Inflammation of the middle ear in a dog. Otitis in a dog: symptoms and treatment of ear inflammation. Otitis in a dog: treatment, symptoms, causes

Otitis in dogs is a fairly common diagnosis, due to the peculiar structure of the auricle. Dog owners often face this problem. Ear inflammation brings to the animal discomfort: itching, pain. In some cases, the animal has a fever, the dog becomes lethargic, refuses to eat.

The disease of otitis should not be ignored, you must immediately contact a veterinarian who will prescribe adequate treatment. Timely access to a doctor will reduce the risk of the transition of the disease to chronic form and also to prevent the formation of complications.

The most common reasons include:

  • ear mite;
  • tumor;
  • overgrowth ear canal;
  • allergic otitis;
  • foreign body.

As a rule, the tick affects both ears. The dog starts scratching its ears intensively. Brown dry discharge of a grainy appearance appears. AT advanced cases pus may be seen.

Tumor can form on the auricle or in the ear canal itself. The resulting tumor can cause otitis media if it blocks the ear canal, thereby preventing the ear from being “ventilated”. In some cases, the tumors themselves begin to bleed and become inflamed. AT this case surgical intervention followed by conservative treatment.

Overgrowth of the ear canal most commonly seen in dogs with excess folds - bulldog, chow chow, etc. The ear canal, as in the previous case, closes completely, which interferes with the ventilation of the ear. As a result, inflammation is formed. treatment is not possible without surgical intervention- excision of the ear folds.

Allergic otitis media often occurs in case of allergies, hormonal imbalance. This may happen in case copious excretion earwax, intensive reproduction of microflora and fungi. The dog begins to intensively comb the ear, it becomes red. sores from scratching may appear. Brownish ointment-like discharge with an admixture of pus appears.

foreign body is also one of the most common causes of otitis media. In most cases, insects, blades of grass, plant seeds, etc. get into the animal's ear. A foreign body caught in the ear causes inflammation of the ear. As a rule, a foreign body causes unilateral otitis media. In this case, the dog does not allow you to touch the ear, clean it, tilts its head to one side. A discharge of a transparent color with an admixture of pus or blood may form. The foreign body must be removed.


Recognizing inflammation is not such a difficult task. Can be distinguished the following symptoms otitis media in dogs

  • the dog scratches his ear much more often than usual;
  • often shakes his head;
  • purulent discharge from the ear with an unpleasant odor;
  • the dog does not allow to touch the ear;
  • the dog looks tired, loses its appetite;
  • tilts his head to the side.

On direct examination, reddening of the external ear canal. If inflammation is in advanced stage, the animal has an increase in submandibular lymph nodes.

If you experience any of the above symptoms in your pet, immediately contact your veterinarian who will examine and prescribe adequate treatment.

In no case do not self-medicate. Your pet's health is entirely your responsibility.


Dog owners should make it a rule that self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences. Trust the health of your dog to professionals.

First of all, the veterinarian will take a sample to study the microflora. Then, using a special funnel, determine the amount of ear secretion and what kind it is. According to the data obtained, a diagnosis is established, which is classified into:

  1. primary - in the absence of any diseases;
  2. secondary - inflammation is one of the parts of the underlying skin disease;
  3. idiopathic.

Regardless of the classification of the disease, the ear canal is washed. If there are any crusts in the ear cavity, they are carefully removed with a 2% solution of salicyl-tannin alcohol. The ear is then flushed with a syringe. If there are foreign bodies, they are removed with special forceps. Generally speaking, the doctor by all means ensures the visibility of the cavity of the ear canal.

Having found out what caused the inflammation, a certain treatment for otitis media in dogs is prescribed.

