Atrophic gastritis may occur as a manifestation. What is mixed superficial and atrophic gastritis and how is it treated? Consequences and complications of atrophic gastritis

Atrophic gastritis in women is a very serious disease, treatment needs constant and adequate.

Atrophic gastritis in women, general concepts:

Atrophic gastritis in women is recognized as a precancerous disease. Therefore, it will not hurt anyone to study the basics of the disease. This is especially necessary for those over 50. What our stomach has not endured in life, now is retribution.

The name gastritis speaks for itself. With atrophic gastritis, in addition to inflammation, the number of normally functioning cells is seriously reduced.

The cells of the stomach gradually change, their structure is disturbed, then a gradual death occurs. The function of enzyme production, absorption changes dramatically. Useful substances do not reach the body in the form in which it is needed.

The mucous layer of the stomach is significantly reduced. Reduced production gastric juice, food is poorly processed, absorbed. There comes the death of the normal walls of the stomach with replacement by scars.

To put it simply - the gastric mucosa has worn out, become thin, almost does not do its job. All folds of the stomach straighten, become thin.

Why does our stomach change so much? What accompanies it. Precisely medicine does not answer us, there are only indirect reasons for this.

Atrophic gastritis in women, causes:

  • Of course, in the first place - constant inflammatory processes of the stomach. Completely untreated or poorly. A particularly provocateur of gastritis is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It is the only microbe that lives in the acidic environment of the stomach. All the rest die.
  • You can get infected with it by kissing someone, without washing your hands, by eating from the same dishes with the patient. Even a few years after infection, you will not feel anything, but changes are already underway. On earth, more than half of these sufferers.
  • Everything and the intestines, especially reflux - the reverse flow of enzymes from the duodenum into the stomach. Bile destroys all the protective barriers of the gastric mucosa - inflammation occurs. Pancreatitis, enthorocolitis are also important.
  • Age and all the inevitable changes in the body associated with it, aggravate the course of the disease.
  • Autoimmune processes in the body.
  • Chronic sores in the mouth and throat (caries, laryngitis, tonsillitis).
  • Allergic reactions to foods with a disregard for the owner of the stomach to this.
  • Food poisoning.
  • Constant stress, anxiety, frustration.
  • medicines, iron preparations, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances in medicines, alcohol, drugs, nicotine.

Symptoms of atrophic gastritis in women:

  • Feeling of fullness after eating, though little seems to have been eaten.
  • Drawing pains in the pit of the stomach.
  • Constant belching, bad breath, heartburn.
  • Gradually, the appetite decreases.
  • Due to improper absorption of iron, as well as vitamin B12. For this reason, anemia develops. This is the anemia we know. Weakness appears.
  • Hair breaks.
  • Dry completely skin.

Atrophic gastritis is divided into:

  • Surface.
  • Focal.
  • With low stomach acid.
  • And high acidity.

Increased acidity in the stomach with atrophic gastritis in women:

If you are found hyperacidity, you are likely to be concerned about:

  • Nausea before eating, vomiting is not uncommon.
  • The abdomen is bloated.
  • There is an eructation sour.
  • Resistant.
  • Appetite may increase or disappear altogether.
  • Constantly annoying pains in the pit of the stomach.

Reduced acidity of the stomach with atrophic gastritis in women:

If the acidity is lowered, you will have manifestations of:

  • Heaviness in the abdomen.
  • Belching rotten.
  • Nausea and nausea, sometimes it comes to vomiting.
  • Lactose intolerance (found in milk).
  • Intestinal function deteriorates.
  • Metabolic disorders (hair and nails become brittle, dry skin, weight loss, dizziness).
  • Appetite disappears.
  • Pain under the stomach.

Diagnosis of atrophic gastritis in women:

Mandatory visit to a gastroenterologist. Usually prescribed:

  • Gastroscopy.
  • The procedure for determining the presence of Helicobacter in a patient (determined by gastroscopy).
  • X-ray examination of the stomach.
  • Mandatory taking a biopsy of his mucous membrane.
  • Determine the study of gastric secretion.

Atrophic gastritis treatment in women:

Atrophic gastritis must be treated without fail - this disease is a harbinger of stomach cancer, especially with low acidity. Statistics figures indicate a 15% transition of atrophic gastritis to cancer.

Appointed on the basis of tests after a doctor's appointment:

Proper diet and lifestyle (sleep, work, stress, sports):

In the first days after an exacerbation, it is better not to eat pain at all, it is better to drink.

Then the diet is expanded with the appointment of everything sparing:

  • Worn food.
  • Non-greasy.
  • Only warm.
  • Fresh (without seasoning, salt).
  • Don't fry.
  • Smoked, canned food is prohibited.
  • Boil and steam.
  • Bake.

With an increase in the acidity of the stomach, it is prohibited:

  1. Radish, turnip.
  2. Radish.
  3. Bread bran.
  4. Citrus.
  5. Coffee, strong tea.
  6. Carbonated water.
  7. Fried, spicy.
  8. Chocolate, cake, rolls are not allowed.

Mandatory treatment:

Preparations for enveloping the stomach (bismuth preparations):

  1. The drug De-nol is widespread: (assigned up to four times a day). It combines very well with other drugs for treatment.

Antibiotics to kill Helicobacter pylori:

  1. Such treatment is mandatory when a bacterium is detected.
  2. I will not list the drugs, this is a very serious treatment, you cannot drink it on your own.

Proton pump inhibitors:

To reduce stomach acid:

  1. Omez.
  2. Omeprazole.
  3. Esomeprazole.
  4. Pantoprazole.
  5. Ranitidine.
  6. Rabeprazole.

Medications as needed:

  1. Need drugs to improve the secretory function of the stomach.

Vitamin therapy:

  1. Vitamin B 12.
  2. For anemia, iron supplements.
  3. Folic acid (vitamin B 9).

Metabolic therapy (exchange):

  • Actovegin.

To improve the motor function of the stomach (prokinetics):

  • Cerucal: (relieves nausea well).
  • Metoclopramide.
  • Genaton: (stimulates the movement of the esophagus and stomach. Does not allow the contents of the duodenum to be thrown into the stomach. Increases the tone of the gallbladder.
  • Itomed.
  • Motilium: (calms hiccups, removes nausea, has antiemetic effect).
  • Motilak.
  • Passagex.
  • Domperidone.
  1. Medicinal substances for regeneration (restoration of the gastric mucosa).
  2. To improve microcirculation in it.
  3. To normalize protein metabolism.

Mandatory enzyme preparations (if they are not enough):

  1. Freon.
  2. Pancreatin
  3. Mezim - forte.
  4. Creon.

Replacement therapy (if there are no contraindications):

  1. Preparations for the development of hydrochloric acid.
  2. For example, pepsidil.
  3. Drugs for relieving spasms.

Phytopreparations for the treatment of atrophic gastritis in women:

Fees with mint, lemon balm with high acidity:

Sage herb - one part.

