Hypertonic saline solution: how to prepare at home? How to prepare a hypertonic saline solution, how to apply

Ordinary rock salt is very useful for the human body. In addition to a beneficial effect on the acid-base balance of the digestive system, it has pronounced healing characteristics.

Hypertonic saline solution is used to eliminate purulent lesions. This is due to the ability of this substance to effectively cope with pathogenic bacteria. Also, this tool perfectly destroys viruses and fungal microorganisms.

In fact, it is water to which a certain amount of salt is added. This substance got its name due to the fact that the substance contains an increased level of the active ingredient. Therefore, it is characterized by an excess of osmotic pressure over intracellular.

In a hypertonic solution, the amount of salt is 10%. The use of this tool ensures the removal of intracellular fluid in the area of ​​application.

In addition to hypertonic, there are also isotonic and hypotonic solutions. In the first case, intracellular and osmotic pressure coincide. A hypotonic agent is characterized by a reduced concentration of a substance.

Medicinal properties

The beneficial effect of hypertonic saline is associated with its ability to remove excess fluid from tissues. First, the substance absorbs moisture from the subcutaneous layer. After that, the liquid is also removed from the deeper layers. Together with it, pus, pathogenic microorganisms, exfoliated cells and toxic components also leave the body.

Thus, the cause that provoked the abnormal process is gradually eliminated. As a result, all fluids in the affected area are updated, which entails the complete elimination of the pathology.

It is important to consider that the lymphatic system is responsible for cleansing tissues. Inflammation usually develops if it cannot perform its functions. In this case, the use of a hypertonic saline solution is justified. In fact, its action resembles the work of the lymphatic system, which helps the body defeat the pathological process.

The use of hypertonic solution for the treatment of various pathologies is allowed only after consulting the attending physician. It is usually used in combination with other treatments. The properties of this substance help to achieve good results in the treatment of the following pathologies:

Hypertonic saline is used to fight purulent wounds. This remedy is also effective in the development of dermatitis or burns. The tool heals damage after bites of insects and amphibians. The drug is very effective in case of frostbite of the hands or feet.

To prepare a hypertonic saline solution, follow these steps:

  1. Take 1 liter of ordinary boiled water. It is quite possible to use melted or distilled water.
  2. In this liquid it is necessary to dissolve 90 g of salt.
  3. It is recommended to mix the composition thoroughly so that the salt crystals are completely dissolved. If difficulties arise, the water is slightly heated. This will speed up this process.
  4. These manipulations will make it possible to obtain a solution having a concentration of 9%.

Depending on the pathology and the expected result, the amount of salt is adjusted. Doctors give the following recommendations:

  • In the presence of pathologies of the throat, the concentration should be reduced - for example, up to 2 g of salt is taken per 100 ml of water;
  • To make a hypertonic saline nasal rinse, you need to take 80 g of salt per 1 liter of water;
  • For an enema, it is worth making a remedy of 5% concentration.

Hypertonic saline is usually used to make lotions or dressings. To achieve a result, you need to prepare a fresh remedy for each procedure. Therefore, it is more expedient to prepare a hypertonic salt solution in a glass.

To use this composition, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Immerse a piece of gauze previously folded in 8 layers into the liquid and keep it there for about 1 minute. A towel or flannel fabric is also quite suitable for this purpose.
  2. After that, the material must be squeezed out so that the water does not flow, and applied to the affected area. Wrap this place with a woolen cloth on top.
  3. You can fix the compress with a bandage or plaster. It is important to consider that air must be supplied to the affected area - only in this case the solution will be effective. Therefore, when applying a compress, a film or other airtight means should not be used.

Such compresses are done before going to bed. This must be continued until complete recovery. Usually it takes 7-10 days to recover. In severe pathologies, this period may increase.

