Fragrant rue herb - medicinal properties and use in cooking and traditional medicine. Ruta fragrant rue fragrant

Latin name Ruta graveolens

Synonym Ruta odorous

There is evidence that rue was part of the antidote, which was taken by the Pontic king Mithridates VI Eupator for prevention purposes. In ancient times, it was used for various diseases. In the famous poem "On the Properties of Herbs" by the French physician and scientist Odo of Maine, it was stated:
Very useful for the stomach when used frequently, Fruit expels in drink and curb love in the state, Sciatica heals, joints, and also patients with fever.



Rue(Ruta graveolens L.) is a semi-shrub from the rue family, 30-100 cm high with a woody, fibrous root.

Stem lignified in the lower part, branched, erect.

Leaves alternate, greyish green, slightly fleshy, pinnatisected twice or thrice.

flowers regular, greenish-yellow, on short pedicels, collected in a corymbose panicle.

Fetus- rounded 4-5-nested box. Each nest contains 4-6 almost black seeds.
Blooms in June-July. The fruits ripen in September-October.


Within Russia, it is found in the wild only in the Kaliningrad region as an alien plant. Grows in gardens, orchards and waste places. It is bred as a medicinal and essential oil plant.

Growing on the site

The plant is very decorative almost the entire season. Given its southern origin (Mediterranean), the plant should be placed in a sunny area, protected from cold winds. The soil is preferably fertile, permeable. Ruta does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the spring.


The plant reproduces by seeds. It is better to sow them in March in a pot and grow seedlings. In the phase of 3-4 true leaves, the plants dive. It is better to plant immediately in separate pots, then when planted in a permanent place, the plants quickly start to grow and take on a decorative look.
Seedlings are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other in early June. Care consists in weeding, loosening and top dressing with complex fertilizers or diluted mullein or bird droppings.
You can sow seeds directly into the ground early in spring, but in this case, the consumption of seeds increases greatly, and the plants will truly be decorative only by the next season.
Sheltering plants for the winter does not always give nice results. Often they start to rot. Therefore, to cover them or not to cover them is a rather controversial issue.
In spring, the plants are cut to living wood, fed. In this case, they grow quite quickly and form a large leaf mass.
In one place in the conditions of the Non-Chernozem Zone, plants grow for 3-5 years, and sometimes more. But gradually they still begin to die, so it is necessary to take care of the replacement.

Advice. The plant is so decorative that it will adorn any plant composition: a mixborder, a rocky garden and just a flower bed in front of the house.

Medicinal raw materials

For therapeutic purposes, use fresh or dried grass collected during the flowering period. Dry raw materials under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area.

Chemical composition

Active ingredients

The leaves and apical shoots contain: essential oil (up to 0.5%), which contains nonanone, linalool, undecanone, undecanol, rutin, furocoumarins (bergalten, xanthotoxin, pangelin, psoralen, daphnoretin) (up to 1%), resins , alkaloids (rutamine, graveolin, dictamnin), malic acid.



Application in official and traditional medicine

Rue is not used in our country scientific medicine, however, in a number of European countries it is included in pharmacopoeias.
Winmanie! Ruta is poisonous plant and requires careful use strict observance dosage.
Rue herb has, according to traditional medicine, a significant range of pharmacological activity. It is known as a tonic, antispastic, antiseptic, anticonvulsant, hemostatic and antitoxic agent.
It is used for neurosis, atherosclerosis, menopause. Ruta is effective in healing asthenic condition, hysteria, epilepsy, headache.
Rue herb is used for rheumatism, gout, impotence, myopia, brittleness blood vessels, scrofula, rickets, as well as spastic pains in the stomach and intestines. Ruta fragrant has a general tonic effect, relieves fatigue, and calms the nervous system. Preparations from this plant reduce spasms smooth muscle urinary tract and peripheral blood vessels, reduce arterial pressure increase diuresis. Herbal tea is considered a good remedy from impotence. Leaf infusion is used for blood stasis internal organs as a sedative for nervous irritability. According to some reports, with impotence, taking an infusion of rue herb in grape wine helps.
AT traditional medicine Fresh Juice rue is used internally for bites of poisonous insects and snakes, as well as for poor eyesight.
Fresh leaves are applied to the site of bruises and bruises.

