Difficulty breathing in a child - the child wheezes, but does not cough. What to do if the child has wheezing in the throat when breathing, a hoarse voice with and without coughing

Loving parents always closely monitor the health of a newborn baby and a child of the first years of life and therefore often note various deviations from the norm.

These pathological changes include wheezing in a child, heard when breathing in the throat or bronchi. Therefore, parents often have the question of whether there is reason to worry if the child does not breathe like before and what measures should be taken.

Why do wheezing appear in the respiratory system in a child

There are actually a lot of reasons for the appearance of wheezing in the bronchi, throat and lungs. And it is worth reassuring parents - not always the appearance of wheezing should be attributed to strong inflammatory processes. Sometimes the occurrence of pathological breathing is associated with the physiological state of the baby, that is, with the special functioning of its organs. These states include:

  • The appearance in the throat of a newborn one and a half to two months of special wheezing sounds. If you notice that your baby began to breathe like this, then perhaps the reason for this is the ingress of part of the gastric contents during regurgitation into the back of the nasopharynx. It is easy to check this, if with such wheezing the baby is given a breast or a bottle, then they completely disappear.
  • At 1.5 months, a child can actively produce saliva and part of it enters the lower parts of the respiratory system, which also causes extraneous noise.

If you notice that wheezing of a different nature has appeared in the throat or in other parts of the respiratory system, then you need to carefully monitor the child. The absence of temperature, normal behavior and good appetite are signs that the child's body is not suffering. But still, if wheezing in a child is observed constantly, then it is necessary that an experienced doctor listen to how he breathes. Only with the help of a phonendoscope and with sufficient experience can pathology in the lungs and bronchi be detected, which must be treated with special groups of medicines.

Strong wheezing in the throat of a baby up to a year and a little older, and even a cough occurs when he cries long and hysterically. If at this time you take him in your arms, calm him down and give him some water to drink, then the cough and whistling noises will gradually pass.

Strong wheezing in the bronchi and throat in children up to a year and the first years of life occurs with colds. The inflammatory response can affect the upper airways, bronchi, and lungs. Treatment is prescribed depending on the localization of the inflammatory process. Such wheezing is accompanied by the appearance of temperature, a cough, symptoms of intoxication join, the child refuses food, sleeps poorly and practically does not play alone. That is, the whole body of the baby suffers and in this case it is necessary to start treating the baby immediately. In young children, inflammatory processes in the bronchi lead to their strong narrowing. And this does not allow you to breathe normally and even leads to suffocation.

Dry wired wheezing in a baby up to one year old and at an older age occurs with pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Wired wheezing in the bronchi can be with an asthmatic attack. When listening to the respiratory system, the doctor pays attention to when wheezing sounds appear, whether they intensify on inhalation or exhalation. Diagnostic value is the assessment of whether moist rales at the time of examination or dry. Of course, the mother can independently listen to changes in the lungs or bronchi in children, but it must be borne in mind that in children up to a year and older, normal breathing differs from the breathing of an adult. Therefore, the child breathes correctly or not, only the doctor will tell you with accuracy.

When to see a doctor immediately for wheezing

To cure inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi in children is the easiest and safest for their health in the early stages of the development of pathology. Therefore, the appearance of wheezing sounds should alert parents. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor when, in addition to wheezing, the following negative changes appear:

If the disturbing change in breathing is not accompanied by pathological changes from other systems and the child is cheerful and active as before, then the call to the doctor can be postponed. Within a few days, the baby needs to be observed, usually during this time, wheezing that appears in the lungs or throat and is not accompanied by other symptoms disappears. Treatment of newborns in this case may consist in additional washing of the nasal cavity with saline solutions, in additional humidification of the air in the room. After all, sometimes it becomes difficult for a child to breathe when the air is too dry and hot in the room.

How and what to treat wheezing

Dry wheezing sounds and all signs of deterioration in general well-being should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. With a dry cough and signs of inflammation in the throat and bronchi, children are treated using special medicines. If there is no temperature, then the doctor can prescribe expectorants, prescribe various compresses and symptomatic therapy. With a long and high temperature, it is almost always necessary to use antibacterial treatment, without prescribing antibiotics, it will not be possible to cure the child to the end.