In order for a hypertonic saline solution at home to bring the desired results, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • For each application, a fresh solution is required, therefore it is not recommended to prepare it in reserve;
  • The composition should be quite hot;
  • With the development of pathologies of the nasopharynx, the solution can be washed, rinsed and compresses;
  • To perform the dressing, only breathable materials are used;
  • When using a remedy to combat pathologies of internal organs, it is applied outside to the area of ​​localization of the affected area;
  • For lung diseases, the compress is placed on the back;
  • After completing the procedure, the fabric should be rinsed well in running water.

What else is used for?

Features of the use of this composition directly depend on the disease that needs to be cured:

Contraindications for use

It is important to consider that sometimes the use of hypertonic saline is contraindicated. The restrictions include the following violations:

  • Sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • Pulmonary bleeding - in this case, it is forbidden to make bandages;
  • Heart disorders - hot baths are prohibited for such patients.

Few people know that ordinary table salt contains not only chlorine and sodium, but also many other useful elements. We use salt in the process of cooking not only as a food additive to give a delicious taste to the dish. Table salt is very important for the formation of hydrochloric acid and alkali, which allow the digestive tract and cells to function normally.

Hypertonic saline solution is very famous in everyday life, because it can be used as a remedy.

What are the properties of a hypertonic saline solution?

Surprisingly, ordinary rock salt has a number of useful properties. In addition to a beneficial effect on the formation of acid-base balance in the gastrointestinal tract, salt has wound healing and stretching properties. Often, a hypertonic solution is used to remove purulent formations from wounds.

The therapeutic properties of a hypertonic solution allow you to instantly act on the pathological area to which the compress is applied. In the surface layers of the epidermis, such a solution destroys all pathogens and bacteria. With the help of hypertonic saline, pathogens of fungal and viral infections can be eliminated.

When can hypertonic saline be used?

As already mentioned, the salt solution well eliminates microbes and bacteria from the skin, and also prevents the development of intoxication. Did you know that hypertonic saline is a unique tool with which you can replenish the body's fluid supply or stop the development of the inflammatory process? In fact, a simple sodium chloride solution has many benefits.

What diseases can be cured with hypertonic saline?

Like any folk remedy, hypertonic solution should be used in treatment with extreme caution and only after consultation with the treating specialist. With the use of one sodium chloride solution, the disease cannot be cured, but its use in combination with pharmacological treatment will give a good result and positive dynamics.

The amazing properties of water and sodium chloride will help in curing a number of diseases:

  • appendicitis in the chronic stage;
  • pathological processes of joints and tissues;
  • development of abscesses of various internal organs;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx (in particular, rhinitis);
  • headache;
  • migraine;
  • acute respiratory and viral infections;
  • asthma;
  • sore throats;
  • various hematomas;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • edema of various origins;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • damage to muscles, joints, or bones.

Very often in practice hypertonic solution is used as a remedy for the treatment of purulent wounds, burns and dermatitis. Salt solution helps to get rid of the effects of amphibian or insect bites. A sodium chloride solution is also used for frostbite of the extremities.

Recipe for making hypertonic saline solution

The recipe for a saline solution is known to every specialist in the field of pharmaceuticals. Preparing a hypertonic solution for treatment at home is not difficult. Let's see what is needed for this.


  • water (purified, rain, mineral or distilled) - 1 l;
  • table salt - 100 g.


  1. Water must be brought to a boil.
  2. Then boiled water should be cooled to room temperature and poured into a container.
  3. Add salt to the liquid. The amount of salt can vary from 80 to 100 g, it all depends on the required concentration of the solution liquid. If you add 80 g, then the concentration of sodium chlorine will be 8%, and if 100 g - 10%, respectively.
  4. All components are thoroughly mixed until the salt is completely dissolved.
  5. The prepared hypertonic solution must be used within one hour after preparation, since subsequently it loses its useful properties.

How to use hypertonic saline for treatment?

Most often, hypertonic saline is used to treat skin wounds, dermatitis, inflammation, pustules, bruises, joint diseases, etc. A bandage is applied to the affected areas.

