What are the benefits of dried fruits for women. Calories and vitamins. Chemical additives in dried fruits

Dried fruits are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They strengthen our immune system, protect against vitamin deficiencies, replace harmful sweets and sugar for those who lead a healthy lifestyle. Dried fruits fit perfectly into our daily diet, inspiring us to try new recipes for salads and desserts. And they just cheer up with their natural sweetness. Almost all dried fruits are good for our health, but there are undisputed leaders among them. Top 10 healthy dried fruits─ in our review.

Figs - the leader in content dietary fiber(100 g of this product contains 63% of fiber from daily allowance). It is very beneficial for women's health, as it contains a huge amount of compounds and minerals that have a beneficial effect on female body. For example, folic acid, indispensable during pregnancy.

Figs are rich in potassium - its merit in reducing high pressure. Dietary fiber, which is found in excess in figs, improves intestinal motility.

If dried figs have a salty-sour taste, then its shelf life has expired, and such a product should not be eaten. Quality dried figs should not be dry and rough to the touch. Choose fruits that are beige or light brown, matte, and relatively soft to the touch.

Most useful for gastrointestinal tract.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots are one of the most favorite dried fruits among those who love sweets. Adherents healthy lifestyle lives replace it with sweets and other sweets, which is very good for health.

Dried apricots are rich in vitamin A (60% of the daily dose in 100 g of the product), so its use will have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin, as well as vitamin C, potassium, iron and fiber.

When choosing dried apricots, give preference to frosted dried fruits. Bright, shiny, beautiful dried apricots should alert you - probably, the fruits were processed with chemicals during drying. Before use, it is advisable to clean the dried apricots well - soak it in warm water for 15 minutes, then rinse under running water.

Most useful for the cardiovascular system, skin.

Prunes thanks to their dietary properties- one of best products for those who care about their weight. Dried plum fruits are rich in fiber and pectins, which has a positive effect on bowel function. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals: prunes contain vitamin C, A, B vitamins, iron, potassium, magnesium. Also, prunes are one of the leaders in terms of content. organic acids(175% of daily dose per 100 g of product).

Prunes are not only useful, but also versatile in use. In addition to using it in pure form, you can add it to pilaf and meat dishes(dried fruit gives them a piquant taste), prepare desserts, salads, various vitamin drinks with it.

Most useful for the pancreas, intestines.


There is a place for raisins everywhere: pancakes, pastries, cottage cheese casseroles or fresh cottage cheese, cereals, salads, meat dishes. Most of all, dried grapes contain vitamin B1 (thiamine), which is necessary for normal operation nervous system. because of low content sodium raisins are more suitable than other dried fruits for high blood pressure. It is good for dental health, helps to improve vision, and due to the content of iron (20% of the daily requirement in 100 g of product) it is useful for anemia.

Dried grapes are rich in fructose and glucose, so it is recommended to add it to the diet of people who perform heavy physical work. Raisins are one of the most affordable sources of vitamins and minerals. Just one handful of raisins added to oatmeal for breakfast, will bring invaluable benefits to your body.

Most useful for the nervous system, with anemia.

Dried apples are an affordable and worthy source of iron (43% of the daily requirement per 100 g of product), which is necessary for oxygen transport. For the same reason, they are useful in anemia and other diseases associated with low level hemoglobin.

Dried apples are a storehouse of dietary fiber. While fresh fruits contain 15% of the daily fiber requirement, dry fruits contain 48% per 100 g of product. At moderate use dried apples lowers cholesterol levels, improves work digestive system. On the other hand, dehydrated apples are devoid of vitamin C, so you should not completely replace fresh fruit with them, so as not to deprive your body of this valuable compound.

Dried apples are good to eat with the skin, which is very rich in antioxidants. Therefore, if you dry apples yourself, do not peel them.

Most useful for anemia, for the digestive system.

dried pear

Dried pears are less popular than apples, raisins and prunes, but they take their rightful place in the list of the most useful dried fruits. It is rich in organic acids (75% DV), dietary fiber, glucose and fructose, and vitamin C (13% DV).

Among dried fruits, the pear is the leader in the high content of antioxidants that protect the heart. Dried pear contains arbutin - natural antibiotic. Dried fruit is useful for problems with the pancreas, improves digestion, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Dried pear satisfies hunger well, so you can snack on this dried fruit between main meals.

Most beneficial for the heart.

