What are dystonias. Vegetative-vascular dystonia - classification, causes, symptoms, principles of treatment. Syndrome of cardiovascular disorders

VSD is symptomatic complex, which brings together various violations functions vegetative system and due to disorders of their regulation. The decoding of the IRR is as follows - this is vegetative-vascular dystonia. The concept of "dystonia" speaks of violations of the balance of tone, such departments nervous system, both sympathetic and parasympathetic, as about the source of various autonomic disorders.

The main mechanism of manifestation VVD symptoms stress of an emotional nature is considered in the form of an acute shock, a prolonged emotional experience, leading to exhaustion of the nervous system. VSD is characterized by several syndromes of the course of the disease, such as cardiological, tachycardic, bradycardic and arrhythmic.

VSD causes

There are a variety of reasons that cause various disorders of S.S.S. ( of cardio-vascular system), among which are infectious diseases, injuries, strong unrest, major operations, blood loss. In addition, physical overload, smoking, alcohol abuse, infections can contribute to the development of VVD. chronic nature and other serious illnesses.

Many doctors associate the development of VVD with hereditary etiology. Also, this syndrome can have a constitutional nature of development and manifest itself already in early childhood in the form of instability of vegetative parameters.

VVD refers to a certain form of neurosis, in which the regulation of vascular tone is disturbed. Thus, the main role in education this disease attributed to disorders of the entire nervous system. Insufficient provision of the vegetative nature is characteristic of VVD, which can develop with endocrine changes in the body during adolescence. Basically, vegetative disorders at this age manifest themselves in the form of minor or severe disorders of the endocrine system.

VVD, which is characterized by a hypotonic type, is diagnosed in adolescents and children. The reason for the development of the disease is acceleration, in which S.S.S. does not have time for a too rapidly growing organism to provide it with the necessary nutrition. VSD at this age can be triggered by poor heredity, improper daily routine, conflicts at home or at school, as well as past infectious diseases.

Stress is one of the root causes occurrence of VVD. With constant strong mental and nervous stress morally unfavorable environment, violations of the nervous system can cause the development of serious diseases.

For example, VVD with a hypertensive type of the course of the disease can provoke the development of hypertension. But with the normalization of the mode of wakefulness and sleep, sufficient rest and limited physical activity, this can contribute to the disappearance of all symptoms of VVD and lead to recovery.

Many negative emotions in the form of anger, resentment, annoyance and anxiety are the cause of the development of persistent neurosis. People who are sick react quite sharply to any adverse situation. They are not able to switch, to break out of the circle of troubles, and the protracted course of such experiences in neurosis leads to a negative course of the IRR.

As a rule, hypertensive VVD develops as a result of stress associated with increased work of the sympathetic part of the nervous system. Neuroses occurring as a result of increased activity of the parasympathetic part of the nervous system contribute to the development of the hypotensive type of VSD.

The factors that influence the occurrence of VVD include alcohol and smoking. Nicotine and alcohol are poisons that affect two important human systems: the nervous system and the C.S.S. First of all, nicotine affects the blood vessels, specifically affecting the autonomic nervous system. It has long been established that nicotine disrupts the blood supply to the walls of blood vessels and leads to their permeability. Due to vascular changes, smokers develop uncoordinated, abnormal vascular responses. Smoking can provoke the development of neurosis, as it reduces the endurance of the nervous system.

Alcohol is a neurotropic poison. It completely upsets the function of the nervous system, disrupts the metabolic processes in the body and the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and is one of the main risk factors that increases the likelihood of VVD.

VSD symptoms

The most common types of diseases include cardiological and systemic neurological. But basically all these disorders are manifested in a mixed type.

Symptoms consist of blanching of the skin and tachycardia, which is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and a decrease in intestinal motility, as well as the appearance of weakness in the limbs and chills, feelings of anxiety and fear, which are manifestations of vegetative neurosis.

In addition to sympathetic-tonic manifestations, vagotonic symptoms occur in the form of a decrease in heart rate, breathing discomfort, facial flushing, sweating, low blood pressure, fever, weakness, heaviness in the head, nausea and dizziness, etc. With VVD, there are various somatic symptoms that simulate complex diseases, such as and. Therefore, many diseases can be simulated by attacks of vegetative neurosis.

Among the most common psychoneurotic symptoms of VVD, behavioral and motivational disorders are distinguished. In this case, patients are characterized by a violation of emotional balance and sleep, the appearance of tearfulness with feelings of fear or anxiety, which reach self-flagellation and the inability to make a decision.

In addition to general symptoms a respiratory syndrome may be added, in which chest compression and lack of air occur. At the same time, pain in the head and tinnitus are noted, as well as pre-fainting and fainting. At the same time, patients develop hypochondria, they lose interest in life and go deep into themselves, become very irritable and conflict for no particular reason.

