Symptoms and treatment of drug-induced rhinitis in adults. The mechanism of development of inflammation. Is it possible to completely get rid of this disease

A common consequence of hypothermia is a runny nose - a symptom that many consider a minor nuisance and prefer to treat on their own. Often, treatment comes down to going to the nearest pharmacy and buying vasoconstrictor drops that make breathing easier. It would seem that the scheme works flawlessly - until the body itself begins to "refuse" the treatment.

Causes of the disease

long and uncontrolled use drops in the nose is addictive, the result of which is medicinal, or drug-induced rhinitis. In this situation, swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa is not caused by a cold, but by cold medicines. The main reasons for the development drug rhinitis are the side effects of taking them, namely:

  • the inability of the vessels of the conchas of the nose to narrow on their own. Without the use of drops, the blood overflows the vessels, and the mucous membrane of the shells swells, blocking the nasal passages. Breathing is difficult;
  • atrophy of the nasal mucosa and disruption of the mucous glands. This leads to the development of chronic mucosal edema.

It is known that drug rhinitis can occur after two weeks of abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs. However, often the patient does not notice the problem that has arisen - or prefers not to notice, removing nasal congestion with habitual or overdose medications and postponing a visit to the doctor.

Provoke the disease can drugs that have in their composition substances such as naphazoline, oxymetazoline, xymetazoline and phenylephrine. They seem to be effective, but their duration of action is relatively short, and their withdrawal is fraught with a return to the previous state.

Typical symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis include:

  • constant runny nose. How to treat a runny nose with aloe, read;
  • swelling of the nasal passages and difficulty breathing;
  • migraine headaches;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • discomfort in the region of the heart;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • irritability;
  • dependence on nasal drugs.

The last of the symptoms is decisive in determining drug-induced rhinitis, distinguishing it from other diseases associated with lesions of the nasal mucosa. The same symptom also determines the protracted nature of the disease, which can be unsuccessfully eliminated for many weeks and even months.

How can you treat and is it possible to cure drug rhinitis?

Medicines for treatment

Methods of treatment drug-induced rhinitis should be agreed with the doctor, taking into account their individual intolerance. Drug therapy involves the use of two types of drugs:

  • local glucocorticosteroids for the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis (belongs to a subgroup of hormones from the adrenal cortex): Nasonex, Flixonase, Avamys, Tafen nasal, Nazofan, Benarin, Aldecin. They are used once or twice a day for a month. A single dosage is no more than two drops of the drug. A different regimen for Dexamethasone (twice a day for a week) and diprospan (only for adults, once a day for ten days);
  • antihistamines(taken for seven to ten days once a day, one tablet or tablespoon): Zirtek, Instaril, Loratadin, Zestra, Erius.

In addition, drugs are also prescribed for special procedures performed for rhinitis:

  • nasal rinses(Sterimar, Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin). Find out ;
  • ointments(Erythromycin ointment, Lorizan - for lubricating the mucous membrane inside the nose, Hydrocortisone ointment - for lubricating the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose).

How to get rid of medical rhinitis without resorting to drugs?

Gentle treatment of medical rhinitis with folk remedies

These procedures are also effective in folk methodology treatment of medical rhinitis. They can be beneficial at the initial stage of the disease, when the use of drugs can be avoided. Depending on how you use medicines this is:

  • flushing(solution sea ​​salt, chamomile infusion, oil solution tea tree);
  • lubrication nasal mucosa (a mixture of tea tree oil and olive oil, propolis ointment);
  • applications(turundas with boromenthol ointment, a mixture of honey and lemon);
  • instillations(aloe juice with Levomycetin and Dimedrol, a mixture of camphor and olive oils with propolis tincture, lavender oil, menthol oil, infusion of cloves).

Effective physiotherapy treatments

Physiotherapy procedures will also bring a noticeable result:

  • acupuncture;
  • electrophoresis;
  • phonophoresis;
  • UHF therapy.

Measures to combat dependence on vasoconstrictor drugs

Undoubtedly, big step forward and the main result of the treatment will be the patient's refusal to use vasoconstrictor drops. Among the ways to deal with drug addiction the following can be named:

  • dose reduction(simultaneously with pharmaceutical preparations appointed by an otolaryngologist);
  • reception over sparing medicines(for example, Vibrocil);
  • replacement nasal preparations for adults; children's preparations;
  • usage "placebo"- drops based on sea salt.