Dried cherries are valued for their high content of pectins, which normalize intestinal motility. It is useful for circulatory system, normalizing blood clotting, being a good prevention of blood clots.

Dried cherries are the undisputed leader among dried fruits in the content of beta-carotenes, known as powerful antioxidants.

It is impossible not to say that the dried fruit is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. So, a handful of berries contains the daily norm of magnesium and cobalt.

Most useful for the circulatory system.

dried mango

High-quality, ripe tropical mango fruits are rarely found on supermarket shelves, so we advise you to pay attention to dried mangoes, in which everything is fully preserved. beneficial features fresh fruit.

With the regular use of this dried fruit, the work of the digestive system and intestines improves - and all thanks to the presence of a large amount of dietary fiber in the product. The benefits of dried mango for the cardiovascular system and nervous system are undeniable. This dried fruit is a natural cocktail of vitamins (A, C and E) and antioxidants. By introducing it into your diet, you will strengthen your immunity and improve the condition of your skin and hair.

Use fragrant pieces of dried fruit as a natural sugar substitute. Add them to cereals, various desserts, curd masses, and the dish will become not only tastier, but also healthy.

Most useful for the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Dates - useful alternative sweets and sweets. A glass of dried dates provides almost half of the body's daily fiber requirement (47% of the daily requirement).

Dates are a complex of vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system. Yes, one cup. dried fruits provides 12% of the daily value of vitamin B6, 7% folic acid, 19% manganese, 15% magnesium, 5% calcium. dried dates- leaders among dried fruits in terms of polyphenol content.

Dates contain an excess of fructose, so this dried fruit should be excluded from the diet when food intolerance fructose.

Most beneficial for the heart and immune system.

dried melon

Melon - fragrant, juicy and sweet fruit. It's valuable dietary product, which is easily absorbed by our body and, thanks to its high fiber content, improves digestion and bowel function. Dried melon retains all the beneficial properties of fresh fruit.

Dried fruit contains a large number of trace elements and amino acids. Dried melon is valued for the presence of folic acid, B vitamins, fiber, potassium and sodium, beta-carotene. It is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens our immunity, has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system indicated for anemia, constipation, urolithiasis.

Most useful for immunity.

Dried fruits are one of those products that we hear about the benefits of since childhood, but we rarely use them in our daily diet. Meanwhile, these are valuable and accessible sources. huge amount useful substances and good way snack between main meals.

Dried fruits are the healthiest alternative to sweets. So, you can replace regular sweets with more healthy dried fruit sweets. The fastest and easiest option is to chop nuts and dried fruits in a blender with no large quantity water and a pinch of salt, form into balls and roll in coconut or sesame if desired. You will get delicious, sweet and healthy candies!

Most people perceive dried fruits solely as healthy and natural product- many believe that dried fruits are not only acceptable on a diet, but can even help to lose weight. At the same time, the issue of the content of pesticides and preservatives is of no interest to the average buyer - he only seeks to buy raisins or dates at the lowest possible price.

However, due to the coating with sugar syrup, most dried fruits are more correctly considered sweets, and due to their characteristics industrial production the amount of vitamins and minerals in them is very small. Quality dried fruits at the same time, they are expensive and are always labeled "bio" - it is almost impossible to buy such a product by chance in a regular market or in a supermarket.

How are dried fruits made?

The traditional method of making dried fruit is sun-drying, but more productive (and faster) methods are used commercially. Most often, the process of removing water from fruits is carried out in sealed dehydrators, drying in which is carried out with air flows from 30 to 70 ° C or infrared radiation.

Thus, “classic” dried fruits are made - raisins, dried apricots, figs, dates and prunes. Other fruits (pineapple, mango, kiwi, papaya, ginger, strawberries and other berries) completely lose their shape when dried, so they are not dried at all, but caramelized in sugar syrup. It is important to mention that “multi-colored dried fruits” contain up to 70-80% pure sugar.

Are dried fruits really healthy?

Even if the dried fruits were made by gentle drying in the sun, and the raw materials for them were best apricots, grapes or figs, they still contain a significant amount simple carbohydrates and only a small amount of vitamins and microminerals. Speaking of vitamins, it is important to mention that it practically volatilizes during drying.

For example, 100 g of raisins contain no more than 5% of the daily intake of vitamins C, K and B 6, as well as 20% of the daily intake of potassium, 15% of the copper norm, 15% of manganese, 10% of iron and 5% of calcium - with a total calorie content in 300 kcal and a total content of 80 g of carbohydrates (60 g of which are pure sugar). In other words, dried fruits are more correctly considered sweet.

