Why do dogs have seizures? Muscle spasms, salivation and convulsions in a dog: causes and treatment, what to do? What to do if your dog has seizures

Seizures in a dog are an unpleasant and even terrible phenomenon. At this time, the animal falls, begins to shudder all over. In addition, against the background of convulsions, foam may come out of the mouth and loss of consciousness may occur. Convulsions occur precisely at the moment when the owner is not ready for them. Then a lot of questions arise: what to do or how to help your pet?! Let's try to study this topic in detail and understand it from "A to Z".

Seizures in a dog causes, types and treatment

Convulsions are reduction muscles. In veterinary medicine, several varieties are distinguished, which depend on the nature and frequency of muscle contractions.

  1. Jerky muscle contraction or convulsions.
  2. Slow and prolonged are tonic convulsions.
  3. The alternation of contractions and muscle relaxation are clinical convulsions. At first, the dog begins to shudder for a while, and then calms down. The total time of clinical manifestation can be from three minutes to an hour.
  4. Seizures accompanied by the presence of foam from the mouth and loss of consciousness is epilepsy.

A cramp is a terrible phenomenon and indicates that your friend was struck by one of diseases, which is worth treating immediately!

What are seizures and how do they manifest?

Neurons that are responsible for motor control become hyperactive, which leads to a convulsive manifestation. The area, nature and degree of damage to the nervous system gives the result in the form of convulsions. Muscle trembling can be different and depend on the time interval. It may appear in the form twitching with one paw. But it can also be in the form of a shudder throughout the body with loss of consciousness and foam flowing from the mouth.

Muscles at this moment contract arbitrarily, and the animal loses control over the body. In many ways, veterinarians call this condition an epileptic seizure, but epilepsy is not always the main cause of seizures.

Seizures last from a few seconds to several minutes. After the attack is over, the animal shakes itself off and regains consciousness. Depending on the underlying cause of the seizure, it can behave differently. Some dogs lie down in bed for several hours. Other animals quickly come to their senses and begin to eat or run greedily. In the event that the attack happened for the first time, then it is worth taking into account that the danger to the life of the animal is minimal, but requires urgent intervention by a veterinarian.

What are seizures in dogs?

Seizures can manifest themselves in different ways, their nature will depend on what they are caused by. There are several types of seizures, between which there are certain differences.

Particular attention should be paid to epileptic seizures in dogs. Seizures in this case are a sign of neurological dysfunction of the brain. The primary development of this disease is due to a genetic disorder. An epileptic seizure may first appear at the age of six months. The secondary development of epilepsy may occur due to the acquisition of another disease that affects the functioning of the nervous system.

Firstly, poisoning toxins or heavy metals.

Secondly, the bite of a poisonous insect.

Thirdly, electric shock.

Fourth, the presence of worms in the dog.

Fifth, traumatic brain injury.

Sixth, malnutrition.

Seventh, liver or kidney disease.

Seventh, diabetes.

Eighth, the lack of minerals and vitamins in the body.

Ninth, metabolic factors, including arrhythmia, cirrhosis, oncological diseases.

Tenth, eclampsia - convulsions that occur in the postpartum period. Calcium deficiency can manifest itself in this way.

Eleventh, the presence of infectious diseases such as toxoplasmosis, distemper or tetanus.

Seizures in dogs can be roughly divided into three stages.

The first is the period when the dog is in anxious condition. She tries to hide from strangers, whines and walks around the corners.

The second - loses consciousness, falls. At this time, the head and paws are convulsed. The dog is breathing heavily.

The third - the epileptic seizure has passed, but the animal behaves restlessly. It wanders and does not orient itself in space.

Each of the attacks lasts for five minutes. The animal cannot recover for half an hour, and sometimes longer. In this case, the answer is clear - you will need to take the dog to the clinic. A convulsively shuddering animal is best covered in a soft and warm blanket or towel. Dog breeds that are at risk are recommended to be protected from stressful situations and avoid overexcitation.