Surgical treatment of drug rhinitis

With no effect from therapeutic treatment the patient will have to undergo surgery. It could be:

  • cauterization with a laser;
  • cryotherapy (freezing);
  • vasotomy (destruction of the nasal mucosa);
  • conchotomy (removal of the nasal mucosa);
  • septoplasty (correction of the nasal septum).

About treatment chronic rhinitis in adults you will learn by.

Necessary disease prevention

Among other methods of combating drug-induced rhinitis, one can name actions aimed at general health improvement organism and prevention of this disease:

  • walks on fresh air;
  • swimming;
  • visiting the bath;
  • aromatherapy with essential oils;
  • intake of enterosorbents (enterosgel, activated carbon).

However ideal remedy prevention will be the rejection of the abuse of nasal drops. It should be remembered that the duration of their use should not exceed five days - this period is usually enough to get rid of the symptoms of a cold. If the patient's condition does not improve, he should consult an otolaryngologist.

How to apply correctly vasoconstrictor drops for treatment, in order to prevent the development of drug-induced rhinitis, Dr. Komarovsky tells in the next video.

Any medicine is good, if its dosage or regimen is not violated. Harmless at first glance, nasal drops can cause addiction and provoke dangerous disease- medical rhinitis. It develops in the course of uncontrolled self-treatment with vasoconstrictor drugs, when they side effect exceeds useful. There are several ways to treat this type of rhinitis, the main of which is taking medication under the supervision of a doctor, coupled with the rejection of addictive drops. A good addition to such treatment will be physiotherapy and the use of folk remedies. In most cases, the treatment is successful - however, if there is no result, the patient is scheduled for surgery.

What is drug rhinitis? What are the main reasons for its development? What characterizes the disease? What are the most effective treatments for drug-induced rhinitis?

Drug rhinitis is a type of runny nose that occurs as a result of prolonged or frequent use vasoconstrictors (decongestants), which leads to chemical damage mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. For this reason, the disease can develop in both adults and children.

ICD-10 code: J30 - vasomotor and allergic rhinitis.

Causes and mechanism of development of pathology

The nasal cavity is covered with a layer of cavernous tissue, which can rapidly increase in size with significant blood filling. This increases the heating rate of the inhaled air. After a person enters a warm room, heating is no longer required, so the tissues return to their normal state.

Vasoconstrictor drops affect the capillaries of the nasal cavity, forcibly compressing them, regardless of air temperature. Nervous system does not recognize the command and causes the vessels to expand, causing swelling and nasal congestion.

Reactive hyperemia, which develops a few hours after local applicationα-adrenergic agonists, makes the patient increasingly use these drugs. This leads to reactive mucosal hyperplasia and impaired vasomotor function.

The more frequently used vasoconstrictors, the stronger the swelling of the nasal mucosa. In some cases, a patient who is dependent on drops uses a vial of the drug per day.

With prolonged use of vasoconstrictors, the patient develops snoring and stops breathing during sleep (apnea). Often, people with addiction experience arrhythmia, tachycardia, and disruption of the nervous and endocrine systems.

AT rare cases the cause of the development of drug-induced rhinitis in adults can be the use of medicines the following groups:

  • sympatholytics (Adelfan);
  • α-blockers (Doxazosin, Prazosin);
  • adrenomimetics (methyldopa, clonidine).

These drugs are used to treat hypertension or tumors of the adrenal glands. The drugs act on the nasal mucosa and cause swelling of the cavernous epithelium.

2-3 months after the start of taking these drugs, the same side effects occur as a result of therapy with vasoconstrictor drugs.

Symptoms of drug rhinitis

Drug rhinitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • a constant feeling of nasal congestion, which disappears only after the use of vasoconstrictors;
  • violation or complete absence of smell;
  • itching and burning in the nose;
  • the appearance of night snoring;
  • sleep disorders;
  • severe nasal discharge (in some cases).

Diagnosis and treatment of drug-induced rhinitis

If symptoms of the disease are detected, it is necessary to seek advice from an otolaryngologist. The doctor examines the nasal mucosa using an endoscope or rhinoscope. At the same time, he can detect the following defects in the nasal mucosa:

  • severe swelling resulting from impaired capillary permeability;
  • the absence of many ciliated cilia on the surface of the epithelial tissue;
  • an increase in the volume of the glands resulting from excessive production of mucous secretions;
  • transformation of epithelial tissues.

