How to distinguish a fake drug from the original. The current list of low-quality drugs How to distinguish fake pills from real ones

In the infographic, you can see which drugs may be counterfeit, as well as the types and which of the drugs are counterfeited most often. How to recognize a fake In order not to buy a fake, you need to carefully look at your purchase.
1. Without leaving the cash register, examine the packaging of the drug, evaluate its quality, font, check for spelling errors. 2. If it seems to you that the usual packaging looks somehow wrong, ask the pharmacy for documents confirming the quality of the drug. Pharmacy employees are required to provide you with an invoice and a declaration. By the number and date of the declaration on the website of Roszdravnadzor, you can find out if the drug you are interested in is registered. 3. To dispel doubts about the authenticity of the drug, you can contact the manufacturer directly. You will find the address and phone number either on the packaging of the drug or on the instructions for use. 4. In the territorial centers for quality control, you are obliged to help check the drug if necessary. For this, there are testing laboratories, which were created to control the quality of medicines. Drugs that are most often counterfeited.
List of Roszdravnadzor Rospotrebnadzor published a list of manufacturing companies whose products received the largest number of complaints.
The list included:"Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations" (Belarus), "Krka" (Slovenia), "Richard Bittner" (Austria), "Agio Pharmaceuticals" (India), pharmaceutical plant "Polpharma" (Poland), "Belmedpreparaty" (Belarus), " GNTsLS Pilot Plant (Ukraine), Plethico Pharmaceuticals (India), Shreya Life Sciences (India), Sagmel (USA), Xishui Xirkang Pharmaceutical (China), Lugansk Chemical Plant (Ukraine), Agetan Laboratory (France), Farmak (Ukraine), M.J. Biopharm (India), Bristol-Myers Squibb (Italy), Rosa-Phytopharma Laboratories (France), Micro Labs (India). Also on the list were Russian manufacturers OAO Biokhimik, OAO Dalkhimparm, OAO Sintez, ZAO Vifitech, OAO Moskhimfarmpreparaty im. ON THE. Semashko, Fitofarm LLC, Nizhpharm OJSC, Biosintez OJSC, Kraspharma OJSC, Samaramedprom OJSC, Irbitsky CPP OJSC, Tatkhimfarmpreparaty OJSC, PFC Renewal CJSC, Escom NPK OJSC , "Microgen NPO FSUE Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation", LLC "Iodine Technologies and Marketing".

Fake drugs, at best, simply will not be useful, at worst, they can cause irreparable harm to health, even death. Medicines in pharmacies are checked for quality by the relevant regulatory authorities, but they are able to cover only about 20% of medicines. How to buy a medicine in a pharmacy, avoiding a fake, we will tell in our article.

Types of fake drugs

There are 4 main types of counterfeit drugs in our pharmacies:

  • "pacifiers" - preparations that do not contain substances specified in the instructions. Usually they put chalk, flour, starch, sugar instead. In principle, pacifiers are safe, but only as long as recovery does not depend on their use;
  • medicines in which more expensive and effective ingredients are replaced by less effective cheap analogues. The result from the use of such drugs is many times lower than expected;
  • with low dosage of active ingredients. The positive effect of their use is scanty;
  • made in violation of technology. The composition and dosage in such medicines are within the normal range, but the quality is pretty lame due to non-compliance with the production regime. Such medicines may have a shorter shelf life than indicated on the package, or have a weak effect.

Another case of “wrong” drugs that cannot be attributed to falsification, but from which people suffer, is drug substitution. For example, instead of pills that reduce blood pressure, there may be pills in the blister that increase it.

For more information about drug counterfeiting, see the video:

What drugs are counterfeited most often?

In most cases, drugs are counterfeited:

  • whose cost is in the price range from $4 to $35. It makes no sense to make very cheap ones, since their production simply may not pay off, and it is unprofitable to produce counterfeits of expensive drugs, since consumer demand for them is low;
  • actively advertised. Advertising stimulates demand and guarantees high levels of sales and profits.

In most cases, the following are fake drugs in pharmacies:

Ways to identify counterfeit drugs

Alas, there is no way that would allow with 100% probability to select original pharmaceutical products and screen out counterfeit products. However, there are a number of rules, the observance of which will significantly reduce the chances of buying fake medicines in pharmacies.

According to the law, medicines are not subject to return in Ukraine and the Russian Federation. However, you can return a low-quality medicine, but you will have to provide an expert opinion proving that you were sold a counterfeit drug. In Ukraine, laboratory tests will have to be done at their own expense, while in Russia such a service is provided only to legal entities. So it is unlikely that you will be able to defend your right. Therefore, it is better to try to prevent this by checking medicines in pharmacies before buying.

We live in a world where anything can be substandard and fake. Even essential medicines. This is reality, and there is no escape from it. We cannot change it, so we need to adapt to it and learn how to survive in it.

