Is it possible to do a colonoscopy procedure for hemorrhoids or is it dangerous? Is it possible to perform a colonoscopy in the presence of hemorrhoids Contraindications to conduct

Hemorrhoids are often diagnosed in proctology, especially when using instrumental methods. One of these is a colonoscopy. Patients should know the reasons for the procedure, the rules for preparing for manipulation, and whether there are contraindications to colonoscopy for hemorrhoids.

The disease develops gradually, at the initial stages, patients may not be bothered by anything. Over time, a pain syndrome appears, usually aggravated by defecation,.

Vessels expand, form. They gradually increase in size, may fall out of the rectum. In the lumen of the nodes are able to form, which can pose a threat to the life of the patient.

What is a colonoscopy

Hemorrhoids are often diagnosed after a colonoscopy. The procedure is characterized by high information content, allows you to examine the cavity of the organ in detail, helps in the diagnosis of a large number of diseases.

The technique has a number of advantages:

Can it be done with hemorrhoids

Is a colonoscopy done for hemorrhoids? The procedure is often prescribed for this pathology, it allows you to make a diagnosis in the initial stages of the disease. It should be noted that the reviews on colonoscopy for hemorrhoids of patients and doctors are positive.

The indications for the procedure are as follows:

  1. Complaints of burning and itching in the anus.
  2. The appearance of blood and pain during the act of defecation.
  3. Chronic obstipations.

Is it possible to do a colonoscopy with an exacerbation of hemorrhoids? Yes, it is allowed, but it is mandatory when using anesthesia. It is important to know that the procedure is not prescribed for any acute diseases of patients.

Study preparation

The method requires careful preparation from the patient, otherwise the doctor will not be able to conduct a study in full.

It is necessary to cleanse the intestines. For this, enemas are prescribed using castor oil or Fortrans (or its analogues).

In the first case, in the daytime, the patient drinks about 50 ml of oil, in the evening (preferably at 9 o'clock), 2 cleansing enemas are performed until clean water comes out of the anus. In the morning, before the study (at 7 or 8 o'clock), another bowel cleansing is necessary. Water should be clean, without fecal impurities.

If Fortrans is used for cleaning, the scheme is as follows. First you need to calculate the correct dosage of the drug. For every 15-20 kg of the patient's weight, 1 sachet of the drug will be needed. For a package of the drug you need 1 liter of water.

It is permissible to drink the entire amount of the drug on the eve of the study, it can be divided into 2 halves. One should be taken in the evening, the other in the morning (there should be at least 3 hours before the colonoscopy). Fortrans promotes deep cleansing of the intestines due to its powerful laxative effect.

Patients who suffer from arterial hypertension should take antihypertensive drugs according to the scheme. The doctor should be aware of the presence of other comorbidities in patients, as well as allergic reactions to painkillers (if their use is required).

In cases where the patient suffers, bowel cleansing begins a little earlier - 3-4 days before the procedure.


Diet is very important in preparing for a colonoscopy. It is necessary to start following a special diet 4-5 days before the study.

Foods containing coarse fiber (for example, vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread) are excluded from the menu. It is also forbidden to eat legumes, freshly squeezed juices and carbonated drinks, cottage cheese, meat. These products contribute to increased gas formation, which is unacceptable during the study.

The day before the procedure, food is consumed only in liquid form. Doctors forbid drinking red drinks, because during the procedure, the doctor may take it for blood.

The colonoscopy itself is performed on an empty stomach; rarely, endoscopists allow the patient to drink a small amount of warm sweet tea.

How is the procedure carried out

The procedure is carried out using a special device called a colonoscope and is made of fiber optics. The device has the form of a tube, it contributes to the fact that the doctor has the opportunity to examine in detail the lumen of the organ and the structure of its membranes, without missing a single detail.

The colonoscope is inserted into the lumen of the organ through the anus. Air is pumped inside, which helps to inflate the intestine when the device is advanced. This is done in order to avoid injury to the intestinal tissues. Usually the tube is inserted up to the blind part of the intestine.

Then the device begins to be removed from the organ, while carefully examining its tissues in a circular direction.

The technique helps the doctor to see any changes in the mucous membrane of the organ, including varicose vessels of the rectum and hemorrhoids.

In cases where the patient needs to change the position of the body to facilitate the passage of the colonoscope, the medical staff helps him to carry out this procedure. This is necessary in order to avoid trauma to the intestinal tissues and to make the study more comfortable.

Colonoscopy is usually painless and without complications. Patients may experience some inconvenience due to the pumping of air into the intestinal lumen.


