Frequent otitis in children. What to do? Acute and chronic otitis in a child: causes and prevention of the disease

When an adult's ears begin to hurt, this is not quite typical, but not as scary as a child's - ear pain in children is usually very intense and brings a lot of suffering. Especially when the pain is repeated again and again.

In such cases, we are usually talking about otitis, which can appear several times in a row.
We will analyze the causes of the frequent occurrence of otitis media in children and adults.

To get sick with otitis, it is not at all necessary that the ears be blown by a cold wind, as many people think. In fact, otitis media can “stick” even in real heat. And the cause of otitis media is almost all infection. Moreover, the infectious process is very often an acute process, but no less often takes a sluggish form.

This form of otitis media can turn back into acute (aggravate) after hypothermia, prolonged exposure to the cold without a hat, or after an untreated cold or flu. If liquid gets into the ears (for example, while swimming), as well as when infection is introduced through various sharp objects during self-cleansing of the ear canal, the otitis media can also worsen the infectious process.

Types of otitis media

Statistics say that it is the most frequent complication after an acute respiratory viral disease and after influenza. As you know, the ear-nose-throat system is single, the nose and ears are connected, and for this reason, the infection often passes through the nose into the auditory tube (Eustachian tube), and through it - straight into the middle ear. According to the place of its localization, otitis externa is distinguished - inflammation of the skin of the external auditory opening, medium - the inflammatory process passes to the eardrum, and internal - the so-called. labyrinthitis. The most dangerous and most frequent "guest" is otitis media.

Causes of frequent recurrent otitis media

Parents often complain about the frequent appearance of otitis media in their child. There are many cases of such a course of the disease. Otitis comes back again and again and torments the child and his parents with his appearance several times - two, three, and four times in a row. What is it connected with? Usually, the cause of such a clinical picture is untreated or improperly treated or not treated at all rhinitis, that is, a runny nose. They say that if you treat a runny nose, you will be sick for a week, if you do not treat it, it will be seven days. That's right, it seems to be useless to treat a runny nose, you will still suffer from it for at least a week. And, nevertheless, if no measures are taken at all, then complications are inevitable, one of which is constantly recurring otitis media.

It may very well be that something else, which also provokes the occurrence of secondary otitis media - enlarged adenoids are the focus of chronic infection. With recurrent otitis media, there may be dysfunction of the Eustachian tube, so a trip to the ENT doctor is necessary.

- This is an ENT disease, which is an inflammatory process in the ear. Otitis media can occur at any age, especially in children. The most common inflammatory diseases of the middle ear. Up to 3 years of age, 80% of children have at least one episode of otitis media. The incidence of otitis media sharply decreases after 5-7 years. Why? Let's find out below.

What is an auditory tube?

The auditory tube is an organ that belongs to the middle ear system, connecting it to the nasopharynx. It has three main functions in the literature:

  1. Regulation or equalization of pressure in the middle ear.
  2. Isolation and evacuation of fluid that is constantly formed in the middle ear.
  3. Protection of the middle ear from the contents (viruses and bacteria, allergic substances, food) in the nasopharynx.

Unfortunately, these functions work very poorly in children.

Why does the Eustachian tube not work well in children?

The most rapid development of the auditory tube occurs in the first 2 years of life:

  • in infants, the auditory tube has a horizontal position and very short dimensions (17.5 mm);
  • by 2 years, the auditory tube has a length from 17.5 to 37.5 mm, as well as an angle of inclination from 10 to 45 degrees;
  • the configuration of the auditory tube in children of 7 years no longer differs from that of an adult.

The horizontal position of the auditory tube makes the middle ear more vulnerable to infection.

Do not forget about congenital pathologies, such as Down's Syndrome or an open palatine cleft (cleft palate); they lead to changes in the structure of the auditory tube, exposing the ear to frequent otitis media.

How is pressure regulated?

Gas exchange constantly takes place on the mucous membrane of the middle ear. Gas is absorbed on the surface of the mucous membrane of the ear, creating vacuum (negative pressure) conditions. This is a normal process, and opening the auditory tube allows you to send an additional portion of air with gas into the ear to equalize the pressure in the ear with atmospheric pressure. Studies note that this function in children is much weaker than in adults, which also explains the frequent occurrence of otitis media in children.

Negative pressure results in:

  • retraction of the eardrum;
  • increase its blood supply and, as a result, reduce transparency;
  • passive transport of fluid from the bloodstream to the ear and the formation of serous otitis media;
  • result "C" on tympanometry. This result often causes fear and panic in parents. Tubotite? Eustachitis?

Don't panic ahead of time. Tympanometry does not make diagnoses, it only allows you to indirectly assess the function of the auditory tube.

Result "C" in children - this is the norm associated with immature function of the auditory tube.

Literature data show that these problems resolve by age 7, with the exception of a certain percentage of children (1-7%) who still have eustachian tube dysfunction.

How is the middle ear cleaned?

The middle ear cavity, like the surface of the auditory tube, is covered with a special epithelium (a mucous membrane that produces mucus) that has cilia. They work like a mop towards the nasopharynx. A number of hereditary diseases affecting the cleaning function of the middle ear can lead to the formation of permanent acute and chronic otitis media. Among them:

  • disruption of the cilia (primary ciliary dyskinesia);
  • more viscous composition of mucus (cystic fibrosis).

What other factors contribute to the development of frequent otitis media in children?

Allergy. It was found that allergic processes can affect the condition of the middle ear and the auditory tube in different ways. This is inflammatory edema (the same as in other parts of the respiratory system), and the reflux of allergens from the nasopharynx into the auditory tube, and the middle ear. All this leads to further deterioration of the already poorly functioning auditory tube in children.

Adenoids. The enlarged adenoid tonsil adjoins the mouth of the auditory tube in the nasopharynx. Two possible mechanisms have been identified:

  • A bacterial reservoir, and at every opportunity (SARS, sneezing with allergies), the infection enters the ear.
  • Due to the excessive pressure of the enlarged adenoids on the mouth of the auditory tube, the process of its opening is additionally disturbed.

Reflux. It should be noted that acute otitis in very young children (up to 6 months) may occur without any connection with infection. Feeding in the wrong position can lead to reflux of food into the nasopharynx and middle ear. This has been confirmed by the presence of pepsin in the middle ear in children. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract does not have protective properties against gastric contents and reacts to it with inflammatory changes. For the same reason, prolonged use of the pacifier (more than 6-12 months) is not recommended.

Many parents from the very birth of a child for three years are constantly faced with the fact that their child has otitis media. This disease is considered common. Without timely treatment, otitis in a child often takes a more serious form. The disease becomes more complicated, and the treatment becomes longer and more complicated.

The disease is accompanied by pain. In the depths of the ear, a strong inflammatory process occurs. Children in this period look lethargic, naughty. Loss of appetite, sleep, fever rises. If you do not seek treatment in a timely manner, the general condition of the child will become more critical. Severe headaches will begin, gradually the symptoms will begin to be aggravated.

Otitis can even start in a baby. At the same time, the causes of frequent otitis media in children are very different and are primarily associated with the individual characteristics of the child's body and with weak immunity.

Various factors can provoke the disease:

As for infants, their main provoking factor is improper digestion. In children of this age, the main processes are just beginning to normalize, and food, that is, mother's milk, is not completely digested, enters the oropharynx when the baby burps milk or burps.

After, flowing into the Eustachian tube, the liquid strongly irritates the middle ear mucosa, which provokes inflammation. Even after birth, some babies have amniotic fluid in the ear canal and nasopharynx, which also gives a negative impetus.

In adolescent children, chronic otitis occurs as a result of an increase. Gradually, by the age of fourteen, the tissues return to normal, and if not, then it is necessary to remove the adenoids.

Wrong treatment

What to do if a child has frequent otitis, parents often decide for themselves, do not rush to go to the hospital and try to relieve inflammation on their own. To do this, use various folk remedies, warming up the hearing organs and instilling various drops from the pharmacy into the ear canal.