First aid for convulsions in a dog

If your dog has a seizure, the most important thing for the dog is to get him to the vet. In a hospital setting, you can take care of yourself as much as possible and diagnose the cause of seizures. But before that happens, you can help your dog relax the muscles. To do this, you should know some rules for first aid in case of involuntary contraction. muscles.

  1. On the surface of the tongue, the dog needs to drip a remedy that can reduce muscle spasm and lead to relaxation. Among these, corvalol, valocordin or valocordin. With intense convulsions, it does not make sense to give medicine to the dog, since the muscles of the mouth will be tense and it will not work to open them.
  2. You can take your temperature before going to the clinic. It is recommended to measure body temperature in a calm state, during the interval between convulsions.
  3. In order to avoid hitting the floor during convulsions, it is better to hold the animal in your arms or put it on a soft rug. During muscle contractions, the animal can be injured at any time.
  4. Convulsive animal recommended to transport covered in a blanket or blanket and hold it tightly.
  5. The owner of the dog should carefully examine the condition of the animal. The veterinarian will need to be informed about the nature and duration of the contractions.

Dog Seizure Examination

In order to prescribe treatment for a dog, it is necessary to establish the cause of the seizures. Unfortunately, in this case, it will not work to do with the usual delivery of analysis. A comprehensive examination is required to determine root causes.

Depending on the definition of the primary disease, treatment is prescribed. In some cases, not only therapy in the form of tablets or drops is possible, but also surgical intervention. The latter may be required if the dog is diagnosed with tumors.

What the owner should know about seizures

Whether your dog has seizures or not. Every dog ​​owner should know and remember how attacks of involuntary muscle contraction occur and who can experience them.

Firstly, seizures in a dog up to a year old can be provoked by congenital pathology or inflammatory process. In addition, convulsions can occur as a result of poisoning or metabolic disorders.

Second, dogs under the age of five can be prone to epilepsy.

Thirdly, animals over the age of five years can have serious disorders in the liver, kidneys, endocrine system and cancer.

Fourth, decorative dogs are prone to hypoglycemia, which provokes convulsions in dogs.

Fifth, boys are more likely to get sick epilepsy than girls.

Important: a dog that falls down from convulsions is important to put on its feet, and then take it to the veterinarian. In time, by contacting a veterinary clinic, you can save your dog from a serious illness. Only a doctor, having examined the dog, will be able to put it on its feet and prescribe an effective treatment.

First aid for animal includes.

As soon as the animal calms down, it should be taken to the veterinarian. It is worth noting that in hot weather, decorative dogs are prone to convulsions. Manifestation in the form of muscle contractions is associated with the dog's inability to adapt to weather conditions. In this case, the dog must be taken out into the cold, for example, under an air conditioner or fan and refreshed. Thus, her convulsions will pass faster, and she will not suffer.

You already know how to provide first aid, and what to do if you find cramps too. But the main thing is that a disease detected in a timely manner provides more chances to be cured. Quite often, by self-medicating the dog and doing nothing, we gradually kill it. Convulsions are manifestations of a serious illness that needs to be cured as soon as possible. It is recommended not to hesitate, but to contact a veterinarian for help.

Unexpected seizures in a dog always frighten the owner. Such a reaction of the owner is associated with a lack of understanding of what is happening and not knowing how to act in this situation. We will try to understand the issue and find out what are the causes of seizures. And also what to do when they appear.

What are seizures

Scientists call cramps involuntary contractions of the muscles of the pet's body. They can be short-lived or last up to several minutes. The intensity of muscle contractions and their varieties also vary. The choice of first aid method is directly related to the problems that the dog has and the causes of seizures.

Seizures in an animal can be localized in:

  • Smooth muscles;
  • Cross-striped muscles.

