the mucous membrane becomes less edematous, turns pale, mucopurulent discharge is determined in the nasal passages. Recovery occurs on average after 7-10 days, in some cases the process becomes chronic.


it's sinusitis

Sweet YJAAD!

Virtually nothing.

viral origin and allergic, that's the difference

Snezhana Maiburova

I have no idea! I only distinguish between a runny nose and sinusitis (this is when the nose is stuffed up all the time and only a puncture helps)


As far as I know - sinusitis is the same sinusitis. And with sinusitis, the head and snot terribly hurt, sorry, green.

Yakhimovich Pavel

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process accompanied by pain. In some cases, surgery is prescribed for treatment.

Personal Account Deleted

Sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, and not just a runny nose.
Sinusitis occurs both as a complication of rhinitis and independently when inflammation spreads, for example, from the oral cavity.
Diagnosed by x-ray, the sinuses will be darkened.
Dangerous by the formation of pus and a breakthrough in the brain (meningitis, etc.).


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (this concept includes the maxillary sinuses, and the frontal, and sphenoid, and ethmoid sinuses - hence sinusitis is divided into sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis and ethmoiditis), and rhinitis is an inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa that does not affect accessory sinuses.

Pain in the sinus in the nose.


Trojan virus

In the frontal sinuses can also give frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis (in addition to sinusitis). but an accurate diagnosis can only be made by the ENT and after an X-ray of the sinuses.
PY. SY. for general development. sinuses are not in the nose, but in the bones of the skull.

Sergei Sukhanov



Go see a doctor.
When you bend over in your sinuses, the pressure rises (do you feel it?).

Similar to sinusitis (sinusitis, frantitis (difference in the location of pus)

Dmitry Tukmachev

Try pouring aloe juice into your nose.

Mikhail Shevaldov

Inflammation, beginning sinusitis.

Roma Sidorov

sinusitis. urgently see a doctor before it's too late.


Be sure to take a picture, it looks like a sinusitis. Try to drink Sinupret!


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the lining of the paranasal (paranasal) sinuses (see WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE SINOS). Sinusitis can be acute, subacute, chronic, allergic and hyperplastic.

What are the causes of sinusitis?

Sinusitis is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Acute sinusitis develops mainly as a consequence of the common cold; in about 10% of cases it becomes subacute. Chronic sinusitis results from a bacterial infection that is difficult to treat.

Predisposing factors:

Chronic swelling of the nose;

Curved septum;

Secretion of too thick mucus by the mucous membrane;

nasal polyps;

Allergic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose (allergic rhinitis);

Weakening of the body after chemotherapy, due to malnutrition, diabetes, blood disease, long-term use of steroid drugs, or depressed immunity.

Bacterial invasion of the paranasal sinuses is usually determined by the factors listed above or follows a viral infection. Swimming in a pool of polluted water can also lead to the development of a bacterial infection.

Allergic sinusitis often occurs as a complication of allergic rhinitis. Hyperplastic sinusitis is a combination of purulent and allergic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or purulent sinusitis and allergic rhinitis.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

The symptoms of sinusitis are varied and depend on the type of infection.

Acute sinusitis

The main symptom of acute sinusitis is nasal congestion, accompanied by a gradual increase in pressure in the affected paranasal sinus. A runny nose may appear 24-48 hours after the onset of the first symptoms. Later, pus appears in the discharge from the nose. The general state of health worsens, the throat and head hurt, the temperature rises (from 37.2o to 37.5o). The localization of pain depends on which sinuses are inflamed. It can hurt in the cheeks and upper teeth, above the eyes, above the eyebrows and behind the eyes.

Subacute sinusitis

With subacute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, after the elimination of the infection, discharge from the nose with an admixture of pus is observed for another 3 weeks. Other symptoms: stuffy nose, general discomfort in the face, fatigue and cough without sputum.

What you need to know about the paranasal sinuses

Until you had sinusitis, you probably never thought about them. Now you can't think of anything else. Check out the information below to understand how the paranasal sinuses work, where they are located and why they bring you so much trouble.

What are the paranasal sinuses for?

The paranasal sinuses are air-filled cavities in the facial bones of the skull that give shape to the face and serve as vocal resonators.

Where are the paranasal sinuses located?

