Culture & ShowBiz Keira Knightley has gone bald and has been wearing a wig for the past five years. Hair loss is not the only problem of the actress

In a new interview with InStyle magazine, Keira Knightley made an unexpected confession - it turns out that the Pirates of the Caribbean and Anna Karenina star has been wearing wigs for the past five years. This was due to necessity - due to frequent styling and dyeing, Kira's hair was badly damaged and began to fall out.

I dyed my hair, probably in all sorts of colors for different shoots. It affected them so badly and so much that they began to fall out. So for the last five years I've had to wear wigs, and it's the best thing I could think of for my hair.

Keira Knightley, 2010Keira Knightley, 2011

However, even now, looking closely at the photos of Kira, it's hard to believe that she went to the red carpet in wigs. Perhaps Knightley meant shooting or individual photo shoots, but she did not specify this, which caused a great wave of surprise among journalists and fans.

Keira Knightley, 2012Keira Knightley, 2013

In 2015, when Kira first became a mother, her hair structure began to improve, growth and volume began to recover.

I have naturally curly, not very manageable hair. After the birth of her daughter, her hair became 10 times thicker, and now it is constantly tangled. In this case, the Tangle Teezer comb was a real salvation, only it can unravel my dreadlocks.

Keira Knightley, 2014Keira Knightley, 2015

Those who are experiencing a similar hair loss problem may benefit from the advice of a medical expert, Dr. Philip, which he shared with the Mirror.

This often happens to public people who always have to look good and often dye their hair. The more you paint them, the more damage you do. In order for the hair to begin to grow again, it is necessary, firstly, to stop dyeing them. Secondly, take a blood test and see if there is an iron deficiency and thyroid problems. Thirdly, it is necessary to use natural, without aggressive chemical ingredients shampoos and give up styling products at least for a while.

But if you still can’t not dye your hair, we suggest reading the story of our editor, who checked for herself whether it is possible to dye your hair so that it becomes healthier. To this end, it was decided to test the now fashionable Niophlex hair protection and strengthening system. Read more about it.

Figure of the Day: Prisma hit 10,000,000 users in five weeks. Alexey Moiseenkov, co-founder of the sensational photo app Prisma, spoke about the success of the project. According to him, the Russian photo service in five weeks after the release of the application for iOS gained 10 million users. Interestingly, the most popular Prisma app turned out to be in India, China and the United States, while Russia is only in sixth place. Recall that Prisma uses the capabilities of neural networks to process photos in the style of famous artists. An Android version of the app is scheduled to be released in July. The other day, beta testing of the Android version began by invitation to a limited circle of people, but literally a day later it was closed due to the influx of people.

© Getty Images Constant hair styling and recoloring for the sake of filming brought Kira's hair to exhaustion.

It seems that the stars have no problems at all! Million-dollar fees seem to allow them to buy anything and not get out of beauty salons. But in fact, the professional activities of the stars bring their appearance to irreparable problems.

The other day, Keira Knightley admitted that she has been suffering from baldness for many years.

“In my many years of film career, I dyed my hair in the most unimaginable colors and mocked them as best I could. My hair was so depleted that I began to lose it rapidly. And that's why I've been wearing wigs for the last five years. I consider them a lifesaver for my real hair. As a child, I had thick and curly hair. Now there are hardly a tenth of them left, ”Kira said in an interview with InStyle.

The new military doctrine of Belarus, signed by President Alexander Lukashenko, has come into force. Its appearance in Minsk was explained, among other things, by the fact that “hybrid wars” and “color revolutions” are taking place in the world. The provisions of the new military doctrine are based on the results of an assessment of the military-political situation in the world, in particular in Europe, and a forecast perspective, scientific research in the field of armed defense of the state and the existing experience of military building and ensuring the country's security, the state agency BELTA reports.

Now Kira rarely agrees to experiments with hair for the sake of roles, and then, if Knightley's heroine has hair of a different color, the actress buys a wig.

True, judging by the pictures of the star, it is difficult to assume that she has problems with her hair, and the wig is invisible!

We hope that the stylists of the star will be able to restore the health of the hair. For example, Kim Kardashian once experimented with a white shade of hair, after which she decided to resort to the help of wigs so that fashionable experiments would not ruin her hair.


Keira Knightley showed her grown daughter

Hair of America: Trump and other politicians whose hairstyles have attracted attention.
On September 16, host Jimmy Fallon ruffled Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's hair on NBC's The Tonight Show. The billionaire's hairstyle has long been of keen interest and has become the occasion for many jokes. Trump himself seems to be only too happy about this, calling his hair "the most popular in America." But there are other politicians whose hair has attracted attention. Some of them are in the RBC review. Fallon's request might seem strange if it sounded for the first time. In 2015, Trump allowed a voter in South Carolina, where he spoke, to touch his hair. The woman wanted to make sure that the billionaire does not wear a wig.

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I dyed my hair, probably in all sorts of colors for different shoots. It affected them so badly and so much that they began to fall out. So for the last five years I've had to wear wigs, and it's the best thing I could think of for my hair.

Hollywood star Keira Knightley made an unexpected confession: she is going bald catastrophically. Due to severe hair loss, the 31-year-old actress has been forced to wear wigs and false strands for five years. Knightley spoke about this in an interview with a British magazine.