Patients need to know whether it is possible to do a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids and the rules for the procedure. The method allows to detect pathology at an early stage, which facilitates the treatment of patients. Therefore, it is important for the latter to have an idea about the indications and preparation for colonoscopy, because this can directly affect the effectiveness of the manipulation.

If hemorrhoids are suspected, the doctor may prescribe a colonoscopy or an instrumental examination of the rectum. By modern standards, this procedure is performed for anyone who is concerned about bleeding from the anus, suspected polyps or tumors, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, as well as occasional intestinal obstruction. Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids allows you to establish an accurate diagnosis and dispel all doubts. This is an outpatient procedure that takes about 40 minutes but requires good preparation.

What is a colonoscope?

This probe is about 2 meters thick and about 2 meters long. At one end of it is an eyepiece, the doctor looks into it. The opposite end is a tiny, illuminated video camera that looks at the inside of the bowel. The image from it is transmitted to the monitor screen, it can be viewed by other doctors. You can take photos of suspicious places with a video camera. Inspection video frames can also be stored and scrolled as needed. The probe also contains a tube for supplying air, which is necessary for inflating the intestines.

Normally, the intestinal mucosa is collected in folds, the air straightens them. Next to the video camera are miniature forceps for biopsy. With their help, the doctor can take a piece of tissue for examination if cancer or a polyp is suspected. Some models of colonoscopes are equipped with a small coagulator that can cauterize a bleeding vessel.

The question of whether a colonoscopy is done for hemorrhoids is decided individually.

Popular models are Olympus, Pentax, Huger and others.

Some medical centers and hospitals give the patient a disc with a record of the results of the examination after the examination.

Will it hurt?

No one will perform a colonoscopy for acute inflammation of hemorrhoids. Firstly, no doctor needs the patient's torment, and secondly, bleeding nodes and swollen tissues make it difficult to carry out the procedure itself.

The colonoscope is inserted into the anus. Normally, this does not cause any pain, since the diameter of the probe is 10-12 mm, while the anus can expand up to 3-5 cm. The presence of hemorrhoids narrows the hole, but there is still a gap sufficient to insert the probe.

Usually, an exacerbation of hemorrhoids is first treated, and only then a colonoscopy is performed. If the person is very sensitive or the hole is narrow, anesthetic gels are used to lubricate the anal ring. The patient and doctor decide this together.

Unpleasant sensations may occur when inflated with air. This feeling of fullness, heaviness, soreness. Normally, the intestines do not swell like that, and the body reacts to an unusual effect. During the procedure, the patient is conscious, and everything needs to be told to the doctor. The nurse can help to change the position of the body, the depth and frequency of breathing, the doctor - to remove excess air.

The day before, bowel cleansing is performed for 2-3 days: you need to avoid coarse food, do enemas and take drugs such as Fortrans, Levakola and the like. Each medical institution has its own characteristics of training. On the eve of the colonoscopy, the patient is given a reminder on which he should prepare. The meaning of preparation is to completely remove stool from the intestines so that the examination is effective. If the intestines are poorly cleaned and the doctor cannot see all the folds, the procedure will have to be repeated.

In special cases, when there is severe inflammation of the hemorrhoids or bleeding, the procedure is performed under intravenous anesthesia.

Intravenous anesthesia is a non-inhalation anesthesia when the anesthetic is injected directly into the vascular bed. The use of breathing equipment is not required.

The colonoscope allows you to stop bleeding, simultaneously inject medicinal solutions directly to the site of inflammation, or cut off a polyp with a special loop. 25-30 minutes are enough to carry out all the manipulations “with the head”, general anesthesia is not needed for this. Is it possible to do a colonoscopy in a particular case, the attending physician determines.

Survey result

Properly performed colonoscopy dots the i's. The device is inserted for the entire length of the rectum, it is 15-30 cm. They do not go further than the Burginian valve that separates the caecum from the rectum. Then the inspection goes in a circle, the probe tip is rotated clockwise. Each section of the intestine falls into the field of view, all formations are visible. Hidden knots of hemorrhoids can be found, which so far do not manifest themselves.

Most importantly, colorectal cancer can occur under the mask of hemorrhoids, which cannot be detected without instrumental examination. At the same time, its detection in the early stages and active treatment give a favorable prognosis, the five-year survival rate reaches 40%.

Timely removal of polyps, treatment of ulcers or chronic inflammation in Crohn's disease is also the result of colonoscopy. For any bleeding of unknown origin, abdominal pain, loss of strength, or other controversial manifestations, it is better to do a colonoscopy to save life.

