How do you know if a child is teething? Video - How to ease teething. Possible violations in the eruption schedule

When a child's teeth come out, then at the same time with them all the problems that arise in this case, parents begin to worry. For certain babies, this process is completely painless, without creating changes in health and behavior. But, unfortunately, it does not do without stressful situations, when there is an increase in temperature and other symptoms.

Certain parents, who are concerned about the problems that often appear at this time, carefully study the necessary literature in order to prepare for a likely difficult situation, begin to check with the statistical terms of eruption, and worry when the expected results do not occur at the specified time. It happens like this that the baby's teeth are climbing on their own schedule or their normal growth sequence is disturbed.

Is it possible to know exactly in what order the teeth begin to climb in children, and which one comes out first? It’s quite difficult to answer precisely - the properties of the body of a certain baby are quite individual.

Terms and order of eruption

Predetermine, in what sequence each child's teeth climb, is not always possible. Observations prove that there are very significant differences in terms. It is considered normal when the terms fluctuate in the range of 6 months. Most often, teething takes place in the interval of 7-9 months, in some cases - by 4-5 months, while in girls this can happen much earlier.

It is useful for parents who have babies to know and see how and at what time children's teeth climb. By the year, almost all children already have time to acquire one or more, and differences in terms can arise for many reasons. One of the most common is due to hereditary predisposition. Other causes may be problems in the body child that resulted from:

“What to do when a child’s teeth are climbing?”: Young parents often ask. There are no big reasons for concern when teething does not take place, taking into account approximate schedules, including by the age of one year - as a rule, this refers to the individual characteristics of the baby's body.

Teeth are falling: symptoms and first signs

Very common question: "How to know / see / understand that the baby is teething?" is rhetorical. By the behavior and condition of the child, everything is immediately visible:

  • increased salivation;
  • there is swelling and redness of the gums, they hurt and itch;
  • swollen cheeks;
  • a sour smell appears from the mouth, which is due to the decomposition of particles of the mucous membrane;
  • there is tearfulness and irritability;
  • the child scratches his gums and puts everything in his mouth.

In some cases, more worrisome symptoms occur, as the immunity of the baby by this time is reduced. The immunity that the mother gave, the child has already used, and its own immune system is just beginning to develop. Teething is a strong blow to the body and can be characterized by such manifestations:

During a prolonged deterioration in the baby's well-being, at the time of teething, it is necessary to call the attending pediatrician to exclude other causes. The baby is probably really sick because these symptoms are directly not associated with teething.

What is the order of cutting?

You should not focus on the question: "In what order does a child's teeth climb?". A lot in this case will depend on the factors of hereditary predisposition, as well as on the characteristics of the development of each individual baby. But, one way or another, there is a general scheme that determines how children's teeth climb, the sequence of their development.

Eruption sequence

What to do when a child is teething? Although there is a certain order and “rules” of teething that young mothers are trying to follow, an individual approach to this issue is still the most correct. How children's teeth climb- the order and pattern of their development is different for each baby.

There are rules, which regulate the approximate data regarding which teeth climb first, in which queue this should happen. Among these conditional rules, we can distinguish those that, as a rule, parents pay attention to:

The first point may be a symptom of rickets, however, often these phenomena are only features of the development of children . Education from above is explained in the same way. several teeth during their complete absence below - probably a lack of calcium in the body, this can be corrected by including more cottage cheese dishes and milk in the daily diet.

In this case, a dentist is absolutely necessary in order to determine if there are any minor deviations in the body of your child and how they can be corrected.

It can be said once again that a scheme common to many children should not be considered mandatory for a particular child, and minor deviations should not be considered abnormal.

Approximate eruption sequence

For babies under the age of 2.5 years, the presence of teeth should ideally be presented in the form of 2-1-2 (two molars, one canine, two incisors should grow from the bottom and top of each jaw). So you can take into account their symmetrical location, and the same number (20), from below and above.

There is also a formula, which reflects approximately how many teeth should grow by a specific age, which looks something like this: the number of teeth should correspond to the child's age in months minus six. For example, in one year and 4 months (16 months) this number should be 16-6=10. You can use this formula with a certain degree of accuracy up to the age of babies 2 years old.

mythic stories

There are stories that have survived several generations, which are completely unreliable, but, one way or another, inspire confidence in young mothers. Each of these myths is needed consider separately and determine, does it actually correspond to reality:

The growth of the "eye tooth"

Fangs ("eye" teeth) during their appearance, they often cause difficulties, being difficult and affecting the well-being of the baby. However, this is not always noted - there are babies who can tolerate the development of fangs quite calmly, and parents quite unexpectedly often discover them.

The complexity of the development of canines is due to their proximity to the location of the nerve, which is responsible for communication with the upper part of the face and the central nervous system.

Due to the proximity of the nerve during eruption, such unpleasant diseases as thrush of the oral mucosa, conjunctivitis, wounds, sores on the fingers can be observed. To relieve pain during the appearance of fangs, drugs for pain relief, antipyretics, remedies for colds and allergies, which must be stocked up in advance on the recommendation of a dentist.

Milk teeth care

The appearance of milk teeth in a child from parents requires new responsibilities. Even one tooth already needs to be cleaned - this is both a hygienic requirement and the formation of the habit of taking care of the cleanliness of the oral cavity, for which they acquire a special silicone nozzle on the finger or use a bandage soaked in boiled water. The procedure is performed constantly: after breakfast and at night, wiping the tongue, gums and teeth.

A little later, they begin to use a children's toothbrush with soft bristles, as well as toothpaste with a small amount of fluoride. The brush needs to be replaced monthly. It must be used carefully, since the enamel of milk teeth is thin and its integrity can be easily violated. Adults are required to brush their teeth, only after 2 years the baby can start brushing his teeth on his own, but only under the supervision of parents. It is necessary to immediately teach the baby correctly and brush your teeth regularly- this will save the child and parents from many dental problems in the future.

