Lifting fallen people and bedridden patients. Movement of bedridden patients and patients with limited mobility

If you are caring for someone who is bedridden, unable to move because of a disability or weakness, you need to regularly expend a lot of physical effort to help in such situations. At this time, it is very important to take care of your own health, because if you help the patient to rise unnecessarily and overstrain, you will greatly injure yourself. This section provides tips on how to move a patient with less effort; however, it should be remembered that reading in a book is one thing, and being able to help is another, a book will not replace a professional who can show how to do it. It is very important to talk to the local nurse, find out what help can be obtained, and ask to see how it is more convenient and easier to move the patient. Avoid overvoltage, do not harm yourself will help you following rules:

You should never lift a person who

can't make it any easier for you

cottage, unless it is light enough and you

no one else can help.

Lifting a sick person or doing other work

to care for him, keep your back as far as possible

straight (see 37).

Never attempt to lift or move

hold the patient on outstretched arms.

Know your limits and never

try to exceed them.

If the situation worsens, let your doctor know or

district sister. There are other possibilities

need to get help. It is possible to purchase mechanical devices for lifting the patient if he is completely unable to move himself.

Now let's move on to describing the sequence of actions for lifting and moving those in need of such care, which in all likelihood you will need to perform.


You will need another person to complete this task.

Make sure the room is warm - for a while the patient will be less warmly covered than usual. If he is wearing a large duvet, place another one nearby to cover the sick person while you change the bottom sheet. Pull a chair up to the bed to put on it. bed sheets and remove all pillows except one.

Then remove all blankets, except for one that remains on the patient. Remove the top sheet from under the duvet. Clean linens should be neatly arranged on the back of a chair, with the sheet on top, which you will cover first. If the patient is wrapped in a large blanket, one of you should gradually roll it up, and the second should cover the patient with another blanket so as not to catch a cold.

Two people changing linen should be on opposite sides of the bed. The patient is rolled to one side. Talk to the patient as you do these steps and let him know what you will do next. Then, while one person supports the patient (the one who is facing him), the other rolls up the bottom sheet, bringing it under the back of the patient, as shown in 38. The clean sheet is laid on the freed edge of the bed, its rolled up edge is next to the edge of the sheet to be replaced . Now the patient is rolled on his back, and then on the other side towards the person standing on the other side of the bed so that the patient is on a clean sheet. This person supports the patient while his partner removes the stale sheet and straightens and tucks the clean one. After

this patient can be made comfortable, all pillows (with clean pillowcases) put down, top clean sheets and blankets covered, straightened and tucked up (but not too tight). The chair can now be put back in place and the dirty laundry removed.


You will need the help of another person.

The first thing to do to put the patient at the head of the bed is to move him to a sitting position. Two people should stand on either side of the bed facing the front of the bed (as shown in 39). If the bed is low, namely, such beds are most often found in houses in our time, each of the caregivers puts one knee on the bed, with the other foot standing on the floor. Try to keep your back straight while placing the patient in a sitting position.

Both caregivers should bring their shoulders under the armpits of the patient and grasp each other's wrists under the patient's knees, as shown in 39. They should act in concert, holding the patient on their hands and shoulders, stepping with one foot and leaning on the other moving along the mattress hand.

If the patient is lying in a double bed, one of the caregivers will have to kneel on the bed while the other takes the position described above.


You will need the help of another person to complete this task.

The chair must be moved to the bed of the patient. Make sure that there are no objects that you could trip over (carpet folds, etc.) when moving to the chair.

The first thing to do is to transfer the patient to a sitting position. Then you gently lower him to his feet from the edge of the bed and help him put on slippers (and, if necessary, socks), dress or jumper.

Then you will need to lift the patient, supporting him with his shoulders, substituted in armpits, and hands clasped at the wrists, brought under the knees of the patient in the same way as you did when you moved the patient to sitting position at the head of the bed (see above). Movements must be synchronous; to get up, you need to straighten your knees, and you lift the patient, as shown in 41. Then you slowly go to the chair and gently lower the patient into it.

A patient sitting in a chair will most likely need to cover their knees with a rug or blanket, unless the weather is very warm.


