Otitis in a cat - how to cure sore ears at home? Symptoms of otitis media in cats Otitis media in cats symptoms and treatment

Otitis in cats is an inflammatory disease that occurs in an acute or chronic form, localized on the outer part of the hearing aid, middle or inner ear. Let us further consider the main symptoms and treatment of otitis media in cats, not forgetting the causes of the onset of the disease and the preventive measures used to avoid the onset of the disease.

Causes of otitis media in cats

In fact, the cause of otitis in a cat is far from one. All of them, one way or another, are connected with caring for a pet.

All of the above are the reasons that are, first of all, the consequences of the negligent attitude of the owners towards their cats. Also, otitis media of the inner ear (or middle ear) can form as a result of another ailment: an inflammatory process on the outer part of the hearing aid, purulent pharyngitis, etc.

Quite often, formed otitis media (or internal) can be the result of an infectious disease: otodectosis, rhinitis or the already mentioned purulent pharyngitis, etc.

It is important to understand that this disease is the main condition for the formation of pathogenic microorganisms (streptococci, staphylococci) in the ears, leading to the most unfavorable outcomes. For an animal, the head, as well as for a person, is the most important part of the body, and therefore the owner is simply obliged to notice any changes in the condition of his pet.

Symptoms of otitis media in cats

Each owner can determine the symptoms of otitis in cats, or at least understand that the animal is not all right. First of all, you should pay attention to the cat if at some point she began to shake her head violently, scratch and rub her ears with her paws, and perform other actions that indicate that she is uncomfortable. Most likely, in such cases, she is worried about severe pain., which in the most neglected situations is also manifested by outwardly noticeable effects: redness, swelling on the surface of the ear, purulent discharge and an unpleasant odor.

If otitis media is diagnosed by a veterinarian, then in addition to determining external signs, he will offer a more effective method: a scraping of the resulting discharge is carried out from the surface of the ear for subsequent research in the laboratory. The effectiveness of this diagnostic method is higher, since it is possible to determine the approximate duration of the course of the disease and develop an optimal course of treatment for otitis media in a cat so that the animal suffers as little as possible.

The advantage of a veterinarian is also undeniable for the reason that he will promptly suggest a way to eliminate the pain symptom and simplify the life of the cat during treatment. If you focus solely on the symptoms, then the treatment will not be effective in most cases.

Preventive measures for otitis media

A caring owner should know not only the symptoms and methods of treating the main diseases that occur in his pet, but also preventive measures to prevent such formations.

In addition to following the basic measures for caring for a cat, it is necessary to adhere to a number of recommendations for the prevention of ear diseases:

  • the visible part of the hearing aid must be regularly inspected and cleaned from the formed sulfur;
  • it is impossible to allow a long-term stay of a cat in rooms with low temperatures and high humidity in order to avoid hypothermia of her body;
  • when bathing, you need to protect the pet's ears from getting water into them;
  • you can avoid the attack of ticks if you exclude the contact of a pet with street / stray cats;
  • all items used to care for a cat must be disinfected and undergo a de-caradization procedure without fail.

The main stages of treatment of feline otitis media

Of course, you will have to start with the treatment of otitis media at home according to the standard scheme:

  • On the inside of the ear (visible) all hair must be removed.
  • A cotton swab should be used to remove the wax and pus that have accumulated there.
  • Then it is necessary to moisten the cotton wool in one of the following solutions: 3% hydrogen peroxide, 2% boric acid, furacelin.
  • The ear is washed, and then the remaining moisture is removed with a regular gauze cloth.

Then you need to go to the veterinarian so that he can diagnose purulent otitis media in cats, or any other kind of disease. It is extremely important in this case to get the professional opinion of a specialist doctor in order to avoid complications of otitis media in cats, which can occur with improper or insufficient treatment.

The doctor will prescribe ear drops without fail, which will need to be dripped within a certain period.

In the most difficult cases, we can talk about blocking the pain syndrome through the use of novocaine (a strong painkiller). The latter procedure can only be performed by a veterinarian with experience in administering the drug. In no case do not try to experiment on a cat.

