Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy: how long is treatment possible, is anesthesia acceptable? Preparing for childbirth: is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy


During the period of bearing a baby, the expectant mother monitors her health more warily. After all, harm to a baby developing in the womb can cause not only the disease, but also the treatment of the disease by one or another method.

Therefore, the question of whether problematic teeth are treated for pregnant women in the early and late stages worries every woman during this period. Is it possible to fill and remove teeth during pregnancy , is anesthesia dangerous, is it worth pulling out a wisdom tooth or is it better to postpone such an operation .... you will find answers to these and other pressing questions in this material.

We hasten to immediately reassure women in position: most problems with teeth are completely solvable. Treatment with modern equipment, the use of painkillers and the latest generation of filling materials virtually eliminate the possibility of harm to the developing fetus at any stage of pregnancy.

Therefore, in no case do not put off a visit to the dentist if you have a toothache or a filling has fallen out. After all, harm to your baby can be caused not only by the focus of infection in the diseased tooth, but not enough chewing food thoroughly due to increasing pain.


it is highly undesirable to refuse an anesthetic injection during tooth treatment. The fact is that from a sharp, unpleasant pain, a large dose of adrenaline is thrown into the blood. This may provoke increased uterine tone (hypertonicity) which negatively affects the physical condition of the baby in the womb. Therefore, anesthesia of a problem tooth is really necessary during pregnancy.

But it is better for a pregnant woman to refuse general anesthesia during dental treatment. Under anesthesia, some functions of the female body slow down and this can affect the vital activity of the developing fetus.

Dental implantation during pregnancy is very dangerous, since this operation requires the use of potent drugs and after the procedure, a long period of engraftment of implants begins, which is accompanied by an additional burden on the female body.

Sometimes you need to take a picture of the root and the inside of the diseased tooth. Modern x-ray machines are safe enough that you can undergo the procedure by covering your tummy with a lead shield.

Avoid teeth whitening during pregnancy! The composition of the bleach includes substances that thin the already fragile layer of enamel. In addition, they can penetrate the placenta to the baby and provoke developmental disorders.


Already in early pregnancy be sure to visit your dentist and, if necessary, treat problematic teeth. In addition, consult with a specialist about the appropriate way for you to care for the oral cavity during the period of gestation. In a pregnant woman, the composition of saliva changes, the active activity of microbes and a lack of calcium provoke the destruction of tooth enamel. If you take care of your teeth incorrectly, you are more likely to develop caries. BUT cavities will not only worsen the condition of your teeth , but it can also be passed on to the baby.

In addition to proper care of the oral cavity, a pregnant woman should consume a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, foods from the diet do not always contain enough of the substances you and your baby need. Therefore, ask your doctor to choose the most suitable preparations with vitamins and trace elements for you.

For example, in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the skeleton begins to actively form in the fetus. which increases the need for calcium. A lack of calcium can lead to bleeding gums and destruction of tooth structure.

Gingivitis is a dangerous disease for fetal development. . If itching appears in the gum area, then be sure to go to the dentist, as this is a typical symptom of gingivitis. If this disease is not treated, then periodontitis will begin to develop. According to experts, periodontitis is very dangerous for the development of the fetus, since the infection begins to actively spread with the blood flow.

Extraction of teeth during pregnancy

The safest period for the development of the baby is the 2nd trimester. It is better to perform the procedure for removing a diseased tooth during this period, but if necessary, you can pull out a tooth in both the 1st and 3rd trimesters. Modern means for anesthesia do not overcome the placental barrier and cannot have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus.

But it is advisable to postpone the removal of the so-called "wisdom tooth" until the postpartum period, since in some women this procedure causes a noticeable deterioration in well-being and an increase in temperature. . Therefore, the "wisdom tooth" is pulled out only in case of emergency.


What causes the appearance of caries on the teeth and how dangerous is this disease for a pregnant woman. Below you will find information on how to properly care for the oral cavity and what prevention can significantly reduce the likelihood of a woman developing caries. You will also find out how effective the treatment of this disease is in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.