For an objective assessment of the depth of the lesion, additional methods research.

Treatment medicinal rhinitis- the most difficult task, since the independent regeneration of the mucous membrane takes a long period of time, attempts to abandon the use of decongestants usually do not lead to the desired result.

How to treat medical rhinitis with pharmacological agents? The most commonly prescribed are corticosteroids. it hormonal preparations, which allow to alleviate the withdrawal syndrome, eliminate inflammatory process and reduce swelling. They do not possess systemic action, active ingredients settle on the surface of the nasal mucosa and are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream.

Most effective medicines in this case, preparations based on mometasone (Avamys, Nasonex) are considered. On average, they are prescribed a course of 30 days. This avoids the use of decongestants. In some cases, drugs based on fluticasone (Flixonase) are used, but they are considered less effective.

If it is not possible to completely abandon the use of decongestants, a gentle method can be used, using drugs with a lower concentration. active ingredient(children's forms).

In combination with these drugs, antihistamines (antiallergic drugs) may be prescribed. They help reduce swelling and nasal discharge.

If within a month the patient's condition does not improve, and nasal breathing is not restored, then treatment must be stopped. In this case, it is shown surgery. The following methods can be assigned:

  • laser cauterization. Radiation exposure is carried out on the nasal mucosa, as a result of which the vessels are compressed and the edema is eliminated. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. Recovery period the average is 3 weeks. The effect of the treatment lasts for several years, and in some cases for life;
  • ultrasonic disintegration. With the help of ultrasound, capillaries that have lost their ability to contract are destroyed. In the future, the formation of new vessels that function normally. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. The next day, the affected area is treated with drugs that accelerate regeneration and eliminate the inflammatory process. Nasal breathing is restored after a few days.

On the initial stages you can get rid of the drug cold on your own. This will require willpower and perseverance, since the process of weaning is quite complicated. Dr. Komarovsky advises to treat the disease by abruptly refusing to use vasoconstrictor drugs. After that, within four days, the vessels will partially restore their functions.

If it is not possible to completely abandon the use of decongestants, a gentle method can be used, using drugs with a lower concentration of the active substance (children's forms). Also, the agent can be pre-diluted with saline or instill the solution in only one nostril. The interval between the use of drops should be maximum.

You can completely get rid of addiction at home 2-3 weeks after giving up decongestants. To increase efficiency, the following folk remedies can be used:

  • aloe juice. In order to prepare a remedy based on this plant, the leaves must first be cut and placed in the refrigerator for a week. Then they are crushed, and the resulting juice is mixed with water. Drip 2-3 drops into each nasal passage 3-4 times a day;
  • onion juice. A medium-sized onion is crushed and the juice is squeezed out of it, which is mixed with the same amount of hot corn oil. After the product has cooled, it is placed in a glass container and stored in the refrigerator. Apply one drop in each nostril in the morning and evening;
  • chamomile infusion. A pinch of dried flowers is brewed with boiling water and filtered after cooling. Buried in the nose up to five times a day.


If you ignore the symptoms of the disease and do not start treatment on time, the following complications may develop:

  • lack of nasal breathing;
  • severe chronic headaches associated with oxygen starvation;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • memory impairment that occurs against the background of hypoxia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • immunity disorders;
  • sleep problems;
  • frequent colds.

With prolonged use of vasoconstrictors, the patient develops snoring and stops breathing during sleep (apnea). Often, patients with addiction experience arrhythmia, tachycardia, and disruption of the nervous and endocrine systems.

In combination with these drugs, antihistamines (antiallergic drugs) may be prescribed. They help reduce swelling and nasal discharge.

With timely initiation of treatment, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. You can completely get rid of addiction within 1-2 months.


In order to avoid the development of drug rhinitis, before using drops with a vasoconstrictor component, you should carefully study the instructions. It is important to follow the recommended dosage and not exceed the indicated duration of use.

Before using decongestants, you should try to cure a runny nose with other medicines, inhalations or nasal lavages with herbal decoctions and saline solutions.

In the future, after getting rid of addiction, the use of vasoconstrictor drops should be abandoned in order to avoid the development of pathology again.

To prevent rhinitis, you need to ventilate the room more often and regularly carry out wet cleaning. It is also recommended to healthy lifestyle life, strengthen the immune system.


We offer you to watch a video on the topic of the article.