  • Allergic otitis, as a rule, develops against the background of an allergy to different kinds products, plants, etc. The animal develops itchy skin, bacteria growth is observed. Purulent discharge also appears. One of important elements treatment in this case hypoallergenic diet to be followed for 3 months. To relieve inflammation and eliminate skin itching local preparations are prescribed.
  • Purulent otitis in a dog is manifested by an oily, unpleasant-smelling secret that stands out from the ear. If you start the process of treating purulent otitis media in a dog, ulcerative processes may begin, and further perforation eardrum. In the process of treatment, solutions of hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine are used. Antibiotics are also prescribed for otitis media in dogs. Otosporin type drugs are prescribed.
  • The fungal form of otitis media is more common than the others. Oddly enough, fungi are in the body of the animal all the time, but in certain circumstances they can cause inflammation. In this case, the ear canal is treated with phosphoric acid esters. On the initial stage diseases are treated with Gaselan 2%.
  • How to treat otitis in a dog if the inflammation is caused by seasonality? AT certain periods going on in the ear sharp increase production of earwax, which leads to the formation of crusts and plugs. Against this background, it may develop bacterial infection. in this case, otitis media drops for dogs with antibiotics are prescribed local action, as well as drugs like Otifree.

Be careful and very responsible in the treatment of your pet.

Otitis is an inflammatory ENT disease that can affect parts of the ear: auricle, external auditory canal, tympanic membrane or ear labyrinth. Ear inflammation is very dangerous because it can lead to brain pathologies, life threatening pet. Depending on the cause of development, otitis is divided into several types: purulent, fungal, bacterial and allergic. The latter is quite difficult to diagnose, since it is required to accurately determine the allergen that caused the reaction.

The immune system of humans and animals produces special cells designed to destroy potentially dangerous foreign substances or pathogenic microorganisms. In some cases, the immune system works in an exaggerated mode, and reacts like an “aggressor” to completely harmless substances. Moreover, the reaction is so strong that there is disease state, which is called an allergy, and the irritant that caused it is an allergen. Allergy can manifest itself in the form of skin rashes, asthmatic phenomena, as well as inflammatory diseases of the ears, mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract.

Catalysts for allergic otitis media in dogs can be:

  • Low immunity. This usually results in the wrong organized diet or inactive image life.
  • Past illnesses or the drug used to treat them.
  • A new product in the dog's diet.
  • Care products that have not been used before.
  • Hormonal imbalance that provoked an increase in the sensitivity of the immune system.

Attention! If your dog has a tendency to allergic reactions or his ancestors had such a tendency (frequent skin rashes or seasonal rhinitis - hay fever), the risk of developing allergic otitis media is quite high. Such animals need to carefully change the diet or habitat, purchase gels and shampoos for washing that do not contain chemical additives, a medicines use only with the permission of a doctor.


The most obvious symptoms of otitis media in dogs are pain. The animal is restless, trying to press sore ear, scratches it, tilts its head to one side, suppresses attempts to yawn due to pain syndrome. If the owner wants to touch the inflamed ear, the dog abruptly pulls away, whines. At visual inspection redness and swelling of the auricle is detected, the ear is hot, an unpleasant odor comes from it.

In the ear canal a large number of earwax, even if you've recently cleaned your dog's ears. There may be purulent bloody discharge or crusts of dried pus (this can be clearly seen in the photo). The dog loses its appetite, it may have a fever.

AT severe cases lacrimation and enlargement may be observed submandibular nodes. Partial hearing loss often occurs: the animal reacts poorly to the owner's commands and sometimes does not respond to them at all. The dog is easily irritated and shows aggression.

Good to know! In addition to symptoms clearly indicating inflammation of the ear, there are several more accompanying signs, according to which an attentive owner will suspect otitis media in his pet dog. Usually for any inflammatory disease the dog has problems with stool: diarrhea or constipation. The allergen can also affect the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract, so sick with otitis media the animal often suffers from lacrimation and runny nose.


Differential diagnosis of allergic otitis media may also include:


If you suspect an inflammation of the ear, in no case should you use the advice of familiar dog breeders or information read on the Internet to treat this disease. If otitis media is allergic character, symptomatic treatment(an attempt to reduce pain and inflammation) will not give a long-term result.

Therapy of allergic otitis involves:

  • identification and elimination of the provoking factor;
  • usage antihistamines blocking receptors responsible for the production of antibodies to the allergen;
  • removal of pain, itching, inflammation and swelling.

