Why the menstrual cycle has increased. The menstrual cycle is not always stable. Pathological causes of problems with menstruation: urgently to the gynecologist

Therefore, if your monthly cycle has gone astray, do not self-medicate, but be sure to seek help from a gynecologist. Only a doctor will correctly determine the cause that provoked the failure of the menstruation cycle and prescribe the correct treatment.

How to calculate the monthly cycle and determine the failure

The length of time from the onset of menstruation to the next - this is the cycle of menstruation. Ovulation is the process of release of an egg ready for fertilization into the fallopian tube. She divides the cycle into two phases: follicular (the process of maturation of the follicle) and luteal (the period from ovulation to the onset of menstruation). In girls who have a 28-day cycle of menstruation, ovulation, as a rule, occurs on the 14th day from their onset. After ovulation, the level of estrogen in the female body drops, but bleeding does not occur, since the corpus luteum controls the production of hormones. Strong fluctuations in the level of estrogen in one direction or another at the time of ovulation can cause uterine bleeding between periods, before and after them.

A normal monthly cycle lasts 21-37 days, usually a cycle is 28 days. The duration of menstruation is usually 3-7 days. If the monthly cycle has gone astray by 1-3 days, this is not considered a pathology. But if menstruation does not occur even 7 days after the desired period, you should consult a doctor for advice.

How to calculate the monthly cycle? The time interval between 1 day of the onset of menstruation and 1-1 days of the next is the duration of the cycle. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to use a calendar where you can mark the start and end times of menstruation.

In addition, there are currently quite a few computer programs that help in the calculations. With their help, you can calculate the time of ovulation and even track the onset of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

You can most accurately calculate the monthly cycle using basal temperature charts. The temperature in the first days after menstruation is kept within 37 ° C, after which it drops sharply to 36.6 ° C, and the next day it rises sharply to 37.5 ° C and stays within these limits until the end of the cycle. And then a day or two before menstruation decreases. If the temperature does not drop, pregnancy has occurred. In the case when it does not change during the entire cycle, ovulation does not occur.

Symptoms that signal a violation menstrual cycle:

  • an increase in the time interval between menstruation;
  • shortening of the monthly cycle (cycle less than 21 days);
  • scanty or vice versa abundant menstruation;
  • lack of menstruation;
  • spotting and/or bleeding.

Also, a negative symptom is the duration of menstruation less than three or longer than seven days.

The cycle of menstruation has gone astray: causes

1. Adolescence. In young girls, the failure of the monthly cycle is a fairly common phenomenon, since hormonal background still being installed. If two years have passed since the appearance of the first menstruation, and the cycle has not returned to normal, you should consult a gynecologist.

2. Severe weight loss or obesity . Extreme diets, starvation and malnutrition are seen by the body as a sign that hard times have come and pregnancy is not desirable. Therefore, it turns on natural protection, causing a delay in menstruation. Too fast weight gain is also bad for the body and leads to menstrual irregularities.

3. Acclimatization . Moving, air travel to another time zone, holidays in hot countries often cause the monthly cycle to fail. A sharp change in climate is a certain stress. Usually, the menstrual cycle during acclimatization returns to normal when the body gets used to new conditions.

4. Stress and physical overload. These factors quite often lead to a violation of the monthly cycle. When stressed, the body produces an excessive amount of the hormone prolactin. Its excess inhibits ovulation, and menstruation occurs with a delay. In this case, it is worth getting enough sleep, spending more time in the fresh air, and, on the recommendation of a doctor, start taking sedatives.

5. Hormonal disorders . crash monthly cycle can be caused by problems in the work of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. In this case, the necessary treatment will be selected by the endocrinologist.

6. Diseases of the female genital organs . A possible cause is often the pathology of the cervix, inflammation of the uterus and its appendages, polyps and cysts. In most cases, such gynecological problems are treated surgically.

7. Hormonal contraceptives . Taking birth control pills or not taking them can cause your monthly cycle to go wrong. In this case, you need to consult a gynecologist and take a break from taking oral contraceptives.

8. Pregnancy and lactation . The absence of menstruation during pregnancy and breastfeeding is normal. After the cessation of lactation, the normal monthly cycle is restored. In the presence of severe pain in the lower abdomen, an urgent need to consult a doctor, since the cause may be an ectopic pregnancy, the untimely determination of which can even lead to death due to pain shock and significant blood loss when the fallopian tube ruptures.

9. Preclimax. At the age of 40-45 years, a failure of the menstrual cycle can be a harbinger of menopause.

10. Forced or spontaneous abortions also have a bad effect on the condition of the uterus, cause delays in menstruation, and often cause infertility.

Also, the reasons for the failure of the cycle of menstruation can be diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, infectious diseases, the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs), taking certain medications, vaginal injuries, vitamin deficiency in the body.

Diagnosis of menstrual cycle disorders

Diagnostics consists of the following steps:

  • questioning the patient;
  • gynecological examination;
  • taking all smears;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or small pelvis;
  • determination of the level of hormones in the blood;
  • MRI (detailed examination of the patient for the presence of pathological changes in tissues and neoplasms);
  • hysteroscopy;
  • urine and blood tests.