Mint is one part.

Bitter wormwood - one part.

Yarrow herb - one part.

Chamomile flowers - one part.

The infusion is prepared traditionally: one tablespoon of the collection per glass of boiling water. We insist for about half an hour, drink hot before meals.

Enveloping herbs that reduce heartburn:

  • Flax seeds.
  • Altey.
  • Plantain large (with low acidity).
  • Angelica medicinal.
  • Air.

To reduce immune aggression:

  • Elecampane is high.
  • Durnushnik ordinary.
  • Chaga.
  • The wrestler is poisonous (carefully).
  • Celandine
  • Prince.

Anti-inflammatory herbs:

  • Cornflower blue.
  • Sage.
  • Fireweed.
  • Oak bark.
  • Kalgan.

Immunomodulatory herbs:

  • Rhodiola rosea.
  • Astragalus.
  • Duckweed.
  • Euphorbia Pallas.
  • Ferula Dzungarian.

Antibacterial herbs:

  • Hypericum perforatum.
  • Sage.
  • Marsh ledum.
  • Thyme.
  • Air marsh.
  • Calendula.

Antispasmodic herbs:

  • Pharmacy chamomile.
  • Dried marsh dryer.
  • Potentilla goose.
  • Field mint.
  • Tansy ordinary.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Cumin, dill, fennel, anise.

To increase the acidity of the stomach:

  • Plantain.
  • Wormwood.
  • Three-leaf watch.
  • Centaury.
  • Aloe.

Healing herbs:

  • Sea buckthorn oil.
  • Aloe.
  • Kalanchoe.
  • Cuff.
  • Stinging nettle.
  • Shepherd's bag.
  • Yarrow.
  • Freshly squeezed potato juice.

Restoration of the mucosa:

  • Rhodiola rosea root.
  • Aralia Manchurian.
  • Maral root.
  • Ginseng.

Sedatives (calming herbs):

  • Fireweed.
  • Peppermint.
  • Hawthorn is blood red.
  • Valerian.
  • Motherwort.
  • Marsh ledum.
  • The cyanosis is blue.
  • Oregano.
  • Melissa officinalis.

Atrophic gastritis symptoms and treatment in women:

If your problems are just starting, a good help in maintaining health will be:

Belly breathing:

Do not think that only pills can help get rid of gastritis. The following breathing will completely discourage your body from not only developing gastritis, but also all intestinal sores will leave you. Bloating will pass and heaviness in the abdomen. In the morning, you will forget the word constipation forever.

The exercise is very simple:

  • When you wake up in the morning, do not jump out of bed.
  • Lie on your back.
  • Inhale through your nose and inflate your belly like a balloon.
  • Open your mouth and exhale to the extent that the stomach reaches the spine (or as much as you can).
  • Start with three, five times and slowly bring up to 30 times in two months.
  • In the evening, repeat, the stomach should be empty.
  • In a month, remember me with a kind word.
  • I tried it myself.

Helps tremendously, I swear.

When you are trained, at the end of the exhalation, you can hold your breath and pull your stomach inward as much as you can. As the stomach is cleansed of all muck, you will observe how nothing remains in the stomach in the morning. It's empty.

Prevention of atrophic gastritis in women:

Remember the general rules:

  • Never smoke, every cell is poisoned, so do not be surprised at any sore in your body.
  • Don't overreact to stress. It's hard, but you have to learn. Its consequences for the body are simply disastrous.
  • Drink at night enveloping the stomach medicines:
  1. Almagel.
  2. Phosphalugel.

They will protect the mucous from the influence of acid. To help the medicine spread in the stomach, roll over on the bed.

Lie on your back, roll over to the left and right side, lie on your stomach.

  • In the morning on an empty stomach, consume a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • If gastritis makes itself felt, do not forget about drug treatment.
  • During breaks, you can do phytotherapy.

Atrophic gastritis in women is very dangerous, especially in age. Take care of yourself, get healthy and don't get sick.

The article contains many recipes and tips. There is even more in my head, it is impossible to write in one article.

I hope that helped you.

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Watch the video, diagnosis and treatment of atrophic gastritis:

Atrophic gastritis is a chronic progressive inflammatory pathological condition, characterized by inhibition of the functions of the glandular epithelium. A characteristic feature is the dystrophy of cells that synthesize hydrochloric acid and enzymes that have a proteolytic effect. Pathologically, chronic atrophic gastritis forms a thinning of the walls of the stomach due to an atrophic process that affects the surface and deep layers of the walls of organs. digestive system.

The inflammatory process in protracted pathology - chronic atrophic gastritis - is induced by various factors. The main and frequent microorganism is Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). A pathogenic bacterium colonizes the mucous membranes of the stomach. Its toxic waste products destroy the mucus that protects the walls of the stomach.

Under the influence of toxins of Helicobacter pylori infection, the glandular cells are destroyed. It changes the level acid balance stomach contents and causes the development of a superficial pathological process. Gradually superficial atrophic gastritis is transformed into a moderately pronounced atrophic gastritis.

Atrophic processes in the thickness and on the surface of the mucous membrane lead to the formation of a connective tissue scar in place of the glandular epithelium or cells characteristic of the intestinal epithelium begin to grow. The result of the transformation will be the inability of the stomach to produce the required amount digestive enzymes, hydrogen and chloride ions. Level indicator acid-base balance significantly increases and the processes of food processing in the stomach become worse. As a result, the food bolus moves forward in an unprocessed form. The main ones are listed.

Atrophic gastritis is usually considered to be a precancerous condition, modern researchers have come to this conclusion. However, insufficient attention is paid to the diagnosis of atrophic gastritis. Patients do not always pay attention to discomfort, putting forward subjective complaints. Conducting FGDS without taking a tissue sample for a biopsy will not acquire the proper diagnostic value. The procedure will not allow the doctor to identify existing changes in the epithelium of the stomach and in time to detect the onset of cancerous degeneration. Predominantly, the diagnosis of the growing atrophic process occurs in the later stages. This explains why atrophic gastritis and cancer often meet and go hand in hand.

Focal atrophic gastritis

This chronic gastritis is classified as a precancerous condition of the stomach. Epithelial cells undergo malignant transformation in the absence of timely diagnosis and proper therapy.

Chronic pathological process accompanied by a decrease in the secretory activity of the stomach and a significant decrease in the thickness of the mucous membrane and muscle membrane of the stomach. refers to focal. Not all of the mucous membrane is completely atrophied, only certain areas. This course of the disease is characterized by a wide variety of clinical manifestations. It is easy to determine the list of symptoms that are considered specific.