Local anesthesia is used before filling or removing a diseased tooth. As we noted above, the anesthesia procedure relieves a pregnant woman of stress and physical reactions that are dangerous for the fetus. Dental treatment during pregnancy should not be accompanied by pain, and such modern anesthetics as Ubistezin or Ultracain perfectly relieve a woman of discomfort. At the same time, such drugs (the main analgesic component is articaine) cannot affect the bearing or development of the baby.

Tips for a pregnant woman on caring for her teeth:

During menstruation, a woman experiences discomfort, which is often accompanied by pain. Heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, general weakness and nausea are just a short list of symptoms that accompany the course of menstruation. However, many of the fair sex are interested in the question of going to the dentist and possible negative consequences.

What dental procedures are allowed during menstruation?

Many women wonder why almost all experts say that dental procedures are contraindicated during menstruation? During menstruation, a woman's body is weakened, and blood clotting is reduced, which is why experts recommend postponing a trip to the dentist, unless it is urgently necessary. Procedures such as fillings, cleaning, remineralization or x-rays can be carried out without special restrictions.

If we are talking about the removal or resection of the tooth, it is recommended to postpone this procedure for a few days. When it is not possible to reschedule a visit to a specialist, it is necessary to warn the dentist about the fact of menstruation. This will determine the optimal method of treatment and choose an anesthetic.

Features of dental manipulations and possible risks

For a correct answer to the question regarding the possibility of dental treatment during menstruation, it is necessary to find out what changes occur in the female body during this period.

One of the most significant factors to consider is the reduction in blood clotting, which facilitates the flow of menstruation, but limits the possibility of dental intervention.

During menstruation, there is also a general weakening of the immune system and a decrease in protective functions in the oral cavity, creating a favorable environment for the development of infectious and bacteriological diseases. If these disorders occur, bad breath may appear, accompanied by redness or bleeding of the gums.

Any dental intervention can provoke the occurrence and development of inflammation. It is for this reason that it is recommended to postpone visits to the dentist whenever possible.

Extraction of teeth

Tooth extraction is a procedure that requires surgery. Its complexity and severity is similar to other operations. If the dentist has prescribed an extraction, then you should not postpone a visit to a specialist. During menstruation, teeth should be pulled out only in emergency cases, which include:

  • exacerbation of pulpitis or caries;
  • cystic formation on the roots;
  • inflammatory process provoked by a dental disease.


According to most experts, dental fillings can be performed during menstruation, due to the slow formation of dental tissue. In fact, she simply does not have time to succumb to the hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body during menstruation.

It is possible to fill teeth during menstruation without fear that changes in the body will cause rejection of the filling substance. As for more serious procedures that require the use of antibiotics or the use of painkillers, it is better to postpone them until the end of menstruation. This is due to the high risk of body resistance to pain medication, the likelihood of complications and reduced blood clotting.

Resection and removal of the wisdom tooth

If during the period of menstruation it is necessary to remove or resect the wisdom tooth, you should weigh all the pros and cons in advance. In particular, we are talking about the fact that this procedure is a surgical operation, accompanied by blood loss and requiring the use of a strong anesthetic. It is recommended to remove a wisdom tooth only in cases where it no longer makes sense to treat it.

As mentioned above, during menstruation, hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, which can affect susceptibility to painkillers. It should also be understood that additional blood loss during menstruation can cause nausea, severe dizziness, fatigue, and in some cases, loss of consciousness.

Can anesthesia be used during menstruation?

Many of the fair sex experience a panic fear of any dental procedure. They insist on the use of anesthesia even when treating superficial caries or performing professional cleanings. In addition to the psychological fear of dentists, it is not uncommon for a woman to have a low pain threshold, which, in the absence of a good painkiller, can lead to loss of consciousness, especially if it is necessary to pull her teeth.

Of course, in the arsenal of a modern dentist there are various means of anesthesia, but the effectiveness of any of them can be significantly reduced when used during menstruation. Sitting in a dental chair, a woman should understand that during menstruation, anesthesia may not work at all. It is for this reason that it is necessary to prepare in advance for the fact that painful sensations will have to be endured.