All treatment is based on the age of the child. You can not choose antibiotics on your own, since many of them have categorical contraindications to their use in the treatment of young children. At the same time, parents should know that the course of antibiotic therapy must be completed to the end, otherwise it will lead to the transformation of the disease into a chronic form. Inpatient treatment is prescribed if the child is too small and at the same time he has a fever and there are pronounced signs of intoxication. How long it takes to completely cure a baby depends largely on the state of his immunity. As an additional therapy, alternative methods of treatment can also be used.

  • Wet rales during breathing in a child are eliminated after he breathes over the steam. Inhalations should be carried out when there is no temperature and only over warm, but not hot steam.
  • For bronchitis and pneumonia, compresses can be used, they also help soften viscous mucus and wheezing is reduced.
  • A child during an illness should drink more, this reduces the effect of toxins on the entire body.

It is possible to cure a completely small child only by knowing the main reason for the change in his breathing. And therefore, you should not refuse an additional examination when the doctor suggests it. Sometimes noises in the bronchopulmonary system occur during allergic reactions, which also requires specific therapy.

Many young parents responsibly try to monitor the health of their young child. Any deviation from the norm in his behavior causes, if not panic, then at least fear. Therefore, situations when the child does not cough, but wheezes, worry many fathers and mothers.

The most common diseases that occur with wheezing are presented in the table:

It is far from always that a cough in a child with wheezing occurs with serious inflammatory infectious processes. Often, the physiological development of young children contributes to the appearance of such symptoms, but they will not be a sign of the disease. For example, in newborns, wheezing cough sounds are considered normal for several months of life (see).

A cough without wheezing in a child less than a year old is often associated with the irritating effect of mucus flowing from the nasal cavity along the back of the throat. This is also a common condition for children of this age. But if different in character, long-term non-disappearing wheezing appears in an older child, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

The most common causes of pathological processes associated with the occurrence of wheezing:

  1. Respiratory infectious diseases.

When a hoarse voice and cough appear in a child, it is ARVI that often becomes the cause. When inflammation affects the upper part of the respiratory tract, bronchi, alveoli. The occurrence of wheezing is preceded by the appearance of temperature, severe intoxication (especially in young children). With the development of a cough, the child may refuse to eat;

  1. Inflammation of the nasopharynx, tonsils (, tonsillitis, laryngitis).

There are wheezing in the child when breathing, but the cough may be completely absent. You should be attentive to the manifestations of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx in babies. Their entrance to the trachea is so small that with swelling of the mucous membrane (which can occur with severe crying), the lumen becomes very narrow or disappears altogether. Subsequently, the child develops wheezing, a barking cough joins, and respiratory failure increases.

  1. Reduced air humidity.

Another cause of wheezing in babies. The appearance is typical in the summer months, when parents, fearing to catch a cold for a child, do not properly ventilate the room. Due to the heat and circulating dust in the room, allergic reactions appear, which are often characterized by an unproductive cough and wheezing in the lungs.

  1. Entry into the respiratory tract of a foreign body;

One of the serious causes of wheezing with a cough requiring immediate medical attention). Wheezing in children of all ages (especially small ones) requires timely diagnosis and treatment.

Complications arising from wheezing in children

If a child does not treat wheezing during breathing and coughing for a long time, then complications can develop that can cause serious harm to the child.

The most frequent complications:

  1. The development of pneumonia, other inflammatory diseases of the lungs;
  2. Suffocation, rapidly turning into a complete absence of breathing;
  3. The development of false croup in children (due to swelling of the larynx);
  4. Intoxication symptoms (vomiting (see), fever).

false croup

False croup (or laryngotracheitis) is a serious complication of acute respiratory infections. Its price without proper treatment can be high - the life of the baby himself. Therefore, each parent should know the characteristic clinical manifestations.

Croup develops in children under 3 years of age. This is due to the anatomical features of the upper respiratory tract and the small lumen of the larynx. There is a sharp muscle spasm, a rapidly growing swelling of the mucous membrane.