It is possible to protect the ears from the formation of pathogenic microorganisms in them through a 5-7-day course of antibiotics. Again, the drugs are prescribed by a veterinarian, but they are a set of medicines that can be given to an animal at home.

Then the task of the owner is to prevent otitis media (and other ear diseases) and fortify the pet's diet. It is not only about the correct selection of food, but also about the use of various supplements with a significant content of vitamins and minerals.

  • ear drops;
  • powders, ointments, aerosols;
  • intramuscular injections (for especially severe cases).


From all of the above, it should be concluded that the main task of the owner of the cat is timely and high-quality care for her. It is also very important to understand that Only a prompt visit to the veterinarian can save your pet from pain and suffering., which he will experience with the complication of the ongoing disease. The most neglected situations can even lead to death, but a timely response to the symptoms and following all the suggested recommendations will help to avoid such consequences.



Ear inflammation is a common disease in cats. Most often, external otitis occurs and is easily cured. Inflammation of the middle ear is considered a more dangerous and difficult disease to treat. If no action is taken, otitis media becomes chronic, characterized by seasonal exacerbations, in which the cat suffers from debilitating pain. Pathology involves long courses of treatment and lifelong preventive measures. Median otitis is predisposed to malignant degeneration.

Inflammation of the inner ear is the most dangerous of all possible types of otitis media. There is a high probability of hearing loss and the spread of the inflammatory process to the brain.

Unskilled actions turn the acute course of the disease into a permanent one, aggravate the pathology, and complicate treatment. Therefore, the best solution is to seek veterinary help if you suspect an ear infection.

The reasons

Otitis, by origin, is divided into the following types:

Among non-contagious factors, the greatest danger is allergic. A variety of irritants - from flower pollen and food to congenital predisposition cause the development of an inflammatory process, which is complicated by the addition of secondary microorganisms.

Of the traumatic causes of the development of otitis media, the most common are injuries received by cats in a fight or when traveling through thorny bushes or trees. The wound becomes infected and inflammation develops. There is a foreign object in the ear.

Violation of the rules of maintenance cause the development of otitis media. Being in the rain or in a drafty apartment leads to hypothermia, which can cause inflammation of the inner ear. But, most often, the ear becomes inflamed due to the lack of proper ear care. The personal characteristics of cats of some breeds are the increased formation of serka, which clogs the auditory canal and causes inflammation. Therefore, the fellinologist is obliged to regularly clean the cat's ears.


Otitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Skin hyperemia.
  • The cat rubs its ear with its paw.
  • The ear folds and presses against the head.
  • When acute pain occurs, the animal screams in fright.
  • The cat avoids strokes on the head.
  • There are scratches, vesicles, ulcers.
  • The animal shakes its head.
  • The facial nerve is damaged. The auricle, lip or eyelid sags.

The transition of otitis to the stage of purulent is accompanied by an outflow from the ear, gurgling sounds. The cat constantly meows, becomes irritable. She smells bad. The head leans towards the inflamed organ of hearing.


Establishing the cause of the disease is carried out on the basis of clinical signs, microscopy and bacteriological analysis of ear discharge. The principles of treatment of tick-borne, infectious and non-infectious etiology differ significantly.


It is necessary to start therapeutic measures for otitis media before receiving the results of the analysis in order to prevent the spread of the inflammatory process to the medial or intimate ear. In addition, it is necessary to immediately alleviate the suffering of the pet.

Symptomatic therapy

The success of treatment depends on the observance of hygienic standards for keeping a cat. The temperature in the room should be maintained at 18 ... 24 ° C in the absence of drafts. It is not allowed to apply warming compresses to the ear, which is fraught with the creation of favorable conditions for the rapid development of opportunistic microflora. If an abundant release of serk and purulent exudate is observed, washing the ears with an antiseptic lotion, for example, "Dewdrop" or "Otifri", is prescribed. If the process has spread to the middle ear, drops are used, for example, Surolan or Aurikan. The ear canal is cleaned with sterile gauze. For severe pain, local analgesics, such as lidocaine, are used. Painkillers are prescribed by a doctor: the effect of medications on a person and a cat is not the same.

