Pharmaceutical propolis medicinal properties and contraindications. Medicinal properties of propolis and contraindications. Video: About the origin, composition, medicinal properties of propolis and tincture from it in the program "About the most important thing"

This is bee glue, i.e. substance produced by worker bees.

Propolis performs certain functions in the hive:

    closes gaps;

    if necessary, blocks the entrance - letok;

    closes the honeycomb with "lids" -;

    disinfects cells, maintains sterility in the hive;

    envelops foreign, potentially dangerous objects that enter the hive.

Propolis is able to stick together particles, because bees create it from sticky substances collected in spring from the buds of black poplar, alder, warty birch, aspen and other trees. This "harvest" insects are additionally processed with their enzymes. Scientists still can not accurately establish the mechanism for the production of propolis.

Bee glue has a very complex chemical composition. It includes 16 classes of organic substances! Perhaps this is the reason for such a variety of properties of this beekeeping product. It consists of various resins, oils, alcohols, proteins, as well as wax, pollen, vitamins, sugar and other ingredients.

Propolis is a substance that is unusual in its method of preparation, composition, and has unusual properties.

Useful and medicinal properties of propolis

Propolis is a little-studied substance, so the full spectrum of its action has not yet been clarified.

Propolis has the following beneficial properties:








Disinfection - the destruction of pathogens of infectious diseases and the destruction of toxins. Propolis inhibits activity and kills bacteria and viruses, slows down the growth of some of them. In addition, this honey product neutralizes poisons released by decaying cells, accelerates the processes of regeneration and healing. There is debate about the anesthetic effect of bee glue. There is no scientific confirmation of this effect yet.

Propolis has a unique quality - even after treatment with high temperatures, it does not change its properties. This allows the production of a wide variety of propolis-containing products. The tincture always contains alcohol, and is called so because it is insisted, "soaked" without heating for some time. Propolis is difficult to use in its original form, because it is quite dense and becomes soft only when heated. "Soak" it under the force of only alcohol-containing solutions. They allow for maximum extraction. useful substances.

What does propolis tincture treat?

This drug is taken to treat various diseases gastrointestinal tract, skin, respiratory tract, circulatory and genitourinary systems and not only. This is the versatility of propolis.

miraculous natural remedy treats almost any disease, has a beneficial tonic effect on the entire body. Any ailment is caused by a malfunction in the body, which can occur due to the ingress of harmful substances from the outside or internal disturbances.

Propolis tincture treats almost all types of diseases, including those caused by:

    physical reasons- injuries. Accelerates regeneration processes, prevents the onset of the inflammatory process, prevents infection.

    chemical - poisoning. Removes toxins from the body.

    biological - infectious diseases. Kills harmful microorganisms, promotes their removal.

    social - chronic fatigue, alcoholism, drug addiction. Supports the body minerals and vitamins, removes toxic substances.

  • How to chew propolis?

    It is important to follow the dosage. Usually this is a few grams per day, but they should not be taken immediately. You need to start with a drop, carefully monitoring your well-being. The procedure should last no more than 20 minutes, otherwise the mucous membranes oral cavity can be burned. With some diseases, it is allowed to repeat it several times during the day, and with angina, even all day long. We must not forget, however, that with this potent remedy, jokes are bad.

    After a few weeks of such procedures, the disease and teeth should disappear. During pregnancy, the dosage should be reduced to 1-2 g every other day. Children before taking propolis should be tested for allergic reaction. It can be done quite well at home. A small piece of propolis is briefly applied to the inside of the elbow bend. If there is no redness or itching, too.

    It is correct to chew propolis little by little, not forgetting about the danger of allergies.

    Propolis treatment, recipes

    The uniqueness of this medicine is that a wide variety of preparations are made from it: tinctures, aqueous extracts, ointments, pastes, creams, oils, tablets, sprays, candles, masks, it can be used for inhalations, compresses, rinses. Ouzu is used even in its original form - chewed.

    There are many recipes for the preparation of propolis formulations, but there is no organization that would issue them a safety certificate. Even if the recipe is correct and effective, no one can vouch for the quality of the ingredients used by the townsfolk. It is important not to be lazy and clean propolis from excess impurities before manufacturing medicinal product. This will stretch the cooking procedure, but it will improve the quality of the final product. bee glue in pure form softer.

    Treatment with propolis is a powerful adjuvant in the treatment of many diseases. Exists a large number of ways to use it. Usually they are somewhat different for pregnant women and children.

    Treatment of stomach ulcers with propolis

    This is a defect in the mucous membrane of the organ. For its treatment, the cause of the development of the disease is identified and dealt with, while accelerating the healing of the wound and supporting the weakened body. An ulcer occurs because the factors of aggression begin to prevail over the protective factors of the epithelium. Slime layer is destroyed. Propolis creates a new protective layer, allows cells epithelial tissue regenerate, remove pain syndrome, destroys the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, seeking to break through the body's defenses.

    Ulcers are given 60 drops of 20-30% propolis tincture diluted with warm milk (150 ml) three times a day half an hour before meals. The following dosage was tested abroad: 5 drops of a 5% tincture. Some doctors prefer to use an aqueous extract or oil. It is more effective to drink warm drinks with honey at the same time. Improvement comes in the first days. Nausea occurs less often, pain decreases, the level of acidity normalizes, the sore scars faster.

    Patients with an ulcer cannot fully eat, and propolis contains all the substances necessary for a person. In the treatment of ulcers with bee products, as in other cases of their use, the main thing is to avoid allergies.

    Treatment of gastritis with propolis

    Propolis stops inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Patients take oil, tincture or decoction with herbs. Dosage: 20-40 drops of 30% alcohol extract diluted with 100 ml of warm milk or boiled water. You can also drink 10 drops of 10% tincture, three times a day 60 minutes before meals for no longer than a month.

    Propolis oil recipe: 10 parts alcohol solution is mixed with 1 part sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, sunflower, olive or unsalted butter, wait for the composition to boil, immediately pass through several layers of gauze. The finished product is best stored in the refrigerator. Take 20-30 drops with the addition of milk three times a day one hour before meals for 3 weeks.

