Sodium chloride for hypertension. Inhalation of pure saline sodium chloride solution through a nebulizer. Sodium chloride - description and action

Modern pharmacology has long and actively used in a variety of medical purposes sodium chloride. This substance is better known to the townsfolk as " saline". It is used both intravenously and intramuscularly.

And why put a dropper of sodium chloride, in what situations does this compound help? When saline becomes the most topical medicine? Let's talk about it.

Sodium chloride - universal remedy widely used in medicine

Part human blood many different chemical bioactive compounds are included. For the well-being of all internal systems and organs of the body, the concentration of chlorides in the blood plays an important role.

The composition of the physiological fluid

Chlorides maintain and regulate the normal hydrobalance of body fluids and plasma, and stabilize acid-base metabolism. Depends on the indicators of chloride inclusions healthy level intracellular pressure.

When the human body is attacked by various pathological problems he begins to suffer from dehydration. Pathologies are the main culprits of increased leaching of calcium and chlorine ions from blood cells. The body reacts to a drop in their normal concentration and a growing deficiency of useful microelements in the following way:

  • the work of the central nervous system is disrupted;
  • the blood begins to thicken;
  • muscle tissue spasms;
  • the functionality of the cardiovascular activity decreases.

This is where saline comes in handy. Sodium chloride is a plasma substitute with a salty taste (in everyday life it is known as a solution of ordinary table salt). Prepared using sodium salts of hydrochloric acid. A solution with hydrating properties is successfully used to restore normal water balance organism.

Where else is sodium used in modern medicine

Chlorine contributes to the effective disinfection of various liquids, but in pure form this is chemical compound poisonous. But chlorine in combination with sodium is a rather useful substance. This combination is present in the body's natural fluid tissues and blood plasma.

AT human body sodium chloride is regularly supplied with food and water. This inorganic component is essential for normal operation all internal systems.

How is sodium chloride used?

More often saline liquid is used as a solution for intravenous infusion. But this is far from the only use of the compound for medical purposes. Sodium chloride is also used as:

  • liquid for the treatment and disinfection of wounds and cuts;
  • antiseptic solution for gargling and washing the nose;
  • for dilution of various drugs used for injection (intravenous and intramuscular).

What is sodium chloride solution

Saline therapeutic effect modern pharmaceuticals produce varying degrees concentration. At the moment it is made in two types:

Isotonic solution Brown (0.9%). German manufacturers are engaged in the production of such a substance. The solution is intended for:

  1. Recovery of significant loss of intracellular plasma due to prolonged dyspepsia. Dyspepsia - serious violation digestive processes.
  2. replenishment interstitial fluid due to dehydration resulting from prolonged vomiting and diarrhea.
  3. Replenishment of necessary ions at different kind intoxication (poisoning) and as a result of intestinal obstruction.
  4. As an external washing of wounds, burns.
  5. For dilution of the necessary drugs produced in concentrated form.

Hypertonic saline(3, 5 and 10%). Physiological fluid of this type is used in the following cases:

  1. Like external antiseptic for washing festering wounds.
  2. When diluting enema solutions for bowel cleansing.
  3. Intravenous infusion to stop diuresis ( increased urination). This is observed with severe poisoning.
  4. Drip infusion to relieve cerebral edema, increase low pressure(especially with internal bleeding).
  5. As a local decongestant in ophthalmology.

Chlorine is vital important element, indispensable for replenishing lost trace elements. Together with sodium and potassium, this compound maintains a normal body fluid balance.

With an intravenous infusion of sodium chloride, an ampoule of a substance in without fail heated to a temperature of +38⁰ C. Depending on the specifics of use, a different dosage of the product is used.

What is intravenous sodium chloride used for?

Physiological saline liquid as an inert drug is the most versatile remedy modern medicine. Droppers with sodium chloride are part of almost every complex therapy. As an intravenous infusion, this remedy is used to:

  1. Accelerated replenishment of lost blood volume.
  2. Restoration of normal microcirculation internal organs observed in the state of shock of a person.
  3. Complete saturation of the body with vital ions.
  4. Relief of intoxication processes that occur during poisoning of any kind and type.

But the most frequent use, for which the sodium chloride dropper is used constantly and daily - this is the removal of symptoms of poisoning. This type of therapy is especially relevant when the harm from the action toxic substances very high.