Teething, along with some other ailments of newborns, is perhaps one of the most popular and widely discussed topics among mothers who share their experiences and feelings on various forums dedicated to and raising children. According to statistics, the first teeth in a child appear no earlier than six months.

Many myths are associated with the process of the appearance of milk teeth, for example, that girls teeth are cut faster than boys. This statement, firstly, is not supported by medical research. And secondly, infant development, which includes the growth of teeth, is a purely individual process.

This means that one child will have early tooth development, while the second may have their first incisors a year or even later. It is important that in both cases we are not talking about a lag or deviation, this is just a variant of the norm.

Since the process of the appearance of milk teeth is indeed most often associated with many inconveniences and experiences, both for parents and children, it is best to find out in advance how to determine that teeth are growing in an infant, and most importantly, how to facilitate this process for a child . After all, as they say, knowledgeable means armed.

How do you know if a child is teething? This question worries all parents without exception. It often happens that mothers, having noticed a deterioration in their children's health, do not associate this with the appearance of the first teeth, but think that their child has caught a cold or caught a virus. This is due to the fact that the first signs of teething in a child are very similar to the development at the initial stage or ORZ .

In order not to wag their nerves, time and money in vain and not to stuff the baby with unnecessary, and in addition, ineffective medicines, parents simply have to know what symptoms of teething the first teeth in infants are and how to help the baby in such a situation. Let's first talk about how a child behaves when teething.

It is noteworthy that although teething is an absolutely normal and natural physiological process for the human body, it, unfortunately, in most cases brings the child a lot of inconvenience, from which there is no escape.

When a child's teeth climb, he changes before our eyes, becomes capricious and more irritable.

The kid really suffers and experiences discomfort, because he is faced with such pain for the first time.

Therefore, in this difficult period, parents are simply obliged to support their child and do everything to alleviate his condition.

Pediatric doctors (for example, the famous doctor Komarovsky) recommend showing as much care and affection for the baby as possible during this difficult period of time for him, hugging and kissing the child more often.

After all, the best medicine is parental love and the warmth of mother's hands. And even if you cannot completely eliminate pain, your baby will feel your support and compassion. As mentioned above, the first teeth usually come in at six months. However, this does not mean at all that the first tooth in a child cannot appear, for example, at 3 months.

By the way, this age is considered the earliest, according to doctors, when the process of teething the first teeth can begin in babies. Modern pediatricians are increasingly saying that each child is unique, and it is not entirely correct to apply the same rules and regulations to all children. An individual approach to diagnosis and treatment is the future of medicine.

It is important to understand that the presence and severity of certain symptoms of teething in children under one year old depends solely on the health status of a particular baby. There are cases, and there are many of them, when a child endures this process almost painlessly and does not experience even half of the ailments associated with the appearance of the first teeth.

When a child is teething, the symptoms can be so invisible to others that parents, upon discovering the first incisor in their baby, can not only be delighted, but also truly surprised.

So, if a child is teething, then the symptoms may be:

  • gums and swelling at the eruption site is perhaps the surest sign that the baby will soon have its first tooth. You can see this symptom with the naked eye, you just have to look into the child’s mouth or feel the “tubercle” on the gum with your finger. In some cases, a small tooth may form at the site of eruption ( accumulation), then it will turn blue. This is considered a variant of the norm, subject to the general normal well-being of the child. As a rule, the hematoma passes by itself immediately after the tooth erupts. On hit infections on the gum may be present abscess or , they also go away on their own with time. If this does not happen, and the baby's condition worsens (usually rises temperature how the body reacts to inflammatory processes ), you should immediately consult a dentist;
  • increased salivation can also be attributed to the true signs of cutting teeth. There is really a lot of saliva, and when the first incisors appear in sequence and further, when the development of molars and canines occurs;
  • the desire of the baby to gnaw everything is due to strong itchy gums , another sure sign that the teething process is gaining momentum;
  • decrease, change in taste preferences or complete refusal of the child from food;
  • changes in the behavior of newborns (increased irritability, unreasonable capriciousness) are primarily due to the fact that the child experiences pain at the moment when the teeth are actively “storming” the surface of the gums. In addition, due to increased salivation, irritation or a rash appears on the skin, which gives the baby a lot of anxiety;
    sleep disturbance.

Teething cough in children

Quite often, mothers ask pediatricians the question of whether it can be cough because of cutting teeth, or this symptom indicates the development of other ailments. The child's body begins to prepare in advance for the appearance of the first teeth. Within weeks, and sometimes months salivary glands begin to produce many times more secret .

However, the child has not yet learned to swallow saliva, as we, adults, do it without thinking and already reflexively.

As a result, saliva accumulates in the throat, especially when the child is in a supine position.

Baby starts coughing to let go Airways from the secret that has accumulated there.

In addition, due to the large amount of saliva entering the nasopharynx, wheezing can be heard. When saliva enters the middle ear, the child has runny nose .

Diarrhea (diarrhea) during teething

Not many parents know that diarrhea the baby is not only a symptom poisoning . The reasons may be teeth, or rather, increased salivation. The thing is that an overly receptive and not fully formed children's stomach can react painfully to the ingress of saliva with food.

A large number of secret liquefies chair , and the bacteria contained in it provoke indigestion . In addition, with the growth of milk teeth, the entire children's body experiences tremendous stress, which affects the work gastrointestinal tract . As a result, the child suffers from diarrhea or, which can also be caused by an overabundance of saliva.