Such treatment is extremely dangerous, especially when it comes to infants. Often, the inflammatory process cannot be reduced on its own. In addition, time is lost, and the disease is delayed, spreading more widely. As a result, a neglected disease has to be treated with prolonged hospitalization.

It also happens that after three days of inpatient treatment, the child gets better, and mothers simply take him away from the hospital at their own responsibility. In fact, the drugs used in the treatment, and most often these are antibiotics and antiseptics, anti-inflammatory drugs, have only just begun to work and allowed the symptoms of the disease to be slightly muffled.

This does not mean at all that otitis media has passed. and the child will feel good in the future. As a rule, interrupted treatment ends in complications., which also arise from the fact that the medication has been suspended and you will have to start treatment again, choosing more gentle drugs.

How to cure otitis

It is possible to talk about the correct treatment of otitis media only in a good hospital or under the direct supervision of a specialist at home (with mild forms of the disease).

If your baby suffers from this ailment almost three times a year or more, more detailed research is needed to determine why the child often has otitis, which provokes a chronic disease.

Important! In addition to the main methods of treatment, it is recommended to drink a course of vitamins to strengthen the immune system.

Realizing the seriousness of the consequences in cases of the slightest suspicion of otitis media, the child should be immediately taken to the hospital or an ambulance should be called at home. It is difficult for parents to navigate and determine the extent of the spread of the disease, its nature, and even more so to understand what has become a provoking factor. In the hospital, after conducting a visual examination, taking the necessary tests, the baby will be treated only after the diagnosis is fully confirmed.

The course of medications will be selected individually taking into account some features of each specific organism. Most likely you will need to go to the hospital and about 10 days be treated.

Disease prevention

To prevent your child from getting otitis, you need to be more attentive to his health and appearance.

  1. Children should always be dressed appropriately for the weather.. If it is hot, do not wrap your ears, as your head will sweat and your hearing organs may blow out. When it is cold, on the contrary, the ears must be carefully covered.
  2. Need to strengthen the immune system maturing organism, periodically giving vitamin-mineral complexes to drink. The choice of the drug is best done with a pediatrician who has observed the baby from birth and knows all the features of his body. High immunity will help to avoid many diseases, the consequences of which can be otitis media. You should also limit the child's social circle and try to avoid contact with sick children.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not fall and does not hit his head.
  4. ear canals need without stretching the eardrum and without injuring the surrounding tissues.
  5. It is important to teach the child from childhood blow your nose properly.
  6. When washing the nose, you need to be especially careful, trying not to damage the mucosa and not cause microtrauma to the tissues.

Important! In feeding with infants, you need to be especially careful. Overeating should not be allowed, and immediately after eating, the baby should be kept upright for some time to avoid burping fluid from entering the oropharynx.

With the right approach, even permanent otitis in a child, which is already chronic, will pass. Parents should understand that improper treatment, interruption of inpatient treatment leads to an acute form of otitis media, which is much more difficult and dangerous.

It is important to realize that if a child once had otitis media, he may get sick again. To avoid relapse, you need to carefully monitor the child and take appropriate preventive measures. Otherwise, you can provoke a partial hearing loss, and then more serious problems will begin.

In infants, the risk factor for the onset of the disease is reflux associated with the immaturity of the digestive system. Often, undigested milk, penetrating into the oropharynx during belching, flows into the wide Eustachian tube, causing irritation of the middle ear mucosa. Regurgitation and vomiting of infants in the supine position also contribute to the flow of stomach contents into the external cavities of the ear and the development of the inflammatory process.

The period of growing up of children from birth to five years is rarely complete without at least one episode of otitis media. We can talk about frequent recurrent or chronic otitis media if the disease occurs at least three to four times a year. In this case, a diagnosis is carried out to identify the cause of frequent inflammation, as well as preventive measures aimed at strengthening the child's defenses.

Causes of recurrence

Young children have anatomical features of the structure of the nasopharynx and ears, which contribute to the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the middle ear cavity.

Contributing factors for frequent relapses can also be called:

  • Immature immunity.
  • A wide and short Eustachian tube, located horizontally relative to the middle ear cavity, which facilitates the easy penetration of nasal mucus and other fluid.
  • The eardrum in children is much stronger than in an adult, this prevents its perforation in otitis media, and the inflammatory process takes longer and is more painful.
  • The mucosa in the middle ear cavity has a loose structure, and after birth, many babies may have amniotic fluid in the nasopharynx, which provokes the development of inflammation.
  • The lymphatic tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsils (adenoids) is enlarged and may block the passage for natural air circulation through the Eustachian tube.
  • In addition to physiological characteristics, frequent otitis media in a child provoke childhood viral diseases, such as measles, chickenpox, hypothermia and overheating of the body, as well as caries of milk teeth.

Otitis media can be provoked by improper blowing out or a strong pressure of the washing solution with a runny nose.

Chronicization of the disease

Often, relapses of inflammation are provoked by improper treatment. The main reasons for the transition of acute otitis into a chronic form lie in the interruption of antibiotic treatment. The course of antibiotic treatment for otitis media, depending on the drug used, lasts 7 to 10 days. At the same time, the main symptoms of intoxication, such as fever, severe pain in the ear, weakness and body aches disappear already on the third day of taking antibacterial drugs. However, this does not mean at all that the infection is destroyed, most likely, the bacteria are simply weakened by the action of the drug.

Wrong treatment

Many parents, not realizing the importance of antibacterial treatment, interrupt it as soon as the child's condition improves, believing that the disease has been overcome, while the weakened bacteria soon manifest themselves in the symptoms of chronic otitis media. Therefore, whatever the side effects of antibiotics, therapy should be completed.

Another cause of chronic otitis in a child may be enlarged adenoids. As a rule, by the age of 12-14, the lymphatic tissue of the adenoids returns to normal and even disappears completely, however, in cases where enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsils interfere with nasal breathing and even provoke frequent otitis media, doctors recommend performing an operation to remove it.

How to cure

Only an otolaryngologist can diagnose otitis in children, as well as prescribe treatment. Before the doctor examines the ear cavity for the integrity of the eardrum, it is strictly forbidden to drip anything into the ear. Also, you can not do thermal procedures, including a warming compress on the child's ear, at elevated body temperature. The only thing that parents can do for children with acute pain in the ear is to give an antipyretic and analgesic based on the active substance nurofen, in a dosage corresponding to the age of the child, and then call an ambulance.

After the doctor confirms the cause of the pain in the ear and establishes the form of otitis media and its causative agent, complex therapy is prescribed, which in most cases is based on taking systematic antibiotics. For this reason, it is practically impossible to treat otitis in children on their own, since without a medical education, prescribing an antibacterial drug to a child means risking not only his health, but also his life.

Prevention measures

Treatment of otitis in children with antibiotics leads to a decrease in immunity, and this in turn contributes to the risk of recurrence of the disease. In addition, frequent otitis media can worsen a child’s hearing, provoke hearing loss, therefore, for children prone to ENT diseases, it is better to take preventive measures than to experience all the side effects of new generation antibiotics.

The main indications that will help to avoid frequent otitis media in children are:

  • Proper cleaning of the ears. Earwax protects the external auditory canal from the development of pathogenic microflora, therefore, its excess should be removed, and not picking the child's ears every day at the same time, risking damage to the integrity of the epithelium.
  • Babies under six months old should be kept upright after feeding, and milk should not leak into the ear cavity.
  • When washing the nasal cavity with saline, you do not need to do a lot of pressure, since otitis media can develop when fluid flows into the Eustachian tube. For the same reason, for children under three years of age, local medicines are recommended to be used in the form of drops, and not a spray or aerosol.
  • In warm weather, do not wrap the child heavily, as overheating can provoke a disease, just like hypothermia.
  • The menu of the child should contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals that contribute to the proper development and growth of the baby, as well as strengthening the immune system. Also, in order to improve the immune system, you should not give synthetic vitamins without clear instructions from a doctor.
  • To improve the health of frequently ill children, one should take walks with them in the fresh air, as well as maintain a cool and humid climate in the room where the baby is located.

