The biggest furry dog ​​in the world. What are the biggest dogs in the world. Great Dane breed standards

Since ancient times, dogs have been an integral part of human life. Then they took an active part in hunting and protecting the home from predators. Now the dog is domesticated, more fulfills the role of a pet, family member and guard. Therefore, many small and even dwarf breeds have been bred that are ideal for living in an apartment.

But representatives of large breeds of dogs are always in demand and attract attention. We have compiled a rating of the top 20 largest dogs in the world with photos of breeds, as well as features of character, appearance and content.

The breed is very independent, obedient, sociable, but demanding the respect of all family members. She is a wonderful companion, hunter, guard and even guide. Education requires special efforts on the part of the owner, as the Akita is stubborn. But if she recognizes a leader in her master, then this is a friendship for life. Outsiders are treated with caution and distrust. Children are friendly, but only if they treat her with respect.

Puppies have a thick coat that does not require much maintenance. Development is uneven. Small Akitas quickly gain weight, but weak joints and digestive problems are inherent in the breed's shortcomings. By 6 months, they are actively gaining body weight, after which the proportions of the body change dramatically. Growth slows down, the skeleton develops, and the trunk expands noticeably. Full formation is completed by 3 years.


The breed is incredibly curious, intelligent, cheerful and kind. Her genes contain the absence of aggression towards people, and therefore they are excellent nannies, helpers and rescuers. The Newfoundland was bred to help people carry loads, rescue a drowning person, and find their way home. Their hunting and guard instincts are not developed. But thanks to a highly developed intellect, they can determine a dangerous situation and protect the owner. Most often, they simply stand between the owner and the offender, or knock the second one down. Sometimes this is enough.

Photo: Newfoundland

Puppies have thick long hair, strong shedding. In addition, the breed is characterized by strong salivation. By 6 months, the Newfoundland is gaining more than half the body weight of an adult dog. Therefore, nutrition must be balanced. Puppies are very curious, especially to what attracts the attention of the owner. The breed is not suitable for apartment maintenance.


The second name of the breed is the Hungarian Shepherd Dog, whose representatives have high intelligence, affection for the owner and excellent security qualities. In addition, the character is calm, cautious, but brave. Outwardly, she is distinguished by an interesting white wool, which often becomes the reason for choosing her as a shepherd for sheep. Although visually it seems that it has an impressive size, but it is not. The bones are quite light, unlike similar other breeds of dogs. And the size seems larger due to the thick long hair.

Commander puppies are born with short, curly hair, which twists into dreadlocks only after the first molt, by about 2 years. Every month, puppies gain 3 kg in weight with proper feeding, and 3-4 cm in height. By about a year of life, the dog reaches its maximum at the withers.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

The breed is distinguished by high protective qualities, distrust of strangers. However, in the family one person is not chosen as the leader. Everything is important for a dog, even she considers other animals her flock and in every possible way protects, protects. The dog is relatively easy to train, requires active walks and is best suited for country keeping.

A puppy from an early age should be socialized and corrected. Psychologically, they mature by about 2-2.5 years, but physically they grow up very quickly. A six-month-old puppy of a large Swiss mountain dog weighs up to 40 kg, but in a year the weight can reach up to 55-60 kg.

Estrel Sheepdog

The breed is self-confident, courageous, hardy, fearless and therefore an excellent guard, hunter. To strangers is experiencing aggression, which is easy to manage. He treats children with reverence and considers them the most important members in the pack. She needs a strong-willed owner who can control the dog and prove his superiority. With proper socialization, he gets used to other animals, but not immediately.

Puppies of the Estrel Shepherd Dog grow rapidly between the ages of 4 and 7 months, which often leads to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, in order to reduce such an active growth rate, it is recommended to choose the right low-calorie diet, namely, the protein content is not more than 24%, and the fat content is up to 15%.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Massive, muscular, energetic, formidable looking dog, but very friendly. The breed is calm, reasonable and devoted. Very close to his family, which can cause jealousy of other animals. The mastiff is large, and besides, slow and therefore it is not recommended to leave him alone with small children. Inadvertently, he can harm them.

In puppies up to the age of one and a half years, body weight increases not in proportion to the development of joints, ligaments and muscles. In this case, it is better to reduce the number of calories, reduce the time of active games. As soon as the skeleton gets stronger, and this is about 1-1.5 years old, light training can be gradually introduced.

Hotosho or Buryat Mongolian wolfhound

Caring, gentle, affectionate, kind and balanced dogs. Excellent nannies for children, protectors and companions for the family. They do not bark for no reason, being active despite their imposing size. They do not like to be imposed on the owner, but they also do not like to lie idle. They enjoy exercise and training. In addition, they have excellent defensive instincts, and without a direct attack. They have enough to detain the attacker with their weight until the owner arrives.

Puppies develop slowly and gradually, but rarely suffer from weak ligaments. True, they gain weight rapidly, often overeat and are prone to obesity. In this case, paw spread, clubfoot, dysplasia can be observed. The best solution in this case from 6 to 9 months is to reduce the daily intake of food and switch to a low-calorie diet. And also introduce calcium and chondroprotectors into the diet.

english mastiff

Despite the formidable appearance, the breed is good-natured, affectionate, intelligent and gentle. True, it is not recommended to leave them with small children because of their large weight. They are very devoted to their family, calm and do not like active games. They rarely bark, but they snore loudly. They make good guards, but this quality is best developed from puppyhood. They categorically do not recognize cruel methods of training, only soft and patient ones. Only then will they become loyal to their pack.

