Azinox for human dogs composition comparison. "Azinox Plus" is a universal solution to the problem of helminthiasis. How to use Azinox

Azinox is a remedy that promotes the fight against helminths (worms) and prevention against their appearance. The drug is used by dog ​​breeders for regular deworming, or it is prescribed by a veterinarian if the pet is infected with nematodes or cestodosis (flat tapeworms).

The following symptoms should be a signal for concern:

  1. Bloating (especially in puppies)
  2. Vomiting and diarrhea;
  3. Violation of the stool, constipation;
  4. Lethargy, refusal to eat, weight loss;
  5. Temperature rise;
  6. Baldness;
  7. Itching in the anus (the pet itches, wipes itself on carpets).

Before you start taking the drug, you need to consult a veterinarian, some breeds have a genetic intolerance to the components, which can lead to death. If the breeder is sure that his pet is not allergic to the medication, then he can use it on his own. Buying pills is easy - they are in any pharmacy for animals.

Instructions for use of the drug

Before using Azinox, you need to carefully read the instructions and prescription, consult a veterinarian. Additional diets, starvation is not required. The tablet is administered once during the morning meal. To do this, it is crushed and mixed with feed.

If the pet refuses to take the medicine, then a solution of the drug and water is injected behind the cheek or on the root of the dog's tongue with a syringe without a needle. To do this, you need to open the mouth and throw back the dog's head.

For prevention, the drug is used every 3-4 months in the right dosages. Pets kept in rural areas are dewormed monthly.

Composition and pharmacological properties

This is a low-toxic veterinary anthelmintic agent, produced in the form of flat yellow tablets with a specific odor according to 3 or 6 items in one blister. The drug is domestic, produced by the company "Agrovetzashchita" registered since 2013. One tablet weighs 0.55 grams.

Within 24-48 hours, the worms die and leave the body in formed balls. The active substances are excreted in the urine after 2-3 days.

Indications for use

Dosage, methods and terms of use

Azinox does not produce separate dosages for puppies or toy dogs. The dosage is calculated by the formula: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. That is, a dog or puppy weighing 2.5 kg a quarter of the dose should be given.

The use of the drug does not change depending on the breed, age or weight of the animal. It is entered once, the repeated course is carried out not earlier than through 20-30 days.

The product is stored for 3 years from the date of issue, you must follow the rules:

  1. Storage out of the reach of children and animals;
  2. Avoid moisture and direct sunlight;
  3. Storage temperature - 10-25°C.

Contraindications and side effects

Azinox is considered one of the safest anthelmintic drugs. In clinical trials, no side effects have been identified, even for individual breeds. However, the drug is not recommended for use in puppies who have not reached 3rd weeks. It is also not advised to give to pets that have problems with liver failure, cysticercosis of the liver or eyes, to bitches in the first weeks of pregnancy (further use is discussed with the veterinarian).

If you experience an allergic reaction (irritation, diarrhea, vomiting), you should consult a doctor for advice. There may be a genetic intolerance to the drug.

Overdose may cause upset or vomiting. Symptoms resolve spontaneously within 24 hours. Otherwise, you need to deliver the pet to the clinic.

Folks, great tool. My Samoyed Graf suffered from worms for 7 months, nothing helped. Constantly vomited, endless panos, lost a lot of weight. And here is one tablet (its weight is about 10 kg), after 6 hours they come out !!! Thanks to the manufacturer!!! Now I will deworm Ruta the pit bull!!!

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I have a miniature pinscher girl. The day before yesterday they gave this drug, so the dog has been feeling unwell all this time, there is no appetite and indigestion. Maybe it's some kind of individual reaction to the drug? But I know for sure, I will not buy Azinox again.

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And I have 2 from him - I'm a cat dying! What's this?

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Don't take this poison!

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In no case do not give this shit, my puppy is now dying from it. I don't even know if I can get out

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what if a cat has an allergy, sneezes, suffocates !!! what to do?

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Since we have a lot of cats living in our house, an anthelmintic is just a necessary tool in our first aid kit. We carry out prophylaxis every six months, maybe three times a year, and such a problem as worms does not bother us. We tried many different means, suspensions, there was no sense. My cats weigh four, four and a half kilograms, so the dose for each is about half a tablet. It is very convenient that this procedure is carried out once, repeatedly only if the next day you find worms in the feces. I tried to put it in food, but some cats were cunning, they eat food, and the pill lies, then I stood before the morning feeding, I moisten half the pill in vegetable oil and put it on the root of the tongue, the pill slips well and quickly. If your cat is unable to go to the toilet during the first day, be sure to give some kind of sorbent, activated charcoal, smectite or enterosgel. And something laxative to avoid intoxication. The only inconvenience of this remedy is that it only expels tapeworms, while the round ones have to be driven out by other means.