The combination of these methods makes it possible to identify the causes that caused the monthly cycle to go astray and eliminate them.

Treatment of menstrual irregularities

The main thing is the treatment of the underlying disease, which caused the failure of the cycle. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to eat rationally: eat foods rich in protein and iron at least 3-4 times a week, give up bad habits, relax in the fresh air, sleep at least 8 hours a day, take vitamin complexes.

In case of severe bleeding, after excluding blood clotting disorders, the doctor may prescribe:

  • hemostatic preparations;
  • ε-Aminocaproic acid (to eliminate bleeding);
  • with heavy bleeding - an infusion of plasma to the patient, and sometimes donor blood;
  • surgical treatment (extreme method for severe bleeding);
  • hysterectomy (removal of the uterus);
  • hormonal drugs;
  • antibiotics.

Complications in case of failure of the monthly cycle

Remember, your health depends only on you! Violations of the monthly cycle should not be taken lightly, since an irregular menstrual cycle can lead to infertility, and frequent heavy intermenstrual bleeding can cause fatigue and disability. Late detection of pathologies that cause a failure of the menstrual cycle can also lead to death, although this can be quite successfully avoided by contacting a doctor in time. Treatment of menstrual disorders is possible only under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

The body of women is special and the reason for this is the presence of a false childbearing function. Therefore, it is simply impossible to avoid disturbances in the work of a sensitive female body. This also applies to the menstrual cycle - this function of the body of women reacts in a special way to various internal and external influences.

The duration of the cycle of menstruation, as a rule, is 21-28 days. The beginning of the cycle is considered the first day of menstruation. In this case, the menstrual cycle should not exceed 33 days. If there is a delay of 5-7 days, you need to worry about whether there are any health problems.

Certain cases of delayed menstruation are considered a violation. For example, if the delay is more than 14 days, then this should be regarded as a pathology known as oligoovulation, in other words, the rarest onset of ovulation. In addition, it is also considered a violation of the monthly cycle that with the regular onset of menstruation, the cycle suddenly changes - increases or decreases.

Why does the cycle change?

There are a lot of reasons for this.

  • Infection of organs located in the pelvis. To find out its presence, it is necessary to pass certain tests for uroplasm, chlamydia, etc. At present, thanks to the possibilities of modern medicine, these infections are treated.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, diabetes, and other diseases of the internal organs. These ailments lead to disruption of the function of both organs and the entire body of a woman.
  • Hormonal imbalance. It does not occur by chance, being the result of violations of the functions of the endocrine system. Or a deficiency of such an essential sex hormone as progesterone may be detected. Significantly, the level of progesterone falls for several years before the onset of menopause and causes the appearance of various dysfunctions.
  • hereditary factor. In this case, a woman can not avoid the pathologies of the menstrual cycle.
  • Exhausting diets, heavy physical activity. A busy lifestyle with excessive physical activity, combined with a strict diet, a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients, often causes the appearance of pathologies of the female system and a violation of the monthly cycle.
  • Stress, pathology of the central nervous system. The statement of our grandmothers “All ailments are from nerves” is more relevant than ever. Constant stress disrupts the established rhythm of the functioning of the body, destabilizes the general condition, and a very sensitive female body is not able to react to an imbalance in its work. Depression has a negative impact on a woman's condition - headaches, intestinal disorders, menstruation cycle and sleep are disturbed.
  • Climate change. The delicate body of a woman, as a rule, is subject to discomfort when the climate zone changes, which negatively affects the state of their fragile and vulnerable body.
  • Radiation and poisoning.
  • The use of drugs. Sometimes women do not take medicines in the recommended doses or take them for too long, which can also affect the monthly cycle in a bad way.
  • Addiction to bad habits - drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism. All this has a very serious impact on the health of any human body.

If for a woman a constantly changing menstrual cycle is a rather familiar phenomenon and is noted throughout her life, then this is just such a feature of the body of women. But if the change in the cycle of menstruation occurred in an unusual way, then you should carefully understand the reasons and get rid of them.

Therefore, you need to listen to your body, if there are malfunctions in its work, then you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

The female body is special, the very function of childbearing gives it a complex functioning. Therefore, failures in the work of the female body are natural and inevitable. This also applies to the menstrual cycle - this area of ​​the functioning of the female body is especially sensitive to various influences from the outside and from the inside.

Usually the duration of one menstrual cycle is 21-28 days. The beginning of the cycle is considered the first day of menstruation. The maximum allowable cycle time for a healthy woman is 33 days. If there is a delay of several days, then you should think about whether there are problems with women's health.

Certain cases are considered violations. For example, if the delay is more than two weeks, this is already considered a pathology and is called oligoovulation, that is, an abnormally rare onset of ovulation. In addition, it can be considered a violation of the menstrual cycle and the fact that for many years menstruation came stably on time, and suddenly the cycle changed - decreased or increased.

Why does the menstrual cycle change?

Let's list the reasons why this might happen.

  • Diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the internal organs. They inevitably lead to disruption of the work of not only the organs themselves, but the entire female body.
  • Infections of the pelvic organs. To find out, it is necessary to pass a series of tests for the presence of chlamydia, uroplasma, etc. Nowadays, such infections are successfully treated.
  • . It also arose not by chance and, as a rule, is a consequence of the pathological state of the endocrine system. Or a lack of the most important sex hormone progesterone can be detected. A significant decrease in the level of progesterone occurs several years before the onset of menopause and leads to various dysfunctions.
  • Stress conditions, lesions of the central nervous system. “All diseases are from nerves,” our grandmothers used to say, and they were absolutely right. Stressful situations disrupt the usual rhythm of the body's work, destabilize the state, and a sensitive female body cannot but react with changes in its work. The depressive state of a woman is reflected literally in everything - her head starts to hurt, her stomach gets upset, sleep is disturbed, the menstrual cycle changes.
  • Sometimes a change in the cycle of menstruation can be hereditary. And then a woman cannot avoid this in her life.
  • Excessive exercise, diet. An exhausting lifestyle with unbearable physical exertion, and even against the background of a strict diet, lack of the required amount of vitamins and essential nutrients often lead to dysfunction of the female system, disruption of the cycle.
  • Change of climate zone. Sensitive women often experience discomfort with climate change, which affects the state of their body.
  • Taking medicines. Sometimes a woman does not adhere to the recommended doses of the drugs she takes or takes them for too long, which also affects the menstrual cycle.
  • Bad habits - smoking, drugs, alcohol. Such things seriously affect the health of any person.
  • poisoning and radiation.

If for a woman a changing cycle is a common phenomenon and is observed throughout her life, then most likely this is just a feature of this female body. But if the cycle has changed in an unusual way, then it is necessary to carefully understand the causes and eliminate them.

Doctors say that every representative of the fair sex at least once in her life faced a problem - a failure of menstruation. Failure of the frequency and duration of the menstrual cycle are the most common problems with which women go to the gynecologist. The problem does not always mean pathology, but for many it is an early symptom of infertility. Therefore, in case of cycle failures, it is imperative to find out the cause.

Gynecologist's appointment - 1000 rubles. Complex ultrasound of the small pelvis - 1000 rubles. Consultation on the results of diagnostics (optional) - 500 rubles.

Normal periods are like: norms for healthy women

The main characteristics of a stable menstrual cycle:

  • cyclicality - three phases of the menstrual cycle should change each other;
  • cycle length and menstruation itself within the normal range (21 - 35 days);
  • the total blood loss for one period of menstruation should be 50 - 150 ml;
  • lack of severe pain and discomfort.

Violation of at least one of these conditions indicates a malfunction of the menstrual cycle.

What should be the cycle of menstruation in duration

The frequency, duration and volume of the allocated blood are the main attributes of the menstrual cycle.

The menstrual cycle is the period between the first days of the beginning of the past and current periods. Its normal duration should be between 20 and 45 days. The standard term is considered to be 28 days, although it is present in only 15% of women.

The duration of menstruation largely depends on age, which is explained by the peculiarities of the hormonal background. Each age category has norms regarding the duration of the cycle:

  • In teenage girls, the cycle usually fluctuates and can be up to 45 days. Gradually, after a year or more, it is established. Occasionally, full recovery is observed only after the first birth.
  • The most regular cycle of 21 to 35 days is present in women of childbearing age. The presence of cycle disorders during this period usually indicates a pathology, for example, inflammation in the uterus, hormonal failure, etc.
  • During the perimenopausal period, the cycle is shortened, and the menstruation themselves become unpredictable and longer. This is due to a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen in the blood and the physiological extinction of reproductive function.

It is not considered a violation of the cycle if menstruation occurs earlier or later by several days. In the case of a break between menstruation for more than 40 - 60 days, or, conversely, less than 20 - 25 days, one can argue about a serious pathology. In this case, the failure of menstruation may be associated with pregnancy - normal or , , , hormonal diseases and even .

Norms of menstrual flow

Normally, menstruation should last from 3 to 7 days. The nature of the course of this period is individual for each woman, since it depends on many factors. Normal filling of a pad or tampon should take 3 to 4 hours on the days of heaviest flow. An alarm signal - their filling in 1 - 2 hours and the impossibility of spending the night with one night pad.

In this case, one can assume , this state will end during menstruation.

Should the stomach hurt before menstruation: signs of menstruation

Common signs of an early onset of menstruation are considered natural: breast enlargement and its soreness, a slight increase in temperature and blood pressure, pulling pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, etc. A woman can experience all these signs, but they should flow relatively comfortably.

With strong, or with , you need to immediately contact the gynecologist.

The menstrual cycle: how it happens in phases

With a change in the hormonal background in the female body, there is a change in the periods of the menstrual cycle: menstrual, follicular, ovulation and luteal (premenstrual).

Menstrual phase - time of critical days

The first phase is menstrual. Is the most painful of all. At this stage, the lining of the uterus (endometrium) begins to flake off and come out with the unfertilized egg, resulting in bleeding from the vagina. Usually, the most profuse bleeding is observed on the 2nd - 3rd day of the cycle, but for some, the highest peak may occur on the 1st day or on the 2nd and 4th days - this parameter is quite individual.

The first phase is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region and pelvis;
  • cramps in the limbs;
  • general malaise.

Spasms can be of varying degrees. They appear as the body helps the endometrium to flake off with uterine contractions.