    Herbal infusion recipe: 20 g fruit, 20 g root, 20 g linden flowers, 20 g peppermint mix, add 3 cups of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, insist for 3 hours, add 3 tablespoons of propolis honey. Drink 100 ml 2 hours before meals.

    Propolis treatment of fibroids

    Bee glue also affects tumor cells, inhibiting their development. Myoma develops from the wall of the uterus. Benign neoplasms dangerous because they can change, cause oncological disease. Propolis effectively fights symptoms such as uterine bleeding and pain.

    Drink 20 drops of alcohol or water extract three times a day for 10 days. Tampons are moistened in a 10% aqueous composition or a mixture of 40 g of propolis, 40 g of butter and 120 g of sunflower oil. The healing effect can be enhanced by taking an infusion, water pepper, and/or yarrow.

    Recipe for herbal infusion with propolis for the treatment of fibroids: 20 g of crushed propolis, pine buds, celandine, wormwood, and marina root, pour into a container, pour 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol, leave for 2 weeks, shaking several times during the day, strain. Drink three times a day, 1/2 teaspoon half an hour before meals.

    Therapy with honey products for - good analogue hormonal treatment and surgical intervention.

    Treatment of nail fungus with propolis

    Dermatologists widely use propolis agents that kill pathogens, reduce pain and itching, and accelerate healing. Usually, bandages with ointments and oils are applied to the diseased parts of the body, and hot baths are made. Ointment and oil are easy to prepare at home.

    You can apply tampons moistened with a 20% tincture to the nails of the hands and / or feet. Change when dry. It is important to try to cover as much area as possible. First come down upper layer the affected nail.

    For steaming, add a teaspoon of tincture to hot water. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. Better to do it before bed. Then generously lubricate the fingers with propolis oil (mix the antiseptic essential oil with tincture) and apply a thick layer of propolis in its natural form on the nails. The key to success in the fight against fungus will be the observance of hygiene rules. It is necessary to change socks daily, shoes can also be treated with propolis extracts.

    Fungi are very tenacious, sometimes sick people cannot cope with this infection for several years. Salvation for them is bee glue.

    Helicobacter treatment with propolis

    Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that infects the stomach and duodenum. It may accompany an ulcer, atrophic gastritis, MALT-OM and other diseases. Propolis helps to get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, belching, nausea and vomiting. The methods of its application are the same as for ulcers and gastritis. First of all, it is propolis milk containing at least 5 (for children) or 10 (for adults) drops of tincture. The therapeutic effect is increased by adding honey and lemon to the drink.

    Also developed a method of getting rid of Helicobacter pylori, consisting in combined reception water extract, propolis oil and Omeprazole preparation for 2-3 weeks.

    Empirically proved the effectiveness of the use of 100-150 ml of a 30% aqueous solution twice a day. The duration of the course does not exceed 14 days.

    The success of the use of honey products even against such a strong bacterium as Helicobacter pylori once again confirms that propolis has unique antimicrobial properties.

    Treatment of pancreatitis with propolis

    This is an inflammation of the pancreas, for getting rid of which the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities of bee glue, its fortified composition are very useful.

    Half a teaspoon alcohol composition dissolve with half a glass of boiled water, drink a little, in the morning and evening, half an hour before meals. The integrity of the mucous membranes of the gland is gradually restored, the regeneration process is accelerated. Also shown are propolis honey (diluted with a tablespoon of milk) or milk at night, chewing natural bee glue or propolis honey (zabrus - special wax, with which bees close the honeycombs) before eating, an aqueous extract with herbal solutions twice a day.

    Honey products are best consumed before meals to prevent food rejection. Otherwise, a damaged organ interferes with digestion, causes nausea, and other unpleasant phenomena.

    Maxillit - inflammatory process in the sinuses of the nose, which occurs with a complicated course of some infectious diseases. Propolis for therapy can be taken not only orally, but also locally. It stops infection and inflammation, relieves swelling of the mucous membranes. Sinusitis cause oxygen starvation, because prevent breathing through the nose. This manifests itself in various ailments, one of which is. Honey products help the patient sleep peacefully, and also tone the body.

    Tincture, ointment, drops, oil, solutions for inhalation and lotions are used. This method of treatment is interesting: 2 cotton buds dipped first in propolis tincture, then in vegetable oil, inserted into the nostrils four times a day for half an hour. In no case should you overdo it, otherwise you can burn the mucous membranes.

    The recipe for the preparation of propolis ointment: a mixture of 10 g of honey, 10 g of propolis, 15 g of petroleum jelly, 30 g of lanolin, 3 g of anesthesin, mix until a homogeneous consistency in a water bath. Store the finished composition in the refrigerator. Use twice - thrice a day for 14 days.

    Propolis is very effective for the treatment of any respiratory diseases. it universal remedy, on the basis of which it is easy to prepare many medicines on one's own.

    Propolis for hemorrhoids

    This disease is caused by a "collision" of the circulatory and digestive systems. Inflamed veins compress the rectum, leading to its dysfunction. The use of propolis in this disease will help relieve inflammation, normalize blood flow and digestion.

    It is used in the form of rectal suppositories - suppositories that anesthetize, relieve swelling, itching and burning, heal cracks and wounds, stop bleeding, and prevent infection. Hemorrhoids often occur in pregnant women. Majority medications contraindicated during pregnancy, so propolis suppositories are very helpful. The only problem- the possibility of an allergic reaction to honey products.

    You can make candles at home, but they are usually purchased at a pharmacy. Such homeopathic preparations as "Gemo-Pro", "Adonis", "NOVA VITA", "GEMOPROST-T", "EBILOM-HEMORRALGIN". Also, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, you can make lotions with an aqueous extract of propolis.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis with propolis

    With an inflammatory disease of the duodenum and stomach, propolis is taken in the same ways as for gastritis. Is it a tincture, oil or herbal decoction. The tincture can be diluted with water and taken 30 minutes before meals. Oil with propolis is drunk on an empty stomach in a teaspoon 2-3 hours before meals. It is also recommended to eat a teaspoon of propolis honey in the mornings and evenings. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

    Recipe for nut milk with propolis for the treatment of gastroduodenitis: pour 10 g of peeled and crushed milk into a glass of milk, boil, strain, add a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of tincture. This volume is enough for a day, drink in 3 divided doses before meals. The healing effect will appear from the first days of treatment.