After colonoscopy, hemorrhoids do not worsen, because before the introduction of the probe, the anal area is treated with an antiseptic, and the insertion itself does not cause injuries. If the doctor sees fresh nodes or signs of an approaching inflammation, he will adjust the treatment, and the disease will be easier.

Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids is not only a diagnostic, but also a preventive procedure.

According to doctors, colonoscopy for hemorrhoids is the best informative study of the large intestine, and according to patients, it is the most easily tolerated and painless. It can be done both in private clinics and in state gastroenterological offices. The examination is carried out by a proctologist or a diagnostician - a coloproctologist.


Colonoscopy is performed using a flexible endoscopic probe with a video chip - a colonoscope, which is connected to a special computer system. The procedure allows the specialist to carefully study the extent of the spread of the inflammatory hemorrhoidal process, screen for tumor neoplasms, immediately remove the identified polyps or foreign objects, take biological material for subsequent analyzes, and take pictures of problem areas.

The price of a colonoscopy of the large intestine for hemorrhoids depends on the type of anesthesia and sedatives used, the number of samples taken for the study. At will, the patient can choose the conditions of the procedure - outpatient or with hospitalization.

For whom is a colonoscopy necessary and who is prohibited?

An examination using modern colonoscopes will need to be performed if the proctologist suspects a pathology. Colonoscopy of the intestine for hemorrhoids allows the doctor to clearly see the whole picture of the disease, and determine the appropriate treatment tactics.


World statistics. Every 5th woman and 7th man under the age of 45 suffer from hemorrhoids, and together with the elderly, the rates approach 80%. That is why it is recommended to undergo a screening colonoscopy of the large intestine once every 5 years for all people over 50 years old.

It is necessary to tune in to undergo such a diagnostic procedure in the following cases:

  • persistent abdominal pain, flatulence, constant alternation of constipation and diarrhea without a period of stool normalization, detection of occult blood in stool tests;
  • with haunting sensations of itching in the anus;
  • if there is pain during bowel movements;
  • if during or without a bowel movement, blood, spotting and / or mucus is discharged from the anus;
  • before or after proctological surgery;
  • with early detected but not removed polyps and other neoplasms;
  • if there is a family history of colon cancer.

Is it possible to do a colonoscopy with hemorrhoids in 100% of cases? No, there are the following contraindications for this procedure:

  • acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids, complicated paraproctitis, anal fissures;
  • hemophilia and other pathologies of blood clotting;
  • adhesive, inflammatory or ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cardiopulmonary insufficiency;
  • peritonitis.

Today there is an alternative to endoscopic colonoscopy - virtual colonoscopy of hemorrhoids using tomography devices. However, this procedure also needs advance preparation, it involves the introduction of a catheter to inflate the intestine. Compared to a "conventional" colonoscopy, a virtual examination is more expensive, less informative, does not allow for surgical interventions, and, according to patients, often causes pain.

The doctor evaluates the results of a virtual colonoscopy

Quite often the question is asked - “Do they do a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy?” No, any colonoscopy during pregnancy is strictly prohibited.

Mandatory preparation for a colonoscopy

Regardless of the type of future anesthesia, sedation and a special colonoscopic laxative, all patients need to carry out early bowel cleansing - 3-4 days before the study, go on a special slag-free diet.



Hard cheese, cottage cheese

Vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, nuts

Puree of non-red boiled vegetables

Whole grain cereals

Clear broths

All types of legumes in any processing

Boiled or steamed meat, fish, poultry

Mushrooms, smoked meats, marinades, compotes

Unleavened white bread, crackers, biscuits

Yeast bread, especially black, chocolate

Dairy drinks, tea

Carbonated drinks, fruit drinks

Osmotic laxatives

From the 4th to the 2nd day it is necessary to drink the usual laxative. One day before the study, lunch should be the last meal of the day and consist of broth and biscuits. After 1-2 hours, they begin to drink a colonoscopic laxative. Further, up to the study, you can’t eat, you can drink unsweetened weak tea or plain water.

How is manipulation performed?

Colonoscopy is performed in the morning. The study may take 10-60 minutes. The technique of introducing a colonoscope is the same as when setting a high enema, with the only difference being that the probe is advanced with smooth movements through all parts of the large intestine. To facilitate the advancement of the tube, air is forced through special holes. This is done in order not to injure the intestinal walls.

On the recommendation of the diagnostician and with the consent of the patient, the detected small polyps (up to 0.5 cm) can be immediately removed. It does not hurt, the resulting wounds bleed a little and heal very quickly. After the end of the examination, the probe is removed with the same slow and smooth movements, and with the help of special valves in the probe, air is gradually removed.

