Who cured fear. Anxiety, fear, panic attacks. Treatment of phobias and fears, the fight against panic attacks. panic disorder treatment

Anxiety neurosis is special form neurosis (exhaustion of the nervous system under the influence of stress factors), in which the feeling of fear is more pronounced than other symptoms, such as, for example, irritability or fatigue. it psychological illness also has another name - anxiety neurosis or anxiety neurosis.

The development of the disorder can be triggered by only one strong stressful circumstance, or several long-term psychotraumatic situations that gradually awaken fear neurosis.

There are three groups of main factors that can affect the development of the disease.

  1. Stress- occurs when a person cannot control some aspects of public or personal life (loss of work, discord in the family, unrequited love, misunderstanding on the part of others, etc.).
  2. Stressful life events- situations where a person is required to show control over their emotions (exam, first visit kindergarten or school, moving, changing jobs, having a baby, losing loved one and others).
  3. hereditary predisposition- a person can be born into the world with a tendency to increased anxiety. If in his life there will be a lot of stress and difficult circumstances, then an anxious neurosis will certainly arise.

Symptoms of anxiety neurosis

Anxiety neurosis is manifested not only by a change in behavior. It affects the entire body as a whole, affecting health and vitality. important processes in the body.

To the main mental symptoms diseases can include:

  • anxiety;
  • fear;
  • agitation (anxiety, manifested in excessive mobility or talkativeness);
  • depression;
  • intrusive thoughts;
  • hypochondria (fear for one's health);
  • insomnia or increased sleepiness;
  • aggression - harm to physical or psychological health;
  • in children, nail biting and thumb sucking are common.

Somatic manifestations:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate (more than 90 beats per minute);
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • respiratory failure (need to breathe deeply);
  • dyspnea;
  • nausea;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • feeling of trembling;
  • chills;
  • loss of appetite;
  • tinnitus;
  • enuresis.

How to treat

Unfortunately, many patients anxiety neurosis too late to contact a specialist. They either go to a therapist complaining about headache or supposed ailments, or self-medicate without worrying too much about their health.

If you notice one or more of the above symptoms in yourself or someone close to you, you should immediately contact a psychiatrist.

Treatment takes place in two stages:

  1. Psychotherapy.
  2. Prescribing medications.

Methods of psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is used for easy course neurosis. The main criterion for success in treatment is the establishment of a trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient.

The psychotherapist must find out the circumstances that led to the emergence of neurosis, as well as find a way to healing with the help of psychotherapeutic methods:

  1. Belief- a change in the patient's attitude to the situation that caused the disease. In the case of successful psychotherapy, fears and anxieties lose their significance.
  2. direct suggestion- impact on the patient's consciousness through verbal or emotional constructions (for example: “I will count to five and it will happen ...”, “You came to me, sit now in this easy chair, listen to my voice, today you will feel much better”, “Your unconscious will place everything that is needed in its place).
  3. indirect suggestion- usage additional stimulus(prescribing homeopathic remedy or physical therapy). The patient, in this case, will associate success in treatment with him.
  4. self-hypnosis- information addressed to oneself. It allows you to evoke the sensations and emotions necessary for treatment, as well as pictures from the past.
  5. Autogenic training– application muscle relaxation through which the restoration of control over the health of the patient is achieved.
  6. Therapy will be more effective in combination with other methods of elimination mild form neuroses such as physiotherapy, massage sessions and hardening.


In the middle of the twentieth century, for the treatment of neuroses, including anxiety, 2 drugs were used - sodium bromide and potassium bromide as a sedative, and caffeine, which in large doses capable of oppressing nervous system.

Today, psychotherapists are using new tools that can defeat neurosis.


  • aimed at removing emotional tension, feelings of anxiety and fear, they have a calming and hypnotic effect;
  • have a pronounced anti-anxiety, antiphobic effect, and also reduce muscle tone;
  • they stop (stop) all types of anxiety in neurosis, panic attacks, sleep disturbances, obsessive-compulsive disorder syndrome with the presence of rituals (movements invented by patients to protect themselves from their fears, as well as calm);
  • filmed somatic symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, sweating and fever.


Such drugs reduce the feeling of melancholy, lethargy, anxiety and apathy, increase mood, activity, improve sleep and appetite.