    Treatment of the liver with propolis

    The largest internal organ of a person is treated with a 20% tincture or an aqueous extract of propolis. Dosage to get rid of jaundice: 20 drops of an alcohol solution per glass of boiled water for a week. Then the dose is increased by 10 drops, and so every 7 days (but not more than 40 drops) until complete recovery.

    Recipe for tincture of chaga with propolis: 30 g of purified crushed propolis and 500 g of chaga birch fungus are placed in an earthen vessel, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for the whole day, strain. Take 3 tablespoons before meals.

    In the treatment of various liver diseases, bee glue has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effect.

Bees are industrious suppliers of more than just honey. They supply us with other products that a person uses for good. Royal jelly, bee bread (perga), bee venom and, of course, propolis. Its medicinal properties will be discussed.

What is bee propolis?

Propolis is a fragrant natural glue. Its workaholic bees are made from the resins of various plants in order to fasten different parts of the hive, cover up cracks in their house, repair and strengthen honeycombs.

The composition and medicinal properties of propolis

Bee glue contains many disinfectants, thanks to which natural cleanliness and even sterility are maintained in insect hives. The powerful bactericidal properties of propolis have long been noticed by people. Only this bee product, and no other, is capable of quickly destroying billions of harmful microorganisms.

If we talk about the composition of fragrant glue, then it is quite complicated, scientists are still researching it, regularly discovering more and more new possibilities for the product. To date, dozens of essential and balsamic compounds, flavones and flavonones, cinnamic acid products, the most valuable propolis phytoncides, vegetable resins, and wax have been found in propolis. Many trace elements have been found - such as potassium, manganese, silicon, iron, copper, chlorine, sodium, sulfur and others.

natural pain reliever

Since ancient times, propolis has been famous as an anesthetic. local action. Already in modern times, substances were found in it that surpassed novocaine in terms of the power of anesthesia - almost 5 times, and marijuana (hemp) - 3.5 times. The analgesic property of propolis occurs at the enzymatic level, and the bee product also reduces fever.

Propolis is an antibacterial and antiviral agent.

The powerful antiseptic effect of propolis protects the body from pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Interestingly, unlike synthetic antibiotics, bacteria do not develop resistance to propolis. Needless to say, how useful is this in the treatment of infectious diseases? Besides, medicinal properties propolis include the activation of the production of immune cells.

Accelerates wound healing, relieves inflammation

Since propolis promotes rapid regeneration, preparations from it are successfully used in the treatment trophic ulcers, for a long time non-healing wounds, eczema, dermatoses. The epithelialization of mucous membranes is accelerated under the influence of the medicinal substances of propolis, tissue inflammation is replaced by recovery.

Who can benefit from propolis?

Healing bee gift helps to fight the most serious ailments. It quickly restores strength, provides normal nutrition cells, useful in anemia, also has a radioprotective property. In anticancer therapy, propolis is used after chemotherapy and radiotherapy– it helps to transfer rehabilitation easier. Effective propolis treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers during remission. There are many recipes with bee glue, here are a few popular ones.

Recipes with propolis

For colds, flu, inflamed tonsils, cough, sores in the mouth. A piece solid propolis(the size of a bean) slowly dissolve and chew in the mouth, rolling from one side to the other. The secreted saliva is slowly swallowed so that it moistens the mucous membrane of the throat.

To soothe a sore tooth, moisten a cotton swab in 50% alcohol tincture - apply to the aching hollow until the condition is relieved.

In therapy peptic ulcer an aqueous tincture or 10% extract should be used. One of their treatment regimens: dilute 10-12 drops of the extract with a tablespoon of water and drink 40 minutes before meals.

For the treatment of bronchitis with cough, take a 10 or 30 percent extract 3-4 times a day. Dissolve 10 drops in 1/3 cup of boiled water and drink in tiny sips. The course is until the cough disappears completely.

For hands suffering from weeping eczema, this recipe is very effective: prepare a weak decoction of dried oak bark (1 part raw material to 5 parts water). After 10 minutes of boiling, insist a quarter of an hour. Then decant a glass of warm broth through a strainer, pour a tablespoon of 30% (or dessert 50%) propolis tincture (for alcohol) into it. Wash and lubricate the eczema-affected areas with this liquid.

For female ailments - bacterial vaginitis, thrush, chlamydia, polyps, cervical erosion - place tampons soaked in aqueous solution propolis. The course of treatment is 14-20 days. Wash with the same solution. female nipples cracking during feeding.

You need to know that in order to prepare an aqueous extract of propolis, it cannot be heated above 70 degrees, so as not to destroy it biologically. active substances product.

Pharmaceutical products from propolis

Remains extremely popular pharmacy tincture propolis, which is produced by many pharmaceutical companies. manufacturers. Numerous rinses for sore throat, stomatitis and gingivitis, instillation into the ear for otitis, many patients simply cannot imagine without the use of the medicinal properties of propolis tincture.

Proposol based on bee glue copes with many dental ailments of the oral cavity, has a convenient dispenser.

Purified, molded propolis can be purchased at a pharmacy. The properties of propolis are used in the manufacture of ointments, creams, shampoos, masks and toothpastes. Propolis suppositories (candles) are successfully used for hemorrhoids.

Propolis rarely causes allergies, which allows it to be used even in the treatment of allergic skin diseases. However, the likelihood of high sensitivity yet there is. Persons with allergies before use are recommended to carry out skin tests holding on hand the means to stop the exacerbation of the disease.

Propolis, a product known to many as a result of bee activity, has unique healing properties.

It is a powerful immunomodulator and natural antibiotic, has antifungal and antiviral effects. Propolis contains necessary for the body trace elements and vitamins, essential oils and acids.

It can be used to boost the immune system and therapeutic purpose. However, in order to achieve an effective result, the bee product must be used correctly.

