What can replace omeprazole at home. Omez and omeprazole are analogues with the same efficiency. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies


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    Renata Ermakova

    Omeprazole in this form, unfortunately, did not fit. Maybe I got on an unscrupulous manufacturer, who knows. I also had to buy a rabelok and start treatment on a new one. but more than 5 months have passed and my GERD is silent so far. I even break my diet a little sometimes and it's okay.


    I encountered many drugs in this life to get rid of heartburn. But so far the only one that fits me perfectly is Rabelok. It acts faster and after a month of taking heartburn, you can not remember for at least half a year.

    the drug is good, it eliminates heartburn for several days, but unfortunately, it does not eliminate the causes. You still need to find and fix the source of the problem. Otherwise, by relying on temporary relief, you can earn more serious problems.

    I like to eat junk food, but after that I constantly have heartburn. To cope with it, I carry Omitox in my purse, an effective remedy. I recommend. I like to eat junk food, but after that I constantly have heartburn. To cope with it, I carry Omitox in my purse, an effective remedy. I recommend.

    As a student, I got hooked on doshiki and other fast food stuff. Earned an ulcer like that. I was treated for a long time and now I have heartburn. The doctor prescribed Omitox. Nice business. Drank, and heartburn does not bother. As a student, I got hooked on doshiki and other fast food stuff. Earned an ulcer like that. I was treated for a long time and now I have heartburn. The doctor prescribed Omitox. Nice business. Drank, and heartburn does not bother.

    I want to support those who have a stomach ulcer. My uncle went through this disease and fortunately made a full recovery. Of course, I had to limit myself and be treated for a long time. I sat on omeprazole preparations - this seems to be the most modern and safe standard of treatment. Specifically - Omitoks. Unpleasant symptoms pass very quickly, but do not be deceived ... I want to support those who have a stomach ulcer. My uncle went through this disease and fortunately made a full recovery. Of course, I had to limit myself and be treated for a long time. I sat on omeprazole preparations - this seems to be the most modern and safe standard of treatment. Specifically - Omitoks. Unpleasant symptoms pass very quickly, but you should not be deceived - you need to continue treatment until complete healing. Has anyone had such an experience?

    I would like someone to give me the same advice that I am writing to you now: man, do not waste money and time on other medicines - take Omitox. I would like someone to give me the same advice that I am writing to you now: man, do not waste money and time on other medicines - take Omitox.

The drug "Omeprazole" (analogues: "Omez", "Losek", "Gastrozol", "Omegast", "Ultop", "Pepticum") is one of the most modern, and, therefore, effective medicines. A distinctive feature of such medicines is the creation of conditions due to which the final stage of secretion is inhibited, regardless of what stimuli caused it. This allows you to treat dangerous and complex ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.

"Omeprazole": analogues and their action

In the description of "Omeprazole" and its analogues, it is indicated that the agent begins to act with full efficiency after 2 hours after consumption. With daily single use, the drug controls the amount of gastric juice during the day and creates comfortable and favorable conditions for the work of the digestive organs. At the same time, it participates in the inhibition of basal secretion and the blocking of all its stimuli, acts on acetylcholine and histamine receptors.

It should be noted that Omeprazole and Omez work effectively even in clinical cases with patients suffering from impaired renal and hepatic insufficiency, since they are completely metabolized by the liver and excreted from the body in the urine.

"Omeprazole": analogues and their composition

The drugs are available in 20 mg capsules, each with an enteric coating. The basis of the drug component is 5-methoxy benzimidazole. Excipients are sugar, lactose, diethyl phthalate, basic sodium phosphate and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate.

Medicines have their indications and contraindications.
"Omeprazole" or "Omez" is prescribed for a poor reaction of the body to H2 receptors. The drugs are indicated for and stomach, with erosive reflux esophagitis, with the occurrence of peptic ulcers caused by exposure to Heliobacter, with ulcerative-erosive lesions of the stomach, formed as a result of taking potent medicinal drugs. "Omez" will also help with erosive and ulcerative formations of the gastric mucosa caused by cirrhosis of the liver, it can be used to prevent acid aspiration, to relieve symptoms of pathological hypersecretory conditions.

"Omeprazole" should not be taken in cases of increased sensitivity to the components that make up the drug. The medicine has no other contraindications, but with a long period of use of the drug, side effects may occur that quickly disappear: headache, diarrhea, nausea, allergic reactions.

"Omeprazole": analogues, their dosage and use

According to the instructions for the drug, the capsules must be taken completely with water. If it occurs, take one capsule per day half an hour before meals. If necessary, the dose can be doubled. The course of treatment is four weeks.