As a rule, almost all patients complain of depression, lack of meaning in life and previous activity, show anxiety with a characteristic fear. Many are afraid of the loss of sexual relations and former interests. People who long time unable to make a decision, engage in self-flagellation. But the more optimistic patients with VVD do not even suspect that they have hidden. This symptom does not allow patients to fully exist in society. Neurotics are in such a state when they are trying to maintain a balance of well-being, so as not to let down people nearby. At the same time, they constantly feel asthenia, they do not tolerate various physical and mental loads, they develop dependence on the weather, so they cannot concentrate on their duties and affairs.

An important role in the formation of the disease belongs to various conflict situations at school and at home, overprotection, increased loads at school, psychological neglect little patient, acute or chronic stress. The predisposing factors of VVD in children include infectious, somatic and endocrine diseases, constitutional anomalies, caries, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis and neuroinfections with craniocerebral injuries.

The autonomic nervous system of children is badly affected by adverse weather conditions, environmental conditions, excessive mental and physical stress, poor nutrition, physical inactivity, disruption of the daily routine, lack of sleep and hormonal changes during puberty. In general, VVD in children is strongly manifested during the period rapid growth, with functional loads on the body with the lability of the nervous system.

As a rule, disorders of the autonomic nervous system manifest themselves in the form of various reactions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic division, which are caused by disturbances in the production of norepinephrine, acetylcholine, polypeptides, prostaglandins and vascular sensitivity.

When diagnosing VVD in children, various criteria are taken into account, which are considered important in contrast to the forms of the disease.

The etiology of VVD can be psychogenic, infectious-toxic, dishormonal, essential and mixed manifestations.

Depending on disorders of the autonomic nervous system, VSD in children is sympathicotonic, vagotonic and mixed. Given the prevalence of the disease, it can act as a generalized, systemic or local form. In addition, VVD in children is mild, severe and moderate forms, and can also occur latently, permanently and paroxysmally.

The clinical symptomatology of VVD in a child consists of the predominance of sympathicotonia or vagotonia. Cardiac syndrome is characterized by the development of paroxysmal pain in the region of the heart, arrhythmias in the form of extrasystoles of an irregular nature, bradycardia or tachycardia, an increase or decrease in pressure. With the prevailing cardiovascular disorders in the structure of the VVD, they speak of a neurocirculatory form of dystonia.

by the most dangerous syndrome is a neurotic manifestation of VVD. At the same time, children quickly get tired, they have sleep disturbances, they do not remember well, they complain of dizziness and pain in the head. Children with VVD are always out of mood, anxious, suspicious, emotionally labile. They sometimes have tantrums and depression.

For respiratory syndrome shortness of breath at rest and with slight exertion is characteristic, there is a lack of air. Violations of thermoregulation in VVD in children are expressed by chills, chilliness, poor tolerance weather.

From the side digestive system nausea appears, appetite increases or decreases, causeless pains in the abdomen and spastic.

Symptoms characteristic of the urinary system are swelling under the eyes and frequent urination. As a rule, such children with VVD have a marble color of the skin, sweat a lot, they have increased greasiness of the skin, and red dermographism is noted.

Autonomic crises occur in three types, such as sympathoadrenal, vagoinsular and mixed. Although they are much less common than adults.

For childhood, crises with a vagotonic orientation are characteristic, which is accompanied by a sinking heart, lack of air, the appearance of bradycardia and sweating, asthenia and hypotension.

Children with VVD necessarily need to consult many specialists, such as a pediatrician, pediatric neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist and ophthalmologist. At the same time, another pathology is excluded for the diagnosis of VVD.

In the choice of treatment methods, preference is not given to drug therapy, as well as the normalization of sleep, physical activity, daily routine and consultations of a child psychologist. Also, with VVD in children, positive dynamics can be achieved by using massage courses, physiotherapy, exercise therapy. In addition, swimming lessons, taking a healing shower and general baths with turpentine, radon, pine needles and carbon dioxide are recommended.

If necessary, use sedatives, nootropic drugs, multivitamin complexes, and according to indications - tranquilizers and antidepressants.

Prevention of VVD in children is to prevent the impact of risk factors on children's body, in the creation of general strengthening activities and the harmonization of the development of children. Such patients diagnosed with VVD are under dispensary observation and receive systematic specific treatment.

Pain with VSD

As a rule, VVD is accompanied by various pains. Mostly it is pain in the head and in the region of the heart. In the first case, they are both temporary and permanent, and can also manifest themselves in the form of tension, cluster pain, and.