Bandage with sodium chloride solution:

  1. As a bandage material, you can choose gauze or cotton fabric. Remember that the fabric must be breathable.
  2. Fold the selected piece of fabric into 8 layers.
  3. The piece of tissue is placed in a container with hypertonic saline and left for 2 minutes.
  4. Then the bandage should be slightly squeezed and applied to the sore spot. If the compress is used to treat the pathology of internal organs, then it is applied to the skin over the diseased organ.
  5. The compress does not need to be fixed or sealed.
  6. Depending on the characteristics of the treatment, the compress is left for a period of 1 to 12 hours.
  7. The treatment course is from 7 to 10 days.

Use of sodium chloride solution for the gastrointestinal tract

With the help of a hypertonic solution, you can wash the stomach or make a cleansing enema. In case of poisoning and intoxication of the body, you should drink 1 liter of the prepared saline solution. The liquid should not be hot, it should be cooled to 37 °.

For a cleansing enema, you need to prepare a solution of table salt with a concentration of 5% according to the above recipe, only the amount of salt should be appropriate for 50 g. Approximately 150-200 ml is enough for cleansing.

Hypertonic saline is also used to wash the sinuses and throat.

Main contraindications

Although some diseases can be cured with hypertonic saline, the use of sodium chloride fluid has its own contraindications. It is not recommended to use saline solution liquid in the following cases:

  • with the development of vascular sclerosis;
  • in the presence of pulmonary bleeding;
  • with a weakened heart (especially when taking salt baths).

Such a seemingly simple culinary ingredient - table salt - has many useful properties. Remember that the use of folk remedies for medicinal purposes must be agreed with the doctor. When using a rinse or rinse solution, follow the proportions.

Table salt, also known as sodium chloride, is one of the most common, useful and mysterious crystals on the globe. Since ancient times, salt solutions have been successfully used to heal wounds, suppurations and bruises, and during the Second World War, the use of salt always at hand reached a new, this time scientifically based, round.

Surgeon I.I. Shcheglov and doctor A.D. Gorbachev drew attention to the effectiveness of the use of hypertonic saline in the prevention of gangrenous inflammation of the extremities and the development of a purulent infectious process of primary wounds. After the end of the war, Gorbacheva independently continued to study the therapeutic effect of the salt solution and discovered a number of serious diseases that were noticeably weakened by its use. The doctor successfully included it in the complex therapy of adenomas developing in various internal organs, anemia of various etiologies.

So, what is hypertonic saline solution and what is its therapeutic effect based on? Hypertonic is a solution of sodium chloride, the concentration of which exceeds the physiological 0.9%, i.e. salt content in blood plasma. However, for medical use, there is a maximum allowable concentration of an aqueous saline solution equal to 10%, a more saturated solution can cause damage to the skin, mucous membranes, and a violation of the water-mineral balance in the body.

The principle of operation of a hypertonic solution is based on the law of osmotic pressure. Since the concentration of sodium chloride in the solution is higher than in the cells, the excretion of intracellular fluid is observed to restore the balance between the intra- and extracellular spaces. Together with the liquid, pathogenic microorganisms, purulent contents, and toxins are removed from the cell.

In addition to positive results in the treatment of skin diseases caused by bacteria, hypertonic solution significantly accelerates the removal of the underlying inflammatory process to the outside, thereby facilitating its further therapy. When a bandage soaked in saline is applied to a wound, purulent contents are drawn out of the affected tissues, the surface of the wound is quickly cleansed, and healing is accelerated.

Washes, douches, enemas and hypertonic saline applications are indicated for the treatment of various ENT diseases, gynecological disorders, cystitis, constipation, diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, and mammary glands. For internal use and external processing, 3%, 5% or 10% aqueous sodium chloride solution is most often used.

Therapeutic properties of the drug

An increased concentration of sodium chloride enhances the release of fluid from the affected cells without injuring the blood and tissue cells.