Toothache relief at home

A toothache can overtake a person at the most inopportune moment. The body of a woman, weakened by the course of menstruation, reacts especially sharply to any manifestations of pain, forcing them to think about taking an anesthetic.

Regardless of which drug is chosen, you should carefully study the instructions for use, paying attention to the list of contraindications. It is also important to remember that taking medications should not be combined with alcohol. Otherwise, you can achieve exacerbation of toothache and the appearance of allergies.

In addition to taking medications, you can get rid of toothache at home with the help of traditional medicine:

  • One of the most effective is a solution of soda. For cooking, it is enough to take a glass of warm boiled water and dissolve 1 tsp in it. baking soda. You can also add 2-3 drops of iodine to the solution. Rinsing should be done several times a day.
  • A small amount of vodka will help get rid of a toothache. It must be typed into the mouth, held for some time near the diseased tooth, then spit. An alternative is propolis or its tincture.

If there is an alcohol tincture of propolis in the home first aid kit, you need to dilute half a teaspoon in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth. In the presence of pure propolis, you can take a small piece of the substance and attach it to the aching tooth.

The list of ways to get rid of toothache can be endless, but it should be understood that with proper care and regular preventive visits to the dentist, you can significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence. If you visit a specialist every 6 months, you can prevent the appearance and development of dental diseases and promptly treat your teeth.

What to do if at this moment you are registered with a doctor - is it possible to treat teeth with a cold? It is difficult to answer unambiguously, in most cases it is better to postpone the recording for the period after the disease.

Should You Visit the Dentist When You Have a Cold?

It is difficult to answer the question of whether it is possible with a cold, because sometimes the pain is so severe that everything just falls out of hand.

Most dentists will say that it is not good to go to treat your teeth if you suddenly get sick. There are different situations, and in each of them, you should first consult with your doctor about what would be best for you - lie down at home or have a filling.

Dental treatment for a cold is postponed due to several reasons:

  • Viruses and bacteria weaken your body, in this state it is easier to catch another infection.
  • Some procedures in the dental chair lead to the appearance of wounds through which the process of infection of the whole organism can begin.
  • Various anesthesia, even of a local nature, weaken the strength of your immunity, and during a cold, it already works at full capacity.

Therefore, it is better to postpone the treatment of a tooth for a cold, even if it hurts. Moreover, ARVI is accompanied by nasal congestion, sore throat or cough, and you have to sit at the dentist for at least 40 minutes in the same position. Your head will be thrown back, and your mouth will be open, which will cause a lot of discomfort when you have a cold.

In what cases is dental treatment for SARS allowed?

In most cases, doctors will say that the presence of a cold, and at any stage, is still a contraindication for dental treatment. But sometimes exceptions are allowed.

So, to the question whether it is possible to treat teeth with a cold, a positive answer will be given in situations if you have a rapid and severe development of the inflammatory process or a high probability of getting a disease such as flux

If you have one of these situations, then in this case, contacting a dentist is simply necessary, even if you are simultaneously ill with SARS.

Is it possible to visit the dentist with a high temperature?

When asked whether it is possible to treat teeth with a cold with a temperature, all qualified dentists will give you a definite answer - it is impossible.

The appearance of a high temperature indicates that your body is fighting hard against the bacteria that have got into it. In this state, he is already working at the limit of his capabilities, so additional interference will only hurt. Moreover, in such a situation, the healing of wounds that occur during dental treatment can be significantly delayed, which means that the risk of getting new infections will increase.

Of course, it is a completely different matter if the temperature is not caused by a cold, but, on the contrary, by an inflammatory process, for example, in the gums. Then the appeal to the dentist is not only allowed, but also mandatory, and urgently. Since even a small cyst in the soft tissues of the oral cavity can lead to very serious consequences.