A patient who has retained some strength, who is able to bear part of his weight, can be put on the edge of the bed by one person, without the help of a second person. After that, help him get dressed, put on slippers, maybe he feels well enough to put on his usual clothes for this time of day. When the patient is ready to move, ask him to put his arm around your shoulders or waist. Place your hands under the patient's armpits and bend your knees. Straighten up, lifting the patient to his feet. Wait for the patient to prepare for the further journey, then, supporting him, move in small steps to the chair. The patient continues to bear most of his own weight until he sits up again.

If the person is seriously ill or unable to move on their own, you need to change their position in bed regularly to prevent bedsores. This should be done, if possible, every two hours or, as last resort, every four hours. If you still have signs of bedsores, show them to the local nurse. Maybe they appeared due to insufficient frequent shift the position of the patient.

As in all other cases, it is important that during the transfer of the patient you tell him about everything that you are going to do next. This should be done even if the patient is unconscious, as he may still be able to hear you. You will need to take off the blanket before turning the ward, so make sure the room is warm enough first.

If possible, two people should turn the patient, and the following are recommendations on how to act together.

If the patient lies on the right side with a pillow between the knees, as shown in 43, the following steps must be performed in sequence.

Two people stand on either side of the bed. The one on the right carefully removes the pillow and straightens left leg so that the foot of the left foot rests in front of the right. The person on the left should carefully roll the patient towards him so that he is lying on his back.

Now you need to turn his head to the left side, fold his arms on his chest and right leg put on the left.

Both caregivers should now stand on the same side of the bed opposite the patient's face, legs apart for good support. They both reach under the patient's shoulders, buttocks, and upper thighs and move the patient, still supine, towards them, using their forearms to effect the sliding movement.

There is no need to lift the patient, no need to try to do it.

Now the patient can be turned on the left side to a comfortable position in the middle of the bed. A pillow placed under the slightly bent right knee will protect the knee from bedsores.

If by the time the patient needs to be turned over, you do not have an assistant, you will have to complete this task on your own. The sequence of actions in this case is similar to the one above. You must first take out the pillow lying between the patient's legs and roll him over on his back in the manner described. It is not difficult to fold his arms on his chest and turn his head to his left side, and also lay his right foot on top of his left.

Stand with right side bed and put one hand under the shoulders of the patient, and the other under the hips. Bend your knees, your back should be straight.

In one smooth motion, pull the patient, who is lying on his back, to the edge of the bed where you are standing. Put one leg of the patient on the other - on the side in which you will turn him. Now move to the other side of the bed. Fold the patient's arms on the chest, grasp the thigh that is farthest from you and move the patient towards you. Now he will be lying on his side in the center of the bed. Adjust the position of his arms and legs, straighten the patient's clothes so that he is comfortable.

Capture of Rautek for one person

The Rautek method is most often used to provide quick help sick. It allows you to lift and move a patient who has fallen and lies on the floor. It will help to seat and lift the fallen patient.

We perform the following actions:

  1. Approach the patient from behind and sit down;
  2. Grasp with both hands the shoulders and the back of the patient's head;
  3. With a rocking motion, move the patient easily into a sitting position;
  4. Support the back of the patient with your knees and prevent the possibility of a second fall;
  5. Now we take the patient by the armpits, located behind;
  6. Next, the “monkey hold” is applied. Thus, with one hand it is necessary to cover the wrist joint, and the second - the forearm, while the patient's hand should be in a bent position;
  7. Notice that your fingers are pointing up;
  8. Support the patient with your hips and gradually straighten up, lifting him with you.

It is one of the most comfortable quick ways return the patient to the original position. Put him on a chair, bed or transport place. Further, the patient should be moved on a stretcher, or in a gurney.

How to transfer a patient from bed to stretcher and back?

Moving a bedridden patient from a bed to a stretcher should be carried out by at least two, and preferably three people. This is logical, given that the stretcher can only be used by two people. Remember the following procedure.