Let's try to look at our pharmaceutical market from this position. What is the probability that the drugs we purchase are as prescribed?
This study did not inspire optimism. But it allowed us to formulate some practical advice to drug buyers.
About 15% of medicines sold in Russia are counterfeit and may pose a risk to human health.
This is the data of the General Prosecutor's Office. A month ago they were voiced by Alexander Buksman, First Deputy Prosecutor General. According to him, counterfeit medicines are not only freely sold in pharmacies, but also become the subject of public procurement - they are purchased by polyclinics and hospitals.
In total, according to him, more than 8,000 violations in the circulation of medicines were discovered over the past year. However, not all of these violations end with the withdrawal of the drug from pharmacies and medical institutions.
On the website of Roszdravnadzor there is an electronic service "Search for medicines withdrawn from circulation".
Despite the fact that Buksman says about 8,000 detected violations, only 2383 records are stored in this service for the last year (from January 1, 2015 to January 1, 2016).
Each is about a specific series of a particular drug.
They appear due to inspections of pharmacies and medical institutions, which are carried out by employees of Roszdravnadzor.
If the drug seems suspicious, the sale is suspended, the drug is sent for examination, and a decision is made based on its results. If everything is fine, it is returned to sale. If the suspicions are confirmed, the series is withdrawn and destroyed.
According to Roszdravnadzor itself, in one year its employees manage to check about 16% of all medications that are in circulation.
This means that not everything that is sold in pharmacies and used to treat diseases is subject to checks, but about one sixth.

