Natrum muriaticum (Natrium muriaticum). NATRUM MURIATICUM Sodium chloride

One of the common homeopathic medicines is Natrium muriaticum (Natrium muriaticum), it is also called natrium chloratum. The drug is based on sodium chloride, or table salt.
Indications for the use of natrium mureaticum, modern instructions for its use in classical homeopathy is the topic of this article.

Natrium mureaticum (natrium chloratum) in homeopathy. Main indications for use or key symptoms of natrium chloratum

In homeopathic materia medica about eight hundred keynotes of the remedy.
Consider the main ones, those that make up the essence of the drug, essence (essence - the essence).
“Everything is medicine, and everything is poison - it’s all about the dose” - the phrase is attributed either to Paracelsus or to Hippocrates, this is not too important. It is important that you are not confused by the substrate for this remedy. Table salt, which you use daily, and the potentized drug Natrium mureaticum are two very big differences. The drug is very effective in a number of conditions and is very often used with success.
And if you have symptoms of natrum mureaticum, there is nothing to replace it with.

Closed Fear of seeming ridiculous, of being rejected, hides their emotions behind logic. Consequences of psycho-emotional trauma. Desire for salt, unwillingness for fat. Herpes, crack on the lower lip.

These are patients whose motto is: "do not offend and not be offended." They are very emotionally vulnerable, so they close. In grief - crying into the pillow.
Consequences of the transferred psycho-emotional trauma.
Willingly support with advice, but cannot openly show emotions.
If they feel safe, they can be very talkative and emotional.
They are worse from consolation. They can't stop crying if they're pitied.
They are afraid to seem ridiculous and funny.
If someone attracts them, they pretend not to pay attention.
Reliable, responsible.
He does not like company, is especially shy when urinating, willingly is alone.

Nosologies in which Natrium mureaticum (Natrium chloratum) is most often used

Inflammation of the ENT organs and organs of the broncho-pulmonary system.
Hay allergy and bronchial asthma.
Hypertension and ischemic heart disease.
Neurotic conditions and diseases due to psycho-emotional trauma.
inflammation synovial bags and joints.
Kidney disease and edematous syndrome.

Natrum mureaticum can be successfully used in other diseases. The main thing is the presence of at least a few key symptoms.

Natrum mureaticum (natrium chloratum). Instructions for use

Natrum mureaticum can be used in different potencies, from C-3 to C-100,000. There are also LM potencies.
What potency to treat and how often to use the drug - the homeopath decides, depending on the initial state of the patient and his response to treatment.
As a general rule, low potencies can be used more frequently, up to several times a day.
High potencies - less often, up to once every few months.

The main task of the homeopath is to keep active defensive forces organism (homeopaths call it the life force) at a level sufficient to successfully fight the disease. Therefore, the frequency of taking the drug and the potency in which it is used, the homeopath determines individually for each patient.

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sodium chloride

Long-term use of excess salt leads to profound changes in trophism, including in the blood circulation system, which is expressed both in symptoms of salt retention in the body (edema and dropsy), and in the form of changes in the composition of the blood itself, such as anemia and leukocytosis. Apparently, at the same time, the accumulation of decay products in the tissues occurs, leading to that clinical picture, which is thoughtlessly called gouty or rheumatic. The trials are full of descriptions of such pictures (Dr. Stonham).

It is indicated in the treatment of certain forms of intermittent fever, anemia, chlorosis, many digestive disorders and skin diseases. severe weakness especially in the morning in bed. Chilliness. Emaciation, especially in the neck. Great tendency to take colds. Dryness of mucous membranes. Tight feeling all over the body. Great weakness and fatigue. Hypersensitivity to all sorts of influences. Hyperthyroidism. Goiter. Addison's disease. Diabetes.

Psyche. Mental Causes diseases: undesirable consequences of grief, fright, anger, etc. Depression, in particular, with | chronic diseases. Worse from consolation. Irritability: Gets into a rage over little things. Awkwardness, haste. The desire to be alone in order to cry freely. Alternate laughter and tears.

Head. Strong pulsation. Blinding migraines. Pain as if a thousand hammers were knocking on the brain, in the morning on waking; after menstruation; from sunrise to sunset. Feeling of a significant increase in size; cold. Anemic headaches in schoolgirls: nervous, self-confident, broken. Chronic headaches: unilateral, congestive, from sunrise to sunset, with pale face, nausea, vomiting; periodic; with eye strain; during menstruation, etc. Before an attack, numbness and tickling of lips, tongue and nose, relieved by sleep. Inflammation of the frontal sinuses.

Eyes. Bruised feeling with headaches in schoolchildren. Heaviness in the eyelids. Weakness and stiffness of the muscles. When reading, the letters merge. Sparks in the eyes. Around all objects, fiery zigzag contours are seen. Burning in the eyes. Very tired when reading or writing. Stricture lacrimal ducts with suppuration. Mucopurulent discharge with pressure on the area of ​​the lacrimal sac. Burning and irritating lachrymation. Eyelids swollen. Eyes look wet with tears. Tears run down face when coughing (Euph.). Asthenopia due to weakness of the internal rectus muscles (Gels, and Sir. acet. - if there is weakness of the abductor muscles). Pain in eyes when looking down. Incipient cataract (Secale).