Follicular phase

The second phase is follicular. It is characterized by the cessation of secretions. During this period, the hormones of the pituitary and hypothalamus are intensively synthesized, thereby affecting the ovaries. Follicle-stimulating hormone is the main one. It stimulates enhanced growth and development of follicles.

There is a production of the sex hormone estrogen by the ovaries, due to which the process of building up a new endometrium is started in order to prepare for the onset of pregnancy. This stage of the cycle lasts about two weeks.

Fertile window, ovulation - days of conception

5 days of the follicular phase + 1 day of ovulation is called the fertile window - the period during which there is the highest probability of conception. It is not easy to determine it on your own, only special diagnostic methods can help in this, for example, .

Ovulation is the period during which a mature egg is released from the follicle. The process itself resembles a kind of explosion and occurs very quickly, within a few minutes. If during the day the egg met with the sperm, it passes through the fallopian tube into the uterus - pregnancy occurs.

If this does not happen, then with the onset of menstruation, the egg is excreted from the body. It is extremely rare that ovulation can occur twice a month with an interval of 1 to 2 days. Without it, pregnancy is impossible.

During ovulation, the following symptoms may occur:

  • minor blood discharge (daub);
  • drawing pain in the lower abdomen;
  • general malaise - weakness, fatigue;
  • feeling of discomfort.

Luteal phase: premenstrual period

The third phase is the luteal. The final period of the menstrual cycle, called premenstrual, lasts up to 16 days. It is characterized by the formation of a corpus luteum - a special temporary gland at the site of the follicle that the egg has left. There is a production of progesterone, which is necessary to increase the sensitivity of the endometrium, so that the fertilized egg can more easily penetrate the uterine wall.

If implantation of the ovum does not occur, the gland regresses, which leads to a sharp drop in progesterone levels. This becomes a provocation of the destruction and subsequent rejection of the endometrium. The cycle closes.

The premenstrual period is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • nervousness, irascibility, irritability;
  • spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • mood swings;
  • tearfulness;
  • aching muscle and joint pain;
  • the appearance of acne on the skin;
  • swelling and soreness of the mammary glands;
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples;
  • heaviness in the abdomen, bloating;
  • stool disorders;
  • weight gain;
  • general malaise - fatigue, weakness, slight chills;
  • headaches and dizziness, nausea, fainting (in the last days of the cycle).

Failure of menstruation is a dangerous condition.

Menstrual cycle disorders: all diseases associated with changes in critical days

Violations of the cycle occur due to a failure in the frequency and duration of menstruation, as well as due to a change in their course. These violations were divided into the corresponding groups:

The first group of violations includes:

  • Polymenorrhea - increased menstruation with an interval of less than 21 days with profuse prolonged blood loss;
  • Oligomenorrhea - the duration of menstruation is no more than 2 days, and the interval between them is about 40 days;
  • Amenorrhea is the complete cessation of menstruation. This state guarantees .

The second group of violations include:

  • Hypermenorrhea (mennorrhagia) - increased profusion of bleeding during menstruation without breaking the cycle;
  • Hypomenorrhea - the scarcity of bleeding during menstruation (less than 50 ml in general), while their duration may be normal or shorter;
  • Algodysmenorrhea - excessively painful menstruation;
  • Metrorrhagia - menstruation occurs repeatedly during the cycle;
  • Menstruation after menopause - the appearance of spotting in the postmenopausal period (from a year after menopause). At this time the woman .

Causes of the "jumping" cycle: monthly failure is dangerous

A disturbed menstrual cycle often indicates that there is a problem in a woman's body. The main reason for its occurrence is hormonal imbalance, which can be triggered by a number of factors. It is customary to distinguish between physiological, medical and pathological causes of the disturbed cycle.

Physiological causes of menstrual irregularities

Physiological causes are the least dangerous and easier to eliminate than others. These include:

  • stress and nervous strain, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue;
  • severe physical overload;
  • violation of body weight (obesity and malnutrition);
  • abrupt climate change;
  • activation or absence of sexual activity;
  • strict diet, alcohol, tobacco, drug use, excessive caffeine intake;
  • postpartum period and lactation period;
  • various cleanings, ;
  • radiation and poisoning.

All of these factors lead to a shock state of the body. Stress hormones (adrenaline, prolactin, or cortisol) are released. It blocks the ovaries, i.e. interferes with the production of female sex hormones, and thus disrupts the menstrual cycle.

Violation of body weight can lead not only to the failure of the cycle, but even to its temporary absence. This is due to the production of the male hormone androgen in the adipose tissue, and the more this tissue, the more the hormone is released.

Pathological causes of problems with menstruation: urgently see a gynecologist!

Pathological causes are more dangerous and can lead to serious complications in case of delayed diagnosis and treatment. These include the following main diseases:

  • tumor and , various "ohms" - for example, that violate the proper functioning of the reproductive system;
  • ovarian pathology (cyst, polycystic, dysfunction);
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the genital area;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • thyroid disease;
  • other diseases of the "non-sexual" sphere, causing hormonal imbalance (blood diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc.);
  • hereditary predisposition.