There was something floating in the solution for injections
In the service of Roszdravnadzor about medicines withdrawn from sale last year, most of all records are about substandard drugs.
There are ants in the tube with ointment, sediment in the ampoule, flakes in the solution, there is less of a certain substance in the preparation than it should be, or, conversely, more, or it is not at all the substance that should be according to the documents.
Of the more than two thousand records for the past year, 1,584 are marked with the status of "poor quality", and 797 of them are Russian-made drugs.
Contrary to the statements of the Prosecutor General's Office, there were much fewer falsified (counterfeit) drugs last year than substandard ones. There are only 34 records dedicated to them in the database.
There are 32 entries for counterfeit drugs. This status is assigned to series that, according to the documents, were intended for sale not in Russia, but in Turkey, for example, or Belarus.
In addition, drugs that were not registered in the State Register were withdrawn from sale (there are 10 such records in total, mainly herbal preparations).
During the last week of 2015 (the most recent reviews), Roszdravnadzor withdrawn from circulation a series of the following drugs:
- ascorbic acid, solution for injection, Russia, due to non-compliance of the drug in terms of "Mechanical inclusions" (something floated in the solution for injection);
- Bromhexine 4, oral solution, Germany, due to the identified inconsistency of archival samples of the drug in terms of "Foreign impurities" and "Quantitative determination";
- Vikasol-Vial, solution for injections, China, due to non-compliance with the “Quantification” indicator;
- drotaverine, solution for injections, Russia, due to non-compliance in terms of "Description" and "Mechanical inclusions";
- calcium gluconate-Vial, solution for injections, China, due to non-compliance in the "Description" indicator;
- hydrogen peroxide, Russia, due to non-compliance in terms of "Quantitative determination";
- Provive, an emulsion for intravenous administration, India, the implementation was previously suspended due to the development of adverse reactions in its medical use;
- synthomycin, liniment 10%, Russia, due to non-compliance in terms of "Mass of the contents of the package";
- phenibut, tablets, Russia, due to non-compliance in the "Description" indicator;
- fludarabine-Ebewe, a concentrate for solution for intravenous administration, Austria, in connection with the detection of particles that are derivatives or degradation products of the pharmaceutical substance;
- Efferalgan®, syrup (for children), France, due to the detection of polyurethane particles in packaging equipment;
- Vitatress®, tablets, Russia, due to the identified non-compliance with the approved specifications during the stability study;
- polygynax, France, due to the possible mixing of the products of these medicinal products with the products of another medicinal product.
Funny advice from Roszdravnadzor
Is it possible to protect yourself from low-quality drugs and fakes?
There are no methods that would give a 100% guarantee. But you can reduce the risk.
Roszdravnadzor just offers to use its electronic service “Search for withdrawn from circulation medicines” for this, in which any person can check the purchased drug. If his series coincides with the one that is considered withdrawn, you do not need to take it - that's all.
Definitely a good way. But in order to use it, the drug must still be bought first, spending money.
Also, this approach does not apply to drugs you receive in the hospital. There, no one will name any series for you. It's better not to even ask.
In addition, let me remind you that the Roszdravnadzor service contains data on only 16% of all medications that are in circulation. The chances that your drug is in the 16% is very low.
In addition to its electronic service with very limited, as we see, capabilities, Roszdravnadzor offers citizens to independently handle suspicious drugs to specialized laboratories, where they will conduct an examination of your drug at your expense.
The website of Roszdravnadzor even provides a list of such laboratories - 16 in Moscow and 3 in the Moscow region. This method is also good. But it doesn't work at all.
To find out how much such an examination costs, I called these laboratories and found out that none of them takes drugs for examination from private individuals, only from legal entities.
To the pharmacy with a magnifying glass
It is almost impossible to distinguish substandard drugs from benign ones without examination. But in very rare cases, they can be seen with the naked eye. Buy, for example, ampoules with a solution for injection and see crystals in the neck. OK, thanks, we do not need such a solution.
But falsified drugs that are faked by scammers, in principle, can be distinguished from the original ones in appearance. You just have to be very careful.
Experts advise going to the pharmacy with the old package and comparing it with the new one you want to buy. Shades of color on the packages must be the same. The font, the arrangement of letters should be the same.
The differences may be tiny, but you can notice them. Here, for example, is how employees of Roszdravnadzor describe them in a letter requesting the seizure of a falsified batch of Claritin.
Original: blue secondary packaging cardboard. Fake: dark blue.
Original: on the secondary packaging, the font of the inscriptions: “anti-allergic”, “anti-allergic agent”, as well as the color of the circles in the picture are bright yellow. Fake: pale yellow.
Original: on the side valve of the secondary packaging, the markings (series number, production date, expiration date) are embossed with the same depth, with blue ink. Fake: with different depths of embossing, blue ink with a green tint
Original: the surface of the blister on the side of the tablets is glossy. Fake: matte.
Original: on the blister, the inscriptions "Claritin", "Loratadin", "10 mg", "Schering-Plough" are made in blue with a purple tint. Fake: blue with a green tint.
Original: on the blister, the serial number is completely stamped: RXFA04С2615. Fake: not completely stamped: 04С2615.
Original: the edges of the tablets are even, without chips. Fake: uneven, chipped.
Last year, series of the following drugs were withdrawn from the market, which turned out to be falsified: enterodez (Russia), omez (India), mildronate (Russia), claritin (Belgium), ketosteril (Portugal), potassium permanganate (Russia), zoladex (Canada), valcite (Great Britain), allohol (Russia).
It is possible that there were much more fakes on sale. But Roszdravnadzor found only these drugs.
How to look for secret signs
Security signs are another trick that is good to know about.
Many pharmaceutical companies, especially foreign "giants", label their products with special brand names.
They are different for different pharmaceutical companies.
Some companies punch through the packaging in Braille - for the blind. If you buy such a drug, touch the packaging with your finger, and you will feel the raised raised dots.
Some companies use stickers with holograms - small iridescent circles on which some letters are written. These holograms usually fix the vial cap to control the first opening.
There are companies that keep their security marks secret, but the instructions for the medicine indicate a hotline number that you can call. If the drug seems suspicious, they will help dispel doubts or, conversely, confirm them.
If you must take a drug on a regular basis, you might want to contact the company that makes it and see if they use protective labels. And if so, which ones. How do you find them right in the pharmacy, so as not to buy who knows what.
To see how such signs work, the journalist bought an ultraviolet lamp for 500 rubles and examined eight pharmacies in the Voskresensky district of the Moscow region and five pharmacies in Moscow on Kastanaevskaya street.
In none of the pharmacies, the sellers knew about the trick with the lamp. They were very surprised when invisible letters magically appeared on the boxes.
For the purity of the experiment in all pharmacies, we examined three drugs from the company that labels its products with luminous signs: L-teroxin, prostamol Uno and nimesil.
Everything was shining in the pharmacies of the Voskresensky district.
Prostamol Uno was not lit in three pharmacies on Kastanaevskaya Street. But everything else shone wonderfully.
Do not be ill!
Our experiments with the ultraviolet lamp, of course, do not show the same pattern with counterfeit and substandard drugs. But at least they confirm that the system of protective signs works.
As for the overall picture, it is clearly visible in the list of drugs subject to seizure on the website of Roszdravnadzor. And this picture is depressing.
There are a lot of antibiotics out there. Many drugs for the core and medicines for the treatment of cancer. There are many domestic drugs that do not match the description in composition. There are many low-quality injection solutions that are prepared by pharmacists directly in pharmacies or hospitals.
It's scary even to think how many people took all these drugs last year and how tragically this could affect their condition.
Some of the drugs, the series of which were withdrawn from sale, I cite at the end of this article as information for reflection.
Perhaps you, too, were treated with something in the past year, but did not get the effect. If so, then maybe there is an explanation.
"Abactal, agapurin, allochol, ambrosol, amoxiclav, ampicillin, analgin, anaprilin, andipal, antigrippin, arbidol, argosulfan, atsecardol, asparkam, aspirin, atsilok, ACC, bisacodyl, bisoprolol, bifiform, vasoket, validol, valcit, warfarin, vikasol , gentamicin, heparin, heptor, heptral, herceptin, gyno-pevaril, glucofan, guttalax, dexamed, dexamethasone, detralex, baby panadol, diclofenac, dioxidine, drotaverine, zoladex, ibuprofen, indomethacin, interferon, iodine balance, cavinton, potassium chloride, calpol , cardikat, cardiomagnyl, ketonal, ketosteril, claritin, clotrimazole, lasolvan, chloramphenicol, lidocaine, lisinopril, linex, lincomycin, mannitol, meloxicam, meropenem, metoclopramide, metformin, mildronat, milgamma, movalis, mukaltin, naphthyzinum, nexavar, nitroxoline, nootropil , oxolin, octrid, omez, pentoxifylline, pectrol, paracetamol, omeprazole, piracetam, polyhemostat, preductal, prozerin, prostamol UNO, revalgin, rhinonorm, senade, sparex, sustanon, texamen, triquilar, trichopolum, fa stum gel, phenibut, fucorcin, furazolidone, hilak forte, chlorhexidine, chondroxide, cerebrolysin, cefoperazone, cinnarizine, enterodes, epithalamin, eutiroks.
- Doctor, can I drink vodka?
- Not.
- What about alcohol?
- In no case!
- What about your pills?
- Yes, what draws you to all sorts of rubbish?

Fake: how to recognize?

Each product that is produced legally and registered is assigned a unique barcode in the form of a set of numbers. Each digit of such a code has its own meaning: country of origin, size, color, size and other parameters of the product.

girls! how to check the authenticity of purchased drugs?

The last number is the control number - it is it that determines the authenticity of the product.

  • 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 25;
  • 25 x 3 = 75;
  • 7 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 9 + 4 = 24;
  • 75 + 24 = 99;
  • 10 – 9 = 1.

