Subsimplex for newborns - instructions, method of application, reviews. Subsimplex for newborns: a detailed review of the drug, instructions for use

In babies, after birth, the digestive and nervous systems are imperfect. The lack of enzymes necessary for the digestion of food affects the well-being of the baby. Up to about 4 months, almost all children experience discomfort in the tummy in the form of bloating and. There are many medications to alleviate the condition of newborns, but not every medicine is suitable for all children, without exception, due to physiological characteristics, allergic status. Some of the drugs have side effects and almost all are contraindications.

Drops from colic Sub Simplex

SAB simplex for newborns is one of the safest medicines for colic. The action of the drug is aimed at the cause of flatulence, without interfering with the biochemical processes of digestion. Colic SAB Simplex drops naturally remove gases from the body.

In what cases is SAB simplex used?

Before buying medicine for a child, be sure to consult a pediatrician. Only a doctor will determine the real cause of the baby's anxiety, make a diagnosis and prescribe medication correctly.

Indications for the use of the drug SAB simplex:

  • physiological bloating in the intestines in newborns. The medicine will not help with infectious diseases, enzymatic disorders, although they can also be manifested by abdominal pain, bloating and crying of the child;
  • hardware examination of the gastrointestinal tract (FGDS, ultrasound, radiography, MRI, CT);
  • surfactant poisoning (detergents).

How does SAB simplex work?

The main component that is part of SAB simplex is called simethicone. is a compound of silicon dioxide with dimethylsiloxane, which has a carminative effect. Simethicone acts as a defoamer in the intestinal lumen. It breaks large gas bubbles into smaller ones, which are absorbed into the intestinal wall and excreted by peristaltic movements. Thus, in the intestinal lumen, the amount of gas decreases and colic disappears. The drug does not enter into chemical bonds with other drugs or organic compounds of the body, and is excreted through the intestinal lumen in its original form.

How to take SAB Simplex?

  • How to give SAB simplex: the medicine is given in the form of drops, for each age its own dosage. Before use, the bottle must be shaken and turned down with a pipette, measuring out the required number of drops.
  • How many drops to give: for children from 1 month to a year to eliminate colic, give 15 drops during feeding or immediately after it. If the baby is formula-fed, then you can add the medicine to the bottle with food. SAB simplex is compatible with any liquids: milk, water.
  • Babies on breastfeeding SAB simplex it is convenient to give, diluted in boiled water or milk, using the dosing part of a syringe or a teaspoon, before application.
  • How often to give SAB simplex: doctors recommend using this medicine twice a day: during feeding - 15 drops and at bedtime - 15 drops.

If necessary, the dosage can be extended over several feedings, this applies to infants, who are often applied to the breast (free feeding) and babies - "artificial" with severe colic: 10 drops per feeding, with an interval of 3 hours. According to the instructions, the drug can be given up to eight times a day.

If the use of SAB simplex is due to the preparation for a diagnostic examination, then the dosage, time and frequency of taking the drug is prescribed only by the attending physician.

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Lactulose-based laxatives (Duphalac) and SAB simplex for constipation are taken together, since lactulose causes gas formation.

When is SAB simplex contraindicated?

Like any drug, SAB simplex has contraindications:

  1. obstructive (with impaired patency, peristalsis) disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract with impaired patency;
  3. individual intolerance.

Allergy to SAB simplex can appear as a reaction to simethicone, as well as to the flavorings and preservatives included in its composition. Then you need to ask the pediatrician to choose another suitable drug for the baby.

SAB simplex can be used during gestation and lactation. Since the medicine does not penetrate into the bloodstream, it is absolutely safe for the fetus and infant.

How does the SAB simplex differ from analogues?