In the off-season and the cold season, the problem of nasal congestion becomes especially relevant. What does the average person do when they have a runny nose? That's right, he goes to the pharmacy for vasoconstrictor drops. This is how a common disease is provoked - drug rhinitis. In this article, we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease.

Drug (or medicinal) rhinitis is an inflammatory process on the nasal mucosa caused by negative chemical exposure vasoconstrictor drops. Also, the disease can occur due to an allergy to the components of the drug. The disease occurs after long-term use nasal drops. As a result, the sensitivity to the drug decreases, and eventually completely disappears.

In rare cases, the disease occurs against the background of the use of hormones, oral contraceptives, tranquilizers, antihypertensive drugs and other substances.

Drug rhinitis in a child can occur with the same probability as in an adult. However, children are less susceptible to this disease because their medication is controlled by an adult.

The reasons

The main cause of the disease is the long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops or sprays at a dosage exceeding the average daily.

Important! For the development of the disease, 14 days of daily use of drugs is enough.

Further, the sensitivity of the nasal mucosa to hormones decreases. Specifically, to norepinephrine secreted by the kidneys. Its task is to regulate vascular tone. Due to prolonged exposure of this substance, the receptors in the nose lose their sensitivity to it and stop responding, remaining constantly dilated.

If the disease occurs as a result of the use of drugs that have a systemic effect (hormones, tranquilizers, etc.), then chronic vasodilation is explained by the side effects of these drugs.

Constant prolonged contact with chemicals and toxic substances can also lead to the development of drug-induced rhinitis. Pharmaceutical and chemical production workers are most at risk.


On the early stage you can predict the onset of the disease by reducing the body's sensitivity to drops / spray. The usual dosage of the drug does not cause the usual effect, the runny nose flows into chronic stage the dosage is gradually increased.

At the next stage, the sensitivity to the drug disappears completely. Due to the increase in resistance (resistance) to the drug, the vessels remain dilated despite treatment. characteristic symptom- constant runny nose.

On the last step the patient develops dependence on a vasoconstrictor drug, which requires special attention from the doctor and professional treatment.

Other manifestations:

  • persistent nasal congestion;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased sensitivity to odors;
  • burning in the nose, itching;
  • snore.

Also, drug-induced rhinitis causes less noticeable local symptoms: atrophy of the cilia of the epithelium in the nose, swelling, weakening protective functions vascular wall etc.

This disease can affect the body systemically, so there are such common manifestations: changes arterial pressure, tachycardia appears, discomfort in the region of the heart, instability of the emotional state.


During the course of the disease, various complications can develop:

  1. The appearance of polyps and crusts in the nasal cavity. Filling the respiratory passage with themselves, they narrow it, making it difficult to breathe. To make up for the lack of oxygen, the patient begins to breathe faster, causing irritation of the nasal mucosa and elevated compartment mucus.
  2. Atrophic pathologies leading to a decrease in the activity of the ciliated epithelium, which may result in the death of the mucous membrane.
  3. Vascular dystonia in the nose.

Important! To avoid complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first manifestation of the disease. A therapist or an otolaryngologist is engaged in the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis.

Diagnosis of the disease

It begins with the collection of anamnesis by the attending physician. At this stage, it is important that the patient is as honest as possible and provides full, reliable information doctor. Otherwise, there may be difficulties in making a diagnosis, errors in prescribing drugs. The doctor needs to describe the duration and intensity of the symptoms, name the drug that was used for treatment.

The next step in diagnosis is visual inspection. The doctor examines the nasal mucosa: its color, structure; collects mucus for the purpose of further bacteriological research. After collecting and processing the data, the doctor makes a diagnosis of drug rhinitis, determines the degree and severity of the disease, the presence of complications, and, based on the information received, prescribes therapy.

Rhinitis treatment

How to get rid of drug rhinitis? For this purpose, a complex treatment, which is simultaneously aimed at both relieving symptoms and alleviating the patient's condition, and at eliminating the cause of the disease. Various methods can be used to achieve high efficiency of therapy.

Medical treatment

How to treat medical rhinitis? With the help of two types of drugs: glucocorticosteroids and antihistamines. The former are a group of hormones secreted by the adrenal glands. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, help to remove toxic substances from the body. Avamys, Nazofan, Nasonex are usually prescribed.