Table of sugar content in dried fruits:

Kind of dried fruit Feedstock Carbohydrate content per 100 g Sugar content per 100 g
RaisinGrape75-80 g55-65 g
DatesDates70-75 g50-65 g
Dried apricots (apricots)Apricot60-65 g45-50 g
figsFig60-65 g45-50 g
PrunesPlum60-65 g45-50 g

The benefits of prunes for digestion

The positive effect of dried fruits on health is not at all due to vitamins, minerals or carbohydrates in their composition - the phytonutrients present in the original fruits are beneficial. In most cases, these compounds are classified as "antioxidants", which means they help the body boost immunity and fight various inflammations.

In turn, the darker the fruit, the large quantity it usually contains natural antioxidants in its composition - that is why figs are "more useful" than dried apricots. The champion in the content of these substances is prunes, which is also a fairly powerful laxative. Two or three dried plums are enough to.

Why sugar and sweets spoil the metabolism and lead to obesity? What is ?

The problem of industrial dried fruits

Firstly, absolutely all industrial dried fruits are processed detergents, pesticide fumes and preservatives. To extend the shelf life and give a "pleasant" yellow color raisins and dried apricots sold in ordinary supermarkets have sulfur dioxide added (additive E220) (1) - by nature, raisins have a dark brown color, not gold at all.

Secondly, figs and (just like pistachios, peanuts and other nuts) are most often first fried in cheap vegetable oils, then processed with phenols to preserve color. Thirdly, the aforementioned multi-colored dried fruits from exotic fruits are more like mango or kiwi flavored sugar candies, and not full-fledged dried fruits at all.

Chemical additives in dried fruits

The national food standards of most countries (including Russian GOSTs) literally require the chemical processing of dried fruits, since only this allows you to kill dangerous bacteria and increase the shelf life up to several months. For example, dried apricots and figs must be treated with a solution of sulfuric acid, and grapes must be soaked in alkali.

In theory, data concentrations chemical substances strictly stipulated by law, and dosages are unequivocally safe for human health. However, when buying cheap dried fruits without full packaging and “by weight”, you don’t even know in which country these dried fruits were produced, not to mention whether the required standards were observed by an unnamed manufacturer.

How to choose dried fruits?

On the other hand, dried fruits are a great option for a high-calorie snack after strength training to close . The main thing is to buy high quality products and use only "classic" dried fruits (raisins, figs, dates), and not caramelized mangoes or fried in an incomprehensible vegetable oil bananas.

When choosing dried fruits, pay attention to the presence of the “bio products” mark developed in the European Union. The presence of such a label ensures that only natural processes were used in the production, and the level of chemical processing of dried fruits is minimized. In addition, trust only the major manufacturers known to you, and not the grandmother on the market.


The vast majority of dried fruits are more like “candied fruits” candied to the state of sweets than healthy sources of vitamins and minerals. Even if you eat exclusively bio-dried fruits, you must remember that they consist of 50-60% simple carbohydrates. In addition, GOSTs clearly require the chemical processing of fruits during drying - and it is extremely difficult to check if the manufacturer has gone too far with chemistry.

Dried fruits have not lost their popularity since ancient times, due to their unique beneficial properties and effects on the human body, so let's take a closer look at the benefits and harms of dried fruits, what types of dried fruits are, their beneficial qualities and features of application in daily nutrition and for various diseases.

Types and names of dried fruits

Dried fruits- these are ordinary dried fruits or berries that are dried naturally(in the sun or in the shade) or industrial methods (using special drying equipment, with and without chemicals).

The main feature of dried fruits and berries is the ability to preserve almost all useful vitamins and minerals that are important for human health, as in fresh berries and the fruits from which they were made.

Dried fruits have wide range applications, they are consumed without additional processing, added to various dishes, breakfasts, used for baking bread, making various sweets, in cooking, for preparing drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). Many dried fruits are quite nutritious and have high calorie content(several times the calorie content of fresh fruits and berries).

Dried fruits can be divided into 2 main types - dried fruits and dried berries, which in turn are divided into the following types (by clicking on the link in the name of each of the dried fruits, you can read articles about their medicinal and beneficial properties):

  1. Dried fruits from berries: dried barberry, wild rose, cranberry, (dried grapes).
  2. Dried fruits from fruits: dried fig, peach, banana, kumquat, coconut, apricot (, apricot), dried melon, papaya, pear, persimmon, plum (), mango.