Since the breed does not like active games, it is necessary to ensure that there is no obesity. Puppies develop physically at a phenomenal rate, psychologically unaware of their size. But you should not feed them, on the contrary, to reduce the risk of developing deviations, it is necessary to observe the daily feeding rate. On average, one serving should not exceed 380 kcal. Such a diet should be followed for up to 1 year, after which you can switch to an increased rate of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.


Large, strong breed, but at the same time balanced and calm. The dog loves active games, perfectly guards his family. With proper socialization, it gets along with other animals. But the owner must be confident, strong and patient. Since in training the breed is stubborn and independent. But if you find the right approach to her, you can raise an excellent companion.

By about 6 months, Kuvasz puppies gain most of their body weight and visually turn into an adult dog, but this is only externally. In fact, the musculoskeletal system takes a lot of time to get stronger. But puppies should not be allowed to play for a long time, as they are fraught with weakening of the ligaments and a high risk of injury.

Russian black terrier

Protection, devotion and love for children are concentrated in this breed. Dogs miss their owners a lot, adore children and often sleep in children's rooms. Perfectly adapts to any climate and conditions of detention. But in order to raise a good obedient dog, perseverance, patience and firmness of character are required. They are very smart, distrustful, but thanks to a high level of intelligence, they easily assess the situation and make the right decision.

The quality of nutrition largely affects the growth of a puppy. But they grow rapidly, while there is weakness of the ligaments, which is the norm. Veterinarians recommend introducing glucosamine in conjunction with chondroitin into the diet to strengthen them. By about 1.5 years, the musculoskeletal system will get stronger and vitamins can already be given only as a prophylaxis once a year.


Very active, intelligent and hardy dogs. Born hunters with lightning-fast reaction. They constantly need movement, physical activity, training to maintain shape and health. They rarely bark and show aggression, gullibility, which makes them poor guards. But they love children, take care of them and quickly react to a change in the mood of the owners.

Deerhound puppies need vitamins A and D, and in spring they need complex multivitamins. Dogs grow rapidly and reach 90% of their total body height by 6 months of age. After about 3 years, slowly continue to grow. The breed does not tolerate heat very well, so puppies need close supervision so that they do not get heatstroke.

spanish mastiff

Dogs of this breed are very smart, calm, reasonable and melancholy. They are absolutely sure of themselves. They are good nannies for children, they take care not only of them, but also of the elderly. They consider them part of their pack. They love to watch family members, monitor mood changes and know when to calm or distract. They do not tend to display aggression.

Puppies gain weight very quickly and unevenly, in the period from 6 to 8 months they can easily gain up to 50 kg. but muscles, joints and ligaments need time to get stronger. Therefore, you should not allow the puppy to run and jump up the stairs. The full maturation of the dog occurs at about 4 years.

Pyrenean mountain dog

This breed is an excellent companion due to its kindness, patience and love for the owner. They get along well with children, they are allowed to ride on themselves. Therefore, they are often used for the rehabilitation of children with developmental defects. They do not show aggression, are balanced and calmly get along even with cats. Strangers are treated with distrust and caution. Only after the dog is convinced that the person does not pose a danger to her and the owner, she allows herself to be stroked.

Puppies of this breed can be larger than many other large breeds by the age of one. But development is uneven, which is fraught with the development of problems with the limbs. In general, the complete formation of the dog, both physically and psychologically, is completed by the age of 3 years.


This breed is considered one of the best as a guard. She is balanced, calm, indifferent to livestock and cats, obedient and easily trained. It is also friendly to friends and family acquaintances. It does not show excessive aggression towards strangers. The owner chooses with a strong character, but they do not accept rudeness and the use of force. Easily adapts to the pace of family life, Leonbergers can be both active and measuredly calm.

Leonberger puppies grow rapidly up to 8 months, after which the growth rate slows down significantly. But it is during this period that they gain the bulk of body weight and height. In the period from 8 to 12 months, they gain only 30% of their weight and about 10% of their height. Up to a year, the puppy is stretched in height, and after the body is formed in width.

Kangal or Anatolian Shepherd Dog

The breed is characterized by unpretentiousness and high performance. She is often chosen as shepherds and guards for the flock. She is also suitable as a pet, but she needs to provide physical activity and training. The recognition of the dog by the owner will need to be earned, but if it succeeds, it will be devoted forever. In addition, this breed is distinguished by a sense of ownership of the owner’s property; she definitely will not let strangers near him.

Kangal puppy, like other large breeds, physically develop rapidly and grow up to a year. But the formation of the exterior is completed by about 2-2.5 years. Therefore, nutrition should be rich in calcium and vitamin D. Workouts and loads should be well thought out.

Pyrenean Mastiff

This breed of dog is smart, fearless and feels superior to its relatives, and therefore easily gets along even with cats. In the family he loves attention, gets along well with children. But it requires early socialization and training. Otherwise, it begins to show independence and stubbornness. It has good security qualities and has an impressive bass.