Ears. Noises: roar and ringing.

Nose. Greasy, fluent coryza, lasting from 1 to 3 days, and then changing to stuffy nose, which makes breathing very difficult. Discharge thin and watery, like raw egg white. Coryza with violent sneezing. Topical remedy for the relief of colds that begin with sneezing (in the thirtieth dilution). Loss of taste and smell. Internal soreness of the nose. Dryness in the nose.

Face. Greasy, glossy, as if greased. Earthy complexion. Herpes simple.

Mouth. The tongue is covered with fine foam with large blisters at the edges. Feeling dry. Gingival lesions in scurvy. Numbness, tickling of the tongue, lips and nose. Vesicles on the tongue, burning, sensation of a hair on it. Eruptions around the mouth and vesicles on the lips, like small pearls. Dryness of the lips and corners of the mouth, with ulceration and fissures. deep crack in the middle lower lip. Geographic language(Ars.; Rhus.; Tarax.). Loss of taste. Large blister on lower lip, swollen and hot. Unreasonable thirst.

Stomach. Always hungry and losing weight (lod.). Heartburn with palpitations. Unquenchable thirst. Sweats while eating. Very cravings for salt. Aversion to bread and everything slippery, like oysters; to fatty pieces. Ripple in epigastric region. Stitching sensation in region of cardiac orifice.

Stomach. Cutting pains in abdomen. Bloating. Pain in inguinal rings when coughing.

Rectum. Burning pains and tingling after stool. Anus spasmodically compressed, wounded, bleeding. Constipation: dry, crumbling stools (Att. m.; Mag. m.). Painful and profuse diarrhoea, preceded by pinching pains in the abdomen.

urinary system. Pain immediately after urination (Sars). The amount of urine is increased; involuntary discharge when walking, coughing, etc. For a long time forced to wait for the onset of urination, if there are strangers(Hep.; Mur. ac.).

Male reproductive organs. Emissions of semen, even shortly after intercourse. Impotence with delayed ejaculation.

Female reproductive organs. Menses are irregular; usually plentiful. Dryness of the vagina. Leucorrhoea acrid, watery. Pulling down pain; worse in the morning (Sep.). Prolapse of uterus with cutting pains in urethra. Ineffective labor contractions. Suppression of menstruation (renewed under Kali carb.). Heat during menstruation.

respiratory organs. Cough from a tickling sensation in the pit of the stomach, with tingling in the liver and urination (Caust.; Squilla). Tingling all over chest. Cough with such pains in the head, "just about to burst." Dyspnea, especially when going up (Calc.). Whooping cough, with tearing on coughing.

Heart. Tachycardia. Feeling cold in the heart. Sensation of constriction of the heart and chest. fluttering, increased heartbeat; intermittent pulse. The pulsations of the heart shake the whole body. Pulse intermittent when lying down.

limbs. Back pain with need for reliable support(Rhus; Sep.). Acceleration of blood circulation with any movement. The palms are hot and sweaty. Weakness of upper and lower extremities especially the knees. Burrs. Dryness and cracking of the tissues around the nail bed. Numbness and tickling in fingers and lower limbs. Ligament weakness ankle joint, the feet are easily tucked. Painful contractures of the tendons laterally limiting the popliteal fossa (Causi). Cracking of joints during movement. Coldness of the legs, with simultaneous congestion of the head, chest and stomach. ' Dream. Sleepiness before noon. Nervous twitches during sleep. The robbers are up. Insomnia from grief, grief.

Leather. Greasy, oily, especially in places covered with hair. Dry eruptions, especially along the edges of the scalp and in the articular folds. Blisters in fever. nettle rash; itchy and burning. Eruptions with crusts in the folds of the limbs, along the edge of the scalp; behind auricles(Canst.). Warts on the palms, Eczema with rawness, redness and inflammation of the tissues; worse from salt; on the sea coast. Defeat hair follicle. Alopecia. Urticaria, itching after exertion. Greasy skin.

Fever. Chill between 9 and 11 am. Heat; intense thirst increasing with fever. Fever blisters. Coldness of the whole body and prolonged chills are very pronounced. Hydremia in chronic malarial conditions, with debility, constipation, loss of appetite, etc. Perspiration on exertion.

MODALITIES. Worse, noise, music; in a warm room; in the supine position; around 10 am; by the sea; from mental effort; at consolation; from the heat; when talking. Outdoor improvement; from cold bathing; from eating late against the usual; from lying on the right side; from pressure along the back; from tight clothing.

RELATIONSHIPS. Antidotes: Ars.; Phos.; Spir, nit. dulc.

Well complements the action: Apis; Sepia; Ign.

Similar: Ignat.; Sep.; Thuja; graph.; Alum.

Compare: Aqua marina (sea water). Acts on the blood - intoxication, scrofulous conditions, enteritis. Cancer detoxification (injected under the skin to treat skin, kidney and intestinal lesions, gastroenteritis and tuberculosis lesions). Scrofulous diseases in children. Lymphadenitis. Lupus, eczema, varicose ulcers. Excellent "blood purifier," revitalizing ". It is indicated for weakness, with insufficient reaction of the body; when symptoms worsen near the sea. With goiter.