The risk group for the development of atrophic gastritis of the stomach is made up of elderly and elderly people. After a person reaches the age of 45, the risk of developing chronic atrophic gastritis increases by 2 times. It should be noted that in recent years, atrophic gastritis has greatly “rejuvenated”, cases of children and adolescents affected by the disease have been registered.

Another increased risk factor is considered to be already developed gastritis, prolonged violations in the quality and diet, eating large amounts of fast food, alcohol abuse and smoking cigarettes. Provoking acute atrophic gastritis at a young age is capable of overwork and chronic protracted psychotraumatic situations. These circumstances affect the symptoms and treatment of atrophic gastritis, determine the further prognosis. The incidence in men and women does not have obvious differences.

Clinical symptoms

Symptoms of atrophic gastritis depend on the stage of development and the form of the process. In particular, superficial atrophic gastritis proceeds without subjective sensations.

The main signs of atrophic gastritis:

A reliable diagnosis can be made with fibrogastroduodenoscopy with a biopsy. Taking a sample of material for histological examination is an indispensable condition correct diagnosis. Malignancy is the main danger of gastritis.

Remember, with chronic atrophic gastritis, symptoms can for a long time wear an erased or non-pathognomonic character for the disease, which will delay and make it difficult to identify the disease.

Principles of treatment

Atrophic gastritis is treated with medications and surgical interventions.

Treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis must be complex and multi-stage. Drugs are prescribed that help protect the mucous membrane and stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. Enzymes, mineral and vitamin complexes are prescribed to normalize digestive processes.

If not treated in time, the disease will either become malignant or reduce secretory activity. A decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach will lead to a violation of digestion in general. The growth and transformation of the elements of the gastric epithelium is disrupted, and the intestinal epithelium grows in the same place.

Standard treatment regimen

To correctly draw up a treatment regimen for atrophic gastritis, it is necessary to deeply understand pathogenic mechanisms its development and carry out treatment taking into account the existing clinical symptoms. Symptoms vary across patient categories.

Symptomatic treatment of atrophic gastritis is prescribed for each patient individually, taking into account the condition and existing complaints. The attending physician should make recommendations.

Features of therapy for the elderly

The human body undergoes aging, age-related changes affect the mucous membranes of the body, including the gastrointestinal tract. Changes are expressed in atrophy of the epithelial layer of the mucous membranes of the digestive system. The muscle fibers of the stomach begin to degenerate, glandular cells atrophy. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of digestive processes and difficulty in evacuation. food bolus. Patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders are often subject to such pathological transformations.

In elderly people, the incidence of acute processes decreases, but the frequency of chronic processes and complications increases. The atrophied epithelium is replaced by scar tissues and leads to a decrease in the motor functions of the stomach.

When starting therapy for elderly patients, it is necessary to approach the issue taking into account the nature of the pathology and the prevalence of the process. The treatment plan should be developed with absolute precision and credibility. Older people are often subject to many chronic processes at the same time, it is important to avoid polypharmacy. This is the name of the simultaneous appointment of an excessive amount of drugs. Only the doctor decides how to treat atrophic gastritis of the stomach.

In the remission stage, it is very useful to take an approach such as treatment folk remedies. It is allowed to use herbal infusions and drink juices from vegetables, which relieve pain and inflammation in the stomach.

General groups of drugs

  1. Preparations for stimulating the production of active substances and pepsin in atrophic gastritis. According to practitioners, the effectiveness of such drugs is low and they require a very long time to take. Their effect is usually short-lived.
  2. Replacement drugs. A complex of hydrochloric acid with pepsin is a necessary agent for therapy. You should drink it immediately before you start eating. In addition, creon, mezim, festal, peppermint tincture are prescribed for a substitution purpose. In general, the appointment of replacement therapy depends on what acidity of gastric juice is determined in the patient in each case with gastritis of the stomach.
  3. Preparations for the protection of the mucous membrane and its regeneration are called gastroprotectors in medicine. This group includes solcoseryl, actovegin, venter, denol. Most often, these drugs are used for ulcerative and erosive processes in the stomach, accompanied by subsequent atrophy of glandular cells.
  4. Astringent and enveloping preparations with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. This group includes preparations based on aluminum and bismuth for the treatment of gastritis.
  5. To stimulate motor skills and peristaltic activity stomach are used such medications like domperidone. For the treatment of trophic gastritis, complexes from these drugs are selected.

Active atrophic gastritis requires hospitalization. If foci of tissue necrosis develop at the site of atrophy, surgical treatment is required. In this case, the patient undergoes a resection of the stomach. Medical treatment after surgery consists in the appointment of replacement therapy.

Diet for atrophic gastritis

To maintain normal digestive function food should be sparing. From the diet it is necessary to exclude heavy spicy and salty foods, alcohol and strong coffee. Food should be taken fractionally, in small portions and often. The diet should be balanced and contain all the necessary proteins, fats and vitamins.

Products are preferably boiled or steamed, it is permissible to bake in the oven. It is not recommended to consume hot or excessively cold dishes.

A dangerous sign this disease is the absence of symptoms at the beginning of the pathological process.

Atrophic gastritis is an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane and glands of the stomach, which is characterized by a strong reduction in the number of normally functioning cells. Atrophic processes are accompanied by a violation of the structure of the cells of the stomach, which subsequently provokes their death. As a result, the ability to produce mucus and enzymes and absorb nutrients is lost.

With such gastritis, the manifestations of the disease are associated with a significant loss of the gastric mucosa, a decrease in the synthesis of gastric juice and insufficient good assimilation food.

Such pathologies are dangerous, because without timely treatment they can develop into ulcers or cause even more serious complications. In total, there are five types of such gastritis:

  • atrophic;
  • erosive;
  • chronic;
  • spicy;
  • surface.

All of them are based on inflammatory disorders gastric mucosa. In some species, these processes are more pronounced, in others - weaker. Additionally, each type of disease has its own characteristics. Mixed gastritis - what is it? Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, accompanied by symptoms of several types of similar diseases at once (superficial, atrophic, etc.).

Disease pathogenesis

What is atrophic gastritis? Most often, this disease leads to cancer in elderly, middle-aged men, less often in women. The danger lies in the fact that the inflammatory process is difficult to notice, since in atrophic gastritis the symptoms do not appear or are not pronounced.

keyword in this disease is atrophy. In simple words, the gastric cells that are part of the secretory glands experience an atrophying process and rebirth. Cells lose their full ability to work, stop producing components of gastric juice.

At the initial stage of the disease, the glands are transformed into simple formations that secrete mucus, not juice. Most often, atrophic gastritis develops with low acidity of the stomach.

Given the fact that mucus is produced, complete digestion is disturbed. The walls are covered with mucus, the internal environment becomes slightly acidic, sometimes achilia develops.

The main danger lies in the fact that atrophic gastritis is a serious provocateur, a stimulant of stomach cancer in human body.