Pain in the head, which is characterized by its monotony, is the pain of tension. AT this case patients have a feeling that the helmet is squeezing the head and at the same time it begins to whine. In addition, the pain covers the entire head with equal force. These attacks appear after shocks, experiences, work that requires concentration, and stress. To get rid of the pain of tension, it is enough to rest a little or do a massage of the collar zone.

Migraine with VVD is a paroxysmal pain with a strong pulsation and, as a rule, located on one side of the head. Pain can be localized in the eyes, temples and forehead. The condition worsens if nausea, vomiting, tremors, cold hands, photophobia and intolerance to sounds, especially loud ones, join. The cause of migraine can be stress, exercise, being in a noisy place. Pain disappears after a cool shower and a good rest.

Cluster pain develops at night and causes insomnia, which causes suffering to patients. It is mainly localized on the head or face, but only on one side. Such an attack is very difficult to tolerate in the first ten minutes. At this moment, the eyes water, the eyelids droop, the face becomes red and begins to sweat.

Heart pain with VVD can manifest itself unpleasant sensations, as well as being completely unbearable and causing excruciating suffering in the form of depriving a person of rest and restful sleep, while causing a feeling of fear of death. Pains in the heart are different, such as burning, cutting, aching, pinching, stabbing, pressing. At the same time, there is a feeling of something foreign in the chest area. The pain is localized on the left in the subclavian region or behind the sternum and may radiate to left hand, teeth and neck. The pain may last for a few seconds or several hours. And it also manifests itself as a slow increase or a sudden attack.

Basically, pain in the heart with VVD is the result of overwork, physical overstrain, excitement, changes in weather conditions, the premenstrual period, alcohol intake, heaviness in the left arm and forced breathing. Sometimes pain can appear after an unpleasant dream.

For heart pain with VVD, one feature is characteristic. It usually appears after physical stress, not during their execution. And it occurs against the background of an anxious feeling, anxiety, lethargy, apathy and weakness.

Heart pain in VVD are of several types. The first type is characterized by pains of a constant aching or nagging nature as a result of a depressed state or longing. They are quite easily tolerated and do not affect a person's performance. These pains occur for no particular reason and slowly increase. They are stopped with Menthol and Valerian preparations.

The second type of pain is characterized by intensity and duration in the form of a burning sensation in the region of the heart. These pains are long and intense, in which Valocordin and Validol do not help. But mustard plasters on the heart area and painkillers bring relief.

In the third type of pain, their protracted course is noted, with a sudden onset and spread throughout chest. Very often there is a rapid heartbeat, there is not enough air, a person begins to sweat a lot, urination becomes more frequent and sometimes there is a feeling of fear of death.

With the fourth type of pain, their paroxysmal manifestation caused by emotions is noted. Their main difference lies in their short duration and relief with nitroglycerin.

The fifth type of heart pain is characterized by their appearance as a result of physical exertion. Such pain occurs during an exacerbation of the disease.

VVD treatment

VVD treatment implies the elimination of stressful influences, the maximum creation of a favorable mood for the recovery processes and the carrying out of stopping manipulations associated with the painful symptoms of VVD.

First of all, they establish normal family and domestic relations, eliminate stressful situations at work, at school, in the service, etc. Thus, the neuropsychic state of the patient is normalized. Then walks are recommended fresh air, full healthy sleep, a diet that is characterized by restriction harmful products nutrition, and it is also necessary to give up bad habits, coffee and strong tea.

Basic and leading place in the treatment of VSD, psychotherapy is assigned, which can take place both in an individual form and in a group. At mild form VVD can be limited to taking Motherwort and Valerian preparations.

At the same time, patients are prescribed reflexology, massage, physiotherapy, aesthetic therapy, electrosleep, physiotherapy exercises.

To increase the body's resistance to stress, it is recommended to take Ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Lemongrass, as well as harden, perform breathing exercises.

To consolidate the results of VVD therapy, it is shown Spa treatment using such type of therapy as climatotherapy, sea bathing, mud, mineral waters.

Different types of VVD are accompanied by different symptoms. Each of them has its own characteristics that affect the patient's condition and the choice of specific drugs for the treatment of functional imbalance.

VSD classification

Vegetovascular dystonia - functional disease associated with disruption of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates digestion, glandular function, tissue trophism, and microcirculation. The result of such a disorder is a disruption in the functioning of organs that are under the influence of the ANS: the gastrointestinal tract, skin vessels and others.

main role in the division of dystonia into different types, the predominance of the sympathetic or parasympathetic department plays with the addition of specific symptoms. The classification of the disease uses the following types of VVD:

  • cardiac;
  • pubertal;
  • vagotonic;
  • cerebral.

Each of the above types vegetative dystonia It has general mechanism occurrence. It is based on a primary or secondary disorder in the functioning of the ANS. But due to the peculiarities of the impact on target organs, a clinical picture arises.