In the modern pharmaceutical market every day there are more and more different drugs. Unfortunately, not all of them fully correspond to the declared quality or may be completely fake. So how do you find a worthwhile product among the fake, so as not to waste money and time in vain?

Fake: how to recognize?

It is ideally impossible to fake a medicine, so a counterfeit will always have a number of qualities by which it can be recognized:

  • the price of such a drug, as a rule, is significantly lower than the average, which makes it more attractive to buyers;
  • poor quality packaging: nondescript inscriptions, thin, loose cardboard, faded and pale colors;
  • a smeared barcode that is difficult to read;
  • instructions that look like a hastily made photocopy;
  • it is also important how the instruction is folded in the package: in cases with high-quality medicines, a vial or a plate divides the instruction exactly in half, but in packages with a fake, the recommendation often lies on the side, separately from the drug;
  • it is worth paying special attention to possible minor inaccuracies, for example, the release date, or the expiration date on the packaging and on the product itself may not match, even if it is only one digit.

Checking the authenticity of the drug

If you still bought the necessary drug, but noticed some of the above signs in it, then it is best to check its authenticity. There are several methods for this:

  • In any pharmacy, the pharmacist must have quality certificates, invoices and declarations corresponding to each product, and you can always ask to see them.

    Russians will be able to recognize fake medicine in 2 minutes

    With the help of these documents, the presence of the drug in the system is easily checked, and this can be done on the official website of Roszdravnadzor.

  • Another way is to check by barcode, in this case some arithmetic calculations are required, as a result of which the sum of all digits must be identical to the control number.
  • Also, the series and number of the product, which are also registered on the website of Roszdravnadzor, can “tell” the authenticity.

Barcode authentication

You can calculate the check number using the following calculations:

  • first add up those numbers that occupy even positions, that is, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on;
  • the resulting amount is tripled;
  • after that, the numbers in odd positions are added, that is, 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on, but with the exception of the control, thirteenth, number;
  • the data calculated from points 2 and 3 are summed up, after which, the tens must be discarded from the resulting amount;
  • and finally, the figure that was calculated in the previous paragraph is subtracted from 10, the final result must match the control number.

To better understand how this works in practice, let's carry out the necessary calculations using the barcode 7613033490491 as an example:

  • 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 25;
  • 25 x 3 = 75;
  • 7 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 9 + 4 = 24;
  • 75 + 24 = 99;
  • 10 – 9 = 1.

It is clearly seen from the calculations that the resulting figure is equal to 1 and coincides with the final number, which means that the product is genuine and you can safely buy it.
The discrepancy between the numbers, in turn, is evidence of a forgery produced illegally.

Authentication by series and number

A barcode is not the only way to recognize a defective product. Another solution is to verify the name, series, and also the number of the drug, that is, its basic data. You can check the authenticity on the website of Roszdravnadzor.

It is there, in the public domain, that the most up-to-date information about all medicines is published, for example, the results of preclinical and clinical studies.

Also, the quality.rf portal provides a quick check for authenticity. It provides all the necessary information: information about the manufacturer, the latest achievements in the medical field, the quality of all products offered by the domestic pharmaceutical market.

On the same portal there is a catalog called "Quality Control", which helps to find out about the quality and authenticity of the product without leaving home, online. To do this, you need to enter the data of the drug into the catalog, and a decision on the ban, or permission to manufacture, will appear on the screen.

Buying counterfeit: how to avoid?

  • avoid buying drugs on the Internet, roadside kiosks, or stalls, trusting only certified pharmacy chains;
  • buy drugs only with a prescription issued by a doctor, and not rely only on the advice of pharmacists;
  • always ask for a certificate of quality and compare the information in it with that indicated on the package;
  • you should not unconditionally trust advertising, because there is a high probability that the most advertised medicines will turn out to be fake.

Where to go if a fake is found?

Telling how to detect falsification, it is impossible not to mention where to go if a fake is nevertheless bought and discovered.

If the product has a dubious appearance, origin, or other obvious signs of a fake, it must necessarily undergo a series of laboratory tests. Such studies will not only confirm or disprove all doubts about the quality, but will also preserve your health, because taking an illegally manufactured drug can cause significant damage to it.

On the website of Roszdravnadzor you can find the addresses of all research centers and choose the one that suits you, because there are such centers in almost all regions of Russia. To find out their exact location, you need to go to the catalog called “Medications”, find the heading “Quality control of medicines”, and then the subheading “Reference information” - this is where all the necessary information is indicated.

It is better to contact the selected laboratory in advance to discuss all the conditions for the examination. In addition, if counterfeit products are found, the territorial authority of Roszdravnadzor should be notified of the violation in order to avoid further distribution of such drugs.
Summing up, having discovered a fake medicine, you need to know how to check its originality by series, number, or barcode, as well as which institutions should be contacted in such cases.

In the modern pharmaceutical market every day there are more and more different drugs. Unfortunately, not all of them fully correspond to the declared quality or may be completely fake. So how do you find a worthwhile product among the fake, so as not to waste money and time in vain?

Fake: how to recognize?

It is ideally impossible to fake a medicine, so a counterfeit will always have a number of qualities by which it can be recognized:

  • the price of such a drug, as a rule, is significantly lower than the average, which makes it more attractive to buyers;
  • poor quality packaging: nondescript inscriptions, thin, loose cardboard, faded and pale colors;
  • a smeared barcode that is difficult to read;
  • instructions that look like a hastily made photocopy;
  • it is also important how the instruction is folded in the package: in cases with high-quality medicines, a vial or a plate divides the instruction exactly in half, but in packages with a fake, the recommendation often lies on the side, separately from the drug;
  • it is worth paying special attention to possible minor inaccuracies, for example, the release date, or the expiration date on the packaging and on the product itself may not match, even if it is only one digit.

