What is calcium for? Foods rich in calcium. Many internal systems fail

History of calcium

Calcium was discovered in 1808 by Humphry Davy, who, by electrolysis of slaked lime and mercury oxide, obtained a calcium amalgam, as a result of the distillation of mercury from which the metal remained, which received the name calcium. in latin lime sounds like calx, it was this name that was chosen by the English chemist for the discovered substance.

Calcium is an element of the main subgroup II of group IV of the period of the periodic system chemical elements DI. Mendeleev, has an atomic number of 20 and an atomic mass of 40.08. The accepted designation is Ca (from Latin - Calcium).

Physical and chemical properties

Calcium is a reactive, soft, silver-white alkali metal. Due to interaction with oxygen and carbon dioxide the surface of the metal tarnishes, so calcium needs special treatment storage - in without fail a tightly closed container in which the metal is poured with a layer of liquid paraffin or kerosene.

Calcium is the best known necessary for a person trace elements, the daily requirement for it is from 700 to 1500 mg for a healthy adult, but it increases during pregnancy and lactation, this must be taken into account and receive calcium in the form of drugs.

Being in nature

Calcium has a very high chemical activity, therefore, in a free (pure) form, it does not occur in nature. Nevertheless, it is the fifth most common in the earth's crust, in the form of compounds it is found in sedimentary (limestone, chalk) and rocks (granite), anorite feldspar contains a lot of calcium.

It is widely distributed in living organisms, its presence is found in plants, animal and human organisms, where it is present mainly in the composition of teeth and bone tissue.

Calcium absorption

An obstacle to the normal absorption of calcium from foods is the consumption of carbohydrates in the form of sweets and alkalis, which neutralize the hydrochloric acid of the stomach, which is necessary to dissolve calcium. The process of calcium absorption is quite complicated, so sometimes it is not enough to get it only with food, an additional intake of the microelement is necessary.

Interaction with others

To improve calcium absorption in the intestine, it is necessary, which tends to facilitate the process of calcium absorption. When taking calcium (in the form of supplements) in the process of eating, absorption is blocked, but taking calcium supplements separately from food does not affect this process in any way.

Almost all of the body's calcium (1 to 1.5 kg) is found in the bones and teeth. Calcium is involved in the processes of excitability nervous tissue, muscle contractility, blood clotting processes, is part of the nucleus and membranes of cells, cell and tissue fluids, has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects, prevents acidosis, activates a number of enzymes and hormones. Calcium is also involved in the regulation of cell membrane permeability and has the opposite effect.

Signs of calcium deficiency

Signs of a lack of calcium in the body are such, at first glance, unrelated symptoms:

  • nervousness, mood deterioration;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • convulsions, numbness of the limbs;
  • growth retardation and children;
  • elevated arterial pressure;
  • delamination and fragility of nails;
  • pain in the joints, lowering the "pain threshold";
  • profuse menstruation.

Causes of calcium deficiency

Causes of calcium deficiency can be unbalanced diets (especially fasting), low maintenance calcium in food, smoking and addiction to coffee and caffeinated drinks, dysbacteriosis, kidney disease, thyroid gland, pregnancy, lactation and menopause.

Excess calcium, which can occur with excessive consumption of dairy products or uncontrolled intake drugs, characterized intense thirst, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness and increased urination.

The use of calcium in life

Calcium has found application in the metallothermic production of uranium, in the form of natural compounds it is used as a raw material for the production of gypsum and cement, as a means of disinfection (everyone knows bleach).

When it comes to this macronutrient, most people think that the lack of calcium in the body is dangerous only for bones and teeth. In fact, the consequences of deficiency can affect almost all internal organs and systems. How does a lack of calcium in the body manifest itself, what symptoms in women with this condition appear most often, how to understand that a child lacks this substance? Why is vitamin D needed in case of poor absorption of calcium by the body, why women with its deficiency fail to lose weight quickly, do older people need to increase their intake of the substance?

With a lack of calcium in the body of a woman, both her health and appearance suffer. How to check if you are getting enough macronutrient? Since the lack of calcium in the body has similar symptoms in both men and women, both in adults and in children, you will be able to independently determine whether you need to see a doctor or enrich your menu enough with products with high content this substance. After all, there are foods that prevent the absorption of calcium from food.

Factors causing calcium deficiency

A macronutrient deficiency is possible not only with a poor diet. Sometimes even people who consume expensive foods high in calcium suffer from hypocalcemia. This may be due to:

  • The absence or insufficient intake of vitamin D. The fact is that the substance is well absorbed only in tandem with vitamin D. That is why pediatricians prescribe Aquadetrim for young children in their first year of life during the cold season.
  • High sodium intake. Prevent the absorption of the macronutrient and excess potassium and magnesium. Also, people who consume excessive amounts of products containing oxalic acid can suffer from its deficiency. These include: spinach, rhubarb, sorrel, currants and gooseberries.
  • chronic diseases kidneys.
  • The consumption of large doses of phosphorus (contained in soft drinks and all kinds of food additives).
  • Lack of calcium in the body and autoimmune diseases.
  • Some medicines: inhibitors proton pump, anticonvulsants. There is also a deterioration in the absorption of the substance during and after chemotherapy sessions.
  • Hormonal disorders in the female body.
  • Women's passion for strict diets.