Of the drugs that suppress the action of the mediator of allergic reactions of histamine for dogs, they are most often used ear drops Sofradex. Active ingredients they contain framycetin sulfate, gramicidin and dexamethasone, which have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and antipruritic effects. The veterinarian may also prescribe suppressive medications for the dog. allergic reactions desensitizing drugs in tablets or mixtures: suprastin, desloratadine, tavegil, levocetirizine. diphenhydramine, hifenadine. To alleviate the condition of the animal and sanitize the ears, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of drops can be used: Ottinum, Ottipax or Otodepin.

Most medicines, including ear drops, can be used at home, but you need to do it right:

  • Before instillation of the ears, they must be carefully cleaned of secretions and crusts with a swab moistened with a solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin, or with boiled water.
  • Drops before use should be warmed in the hands.
  • In order for the dog to calmly endure the procedure, press it firmly against you and lightly massage the torso.
  • The ear of the animal must be pulled back, then the drops can penetrate deep enough into the ear canal.

In addition to drugs, allergic otitis media the dog must be prescribed a hypoallergenic diet, which should be followed for about three months. And since animals suffering allergic diseases, as a rule, are at risk of falling immunity, in order to achieve a stable remission, they are usually recommended a course of treatment with an immunomodulator and vitamins.

The dog's ears are a rather sensitive "locator". Although it is generally accepted that main body senses of dogs - nose, but also with hearing, many animals special problems Dont Have. Until some pathology strikes their ears. Take, for example, otitis media. In dogs, the disease is quite dangerous, as it can lead to deafness, and even to something worse.

- ear infection. Otitis media, respectively, implies a lesion of the middle ear. Pathology is dangerous because the focus of inflammation is too close to the eardrum and brain. If inflammation progresses to purulent form, abundantly secreted exudate may well melt delicate tissues, leading to similar, unpleasant, consequences. What causes otitis media?

There are some predisposing factors that significantly increase the risk of developing pathology. So, in dogs with folded skin and long ears, the frequency of inflammation is much higher. In addition, not too lucky and especially furry dogs. If you are the owner of such a pet, pay as much attention as possible to his hygiene - too thick hair around auricles it is necessary to cut regularly, ear passages - from excess sulfur and other secretions.

Sometimes the cause of otitis “treatment” at home for injuries and other pathologies. Owners do not always have even a basic understanding of veterinary medicine, as a result of which they can make very gross mistakes. Do not risk it, better show your pet to a professional veterinarian!

Read also: Addison's disease - detailed overview diseases in dogs

The next predisposing factor is malnutrition . If the diet of an animal is acutely deficient in vitamins A and E, the skin becomes more vulnerable to the action of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora, the same ticks. A similar effect occurs when there is very little fat in the dog's food: both carotene and tocopherol are fat-soluble compounds; without the proper amount of lipids, they are not absorbed by the body.

Another reason - bad heredity. It refers to various occasions hereditary autoimmune diseases. In these situations, inflammation of the middle ear in a dog occurs due to an inadequate reaction of its own defensive forces organism. It is very difficult to identify such ailments and deal with them, the therapeutic course can drag on for years, and there are no guarantees of a cure. So carefully select the breeders from whom you are going to buy puppies. The primary causes of the disease include the following:

  • Bacterial infections. A fairly common cause, often otitis media is secondary to an existing disease in the animal. If the pathogen managed to get into the bloodstream, with its current it can easily end up anywhere in the dog's body.
  • Fungi and yeast. The most insidious "malicious". Many of these microorganisms are constantly present on the skin of perfectly healthy animals, partly being even symbionts. But it is only necessary for the body to “surrender”, that is, to fall under the influence of strong stress factors, or to face serious violations. hormonal metabolism, as mushrooms instantly begin to behave as dangerous pathogens.
  • allergic reactions. As a result of their development, the normal environment inside the ear canal, which also contributes to the penetration and development of pathogenic microflora.