What is physiological saline used for?

Saline and pregnancy

Thanks to its unique and universal composition, sodium chloride is also allowed to be used in the treatment of pregnant women. Due to the identity with the natural composition of the blood, such a substance does not harm the developing fetus and the body of the expectant mother at all.

How exactly is the dropper used, what is NaCl used for in the case of pregnant women? More often, drugs intended for a single infusion of a dose of up to 400 ml are diluted with this drug.

When it is necessary to restore natural level blood, the dose of saline is increased to 1,400 ml.

Also, a solution of sodium chloride is used in the following cases:

  • with severe toxicosis;
  • to stop severe swelling;
  • when carrying out detoxification methods;
  • in the process of complicated childbirth, taking place at reduced pressure;
  • to saturate the internal organs with the necessary chlorides and vitamins;
  • at caesarean section which is necessary for women suffering from arterial hypotension.

Drip injection of plasma-substituting fluid is also allowed in the lactation period. Such therapy is carried out only on the prescription of a doctor and after all the tests carried out. Preliminary research is necessary, because for all its harmlessness, sodium chloride solution also has contraindications. It should not be used if a pregnant woman has:

  • when observing excessive hyperhydration;
  • in the case of the observed heart failure;
  • if a woman has to take corticosteroids;
  • with gross violations of the circulation of intracellular fluid;
  • diagnosed with a lack of potassium in the body with a simultaneous excess of sodium and chlorine.

Droppers for alcohol intoxication

Poisoning ethyl alcohol each person expresses and proceeds individually. For some it is lung condition ailments, while others need specialized assistance physicians. Doctors without fail include in therapeutic measures and droppers with saline.

Droppers in this case become the most effective ways relieve symptoms alcohol withdrawal. Various other suspensions, tablets and medicines become ineffective for the following reasons:

  1. The main symptom of this condition is vomiting. Sometimes it is so strong that a person is not able to take a pill. Drugs taken orally become ineffective, unlike droppers.
  2. Thanks to intravenous infusion, the necessary medicine instantly enters the bloodstream, which makes the ongoing medical measures more successful.
  3. The use of physical education is unique. With its help, you can dilute and introduce into the body at the same time several necessary medical preparations: sedatives, vitamins, saline solutions, glucose, etc.

Initially, the doctor examines the patient and assesses the severity of his condition. Based on the data obtained after the ECG, pressure and pulse measurements, doctors prescribe funds that will be added to the physiological fluid.

Drip infusion during the return of a person to life in case of alcohol intoxication carried out within 3-4 days. Thanks to the creation of this unique substance - sodium chloride, doctors managed to save many frivolous lives affected by excessive drinking.

Sodium chloride is not only a well-known food salt, dissolved in distilled water, but also a universal remedy, known as saline or simply saline. In medicine, saline is used as a 0.9% NaCl solution (sodium chloride for infusion).

What is sodium chloride?

A solution of ordinary edible salt(NaCl) is an electrolyte that conducts electricity well. This simple medical saline solution contributes to the regulation of alkaline and water-electrolyte balance in the cells of the human body.

For the manufacture of saline in distilled water, the purified salt is gradually dissolved in portions to the desired concentration. It is important to observe the portioning of the salt input, since the complete dissolution of the crystals of the component is very important, the precipitate in saline is unacceptable.

AT industrial production sodium chloride, a strictly regulated technology is used, first the salt is dissolved in stages, to eliminate the appearance of a precipitate, saturate carbon dioxide then glucose is added. Pour the solution only into glass containers.

Pharmacological action of saline (sodium chloride)

Sodium chloride is the most important component of human tissues and blood plasma. This substance provides normal osmotic pressure in the fluid contained in the cells of the human body.

Sodium chloride or table salt enters the human body in enough with food.

In some cases, a lack of this substance may occur in the human body, caused by increased pathological discharge fluids and a deficiency in the digestibility of salt consumed with food.

Pathologies leading to a lack of sodium chloride:

  • indomitable vomiting;
  • burn of a large surface;
  • large loss of fluid in the body;
  • dyspepsia, diarrhea caused by gastrointestinal infection or food poisoning;
  • cholera;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hyponatremia;
  • hypochloremia.