To preserve human health propolis have been used since ancient times and are popularly called bee glue. Due to its beneficial properties, it is still popular today. It is widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

The bee glue has organic composition, since the raw materials for its production are taken in the spring from the buds of aspen, birch, alder, poplar and other trees. Most of the propolis is made up of resins, a third of the composition is beeswax. It contains many different acids:

  1. Phenolic acids have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic and astringent effects.
  2. Benzoic acid prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Ferulic acid inhibits bacterial growth.
  4. Fatty acids have antioxidant properties.

Selenium, potassium, and iron are found in the bee product useful for the body. It contains a lot of vitamins with glycosides and amino acids, so the remedy is unique for restoring many functions in the human body. Bee glue is used in various fields of medicine, as it has various useful properties:

  • antiseptic - treats wounds, frostbite, burns, otitis media, gastritis, gum disease;
  • restores connective tissue heals and anesthetizes wounds;
  • treats hepatitis B with consequences;
  • in case of poisoning, it quickly removes toxins from the body;
  • stimulates phagocytosis;
  • enhances the effect of taking antibiotics;
  • does not cause resistance in microorganisms;
  • without affecting the microflora of the body kills microbes;
  • helps to boost immunity;
  • improves memory;
  • normalizes digestion and treats inflammation;
  • improves well-being;
  • relieves stress;
  • cleanses the blood, is an antioxidant;
  • prevents the growth of various tumors.

Propolis does not lose its medicinal properties even under the influence of high temperatures, so it can mix with hot drinks and take while warm. From bee product make ointments, solutions, tinctures, suspensions. And also you can use it in its pure form.

How to use propolis correctly?

Pharmacies offer a remedy in the form of ointments, tinctures, but many are interested in the question - is it possible to use propolis inside in its pure form? Experts do not advise swallowing a pure bee product, especially for people prone to allergies. Better just chew it all. In this case, bee glue is used for the following pathologies:

  1. In case of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, periodontal disease, bleeding gums, a small piece of the substance should be held in the mouth for about 15 minutes, rubbing it with your teeth. The rest is spit out. Treatment should be daily until relief occurs.
  2. Propolis is capable of short term decrease toothache, if it is simply chewed in the mouth.
  3. It is useful and even necessary to use bee glue for colds, respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, flu conditions. On the initial stage diseases, it is recommended to chew a small piece of the substance during the day. You don't have to swallow it all. Before eating, he spits out. After the condition improves, you can chew the remedy with less intensity.
  4. You can use propolis inside to prevent and treat inflammatory diseases of the stomach, gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis. In this case, a daily dose of 5 grams is used in 2-3 doses. Use the product between meals, chewing for a long time and swallowing it all at the end.

For increase immunity pure propolis can be mixed with honey (1:4) and taken one teaspoon at night in autumn and spring. A remedy diluted in hot milk improves immunity well (for one glass - ½ teaspoon of the substance). It is recommended to take before going to bed, drinking the whole glass.

A pure product can taste unpleasant and pungent. Therefore, traditional medicine suggests making milk at home. For this one hundred grams bee glue is added to one liter of hot milk and everything is boiled with thorough mixing for ten minutes. After that, the solution is filtered and cooled.

The wax layer is removed from the cooled tincture, and it is poured into a glass container. For increase defensive forces body course of application should be at least five weeks. You can drink the solution or simply rinse your mouth with it. Should be stored in the refrigerator.

Inhalations with propolis

This is another way to use propolis in its pure form, which is used to combat the common cold, sore throat, bronchitis, and flu. It helps even with tuberculosis.

For the procedure you will need:

  • 300 ml of water;
  • 50-60 grams of bee glue;
  • 40 grams of wax.

The ingredients are mixed in an enameled container and placed on water bath. Inhalation over steam is carried out for 10-15 minutes. The course of therapy lasts at least ten days.

Experts warn that pure propolis should be consumed undesirable. It contains resin large cluster which in the body adversely affects the kidneys and other organs. It is better to use the bee product as applications, or simply by chewing, and then spitting.

You can take propolis tincture inside and use it externally. At internal application it has antitoxic, anti-inflammatory and firming action.

When applied externally, the drug has the following properties:

  • healing;
  • painkillers;
  • antipruritic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • regenerating;
  • disinfectant.

The use of propolis tincture for various diseases

Adenoids and sinusitis

medicinal product for flushing sinuses is prepared from bee glue and calcium chloride(1:10). It is applied twice a day with a course of treatment for two weeks.

Respiratory diseases

With angina, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, it is necessary to do inhalations diluted in saline with propolis tincture (for 5 ml of solution - 1 drop of tincture).

sore throat rinsed drug, which is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10.

Pathologies of ENT organs

Treatment of sinusitis, otitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis can be carried out using tincture in several ways:

  1. Lubricate the tonsils with a remedy diluted in water. To do this, you need two parts of water and one part of tincture.
  2. Rinse the mouth with a solution prepared from one part of propolis infusion and ten parts of saline.
  3. For sinusitis, the nose is washed with the same solution that is used for gargling.

Cervical erosion

Used to heal wounds and relieve inflammation cotton swab, which the previously wetted in propolis diluted in half with water on alcohol.

Herpes, chicken pox, skin diseases

In this case, the treatment is simple. A concentrated, undiluted solution is used. Cotton dipped in it tampon applied to skin rashes from chickenpox or herpes or other damage and inflammation of the skin.

Cough treatment

It is very useful to use the remedy for coughing. There are several ways to use it:

  1. Use inside diluted in a glass of milk 10-20 drops.
  2. Compresses for dry coughs and chest pains. A napkin soaked in a solution of 12 glasses is applied to the chest warm water and one glass of propolis or alcohol. The top of the napkin should be covered with a film and a towel or scarf.

stomach ulcer

Is it possible to use propolis tincture with a stomach ulcer? Experts advise starting the treatment of pathology with a weak solution, gradually bringing the dose to 40 drops diluted in milk or water.

Immunity Boost

The use of propolis tincture well strengthens the immune system and increases the efficiency of the body. To do this, use a solution of 20 drops of bee glue in alcohol and ½ cup of milk. It is recommended to drink it in the morning and in the evening.

Making propolis tincture at home

The drug can be prepared on one's own, having previously cleaned the bee glue. To do this, you first need to freeze it, then grate and pour cold water. Everything that pops up is removed, and the propolis is dried.