Since the breed is prone to obesity, the puppy's feeding portion must be strictly observed. In addition, puppies grow quickly, and therefore the bones become brittle. To prevent this, the introduction of calcium, glucosamine and chondroitin is recommended. Up to a year, limit movement on the stairs and make sure that the puppies are not overloaded.

Russian borzoi

Graceful at first glance, the dog is an excellent hunter. And besides, she is calm, balanced and has sharp eyesight. They are independent and independent, so training is difficult. Strangers may be treated either strangely or friendly. Having earned her respect, the owner will receive the dog's loyalty forever. But the rest of the family members will be perceived as nothing more than an "appendage".

Russian Borzoi puppies grow quickly, which often leads to health problems, namely joints and bones, with poor nutrition. Therefore, it is recommended not to allow them to run immediately after eating. Follow the diet to avoid volvulus, to which the breed is prone.

Irish wolfhound

Despite its size, the dog is very affectionate and kind. It is also necessary to educate him without cruelty and rudeness, he experiences such impulses hard. But with the right approach, it is easy to learn commands. With children, this animal is affectionate and neat, however, as with other animals in the family. Aggression and rage shows only in the event of an attack on himself.

Puppies of this breed mature late, by about 2 years of age. In addition, they are often prone to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Therefore, the health of the dog should be monitored several times a year by a veterinarian.

st bernard

Dogs of this breed knowingly take an active part in rescue operations. This is due to a friendly, calm and kind nature. They are easy to train and become true companions. In the family, he becomes a devoted friend to children, together they get along well, play and relax. A high mind will not leave anyone indifferent.

They have a long maturation period, even if outwardly they seem already big, in fact they are still a puppy. By 6 months, they slow down in height and begin to grow in width. About 9 months, the formation of the skeleton is completed and an active set of muscle mass occurs. By the year the dog is fully extended at the withers and gaining the necessary weight.

German dog

One of the largest dog breeds in the world. They are strong, noble, gentle and calm. His character is fully consistent with his appearance: refined, reasonable and flexible. Much in it depends on education, he is either devoted to the owner, or incredibly stubborn. Therefore, socialization should be given special attention, Great Danes rarely find a common language with cats, rodents and small breeds of dogs.

At six months, a puppy can weigh as much as an eight-year-old. Therefore, his nutrition and care must be at the highest level. Contain meat, cereals, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, fish, or complete super-premium dry food. Since Great Danes often show joint problems, long active games at an early age should be reduced.

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The dog is different for the dog! There are tiny mini dogs, they are worn in their purses by secular ladies, and there are real giants, not inferior in size to small horses.

1. Hulk is a pit bull

Hulk is the largest pit bull in the world, he will blow your mind with his charm! Despite some prejudices, as well as their formidable appearance, pit bulls are very friendly creatures. Proof of this is a big dog with a huge heart - the Hulk. No wonder he was nicknamed that, you see, the nickname suits him very well, because whatever one may say, the Hulk is the largest pit bull in the world. The four-legged record holder has not even turned three years old yet, and he already weighs 79 kg,
don't let his appearance fool you. The owners of the dog Marlon and Lisa are professional cynologists breeders, so the Hulk is incredibly calm and disciplined, he knows his place and is ready to sacrifice his life to protect the owner. In addition, this giant is very playful and friendly, you will not be able to resist his charm.

2. Aikama Zorba

That was the name of a dog living in the UK, designated in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog in the world. In November 1989, when Zorba stood on the scales, the shooter just a little did not reach 156 kg, this rare representative of the Mastiff breed also waved superbly by 94 cm in height. At the same time, St. Bernard Benedict lived on the globe and overweight up to 146 kg. By the way, it is the St. Bernards and Mastiffs that are recognized as the largest dog breeds. Not by weight, but by height, they are still superior to Great Danes, Irish wolfhounds were also considered the largest in the world.

3. Dog named Zeus

A three-year-old Great Dane named Zeus from Otsego, Michigan, was recognized in the new Guinness Book of Records 2013 as the largest dog ever recorded. Its height is 111.8 cm from the foot to the withers. The Great Dane reaches 2.2 m in height standing on its hind legs. A giant dog from Michigan in the US eats a 14 kg bag of food every day and weighs 70 kg. Zeus can easily reach the kitchen faucet to drink water.
The largest dog of 2013 is taller than any of its owners.

4. Newfoundland

The popular giant dog breed is native to the northeast coast of Canada. They were originally used as working dogs for fishermen, thanks to their webbed feet, water-repellent coat, and natural swimming ability. These dogs are natural rescuers, they usually weigh 60-70 kg, some members of the breed have been known to weigh up to 90 kg. The largest Newfoundland weighed 120 kg, they are known for their gigantic size, great strength and docile nature. In addition, they have high intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions. As for tremendous strength, this is not an exaggeration - the strongest dog in proportion to its own weight is a Newfoundland named Barbara Ahlens weighing 44 kg, which dragged 2289 kg on a concrete surface.