Depending on the predominance of one or another main symptom, treatment may change, which will be primarily aimed at eliminating the disease itself. severe symptom.


Vegetovascular dystonia is accompanied by the formation of a focus of excessive impulses in the brain, which activates the abnormal functioning of the ANS. With the predominance of the sympathetic department, the hypertensive type of VVD progresses.

People with a hypertensive form of autonomic dysfunction are prone to the development of sympathoadrenal crises. And the course of dystonia is accompanied by constipation, mydriasis, or dilated pupils, tachycardia, high blood pressure and vasospasm of the skin ( white dermographism).


The opposite type of vegetovascular dystonia is hypotonic. It develops with increased activity of the parasympathetic division of the ANS.


Of all the varieties of VVD, the mixed type is more common. It is characterized by a combination of the above symptoms. There is an alternating predominance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS.


If symptoms with myocardial involvement predominate, a cardiac type of VVD is isolated. Unlike the above variants of the course of the disease, it is characterized by the development of only one group of signs.

pubertal variety

VSD puberty- a form of the disease that develops mainly in children and adolescents entering puberty. In addition to traditional violations of the functioning of the ANS, the influence of hormones is included in the pathogenesis.

Against the background of the maturation of all systems in the body, the lability of cerebral vessels and emotional instability, the risk of developing VVD increases.

Symptoms of dystonia resemble a mixed form of the disease:

  • typical disorders in the work of the heart occur with an acceleration of heart rate;
  • irritability;
  • sweating and other symptoms.

Parents should pay attention if the performance of children and adolescents has deteriorated. The pronounced clinical picture prevents them from concentrating on the lessons. At strong there are presyncope and fainting, which are associated with a slow reaction of the heart and blood vessels in response to the urgent requirement of the brain to increase the supply of oxygen and glucose during exercise. This is a temporary disruption of adaptation mechanisms.

Such patients require special attention and selection of treatment to normalize well-being. Otherwise, the anomaly progresses and interferes normal process study. Parallel differential diagnosis with organic disease.

Cerebral variant of the flow

People with this type of disease note the following typical symptoms:

  • constant anxiety;
  • pronounced emotional lability - a change of mood from sadness to rage takes a few seconds;
  • fear for one's own health and life;
  • panic for no apparent reason.

Against the backdrop of change psychological state moderate or mild classical manifestations of VVD progress. Due to the impairment of objective perception, these symptoms are seen as something fatal, even leading to death.

real threat for the life of the patient is not. Treatment is based primarily on the use of psychotherapy, sedatives, antidepressants. The main goal is to calm the person and normalize his psychological state.

Cephalgic character

VVD by type of cephalgia is characterized by predominant lesion cerebral vessels. Their function is impaired. They are less amenable to control by the ANS with the progression of the corresponding symptoms:

  • Frequent headaches. They have a pressing permanent, constant or pulsating (sudden) character. Vona is weak with tingling in the temples and strong up to migraine attacks.
  • Dizziness. A disorder in the functioning of blood vessels leads to changes in the blood supply to structures in the brain with the appearance of a corresponding symptom. Fainting in this case is rare, and nausea and vomiting are common.
  • emotional lability.

Vegetovascular dystonia, which develops exclusively according to the cephalgic type, is a relative rarity. The reason is the predominance of the activity of the sympathetic or parasympathetic division of the ANS.

Internal organs and peripheral blood vessels are often drawn into the process. In the early stages of the progression of the disease, the head sometimes hurts.

Vagotonic variant of the course of the disease

VVD by vagotonic type is one of the forms of dystonia with increased activity tenth pair of cranial nerves (n. vagus). Both ordinary neuroses and organic pathology of the hypothalamus can lead to such a disorder.

Given the peculiarities of the innervation of a particular structure, most signs of dysfunction relate to the digestive and respiratory systems. The chest organs are also involved in the process.

Typical manifestations VSD by vagotonic type:

  • loss of appetite, nausea, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea;
  • indefinite pain in the abdomen of moderate intensity;
  • increased secretion of saliva;
  • tendency to obesity;
  • puffiness;
  • hypochondria;
  • pain in the chest, feeling of its squeezing with lack of air.

People with this disease report a decrease in performance. They do not tolerate stuffy and enclosed spaces (up to the development of claustrophobia), they are emotionally labile.

Despite the peculiarities clinical picture, treatment of VVD according to the vagotonic type is no different from other variants of the disease. The emphasis is on the correction of the functioning of the ANS with the stabilization of the psychological state of the patient.

Such a diversity of symptoms, its multifaceted manifestation at the physical and psycho-emotional levels should be understood by the doctor, whose task is to understand the causes of the imbalance between the sections of the autonomic nervous system.