There are two ways to prepare an alcohol preparation.

Quick way:

  1. Finely grate ten grams of the product.
  2. Take one hundred milliliters of 70% medical alcohol, which should be heated to 50 degrees in a water bath.
  3. Add propolis to the alcohol and mix thoroughly to get a uniform consistency.
  4. Without bringing to a boil, remove from heat and strain through several layers of gauze.
  5. Pour into a dark glass dish and close the lid.

The prepared product is stored in the refrigerator.

The process of preparing a 10% tincture can be simpler, but time consuming:

  1. Pour bee glue into glassware and pour it with vodka or alcohol.
  2. A tightly closed glass container should be placed for two weeks in a warm, dark place.
  3. The solution should be shaken twice a day.

After 14 days, the drug must be filtered and can be used.

How to use propolis for children?

It is possible to increase immunity and treat children with propolis only after consulting a specialist, identifying indications for admission and determining contraindications.

bee glue It has a rich biological and chemical composition, therefore it is the strongest allergen. For babies under one year of age, it is categorically contraindicated.

You can try giving honey to a one-year-old baby. If a child has an allergy to it, then all bee products for the baby are contraindicated.

But it's best to spend allergic test . To do this, apply a drop of the product to the skin of the forearm. If after a day the skin does not turn red and does not itch, then most likely the child does not have allergies to bee products.

If it is necessary to treat the baby with propolis, on the first day it is necessary to give a small dose of the drug. If everything goes well, then on the second day you can give the dose that the doctor prescribed.

Propolis to improve immunity in children

Inside, only alcohol tincture is taken, so it is contraindicated for children under the age of three. Babies from the age of 4 years can be given a remedy for mounts body and increase immunity, treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Dosage: for children, bee glue tincture is given at the rate of one year of life - one drop. Previously, the agent is diluted in a small amount of milk or water. The solution should be taken 2-3 times a day for one to four weeks.

A useful product of beekeeping, propolis can be used to improve immunity and treat many diseases. However previously you need to know how to use it correctly. Treatment of diseases with bee glue should be started only after consulting a doctor.

Attention, only TODAY!

Nature has huge reserves of elements useful for humans, substances that are used in traditional medicine. Many people know the benefits of propolis for the body, a bee product that helps improve health, improve work internal organs, nervous system has a minimum of contraindications.

What is propolis

If you describe from the visual side, thenpropolis isdark resinous substance. It is formed in the process of isolation by bees of third-party objects, "closing" gaps in the hive. So they try to preserve the unique climate at home, protect from the effects of the external environment. The name of the product was formed from two Greek words "polis" - a fortress, "pro" - in front, if combined and translated in a literary style, it will turn out - "protection of the fortress". In the bee hive, it acts as a “polishing material” for the combs, which protects the larvae from infection.


Propolis - medicinal properties and contraindications of this remedy are based on unique composition substances. Its chemical formula is very complex, the following elements are present:

  • resins;
  • flavones;
  • aromatics and minerals.

It's not all composition of propolis, but only a small part of it, some elements have not even been fully explored yet. The agent itself has a green-brown or Brown color, pleasant aroma of honey, wax and needles. Bees collect sticky substance from poplars, birches. The healing properties of propolis, the chemical composition directly depend on which tree was collected. For example, aspen gives gray shade, poplar - reddish undertone, birch - greenish. In some cases, almost black, brown and brown color is obtained.

What is the benefit of propolis

Forms beneficial properties of propolisa series of amino acids, compounds that, when interacting, provide high efficiency substances that help to improve the human body. Given folk remedy referred to as powerful radioprotectors that help protect against radiation. Propolis is often used as an antiviral, antimicrobial substance, it helps fight pathogens of typhoid, salmonella, and tuberculosis. The main medicinal properties include the following possibilities:

  • normalizes cellular respiration;
  • analgesic effect;
  • cleans cell membranes from cholesterol;
  • has a rejuvenating effect on the body;
  • improves metabolism, takes part in biochemical processes;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • stops growth cancer cells;
  • heals wounds, promotes the restoration of tissue cells.

For kids

This remedy is considered unique due to its immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory properties and a small number of contraindications.Propolis for childrenit is recommended from the first days of life, the main thing is that the child does not have allergies - this is the main contraindication (do not forget to make sure of this in advance). For babies, propolis, mixed with honey, is applied to a pacifier. The remedy renders healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract if antibiotics were previously prescribed or a fungal infection was present.

The properties of propolis oil help with diaper rash, regenerate the skin, treat reddened areas or for prevention purposes. The tool boosts immunity child's body, effectively fights colds. Sometimes, propolis provides an opportunity to refuse pharmacy antibiotics, which often have a negative effect on a child.

For women

female body sharper than men react to any changes. For this reason, he needs constant replenishment: cosmetics, immunomodulatory drugs, vitamins. All this can replacepropolis for women, which has a huge number of medicinal properties and has virtually no contraindications. Tinctures of this substance are widely used in cosmetology, gynecology, in the treatment of bacterial and viral infections, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

For men

The medicinal properties of the substance have a positive effect not only on the female body.The benefits of propolis for menno doubt, the bee product becomes a kind of aphrodisiac (bee, honey), which helps to improve potency. It contains many mineral components, vitamins that provide positive influence on the male power and help to get rid of impotence. Medicinal properties are known a small amount guys, so instead of tasty and inexpensive means they buy expensive pills at the pharmacy.

What does propolis treat?