  1. The stretcher is installed perpendicular to the bed, while paying attention that the part where the patient's head will be located should be in the area of ​​​​the foot part of the bed.
  2. Now it is important to properly take the patient under the arms. To do this, one person must take the patient under the shoulder blades and head, the second under the top of the hips and pelvis, and the third must fix the hands under the lower leg and middle part of the thighs, respectively. If transportation is carried out by two people, which is not uncommon, then one covers the lower back and knees, while the second covers the patient's neck and shoulder blades.
  1. Coordinate actions with each other. Now it is necessary not only to apply forces at the same time to lift the patient, but also, turning him 90 degrees, put him on a stretcher.

Using a sliding sheet

You can buy such a product in any specialized store. Often ordered from the Internet, you can follow the link above to learn more about the product. You are unlikely to have any difficulties with the purchase, and therefore we will proceed directly to use.

So the first step:first turn the sick patient on his side.

Second phase:we put a sheet along the patient, this should be done from the side where the movement will take place.

Third stage:easy enough to pull the sheet towards the sheet to top part slid and moved the patient.

Fourth stage:Do not leave the product under the patient after you have finished moving bedridden patient, remove the sheet from under it.

Such a movement is not fraught with anything complicated and happens quickly. Another important point is that it is completely painless for the patient, which is especially important in the first stages of rehabilitation. The patient will be comfortable, and the caregiver will need to exert a minimum of effort to move the patient.

Use soft stretcher

Using a stretcher is especially useful when the patient is completely paralyzed and you need to move him from bed to a couch or put him in a wheelchair. In this case, you should purchase . They are easy to use, do not require great physical strength and can be used not only by two, but by four.

The mechanism of use resembles the use of a sliding sheet. You just need to turn the patient on his side, put the spouts behind his back, and then pull them out on the other side. With a firm grip on the handles, you can easily move the patient. You can also use a stretcher to put a patient on, but there are other, even simpler ways.

How to put the patient on the bed?

Another task that can also be attributed to the transfer of the patient and which most caregivers face. Moving or seating a patient with the help of two people is not difficult, but what if you are left alone? To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Stand on the affected side of the patient;
  2. Put one hand on the shoulder, the other on the knee of the patient;
  3. We turn the person on the sick side;
  4. Helping himself with a healthy hand at shoulder level, the patient gradually straightens up and sits down.

However, the patient is not always able to help you move yourself, do everything yourself. To do this, lower his legs with your hip, while holding the patient by the armpit. It takes a little more physical strength and skills, but after a while you will learn how to do it quickly.

If the patient does not sit straight and cannot sit for long periods of time, check the following:

  1. Many pillows under the back interfere with the patient;
  2. Body weight is on the affected side. Put a pillow there;
  3. Hunched spine;
  4. The patient's hand slipped from the support.

In any case, when moving the patient, or even just caring for him, be careful. In this case, concentration is important, including do not forget about your own safety. Your back will get a serious load, and therefore you can purchase a special belt that will help you take care of your health. In the case of the patient, there are also special . Remember that health is the most important thing.

The cost of assistance with raising the fallen is 5000 rubles.

Arrival time in Moscow - from 15 minutes, in the Moscow region - from 25 minutes.

The lift price is fixed, additional procedures (if necessary) are paid separately.

CEHR staff have many years of experience in providing qualified assistance in difficult situations. Please note that the cost of services may be slightly higher than the market, while you will receive a guarantee that the team will arrive on time. the shortest time and with everything necessary equipment.

No one is immune from illness, falls, disability. Most often, older people suffer from this due to their age and a considerable number of diseases that have arisen. Unfortunately, most of such people lose the ability to serve themselves independently, become helpless, vulnerable and cannot do without outside help. The most dangerous in such cases is a fall. A person can fall anywhere and at any time, both from the floor and from the bed. An elderly person may lose consciousness, roll over inaccurately, make an incorrect movement in a wheelchair. Such falls cause injuries, bruises, fractures, and in some cases, strokes with a possible fatal outcome.

It is extremely difficult to lift a heavy person on your own. It's not even about the weight of the patients. It is important not to harm a person, not to worsen the condition even more. In order to raise a fallen person or a disabled person, skills and certain knowledge are needed. Experts know how to properly lift a fallen patient or just a passer-by, to lift a disabled person up the stairs. Our service qualitatively and safely carries out the lifting and moving of bedridden patients, as well as their transportation.