Can atrophic gastritis be cured? It has been established that it is impossible to completely cure cell atrophy. However, the correct, rational treatment of gastritis, aimed at restoring the mucosa, will reduce the risk of developing cancer.

As a preventive measure, you need to follow proper nutrition for atrophic gastritis, use special infusions and decoctions of herbs, and take appropriate medications. Treatment and preventive measures are prescribed by the attending physician.


The following causes of development of focal atrophic gastritis are known:

  • helicobacteriosis;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • chronic intoxication;
  • severe infections;
  • effects on the stomach of gastrotoxic drugs.

Predisposing factors are:

  • stress;
  • smoking;
  • physical fatigue;
  • professional hazards;
  • burdened heredity.

Atrophy often develops against the background of Helicobacter bacteria. These microbes withstand the acidic environment of the stomach, leading to disruption of hydrochloric acid production and cell damage. They produce protease, cytotoxin and urease. As a result, the protective properties of the gastric mucosa are weakened. Bacteria multiply most actively in the pyloric region, since the pH is higher there.

Basically, the disease begins to progress in cases where the patient has frivolously reacted to the signs and symptoms of gastric disease that appeared earlier. Several key reasons can be identified:

  • activity of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which provokes the appearance of inflammatory processes in the stomach of an adult or a child;
  • impact chemical substances on the mucous membranes of the body;
  • burns;
  • prolonged uncontrolled use of certain medications;
  • non-compliance with the diet. A menu full of junk, fatty, spicy foods;
  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • neurosis, stress.

Signs of illness

Clinical picture

Pathology is characterized by slow development. In the initial stages, when the volume of the affected mucosa is small, there are no symptoms.

Atrophic processes develop at the bottom of the organ, gradually flowing to the body and the entire surface of the mucosa. Noticeable signs appear after more than half of the inner shell of the organ undergoes pathological changes.

The first symptoms are associated with dyspepsia - heaviness after eating, mild pain of a aching nature.


There are several types of this disease, each of which is different certain symptoms. All types of atrophic gastritis can occur in acute or chronic form.

chronic type

It is an independent disease. It is characterized by active atrophy of glandular tissues, where dystrophy prevails over inflammation.

Pathogenesis provokes the transformation of motor, suction, secretory functions. Others are involved in the process. important organs: liver, esophagus, endocrine glands, duodenum.

because of general intoxication body process affects the nervous system, blood. chronic type atrophic gastritis has the following symptoms:

  • thick epithelium;
  • thinning, smoothing of the gastric mucosa;
  • infiltration, leukocytes moderate;
  • decreased function of the secretory glands;
  • cell degeneration.

diffuse type

Diffuse atrophic gastritis is accompanied by dangerous changes dystrophic character flowing in the body. This type of inflammatory process is considered an intermediate form between the superficial and dystrophic type. The main symptom is that there are local foci of transformation of the gastric glands, secretory activity is disturbed.

surface type

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to get an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.

Experienced specialist will conduct a set of diagnostic studies, on the basis of which he will make an accurate diagnosis.

The disease can be of several types, having determined which, the doctor can prescribe the right treatment.

Atrophic gastritis is divided into:

  • focal;
  • surface;
  • moderate;
  • antral;
  • diffuse;
  • erosive;
  • mixed.

Each type of pathology requires careful laboratory and diagnostic studies, properly selected therapy.

The disease is manifested by inflammation of the gastric mucosa with manifestations of foci on the surface of the affected organ.

It is diagnosed very often, affects patients of different age category. Patients feel pain syndrome in the stomach, there is heartburn, nausea, vomiting. There may be many such foci.

Atrophic changes in the stomach develop gradually, there are several stages (simultaneously and varieties) in the process of chronic gastropathy:

  • subatrophic gastritis- initial degree of atrophic degenerative changes;
  • focal gastritis with atrophy - the appearance of multiple areas of atrophy, glandular structures begin to die off, they are replaced by simple epithelial cells;
  • chronic atrophic antral gastritis- degenerative processes reach the antrum of the organ, which indicates the progression of the disease;
  • chronic multifactorial atrophic gastritis is a form of diffuse atrophy with active metaplastic degeneration of mucosal tissues, the condition is referred to as precancerous.

There are quite a few varieties of atrophic gastritis, each of which is characterized by certain features.

Focal gastritis

This form of pathology is characterized by a change in the tissue of the organ wall. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by high acidity of the juice. Most likely, this is due to the compensation of the work of disturbed foci by an increase in acid production. The remaining manifestations of the disease do not differ from the symptoms of ordinary gastritis.

With a subclinical course, focal gastritis is accompanied by poor tolerance to certain categories of products. These include fatty meat, eggs, milk. After eating such dishes, a person suffers from heartburn and nausea, sometimes he vomits.

Superficial gastritis

This term is understood as the initial stage of the development of chronic inflammation. In this case, the damage is not pronounced, clinical manifestations practically absent.

To make an accurate diagnosis, an endoscopic examination should be performed. According to the diagnostic results, it is possible to establish a moderate violation of the structure of the epithelium, normal thickness stomach wall, slight increase cell secretions.

moderate gastritis

Depending on the level of involvement of the gland tissue in the pathological process, moderate inflammation is sometimes diagnosed. This term is rather arbitrary and consists in a slight change in the cells of the organ.

Only histological examination helps to identify this disease. In this case, the volume of healthy cells is determined, and an analysis of changes in the tissues of the stomach is also performed.

The manifestations of this form of the disease resemble ordinary dyspeptic disorders. The pain that often accompanies exacerbations of gastritis is not always present.


Atrophic gastritis can have different variants of the course - in particular, have an acute or chronic form. In the first case, we are talking about the stage of exacerbation of the disease, the symptoms of which are similar to acute superficial inflammation of the organ. According to the results of the diagnosis, the following symptoms of the disease can be established:

  • swelling of the walls of the stomach;
  • the release of leukocytes beyond the boundaries of the vessels;
  • overflow of blood vessels;
  • violation of the epithelium, in more rare cases - the appearance of erosion.

Manifestations of such gastritis can be different. These include severe pain, stool disorders, fever, vomiting, loss of consciousness. If the gastric mucosa is affected by strong pathogenic substances, this can be fatal. Death occurs due to severe intoxication of the body.

The development of mixed gastritis

The exact causes that provoke the development of active atrophic processes in the stomach cavity and their transition to a chronic form have not been fully identified. In gastroenterology, the main risk factors are long-term Helicobacter pylori infection and autoimmune processes with the destructive effect of their own antibodies on gastric G-cells.

In the vast majority of confirmed cases of chronic atrophic gastritis, patients were carriers of Helicobacter pylori. For patients with dysfunction immune system accounts for no more than 20% of cases.