The average price for a package of SAB simplex for newborns is 200 - 240 rubles. The cost of such drugs on the market is about the same. Many analogues have gained great popularity among doctors and parents, but, nevertheless, SAB simplex has many advantages compared to them:

  1. Espumizan or SAB simplex: the active ingredient in the preparations is the same - simethicone, but in different dosages. In SAB simplex in 1 ml - 69.19 mg of the active substance, and in Espumizan in 5 ml - 40 mg. SAB simplex is more convenient to use: 15 drops per dose, and Espumizan - 1 teaspoon, which is not always possible for a small child. Because of this, Espumizan ends faster, with the same volume of the bottle as that of the simplex SAB. It should also be noted that Espumizan's advertising is actively broadcast in the media, which has led to frequent counterfeiting of the drug.
  2. Bobotic and SAB simplex: both preparations contain simethicone, approximately in the same concentrations. Bobotik is applied no more than 4 times a day, and SAB simplex can be given at each feeding. Price the first drug - from 150 rubles, which is an undoubted advantage.
  3. Baby Calm or SAB Simplex: drugs that are completely different in composition, which can be used in parallel. Baby Calm contains a mixture of vegetable oils, which, in addition to the carminative effect, also have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative effects. If the baby is very restless, suffers from severe colic, then Baby Calm will be a good addition to the SAB Simplex medicine.

For newborns, it is a suspension that has a slight viscosity, and its color can range from white to gray-white. The drug is sold in vials with a dropper, 1 milliliter contains 25 drops. "Sub simplex" for newborns is designed to reduce the manifestations of flatulence. The use of this drug reduces surface tension, slows down the formation and helps to destroy gas bubbles throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Those gases that are released as a result of the use of "Sub Simplex" for newborns are removed due to the fact that perilstatics is improved, or are absorbed by the intestinal walls. Thus, the removal of the foam occurs in a physical way, while no chemical reactions occur, the drug is pharmacologically inert.

The use of "Sub Simplex" for newborns before an X-ray or prevents the appearance of image distortion and does not allow interference. Thanks to the specified drug, there is a better irrigation of the colon mucosa with a contrast agent, and rupture of the contrast film is not allowed.

"Sub simplex" - instructions for use

After the drug is taken, it is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and it is not metabolized. "Sub simplex" is completely excreted through the intestines unchanged. added in an amount of 0.6 ml or 15 drops. This drug mixes well with any liquids, including milk. For children under 6 years of age, the indicated drug is also added in the amount of 15 drops, it can be taken both after meals and during meals. If the need arises, then additionally take 15 drops at night. For school-age children, a single dose of the drug increases and can reach from 20 to 30 drops. Adults are allowed a single use of the drug in the amount of 30-45 drops. If necessary and after consultation with a doctor, an increase in a single dose is allowed. Depending on the clinical picture, the duration of taking "Sub Simplex" will change, long-term therapy is allowed. If ultrasound is planned, then it is necessary to take 15 ml of the drug in the evening before the study and 15 ml three hours before it starts. In preparation for radiography, 15 to 30 ml of the drug is taken in the evening and the next day, a study can be carried out. If endoscopy is planned, it is recommended to take 2-5 ml of the drug before starting the procedure and, using an endoscope, an additional few drops of "Sab Simplex" are introduced.

Sub simplex for newborns - reviews

Many mothers point out that children take this drug much better than similar drugs that have an unpleasant taste. Also, reviews indicate that the drug is really very effective in getting rid of flatulence, some mothers use it even with hiccups in a child. Some patients indicate the occurrence of allergic reactions due to the use of the drug. At the moment, cases of overdose with this drug have not been recorded. It can be used by pregnant and lactating women. Contraindications The use of "Sab Simplex" is not recommended in the presence of the following diseases:

  • and the presence of obstructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the presence of hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug.

This suspension should be taken only after or during meals; you can also take the drug at bedtime. Babies are given the drug from a spoon before feeding. Shake the bottle well before using the medicine. In order for the suspension to begin to come out of the pipette, it is necessary to turn the vial upside down, and then knock on it. This drug is sold in pharmacies without any prescription, but still do not exceed the doses indicated in the instructions.

In newborn children, the digestive organs and nervous system have not yet been improved. For the digestion of food in a small body, there are not enough enzymes, and this is reflected in the condition of the child. After 2 months, most children experience pain and colic in the abdomen, bloating.

To alleviate the condition with digestive problems, there are many drugs. But not everything can be taken by a newborn. It is necessary to take into account the physiological characteristics of the child and contraindications for use. One of the safest remedies for colic is the Sab Simplex suspension.