5 Irish Wolfhound

One of the tallest dogs in the world. The Irish wolfhound has the longest history full of greatness, the Celts used their ancestors for hunting, the outstanding size, strength and speed of the Irish wolfhounds laid the foundation for mass demonstrative persecution of animals with their help. Alas, this also led to a reduction in the number of breeds to a critical point. By the beginning of the 19th century, it had practically disappeared, and only thanks to an enthusiast named Richardson, who traveled the length and breadth of the British Isles in search of an old-type female Irish wolfhound, today we can acquire these muscular, curly-haired dogs.

6. Leonberger

This beautiful breed will not leave anyone indifferent. This breed was bred in 1940 in Germany. The breeder wanted to breed dogs that would look like a lion, as a result, they had to cross a long-haired St. Bernard and a Newfoundland. A very strong and powerful dog came out weighing from 60-70 kg. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their mobility combined with poise. By the way, Leonbergers often work as lifeguards on the water. A very gentle nature, obedience and goodwill, these are the reasons why some people are simply in love with the breed. They love their family, adore children - to play with them, calmly react to every word of the owner, but along with this good nature, the dog has serious watchdog qualities and abilities.

7. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A very large shepherd dog of the Caucasian breed, it is the oldest breed of dog, it is over 3000 years old. It was bred in the Caucasus, for which it received its name. Their height is usually from 70 cm at the withers, they usually weigh up to 70 kg. They were bred specifically to protect herds of sheep, which is why the dog has a very dense undercoat and thick long hair. thanks to her, the dog can stay in the cold for a very long time, usually they merged with a herd of sheep, which they guarded due to the fact that from afar they had a distant resemblance to a lamb and so guarded the herd from the attack of marauders or wolves. This breed has excellent fighting and guard qualities. endurance, courage and strength.

8. Anatolian Shepherd Dog

A brave shepherd from Turkey, distinguished by lightning-fast reaction and vigilance. He has a distrustful, but very balanced character. This breed weighs up to 68 kg, and their height is up to 79 cm. Although they are most often described as herding dogs, they are actually guard dogs that protect herds from jackals and wolves, even bears.

9 Tibetan Mastiff

A very ancient breed of dog, and the first written mention of them dates back to 1000 BC. This working breed of dog, bred in Tibet for herding and guarding domestic animals, is considered one of the most expensive dogs in the world. The weight of an adult Tibetan mastiff is from 45 to 72 kg, and the height is from 60 to 77 cm.

10. Freddie is the biggest dog in the world

A Great Dane named Freddie loves chicken meat and peanut butter, but is also not averse to chewing on the sofa, there are quite a few of them on his conscience. The four-year-old dog lives with his mistress - this Great Dane is a Guinness World Record holder, weighs 92 kg. The owner keeps the dog together with her sister, they spend more than $18,000 a year. This dog is 2.28 m tall when it stands on its hind legs. One look at him is enough to understand, yes, just a huge beast. Owners Freddy Claire and her sister Fleur are completely dedicated to this unique creation. He set a Guinness record - this is the largest dog in the world! This love of pets in Claire's case meant she didn't have time for her personal life, she had another Great Dane. though not a champion, but also requiring attention and care.

The largest dog breeds in the world are, first of all, excellent hunters, protectors and guards for their owner. They are calm and confident, can stand up for themselves and very rarely bark, considering it below their dignity.

Many breeds of large dogs have a long history, during which their best qualities have been developed and improved. Among these animals there are real giants! Want to know what is the largest breed of dog? Then we present you the top 23 largest dogs in the world!

    • Height at the withers - 56-68 cm
    • Weight - 45-50 kg

    The dog, whose history of origin is shrouded in secrets, deserves attention among representatives of guard breeds. Bordos are fanatically devoted to their master and are hard pressed even by the shortest separation from him. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Dogue de Bordeaux is a very intelligent and friendly dog. He will not attack people or his relatives for no reason. Only in the event of a real threat will the owner show a fighting spirit.

    1. Boerboel

    • Height at the withers - up to 75 cm
    • Weight - more than 80 kg

    • Height at the withers - up to 68 cm
    • Weight - up to 59 kg

    Unlike other fighting dogs, bullmastiffs are not characterized by unreasonable aggression and anger. "English" blood flows in their veins. They are smart, restrained, have a stable psyche. They get along well with children and are very devoted to their owner. One of the most valuable qualities is his ability to learn. Having received a command, the dog does not bite the offender, but firmly presses him to the ground with strong paws and waits for further instructions from the owner.

    • Height at the withers - up to 72 cm
    • Weight - up to 70 kg

    The American Akita is descended from one of the oldest dog breeds in Japan - which is the national symbol of the country. much larger than their Japanese relatives. They are born hunters and devoted defenders. A distinctive feature of the breed is that the Akita rarely barks.

    1. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

    • Height - up to 72 cm
    • Weight - up to 64 kg

    The Sennenhund breed is represented by four varieties of dogs, originally from Switzerland. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is one of the largest and oldest representatives of the breed. His calling is to serve man. These are kind and hardworking shepherds, fearless and self-confident defenders. Large Swiss Mountain Dogs are built for work and were formerly used as draft dogs.

    • Height - up to 75 cm at the withers
    • Weight - up to 70 kg

    The large, teddy bear-like dogs are well-established as guards and shepherds. These are formidable, but at the same time obedient and devoted animals. If they consider that the owner or his family is in danger, they will immediately respond. The main thing for - early training and socialization. They are aggressive towards strangers, and small pets can be perceived as an object of hunting. Caucasians spend their energy very economically, so they seem a little slow in urban areas.