Mixed superficial and atrophic gastritis is very similar in its symptoms to chronic view. All these types are closely intertwined. As a result, the diagnosis of mixed gastritis is very difficult. Main symptoms:

  • discomfort and stomach discomfort
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • heartburn;
  • weakness;
  • profuse salivation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • belching;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • general malaise;
  • feeling of bloating.

Atrophic type gastritis: what is it?

Under atrophic gastritis understand the atrophy of the cells of the secretory glands and their degeneration. As a result, instead of gastric juice, they synthesize mucus. This explains main feature diseases - inflammation with low acidity.

The main danger of this disease lies in the increased risk of cancerous degeneration. Normal cell regeneration is regulated by hormones, enzymes, immune responses, and many other regulatory factors.

If the formation of mature cells and their normal functioning is disturbed, as happens with atrophic gastritis, the likelihood of further morphological changes and malignancy increases significantly.

Features of diagnostics

To make a diagnosis, a number of diagnostic procedures:

  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy is a high-precision method that allows you to visually assess the condition of the mucosa, the nature and location of atrophic areas; when conducting FGDS, a biopsy is taken from different areas of the stomach, a biopsy is important for assessing the degree of metaplasia;
  • gastrography - a method of non-invasive x-ray examination of the stomach cavity; in the presence of atrophy, smoothed gastric folds, sluggish peristalsis, and a decrease in the size of the organ are revealed;
  • intragastric ph-metry allows you to establish a reduced acidity of the gastric secretion, which does not change throughout the day;
  • an immunological blood test is necessary to assess the state of the immune system and identify concomitant pathologies of an autoimmune nature;
  • CT and MRI of organs abdominal cavity allow you to confirm the diagnosis and exclude the tumor process;
  • detection of an infectious agent (Helicobacter pylori) using PCR method, ELISA, breath test.

In recent years, a non-invasive assessment method has been very popular in diagnosing an ailment. functional state stomach by blood - gastropanel, or hematological panel. In case of atrophic lesions of the stomach, typical indicators are revealed on the gastropanel:

  • a positive response to antibodies to Helicobacter pylori;
  • decrease in serum pepsinogen concentration;
  • a reduced level of gastrin 17 is a clear sign of the death of glandular structures, or its increase above the norm in atrophic gastritis of an autoimmune type.

Gastropanel belongs to precise methods with a certainty of more than 80% and is used when initial stage diagnostics. Using the method, you can determine the type of gastropathy, localization, establish causal factor, recognize precancerous changes and determine the optimal directions of therapy.

To make the correct diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe the following studies:

  • fluoroscopy of the stomach;
  • histology;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy, which is accompanied by urease testing to detect the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • sounding;
  • pH-metry, which is carried out inside the stomach.


For effective treatment of gastritis, all the causes that led to the development of the disease should be identified.

The acute stage requires immediate hospitalization. Chronic stage recurrence requires outpatient treatment prescribed by a general practitioner or gastroenterologist.

To achieve maximum effectiveness, you should follow certain rules:

  • Compliance special diet and ensuring proper nutrition is the key to a healthy stomach and well-being. It is important to exclude all products containing harmful substances, food colorings, emulsifiers, preservatives and other additives. Consumed food should not be hot, cold, spicy, sour, salty, smoked, fried, fatty. Refuse marinades and junk food in favor of a healthy diet.
  • If pathogenic bacteria (helicobacter) are detected, antibacterial drugs are prescribed to achieve a normal state of microflora.
  • If the acidity is increased, take drugs that suppress the production of secretions. Histamine blockers are often used.
  • With insufficient production of enzymes by the pancreas, a complex of auxiliary enzymes is prescribed.
  • To reduce the severity painful manifestations and accelerating the process of emptying the stomach cavity, prokinetics are prescribed.
  • Antacids are taken to reduce acidity and block the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn.
  • Often resort to traditional medicine. It is famous for various medicinal herbs, from which decoctions and infusions are made.

When the first unpleasant symptoms characteristic of atrophic gastritis appear, they immediately consult a doctor.

It is important to undergo a complete diagnosis as soon as possible and laboratory research organism.

Based on the results obtained, an accurate diagnosis will be established. The specialist will be able to prescribe treatment.

It is impossible to leave such manifestations unattended, the consequences can be deplorable. Self-medication is contraindicated.

Patients with symptoms of inflammation of the stomach and a confirmed diagnosis need complex treatment. The treatment regimen is determined based on the tolerability of the drug, the cause of gastritis, the age of the patient, the level of acidity and the severity of metaplasia. Proper nutrition plays an important role in treatment. During an exacerbation, diet No. 1 is prescribed, and when symptoms subside, table No. 2.

The main purpose of such nutrition is chemical and mechanical sparing of the stomach. Patients need:

  • refuse carbonated water, spicy, fatty, rough and fried foods;
  • exclude canned foods, spices, fresh fruits and vegetables from the menu;
  • give up alcoholic beverages;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day;
  • avoid overeating;
  • exclude snacks;
  • eat 4-6 times a day;
  • eat at the same hours;
  • eat food warm.

Diet for focal atrophic gastritis involves proper heat treatment food. It is recommended to use products in pureed, boiled, stewed or semi-liquid form. After eliminating the symptoms of secretory insufficiency, you can include dishes in the diet that increase appetite.

To eliminate pain in people with superficial focal gastritis, antispasmodics or anticholinergics are prescribed. The most commonly used are Metacin, Galidor, No-Shpa, Drotaverine and Papaverine. Medicines from NSAID groups it is not recommended to prescribe, as they can provoke the appearance of an ulcer. The focal form of gastritis is characterized by impaired motor skills.

You can improve it with the help of drugs such as Motilium and Cerucal. With a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid or achilia, Abomin and Acidin-Pepsin are prescribed.

You may need natural gastric juice. To correct anemia and hypovitaminosis, iron preparations and multivitamins are prescribed.

The focal form of atrophic gastritis is treated with the use of enzymes. They are contraindicated during exacerbation of the disease.

Festal, Creon, Mezim and Panzinorm are used. Patients are advised to drink mineral water, sweet and sour juices and citric acid. If there are foci of atrophy, then enveloping preparations may be needed. In the acute stage, De-Nol, Ulcavis or Escape can be prescribed. Well help physiotherapy and spa treatment. If an infection is detected, antibiotics are prescribed.

Chronic processes with atrophic gastritis, they lead to complete inhibition of mucosal cells, and they are not subject to regeneration. Therefore, the treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis is aimed at minimizing and containing metaplastic changes, transformation into a malignant tumor.

When organizing drug treatment, it is important to take into account the patient's condition and the intensity of degeneration of healthy cells.