Sal marinum (sea salt). Chronic enlargement of lymph nodes, especially cervical. Suppurating lymph nodes.

Natrum selencum. Tuberculosis of the larynx, with expectoration of small lumps of bloody mucus and slight hoarseness.

Natrum silicum. Hemophilia, scrofulous lesions of the bones. Senile itching.

BREEDINGS. From the twelfth to the thirtieth and above. It is often the highest dilutions that produce the most brilliant results when given infrequently.

Sea salt. The first three dilutions are prepared in rubbing. The pathogenesis is in chronic diseases” Hahnemann. Type of The subject is natrum depressed and tearful melancholic. Consolation, instead of relief, as in Pulsatilla, makes his condition more severe. Constipation also aggravates his hypochondria. Physically: with a pale face, colorless and mucous membranes, greasy, oily skin, covered with small blackheads. The upper lip is often swollen, with a furrow in the middle of the mucous membrane. In spite of a good appetite, he is losing weight, especially in the neck. The muscles are weak, he always feels tired, he is afraid of any, even mental, work that tires him. There is asthenopia and sudden weakness of vision when reading, due to weakness ciliary muscles. Painful swelling along nerves. Due to the weakness of the abdominal muscles, women feel better when wearing a bandage. The uterus is lowered, due to weakness of the ligaments and muscles, urine is hardly retained in bladder, due to the weakness of the sphincter, the watery stool is irrepressible, due to the same condition of the anus, pain in the back, which seems to need support. Desire to lie on back on something hard that brings relief. Characteristic 1. Weakness and anemia, and despite great appetite, emaciation, especially in the neck. 2. Heaviness and pressure on the bottom in the morning, on waking the patient feels she must sit to prevent the prolapse. At the same time, there is painful twitching in the lumbosacral region, which is better when lying on the back. 3. Deep, painful crack in the middle upper lip(can also be observed in the middle of the bottom). 4. Lichen eruptions on dry, cracked, ulcerated lips, as well as in the corners of the mouth. 5. Eruptions with scabs in the folds of the limbs, along the edge of the scalp, behind the ears. 6. Dryness of the mucous membranes or, conversely, moisture with copious excretion. The characteristic discharge is watery or like egg white, but generally acrid and corrosive. 7. Great thirst. 8. Great aversion to bread and fatty foods. 9. Profuse sweat on face while eating. 10. Pain along the spine, better - leaning on something hard and stretching out on the back. 11. Some diseases - intensify and weaken along with the movement of the sun. 12. Sensation of coldness in the region of the heart, during mental work or overwork. Pain. Mainly in joints and muscles; jerking, shooting, as from a bruise, aggravated by motion. Chair. Diarrhoea, with rumbling and pain in the umbilical region, relieved by uncontrollable, watery, copious and painless stools. Often very early in the morning, on the first movement after sleep. Constipation. Insufficient secretion in the colon and abnormal dryness in the rectum. There is a feeling of constriction in the anus and the stool is hard, dry, like sheep feces. Frequent urge ineffective or with little discharge. Difficult stool, often painful, with sensation as if anus ruptures and, sometimes with the release of blood. At chronic constipation often have hemorrhoids. Menses. May be premature, profuse and watery, but usually late and scanty. Before, during and after them, the characteristic headache natrum muriaticum, sadness and oppression. These belated and scanty menstruation are usually one of the symptoms of anemia, and in such cases, when other symptoms are present, natrum muriaticum will be the most effective remedy. In this case, there may be abundant leucorrhoea, consisting of thick, white, clear slime, or abnormal dryness of the vagina, with burning and pain during intercourse. Summary A powerful remedy, which is not always given a real price, apparently because it can be found in every kitchen, but it should be noted that it works only in high dilutions. It is "tonic" above all, and we have seen that it corresponds to the tired, emaciated, and anemic. weight loss despite a large number of food taken, brings it closer to iodium, but the special thinness of the neck serves as a difference for them. Many diseases for which it is useful, and especially headache, increase and decrease with the movement of the sun.