As a result, the work of the glands is enhanced and a large amount of sputum is formed. The free flow of air into the lungs stops. The mechanism of occurrence of false croup in children is shown in the photo.

False croup is characterized by a triad of symptoms: noisy breathing heard at a distance, wheezing and barking. A small child coughs and wheezes, begins to cry, which further aggravates the course of the disease.

In case of suspicion of false croup in a child, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Before the doctor arrives, distracting procedures should be done: steam inhalation in the bathroom, open the window for cool air to enter. This will help relieve spasm of the respiratory muscles caused by psychogenic factors.

Diagnosis of diseases

To diagnose the cause of pathological wheezing, there is an instruction that hospital doctors are guided by, which includes data:

  1. anamnesis of the disease;
  2. Objective examination;
  3. Laboratory studies (general blood and urine tests, biochemistry, allergy tests);
  4. Instrumental studies (radiography, bronchoscopy, etc.).

Depending on the cause, which is fundamental in the development of wheezing in children, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

Treatment of wheezing in children

Seek medical attention immediately if your child:

  1. There was a barking paroxysmal cough;
  2. A sharp increase in body temperature above 39 C;
  3. Choking, frequent shallow breathing in a child.

When wheezing in the lungs is not accompanied by serious warning symptoms, the child should be observed for a week. If during this time the condition does not worsen or is improving, then you can limit yourself to home treatment with folk remedies. If symptoms worsen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the child wheezes and coughs, the pediatrician should decide how to treat the baby. Only he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a therapy suitable for a particular small patient. This is especially necessary in the case of joining to wheezing temperature and hacking unrelenting cough.

Medical therapy

A hoarse cough in a child: how to treat it using medications?

The main means prescribed in medical institutions are:

  1. Antiviral or antibacterial;
  2. expectorants;
  3. Mucolytic (with productive cough).

Shown in cases where a child has a cough with sputum (liquid or difficult to separate);

  1. Immunomodulators (Viveron);

In cases where wheezing in a child does not go away for a long time and is of an allergic nature, more serious drugs are prescribed: inhaled glucocorticoids (berodual), antispasmodics. The development of a false croup (manifested as a severe cough and wheezing in a child), or other pathologies that cause respiratory failure, is a strong indication for immediate hospitalization.

Attention! When prescribing antibiotics, it should be borne in mind that some groups are allowed to be used only from a certain age.

Folk remedies for the treatment of wheezing in children

If the child has a cough with wheezing after a cold or an increase in symptoms is not observed, they are limited to folk methods. How to use them correctly can be seen in the video in this article.


  1. Inhalations.

Especially well help in the presence of wet rales;

  1. Compresses, rubbing, mustard plasters.

Due to local irritation of receptors on the skin, there is a reflex increase in blood flow and metabolism throughout the body;

  1. Plentiful warm drink.

It is shown to all children without exception, it helps to reduce the general intoxication of the body and thin the sputum that accumulates in the alveoli.

Attention! If folk remedies do not help for more than two weeks, you should consult a pediatrician, even if wheezing and coughing do not look pathological.


Wheezing can occur in a child due to various reasons: from residual colds to serious complications like false croup. If the child does not cough, but wheezes, you should seek medical help in a hospital or clinic to rule out serious diseases. With the right treatment, wheezing and coughing in the baby will quickly pass.

Respiratory diseases are accompanied by cough, fever, wheezing. The latter also arise for other reasons - natural physiological, mechanical, caused by external factors. Treatment is symptomatic, depending on the source of the noise.

Causes of wheezing

Types of extraneous sounds accompanying the baby's breathing are distinguished depending on the cause that caused them, the localization of the source and the accompanying symptoms. The most common reasons.

  1. Spasms of the bronchi and accumulation of sputum. They are caused by colds, pneumonia, tuberculosis and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. Spasms appear with heart disease, renal failure.
  2. Entry of stomach contents into the nasopharynx. It occurs in infants up to 2 months with regurgitation.
  3. Entry of a foreign body. Elements of toys, small objects, pieces of food fall into the trachea.
  4. Allergic reaction. Contact with an irritant that causes an allergy is also manifested by other symptoms: cough, itching, nasal congestion, skin rashes. Main allergens: pollen, dust, medicines, wool, citrus fruits (allergenic foods).
  5. natural physiological processes. The physiological nature of wheezing is observed in children up to about 1.5–2 years. Up to this point, the active development of the respiratory organs continues, and noises in the lungs are a common situation.