Use at home

An infusion of leaves is prepared from 1 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed raw materials, which are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, insist 2 hours, filter. Take 50 ml 3 times a day.
To prepare cold infusion herbs, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of chopped raw materials with 2 glasses of cold boiled water, insist 8 hours, strain. Take "/2 cups 4 times a day before meals.
The tincture is the most convenient to use. When using it, it is easier to comply exact dosage. Prepare a vodka tincture in a ratio of 1:5. Insist 10 days in a dark place, strain, Take 10 drops in 1 tbsp. spoonful of water 3 times a day.
Attention! Rue preparations are contraindicated in pregnancy, hypotension, hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. In case of overdose, irritation of the mucous membrane may occur. digestive tract, swelling of the tongue and larynx, fainting, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, general weakness, damage to the kidneys and liver. External use of rue sometimes causes skin burns.

Other application

Rue leaves are used not only as a seasoning, but also as a medicine.

Useful properties of odorous rue

Old medical books claim that the smell of rue makes old people look younger. Indeed, the dry leaves of the plant exude phytoncides and a faint aroma of roses. Rue was known to the ancient Romans, who used it for medicinal purposes and as an aromatic spice. Since it is considered a very valuable herb, rue was collected only after 4 p.m. and always before sunset. Ruta was also used to exorcise evil spirits. It is believed that toads do not like rue and it protects the garden from pests.
Fragrant rue (as well as odorous, garden, garden, rue) is a shrub with small yellow-green flowers and rather fleshy leaves of the original form. It grows wild in the Crimea, Transcaucasia, it is grown in Belarus. AT recent times many summer residents became interested in this plant, meaning magical properties humble grass. AT folk medicine it is considered an antidote for snake bites, the leaves are used as a good antiseptic, as well as for worms. In homeopathy, rue is treated articular rheumatism, sciatica. This fragrant herb has long been used to heal skin diseases - wounds, boils, bruises, leaf powder with honey is applied to bruises. Almost all dacha injuries can be cured with rue.
Plant preparations are used for general weakness, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath. Decoctions and infusions of rue are drunk with fragility of blood vessels, paralysis, atherosclerosis. For headaches and nervous disorders a decoction of 1 teaspoon of dry or fresh leaves, poured over two glasses, will help cold water, infused 8 hours. Drink it 1/3 cup every two hours. It is even easier with a headache to put the leaves of the plant on the forehead.
In India and China, an infusion of rue leaves is considered a remedy for impotence. With scrofula, it is useful for children on an empty stomach to eat three or four leaves of the plant along with bread, until complete cure. In case of inflammation of the gums, 15 g of herbs are poured into 400 ml of water, insisted, rinsed with a mouth. Rue tincture in Italy, the so-called grappa, is drunk as a choleretic and tonic.
And this plant, it turns out, is also used to cure alcoholism. Many women say that they cured their husbands of this misfortune. To do this, use a tincture of rue on vodka. 2 tbsp. spoons of rue should be poured with 250 ml of vodka and insisted for ten days. For a month, 500 ml of tincture is required. 25-30 drops are added to food and drink. After a month of admission, the man is treated intermittently, depending on the condition of the patient. Can also be used water infusion plants by pouring a teaspoon of dry herb into 2 cups of cold water. Infuse the mixture for 8 hours, strain, drink 1/3 cup 4 times a day before meals. Still better about given treatment consult a doctor, as rutka is an insidious herb, and in large doses causes poisoning.

For the treatment of joints and neuralgia, a tincture of herbs is good in the proportion of 1 part of rue to 10 parts of vodka or alcohol.

Ruta is quite unpretentious. It can be grown in soils of medium fertility, but it is better in light, moist areas. The plant is propagated by seeds or cuttings, open ground rue can be planted from seedlings. The soil is prepared in autumn
The plant is planted in rows 35-40 cm apart. Rue care is simple - loosening the soil, weeding, fertilizing if necessary. Periodically cut off the shoots so that the bushes are more magnificent. Leaves for drying are best collected during flowering. The raw materials are dried for a week at a temperature of about 35 degrees. Seeds are harvested in the second year, closer to autumn. Interestingly, the ruta is practically not visited by insect pests.