Not a single child is immune from otitis, but in order for the disease to pass without any special consequences and not become chronic, its treatment should be approached responsibly and in no case should you use “grandmother's methods” instead of taking the child to the doctor .

Causes of otitis in children: how to avoid relapse

The causes of otitis in children often lie in the features of a fragile organism and anatomical differences. It is at an early age that a person is more susceptible to the occurrence of various kinds of ear diseases. However, there are effective ways to protect your child from such diseases. In order to understand this issue, it is necessary to consider in more detail the mechanism of development of otitis, depending on the causes of occurrence.

Features of the child's body and the structure of the ear

The main reason that a child has frequent otitis media is the tendency of a young organism to inflammatory processes. This is mainly due to an underdeveloped immune system. In the first years of life, the protective mechanisms of the body are formed in children. While immunity is in its infancy, the baby is susceptible to infection, as well as the development of complications after illness.

In addition, it is necessary to note the anatomical features of the hearing organs. Otitis has an additional possibility of development due to the almost completely open access to the hearing organs for bacteria. The situation is aggravated by insufficient production of sulfur secretion. Until the immune system is fully formed, and the organs are not rebuilt in an adult way, the recurrence of ear diseases will not be uncommon.

The main difference between the hearing organs of children is a specific structure, due to the underdevelopment of some elements at an early age. This is a completely natural phenomenon, therefore, in the absence of other deviations, there is nothing to worry about.

First of all, the shape and size of the Eustachian tube differ significantly in the child. In adults, it is narrower and has curves that prevent germs from passing into the middle ear. In children, it is short and straight, as well as wider. Because of this, the risk of otitis media increases even with a common cold.

Through the Eustachian tube, microbes and infections can enter the ear, which provoked other diseases of the ear-nose-throat system. Also, structural features of the pipe can provoke a relapse due to the accumulation of pathogenic microflora.

Another aspect of the difference between the hearing organs in children is the type of epithelial tissue lining the hearing organs. Relapse may be associated with the retention of microorganisms by loose epithelium. In adults, it is represented by a mucous membrane, which contributes to the removal of the threat, along with other secretions.

congenital problems

Also, the causes of otitis media in children may be associated with a hereditary predisposition to this disease and other congenital problems. There are several groups of such factors:

  • Complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy, pathologies of childbirth, prematurity of the child, birth trauma and other complications can affect the development of the immune system, hearing organs and the whole organism.
  • Deviations of physiological development. Pathologies such as "cleft palate" in children, a deviated nasal septum and other disorders increase the susceptibility to such diseases.
  • Weakened immunity. A decrease in the body's defenses, especially if it is congenital, provokes a relapse of many diseases, including otitis media, which is associated with an inability to effectively resist infection.
  • The presence of congenital diseases. Also, a relapse can cause disorders of other systems, in particular, of a chronic nature. The vascular system, pathologies of metabolic processes, endocrine, etc. have an effect on the ears.

If permanent otitis in a child is associated precisely with these factors, the only thing left to do is to strengthen the immune system by all means and monitor the health of the baby. Some pathologies can be corrected through long-term treatment and surgery.

Hygiene issues

Keeping a child healthy is not an easy task. Most of the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the parents. At the same time, the activity of the baby is not always controlled, and this, in turn, can lead to the fact that otitis media will relapse.

Toddlers learn the world tactilely, in order to get acquainted with a new object, they need not only to see it, but it is advisable to smell it, touch it and, of course, lick it. And an even more inquisitive child will try to put some interesting stick in his mouth, nose or ear. The problem is that this way the baby can infect the ear or injure the external organs of hearing, which can also lead to infection.

In order to prevent a recurrence of otitis media, parents should monitor not only what and how their child plays with, but also properly carry out hygienic cleansing procedures. It is important to teach your child how to properly care for themselves at an older age. Ear hygiene is the first step towards health. The ingress of water into the ear canal should be limited. It is equally important to prevent exposure to loud sounds and pressure drops.

Another point is the correct blowing. In some children, inflammation may develop due to the inability to properly clean the nose. The nostrils need to be cleaned one by one. In addition, it is important to tilt your head to the side so that mucus or flushing fluid does not get into the Eustachian tube.

Diseases provocateurs

Most often, otitis media occurs due to a complication of another disease. Mostly colds and viral diseases act as provocateurs, but some cases are associated with allergic reactions.

Diseases that caused otitis or its recurrence can be:

If a child has repeated otitis after about a week, this most likely indicates that the inflammation has not been completely cured. There is also a possibility of re-infection due to weakened immunity.

In children, the risk of developing otitis media against the background of an infectious disease is especially high. This is due to the fact that it is much easier for pathogenic microorganisms to get into the middle ear due to the simple structure of the Eustachian tube. The wide, short, straight tube becomes an easy path for bacteria.

In addition, due to the protracted course of a cold or other viral disease, even after complete elimination of otitis media, a relapse may occur. This situation is quite common in the presence of chronic inflammation of the ear. Any irritant is capable of re-starting pathological processes, especially when the body is weakened by another disease.

Prevention measures

If a child has frequent otitis, you need to know what to do to reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease and eliminate its negative consequences. The main preventive measures are aimed at competent treatment of colds and general strengthening of the immune system. This is especially true for children with congenital diseases and anatomical anomalies.

To increase the body's resistance, it is necessary to adjust the menu and increase the amount of vegetables and fruits consumed. In winter, it is recommended to take synthetic vitamin complexes due to the lack of available natural sources of nutrients.

To prevent a relapse after inflammation, make sure that there is no infection and the consequences of its influence. It is important to cure the primary disease and in the future, if it occurs again, to prevent the progression of the infection. In some cases, medical intervention and even surgery may be necessary. Predominantly surgical approaches are associated with a deviated septum, adenoids, Eustachian tube dysfunction, or the presence of pockets in the auditory cavity that trap pus and infection in chronic otitis media.

Caring for the health and strength of the immune system, as well as proper ear care, reduce the risk of otitis media in a child. At the same time, it is important not only to independently monitor his condition, but also to teach him to take preventive measures from early childhood.

What to do if a child has frequent otitis media?

Many parents from the very birth of a child for three years are constantly faced with the fact that their child has otitis media. This disease is considered common. Without timely treatment, otitis in a child often takes a more serious form. The disease becomes more complicated, and the treatment becomes longer and more complicated.

The disease is accompanied by pain. In the depths of the ear, a strong inflammatory process occurs. Children in this period look lethargic, naughty. Loss of appetite, sleep, fever rises. If you do not promptly seek treatment from an otolaryngologist or otiatrist, the general condition of the child will become more critical. Severe headaches will begin, gradually the symptoms will begin to be aggravated.

Causes of frequent otitis media

Otitis can even start in a baby. At the same time, the causes of frequent otitis media in children are very different and are primarily associated with the individual characteristics of the child's body and with weak immunity.

Various factors can provoke the disease:

As for infants, their main provoking factor is improper digestion. In children of this age, the main processes are just beginning to normalize, and food, that is, mother's milk, is not completely digested, enters the oropharynx when the baby burps milk or burps.

After, flowing into the Eustachian tube, the liquid strongly irritates the middle ear mucosa, which provokes inflammation. Even after birth, some babies have amniotic fluid in the ear canal and nasopharynx, which also gives a negative impetus.

In adolescent children, chronic otitis occurs as a result of an increase in adenoids. Gradually, by the age of fourteen, the tissues return to normal, and if not, then surgical intervention is necessary to remove the adenoids.