Types of Seizures in Dogs

Clinical studies have shown that there are four main types of involuntary muscle contractions:

Convulsive. Such convulsions are involuntary muscle twitches that are mild and recur at regular intervals. Reductions take a short period of time. As soon as they end, the pet, which is in good physical shape, is able to adequately respond to external stimuli, carry out commands given by the owner, etc. then the convulsions resume.

Tonic. This is one of the safest options for muscle contractions. Their duration is short, and the frequency may be different. The animal is fully conscious throughout the attack. The pain syndrome is expressed moderately, but the pet is frightened by the changes taking place with it. Muscle contractions can be diagnosed in any part of the body. A characteristic feature is the slow growing contractions.

Clonic. Veterinarians note that with this type, the intensity of muscle contraction is from 30 to 60 seconds. In between, the animal calms down and after a few seconds the convulsions are repeated. The attack is characterized by frequent undulating muscle contractions.

Epileptic. These are the most serious and frightening muscle contractions. Their distinguishing feature is that they continue almost without interruption. After a short time, the pet loses consciousness from a painful shock. With certain diseases, epileptic convulsions can accompany the animal throughout the entire period of life.

A veterinarian can accurately diagnose the type of muscle contractions based on an examination of the animal.

It is important! Experts remind that involuntary muscle contractions are not a disease, but just a visible manifestation of a serious pathological process.

Causes that can cause seizures in a dog

Long-term clinical studies have shown that convulsions are a consequence of damage to the nervous system. Their development may be due to several reasons:

  • Damage to the brain or spinal cord as a result of various injuries;
  • Violations of metabolic processes in the body, which led to the development of serious brain damage;
  • Poisoning by chemical or toxic substances;
  • Pronounced, which are especially difficult;
  • Infectious diseases that cause damage to the National Assembly;
  • Neoplasms of the brain or spinal cord, affecting important centers of vital activity;
  • Serious disturbances in the structure or functioning of internal organs;
  • Autoimmune disorders and congenital developmental anomalies.

It is important: Veterinarians have found that any intervention in the nervous system can cause involuntary muscle contractions. Injuries, infections, neoplasms, or factors provoking the development of NS lesions.

What diseases can cause seizures?

There are a huge number of pathologies that can cause the development of involuntary muscle contractions.

Consider the most common of them:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular systems are accompanied by a lack of oxygen, which leads to disruption of the nervous system and the development of convulsive syndrome;
  • infections. A striking example is tetanus or common. The pathological process can be both viral and bacterial in nature and pathogens cause serious damage to the nervous tissue. Rabies is not treatable, so the only way to fight is;
  • postpartum exlampsia. The disease is directly related to a violation of calcium metabolism and is recorded in recently born bitches. An insufficient amount of calcium leads to a change in the intensity of the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • Diabetes. Seizures occur in response to malnutrition of brain cells. The consequence may be loss of consciousness, paralysis, coma or death of the pet. The cause of seizures is both an incorrectly calculated dosage of the drug, and the lack of timely intake of glucose into the body;
  • Poisoning or intoxication. Scientists clearly differentiate poisoning of the dog's body with poisons or toxins, heavy metals and other chemicals from classic food poisoning. In the first case, the pet has convulsions, and the second occurs against the background of a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Anaphylactic shock;
  • Epilepsy.

It is important to understand that it is unlikely that it will be possible to deal with the cause of the development of seizures on your own. At the first symptoms, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist.

First aid for seizures

To at least slightly alleviate the condition of the animal, you should follow a few simple rules. It is necessary to calm down and not make sudden movements that can frighten the animal.

The ideal solution would be to move the pet to its bedding, but this should only be done between muscle contractions.

Don't put your dog on the bed. At the time of the attack, there is a high risk of injury from falling even from a slight height.

It is not necessary to restrain the dog, as such a decision can lead to an aggravation of the situation.

If your pet has involuntary muscle contractions, then you should not delay visiting the clinic or calling the veterinarian at home. Only a specialist will be able to identify the cause of seizures, as well as provide qualified assistance to alleviate the condition of the animal.