indications for use

Main indications scrofula and tuberculosis. Enlargement of the glands, chronic inflammation of the eyelids, coughing fits with vomiting, hemoptysis, mild diarrhoea, emaciation and loss of strength indicate natrum muriaticum in the treatment of scrofula and tuberculosis. CHLOROSIS. Very chronic cases with stomach troubles, loss of appetite, aversion to bread and meat, nausea, vomiting of food, obstinate constipation or diarrhea, usually with scanty and late menses. MIGRAINE. The attack begins in the morning, in bed, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain is better on standing up, returns again from rapid motion. HEART BEALING, caused by any excitement; the patient often describes them as "the fluttering of a bird's wing." They are worse in lying position, on the left side. The palpitations are so strong that the whole body sometimes trembles from them (spigelia). Intermittent palpitations when lying down. DISEASES OF THE EYES, after abuse of lapis. STRONG PARTS OF SNEEZING early in the morning, as soon as the patient moves or opens (sabadilla, rumex crispus). COUGH. Dry, excited by tickling in the throat or in the pit of the stomach, causing pain in the forehead with every attack, and there may also be an abnormal excretion of urine (causticum). The tickling cough is worse in the evening, when lying down, and is better when sitting, as in Pulsatilla. The cough is sometimes spasmodic, with vomiting and profuse lachrymation. HEADACHE. Especially the forehead and temples; may be on both sides. In general, it is of a congestive nature, with a feeling of fullness in the head and as if "the brain is pressing on the eyes." Strikes like small hammers, better at rest and lying down. Pain in head begins chiefly in the morning, often on waking, tending to improve in the evening. Pain in the forehead and temples is often intermittent and may be accompanied by loss of vision, nausea and vomiting: they tend to appear during the menstrual period - before, during and immediately after menstruation. Another natrum muriaticum headache is occipital and may extend to the back of the neck and shoulders. Headaches that accompany tension or spasm of the ciliary muscles, especially with hyperopic astigmatism. FEVER. “Natrum muriaticum should be thought of when its characteristic chill begins between 10 and 11 o'clock in the morning. Chills begin in the lower back or legs. It is accompanied by thirst and pains all over the body; sometimes complicated by urticaria. The fever is usually severe; thirst increases with heat. The pulsation in the head grows stronger; sometimes this rush to the brain is so strong that the patient becomes delirious. Slowly, profuse sweat develops, relieving headache and other symptoms” (Farrington).

action on the body

Physiological action In a toxic dose, natrum muriaticum causes severe inflammation of the stomach and intestines: vomiting, diarrhea, severe pain and death. Animals experienced convulsions, profuse sweat that fell in drops, loss of sensation and mobility, petechial hemorrhages, cardiac paralysis and death. Virchow, in his pathology, speaks of a tester who gave natrum muriaticum to dogs and caused them to cloud their lenses. Kunde observed the formation of cataracts under the same circumstances. Table salt in large quantities produces a profound change in human metabolism and causes not only symptoms of retention of chloride salts, dropsy and edema, but also changes in the blood, resulting in anemia and leukocytosis. There is probably still a delay in the tissues of substances that give the symptoms described as gout or gouty rheumatism. Pathogenesis is full of various pain symptoms in muscles and joints. Another symptom of the influence of natrum muriaticum on nutrition is progressive emaciation, despite a good appetite, emaciation is especially noticeable in the neck. Natrum muriaticum has a marked effect on the secretion of mucous membranes: either the secretion is too watery, or the mucous membranes are dry due to lack of secretion. There is an incorrect distribution of fluids in other tissues; there is an excess and a shortage of water, and it is difficult to say which is more characteristic; there may be an excess of water in the secretions of one mucous membrane and a deficiency in other tissues. The nutrition of the skin is disturbed. Selection sebaceous glands becomes oily, oily, or, conversely, the secretion is insufficient. Rashes appear, often dry, mainly on the border of the scalp and in the folds of the joints. Salt can cause albuminuria, as a result of the physical action of excessive concentration, which forms a hypertonic solution, harmful to the epithelium of the convoluted tubules. Changes in the urine, probably a secondary phenomenon, due to changes in molecular structure tissues, and not the result of action on the kidneys themselves. The excretion of urine is sometimes very copious, sometimes rare with a sediment in the form of crushed bricks. Peculiarities Worse: from any physical or mental work, after menstruation, from warmth, at the seaside, at rest, about 10 o'clock. morning. Better lying down, especially on back or right side; from profuse sweat when empty stomach. Notice that there is also an improvement on the seashore. Periodicity. Some symptoms increase and decrease with the movement of the sun.

Salt is so habitual food product that it was considered completely useless for medicine. But only those who do not rise beyond the tissue level think so. Salt in pure form does not really have any constitutional effect.

You will find thin subjects who have all the symptoms of table salt: they consume it in large quantities, but they do not absorb it. Salt comes out with their stool, but is not included in the life processes. This is a typical emaciation of Natrum muriaticum, with a desire for salt. We see the same thing in lime patients. Children get enough calcium from food, as well as table salt, and our task is to give the body calcium or salt not in the form that is directly absorbed by them, but in the one that is necessary for the "inner man", deep mechanisms; then the exhaustion of Natrum muriaticum will soon go away, and the disturbance of calcium metabolism will also disappear. Our small doses are not designed to provide the body with salt, we treat internal illness, put in order " inner man"and then the tissues get enough salt from the food. All remedies must be given in the form that is needed. We can potentize the remedies higher and higher until the secret spring is set in motion.

Natrum muriaticum works long and deep. The remedy has an amazing effect on the body of the patient, making amazing changes that remain for a long time if the remedy is prescribed in high dilution.

Much can be understood by studying the appearance of such a patient, one can only look at him to say: this person is like Natrum muriaticum. Experienced doctor learns to distinguish patients by appearance: the skin is shiny, pale, waxy, it seems that it is smeared with oil. Amazing weariness of a special kind. exhaustion, weakness, nervous exhaustion, neurasthenia.