Partially, calcium compounds are converted into soluble form Under the influence of hydrochloric acid gastric juice. In order not to think about how to make up for the lack of calcium, it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the digestive tract. Often various violations in their work can be detected in people with obesity.

Deficiency symptoms in women

There are a number of signs that help determine the lack of a substance in the body.

  • One of the main symptoms of a lack of a substance are considered muscle spasms. It is also difficult for a person with a deficiency of this substance to move because of pain localized in the muscles of the thighs and arms.
  • The problem extends to skin. Individuals with a macronutrient deficiency may develop eczema or psoriasis. In women, the fragility of nails and hair increases.
  • Calcium is one of the main components of teeth. Therefore, with its shortage, there is a deterioration in the condition of the teeth and oral cavity.
  • These symptoms include chronic fatigue.
  • A lack of calcium can provoke a change in voice (due to spasms of the larynx).
  • AT further man may begin to lose consciousness, the process of swallowing is difficult.
  • With advanced hypocalcemia, a person is diagnosed with glaucoma.
  • There is numbness of the fingertips and corners of the mouth.
  • Osteoporotic joint pain. And in the future, women suffer from osteoporosis.
  • Hypocalcemia may present with a tendency to nosebleeds.
  • Due to reduced immunity, the tendency to allergic reactions increases.
  • Arrhythmia is another alarming "bell" that may indicate calcium deficiency. Sexologists believe that cardiovascular disorders are the culprits of women's sexual dysfunction.

Surprisingly, with a lack of calcium in the body, women cannot lose weight. Based on studies conducted with the participation of both animals and humans, scientists were able to find out the following: fat cells contain calcium, which, together with hormones, affects the activity of lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fats.

Deficiency in men

Symptoms of a macronutrient deficiency in the body of the stronger sex are similar to those in women. And although it is believed that osteoporosis is 4 times more common among women, men are also prone to developing it.

However, few people know that the symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body can be:

  • increased irritability (this phenomenon not only prevents a normal life, but also reduces sex drive);
  • sleep disorder;
  • severe attacks headache.

neonatal hypocalcemia

This disease is diagnosed in newborns shortly after birth. As a rule, calcium deficiency is detected in the first few days of life. However, the problem may show up after 3 or more days.

Risk factors leading to the disease are: premature birth, diabetes in a woman in labor. In older adults, the problem may arise due to the use cow's milk. Pediatricians do not at all recommend introducing this product into the diet of a child up to 8-12 months of age.

Symptoms of neonatal hypocalcemia include the following:

  • nervousness and anxiety;
  • poor appetite;
  • slow breathing or apnea;
  • tachycardia.

The clinical symptoms of hypocalcemia in infants include:

  • excessive sweating while eating and sleeping;
  • rolling out hair at the back of the head (with a lack of a macronutrient, the baby rubs his head against the pillow);
  • shyness and shuddering at sharp and loud sounds;
  • trembling of the chin while crying.

Signs and actions of parents

To find out if a baby has a calcium deficiency in the body, there are several simple methods:

  1. With your fingertip, lightly tap on the baby's cheek (in the area of ​​​​the corner of the mouth). If twitching occurs, then a calcium deficiency in the baby is possible.
  2. Squeeze the child's hand in the middle third of the shoulder. If at the same time his fingers cramped, the probability of a deficiency is very high.

At the first symptoms, consult a doctor. After all, the deficiency of this macronutrient in children's body often causes rickets. This disease can lead to disability, physical and mental developmental delay of the crumbs.

Calcium deficiency in children can occur during the formation and development of spinal curves and walking. In this case, there is a violation of posture and curvature of the bones of the limbs, children often have low body weight. As the child grows older, hypocalcemia leads to splitting and brittleness of the nails, cracked corners of the mouth, anemia, and seizures.

In the treatment of the disease, infants receive calcium gluconate intravenously and take drugs orally. With rickets, the intake of funds must be combined with the use of vitamin D by children. However, the dosage should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Myths and reality about the elderly

You've probably heard that the risk of developing osteoporosis increases significantly with age. Unfortunately, older people understand this as the need to increase the daily dose of calcium. But New Zealand scientists do not think so.

Scientists from the University of Auckland found that calcium only increases bone strength by 1-2%. Also, experts tried to identify the relationship between the frequency of bone fractures and the use of this macronutrient. As it turned out, regular consumption of the substance does not at all reduce the risk of injury.