The medicinal properties were described above by age, gender parameters. However, there are a number of unique effects that are the same for every person.Medicinal properties of propolishelp to cope with the following diseases:

  1. Pathology of the pulmonary tract. The properties of the product help to get rid of the inflammatory process occurring in the lungs, bronchi, and help with painful dry / wet cough. Subject to the dosage, time of admission, the absence of contraindications, the disease recedes after 4-5 days.
  2. Prevention of gastrointestinal ailments. The main reason for the development of problems in gastrointestinal tract- the detrimental effect of bacteria on the mucous membrane, microflora. This, for example, becomes a provoking factor in the development of gastritis, stomach ulcers. Healing trace elements of propolis provide antimicrobial action, kill the infection that lives in the stomach. The effectiveness of the application is increased due to tannins, essential oils. As a rule, diseases are treated with a 10% tincture of alcohol.
  3. Strengthening immunity. Bee glue, honey - a great combination that helps increase defensive reaction organism against various diseases. To do this, use 10% alcohol tincture for 4 months. You will receive protection from viruses, infections and colds.
  4. Vision improvement. Propolis renders therapeutic effect to the organs of vision. In addition to ingestion, you can instill a solution in the eyes to relieve inflammation, increase the severity.
  5. Skin diseases. Bee glue perfectly helps to cope with acne, pimples and other skin rashes. Regular consumption of tincture, wiping the skin helps to reduce rashes, acne.
  6. Gynecology. It is used for therapy with uterine fibroids, erosion, regular use helps to restore the mucous membrane.
  7. The medicinal properties of the drug are used for the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins.
  8. Bedsores. Good for treating this symptom in bedridden patients. Rub the infusion into the affected areas of the integument.
  9. Oral cavity. Bee glue helps prevent the development of caries, strengthens tooth enamel. To do this, chew small pieces or rinse your mouth with a solution.

Propolis tincture - medicinal properties

This form the drug is used to treat various diseases: tumors, skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital, circulatory system. Universalmedicinal properties of propolis tinctureparticipate in the treatment of the whole human body. Any pathologies that are caused by the penetration of harmful elements from the outside can be treated with bee glue. Use tincture in the treatment of pathologies caused by:

  • Physical impact: for injuries, burns. Helps speed up the regeneration process, stop the inflammatory process, infection.
  • Chemical factors - poisoning. Promotes the elimination of toxins from the body.
  • Sociological factors: alcoholism, chronic fatigue, drug addiction. Tincture supports the body with vitamins, a complex of minerals, removes toxins.
  • Deficiency of elements - beriberi.
  • Biological factors - infectious diseases. Kills and removes harmful microorganisms.

Honey with propolis - useful properties

By itself, bee glue has an excellent effect on the body, but it medicinal properties increase when combined with honey. Such a symbiosis increases the medicinal properties of the substance, gives it a pleasant smell, taste. The mixture is easy to prepare at home on your own. Healingproperties of honey with propolisappear when douching with a solution in water, when used in the form of inhalation, taken orally (a teaspoon), you can add it to milk or tea. The course of treatment lasts no more than 2 months and it is better to carry it out as a preventive measure.

The preparation of the product does not cause difficulties, it is only necessary to correctly calculate the concentration depending on the purpose of use. Honey itself is a liquid product, but bee glue must be melted in a water bath. Before that, clean it, grind it. When propolis starts to melt, gradually add honey. The mixture should heat up to 60 degrees, all the contents should dissolve. Store the product in the refrigerator. This is not the only cooking option, beekeepers are constantly experimenting with new recipes.

Propolis in gynecology

Any disease reproductive system have a negative effect on the entire body.Propolis in gynecologywidely used due to its versatile medicinal properties and minimum quantity contraindications. As a rule, girls use bee honey in the form of ointments, suppositories, tinctures, solutions for douching. Less commonly used are gauze bands that are impregnated medicinal solution smeared with ointment. Before insertion, the vagina is completely cleared of secretions.

During pregnancy, there are a lot of contraindications for treatment for girls, so bee glue becomes indispensable tool. Drink it with rose hips and prepare as follows:

  • 80 rose hips are crushed;
  • pour water for 2 hours;
  • bring to a boil and insist on low heat for 1 hour;
  • then poured into a thermos, throw 1 grain of propolis and insist overnight.


The uniqueness of this remedy is known to many lovers of real natural medicines. Considering everything positive reviews about bee glue, it is impossible not to clarify that there arecontraindications to the use of propolis. The most important thing is the allergic reaction of the body. As a rule, this becomes the main prohibition for those who want to improve their health with the help of this folk remedy.

In addition to an allergic reaction, the main contraindications include the following health problems:

  • Diseases of the internal organs in acute form especially for the liver.
  • allergic rhinitis, asthma. The contraindication arose due to a probable allergic reaction in these pathologies.
  • People with alcohol intolerance should not take 10% bee glue infusion.

This is the main and main contraindications that can cause the rejection of propolis. If you started taking the drug and noticed that you have developed increased drowsiness, skin rash, dizziness, dry mouth, then treatment with propolis should be stopped and consult a doctor. Perhaps some other drugs conflict with the components of propolis.

Find out more information about, medicinal properties and applications.


Everyone knows that bees are engaged in the manufacture of honey, but this is not the only product that is produced as a result of the activity of insects. In addition to honey, there is also wax, perga, propolis and royal jelly. Propolis can be considered the most popular product after honey, which is actively used in the treatment of many diseases. But only few people know what propolis treats and how to use it correctly. What are its medicinal properties and contraindications?

What is propolis

Propolis is a sticky substance that the bees themselves collect from the buds of trees, bring and put in the hive, adding wax, pollen to it and enriching it with useful enzymes.

Bees cover the gaps in their hive with propolis to protect it from viruses and various pathogens. If suddenly another insect gets into the hive, then its bees first bite, and then embalm using propolis. It can for a long time be in a hive and not decompose.

Propolis is a building material of bees, which contains resins, balms, essential oils, wax, pollen and aromatic substances.

Propolis can be different color: greenish, gray, brown or reddish. If it is stored for a long time, it may be black.

This bee product is very useful for human body. It smells good and tasty, reminiscent of honey, because pollen is present in its composition. fragrant herbs and resinous greens. But how to use propolis correctly so that it brings the maximum benefit to a person?

Useful properties of propolis

Propolis is not yet a fully studied substance, so the whole range of its effects on the body has not been clarified, but it is already known that it has the following properties:

  • disinfectants;
  • antibacterial;
  • antitoxic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • dermoplastic;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulatory.

Due to the fact that propolis has a disinfectant effect, it helps to destroy pathogens and destroys toxins. It inhibits the activity of bacteria and viruses, helps slow down the growth of some of their species. Besides this product has the ability to neutralize the poisons that secrete decaying cells, accelerates the regeneration and healing of tissues. It is believed that propolis has an anesthetic effect, but this fact has not been officially confirmed.