The number of such provocative diseases is wide: from a mild cold of the genital organs to oncology. This can also include missed pregnancy, miscarriage and complications after an abortion. Often, the pathology is asymptomatic, the general condition is satisfactory, but the menstrual cycle is irregular. In this case, a special examination will be required to confirm or refute the fact of the presence of pathology.

Medical causes of menstrual irregularities

Medical causes include taking medications. Almost any drug that enters the body affects all organs and systems, especially the reproductive one. The following drugs may disrupt the cycle:

  • Antidepressants - cause a delay in menstruation and reduce the abundance of discharge;
  • Anticoagulants and blood thinners - increase the intensity of bleeding;
  • oral contraceptives - long-term use of hormonal drugs shortens the duration of menstruation and makes them scarce, and the wrong selection can drastically change the cycle. Cancellation of oral contraceptives often also leads to a violation of the cycle, but this does not pose a danger to the body. Full recovery in such cases occurs after 2 to 3 months of the cycle;
  • Hemostatic drugs - reduce the amount of discharge;
  • Antiulcer drugs - cause a delay in menstruation;
  • Intrauterine spiral - the body perceives its installation as a stressful situation, therefore, even if it is performed correctly, small failures occur cycle.

Incorrect location of the intrauterine device or illiterate installation often provoke uterine bleeding or serious cycle disorders. His stabilization should normally occur in 3-4 cycles.

Examination of a patient with an irregular menstrual cycle

Irregular menstrual cycle - a strong argument immediately . The cause may be serious pathologies, which you may not even suspect. Therefore, it is important not to self-medicate, only aggravating the situation.

To determine the cause of the failure, the doctor will conduct an examination of the woman, which will include:

  • visual and internal examination of the genital organs;
  • and ;
  • hysteroscopy - examination of the uterine cavity and its cervix using a special device - a hysteroscope inserted into the cervical channel. Using the method, one can not only assess the state of an organ under a large magnification, but also to aim biopsy.

It is also necessary to undergo an examination by a hematologist, including:

  • - a blood test for the state of homeostasis (blood clotting);
  • clinical and (to determine serum iron, bilirubin, liver enzymes, platelet count);
  • determination of the level of progesterone and others .

To clarify the diagnosis, doctors may also need information about the duration and profusion of menstruation since adolescence, the regularity of cases of bleeding from the nose, gums, how often bruises appear on the body, etc.

Why treat a failure of menstruation: what will happen with an irregular menstrual cycle

A disturbed menstrual cycle is considered normal in adolescence, in the postpartum period, and in women over 50 years old. In these cases, the cycle stabilizes without outside help and does not require treatment.

An irregular cycle as an independent deviation does not pose a health hazard. But in women outside the above list, it is often a sign of hormonal imbalance, which can be caused by various reasons, including serious pathologies of the genital organs (uterine cancer, endometriosis, polycystosis, endometrial hyperplasia, etc.).

That is why it is extremely important not to ignore the violations of the cycle, but to undergo the necessary examinations in the clinic. Timely diagnosis and treatment will successfully get rid of the problem.

Irregular periods are an obstacle to the normal onset of ovulation. And this means that the conception of a child for a woman will cause significant difficulties. In some cases, a disturbed cycle can lead to a serious complication - infertility. Therefore, the doctor should recommend to the woman.

Treatment of irregular menstrual cycle

A “jumping” menstrual cycle is not a pathological process, but only a symptom of various disorders. That is why the methods of its treatment can radically differ depending on the provocative cause.

Problematic periods can be stabilized with:

  • changes in lifestyle and habits;
  • diagnosis and treatment of the underlying pathology;
  • taking hormonal drugs );
  • change in the method of contraception.

Changing lifestyle and habits

If the violation of the cycle is associated with a woman’s lifestyle and her addictions, then to stabilize it, you just need to change it: give up excessive use of caffeine, get rid of bad habits, do not overload the body physically, get enough sleep, protect yourself from nervous overstrain, eat right etc.

Identification and treatment of the underlying pathology

Treatment can be carried out medically with the help of the following symptomatic drugs:

  • analgesic and antispasmodic - to relieve pain;
  • hemostatic;
  • pro-inflammatory agents;
  • hormonal (oral contraception) - to normalize the activity of the endocrine system.

Vitamin and physiotherapy are also often prescribed for polycystic disease.

If medical treatment was unsuccessful, then curettage of the uterine cavity is prescribed. It is also possible to eliminate the problem by surgical intervention, for example, if a tumor, polycystic disease or thyroid disease is detected.

The appointment of hormonal drugs

A widespread way to stabilize a disturbed menstrual cycle is combined oral contraceptives. They apply even to those who do not live sexually, or, conversely, . Hormone therapy duration of six months stabilizes the cycle. After its termination, the likelihood of pregnancy increases significantly.

Changing your contraceptive method

The reaction of the body to a certain method of contraception can be unpredictable due to the characteristics of the body itself. If, for example, as a result of taking contraceptives, there is a sharp violation of the menstrual cycle, then it is recommended to change the drug to another one with a higher dosage or composition. It is necessary that the doctor assess the situation and adjust the means of protection.

If the reason for the failure of menstruation is an intrauterine device, and menstruation does not normalize within an acceptable period, then the only solution is to remove the device and choose another .