Checking the authenticity of the drug

If you still bought the necessary drug, but noticed some of the above signs in it, then it is best to check its authenticity. There are several methods for this:

  • In any pharmacy, the pharmacist must have quality certificates, invoices and declarations corresponding to each product, and you can always ask to see them. With the help of these documents, the presence of the drug in the system is easily checked, and this can be done on the official website of Roszdravnadzor.
  • Another way is to check by barcode, in this case some arithmetic calculations are required, as a result of which the sum of all digits must be identical to the control number.
  • Also, the series and number of the product, which are also registered on the website of Roszdravnadzor, can “tell” the authenticity.

Barcode authentication

Each product that is produced legally and registered is assigned a unique barcode in the form of a set of numbers. Each digit of such a code has its own meaning: country of origin, size, color, size and other parameters of the product. The last number is the control number - it is it that determines the authenticity of the product.

You can calculate the check number using the following calculations:

  • first add up those numbers that occupy even positions, that is, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on;
  • the resulting amount is tripled;
  • after that, the numbers in odd positions are added, that is, 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on, but with the exception of the control, thirteenth, number;
  • the data calculated from points 2 and 3 are summed up, after which, the tens must be discarded from the resulting amount;
  • and finally, the figure that was calculated in the previous paragraph is subtracted from 10, the final result must match the control number.

To better understand how this works in practice, let's carry out the necessary calculations using the barcode 7613033490491 as an example:

  • 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 25;
  • 25 x 3 = 75;
  • 7 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 9 + 4 = 24;
  • 75 + 24 = 99;
  • 10 – 9 = 1.

It is clearly seen from the calculations that the resulting figure is equal to 1 and coincides with the final number, which means that the product is genuine and you can safely buy it.
The discrepancy between the numbers, in turn, is evidence of a forgery produced illegally.

Authentication by series and number

A barcode is not the only way to recognize a defective product. Another solution is to verify the name, series, and also the number of the drug, that is, its basic data.

How to check the authenticity of a medicine

You can check the authenticity on the website of Roszdravnadzor.

It is there, in the public domain, that the most up-to-date information about all medicines is published, for example, the results of preclinical and clinical studies.

Also, the quality.rf portal provides a quick check for authenticity. It provides all the necessary information: information about the manufacturer, the latest achievements in the medical field, the quality of all products offered by the domestic pharmaceutical market.

On the same portal there is a catalog called "Quality Control", which helps to find out about the quality and authenticity of the product without leaving home, online. To do this, you need to enter the data of the drug into the catalog, and a decision on the ban, or permission to manufacture, will appear on the screen.

Buying counterfeit: how to avoid?

  • avoid buying drugs on the Internet, roadside kiosks, or stalls, trusting only certified pharmacy chains;
  • buy drugs only with a prescription issued by a doctor, and not rely only on the advice of pharmacists;
  • always ask for a certificate of quality and compare the information in it with that indicated on the package;
  • you should not unconditionally trust advertising, because there is a high probability that the most advertised medicines will turn out to be fake.

Where to go if a fake is found?

Telling how to detect falsification, it is impossible not to mention where to go if a fake is nevertheless bought and discovered.

If the product has a dubious appearance, origin, or other obvious signs of a fake, it must necessarily undergo a series of laboratory tests. Such studies will not only confirm or disprove all doubts about the quality, but will also preserve your health, because taking an illegally manufactured drug can cause significant damage to it.

On the website of Roszdravnadzor you can find the addresses of all research centers and choose the one that suits you, because there are such centers in almost all regions of Russia. To find out their exact location, you need to go to the catalog called “Medications”, find the heading “Quality control of medicines”, and then the subheading “Reference information” - this is where all the necessary information is indicated.

It is better to contact the selected laboratory in advance to discuss all the conditions for the examination. In addition, if counterfeit products are found, the territorial authority of Roszdravnadzor should be notified of the violation in order to avoid further distribution of such drugs.
Summing up, having discovered a fake medicine, you need to know how to check its originality by series, number, or barcode, as well as which institutions should be contacted in such cases.

In the modern pharmaceutical market every day there are more and more different drugs. Unfortunately, not all of them fully correspond to the declared quality or may be completely fake. So how do you find a worthwhile product among the fake, so as not to waste money and time in vain?

Fake: how to recognize?

It is ideally impossible to fake a medicine, so a counterfeit will always have a number of qualities by which it can be recognized:

  • the price of such a drug, as a rule, is significantly lower than the average, which makes it more attractive to buyers;
  • poor quality packaging: nondescript inscriptions, thin, loose cardboard, faded and pale colors;
  • a smeared barcode that is difficult to read;
  • instructions that look like a hastily made photocopy;
  • it is also important how the instruction is folded in the package: in cases with high-quality medicines, a vial or a plate divides the instruction exactly in half, but in packages with a fake, the recommendation often lies on the side, separately from the drug;
  • it is worth paying special attention to possible minor inaccuracies, for example, the release date, or the expiration date on the packaging and on the product itself may not match, even if it is only one digit.