Wrong treatment

What to do if a child has frequent otitis, parents often decide for themselves, do not rush to go to the hospital and try to relieve inflammation on their own. To do this, use various folk remedies, warming up the hearing organs and instilling various drops from the pharmacy into the ear canal.

Such treatment is extremely dangerous, especially when it comes to infants. Often, the inflammatory process cannot be reduced on its own. In addition, time is lost, and the disease is delayed, spreading more widely. As a result, a neglected disease has to be treated with prolonged hospitalization.

It also happens that after three days of inpatient treatment, the child gets better, and mothers simply take him away from the hospital at their own responsibility. In fact, the drugs used in the treatment, and most often these are antibiotics and antiseptics, anti-inflammatory drugs, have only just begun to work and allowed the symptoms of the disease to be slightly muffled.

This does not mean at all that otitis media has passed. and the child will feel good in the future. As a rule, interrupted treatment ends in complications., which also arise from the fact that the medication has been suspended and you will have to start treatment again, choosing more gentle drugs.

How to cure otitis

It is possible to talk about the correct treatment of otitis media only in a good hospital or under the direct supervision of a specialist at home (with mild forms of the disease).

If your baby suffers from this ailment almost three times a year or more, more detailed research is needed to determine why the child often has otitis, which provokes a chronic disease.

Important! In addition to the main methods of treatment, it is recommended to drink a course of vitamins to strengthen the immune system.

Realizing the seriousness of the consequences in cases of the slightest suspicion of otitis media, the child should be immediately taken to the hospital or an ambulance should be called at home. It is difficult for parents to navigate and determine the extent of the spread of the disease, its nature, and even more so to understand what has become a provoking factor. In the hospital, after conducting a visual examination, taking the necessary tests, the baby will be treated only after the diagnosis is fully confirmed.

The course of medications will be selected individually taking into account some features of each specific organism. Most likely you will need to go to the hospital and about 10 days be treated.

Disease prevention

To prevent your child from getting otitis, you need to be more attentive to his health and appearance.

  1. Children should always be dressed appropriately for the weather.. If it is hot, do not wrap your ears, as your head will sweat and your hearing organs may blow out. When it is cold, on the contrary, the ears must be carefully covered.
  2. Need to strengthen the immune system maturing organism, periodically giving vitamin-mineral complexes to drink. The choice of the drug is best done with a pediatrician who has observed the baby from birth and knows all the features of his body. High immunity will help to avoid many diseases, the consequences of which can be otitis media. You should also limit the child's social circle and try to avoid contact with sick children.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not fall and does not hit his head.
  4. ear canals need clean gently, without stretching the eardrum and without injuring the surrounding tissues.
  5. It is important to teach the child from childhood blow your nose properly.
  6. When washing the nose, you need to be especially careful, trying not to damage the mucosa and not cause microtrauma to the tissues.

Important! In feeding with infants, you need to be especially careful. Overeating should not be allowed, and immediately after eating, the baby should be kept upright for some time to avoid burping fluid from entering the oropharynx.

With the right approach, even permanent otitis in a child, which is already chronic, will pass. Parents should understand that improper treatment, interruption of inpatient treatment leads to an acute form of otitis media, which is much more difficult and dangerous.

It is important to realize that if a child once had otitis media, he may get sick again. To avoid relapse, you need to carefully monitor the child and take appropriate preventive measures. Otherwise, you can provoke a partial hearing loss, and then more serious problems will begin.

Nmedicine » Ear, throat, nose »

What could be the cause of recurring otitis media? Otitis 2-3-4 times in a row

When an adult's ears begin to hurt, this is not quite typical, but not as scary as a child's - ear pain in children is usually very intense and brings a lot of suffering. Especially when the pain is repeated again and again.

In such cases, we are usually talking about otitis, which can appear several times in a row.

We will analyze the causes of the frequent occurrence of otitis media in children and adults.

To get sick with otitis, it is not at all necessary that the ears be blown by a cold wind, as many people think. In fact, otitis media can “stick” even in real heat. And the cause of otitis media is almost all infection. Moreover, the infectious process is very often an acute process, but no less often takes a sluggish form.

This form of otitis media can turn back into acute (aggravate) after hypothermia, prolonged exposure to the cold without a hat, or after an untreated cold or flu. If liquid gets into the ears (for example, while swimming), as well as when infection is introduced through various sharp objects during self-cleansing of the ear canal, the otitis media can also worsen the infectious process.

Types of otitis media

Statistics say that otitis media is the most common complication after acute respiratory viral disease and after influenza. As you know, the ear-nose-throat system is single, the nose and ears are connected, and for this reason, the infection often passes through the nose into the auditory tube (Eustachian tube), and through it - straight into the middle ear. According to the place of its localization, otitis externa is distinguished - inflammation of the skin of the external auditory opening, medium - the inflammatory process passes to the eardrum, and internal - the so-called. labyrinthitis. The most dangerous and most frequent "guest" is otitis media.

Causes of frequent recurrent otitis media

Parents often complain about the frequent appearance of otitis media in their child. There are many cases of such a course of the disease. Otitis comes back again and again and torments the child and his parents with his appearance several times - two, three, and four times in a row. What is it connected with? Usually, the cause of such a clinical picture is untreated or improperly treated or not treated at all rhinitis, that is, a runny nose. They say that if you treat a runny nose, you will be sick for a week, if you do not treat it, it will be seven days. That's right, it seems to be useless to treat a runny nose, you will still suffer from it for at least a week. And, nevertheless, if no measures are taken at all, then complications are inevitable, one of which is constantly recurring otitis media.

It may very well be that the adenoids are also enlarged, which also provokes the occurrence of secondary otitis media - enlarged adenoids are the focus of chronic infection. With recurrent otitis media, there may be dysfunction of the Eustachian tube, so a trip to the ENT doctor is necessary.

For the treatment of rhinitis with any ARVI, it is recommended to take antiviral drugs - say, interferon, as well as a complex of vitamins, antioxidants in the form of a nasal gel. Catarrhal otitis can be treated without resorting to antibiotics, the main thing is to get rid of rhinitis. Several times a day, at least in the morning and evening, you should rinse your nose with a saline solution and use vasoconstrictors according to indications. Prevention of the appearance of otitis media are all possible preventive measures taken in case of SARS.

Frequent otitis in a child

I just don't have the strength. My daughter has a little bit of snot - immediately otitis media. In the clinic, the ENT only prescribes antibiotics and drops. All. I say, why is that? It's not the norm! What tests should we pass, what should we do, why is this so. The answer is that this is a feature.

Just recently, they had otitis media, recovered, came to Laura, looked. He says - the ears are good, there are no inflammations. She gave a certificate that they were healthy. Three days. Three days passed and in the evening my daughter's nose ran a little. We immediately inhalation. On the trail. day by evening we already have an earache with might and main. Girls, Volgograd, please advise a good lore. I read on the Internet that Haemophilus influenzae can be the cause of frequent otitis media. Does anyone know anything about her. They write that it is necessary to take an analysis for its presence. I also read about some kind of microbe in the nose, from which it can also be otitis ... By the way, the tonsils, according to our lore, are not inflamed, they do not need to be removed.

Frequent otitis media

Frequent otitis media

Dear moms! Respond who had a similar problem and how you solved it! My child is 2 years old. Starting from a month, otitis began. For 2 years, 20 otitis. 2 times a month. Moreover, otitis without signs of a cold. Otitis is put on the basis of redness eardrum, i.e. not purulent. etc. The treatment is simple otipax and sometimes sofradex. We treat for 7-10 days, 1.5 weeks everything is fine, and then again again. A smear from the ear was taken a year ago (also on the basis of frequent otitis media) everything is clean. What is it. Doctors shrug, then you went too far, mommy, then you bought it. Some kind of nonsense. They tend to say that.