The second group of drugs helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms that make it difficult to breathe (swelling, itching, burning). The course of treatment is from a week to 10 days. Preparations: Zirtek, Zestra, Instaril.

An important role in the treatment is the use local funds in the form of solutions for washing the nose (Aquamaris, Sterimar) and ointments laid in the nasal passage (Lorizan).


Treatment of drug-induced rhinitis is promptly applied in case of a severe form of the disease or the occurrence of complications in the form of polyps and crusts. Surgery recommended also in cases of low efficiency drug therapy. The main task of surgical manipulations is to expand the respiratory passage, remove neoplasms, restore respiratory function. With the help of this technique, medical rhinitis during pregnancy is treated, since it avoids negative impact drugs per embryo.

To cure medical rhinitis, the following surgical interventions are used:

  1. laser therapy. For treatment, a carbon dioxide laser is used, which affects the mucous membrane. This method allows to achieve good results without destroying the structure and function of tissues. Under the influence of the laser are getting better metabolic processes restoring airway patency.
  2. A conchotomy is a partial or complete removal nasal mucosa. The procedure is also performed using a laser, the duration of the operation does not exceed 3 hours.
  3. Turbinoplasty or septoplasty is surgical methods turbinate correction. Can be carried out using different methods: radio frequency, laser, endoscopic, etc.

Do not be afraid if you are scheduled for surgery. Majority modern methods used to treat drug-induced rhinitis do not leave large scars and do not require a long stay in the hospital. These techniques are safe and highly effective.


How to cure the disease by other methods? To increase the effectiveness of the two methods of treatment described above, the otolaryngologist may refer the patient to physiotherapy.

  1. Acupuncture. Locally acting on the affected area, with the help of acupuncture, symptoms such as shortness of breath are removed, the nasal passage expands.
  2. UHF therapy consists in exposing the patient's body to a high-frequency electric field, which is supplied to the tissues using special plates applied to the skin or mucous membranes.
  3. Phonophoresis is a procedure that combines the effects medicinal solutions and ultrasonic radiation. Cotton swabs with a solution are placed in the patient's nose, and applicators that conduct ultrasound are attached to them.
  4. Electrophoresis - is based on the introduction of drugs into the body through the mucous membranes or skin using a direct electric current.
  5. Inhalations. Carried out using medicinal herbs and steam. AT this case the well-known "grandmother's" method with inhalation of steam from boiled potatoes under a blanket is well suited. You can get treatment here folk remedies and prepare flocks based on oregano, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn.


  1. Careful attitude to your health, timely access to a doctor and conscientious treatment.
  2. The use of vasoconstrictors for no longer than 10 days in a row.
  3. cold treatment and colds under the supervision of a doctor.
  4. Avoid hypothermia, choose clothes according to the weather.
  5. Health promotion with with the help of a light physical activity: jogging in the morning, swimming, yoga, fitness, etc.
  6. Regular use vitamin complexes in the offseason.
  7. Restriction of being in in public places during epidemics of influenza and other colds.

Compliance with the rules of prevention will benefit both healthy people who want to avoid illness, and those who are being treated to speed up the recovery process.


This article examined the disease drug rhinitis and its treatment, as well as possible complications. We have noted the causes and symptoms of the disease so that you can recognize the disease in time. Remember that with a timely visit to the doctor, complications can be avoided. Also presented general information for the treatment of rhinitis. In no case do not prescribe therapy for yourself without first consulting with your doctor. You can harm your health!

Drug rhinitis (another name is medicinal or) is the result of frequent use. These drugs are prescribed by doctors to patients who have a cold or flu, an allergic reaction.

Due to prolonged use of the drug, the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed and swells, and in the future, the nasal conchas cannot narrow on their own without the use of medications. If treatment is not started on time, then the disease will have.

Causes of the disease

Before talking about the symptoms and treatment, it is necessary to understand what exactly provokes drug-induced rhinitis. The main factor is side effect from the constant use of nasal drops, they contain naphazoline, phenylephrine and other substances that have the ability to constrict blood vessels.

Such drops should not be used for more than a week without the direction of a doctor. Even though the medicine for a long time will be effective, it should be abandoned without regret, only in this case a complete cure is possible.

It should be noted that vasoconstrictor drops do not cure rhinitis, that is, they are not able to correct the situation with nasal congestion. As soon as a person refuses them, the runny nose will return again. Drug-induced rhinitis develops already 14 days after the start of use, not to notice the problem - bad way her decisions. What might come next?