For gastritis, the medicine is taken for two weeks, one capsule per day. The medicine guarantees the elimination of symptoms and hyperacidity of an irritated stomach.

If the body is infected with Heliobacter, omez in a double dose is taken in combination with amoxicillin 2 times a day for a crescent.

For the treatment of reflux esophagitis, 2 capsules of the drug "Omeprazole" are used. Synonyms and analogues are also suitable for treatment.

As a preventive measure, to prevent acid aspiration, omeprazole is taken 4 hours before bedtime.

If you skip for any reason taking the drug, you should not double the dose. This is fraught with unintended consequences. In such cases, you should consult a doctor to clarify the dosage.

The modern and effective drug omeprazole reduces the level of gastric secretion and suppresses the release of pepsin. The first dose of the drug gives a quick result, which explains its high popularity among patients.

Indications for the use of omeprazole include duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, hypersecretion, reflux esophagitis, gastropathy.

The drug is available in tablets, ampoules, capsules. The active substance is similar to the name of the drug - omeprazole. The drug is produced by a number of countries, including Russia, Belarus, India, as well as many European companies.

Prices for tablets from 20 rubles allow you not to look for cheap analogues of the drug, except in cases where there is an individual intolerance to the components in the medicine.

Analogues of Russian production

The Russian pharmaceutical market offers its own drugs similar to omeprazole.

Russian-made close substitutes are listed in the table:

Ukrainian substitutes

List of Ukrainian-made medicines that are analogues of omeprazole or its close substitutes:

  1. Omeprazole Darnitsa. The price is 25 rubles. The drug is used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease. Antiulcer drug.
  2. Esonexa. The price is 75 rubles. The active substance is esoneprazole. Available in capsules. proton pump inhibitor.
  3. Rabprazol Health. The price is 95 rubles. Successfully treats active ulcers of the duodenum, stomach, erosive reflux disease, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Belarusian generics

When choosing how to replace omeprazole, pay attention to Belarusian generics, which are great for treating complex diseases. The price range for medicines allows them to be an excellent substitute for a cheap drug.

A list of some Belarusian synonyms is given below:

  • Omeprazole. The cheapest drug with omeprazole in the composition. The drug is available in the form of capsules, and is prescribed for adults and children strictly according to the doctor's prescription. It is not recommended during pregnancy. Price - 30 rubles.
  • Omeprazole Nika. Powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration, with the active substance omeprazole. An anti-ulcer agent that effectively reduces the acidity of the stomach. Produced in the form of a powder, in ampoules, in a vial. The price is 75 rubles.

Other foreign analogues

Imported drugs with omeprazole are produced in large quantities by many countries. The best synonyms differ in cost and dosage.

Consider cheaper means, as well as expensive modern medicines:

A drug Average cost in pharmacies Peculiarities
Omez From 180 rubles The country of origin is India. The tool gives a persistent antisecretory effect from the first application. Available in the form of capsules.
Omeprazole Richter From 75 rubles Country of origin - Spain, Hungary. Antiulcer drug in the form of tablets. proton pump inhibitor.

Prohibited in diseases of the liver.

Omeprazole Teva From 77 rubles Country of origin - Spain, Israel. The remedy lowers stomach acidity. Used for peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract.
Omitox From 130 rubles The country of origin is India. The drug is prescribed for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, reflux esophagitis, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Ortanol From 105 rubles Country of origin - Slovenia, Switzerland. The product is available in the form of capsules.

It has indications for use and contraindications similar to omeprazole.

Pylobact From 1420 rubles The country of origin is India. Release form - a set of tablets and capsules or a set of ampoules. An effective anti-ulcer drug.
Ultop From 125 rubles Country of origin - Portugal, Slovenia.

Capsules are prohibited during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, as well as children under 18 years of age.

The active substance is omeprazole.

The instructions for the aforementioned drugs indicate that the effect of taking the medication occurs within two hours from the moment of use and lasts for 24 hours.

Daily single use normalizes the production of gastric juice and stabilizes the level of secretion. Omeprazole creates optimal conditions for the normal functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The remedy is taken one hour before meals with a full glass of water. The course of treatment should not exceed four weeks. The drug guarantees the elimination of symptoms, but the cause of the disease must be established together with the doctor. Remember, self-administration of medicines is prohibited!

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Omeprazole is a well-known drug for the treatment of stomach ulcers by reducing the acidity of gastric contents. Analogues of the drug Omeprazole are presented in a large assortment, but as part of antiulcer treatment, they require prior consultation with a doctor.