Used in the treatment of diseases with depressive symptoms:

  1. Tricyclic antidepressants- amitriptyline, imipramine. Treatment starts with small dose drug that increases over time. The effect of such drugs is visible after 1.5-2 weeks of use.
  2. Selective inhibitors serotonin reuptake – fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine and citalopram. it last generation antidepressants. They have a minimum side effects and are only effective for long-term use.
  3. Herbal preparations- are produced on the basis of St. John's wort. You can buy them at the pharmacy without a prescription, but these antidepressants have many special instructions, for example, the prohibition of visiting the solarium and the beach, as well as the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

It should be noted that all medical preparations must be used after consulting a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Childhood anxiety neurosis

Main reasons childhood neurosis fear are conflicts in the family or with peers, less often - physical trauma, serious illness or severe fright.

If a child has recently experienced one of the above circumstances, it is necessary to be attentive to his mental state.

Parents should be concerned about the following manifestations of the disease in children:

  • constant anxiety;
  • obsessive fears(fear of death, darkness);
  • emotional depression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • frequent hysterical crying without serious causes;
  • tics and stuttering.

Methods of treatment of childhood anxiety neurosis differ from those used for adults. Psychotherapists rarely use drug treatment The most commonly used methods are:

  1. Art therapy- is a method of treatment with the help of artistic creativity(drawing, modeling, composition). It is very efficient and, at the same time, safe way. Art therapy affects the psycho-emotional state of the child, resolving everything internal conflicts. This method promotes the development of self-expression and self-knowledge. With the help of creativity, the child depicts his inner fears, which leads to their gradual disappearance.
  2. Family Therapy- education for all family members correct interaction together. Psychotherapists who use this method, are convinced that the sources of the emergence of neurosis lie in relationships in the family, therefore, the patient can be cured only if the cause is removed.

At timely diagnosis and proper treatment anxiety neurosis has a favorable outcome. But no less important is the support and understanding from loved ones.

Video: Treatment of fear neurosis


At the Brain Clinic, no standard treatment various fears, based on the data of a rigorous examination and identification of the main causes of the development of fear, which cannot be suppressed by the efforts of one's own will and contrary to logical arguments. Thanks to the precise and complete diagnosis we have the opportunity to choose a method of treating fears with minimal use of medications and maximum efficiency.

Treatment of fears

We help in the most difficult cases, even if the previous treatment did not help.

The combination of high-tech techniques and high-quality differential diagnosis held in the clinic experienced doctors- the key to effective treatment of fears and other disorders of the nervous system. Brain Clinic provides treatment in any options starting from the usual outpatient treatment, to complex high-tech stationary and hospital-replacing techniques.

Call and come for treatment!

We are always ready to help you. It's curable!

When anxious and fearful: how to cure fears

Each of us at least once in our lives experienced a feeling of anxiety or fear. In most cases these discomfort pass without a trace, but sometimes they grow, increase in size and can greatly interfere with our lives. How can one cope with phobias and other manifestations of neurosis, and do I need to see a doctor for this?

A case from one's life

We have all been taught since childhood to wash our hands before eating. For one of my acquaintances, this habit has become compulsive action. At first, everyone admired her cleanliness, but later her manner of constantly washing her hands after touching any object had already crossed all boundaries. How many times a day she washed her hands, no one could count, including herself: a piece of soap “left” her in 1-2 days. And after the girl sat for more than an hour in the toilet, because she could not open the door, because she was afraid to get her hands dirty on her, my friend's relatives realized that something had to be done. And after unsuccessful attempts to cope with obsessive handwashing on their own, they decided to consult a psychotherapist. Fortunately, they sought help when the problem could still be quickly resolved, so the treatment was short and successful. After a few weeks of psychotherapy while taking drugs that support and strengthen the nervous system, the girl managed to return to a normal life.