Medical treatment includes taking:

  • antibiotics from the group of penicillins and tetracyclines in the detection of Helicobacter pylori - Amoxicillin, Trichopolum;
  • inhibitors proton pump to normalize the production of hydrochloric acid and prevent reflux - Omez, Lansoprazole;
  • tissue regeneration stimulants - sea buckthorn oil;
  • gastroprotectors - misoprostol;
  • drugs for the normalization of motor skills - Domperidone, Motilak;
  • preparations with an enveloping effect with bismuth, aluminum - Vikalin, Rother.

Drug treatment is supplemented with physiotherapy - electrophoresis, magnets, thermal procedures are used on the epigastric zone. During the period of remission, sanatorium treatment is indicated, with the organization of mud baths and applications.

According to the results of the diagnosis, a method of treating atrophic gastritis is selected. The choice of therapy tactics is influenced by the stage of the disease and the state of secretion of the organ. Treatment is required only during an exacerbation of the disease.

Medicinal methods of therapy include the following components:

  1. When the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is detected, eradication therapy is carried out. There are several schemes for such treatment. The doctor must choose best option depending on the general condition patient and diagnostic results. The composition of each of the schemes includes antibacterial agents. They are taken as a course, taking into account all the recommendations of a specialist.
  2. Replacement therapy helps to restore the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients. For this, appoint enzymatic agents and hydrochloric acid preparations.
  3. If the patient is anemic, use vitamin complexes. Such preparations may be administered parenterally or orally.
  4. To stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, mineral waters and special medications can be prescribed.
  5. An important part of the treatment is the use of astringents and enveloping preparations that have an anti-inflammatory effect. These include phosphalugel, de-nol, almagel.
  6. To restore the motility of the affected organ, drugs such as trimedat are used.

Folk methods

Mixed gastritis, the symptoms and treatment of which are described in this article, is distinguished by its specificity. Therapy must be comprehensive. Among the drugs prescribed:

In addition to these drugs, medicines made from natural plant materials are used. Also, during treatment, the patient must strictly adhere to the prescribed diet. Treatment is carried out within 14 days. If necessary, the patient is sent for therapy to the hospital.

Therapy Methods

The main task of treatment is the need to restore the gastric mucosa. In this case, therapy involves the following steps:

  • diet therapy - it is important to eat correctly, balanced, fractionally;
  • usage folk methods, means: decoctions of herbs, special oils, apitherapy;
  • rejection bad habits- smoking, alcohol;
  • medication treatment - vitamins, antibiotics, antacids and analgesics, sedatives and antioxidant;
  • recommended spa treatment, as well as the implementation of special exercises.

As medicines, you can use:

  • Karinat;
  • De-nol;
  • Omeprazole;
  • Nolpazu;
  • Rennie;
  • Almagel;
  • Befungin and others.

A feature of the treatment of mixed gastritis is not only its complexity, but also its strict specificity. To heal this form inflammation of the stomach, the doctor needs to select medications, taking into account the nuances of the course of the disease. Also necessary tools for a speedy recovery there will be a diet and adherence to a diet.

1. Antibiotics (Klacid, Klabaks). They are used to eliminate the main cause of inflammation - Helicobacter bacteria.

2. Antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Buskopan). They are necessary in order to stop the pathological contractions of the stomach of a spastic nature and save the patient from the pain they provoke.

3. Drugs that regulate secretory function (Omeprazole, Venter). Reduce the release of hydrochloric acid, which has an irritating effect on inflammation and erosion.

4. Antacids (Renny, Gastal). They reduce the activity of gastric juice, turning it into a neutral substance, and normalize the acidity inside the organ.

5. Enveloping agents (Maalox, Almagel). They cover the inflamed walls of the stomach with a protective viscous layer, reducing the negative impact of the internal environment on the affected areas.

6. Enzymes (Mezim, Festal). Restore the processes of digestion and absorption, normalize the enzymatic balance in the body.

7. Astringents (De-nol, Vikair). They are used to treat erosion and heal wounds in the stomach cavity as a result of inflammation as quickly as possible.

It must be observed not only during acute stage but also during periods of remission. It includes a certain set of food products that has a positive effect on the restoration of the stomach, does not harm the diseased organ, and at the same time contains a complex of nutrients.

It is necessary to completely abandon products that negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract, such as:

  • too cold or hot food;
  • salty and spicy dishes;
  • fried and smoked meats;
  • semi-finished products and fast food;
  • sweets with lots of chocolate and sugar;
  • heavy muffin and white flour bread;
  • all kinds of sauces;
  • alcohol;
  • legumes;
  • coffee.

Allowed to receive next food:

  • lean meat;
  • dairy and dairy products;
  • cereal porridge cooked with a mixture of milk and water;
  • boiled eggs;
  • non-acidic vegetables and fruits;
  • berries that do not irritate the stomach, compotes and fruit drinks from them, jelly;
  • weak unsweetened teas, including herbal teas (chamomile, sage);
  • lean fish.


1. carefully monitor the condition of the body, consult a doctor in time, do not treat lightly chronic diseases;

2. observe the regime of work and rest, avoid excessive workload and stress;

3. control the menu and the food process;

4. avoid bad habits;

5. make time for physical activity and personal hygiene.

People who suffer from atrophic gastritis must definitely eat right. To do this, the diet should be based on such products:

  • broths;
  • cereals;
  • mineral water;
  • mousses;
  • non-acidic dairy products;
  • jelly.

During an exacerbation of gastritis, all food should be consumed in crushed form. And it is desirable to cook it exclusively for a couple.

You should stop consuming the following foods:

  • too hot and too cold dishes;
  • acidic foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • spicy dishes;
  • fried foods;
  • spices;
  • sauces;
  • canned foods;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • carbonated drinks.

Nutrition should be balanced - it is advisable to coordinate your menu with your doctor. The diet should be dominated by protein foods, since they stimulate the synthesis of new cells. It is recommended to limit the amount of salt and spices. You need to eat more often, but in small portions at regular intervals.

If timely treatment of the disease is not started, it will rapidly progress. The more complex the situation, the more intense replacement therapy.

The main danger of atrophic gastritis is the increased risk of degeneration of the disease into stomach cancer. Especially often this pathology provokes gastritis with low acidity. The fact is that atrophy of the mucosa creates good conditions for negative impact carcinogenic substances and significantly reduces the body's defenses.

Atrophic gastritis is a very dangerous disease that can lead to serious consequences. The insidiousness of this disease lies in the asymptomatic course at the initial stage of development. Therefore, at the first suspicious manifestations, you should immediately consult a doctor - only timely diagnosis and adequate treatment can keep you healthy.