When harvesting the plant, remember that rue essential oil can cause skin irritation, so wear protective gloves when picking raw materials. Rue should not be used by pregnant women, this herb is considered poisonous, so always keep an eye on the dosage.

Young leaves of rue are put in salads, meat and vegetable dishes, soups. They have a bitter spicy taste, pungent aroma, you can add fresh herbs to cheese, egg dishes, game, fillings, sauces - only in small doses. As an aromatic seasoning, the leaves are put with homemade tinctures, teas, cocktails, they are thrown into canned cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, pumpkin. Rutin contained in this plant improves digestion, increases appetite, and tones the body.

When pickling cucumbers, use old recipe. Put rue seeds in cucumbers along with cherry, currant, horseradish leaves. For 5 kg of cucumbers you will need 1 table. spoons of seeds.

Ruta is fragrant, it is Ruta odorous - a widespread perennial and herbaceous subshrub as part of the Rutov family. The translation of the name of the flower from Greek means "to save."

The plant can grow up to seventy centimeters in height. In the lower part, at the base, it has a woody trunk with numerous branches. The shoots of the plant have a muted green color, and the leaves have a regular arrangement. The lower and middle located of them are twice, and sometimes thrice dissected, with the formation of segments of an oblong-lanceolate shape. The upper leaflets are usually sessile, with pinnate dissection into smaller caliber segments. All leaves have multiple dots, resembling needle puncture marks.

Ruta has loose inflorescences apically located and corymbose in shape. The greenish-yellow flower contains four triangular green sepals, four yellow petals up to nine millimeters and a single pistil. The fruits of the plant have the form of a four-five-cell box, almost regular spherical shape, up to seven millimeters in diameter. Inside are angular black seeds. The flowering period is from June to July, fruit ripening occurs in September-October.

The fragrant rue comes from the Mediterranean regions of Europe. Widespread in the Crimea, in many regions of Ukraine and China, in Japan. In Asian countries and Europe, it was cultivated as a medicinal and aromatic plant. Due to its fragrant bitter taste and peculiar spicy aroma, when used as a seasoning in food, improves digestion and stimulates appetite. It has toxic properties, so it requires controlled use.

How to prepare rue for medicinal purposes

As medicinal product rue herb is used. It is harvested during the flowering of the plant. To do this, cut off its tops and dry it in a shaded, well-ventilated place or a special dryer so that the air temperature does not exceed forty degrees. For storage use a closed container. Useful properties are stored in raw materials for one year. Smell fresh plant strong and rather peculiar, after drying it becomes pleasant, reminiscent of the smell of a rose.

Pharmacological composition of the plant

The main active component of the rue is the alkaloid rutin and a special essential oil. In addition to them, the ground part of the shrub contains coumarins, sesquiterpenes, special hydrocarbons, fatty acid higher order, flavanoids, carotenoids, alcohols, Vitamin P and ascorbic acid.

Young rue greens are eaten, used as a flavoring in tea, in the production of soft drinks, sausages and cheeses, for canning tomatoes and cucumbers, in hot meat dishes from lamb. The essential oil of this plant is found wide application in the production of alcoholic beverages, especially for the manufacture of cognacs and

It is interesting to know that in ancient times, monks and people seeking to preserve innocence ate this plant in order to reduce sexual desire in men.

To protect against the plague, people rubbed their bodies with this herb, and the premises were disinfected with smoke.

Growing rue in a garden plot

Ruta garden has good decorative properties that persist throughout almost the entire season. A place for planting a shrub should be chosen taking into account its southern origin, giving preference to sunny places, protected from cold and wind. The soil should be fertile, well permeable, with good drainage of excess moisture. The flower does not tolerate spring stagnant water. In one place without transplants, the plant lives for five to six years. For grass cultivation, planting seeds in open ground or preparing seedlings, dividing an adult bush and cuttings is used.

To quickly reach the plant decorative properties it is recommended to grow a succession using seedlings. Sowing seeds for this must begin in March-April, using special small containers for this. Seeds are immersed in the soil to a depth of no more than two centimeters, observing the condition of a sparse planting. Seedlings are transferred to open soil in the first decade of May, in rows located at a distance of up to one hundred centimeters from each other in increments of up to twenty-five centimeters.

Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out both before winter - in November, and in spring - in March-April. Based on the seeding rate of four to five kilograms per hectare. After the appearance of the first shoots, cultivation is carried out and the sprouts are thinned out in increments of at least twenty centimeters, while at the same time the rows are cleared of weeds. Further seedling care consists of occasional watering and timely removal of weeds.

Flowers appear on the rue a year after sowing.

It is important to remember that odorous rue is a Mediterranean plant and can freeze in the middle zone. However, the question of the winter shelter of the flower does not find unanimous approval. Many gardeners are wary of this method, as it carries the danger of aging.

Spring plant care includes pruning to the level of living wood and top dressing, then young shoots grow quickly and make up a significant leaf mass.

Garden rue is not attacked by pests and diseases. The only threat to young seedlings are weeds that can significantly weaken the plant. That is why they must be removed.

When choosing a place to plant a flower, one should take into account the fact that it can cause irritation. skin and even burns. Therefore, it is better to plant it in those places. Where contact with a person in a plant is minimized. For safety reasons, all garden work with this herb is best done with protective gloves.

Medicinal properties

It has already been mentioned that fragrant rue belongs to poisonous plants, but this does not prevent it from being part of the eight pharmacopoeias of the world. It is used as a raw material for the preparation of drugs used to treat diseases of the joints and neuralgia, and also as a source of rutin. Decoctions and infusions made on its basis are detrimental to Staphylococcus aureus and inhibit the spread of fungal diseases, and fresh juice from the leaves has a good antiseptic effect.

Ruta is a perennial herbaceous plant which belongs to the Rutaceae family. Rue got its name from the Greek word "reuo" - "to release", this plant helped in the treatment various diseases. Rue is popularly known as fragrant rue, garden rue, eye rue, noble rue, grasshopper, yalovnik, German rue, wine rue and others.

Titles in other languages:

  • in German - Raute, Augenraute, Edelraute, Gnadenkraut, Ruta;
  • in English - rue, herb of grace;
  • in French - rue, rue fétide.


Ruta refers to perennial herbs, sometimes found as a semi-shrub of a grayish-green hue. The stems of the plant are straight, branched, slightly woody near the base, reaching a height of 20 to 50 cm. The leaves of the rue are alternate, do not have stipules and contain an essential oil with a strong pleasant aroma. The lower and middle leaves are placed on long petioles, and the upper ones are sessile.

The flowers of the plant are regular, bisexual and four-dimensional. They have a yellow-green hue and are collected in a semi-umbrella inflorescence. The sepals are triangular in shape, reaching a length of up to 2.5 mm. The petals are boat-shaped, yellow color, in length - 6–9 mm. The fruits of the rue are presented in the form of a four- or five-cell box, the length of which is up to 7 mm. Each box contains black seeds that have a lateral germ and endosperm.


About 40 species of this plant are known to science, but the most widespread are:

  • large-leaved (Ruta macrophylla)
  • mountain (Ruta montana)
  • fragrant (Ruta graveolens)
  • winter (Ruta chalepensis)
  • garden (Ruta hortensis)
  • narrow-leaved (Ruta angustifolia)

Where does it grow

it perennial can be found in the temperate zone of Asia, in Northeast Africa, as well as in the Mediterranean, in North and South America. Therefore, on almost every continent, people know about this plant.

Only one species of this genus grows in Russia - fragrant Ruta. This is an annual plant, it freezes at the first frost. Only in the west of the country can this plant survive the winter in the soil. In Russia, rue is mainly grown as an ornamental or spicy plant. On the territory of Poland and Ukraine, rue is used for medicinal purposes and added to food. Although her healing properties rarely used, as the plant is poisonous.

Ruta loves sandy soils and a warm, arid climate.

spice making method

  • Before the flowering of the rue, only its leaves are collected, while it is necessary to be in rubber gloves, to avoid allergic reactions after her touch.
  • The leaves need to be dried in places with good ventilation away from direct sunlight, so attics, sheds or dryers can be used, where the air temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
  • Dried grass acquires pleasant aroma and no longer causes skin rashes.
  • Dry leaves should be stored in paper bags for no more than one year.
  • Before using the spice, the leaves must be crushed.