If the animal continues to itch, an Elizabethan collar is used.

At the discretion of the veterinarian, immunomodulators, vasoconstrictor drops and antibiotics are used. Cephalosporins are in demand.

To relieve the symptoms of inflammation of allergic etiology, antihistamines are used.

Targeted Therapy

The obtained and deciphered research results help to correct the treatment started. In the first place are medicines designed to eliminate the cause of the disease.

If ticks are found, acaricidal preparations are used; if a bacterial or fungal infection is detected, highly specialized antimicrobial and antimycotic agents are prescribed.

The allergic nature of otitis media is treated with antiphlogistic corticosteroids or a change in diet.

With purulent otitis, surgical intervention is possible. The fellinologist must keep in mind that delaying the treatment of otitis media is fraught with the onset of deafness or the death of the pet.

Otitis is a common disease in animals, in which the inflammatory process is localized in the ear.

According to the place of localization, there are:

  1. Otitis externa- Inflamed area of ​​the auricle and the outer part of the auditory canal.
  2. Otitis media- inflammation of the middle part of the ear canal, eardrum, ear cavities.
  3. otitis media- inflammation of the inner ear (cochlea, vestibule and membranous labyrinth, semicircular canals). Occurs rarely.
  1. Purulent.
  2. Fungal.
  3. Bacterial.
  4. Allergic.

The course of this disease is acute and chronic.

Otitis in cats symptoms: severe itching, redness of the auricle and external auditory canal, frequent shaking of the head, the pet seems to shake off the water.

The general body temperature often rises by 1-2 degrees, there is a general oppression of the animal (refusal of food, excessive water intake, the pet sleeps a lot, reacts sluggishly to stimuli, ignores toys).

The presence of discharge from the auricle (mucus, sulfur, pus, blood) is also a sign of otitis media.

On the ear, you can notice bleeding sores and aphthae, traces of the claws of the animal.

The submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged, but they are still not available for examination.

With otitis media, discharge from the eyes, blockages of the third eyelid, inflammation of the conjunctiva, pain when moving the jaws, eating food, and swelling in the muzzle are often observed.

With internal otitis, there is a complete or partial loss of hearing, disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus (the animal staggers, falls to one side when walking).

The causes of the disease are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  1. Primary: allergies, water in the ear, otodectosis (ear mites), foreign bodies, improper feeding, hypothermia, prolonged exposure to drafts.
  2. Secondary: weak immunity, infections of ENT organs, bacteria and fungi, pathologies in the endocrine system.
  3. Predisposing to otitis: congenital anatomical defects in the structure of the auricle, drooping ears in the British, frequent water procedures, improper diet.

Treatment at home

It is not worth it to treat this disease on your own - it is not difficult to diagnose the disease, but only a veterinarian can correctly determine the localization of the inflammatory process.

To do this, he must conduct laboratory diagnostics, take a scraping or fluid released from the auricle for analysis.

Effective medicines and preparations

For the treatment of this disease, complex therapy is used, consisting of antibiotics, painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antifungal agents.

Ears are treated with a special antiseptic solution using a cotton pad or cotton swab designed for children.

What is the treatment for otitis media in cats? Different categories of drugs are used to treat the disease: ointments, gels, sprays, drops, solutions, etc.

Drops from otitis for cats on the market of veterinary drugs are represented by the following means:

  1. Anandin - 55 rubles.
  2. Aurizon - 460 rubles.
  3. Bars - 100 rubles.
  4. Decta Forte - 95 rubles.
  5. Otibiovet - 135 rubles.
  6. Otidez - 145 rubles.
  7. Otovedin - 50 rubles.

Attention! The cost of the drugs listed above is approximate and may vary depending on the manufacturer of the drug and the region of purchase.