Checking the authenticity of the drug

If you still bought the necessary drug, but noticed some of the above signs in it, then it is best to check its authenticity. There are several methods for this:

  • In any pharmacy, the pharmacist must have quality certificates, invoices and declarations corresponding to each product, and you can always ask to see them. With the help of these documents, the presence of the drug in the system is easily checked, and this can be done on the official website of Roszdravnadzor.
  • Another way is to check by barcode, in this case some arithmetic calculations are required, as a result of which the sum of all digits must be identical to the control number.
  • Also, the series and number of the product, which are also registered on the website of Roszdravnadzor, can “tell” the authenticity.

Barcode authentication

Each product that is produced legally and registered is assigned a unique barcode in the form of a set of numbers. Each digit of such a code has its own meaning: country of origin, size, color, size and other parameters of the product. The last number is the control number - it is it that determines the authenticity of the product.

You can calculate the check number using the following calculations:

  • first add up those numbers that occupy even positions, that is, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on;
  • the resulting amount is tripled;
  • after that, the numbers in odd positions are added, that is, 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on, but with the exception of the control, thirteenth, number;
  • the data calculated from points 2 and 3 are summed up, after which, the tens must be discarded from the resulting amount;
  • and finally, the figure that was calculated in the previous paragraph is subtracted from 10, the final result must match the control number.

To better understand how this works in practice, let's carry out the necessary calculations using the barcode 7613033490491 as an example:

  • 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 25;
  • 25 x 3 = 75;
  • 7 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 9 + 4 = 24;
  • 75 + 24 = 99;
  • 10 – 9 = 1.

It is clearly seen from the calculations that the resulting figure is equal to 1 and coincides with the final number, which means that the product is genuine and you can safely buy it.
The discrepancy between the numbers, in turn, is evidence of a forgery produced illegally.

Authentication by series and number

A barcode is not the only way to recognize a defective product.

Check the medicine for authenticity according to the Online series in Roszdravnadzor

Another solution is to verify the name, series, and also the number of the drug, that is, its basic data. You can check the authenticity on the website of Roszdravnadzor.

It is there, in the public domain, that the most up-to-date information about all medicines is published, for example, the results of preclinical and clinical studies.

Also, the quality.rf portal provides a quick check for authenticity. It provides all the necessary information: information about the manufacturer, the latest achievements in the medical field, the quality of all products offered by the domestic pharmaceutical market.

On the same portal there is a catalog called "Quality Control", which helps to find out about the quality and authenticity of the product without leaving home, online. To do this, you need to enter the data of the drug into the catalog, and a decision on the ban, or permission to manufacture, will appear on the screen.

Buying counterfeit: how to avoid?

  • avoid buying drugs on the Internet, roadside kiosks, or stalls, trusting only certified pharmacy chains;
  • buy drugs only with a prescription issued by a doctor, and not rely only on the advice of pharmacists;
  • always ask for a certificate of quality and compare the information in it with that indicated on the package;
  • you should not unconditionally trust advertising, because there is a high probability that the most advertised medicines will turn out to be fake.

Where to go if a fake is found?

Telling how to detect falsification, it is impossible not to mention where to go if a fake is nevertheless bought and discovered.

If the product has a dubious appearance, origin, or other obvious signs of a fake, it must necessarily undergo a series of laboratory tests. Such studies will not only confirm or disprove all doubts about the quality, but will also preserve your health, because taking an illegally manufactured drug can cause significant damage to it.

On the website of Roszdravnadzor you can find the addresses of all research centers and choose the one that suits you, because there are such centers in almost all regions of Russia. To find out their exact location, you need to go to the catalog called “Medications”, find the heading “Quality control of medicines”, and then the subheading “Reference information” - this is where all the necessary information is indicated.

It is better to contact the selected laboratory in advance to discuss all the conditions for the examination. In addition, if counterfeit products are found, the territorial authority of Roszdravnadzor should be notified of the violation in order to avoid further distribution of such drugs.
Summing up, having discovered a fake medicine, you need to know how to check its originality by series, number, or barcode, as well as which institutions should be contacted in such cases.

In the modern pharmaceutical market every day there are more and more different drugs. Unfortunately, not all of them fully correspond to the declared quality or may be completely fake. So how do you find a worthwhile product among the fake, so as not to waste money and time in vain?

Fake: how to recognize?

It is ideally impossible to fake a medicine, so a counterfeit will always have a number of qualities by which it can be recognized:

  • the price of such a drug, as a rule, is significantly lower than the average, which makes it more attractive to buyers;
  • poor quality packaging: nondescript inscriptions, thin, loose cardboard, faded and pale colors;
  • a smeared barcode that is difficult to read;
  • instructions that look like a hastily made photocopy;
  • it is also important how the instruction is folded in the package: in cases with high-quality medicines, a vial or a plate divides the instruction exactly in half, but in packages with a fake, the recommendation often lies on the side, separately from the drug;
  • it is worth paying special attention to possible minor inaccuracies, for example, the release date, or the expiration date on the packaging and on the product itself may not match, even if it is only one digit.

Checking the authenticity of the drug

If you still bought the necessary drug, but noticed some of the above signs in it, then it is best to check its authenticity. There are several methods for this:

  • In any pharmacy, the pharmacist must have quality certificates, invoices and declarations corresponding to each product, and you can always ask to see them. With the help of these documents, the presence of the drug in the system is easily checked, and this can be done on the official website of Roszdravnadzor.
  • Another way is to check by barcode, in this case some arithmetic calculations are required, as a result of which the sum of all digits must be identical to the control number.
  • Also, the series and number of the product, which are also registered on the website of Roszdravnadzor, can “tell” the authenticity.