This remedy has a long series of mental symptoms: hysterical state of mind and body; crying alternates with laughter; uncontrollable laughter at inappropriate times; prolonged, spasmodic laughter. It is followed by tears, deep longing, nothing pleases. The patient does not pay attention to the fact that everything is so wonderful that she should be happy - she is sad and cannot get out of this state. She is insensitive to external impressions, easily becomes sad, sad because of nonsense. She remembers all the unpleasant episodes of her life and worries about them. Comfort makes it worse mental condition, sadness, tearfulness, and sometimes causes anger. She seems to need to be comforted, but she rages against sympathy. Along with melancholy comes a headache. She paces the room in anger. The patient is extremely forgetful; can't count anything; can't think of anything; forgets what she was going to say; loses the thread of what he listens to or reads. Pronounced mental prostration.

Unrequited attraction - typical cause symptoms of Natrum muriaticum. The patient is unable to control her feelings and falls in love with a married man. She understands how stupid it is, but nevertheless lies awake, dreaming about him. A high society girl falls in love with a coachman. She knows that none of this is real, but she can't help it. In such cases, Natrum muriaticum will put her thoughts in order, the patient will come to her senses, surprised that she was so stupid. This tool is suitable for hysterical girls.

If, in mental symptoms, Ignatia helps partly, but does not cure, Natrum muriaticum should be given. Note that Natrum muriaticum should be given immediately if the underlying constitutional condition is too deep for Ignatia.

Aversion to bread, fats and rich food.

Excitement hurts the Natrum muriaticum patient greatly, she is extremely emotional. The whole nervous system is in a state of restlessness, excitement, the patient is worse from noise, door knocking, ringing, harsh sounds, music.

The pains of this remedy are sharp, stitching, like an electric shock; convulsive contractions of the limbs on falling asleep, twitching, shooting pains. The patient is hypersensitive to any influences, she is excitable, emotional, constantly in tension.

Complaints appear in a warm room, worse indoors, desire to be in the fresh air. Mental symptoms improve outdoors. When perspiring, takes cold easily, but generally better in open air, worse from overheating; worse from physical exertion resulting in heat, but better from moderate physical activity in cool air.

Both Natrum carbonicum and Natrum muriaticum have the same tension of nervous processes as sodium salts, but chilliness predominates in the former remedy, while warm-bloodedness predominates in the latter.

Painful face, skin oily, shiny, sallow, yellowish, often anemic, covered with vesicular eruptions on the edge of the scalp, around the ears and on the back of the neck. Scaly and scaly eruptions, with great itching, with oozing of watery fluid, sometimes dry. After peeling, a shiny surface remains. AT ear canal scales form, which peel off and leave a weeping surface. Watery vesicles on the lips and wings of the nose, around the genitals and anus. Vesicular eruptions, white, oozing with watery discharge, come and go. Available severe itching skin.

The skin becomes waxy, edematous. There is great emaciation, the skin looks dry, lifeless, shrunken. Babies are like little old people. They have a fluff on their face, which disappears with the onset of recovery. Exhaustion goes from top to bottom. First, the collarbones begin to protrude and the neck becomes thinner, but the waist and legs retain their roundness. In Lycopodium the emaciation also extends from top to bottom. The specific directions of action of drugs often help us to distinguish them from each other.

The discharge from the mucous membranes characteristic of the drug is watery, or they are thick, white, like egg white. Violent coryza with watery discharge, although a thick, white discharge corresponds to a chronic, constitutional condition. Expectoration from the throat of thick, sticky mucus in the morning. Oozing from the eyes viscous secretions. The discharge from the ears is thick, white and sticky. White and thick leucorrhea. With gonorrhea, the discharge continues for a long time and become mucopurulent. The urethra has burning pain occurring only after urination.

Headaches are terrible, unbearable; tearing, squeezing, like a vise; it looks like the skull is about to crack. The pain is accompanied by throbbing and throbbing. Pain, as if little hammers start beating in the head. Throbbing pains in the head in the morning on waking. Pain occurs in the second half of the night. Strong nervousness and excitement in the first half of the night; the patient goes to sleep late and wakes up with a pounding headache. Often the headache begins at 10.00 - 11.00 and continues until 15.00 or until the evening. Headaches are intermittent, occurring daily, every third or fourth day. Headaches in those living in malarial areas; they decrease after sleep; the patient is forced to lie down in bed and not move; ameliorated by perspiration, pain associated with intermittent fever. During the chill, the head feels as if it would burst; the patient is delusional and drinks a lot of cold water. Head symptoms do not improve until sweat appears. Sometimes all symptoms are ameliorated by perspiration, except for the headache.

There is another type of headache: than stronger pain the more sweating; sweat brings no relief; cold forehead covered in cold sweat. If the head is wrapped warmly, it becomes better from movement in the fresh air.

Headache due to visual impairment, with inability to quickly accommodate. Headache worse from noise.

The pain fills the entire back of the head and even spreads down the spine, which is observed after diseases of the brain, hydrocephalus.

Spinal injury, with hypersensitivity to pressure; irritated spine. The vertebrae are very painful, and the patient suffers greatly from aching pain along the spine. Spinal pain worse from coughing and also from walking; ameliorated by lying on a hard surface, by pressing the back against something hard; the patient can sit with a pillow or arm pressed against her back. You will meet women with dysmenorrhea who lie with something hard under their spine.