Dry crushed leaves perfectly emphasize the taste fish dishes, give them a special aroma, a bit reminiscent of a rose. Also, in dry form, the leaves are added to lamb, vegetable salads, egg or cheese dishes. Powdered spice is added to a large number of meat, fish, vegetable or mushroom dishes. Vinegar thanks to this spice acquires a special pleasant aroma.

fresh grass It has bad smell Moreover, it is very poisonous and it is not advisable to eat it, it can cause burns not only on the skin of the hands, but also on the mucous membranes of the mouth, stomach and other tissues of the body.


In the oriental bazaars, rue is used for magical rituals attracting good luck in trading

Chemical composition

Rue leaves contain:

  • essential oil (0.25–1.2%)
  • tannins
  • resinous substances
  • bitter substances
  • flavonoids (mainly the flavone glycoside rutin)
  • furocoumarins (0.5–1%)
  • alkaloids
  • coumarins
  • lignans,
  • Savinin
  • graveollenic acid
  • acronicin,
  • bergapten
  • vitamin C (156.6 mg/%)
  • vitamin E
  • B vitamins
  • other biologically active substances.

Rue fruits contain traces of skimmiamin (0.018%) and cocusaginin, and its roots contain coumarin, furocoumarins, alkaloids and essential oil.

Dry rue leaves are not poisonous, they are rich in essential oils and have a delicate scent of tea rose.

Beneficial features

  • Ruta is an anti-inflammatory agent, therefore it is widely used in dentistry.
  • Infusions and decoctions from this plant have an antibacterial effect on the body.
  • Ruta helps to get rid of worms.
  • The components of the plant have sedative and anticonvulsant properties.
  • A decoction of rue is used as a general tonic and tonic.
  • For external use, rue is used in the form of lotions and rinses.
  • The juice of the plant has a detoxifying effect on the body.

Rue teas and decoctions are used for severe poisoning


Rue is a poisonous plant, so you need to be careful with it. If you use this herb in large quantities, then a large accumulation of essential oils can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which appears increased salivation and swelling of the tongue. Sometimes there are cases of intoxication, which are accompanied by a slowing of the pulse, a decrease in body temperature, and sometimes loss of consciousness.

You can’t touch the plant with your hands, because when it comes into contact with the skin, an allergy occurs, which is manifested by swelling, itching, redness, and a rash in the form of watery blisters. It is strictly forbidden to use rue during pregnancy and lactation.



The essential oil is poisonous to humans if taken in large doses. At correct dosage little has many useful properties, such as anthelmintic, bactericidal, abortive, anesthetic, helps with convulsions.

In India, rue oil helps in the treatment of impotence, has an antiseptic and tonic effect. When applied externally, it helps in the treatment allergic manifestations, various wounds and ulcers, and is also used in the treatment of rickets and rheumatism. The essential oil of the plant is used to create perfumes, and cognac and oriental liquor are also produced on its basis.


In cooking

  • As a condiment, rue is added to vegetable salads or other vegetable dishes.
  • dried leaves perfectly complement taste qualities meat fillings or stewed lamb.
  • Rue serves as an excellent flavoring for vinegar.
  • This plant is added when preserving tomatoes or cucumbers.
  • Rue gives a special flavor to cocktails made from vegetables or berries.
  • Piquant bitterness of rue harmoniously complements cranberry drinks and sandwiches (black bread with butter).

In order not to spoil the dish, you need to adhere to a certain proportion. So, for 1 serving you need to take no more than 0.15 grams of rue. Ruta harmonizes perfectly with other spices like thyme, rosemary, garlic, marjoram, cumin, sage. This seasoning is added a few minutes before the dish is fully cooked, because under the influence of heat treatment, useful properties and aroma are lost.

In medicine

Ruta is not used in official medicine, but this does not reduce its beneficial properties. In traditional medicine, this plant helps to cope with various ailments and diseases:

  • disorders nervous system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • menopause or irregular menstruation;
  • strong headache;
  • epilepsy;
  • impotence;
  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • myopia;
  • spasms in gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • scrofula;
  • rickets;
  • helps with bites of poisonous insects;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • at severe bruises root is used externally.

Ruta has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism, tones it, helps to overcome fatigue and calm the nerves. Rue-based products help to relax smooth muscles.