In order for the body to function normally even in old age, it is necessary to consume no less calcium than experts recommend. But an additional intake of the substance in the form of certain tablets is not needed at all.

Daily consumption rates

The “dose” of a macronutrient that the body needs daily depends on the age of the person. For maximum absorption, it is necessary that it enters the body along with phosphorus.

There are so-called optimal doses of calcium depending on age:

  • up to a year - 400 mg;
  • 1-3 years - 600 mg;
  • 3-10 years - 800 mg;
  • 10-13 years - 1000 mg;
  • 13-25 years - 1200 mg;
  • 25-55 years - 1000 mg;
  • after 55 years - 1200 mg.

The daily intake of calcium by pregnant and lactating women is from 1500 to 2000 mg., Women during menopause - 1400 mg.

What to do in case of deficiency

If you have found signs of a clear lack of calcium in yourself or your child, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will review your medical history, ask about genetic predisposition to calcium deficiency and osteoporosis.

If, nevertheless, the specialist suspects hypocalcemia, he will send you to the laboratory in order to take a blood sample. If symptoms of a macronutrient deficiency are observed in a child, then you will be prescribed a urine test according to Sulkovich.

Usually, for people who do not have enough calcium in the body, doctors prescribe it in the form vitamin supplements. However, it should be borne in mind that they may interact poorly with certain drugs:

  • beta-blockers to lower blood pressure;
  • means for lowering cholesterol levels;
  • with estrogen content (may increase the level of calcium in the blood).

Help with nutrition

You can replenish your calcium stores by eating high protein foods: meat, fish, legumes, cottage cheese and sour-milk components. You should also pay attention to sesame seeds, turnips and greens, broccoli and cabbage.

This is very important, because if you suffer from a lack of calcium in the body, then taking vitamins and supplements with this substance will not have big effect. It is known that it is the protein that transports the substances coming from the outside to the destination through special channels - into the cells. That is why the lack of calcium in the body, the symptoms of which we have already spoken about, often occurs in supporters of vegetarianism and people with intolerance to cow's milk protein.

What foods should be avoided

If calcium is poorly absorbed in your body, then in addition to treatment, you need to monitor your diet. There are a number of foods that leach out the macronutrient, resulting in dire consequences for good health. Their absence from your menu will help to avoid the loss of a precious substance:

  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee and other foods high in caffeine;
  • salty dishes.

You should also avoid eating too much fat. They bind calcium and do not allow the macronutrient to break through to the cells. And, of course, with such a disappointing diagnosis, you should get rid of excess weight.

With calcium deficiency, experts advise quitting smoking. This bad habit adversely affects the absorption of the macronutrient.

Please note that with a complete diet nutrition is difficult to create an excess of calcium in the bones. After all, the excess is excreted by the kidneys and intestines. But the additional intake of the substance in the form of tablets leads to the accumulation of calcium salts in the kidneys.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers believe that they need to take vitamin complexes enriched with calcium. Experts believe that for the normal functioning of the body, women do not need higher dose macronutrient than 2000 mg. The main thing is not to forget to regularly walk on fresh air- to produce vitamin D.

Now you know what a lack of calcium in the blood and bones leads to, what symptoms can signal a problem. However, do not forget that all good things should be in moderation. An excess of calcium also does not bode well, so take vitamins and medications only in doses recommended by the attending physician. Do not forget that vegetarians and people with intolerances are at risk milk protein(celiac disease).


Lack of calcium in the human body leads to serious health problems. After all, calcium is one of the most important macronutrients involved in the life of the body. It is present in almost all living organisms, starting with the simplest.

The role of calcium in the human body

Calcium plays the most important role in the human body from birth. The content of calcium in the body is on average almost 1.2 kg of metal, which constantly interacts with the body, giving it back and returning again about 800 mg of Ca + daily.

This element is involved in the construction of bone tissues of the body, provides strength to bones, nail plates, hair, is contained in tooth enamel, thereby protecting them from destruction.

Calcium ions are present in cells and participate in energy exchange;

Calcium is involved in the mechanism of muscle contraction (including cardiac), controls the heartbeat;

It is present in the synthesis of neurotransmitters that transmit nerve impulses by activating certain enzymes.

Regulates blood pressure along with other nutrients - magnesium, sodium and potassium;

Being a catalyst for vitamin K, it is involved in the process of blood clotting;

Promotes the transport of nutrients, acts on the permeability of cell membranes.

Strengthens connective tissues organism.

Part of the element is excreted from the body. In order to constantly maintain the required level of calcium in the blood and in the body, it is necessary to systematically replenish the lack of calcium.

In bone tissue, it is represented by calcium phosphate - a crystalline salt of phosphoric acid.

At infant the amount of nutrient Ca is approximately 30 g. As he grows older, the amount of this element in the body also increases, and by the time of puberty, its amount will reach 1-1.2 kg. The child should receive 100, and in adolescence 150 mg calcium daily for normal development skeleton and whole body. In adults, the intake is 280 mg Ca for men and 200 mg for women.