It is worth remembering that diarrhea that lasts no more than 72 hours is considered normal when teething. If you notice any of the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for treatment:

  • change in the color of the feces or the presence of foreign inclusions in it, namely the appearance of a black or greenish tint of feces and blood (blood streaks);
  • too frequent stools (more than five times a day);
  • the duration of diarrhea is more than three days, and the number of emptyings does not decrease, but rather increases.

Vomiting when teething

Could it be if teeth are being cut? In rare cases, children may experience vomiting during teething. However, this is a rather rare phenomenon, also due to strong salivation, in which part of the secret got into the children's stomach with food. It is important to emphasize that if vomiting is associated with diarrhea and these ailments often recur, in addition, the child's body temperature has risen, this indicates the development of a viral infection.

In this case, it is better to immediately consult a doctor for advice. Since without timely treatment rotaviruses, adenoviruses, astroviruses, caliciviruses, noroviruses , united under one name, stomach or intestinal flu, causing severe gastrointestinal disorders, can cause irreparable harm to a child's health.

Elevated body temperature is a signal immune system person, indicating those processes occurring in the body that can be caused by the harmful effects of various microorganisms, for example, bacteria or viruses . However, even during the eruption of the first teeth, the child may experience a high temperature .

True, as a rule, it will not exceed 38-38.5 C. This reaction of the body is due to the presence of inflammation mucous membranes of the oral cavity , because the teeth go through the gum tissue, i.e. actually damage their integrity. In addition, during this period of time, the baby begins to grab and gnaw everything that comes to his hand and can bring an infection into the wounds.

It is important to understand that the reaction to the teeth may be a slight increase in temperature. Moreover, this condition usually lasts for several days.

If a child has a temperature for a long period of time, then this is not related to the teeth.

In such cases, you should immediately seek medical help.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that not always when the incisors, molars or fangs erupt in a child, the body temperature rises.

This means that it would be wrong to attribute temperature to the main features of cutting teeth. Rather, it is a possible symptom that may or may not be present.

Timing of teething

Most parents think about when the first teeth appear in children. Indeed, on the one hand, everyone is looking forward to this exciting moment, when the first handsome tooth "settles" in the baby's mouth. On the other hand, mothers understand that this period of time can be difficult due to possible ailments.

How teeth erupt in babies, photo

When do the first teeth begin to grow in babies? A few decades ago, in the medical literature and reference books, the question of when a child's first teeth appear gave an unequivocal answer - from 6 months of age.

Modern pediatricians are no longer so categorical, since there are more and more cases when a baby's first teeth come out much earlier than this time.

Therefore, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of when the first teeth appear in infants; for all children, this process begins only when their body is ready for this.

However, parents should worry if their beloved child does not erupt teeth at 6, 8 or 10 months, since a delay in teething is directly related to a delay in the growth and development of the whole organism, which can be caused by such pathologies as:

  • adentia , i.e. the absence of the rudiments of future teeth themselves. Not many people know that the basis of milk teeth is formed in children even in the womb, at about 6-7 weeks of gestation, so it is so important for women to receive all the necessary nutrients for the correct and harmonious development of all vital systems of the fetal body. Diagnosis of this disease is possible only with an x-ray;
  • , a disease that develops in infants due to a lack in their body, which plays an important role in the assimilation calcium necessary for the development and growth of teeth.

The time at which teeth are cut in infants is influenced by factors such as:

  • heredity;
  • food;
  • climatic conditions;
  • water quality and composition;
  • the presence of certain diseases, for example, ailments associated with the endocrine system;
  • baby care.

The order of teething in children

We talked about how much the teeth climb, now we will deal with the sequence of their eruption. So when cut canines, molars (molars) and incisors ?

Consider the above table of tooth growth in children in more detail. The table contains information not only about the timing, but also about the sequence of teething in children. It is important to emphasize that this information about the eruption procedure is for reference only.

This means that parents should not panic and worry if the order of teething in their baby does not correspond to the information presented in the table. The appearance of teeth, like other moments in child development, for example, the main parameters of height-weight are purely individual.

Therefore, it makes no sense to compare the order in which your baby's teeth or the neighbor's peanut grew. So, what is the procedure for teething baby teeth? Which teeth erupt first and at what age? The scheme proposed above will help answer these questions and tell you how the teeth in children climb.

However, first, let's deal with the terminology. The table provides information on how milk teeth grow and which first appear. milk teeth called the original "dental set" in humans and, interestingly, in other mammals too.

Yes, we are not mistaken, our pets cats and dogs and many other animals also lose milk teeth, and in their place the second ones grow - permanent ones. Based on the scheme of the appearance of the first teeth, it is clearly seen that the teeth on each half of the jaw, which have the same name, for example, the upper and lower incisors or canines, crawl out simultaneously, i.e. in pairs.

As a rule, two are cut first central incisors lower jaw. It can be considered that these are the first teeth that appear in babies at 3 months or later. Then, based on the above teething schedule for children and taking into account the principle of pairing, the central incisors come out in the upper part of the jaw.

After them comes the time of the second incisors, only the lateral ones. They can appear either from above or below, this is individual. It is considered the norm when, at the age of up to a year, children have a complete set of incisors, i.e. both upper and lower teeth come out.

The order of eruption of molars in children

Logically for incisors must follow fangs or "eye" teeth. However, the process of eruption of fangs in children begins only after the appearance of permanent teeth . In the meantime, in place of the fangs, the so-called "tooth gaps" are formed.

So, after all four incisors, molars appear - the first upper molars and the second lower molars. And only after all the molars have taken their places, canines come out, which, by the way, are the strongest and most durable teeth.