We can lift a heavy man

It is not recommended to lift an elderly person who has fallen to the floor on their own. This can harm not only the injured patient, but also directly to the relative who is trying to help. It is impossible to tear off the back, to earn an exacerbation of osteochondrosis and other troubles, since there will be no one to take care of a sick person.

There are frequent cases when strong men when lifting a fallen person, they begin to pull him, do not calculate the strength and simply break the ribs of an elderly person. Seek immediate assistance from specialized teams providing assistance in difficult situations is required in the following cases:

  • pick up a fallen person on the street or in any other place;
  • lift, move, turn seriously ill patients;
  • lift a disabled person, seriously ill patients up the stairs and to the floor;
  • transport seriously ill, disabled people after a fall.

How to lift a fallen elderly person

First of all, you need to remember that it is not recommended to pull, lift, turn over a fallen person on your own. If an accident occurred on the street, and the fallen person lost consciousness, the people around cannot find out about the person’s well-being, his illnesses. Moreover, elderly fallen people may have problems with the cardiovascular system, and in such situations it is strictly forbidden to perform any actions on their own.

Often such incidents occur at home. Bedridden patients, disabled people can fall out of wheelchair, fall out of bed. Helping a relative to independently lift a bedridden patient from the floor to the bed is highly discouraged. In such cases, you can harm both the patient and yourself. This is especially true for patients after a stroke, spinal injuries, when even the slightest wrong movement can lead to disastrous consequences.

To avoid further harm fallen man, seriously ill or disabled, only specialists should be consulted for help. Professionals know how to properly lift and transport people in different situations can provide first aid if needed. The CEHR teams are equipped with the necessary equipment, devices and, what is extremely important, the experience and ability to perform the lifting of fallen people with different body weights, diseases and in different conditions.

Do you need pills to raise the pressure, or can it be done without medication?

Lethargy, irritability, fainting, constant lack of sleep- all this can be symptoms not only of beriberi and off-season blues, but also of such a problem as hypotension. Hypotension is a disease of cardio-vascular system, which is associated with a decrease blood pressure, and can lead to mass unpleasant consequences, including lethal outcome. It gets dark in the eyes, the head hurts, the legs become cottony ... What should I do if the pressure drops? How to raise it?

What pressure is considered normal?

Blood pressure in a person changes with age, so you need to know which values ​​are considered normal for each age group.

for an adult healthy person pressure should be 120/80;

In children under 12 years of age, the pressure can be 100/60;

Adolescents are characterized by a value of 110/70;

For those over 50, the norm is 130/80;

For the elderly - 140/90.

It is worth noting that not all people are sensitive to the value of blood pressure. If your indicators have been below the norm for several years, but at the same time you feel great, then you should not worry. Check with your doctor for various diseases to exclude pathologies of the body that can cause low blood pressure, and if the examination does not reveal anything, then you do not need to be treated.

Below normal pressure is often in young girls adolescence. They need to be more careful and listen to their body more carefully. You should not overexert yourself, visit more often fresh air, since it is they who have a high probability of fainting caused by sudden pressure surges.

How to raise blood pressure at home

If your blood pressure has dropped sharply, then the following methods can help you:

Cup of black coffee

This is the most famous method, which you yourself probably heard about. Coffee helps invigorate and expand blood vessels. A greater effect will be on those people who drink coffee very rarely or no more than one cup a day, since the body can get used to caffeine when daily use in large quantities, and the pressure in emergency will not rise.

Sweet strong tea

It is desirable that the tea is black. It also tones the body well, contains caffeine and helps to increase low blood pressure.


Ordinary medicine can also raise low blood pressure. salt. The options may be as follows: you can eat something salty (for example, lard, salted nuts, pickle) or just put half a teaspoon of salt on your tongue and wait until it dissolves.

Cinnamon + honey

Express tool that can help very quickly and for a long time. Brew half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a glass hot water and add a tablespoon of honey to it. Let it brew and cool for at least half an hour. Have a drink - you'll feel better soon. If you don't like cinnamon flavored water, you can have a sandwich: a slice white bread Sprinkle with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon on top.

fatty food

This is something that is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, but it helps a lot with low blood pressure. Just don't get carried away! Overuse fatty foods can lead to obesity and vascular problems.