The names of dried fruits usually consist of two parts (“dried, -th, -th” and the name of the berry or fruit from which the dried fruit is made) or has its own unique name.

Depending on the type of drying, dried fruits are divided into dried naturally and using special equipment(and chemistry in some cases), and according to pre-treatment of fruits and berries, dried fruits can be divided into dried whole (with and without a stone, if any) and chopped (cut in half, cut into small pieces, with a stone taken out).

  1. Most dried fruits and berries are good for the digestive system (due to their high fiber content), liver and kidneys, and help remove harmful substances, cholesterol and toxins from the body.
  2. The sugars contained in dried fruits are well absorbed by our body, unlike various sweets (cakes, sweets, pastries), while charging the body with energy.
  3. Dried fruits and berries - good source many important trace elements and vitamins. Regular use different types dried fruits helps the human body fight beriberi, strengthens the immune system and strengthens protective functions organism.
  4. The vitamin composition of many dried fruits makes them good helpers in the fight against fatigue and bad mood, help fight depression, tone up and strengthen the nervous system.
  5. Dried fruits and berries are an excellent food (snack) in long road, at work and at school. They are tasty and sweet (most species), while high in calories, perfectly satisfy hunger and charge the body. essential vitamins and beneficial substances.
  6. Dried fruits are useful for everyone without exception: women, men and children.
  7. Many dried fruits are useful for women (and not only) who are on a diet. Despite their high calorie content, dried fruits and berries are used in many diets to maintain the body during periods of malnutrition. Also, many girls and women have already appreciated and use dried fruits for cooking. various masks for the face and body, which help keep the skin healthy and clean.
  8. Many dried fruits are good for men's health, have a positive effect on potency and hormone production.
  9. Doubtless useful quality dried fruits is their simple storage even at home, so you can always have your own useful “vitamin supply” at home.

On a note: naturally dried dried fruits, and even in their entirety and with a stone (if there is one in fresh fruit) are much more useful than dried fruits quickly dried using special equipment and which have been additional processing(thermal, chemical, mechanical). As a result of the acceleration of the drying process, various processing (to give an attractive presentation), dried fruits and berries may lose most the vitamins and minerals they contain.

What can be the harm from dried fruits and contraindications to their use

  1. Many dried fruits, before getting on store shelves, are various processing, including chemical ones, in order to have a beautiful presentation, be stored longer and not be exposed to harmful insects and microorganisms, therefore such dried fruits can also be harmful to human health (or be useless, due to the low content of nutrients after processing).
  2. People with diabetes and obesity should be careful about the use of dried fruits, as they are very high in calories.
  3. The use of dried fruits in large quantities is unhealthy, can cause allergic reactions and dehydration.
  4. The high sugar content in dried fruits and berries can adversely affect dental health, so after eating dried fruits, it is not superfluous to brush your teeth (at least rinse well oral cavity normal water).
  5. It is not advisable to use dried fruits for exacerbations of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Popular questions about dried fruits

What are the best dried fruits? What are the healthiest dried fruits?

There is no single answer to this question, since each type of dried fruit contains a certain composition of vitamins and microelements, on which their beneficial properties depend on. certain bodies or the whole human body. Of the popular and healthy dried fruits, dates, figs, dried apricots, raisins and prunes can be distinguished.

At what age can you give dried fruits to a child?

Dried fruits can be given to small children from 1 to 1.5 years old, while at first in minimal portions in grated form (in the form of mashed potatoes), as well as soaked in water or steamed, so that they are soft and not very dry. You should also pay attention to dried fruit compotes (infused with hot water, not boiled, as they will lose their beneficial properties), they are no less useful and are well absorbed by the children's body.

What are the benefits of dried fruits during pregnancy?

The high content of useful substances and vitamins helps to strengthen the immunity of a pregnant woman and the fetus, increases the body's resistance to diseases. The benefits and harms of dried fruits during pregnancy are different, depending on the dry fruits and berries chosen for nutrition (each type of dried fruit and berries has its own tips and contraindications, so it is better for pregnant women to consult their doctor before use, and also take into account personal intolerance to different fruits and berries).

What dried fruits can be breastfed?

Dried fruits are harmless and even useful during lactation, the main thing is to know the measure and use only high-quality dried fruits and berries, while making sure that the child does not have allergic reactions. Nursing mothers can eat and cook compotes, and uzvars from: rose hips, dried apricots, dates, raisins, prunes.