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Hello. I am familiar with this drug firsthand, they gave me a little puppy and when I came to the they advised me Azinox! And I did not in vain listen to the recommendation of the Veterinarian. The first time I gave it with food and waited for the result, the result appeared already on the 3rd day with the release of the remnants of worms! The dog has an appetite, and how to quickly gain weight and growth! And I carried out the rest of the vaccination procedures already on the tenth day after I gave Azinox! The calculation of the MEDICINE is very simple and even a beginner can handle it! And now I've been using it for over two years! Before use, just read and follow the instructions carefully! All healthy pet friends!

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An excellent antihelminthic. We periodically use it for prevention in hunting dogs (you never know what they will eat in the forest), and we always give Azinox a few days before vaccination (doctors say that before using any vaccines, it is worthwhile to carry out preventive treatment for various worms, but this is especially worth before rabies vaccination). We practically did not observe any side effects from the use of these tablets (although some dogs had a short-term deterioration in appetite, but I can’t say for sure whether this is related to taking the drug). In general, in my opinion, the medicine is very good.

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This drug not only works effectively, being also a very affordable remedy for worms for domestic fluffy and not very pets, but also quite convenient to use. Especially if several cats and dogs of different weights live in the same house at once. A small overdose of Azinox is quite acceptable, while not giving such clear symptoms as nausea, allergies, and similar manifestations. Therefore, I never calculated the dosage too carefully with this medicine. For small cats and dogs weighing from three to six kilograms, I always give half a tablet, designed for ten kilograms. If the weight is about seven to ten kilos - then a whole tablet, and a shepherd dog with 25 kg of its weight - three whole tablets at once. Cats manage to throw a pill, and more often a half of it, into the esophagus, raising their muzzle and holding their cheekbones, but dogs have to knead the powdered tablet into a raw minced meatball.

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Azinox are universal tablets that are a good prevention of worms. I have three small dogs - each weighing less than 5 kg, so I give each half a tablet. I did it in the form of a suspension, but two dogs manage to spit out almost all the liquid, so I try to give just half the pill - I open my mouth with one hand, and with the other I try to put the pill on the root of the tongue, then I close my mouth with my hand and hold it for a few seconds until I see that the dog swallowed what I put him. Of course, this is not very convenient, but I am sure that the pill really got inside. With the third dog, I was more lucky - with a piece of minced meat, she is ready to eat anything, even a pill, and this despite the fact that she is purebred. By the way, minced meat or other shell for the tablet should be non-greasy, otherwise vomiting is possible.
Azinox has another big advantage - a low price, while these are really good tablets, from the well-known Moscow company AVZ. Despite the low price, these pills do not cause side effects, are well tolerated by dogs and really work (during the year of use, the dogs never showed signs of worms). The disadvantages include the fact that the pills are bitter and the dogs take them hard, but I have already learned how to give them and, in principle, I do not consider this a significant drawback.

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Azinox plus is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug. It affects all stages of development of tapeworms and roundworms.

Azinox plus has low toxicity for warm-blooded animals and does not have sensitizing, teratogenic and embryotoxic effects at recommended doses. Well tolerated by dogs of all ages and breeds. The drug is available in the form of tablets that contain azinox and tetramizole hydrochloride.

Instructions for use Azinox plus for dogs: contraindications and dosage of the drug

  • Azinox plus for dogs for medicinal purposes is given to animals once in the morning feeding at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of dog weight.
  • For the purpose of prevention, taking the drug in the same dose is repeated quarterly.
  • In this case, you do not need to first use laxatives and put the dog on a starvation diet.

If the dog is kept with a flock of sheep or a farm, it is dewormed every 45 days from December to April and every 30 days from May to November. At observance of the specified dose side effects are not observed.

However, Azinox plus for dogs is not recommended for use in puppies under 3 weeks of age, and in pregnant and lactating bitches after childbirth for 10 days. When using the drug in accordance with the instructions, complications and side effects are not observed.

But the drug is stopped to give the dog or with increased individual sensitivity of the animal. The cost of Azinox is about 70-80 rubles for a blister with six tablets.

Reviews for Azinox plus for dogs

Review #1

I have been using Azinox plus tablets for my dog ​​for a long time and I am quite satisfied. True, my dachshund does not want to eat them in the stern and you can’t just put it in its mouth. Therefore, I simply dilute the tablet in boiled water and, using a syringe without a needle, quickly and conveniently pour it into the mouth of the animal.

I believe that it is better to take care of the prevention of a pet with an anthelmintic in advance than to spend a lot of money and time later.

Varvara, Moscow

Review #2

I was advised Azinox plus as a good remedy for worms in a veterinary pharmacy. We have a German Shepherd weighing about 30 kg, so we gave her two tablets at once for prevention. Oddly enough, he ate them on his own and obviously with pleasure, he didn’t even have to mix them into food.