They look very intimidating - the dog suddenly falls to the ground, shakes in convulsions, involuntarily twitches its paws. Sometimes even experienced dog owners who have never experienced seizures before get scared and panic. However, just panic is unacceptable here. To help the dog is possible only if immediate adequate measures are taken. Consider why dogs have seizures and what needs to be done if they start.

Causes of Seizures in Dogs

Seizures as such are not a disease, but only one of many symptoms that indicate that the animal is sick. Depending on the disease that caused the seizures, one or another treatment is chosen. There are several possible causes of seizures. Do not confuse convulsions with a drunken gait of an animal


This is the most common cause of the disease. It is epilepsy that often causes unexpected muscle contractions. In general, epilepsy is a very dangerous and serious disease, characterized by significant disorders in the functioning of the brain. Distinguish

congenital epilepsy, which is transmitted from one animal to another by inheritance,
epilepsy resulting from trauma to the dog's head,
epilepsy due to tumor or inflammation.

Some breeds of animals are more likely than others to suffer from epilepsy, primarily long-haired large dogs. It should also be noted that it is more common in males than in females.

In general, in very many cases, seizures are the result of epilepsy, which consists in neurological dysfunction of the brain. Primary epilepsy is caused by genetic disorders. In this case, the first seizures occur at the age of six months to 5 years. Secondary epilepsy is caused by various diseases that affect the functioning of the nervous system:

  • Intoxication with poisons and heavy metals.
  • Bites of snakes and insects.
  • Electric shock.
  • Helminths.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypovitaminosis, mineral deficiency.
  • Metabolic factors - cirrhosis, arrhythmia, brain cancer.
  • Eclampsia - convulsions that appear in the postpartum period due to a lack of calcium in the body of a nursing mother.
  • Infectious diseases - distemper, toxoplasmosis, tetanus.

In a dog, an epileptic seizure consists of 3 stages:

  1. Aura. At this stage of the seizure, the dog behaves anxiously - wandering, whining, trying to hide from strangers.
  2. Ictal stage with loss of consciousness - the dog falls, its head and paws convulse, breathing is heavy, foamy saliva is released in copious amounts.
  3. The postictal stage - the epileptic seizure itself has already ended at this stage, but the pet still remains restless and disoriented, wandering.

Typically, the duration of an epileptic seizure reaches 5 minutes. However, sometimes the dog does not return to normal for half an hour, and occasionally longer. In such a situation, it is definitely necessary to immediately take the sick pet to a veterinary clinic. Transportation of an animal that is convulsing is best done by wrapping it in a warm soft blanket.

Animals at risk must be protected from situations that can cause stress, and to prevent overexcitation of the dog. If the attack still could not be avoided and convulsions set in, the animal must be given the most comfortable position, support its head, without trying to put any foreign object into its mouth, and keeping it away from traumatic objects and sharp corners. After all, firstly, you will never be able to unclench the jaws of the dog that have been cramped, and secondly, when trying to do this, there is a risk of injury to the dog, while it is necessary to insure him from injury. Recently, the prevailing opinion in medicine is that it is not worth touching epileptics, since careless touching can lead to another attack.


This is another reason for unexpected convulsions in dogs. Hypoglycemia is a serious disease, the main symptom of which is a drop in blood glucose. Often, with hypoglycemia, metabolic disorders occur, leading to diseases of the liver and kidneys. Convulsions due to hypoglycemia are usually observed in dogs of small breeds and in puppies, whose body has not grown strong and has not fully formed. Sometimes this ailment is hereditary, transmitted through generations, therefore, in order to avoid such situations, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the pet's pedigree before acquiring it.


This disease is characterized by a strong decrease in the blood of the animal calcium content. Predominantly eclampsia occurs in small breed dogs, but cases are also common in pregnant and newborn bitches. Calcium is involved in many processes in the body, it affects the condition of the muscles, so it is not surprising that its deficiency leads to muscle cramps and snoring during sleep.