It is better to purchase those ear drops that the veterinarian prescribed. With different forms of otitis media, different types of drugs are more effective due to different mechanisms of action. Without a doctor's prescription, it is better to use drops according to the instructions.

The use of antibiotics is prescribed more often in the form of injections than tablets (cabactan, cephalosporin).

The use of specialized ointments for animals allows you to cure the disease faster by 5-7 days. Ointments that demonstrate high efficiency include the drug "panologist", the price of which varies from 500 to 700 rubles per 15 ml tube.

How to cure folk remedies?

For the treatment of otitis in cats at home, camphor oil is more often used, which, heated to room temperature, is instilled into the sore ear twice a day.

Folk remedies in the treatment of the disease is better not to use or do it strictly with the permission of the employee of the veterinary clinic and under his strict supervision.

Choosing drugs and oils for the treatment of a disease on your own, you can seriously harm the health of the animal, provoke complications and the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.

Disease prevention

The main point of prevention of this disease among cats and dogs is their proper feeding. About 70% of visits to the clinic with otitis are caused by an incorrectly formulated diet and an allergic reaction of the animal.

You should prophylactically treat and clean your pet's ears as they get dirty with a cotton swab or soft cotton swab.

When bathing, it is imperative to ensure that soapy or tap water, shampoo, and other chemicals do not get into the cat's ears.

Timely treatment of otodectosis (ear mites) in cats is also considered an effective way of prevention.

Leaving a pet on the balcony, loggia in cold weather is not worth it.

Avoid drafts and hypothermia of the cat - this will help reduce the likelihood of inflammation localized in the ear area.

If your pet has any symptoms of illness, you should immediately contact the nearest clinic for consultation with a veterinary specialist. In the early stages, it is much easier to cure diseases than in a neglected or chronic form.

Inflammation of the ears or otitis media leads to irreparable consequences: deafness, damage to the meninges.

It is important to bring your cat to the doctor when the initial symptoms appear. Treatment is to eliminate the root cause and relieve inflammation. Preventive measures help reduce the risk of developing the disease.

a brief description of

The cat's ear consists of 3 sections: outer, middle, inner.

The classification and severity of the disease depends on the location of the inflammation:

  • Otitis externa affects the visible part of the auditory canal and the auricle. The disease is not difficult to eliminate, but if left untreated, the pathology spreads in depth.
  • Otitis media develops in the region behind the tympanic membrane. It is more difficult to cope with this form, the disease passes without complications with early diagnosis and proper therapy.
  • Deep affects the internal department, the vestibular apparatus. This form is more difficult to treat and more often than others gives complications. In advanced cases, inflammation spreads to the membranes of the brain.

Otitis occurs in both chronic and acute forms, it can be both unilateral and bilateral.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Otitis occurs as a result of a mass of pathologies, these include:

The risk group includes cats with a weakened immune system, their body is not able to resist the development of pathogenic flora, regardless of the initial cause.

Signs of otitis media

The disease is signaled by changes in the behavior of the pet:

  • the cat rubs and scratches the diseased ear with its paw and on the surrounding objects;
  • does not allow himself to be stroked;
  • meows for no apparent reason;
  • unexpectedly screams because of painful shootings;
  • shakes and tilts his head towards the unhealthy ear;
  • the animal stops playing and looks depressed;
  • appetite decreases or disappears.

On examination, the following changes are visible:

  • redness, irritation, swelling of the ear;
  • skin damage due to scratching: scratches, sores, crusts;
  • selection: transparent, yellow, gray, black.

These include:

  • Otibiovet;
  • Otides;
  • Otospectrin;
  • Candibiotic;
  • Oricin;
  • Otonazol.

Once the diagnosis is made, the choice of medication depends on the cause of the inflammation.

The following groups of drugs are used for treatment:

With purulent otitis, antibiotic injections are prescribed Amoxicillin, Ceftriaxone . Immunomodulators are used to maintain protective forces. Immunofan, Ribotan . The dosage of drugs and the duration of use are set by the veterinarian based on the weight of the cat and the stage of the disease.