What dried fruits are good for weight loss?

When losing weight in diets, all types of dried fruits are used, as they satisfy hunger well, have a beneficial effect on digestion in reasonable quantities, and also saturate the body. useful vitamins and minerals.

What dried fruits can you eat diabetes?

With diabetes, many dried fruits are not desirable, due to the high sugar content in them, but in moderation, you can eat dried pears, apples, currants (not sweet varieties). It is better for diabetics to refrain from eating exotic dried fruits (dried mangoes, bananas, pineapples, etc.), as well as dried cherries. In any case, choosing which dried fruit you can eat with diabetes, it is better to consult a specialized doctor.

What dried fruits are good for the heart?

First of all, dried apricots are useful for the heart, thanks to high content potassium, but it can also be consumed in a mixture with other dried fruits (figs, prunes, raisins, dates).

What dried fruits have a laxative effect?

Dried fruits such as prunes, dried apricots and figs have the best laxative effect.

What dried fruits are compote made from?

Almost all known dried fruits are used for cooking compote, especially from dried fruits and berries grown in our latitudes (not exotic). They can be used both separately and make mixtures of dried fruits for making compote and uzvar.

A useful quality of many dried fruits is the ability to long storage, in which they retain their beneficial properties and do not deteriorate, unlike fresh fruits and berries, so we advise you to read.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing what dried fruits are and what are the benefits and harms of dried fruits and berries, you can significantly enrich your diet and improve your health by eating dried fruits rich in vitamins and microelements. We leave our reviews about dried fruits, their beneficial properties and contraindications for use in the comments to this article and share it in in social networks if it was helpful to you.

Information about dried fruits is usually quite contradictory. Someone believes that dried fruits are because they are full of nutrients. Someone thinks that dried fruits are an ordinary sweetness that should be feared. Where is the truth? Let's try to figure it out.

Nutrients in dried fruits

One dried fruit contains approximately the same amount nutrients as contained in the fresh fruit.

But when measured by weight, dried fruits contain approximately 3.5 times more vitamins and minerals than fresh counterparts.

Thus, one serving of dried fruits can supply the body with an amount of vitamins and minerals that approaches daily rate. This is especially noticeable in compounds such as folates.

However, there are always exceptions to any rule. And here they are, too. Vitamin C is lost when fruits are dried, and its amount in dried fruit is much less than it was in fresh.

From useful compounds Dried fruits are high in fiber and antioxidants, especially polyphenols, which improve blood flow, stimulate digestion, and prevent damage caused by free radicals.

How many calories and sugar are in dried fruits?

Fruits contain significant amounts of natural sugars. But they are present in them in a diluted form. During the drying process, the moisture from the fruit evaporates, and all the sugars and calories are locked in a very small volume of dry fruit.

Thus, it turns out that dried fruits are high high-calorie foods food with a large amount of sugars - glucose and fructose.

  • raisins - 59%;
  • prunes - 38%;
  • – 53%;
  • – 48%.

At the same time, up to 50% of this amount falls on.

dried fruit calorie table

dried fruit kcal Protein (in grams) Fat (in grams) Sugar (in grams)
dried apples 238 2,1 2,1 62,3
Dried apricots 284 5,4 1,2 72,2
Dried apricots 227 5,0 0,0 53,0
dried bananas 390 3,9 1,8 80,5
Dried wild rose 110 3,4 0,0 21,5
dried dates 277 2,0 0,4 74,0
figs 290 3,6 1,2 78,0
dried peaches 254 3,0 0,4 57,7
dried pears 270 2,3 0,6 62,6
Prunes 267 3,5 1,2 68,9
Raisin 277 2,3 0,5 71,2

Are dried fruits allowed for weight loss?

When losing weight, you can eat 1-2 pieces of dried fruit per day. Not more. And even better - avoid even such consumption of this delicacy. That is why it does not include dried fruits.

Dried fruits for weight loss are not shown, for several reasons.

  • Firstly, these are very high-calorie foods, which, at the same time, saturate rather poorly, since they do not include fat and have little protein. Therefore, when eating a large amount of dried fruits, there is a high risk of overeating, which is poorly consistent with the process of losing weight.
  • Secondly, dried fruits are rich in fructose, which, although it is an isocaloric substance, greatly contributes to the accumulation excess fat, primarily in the liver and the abdominal region as a whole. In other words, the belly grows from fructose.
  • Thirdly, the effect of sweet dried fruits on the brain does not allow a person to lose weight, but this must be done. always associated with limiting the intake of sweets. Any - both natural and artificial.