Herbal treatment

Restoration of the cycle is possible if folk methods of treating menstruation failure are added to the main methods. It is not excluded that medicinal plants, if used incorrectly, can harm the body, therefore, before use, it is imperative to consult a doctor and identify the main cause of the violations.

Medicinal fees for heavy menstruation:

  • You will need: horsetail (100 g), mountaineer pepper (20 g), chamomile (150 g), shepherd's purse (50 g), yarrow (150 g), lungwort (50 g), acorn (50 g). Decoction for one reception is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. collection is boiled in 200 ml of water. Drink 1 time per day before bed. Duration of the course - from 3 weeks;
  • You will need: shepherd's bag (1 dl), yarrow (1 tbsp), oak bark (1 dl). Pour the collection of 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes under the lid. After straining, drink in 2 doses (in the morning and before bedtime).

Medicinal herbs for painful periods:

  • Highlander pepper. Pour 1 tbsp. crushed plant 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Take a decoction 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon;
  • Chamomile, mint and valerian root (3:3:4). Brew 1 tbsp. collection in 200 ml of boiling water. Take during menstruation several times a day;
  • Leaves raspberries. Pour 1.5 tbsp. raw materials 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. A day to carry out several receptions of infusion in a small amount.

Medicinal herbs to stabilize the cycle:

  • flowers cornflower. Pour 1 tbsp. plants 200 ml boiling water and let it brew for 60 - 80 minutes. Drink a decoction 3 times a day for 1/3 cup. The course of therapy is at least 3 weeks;
  • seeds parsley. Pour 1 tsp. crushed raw materials 0.5 l of warm water for 8 hours. Drink infusion 4 times a day for half a glass without filtering;
  • Sagebrush. Pour 1 tbsp. herbs 300 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 4-5 hours, then strain. Drink infusion 3-4 times a day for a quarter cup.

Where to go for menstrual irregularities in St. Petersburg, prices

The main specialization of the clinic. We treat irregular periods and any menstrual irregularities. In our medical center, you can undergo an ultrasound scan using one of the best expert ultrasound machines, take tests for hormones, undergo a gynecological examination with colposcopy, etc.

The cost of treating critical days disorders depends on the underlying cause of the condition, but in any case it is inexpensive. For example. a comprehensive ultrasound of the pelvic organs, including an examination of the uterus, costs 1000 rubles, a consultation with a gynecologist based on the results of the diagnosis - only 500 rubles.

At a certain period of life, violations of the cycle occurred, probably, in every woman. Violation of menstruation , which many ladies are accustomed to consider as something ordinary, are actually a signal of problems with women's health.

What is NMC in gynecology? This is a disturbed menstrual cycle that happens to women at different periods of their lives.

Irregular menstruation - delays or a shorter cycle, indicate violations of the physical or mental state of the woman. The monthly cycle is a kind of biological clock of the body. Failure of their rhythm should alert and cause a visit to the doctor so that the diseases are detected in a timely manner. Below we will talk about why the menstrual cycle fails, and what a woman should do in such a situation.

What is the menstrual cycle

It is important to clearly know what the cycle of menstruation is in women, and what should be the normal menstrual function.

menarche , that is, the first menstruation, in girls occurs in the period from 12 to 14 years. At what age girls begin menstruation depends on their residence. The further south a teenager lives, the earlier menarche occurs. It is important for parents to monitor when girls begin menstruation in order to understand whether the body develops normally.

Between the ages of 45 and 55, the menstrual period ends. This period is called premenopausal.

During the period of menstruation, the functional layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus is rejected as a result of a decrease in production in the body. The monthly cycle of a woman is divided into three phases.

  • 1 phase , follicular, characterized by the production, under the influence of which ripen follicles . From all the follicles, a dominant follicle is subsequently released, from which a mature egg is later released.
  • 2 phase The menstrual cycle is the shortest phase, lasting approximately 1 day. At this time, the follicle ruptures and the egg is released from it. It is important to understand, speaking about what distinguishes the second phase of the menstrual cycle, that this is the time when the egg is ready for fertilization. This is the fertile phase when conception can occur.
  • 3 phase , luteal - the period when synthesis begins progesterone a yellow body that arose at the site of a ruptured follicle. Progesterone prepares the endometrium for the subsequent implantation of a fertilized egg. But if there was no conception, the corpus luteum gradually dies, progesterone production decreases, and the endometrium is gradually rejected, that is, menstruation begins.

If progesterone deficiency is noted, estrogen production is activated again, and the cycle repeats again. For ease of perception, a phase diagram by day is useful, where all phases of the cycle and the names of these phases are indicated.

Thus, the menstrual cycle is cyclical changes that occur after a certain period of time. The duration of a normal cycle should be from 21 to 35 days. If there is a deviation in a certain direction for 3-5 days, this cannot be considered a pathology. However, if more significant shifts are noted, then the woman should be alerted to why the menstrual cycle is shortened or it becomes longer.