Types of seizures

The nature of seizures is determined by their cause - the disease that has become the direct cause of their occurrence. In the event of their occurrence, it is necessary to try to describe to the veterinarian as accurately as possible all the details of how they passed. This will allow him to quickly determine the cause and the correct treatment regimen. Convulsions by their nature are divided into several types, between which there are certain differences.

Convulsions in a dog are periodic jerky weak muscle contractions that resemble twitches. They are common and occur for quite a few reasons. During convulsions, the animal retains consciousness and the ability to respond to the voice of the owner and his command.

Tonic convulsions do not pose a serious threat. They serve as a sign of certain disorders in the body. Tonic spasms are short-term, but constant muscle contractions. Muscles at the same time slowly twitch at certain intervals of time. An animal with tonic convulsions retains consciousness and experiences pain, due to which it may whine and feel fear.

Clonic convulsions are a type of convulsions with periodic relaxation and muscle contractions, between which there can be an interval from half a minute to 2 minutes. The dog in between may get up and even try to walk somewhere, but the next seizure forces him to fall again, as the muscles again make uncontrollable contractions.

The last type of convulsions is an epileptic seizure. This is the most dangerous option, which is fraught with negative consequences. During an epileptic seizure, the pet loses consciousness, its muscles are tense all the time and relax only for a few seconds. Such a seizure can occur with both closed and open eyes in a dog, as a result of which it looks intimidating.

What to do if your dog is having seizures

When a dog has seizures, you should immediately take it to the veterinarian for a diagnosis and treatment. Anticonvulsant drugs for dogs can alleviate the suffering of a pet. Before that, you can only slightly help your pet on your own. First of all, you need to try to put a few drops of corvalol or valocordin on the dog's tongue, which can ease muscle spasms through some relaxation. The dog's temperature should then be taken so that it can be reported to the veterinarian as soon as it arrives at the clinic.

It is necessary to measure the temperature in between spasms, when the dog is calm, otherwise there is a risk of injuring the animal and / or breaking the thermometer. With epileptic convulsions, the dog must be held to avoid hitting the floor and furniture. It is advisable to move the pet to an extremely safe place in which there are no sharp corners and hard objects.

With very strong muscle spasms, one should not strive to open the dog's mouth in an attempt to drip the drug into it. This is unlikely to be done, moreover, such actions can cause injury to the dog. For transportation, a dog that has had seizures should be wrapped in a blanket and pressed.

It is necessary to note the nature of the seizures and their duration, the veterinarian will definitely ask about this and, based on your answers, will choose the appropriate medicine. Often, a dog suffering from seizures will be given anticonvulsant drugs for dogs and magnesium sulfate first, to help eliminate the spasms and reduce the animal's distress. Then you should perform tests and examinations to make a diagnosis. It is important to strictly follow all the recommendations of the veterinarian, otherwise the attacks may recur and the life of the dog will be in jeopardy.

Since seizures in a dog can be caused by a variety of diseases, it is necessary to identify the specific disease and treat it. For example, meningoencephalitis, in which, in addition to convulsions, some other symptoms are noted - stiff neck muscles, dilated pupils and fever, are treated with various veterinary drugs that stop convulsions, prevent cerebral edema and maintain water and electrolyte balance.

In the event that convulsions occur very often (more than twice a day) or begin immediately after a series of convulsions that have already passed, this is an extremely serious reason to contact a veterinarian. It is important to remain calm and pay attention to the duration of the seizures. The duration of seizures is an important factor and is always asked by the doctor who is consulted for help for the dog. Timely treatment increases the pet's chances of recovery and the owner's chances of having a healthy and cheerful dog, which he is usually used to seeing his pet.