You will say - this is an extreme case, and this does not happen often. This is true, but, ironically, less pronounced fears are very common in people. According to statistics - both in our country and around the world - various phobias suffers from 4 to 12% of people, that is, they occur more often than every tenth! Impressive, right? Unfortunately, many people different reasons they hide their fears and prefer not to go to doctors or psychologists - also because, again, it's scary. How does fear arise and why do people hesitate to contact a specialist?
The reasons for this, as usual, are very different. Our life with its frantic rhythm and abundance of information last years and decades, constantly pushes the brink of the state of "normality" of a person. In order to “finish everything”, we have to speed up our life rhythm. This is not always good for health, and the fear of “not being on time” only complicates the situation. Therefore, we are not always able to maintain self-confidence in such a situation. And when self-esteem falls, then much in the world around us seems incomprehensible and threatening, and this creates an unfavorable environment for the emergence of fears.
How exactly can fears and phobias arise? In certain situations - for example, in a crowded subway car - a person has a fear that he may die from suffocation, or go crazy. Fear begins to reinforce itself, and a person may have a feeling that he has not coped with fear, and he began to live " own life', out of human control.
And then he may fear that the same unpleasant sensations of fear will arise the next time in the same situation - in the subway at rush hour. Frightened by this prospect, he begins to avoid trips to the subway, mass gatherings of people and other similar situations. Almost always, this significantly reduces the patient's quality of life: it can be psychologically very difficult for him to travel in the subway, or he will spend much more time on the road, choosing ground routes for himself - not to mention the fact that it will also be difficult for him to attend mass events. Over time, if nothing is done with the fear that has appeared, it will grow, increase in size and may move to other areas - for example, anxiety and fears may appear while driving and on land transport, on an airplane ...

And now what i can do?

Psychotherapist - who is he?

The psychotherapist is no longer the only doctor Kurpatov in the whole country. Now in our country everything is becoming more specialists working with a variety of psychological and medical problems- starting from the same fears and ending with psychotherapeutic support for pregnancy and addiction treatment. Many of them specialize in various areas, so finding a specialist to treat your particular problem is quite simple.
But some people in this place have a certain difficulty: “What will this specialist do with me?” “Feeding psychotropic pills?” "Won't it heal?"
In fact, a psychotherapist is the same doctor as other medical specialists, but if a gastroenterologist helps you cure gastritis or get rid of stones in gallbladder, then a psychotherapist helps to recover from fear and other problems. The difference, in fact, is not so great as to refuse this help and wait until the fear grows and begins to literally devour all the strength and energy of man.
If you break your leg, you go to the traumatologist and they put you in a cast so that the bone heals properly. Our psychological condition you can also break: it will not be as noticeable as a broken bone, but the consequences can be even more deplorable.
For some reason, it has always been customary for us to ignore such “little things” as psychological problems: if you want to talk out - share your sore with a friend. In men, it is not customary to share such things at all. In the meantime, this is really important. mental health can be lost imperceptibly: at the same time, the stomach or back does not hurt, and only feelings - sadness, fear, anxiety - sometimes let you know that something is wrong. Therefore, you need to listen and pay attention to your psychological needs. There are situations when only intimate conversations with a friend will not help - and in this case it would be more appropriate to contact a psychotherapist. Then the approach to treatment will be thoughtful, attentive and professional.

First, the psychotherapist will carefully listen to the patient and carefully collect information about how long he has been worried about fear, what it is expressed in and under what conditions it occurs. After that, if necessary, the patient undergoes additional examinations. The fact is that sometimes fears, obsessions and other neuroses can be caused not only by psychological reasons, but also by dysfunction in the functioning of the nervous system or even internal organs - for example, be caused by oxygen starvation brain during childbirth. In these cases, additional examinations will help the doctor decide on the tactics of treatment.

When the diagnosis is clear, the actual therapy begins. In some cases, the patient may be prescribed drugs that reduce anxiety, improve nutrition brain strengthening the nervous system. The purpose of their appointment is medicinal body support, correction of those changes that were detected. And in parallel with drugs, or even without them, psychotherapeutic treatment is carried out.

The main method of treatment of a psychotherapist is psychotherapy. This method of helping a person is not “just talking”, as it sometimes seems. It is a conversation, built in a certain way, thanks to which the patient manages to see what will help him get rid of fear; and in some cases healing effect can occur even without awareness by the patient, as if by itself.

Typically, a psychotherapist knows several methods of psychotherapy - such as gestalt, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy or the well-known psychoanalysis and hypnosis. During the conversation with the patient, the specialist determines which of these methods of work is best suited for this person, and begin psychotherapeutic treatment, if necessary, combining it with other methods of psychotherapy. As a result of this work, the patient manages to cope with anxiety and fear, he is aware of the reasons that caused these fears, and learns to successfully cope with them. This gives him the opportunity to start living a joyful, fulfilling life again without fear and anxiety.

Psychotherapists of the network of clinics "MeraMed" have extensive experience in treating fears, obsessions and other neuroses. They will conduct a thorough examination and effective treatment using the most efficient medicines and methods of psychotherapy, which will allow you to return good mood and feel confident again.

The brave is not the one who knows no fear,

And the one who found out and goes to meet him.