    • Height - up to 75 cm
    • Weight - up to 70 kg

    The Newfoundland is one of the largest and kindest dogs. This is an ancient breed that originated on the island of the same name about two thousand years ago. There is absolutely no aggression in it. gets along well with children and animals, while a wonderful guard and lifeguard. These are slow and lazy animals, while they will not miss the opportunity to walk with the owner or swim. They love and treat all family members and pets equally well.

    • Height - 65-68 cm
    • Weight - up to 80 kg

    Or the Central Asian Shepherd Dog - a fearless and powerful dog that can stand up for itself and its owner. An excellent guard and shepherd, the blood of fighting breeds and the Tibetan wolf flows in his veins. The character is very similar to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Aggressively reacts to their relatives and strangers. But with proper training, it will never attack a person without a real threat.

    • Height - 80 cm
    • Weight - about 100 kg

    Deerhound or Scottish deer greyhound - a breed that was specially bred for deer hunting. Their homeland is Britain. At home, these dogs love to wallow and are not very active. However, they require regular physical activity to maintain appropriate shape. Very friendly to people, but small animals, including dogs, can be perceived as prey.

    • Height - 70-77 cm
    • Weight - about 45 kg.

    These "white bears" are excellent guards, hunters and shepherds. Hungarian kuvasz became very popular during the reign of the Hungarian king Matthias Korvinusz in the 15th century. They accompanied him everywhere. This breed is very freedom-loving, calm and balanced. But if you put such a dog on a chain, it can become aggressive and uncontrollable.

    • Height at the withers - up to 75 cm
    • Weight - up to 65 kg

    A fairly young breed that was bred in the USSR specifically for service in the Russian army and police. These are intelligent dogs that have been raised as guards and companions. very attached to a person, so he can follow the owner from room to room. Remarkably gets along with children, plays with them, can even sleep in a children's room.

    • Height at withers 75 cm
    • Weight - 70 kg

    Mastino Neapolitano or is a fierce and loyal guard who can only scare off intruders with his appearance. The breed was created by Italian breeders in order to scare, and they did it very well. Despite their size, Neapolitan Mastiffs are very friendly and affectionate, love children and are good with other animals. A little lazy and clumsy, they behave like real sluts: they scatter food everywhere and slobber all around.

    • Height at the withers - 71-90 cm
    • Weight - 40-69 kg

    - a dog of huge growth, with a graceful physique and long legs. This breed was used as home guards and hunters of wolves and large animals. This giant appeared more than two thousand years ago in Ireland. It has a high intellect, is independent and independent, therefore it requires education from a very early age. He is very attached to a person and is faithful to him, loves children. The Irish wolfhound has one feature - it becomes an adult dog late.

    • Height - an average of 75 cm
    • Weight - up to 75 kg

    A large and massive dog, resembling a lion in its appearance, appeared in Germany, in the small town of Leonberg. If you characterize this breed in a few words, then it will be nobility, power and balance. Even if disorder and chaos reign around him, he will remain unperturbed. But at the slightest danger to him or the owner, the dog will instantly react. They are loyal and always ready to serve the owner and members of his family.

    • Height - up to 87 cm
    • Weight - up to 70 kg

    Or the Anatolian Shepherd Dog, a born shepherd, fast and powerful, can easily strangle a wolf. A loyal and obedient dog, he will never rush or bark at an outsider if he is forbidden to do so. Kangal will be happy to spend time with children, believing that this is his "herd", which he must protect. Since this is a freedom-loving breed, the owner should train the dog from childhood and show who is in charge here.

    • Height at the withers - more than 80 cm
    • Weight - up to 60 kg

    The Hungarian Shepherd Dog or Komondor is one of the most amazing herding dogs, considered the property of Hungary. At first glance, it resembles a huge mop, as an adult dog has very long hair, which consists of separate cords and weighs more than seven kilograms! First of all, the komondor is a protector who guards his master and the territory entrusted to him. These dogs are not very attached to a person, they can work without his presence. Therefore, the education of the Hungarian Shepherd Dog must be dealt with as early as possible in order to tame the freedom-loving nature of the dog.

    • Height - up to 83 cm
    • Weight - up to 55 kg

    A large snow-white dog, similar to a northern bear, was bred in the south-west of France, where it carried out a special service - protecting livestock from predators. The Pyrenean Mountain Dog was born to work and can easily do without human attention. Very self-willed, capable of making decisions on her own and very difficult to train. Pyrenean mountain dogs are nocturnal, so don't be surprised if they sleep during the day and become watchful guards at night.

    • Height at the withers - from 66 cm
    • Weight - 80 kg

    The Tibetan Mastiff is a very ancient breed that previously guarded monasteries and entire villages. Today, these dogs still remain unsurpassed guards: they graze herds and guard people's homes. Despite their terrifying size, they are a kind, balanced and affectionate breed. Will never bark at trifles, show nervousness and cowardice, which are characteristic of small dogs.