Barcode authentication

Each product that is produced legally and registered is assigned a unique barcode in the form of a set of numbers. Each digit of such a code has its own meaning: country of origin, size, color, size and other parameters of the product. The last number is the control number - it is it that determines the authenticity of the product.

You can calculate the check number using the following calculations:

  • first add up those numbers that occupy even positions, that is, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on;
  • the resulting amount is tripled;
  • after that, the numbers in odd positions are added, that is, 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on, but with the exception of the control, thirteenth, number;
  • the data calculated from points 2 and 3 are summed up, after which, the tens must be discarded from the resulting amount;
  • and finally, the figure that was calculated in the previous paragraph is subtracted from 10, the final result must match the control number.

To better understand how this works in practice, let's carry out the necessary calculations using the barcode 7613033490491 as an example:

  • 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 25;
  • 25 x 3 = 75;
  • 7 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 9 + 4 = 24;
  • 75 + 24 = 99;
  • 10 – 9 = 1.

It is clearly seen from the calculations that the resulting figure is equal to 1 and coincides with the final number, which means that the product is genuine and you can safely buy it.
The discrepancy between the numbers, in turn, is evidence of a forgery produced illegally.

Authentication by series and number

A barcode is not the only way to recognize a defective product. Another solution is to verify the name, series, and also the number of the drug, that is, its basic data. You can check the authenticity on the website of Roszdravnadzor.

It is there, in the public domain, that the most up-to-date information about all medicines is published, for example, the results of preclinical and clinical studies.

Also, the quality.rf portal provides a quick check for authenticity. It provides all the necessary information: information about the manufacturer, the latest achievements in the medical field, the quality of all products offered by the domestic pharmaceutical market.

On the same portal there is a catalog called "Quality Control", which helps to find out about the quality and authenticity of the product without leaving home, online.

To do this, you need to enter the data of the drug into the catalog, and a decision on the ban, or permission to manufacture, will appear on the screen.

Buying counterfeit: how to avoid?

  • avoid buying drugs on the Internet, roadside kiosks, or stalls, trusting only certified pharmacy chains;
  • buy drugs only with a prescription issued by a doctor, and not rely only on the advice of pharmacists;
  • always ask for a certificate of quality and compare the information in it with that indicated on the package;
  • you should not unconditionally trust advertising, because there is a high probability that the most advertised medicines will turn out to be fake.

Where to go if a fake is found?

Telling how to detect falsification, it is impossible not to mention where to go if a fake is nevertheless bought and discovered.

If the product has a dubious appearance, origin, or other obvious signs of a fake, it must necessarily undergo a series of laboratory tests. Such studies will not only confirm or disprove all doubts about the quality, but will also preserve your health, because taking an illegally manufactured drug can cause significant damage to it.

On the website of Roszdravnadzor you can find the addresses of all research centers and choose the one that suits you, because there are such centers in almost all regions of Russia. To find out their exact location, you need to go to the catalog called “Medications”, find the heading “Quality control of medicines”, and then the subheading “Reference information” - this is where all the necessary information is indicated.

It is better to contact the selected laboratory in advance to discuss all the conditions for the examination. In addition, if counterfeit products are found, the territorial authority of Roszdravnadzor should be notified of the violation in order to avoid further distribution of such drugs.
Summing up, having discovered a fake medicine, you need to know how to check its originality by series, number, or barcode, as well as which institutions should be contacted in such cases.

In the modern pharmaceutical market every day there are more and more different drugs. Unfortunately, not all of them fully correspond to the declared quality or may be completely fake. So how do you find a worthwhile product among the fake, so as not to waste money and time in vain?

Fake: how to recognize?

It is ideally impossible to fake a medicine, so a counterfeit will always have a number of qualities by which it can be recognized:

  • the price of such a drug, as a rule, is significantly lower than the average, which makes it more attractive to buyers;
  • poor quality packaging: nondescript inscriptions, thin, loose cardboard, faded and pale colors;
  • a smeared barcode that is difficult to read;
  • instructions that look like a hastily made photocopy;
  • it is also important how the instruction is folded in the package: in cases with high-quality medicines, a vial or a plate divides the instruction exactly in half, but in packages with a fake, the recommendation often lies on the side, separately from the drug;
  • it is worth paying special attention to possible minor inaccuracies, for example, the release date, or the expiration date on the packaging and on the product itself may not match, even if it is only one digit.

Checking the authenticity of the drug

If you still bought the necessary drug, but noticed some of the above signs in it, then it is best to check its authenticity. There are several methods for this:

  • In any pharmacy, the pharmacist must have quality certificates, invoices and declarations corresponding to each product, and you can always ask to see them. With the help of these documents, the presence of the drug in the system is easily checked, and this can be done on the official website of Roszdravnadzor.
  • Another way is to check by barcode, in this case some arithmetic calculations are required, as a result of which the sum of all digits must be identical to the control number.
  • Also, the series and number of the product, which are also registered on the website of Roszdravnadzor, can “tell” the authenticity.

Barcode authentication

Each product that is produced legally and registered is assigned a unique barcode in the form of a set of numbers.

Rejected medications and medicines. Counterfeit drugs.

Each digit of such a code has its own meaning: country of origin, size, color, size and other parameters of the product. The last number is the control number - it is it that determines the authenticity of the product.