How long do the upper and lower milk teeth erupt

It is considered normal that by the age of three a child has a number canines and molars compared, and their total number reaches 20 pieces. However, we repeat once again, these are averaged data and in each case the eruption process proceeds at its own individual speed.

You should not even try to speed it up, because the body itself “controls” the situation, which means that teeth will appear when needed.

Teething of the upper teeth, photo

The central incisors (lower, upper) appear first in the interval from 3-6 months to 10-12 months. Lateral upper and lower incisors - from 7-9 months to 16-13 months.

The first upper molars are cut from 12-13 months to 18-19 months, the second lower and upper molars - from 20-25 months to 31-33 months. And the last lower and upper canines - from 16 months to 22-23 months.

Change of teeth, i.e. the loss of dairy and the appearance of permanent ones in their place also occurs purely individually.

However, on average, the first teeth begin to fall out at the age of 6-7 years, and the permanent ones are fully formed by 10-12 years. The incisors are the first to change, and the canines and molars are the last to appear.

How to help a child with teething? And what remedies for teething in infants will help to effectively anesthetize and alleviate the condition of the child? We will try to answer these questions further. As mentioned above, it is impossible to predict in advance the reaction of the child's body to the process of appearance.

However, even if your baby endures all the hardships of this period of time relatively easily, and his health remains good, it is still worth knowing how to help the child in case of any ailments associated with teething.

The main goal of parents is to make the teething process as painless as possible for their child.

This can be achieved with the help of various medications that have an analgesic effect, and also prevent the development of infections and inflammatory processes at the site of teething.

So, what are the effective drugs for pain relief:

  • gels, for example Baby Doctor "First Teeth" , Holisan, and others;
  • drops, for example, this drug is also available as an anesthetic gel;
  • ointment for gums, for example,.

In addition to the above remedies, it can help to eliminate the painful symptoms of eruption of milk teeth. homeopathy . True, with medicinal herbs and plants, as well as with preparations made on their basis, one must be extremely careful. Of course, natural plant components for the child's body are the best alternative to synthetic drugs.

That's only if the child has, homeopathic remedies can significantly worsen the health of the baby. Therefore, before using them, you should definitely seek medical advice from a pediatrician. Let's talk about the most popular and well-established drugs.

Gels for gums during teething

Currently, in the pharmacy of any locality, you will be offered a variety of various means designed to alleviate the condition of the child when teething. Most often, these drugs are produced in the form of ointments, gels or creams. This dosage form is the easiest to use and much more effective. The drugs penetrate deeper into the affected areas of tissues faster and, as a result, the effect of their use is more likely to occur.

So which teething gel is best for your baby? One of the first and to some extent the main symptoms of the appearance of milk teeth is the swelling of the gums in infants. Looking into the child's mouth, you will immediately notice the swollen areas mucous tissues .

It is in these places that teeth will soon appear. You may not even know in advance what the gums look like when teething. Believe me, you will be able to determine this by touch with closed eyes, because a characteristic tubercle will appear on the gum, and the child will constantly try to somehow scratch this area.

Photo of gums during the eruption of the first teeth

The best will be the gel during teething in infants, which can effectively cope with discomfort in the gums, i.e. reduce their sensitivity with the help of cooling and analgesic properties. How gels, ointments and creams work:

  • completely eliminate or help to significantly reduce pain;
  • fight inflammation at the site of the appearance of teeth;
  • reduce or eliminate completely itching;
  • have a healing effect;
  • reduce redness and disinfect the mucous membranes of the gums;
  • strengthen the gums.
Name of the drug Kamistad Baby Baby Doctor "First Teeth" Holisal
Compound lidocaine hydrochloride, infusion of chamomile inflorescences marshmallow root extracts, extracts of calendula, chamomile, echinacea, plantain, water, methylparaben and methylcellulose choline salicylate, cetalkonium chloride

The drug refers to combined drugs that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial effects.

The gel reduces the manifestation of pain due to the presence of lidocaine in its chemical composition. Moreover, the analgesic effect of the drug lasts for a long time.

Pharmacy chamomile fights inflammatory processes, and also promotes healing of the mucous membranes of the gums in places of teething.

Homeopathic medicine.

Dental gel with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties.

Choline salicylate has a local anesthetic effect, and cetalkonium chloride has antiseptic properties.

Indications for use
  • gingivitis;
  • erythema of the lips;
  • cheilitis;
  • injured oral mucosa due to wearing braces or the use of prostheses;
  • teething .
Elimination of pain syndrome, as well as relief of inflammatory processes during teething in children of the first year of life.
  • periodontal disease;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • cheilitis;
  • mucosal damage when using prostheses;
  • teething of the first and permanent teeth in children;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes after surgery;
  • lichen planus of the mucous membrane;
  • liver failure;
  • hypertension;
  • allergic reactions;
  • tingling and burning in the area of ​​​​application of the drug.
Instructions for use The gel is applied with a layer no more than 5 mm thick on the inflamed areas of the gums three times a day.

The gel is applied place, i.e. applied with massaging movements directly to the inflamed areas of the mucous membranes of the gums.

You can smear the drug on the gums every time you need it.

The gel is applied to the inflamed areas with light massaging movements about fifteen minutes before meals or after hygiene procedures after meals.