How to get rid of a toothache with a cold

Since the question of whether it is possible to treat teeth during a cold, all doctors will answer that it is better to transfer the procedures, another question arises - what to do if you go crazy with pain?

In such situations, you can resort to several methods to reduce suffering:

  • Drink painkillers, and they can not only relieve your toothache, but also reduce the temperature. Since they often include substances with a wide spectrum of action.
  • Put a tablet or dragee with menthol under the tongue. As it dissolves, menthol will be released, which has an anesthetic effect and soothes pain.
  • You can rinse your mouth with baking soda water. Moreover, the procedure must be repeated at least 3 times, and the calming effect of such an elixir will come only after an hour.
  • You can make a compress or use various decoctions, for example, with tincture of sage or ginger root.
  • Try the method of rubbing with onions or garlic. This method will allow you not only to relieve pain, but also to help boost your immunity.
  • Strengthen the treatment of the cold itself. Often, toothache is caused by a general deterioration in the condition of the body. So, the faster you cure it, the faster the tooth will pass.

Of course, all methods will only bring temporary peace, but at least they will help you maintain your composure until recovery. After the acute stage of the cold has passed, you can make an appointment with the dentist and treat the annoying tooth.

Are visits to the dentist compatible?

Herpes is a very common viral disease that can also be found on the lips. Therefore, before visiting the dentist, you should think about whether it is possible to treat teeth with a cold on the lips.

No qualified dentist will treat you if they see herpes. After all, the virus from the lips can most quickly enter the oral cavity during the treatment process. And this, in turn, will lead to another complex disease - stomatitis. Moreover, even in the sterile conditions of the dental office, the virus can continue to exist after you leave, and there is a high risk of infecting the next patient. And this will affect the overall reputation of the clinic.

Moreover, the correct one will take you only a few days, so it is better to postpone your visit to the dentist for this period.


To summarize, answering the question of whether it is possible to treat teeth with a cold:

  1. In most cases, your dentist will advise you to reschedule your appointment. Treatment will only be carried out in emergency situations.
  2. To relieve during a cold, you can use various means. Having picked up the right ones for yourself, you can transfer it.
  3. If right before visiting the dentist you have a cold on your lips, then without hesitation, immediately postpone the appointment date.

Many of the women are faced with the fact that they need dental treatment during pregnancy, so they are interested in when and for how long this can be done so as not to harm the intrauterine development of the fetus, because there are many myths about whether it is possible to visit a dentist in an "interesting" position.

Pregnancy is an important period during which maternal health often becomes very vulnerable, because the resources of the female body are spent on building and shaping a new person. But what to do if your teeth hurt at this time? We will try to deal with the features of dental treatment in pregnant women.

Why is it important for expectant mothers to be careful?

During pregnancy, women often complain that tooth enamel has become more fragile, holes have appeared and. All these problems are associated with the features that occur in the mother's body when carrying a child.

If the pregnancy was unplanned or the woman for some reason did not put her mouth in order before becoming pregnant, then dental treatment will have to be done during the gestation period. It has been proven that caries is an infectious process, which means that pathogenic bacteria are involved in its occurrence.

Holes in the teeth not only cause discomfort in a pregnant woman, but can also harm the fetus, as microorganisms can cause local inflammation, which will subsequently lead to the spread of infection throughout the body. This is especially dangerous in the 1st trimester, when the placental barrier has not yet been formed, and pathogens can freely penetrate the embryo, causing disturbances in its formation.

The main reason due to which many changes occur in the body are hormonal changes, which is necessary for the proper formation and development of the child. In such a situation, even teeth that are not affected by caries are susceptible to destruction, so it is simply necessary to treat and prevent dental diseases during pregnancy.

During the period of gestation, various diseases are exacerbated, so a violation of the state of the oral cavity is no exception.

Common problems:

  • caries - calcium leaching, as well as its insufficient intake into the body, makes the enamel more fragile and susceptible to the negative effects of microorganisms;
  • - Inflammation of the gums in pregnant women is quite common. Looseness of tissues and bleeding appear due to a violation of the trophism of blood vessels and their permeability;
  • - women in position change their taste habits, they eat often, but in small portions, and sometimes at night, so they do not always remember what follows. For this reason, deposits are formed, which over time mineralize and turn into stone.