Characteristics of the medicinal product

The main purpose of Sub Simplex is the treatment of colic in the intestines. The main active ingredient of the drug is simethicone (a compound of dimethicone and silicon dioxide). It has a carminative effect, breaks large gas bubbles into small ones, which are absorbed into the intestinal wall and excreted. The amount of gas in the intestines becomes less, the attacks of colic disappear. The agent does not interact with organic compounds inside the body and other drugs, it is excreted in its original form. 100 ml of the drug contains 6.919 g of simethicone.


  • sorbic acid;
  • hypromellose;
  • carbomer;
  • sodium cyclomate;
  • water;
  • flavoring.

The suspension is a grayish-white viscous liquid. It is produced in dark glass dropper bottles of 30 ml.


The positive aspects of the Sub Simplex include:

  • minimum contraindications;
  • convenient packaging (bottle with a dropper);
  • fast onset effect after administration;
  • good tolerance;
  • moderate price.

Indications for use

Before buying a suspension, you should consult with a pediatrician. to determine the exact diagnosis and the advisability of taking the medication.

Sub Simplex is prescribed to newborns in the following cases:

  • intestinal;
  • bloating, which is not associated with infectious diseases and enzymatic disorders;
  • swallowing air while feeding;
  • detergent poisoning;
  • to prepare for a hardware examination of the gastrointestinal tract (ultrasound, X-ray, CT).

Instructions for use

Before giving the product to a newborn, shake the bottle and measure the required number of drops. A baby who feeds on breast milk needs to dilute the product (15 drops) with a small amount of milk. You can give the resulting mixture to a newborn from a special syringe or from a spoon. After that, breastfeed him. "Artists" Sub Simplex is bred in fresh milk formula.

Suspension is compatible with different liquids (milk, water). You can't breed it with anything. From this, the effectiveness of the drug increases. But not every baby can easily swallow the product in its pure form.

How to give Sub Simplex to newborns? It is recommended to give the remedy twice a day, 15 drops: in the morning and before bed. If the baby has severe bloating, sometimes 10 drops are allowed during each feeding (interval of 3 hours). For the purpose of prevention, you can give 5-7 drops of the suspension twice a day.

Note! If drugs with lactulose are used, the simultaneous administration of Sab Simplex is recommended, since lactulose provokes the formation of gases.

Learn the rules for the use of other therapeutic agents for newborns. Read about Duphalac; about paracetamol syrup -; about Nurofen read the page; we have an article about the use of dill water.


Do not give the drug to newborns in the following cases:

  • congenital anomalies in the development of the digestive tract with impaired patency;
  • obstructive diseases of the digestive system;
  • an allergic reaction to simethicone and other components of the product.

Effective analogues

The average price of Sub Simplex in pharmacies is 200-250 rubles. If necessary, it can be replaced by other means with a similar pharmacological action and composition. The main analogues of Sub - Simplex:

  • - a product based on simethicone (40 mg per 5 ml). Espumizan is less convenient to use than Sab Simplex, since the dosage is determined by a teaspoon, and not by the number of drops. Espumizan is a more advertised product, so you can often stumble upon its fake.
  • - a thick emulsion with simethicone, packaged in 30 ml bottles. Recommended for children over 28 days old. You can give the remedy no more than 4 times a day.
  • Disflatil is a milky white emulsion with pineapple flavor. The active substance is simethicone (40 mg per 1 ml).

Other analogues:

  • Dicetel;
  • Bebinos;

*registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (according to

Registration number:

P N014203/01 dated 05/21/2009

Trade name of the drug:

Sub ® Simplex

International non-proprietary name:


Dosage form:

Suspension for oral administration


100 ml of the drug contains:
Active substance: simethicone 6.919 g (dimethicone 350: silicon dioxide, ratio 92.5% : 7.5%)
Excipients: hypromellose 1.5 g, carbomer 0.6 g, sodium citrate dihydrate 1.0 g, citric acid monohydrate 0.5468 g, vanilla flavor 0.315 g, raspberry flavor 0.108 g, sodium cyclamate 0.2 g, sodium saccharinate 0.02 g, sodium benzoate 0.1 g, polyglycostearyl ester acid 1.0378 g, sorbic acid 0.0347 g, water 89.6189 g.

Description: White to grey-white, slightly viscous suspension with a characteristic fruity odor (vanilla-raspberry).