Foci of atrophy can cause cancer, so it is best to prevent the disease. For this you need:

  • timely treat helicobacter pylori;
  • wash your hands regularly;
  • eat from clean dishes;
  • observe the diet;
  • there are only natural and fresh products;
  • refuse spicy and coarse food;
  • cook food for a couple or bake;
  • eat often, but little by little;
  • exclude snacks;
  • do not drink carbonated water and coffee;
  • do not eat hot or cold food;
  • give up alcohol;
  • timely treat pancreatitis and other diseases of the digestive system;
  • Do not smoke;
  • alternate work with rest;
  • not be stressed;
  • use NSAIDs in a short course and in combination with proton pump blockers;
  • lead an active lifestyle.

Thus, the atrophic form of gastritis is the most dangerous in terms of malignancy. Most often, atypical cells appear after 50 years. To avoid complications, you need to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease. Self-medication without prior consultation is not advisable.

To prevent the development of atrophic gastritis, you need to follow the basic preventive recommendations:

  1. Timely treat an infection caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
  2. Refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking.
  3. Eat rationally and balanced - eat often, but little by little, refuse hot foods, exclude fatty and fried foods, etc.
  4. Maintain food hygiene. It is very important to wash your hands before eating, use only individual utensils. Thanks to this, it will be possible to exclude infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

As a preventative measure, it is necessary to avoid the causes of gastritis. Personal hygiene is observed, a healthy lifestyle is maintained. The diet should contain proteins, vitamins, etc. It is important to chew food thoroughly, do not swallow it in pieces. Do not drink too hot or cold drinks. Avoid spicy and fatty foods.

Prognosis and possible complications

The prognosis for recovery in the presence of a diagnosis of "chronic atrophic gastritis" depends on the age factor - in patients over 50 years of age, the risk of metaplasia and degeneration into cancer is higher. Leading importance is given to early diagnosis and treatment tactics. However, the asymptomatic onset of the pathology complicates the identification of gastropathy at a stage that can be successfully cured.

Preventive measures come down to organization rational nutrition with a clear regime, compliance elementary rules hygiene (handwashing) to reduce the risk of infection and foodborne illness. An important role is played by a timely response to complaints from the gastrointestinal tract, including pain, heartburn, and discomfort.


A diet for chronic atrophic gastritis is required for life. The appointment of a diet is made on an individual basis, based on the characteristics of the course of the pathology and its type. Depending on the purpose and objectives of complex therapy, patients suffering from gastritis are recommended 4 varieties of the Pevzner dietary table.

  • Diet number 2 is the main one for chronic atrophic gastritis. As part of table number 2, boiled, stewed, baked meat and fish dishes are allowed. Patients can eat eggs in the form of steam omelettes, fermented milk products. The diet is complete and provides stimulation of the gastric glands.
  • Diet No. 1a is indicated for relapse of the disease. Its goal is to create minimum load on the digestive tract, reducing the excitability of the epithelial layer of the stomach. It is allowed to take carefully mashed potato soups and boiled cereals, mucous decoctions and cereals. Dairy products - according to tolerance.
  • Diet number 1 is assigned when acute symptoms atrophic gastritis removed. The purpose of table number 1 is the normalization of secretion and gastric motility. The diet includes milk porridge, soups on the secondary broth, soft vegetables and fruits.
  • Diet number 4 is indicated for chronic atrophic lesions of the stomach in combination with enteral syndrome. All milk-containing products are excluded. Cereals, meat, fish, eggs, vegetables with a minimum fiber content are allowed for consumption. After stopping the symptoms of enteritis, patients are transferred to the main table No. 2.

One of the stomach problems mixed gastritis. Diet during therapy must be strictly observed, as it is of great importance for the treatment of the disease. All foods that irritate the gastric mucosa are excluded from the diet. Spicy, salty and sour foods are prohibited. Alcoholic drinks and tobacco products are excluded.

Food should only be steamed or served boiled. Smoked and fried foods are excluded from the diet. Drinks (like food) should not be excessively hot or cold. It is forbidden to use:

  • fatty meat, brisket;
  • fresh muffins and rye bread;
  • any sweets;
  • hard cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • barley, lentils;
  • beans, barley groats;
  • strong coffee or tea;
  • millet porridge;
  • seasonings and sauces (especially spicy and salty);
  • horseradish and mustard.

The diet should contain mainly foods rich in proteins and vitamins. The first courses are prepared without meat, only on vegetable broths. AT ideal soups are prepared. Porridges are served only strongly boiled, fruits - baked, without peel and seeds.

The diet should consist of white poultry meat, soft-boiled eggs, pumpkin. Dishes are prepared with the addition of soybean or sunflower oil. Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge are allowed. Dairy products include cottage cheese, milk and curdled milk.

If gastritis turns into a chronic pathology, it can cause the death of the glands of the stomach walls responsible for the production of enzymes, gastric juice and lead to such a serious disease as atrophic gastritis. Illness requires constant attention, strict diet, regular treatment procedures. In this article, we will tell you in more detail how to restore the gastric mucosa in atrophic gastritis, how to detect and treat the disease.

What is atrophic gastritis

Atrophic gastritis is an inflammation, thinning of the gastric mucosa, in which there is a violation of the functioning of cells and atrophy of the excretory glands. These glands are replaced by connective tissue over the course of the disease and cannot produce gastric juice - the main element of normal digestion. One of the most dangerous consequences diseases - stomach cancer, which develops when the symptoms of glandular death are ignored.

Symptoms of atrophic gastritis

General clinical picture disease atrophic gastritis is almost no different from ordinary gastritis. Atrophy of the stomach can occur without pronounced pain signs, external manifestations, for a long time it is practically not noticeable, especially if the patient has other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Diagnose atrophic changes possible with the help endoscopic studies, analysis of antibodies in the blood, X-ray. Symptoms of atrophic gastritis are:

  • It's a dull pain in the abdomen, which is worse after eating;
  • sudden loss weight, dystrophy and anemia;
  • thick white coating on the tongue;
  • bloating, diarrhea, constipation, belching, nausea, indigestion;
  • bad breath;
  • decreased appetite, weakness, dizziness.

Causes of atrophic gastritis

Among the causes of atrophic gastritis, concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be distinguished, which cause inflammation in the stomach, various infections, age-related changes in the body. To overdevelopment stomach bacteria can lead to alcohol addiction, uncontrolled intake of strong drugs, intoxication, poisoning with gas and other toxic substances. An important factor is hereditary predisposition, in this case, an autoimmune form of the disease is isolated.

Types of atrophic gastritis

Atrophic gastropathy can be of several types. They differ in localization, degree of damage to the stomach, characteristic symptoms, pathogenesis, form of changes and possible consequences for the patient. Treatment is always better in the early stages of the disease, when the onset of a tumor can be more likely to be avoided. Read more about the types of atrophic gastritis below.


Acute atrophic gastritis is called active, since this is the stage of exacerbation of inflammatory processes, destruction of the integumentary epithelium of the stomach. It can also be characterized by swelling of the walls, plethora of blood vessels, infiltration of leukocytes, rarely - erosions on the mucous membrane. Atrophic gastritis can develop under the influence of toxic factors, the symptoms are vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, fever, fever.