Fear is one of the basic emotions that has the most important biological significance and at the same time plays an important role in mental life person. The feeling of fear can be a component of more complex mental phenomena, such as phobias. In order to understand how to overcome a phobia or fear, let's turn to understanding the nature of fear and related phenomena such as anxiety, panic and phobia.

Fears and phobias can create serious barriers to full life. A person pursued by fear cannot enjoy life and realize his full potential, he is forced to spend psychological resources to fight with himself every day.

Therefore, the treatment of phobias is an important task for modern psychology and psychiatry. Currently, the clinic for the treatment of depression and phobias is a developed field of science, and there are many approaches to therapy. How to understand what to do, where to turn for help, and is it generally necessary or can you get rid of fears on your own?

What is fear? In science, there are different approaches to the definition of this concept, and most often fear is defined as an emotion or feeling associated with danger. But fear can also be described as a human condition that has its own mental and physiological aspects, lasting in time and conditioned by a complex of external and internal causes. One way or another, in psychological sense Fear is a subjectively experienced feeling of danger.

In this case, the danger can be both real and quite specific, and abstract, unknown or indefinite.

In cases where the danger is not specific, and the feeling of fear is expressed in some kind of expectation, or a premonition of danger, then the state is characterized as anxiety.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is the feeling that underlies such psychological characteristics like anxiety.

Anxiety is the tendency of a person to respond with anxiety to what is happening inside and around him.

An increased level of anxiety is accompanied by mental stress, as well as a change physiological state body:

  • muscle tension;
  • increased levels of certain hormones;
  • inhibition of the digestive tract and so on.

In general, states of anxiety and fear are useful in biological sense processes that allow the body to be "on the alert" in order to timely and effectively protect itself from a threat.

But sometimes fear becomes too strong, making it difficult to adequately assess the situation and act rationally. This state is called panic.

What is panic?

Panic is a state of overwhelming horror that prevents a person from thinking, causes an acute physiological reaction ( sharp rise BP, increased heart rate and respiration, disorientation) and often makes you act irrationally.

Panic can be contagious and take over a whole group of people at once - as it happens in a crowd.

Feeling panic fear associated with the phenomenon of a panic attack. This is a psychophysiological state that occurs as a reaction to an external or internal threat. Such attacks always come on suddenly and cover a person, depriving him of the ability to control his behavior.

Usually panic attacks are associated with certain triggers, although we are not always aware of the causes and objects of our fears.

What is a phobia?

A significant proportion of panic attacks occur in situations of meeting with the object of the phobia. A phobia is a persistent fear of a particular object, usually irrational, obsessive, and haunting.

The main symptoms of a phobia are:

  1. Inability to control or overcome fear.
  2. Anxiety arises even at the thought of a frightening object or the fantasy of meeting with it.
  3. Obsessive, haunting character of fear.
  4. Availability physiological manifestations fear, such as rapid heartbeat, increased sweating or nausea.

The most common types of phobias are social phobias related to communication, public speaking or self-presentation. Also on the list of the most common phobias:

  • fear of open or enclosed space;
  • fear of flights;
  • Fear of heights;
  • fears of insects, snakes, spiders and other animals.

In fact, absolutely any phenomenon or object can become the object of a phobia.

Factors in the development of phobias

The causes of phobias are being investigated in various fields of science, and on this moment there is no single opinion. There are 4 common versions about the factors in the development of phobias.

mental trauma

A significant body of empirical evidence links the development of phobias to psychologically traumatic events. At the same time, the object of the phobia can be directly associated with what happened (for example, fear of contact with men after being raped by a man) or indirectly associated with trauma, for example, fear of leaving the house in dark time days, fear of deserted places and so on.

The appearance of such phobias for some time, in the process of experiencing the consequences of a trauma, is normal phenomenon, but if a phobia becomes stable and haunts a person for years, this good reason see a doctor.


The psychoanalytic concept describes the mechanism of development of phobias as a psychological defense against "forbidden" drives. This means, for example, that the unconscious desire to kill or injure another person (or oneself) can turn into an obsessive fear.

We are sometimes so afraid of our own anger and so afraid of being bad people that our own "evil" part is projected outside and turns into menacing monsters around.

Mental disorder

Some mental disorders are accompanied increased anxiety which can lead to the formation of phobias. Disorders most closely associated with this phenomenon are phobic and anxiety disorder personality, psychotic depression, syndrome obsessive states(obsessive-compulsive disorder).