What dental diseases can be treated during pregnancy?

The reason that became the reason to visit the dentist may be a toothache, bleeding gums or. To treat pathology in the oral cavity during pregnancy should be in the early stages of the development of the disease.

Sanitation is necessary when the following processes are identified:

  • caries is the destruction of hard tissues of the tooth, which has an infectious etiology. In the absence of timely treatment, the cavity increases in size;
  • and - complications of caries, accompanied by acute excruciating pain. If the cause is not eliminated, then the process is able to progress and affect the tissues surrounding the tooth;
  • gingivitis - inflammation of the gums, accompanied by bleeding and hyperemia of the mucous membrane, especially common among pregnant women;
  • stomatitis - lesions localized on the soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • - a pathology that affects not only the gums, but also the bone structure, which causes loosening of the teeth, and the pathogenic microflora present can give complications to the heart, joints and immune defense of the body;
  • odontogenic and - severe purulent-inflammatory diseases that occur in the absence of timely treatment of caries and its complications.

When detecting dental diseases, expectant mothers worry about the time frame for eliminating existing problems and how many weeks can teeth be treated?

The second trimester is considered the best period for sanitation of the oral cavity, when the placenta is already formed and protects the child from the negative effects of drugs, and the woman feels good, because in the later stages the big belly makes it difficult to sit comfortably in the chair, and there is often a violation of well-being, which may interfere with quality care.

What are prohibited?

During pregnancy, you can not carry out some manipulations. This is mainly for aesthetic dentistry.

  1. Teeth whitening.
  2. Orthodontic treatment.
  3. Removal of calculus on the teeth with the help of highly abrasive and chemical preparations.

Planned is also not recommended, but if there is an urgent need for extirpation, then such an issue should be discussed with the gynecologist and dentist in order to determine in what period it is better to carry out the manipulation. Removal is not advised to be done in the first trimester due to the possible negative effect of anesthetics on the intrauterine development of the child.

Whitening and all procedures associated with exposure to aggressive substances are also contraindicated during the period of gestation due to the fact that it is harmful, active ingredients can destroy weakened enamel.

When choosing drugs for pain relief and treatment of diseases of the mucous membranes, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the drug crosses the placenta. That is why it is forbidden to use:

  1. Lidocaine - there is a possibility of developing convulsive contractions, an increase in blood pressure and respiratory failure.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs, with the exception of those containing paracetamol, penetrate the hematic barrier and cause disturbances in the formation of fetal systems and organs.
  3. Imudon - doctors do not advise taking immunomodulators due to the lack of study of the effect on maternal and child organisms.

How long can teeth be treated during pregnancy?

The most optimal period when it is best to engage in the rehabilitation of the oral cavity is the 2nd trimester, since in the first trimester the future systems and organs of the child are laid, and the placental barrier is still at the stage of formation and cannot provide the proper level of protection.

In the 3rd trimester, the stress experienced during manipulations in the mouth, as well as the adrenaline content in anesthetics, can provoke preterm labor.

Let us consider in more detail the features of treatment at various stages of pregnancy:

  • 1-12 weeks - drugs can adversely affect the formation of the embryo, so planned dental treatment is not recommended, except in cases accompanied by acute pain;
  • 13-24 weeks is the optimal time to put the oral cavity in order. The dentist must heal not only those teeth where emergency care is needed, but also fill small cavities that can increase in late pregnancy;
  • 25-40 weeks - the growing belly presses on the internal organs and blood vessels, therefore, in the dental chair, a woman should only be in a sitting position or with a turn to the left side. The supine position is contraindicated due to possible circulatory disorders and fainting.


At the dentist's office, anesthetics are used to temporarily desensitize the soft tissues and dental nerve for a painless treatment.