Sodium chloride refers to isotonic solutions. This means that the concentration of salts in the solution and in the blood cell of the plasma of the human body is the same and amounts to 0.9%. Molecules of the solution freely pass through the cell membrane into different directions and do not disturb the balance in the pressure of the cellular and intercellular fluid. Sodium chloride - essential component in blood plasma and muscle tissue.

With a lack of sodium chloride in the human body, the number of chloride and sodium ions in the intercellular fluid and blood plasma decreases, which provokes blood clotting. A person has convulsions and muscle spasms, appear pathological changes in the nervous system, there are violations of the circulatory system.

To temporarily restore the water-salt balance and increase the amount of sodium chloride, a saline solution is injected into the patient's body, which briefly improves the condition and gains time to prepare the main treatment for severe pathologies and large blood loss in the patient. Saline is used as a temporary plasma substitute. It is also used as a detoxifying drug.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of sodium chloride is limited by time, already an hour after the administration of the drug, the amount of administered active substance is halved.

When is saline used?

Saline (sodium chloride solution) is successfully used:

Ways to use sodium chloride (saline)

Intravenous and subcutaneous application.

In modern medical practice it is impossible to do without a solution of sodium chloride when administering any drugs by drip and some subcutaneous injection, since all powdered and concentrated medicinal substances are dissolved in saline before use.

In order to maintain plasma volume, restore water-salt balance, with severe intoxication, swelling, to eliminate blood density, patients are given injections, which include saline.

A solution of sodium chloride is injected into the patient's body intravenously (usually through a dropper) or subcutaneously. Saline injection before the procedure is heated to thirty-six or thirty-eight degrees Celsius.

When entering the solution, the patient's physiological parameters (age, weight), as well as the amount of fluid lost and the amount of deficiency of chlorine and sodium elements are taken into account.

The average person needs five hundred milliliters sodium chloride per day, therefore, as a rule, this volume of saline is administered per day to the patient at a rate of five hundred and forty milliliters per hour. Sometimes, if necessary, it is allowed to enter a saline solution with a volume of five hundred milliliters at a speed of seventy drops per minute. With a large loss of fluid and a high degree of intoxication of the patient, it is allowed to enter a maximum of three thousand milliliters of solution per day.

The children's dose of sodium chloride per day is 20 - 100 milliliters per kilogram of the child's weight.

If sodium chloride is used to dilute medications before drip injection, then take from fifty to two hundred and fifty milliliters of solution per dose of the drug, the rate of administration and the amount depends on the drug that is diluted.

Saline for internal administration is used only sterile.

The use of saline to cleanse the intestines and stomach.

Sodium chloride is used for stubborn constipation rectal enemas to stimulate defecation. In this case, three liters per day of a nine percent solution or one hundred milliliters of a five percent solution are used. Before use, the drug should be warmed to body temperature so as not to irritate the intestines. For enemas, unsterilized saline can be used.

Sodium chloride is used for gastric lavage food poisoning. In this case, they drink it in small sips to avoid spasms, then artificially induce vomiting. Only a sterile preparation should be used.

The use of saline for washing the nasopharynx.

Saline solution is an effective and affordable remedy for washing the nasopharynx with a runny nose or inflammatory processes during acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

Even a single rinsing of the nasal passages with saline contributes to fast cleansing nose from mucus and stop the runny nose. This procedure is shown in allergic rhinitis, with the threat of sinusitis, for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. The drug is approved for use by nursing mothers, pregnant women, children from the first days of life, when taking difficult medicines harmful.

The drug is good because after washing the nasopharynx, the mucosa does not dry out and is not injured. The procedure can be repeated many times, contraindications for duration local use no.

For washing the nose It is easy to prepare a solution at home according to the following recipe:

  • table salt - one teaspoon (approximately nine grams),
  • boiled water - one liter.

Dissolve salt in water and strain through cheesecloth.

The prepared solution is not sterile, but it can be used by children aged from three years and adults.

Newborn children with nasal congestion and runny nose drip one or two drops into each nostril only sterile saline solution.

Sodium chloride has been successfully used for rinsing an inflamed throat with angina. This drug relieves mucosal swelling and kills pathogenic bacteria in the nasopharynx.

The use of saline for inhalation

Sodium chloride successfully used for inhalation in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. It is usually convenient for this procedure to use special device for inhalation - a nebulizer in which saline and the necessary medicine are mixed. saline solution moisturizes the mucous, and the medicine that the patient inhales will have a curative effect.