How many dried fruits can healthy people?

So if you are suffering overweight, insulin resistance (and, most likely, if you have excess weight, that is, insulin resistance) and the diseases resulting from these conditions (hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, etc.), you should minimize the consumption of dried fruits.

If you are healthy and have normal weight, then you can eat dried fruits daily, but not handfuls. Their moderate addition to other healthy snacks is allowed. But the focus of these healthy snacks should be given to other components, such as nuts.


1. Like any other natural food, dried fruits contain many health-promoting compounds, the main ones being fiber and antioxidants.

2. Along with useful components, dried fruits contain a lot of natural sugar (both glucose and fructose), which make it impossible to consider dried fruits as food products that are certainly good for health.

3. The high concentration of sugars in dried fruits prohibits their use in weight loss diets.

4. Healthy people, not suffering from excess weight, can eat dried fruits in large enough quantities, but still remembering that, together with dry fruits, they absorb a large number sugars that are of no use.

5. When snacking, when you want to recharge your batteries a little and just chew something, it is better to replace dried fruits with nuts.

Dried fruits are a tasty and healthy product, although they raise some questions for those who follow the figure. Indeed, more high concentration sugar versus fresh fruit on the one hand, and the mass of useful substances, and, accordingly, the properties, on the other hand, make you think. We will consider these subtleties.

Types of dried fruits

There are many types of dried fruits, as well as their fresh counterparts. They can be with and without bones, whole and in the form of halves or small pieces, dried in the shade and under open beams, or even cooked in sugar syrup (candied fruit).

The list of their names is quite long (by the way, it also includes berries): raisins, pear, apple, rosehip, barberry, cranberry, prunes, apricots, dried apricots, cherries, dates, peach, banana, figs, papaya, unabi and many others. Let us dwell on those that are especially useful in weight loss. And the vitamins in dried fruits are the most diverse, if they are not chemically processed.

What dried fruits are good for weight loss

There is an opinion that it is impossible to eat fruits during a diet, and dried fruits are generally unacceptable to use, because the first of them are sweet, and the second are very sweet. If you adhere to any specific strict diet(protein, for example), then of course, there can be no fruits in it, by definition. Otherwise, you should think carefully about this issue.

What dried fruits are useful? Dried fruits are good for diet food at least because they are a concentrated receptacle of a variety of useful substances that we need so much for normal well-being. They also help to drown out the feeling of hunger, and their sweetness is perhaps the only way to do without chocolates and sweets (relieving bouts of irritability).

There is certain types dried fruits, which should be preferred when on a diet. First of all - with a low glycemic index (GI), because this means that the product is broken down slowly, gradually, digested for a long time and does not cause a sharp release of insulin.

Why is it important? Because at large doses sugar entering the body, part of it is bound to turn into fat. At the same time, thanks to insulin, the body is only able to build adipose tissue but not split it.

That is why, if 2 people eat the same amount of calories, but the products are different, with a strikingly different GI, they will lose weight (or get better) with different results.

Useful properties of dried fruits

The presence of a whole set of micro and macro elements, fiber and vitamins make dried fruits perfect food, especially during the winter season. Also, this product boasts a balanced amount of organic acids and fiber, which, by the way, plays a huge role in cleansing the body of harmful substances, stimulates peristalsis and normalizes the intestinal microflora.

Each type of these sweets has its own unique set of "usefulness", and therefore is often purposefully used to treat or prevent not only beriberi, but also certain diseases.

The benefits of dried apricots for weight loss

Dried apricots - nutritional product, drowning out the feeling of hunger and giving energy. In addition, it should be added to the diet if the heart and thyroid gland fail, vision is impaired. It contains a huge amount of minerals that work for the benefit of the whole organism.

The benefits of prunes for the body

Prunes have a positive effect on digestion and bowel function, regulate cholesterol levels and give a feeling of satiety, and are an antidepressant. It should be used if the digestive tract requires attention, because it is - well-known remedy for cleansing the intestines, and prunes also have antioxidant properties.

What are the benefits of dates

But the benefits of dates are difficult to limit with some kind of framework. They are recommended to use to strengthen the heart, kidneys, liver; with anemia, hypertension, cough, dystrophy; dates activate the brain, reduce the risk cancer, and are also general tonic. And this is not a complete list.
However, there is one "but".