Nervous trembling all over. Twitching of the muscles, trembling of the limbs, unable to keep the limbs still, just like Zincum.

Stomach and liver problems are closely related. The stomach is distended with flatus. Lump in stomach after eating. The food seems to take too long to digest. Worse after eating. Vomiting of whitish mucus relieves. Desire cold water, sometimes drinking brings relief, sometimes there is an unquenchable thirst. There is a sensation of fullness in the region of the liver, with stitching, tearing pains. The intestines are distended with gases. Slow bowel movements, difficult bowel movements, hard stools in the form of accumulation of feces. Slowdown of the bladder. One has to wait a long time until urine begins to flow, and then it is emitted slowly, interrupted, there is not enough strength to expel it. After urination, there is a feeling that part of the urine remains in the bladder. The patient cannot urinate in the presence of strangers, cannot urinate in public toilet. There may also be repeated urges that force you to urinate frequently.

This remedy, along with Natrum sulphuricum, has been used by homeopaths to clear up cases chronic diarrhea, diarrhea in old soldiers.

Natrum muriaticum is good for women's troubles, for painful menstruation. This remedy has a great variety of menstrual complaints: menstruation too scanty or too copious, late or too early. Based on these symptoms, you will not be able to individualize, it is necessary to identify the constitutional state. Examine each organ to collect as many symptoms as possible. Examine each organ, but not physically, for the manifestations of the disease will not point to the remedy, but study the symptoms.

As you can see, drugs affect the human body at different rates; some of them act especially long and deeply. Natrum muriaticum is one of them. Natrum muriaticum acts very slowly, producing results after a long time, so this remedy is suitable for complaints that develop slowly and for a long time. This does not mean that it cannot act quickly: all drugs act quickly, but not all are able to act slowly; long-acting drugs can help with acute conditions, but drugs short action in cases of chronic diseases do not work. Understand for yourself also the "gait", the rhythm, the frequency of the action of the drugs. Some remedies correspond to a constant fever, some to an intermittent fever, others to an intermittent one. We observe three different rhythms in Aconite, Belladonna and Bryonia, three different "gaits", three various speeds; we see the same in Sulfur, Graphites, Natrum muriaticum, Carbo vegetabilis - also different forms, rates of development disease state. Some physicians will not hesitate to prescribe Belladonna for persistent fever, but this remedy comes on very quickly, violently, i.e., in their nature has nothing to do with constant fever. It doesn't look like a typhoid condition. Belladonna and Aconite do not have typhoid manifestations, even though formally all symptoms are present. Make sure that the remedy chosen not only has a constellation of symptoms, but also suits the nature of the case. The case of typhoid fever has a similarity in Bryonia or Rhus, but not in Belladonna. Our duty is to follow the truth in everything.

Natrum muriaticum is long lasting active medicine; its symptoms continue for many years; it is characterized by slowly developing, prolonged, deep symptoms. It takes a long time before the patient comes under its influence, even with sufficient sensitivity.

The chill begins in the morning, at 10.30; every day, every second day, every three or four days. The chill comes on in the extremities, which turn blue; there is a throbbing headache, a rush of blood to the face; delirium, constant incoherent speech, manic actions. The symptoms are aggravated until the onset of an attack of congestion. When the attack is fully developed, there is a desire for cold water. Despite the chill, warmth and wrapping do not bring relief, but cold drinks are wanted. It is natural to assume that when people are very chilly they usually seek warmth, but the Natrum muriaticum patient cannot bear it. The patient mutters through his teeth, tosses from side to side, there are pains in the bones as if they would split, and vomiting, which is characteristic of the congestive state. In heat, the patient becomes so hot that the heat almost burns the fingers, the patient falls into a congestive sleep or stupor. Sweat improves the condition, it relieves the pain, and after a while the headache goes away. Violent chills, heat and sweat. Sometimes such attacks can occur in hard knocked down, strong people, but usually this is the lot of the anemic and malnourished, who have long suffered from malaria; protracted, chronic cases. Complaints do not always have such a long prodrome. This medicine is especially indicated for those people who have long lived in malarial areas; anemic, often edematous; in old cases when we come across the effects of treatment with arsenic and quinine, old-school remedies to suppress fever whenever it arises. The patient's illness, however, remains inside and becomes even stronger than it was, and the fever comes on again and again, which is characteristic of this disease; material doses of drugs cannot change the nature of the fever, make it non-intermittent. The same remedies, which are only partially similar, will change the nature of the disease, so that no one can cure it. Homeopathic medicines cure intermittent fever if they are chosen correctly. If this fails, then the condition becomes so confusing that it is unlikely that anyone will be able to cure this case. First of all, the master must understand the case and clarify it so that it can be cured. Few people can boast that they have not confused a single case of malaria, since in many of them the picture was underdeveloped, disguised, individual symptoms may not be at all, especially in those cases that have already been tried to be treated homeopathically.

There is no uniformity in the nature of Natrum muriaticum, so it has only intermittent fever. If the fever becomes even, wait: either the patient recovers, or the patient clearly shows the features of another remedy. There are other medicines that can bring order to your case. Often confused by wrong prescribing, they clear up after using Sepia. Vivid cases of congestion of the head, pains in the back and vomiting are cleared up with Ipecacuanha. Healing after using the right homeopathic medicine steadily; the fever does not return after it.