You can calculate the check number using the following calculations:

  • first add up those numbers that occupy even positions, that is, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on;
  • the resulting amount is tripled;
  • after that, the numbers in odd positions are added, that is, 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on, but with the exception of the control, thirteenth, number;
  • the data calculated from points 2 and 3 are summed up, after which, the tens must be discarded from the resulting amount;
  • and finally, the figure that was calculated in the previous paragraph is subtracted from 10, the final result must match the control number.

To better understand how this works in practice, let's carry out the necessary calculations using the barcode 7613033490491 as an example:

  • 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 25;
  • 25 x 3 = 75;
  • 7 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 9 + 4 = 24;
  • 75 + 24 = 99;
  • 10 – 9 = 1.

It is clearly seen from the calculations that the resulting figure is equal to 1 and coincides with the final number, which means that the product is genuine and you can safely buy it.
The discrepancy between the numbers, in turn, is evidence of a forgery produced illegally.

Authentication by series and number

A barcode is not the only way to recognize a defective product. Another solution is to verify the name, series, and also the number of the drug, that is, its basic data. You can check the authenticity on the website of Roszdravnadzor.

It is there, in the public domain, that the most up-to-date information about all medicines is published, for example, the results of preclinical and clinical studies.

Also, the quality.rf portal provides a quick check for authenticity. It provides all the necessary information: information about the manufacturer, the latest achievements in the medical field, the quality of all products offered by the domestic pharmaceutical market.

On the same portal there is a catalog called "Quality Control", which helps to find out about the quality and authenticity of the product without leaving home, online. To do this, you need to enter the data of the drug into the catalog, and a decision on the ban, or permission to manufacture, will appear on the screen.

Buying counterfeit: how to avoid?

  • avoid buying drugs on the Internet, roadside kiosks, or stalls, trusting only certified pharmacy chains;
  • buy drugs only with a prescription issued by a doctor, and not rely only on the advice of pharmacists;
  • always ask for a certificate of quality and compare the information in it with that indicated on the package;
  • you should not unconditionally trust advertising, because there is a high probability that the most advertised medicines will turn out to be fake.

Where to go if a fake is found?

Telling how to detect falsification, it is impossible not to mention where to go if a fake is nevertheless bought and discovered.

If the product has a dubious appearance, origin, or other obvious signs of a fake, it must necessarily undergo a series of laboratory tests. Such studies will not only confirm or disprove all doubts about the quality, but will also preserve your health, because taking an illegally manufactured drug can cause significant damage to it.

On the website of Roszdravnadzor you can find the addresses of all research centers and choose the one that suits you, because there are such centers in almost all regions of Russia. To find out their exact location, you need to go to the catalog called “Medications”, find the heading “Quality control of medicines”, and then the subheading “Reference information” - this is where all the necessary information is indicated.

It is better to contact the selected laboratory in advance to discuss all the conditions for the examination. In addition, if counterfeit products are found, the territorial authority of Roszdravnadzor should be notified of the violation in order to avoid further distribution of such drugs.
Summing up, having discovered a fake medicine, you need to know how to check its originality by series, number, or barcode, as well as which institutions should be contacted in such cases.

ATTENTION! A correct barcode does not yet give a 100% guarantee of the originality of the product. However, an incorrect barcode is a clear sign of a fake.
To verify the authenticity of the barcode, you can use the form below.

Enter 13 digits of the barcode:Verify

Modern pharmacy is developing rapidly, a large number of new medicines and dietary supplements are constantly appearing on the drug market. Some of them may not comply with the prescribed GOSTs, which indicates that the drug may be of inadequate quality or even a fake. Therefore, it is recommended to check the products that you purchase in order not to waste your salary on "dummy".

Signs of a fake

Since a fake drug is always different from the original, you should pay attention to such points as:

  • Price. Suddenly, a drug appears that costs an order of magnitude lower than the market average. Pharmacists in a pharmacy usually explain this by the fact that a new company enters the market and tries to occupy a niche. It is worth noting here that you should not blame the pharmacy workers - since certificates, in most cases, are provided.
  • Product packaging. They obviously saved on it - letters, numbers are fuzzy, images are dull, and the cardboard box itself is thin and does not hold its shape well.
  • Series and number, barcode, date of manufacture in places impossible to make out, “trembling” numbers and letters, blurred barcode.
  • The insert with instructions is not printed in a printing house, but resembles a photocopy.
  • The terms of release and storage on the packaging and the medicinal product itself may vary.

Possible verification methods

If you have any doubts about the quality of the purchased product or you find suspicious signs from those listed above, then you should immediately check the medicine for its authenticity. This can be done in several ways:

  • Ask a pharmacist for certificates of this drug. It is according to the data indicated on them that you can make a request on the website of Roszdravnadzor in order to make sure that this drug is entered in the register.
  • With a barcode. All digits of the code should be summed, the total should be identical to the control number.
  • Through the website of Roszdravnadzor or the portal "Quality.rf" according to the series, even the name of the medicine.

Check by series and number

The website of Roszdravnadzor contains all certified medicines, as well as publishes and regularly updates data on preclinical and clinical trials of medicines. With the help of this service, knowing the series and number of the drug, you can find out the required information.

Also, for these purposes, you can use the special portal "Quality.rf", in which you can find information not only about medicines, but also all kinds of news of modern medicine, analysis of the domestic pharmaceutical market.

If you do not know how to use this portal for quality control, then simply select the "Quality Control" item in the catalog and enter the data you have. After the portal checks the information, information will appear on the screen about whether this drug has been approved or banned for release.

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