Determination of the cause of seizures in a dog in veterinary medicine

Lack of minerals and hypovitaminosis is one of the possible causes of seizures. For example, cramps in the hind legs sometimes appear due to a lack of calcium. Convulsive spasms of the paws occur in lactating or estrus bitches and those dogs that have suffered various diseases. Excessive unbearable physical activity can also lead to leg cramps in a dog. If the cause of the cramps is a lack of calcium, the veterinarian prescribes intramuscular injections of calcium gluconate.

If a dog has seizures, only a veterinarian can diagnose the cause after a proper examination, which may be accompanied by various studies, in particular, these are:

  • x-ray;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • blood, urine, stool tests;
  • examination by a veterinarian-neurologist.

Dog owners have probably noticed at least once that when you scratch your pet, he starts to pull his paw. A huge number of questions immediately arise, is the pet sick, maybe it’s unpleasant for him? In fact, everything is completely, on the contrary, the animal really likes the actions of the owner, and an involuntary reflex arises - twitching the paw.

The manifestation and types of unconditioned reflexes in a dog

An involuntary reflex is an innate, permanent and unchangeable reaction of the body to various actions of stimuli. All unconditioned reflexes are passed from one generation to another. Accordingly, each dog breed has individual reflexes.

At the same time, there are a number of common reflexes, they are divided into:

  • food- during feeding, the animal makes swallowing movements, involuntary salivation occurs;
  • Sexual- the dog wants to create offspring;
  • Parental– each bitch will protect her puppies to the last;
  • defensive- in turn, are divided into active-defensive and passive-defensive.

Paw twitching at the moment when the animal is being scratched passive defensive reflexes. In other words, self-preservation instinct kicks in.

Despite the fact that the dog's body is covered with fur or thickened skin to protect against external stimuli, there are areas of the body where this protection is reduced to a minimum. These areas include the base of the ears, armpits, and abdomen. Therefore, the above places are the most sensitive in the animal, and during contact with them a certain reaction occurs - the dog pulls its paw, falls to its side or on its stomach.

At this time, the dog cannot control its behavior, so the pet's brain automatically sends a signal about factors that irritate the body. As a result of this, the paw begins to twitch. In science, this behavior is called the zero reflex.

And, of course, do not forget about common tickling. After all, a dog, like a person, can feel tickling due to touching its skin. In such a situation, it is recommended to simply change the tactics of scratching, for example, it should become smoother or, on the contrary, intermittent.

It is worth noting that this behavior indicates that the animal is pleased and, having seen such a reaction of his pet, the owner should not stop the process of scratching.

If during such a procedure the animal also fell asleep, then the twitching of the paw can be caused by the reality of the dream, for example, the animal is chasing someone or running away.

The role of psychology in dog behavior

Among dog breeders, there is another version of this behavior of a pet, it is based not on the physiological characteristics of the animal's body, but on psychology.

The essence of this version is that when an animal is scratched, and he enjoys it, his subconscious mind does not perceive such actions as interference from outside. Accordingly, it seems to the dog that he is scratching himself, and because of this, his paws begin to twitch.

But the above version is far from the truth, since such an attitude to the situation in a dog is possible only if there is a primitive nervous system that works along a straightforward chain of actions. And as it was proved earlier, this animal species has a structured nervous system, the receptors and acceptors of which are differentiated by functions. It is thanks to this nervous system that dogs are easy to train and remember various commands.

As a result of the data obtained, it can be noted that this theory does not justify itself, although it is quite entertaining.

Having health problems

Although quite rare, such behavior can symbolize the presence of a variety of health problems in a dog:

  1. The dog may have allergic reaction on the skin Thus, when the owner scratches his pet, the animal, by twitching its paw, indicates that it has unpleasant sensations. In this case, it is worth looking at the dog's face, if it is noticeable that the dog is enjoying, then this item can be excluded from the list of probable reasons for such behavior.
  2. If the dog leads sedentary lifestyle, then twitching paws during scratching may indicate a problem with the joints. Thus, shaking, relaxing, and then, again straining his paws, the dog tries to get rid of the pain.
  3. Among the commonplace causes of paw twitching are the presence of a foreign object- a splinter, glass, a stone stuck between the pads. In this case, twitching of the paws or one of them is observed not only in the process of scratching, but also the rest of the time. The animal will not calm down until the element that irritates it disappears. Quite often, twitching of the injured paw can be accompanied by whining.