This process contributes to:

  • Puffiness reduction - tissue volume naturally decreases when excess fluid is removed from cells.
  • Elimination of inflammation - saline enhances the removal of purulent secretions, pathogenic microorganisms, toxic compounds from the affected tissues that accumulate during the inflammatory process.
  • Prevention of inflammation and disease progression.
  • Acceleration of healing and recovery.

Hypertonic sodium chloride solution appears as an active sorbent shortly after application. As it penetrates into tissues, salt has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms found in the surface layer of the epidermis, then infectious agents and toxic products of their vital activity are drawn out from the deep layers of the dermis, articular and muscle tissues.

What diseases can help and when is contraindicated

Today, the effect of saline solutions is used as an addition to the main treatment regimen in the treatment of many diseases:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system - tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • Skin lesions of various nature.
  • Joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism.
  • Gynecological disorders.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders - relaxing baths with a hypertonic sodium chloride solution are used. It has a positive effect on depression, apathy, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms - breast cysts, lactostasis, mastopathy.

The use of saline solution is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • A history of diseases that cause a severe reaction of the body in response to an excess of sodium salts in the blood.
  • Hypertension.
  • Pulmonary bleeding.
  • Sclerotic vascular lesions.
  • Strong pain.
  • Prolonged maintenance of elevated body temperature.
  • Fainting state.

Cooking methods

For external use, especially in the absence of open skin lesions, it is not necessary to use a solution purchased at a pharmacy. The product purchased in the pharmacy network is sterile and intended for injection. To always have a freshly prepared sodium chloride solution on hand, you need to know how to prepare a hypertonic solution at home.

The first thing to do is to consult a doctor as to whether the use of such a remedy is contraindicated in your case, what concentration of the solution to prepare and how to apply it. In the case of a particular treatment method, you need to take a saline solution of various concentrations:

  • Bandages- a solution with a concentration of 5% to 8%. When applying compresses to intact skin areas for the treatment of joint pathologies, mastopathy, neoplasms, a more concentrated solution, up to 10%, can be used.
  • Inhalations- in some cases, especially when treating children, it is recommended to take an isotonic solution so that during the procedure not to injure the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs. However, it is possible to use a solution with a concentration of 0.9% to 4%.
  • Baths, lotions- concentration ranging from 1% to 2%.
  • Rinse (with purulent sore throat) and instillation of the nose- up to 7% sodium chloride.
  • Gastric lavage- 2 - 5% sodium chloride solution.
  • Douching and- solution up to 5%.

The dressing applied to the wound with a hypertonic saline solution must be breathable. In no case do not cover it with a dense fabric or film that does not allow air to pass through - this only aggravates the infectious inflammation and putrefactive process.

The solution is prepared as follows:

  • Take clean and cooled boiled water.
  • Dissolve table salt in a liter of water at the rate of three to ten grams per hundred grams of water (for the preparation of various concentrations).

The prepared solution should be used immediately, since it loses its therapeutic properties during storage.

Application methods

We decided to separately talk about the main methods of using hypertonic saline solution:

  • Bandages - for a bandage, it is better to use natural cotton or linen fabric folded into four layers, or ordinary gauze folded eight times. Moisten the cloth with the solution, squeeze lightly and apply to the affected area. For skin lesions, a solution of a lower concentration is taken. In no case should the bandage be covered with a dense cloth or film and changed from once a day to once every hour.
  • Rinsing - the concentration of the solution should not exceed 10%, and in the case of children - a maximum of 5%. Before rinsing, the solution must be slightly warmed up.
  • Enemas - a 5% solution is applied, the enema is given as usual.
  • Lotions for insect bites - since it is rarely possible to make a saline lotion immediately after a bite, it is advisable to apply the remedy to the affected area for ten minutes within the next hour.

You will be very surprised, but this is practically a panacea.

I may be asked: where do doctors look, if a bandage with hypertonic solution is so effective, why is this method of treatment not widely used?
Unfortunately, medicine is also a business. The trouble with this method is that it is too simple, cheap and effective.

I would like this recipe to be used by many - many who need it in our difficult time, when expensive medical services are beyond the power of many. I'm sure this recipe will help.