If a woman has a normal menstrual cycle, how many days menstruation lasts is a purely individual indicator. The normal duration of menstruation is from three to seven days. It is important to consider, paying attention to the duration, that this condition should not be a very difficult period for a woman. After all, an important characteristic is not only the norm of duration, but also the fact that menstruation should not cause very strong discomfort. During this period, there is a loss of about 100-140 ml of blood. If there is profuse blood loss or a woman notices that the delay norm is violated, it is important to immediately contact a gynecologist.

The regulation of the cycle occurs at 5 levels.

The first level is the cerebral cortex If the cycle of menstruation has gone astray, the reasons may be related to emotions, stress, feelings.
The second level is the hypothalamus. It is the synthesis of releasing factors that affect the third level.
The third level is the pituitary gland. It produces follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones or gonadotropic hormones that act on the fourth level.
Fourth level - ovaries Under the influence of pituitary hormones, depending on the phase of the cycle, the synthesis of estrogens or progesterone occurs.
Fifth level - female genital organs There are changes in the endometrium in the uterus, the epithelium in the vagina is updated, peristalsis in the fallopian tubes is noted, which contributes to the meeting of spermatozoa and the egg.

In fact, the causes of menstrual irregularities are very diverse, and there are many of them. Conventionally, the causes that provoke a violation of the menstrual cycle can be divided into three groups:

  • First are external factors that affect the normal cycle. That is, etiological factors affect the cerebral cortex. A woman may note that the cycle has decreased or, conversely, it is longer if she has changed the climate dramatically, has been in a state of prolonged stress, “sat down” on a strict diet, etc.
  • Second - a consequence of pathological conditions relating not only to the reproductive system, but also to the body as a whole. So, the reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle after 40 years are often associated with the onset of the menopause. However, it is possible that the reasons for the failure of the menstruation cycle after 40 years are due to the presence of health problems in a middle-aged woman.
  • Third - Influence of medicines. Often the answer to the question of why the menstrual cycle fails is treatment with a number of drugs. A delay or other failure is possible both after the start of taking certain drugs, and after they are stopped. We are talking about hormonal contraceptives, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, glucocorticoids, etc.

Factors associated with pathological conditions

  • Ovarian pathologies we are talking about a violation of the connection between the ovaries and, oncological diseases of the ovaries, drug stimulation of ovulation, insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle. Also, irregular periods associated with ovarian pathology can be the result of negative professional influences, radiation, vibration, and chemical influences. The reasons for the irregular cycle of menstruation may be associated with surgical interventions on the ovaries, injuries of the genitourinary organs, etc.
  • Impaired communication between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland - an irregular cycle may be associated with too active or insufficient release of gonadotropic hormones and releasing factors. Cycle disorders are sometimes the result of a pituitary or brain tumor, pituitary hemorrhage, or necrosis.
  • - if a woman develops endometriosis, both genital and extragenital, the hormonal nature of this disease leads to an imbalance of hormones.
  • Violation of the process of blood clotting - hemophilia, other genetic pathologies.
  • Curettage of the uterus - the endometrium is damaged if curettage is performed after an abortion or for the purpose of treatment. As a result, complications may develop - inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages. There are also irregular periods after childbirth.
  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder .
  • The appearance of hormone-dependent tumors - oncological processes in the uterus, adrenal glands, mammary gland, thyroid gland.
  • in a chronic form - there is no formation of a full-fledged endometrium.
  • Polyps of the uterine mucosa .
  • Sudden "jumps" in body weight - both weight loss and provokes irregular periods in adolescents and adult women, since adipose tissue produces estrogens.
  • Infectious diseases - can have a negative effect on the ovaries. Moreover, both infections that were transferred in childhood (for example, or), and sexual infections can provoke a failure of menstruation.
  • Presence of uterine abnormalities - septum in the uterus, sexual infantilism, etc.
  • Endocrine pathology - often associated with it are the causes of irregular periods after 40 years.
  • Pathology of the uterus tumors, hyperplasia.
  • mental illness - epilepsy, etc.
  • Having bad habits .
  • , hypovitaminosis .
  • Chromosomal abnormalities.

What to do with this or that health problem, and how to normalize the cycle, the gynecologist will tell you, who must be visited if the menstruation has “lost”.

How can a cycle disorder manifest itself?

  • Amenorrhea - Menstruation is absent for six months or more. At primary amenorrhea violations are noted from the moment when the onset of menstruation occurred in girls; in the secondary - violations appeared after a certain period of normal cycles.
  • Oligomenorrhea menstruation occurs once every few months (3-4). After 45 years, such manifestations may be associated with.
  • Opsomenorrhea - meager periods, lasting no more than 1-2 days.
  • Polymenorrhea - prolonged menstruation (more than 7 days) with a normal cycle.
  • Hyperpolymenorrhea - Abundant discharge is noted, but the cycle is normal.
  • menorrhagia - heavy and prolonged menstruation (more than 10 days).
  • metrorrhagia - irregular bleeding, sometimes they can appear in the middle of the cycle.
  • Proyomenorrhea - frequent menstruation, in which the cycle is less than three weeks.
  • Algomenorrhea - very painful periods, in which a woman becomes unable to work. Algomenorrhea can also be primary and secondary.
  • - this is the name of any violation of the cycle, in which there is pain during menstruation and unpleasant vegetative disorders: unstable mood, vomiting and nausea, etc.