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX code: A03AX

Pharmacological properties

By reducing the surface tension at the interface, it hinders the formation and contributes to the destruction of gas bubbles in the intestinal contents. The gases released during this can be absorbed by the intestinal walls or excreted due to peristalsis. Prevents interference and overlapping of images during sonography and radiography; promotes better irrigation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine with a contrast agent, preventing the contrast film from breaking.
Simethicone changes the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the contents of the stomach and intestinal mucus, and causes their destruction. The released gases are absorbed by the intestinal wall or removed during intestinal peristalsis. Simethicone removes foam in a physical way, does not enter into chemical reactions.


Due to physical and chemical inertness, it is not absorbed in the body; after passing through the gastrointestinal tract, it is excreted unchanged.

Indications for use:

  • It is used as a symptomatic therapy for increased gas formation, flatulence (including in the postoperative period);
  • preparation for diagnostic studies of the gastrointestinal tract (radiography, ultrasound, esophagogastroduodenoscopy);
  • acute poisoning with detergents containing surfactants, if they enter the stomach.


Hypersensitivity to the active substance simethicone or to any of the auxiliary components of the drug, obstructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal obstruction.

Pregnancy and lactation

Sub ® Simplex can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Dosage and administration:

Increased gas formation
Newborns and infants (up to 1 year of age) receiving feeding from a baby bottle: 15 drops (0.6 ml) of suspension are added to each bottle.
Sub ® Simplex mixes well with other liquids such as milk.
Children from 1 to 6 years old: 15 drops (0.6 ml) during or after meals. If necessary, an additional 15 drops at night.
Children from 6 to 15 years old: 20-30 drops (0.8-1.2 ml).
Adults: 30-45 drops (1.2-1.8 ml).
This dose should be taken every 4 to 6 hours; if necessary, it can be increased.
Sub ® Simplex is best taken with or after meals and, if necessary, at bedtime.
Sub ® Simplex can be given to newborns before feeding with a teaspoon.
Shake the vial vigorously before use. In order for the suspension to start flowing from the pipette, the vial should be turned upside down and tapped on the bottom. Duration of application depends on the dynamics of complaints. Sub ® Simplex, if necessary, can be taken for a long time.

Preparation for diagnostic studies of the gastrointestinal tract
Use in preparation for diagnostic studies of the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated if the pipette is removed from the vial.
X-ray examination: to prepare for radiography the day before the study in the evening, you should take 3-6 teaspoons (15-30 ml) of Sub ® Simplex.
Ultrasound examination: in preparation for an ultrasound examination, it is recommended to take 3 teaspoons (15 ml) of Sub ® Simplex in the evening the day before the examination and 3 teaspoons 3 hours before the examination.
Endoscopy: before endoscopy, take 1/2 - 1 teaspoon (2.5-5 ml) of Sub ® Simplex. During the study, an additional few milliliters of Sab ® Simplex suspension can be injected through the endoscope.

Detergent poisoning
The dose depends on the severity of the poisoning. The recommended minimum dose of Sub ® Simplex is 1 teaspoon (5 ml).
In cases of persisting existing complaints and / or newly appeared complaints, you should consult a doctor.

Side effect

Allergic reactions are possible.


Cases of drug overdose are not known.

Interaction with other drugs

Not installed.

special instructions

The drug Sab ® Simplex can be used, including in patients with diabetes mellitus, because. does not contain carbohydrates.
New and/or recurring gas complaints should be clinically confirmed.

Influence on the ability to drive a car and use machinery

Does not affect the ability to drive a car and operate machinery.

Release form

Suspension for oral administration 69.19 mg / ml. 30 ml bottles of light-protective glass with a drip device (25 drops per 1 ml). Each bottle, along with instructions, is placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions:

at temperatures not exceeding 25°C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date:

3 years.
Do not use after the expiry date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

without recipe

Manufacturing firm:

Pfizer Inc., USA, Produced by: Famar Orleans, France
Address: 235 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017 USA,
5, avenue de Concir, 45071 Orléans Sede 2, France

Claims of consumers should be sent to the address of the representative office:

Representative office of Pfizer H. Si. Pi. Corporation (USA),
123317 Moscow, Presnenskaya emb., 10
Naberezhnaya Tower Business Center (Block C)

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