You can use the drug no more than three times a day.

average price 150 rubles per package, with a nominal volume of 10 g. 150 rubles per pack, 15 ml. 220 rubles per tube in 10 g.
Name of the drug Dentinox Dantinorm Baby Calgel
Compound chamomile extract, polidocanol, lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate extract of chamomile, rhubarb, Indian ivy cetylpyridinium chloride, lidocaine
Properties Local anesthetic with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Homeopathic preparation in the form of drops, which has analgesic, as well as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory abilities. The gel, intended exclusively for topical use, has antifungal, antibacterial and analgesic properties.
Indications for use The gel is used to eliminate pain, as well as inflammation and irritation of the gums during teething. Teething in children from three months. Painful teething in children aged five months and older.
Contraindications for use The presence of lesions in the oral cavity, individual intolerance medicines. Individual intolerance to the drug .
  • bradycardia;
  • liver failure;
  • heart failure;
  • kidney failure;
  • hypotension;
  • individual intolerance;
  • violation of intraventricular conduction.
Side effects not found not found
  • swallowing dysfunction;
  • allergic reactions.
Instructions for use A small amount of gel is applied to the gums with light massaging movements no more than three times a day. Take drops in one container (volume 1 ml) inside in between meals no more than three times a day.

With gentle massaging movements, a small amount of the drug is applied to the inflamed areas of the gums no more than six times a day.

The gel can be reapplied only after twenty minutes after the previous use.

average price 200 rubles per package, with a nominal volume of 10 g. 300 rubles for drops, 10 ml. 230 rubles for 10 g of gel.

Before using any kind of gel, ointment or drops, be sure to consult your doctor. In addition to medicines, it is possible to alleviate the condition of the baby during teething with the help of:

  • teethers - this special device can be of different shapes and sizes. Teethers are made from materials such as rubber and plastic that are safe in composition. They can be filled with water or a special gel so that they can be cooled in a regular household refrigerator. As you know, the cold can dull pain for a while. This device the baby can safely gnaw and thus scratch the gums;
  • gum massage, for which special devices are also used, for example, a fingertip brush or gauze swabs. Fingertip brush and gauze swabs are not only excellent massagers, but also hygiene products designed for oral care in children. They gently cleanse the mucous membranes and teeth from dirt.

Many parents are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to do vaccinations during teething. Before vaccination in accordance with the vaccination schedule, the child undergoes a series of procedures, which include the delivery of tests (urine, blood) , as well as examination by a pediatrician.

By itself, the process of the appearance of the first teeth is not a pathology that prohibits grafting.

However, as a general rule, in order to avoid unwanted side reactions and complications, vaccinations are given only when the child feels well and his tests are normal.

As we determined earlier, when teething, the well-being of the baby may worsen. Of course, in such a state there can be no question of any vaccinations. Remember, the recommended vaccination dates are not mandatory and strict. Therefore, it is possible without guilt to skip the next vaccination and wait until the child gets better.

With the appearance of a baby in the house of parents, the range of responsibilities and troubles increases significantly. The baby needs to be bathed, changed, fed and walked with him on the street. The first months of a newborn's life often seem like a nightmare to parents, because a child can cry every night because of gas in the tummy or because he does not want to be left alone in the crib.

It would seem that after a few months the baby should calm down and stop disturbing the parents with constant crying. But another problem comes to replace - teething.

Often this process is accompanied by such a serious deterioration in the well-being of the baby that the parents immediately call an ambulance. Meanwhile, knowledge of the main symptoms of the growth of the first teeth can significantly reduce the level of anxiety of adult family members, which will more effectively help the baby survive this difficult test.

The main symptoms of teething

Despite the fact that the body of each baby is individual and unique, there are the most characteristic signs that indicate with a high degree of accuracy the beginning of the process of eruption of the first teeth. How to understand that a child is teething? The following symptoms indicate this:

  • sudden increase in body temperature. As a rule, the temperature increases to 38 - 38.5 degrees, but it is not uncommon for it to reach + 39 degrees or more. With a moderate increase, you can do without the help of a specialist, but if the 39-degree mark is exceeded, a doctor's call to the house is mandatory, since such a temperature may also indicate the development of other diseases. In addition, in this case, it becomes necessary to use antipyretics, which should be prescribed only by a doctor;
  • swelling and redness of the gums. It is far from always that parents can notice a change in the state of the baby's oral cavity, therefore it is desirable that the examination be carried out by a specialist;
  • profuse salivation, which is a completely natural process in this period;
  • moist cough. During teething, saliva is produced in greater quantities than usual and enters the larynx, which causes coughing;
  • runny nose, resulting from an increase in the volume of mucus that is produced in the nasal cavity. Usually a runny nose when teeth appear is not too intense and stops after 3-4 days;
  • diarrhea. As a result of the constant swallowing of saliva, intestinal motility increases, which causes diarrhea. As a rule, the frequency of stool does not increase excessively - the baby needs to do it "in a big way" two or three times a day;
  • vomit. When teething, vomiting is conceived similar to regurgitation and also occurs due to increased salivation;
  • the desire of the baby to gnaw and bite various objects. The child more often pulls toys, his finger, dishes, etc. into his mouth. This behavior is caused by discomfort in the gum area;
  • loss of appetite, restless sleep - arise as a result of a general deterioration in well-being against the background of teething.

In addition, in some children, signs of diathesis may worsen or other individual reactions of the body may occur. But parents should remember that if during the period when the baby's teeth are being cut, the symptoms appear too intensely, it is necessary to call a doctor, because it is possible to develop a cold, flu or more serious diseases against the background of the appearance of teeth.

Timing of teething in children

The time of the appearance of milk teeth in a child depends on many factors, among which the main ones are hereditary predisposition, mother's nutrition during pregnancy, and the baby's diet. Therefore, it is very difficult to guess the exact period of eruption of a particular tooth; one can only name the approximate period of its appearance.

As a rule, milk teeth erupt in a certain sequence: first, the lower front teeth (incisors), then the upper incisors, after them, the lower lateral incisors, and a little later, the upper lateral ones. Then canines may appear, but often they are preceded by molars (“chewing” teeth), with the first molars appearing at the age of 1-1.5 years, and the second - at 2-2.5 years.