To stop seizures bronchial asthma, a cough caused by an allergy, for inhalation, saline solution is mixed with drugs that help expand the bronchi (Berotek, Berodual, Ventolin).

For the treatment of cough caused by acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, add to saline solution bronchodilator drugs(Ambroxol, Gedelix, Lazolvan).

Contraindications to the use of saline

Unfortunately, sodium chloride has contraindications for use, which should be considered when prescribing treatment with saline.

It cannot be used:

  • with pulmonary edema,
  • at cerebral edema,
  • with acute heart failure,
  • with kidney failure,
  • with a high content of sodium ions and chloride ions in the body,
  • with a lack of potassium in the body,
  • with dehydration inside the cell,
  • with excess fluid outside the cell,
  • at the reception large doses corticosteroids.

Side effects when using saline

Usually saline is very well tolerated by patients.

However, when using sodium chloride in a treatment regimen in high doses or for a long time, there may be complications. Some patients have:

When unwanted effects the introduction of saline is stopped. The physician must assess the patient's condition needed help to eliminate side effects.


Before using any drug containing sodium chloride, you must consult a doctor.

The use of saline (sodium chloride) should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician and be accompanied by blood and urine tests.


Sodium chloride (Sodium chloride)


Has a detoxifying and rehydrating effect.
Compensates for sodium deficiency in various pathological conditions body and temporarily increases the volume of fluid circulating in the vessels.
Pharmacodynamic properties of the solution due to the presence of sodium ions and chloride ions. A number of ions, including sodium ions, penetrate through cell membrane through a variety of transport mechanisms, including great importance has a sodium-potassium pump (Na-K-ATPase).
Sodium plays an important role in neuronal signaling, the electrophysiological processes of the heart, and metabolic processes in the kidneys.
Sodium excreted primarily by the kidneys, however, while a large number of sodium is reabsorbed (renal reabsorption). A small amount of sodium is excreted in feces and sweating.

Indications for

Isotonic extracellular dehydration;
- hyponatremia;
- dilution and dissolution of parenterally administered medicinal substances(as base solution).

Mode of application:

Intravenously(usually drip).
Required dose can be calculated in mEq or mmol sodium, mass of sodium ions or mass of sodium chloride (1 g NaCl = 394 mg, 17.1 mEq or 17.1 mmol Na and Cl).

The dose is determined depending on the patient's condition, body fluid loss, Na + and Cl-, age, body weight of the patient. Serum and urinary electrolyte concentrations should be closely monitored.
Dose of sodium chloride solution for adults ranges from 500 ml to 3 liters per day.
Dose of sodium chloride solution for kids ranges from 20 ml to 100 ml per day per kg of body weight (depending on age and total weight bodies).

Insertion ratedepends on the condition of the patient.
Recommended dose when used for dilution and dissolution of parenterally administered drugs (as a basic solvent solution) is in the range from 50 ml to 250 ml per dose of the administered drug.
In this case, the dose and rate of administration of the solution are determined by the recommendations for the use of the administered drug.

During any infusion it is necessary to monitor the patient's condition, for clinical and biological indicators, it is especially important to evaluate plasma electrolytes.
In the body of children due to the immaturity of kidney function, sodium excretion may slow down. Therefore, in such patients, repeated infusions should be carried out only after determining the concentration of sodium in the plasma.

Use only clear solution, without visible inclusions, if the packaging is not damaged.
Enter immediately after connecting to the infusion system.
Do not use series connection of plastic containers. This may lead to air embolism due to the suction of air remaining in the first container, which can occur before the solution arrives from the next container.
The solution should be administered using sterile equipment in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.
To prevent air from entering the infusion system, it should be filled with solution, releasing the residual air from the container completely.
You can add other drugs to the solution before or during the infusion by injection into a specially designated area of ​​​​the container.