Useful composition of propolis

It is important to know not only whether it is possible to use propolis inside, but also how it is useful for the body. It contains great amount trace elements that are simply necessary for the proper development and functioning of the body. Propolis contains:

  • magnesium is an essential element for the functioning of the heart and organs digestive system;
  • potassium - supports genitourinary system, normalizes intestinal peristalsis, helps the brain to function;
  • sodium - promotes vasodilation, maintains the correct water-salt balance, is responsible for the work of the kidneys;
  • iron helps thyroid gland to produce hormones in the right amount, strengthens immune system, gives the skin freshness and healthy color;
  • zinc - helps the body fight viruses and pathogens that get inside;
  • manganese is indispensable for correct operation nervous system;
  • copper - takes an active part in the synthesis of hemoglobin, affects the pigmentation of the skin and hair;
  • cobalt - helps activates the growth of red blood cells, supports the pancreas;
  • Phosphorus is indispensable for maintaining good condition of teeth and bones, supports the functioning of the heart, is responsible for muscle function and cell growth.

Can you use propolis? It is simply necessary, because in addition to the microelements described above, its composition also contains other equally important for the proper operation of all internal systems of the human body: aluminum, fluorine, tin, antimony, strontium and others. All of them play an important role in the work of each of the organs.

Of the minerals, the leading place is occupied by calcium, which is responsible for the process of blood clotting, prevents the formation of blood clots. The strength of bones and teeth depends on the amount of this element. In addition, it is calcium that is responsible for the functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands.

How to use propolis in its pure form? And just chew it, because it contains the whole group of vitamin B, as well as others: A, C, E, H and R. It also contains amino acids essential for the functioning of the body, including valine, glycine, asparagine and others .

For what diseases and how to use propolis correctly in order to get maximum amount nutrients and improve your health?

Propolis: what diseases helps?

For many years, traditional healers have been actively using the product of the activity of bees to treat numerous ailments. They know exactly how to use propolis correctly so that it has its beneficial effect on the body and helps to get rid of the symptoms and the disease itself without consequences. And it helps with such diseases:

  1. With stomach ulcers and gastritis. Propolis cannot completely cure an ulcer, but it can relieve inflammation and enrich the body with vitamins. It relieves pain well, removes the feeling of nausea and helps to speed up the regeneration process.
  2. Myoma of the uterus. Officially, this method is not supported by doctors, but it certainly will not harm the body. You can use propolis in gynecology in the form of tinctures or suppositories that are inserted into the vagina.
  3. Fungal lesions. Due to its bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, propolis can relieve itching and inflammation, and also prevents the further spread of the fungus. As a result of the treatment of the fungus with propolis (how to use, we will tell further), the diseased nail is replaced by a healthy and strong plate.
  4. Propolis is excellent at fighting Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that settles in the stomach and causes peptic ulcer. It is enough to use propolis tincture - and the bacterium dies.
  5. Due to the healing properties of propolis, it easily copes with the inflammatory process in the pancreas, restores the digestive system.
  6. This type of life activity of bees helps with sinusitis, colds.
  7. The use of suppositories, ointments and microclysters with propolis helps to effectively cope with the symptoms of hemorrhoids. They promote absorption hemorrhoids.
  8. Propolis extract is an excellent catalyst for the restoration of damaged liver cells. Propolis does not help with all liver diseases, but as an adjuvant it can be used, it will not get worse.
  9. Men over 40 often complain of problems with male power and is associated with disease prostate. Propolis can help here too.
  10. The bee product perfectly copes with intestinal inflammation, helps to restore damaged cells.

Thanks to unique properties bee product can become an aid in the treatment of many diseases. But it is important to know how to use propolis correctly in order to get rid of diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Propolis treatment: recipes

The uniqueness of the bee product lies in the fact that a variety of products can be prepared from it: tinctures, aqueous extracts, ointments, pastes, oils, tablets, candles and others. It can be used for inhalations, compresses, baths, rinses. Sometimes they even chew it.

There are many recipes for preparing propolis, but so far none of them have received a quality certificate. Therefore, before using it to treat a particular disease, it is better to consult a doctor. It is important not only to know what propolis treats and how to use it, but also to learn how to cleanse it of excess impurities before using it as a remedy. The cooking procedure will stretch, but in the end, the product for treatment will turn out to be more effective. Purified bee glue is softer.

Propolis treatment of peptic ulcer and gastritis

An ulcer is an injury to the lining of the stomach. In order to effectively cure the disease, it is necessary to find out the cause that adversely affects the mucous membrane. An ulcer appears in cases where the factors of aggression prevail over the factors of defense of the body. As a result, the mucous layer is destroyed, and propolis helps to create additional protection. It helps cells recover. Propolis tincture can be taken orally, it destroys bacteria, disease-causing helps to regenerate epithelial tissue.

Patients who suffer from peptic ulcer are advised to take 60 drops of 30% propolis tincture, which is diluted in a glass of milk. Drink the remedy three times a day before meals. Some experts recommend using an oil or water extract in the treatment. Warm drinks with honey have proven their effectiveness. The improvement is noticeable already in the first days after the start of the reception. Nausea is less common, pain decreases, acidity normalizes, ulcers scar.

How to use propolis for gastritis? In the treatment, you can use tincture, decoction with the addition of medicinal herbs or tincture.

Propolis oil can be prepared independently. To do this, you need to take 10 parts of an alcohol solution and 1 part of any oil, for example, sea buckthorn, olive or cream. The composition must be boiled and passed through cheesecloth, rolled up in several layers. Store in the refrigerator, take 30 drops with milk for 21 days before each meal.

And you can cook propolis with herbs like this: take a tablespoon of fennel fruits, licorice root, linden flowers and mint, add three glasses of water, boil for 20 minutes and leave for 3 hours, add three tablespoons of propolis honey to the broth. Take 1/2 cup before each meal.

Is it possible to use propolis tincture inside? It is possible and necessary for all diseases that affect the digestive system.