If the owner is not sure that the above behavior in his pet is associated with reflexes, then it is worth consulting with a veterinarian and, if necessary, examining the dog.

Therefore, if the owner noticed that in the process of scratching his dog pulls his paw, you should carefully look at the behavior of the pet. If this behavior is observed further, then you should consult a veterinarian, and if after the end of the scratching process the paw of the animal no longer twitches, then it was just a reflex and you should not worry.

In any case, even if this reflex is caused by health problems, then they are all curable, the main thing is not to delay it, and then the pet and its owner will again enjoy each other's company.

Many of us have observed such a frightening phenomenon as convulsions in a dog, and almost every adult knows what it is. But, unlike a dog, he can help himself or help another person. But when an involuntary muscle contraction suddenly begins in a pet, many are lost and do not know how to behave in such a situation. Can you help your dog on your own? What could be the causes of seizures? How to provide first aid? What is the treatment? Let's try to figure it out.

Most owners panic at the sight of their pets convulsing, which is not surprising: the animal falls, twitches convulsively, saliva flows from the mouth and foam may even come out. A spectacle like from horror films, not for the faint of heart. And every person immediately flashes the thought: what happened, what is the reason? Here it should be clarified that convulsions are not a specific disease, but signs of a specific disease. Let's highlight five of them.

  1. Infection. Involuntary muscle contraction can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection. The most dangerous form of the disease is rabies, when a dog has convulsions and foam at the mouth, infection occurs through contact with a sick dog.
  2. Intoxication. It can occur as a result of the ingestion of a substance of chemical origin (for example, arsenic, which poisoned rodents) into the body of a dog, as a result, poisoning occurs. An inflammatory process begins in the body, diarrhea and vomiting open, then muscle spasm occurs, which can result in paralysis.
  3. Hypoglycemia. This disease occurs when the body of the animal experiences an acute deficiency of glucose in the blood. As a result, metabolism is disturbed, which primarily affects the kidneys and liver, and convulsions begin. This disease is most often manifested in young animals, small breeds, and can also be inherited.
  4. Eclampsia, in which the dog's calcium levels plummet. Pregnant females, newborn litters and dwarf breeds are especially susceptible to this disease. Calcium deficiency also provokes seizures in pets.
  5. Epilepsy. This is the most common cause of convulsions in animals. This disease affects the brain. It can result from a head injury, inflammation, tumor process, or be inherited. Large breed dogs are most susceptible to epilepsy.

Varieties of seizures

Involuntary muscle contractions are divided into four types, and each owner needs to know the symptoms that accompany one or another variety. This is important in order to accurately describe to the veterinarian the nature of the seizures, duration and frequency. This information will help diagnose and prescribe treatment. There are specific differences between the types of muscle contractions, consider each type.

  1. Convulsive - are weak twitches that are periodically repeated. After short jerky contractions, the animal may even stand up and respond to the owner's commands, after which convulsive convulsions are repeated.
  2. Tonic. This variety is not particularly dangerous, convulsive contractions do not last long. Muscles shudder periodically, the dog is conscious all the time, but feels aching pain, is nervous and whines. Convulsions can occur in any part of the animal's body, they do not cause strong pain, but they scare the pet.
  3. Clonic. With this type of convulsions, the state of the animal alternates, the muscles contract and relax at a frequency of half a minute to a minute. For example, if the paw is reduced and convulsions occur in the dog, then it does not lose consciousness, and during periods of muscle relaxation the animal calms down. Then the contractions start again.
  4. Epileptic. Such a state is the most terrible and dangerous, the dog looks frightening, as if in death convulsions. Muscles contract almost without intervals, and this continues until the animal passes out from pain. Epileptic seizures can be incurable for an affected dog.