  • Unfortunately, in our clinics, they like to use this diagnosis if the doctor does not find confirmation of the symptoms.
  • If the "fit" for a serious diagnosis failed, then the doctor's favorite answer remains "vegetovascular dystonia."

This makes you understand that diagnostic search over, but on the other hand, they hint that these violations are not dangerous. Thus, the diagnosis of VVD remains a pig in a poke. If you look in detail, then more than half of the patients with this diagnosis fell under it by mistake, due to similar symptoms and the lack of time, effort and desire of doctors to deal with such patients.

vegeto vascular dystonia called the whole group clinical manifestations indicating the development of functional pathologies of the autonomic nervous system. In medicine, hypotonic and hypertonic forms of the disorder are known, and vegetative vascular dystonia of a mixed type is also common.

The vegetative subsection of the nervous system in the human body functions independently, controlling the work and interaction of all vital systems of the body: cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine. It consists of a subsection of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, the violation of the coordinated work of which causes neurocircular dystonia.

In cases where violations of one of the subsections are clearly manifested, it is easy to determine either the hypertonic form of vegetative vascular dystonia. If it is impossible to single out the predominant symptoms or they appear alternately, vegetative vascular dystonia of a mixed type is diagnosed.

Interesting! Most European experts do not consider mixed type VVD to be a disease, denoting functional failures as a transitive state that does not need to be treated. special treatment. For this reason, the disorder is not listed in the International Classification of Diseases.

AT domestic medicine such a diagnosis is taken seriously. However, the inability to confirm it with laboratory research leads to the fact that patients themselves deny the presence of the disease and do not consider it necessary to treat it.


A greater percentage of the occurrence of VVD of a mixed type occurs in women and can occur at any age. The process of development of the disorder from the onset to the onset of symptoms takes about seven years.

Mixed-type provocateurs of vegetovascular dystonia include factors such as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • presence of birth trauma prenatal development body, including maternal stress during pregnancy;
  • difficult living conditions, frequent stress, emotional stress;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • hormonal disruptions (puberty, menopause);
  • pathologies of a chronic nature in the spine;
  • brain failure;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • reduced immunity;
  • the presence of allergies;
  • having bad habits.

Also at risk are women who have given birth in the first years of a baby's life - due to constant fatigue, lack of sleep, nervous tension and maternal anxiety.

Often VVD of a mixed type is preceded by various types of neuralgia, disorders in the endocrine system, gynecological diseases.

Symptoms of pathology

Mixed-type vegetovascular dystonia combines the symptoms of both varieties - hypotonic and hypertensive - and has up to a hundred different clinical manifestations.

Important! In people with this disorder, momentary pressure drops can be observed up to critical conditions: called sharp rise hypertensive crisis can be replaced by the same rapid decline leading to fainting.

In this regard, the pathology is complicated due to the need to simultaneously deal with opposite conditions. In this case, standard drugs that are used only for high (low) blood pressure are not considered suitable due to the possible provocation of an equally sharp jump in pressure in the opposite direction.

Vivid symptoms indicating the development of a mixed type of VVD in a patient are:

  • sharp jumps blood pressure occurring during the day;
  • pain in the region of the heart - not sharp, rather, pulling, a feeling of "heaviness" in the heart that appears after stress;
  • a headache that appears without obvious reason may occur as a result of emotional or physical overstrain;
  • arrhythmia;
  • intestinal disorders, the occurrence of pain without the possibility of determining the clinical picture;
  • disorders of vasomotor functions - may manifest as pallor or redness, chills without objective reasons;
  • the occurrence of anxiety attacks, the appearance of flashing dots before the eyes;
  • changes in body temperature without good reason, indicating a deterioration in thermoregulation;
  • increased sweating;
  • the occurrence of disorders in the sexual sphere (anorgasmia, problems with potency);
  • emotional instability - mood swings, increased sensitivity, prolonged excitement due to what is happening;
  • asthenia syndrome - increased fatigue, weakness, sleep disturbances, increased pain threshold.

VVD mixed type may manifest - a sudden deterioration general well-being. The crisis is accompanied by a feeling of weakness, profuse sweating, drowsiness, problems with coordination of movement, trembling hands, nausea, decreased visual acuity and hearing. In most cases, this condition is provoked by emotional overload caused by a stressful situation.

People with this disorder constantly experience a feeling of apathy, the performance of ordinary work duties becomes an impossible task. With sudden changes in weather conditions and in the rain, their well-being deteriorates greatly.