Polypectomy for colonoscopy

Results and interpretation of colonoscopy for hemorrhoids

If during the examination a biomaterial was taken for analysis or histological examination, then in most clinics their results will be ready within 1-3 days. The coloproctologist must record his observations and performed surgical procedures in your medical record or paste a completed letterhead there.

If the proctologist makes a conclusion about the need for surgical intervention, do not panic. The operation to remove hemorrhoidal "bumps" is less traumatic and does not require hospitalization. The optimal solution for the surgical treatment of advanced hemorrhoids, including patients with blood clotting problems, will be the choice of the THD technique - transanal hemorrhoidal deartherylization.

Colonoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure in which an endoscope with a flexible tube is inserted into the intestinal tract. The procedure helps in the diagnosis of intestinal diseases of various etiologies. Hemorrhoids are a common proctological disease that can cause significant discomfort in the anal area. In the article we will analyze whether it is possible to do a colonoscopy with hemorrhoids.

Severe hemorrhoidal disease: degrees of development

Attention! In the international classification of diseases of the 10th revision, the disease is designated by the code K64. Previously, hemorrhoids were divided into external and internal, but today such a division is considered to be incorrect. In the new classification, hemorrhoids are divided into 4 stages depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Who is assigned?

Indications for a colonoscopy:

  • Age over 55;
  • Familial forms of colorectal carcinoma up to 20 years;
  • The admixture of blood in the feces;
  • Rectal bleeding;
  • Suspicion of a malignant or benign tumor;
  • Suspicion of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (CIBD);
  • Suspicion of other diseases of various parts of the intestine;
  • Severe diarrhea or diarrhea of ​​unknown etiology;
  • Constant pain in the abdomen;
  • Preventive monitoring after removal of cancerous or benign neoplasia.

Procedure steps

A colonoscope is a flexible tube with an endoscope that is inserted through the mouth into the intestines. The gastroenterologist inserts various instruments through the tube. Using a small camera, images taken in the intestines can be seen on a computer screen.

Some patients find colonoscopy unpleasant, sometimes the procedure causes pain. Throughout the examination, patients receive a venous cannula through which the doctor can dose the concentration of tranquilizers and painkillers.

Colonoscopy procedure under general anesthesia

In a colonoscopy, a gastroenterologist examines the inside of the large intestine. It cannot diagnose existing tumors, but it can remove adenomatous polyps. During a colonoscopy, a gastroenterologist removes either part of the tissue or the entire polyp.

Preparation for the examination

At the preparation stage, the doctor takes a blood sample from the patient and compiles a coagulogram. In some cases, you may need to stop taking certain medications before the procedure.

A prerequisite for a successful colonoscopy is a clear visualization of the intestinal mucosa. To do this, the intestines are first completely emptied. No later than 3 days before the procedure, the patient must give up all dietary fiber and plant seeds, including whole grains, raw foods, bran, berry fruits. Iron supplements and aspirin should also not be taken 2 days before a colonoscopy.

The process of preparing for a colonoscopy varies somewhat depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Almost two days before the examination, it is recommended to switch to a liquid diet. Instead of cola or coffee, drink herbal tea, mineral water, or chicken broth.

The day before the colonoscopy, the bowels are emptied with a special laxative, as mentioned above. If you managed to cleanse the intestines, then you need to drink only clean water. On the day of the procedure, it is recommended to eat a light breakfast (simple carbohydrates, for example). In addition, patients should drink a lot. The introduction of laxatives is required, which will help cleanse the intestines of feces that interfere with the study.

Colonoscopy lasts no more than 30-40 minutes. During the examination, the patient lies on his left side with his legs slightly bent. The doctor inserts the device into the rectum and pushes it through all parts of the intestine.


Contraindications for colonoscopy:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Fulminant colitis (severe form of CIBD);
  • Acute diverticulitis (severe inflammation of a diverticulum in the intestinal wall)
  • Complete intestinal obstruction;
  • Peritonitis;
  • Suspicion of intestinal perforation (if it bleeds very heavily in the gastrointestinal tract);
  • Elderly (patients over 70 years of age).

If the patient had cardiopulmonary decompensation or acute infarction, the procedure is allowed no earlier than after 2 weeks. When using phenobarbital, colonoscopy should not be used, because the additional administration of sedatives can cause coma. Contrary to popular misconceptions, an anal fissure is not considered a contraindication to colonoscopy.

Phenobarbital is a popular barbituric tranquilizer found in valocordin.