  • The ability of the turbinates to narrow will disappear.
  • Violation of the mucous glands.
  • Atrophy of the membrane in the nasal cavity.

You can cope with such a problem only under the supervision of a doctor, since the disease in running treatment will be much more difficult.

About the symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor will definitely pay attention to such signs of drug rhinitis:

  • Breathing is difficult.
  • Swelling in the nasal cavity.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • The sense of smell is broken.
  • High blood pressure.
  • The pulse quickens.
  • Unpleasant sensations associated with the work of the heart (involuntary increase, feeling as if something is constricting or pressing in the chest).
  • Insomnia or increased sleepiness.
  • Irritability.
  • Development of VVD (vegetovascular dystonia).
  • Mucosal engorgement.
  • Without the use of nasal drops, a runny nose does not go away at all (dependence on the drug).

The last symptom is the key, thanks to which doctors recognize drug-induced rhinitis and prescribe timely therapy. The disease may also be characterized by burning and discharge a large number mucus.

Therapeutic techniques

As soon as the diagnosis is determined, it is necessary to immediately proceed to therapy. Based on the degree of the disease, the specialist will choose one of three types of treatment.

conservative method

It implies a gradual abandonment, the use of medicines that have a corticosteroid substance in their composition. Under no circumstances should the drug be replaced with vasoconstrictor effect to analog, there will be no sense from this. in an efficient way will be the use of hormonal and antihistamine drops. These medications should be taken in consultation with your doctor. Regular.

If drug rhinitis in a patient moderate Doctors often prescribe physiotherapy. These include ultraviolet irradiation, ultra-high frequency therapy, electrophoresis and inhalation with medicinal herbs, phonophoresis and washing the nasal concha.


This category includes radical methods: laser destruction, cryotherapy, submucosal vasotomy, operation on, removal of the mucosa. It is prescribed in the case when drug-induced rhinitis does not go away after conservative treatment and physiotherapy.

Regardless of the chosen treatment regimen and type of therapy, the nose will have to be rinsed regularly. Such procedures will quickly restore the nasal mucosa. The most popular solution is sea water.

It is not necessary to buy it at a pharmacy, it is easy to prepare at home if you add a quarter teaspoon of ordinary table salt to a glass of water. For greater efficiency, doctors recommend adding two drops of iodine to a glass, since such a substance promotes tissue healing.

In pharmacies, you can find many analogues of solutions with sea salt, these include:

These drugs are most often found in pharmacies. They are recommended to wash the nose up to 10 times a day. It should be noted that it is impossible to carry out such a procedure before leaving the house in frosty weather.

As soon as the patient refuses vasoconstrictor drops, a runny nose will greatly spoil life. It will help get rid of a runny nose faster, but you should not expect an instant result.

Folk ways to deal with drug rhinitis

Folk variations of treatment cannot be called effective, but in combination with the main therapy, they can provide desired action. How can you deal with drug rhinitis at home?

Recipe 1. Prepare a decoction of chamomile, cool until room temperature and rinse the cavity with the resulting solution respiratory organ. This method will not save you from nasal congestion, but it will help reduce inflammation and restore the mucosa.

Recipe 2. dilute with a little water and drip a couple of drops into the nose.

Recipe 3. Buy peach or eucalyptus essential oil at the pharmacy and lubricate the mucous membrane, so it will recover faster.

Recipe 4. In the event that it is possible to visit a bath, in particular, a sauna, then prepare an infusion of medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort or motherwort) in advance and pour it on hot stones. You need to be in the steam room and breathe over the steam for at least five minutes.

Recipe 5. Put in the turbinate overnight cotton swab with mummy, drink a diuretic.

Recipe 6. Buy a humidifier and turn it on in the evening and at night.

Recipe 7. Prepare a decoction of oak bark and liquid in the nose (a couple of drops will be enough).

Recipe 8. Chop the onion or garlic, breathe over the steam for a few minutes.

Recipe 9. Pour boiling water over dried cloves, leave overnight, drip the resulting solution into the nose.

Traditional medicine is better not to get involved. Some tips are helpful and may help therapeutic effect with medical rhinitis (), while others will cause allergies or even slow down the healing process.

Treatment of drug rhinitis with surgery

This type of treatment for vasomotor rhinitis, as mentioned above, is used in extreme cases. The purpose of the operation is to remove the blood plexuses, restore normal process breathing (without difficulty due to the large amount of mucus in the nasal passages).