Interferon status

Girls, please help. Girl 4 years old. Often suffers from otitis media and sinusitis. Went to an immunologist. They sent an interferon status - everything is ok, only the interferon gamma is lowered, it should be from 64-128, and we have 16. What is this? On the internet they write horror stories about autoimmune diseases. Help. tomorrow only to the doctor.

Otitis for the third time!

I don't know why, but lately our ears often hurt. The first time we dripped otirelax, the second time otof, and now we drip anauran for the third time. Who also gets otitis often? How do you treat? What to do so that it doesn't happen again?

Adenoids, frequent otitis media and pool

Were at the doctor, paid, says that since we have three otitis media against the background of colds in 4 months, this is an indication for the removal of adenoids (according to the January picture, degree 1-2).

lymph node behind the ear

Does any of the children have an enlarged knot behind the ear? The eldest is 5 years old, I have been noticing it for a long time, they gave blood, the norm. True, he is often ill with me, adenoids, otitis media tortured me. but the node was before otitis media

Prevention of otitis media

Girls, hello everyone! My strength is gone!! Tell me, is there any prevention from frequent otitis media in children? Daughter is 4 years old. The last year is some kind of misfortune, very often I get otitis media. The last time was on April 14 with a sharp pain in the mouth, and then in the ear, with a high temperature, pus from the ear. They drank an antibiotic because it was pus. And now it's the same. In the same way. in the same ear. All night long she cried, screamed, stamped her feet, whined. Gave nurofen for pain, otipax in the ear.

My son has atopic dermatitis and frequent otitis media.

Adenoids and otitis media

Good afternoon. Girls, tell me. The adenoids were removed for my son the other day, now at home, examination with an extract on Wednesday. I'll ask the surgeon of course, but I also want a collective opinion. In general, is there a connection between the removal of adenoids and frequent otitis media after that? When the floor

Whose children were ill with otitis media!? Do you often get sick with it or has it never happened again? Mine is just the second time in 10 months. We don't really go anywhere.

Otofag, need feedback

Good afternoon everyone! Tell me, please, who used the otofag gel in the nose, is there any result. The child has adenoiditis, frequent otitis media. After another otitis, ENT prescribed this drug + Nasonex. There are few and contradictory reviews on the Internet, the price is not cheap. Share, please, reviews who used otofag.

Frequent suction of snot leads to otitis media.

Is it so? Share your experience, please, how to help a baby (2.5 months) with snot. He sleeps at night, when he sleeps during the day, he also doesn’t seem to wake up from snot. But, when he is awake, he directly “grunts”, especially after eating (we are on the IV, I know that after eating it can also “grunt” because of food).

Well, we got sick with otitis media, but the nose still does not breathe. We went to the laura, everything is fine with the ear. I looked into the throat, the adenoids did not increase, and 1-2st remained. She said Nasonex for the night. We drip, but I don’t see any improvements at all. The nose does not breathe at night at all. Waking up often, crying. Snores like a man. During the day, the situation is no better. Breathing through the mouth, nasal. And yes, he can't eat well. He chews and then opens his mouth to breathe. I feel so sorry for the child, but I don’t know what to do (((From the nose.

My daughter has endless! Now that everyone has been ill with SARS, she has complications in her ears. Were at the doctor. Again antibiotics, drops. And the baby still cries at night that her ears hurt! I asked about adenoids. The doctor said that the second degree. But you can also remove it, since otitis is frequent. Who deleted their kids? Did otitis media become less common or did they disappear altogether? She doesn't snore and breathes well through her nose.

sometimes there is otitis .. sometimes not

Hello! I wondered why sometimes the snot passes by itself .. and sometimes it turns into otitis media.

Where is the best place to do a nasopharyngeal endoscopy?

Good afternoon everyone. Advise please where it is better to make an endoscopy of a nasopharynx. The child is small (2.10), frequent otitis, we are being treated and observed by a good ENT, we have tried many medications, but due to anatomical problems, otitis develops in us literally in a day. You need to do an endoscopy. In the spring we were in the Tushino hospital, our daughter did not give birth, and it is very far for us to go there. Next to us is the hospital of St. Vladimir, where they advised Berzaev S.V., head of the ENT department, they also praise Egdem from Filatovskaya. Where is it better to do an endoscopy and at the same time once again consult on.

Adenoids! Who deleted in the medical town?

Daughter is 4.5 years old. There is a referral for a free operation to remove adenoids. Is it worth it to do it for free? Maybe pay better? We will delete it for sure. The child's hearing suffers and frequent otitis media. Please advise. Ask your friends if anyone has had such an operation.

ENT Yaroslavl

Antistreptolysis is overestimated

The child often catches a cold, suffered 4 otitis media this year. I started asking my pediatrician. She gave me a referral for a blood test. The result of antistreptolysis is 403.06, at a rate of 0-150. It tells you to lore with this. Zadolbali, drive back and forth. We signed up for lore on Monday, we have been waiting for 4 days already. I wonder what lore can give out. Take antibiotics again.

Blue lamp for otitis: who uses

Girls, I need your advice. The child has frequent otitis media, prolonged colds. We carry out all the recommendations of the doctor, we are observed by a good ENT. Recently, I once again had catarrhal otitis, received antibiotics, now there are snot. Lor recommended us the Feya physiotherapy apparatus, or use a blue lamp: direct it to the nose (Minin's Reflector). We have a blue lamp, I want to try it. Reviews for both seem to be good. Who used these devices, is there any sense in them?

remove adenoids a second time.

in December 2016, adenoids of the 3rd degree were removed. Frequent persistent colds, persistent otitis media. (removed under the endoscope or not, I don’t know. They were removed at Maslov’s). So in January we had a runny nose with otitis media. But we went to the pool. under cat

Where is it better to do a nasopharyngeal endoscopy in Moscow

Good afternoon everyone! Please advise where in Moscow it is better to do an endoscopy of the nasopharynx. The child is small (2.10), frequent otitis media, we are treated and observed by a good ENT, we have tried many medications, but due to the anatomical structure of the ENT organs, otitis media develops literally in a day. You need to do an endoscopy. In the spring we were in the Tushino hospital, our daughter did not give birth, and it is very far for us to go there. Next to us is the hospital of St. Vladimir, where they advised Berzaev SV, head of the ENT department, they also praise Egdem from Filatovskaya. Where is it better to do an endoscopy and at the same time consult again.

ENT Yaroslavl

Girls, good afternoon! Tell me the contact of a good ENT, who is from Yaroslavl. Adenoids 2 tbsp. with us, otitis is often tortured (((we are observed at the place of residence in the Dzerzhinsky district and also with Khrykova A.G. in the MEDIN medical center. I would also like to listen to the opinion of a competent specialist.

Sanatorium on the Black Sea, how to choose?

I have a frequently ill child. From January to May, we had purulent otitis media, pneumonia, and 3 times we caught uncomplicated viruses. These are only statistics for half a year, and if we take for all 3.5 years. I've already lost count. Of course we want to take the child to the sea. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to go during the summer months, only in September-October. The question is: which profile of the sanatorium should we choose. We have frequent otitis media, twice were purulent, once there was pneumonia, as I already wrote. How.

To remove or not adenoids?!

Son is 5 years old. He has grade 2 adenoids and grade 3 tonsil hypertrophy. At night he snores a lot, there was a delay in breathing. But after Nazanex and Lymphomyosot, he began to snore less, perhaps until the first cold. Generally sick often. During the year, 5 otitis media were transferred, but after blowing, otitis media stopped bothering me for a year already. He suffered several bronchitis and even with obstruction. Doctors disagree. Here and I doubt to delete and cut almonds or not?! Girls who faced. Tell about it. How has the quality of life changed?

Girls who have problems with ENT organs, adenoids, otitis, tonsillitis, etc., can go to Laura Makkaev Khaibula Magomedovich Head of the Department of ENT diseases, as well as the ENT department in the children's city clinic No. 39. Prefers conservative methods of treatment of chronic ENT diseases. I called to the house, he takes quite a lot, so the next time we went to his clinic, about 1 tr costs an appointment. We got to him with very frequent otitis media, and I had cysts in the maxillary sinuses, diagnosed from the age of 14, c.