The recipe was found many years ago in a newspaper.
One nurse of the war years wrote about her doctor and. and. Shcheglov, who later became a professor, how he saved the wounded and dying soldiers at the front from gangrene and other inflammatory processes.

Here is the description of the miracle recipe:

1. take 1 liter of boiled, snow, rain or distilled warm water.
2. put in 1 liter of water 90 g of ordinary food table salt (that is, 3 tablespoons without top. Stir thoroughly. A 9% saline solution is obtained.
3. take 8 layers of cotton gauze, pour out part of the solution and hold 8 layers of gauze in it for 1 minute. Squeeze lightly to keep it from dripping.
4. put 8 layers of gauze on the sore spot. Be sure to put a piece of pure (lamb) wool on top. Do this before bed.
5. bandage everything with a cotton cloth or bandage, without using polyethylene pads. Keep until the morning. Remove everything in the morning. And repeat the next night.

This amazingly simple recipe cures many diseases by drawing toxins from the spine to the skin, killing all infections. It treats: internal hemorrhages, severe internal and external bruises, internal tumors, gangrene, sprains, inflammation of the articular bags and other inflammatory processes in the body.

Using this recipe, several of my friends and relatives saved themselves:
- From internal hemorrhage.
- From a severe bruise on the lungs.
- From inflammatory processes in the knee joint bag.
- From blood poisoning, - from death due to hemorrhage in the leg with a deep stab wound.
- From catarrhal inflammation of the cervical muscles and much more.

Here is the nurse's letter:

"During the Great Patriotic War, I worked as a senior operating nurse in field hospitals with the surgeon I.I. Shcheglov. Unlike other doctors, he successfully used a hypertonic saline solution in the treatment of the wounded.

On the vast surface of the contaminated wound, he applied a loose, abundantly moistened large napkin with saline solution. After 3-4 days, the wound became clean, pink, the temperature, if it was high, dropped almost to normal levels, after which a plaster cast was applied.

After another 3-4 days, the wounded were sent to the rear. The hypertonic solution worked perfectly - we had almost no mortality.

About 10 years after the war, I used the Shcheglov method for the treatment of my own teeth, as well as caries complicated by granuloma. Luck came within two weeks. After that, I began to study the effect of saline solution on diseases such as cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, rheumatic heart disease, inflammatory processes in the lungs, articular rheumatism, osteomyelitis, abscesses after injection, and so on. In principle, these were isolated cases, but each time I got positive results pretty quickly.

Later, I worked in a polyclinic and could tell about a number of rather difficult cases where a saline dressing turned out to be more effective than all other drugs.

We managed to cure hematomas, bursitis, chronic appendicitis. The fact is that the saline solution has absorbent properties and draws fluid from the tissue with pathogenic flora. Once, during a business trip to the region, I stopped at an apartment.

The children of the hostess were ill with whooping cough. They coughed incessantly and painfully. I put salt bandages on their backs at night. After an hour and a half, the cough stopped and did not appear until the morning. After four dressings, the disease disappeared without a trace.

At the clinic in question, the surgeon suggested that I try saline in the treatment of tumors. The first such patient was a woman with a cancerous mole on her face. She drew attention to this mole six months ago. During this time, the mole turned purple, increased in volume, a gray-brown liquid stood out from it. I started making salt stickers for her. After the first sticker, the tumor turned pale and decreased.

After the second, she turned even more pale and, as it were, shrunk. The allocations have stopped. And after the fourth sticker, the mole acquired its original appearance. With the fifth sticker, the treatment without surgery ended.

Then there was a young girl with breast adenoma. She was due for an operation. I advised the patient to do saline dressings on her chest for several weeks before the operation. Guess you didn't need surgery.

Six months later, she also developed an adenoma on her second breast. And again, she was cured with hypertonic dressings without surgery. I met her nine years after the treatment. She felt well and did not even remember her illness.