At healthy people An excessive level of emotional stress can serve as a trigger for the occurrence of phobias. When a person ceases to cope effectively with stress, his anxiety can find expression in those fears that appeared in early childhood, but in regular time were under control.

For acute stressful situations characterized by an exacerbation of fears of darkness and heights, closed spaces, insects and other phobias.

Usually the causes of phobias include a combination of several factors at once, one of which may dominate. Treatment of phobias may involve working through the underlying cause or be limited to symptomatic therapy.

In some cases, the underlying causes of the occurrence of a phobia are not even necessary to find out in order to reduce the intensity of the manifestations of fear or get rid of it. However, it is worth considering that in some cases, one cured phobia is replaced by another, and this is an important sign that something has gone wrong at a deeper psychological level.

What to do?

Depending on how strongly the phobia is expressed and whether the fear is at least somewhat consciously controlled, one can judge how to overcome the phobia, and whether it can be done independently. In fact, there are several ways to deal with any emotional and psychological problems, including fears.

Option number one is to overcome fear alone, making attempts to overcome yourself, by an effort of will to “outgrow” your fear and live on. Option number two is to seek help from specialists in this profile.

Help from a psychiatrist

A psychiatrist may run a private practice and see patients for a fee. A psychiatrist can prescribe special medications on an outpatient basis to help relieve anxiety and muffle feelings of fear, as well as correct the condition in the longer term.

Except doctors private practice good option there may be an appeal to a clinic where psychiatrists are also seen, and in addition to the outpatient clinic, it is also possible hospital treatment for more effective selection medicines. The best option for the treatment of a phobia can be:

  • neurosis clinic;
  • borderline clinic.

Also in such institutions, psychotherapy, group or individual, art therapy and other forms of non-drug treatment are usually possible.

Help from a psychologist or psychotherapist

These specialists help to understand how to cure a phobia without resorting to the use of psychoactive drugs. Psychotherapy or psychological counseling may include conversations with a focus on identifying the causes and sources of the phobia, analyzing and interpreting the content of the fear.

It is important to bear in mind that before getting rid of phobias, in therapy one has to experience not the most pleasant feelings - shame, disgust or self-hatred, anger or rage. These are important emotions that are often repressed or repressed and inevitably become part of the personality during therapy.

Shorter and more focused therapies may include special exercises for desensitization (decrease in severity) and elements of behavior correction based on neurolinguistic programming techniques and other cognitive-behavioral methods.

In the vast majority of cases, the help of a specialist, if it is a competent specialist, greatly speeds up and simplifies the fight against fears. But finding a reliable specialist who can be trusted is a difficult task, for which there is not always enough time, money or opportunities.

Therefore, sometimes overcoming your fear on your own is the only way out of a painful state. There are a few psychological tricks that can help with this:

  1. Treat fear as a friend, not an enemy. Anyone, even the most ridiculous and irrational fear- this is an important signal of what is happening inside. Therefore, if the psyche is so desperately trying to force the body to avoid colliding with something, this is reason enough to listen to yourself and try to understand why it is so scary, and take care of yourself, providing all possible security.
  2. Create images that reflect the object of fear, and interact with them. You can draw or mold your fear or the object of fear, symbolically “talk” to it, try to better understand the nature of your fear. You can also transform a frightening image into something caricature-humorous. Humor helps to artificially increase the distance between the experience of fear and its object, to step back and rethink your feelings.
  3. Listen to yourself. It is very important to listen to your feelings. If attempts to overcome fear cause inspiration, excitement and a surge of strength, this is a sign that a person is ready to take steps towards fear and you can try to face what scares him and overcome fear. But even if the thought of such a meeting causes panic, and you want to escape from the whole world, this is a good reason to protect yourself from threats as much as possible and take time to feel more secure.

In any case, it is important to feel able to actively manage your life and do something important for yourself, your body and your soul.

The main obstacle to freedom from fear is the fear of being afraid.

Such a linguistically amusing and psychologically complex tautology. The fact is that sometimes we ourselves cannot afford to experience fear in full force.

An unconscious infantile belief can interfere that fear itself will destroy and destroy us if we feel it, or a narcissistic fear of shame and humiliation if we recognize our vulnerability to a frightening object, or maybe all of this together.

Therefore, the first and major step to the treatment of fears is a meeting with them. The final and unconditional recognition that there is something in the world that is terribly frightening and makes us helpless.