Epileptic convulsions in a boxer

First aid

If suddenly your pet has started involuntary muscle contractions, then the main thing is not to be scared and try to alleviate the condition of the dog as much as possible. Unfortunately, it is impossible to help your pet in this situation, since convulsive twitching is a very serious symptom. So what should you do if your dog is having seizures? The first action is to immediately call the veterinarian or, if possible, take the pet to the clinic. Do not panic, especially since it is possible to help your pet, albeit insignificant.

Provide peace and quiet, darken the windows, then carefully (during periods of relaxation) transfer the dog to a bed or a firm mattress (but not to the bed). Do not carry out any manipulations with the pet and do not try to hold it or otherwise bring it to life, this is absolutely impossible to do. The necessary medical assistance to the animal can only be provided by a qualified specialist. The only thing you can do yourself (if you do not dare to carry a pet) is to lightly hold the dog so that he does not hit his head on foreign objects.

Carefully monitor the condition of the animal, the pauses between attacks, the behavior of the dog in general. All your observations will need to be told to the doctor for proper diagnosis and the most effective treatment. Another action that veterinarians recommend as a first aid if the dog has cramps throughout the body is to carefully put a few drops of corvalol or valocordin on the pet's tongue. These drugs will calm your pet a little and reduce the excitability of the nervous system.


Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of seizures in a dog after taking the necessary tests. The list of necessary procedures includes: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, general and biochemical blood tests, computed tomography and MRI, ECG of the heart and radiography of the chest cavity. Before these examinations, the diagnosis cannot be made, unless one assumes why the convulsions occurred. In dogs up to a year, muscle contractions appear as a result of inflammation and congenital pathologies. In animals older than a year, similar alarming symptoms already speak of epilepsy. If your dog has crossed the age mark of 5 years, then seizures may indicate cancer.


There are no specific tips that are difficult to follow in the prevention of seizures in dogs. You need to pay attention to the nutrition of your pet, add variety to the diet and choose food enriched with vitamins, minerals and trace elements. On walks, make sure that your pet does not come into contact with homeless and, moreover, aggressive animals, from which it can become infected with a dangerous disease. And, of course, at least twice a year, undergo a routine examination at the veterinarian to exclude the presence of any diseases that can cause convulsive muscle contractions.


Before diagnosing the causes, the specialist will begin the treatment of convulsions in a dog with injections of magnesium sulfate intramuscularly. This is an antihistamine drug that will stop spasms and eliminate attacks of involuntary muscle contractions. Then the doctor will examine the symptoms, send the animal for examination, and only after that, based on the results, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. You only need to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor until the pet is fully recovered.

The main mistake made by many dog ​​owners is the unauthorized termination of treatment when they believe that the pet has already recovered, and that there is no need to "poison" him with medicines once again. This cannot be done, the animal must undergo a full course of treatment, which can be completed only with the permission of the doctor. And it depends only on the owner of the dog whether his four-legged friend will recover completely. After all, often the treatment of a pet takes place at home, and if you do not give a damn about the recommendations of a specialist, then the health and even the life of a pet will be in jeopardy.

What breeds are at risk

Basically, these are purebred dogs, such as collies, huskies, poodles, Labradors and dachshunds. The sex of the animal also plays a role, since males are more prone to epilepsy than females. But the latter can transmit the disease by inheritance during the period of gestation.

However, small breeds of dogs are also not safe, they can also be overtaken by convulsions, but as a consequence of another disease, hypoglycemia. Most often, this disease occurs in Chihuahuas, Miniature Spitz and Yorkshire Terriers. And it can begin at an early age, there can be several reasons for a lack of glucose in the blood: premature birth, poor feeding, a sharp change in the usual environment, and even stressful situations (do not forget that miniature dogs are very shy).

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