Thus, by the time of reaching the age of one year, the baby has from one or two to eight teeth or even a little more, and by the age of three - about 20 milk teeth.

More visual information about when babies start teething is presented in the following table:

Name of the tooth

Approximate date of appearance, months

Two lower central incisors

Two upper central incisors

Two lower lateral incisors

Two upper lateral incisors

The first two lower molars

The first two upper molars

Four fangs (two upper and two lower)

Two lower second molars

Two second upper molars

If the baby's teeth begin to erupt in a slightly different order, you should not worry about this at all. But in the case when two or even four teeth begin to grow at once, the child’s well-being must be monitored especially carefully, because such a load is rather hard to endure by the body.

How can you help the baby?

Almost all parents want to at least to some extent alleviate the condition of their child during teething. Often, a number of mistakes are made, which can be avoided by familiarization with the basic methods of providing assistance.

The process of teething will be less painful for the baby if parents adopt the following tips:

In a period when teeth are climbing, how can you help a child, in addition to using pharmaceutical preparations and tips on caring for a baby? One of the reasons for the deterioration of the baby's condition is that during teething, the integrity of the tissues of the oral cavity is violated, and the microorganisms present in the mouth can cause the development of a bacterial infection. Therefore, during this period, it is necessary to observe enhanced oral hygiene measures.

The milk that a baby eats during the first year of life is a suitable environment for the development of many bacteria in the gum area. That is why during the period of increased teething, it is necessary to use special therapeutic and hygienic means to get rid of the destructive effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

Depending on the age of the baby, the following remedies may be most effective:

  • Gel toothpaste ASEPTABABY designed for the youngest children - from 0 to 3 years. It contains plant extracts that have a bactericidal effect and eliminate the cause of gum disease. In addition, this paste does not contain fluorine and abrasives, which are not recommended for such young patients;
  • Gel toothpaste ASEPTAKIDS, which best allows you to care for the oral cavity of children from 4 to 8 years. Suitable for both milk and molars. Protects against the appearance of caries and the development of an inflammatory process in the gum area, including during teething;
  • ASEPTA toothpasteTEENS, for the care of permanent teeth. Suitable for children from 8 years old. Helps to saturate tooth enamel with such important trace elements as calcium and phosphorus. Protects teeth from the negative damaging effects of organic acids and bacteria;
  • Wet wipes ASEPTABABY, with which you can effectively care for the oral cavity of the baby. Designed for children from 0 to 3 years old. Perfect for massaging the gums during teething, while facilitating the condition of the baby. Contains substances that have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect on the oral cavity. They are indispensable in conditions when it is not possible to use water and toothpaste: on a trip, during a long walk, etc. Napkins are released in the form of a fingertip, so they are convenient and hygienic to use. After using them, there is absolutely no need to rinse the child's mouth with water.

The combination of traditional methods of caring for a baby and modern hygiene products will significantly improve the well-being of the child and avoid a decrease in appetite, tearfulness and other manifestations.

What should be avoided during teething?

Some tips can do more harm than help the baby. It is recommended to avoid the following treatments and care for your baby during teething:

  • it is undesirable to give the baby to chew on cold objects or foods to relieve pain and itching in the gums. Despite the fact that discomfort can really disappear for a short time, the child runs the risk of catching a cold, and then you will have to deal with two problems at once - discomfort in the gums and a cold or sore throat;
  • do not press too hard with your fingers on the gums. Such manipulations will only increase the discomfort;
  • giving your baby to chew on hard biscuits or stale bread instead of a teether can be too dangerous. First, the baby can damage the delicate gum tissue. Secondly, the baby runs the risk of choking on bread crumbs;
  • it is highly undesirable to use a drug such as aspirin to lower body temperature, which is contraindicated in babies of the first years of life. It is allowed to use medicines intended specifically for children, but only with the permission of a doctor;
  • do not wipe the surface of the gums with undissolved soda. It is allowed to use a soda solution (1 tsp of soda diluted in a glass of water), which can be used to moisten a gauze swab and wipe the gum surface with it.

In addition, in the process of caring for a baby, hygiene requirements should be carefully observed. You can touch the lips and mouth of the child only with thoroughly washed hands. All items that will be used by the baby must be well washed in advance.

A little peanut who is teething needs extra attention. Not only hygiene measures are important, but also the quality of communication between mother and child. During the difficult period of teething, you should communicate with the baby as often as possible, carry it in your arms, without fear of spoiling it. The constant presence of the mother in the most beneficial way will affect the condition of the child.

The appearance of the first tooth is one of the most long-awaited events for the parents of a baby in the first year of life. Most often, a child's teeth are cut from 6 months, but it is quite possible that a baby may become the owner of the first teeth a few months earlier or later than the generally accepted period. This does not indicate developmental disorders, the presence of congenital malformations or pathologies, but speaks only of the physiological characteristics of the crumbs. For a baby's body, the time when teeth are being cut is stressful, and everyone copes with it in their own way.

The first tooth of a child is a reason for the joy and pride of parents. Do not get too hung up on the timing of its appearance - they depend on the individual development of the child.

Despite the fact that parents are looking forward to it, they are also afraid of the appearance of the first tooth, because such a period is inextricably linked with painful sensations for the child and various accompanying symptoms. Many of the signs of first teeth can be attributed to infection, a cold, or even poisoning. Restless behavior at this time only confirms such fears. Harbingers of a tooth that is already being cut can appear in a child 3-5 days before the eruption itself. In order not to confuse the first teeth with anything, it is enough to remember the main symptoms. As soon as the tooth that is being cut passes through the mucous membrane of the gums, the baby will immediately feel relief.