    • Height at the withers - up to 110 cm
    • Weight - up to 90 kg

    It is difficult to imagine a more majestic and graceful breed than. They are giants among dogs. Throughout its existence, this breed has experienced a lot - Great Danes were hunters, defenders and companions of man. Dogs of this breed grow very slowly, so at the age of three they are still considered puppies. Great Danes have a special mindset and high intelligence. They are a bit lazy and love to lie on the couch.

    • Height - 70-77 cm
    • Weight - 55-80 kg

    The Pyrenean Mastiff, like most large dogs, is a good bodyguard, guard and shepherd. Incredibly strong and hardy, these animals could easily cope with such predators as wolves and bears. Although they give the impression of a stern dog, in the family, as in "their herd", the Pyrenean Mastiffs are affectionate and kind with all family members, especially with small children.

    • Height - up to 80 cm
    • Weight - up to 70 kg

    A truly gigantic dog that intimidates with its size. Spanish mastiffs are devoted and loyal guards. Like many mastiffs, this breed is herding, so the habit of guarding livestock and protecting weaker animals from danger is in their blood. In this regard, the Spanish Mastiff is a good nanny even for the smallest children. And the stable psyche of the dog allows him to quickly socialize and adequately respond to any life situations.

    1. st bernard

    • Height at the withers - 65-90 cm
    • Weight - up to 90 kg

    A brave and majestic dog native to the Swiss Alps, known for its heroism. Initially, St. Bernards were used to save people. Now they are companion dogs, faithful and good friends. They are alien to aggression. ready to greet all strangers with a slight wag of the tail. They get along well with other animals and love children. This is not one of the cleanest dogs, they love to run in the snow and mud, and also constantly spray saliva and snore.

    • Height - 70-76 cm
    • Weight - 80-86 kg

    The English Mastiff is the largest dog breed in the world. The ancestors of this noble dog participated in military battles, they were used in hunting large animals - bulls, lions and bears. Modern ones are good-natured giants, very smart and self-confident dogs. Great for home and family protection. It is necessary to approach the training of the animal as early as possible, as the breed is prone to isolation and suspicion. A little lazy and wayward, accustomed to a measured lifestyle.

Who owns the title of "The Biggest Dog Breed in the World"? In 2004, it was received by Gibson marble dog from California (USA) - his height was 107 cm.

In 2013, this record was broken by another Great Dane named Zeus, whose length from feet to withers was 111.8 centimeters. Does this mean that the Great Dane breed is the largest?

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognizes 343 dog breeds, which are classified according to type and use into 10 groups.

There is no official division of dogs according to size.

However, there is a generally accepted division of breeds into large, medium and small. If the height of the dog at the withers is more than 60 centimeters, and the weight in adulthood (over 2 years old) exceeds 25 kilograms, then it is considered large.

The largest of the large includes 10 breeds, which will be discussed later.

Breeds with photos and descriptions

10 Irish Wolfhound


6. Newfoundland

It grows up to 75 cm and gains weight up to 69-70 kg. with boundless patience. Knows family members and treats each of them with respect and friendliness. The nature is touchy, so the training is carried out as gently as possible.

Newfoundland sheds all year round. It needs to be combed once a day, otherwise the long, thick coat goes astray.

Bathing such a pet is not worth it. It is better to use dry shampoo cleaning, as bathing contributes to the deterioration of the coat. Eyes and ears should be examined daily - they are prone to infection.


5. Anatolian Shepherd Dog (Kangal, Karabash)

It is rightly included in the breeds of dogs of large sizes: it grows up to 82 cm and gains weight up to 65 kg. Brave and not afraid of anything. Very proud and highly intelligent.

It treats well only members of the family in which it grew up, loves children. - a tall dog with well-developed muscles. It has thick and short hair. He is hardy and not afraid of the cold. Short hair is enough to comb once a week. Bathing once a month is enough.

Anatolian Shepherd Dog

4 Pyrenean Mountain Dog

It has a dense double snow-white coat. The height of the dog can reach 80 cm. They are devoted to their owners and love to spend as much time with them as possible. Very affectionate, noble and good-natured. They treat children well.

Mountain dogs make good watchdogs, they show aggression in cases where the situation requires it.

Pyrenean mountain dog

3. Scottish Deerhound

It grows up to 85 cm and gains weight up to 50 kg. This is a tall but thin animal. Always in excellent physical shape. The coat is hard and not long. Color gray with grey.

Deerhound easily gives in, quickly thinks and needs physical activity. He does not show aggression, has a quick reaction. The coat needs to be brushed once a week. The mouth is cleaned every other day. Ears are checked and cleaned regularly.

Scottish Deerhound

2. Hungarian kuvas

It grows up to 76 cm tall and gains weight up to 63 kg. It has a thick, wavy coat of medium length that needs to be brushed regularly to keep it from matting.

The fur is white. Kuvasz is brave and will never give up first in a confrontation. He has his pride. Capable of outbursts of aggression when mistreated. Beware of strangers.

hungarian kuvasz

1. Great Dane

Growth reaches 85 cm, and body weight - up to 90 kg. Each paw is equal to the palm of a person. Representatives of the breed are complaisant, patient and good-natured, get along with family members. The Great Dane is not picky - does not need frequent bathing. This procedure should be replaced by brushing with dry shampoo.