Like for everyone parenteral solutions, the compatibility of the added substances with the solution must be determined before dissolution.
Should not be used with sodium chloride solution 0.9% drugs known to be incompatible with it.
The compatibility of the added medicinal substances with a solution of sodium chloride 0.9% should be determined by the doctor by checking for a possible change in color and / or the appearance of a precipitate, insoluble complexes or crystals.
Before adding, it is necessary to determine whether the substance to be added is soluble and stable in water at a pH level similar to that of a 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

When adding the drug determine the isotonicity of the resulting solution before infusion.
Before adding drugs to the solution, they must be thoroughly mixed in compliance with the rules of asepsis.
The prepared solution should be administered immediately after preparation, do not store!

Addition of other drugs or violation of the technique of administration can cause fever due to the possible ingestion of pyrogens.
In case of development adverse reactions , it is necessary to immediately stop the introduction of the solution.
Before using the solution, the container should not be removed from the outer protective polypropylene / polyamide bag in which it is placed, as it maintains the sterility of the drug.

Side effects:

- hyperhydration;
- hypokalemia.
When applied correctly undesirable effects are unlikely.

When using sodium chloride solution 0.9% as a base solution (solvent) for other drugs, the likelihood of side effects is determined by the properties of these drugs.
In this case, when the adverse reactions the solution should be suspended, the patient's condition assessed, adequate measures taken, and the remaining solution saved for analysis, if necessary.
If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions are aggravated, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor


Hypernatremia, acidosis, hyperchloremia, hypokalemia, extracellular overhydration;
- circulatory disorders, threatening swelling of the brain and lungs;
- cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, acute left ventricular failure, concomitant administration of corticosteroids in high doses.

When adding other drugs to the solution contraindications to these drugs must be taken into account.
Carefully Key words: decompensated chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, peripheral edema, preeclampsia, chronic kidney failure(oligo-, anuria), aldosteronism and other conditions associated with sodium retention in the body.

In the body of children, due to the immaturity of the kidney function may slow sodium excretion. Therefore, in such patients, repeated infusions should be carried out only after determining the concentration of sodium in the plasma.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms
Not described.

other medicinal
by other means:

The drug is compatible with most drugs, so it is used to dissolve various drugs.
Simultaneous administration with corticosteroids or corticotropin requires constant monitoring of the level of blood electrolytes.
It is also necessary to take into account the instructions for use of the added drugs.

Structural formula

Russian name

Latin name for sodium chloride

Natrii chloridum ( genus. Natrii chloridi)

Gross formula


Pharmacological group of the substance Sodium chloride

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS code


Characteristics of the substance Sodium chloride

White cubic crystals or white crystalline powder, salty taste, odorless. Easily soluble in water (1:3), slightly soluble in ethanol.


pharmachologic effect- hydrating, detoxifying, plasma-substituting, normalizing acid-base balance.

Sodium chloride maintains the appropriate osmotic pressure of blood plasma and extracellular fluid. With a decrease in the concentration of sodium chloride in the blood plasma, water passes from the vascular bed into the interstitial fluid, with a significant deficiency, spasms of smooth muscles and convulsive contractions occur skeletal muscles, the functions of the nervous and cardiovascular systems are disturbed.

A solution of sodium chloride 0.9% is isotonic to human blood plasma and therefore is rapidly excreted from the vascular bed, only temporarily increasing the volume of circulating fluid. Hypertonic solutions (3-5-10%) are applied intravenously and externally. When applied externally, they contribute to the release of pus, exhibit antimicrobial activity, when administered intravenously, they increase diuresis and compensate for the deficiency of sodium and chlorine ions.

Updating information

Nasal spray

When administered intranasally, sodium chloride in the form of a spray of 0.65% or 0.9% moisturizes the nasal mucosa, liquefies thick mucus, softens dry crusts in the nose and promotes their easy removal. Restores the patency of the nasal passages, facilitates nasal breathing by moisturizing the nasal mucosa and thinning the mucus.

Sources of information

[Updated 14.06.2013 ]

Application of the substance Sodium chloride

Solution 0.9%- large losses of extracellular fluid (including toxic dyspepsia, cholera, diarrhea, indomitable vomiting, extensive burns with severe exudation), hypochloremia and hyponatremia with dehydration, intestinal obstruction, as a detoxifying agent; washing wounds, eyes, nasal cavity, for dissolving and diluting various medicinal substances and moisturizing the dressing.

Hypertonic saline- pulmonary, gastric and intestinal bleeding, as an auxiliary osmotic diuretic during forced diuresis, dehydration, poisoning with silver nitrate, for the treatment of purulent wounds (locally), constipation (rectally).