Diagnosis and treatment of VVD mixed type

Due to the fact that provoke the development of vegetovascular dystonia of a mixed type can various diseases, examination of a patient with similar symptoms includes the involvement of doctors narrow specializations- a neuropathologist, a gynecologist, a gastroenterologist, etc. Also, if necessary, such studies can be carried out as:

  • encephalograms;
  • CT scan;
  • vascular dopplerography, etc.

When a disease is found that causes autonomic disorder required therapy. In addition to taking medications, mixed-type VSD therapy requires the creation of favorable conditions for rehabilitation and normal functioning all systems in the patient's body.

Depending on the prevailing clinical manifestations, the following drugs may be prescribed to the patient:

Non-drug directions for the treatment of mixed neurocircular dystonia include:

  • optimization of the ratio of work and rest, elimination of the causes of overload;
  • refusal of bad habits, as well as harmful and junk food;
  • regular exercise;
  • elimination of stress factors,

Various problems with cardiovascular system- This is not only the lot of people of age. Each of us can face them, even at a fairly young age. So one of the most common pathological conditions of this type is considered to be vegetovascular dystonia. It is often diagnosed even in infants, and the treatment of such a disease can take quite for a long time and require serious effort. When diagnosing vegetovascular dystonia, the question is raised about what type of disease the identified disease belongs to. Let's consider the main ones.

What is vegetative vascular dystonia? Types

Doctors distinguish many types of vegetovascular dystonia, but in general they can all be divided into three different types - cardiac, hypertensive, and hypotensive.

If we talk about the cardiac type of the disease, then the patient in this case notes an excessive heartbeat, he has interruptions in the activity of the heart. Classic symptoms this type of disease is also considered to be a feeling of lack of air and disruptions in the heart rhythm, which manifests itself in sinus tachycardia, severe respiratory arrhythmia, as well as supraventricular extrasystole.

Hypertensive type

If the doctor raised the question of whether a patient has a hypertensive type of vegetative-vascular dystonia, then this type of disease makes itself felt by an increase in blood pressure. At the same time, the indicators of the "upper" systolic pressure exceed 140 mm Hg.

However, after an increase in blood pressure, it quickly returns to normal levels, with virtually no effect on the patient's well-being. However, in some cases, patients complain of headaches, palpitations, and excessive fatigue. A common symptomatology is also a feeling of excessive anxiety, depression, as well as tension and anxiety. Patients may complain of a feeling of lack of air, they may have trouble remembering information. Sleep problems often develop, both in the form of insomnia and excessive sleepiness. Vegetovascular dystonia of the hypertonic type leads to disturbances in appetite and even to its complete absence. The patient may have a partial violation in the coordination of movements. He is also worried about trembling of the limbs and excessive sweating.

The conclusion about the presence of vegetovascular dystonia is made if the only pathology detected during the examination was periodically increasing blood pressure. At the same time, taking tranquilizers or ordinary valerian quickly leads to a decrease in performance. Also, the patient's pressure can stabilize not due to drugs, but only because of good relaxation or sleep.

It should be borne in mind that this type of vegetovascular dystonia can provoke the development of hypertension in pure form.

Hypotensive type

The hypotensive type of vegetovascular dystionia makes itself felt most often by a decrease in the systolic blood pressure indicator. At the same time, a person is faced with excessive fatigue, he feels muscle weakness. Enough common symptom there are also headaches that can develop against the background of hunger. The patient's skin is painted in pale tones, he is worried about chilliness. In the hypotensive type of the disease, patients usually note that their feet and hands are especially cold. The patient may lose consciousness from time to time.

Most people with this diagnosis are prone to excessive sweating in certain areas of the body, for example, in armpits, on the face and feet. They have a bluish coloration of the palms, as well as fingers and toes due to insufficient blood supply limbs. In addition to chilliness and coldness of the extremities, the patient may also complain about their constant moisture. All patients with hypotonic type of vegetovascular dystonia are pale, rather lethargic and thin. They are apathetic and adynamic.

Psycho-emotional problems are considered to be the most unpleasant symptoms of this type of disease. We are talking about anxiety and fears, low performance and severe fatigue. Also, such manifestations include the disturbed quality of night rest, and the lack of a normal appetite.

mixed type

It is worth considering that in its pure form, all these types of vegetovascular dystonia are extremely rare. Mixed varieties usually appear, for example, cardio-hypertensive, or cardio-hypotensive.

Most often, doctors cannot say exactly what symptoms indicate a mixed type of disease. But most often, patients complain about the instability of blood pressure indicators, pain in the region of the heart, arrhythmia - an increase or slowdown in the heartbeat. Also common complaints include headaches, dizziness, the appearance of flies before the eyes, as well as nervousness and problems with psychological balance.

Treatment of all types of vegetovascular dysionia can be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, the most different methods impact - medicinal formulations, methods of physiotherapy, lifestyle changes, as well as the use of traditional medicine.