The cause of frequent menstruation, as well as other disorders described above, can be associated with a wide variety of pathologies. A woman should be alerted to any violations. For example, very frequent periods after the age of 40 may indicate the development of serious diseases.

Often, violations of the cycle are noted in adolescents when the formation of menstruation occurs. This phenomenon is due to physiological reasons. In girls, the formation of a hormonal background occurs, and both the reasons for the short cycle of menstruation and the causes of delays are associated with this. In adolescents, the length of the cycle can be different each time.

The process of formation can continue for 1-2 years. But the girl must clearly know how to count the duration of the cycle of menstruation in order to track how many days the cycle lasts and whether it is gradually becoming. This is important not only for those who are already sexually active, but also for girls who need to know the duration of the cycle and for hygiene purposes, and to track their health status. Mom must definitely explain to her daughter how to correctly count the cycle of menstruation. An example of such a calculation is also important for a teenager.

There are the following pathological factors that affect the regularity of menstruation in adolescents:

  • infections of the brain and membranes;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • frequent colds;
  • genital infections;
  • sclerocystic ovaries.

The formation of the monthly cycle is also negatively affected by the fact that young girls practice strict diets, as a result of which not only excessive weight loss is noted, but also hypovitaminosis, menstruation disorders.

Interestingly, the regularity of menstruation is influenced by the nature of adolescents.

Doctors identify several more important factors that can affect the formation of the cycle:

  • early onset of sexual activity, promiscuous contacts;
  • anomalies in the development of the reproductive system;
  • having bad habits.

Due to a disturbed menstrual cycle in a teenage girl, the so-called juvenile uterine bleeding . This condition is characterized by prolonged periods. As a rule, long and heavy periods last more than a week. This leads to anemia and serious deterioration in the adolescent's condition. As a rule, the causes of prolonged periods are associated either with moral overstrain or with infections.

Disrupted cycle in premenopause

Treatment of menstrual disorders in adolescents

If a teenage girl has a menstrual cycle, and the condition is complicated by juvenile bleeding, a two-stage therapy is performed.

With prolonged severe bleeding, when the girl is worried about weakness, dizziness, and at the same time she has a lower blood pressure (up to 70 g / l), the doctor decides to perform curettage. Next, a histological examination of the scraping is carried out.

Provided that the hemoglobin index is from 80 to 100 g / l, hormonal tablets are prescribed (,).

Also, if necessary, carry out antianemic therapy (blood transfusion, erythrocyte mass, infucol, rheopolyglucin). Iron preparations are also prescribed in the treatment regimen.

A teenager is prescribed hormonal drugs for a period of not more than three months. Treatment of anemia lasts until hemoglobin levels rise to normal.

Treatment of cycle disorders in women of childbearing age

The treatment of menstrual disorders in this case is similar to the treatment regimen for such disorders in adolescents. Both at the age of twenty, and the treatment of menstrual irregularities at the age of 40 with bleeding is carried out by scraping. It is carried out for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

It is important to replenish the volume of circulating blood, for which colloidal solutions are used. Antianemic treatment and symptomatic hemostasis are also practiced. Provided that curettage did not work, the doctor may decide on hysterectomy or ablation (burning out) of the endometrium.

It is also important to properly treat those concomitant diseases that could provoke a cycle disorder. So, with hypertension, it is important to take prescribed medications, limit the intake of salty, as well as fluids. In case of liver pathology, one should adhere to the correct diet, take hepatoprotectors.

Some women also practice folk remedies. However, such methods must be practiced very carefully, since without consulting a doctor there is a risk of missing a serious pathology. And even the violation of the menstrual cycle after 45 years, perceived by a woman as the beginning of menopause, is the basis for visiting a doctor.

Since cycle failures can be the cause, women of childbearing age are prescribed if necessary Choriogonin and Pergonal - drugs to stimulate the development of active follicles. In order to stimulate ovulation should be taken.

Bleeding during menopause

With bleeding during menopause, the patient must be prescribed a curettage of the uterine cavity. After all, bleeding can indicate serious pathologies, in particular the development atypical hyperplasia or endometrial adenocarcinomas . Sometimes the doctor may decide to hysterectomy .

Sometimes a patient during menopause is prescribed gestagens: Depo Provera , , 17-OPK .

In the course of treatment, antiestrogenic drugs can also be prescribed - Danazol , Gestrinone , 17a-ethynyl testosterone .


In case of violation of menstruation, the question of how to restore the cycle of menstruation must be immediately addressed by a woman of any age. Those who are interested in how to restore the menstrual cycle with folk remedies should remember that such manifestations are just a symptom of the underlying disease, which must be treated correctly, according to the scheme prescribed by the specialist.

It is not always necessary to take hormonal pills to restore menstruation to eliminate such problems. Sometimes a woman for whom the question is how to restore the menstrual cycle without hormones is even helped by changing the daily routine and eating habits. For example, women who are obese can help normalize their weight. And for those who practice very strict diets, it is enough to increase the calorie content of the diet and overcome the depletion of the body. In any case, in case of “malfunctions” of the cycle, it is important for both young girls and women with menopause to consult a gynecologist who will tell you how to proceed.

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