If you cannot get rid of the phobia on your own, and the symptoms increase or persist for a long time, then getting rid of fears should still be entrusted to professionals, it is better if it is a clinic for the treatment of depression and phobias.

Going to meet your fears next to someone is a valuable experience, and fortunately there is almost always a chance to find a really good travel companion along the way. No one has to do it alone, each of us deserves as much help and support as needed.

Ask an expert in the comments

And so it has always been. It - emotional reaction organism, playing the role of protection and prompting to avoid danger. However, there is also increased fear any situation, object, action. For a normal existence, treatment of fears and phobias is necessary.

It got its name from the Greek word "phobos", that is, fear - a phobia. A person suffering from this mental illness is afraid of something imaginary in the present, and in certain cases this feeling is exacerbated, there is an unreasonable feeling of anxiety, restlessness and even panic.

For example, you are in the cabin of a flying plane, and it enters the turbulence zone and starts shaking, and you are scared - this is real fear. But if you sweat from the mere thought of flying, then this is already a phobia. An individual cannot explain such logical moments, he understands that it looks stupid, but he cannot do anything.

Phobic reactions change the usual behavior of a person, interfere with his life, often put him in awkward situations. This is big problem and you need to get rid of it. It is unlikely that you will be able to do this on your own. Specialists of our Psychoendocrinological Center will help to cope with fears of this kind.

According to statistics, almost 5% of the population of our planet suffers from phobias, and, in the female part of it, this mental illness occurs most often, and in men it takes second place. It should be understood that most people are not at all afraid of what causes obsessive fear.

The rule of phobia is this: any existing with highly likely can be a cause of terror for someone, sometime, somewhere! Subject to it are people with a rich imagination, emotional and impressionable, capable of creating and “scrolling” in their brains the most terrible colorful pictures.

Experts divide phobias into the following groups:

1. Social - fear public speaking, conversations with strangers etc.;

2. Agarophobia - fear of open space, crowds, doors, moving along the street.

3. Isolated or specific phobias.

Each of these groups has a kind of "subparagraphs", compiled whole list phobia, numbering about 900 items. So, the most "popular" specific obsessive fears are:

Odontiatophobia - fear of the dentist;

Arachnophobia - fear of spiders;

Apitophobia - fear of bumblebees, bees, wasps;

Aerophobia - fear of heights;

Nyctophobia - fear of the dark time of the day, darkness;

Aerophobia - fear of air travel;

Thalassophobia - fear of the sea, water travel;

Bacillophobia - fear of contracting an infectious disease;

Hemophobia - fear of the sight of blood;

Pyrophobia - fear of fire;

Claustrophobia - fear of closed spaces;

Ophidophobia - fear of snakes;

Trypanophobia - fear of injections;

Urophobia - fear of suddenly wanting to defecate when it is impossible

Make, etc.

It makes no sense to give the entire list of imaginary fears: even such a small enumeration makes it possible to understand what can provoke the occurrence of phobic reactions.

Causes and symptoms

Experts cannot name the only reason that causes phobias, but, as a rule, this is an echo of childhood negative experiences. However, an adult can also get into a situation that has left a significant imprint on the psyche. Often people simply forget that bad things happened to them before, but for some adults they pop up in the subconscious - it postpones the connection between the incident and the emotions experienced.

There is an opinion that obsessive fear can be inherited and “start up” after stress. Also, the emergence of phobias contributes to a heightened instinct for self-preservation.

As for the signs of this mental disorder, then they are as follows:

1. The desire to avoid the phobia-causing situation by any means.

2. Feeling of a lump in the throat, inability to breathe.

3. Whole body trembles.

4. Rapid heartbeat - the heart literally “bursts” out of the chest.

5. The appearance of sticky cold sweat.

6. Weakness in the body, it ceases to obey, immobilization.

7. Terrible fear.

8. Stomach ache, maybe liquid stool, vomit.

How to get rid of phobias

As already mentioned, obsessive fears worsen the quality of life, do not allow one to realize oneself in the desired profession, travel, etc. It is impossible to cope with phobias spontaneously and on your own. The specialists of our Center are ready to help people with similar problems.

successful complex treatment carried out by experienced psychotherapists with the help of physiotherapy and psychotherapy, using a small amount of drugs (this is the policy of our Center). The patient, thanks to the efforts of specialists, comprehends the cause of his phobia, which allows him to completely get rid of it and never again be afraid of unrealistic dangers.

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