As you know, the types of VVD are different and each of them manifests itself in its own way. To determine what type of disease is observed in the patient, first of all, you should pay attention to the symptoms. It should be noted here that the IRR of the hypertensive type is most common.

IRR of the hypertensive type is a violation of the autonomic innervation (the connection of organs and tissues with the nervous system), the first symptoms of which appear even in adolescence. The disease is activated in middle age (from 30 to 60 years), while it is most often observed in female representatives. Correct work autonomic nervous system is very important for the body, as it is responsible for the management and control of internal organs, providing physiological functions(work of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, heart, etc.).

The reasons

VVD develops according to the hypertensive type for the following reasons:

  • Foci of chronic infection;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Excess weight;
  • hereditary factor;
  • Hormonal changes, including pregnancy or adolescence;
  • Character traits, manifested in suspiciousness, instability to stress or excessive anxiety;
  • Nervous system damage or injury;
  • Lack of elementary physical activity;
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical segment of the spine;
  • Overwork;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Frequent stress;
  • Excessive consumption of coffee or energy drinks;
  • Alcohol abuse and smoking.


The main symptom of the disease is an increase in blood pressure. In particular, take into account systolic indicators(the moment when the heart pushes blood out of the ventricles). In this case, the increase in pressure can be chronic or periodic. Its normalization can occur independently after a long rest.

Hypertensive VVD has the following symptoms:

  • Feeling of coldness in the hands and feet, slight shivering;
  • Insomnia, fatigue;
  • Headache;
  • increased sweating;
  • Feeling short of breath, palpitations;
  • Violation of concentration and coordination of movements;
  • Anxiety and irritability up to panic attacks.

Among other things, with VSD of the hypertensive type, sympathoadrenal crises can also be observed, which are presented varying degrees expressiveness. They are the result of the release of adrenaline into the blood and usually begin with headaches and heartaches.

VSD by hypotonic type

Vegetovascular dystonia of the hypotonic type is a syndrome that impairs the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The disease manifests itself in constant fatigue or weakness, a feeling of anxiety and general discomfort for the body.

Such symptoms are the result of a deterioration in the functioning of the cardiac system, as well as a weakening of blood vessels. As a result, the tissues, organs and cells of the brain do not have enough oxygen, the heart rhythm goes astray. they will also help you in your recovery.


  • Increased sweating.
  • Chills.
  • Aching heartache.
  • A feeling of lack of oxygen and the inability of a person to take a deep breath, which can provoke a panic attack.
  • Headache.
  • Low pressure.
  • Decrease in body temperature.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nervousness.

From the above list, it can be seen that the hypotonic type of IRR has unpleasant symptoms. Very often a person can be visited by thoughts of death. This is due to the lack of air for proper breathing. Often the syndrome manifests itself in childhood, and throughout life it can disappear and appear.

The reasons

Among the main reasons for the appearance of this type of VSD, one can single out an intense lifestyle that is ruthless for the body (the body does not get rest), the presence viral infections, hormonal disruptions or changes, genetic predisposition. negative effect render bad habits and regular stress. Treatment of VSD according to the hypotonic type during pregnancy does not differ from "ordinary" cases, and all the symptoms are identical.

VSD of mixed type

Vegetovascular dystonia of a mixed type manifests itself in sharp drops pressure. Most often, the main cause is endocrine and neurological diseases. The hereditary factor also plays a special role, however, to date, the problem has not been fully studied.

Activate the disease mental, physical and mental fatigue. This leads to the fact that the "protective systems" of the body cannot cope with the load, and the body, like the emotional state of a person, requires a long rest.


VVD of a mixed type is manifested by symptoms of a regular drop in blood pressure. In most cases in morning time the patient has low blood pressure. This leads to feelings of lethargy and fatigue.

  • During the day, pressure drops periodically occur, which are signaled by reddening of the face due to a rush of blood, as well as fever. Psycho-emotionally, the disease manifests itself as a feeling of confusion, alertness, fussiness, which can bring the body to a hysterical state.
  • By the evening, the pressure with VVD of a mixed type rises. Closer to sleep, the condition returns to normal, but at night the jumps are repeated. As a result, the patient has restless sleep, chills, increased heart rate pain in the back and joints.

In some cases, additional symptoms may be observed:

  • Articulation disorders;
  • Dizziness;
  • Speech retardation;
  • mood swings;
  • Nausea.

The diagnosis of mixed VVD is best determined by a specialist.

VSD by cardiac type

VVD by cardiac type most often manifests itself in the form of panic attacks. The syndrome is often combined with other types of dystonia, which leads to a change in heart rate, blood pressure disorders and pain in the heart.