Ear problems in dogs are always quite severe because they are difficult to diagnose and treat. Often the owners turn to the veterinarian too late, in which case the question of the probable hearing loss of the animals already arises. Therefore, you should be vigilant and identify the slightest deviations from the norm in the well-being and behavior of the dog. This article discusses otitis media in dogs, its symptoms, treatment and prevention.

Otitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the ear (external, middle or internal). Since the structure of the auditory canal in dogs is very specific, and all its parts are located close to each other, this problem occurs quite often in animals. Below are the main causes of otitis media in domestic dogs.

Ear mite injury

The presence of a tumor

A tumor that has formed in the auditory canal can completely block it, as a result of which the ear cannot be ventilated normally and becomes inflamed. Additional features the presence of the disease in this case is a small ear bleeding.

Foreign body entry

Often, due to inattention, the owners do not notice that in their ear four-legged pet some foreign object has entered. At the same time, even something small (for example, a bead or a piece of bark) with a long stay in the auditory canal will lead to the development of inflammation.

Allergy Development

Allergic reactions usually result from advanced level earwax production. Another common cause of this form of the disease is an imbalance of microflora and infection with a fungus. The problem is that the treatment fungal otitis media in dogs it takes a lot of time, because first you need to identify the type of stimulus and only then start fighting it.

Overgrowth of the auditory canal

This problem is typical for dogs with a large number of skin folds(bulldogs, pugs, sharpei, etc.). Part of the skin obscures the ear canal and clogs it, as a result of which it does not enter the ear Fresh air and it flares up.

Varieties of otitis media in dogs

These reasons cause the appearance of several types of ear inflammation in pets.

In accordance with the form of the disease, a scheme is also determined on how to treat otitis in a dog with the greatest efficiency:

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a phenomenon as chronic otitis media. This is an inflammation of the ear, which goes away with periodic exacerbations, and then the disappearance of symptoms. This diagnosis is difficult to eliminate, so treatment chronic otitis media in dogs is always long-term and should only be carried out under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian.

Otitis media symptoms in dogs

Every owner is concerned about the question of how to recognize otitis media in a dog before it is too late. This disease is usually characterized by severe symptoms, which include:

Complications after otitis media in dogs

Ear diseases in animals are always fraught with manifestation negative consequences already during or even after treatment. The most common complications of otitis media in dogs include:

How to treat otitis media in dogs

The choice of technique, how to cure otitis in a dog, largely depends on the form of the disease. However, the main types of medicines used for therapy are approximately the same: gels and ointments, antibiotics in different form and ear drops for dogs for otitis media, which may contain steroids.

Medical treatment of otitis media in dogs

Assumes the use various drugs adapted to different types illness.

Thus, malassezial otitis media in dogs is treated with drugs local application in particular drops. However, it is important to treat the entire skin of the animal special ointments, gels, since the pathogens are located there, and if they remain viable, re-infection is possible.

Most rare form Illness - Serous otitis in a dog may require the use of antibiotics (usually in the form of drops) and steroids to achieve the effect of complete recovery. It is important to use these drugs in combination with anti-wax preparations, otherwise the cause of the inflammation cannot be eliminated.

Otitis, formed in connection with the overgrowth of the auditory canal, is treated only operational way: excess skin is simply excised, after which normal ventilation of the ear is restored.

When asked how to treat purulent otitis media in a dog, most veterinarians answer the same way. The therapy is carried out according to the following scheme:

As mentioned above, otitis serious illness which requires mandatory medical intervention. In this regard, any folk recipes can only act as auxiliary methods help, but not as a primary treatment option. The most common home remedies for otitis media in dogs are:

All of the above medicines should be used in combination with veterinary drugs.

So, they usually come with otitis media drops for dogs (Ottipaks, Sofradex, etc.).

Prevention of otitis media in dogs

The most important points pro otitis media in dogs: symptoms and treatment every breeder should know about. However, there are also preventive measures which will help prevent the development of the disease or its complications. These include:

Read in this article

Causes of otitis

Faced daily with inflammatory phenomena in the ear canal veterinarians allocate the following reasons development of otitis in dogs:

Ticks violate the integrity skin, damage blood vessels, release toxic waste products into the surrounding tissues. This leads to itching, the development of otitis in the animal. Most often, dogs are diagnosed with otodectosis.