Increased daily calcium requirement

During pregnancy and breastfeeding,

During the use of corticosteroid drugs and anabolics,

At excessive sweating, during the summer;

The athletes.

Menopause affects the level of calcium in women, men begin to lose this element from the age of 65. Many people believe that the fact that older people "grow" down, become shorter, is connected with its loss. In fact, this is not so: the decrease in growth occurs due to flattening and dehydration of the intervertebral discs.

Why does "calcium hunger" occur in the body?

If we define common causes calcium hunger, then there are only two of them:

  • Low macronutrient levels in foods;
  • Decreased absorption of calcium by the body.

With the first reason, everything is clear: to replenish the element, you need to use more products containing this element. Let's take a closer look at the second reason. Why does the body refuse to absorb calcium? After all, this chemical element is needed by the body.

The problem lies in our nutrition, which creates acid-base balance. Excessive consumption of protein products (sausages, smoked meats and other delicacies) leads to acidification of the body. Calcium, having basic, or alkaline properties, neutralizes unnecessary acids, forming insoluble salts. But such calcium turns out to be bound, and does not participate in the life of the body. Some of the insoluble salts are excreted from the body, and some are deposited in organs and cells in the form of lime deposits, forming sand and stones, and in blood vessels- blood clots and blood clots.

The effect of vitamin D on calcium balance

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms

When the body does not have enough calcium for life, it takes it from the skeleton. Deficiency of the alkaline element is observed in women during pregnancy. Many during this period lose their teeth - they become more sensitive and begin to crumble.

A lack of calcium in the body is observed during menopause, symptoms in women during this period are manifested by osteoporosis, bone fragility.

With hypocalcemia, there are the following symptoms and signs:

  • Increased nervous excitability, irritability, insomnia
  • convulsions calf muscles, tingling in the hands and feet;
  • Joint pain, sore gums;
  • Abundant menstruation in women;
  • Hypertension and tachycardia;
  • problems with teeth;
  • Fragility of nails, fragility and weakness of hair;

Signs of calcium deficiency have symptoms similar to other pathologies, for example, convulsions and insomnia are observed with magnesium deficiency. And in order to identify the problem, one should not self-medicate, but one should undergo an examination and consult a doctor.

Symptoms of hypocalcemia in children are expressed by the fact that children who lack calcium eat chalk and even earth. Bans won't help. To fill the lack of calcium, buy better for the child calcium gluconate or glycerophosphate tablets.

Diseases caused by calcium deficiency

The lack of calcium in the body is the cause of such pathologies as:


What is hypocalcemia? This syndrome implies a low content of Ca in the blood. It leads to decreased blood clotting and bleeding. Hypocalcemia occurs for the following reasons:

  • decrease in the level of Ca + ions
  • kidney failure;
  • rapid rise in phosphate levels;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • The use of certain Ca-lowering drugs.


This pathology is caused by a lack of calcium phosphate salts in the bones. This syndrome may appear in childhood, and leads to disability, since soft, low-Ca bones are susceptible to fragility.


This disease is characterized by a violation of the structure of bone tissue, a decrease in bone density, the predominance of decay over the process of bone formation. The risk of bone fractures increases. Classified as a metabolic disease musculoskeletal system. Women of climacteric age are more likely to be affected by this pathology.

The treatment of these diseases is aimed at replenishing calcium in the body and increasing the body's susceptibility to calcium.

Dysfunction of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, as one of the causes of low calcium in the body.

The thyroid gland, along with thyroid hormones, produces thyrocalcitonin, or, as it is commonly called, a hormone involved in phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Calcitonin also activates the work of:

  • Osteoclasts - multinucleated cells, which, through the dissolution of minerals and the destruction of collagen, destroy and remove the old bone tissue;
  • Osteoblasts are young cells that produce bone tissue. Osteoblasts are involved in the deposition of calcium salts in intercellular substance matrix calcification occurs.

four small parathyroid glands located on back wall thyroid gland and are responsible for the amount of calcium in the body, provide normal functioning nervous and propulsion systems. When the level of calcium in the blood drops below a certain level, the receptors of the glands are excited and release parahormone into the blood, which, in turn, stimulates osteoclasts to release Ca metal from bone tissue.

Dysfunction of the parathyroid glands leads to disruption of hormone production, which in turn leads to calcium-phosphorus imbalance, and the development of endocrine diseases.

How and how to compensate for calcium deficiency?

People suffering from joint pain and brittle bones are concerned with the question: how to increase calcium in the body?

  1. It is necessary to ensure sufficient intake of Ca and vitamin D with food during menopause and men over 50 years of age. The daily intake of calcium should be 1200-1500 mg.
  2. Reduce or stop drinking coffee, smoking, alcohol
  3. Elements - phosphorus, potassium and magnesium are also involved in the process of calcium absorption and metabolism, so their intake must be balanced.