Finding out the exact cause and further treatment is impossible without taking into account the type of wheezing. It will be possible to determine it by the nature of the noise and other manifestations - temperature, cough, well-being of the crumbs.

Varieties of wheezing

  1. Dry and wet

The inflammatory process in the bronchi causes dry wheezing. Due to inflammation, the lumen of the bronchioles decreases, the passage of air is difficult. The root causes are asthma, an allergic reaction, swelling of the mucosa.

Wet wheezing is a consequence of the accumulation of semi-liquid sputum in the bronchi. It is semi-liquid, moreover, of different consistency. The thicker the mucus, the more difficult it is to cough up. As it liquefies, wheezing decreases, and sputum is discharged more and more easily. The most common cause is bronchitis. In chronic or acute form.

  1. With and without cough

The presence of a cough with wheezing is evidence of the ingress of foreign objects or mucus. Cough appears with inflammatory processes, accidental inhalation of foreign objects, accumulation of sputum.

In the absence of the slightest hint of a cough, it is tentatively concluded that wheezing appeared due to allergies or the physiological characteristics of the baby's development. In adults, severe wheezing without coughing also indicates the onset of obstruction, but this is unlikely to apply to children who have not previously been diagnosed with such a problem. If only the child has inhaled harmful substances for a long time.

With cardiac, renal and pulmonary insufficiency, wheezing appears both against the background of coughing and without it.

  1. With temperature and without temperature

The most dangerous cause of wheezing without fever is pneumonia. It often occurs against the background of body temperature within the normal range. It is not accompanied by fever when liquids, small objects, gastric contents enter the bronchi or nasopharynx. Physiological wheezing also develops with normal thermometer readings.

Temperature together with wheezing is a symptom that indicates inflammation, infection, rarely allergies. Most often this is just a cold, but other options are possible. Moist rales in combination with fever and cough is a characteristic symptom of acute bronchitis.

  1. With a cold and without a cold

Runny nose accompanies colds, SARS. It is important not to confuse a runny nose with nasal congestion. The second appears, for example, when particles of food or liquids penetrate the nasopharynx. Still congestion indicates a possible allergy.

  1. Wheezing and feeling unwell

Along with the appearance of wheezing, the condition worsens. Breathing becomes difficult and slows down, the child becomes lethargic, lethargic, lips turn blue. Cough strong, paroxysmal, dry. The temperature is absent or slightly increased. These are symptoms of croup that require urgent medical attention.

What to do

The correct diagnosis is made after visiting a doctor. On its basis, such methods of treatment are possible.

  1. Reception of children's antiviral drugs, antibiotics. It is prescribed if the cause is a cold, SARS, bronchitis.
  2. The use of expectorants. They are taken to divert sputum and eliminate wheezing. Expectorants are needed when the noises are moist. The most famous and safe medicine of this group is Mukaltin. Children are given Bromhexine, Ambrobene.
  3. Wheezing along with cough are eliminated by taking antitussive drugs. But antitussive drugs are NOT APPLIED together with expectorants! Otherwise, you will fill your lungs with phlegm and stop coughing, which will cause COMPLICATIONS!
  4. Wheezing due to allergies is relieved by the use of antihistamines.
  5. Inhalation is an effective procedure for wheezing caused by phlegm and asthma. Shown to children who have reached the age of two. Children's inhalations are prepared from a soda solution, medicinal herbs, mineral water. Additionally, you need to purchase a nebulizer for spraying the prepared substance.
  6. Blowing out sometimes saves from wheezing in the nasopharynx. Except in the event of a foreign body being ingested.