Four pairs of sinuses - frontal, maxillary (maxillary), sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses - are located above and along the nose on both sides of the face.

Why do sinusitis cause severe pain?

Pain occurs when the mucous membrane lining the sinuses becomes inflamed (inflammation is caused by an infection or obstruction). Normally, mucus drains into the nose through tiny openings in the bones. If inflammation sets in, these openings become blocked, resulting in increased infection, headaches, nasal congestion, and other symptoms.
Chronic sinusitis

The symptoms of chronic sinusitis are the same as those of acute sinusitis. However, in chronic sinusitis, mucous discharge mixed with pus is constantly observed.

allergic sinusitis

The main symptoms of inflammation of this type are sneezing, headache in the frontal part of the head, watery discharge, nasal congestion, burning sensation and itching in the nose.

Hyperplastic sinusitis

This type of sinus inflammation causes chronic nasal congestion and headaches.



Olga Osipova

You may have sinusitis. And he's being treated with tetracycline hydrochloride. It's an antibiotic. But still find time to go to the doctor. Self-medication in this case is dangerous.

Vasta Mavela

to the doctor!


To the doctor!!!

Free as a wind**

With sinusitis:

Unpleasant sensations appear in the nose and paranasal region, which gradually increase. Pain is less pronounced in the morning, increasing in the evening. Gradually, the pain "loses" a certain place and the patient begins to have a headache. If the process is one-sided, then the pain is noted on one side.
Difficulty in nasal breathing. The patient has a blocked nose. The voice becomes nasal. As a rule, both sides of the nose are blocked. Difficulty in nasal breathing is constant or with little relief. Alternate congestion of the right and left halves of the nose is possible.
Runny nose. In most cases, the patient has a mucous (clear) or purulent (yellow, green) discharge from the nose. This symptom may not be present if the nose is very stuffy, as outflow from the sinus is difficult (this was mentioned above).
Increase in body temperature to 38 and above. As a rule, this symptom is observed in acute sinusitis. In a chronic process, body temperature rarely rises.
Malaise. This is expressed by fatigue, weakness, patients refuse food, their sleep is disturbed.

FRONTITIS is much more severe than inflammation of other paranasal sinuses. With frontal sinusitis, there are: pain in the forehead, especially in the morning, impaired nasal breathing and discharge from the corresponding half of the nose. The pain is often unbearable, acquires a neuralgic character. In severe cases - pain in the eyes, photophobia and decreased sense of smell. In acute influenza frontal sinusitis, body temperature is elevated, swelling and swelling are noted in the forehead and upper eyelid, which are the result of local circulatory disorders.

SPHENOIDITIS is quite rare. Usually there are complaints of headache. Most often it is localized in the region of the crown, in the depths of the head and occiput, the orbit. With chronic lesions, pain is felt in the crown region, and with large sinuses, it can also spread to the back of the head. A rapid decrease in vision is possible, which is associated with the involvement of the optic chiasm in the process.

ETMOIDIT usually proceeds simultaneously with the defeat of the maxillary and frontal sinuses. There is a headache, pressing pain in the root of the nose and bridge of the nose. In children, swelling of the internal parts of the upper and lower eyelids, conjunctival hyperemia on the corresponding side is often noted. Characterized by a sharply reduced sense of smell, significantly difficult nasal breathing. Body temperature is usually elevated. With difficult outflow of pus, the inflammatory process can spread to the orbit. In such cases, the eyelids swell, and the eyeball deviates or protrudes outwards.

These are just the main complaints in sinusitis. The diagnosis is helped by radiography or computed tomography (a more informative method) of the paranasal sinuses. After that, a qualified otolaryngologist should easily establish a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Olga Babkina

Yes. Gaimaritis.


Only a doctor can diagnose you. Urgently to the LOR. Health.


sinusitis started. you can make a puncture, but ... .
better buy sea rice. he heals it. read about it online

serge kuzminykh

Try SINUFORTE - it helps without punctures, checked by my wife.
but in general to go to a good ENT
he will send a picture to take as a drink to give, and then we'll see.

Running on the waves

Sinusitis - definitely!


it's definitely a bug!! !

It is urgent to go to the doctor ... drink antibiotics and take a picture of the nose


This is sinusitis and must be treated thoroughly!


If you do not want health problems, then only to the ENT. Hunting to risk health - you can start heating, dripping, drinking different drugs ...