Carry glucose tablets with you - sold at any pharmacy. When you feel bad, eat a couple of pieces. Ordinary sugar, which can be added to drinks or sucked on the tongue, can also help you.


Massage should be done for the following points or places:

From top to bottom along the carotid artery.

Press firmly on the center of the back of the head.

Massage with two thumbs point at the base of the skull.

· Have someone massage your shoulders.


Not more than 50 g once a day. You can add to coffee or tea. Instead of cognac, you can take red wine - for example, Cahors.

How to raise the pressure. Preventive methods

The advice is quite simple and well-known to many, but not everyone listens to them.

Get outdoors more often

This seemingly simple advice is neglected by many. Walking in the park or forest really helps with this problem. The body is oxygenated

Exercise in the morning

Even if you are not a sports fan, do light exercises in the morning for 10-15 minutes. Warm up your joints, sit down several times, swing your arms and legs. This simple gymnastics everyone can do.

If you have more strength, then jog 2-3 times a week in the morning or evening for at least 20 minutes. People who lead an active lifestyle are less likely to suffer from pressure problems. Just don't forget to know the norm! With excess physical activity pressure may drop even further.

Eat more meat

Scientists have found that vegetarians almost always have lower blood pressure than those who eat meat. If for some reason you cannot force yourself to eat this product, then include in the diet more animal protein: dairy products and eggs.

Enrich your diet with iron

Hypotension can be accompanied by a lack of iron in the blood, and in order to increase low blood pressure, eat more products containing this substance or take special preparations. Do it carefully - take a blood test first and consult a doctor, as increased content iron in the body is also bad.

Healthy sleep

Hypotonic patients need more sleep than all other people. If you are used to sleeping for 4-5 hours on weekdays, and then staying in bed until lunch on the weekends, then urgently change your regimen! You need to sleep 8-9 hours. Ventilate the room before going to bed or take a walk down the street, read a book, watch a light movie - this is a guarantee of sound sleep.

Contrast shower and rubbing with a hard washcloth

This method helps to accelerate the movement of blood through the vessels and, accordingly, increase blood pressure. Besides, cold and hot shower useful for immunity, and rubbing with a washcloth - for the beauty and firmness of the skin.

So, now you know what pressure can be considered normal, how to treat hypotension and how to raise the pressure in an emergency.

But still remember, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor in order to avoid an incorrect diagnosis and, as a result, improper treatment.

Ways to move bedridden patients in bed differ in the number of assistants involved in the process and the use of additional equipment. Most often, care is carried out by one person and is not always at hand. But even in this case, it is possible to shift a bedridden patient without harm to health.

Moving a lying patient

There are six rules that preserve health when lifting or turning a person. They are taken from biomechanics, a branch of medicine that studies how to avoid injury when doing hard work.

  • The greater the weight to be lifted, the closer it must be to the lifter's torso. This guarantees the stability of the one who lifts the load.
  • The wider the legs are apart, the more stable the position of the lifter. The optimal width between the feet is 30-60 cm.
  • Do not lean forward to pick up a person from the floor. Need to sit down. So the lifting load will go to strong muscles and leg bones, not on the spine.
  • Correct posture helps protect the spine from injury. When lifting, you need to make sure that the shoulders and hips are in the same plane, and the back is straight.
  • You need to turn your whole body, including the pelvis and legs. Otherwise, the load on the spine increases at times.
  • If possible, it is better to replace the rise of the prone by rolling - it is safer.

Important! You can not lift weights at the peak of inspiration. It is harmful to the heart and can cause dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Before we start

With any movement of a bedridden person, coordination of actions is very important. Success largely depends on whether the person lying down helps to lift himself or remains passive.

In order to raise or turn the lying person as quickly as possible, it is necessary to explain in detail and slowly before the procedure to the person what exactly he will have to take part in. And most importantly, how can he help in this. Most the best option- show an illustrated instruction or video that explains in detail how to turn or raise a prone person. The main thing is that the person understands everything and agrees to help.

Turning from the position "on the back"

The easiest way to avoid bedsores is to turn the person lying down at least once every two hours. The following procedure describes how to turn a bed patient over so as not to tear your back.