Some recipes based on rue that help with various diseases:

  • at varicose veins veins- infusion: 2 table. spoons of rue should be placed in a glass container, pour 200 ml of vodka into it and put in a dark place for 10 days. Then the infusion must be filtered with gauze. It is necessary to dilute 10 drops in 1 table. spoons of water and take 3 times a day;
  • with beriberi- you need to take 1 table. a spoonful of rue leaves, 2 table. spoons of grass tricolor violets and 2 table. spoons of flowers black elderberry, mix all the ingredients. Pour 200 ml of water over the herbs and boil for a few minutes. It is necessary to use a decoction of 100 ml 2 times a day;
  • with nervous disorders- take 25 grams of rue leaves and 25 grams of crushed valerian roots, pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew a little, strain and drink the remedy during the day;
  • with irregular menstrual cycle - take rue leaves and parsley seeds in a ratio of 1: 2, for 1 table. a spoonful of a mixture of herbs will need 400 ml of water. The broth is boiled for 10 minutes, and then they drink 200 ml at a time during the day.

Ruta is part of medicinal decoctions in diseases thyroid gland, in case of poisoning and to strengthen the walls of blood vessels


To date, the most famous decorative species rues are:

  • Jackman's Blue - characterized by blue color leaves;
  • Variegata (Variegata) - this variety is distinguished by green leaves with white-cream spots;
  • Blue lace - has openwork foliage of a bluish tint.


Ruta belongs to unpretentious plants, because it perfectly tolerates the absence of moisture and can germinate in direct sunlight. It can be planted in any garden soil. If you use calcareous, gravelly, loamy or carbonate soils, then the rue will feel great.

This plant can be propagated different ways: with the help of seeds, using cuttings or dividing the bush.

First, the soil should be prepared: dig up the soil to about half a meter in depth and add mineral fertilizers. Sowing of the plant occurs in the middle or end of autumn, as well as in the first month of spring.

If the plant is grown with the help of seeds, then they must be planted in early March in home pots and wait for seedlings to emerge. When the leaves reach the 3-4 phase of development, then the rue can be dived. It is planted in separate pots, because in this way the plant will be stronger for planting in open ground. Seedlings are planted in early July. special care rue is not needed, then from time to time you need to weed, fertilize and loosen.

If the seeds are sown directly into the ground in early spring, then you should know that seed consumption increases significantly, and the plant can be used as an ornamental only after a year.

  • Also in Ancient Rome rue was a talisman against witchcraft, so they always carried it with them to avoid the evil eye. To protect housing, a small bush of rue was hung over the front door.
  • The aroma of rue helps relieve arousal in men, so during the Middle Ages it was actively planted in the gardens of monasteries.
  • Rue was used for disinfectant purposes. So, during the plague, they rubbed the whole body with it, and its smoke was used to disinfect the premises.


Application in traditional medicine

Ruta fragrant is a little-known plant that can help many sick people. Other names are garden rue, noble rue. In Latin - Ruta graveolens. Translated from Greek, Ruta is to save, grave is very, olens is fragrant, perfumed.

In popular belief, fragrant rue is considered a love potion - for magical power and the ability to charm, attract, bewitch. Be that as it may, but after drinking the potion, the gloomy face lights up with joy, becomes bright and attractive; nervous breakdowns and pains go away, an invisible aura is formed around, attracting a loved one to the unity.

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Rue fragrant - general information, content of active substances

● Perennial shrub belongs to the rue family. The erect central branched stem can grow up to 70 cm or more, it is stiff at the base.

Every year, in spring, several bluish-green annual shoots and spreading twigs grow from the base of the plant with regular small sessile bluish-green leaves.

The leaves in the light look like they are punctured by needles - they are saturated essential oil pieces of iron with a noticeable memorable aroma.

● At the top of the stem there is a thyroid inflorescence with delicate greenish-golden four-petal flowers, in which the pistil and stamens stick out.

Ruta fragrant blooms in June-July. This is the season for harvesting fresh herbs for making tinctures, extracts and essences. Grass should be dried in well-ventilated areas, under awnings, stored at room temperature in cardboard boxes no more than two years.

● The main advantage of fragrant rue is the simultaneous content of alkaloids (0.2-1.4%) and essential oil (from 0.5 to 1.5%). This combination active substances is extremely rare in nature.

The plant also contains the flavonoid rutin, which has P-vitamin activity and reduces the fragility and permeability of blood vessels; tannins, furocoumarins (0.5-1%) and other trace elements.