Buy oxolinic ointment at the pharmacy, make turundas out of a bandage, spread them with ointment and shove them as deep as possible into your nose (deep, deep), so that the ends of the bandage stick out. Do this every day and walk with them for 30 minutes. So the doctor cured my sinusitis without a puncture.
Go to laura!

According to the medical definition, sinusitis is an inflammatory disease that involves the maxillary sinuses in the pathological process.

The etiology of the disease is almost always infectious, and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms, an autoimmune, allergic process occurs somewhat less frequently.

By its nature, the ailment in question can also be viral and fungal. Almost never the defeat of the maxillary sinuses is primary, as a rule, it is secondary to the underlying disease. These are acute respiratory viral diseases provoked by rota- and adenoviruses.

According to medical statistics, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses occurs in approximately 30% of clinical cases. At the same time, 85% of all situations are secondary in relation to acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

The disease is considered polyetiological and multifactorial. In fact, this means that the formation of the disease occurs for many reasons. All of them can be divided into three groups.

  • The first and most common among microorganisms is Staphylococcus aureus. These structures are representatives of the pyogenic flora and, accordingly, are found in almost every person.

According to studies, everyone or almost everyone (about 98%) is infected. Staphylococcus is a conditionally pathogenic agent that lives on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and genitals.

It creates antibiotic-resistant complexes, complicating therapy.

They can provoke complex and severe consequences for health and even life, such as meningitis, sepsis, tonsillitis, acute tonsillitis, etc.

  • Streptococci. They are less common as pathogens. They provoke weak sinusitis in nature, which rarely give the severe complications described above.
  • herpes viruses. Herpetic agents are the culprits of sinusitis several times less often. They are not homogeneous in nature, so variations are possible.

Herpes of the first type provokes a classic inflammation with an intense runny nose, the flow of purulent mucus, and the release of a large amount of exudate.

Herpes of the second type causes sluggish forms of the disease, the fourth type, as well as the fifth, provoke generalized lesions. In this case, a runny nose is the least of the problems.

  • Mycoplasma, uremalism, chlamydia. Able to provoke mild forms of sinusitis.
  • Rotaviruses. They are considered the most common viruses that cause severe forms of sinusitis. These are absolute champions of their kind: they account for up to 65% of all cases of the disease.

Somewhat less often, the disease under consideration is caused by adenoviruses. In such a situation, the clinical picture is poor, however, the likelihood of dangerous complications is high.

Clinically, the most common are streptococci, staphylococci, rotaviruses and adenoviruses. Everything else in the practice of an otolaryngologist is almost casuistry.

How the disease is transmitted

The ways of transportation from person to person of these microorganisms and viral agents are multiple, but only two are common.

Among them:

  • Household path. Most often occurs when touching the mucous membranes of a sick person. A similar thing happens with handshakes, kisses, and other physical non-sexual contacts. Therefore, as part of prevention, it is recommended to abandon physical interactions with sick or infected people. In no case should you interact with the patient's body fluids. Handkerchiefs should be washed with gloves, etc.
  • Airborne transmission of agents. It is almost the main one when it comes to sinusitis. In order for a person to become infected himself, it is enough to be in the same room with a sick person for some time. Viruses are abundantly released into the environment when sneezing and coughing with particles of mucus.

Other ways are less common.

Why does the immune response decrease?

A lot of them:

  • Frequent hypothermia. The stenosis of large main vascular structures affects.
  • Frequent distress, psycho-emotional stress, severe mechanical overload. They provoke the production of a large amount of corticosteroid hormones: norepinephrine, cortisol and others.
  • Acute respiratory viral infections. They are the culprits of reducing the intensity of the work of the entire protective system of the body.
  • There are other factors as well.


  • Tonsillitis.
  • Angina.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity, including caries.
  • Other pathologies.

The first signs of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses

The first signs of sinusitis begin 3-5 days after infection.

In general, the incubation period lasts about 5-15 days and even a little more than that.