I could have continued the stories of miraculous cures with hypertonic dressings. I could tell you about a teacher at one of the Kursk institutes who, after nine salt pads, got rid of prostate adenoma.

A woman suffering from leukemia, after putting on salt bandages at night - a blouse and trousers for three weeks, regained her health again.

And now I would like to sum up.

First. Table salt in an aqueous solution of not more than 10 percent is an active sorbent. She pulls the whole "Rubbish" out of a diseased organ. But the therapeutic effect will be, attention, only if the bandage is breathable, that is, hygroscopic, which is determined by the quality of the material used for the bandage.

Second. Salt bandage acts locally - only on a diseased organ or on a part of the body. As fluid is absorbed from the subcutaneous layer, tissue fluid from the deeper layers rises into it, carrying with it all the pathogens: microbes, viruses and organic substances.

Thus, during the action of the dressing in the tissues of the diseased organism, fluid is renewed, the pathogenic factor is cleansed, and, as a rule, the pathological process is eliminated.

Third. Bandage with hypertonic saline solution gradually acts. The therapeutic result is achieved within 7-10 days, and sometimes more.

Fourth. The use of saline solution requires a certain amount of caution. Let's say I would not advise using a bandage with a concentration solution of more than 10 percent. In some cases, even an 8% solution is better. (Any pharmacist will help you prepare the solution.

Say, with a runny nose and headaches, I put a circular bandage on the forehead and back of the head at night. After an hour and a half, the runny nose disappears, and in the morning the headache also disappears. For any colds, I apply bandages at the first sign. And if, nevertheless, I missed the time and the infection managed to penetrate into the pharynx and bronchi, then I simultaneously make a full bandage on the head and neck (from 3-4 layers of soft thin linen) and on the back (from 2 layers of wet and 2 layers of dry towels) usually on all night long. A cure after 4-5 procedures is achieved. Meanwhile, I continue to work.

A few years ago, a relative came to me. Her daughter suffered from acute attacks of cholecystitis. For a week, I applied a cotton towel bandage to her diseased liver. I folded it in 4 layers, moistened it in a saline solution and left it all night.

A bandage on the liver is applied within the boundaries: from the base of the left breast to the middle of the transverse line of the abdomen, and in width - from the sternum of the white line of the abdomen in front to the back of the spine. It is bandaged tightly with one wide bandage, tighter - on the stomach. After 10 hours, the bandage is removed and a hot heating pad is applied to the same area for half an hour.

This is done in order to expand the bile ducts as a result of deep heating for free passage of dehydrated and thickened bile mass into the intestine. A heating pad is required in this case. As for the girl, many years have passed since that treatment, and she does not complain about her liver.

Salt solution can only be used in a bandage, but in no case in a compress.

The concentration of salt in the solution should not exceed 10 percent, but not fall below 8.
Dressing with a solution of a higher concentration can lead to the destruction of capillaries in the tissues in the area of ​​application.

The choice of dressing material is very important. It must be hygroscopic. That is, we easily get wet and without any residue of fat, ointments, alcohol, iodine. They are also unacceptable on the skin on which the bandage is applied. It is best to use linen and cotton fabric (towel) that has been used many times and washed more than once. Ultimately, you can use gauze. The latter develops in 8 layers. Any other of the specified materials - in 4 layers.

When applying a bandage, the solution should be hot enough. Wring out the dressing material should be moderate, so that it is not too dry and not too wet. Do not put anything on the bandage. Bandage it with a bandage or attach it with adhesive tape - that's all.

With various pulmonary processes (excluded in case of bleeding from the lungs), it is better to apply a bandage on the back, but at the same time it is necessary to know exactly the localization of the process. Bandage the chest tightly enough, but do not squeeze the breath.

Bandage the stomach as tight as possible, because during the night it is released, the bandage becomes loose and ceases to act.
In the morning, after removing the bandage, the material should be rinsed well in warm water.

In order for the bandage to fit better to the back, I put a roller on the spine between the shoulder blades on its wet layers and bandage it along with the bandage.