Chronic formindividual disease not associated with remission sharp look. The disease has a negative effect on neighboring organs: the liver, duodenum, pancreas, affects the nervous and endocrine system. Chronic atrophic gastritis is characterized by long-term internal destruction of cells without severe inflammation, develops due to a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice.


Atrophic gastritis of this form resembles ordinary gastritis in everything except pathogenesis. Glandular dystrophy is expressed by random, uneven areas in which the acidity is increased. The remaining glands of the stomach compensate for this property with a more active release of hydrochloric acid. Due to this dysfunction, focal atrophic gastritis is especially felt during meals, specifically dairy products, fatty meat, fish: they are digested very poorly, often stagnate in the stomach, provoke vomiting, nausea, pain.


The form is characterized by standard dyspeptic symptoms of gastritis; a diagnosis can be made after a histological examination of the cells. Moderate atrophic gastritis is the slow development of destruction and mild degree inflammation. Cell deformation is partial, has no pathological, proceeds poorly, which is the danger: destruction in the cells still occurs, and if you do not notice them in time, the likelihood of oncology is very high.


Atrophic gastritis of the superficial type is diagnosed by endoscopy, characterized by minor changes in the walls of the stomach, the absence of pronounced symptoms. At the same time, the walls of the stomach retain their normal thickness or become slightly thinner, minimal hyperfunction is observed in the glands (too much a large number of secreted enzymes). Superficial atrophic gastritis is the initial stage of a chronic disease, sometimes turning into an acute one.


Signs are high levels of secretory function and partial oxidation of the body's environment. Antral atrophic gastritis affects the antrum of the stomach (lower, adjacent to the 12 duodenum), scars, inflammation are formed. Instrumental Research show deformation of the mucous membranes, a decrease in the activity of peristalsis. The walls of the esophagus narrow, there is no healthy metabolism. In addition, focal atrophy of the mucosa of the antrum of the stomach provokes the appearance of ulcers and a significant thickening of the walls during progression.


Important major changes in tissues for diagnosis and laboratory tests is not observed, but one can notice the emerging foci of dystrophy, in which cells can gradually die, and other microstructural changes in the surface epithelium. Diffuse atrophic gastritis is an intermediate stage between the superficial and more severe form (acute, focal).

Treatment of atrophic gastritis

It is almost impossible to achieve regeneration, that is, the complete restoration of damaged glands in the treatment of atrophic gastritis, but it is quite possible to stop the dying processes, regulate their development and distribution in the stomach. For complex therapy, drugs are used: enzymes, vitamins, anti-inflammatory, sometimes hormonal and immunomodulatory. A good effect on the condition of a patient diagnosed with atrophic gastritis is exerted by physiotherapeutic methods, physiotherapy exercises.

De-Nol with atrophic gastritis

This is an antimicrobial drug containing bismuth - one of the most useful substances for gastritis after aluminum. De-Nol with atrophic gastritis, the doctor prescribes in cases where the disease is caused by the activity of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Scheme for adults: 4 times a day, half an hour before meals. It is not possible to combine de-nol with all medicines, so be sure to consult a doctor to eliminate the risk adverse reactions. Main side effect- kidney dysfunction, so doctors may recommend taking the drug in doses.

Treatment of atrophic gastritis with folk remedies

Many herbs and foods can help beneficial effect on the inner lining of the stomach, to force it to produce more desired enzyme to relieve inflammation and pain. In the treatment of atrophic gastritis with folk remedies, it is important to strictly follow the diet, monitor the course of the disease and regulate the list of therapeutic agents together with the doctor. What folk recipes can be used:

  1. Blueberry. Restores bacterial balance, soothes diarrhea and intestinal pain. You need to grind blueberries with sugar and take 1 tsp. every morning on an empty stomach: jam is not suitable for this, only fresh berries.
  2. Bananas for inflammation. You can eat several fruits every day.
  3. Burdock, plantain, thyme, St. John's wort. Grind the herbs, pour boiling water (1 tablespoon of herbs per glass), place in a thermos and insist overnight. Strain in the morning and drink throughout the day.
  4. Rose hip. Pour 2 tbsp. l. fruits with a glass of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, strain, drink a day, in 3 divided doses.
  5. Potato juice - This drink can be a daily stomach aid. Take 0.2 juice 30-60 minutes before meals.
  6. Vegetable juices: cabbage + beets, cabbage + potatoes + carrots. Drink before meals.

Diet for atrophic gastritis with low acidity

Treatment of atrophic gastritis with low acidity should begin with a diet. Under conditions of illness, the stomach loses the ability to disinfect and properly process the food that enters it, so the diet for a diagnosis of atrophic gastritis must be carefully prepared. All foods should be carefully chopped or mashed so as not to create an additional burden on digestion; soft fruits and vegetables may be allowed without processing. What does the diet for atrophic gastritis with low acidity include:

  • Refusal of alcohol and strong drinks (coffee, strong tea).
  • Healthy drinks: herbal teas, rose hips, freshly squeezed juices, medicinal mineral water.
  • Food should not be too cold (ice cream is prohibited).
  • You can not fry with oil, on the grill, on the grill. Permissible type of processing - cooking, steaming, stewing, rarely - baking (without oil, in foil).
  • light baking, bakery products, eggs, dairy products are allowed in reasonable quantities (if the form of the disease does not prohibit them).
  • Mayonnaise and other heavy sauces are prohibited.
  • First courses: soups - mashed potatoes, vegetable broth.
  • With low acidity of the stomach, foods are prohibited, fermenting: fresh pastries, milk, dairy products, sour fruits.
  • Useful for low acidity: apricots (fresh and dried apricots), cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), baked vegetables, pumpkin, all greens, except green onions, boiled fish, beef tongue, chicken liver, Tea coffee.

Prevention of atrophic gastritis

The abundance of fat junk food with dyes, emulsifiers and flavor enhancers, soda, alcohol, lack of useful trace elements in food - all this leads to disturbances in the body. the main task in order for the stomach to remain functional and healthy, it is to eat more fresh fruits, herbs, vegetables, drink freshly squeezed juices, eat cereals and nuts, and exercise. To prevent atrophic gastritis, it is important to monitor your diet every day.

At chronic gastritis it is necessary to constantly be under observation, to do examinations at least once a year to prevent any relapses when they just begin to appear. This should not mean that you will have to control yourself for the rest of your life - you just need to make your lifestyle and nutrition more healthy and correct. To get involved in this process easily and effortlessly, you can read the appropriate literature on the topic healthy lifestyle life, seek for yourself positive points in it and believe that you defeat atrophic gastritis.

Video: how to treat atrophic gastritis of the stomach

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