  • allergic reactions. When an allergy develops, the body produces chemical substances leading to fragility of blood vessels and irritating nerve endings. Scratching the itchy area with the paws leads to reproduction conditionally pathogenic microflora and development inflammatory response. Often it is the ears of the animal, well equipped blood vessels suffer from a reaction to any allergen.
  • Keeping an animal in unfavorable conditions. Cold, damp room with drafts, in bad weather, strong wind, rainy weather are common causes of the development of the disease in dogs.
  • Violation of the rules of hygiene and pet care. Irregular cleaning of the ears from sulfur, water ingress during water procedurescommon causes development of otitis media in dogs. Foreign objects. Seeds and thorns from plants, insects, small objects caught during a walk lead to a violation of the ventilation of the auricle, increased output protective sulfur.
  • Neoplasms, papillomas, polyps. Formations on the skin have a similar mechanism with foreign objects. By closing the ear canal, polyps or tumors interfere with normal air circulation, they can also spontaneously become inflamed, bleed, which leads to the development of inflammation in the ear canal. Neoplasms can be primary, or formed as a result of otitis media and in this case be secondary.

Canine ear tumor
  • Hormonal abnormalities. Organ diseases endocrine system- adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas, pituitary gland, often accompanied by a violation of the hormonal status. Failure leads to dry skin, itching, peeling, which provokes an inflammatory reaction.
  • The cause of otitis media can be autoimmune diseases when the body starts attacking its own cells.
  • Injuries. Damage to the auricle is typical during fights between relatives. Mechanical damage(wounds, cracks, abrasions) lead to the introduction of pathogenic microflora and the development of inflammation.
  • The presence of sugar in the dog's diet. Years of research has shown that feeding your pet sugary foods causes over-education earwax, which is favorable environment for the development of microorganisms.

Factors contributing to the development of otitis in dogs, veterinarians include:

  • Thick hair in the ear. Excess hair reduces the natural ventilation of the ear canal, increases humidity, and intensive production of earwax. These factors lead to the activity of opportunistic microflora and provoke otitis media. The risk group includes dog breeds that are characterized by increased density of wool in the area of ​​​​the ears: lapdogs, giant schnauzers, setters.
  • Peculiarities anatomical structure. Erect, lop-eared, ears with large quantity folds give their four-legged owner a lot of health troubles. The peculiar structure of the auricle - hanging ears, many skin folds in the region of the outer ear are an ideal environment for the development of inflammation. With this structure, poor ventilation and self-cleaning mechanisms are noted.

The risk group includes breeds such as sharpei, basset hounds, spaniels, poodles. Owners of large erect auricles - german shepherds, suffer from otitis due to the free entry of dirt and microbes due to large sizes ears.

Breed predisposition to the disease is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the auricles, the degree of their openness, the presence of many folds, thick wool. According to veterinary statistics, spaniels, sharpei, German shepherds, poodles, bulldogs, and many hunting breeds most often suffer from otitis media.

About the anatomy of the dog's ear and the causes of otitis externa, see this video:

Symptoms of the disease in dogs

The following clinical manifestations testify to the inflammatory process in the auricle in a tailed pet:

  • The dog often shakes its head, tilts it towards the diseased ear, constantly scratches its head in the ear area with its paws due to itching.
  • The purulent form of otitis is often accompanied by gurgling sounds when moving the head due to the accumulation of exudate.
  • When touched, the animal worries, whines and squeals.
  • At the entrance to the ear canal, the presence of crusts, scabs, and loose hair is noted.
  • Turning away the outer ear, you can observe redness, swelling of the tissues. The amount of sulfur produced exceeds its normal content. Often found purulent discharge bad smell. The exudate may contain blood. Wool in the auricle stuck together.
  • The base of the ear is hot to the touch.
  • With a low level of immunity in a dog, general hyperthermia can be observed.
  • The animal loses its appetite. The thirst persists.
  • The state becomes apathetic, lethargic.
  • With a strong pain syndrome the dog becomes aggressive, restless.