If a pregnant woman needs dental intervention, then one of her main questions is what kind of anesthesia can be used so as not to harm the developing child. Pain relief is required for some medical procedures.

  1. Preparation of the middle and .
  2. Treatment of pulp hyperemia.
  3. Removal of a tooth.
  4. Surgical interventions performed on the soft tissues of the oral cavity.
  5. Treatment of acute forms of pulpitis and periodontitis.

As you know, during the gestation period, many drugs are prohibited due to their negative effect on the intrauterine formation of the fetus, therefore, the main criterion for choosing an anesthetic is its impermeability through the hemato-placental barrier. This means that the medicine does not get through the umbilical vein to the baby, so it cannot harm him.

The only drugs allowed for anesthesia of teeth in the treatment of a pregnant woman belong to the group, the main active ingredient of which is Articaine. The most commonly used anesthetics are Ubistezin and Ultracaine DS. Please note that pain relief with Ultracaine DS-forte is not recommended due to the adrenaline it contains, the concentration of which is twice as high as in the classic Ultracaine.

Be sure to warn the dentist that you are in an "interesting" position, even if the period is still minimal.


There is no unequivocal opinion of doctors about whether it is possible to do an X-ray examination of the maxillofacial region of a pregnant woman.

Many modern dentistry are equipped with visiographs - devices that allow you to take digital pictures of teeth. Their use is completely harmless for pregnant women and children, because the radiation level is extremely low, so such waves are not capable of causing negative disturbances in the body.

If the clinic does not have modern equipment, then there is a standard apparatus for X-ray examination of teeth, so some recommendations and tips should be followed when taking pictures:

  • be sure to put on a lead apron that covers the body of the pregnant woman, especially the abdomen;
  • perform X-ray diagnostics only in case of emergency, when high-quality treatment is impossible without it;
  • do not exceed the permissible radiation dose.

When conducting an x-ray examination of one tooth, a person is exposed to an impact equal to 0.2 - 0.3 mSv. A harmful dose for the fetus and its mother is considered to be targeted irradiation aimed at the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus, with a value of 1-2 mSv and above. For example, during air travel, a person receives a significantly greater radiation exposure than during x-ray diagnostics of teeth.

Video: how to treat teeth during pregnancy? School of Dr. Komarovsky.

Dental care during pregnancy

When a future mother develops caries while carrying a child, she thinks about whether it is necessary to treat the tooth now, or can it be done after childbirth. Dentists do not recommend postponing therapy for a long time, because during pregnancy the diet changes, the hormonal background changes, inflammation of the gums often develops, and a large amount of calcium from the female body goes to bookmark and build the baby's skeleton.

All this accelerates the processes of destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth, due to which, in a short time, a small dark spot can turn into a large hole. That is why, especially during pregnancy, it is recommended to engage in oral hygiene.

To reduce the likelihood of cavities and other dental diseases, it is necessary to pay great attention to prevention.

  • brush your teeth twice a day, morning and evening;
  • in addition to brushes and paste, use additional hygiene products, including, rinses,;
  • choose personal care products taking into account the characteristics of your oral cavity: brushes of soft or medium hardness, pastes containing fluorine ions at a dosage of 1500 ppm;
  • refuse aggressive substances in the composition of dental preparations, do not regularly use whitening pastes containing highly abrasive substances and carbamide peroxide;
  • do office cleaning of teeth every six months;
  • eat right and balanced. Increase in the diet the content of foods rich in calcium;
  • do not neglect the doctor's recommendations regarding the intake of vitamins and minerals;
  • visit the dentist at least twice a year for a routine checkup.

Simple recommendations will help maintain healthy teeth not only during pregnancy, but also after it.

Modern medicine allows dental treatment during pregnancy. Especially if a woman in a position suffers from pain caused by a toothache.

Cure or wait?

Obviously, most painkillers for her in this case are simply contraindicated - she can use only some drugs that are not very effective.

And the excruciating pain will obviously not help to improve her mood, which will also affect the baby.

In the end, in more serious cases, intoxication of the body may begin, which is extremely undesirable for the crumbs.