The reasons

  • Physical inactivity (weakening of the muscles due to a sedentary lifestyle);
  • Anxiety, suspiciousness;
  • Chronic foci of infection;
  • genetic factor;
  • Hormonal changes, including pregnancy, menopause and puberty;
  • Excessive emotional, physical, mental stress on a regular basis;
  • Excessive alcohol consumption, nicotine addiction;
  • brain injury;
  • Hypothermia and insolation (prolonged exposure to sunlight in hot weather);
  • Harmful working conditions;
  • Depletion of the body.

Additionally cause of VVD according to the cardiac type, there may be malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, pathologies of metabolic processes, activation of the processes of dystrophy of cell structures, problems in the microcirculation of the myocardium.


  • Headache;
  • lethargy;
  • emotional instability;
  • sleep problems;
  • Meteorological dependence;
  • Poor tolerance to stress (mental and physical);
  • sweating;
  • Trembling in the body;
  • Hyperhidrosis of the feet and hands;
  • Apathy.

Since VVD by cardiac type, first of all, implies discomfort in the region of the heart (during attacks), the symptoms are also divided into some types:

  • Tachycardic. Cardiopalmus;
  • Cardiology. Pain in the region of the heart;
  • Bradycardic. low heart rate;
  • Arrhythmic. Extrasystole, cardiac arrhythmias.

VVD by cardiological type is similar to other common diseases, which is why patients often turn to the wrong doctors. In this case, you should visit a neurologist who will write out the necessary directions.

VSD by vagotonic type

VSD of the vagotonic type or vagotonia is a syndrome in which the parasympathetic part of the NS (nervous system) prevails over the sympathetic.


  • Labored breathing;
  • increased sweating;
  • low blood pressure;
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • Increased salivation;
  • Bradycardia (rare heart rhythm);
  • redness of the skin;
  • Most often in the face;
  • swelling under the eyes;
  • Relaxation of the urinary sphincter;
  • Dizziness;
  • "Marble" skin;
  • Pain in the legs.

This syndrome makes a person weak, and as a result develops fears. Attacks of the disease most often occur at night and evening time accompanied by headaches. This leads to the fact that a person constantly feels discomfort, anxiety. Vagotonia provokes the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

Interestingly, the vagotonic type of VSD can also manifest itself during inactivity, for example, when the patient is lying in bed. That is why experts advise to move regularly. The patient's condition worsens during rest due to the fact that the vessels constrict and the heart rate decreases. This becomes the main cause of spasms that provoke pain.

VSD by cerebral type

Cerebral type of VVD - a disease that develops due to improper work internal organs, as the vegetative department does not cope with its task. IRR on the cerebral type manifests itself in people of any age, including children. In a special risk zone are people who bring their body to physical or emotional exhaustion.

The reasons

  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Disorders of the hormonal background;
  • Diseases of the nervous system, both peripheral and central;
  • genetic factor;
  • stressful situations;
  • Overwork;
  • Intense physical activity;
  • Diseases of a chronic nature, most often related to the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Additionally, there are factors that have a general negative impact and aggravate the disease. These include bad habits, emotional instability, depressive or hysterical states. In general, the development of cerebral VVD is influenced by organic, psycho-emotional, hereditary-constitutional factors.


  • Pain in the sternum and heart area, rhythm disturbances;
  • Problems with sexual life;
  • Irritable, apathetic and hypochondriacal states;
  • bloating, abdominal cramps, vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • Interruptions in breathing oxygen deficiency, shortness of breath, spasms;
  • Insomnia;
  • Failures in the body's thermoregulation, subfebrile temperature body.

Often patients fall into depression, which leads to the inability to control their own emotions.

VSD by sympathicotonic type

IRR according to the sympathicotonic type is a syndrome that occurs when the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is excited. It is important to understand that this is not a disease, but only a certain state of the body, which is characterized by the prevailing symptoms.


  • Increased blood pressure, both vascular and pulse;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Impulsivity, increased gesticulation;
  • Instability to colds;
  • Tendency to diarrhea, constipation;
  • Anxious, depressive thoughts that aggravate symptoms;
  • Cold and numbness of the limbs;
  • A sharp increase and decrease in body temperature;
  • Problems with the vestibular apparatus;
  • Tendency to tachycardia.

Most often, people suffering from the sympathicotonic type syndrome have a thin physique. At the same time, they have a good appetite, and the lack extra pounds due to the constant release of adrenaline.

The reasons

  • Reduced immunity;
  • Weakened body;
  • The presence of infectious diseases;
  • Insufficient sleep;
  • stressful situations;
  • Intense physical or mental stress;
  • Problems with the spine.

As a result, it can be said that different types of VSD have different symptoms and it is important to decide which one you have, as treatment approaches may vary. In some cases, banal ones can have a strong effect.

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