RMS Temperature in children Antiviral therapy Cough ARVI Acute intestinal infections Otitis media in children False croupAdenoids Staphylococcus Pediatrics Frequently Asked Questions

A trip to the sea with the herpes virus

girls, dd. In the spring, we were in the hospital in the inf.department, they found an exacerbation of the herpes virus type 6 and CMV, plus we have frequent otitis media. We are currently undergoing treatment. On the recommendation of Laura, we bought vouchers to the Crimea for September. I read that it is not recommended to be in the sun in the presence of herpes infections. We visited an immunologist, he allowed me to go, but I need to retake the tests before the trip. I think there should be more benefit from the trip than harm, but I'm worried, I'm not going to keep it in the sun. Question: did you take the children to the sea with.

What is the difference between pneumo23 vaccination and previnar?

Girls, hello everyone! Anti-vaxxers are asked to pass immediately. Who knows how the pneumo23 vaccination differs from the previnar? Which is better? At the Research Institute of Pediatrics, an otolaryngologist advises us to do pneumo23 (this is for a fee), and the local pediatrician says that previnar.

Do you wet your ears when swimming?

Hello! daughter is 1 month old. I heard that little ones have weak ears and often have otitis media. What about when swimming? Close your ears to keep water out? How do you wash your hair then? Or is it nothing to worry about? I usually close my ears when bathing, and then I pour water into a cup separately, and wipe my head and face with wet cotton. Maybe I'm worried for nothing?


Hello! Have any children had a tympanostomy (tympanostonomy in Finnish; korvien putkitus in Finnish), where an incision is made in the eardrum and a drain inserted? I understand that in the countries of the former union this is not a popular procedure, but still. How did everything go? In the first year of life, the child had 4 otitis media on both sides, he is constantly sick, rubs his ears. On the right side, the tympanic membrane has thickened and does not resonate well, which means hearing suffers. Chronic otitis. The doctor decided to prescribe this procedure, in Finland this is a fairly common occurrence. Like.

Temperature in children Antiviral therapy Cough ARVI Acute intestinal infections Otitis media in children False croupAdenoids Staphylococcus Pediatrics Frequently Asked Questions

Ear infection

Every parent is afraid of such a common disease as otitis media. A rare child did not suffer from otitis media or an inflammatory disease of any part of the ear. The most commonly affected is the so-called middle ear.

Otitis. Days 2-3

Thanks for the well wishes. We are treated, but often whimpers. Whether all ears, or teeth. They said to the ENT in 5-6 days, but it seems to me that for a very long time without examinations, what do you think? The third day of otitis has gone. Maybe tomorrow it’s better to go and see if the otitis has turned into purulent?

Otitis. Adenoids?

My daughter (two and eight) has frequent catarrhal otitis (in May, August, September and now). Today we went to the ENT, I want to check the adenoids. He said that the adenoids need to be checked in a week, when everything is cured, because you need to put your hand into the nasopharynx, and after that pus can pour out of the (patients') ears. And I recently read that adenoids can be diagnosed by X-ray. And at the thought that my daughter will get a hand in the nasopharynx, I shudder. I would like to know from experienced people.

Otitis or an inflammatory process in one of the parts of the ear (outer ear, middle ear, inner ear) is a common problem for babies in the first years of life. Usually already at school, children outgrow this disease and suffer from it much less frequently.

A rare child did not suffer from otitis media or an inflammatory disease of any part of the ear. The most commonly affected is the so-called middle ear. Inflammation in it is sometimes also called otitis media.

Tormented by otitis media

Since childhood, they suffered from a nose and soon joined by frequent otitis media. Sometimes they coped with otipax, sometimes they had to take antibiotics. There was exudate in the ears. They did a study (I forgot what it is called) - showed pressure - again, that there is exudate. Although it was not visually visible. The adenoids were removed. under the cut The doctor said that the ears themselves will gradually pass. A month after the removal of the adeoids, they went to the doctor, everything is fine. Exudate is not visible. Repeated research on pressure said it is not necessary to do. They began to get sick less often, not so much, but after each runny nose, otitis media. And no runny nose.

Preferential vouchers for frequently ill children. really get?

Preferential voucher for frequently ill children. reality?

My daughter is sick stably every 1.5-2 months with constant otitis media, endure tonsillitis .. I heard about free trips to sanatoriums for frequently ill children.

Dear mothers! On May 4, the Sunflower Foundation organizes a very useful event for FREE: Open Appointment Day with leading Russian immunologists, both children and adults. It is a rare case when specialists of such a level (RCCH, Dmitry Rogachev Federal Scientific and Practical Center, etc.) find themselves in one place and are ready to discuss your problems and make an appointment. Everything is free!

Girls, let's exchange experiences on how to prevent and overcome OTITIS!

Son 3.3, first met with otitis media (and immediately with purulent) at 2 years old. It developed against the background of a protracted ARVI.

Free meeting with immunologists

Dear mothers! For everyone who is often sick and does not understand the causes of prolonged ailments, colds (pneumonia, otitis media, runny nose and other colds) On May 4, the Sunflower Foundation organizes a very useful event for FREE: Open Reception Day with leading Russian immunologists, both children and adults . It is a rare case when specialists of such a level (RCCH, Dmitry Rogachev Federal Scientific and Practical Center, etc.) find themselves in one place and are ready to discuss your problems and make an appointment. Everything is free!

About temperature.

Why do some children get sick with a temperature and others do not? Here at me the daughter for all six years was ill or sick with temperature in 3 months inf. Urinary sweat after a year of angina and rotovirus. The average son for three years was sick a lot and very often (it happened once every two weeks) always with a temperature. The little one has also already fallen ill with otitis media and also with a temperature. The doctor says that otitis media is a complication of acute respiratory viral infections (he squelched somewhere in the nasopharynx, but not much). It turns out that there was no acute respiratory viral infection.

Allergy what to exclude

The child has frequent otitis media, from swelling of the nose. Lor advised me to get tested for allergens. The result for milk, casein, alpha globulin, 3rd degree approximately. For a dog, 2, for a cat, just above the threshold, less than one, but still 2 degrees. As I understand it, all milk should be excluded. But what about keeping a cat at home is an open question, the doctor said you can. But can it be that the allergy will intensify? And is it worth it for allergy sufferers to keep tailed ones at home. My husband loves them so I thought about it.

Moms whose children are constantly ill with otitis media, take a look.

This is already clear to me. That's why we go to an immunologist. The reason can be not only a stick, but also an allergy, etc. The reason must be sought, so I go to the doctor.

The question is how to treat a severe runny nose, so as not to run?

Dioxidin 0.5%, 1/3 pipette in each nostril 3 times a day, helps us well from a protracted runny nose with green discharge, on the third day the nose gets better. Assign usually up to 7 days to drip. First vibrocil —> after 10 minutes remove with an aspirator —> dioxidine

And so you need to see an immunologist, look for and eliminate the cause of frequent colds. In fact, everything in the last topic was written correctly for you.

We are already going to the immunologist, we have an appointment for December 4th. BUT I need to treat my nose now. I wrapped all the advice from the last topic on my mustache and made an appointment with an immunologist.

The question is how to cure the nose.

dioxidine 0.5% 1/3 pipette in each nostril 3 times a day, on the third day the nose gets better. Assign usually up to 7 days to drip. First vibrocil —> after 10 minutes remove with an aspirator —> dioxidine

We have never been prescribed Dioxidine.

what to do? Who heals what

inhalation with Ntarium bicarbonate for 10 minutes increases the efficiency of removing mucopurulent discharge from the nasal cavity by more than 2 times.