The treatment of hypocalcemia is aimed at eliminating the nutrient deficiency and the resulting consequences of this deficiency.

Not last place occupies the question of how to increase calcium in the blood, but in order not to overdo it and not provoke the formation of blood clots? Products containing this alkaline earth metal pass from the stomach to the intestines, where, after appropriate chemical reactions individual macro and microelements enter the blood, which carries them into the right amount in bones and body cells. And to prevent calcium from turning into hard lime deposits, vitamin D and other nutrients are needed.

What foods are rich in calcium?

Dairy. 1 glass of milk or kefir provides 25-40 percent of the daily requirement for calcium (). Don't be afraid to drink natural products without degreasing. Together with fats, vitamin D is lost. Yes, and calcium in refined and low fat foods there will be a minimum. to

Chicken eggs provide 15 percent daily requirement vitamin D, but calcium is contained in its shell. There is little nutrient in the product itself - about 4%.

Spinach greens contain 10% daily allowance nutrient Ca. In the Caucasus, one of the favorite everyday dishes is an omelet with spinach. This dish not only replenishes the balance of calcium, but also ensures its digestibility.

Beans are generally amazing with an abundance of nutrients. Ca it contains 15 percent of the daily norm, but in the bean grain 25% magnesium, 60% phosphorus, 32% iron.

Parsley gives a quarter of the daily allowance. Magnesium (21%) and phosphorus (12%) present right there help the absorption of the alkaline nutrient.

Traditional medicine recommends a simple and completely harmless way: Take a few eggs, wash them thoroughly warm water and boil. It is recommended to drink water from under boiled eggs to replenish the element. And eggs will always find use in some salads, morning breakfasts for the whole family.

Lack of calcium, of course, adversely affects the state of health and well-being. But this does not mean at all that having found the named symptoms and signs of a lack of calcium in the body, you will run to the pharmacy, pick up various dietary supplements and vitamin complexes and swallow everything in a row. The system is needed in everything, but it is no less dangerous than its lack. Therefore, before you start drinking "medicines for all diseases," you should consult with your doctor.

Read also the information about vitamins in the article: "".

The body of an adult human weighing 70 kg contains approximately 60 chemical elements from the Periodic Table. Each substance performs certain functions that ensure the coherence of the whole organism. In fifth place in terms of percentage is calcium - 1.5% of body weight. The article will tell you what is the significance of this macronutrient for human body what an imbalance of a mineral can lead to, how to make up for its deficiency from products and medical preparations.

The role and importance of calcium for the human body

In the periodic table of D. I. Mendeleev, calcium is located in the second group, has serial number 20. Due to the high chemical activity, in nature the substance occurs only in bound form.

The human body also contains calcium compounds - apatites, carbonates. The mass of this mineral is 1-1.5 kg, and 99% falls on our support - the skeleton and teeth. The rest of the amount is part of the tissues, intercellular fluid and blood.

Calcium is responsible for the following functions:

  • Participates in the formation of bone tissue. Responsible for the growth and health of teeth, hair, nails, strengthening cell membranes;
  • Responsible for the contractile function of the smooth and skeletal muscles. Promotes rhythmic contractions of the myocardium and vascular walls;
  • Stabilizes the work of the heart, lowering blood pressure and reducing vascular permeability. The main "companions" of calcium in this matter are potassium, magnesium and sodium;
  • Participates in all metabolic processes, enhances permeability cell membrane. The transport function of calcium is that interstitial fluids endure nutrients, removing waste material from cells and harmful substances(allergens, salts of heavy metals);
  • Together with vitamin K, it is involved in the synthesis of complex proteins of the hemostasis system, for example, prothrombin. This substance accelerates blood clotting, which contributes to the rapid healing of wounds, prevents infection of the wound surface;
  • Promotes the synthesis of neurotransmitters - conductors of biochemical signals nervous system. It has a positive effect on the nervous system - normalizes sleep, increases the body's resistance in stressful situations;
  • Responsible for the synthesis of hormones, normalizes the work endocrine system. Hormones and enzymes contribute to the digestion of food, participate in lipid metabolism, support normal level blood sugar affect reproductive function, metabolism, etc.

In plasma, calcium is present in three various forms. The active ionized form is 60%, takes part in all vital important processes- secretion of hormones, conduction nerve impulses, muscle contraction, cell division, etc. Non-ionized (bound) forms are compounds with albumin (30%) and low molecular weight anions (10%). They do not take an active part in biochemical processes.

The concentration of a macronutrient in the blood is determined using biochemical analysis, is the sum of all three forms. During the study, corrections are necessarily made to take into account the increase in inactive calcium with a number of various diseases, hormonal disorders, medication, pregnancy.