The pharmacotherapeutic group to which Omeprazole belongs is represented by drugs of different price categories. There are no analogues cheaper than Omeprazole on the Russian pharmaceutical market. But there are drugs that replace it in the case when it does not show the desired effectiveness or is not tolerated by the patient:

  • Rabimak- 81-147 rubles per pack;
  • Rabeprazole- 137-335 rubles;
  • Lansoprol- 375-465 rubles;
  • Pantoprazole- 164-189 rubles;
  • Esomeprazole- 201-348 rubles.

The list contains drugs of the same price category, analogues of Omeprazole in the form of tablets. The price may vary slightly in pharmacies in different cities.

Before choosing a cheap analogue, you need to consult a doctor. Since the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is complex, he will be able to take into account the compatibility of the selected substitute with other drugs from the treatment regimen.


Proton pump inhibitor, 10 and 20 mg of the active substance rabeprazole sodium in each tablet. Like Omeprazole, it belongs to antisecretory drugs.

Does not show anticholinergic properties, inhibits only the secretion of gastric acid. The mechanism is similar to the action of omeprazole - inhibition of the enzyme H + -ATPase, which delivers protons for the synthesis of hydrochloric acid. Thus, acid production is inhibited even at the first stages of synthesis.

Penetrating into the acidic environment of the stomach, slightly alkaline rabeprazole forms an active form capable of reacting with proton pump cysteines. The effect of reducing acidity is observed within an hour, the maximum effect is three hours after ingestion.


Rabimak is prescribed for such diseases accompanied by high acidity:

In combination with antibacterial drugs, it is prescribed in Helicobacter pylori eradication schemes.


Use is contraindicated in case of known allergy to substituted benzimidazoles or constituent components of the drug. It is not prescribed during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Adverse reactions

In the treatment of antisecretory drugs, gastrointestinal infections may develop due to a decrease in acidity and its protective functions. Patients often report headaches, upset stools and flatulence while taking Rabimak. Other effects: sleep disturbance, allergic reactions on the skin, visual disturbances, changes in the blood count.


Proton pump inhibitor, available in the form of tablets. Each contains 10 or 20 mg of rabeprazole sodium. The action is similar to Rabimak and Omeprazole. The effect depends on the dosage, the drug is able to inhibit excess acidity of any origin - with functional or organic diseases, as well as with such irritating factors as malnutrition, caffeine, nicotine, ethanol.


Rabeprazole is prescribed for ulcerative erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for pancreatic tumors that produce excess gastrin. It is used in the main and maintenance therapy of gastroesophageal reflux disease. As an antisecretory drug, it is one of the components of the complex eradication of Helicobacter pylori.


Prohibited in known allergy to substituted benzimidazoles. It is not prescribed for pregnant women, during lactation, as well as in pediatric patients under 18 years of age.

Side effects

The most common side effects: headaches, flatulence, dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. The development of digestive tract infections is predictable during treatment with rabeprazole, since it inhibits hydrochloric acid along with its barrier function.

The formation of benign cysts during therapy with antisecretory drugs is possible. After discontinuation of the drug, the cysts disappear on their own and do not require additional therapy.


Turkish-made drug in capsules of 0.015 and 0.03 g of the active ingredient - lansoprazole. Another representative of the analogues of the drug Omeprazole with antisecretory activity. It works by a similar mechanism.

The degree of inhibition of hydrochloric acid production and the duration of therapy are determined by the dosage calculated by the doctor. Even one accepted dosage can reduce acidity by 75-90% within an hour and extend the effect up to a day.

Indications and contraindications

Lansoprazole is prescribed for ulcers of the stomach and intestines, provoked by an excess of hydrochloric acid, including those caused by the use of non-hormonal painkillers. It is used in complex therapy for Helicobacter pylori and reflux esophagitis.

Use is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as in combination with atazanavir. Before starting therapy, the absence of malignant neoplasms should be confirmed, since the drug is able to mask their manifestations.

Unwanted Effects

During treatment, side effects such as pain in the epigastric region, nausea, and vomiting were noted. More often than others: diarrhea, headaches and sleep disorders. Less common: changes in the blood count, increased risk of infectious diseases of the digestive tract, a feeling of heavy heartbeat.


Indian product. 20 and 40 mg of the active substance with the same name in each tablet. A drug similar to omeprazole in action.

Indications and contraindications

A distinctive feature is the possibility of using the medicine for children from twelve years of age in the complex therapy of reflux esophagitis. Adults are prescribed as part of Helicobacter pylori eradication schemes, with ulcerative and erosive pathologies of the stomach and duodenum. As part of a combined treatment - for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Contraindicated in malignant neoplasms in the digestive tract, as well as with known intolerance to the components.