In severe cases, a sick dog may experience deafness (stops responding to sound stimuli) and strabismus due to a deep development of the inflammatory process that captures adjacent organs.

Types and their features

Veterinarians distinguish between primary and secondary view ailment. An independent form of otitis media is primary. The most common is secondary otitis, which develops as a result of pet infection with ticks, the development of allergies, disorders hormonal balance etc.

outdoor, middle, indoor

According to the anatomical distribution of the inflammatory process, a disease of the external, middle and inner ear. outer form does not affect the eardrum, the inflammation is localized outside. Pathology of the middle part of the ear canal is fraught with hearing loss for the pet.

  • Otoscopy. Examination of the ear canal instrumental method allows you to identify the nature and localization of the inflammatory process, to assess the condition of the eardrum. The method allows you to detect a foreign body, neoplasms, polyps, etc.
  • Laboratory diagnostics. Blood test, microscopic and cytological examination skin scrapings allow you to identify the pathogen: determine the type of tick, bacteria, identify pathogenic fungus, and also determine sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • Radiography. The method allows you to identify neoplasms, polyps.
  • Magnetic resonance and. Modern methods studies are indispensable in assessing damage inflammatory process internal structures ear and meninges.

In a number of studies, the animal is sedated or lightly anesthetized. The diagnosis is established on the basis comprehensive examination with the identification of the cause of the disease.

pet treatment

Given the variety of forms and varieties of inflammation, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate with problems with the ears of four-legged friends. Treat a sick pet should only qualified specialist based on laboratory tests.

Therapy for otitis in dogs is complex and has a local and general focus. Antibacterial drops and ointments with anti-inflammatory action are applied locally. Drugs relieve swelling, reduce itching. In veterinary practice, for inflammation of the ear canal, the following drops are prescribed: Otipax, Sofradex, Ciprovet, Aurizon, Otoferonol, Otinum and others. Means are selected based on the root cause of the disease.

Drops should be prescribed only by a veterinarian, since some drugs in their composition have antibiotics that have an ototoxic effect and are contraindicated in case of damage to the eardrum.

The general effect on the body with otitis media is the use of antibiotics, sulfonamides in the form of tablets, intramuscular injections. Antimicrobial agents are applied according to the sensitivity test. Effective for otitis media are drugs such as Amoxicillin, Ceftriaxone (injections are made on lidocaine), Baytril and others.

In order to increase the immunity of a sick pet, a course of immunomodulators is carried out. Such drugs as Anandin, Roncoleukin, Gamavit are prescribed. Good results are obtained by the use of Cycloferon, Immunofan.

In the event that neoplasms, growths, polyps have become the cause of otitis media, they are removed surgically.

Get rid of inflammation at home

Therapeutic measures can be carried out by the owner and at home with strict adherence to the prescriptions of a veterinary specialist. The success of treatment largely depends on proper preparation inflamed area to the use of drugs.

Before dripping the prescribed funds to the pet, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the auricle and passage from dirt, purulent masses, and accumulation of earwax. For this purpose, apply antiseptics: chlorhexidine, miramistin, boric acid. Hydrogen peroxide is used only to cleanse the outer ear.

Special wipes are suitable for the cleaning procedure. Ear sticks are not used in animal hygiene.


Based on many years medical practice veterinarians have developed a complex preventive measures, allowing owners to avoid ear problems in their four-legged pets:

  • regularly, pollution;
  • cut thick hair in the auricle;
  • prevent hypothermia of the pet;
  • during hygiene procedures protect ears from water ingress;
  • use only high quality feed;
  • exclude sugary foods from the dog's diet;
  • twice a year to conduct a professional examination of the auricles in a veterinary clinic.

Otitis in a dog is a polyetiological disease. Illness causes pet pain. In advanced cases, there is a high risk of developing inflammation of the brain, sepsis. Comprehensive diagnostics allows you to clarify the root cause that caused the inflammation. Treatment of the disease should take place only under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Useful video

To learn how to properly clean your dog's ears, see this video:

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