The manifestations are as follows:

  • Pain in the nasal sinuses. They are observed constantly, they are distinguished by a pressing, bursting character. The more intense the pain syndrome, the more difficult the pathological process. This correlation has been noted by many physicians and medical scientists. The respiratory passages hurt more if a person leans over.
  • Discharge from the nose. At the first moment (from several days to a week), the mucus is transparent, colorless and odorless. In the following, the exudate darkens and thickens, it acquires a purulent character, and has an unpleasant odor. Everyone is likely to know.
  • Nasal congestion. A classic sign of sinusitis and other respiratory diseases. It occurs as a result of swelling of the paranasal sinuses and filling them with purulent exudate.

These are only the first symptoms of sinusitis, according to which the disease can be suspected.

Acute symptoms

The first signs of sinusitis in adults are described, but in fact the number of manifestations is much higher.

Recognizing late manifestations of the disease is not so difficult.

Given the number of signs that add up to a single clinical picture.

The following symptoms develop:

  • Mucous discharge from the nasal passages. Purulent, transparent character. However, in the acute form of the disease, the discharge is most often green and has an unpleasant, pungent, putrid odor.
  • Congestion of the upper respiratory tract. Affects, as already noted, swelling and filling of the maxillary sinuses with exudate.
  • Feeling of pressure in the sinuses, bridge of the nose. Increases in the inclined position of the body. There is swelling.
  • Pain in the nasal passages. Why it develops and what it is characterized by has already been noted.
  • Difficulties in breathing. Inhalation and exhalation are difficult, possible only through the mouth in especially difficult cases.
  • Hyperthermia. The thermometer readings are at the level of 37-38 degrees Celsius. An increase in body temperature is a natural result of the course of the inflammatory process.
  • Chills, a feeling of goosebumps running through the body. As a rule, on its upper part.
  • Paroxysmal cough with mucus flowing into the throat and nasopharynx.
  • Intense pain in the head. It is almost the leading symptom of sinusitis.
  • The acute form of the disease can also be recognized by loss of appetite.
  • Finally, there are manifestations of general intoxication of the body. Nausea, possible vomiting, possible weakness, drowsiness, feeling of body cottoniness.

All these symptoms are observed in a complex and constitute a single clinical picture.

Manifestations of unilateral and bilateral inflammation of the sinuses differ only in the number of manifestations and their intensity.

Symptoms of the chronic form

A sluggish form is observed in most cases after suffering an acute type of illness. All the symptoms described above are present, but to a lesser degree of intensity.

In addition to the main manifestations of sinusitis, there are also long-term changes in the nature of well-being.


  • Deterioration of short-term and long-term memory due to compression of brain structures. This is an unfavorable sign that can indicate cerebral edema and even meningitis.
  • Sleep disorders. It manifests itself in the form of insomnia.
  • A sharp decrease in performance.
  • Feeling of rapid fatigue.

Manifestation of secondary (or even tertiary) diseases. These are pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and other ailments of inflammatory and infectious properties.

Symptoms of an allergic type

Allergic sinusitis is manifested by the same symptoms as the classic form of the disease. The only exception is the absence of elevated body temperature.

Can sinusitis occur without symptoms?

It's practically out of the question. It is possible to change the number of symptoms, their intensity, but a complete asymptomatic course is impossible.

Another thing is that the patient may not carefully monitor his condition. A minimal runny nose may already indicate sinusitis.

What needs to be examined

Diagnosis of sinusitis is carried out by specialists in otolaryngology (ENT doctors).

At the initial consultation, an oral survey and anamnesis are taken.

As a rule, an experienced specialist can, with a cursory examination, make an approximate diagnosis, which, upon verification, will turn out to be correct.

Typed routine studies are required.

Among them:

  • Inspection of the nasal passages using a special rhinoscope apparatus.
  • functional tests.
  • Palpation (determination by touch of the degree of swelling of the maxillary sinuses).
  • X-ray of the nasal sinuses without contrast enhancement (the most informative method).

In the complex of these studies, it is enough to make and confirm the diagnosis. It is important to begin timely treatment.

General principles of therapy

Therapy is carried out by the same specialist. You may need to consult an infectious disease specialist. It is important to keep in mind - the treatment should be complex, but not surgical.

The so-called puncture or is an obsolete and dangerous way.

It in itself leads to a deterioration in the condition and causes a lot of unpleasant consequences, such as bleeding and inflammation of the puncture wound. Modern treatment is conservative, medical.

The following drugs are prescribed:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Vasoconstrictor in drops.
  • Antibacterial drugs.
  • Sinus lavage is possible.
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