Prevention of otitis media

The need is determined only by a doctor, a healthy animal does not need treatment. With increased formation of sulfur, use saline or lotion as prescribed by a doctor. The remedy is poured, the ear is massaged for half a minute, the pet is allowed to shake its head and the discharge is removed with a gauze swab.

You can not penetrate the canal with a cotton swab, tweezers, a finger with a bandage.

At an early stage, the symptoms of otitis are eliminated in 2 to 3 weeks. It is important to start treatment immediately to prevent complications and the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Middle ear disease in domestic cats is called otitis media. This is a widespread pathology of the hearing organs. Owners do not always understand the danger of the disease, believing that the disease is easily curable. Such carelessness often leads to relapses, the transition of the disease to a chronic form, and hearing loss in a pet.

Knowing the causes of the disease, symptoms and signs of inflammation in the ear will allow you to immediately seek qualified help and start treatment in a timely manner.

In modern veterinary medicine, inflammatory phenomena of the outer, middle and inner ear are well studied, which makes it possible to identify the following causes of the development of pathology:

Predisposing factors that provoke inflammation in the ear canal of cats are:

  • hypothermia of the body, drafts;
  • water getting into the ears when swimming;
  • low level of immunity, reduced resistance to infections.

Owners of furry pets should also be aware that some breeds of cats have a genetic predisposition to ear infections. Most often, the disease is observed in representatives of the British and Scottish Fold breeds.

Symptoms of otitis in a cat

Inflammatory phenomena in the ear canal have characteristic features that will not hide from the attention of the observant owner:

The intensity of the manifestation of certain symptoms largely depends on the severity of the infection, the resistance of the pet's body and the type of inflammation in the ear canal.

Types of ear inflammation

Specialists in the field of veterinary medicine in domestic cats distinguish between inflammation of the outer, middle and inner ear. Such a classification is based on the anatomical structure of the organ of hearing and the involvement of certain components of the organ in the pathological process.

Otitis externa is the easiest and most quickly eliminated type of inflammatory phenomenon. In this case, tissue damage is observed in the visible parts of the ear, without spreading to the eardrum.

Otitis media- a widespread type of disease in which the eardrum is affected. This type of inflammation often becomes chronic. With proper treatment, inflammation of the middle ear has a favorable prognosis.

The most severe and dangerous form of the disease for a pet is inflammation of the inner ear. The lesion affects not only the eardrum, but also passes to the vestibular apparatus. Internal otitis is often the cause of acquired deafness of the animal. Inflammation of a purulent nature is dangerous by the transition to the meninges and the development of sepsis.

Otitis media can also be unilateral or bilateral. In the first case, one ear is affected, in the second, inflammation is observed in both ears.

Bilateral otitis due to food allergy

According to the nature of the development of the process, veterinary specialists distinguish between acute and chronic otitis media.

Diagnosis of otitis media

Inflammation of the inner ear, in contrast to the pathology of the outer and middle sections, is characterized by more severe clinical manifestations. In the early stages, the symptoms differ little from external and otitis media. As the disease progresses, signs characteristic of inflammation of the inner ear are observed.

The sick animal sits with its head bowed. Pathology of the facial nerve develops. A sick cat has blepharospasm, distortion of the muzzle. Due to paralysis of the facial nerve, a sick pet often develops problems with swallowing, quenching thirst.

The development of such a sign as nystagmus (involuntary trembling of the eyeball) indicates brain damage. Nystagmus can be observed both horizontally and vertically. The fact that the brain is involved in the inflammatory process is indicated by nervous symptoms: impaired coordination of movement, epileptic seizures, a cat bumping into objects.

The veterinary specialist establishes the diagnosis based on the anamnesis, characteristic symptoms, otoscopy, laboratory diagnostics. In some cases, the doctor will prescribe a biochemical and general blood test.

Otoscopy - examination of the ear canal with a special device, usually performed after anesthesia. Manipulation allows you to determine the integrity of the tympanic membrane, to detect the presence of foreign bodies, neoplasms, inflammation.