Natrum muriaticum not only eliminates the predisposition to intermittent fever, but also makes the patient healthier, less susceptible to frequent colds; thus the susceptibility to colds, and to the frequency of their occurrence, goes away. The tendency to periodicity leads to the recurrence of symptoms. We know that each attack paves the way for the next. Each new attack of fever is more destructive than the previous one. Allopathic remedies increase this tendency, while homeopathic remedies eliminate it. homeopathic treatment puts the body in order, which itself copes with diseases more easily. Until the predisposition is removed, the patient will get worse and worse until he reaches complete exhaustion.

Children born in malarial areas often suffer from malnutrition. They have a wolfish appetite, severe hunger, they eat a lot, but they are losing weight all the time.

Conditions that develop during pregnancy. The mammary glands are reduced in size, all top part body is thinner. Great soreness of the uterus. Leucorrhoea, first white, then green. A woman catches a cold from any draft. Pain during intercourse, with dryness of the vagina; sensation as from splinters in the walls of the vagina; pain as from an injection. Dryness of all mucous membranes; wherever there are mucous membranes, dryness occurs. Throat dry, red; sensation of a fish bone when swallowing; it is impossible to swallow food without drinking it with liquid; stabbing pains throughout the esophagus.

Most, when they hear about the sensation of a fishbone stuck in the throat, prescribe Hepar; this is a famous old key symptom. It is also found in Nitricum acidum, Argentum nitricum. Alumina and Natrum muriaticum, but each remedy has a different symptom.

Hepar: Tonsils swollen, swollen, purplish, indicating purulent tonsillitis. The patient is sensitive to the slightest draft, pain in the throat comes on even when the patient puts his hand out from under the covers; he sweats at night, but the sweat brings no relief; he is sensitive to all impressions; every sensation seems to be magnified tenfold.

Nitric acid: yellow spots on the pharynx; rough, jagged ulcers in the throat, or the throat is purple and inflamed. Horse urine smell.

Argentum nitricum: severe hoarseness, defeat vocal cords. Throat swollen, gaping; the patient really wants cold things: cold water, cold air. Suitable in cases where cauterization of cervical ulcers has taken place.

Natrum muriaticum: extreme dryness of the mucous membranes, as if they would crack; chronic dryness without ulceration. Profuse catarrhal discharge, like egg-white, with dryness of the mucous membranes, when there is no mucus on them. The patient is very sensitive, especially to changes in the weather.

Each remedy has its own "gait", its own sequence of action, and this sequence must be kept in mind all the time.

Natrum muriaticum helps in old edema, especially in edema of loose tissue. Sometimes they occur in the serous cavities, and swelling of the brain also appears after acute diseases. Acute spinal meningitis when there is extreme nervous tension, constant tilting of the head, constant nodding twitching of the head. Acute diseases leading to hydrocephalus or irritation spinal cord. Sometimes it works with ascites, but more often it is effective for edema of the lower extremities. Acute edema after scarlet fever; the patient is oversensitive, starts in sleep, jumps up in confusion at night; protein and casts are found in the urine.

In swellings after malaria, Natrum muriaticum, if curative, usually returns the original fever. Only one cure is known: from top to bottom, from inside to outside, in reverse order of symptom onset. If we get something else, it is only an improvement, not a recovery. If the symptoms return, this gives hope; this is the only possible path to recovery.

Skin symptoms are conspicuous. In old, chronic cases, the skin appears translucent, as if the patient were swollen; skin waxy, oily, shiny; other remedies for oily, shiny skin are Plumbum, Thuja, Selenium. These drugs also deeply affect the body. Remedies that can bring about such amazing changes must work deep enough.

The medicine is effective after childbirth, if the woman in labor does not come to her senses; she is weak and irritable; lochia long, profuse, white; her hair falls out on her head and genitals; milk is lost, or the child does not absorb it. Effective for postpartum pain, with insufficient contraction of the uterus, while the uterus is in a state of prolonged hyperemia. The patient is worse from noise, music, door knocking. She really wants salty things, while she has an aversion to bread, wine and fat. Sour wine upsets the stomach. Natrum muriaticum will clear the case, restore lactation and put the case in order.

This remedy is needed in chlorotic girls with oily skin, greenish or yellowish skin, who menstruate every two or three months. Menses profuse or scanty and watery. When symptoms coincide, this remedy can get rid of chlorosis, restore healthy look, although not immediately. It can take years to regain health after typical chlorosis. When a finger is cut, water seems to flow instead of blood; menses are like leucorrhoea; this state pernicious anemia. Natrum muriaticum penetrates deep into the processes of life and restores a flush to the cheeks of the sick.


Natrum Muriaticum, like Carbo Vegetabilis and Silicea, illustrates the potentiating effects and the power contained in seemingly inert substances.

Of course, the drug Natrum Muriaticum, like any other medicine, is able to cure any disease with corresponding symptoms, but cases of thyrotoxicosis, neurosis (especially depressive type), hypertension, sinusitis, etc., often seem to call for Natrum Muriaticum.