Dr. Komarovsky considers wheezing as a symptom of insufficient air humidification in the room where the child is most of all. Usually in the bedroom. Wheezing disappears when conditions for normal expectoration and sputum discharge appear: air humidity is more than 50%, temperature is not more than +22 ° C, and preferably about +18 ° C. It does not matter if the child is sick with bronchitis or another disease - in such conditions, he will feel much more comfortable.

The doctor dissuades parents from making a diagnosis on their own and feeding the baby with antibiotics. It is much safer and more effective to give your baby plenty of fluids, add non-allergenic fruits and vegetables to the diet, and, if necessary, take antipyretics. At a temperature, lethargy - put the child to bed, provide peace and attentive care.

Wheezing is caused by inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys, penetration of foreign bodies and fluids into the bronchi and nasopharynx. Noises also appear for physiological reasons, indicating the active development of the child. Treatment is prescribed after identifying the cause, taking into account symptoms such as fever, runny nose, cough, and the nature of the noise.

Many parents worry when they hear hoarse breathing and wheezing in the baby. This disease sometimes appears in infants after birth. Some wheezing in newborns is absolutely safe, while others, on the contrary, warn of the presence of a disease. Let's see why the baby wheezes, what are the causes of this phenomenon, possible dangerous consequences and how to prevent wheezing.

Safe reasons

The reasons for this phenomenon are different. Safe most often relate to a child without fever and other signs of a cold. These include:

Physiological features of the baby's body

The baby eats well, puts on weight, does not show anxiety, did not walk in drafts, but there are wheezing. This is possible because the newborn baby has not yet fully developed airways and they are still quite narrow. This can cause wheezing when feeding or when the baby is sleeping. After all the laryngeal cartilages are formed, wheezing will disappear without a trace. This usually happens by the age of one and a half, but maybe by three. Also, in the first months of life, the baby learns to swallow and often chokes on saliva, which may cause him to wheeze.

Dry indoor air

Nasal canals in babies are quite narrow, so dust quickly accumulates in the nasopharynx. The main reason for this is the dryness of the air. It’s a paradox, but caring and loving parents are most often to blame for this. Taking care that the child does not get sick, they mistakenly believe that closing the windows tightly, not ventilating and heating the room where the child is, is the right way to protect him from hypothermia and colds. But pediatricians recommend not to forget about regular 10-minute ventilation of the room in which the newborn is mainly located, as well as the need to periodically moisten the air with special humidifiers, or at least put some container with cold water in the room or hang wet towels on the heating radiator. According to Dr. E. Komarovsky, the air temperature in the room is 18-22°C and the humidity is 40-60%;

Dust accumulation

Moms need to be sure to do regular wet cleaningto prevent the accumulation of dust, and then they will not be bothered by wheezing in the baby. It is also advisable not to get carried away with soft toys, as they tend to accumulate dust.

Uncleaned spout

Since the nose is a filter for the air we breathe, mucus periodically accumulates in the nasal passage, which, when dried, forms dry crusts, which provokes wheezing when breathing in the baby. This also happens in adults, only babies still cannot blow their nose and clear their nose on their own. Therefore, daily you need to remove the crusts and mucus in the nose of the baby.

In the pharmacy, you need to buy special moisturizing drops or normal saline, drop a drop into each nasal passage of the child and then gently remove the "cause of inconvenience" with a cotton swab

Child's lack of physical activity

If the baby is in a lying position all the time, they don’t take him on the handles, they don’t play with him, then there is a risk of “stagnation” and swelling in the lungs and airways, which leads to even more wheezing. This phenomenon is often observed in orphanage children, because nannies and educators do not have enough hands and time to pay attention to all children.

Contaminated air

Wheezing and mucus in an infant can be triggered by polluted air, which contains cigarette smoke or exhaust gases, so babies should be carefully protected from such exposure.

With all the wheezing described above, medical and medical intervention is not required, but it is necessary to monitor the general well-being of the child. With a normal body temperature of up to 37 degrees, a good appetite and a good sleep, there is no reason to worry, but during the next planned trip to the clinic, be sure to pay attention to this "trifle" of the pediatrician so that he can exclude any diseases.

dangerous situations

And now let's talk about wheezing, which requires immediate medical attention. The body of a newborn is weak and exposed to many external factors that can provoke the appearance of an infection and the development of any pathology. In this case, as a rule, wheezing is accompanied by additional symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, anxiety, lack of appetite, fever, etc.