They lose them: the stars who go bald because of constant

British actress Keira Knightley admitted in an interview that she has been wearing wigs and hairpieces for the past five years. The reason is the same: the girl is going bald! “I dyed my hair almost every color imaginable for different films.

Keira Knightley admits she's been wearing wigs for the past five years

Keira Knightley has admitted to wearing wigs for the past five years. 2016 RELATED: Keira Knightley and James Righton are on a romantic trip to Italy. As Kira explained, for filming in various films, she often had to experiment with color and

Keira Knightley fights hair loss with wigs

The famous actress Keira Knightley, in an interview with InStyle, admitted that she has been suffering from constant hair loss for the past five years. The famous actress Keira Knightley, who many know from the films of the Pirates of the Caribbean series, always looks great.

Keira Knightley reveals she's been wearing wigs for five years

Keira Knightley. Actress Keira Knightley complained about the trouble that fell on her head in the literal sense of the word. The 31-year-old actress said in a recent interview that she has had to wear wigs for the past five years, not only because she likes them.

Keira Knightley has been wearing a wig for the past five years - Woman's Day

Keira Knightley has gone bald and has been wearing a wig for the past five years. Constant hair styling and recoloring for the sake of filming brought Kira's hair to exhaustion. It seems that the stars have no problems at all! Millions of royalties seem to allow them to buy anything and not

Keira Knightley, Rihanna and other stars who wear wigs

For a long time, Ree hid the fact that she wears wigs. But the singer was betrayed by her choreographer. Therefore, the singer wears wigs, and she does this even in ordinary life, because the paparazzi follow her on her heels. It's a pity, because the singer is not yet 30 years old, and already such a problem ... This is my topic!

Keira Knightley wears a wig for 5 years in a row due to baldness

Keira Knightley admitted that she wears a wig because of baldness: "I've been doing this for 5 years!" 08/22/201608:00 0. This impact was so terrible that the hair literally began to fall out! That's why I've been wearing wigs for the last five years, and it's been the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Keira Knightley admits she's going bald and has been wearing wigs for five years

Hollywood star Keira Knightley made an unexpected confession: she is going bald catastrophically. Due to severe hair loss, the 31-year-old actress has been forced to wear wigs and false strands for five years. Knightley spoke about this in an interview with a British magazine.

Keira Knightley, a recognized sex symbol and favorite of millions of people, made an unexpected statement. It turns out that the actress has been wearing a wig for the last five years.

Recently Kim Kardashian admitted that, and the brand Balmain introduced . It turns out that wigs are really in demand lately: she has now stated that she has been wearing wigs for the past five years due to the fact that her hair is falling out.

During her acting career, Kira played a lot of roles, and for each it was necessary to reincarnate, including changing her hairstyle: getting a haircut, makeup, using a ton of styling products and constantly exposing the strands to heat. All these manipulations, obviously, did not benefit the star's hair.

For various films, I managed to dye my hair in almost every conceivable color. This impact was so terrible that the hair literally began to fall out!” - Keira Knightley laments - “ so I've been wearing wigs for the last five years and it's been the best thing that's ever happened to my hair.

And although her natural hair is restored after hairdressing experiments, the actress noticed a change in the structure of her hair after she became a mother.

I have naturally curly hair, but after giving birth, it became 10 times denser! So now I find dreadlocks on my head", - shared the actress -" and only comb able to untangle those tangles without pulling out the hair”.

The famous actress Keira Knightley, who many know from the films of the Pirates of the Caribbean series, always looks great. However, the other day she admitted that not always an impeccable appearance is what she inherited from nature.

Knightley reveals she's going bald

Many fans could not even imagine that the chic hair of the actress, with which they have been used to seeing her for the past 5 years, is numerous wigs. In an interview with InStyle, Kira told the following story:

“I have never been able to boast of very thick hair. When my mother braided my hair as a child, it was thin, but I did not complain about my hair. What is given is given ... Due to the fact that I have a rather busy shooting schedule, and I began to work from the age of 15, then, as you understand, my hair has to endure quite a lot. It's hard for me to say what color my hair just wasn't. I was both a burning brunette and a platinum blonde. And about 5 years ago, I began to notice that my hair began to fall out a lot. Somehow I wake up, and I have a bundle on my pillow. It was at that moment that I got really scared. What I just didn’t try and all sorts of ointments, shampoos, masks, etc., but nothing helped. Until a doctor friend advised me to wear wigs. And you know, to my great surprise, the hair really got better. Though they don’t climb in bunches. ”

In addition, Knightley spoke a little about how her hair changed after the birth of her daughter:

“During pregnancy, I began to notice that my hair began to grow quite quickly, and they became thicker. I was very happy about this, but after the birth of the baby, the situation changed. My hair became spiky and stiff, and my hair became very tangled. It got to the point that I sat with a comb for half an hour, trying to unravel them. If it weren't for the Tangle Teezer brush, I would simply pull out these shreds.
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Hair loss is not the only problem of the actress

Kira can somehow cover up the problem with her hair with wigs, but acne on her face has been haunting her for many years. In one of her interviews, Knightley spoke about skin problems:

“I have quite oily skin on my face. Until the age of 25, I could not go outside at all without special medical care. This caused quite a bit of trouble. However, over time, the skin became a little drier, but, nevertheless, acne on the face still makes itself felt, although much less. I have to constantly visit a doctor, apply special creams on my face and make therapeutic masks.
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