Fibroids treatment

Propolis acts on tumor cells, stopping their development. Myoma develops from the wall reproductive organ. Benign formations are dangerous because they can easily develop into oncology. Propolis effectively copes with pain and uterine bleeding.

Take alcohol or water tincture three times a day, 10 drops for 10 days. They also put tampons in the vagina, which are pre-moistened in medicinal mixture. To prepare it, you need to mix 40 grams of butter and propolis and add 120 g of sunflower oil.

Treatment with propolis for uterine myoma is good alternative hormone therapy and surgical intervention.

Propolis for pancreatitis

Propolis, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, will help get rid of inflammation of the pancreas.

It is necessary to take 1/2 teaspoon of alcohol tincture of propolis, diluted in 1/2 cup of water. The tincture gradually restores the damaged pancreatic mucosa and accelerates cell regeneration. Also positive effect will give warm milk at night with a tablespoon of propolis honey.

How to use propolis inside correctly? It is better to do this before meals to prevent rejection of food.

Propolis for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a disease that causes a "collision" of the circulatory and digestive systems. Inflamed veins put pressure on the rectum, which leads to its dysfunction. Using propolis in such situations, it is possible to quickly remove inflammation, normalize digestion and blood flow.

Propolis can be used to make suppositories that have an anesthetic effect, relieve swelling, itching and burning, help wounds and cracks heal faster. Often hemorrhoids occur in women during childbearing, and during this period they are contraindicated most of preparations, so suppositories with propolis are an excellent solution to the problem.

Candles can be made at home or purchased at a pharmacy. Also, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, you can make baths with an aqueous solution of propolis.

Propolis for liver diseases

The liver is difficult to treat, but propolis copes with the task. It must be taken orally. How to use propolis tincture if there are problems with the liver?

You can use a 20% alcohol tincture or an aqueous extract. If the patient has jaundice, then drip 20 drops of tincture into a glass of water and drink for a week. After that, the dosage is increased by 10 drops and they drink again for a week and continue until complete recovery, but you can not increase the dose by more than 40 drops.

Chaga with propolis helps well, which is prepared as follows: mix 30 g of crushed propolis with 0.5 kg of birch fungus, place in a clay container, pour a liter of water and leave to infuse for 12 hours, strain. Take 3 tbsp. l. before every meal.

Propolis in the treatment of liver diseases has an anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effect.

Propolis for colds

Every person in his life suffered from bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, influenza. During the illness, I had to take a lot of drugs, which then negatively affect the work of the intestines.

With bronchitis, propolis canvas helps well. This is a piece of cloth that beekeepers put under the hive cover to protect it from drafts. This piece of fabric is well disinfected by bees, because they treat everything inside the hive with propolis.

When the fabric touches the human body, it heats up, propolis softens, has a beneficial effect on the epidermis and fills the air. pleasant aroma, wherein Airways are inhaled. It is necessary to apply it on the chest and back in the area of ​​the bronchi. The procedure lasts about 40 minutes. You can store the canvas for about 4 years, wrapped in polyethylene.

A person's cough may be due to various reasons. Infections, a foreign body in the respiratory tract, effects on receptors, and others. If pharyngitis is diagnosed, then inhalations and rinses with propolis help well. In the treatment of tonsillitis and flu, chewing propolis gives a positive effect.

For rinsing, you can use this recipe: a spoonful of St. John's wort is poured 250 ml hot water, infused for about an hour, filtered and 60 drops of propolis infused with alcohol are added.

How to use propolis tincture for influenza or acute respiratory infections? Helps well medicinal milk which is best drunk warm. Milk combined with propolis helps medical composition better absorbed and relieve symptoms faster. Such a remedy perfectly protects against spring-autumn exacerbations of viral diseases. It is enough for children to add a couple of drops of tincture to warm milk before going to bed.

Any cold is easier to treat if you approach the problem comprehensively. You can not only take medicines inside, but also use them externally. Preparations based on propolis help stop the inflammatory process, relieve pain, and kill the infection that has affected the respiratory tract. You can treat the throat with a propolis-based spray, do inhalations and rinses, apply compresses, and chew. You can make lollipops with propolis at home, just put a couple of drops of tincture on a piece of sugar and the medicine for treating the throat is ready. It is already known how to use propolis tincture on alcohol, and you can still eat healthy honey with propolis.

Bee honey and propolis: the most useful mixture

At first glance, it may seem that it is completely absurd to mix honey and propolis, because these two components are already so beneficial for the body. But in folk medicine, there are many recipes in which these two products of bee activity are present.

This composition contains a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins, but there are no fats. And this is a huge plus for those who are afraid to spoil their forms or want to get rid of extra pounds.

Also this useful mixture contains glucose and fructose, which are responsible for the energy of the body and constantly support it. And this means that using honey with propolis, you can constantly keep the body in good shape, the central nervous system stabilizes, due to which insomnia and stress disappear. But this is all very important for modern man.

We have already explained how to use pure propolis? But little is known about propolis honey, it can be bought ready-made on the market or cooked at home. To prepare it, you need 10 g of propolis and 90 g of honey of any kind. All components are sent to a container and placed in a water bath, you should wait until the propolis begins to soften. Mix well and strain the mixture through cheesecloth.

Honey with propolis can be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, adding a tablespoon to a glass of water. Thus, you can support the immune system and tone the body.

Contraindications to the use of propolis

It is important to know how to consume propolis in solid form, but it is also necessary to understand the contraindications so as not to harm the body. Pediatricians do not advise giving this product of the activity of bees to children under 3 years old, and all because they have not yet fully developed internal systems and propolis can cause an allergic reaction. But this ban does not apply to those children who do not have manifestations of allergies, because the bee product can benefit a weakened immune system.

People who have contraindications to the use of alcoholic beverages? In this case, they just need to opt for aqueous extract.

  • acute liver disease;
  • oncology;
  • alcohol intolerance;
  • allergic bronchial asthma.

There are no special contraindications to the use of propolis, but a consultation with a doctor will not be superfluous.

In the article, we told how to use honey with propolis and other components, now it is up to the patient himself, who will comply with the dosage and course of therapy. Only in this case, propolis will bring positive results and without consequences will cure a lot of diseases.

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