Adverse reactions

The occurrence of side effects was observed in 5% of patients. The most common manifestations are headaches and stool disorders. Hypersensitivity reactions, disorders of falling asleep and sleep, dizziness are less common.


Another representative of drugs that inhibit the proton pump. It operates by the same mechanism. According to patients, it is not inferior in effectiveness. Inhibits the enzyme that transports protons for the synthesis of hydrochloric acid. Released in capsules, 0.02 and 0.04 g of esomeprazole.


Treatment, prevention and elimination of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. In combination with antibacterial drugs, it is prescribed in therapy for Helicobacter pylori and to prevent relapses.


Do not use in case of sensitivity to benzimidazoles or other constituents. Do not combine with nelfinavir or atazanavir preparations. Children under twelve years of age are contraindicated.

Adverse reactions

Patients noted insomnia, swelling of the arms and legs, weakness, drowsiness, dizziness. The most common adverse drug reactions are diarrhea and headaches. Allergic reactions are accompanied by bronchospasm, angioedema, shock. Finding adverse reactions, you should consult a doctor. Allergic manifestations are an indication for drug withdrawal.

When choosing a suitable analogue of Omeprazole, you should seek the advice of a gastroenterologist. Despite the similarity, the drugs may differ in compatibility with other drugs that the doctor prescribes for complex therapy. Self-selection and admission can be hazardous to health.

The drug Omeprazole is prescribed in cases of ulcers of the gastric surfaces and duodenum, with gastritis and gastropathitis. The function of the drug is to reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach in case of a negative reaction of the patient to its excess. The active component of omeprazole compensates for the lack of vitamins and, interacting with stomach acid, leads to the destruction of the beginnings of peptic ulcer. The drug inhibits the production of hydrochloric acid, affecting its activity.

A characteristic feature of the remedy is that it begins to show its medicinal qualities only when it enters an environment with an acidic reaction characteristic of the stomach. The drug is able to eliminate the action of the causative agent of ulcerative diseases and gastritis, a microorganism called Helicobacter pylori.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, capsules, powder, the active components of its analogues are similar in principle to the original and have the same active ingredient - omeprazole. However, taking the drug has contraindications, the main of which are chronic liver diseases, as well as periods of lactation and pregnancy.

Taking a medicine

The use of the drug is made before eating food for breakfast or before dinner. The dosage of the medicine is strictly individual, is prescribed in accordance with the disease card and depends on the severity of the disease. An overdose of the agent can cause a change in taste sensations, a feeling of dryness in the oral cavity and its inflammation, unstable stools, vomiting, impaired liver function, various skin diseases, and affect the qualitative and quantitative composition of human blood.

Types of medication

A natural remedy, a drug produced by branded companies, on the basis of a legal basis consisting in the presence of a patent.

Generics, characterized in that they do not have patent protection for the product. Otherwise, according to the manufacturer's statements, confirmed by doctors, the drug is completely identical to the original.

Omeprazole's analogs

Ultop is made in Portugal and differs from the original in the production process and release form. Ultop is characterized by release in the form of 40 mg injectable powders and capsules, what is its difference from Omeprazole, produced in 20 mg capsules. The ultop is also distinguished by additional substances to the main one, among which particles of sugars of complex composition and magnesium carbonate are contained, while the analogue contains titanium dioxide, glycerin and sodium lauryl sulfate. Despite the fact that the drugs are similar in indications for use, Ultop has an advantage over omeprazole, consisting in the fact that it can be prescribed to patients with impaired liver function. It is unacceptable to take Ultop, in addition to other contraindications, in case of a negative reaction of the body to sugar.

De-Nol acts on Helicobacter pylori, forming an astringent protective layer in connection with protein bodies in areas damaged by an ulcer. When taking De Nol, which has an antimicrobial effect, under the layer covering the surface of the mucosa, epithelial tissue is restored and scars are healed. De-Nol is able to penetrate deep into the mucous membrane, the habitat of bacteria of this species. The manufacturer of De-Nol is the Netherlands, the cost of a relatively cheap and affordable drug Omeprazole is high and ranges, depending on the number of tablets, from 5 to 10 US dollars for 56 and 120 pieces, respectively. The main difference between De-Nol and the original is its antibacterial effect, which is carried out by changing the conditions for the presence of microorganisms and through a direct bactericidal effect.