Updating information

Nasal spray

Hygienic care of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity of adults and children (including infants - spray 0.65% without menthol), cleansing the nasal cavity from viscous mucus and crusts.

Dryness of the nasal mucosa, incl. arising when working in dusty rooms or working with paints and varnishes, with a long stay in rooms with air conditioners.

Sinusitis, rhinitis various etiologies(in complex treatment), after surgical intervention on the nasal cavity.

The source of information

[Updated 11.06.2013 ]


Hypernatremia, acidosis, hyperchloremia, hypokalemia, extracellular overhydration; circulatory disorders threatening swelling of the brain and lungs; cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, acute left ventricular failure, concomitant GC therapy in high doses.

Updating information

Nasal spray

Children under 2 years of age for a spray of 0.9% and for a spray with menthol 0.65% or 0.9%.

[Updated 11.06.2013 ]

Application restrictions

Renal dysfunction, heart failure, arterial hypertension, peripheral edema, toxicosis of pregnant women (for large volumes isotonic solution).

Side effects of sodium chloride

Acidosis, hyperhydration, hypokalemia.


Cases of overdose are not described.

Updating information


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, thirst, reduced salivation and tearing, sweating, fever, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, renal failure, peripheral edema, pulmonary edema, respiratory arrest, headache, dizziness, anxiety, irritability, weakness , muscle cramps and rigidity, generalized convulsions, coma, and death.

Excessive administration of the solution can cause hypernatremia.

Excess intake of chloride in the body can lead to hyperchloremic acidosis.

Treatment: symptomatic.

When using sodium chloride solution for infusion as a base solution for dilution and dissolution of other drugs, the symptoms and complaints of excessive administration are most often associated with the properties of the administered drugs.

When using sodium chloride in the form of a spray, cases of overdose are not described.

The source of information

[Updated 11.06.2013 ]

Routes of administration

In / in, s / c, in enemas, locally.

Interactions with other active substances

Trade names

Name The value of the Wyshkovsky Index ®

Sodium chloride instruction

Instructions for use Sodium chloride capable of providing a rehydrating and detoxifying effect contains all the necessary information about it, including information about its form of release and packaging, as well as expiration dates and storage conditions. The pharmacology of the solution is described in detail here, and indications for use, where and step by step recommendations for its use and dosage.

In addition to instructions for various categories Patient instructions contain edification regarding precautionary measures, which refers to overdose, side effects and contraindications to the use of the drug. Drug interactions of Sodium Chloride with other drugs are also described and a number of additional indications are given.

In conclusion, the accompanying sheet will acquaint the patient with the analogues of the solution, its cost and the reviews of those people who have already used it.

Sodium chloride solution: form, packaging

The drug is released as a clear, colorless solution for infusion at a concentration of 0.9%.

In pharmacies, the solution comes in cardboard boxes, where Viaflo containers are packed with a volume of 50, 100, 250, 500 milliliters or 1 liter. Depending on the volume of the container, there can be from 10 to 50 pieces in a box.

Terms and conditions of storage

Places of storage of the drug should be inaccessible to children. The acceptable air temperature in the room should not be higher than 25 degrees. The shelf life of the solution directly depends on the volume of the container.

  • 50 milliliters - one and a half years;
  • 100 milliliters - two years;
  • 1000, 500, 250 milliliters - three years.


Having such actions on the body as detoxification and rehydration, sodium chloride solution is also capable of replenishing sodium deficiency in the presence of any pathology and of temporarily increasing the volume of fluid in the vessels.

Due to its composition, where chloride and sodium ions are present, the solution stimulates signal transmission in brain neurons, as well as electrophysiological processes in the heart and renal metabolism.

Excretion of sodium occurs mostly with the help of the kidneys. A small amount is excreted in sweat and feces.

Sodium chloride indications for use

Sodium chloride solution is indicated for those patients who require isotonic extracellular dehydration, as well as for hyponatremia. Also, the drug is used as a base solution for dilution and dissolution of medicines for parenteral administration.

Sodium chloride contraindications

The drug sodium chloride is contraindicated for the appointment of those patients who have identified the following diseases and states:

  • With hypernatremia, extracellular hyperhydration, hypokalemia, acidosis, hyperchloremia;
  • With circulatory disorders that can threaten pulmonary or cerebral edema;
  • In the presence of pulmonary edema, brain, as well as acute left ventricular failure;
  • When appointed concomitant treatment consisting of large doses of corticosteroids.