Importance of calcium for the buffer system of the body

The most important role of a mineral for the human body is to maintain a constant buffer system - blood pH. This indicator is the most tightly tracked by our functional, since a constant shift of just a tenth leads to serious consequences. So, pH value blood pressure is 7.4, its shift by 0.2 leads to coma, and by 0.3 it causes the death of a person.

Our body contains 65-70% fluid, the buffer system shifts to the side acid environment invalid. Because the most of food is acid-forming, the body tries to neutralize it. calcium, magnesium and potassium- alkali metals that can suppress harmful effect and bring it back to normal. Their amount in the blood is regulated by metabolic processes. How this happens, you will learn further.

The mechanism of calcium metabolism

Pursuit internal environment equilibrium is called homeostasis. Vitamin D and parathyroid hormones are responsible for regulating the concentration of the mineral in the blood:

  • PTH (parathyroid hormone);
  • Calcitonin.

With a decrease in the concentration of the macroelement in the blood, the parathyroid glands begin to actively produce PTH. Parathyroid hormone activates the reduction of calcium excretion in the urine and the leaching of the mineral from the main storage - bone tissue. It stimulates the kidneys to convert vitamin D into calcitriol(D3). This active form vitamin D improves absorption of the mineral by the walls of the small intestine. If a person does not provide admission required amount calcium with food, the brain will give a signal to the parathyroid glands that it is necessary to bring the buffer system back to normal. After the restoration of ionic equilibrium, the production of PTH stops.

Exceeding the concentration of calcium gives a signal to the production of another hormone - calcitonin. Its effect is aimed at the speedy removal of excess minerals by the kidneys and intestines.

Symptoms of deficiency and excess of a mineral

Normally, the concentration of all three forms of calcium in the blood is 2.2 mmol / l, its level can be determined using biochemical analysis. Since the nutrient enters the human body exclusively with food, it is important to maintain the recommended intake rates. In the case of prolonged "starvation" or an excess of the mineral, the development of severe pathologies is observed.


macronutrient deficiency is a consequence of malnutrition or certain health problems. The following factors can provoke its development:

  • pathology of the parathyroid glands;
  • violation of calcium metabolism;
  • reduced content in food;
  • the use of diuretics and laxatives that provoke rapid leaching of the macronutrient;
  • non-compliance with the daily intake of the mineral with food or the use of foods rich in phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium or oxalic acid. These substances either interfere with the absorption of calcium or accelerate its excretion.
  • nutrient deficiency in the diet.

With a systematic calcium deficiency, the body will constantly replenish the supply from bone tissue. . Over time, this will lead to a decrease in bone density and the development of osteoporosis . The first signs of a lack of a mineral can be called a deterioration in the condition of the teeth, increased fragility of the nail plates and hair, fatigue, muscle cramps. Further consequences will be increased risk fractures, development serious pathologies in the work of the heart and nervous system, violations of the hemostasis system.


High calcium in plasma, no less dangerous than macronutrient deficiency. The reason for the excess of the mineral is the pathology of the endocrine system, causing disruptions in calcium metabolism. Excessive consumption of foods or mineral complexes containing calcium and vitamin D also leads to hypercalcemia.

Loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, thirst, abdominal pain, constipation - these are the first symptoms of excess nutrient in the body. A prolonged increase in the concentration of a macronutrient leads to serious consequences:

  • impaired conduction of nerve fibers;
  • decline brain activity, hallucinations;
  • decrease in the tone of smooth and skeletal muscles, which leads to the development of bradycardia and angina pectoris;
  • increased secretion of gastric juice peptic ulcer, hyperacid gastritis;
  • increased risk autoimmune diseases, pathologies of endocrine glands;
  • deposition of minerals on the walls of blood vessels internal organs(calcinosis);
  • the appearance of kidney stones, nephrocalcinosis.

Cancer is one of the causes of hypercalcemia. . Malignant tumors destroy bone tissue, while releasing a large amount of the mineral.

Products with the highest content of the mineral, its availability from them, the effect of heat treatment

We are accustomed to think that the best source calcium are dairy products, but plant foods are no less rich in the nutrient. For example, 100 g of milk contains about 100 mg of the mineral, and the same amount of sesame seeds is 10 times more! It has been scientifically proven that food of animal origin contains vitamin D, without which the absorption of the nutrient is impossible. If for some reason you chose vegetarian menu, will have to search additional source vitamin D.

Among dairy products, hard cheeses are considered to be champions in mineral content. 100 g of cheddar cheese contains 1100 mg of the nutrient. Processed cheese contains three times less. Milk, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese contain 100-160 mg of the mineral. Among the products of animal origin, sardines are in the lead. In addition to 300 mg of calcium, they contain fish oil rich in vitamin D and phosphorus, which contribute to better absorption of the macronutrient.