In acute CIBD, there is a high risk of complications, so patients with this disorder are not recommended to undergo the procedure. In the worst case, this can lead to intestinal perforation. During perforation, the contents of the intestine enter the abdominal cavity. Since the intestines contain air, food, digestive juices, feces or pus, their penetration into the peritoneum can be fatal. Older people with poor general health should not have a colonoscopy.

Hemorrhoids are not considered a contraindication to the procedure. However, the latter stages may increase the risk of complications. In some cases, if the colonoscopy is performed incorrectly, a complication of the disease occurs.

Advice! Only a specialist can write a referral for a colonoscopy. Similarly, only a doctor can determine if a patient can undergo the procedure without consequences.

Everyone who is faced with hemorrhoids knows how unpleasant this disease is.

At the same time, its treatment in the early stages allows doctors to use the methods of conservative medicine (gymnastics, ointments,) which is much better for the patient than surgery.

Timely and correct diagnosis of any disease is the key to a quick recovery.

Colonoscopy is the most accurate and modern method for diagnosing bowel diseases.

Is a colonoscopy done for hemorrhoids?

Yes, this study is prescribed quite often, since it allows you to identify the disease at an early stage, when the symptoms are still subtle.

Indications for the procedure

Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids is performed both for the purpose of early detection of the disease, and with the intention to exclude more serious diseases, for example, cancer and peptic ulcers or Crohn's granulomatous inflammation.

Indications for colonoscopy are:

  • Itching and burning in the anus.
  • Blood in stool.
  • Pain during bowel movements.
  • Chronic constipation.

Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids and chronic colitis has practically no contraindications. However, the procedure is not prescribed for patients with acute conditions: heart attack, peritonitis, intestinal perforation, large hernias.

How is it carried out?

Colonoscopy of the intestine for hemorrhoids is carried out in the same way as for any other gastrointestinal disease.

The method consists in examining the large intestine using a special device - an endoscope.

This is a thin tube - no more than a centimeter in diameter - with a light device at the end and a small camera that transmits an image of the intestinal mucosa to the screen.

The probe is inserted into the patient's rectum through the anus. Air is forced into the intestine, which straightens the intestine and allows the endoscope to move forward freely up to the caecum.

It is the injection of air, and not the movement of the probe, that causes the patient to experience unpleasant sensations of distension of the intestines.

Despite the fact that in most cases the procedure does not cause pain, but only discomfort, there are still indications for anesthesia during colonoscopy for hemorrhoids. In children, for example, or with intestinal adhesions.

In addition, colonoscopy during exacerbation of hemorrhoids can be painful, in this case, doctors apply local anesthesia.

The duration of the study, as a rule, does not exceed 30-60 minutes. Patients tolerate colonoscopy well, during the procedure they are allowed to change their body position for easier passage of the endoscope.

Many are wondering: is it possible to do a colonoscopy with hemorrhoids under anesthesia?

Can Today, many medical institutions offer impressionable patients a study using sedation - drug sleep.

Preparation process

You need to prepare for a colonoscopy. Activities performed before the procedure are aimed at cleansing the intestines.

There are two ways to prepare for a colonoscopy:

  • Cleansing enemas;
  • Purification with special preparations.

Cleansing with an enema begins one day before the study.. On the day before the colonoscopy, you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil. In the evening, do two enemas two hours apart.

The volume of each enema must be at least 1.5 liters. In the morning, both enemas should be repeated. Preparation is considered effective if clean water eventually comes out.

When preparing medicines, the medical preparation Fortrans is used. It is a white powder, divided into sachets. Each sachet is diluted in one liter of water. On average, 3-4 liters of solution are prepared, depending on the weight of the patient (one sachet per 20 kg of weight).

The entire solution should be drunk in the evening before the colonoscopy. It is allowed to divide the dose into two parts (in the evening and in the morning on the day of the procedure), however, please note that the last dose of the drug must be taken no later than 4 hours before the study.

It is important to know that Fortrans is not prescribed to children under the age of 15, and to patients suffering from intestinal obstruction or heart failure.

Advantages of the method

Despite the frightening description of the study, the procedure is easily tolerated by patients, in most cases, as already mentioned, anesthesia is not even required.

Patients who have undergone colonospy leave the hospital immediately after the procedure. Brief observation is required only if drug sleep has been used.

Hemorrhoids after colonoscopy are diagnosed accurately, which allows the doctor to prescribe the most effective treatment.

Colonoscopy is the most modern method for examining the intestines.. It allows not only to identify and confirm the diagnosis, but also to take a piece of intestine for histological analysis right during the procedure.

In addition, during a colonoscopy, the doctor has the opportunity to cauterize small foci of bleeding with an endoscope.

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