The use of hypertonic saline for medical purposes is a cheap, affordable and very effective way to treat many diseases. With all the positive qualities, it has a minimum number of contraindications and side effects. It is used both in medical institutions and at home. Everyone has the opportunity to prepare this solution. The main effect of salt is to reduce, and sometimes completely eliminate the inflammatory process.

How hypertonic saline works

Hypertonic saline is an aqueous solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) salt, common table salt. In the normal state of a person, the salt content in the liquid medium of the body is 0.9%. Any solution whose solute content exceeds this physiological norm is considered hypertonic.

The application is based on the physical law of osmotic pressure. According to this law, liquids with a higher solute concentration have a higher osmotic pressure. Since the pressure of different contacting media tends to balance, there is a movement of ions from one medium to another. In the body, the regulation of the osmotic pressure of the physiological media of the body occurs due to sodium chloride ions. Liquid from media with lower osmotic pressure passes into an area with higher pressure. Thus, a hypertonic solution is able to draw on itself excess fluid in the tissues. With blood loss and a large loss of fluid in the body, it helps to increase the volume of circulating blood due to the transition of interstitial fluid into the general bloodstream. This is the principle of action of hypertonic solution.

Medicinal properties

In emergency cases, when providing emergency care and resuscitation, a hypertonic solution is used:

  • as a means of dehydration with cerebral edema and a decrease in intracranial pressure;
  • to temporarily increase blood volume and increase cardiac output;
  • to increase pressure in the kidneys and increase diuresis.

The drug is administered intravenously, not more than 200 ml - 7.5% (based on 2 ml / kg). Do not apply subcutaneously, as tissue necrosis may develop.

The antimicrobial effect of hypertonic saline should also be noted. In a salt solution with an increased concentration, many types of bacteria and fungi die. Hypertonic 10% saline solution of sodium chloride is used in surgery in the treatment of purulent wounds to disinfect and reduce swelling of the wound surface. Due to its ease of use and effectiveness, hypertonic saline can be used for treatment at home. As a medical preparation, it is used in various concentrations: from 1% to 10%. When using a concentration of more than 10%, complications associated with a violation of the integrity of the capillaries may occur.

Percent Disease Mode of application Action
1% Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia)InhalationPromotes liquefaction and discharge of sputum from the upper respiratory tract
2% runny nose, sore throatWashingAntimicrobial, decongestant, promotes improved discharge of mucus and pus
5 - 1 0% Injuries (bruises, hematomas, sprains), myositis.

Arthritis (including rheumatoid).

Purulent wounds (surgical, boils, felon, etc.).



Salt dressings, lotions (it is better to make from 4-5 layers of gauze). Apply for 10-12 hours, after moistening with hot saline solution, preferably at night. The course is not less than 10 days. Compresses with hypertonic solution are contraindicated.

For headaches, apply to the forehead and back of the neck.

By reducing edema, tissue compression is reduced, pain disappears, signs of inflammation decrease
5% Constipation, need for emergency bowel emptyingEnema (applied in a volume of 250 ml, at a temperature of 37-40 degrees Celsius)Increased peristalsis and the release of fluid from adjacent tissues into the intestine contribute to the softening and removal of feces

The use of hypertonic saline more than 10% is contraindicated!

Also, saline solution can be used to prevent acute respiratory diseases, viral infections transmitted by airborne droplets. To do this, during the season of increasing incidence, it is necessary to wash the nose daily, morning and evening, with a two percent hypertonic solution. During such an active washing of the nose and nasopharynx, pathogenic bacteria and viruses are removed, and mucus and dust particles accumulated during the day are cleansed. Daily treatment improves immunity. Children should be taught to this simple procedure.

At home, you can use sea salt instead of regular salt. Today it is as accessible as the table one, but it contains many other useful substances that help in strengthening the body. Trace elements that are part of sea salt contribute to the metabolism in cells, the conduction of nerve impulses, and the improvement of hormonal levels.

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