The main advantages of large pets:

  • security qualities;
  • sociability and fidelity;
  • provides the owner with regular long walks in the fresh air;
  • keeps company with lonely people.

There are fewer cons, but they are:

  • a big dog needs space;
  • keeping a large animal will cost more - it needs more food.

There is no doubt that each owner selects a pet according to personal preferences, as well as taking into account their financial capabilities, because each dog needs maintenance and care. The cost of food, transportation of a large dog will be significant. Therefore, you need to acquire an animal not at the first desire or the first request of the child, but carefully weighing your capabilities - physical and financial.

Decide in advance for what purpose you need a pet: as a guard, hunting assistant or just a friend. Listen to the advice of breeders, read the material. Carefully study the breeds of large dogs with photos. Only then make a decision about buying a puppy.

Additionally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video about the largest breeds of dogs:

A big dog is a big responsibility. Almost all owners of oversized pets know about this, and often they are already faced with this in practice. The group of large breeds of dogs is quite extensive and here you can meet both good-natured individuals and serious fighting and. But, in any case, the owner must know in advance what can grow out of a funny puppy and evaluate his own capabilities.

Today, this Turkmen breed is gaining popularity, because its representatives are excellent guards and watchmen. These are powerful, large dogs with an intimidating appearance, which, in fact, corresponds to their character - it is better not to meddle with strangers.

In their homeland, these dogs are considered a national treasure, in addition, there is a ban on the export of purebred individuals. But - this is not only a prestigious, but also a difficult animal that requires a firm hand and serious work on socialization and education.

Dogs of this breed are the result of crossing the Japanese Akita with larger representatives - Mastiffs and German Shepherds. It turned out to be a large, proportional animal, with the appearance of its relatives from Japan.

She has a balanced psyche, but at the same time she has not lost her vigilance. It is used for protection, service, as a watchman, guide. In addition, such a pet is an excellent companion - loyal, calm and most often silent.

A large representative of the Laikas, which has all the qualities necessary for a working hunting dog. Indana is a hardy, fearless, physically developed pet, able to work even in harsh conditions. Yes, he needs intense physical activity, but at the same time the dog is cheerful, sociable and sociable.

The English Mastiff is the largest dog breed in the world. Once used for hunting large predators and ungulates, as guards and watchmen. Today, this dog is mainly a companion, and does not like excessive activity. He will be happy to take a walk in the park, and then relax at home.

Despite the formidable appearance, kind and sympathetic, it still shows suspicion of strangers, so early socialization is required.

The breed appeared when falconry was at the peak of popularity, the dogs unmistakably found and marked bird nests. English Setters were immediately distinguished by their cute appearance, and they are still considered the most elegant representatives of gun breeds.

Today, these dogs are more often purchased as a companion and for a show career. It doesn't matter if the pet is a working dog or a pet, he needs regular exercise. Experts still do not advise buying a puppy from a working line for apartment living - their excessive activity can cause a number of problems.

A versatile animal that is capable of performing a variety of jobs - a guide, a search engine, a watchman, a hunter, a rescuer, is used for police and guard duty. No wonder a monument was erected to this white big man in his homeland, and this is given that the breed appeared only in the first quarter of the 20th century. For its breeding, representatives of various purposes were used, and the dog took the best qualities from each of them.

The breed was bred on the territory of the Soviet Union in the 30s of the last century. In breeding work, German Shepherds were used, trying to get more hardy dogs capable of working in any climatic conditions. The breeders succeeded, and in the 60s the standard was approved.

The East European Shepherd Dog is a large, hardy animal, infinitely devoted to its owner, performing almost any official work. It has pronounced protective and watchdog qualities, but in vain does not show strength, avoiding groundless conflicts.

The oldest breed, whose history goes back over 5000 years. Like most, they kept aristocratic, wealthy houses who could afford to hunt with a pack of these sophisticated, beautiful dogs.

If representatives of hounds most often need hunting, then you can’t say the same about the English greyhound. A 2-hour walk a day and a couple of longer walks a week are enough for a pet to get enough exercise. Do not trust the speculation that Greyhounds are difficult to train, they learn the program well if you approach the process correctly.

At home, the breed is considered the property of the country, and in the UK, its representatives serve at the royal court. descended from the Celtic greyhounds - huge dogs roaming with tribes across the territory of modern European countries.

These dogs are aristocratic, but at the same time they have a harsh character. It is not recommended to train them for guard duty, as the Irish are capable of showing excessive aggression. For their own, this is a favorite and a cutie, for strangers, it is a potential threat.

One of the most common breeds is a huge, massive dog with strong bones and a rich coat. It belongs to the oldest shepherd breed, and today it successfully plays the role of a watchman and guard. Already at one glance at such a colossus, the attackers will lose their desire to invade the territory entrusted to the dog.

Those who want to get a Caucasian Shepherd puppy should evaluate their own strengths and future prospects, the dog will jealously guard the farmstead, and any stranger, be it a person or an animal, will pay if he carelessly enters, even greet the owners.

Italian universal dog, with a developed territorial instinct, stately and self-confident handsome man. For his family, he becomes an excellent friend and shows patience with children, while he does not take his eyes off strangers, appreciating their behavior. In order for the dog to only look after the guests and not show aggression in situations incomprehensible to him, early socialization and education is required.