You should also take into account contraindications to those medicines that will be added to the sodium chloride solution.

Careful use of the drug requires

  • With decompensated chronic insufficiency cardiac;
  • With arterial hypertension;
  • In the presence of peripheral edema;
  • With preeclampsia;
  • With chronic renal failure;
  • With aldosteronism and other conditions that are associated with sodium retention in the body.

Sodium chloride instructions for use

The solution is used by intravenous drip. The dosage regimen is determined by the doctor. The dosage of the drug itself is calculated taking into account the age and weight of the patient, as well as his condition and fluid loss by the body. When prescribing sodium chloride, it is necessary to carry out constant control over the concentration in urine and plasma of electrolytes.

Adults can be prescribed from 500 milliliters to 3 liters per day.

Children are prescribed from 20 to 100 milliliters per 1 kilogram of weight per day.

The condition of the patient will affect the rate of administration of the drug.

When using the drug Sodium chloride as a stock solution for single dose no more than 250 milliliters is taken.

sodium chloride during pregnancy

For pregnant women and nursing mothers, the use of sodium chloride solution is not contraindicated.

Sodium chloride for children

Because in children's body kidney function is not yet mature, sodium excretion may be slowed down. Because of this, if necessary reintroduction the drug should first determine its concentration in plasma.

Sodium chloride nasal wash

Perhaps, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find a more affordable, but no less effective and multifunctional drug called saline solution from this. eyes and nasal mucosa.

Washing the nasal cavity with a solution of sodium chloride serves as a fairly effective prophylactic, as well as remedy at acute diseases respiratory nature. Rinse the nose, you can gently pipette a solution of the drug into each nasal passage.

Similar procedures can be applied to any category of patients, including pregnant women and infants. However, it is advisable to entrust infants to physicians in order to avoid the development of otitis media when aqueous solution along with an infection in the baby's ear. For adults and older children, nasal lavage by inhalation may be recommended.

Side effects

When using the drug Sodium chloride, acidosis, hyperhydration and hypokalemia may occur as side effects. However correct application solution virtually eliminates the possibility of their manifestation.

When sodium chloride is used as a base solution for dissolving other medicines, then side effects can be determined solely by their properties. In the event that the manifestation of undesirable effects takes place, then the administration of the drug should be suspended and measures taken in accordance with the patient's condition. If necessary, the solution should be analyzed in the laboratory.

If side effects worsen or new ones appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Symptoms of an overdose of sodium chloride solution may manifest as:

  • attacks of nausea,
  • vomiting process,
  • diarrhea,
  • Spasmodic pain in the abdomen,
  • The onset of thirst
  • Decreased salivation and lacrimation,
  • sweating,
  • feverish state,
  • tachycardia,
  • increase in blood pressure,
  • kidney failure,
  • peripheral edema,
  • pulmonary edema,
  • stop breathing,
  • Headache
  • dizzy,
  • Feeling of anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Weakness
  • Muscle cramps and rigidity
  • generalized convulsions,
  • Coma and death.

Also, with excessive administration of sodium chloride, hypernatremia or hyperchloric acidosis may occur.

When manifested similar symptoms indicating an overdose, the administration of the solution should be stopped and, after assessing the patient's condition, symptomatic treatment procedures should be carried out.

Drug Interactions

Drug interactions of sodium chloride with other medicines are not described.

However, when using the solution as a solvent for drugs, their compatibility can be checked visually. For example, insoluble complexes, crystals, sediment or discoloration can serve as a warning factor when mixing drugs.

In addition, before connecting the drugs, you should carefully study the instructions for what is to be diluted.

Additional instructions

When conducting any infusion, the patient's condition, both clinical and biological, should be monitored. For children, the determination of plasma in the blood is mandatory if a second procedure is necessary.

The ready-to-use solution must be exceptionally clear, and the packaging must not be damaged. To avoid air embolism, do not connect plastic containers in series, injecting the solution only after connecting to the infusion system.

The equipment for the procedure should not raise doubts about sterility, and antiseptic rules should not be neglected. If it is necessary to add another drug to the solution, you can directly inject it during the infusion into the area of ​​​​the container that is specially designed for this.