Ranitidine counteracts the emergence of neurotransmitter chains for pain impulses, reduces the amount of hydrochloric acid in the body and has the effect of suppressing peptic ulcers. Indications for taking ranitidine are the critical stages of gastric ulcers, increased acidity in gastritis, surgical actions with the stomach. The difference between the original drug and Ranitidine is that Omeprazole performs the functions of blocking acid production and eliminating excess acid, which contributes to recovery processes. Another feature of Ranitidine is the addiction of the body to the doses of the drug, which provokes their increase, unlike the original.


Pantoprazole is characterized by a high activity of its biological components with a lower effect of suppressing acid production than that of Omeprazole. At the same time, the cost of Pantoprazole starts from US$ 3.5, while the price for Omeprazole is at the level of $ 0.5-3.5. Since the analogue of Omeprazole Pantoprozol has a longer disintegration time, it is better to practice a one-time administration of the drug during the day. The difference between the drugs and that Pantoprozol can be taken during the pregnancy period. A feature of the drug Pantoprozol is its inherent bactericidal properties.


Despite the same purpose and rather high efficiency of Nolpaza in reducing the production of hydrochloric acid, it is not recommended to independently change the prescribed original drug to an analogue. Nolpaza, in comparison with Omeprazole, shows a greater bioavailability of the components of the agent, however, in the treatment of peptic ulcer, it is more preferable to take Omeprazole. Nolpaza shows good clinical results when used in complex treatment. The form of release of the Nolpaza analogue drug, which is produced in the form of oval-shaped tablets, and not capsules like Omeprazole, differs from the original one. It is not possible to identify, according to the patients' reviews, the answer to the question of which drug is better to take, since Nolpaza, like Omeprazole, show equally high efficiency depending on the indications for treatment.


The drug Emanera is characterized by the suppression of various forms of hydrochloric acid production, through a directed action. Emaner's remedy is characterized by the rapid achievement of an antisecretory effect. Based on this, taking Emanera is recommended with strict adherence to the dosage prescribed in the prescription of the drug by the doctor. The price of the Slovenian drug Emanera is $7 for 28 capsules with a total weight of 20 mg of the active substance.


Esomeprazole is a separate substance at the molecular level that mimics omeprazole. Esomeprazole is the active ingredient of the previously discussed drug Emaner. Despite this, Esomeprazole has many side effects that occur after administration: constipation, depression, drowsiness, taste changes and various skin diseases. In general, it can be said that when exposed to Helicobacter pylori, no visible difference in action was found between Esomeprazole and Omeprazole, with the analogue being more effective in the treatment of GERD. However, the benefits of Esomeprazole are offset by contraindications and a fairly high price compared to the analogue.


Means Pariet is characterized by a higher rate of exposure, elimination of the symptoms of the disease compared to Omeprazole. At the same time, Pariet causes fewer side effects that pass in a milder form than the original remedy. However, on the basis of this, one should not conclude that it is possible to replace the original with an analogue of Pariet, this decision is within the competence of the attending physician. Pariet also shows high efficiency in reducing acidity, compared with Omeprazole. The price of the drug Pariet is also high compared to Omeprazole and is about 10 US dollars for 7 pieces of the drug.


Lansoprazole is identical to Opeprazole, except for the higher speed of the first drug. In the issue of suppressing the production of hydrochloric acid, there was no particular difference between the effectiveness of Lansoprazole and the original drug. Lansoprazole, based on the action it has when it enters the small intestine, is available in capsules with fine granules. A distinctive feature of Lansoprazole is also the ability to quickly heal gastric ulcers. Possible side effects of the drug Lansoprazole include belching, heartburn, dysbacteriosis, constipation.


Losek is a form of the official analogue of Omeprazole produced by an Austrian company. The active substance of the drug Losek is a multitude of omeprazole magnesium granules encapsulated, acting locally to suppress acid secretion. The Losek preparation is activated, exclusively being in an environment with a certain acidic background, that is, exactly at the destination. Contraindications to taking Losek are hepatic and renal types of insufficiency, pregnancy and lactation. Losek is produced in the form of a powder or tablets and is taken in a fairly high dose prescribed by a doctor, depending on the severity of the disease.


According to the results of clinical studies, the effectiveness of Rabeprazole is higher than that of Omeprazole in suppressing the symptoms of the disease. Rabeprazole also has a higher rate of impact on the source of the symptoms of the disease. Among the side effects of Rabeprazole are: dizziness, back pain, the occurrence of allergic-type reactions, cough, rhinitis, drowsiness. Rabeprazole shows good results when used as monotherapy for duodenal and gastric ulcers. Another difference of Rabeprazole is the high bioavailability of the drug compared to Omeprazole at the first stages of treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

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