Common signs of cutting teeth

The answer to the question of how to find out that a baby is cutting a tooth is directly his behavior. Signs that clearly promise the near appearance of the first teeth:

  • Red swollen gums. Since in most cases the lower central incisors are cut first, it is first of all necessary to pay attention to the gum below. It happens that she turns pale just before eruption or may even turn blue.
  • Constant salivation in large quantities. Such a sign should be attributed to the fact that a child has a tooth only if the baby has already reached the age of six months. In newborns and children under 5 months, increased salivation is due to the development of the salivary glands (we recommend reading:).
  • Baby's constant desire to put something in his mouth, including own handles. Thus, he simply seeks to scratch the inflamed gums.
  • Temperature rise. The cause of fever is local inflammation. Such a temperature should not go beyond 38 degrees, and if the baby behaves normally, it is not worth knocking it down with antipyretic drugs. In his video lessons, Dr. Komarovsky explains that if the temperature during the teething period is above 38, then the child simply fell ill due to weakened immunity.
  • Rash and skin irritation. When the first teeth are cut in babies, rashes, reddening of the skin and blisters can be observed around the mouth. This is a completely natural reaction of sensitive baby skin to constant contact with saliva. It is necessary to regularly wipe the face from saliva.
  • Sleep disturbance and poor appetite. During teething, when the baby is most in pain, he may refuse to breastfeed and wake up frequently during the night. To alleviate the condition in such cases, it is worth using special children's painkillers appropriate for the age of the child.
  • Crying and restless behavior. Not only the process of eruption of the first teeth is capable of becoming the cause of unceasing crying - the general condition of children should always be assessed, taking into account all the symptoms present.

How to recognize the symptoms caused specifically by teething?

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It is considered quite normal that the process of teething is accompanied by fever, indigestion, cough and runny nose. However, teeth should not be blamed for everything, because a child in the first year of life is especially susceptible to a variety of infections. For example:

  • Cough and runny nose. Similar signs during eruption occur as a result of abundant salivation. Such a cough is usually wet and does not recur very often, and a runny nose is accompanied by watery secretions, while the nose remains free. Other variants are more often related to infection.
  • Vomit. When a child has several teeth at the same time, saliva quickly accumulates and the baby can swallow it in large quantities. If the intensity of vomiting is very high and the baby is sick more than 2 times a day, this is a clear sign of poisoning or infection, not teeth.
  • Diarrhea. Diarrhea is a very common occurrence when a tooth is cut, but if it is too frequent, more than 6 times a day, and its consistency is too liquid, you should see a doctor to rule out poisoning or rotavirus infection.
  • Hematomas on the gums. It happens that a tooth can injure tissues in addition to swelling of the gums. As a result, blood accumulates in the area of ​​damage, and the gum looks blue. In such cases, the intervention of a doctor may be necessary, who will make an incision in the gum to release the collected fluid.
  • Bad breath. In order to save the child from bad breath associated with bacteria that enter the mouth along with unwashed toys, it is enough to give the baby clean water and wipe the entire mouth with a soft cloth or a baby brush with soft bristles.

The traditional symptoms of SARS - high fever, cough, runny nose may well be associated with teething in a baby, or they can also talk about an independent disease (we recommend reading:)

Ways to help your baby with teething

Teeth are most often cut very painfully and cause significant discomfort to the baby. Babies who are not yet a year old go through this test harder than older children, because with a huge load on the nervous system during this period, the baby's nervous functions are depleted much faster.

How to help a child when his teeth are climbing? There are some methods that can make life easier for the crumbs and parents in this situation:

  1. With painful eruption, they can save chilled products However, Dr. Komarovsky is categorically against giving vegetables or fruits to a child with teething teeth, because he can choke on pieces of food. If you decide to resort to such a remedy, you should carefully monitor the baby while he diligently nibbles on an apple or carrot.
  2. The so-called teethers filled with liquid inside cope very effectively with the problem. Before offering to the baby, they must be maintained in the refrigerator. In no case should you let your child chew on ice cubes - this way he can easily injure his gums.
  3. Often a regular gum massage can help. To do this, you just need to wrap a piece of soft cloth around your own finger.

If the above methods are ineffective in the case of cutting teeth or are able to anesthetize for a very short time, with a strong inflammatory process, one should resort to the help of medications. They have a complex effect during teething: relieve pain, soothe and have anti-inflammatory properties.

The table below provides a comparative overview and description of the most common drugs that parents prefer if teeth are cut very painfully:

Medicine nameRelease formThe main active ingredients in the composition of the drugpharmachologic effectEfficiency
Viburkolcandleshomeopathic remedy with many ingredientsanalgesic anti-inflammatory sedative antispasmodic antipyretichelps to strengthen the immune system and improves the general condition, is practically ineffective at high temperatures
Kamistadgellidocaine and chamomile infusionworks quickly, but only for 15-30 minutes
Calgelgellidocaineantimicrobial local anesthesiais a fast-acting remedy, but its action ends in a maximum of half an hour
Dentinoxgelpolidocanol, lidocaine and chamomile infusionanti-inflammatory pain reliever local anesthesiafast effectiveness, but short duration of action, about 15-30 minutes
Holisalgelcholine analgesic salicytateantibacterial anti-inflammatory local anesthesiahas the most effective anti-inflammatory effect, is well fixed on the gums, is not washed off with saliva, continues to act for 2-3 hours
Nurofen (more in the article:) suspensionibuprofenantipyretic anti-inflammatory pain relieverthe effect becomes noticeable not earlier than 30-40 minutes after the use of the drug, but it lasts for at least 6 hours

Hygiene and care of milk teeth

Regardless of the age at which the first tooth began to cut in the baby, from the very moment of eruption it requires proper care and observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene. While the child is not yet able to take care of and monitor his own teeth, the entire responsibility for their health lies with the parents.