Most Popular Methods surgical intervention- laser or radio wave procedure for the destruction of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organ. In medicine, it is called a vasotomy.

Reducing the nasal cavity in size is another type of surgery that is performed with medical rhinitis. The patient will no longer need to constantly constrict the vessels with the medicine.

It is carried out by various methods:

  • laser;
  • electrical impact;
  • ultrasound;
  • mechanical impact.

Preventive measures

In order not to have health problems, you must initially follow preventive measures. How to protect yourself from drug rhinitis?

  • During the period of a cold or flu, instill nasal drops for no longer than five days and only on the recommendation of a therapist.
  • Go in for sports. Respiratory organs are developed by swimming, water aerobics.
  • Walk more often in the fresh air, get out into nature.
  • Harden your body.
  • Rest and undergo treatment in a sanatorium at least once a year. In this institution, physiotherapy is carried out that will help improve health.
  • Go to the bath once a week if possible.

AT recent times aromatherapy became popular. According to research, such a procedure using essential oils not only helps to tune in, get rid of headaches, but also maintain the health of the nasal mucosa.

The most important measure prevention - compliance with the dosage prescribed by the doctor and the scheme of application. It is worth noting that this type of rhinitis can be eliminated forever. The sense of smell improves, breathing becomes easier, the hated runny nose disappears. It is impossible to recover quickly, therapy will take at least a month.

To get rid of drug-induced rhinitis, you need to completely abandon the drops with a vasoconstrictive effect, rinse your nose more often with a decoction of chamomile at room temperature or a solution of sea salt. Strictly on the recommendation of a doctor, use hormonal and antihistamine medications.

Besides, quick recovery contributes to the humidified air in the room. Usually these measures are sufficient for complete cure, surgery is not required.

Video: Treatment of a runny nose (rhinitis) with folk remedies

Drug rhinitis is a disease in which there is a chemical lesion of the nasal mucosa associated with uncontrolled intake of vasoconstrictor drugs. What is drug rhinitis, its treatment and symptoms should be known to every person - for timely treatment to the doctor, diagnosis and treatment. According to ICD 10, drug (vasomotor) rhinitis has the code J30.


The main reason leading to the occurrence of this pathology is the use of nasal drops with a vasoconstrictive effect for a long time. Often their use is not agreed with the doctor and is completely unreasonable.

Important! It is believed that for the first signs of drug-induced rhinitis to appear, it is enough to use vasoconstrictors for only 14 days, and this condition can occur in both an adult and a child.

Uncontrolled use of the following drugs leads to vasomotor rhinitis:

  • Naphthyzin;
  • Nazivin;
  • Sanorin;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Otrivin;
  • Xilin;
  • Nazol.

These drugs begin to act almost immediately after their use, however, the duration of the effect is short, and congestion becomes stronger each time due to addiction to the medication.

During the intake of the above medicines, a number of changes occur in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which are subsequently very difficult to reverse, namely:

  1. Metaplasia of the squamous type develops (the process consists in the almost complete replacement of the ciliated cylindrical epithelium, which is usual for the nasal cavity, with a stratified squamous one, which is not typical for this area).
  2. The work of special mucous glands is accelerated (in this case, sharp increase amount of mucus produced).
  3. The permeability of the capillary wall is disturbed (as a result, a pronounced swelling of the mucous membrane appears).
  4. The vessels localized on the nasal mucosa expand, which leads to difficulty in nasal breathing.

Important! With each subsequent use, vasoconstrictors give less and less effect, which leads to an increase in the frequency of their administration and aggravation of the already existing symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis.

Clinical symptoms

The main symptom of drug rhinitis is severe nasal congestion. You can’t get rid of it with ordinary nasal drops. They will only aggravate the chronic swelling of the nasal mucosa.

In addition to congestion, this disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • impaired sense of smell up to its complete loss;
  • frequent headaches;
  • sleep problems (the most pronounced nasal congestion is observed at night);
  • increased irritability;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • the occurrence of signs characteristic of vegetovascular dystonia;
  • in severe cases: feeling of discomfort in the cardiac region.