Dates have a high GI, which is doubly unfortunate as they are one of the tastiest and sweetest foods. However, do not rush to exclude it from the diet. You can reduce the GI coefficient if you drink dates with milk or kefir.

These foods delay the breakdown of sugar, thereby lowering glycemic index. This applies to all dairy and sour-milk products, but give preference to products with low percentage fat content.

The benefits of raisins for women

Raisin. Normalizes digestion and acidity, is a source of energy (a necessary component of the diet at high physical activity). Moreover, it is useful for thyroid gland due to great content iodine.

The benefits of figs for weight loss

This fruit has an ideal ratio of nutrients, as well as (the only plant) - omega-3 and -6 acids. In addition, it removes fluid from the body, reduces the feeling of hunger, and helps to normalize digestion. And most importantly, figs have a relatively a small amount of calories and low GI.

Whichever of these sweets you choose, remember that portions should be small - up to 10 pieces of fruit per day. By carefully and slowly chewing food, you will “deceive” the feeling of hunger, but replenish the reserves of essential nutrients.

How many calories are in dried fruits

Dried fruit calorie and GI table

How to choose dried fruits

It is no secret that food is often treated with special and not always harmless substances. Therefore, the first thing that should alert you is an excessively bright color.

Usually, this is the result of using sulfur dioxide (E220). This preservative may cause severe allergies in asthmatics, as well as exacerbate gastrointestinal diseases, as it destroys the mucous membrane. But if the product has an inexpressive color and a wrinkled, dusty surface, you can take it.

The second thing that should alert you is an uncharacteristic smell or taste. For example, plum fruits are difficult to dry naturally, as they turn sour rather quickly.

Resourceful producers dry them in special ovens - gas and gasoline - thanks to which dried fruits acquire the appropriate taste, smell and numerous cracks on the peel, where carcinogenic substances settle. Vitamins and enzymes - perish.

It is better to buy dates with seeds, and prunes, raisins - with stalks.
Another alarming moment is the unnatural shine.

Often this applies to prunes that are treated with glycerin or soaked in low-quality oil to give softness and shine. The coffee shade indicates that the fruits were scalded with boiling water, and this significantly reduces the amount of vitamins in them.

Dried fruits for diabetes

People with this disease need to be extremely careful when choosing dried fruits. Dried fruits for diabetes can be eaten in moderation. Exotic overseas fruits will have to be immediately abandoned, as well as bananas, figs and pineapple. Prunes, raisins and dates can be consumed in very limited quantities(no more than 3 prunes, 1 tablespoon of raisins, and 1 date per day).

But unsweetened varieties of apples, currants, and especially pears can be eaten without fear for health, but also without fanaticism. The patient must agree with the doctor on a complete list of dried fruits that can and cannot be diabetics.

This applies not only this disease. A person suffering from several ailments at the same time can harm himself. For example, if in addition to diabetes there is an ulcer, it is better to exclude raisins altogether, and if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, dates should also be discarded.

Dried fruits during pregnancy

Of course, in view of the huge number of various “usefulnesses”, pregnant women should consume a variety of dried fruits in reasonable quantities, while paying close attention to their quality. The human body is a complex and intelligent system that can tell you exactly what it lacks.

Therefore, a pregnant woman should listen to her appetite and consume the appropriate fruits.
And yet, doctors especially recommend dates (not least due to the substance oxytocin).

They are useful during pregnancy and lactation; facilitate childbirth and contribute to the production of milk in the mother, as they trigger a whole cascade of reactions in the female body.

Dried fruits instead of sweets

What are the advantages of dried fruit over confectionery? Despite the calorie content, a very small portion of dried fruits will be enough to both heal and saturate the body.

In addition, without denying yourself sweets, you get rid of depression, frequent companion diets. And unlike all kinds of cakes and chocolates, dried fruits are a natural product.

Dried fruit dishes

Dried fruits can not only be added to oatmeal, although it is both quick and tasty. Based on them, you can cook broths and soups, make pilaf and salads, as well as cook delicious cottage cheese desserts, with all this without compromising the basic principles of dietary nutrition.

The conclusions are obvious: it is possible and necessary to include dried fruits in the diet, especially for those who are losing weight or controlling weight, as well as women in position. And in case of any diseases, you should first consult with your doctor.

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