Simply put, starting a problem even when you are already “deeply pregnant” is not worth it, because the end result may be unexpected.

Do not even ask yourself this question: to treat or not to treat? The answer here is unequivocal.

Also, do not forget: the body of a woman in an interesting position due to hormones is able to react outside the box in response to diseased teeth.

Toddlers will have caries

Ideally, pregnant women should be examined by a dentist long before conception.

The reason is obvious - pregnancy will certainly cause a loss of calcium in the body, which means that the existing problem may worsen in the future.

As a result, a huge problem “grows” out of a small one: a mother can develop periodontitis, enamel can collapse ... It is not so easy to treat such diseases during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, even a microcrack can lead to such a sad outcome. Still, the teeth are now in a difficult position, since the microflora in the oral cavity is changing, turning into a more aggressive one.

How does this happen? Saliva, which protected the oral cavity from germs before pregnancy, simply loses its unique properties for 9 months.

Together with this phenomenon, the mother’s immunity also weakens, which makes her body more susceptible to the penetration of viruses or microbes.

The statistics derived by modern scientists suggests that a third of expectant mothers with bad teeth have babies with low immunity, gastrointestinal problems and, of course, their predisposition to caries increases significantly.

Looking forward to second trimester

Keep in mind that during pregnancy you will in any case have to visit the dentist twice (you can do this more often - it all depends on your condition). The first time - and the second time - in.

The procedure is planned, since most women have many problems with their gums, in particular, they develop pregnancy gingivitis.

But dental treatment during pregnancy is best done in the second trimester.

It is this time that is considered ideal because the baby will not yet be able to be frightened by the sound of a working drill if the teeth have to be drilled, and the placenta is already mature enough to become protection for him from certain drugs.

Often a woman who has found the same caries in the second month is offered to treat her teeth only a few weeks after the problem is discovered.

Delete only as a last resort

It is more difficult to treat teeth during pregnancy than before it occurred. The reasons for this are many.

For example, after 20 weeks, not every woman will be able to sit still in a dental chair even for even half an hour. But most of the problems are associated with the extraction of teeth.

The process is potentially dangerous and involves the use of strong drugs. Therefore, the doctor will recommend removing teeth during pregnancy only in case of urgent need.

You can, of course, refuse the procedure, but it is better to remember that bad teeth are a serious source of infection, which means that the baby may be at risk.

If you had to deal with this unpleasant procedure, then be sure to follow all the doctor's instructions for oral care.

Pregnant women do not need to be afraid of anesthesia - it can be safely used - in our time there are drugs that practically do not penetrate the placenta to the baby.

Of course, in no case will you be able to remove teeth under general anesthesia, which is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to postpone all complex dental operations for later.

X-ray: safety precautions

But if everything is more or less clear with whether it is possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth, then the issue of conducting x-rays remains controversial for many.

Can it be done?

Of course, only the mother can decide here, but there are times when it is simply not possible to treat teeth without this procedure.

In these cases, it must be remembered that, firstly, the X-ray beams are directed precisely at the mother's bone tissue.

And, secondly, modern equipment is able to reduce the time of exposure to a part of the body to a few fractions of a second.

So the baby will be safe - but the main thing here is to strictly follow all the precautions.

  • be sure to use a special apron that will protect the baby from radiation
  • remember that pregnant women are not recommended to do x-rays in the first and third trimesters, it can only be done in the middle of the term
  • in some cases, its use can help the dentist to understand the situation thoroughly. Perhaps he will even postpone the treatment to another time, because the resulting picture will “tell” him that this is acceptable.
  • be sure to tell the doctor the exact date of your pregnancy - this information is very important for him

Don't go overboard

Gingivitis is one of the most common oral diseases in pregnant women. It occurs due to the fact that the ratio of hormones in the woman's blood changes.

The result is inflamed and painful gums. It will seem to many that the disease is harmless, but it has been established that the decay products of bacteria in a woman with this pathology are able to penetrate the bloodstream and even “get” to the fetus.

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