- a universal drug used for the prevention and treatment of various types of helminthiasis. The drug is used in veterinary practice, but it is also suitable for humans. Trade name of the drug: Azinox plus (azinox plus).

Azinox can also be used to treat people

Release form and composition of Azinox

The drug is available in the form of tablets coated with a white or yellowish-grayish tint. The drug is packaged in jars or blisters (from 1 to 3 per package). Tablets have a specific, but not strong smell.

The drug contains praziquantel as an active ingredient. This substance has a pronounced antihelminthic effect. One tablet contains 50 mg of praziquantel.

Composition (auxiliary components):

  • glucose;
  • potato starch);
  • tetramizole (a substance that helps get rid of worms);
  • lactose.

The wide spectrum of action of Azinox is due to the presence of 2 antihelminthic components in the composition.

Azinox is produced in tablets

Price and analogues

The cost of the drug directly depends on the form of release and the number of tablets in the package. Average price: 100–120 rubles (for 6 pieces). You can buy the drug in pet stores and veterinary clinics, as well as on the Internet.

The drug belongs to the category of low-toxic anthelmintic drugs. This group includes many drugs, different in composition and action. Preparations with praziquantel show the greatest effectiveness for the treatment of serious diseases caused by tapeworms, tapeworms and flukes.

Direct analogues of the drug (drugs containing praziquantel):

  1. . Produced in the form of tablets. The tool has a powerful effect, it is not recommended for self-medication and is not used for patients under 4 years of age. The cost of the medication: from 400 rubles (for 6 tablets).
  2. Cysticide. An anthelmintic drug, available in the form of tablets. The product is prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women. The cost of the medicine: from 350 rubles (for 6 tablets).
  3. Tsesol. The drug is available in the form of tablets, dispensed by prescription. It is not used for the treatment of children under 4 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women. The price of the medication: from 300 rubles.

Biltricid is an affordable analogue of Azinox

The most affordable analogue of Azinox is Biltricid. The rest of the drugs are almost impossible to find in pharmacies and even in virtual stores.

Azinox indications

Indications for use in humans:

  • taeniasis (causative agent - a sexually mature individual of a bovine tapeworm);
  • schistosomiasis (tropical trematodes - blood flukes);
  • trematodosis (flukes);
  • clonorchiasis (Chinese fluke);
  • paragonimiasis (pulmonary fluke);
  • fasciolopsidosis (Asian fluke Fasciolopsis buski);
  • opisthorchiasis (liver flukes);
  • metagonimiasis (fluke metagonimus).

Also, the drug is used for dogs and cats if they have tapeworms or flukes.

pharmachologic effect

The maximum concentration of the active substance in the patient's body occurs 2-3 hours after the first dose of the drug. The drug is absorbed into the digestive organs, excreted in urine and feces.

Instructions for use

Method of application for one-day therapy: drink the desired dose of medication in the evening before bedtime. With longer treatment, the daily dosage should be divided into several doses. You need to take the drug every 5-6 hours.

The required dosage is selected individually for each patient, it largely depends on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient's body. It is not recommended to use the medicine without medical advice.

The daily dose for schistosomatosis (diseases caused by tropical flukes) is 40–75 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The course of treatment is 1 day. It is recommended to take the remedy once, but if necessary, you can divide the daily dosage into 2 doses.

The dosage for getting rid of flukes is 75 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The duration of treatment is 1 day. The dose of the drug should be divided into 3 doses.

The required dose for the treatment of tapeworms is 50–60 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The dosage should be divided into 2 doses. Treatment takes 1 day.

Azinox is a broad-spectrum drug

Azinox for dogs and cats

The medicine can be used for echinococcosis (causative agent - echinococcus), dipilidiosis (cucumber tapeworm), teniasis (pork tapeworm), diphyllobothriasis (wide tapeworm) in cats and dogs.

The dosage for pets is a tablet per 10 kg of body weight. The medicine is taken once, after 3 months, if necessary, prophylaxis is carried out. The drug should be given to the animal during or after a meal.

The drug is not used to treat puppies and kittens less than 3 weeks old. If the correct dosage is observed, there will be no side effects.

Contraindications and side effects

Azinox is contraindicated for children under 4 years of age, as well as for lactating and pregnant women. In case of emergency, the drug can be used in the II or III trimester of pregnancy, but in this case, all treatment should be carried out under the close supervision of a specialist.

Anthelmintic medication should be used with caution in diseases of the liver and kidneys. During the therapeutic course, the patient must give up activities that require concentration and speed of reactions (in particular, from driving vehicles).

Possible side effects:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • constipation or diarrhea (blood may be present in the stools);
  • dizziness, headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • the occurrence of an allergic rash (rarely).

Side effects are associated with general intoxication of the body.

Azinox may cause drowsiness and fatigue

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