Medicinal rhinitis is characterized by almost total absence any discharge from the nasal passages. Nasal congestion most often increases in the evening and at night. This is explained by the fact that in given period activity in humans is minimal, respectively, the blood flow in the body decreases, which leads to a decrease in the tone of the vascular wall and expansion of the lumen of the capillaries. As a result, there is a narrowing of the nasal passages, worsening of nasal breathing.

Diagnostic procedures

First, the doctor should collect an anamnesis, specifying the duration pathological process, the conditions for its occurrence and a list of medicines that the patient has already used as self-medication. The next step is a visual inspection. In some cases, the diagnosis can be established after questioning and examination. However, in controversial difficult situations use additional methods:

  • rhinoscopy - anterior and posterior, endoscopic;
  • x-ray examination;
  • microscopy of nasal secretion (if any).

During anterior rhinoscopy, reactive hyperemia of the nasal mucosa is detected, which is accompanied by severe swelling and atrophy of the ciliated epithelium.

Important! On posterior rhinoscopy, one can see sharp narrowing choanal lumen, overhanging mucosal folds into the nasopharyngeal cavity, which confirms a chronic inflammatory process.


The main condition for achieving positive effect will be complex therapy. The first step in the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis is complete failure from the use of any drugs that have vasoconstrictor action. main goal therapeutic measures is the maximum full recovery normal functioning mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and turbinates.

Treatment is carried out in several ways:

  • drug therapy;
  • means of alternative medicine;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • surgical manipulations.

Which type of treatment to choose, the doctor decides, based on the severity of the pathological process and the severity clinical manifestations.

Drug therapy

Medicamentous rhinitis is unacceptable to be treated with ordinary nose drops, this will only aggravate the course of the process. Get rid of this pathological condition The use of the following medicines will help:

The drugs of the first two groups are used in the form of intranasal drops or spray, which are used once or twice a day, according to the instructions. They reduce the severity inflammatory response and eliminate swelling. The price of these drugs is quite high, ranging from 500 to 1200 rubles. depending on the region, pharmacy and the number of doses in the vial.

Means belonging to the last two groups are widely used for jet washing of the nasal cavity. An alternative to these drugs can be a regular water-salt solution.

Drops or spray Derinat also have high efficiency in the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis. After cessation of therapy, the return of clinical manifestations is not observed.

Folk recipes for treatment

At home a good remedy for the treatment of this pathology will be washing the nose saline solution. For its preparation, it is necessary to dissolve 0.5 tsp. table salt or sea salt in a glass warm water. In addition to this remedy, you can rinse the nasal passages with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. Data medicinal plants have a good anti-inflammatory effect. You can also use these non-traditional methods:

  1. Inhaling the vapors of sage or eucalyptus oils will help ease the process of falling asleep and reduce nighttime nasal congestion.
  2. To facilitate nasal breathing, you can instill a mixture of aloe juice and sea buckthorn oil into each nasal passage.
  3. Hot foot baths before bed will relieve severe congestion nose and improve nasal breathing for a while, this will help a sick person fall asleep quickly. Similar action possesses the application of mustard plasters to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet. They can be fixed and left overnight to enhance the effect.

Important! To reduce swelling of the mucosa, it is necessary to control the level of humidity in the room. In this situation, the use of special humidifiers is justified.


To cure vasomotor rhinitis, the following physiotherapy procedures are applied:

  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • inhalation;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrahigh frequency therapy;
  • washing the sinuses with various solutions.

It is best to use physiotherapy procedures in combination with the main treatment.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment is not a 100% guarantee of getting rid of the medicinal variety of rhinitis. In the event that the operation is performed, but the patient re-starts using drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect, its effect will be reduced to zero.

There are several types of operations in this pathological process:

  • vasotomy of the submucosal layer;
  • disintegration of shells using radiofrequency radiation;
  • laser destruction.

Surgical treatment has a number of contraindications, so it is resorted to only in severe and advanced cases, with the ineffectiveness of others therapeutic methods.


With the right and timely treatment the patency of the nasal passages and the sense of smell is restored completely. But if you do not start therapy, the disease can lead to such consequences:

  • frequent headaches;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • snore.

In especially severe cases, drug-induced rhinitis leads to disruption of the functioning of the endocrine, cardiovascular and other systems.

The basis of prevention is to limit the intake of vasoconstrictor drugs up to three days.

How to treat medical rhinitis, everyone should know. However, it is much more important to know the reasons leading to given state and prevent its development. You should not treat the common cold with drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect for a long time, as they can bring more harm than good.

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