ILT inhalation with sodium chloride

thanks, very interesting article. BUT there is no pro treatment nose.

Psychological causes of illness

Nasal discharge is subconscious tears or internal crying. The subconscious is trying in this way to bring out deeply repressed feelings: more often grief and pity, disappointment and regret about unfulfilled plans, dreams.

Allergic rhinitis indicates a complete lack of emotional self-control. This happens, as a rule, after strong emotional upheavals.

Express the ability to hear and listen.

Ear problems are the unwillingness to hear anything or the inability to listen and listen to the opinions of other people.

Ear inflammation (otitis media, mastoiditis)

This is an unwillingness to listen and accept what others say. As a result, anger and irritation accumulate in the subconscious, and this leads to inflammation.

Sinelnikov Love your illness.

you need to lore, if you gave thick snot, drink more, rinse your nose every hour and blow your nose, well, depending on which snot is rhinonorm or it is combined in isofroy

we are like snot, immediately to the lore and are observed every day. it’s just Saturday right now (((And thanks for the advice !! there is isophra, I’ll try it tomorrow.

ENT in 9-ke told us not to wash our nose with Aqualor. That because of these washings the infection brings and otitis media begins.

What means from for washings an infection brings? my ENT appointed me. then what to wash?

we are like snot, immediately to the lore and are observed every day

BUT there is no pro treatment nose.

it’s just that we also used to have snot immediately flowing into otitis media, our adenoids grew to the third degree

I like our lore. She quickly puts us on our feet without antibiotics.

Adenoids said we will look when you stop getting sick, because when you get sick they are already enlarged

what about the nose? fibrocil and rinse you apply - i.e. control swelling and exudation.

with ARVI, there is no effect on the duration of the manifestation of symptoms - they will be until the virus replicates in the cells of the mucous membranes.

I always wash and bury. I'm flying. and eventually otitis (((((((((((((((((

A week ago we finished putting Viferon. were sick, had otitis ((((

Now I’m sick again, I don’t know what to treat already (((((((((Today I gave Anaferon. But I don’t know if it helps?

they do not have any effect on ORVI.

helps us and very well. always assign it.

they wrote you correctly, you don’t need to rinse your nose, just suck out snot and vasoconstrictor drops. I have chronic otitis media I know what I'm talking about

but we are told to flush. just when I start to suck, the snot is thick, and when I wash it, they are sucked well.

when you wash your nose, there is a high probability that the entire infection will get into the Eustachian tube and hello otitis media. I don’t know why doctors here still insist on washing, in the north, for example, on the contrary, they forbid it

interesting. even just a saline solution is not necessary to pour from a pipette?

that it is very difficult to suck out without any solutions?

yeah. they are very thick and do not flow well.

Do not rinse, but pipette saline. There is really no need to store snot there. And do not fanatically suck them out, do not create negative pressure in the Eustachian tubes. Let the child blow his nose, as best he can, let the snot flow out by itself. Protargol also does not need to be dripped - in addition to the toxic effect, it also has a drying effect. And why do you need to dry the already thick snot? So that they get up there crusts? Dioxidine is also banned because of its toxic effect, you pour it into the nose - the child swallows part of it.

And with constant otitis, yes, I would listen to what is heard at home. It is, of course, complete nonsense, but do you still listen carefully, what does your child not want to hear?

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What to do if a child has frequent otitis media

Colds and viral diseases are especially dangerous in autumn. This time of the year is the most favorable for their development. They soar in the air and quickly hit not only adults, but also children. Although, as parents do not try to wrap them up and dress them warmly before going out. They still get sick. In this case, it is important to provide the correct treatment to the child. Otherwise, the common cold will be complicated by otitis, which is very insidious.

Features of the disease

Otitis is a disease that is associated with inflammation in the organ of hearing. Especially often it occurs in children from birth to three or four years. Otitis is mainly due to acute respiratory infections, which is accompanied by a runny nose and laryngitis.

Also, improper hygiene procedures can lead to its appearance. For example, taking a bath, cleaning the ears. Since a special substance is released in the ear, which we used to call sulfur. It protects the body from the effects of infections and other pathogenic bacteria.

If you clean your ears very carefully, then it is removed. In this case, the body remains without a protective layer, the integrity of the skin is injured.

If we talk about babies, then reflux is a risk factor for this disease. It is associated with the digestive system, which is not yet mature. Quite often, the milk that a child consumes enters the oropharynx when regurgitation, after which it is likely to penetrate the auditory tube.

In this case, the mucous membrane located on the middle ear is irritated. Spitting up and vomiting is especially dangerous if the child is lying down. Since what is contained in the stomach easily enters the outer ear. All this leads to inflammatory processes in it.

As for the older age, the disease appeared at least once before the age of five, but for everyone. Cases when frequent otitis in some children are not excluded. They can appear in two forms:

  • relapse;
  • Chronic form. It is worth talking about it in the case when the disease worries no less than three or even four times a year.

Causes of the disease

If your child has constant otitis media, then it is necessary to carry out a complete diagnosis of the body. This will determine the factors that cause frequent inflammation in the ear canal. In addition, preventive measures are mandatory.

They will help strengthen the defenses of the baby. It is also worth considering the anatomical features of the child. At an early age, his nasopharynx and ears have a different structure than an adult. This contributes to the fact that viruses and bacteria quickly and easily penetrate into this organ.

Basically, the reappearance of the disease leads to:

  • Completely undeveloped immunity;
  • The special structure of the auditory tube. It is not narrow and short, while it is horizontal to the middle cavity. As a result, the liquid that accumulates in the pharynx easily penetrates into it;
  • Durable eardrum. In the process of the onset of the inflammatory process, it does not perforate, which contributes to the painful and prolonged course of the disease;
  • Loose structure of the mucosa in the cavity of the organ. Even after birth, the baby may have amniotic fluid left there, which will cause inflammation;
  • Large sizes of lymphatic tissue on the tonsils located in the nasopharynx. This prevents the normal passage of air through the auditory tube;
  • Various viral diseases. For example, measles, chicken pox, caries and more.

It also contributes to the appearance of otitis media and blowing nose, if it is carried out incorrectly. The use of solutions during a runny nose, which has the form of a spray. Such drugs have a strong pressure and help to ensure that the mucus passes deeper into the auditory tube.

Treatment: basic rules

At the first signs of otitis media in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only an otolaryngologist can help diagnose the disease.

It is also important to note that you should not drip your ears on your own. First you need to determine the integrity of the eardrum. In addition, it is forbidden to apply compresses to the ear, which contribute to its warming.

You can save a child from pain only by using drugs that have antipyretic and analgesic effects.

Nurofen is a great option. It can be used for children from birth. The main thing is to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. After that, you need to go to the doctor or call an ambulance.

The specialist will examine the auditory organ. This will allow him to determine the causes of pain. He will also establish what specific form of otitis media manifested in the child and what became its causative agent. Based on this, the optimal method of treating the disease is selected.

It is used to combat otitis complex therapy. It involves the use of several drugs at once. Mandatory is the use of drops in the nose, which have a vasoconstrictive effect. Antibiotics that have a systematic effect are also prescribed.

It is difficult to independently determine which drugs are best suited. Only a person with a medical education can do this. Otherwise, the patient's condition may worsen. The risk of life-threatening complications is very high.

Preventive actions

Frequent manifestations of the disease, dangerous for the child. They can cause significant hearing loss. It will be impossible to restore it, as there will be a change in the structure of the organ. Therefore, it is necessary to take preventive measures. They will help protect the child from the recurrence of the disease. This includes the following:

  1. Proper nutrition. Every day the child should eat vegetables, fruits and so on. They contain the necessary vitamins and nutrients that help strengthen their immunity;
  2. Ear cleaning should be done no more than once a week. Do not use ear plugs for this. A great option is to simply wipe the ear shell with a moistened tip of a towel from excess sulfur, dirt and other things;
  3. After feeding children from birth to six months, it is necessary to put in a position with a column;
  4. Do not use in the treatment of the common cold solutions that lend themselves under high pressure. It is better to give preference to drops;

Otitis occurs in many children. It is not dangerous if properly treated. As a result, relapses will not bother and the disease will not turn into a chronic form.