In addition to endoscopic examination, a smear taken for bacterial culture is used to make a diagnosis. This procedure also allows you to determine the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to antibacterial agents.

Treatment of otitis in cats depending on the type

Therapeutic measures for any form of otitis media should not be carried out independently. Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian, taking into account the form and severity of the pathological process. As a rule, the treatment of inflammation of the ear canal is complex.

First of all, treatment begins with the removal of impurities and cleansing the ear canal from exudate, crusts, dirt, etc. Do this with gauze wipes soaked in a disinfectant solution. As a home antiseptic fit:

  • 3% boric acid;
  • chlorhexidine solution;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • furacilin solution;
  • miramistin solution.

In severe purulent inflammation in a specialized clinic, a deep surgical cleaning of the ear canal from purulent masses is carried out.

After cleansing the affected ear from dirt and exudate, treatment with drugs prescribed by a veterinarian can be carried out.

It is strictly forbidden to drip or smear the ear passages of a sick cat with otitis media! The fact is that inflammation is often accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the eardrum (perforation), therefore, the use of certain drugs in the form of drops is contraindicated.

As ear drops in the treatment of otitis in animals, medications such as Sofradex, Dexamethasone are prescribed. Of the veterinary drugs used in cats, Aurikan, Uricin, Surolan, Anandin, Otibiovet, Tsiprovet, Tsipam, Otovedin.

For information on how and how to treat otitis media in cats, see this video:

Purulent otitis media

With a purulent form of otitis media, the pathogenic microorganism that led to the development of the disease is taken into account. If the inflammation is of a bacterial nature, then the sick animal is prescribed antimicrobial therapy.

Cephalosporins, macrolides, and penicillin antibiotics are effective as antibacterial agents. Before using antibacterial drugs, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test.

A good result is the use of amoxiclav, ampicillin, amoxicillin - antibiotics of the penicillin group. The most commonly used cephalosporins are cefazolin, ceftriaxone, and cefixime.

Of the macrolides for otitis in cats, erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin, spiramycin are effective. The dosage, as well as the duration of the course of antibiotic therapy, is determined by the veterinarian in each case.

With a pronounced pain syndrome, the pet is prescribed painkillers or a novocaine blockade is performed. Recovery comes faster with the use of immunomodulators and vitamin complexes. As drugs that enhance the protective properties of the body, the following are used: nucleopeptide, gamapren, glycopin, salmosan.


fungal infection

Treatment of the fungal form of otitis media (otomycosis), in addition to hygiene procedures, involves the use of specific means aimed at combating mycoses. Antifungal ointments based on nystatin have a good therapeutic effect: Panolog, Oridermil, Clotirmazol, Nystatin. In addition to local treatment, the same antifungal and antibacterial drugs of general action are used: Amphotericin, Ketoconazole, Amoxicillin.

Otomycosis in a cat

The best effect is achieved when carrying out the sowing of pathological material for sensitivity to antifungal drugs.

In the treatment of any form of otitis media, it is important to provide the sick pet with the appropriate conditions: a dry and warm room without drafts, peace, and the absence of stressful situations.

To prevent the development of otitis media of various etiologies, the following recommendations of veterinarians will help the owner of a fluffy pet:
  • prevent hypothermia, stay of the cat in damp rooms with drafts;
  • regularly clean the ears from dirt and accumulations of sulfur;
  • periodically check the pet's ears for abrasions, scratches, redness, etc.;
  • while swimming, do not allow water to enter the ears;
  • limit the free range of the animal;
  • conduct regular disinfection of the premises, animal care items.

Otitis in domestic cats is an insidious disease. If you do not seek veterinary care in time, there is a risk of developing not only deafness in the animal, but also serious health problems and even a threat to life. It is strictly forbidden to independently diagnose and treat inflammatory processes in the ear canal in animals. Treatment should be prescribed only after a professional examination.

To learn how to properly clean the ears of a cat, see this video:

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