  1. Straighten the arms and legs of the lying person, bring them together at the seams.
  2. Approach the bed from the side where you want to turn the person. That is, it will be necessary to turn the person “on himself”.
  3. Bend one far leg of the patient at the knee (if convenient, then both).
  4. Turn the face of the lying “on yourself”.
  5. Holding the person lying with one hand on the far shoulder, and with the other on the far thigh, turn the person “on yourself”.

As a result of the described actions, the bedridden patient will take a position on his side.

If a person needs to be turned on his stomach, then from the “on his side” position, the leg bent at the knee is straightened and point 4 is repeated - rolling “onwards”, supporting the person lying by the upper shoulder and upper thigh. As a result, it will be possible to turn the person who was originally lying on his back onto his stomach.

How to raise above the bed

To lift and move bedridden patients up and down and left and right on the bed, they alternately raise the legs first, then the pelvis, and finally the torso and head.

The starting position is “on the back”, arms and legs are straightened.

Moving part of the body How to raise
Feet Stand next to the shins of the lying person. The right hand is placed under the knee and raises it. The left hand simultaneously bends the raised leg, holding it by the ankle joint. The bent leg falls on the bed. The same is repeated for the left leg. As a result, both legs should be bent and rest against the bed.
Taz Place one hand under the back of the person lying, and the other under the hips. By lifting the pelvis in this way, it can be moved up to the headboard or to the side
Shoulders and head One hand is held under the head and the person’s shoulder is lifted, and the upper back is lifted with the other hand. Lifting, move the shoulders and head up to the headboard or to the side, depending on the purpose of the movement.

Important! It is safe to move the patient only in the direction “towards you”.

How to get out of bed

Before lifting a bedridden patient, he is put on the edge of the bed, legs hanging down. To a lying person you need:

  1. Stand near the lying: left hand put on his shoulders right hand under the knees, embracing them from above, as if something large was clamped under the armpit.
  2. Pressing the hand with the knees of the lying patient to himself and moving the hand holding the shoulders away, turn the patient 90 degrees.
  3. Lower the person's legs off the bed and raise their torso to a sitting position.

To lift a bedridden patient vertically, follow these steps:

  1. Lock the knees of the person being lifted by placing one foot between the legs of the person sitting.
  2. Put your palms in the armpits of the seated
  3. Ask to grab you by the waist, while holding the person being lifted by the shoulders.
  4. Swinging, lift the person sitting at the expense of "three".

It will not be possible to stand in this position for a long time, especially if you need to lift a patient with a lot of weight, so you need to prepare a chair or wheelchair nearby before lifting a bedridden patient.

When falling to the floor

If necessary, the Rautek method will help to lift a bedridden patient from the floor. However, it must be remembered that with a sharp rise to his feet, the fallen may lose consciousness. Therefore, it is better not to rush.

  1. The victim must be turned on his back.
  2. The lifter sits on his knees facing the back of the victim's head.
  3. It is necessary to take hold of the shoulders of the fallen person with your hands and, leaning back, drag your shoulders and head to your knees.
  4. It is important to support the victim's shoulders and back so that they do not slip to the floor.
  5. Passing hands under the armpits of the lying; the lifter takes both hands on the healthy forearm of the victim
  6. Supporting the victim with his hips, the assisting person gets up, at the same time the victim also rises.

The Rautek method is used by rescuers around the world. This is the most convenient way to properly lift a bedridden patient so as not to break your back.

How to transfer to a wheelchair

It is most convenient to shift a bedridden patient from a bed to a stretcher using a sliding sheet:

  1. The lying person is turned on its side.
  2. Fitted under the back
  3. The man is turned over on his back again
  4. With the help of a sheet, the lying person is moved to a gurney

Despite the maximum ergonomics of the described processes, it is very difficult to constantly lift an immobilized person alone. The risk of unsuccessfully lifting a sick person is especially high in women with weakened muscles. abdominals and people who have had hernias. In these cases, it is very important to organize an assistant for yourself, at least for the planned movements of a lying relative.

If there is a financial opportunity, then for regular procedures for moving the patient, you can purchase a small winch - preferably with an electric drive, although it can also be manual. This will significantly facilitate the process of manipulating the patient's body and eliminate the risk of injury to the caregiver.

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