You should not isolate a puppy from society, he must master the territory and get to know who is a stranger and who is his, and how to behave. It can be said about the Cane Corso that he will not spare his life in order to protect the owner and household.

Quite a colorful representative of the shepherd breeds, commanding respect. His appearance can hardly be called ordinary, as the dog has long hair, twisted into dense bundles resembling ropes. It is somewhat similar to a lapdog, but too large, voluminous.

Modern ones are used as watchmen and guards, they do an excellent job with their duties. They are excellent shepherds, lost in a flock of sheep, suddenly attack predators who hunt robbery. Like other guard breeds, these giants require socialization.

The breed was bred in order to become a symbol, a "calling card" of the city of the same name, and one of the requirements for the breed is related to the appearance of the dogs - they had to be as similar as possible to lions. The breed has undergone many ups and downs, but the breeders still managed to save it.

- a large, powerful animal, causing awe and admiration. By nature, the dog is calm, balanced. Despite the pronounced protective qualities, he will not show aggression towards people who come, if the owner has made it clear that they are friends.

These descendants of warlike mastiffs look impressive, which is only worth their big head with multiple folds and luxurious jowls. Once they fought in various arenas with bulls, gladiators and other dogs, but over time their appearance and character have changed somewhat.

Mastino Neapolitans make excellent guards, watchmen and bodyguards, in addition, hunting is not alien to them. Once they went to big game, and one such dog could cope with a large boar or bear. Only, it seems that these dogs are slow and clumsy, at the slightest danger the dog reacts with lightning speed and inflicts severe injuries with its teeth.

One of the young working breeds, obtained by crossing several breeds of different plans. St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, canine greyhounds, piebald hounds and Caucasian shepherd dogs participated. The work was approached with all seriousness, and the result is worthy of attention. The dog borrowed the appearance of the St. Bernard and the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, turned out to be very mobile, hardy and efficient.

Despite the fact that the Moscow watchdog is positioned as a family dog, such an independent and large pet is not suitable for everyone and requires serious training and early education.

A stately handsome man, an Apollo among dogs, the Great Dane never goes unnoticed, appearing in a crowded place. Their ancestors were real fighters, brave and fearless, but the modern dog has a more good-natured character and is devoid of that primitive aggression. But, despite this, the owner must teach the pet "good manners", because this is a fairly large animal that can cause problems.

Inexperienced dog breeders can also start such a dog, but on the condition that a professional cynologist takes part in her upbringing, taking into account breed characteristics.

Canadian breed of dogs, whose representatives are distinguished by a balanced character, endurance and unusually cute appearance. When looking at them, there is no feeling of anxiety or fear, but only admiration.

Once they were excellent helpers for fishermen, they could dive even in icy water and get not only nets, but also people who got people. By the way, modern dogs also have a weakness for water and have not lost the membranes between their fingers.

Perhaps this is one of the most common large breeds bred in Germany, but has gained fame around the world. How could its representatives deserve it? First of all, its representatives are very smart and understanding, amenable to training and can perform both official duties and protect and guard.

Such a hardy pet as does not require special care, however, he is able to show cunning, testing his master for "weak". The dog needs training and education, otherwise you can get a dog that will not obey.

The breed got its name because of the wavy, silky coat, before it was called "dog". Like other greyhounds, these are graceful dogs, not devoid of aristocracy, very fast, with good hunting qualities.

Tales that these are absolutely untrainable animals with low intelligence have long sunk into oblivion. In fact, they have a certain narrow specialization - they are pickling dogs, and it is difficult for them to find equals here. Naturally, Russian canine greyhounds are not universal dogs that perform many functions, and it is stupid to demand the impossible from a pet.

- large dogs, with thick hair that even covers their eyes, intended for guard duty, need special training, because otherwise they are dangerous animals.

They are considered the pride of Russian cynology, because the breed was destined for a special mission - to participate in military operations. But, when the wars were in the past, the dogs still turned out to be useful. In addition to the army, they began to be used for agricultural work.

The ancestors were rescue dogs that lived at monasteries in the Alps and could find people buried under layers of snow. Such responsible work taught the animals to act independently, according to circumstances, not to hesitate and not to be afraid.

Many St. Bernards are considered the standard of philanthropy, calmness and devotion. Despite their large size, representatives of the breed are not aggressive, they not only love, but adore children and understand the owner perfectly.

One of the most expensive breeds that appeared in Tibet several thousand years ago. Due to the fact that the Tibetan monks lived in seclusion, the dogs practically retained their impressive appearance, because because of the voluminous coat and large size, the dogs resemble lions.

This is a serious breed that requires a special approach. prone to dominance, have powerful guarding instincts and are able to show aggression even to those who accidentally wandered into their territory. In the house, he will find a common language with all family members and will fiercely protect them.

Already at one glance it becomes clear that in the family of these powerful strong men there were fighting dogs. Yes, they inherited a frightening appearance, but the character has undergone a lot of changes. Today it is a phlegmatic, calm dog who loves his family. It is very difficult to endure separation, it is wary of strangers, but without a reason it will not attack.

When training, it should be borne in mind that this giant will not run briskly and execute the command, he will initially consider the solution of the task given to him, and you should not pull him to no avail.

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