Acute and chronic otitis in a child: causes and prevention of the disease

Otitis media is a common childhood disease. The disease causes a lot of trouble for the child and causes reasonable concern for parents. To minimize the negative impact of the disease on the baby, you need to know why children get otitis so often, what are the measures to prevent it.

What is otitis

Otitis media is any inflammation of the ear, including the middle ear. The disease manifests itself in children much more often than in adults. Children from birth to adolescence are most susceptible to otitis media.

The frequency of occurrence of the disease in children is associated with the emerging immunity, frequent colds, the inability of the body to withstand the numerous attacks of viruses and bacteria.

Causes of the disease in children

acute form

In babies, a shortened and thickened Eustachian tube can provoke the onset of the disease. Located at the same level with the pharynx, it does not prevent the penetration of bacteria or the flow of mucus into the ear of the infant and newborn child. At an older age, the Eustachian tube lengthens, is located at an angle, which becomes an obstacle to pathogenic microorganisms.

Features of the structure of the child's ear become a common cause of otitis

Favorable factors for the development of otitis media in babies are:

In children 3–5 years old, frequent colds contribute to the appearance of otitis media. The immaturity of the immune system allows infections to easily enter the ear cavity. Otitis externa occurs due to trauma to the ear canal (for example, when cleaning the ear) and bacteria that cause inflammation enter the wound.

At an older age, otitis media accompanies diseases associated with difficulty breathing through the nose:

The banal cause of otitis media in a child can be hypothermia. The external auditory canal is straight in children, as opposed to curved in adults. Any ingress of cold air will start inflammation.

Chronic form

The occurrence of chronic otitis media in children is promoted by:

Incorrectly prescribed or delayed treatment of otitis in a child contributes to the development of the inflammatory process into a chronic one. Concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, allergies, weakened immunity) slow down the fight of the child's body against the disease, being a favorable factor in the appearance of chronic otitis media in babies.

An exacerbation of chronic otitis media is preceded by a general hypothermia of the child, water ingress into the ear cavity, catarrhal or bacterial inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Causes of frequent otitis media in children

The following factors lead to the frequent development of the disease in children:

  • structural features of the inner ear in infants;
  • thickening of the eardrum in children compared to adults;
  • unformed immunity;
  • active blowing of the nose or improper washing of the nose, which contributes to the flow of inflamed mucus into the ear canal;
  • inflammation of the adenoids;
  • chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • hypothermia;
  • ingress of water or foreign bodies into the ear cavity;
  • untreated runny nose;
  • carious teeth.


In newborns and infants:

  1. The correct posture during feeding is recommended - with a raised head. This position of the body will not allow mucus and fluid to flow into the ear cavity, provoking the occurrence of otitis media.
  2. Timely, accurate hygiene of the nose and ears. Don't try to deep clean. This can lead to injury to the delicate skin of the baby and the subsequent occurrence of inflammation.
  3. Thorough drying of the ears after bathing, preventing water from entering the baby's ear cavity.
  4. Timely treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx.
  5. Strengthening immunity.

In older children:

  1. Complete cure for the common cold. You can not endure the disease "on the legs", it can cause serious complications, including otitis media.
  2. Careful and careful ear hygiene.
  3. Proper blowing. You can not blow your nose very hard, the flow of blown air brings the infection into the ear cavity.
  4. Treatment of the oral cavity. Caries can cause bacteria to enter the ear, causing otitis media.
  5. Refusal to dive in the summer. The water in most reservoirs is filled with pathogens. Getting into the ears, they can provoke a disease.
  6. General strengthening of the body: hardening, walking, physical activity, taking vitamins, observing the daily routine.

Video of Dr. Komarovsky about the disease

Acute and chronic otitis in a baby can cause many unpleasant complications. Knowing the causes of the onset of the disease, preventive measures, timely access to a doctor will help parents quickly and without consequences to cope with the disease in a child.

Frequent otitis: we understand the possible causes

To answer this question, we turn to anatomy. The human hearing organ consists of three main sections: the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. From what part of the ear the inflammatory process develops, respectively, otitis media is called external, middle or internal. Most often, acute pain syndrome occurs due to inflammation of the middle ear, which begins immediately behind the visible part of the organ of hearing. Therefore, the diagnosis of otitis in most cases means that an infection of the middle ear has occurred. Contrary to the traditional belief that ear inflammation develops due to negligence in wearing a hat in cold or windy weather, otitis media can extremely rarely “inflate”. Most often, the cause of this disease is a complication after inflammatory diseases in the nasopharynx, in which there is an increased formation of mucus (runny nose).

- drink more and take antipyretics in time to prevent dehydration of the body as a whole;

– well ventilate and humidify the room in which you are;

Rinse your nose with saline at least twice a day;

- drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose (naphthyzinum, nazol, etc.) in order to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube.

- with untreated rhinitis, colds or flu;

- after liquid has entered the ears (when diving, swimming, after washing the hair, etc.), especially in the first weeks after the completion of otitis media treatment;

- when an infection is introduced during self-cleaning of the ear canal (with cotton swabs, etc.).

Otitis occurs in children quite often, and their causes can be very different, although in most cases we have to talk about prolonged acute respiratory infections, runny nose and various pathologies of the nasopharynx, for example, inflamed adenoids. Otitis is manifested by acute pain in the ear, which increases with pressure on the auricle, as well as at night. This disease can cause serious complications, so treatment should be taken immediately.

The concept of frequent otitis media

However, quite often the child's parents confuse otitis media with the usual "backache" in the ear with acute respiratory infections. If ear pain is caused by a runny nose, and goes away by itself when rhinitis is cured, then you should not worry. If there is a sharp pain in the ear at least four times a year, this indicates frequent otitis media. A characteristic manifestation of this disease is that the pain intensifies in the evening and at night. It can be so intense that the child will suffer from insomnia and constant anxiety. Almost always, the baby cries, because the pain becomes simply unbearable.

The main danger of frequent otitis media

Treatment of otitis can take several days, and sometimes weeks, but the disease always begins modestly - the ear hurts a little, and the child's temperature may rise to 37.5-38 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the baby refuses to eat, since the process of chewing and swallowing causes pain in the ear. Usually in such cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics and drops that help to cope with all manifestations of otitis in three to four days. Parents, assuming that the disease is cured, stop giving antibiotics, and after a couple of weeks, frequent otitis media begins to manifest itself in a more acute form, which is already accompanied by a 40-degree temperature, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and other serious symptoms. Therefore, any prescribed medicine must be drunk to the end, even if the child already feels healthy.

An untimely visit to a doctor and an independent termination of the course of prescribed medications with an improvement in the condition of the baby can lead to a relapse of otitis media in a complicated form.

Rapid pain relief

But what if otitis media overtook suddenly, and the child cannot sleep? In this case, it is necessary to use such simple means of eliminating painful symptoms:

  • drip a tincture of calendula, lily or propolis onto a cotton wool, and put it in the child's ear;
  • make a small cloth bag, and pour salt or sand into it, and then warm it with an iron, and apply it to the child’s ear;
  • soak a cotton swab with a solution of boric acid or glycerin, and put it in the child's ear;
  • give the baby paracetamol or another analgesic approved for children.

It is worth noting that such recipes will not work if the child has purulent discharge from the ear.

In the treatment and prevention of frequent otitis, it is necessary to exclude such an irritating factor as hypothermia, since it can also become a mechanism for triggering the disease, and return the effect of treatment a step back. Therefore, it is important to observe bed rest, dress the child warmly and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations so that frequent otitis media does not lead to hearing loss.

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