"Attention! When harvesting fragrant rue, you need to work with rubber gloves in order to prevent rashes, inflammations and blisters on the skin. Remember that the plant is quite poisonous and should be used carefully, not exceeding the recommended doses.

The use of rue in traditional medicine

● Below are three recipes based on fragrant rue. You can take one of them by mouth at heartache, nervous disorders in :

1. Infuse in a dark place for 10 days one part of chopped fresh rue herb in five parts of vodka; take 15 minutes before meals a day three times in a spoonful of distilled or digested water;

2. Brew 10 minutes in a glass of boiling water a teaspoon of dry finely ground grass and drink a whole glass in the morning and evening;

3. Insist from evening to morning (about 10 o'clock) a teaspoon of a dry plant in two glasses of boiled cold water; drink three or four times a day, half a glass.

● Fragrant rue entered the pharmacopoeia of eight countries of the planet. At the first republican conference on medical botany held in Kyiv in 1984, a report on the healing properties of fragrant rue, its ability to provide antitumor, anticonvulsant and detoxifying effects was heard with interest.

In the post-Soviet space and abroad, many studies have been carried out to study the effect of fragrant rue on the human body. Back in the 18th century, the famous German priest and healer Sebastian Kneipp wrote: “If we could understand the dumb language of this wonderful plant, we would help with all hitherto incurable diseases.”

● Here a proven recipe for the treatment of "incurable" diseases (malignant tumors):

- collect the tops of flowering fragrant rue (10 to 15 cm long), chop them finely on a wooden board (plywood), place the raw materials in glass jar, compact a little and fill with 70% alcohol one or two cm above the mass, cover with a plastic lid; leave to infuse in a dark place for three weeks, then filter, squeeze the grass well and stand for another 3-4 days and strain again. You will get the essence, regardless of the volume of the jar;

- now, to get a 10% tincture, mix 30 ml of essence with 70 ml of vodka; with cancer of any localization, the patient needs to take a tincture of 20 drops per spoon of distilled or boiled warm water before a meal three times a day for thirty days. At the same time, the patient takes anticancer drug prescribed by a doctor. It could be pharmacy drug inol, which is taken before meals thirty minutes in a teaspoon.

Kyiv Professor I. S. Chekman as antitumor agent recommends the following recipe:

- you need to pour 10 g of crushed dry herb fragrant rue 50 ml of vodka and insist ten days in a dark place; a cancer patient is given 10 drops per spoon of distilled water before a meal three times a day for thirty days; the course of treatment is repeated after a ten-day break.

- keep one tablespoon of the mixture (equal in volume) in a water bath in a glass of boiling water under the lid for one hour; the patient is given to drink the entire infusion in 4-5 doses per day.

- two st. spoons of dry grass pour a glass of vodka and put for 10 days in a dark place; take 10 drops a day three times 15 minutes before a meal - a month in a row. After a 1-2 week break, the course of treatment should be repeated, and so 3-4 times a year.

● Elderly tired people as sedative, improving sleep and peace of mind, helping with nervous disorders, fatigue and irritability, you can use the following traditional medicine recipe:

- mix in equal parts by weight fragrant rue grass, thyme, periwinkle (pink, small or large) flowers, finely chopped valerian root; we insist 8-10 hours two tablespoons of the mixture in two glasses of warm boiled water. Take two or three times a day for a whole glass of infusion for one to two weeks, if necessary, and longer.

● The following prescription is intended for patients suffering from dizziness, paralysis, palpitations, nervous irritability, epilepsy, delay or painful menstruation; neuralgia, bedsores, neuritis, lumbago is recommended to be used in the form of compresses, rubbing and lotions as an anesthetic alcohol tincture on 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 (ten days to insist!).

● The last recipe will help women with aggravated menopause:

- you should insist 8 hours a teaspoon of dry leaves of fragrant rue in two glasses of cooled boiled water; after filtering, you can take half a glass four times a day before a meal for one month; after a seven-day break, treatment can be continued.

“Contraindications. Rue has many advantages and benefits, but it is contraindicated in pregnancy, gastritis with high acidity gastric juice as well as hypotension (low blood pressure)"

The article uses the materials of the phytotherapeutist V. Kupchin.

Stay healthy, God bless you!!!

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