Check drugs for their pharmacological compatibility only before dissolution. Prepared solutions cannot be stored, so they must be administered immediately after dilution.

If a patient reacts to the drug in the form of fever, the administration of the solution should be stopped immediately.

Containers Viaflo (Viaflo) must be used strictly according to the attached instructions. After their single use, they should be disposed of, as well as all unused doses. Reuse of containers is not allowed.

Sodium chloride analogues

During treatment, you can replace the drug with its analogues, the choice of which must be agreed with the doctor.

As preparations similar to sodium chloride solution, such drugs as No-salt, Salin, Phytodose, Aquamaris and others can be considered.

sodium chloride price

The drug sodium chloride solution has an affordable price and can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Its cost does not exceed 30 rubles per pack.

Sodium chloride reviews

Reviews about the drug Sodium chloride solution are extremely positive. And if using it for infusion is allowed only medical workers, then for independent application many people use it as a nasal rinse solution for a runny nose, as well as eyes when needed.

Those who have used saline for this purpose find it quite effective in affordable price and consider it a worthy replacement for expensive drugs of similar action.

There are a lot of reviews, so here are the ones that were left among the last.

Kristina: When a family has a small child, the first aid kit should never be empty. So with us, from the very birth of the baby, the first-aid kit is constantly replenished with various medicines, especially for washing the nose. The drugs are not cheap, but you don’t pay attention to the price when you need to help the baby and ease his breathing by clearing his nose of snot. Once, to my surprise, I already found out and I don’t remember from what source that expensive drugs to eliminate nasal congestion can be successfully replaced with sodium chloride saline solution, and not only for adults, but also for children, it is absolutely safe. In addition, the packaging of the solution costs mere pennies, and its volume can be equated to an annual supply for the whole family. Just a bottle that is hermetically sealed should not be unsealed, taking away required amount liquids with a syringe. It is noteworthy that the solution costs mere pennies, but it works very effectively, not inferior in any way to advertised products of this type. Also, the drug can be used for inhalation for colds and, if necessary, washing the eyes. However, we have used so far only to cleanse the nose and are very pleased with the result.

Alyona: None of the parents wants the child to catch a cold and tries in every possible way to prevent hypothermia. However, during viral epidemics it is doubly insulting to get sick not from neglect to those rules that should be followed in order to avoid a cold, but simply by becoming infected from other sick children, for example, when visiting a kindergarten or school. To avoid this, you just need to take care of the prevention and timely washing of the child's nose. In our family, this has become a strict rule, and after each trip to public places when SARS or flu walks around the city, we clear our noses of everything that has managed to penetrate into them. The same procedures are good at the first sign of a runny nose, when the resulting snot to fight the infection begins to dry out, further contributing to its development. And we use an inexpensive and very effective preparation of saline sodium chloride for these purposes, which we have long known from our childhood.

Margarita: I've been using Sodium Chloride solution for a long time now and find it quite effective as a nasal rinse. The drug works just as well as other drugs. similar action, which differ significantly in their price. However, when the result is the same, why pay extra. In addition, saline often acts active substance expensive sprays, which means that we only pay so much for a convenient package with a dosing pipette.

Yana: As soon as the cold season begins, willy-nilly, you begin to think more about health saving and fill your home first aid kit. Last year, my son fell ill with bronchitis, as a result of which we were forced to get acquainted with many drugs, including sodium chloride saline solution, which we used very actively, and in several directions, and were so pleased with its result that now the bottle with the drug does not never leaves our first aid kit. According to the prescriptions in the treatment, we used saline for inhalation, both for dilution of other medicines, and independently. Then, on the recommendation of a doctor, they began to use it also for washing the nose. When the disease receded, I took note of the saline solution and since then we have not only used it for treatment, but also to prevent it by periodically washing the nose during a mass illness with influenza and SARS.

Allah: I first learned about saline in the hospital when the baby was washed out with his nose. Having been discharged from the hospital, I went straight to the pharmacy and, comparing it with the Aquamaris preparation, which was previously used for these purposes, found that their difference was only in the packaging and, of course, in price. In addition, the volume of the bottle also leads to reflections on the cost. Now we use only sodium chloride during illnesses, which significantly affects the savings in the family budget.

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