Some herbal products are also rich in nutrient (the amount is indicated per 100 g of product):

  • Nettle green mass - 700 mg;
  • Cabbage - 210 mg;
  • Dried apricots - 170 mg;
  • Greens (parsley, dill, watercress) - 180-250 mg;
  • Young turnip tops - 190 mg;
  • White beans - 150-180 mg;
  • Sunflower seed - 100 mg;
  • Almonds - 250 mg.

With the right approach, even people with milk protein intolerance can make a balanced diet that provides the necessary intake of minerals in the body.

When compiling the menu, do not forget to take into account that the absorption of calcium is hindered the following substances and products:

  • Phytic acid (grains, fiber);
  • Caffeine (coffee, chocolate);
  • oxalic acid (greens, sorrel, spinach, rhubarb);
  • food with great content carbohydrates, salt, fat, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

Organic calcium salts are converted into insoluble inorganic compounds during cooking. This reduces the absorption of the nutrient by 25-30%, increases the risk of calculus deposition in the internal organs. It is more useful to use raw foods or subjected to minimal heat treatment.

More detailed information about products containing calcium -.

Norms for different categories of people

To maintain the health of the body, a certain amount of calcium should be consumed daily. The norm depends on the gender and age category:

  • Infants up to 6 months - 400 mg;
  • Children 6-12 months - 500 mg;
  • Younger preschoolers (1-5 years old) - 600 mg;
  • students primary school(up to 10 years) - 800 mg;
  • Adolescents 10-13 years old - 1000 mg;
  • Girls and boys aged 14-24 years - 1200-1500 mg;
  • Women 25-55 years old - 1000 mg;
  • Men 25-65 years old - 1000 mg;
  • Women over 55 years old - 1200-1500 mg;
  • Men over 65 years old - 1300-1500 mg.

Daily Calcium Adjustment Required athletes, since the mineral is actively excreted during sweating. And also adjustment is needed for long-term hormone therapy, the use of glucocorticosteroid drugs, anabolics, constant contact with phosphorus compounds.

Calcium for children and pregnant women

For proper growth in childhood, it is especially important to ensure a stable intake of the required amount calcium and vitamin D. This building element will help the formation of a healthy skeleton, protect against the development of rickets. The diet is compiled in accordance with age requirements.

During pregnancy, global changes occur, the need for calcium increases significantly. This is due to the fact that the load on the skeleton and heart is growing. A growing baby also needs a macronutrient to form the skeleton. During pregnancy and lactation, it is important to maintain healthy diet and provide 1500-2500 mg of nutrient daily. Difficulties can arise with intolerance to dairy products, so pregnant women are often prescribed special drugs.

Calcium in medical preparations

If necessary, you can fill the daily need for calcium with the help of medications. The range of biological supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes is very wide, all of them contain macronutrient compounds.

Most often, the composition of the preparations includes the following calcium salts:

  • Gluconate;
  • Citrate;
  • Chloride;
  • Carbonate.

Conscientious manufacturers indicate the dose of the elemental mineral in the preparation, because the listed salts do not contain much of the necessary nutrient. For example, Ca gluconate contains only 9.3% of the mineral.

The most popular preparations containing a macronutrient include:

  • Scoralite
  • Vitacalcin
  • Calcemin
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed
  • Complivit calcium D3
  • Vitrum
  • Elevit.

The first two drugs are monocomponent, contain only calcium salts. Calcium D3 Nycomed and Complivit calcium D3 are combined preparations, additionally contain vitamin D for better assimilation mineral. The rest of the preparations, in addition to calcium, contain a complex of vitamins and minerals. See the instructions for recommended dosage and contraindications.

Compatibility of calcium with other elements

The mineral reacts with various substances, which significantly affects the course of calcium metabolism. You already know about the influence of the main ally of the vitamin D nutrient, let's consider some other substances.

B vitamins pairs well with the macronutrient. Without calcium, the absorption of cyanocobalamin is impossible.(). Pyridoxine (vitamin B 6) maintains the necessary concentration of the mineral in the blood, slowing down the process of its excretion. The high chemical activity of the nutrient blocks the absorption of manganese, iron and zinc. Between taking drugs with these chemical elements should take at least 4-6 hours. If the magnesium content in a food or preparation is half the concentration of calcium, they are perfectly absorbed together. At more magnesium, the absorption of the mineral worsens.

Calcium - one of the most important chemical elements for the healthy functioning of the human body. To avoid the development of serious pathologies, it is necessary to provide daily allowance mineral consumption through balanced diet or medical preparations.

Calcium, along with other macronutrients, is very important for normal operation organism. The lack of this element, as well as its excess, negatively affects the functioning of almost all organs and systems of our body. A condition in which there is a lack of calcium is called hypocalcemia.

Causes of hypocalcemia

Impaired function parathyroid glands- one of the common causes of low blood levels of calcium.