It is widely believed that there is no need to brush your teeth with toothpaste until the age of two, but keeping it clean, even if there is only one tooth so far, is an important hygienic duty (we recommend reading:). It is worth starting to teach the crumbs to take care of their teeth from a very early age, so that over time it becomes a habit and becomes an integral part of personal hygiene.

There are various special attachments for the finger, or more traditional means - a bandage soaked in boiled water to clean the baby's milk teeth. It is worth wiping thoroughly not only the teeth themselves, but also the gums along with the tongue. It is desirable to carry out such procedures 2 times a day, after morning feeding and before bedtime.

Over time, the parental finger is replaced by a children's toothbrush and paste (see also:). Due to the still very thin tooth enamel of milk teeth, the bristles of the brush used should be fairly soft. Up to two years, the procedure should be carried out by adults, and very carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the children's enamel. After the child reaches 2 years old, he can already brush his teeth, but still under the strict supervision of his parents.

It is important that parents are not too lazy and immediately try to teach the baby to brush their teeth properly, teach them to do it regularly. This approach will save the baby and his family from future dental problems and the frequent visits to the dentist associated with them, and will also give a lot of photos with a sincere smile of 32 healthy teeth!

Finally, the baby's teeth are climbing, what should parents do in this case? How to help him to more easily transfer this important stage in his development? At this time, the child needs increased attention from them. Mom and dad will have to give up their interests and live according to the schedule of their child for this period.

Often the event takes young parents by surprise. They are interested in what time babies teeth climb? On average, the first teeth are shown at 6-8 months. But these terms are individual: the spread is from 4 months to a year. Just as unpredictable is the duration and pain of the process of teething itself.

Problems arise with the growth of not only incisors, but also molars - molars. The latter have no previous dairy. Dairy, and in the hole the permanent crown is already whitening. The molars have to push through the gum.

The child's teeth are climbing - symptoms and their causes

An important symptom salivation. Once on the skin, saliva causes irritation. Pimples (rash) and redness appear on the chin. There are painful cracks on the corners of the lips. There may be a cough. If its cause is saliva that has fallen into the larynx, then it's okay.

Gums in the area of ​​erupting teeth itch a lot. The child bites everything that turns up. Tooth growth is not necessarily painful. A sensitive mother recognizes pain: the child flinches and/or cries. His behavior is unpredictable, the usual distractions do not work.

When a child's teeth climb, the temperature may rise, but only slightly. It's worth rushing to knock her down with medicines. A short-term subfebrile temperature (about 37.5 degrees) is caused by inflammation and does not pose a great danger.

Some parents notice stool disorder. It becomes liquid, as the mothers assure. Doctors attribute this to the fact that the child swallows a lot of saliva.

Not all doctors agree with the last two symptoms. In their opinion, this is their coincidence with a different pathology. Therefore, if persistent fever or diarrhea is observed, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Children at this time may rubbing your cheeks hard or pulling on your ears. Adults should remember how their cheeks hurt, and they shot in their ears. The fact is that the mandibular nerve, part of the trigeminal nerve, has branches - buccal, ear-temporal and lower alveolar. It also includes fibers from the ear ganglion. Parents should be careful. You need to be able to distinguish between the baby's study of his body, signs of tooth growth and a formidable disease - otitis media. In the first case, the child is completely calm, in the second - moderately restless, in the third - whimpering and capricious. To miss the development of otitis media means to get big hearing problems in the future.

Sleep and feeding: when teeth are climbing, what to do and what not to do?

The baby's sleep becomes restless. The child becomes capricious, sleepless nights often occur. This period is a real test for mothers. Nocturnal awakenings are more likely to occur during the eruption of the first teeth. If the pain is impulsive, short-term, then the child will fall asleep again on his own. Therefore, do not immediately rush to help.

Becomes a problem and feeding. Inflamed gums irritate even the mother's breast and nipple. The feeling of hunger and irritation of the tissues in the area of ​​the teeth force the child to pull everything into his mouth. It gives the impression of constant hunger. But painful sensations make him refuse food and act up. Remove them before feeding. It is necessary to feed at the moments when the baby is not worried about dental discomfort, not following the schedule.

How to help when a child's teeth are climbing?

Irritations of the skin of the chin should be removed with a clean handkerchief, sanitary napkins. Then these places should be lubricated with an individually selected baby cream.

Relieves itching pressure on the gums and friction against objects. There are so-called rodents- special teethers. It is better to have several of them: kids love variety. In addition, these toys need constant cleaning. It is better if they are with a corrugated surface or with pimples. A soft toy made of coarse fabric is good because it absorbs abundant saliva, and babies like to scratch their gums about it.

Pain is dulled cold. A child can be given a chilled carrot, cucumber, or a slice of banana. At worst, a clean piece of cloth moistened with water, compote or juice will do. You should not be afraid to offer cold foods and items. At the same time, you will help your child harden his throat. At these moments, you need to be especially careful, especially if the incisors have already erupted. They are very sharp, and the child may choke or choke on a bitten off hard piece.

Helps well gum massage. At first, it can be painful, but later the baby will like it, and he will take it with pleasure. Massage can be done with a finger wrapped in a sterile bandage or special massagers. Strong pressure on the gums is not necessary. You can also massage with a piece of pineapple or apple.

The condition of the baby can be alleviated with anesthetic dental ointments and gels. But after a mandatory consultation with a doctor.

About hygiene

Teach your child about oral hygiene as early as possible. As soon as the teeth have erupted completely, it is necessary to introduce him to the toothbrush and paste. The composition of modern children's pastes is absolutely safe, and there is no danger of swallowing them.

And the best remedy is parental love.

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