The description of Natrum Muriaticum often mentions aggravation from heat, but it is better to remember that (as in cases of Si l., Lach ., etc.) aggravation can occur both from cold and from heat.

Recently, Dr. S. R. Fatak described the case of a girl who became mentally unstable. In this case, some time after she lost the baby, she couldn't cry. She received Natrum Muriaticum which cured her.

In another case, a boy was described who had been subject to prolonged asthma attacks since childhood. In a case where a boy did not properly cry after birth, Dr. Fatak gave Natrum Muriaticum again and this brought relief for several months. It seemed to me a strange interpretation of the general rubric "Sad but unable to weep" (Kent's Repertory).

In another case, the symptoms were contradictory and hopelessly confused. Boger gives an indication, according to Natrum Muriaticum: "Thinness, thirst and hopelessness." Interpreting the word "hopelessness" in a much broader sense, Dr. Fatak prescribed Natrum Muriaticum, which brought relief to the patient.

The more we study and practice homeopathy, the more we realize that a remedy can be used in a thousand ways. Going further in this reflection, I can say that one person may never master all the possibilities of one tool in his whole life. This is a very hasty (and perhaps depressing) thought, but I think it's true.

"Mr. H.J.S., aged 24, suffered for 4 years from periodic pain in the left supraorbital region, occurring almost daily. The pain increased and decreased gradually. He experienced< от вентилятора, < в комнате с кондиционером, < на солнце. С болью появлялись отеки под глазами и слезотечение. Боль < после сна. Вставание из sitting position usually caused fainting. He had a desire for salt, he had an aversion to milk. Thirst: 5-6 glasses of water a day. His memory was weak, he was irritable and preferred to be alone; did not like consolation.

This was a typical case of Natrum Muriaticum. By taking 3 doses of Natrum Muriaticum 200 at 2 hour intervals on one day preceded by S ac-l he felt better within one week. He got much better within a month after another dose of Natrum Muriaticum 1M, and the improvement continued after 4 years.

This drug supplements Bryonia and has the same effect on mucous membranes oral cavity and throat, causing thirst and dryness; on the rectum, causing dry, hard stools; on the vagina - painful intercourse; and on the skin.

Considering the fact that three-quarters of the earth's surface is covered sea ​​water and that the main dry constituent of this water is ordinary salt, and considering also that almost all people require and consume salt, I think Natrum Muriaticum should be a very important remedy for many disease states and should perhaps be used more wide.

In examining Hering's Leading Symptoms, I noted that Natrum Muriaticum is characterized by the presence of cracks in the upper and lower lips, while all compilers Materia Medica emphasized only the presence of a crack in the middle of the lower lip. I wondered how they select and list only some specific single symptoms from a large group of symptoms found in the tests. What criteria do they use to select them? For example, in the trial of Natrum Muriaticum Hering's Leading Symptoms, there are 34 symptoms listed in the Face section. Of these 34, Berike gives 3 symptoms. How did he decide that these three are the most important symptoms out of 34? Does it depend on the own experience of each of the authors?

By the way, biochemist doctors, I think, use Natrum Muriaticum quite extensively. They state that Natrum Muriaticum is a remedy for fluid disorders: excessive fluidity or dryness, for example: lachrymation, diarrhoea, constipation, etc. Having lachrymation or weeping with laughter or laughter ending in weeping.

They claim that Natrum Muriaticum is chilly, but it also experiences< от тепла.

Dr. Daval (senior) always emphasized< от утешения, как очень важный симптом.

Incidentally, Dr. Gutman once told me that Natrum Muriaticum does not have dreams of robbers, as stated in Allen's Encyclopedia. This symptom has Nat rum With arbonicum.

It is indicated that Natrum Muriaticum should not be used during a fever. Dr. Fatak told me that at the beginning of his practice he used Natrum Muriaticum during a fever and found very severe exacerbations. But in my experience I can say that the appointments did not bring exacerbations.

Some people say that Natrum Muriaticum is a good remedy in cases of high A / D. Do you know what these patients are experiencing?< от соли. К слову, мы видели множество пациентов с различными заболеваниями, состояние которых улучшалось только путем ограничения потребляемой соли. Обычно это ограничение, накладываемое многими аюрведическими врачами.

I dealt with one case where a patient could not forget the evil done against him. He walked and thought about revenge. Patients reflect on long-standing grief and resentment. It seems that they like to mentally be in the past as well as the patient Ignatia like to be sad.

Kent says that Natrum Muriaticum is required when a girl falls in love with a married man or a person of no equal status. This is indeed a very characteristic indication for a remedy. I have seen this in my own practice.

"An uneducated Muslim girl in her 20s was brought to me by her attending physician for various symptoms, including depression, indifference to life, etc. During the first examination, which took place in the presence of her doctor, I could not find out the cause of her condition. But when she came again with her mother, I learned that the girl was desperately in love with a man who was more educated with a relatively higher status. To my inquiries, I was told that the object of love was the doctor himself, who brought her to me, although he himself was not aware of her feelings for him. The girl knew that her love could never succeed. I gave her Natrum Muriaticum and she returned to normal again."


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