Hypoparathyroidism is a condition in which chronic hypocalcemia develops as a result of a violation of the production of parathyroid hormone by the parathyroid glands. This condition may develop various reasons. Postoperative hypoparathyroidism occurs as a result of damage or removal of the parathyroid glands during surgical operations in the neck area. There are cases of idiopathic and familial hypoparathyroidism, the pathogenesis of which is very complex.

Hypoparathyroidism can be caused by congenital genetic pathologies, diseases hematopoietic system, cancer of the parathyroid glands and metastases in them.

One of the common causes of calcium deficiency in the body is a lack of vitamin D. The lack of this vitamin occurs as a result of insufficient intake from food, impaired absorption, or insufficient sunlight.

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms

Common symptoms indicating a possible calcium deficiency in the body are weakness and increased fatigue. The skin becomes dry, flaky, nails lose their luster and become brittle. The condition of the teeth worsens, begins.

Due to calcium deficiency, the neuromuscular system suffers, first there is a feeling of numbness in the fingers and around the mouth, then bone pains appear. With prolonged calcium deficiency, an increased tendency to deformity and bone fractures develops, especially in the elderly.

There are also cardiac problems, since calcium is necessary for normal contraction hearts, in severe cases may develop, which is not amenable to drug therapy.

With chronic calcium deficiency, subcapsular cataracts may develop, the severity of which depends on the duration of hypocalcemia and its degree. In addition, with a lack of this microelement, the level of immunity decreases, blood clotting is disturbed and increased bleeding appears.

Calcium deficiency in children is especially dangerous because it is essential for normal growth and development of the child. With its deficiency, the formation of bones and teeth is disrupted, pathological changes in the lens of the eye. Children suffer nervous disorders, increased nervous excitability, convulsions often occur. Poor clotting blood in a child is considered one of the most dangerous manifestations hypocalcemia in childhood. Adults who were calcium deficient in childhood have an increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis.

Treatment of hypocalcemia

Treatment of acute hypocalcemia is carried out only in a hospital, since this condition threatens the life of the patient.

In chronic calcium deficiency, the basis of therapy is calcium preparations and vitamin D. Any calcium preparations are used in such dosages that the daily intake of calcium in the body is at least 1.5–2 g. In parallel, vitamin D is prescribed, the dosage of which is selected by the doctor based on the needs patient. The effectiveness of treatment is assessed by the disappearance of symptoms of hypocalcemia and the normalization of calcium levels in the blood serum according to the results. laboratory research. The level of serum calcium at the beginning of treatment must be monitored quite often (weekly or once every 2 weeks), and after stabilization of the condition, it is enough to take a blood test once every 3 months.

Prevention of hypocalcemia

To reduce the risk of developing hypocalcemia, you should eat foods rich in this trace element daily.

To prevent hypocalcemia, it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D.

The largest amount of this trace element is found in sesame seeds, hard and processed cheeses, wheat bran, yeast, almonds, hazelnuts, legumes. The calcium content in dairy products is much lower than, for example, in sesame seeds, but they must be consumed in enough because of them calcium is well absorbed by the body.

Foods rich in vitamin D should also be present in sufficient quantities in the diet of every person. A large number of this vitamin is found in fermented milk products, in vegetable oils, egg yolks, seafood, especially in fish oil and fish liver. In addition, vitamin D is present in oatmeal, potatoes and greens.

In addition to intake with food, vitamin D can be synthesized in our body independently under the influence of sunlight, so in warm time of the year it is necessary to spend as much time as possible under the sun's rays (of course, during safe hours) with open skin.

In addition to vitamin D, calcium absorption requires other vitamins (vitamins C, K, group B) and minerals (phosphorus, iron, zinc, etc.), so the diet of each person must be balanced.

On the recommendation of a doctor, you can take vitamin-mineral complexes containing calcium in addition to food (Vitrum, Biomax, Complivit, etc.). The need for calcium is increased in children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as in people over 35 years of age. Special multivitamin complexes for pregnant women and nursing mothers, taking into account the increased need for calcium in women during this period.

To prevent calcium deficiency and, as a result, osteoporosis, especially during menopause in women, as well as in all people over 35–40 years old, it is recommended to take combined preparations containing calcium and vitamin D (Calcium-D3 Nycomed, Calcemin, etc.) .

For children, calcium preparations are prescribed only by a pediatrician. Taking vitamin D at a prophylactic dose (AquaDetrim) is recommended in autumn-winter period, especially in areas where there is not enough sunlight at this time.

Which doctor to contact

In children, prevention of calcium and vitamin D deficiency is necessary, which is carried out by a pediatrician. If the described symptoms appear in an adult, he needs to contact a therapist or endocrinologist. Often, a consultation with a gastroenterologist is also needed to rule out problems with calcium absorption in the intestines. With the development of complications, treatment by a neurologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist is required. It is very useful to consult a dietitian about proper nutrition with calcium deficiency.

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