To protect your baby from colds and wheezing, you must follow simple rules during:

  • you can not walk in windy weather;
  • dress the baby according to the weather according to the "+1" principle. That is, the child should be wearing 1 more clothes than you. If your child is dressed too warmly, he may sweat and get sick easily. A lighter version of clothing, if it is cold outside, is also not suitable, since the baby will simply freeze and get hypothermia. Many mothers, "easily" dressing their children, argue that the child must be tempered. This is a controversial issue, and it also needs to be hardened correctly and competently;
  • avoid drafts. Even if the baby is in a stroller, it must be protected from wind, rain and snow;
  • prevent contact between your baby and people with a recent, and even more so, ongoing viral disease.

The cause of wheezing can be pneumonia, bronchitis, which is very dangerous for an infant, since all diseases in babies up to a year develop rapidly and doctors do not always have time to stop dangerous symptoms.

Also in a newborn, wheezing occurs due to allergies or more serious diseases, such as asthma, in which the airways swell and produce excess mucus.

The child develops hoarseness, coughing and wheezing if a foreign object enters his larynx or airways, and such wheezing appears suddenly. Never leave your baby alone with small toys, sweets and other items that he can choke on! If this nevertheless happened, you should not panic, but urgently call an ambulance to prevent respiratory arrest.

Diseases with a symptom of wheezing and what to do

If the baby wheezes, he has snot and cough, the temperature rises, the baby behaves sluggishly, refuses to eat, then, most likely, the diagnosis will sound like an "acute respiratory viral disease." In this case, only a doctor should decide on the need and correctness of treatment. All that is required of you is not to force the child to eat, provide him with plenty of fluids and strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations regarding the treatment of a wheezing child.

If the newborn wheezes strongly enough, coughs with a "barking" cough, wheezes when he breathes, and when the baby inhales, the intercostal spaces are drawn in, while there is a high (above 38.5 degrees) temperature, then doctors usually talk about pneumonia. If such symptoms are noticed, it is necessary to call a pediatrician to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. It often happens that the baby has to be hospitalized.

If the child has a hoarse voice, the baby is breathing heavily, he has a fever, a strong dry cough and "whistles" in the chest, while all of these symptoms are aggravated at night, then you can suspect croup in the baby (difficulty breathing, which is caused by inflammation and narrowing lumen of the upper respiratory tract). When such an attack begins, it is necessary to call an ambulance or a pediatrician. In anticipation of medical assistance, the child should be allowed to breathe humidified air. To do this, you can use a humidifier or draw hot water into the bathroom to steam, and bring the child into the bathroom for a couple of minutes. After dripping the nose with vasoconstrictor drops and ensure the flow of cool fresh air. You can also give your baby drops for allergies, for example, Fenistil.

Babies up to a year old may develop a disease such as bronchiolitis. At the same time, small sections of the bronchi become inflamed. In this case, a strong cough is characteristic, which does not subside for a long time (sometimes several hours), difficult hoarse breathing, there are signs of a cold, such as snot and sore throat, because of which the baby refuses to eat, is very irritated and naughty.

If the baby does not feel well after a few days, then it is necessary to call a pediatrician for an examination. If the diagnosis is confirmed, hospitalization may be required.

If the baby has wheezing after a runny nose, the baby snores at night, his nose is constantly blocked, while one of the relatives suffers from asthma or allergies - this may indicate that the child has bronchial asthma. You need to consult a pediatric allergist and conduct the necessary examinations for further treatment.

Also, when the baby breathes through his mouth, he has a runny nose, he snores in his sleep, suffers from frequent colds, clear nasal discharge and otitis media, is tearful and irritable, it is likely that he has enlarged adenoids or is allergic to some irritant. In this case, only the pediatrician will be able to determine the cause of the unsatisfactory state of health of the child, that is, to determine whether it is a runny nose, an allergy, or inflammation of the adenoids. After making the correct diagnosis, the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate therapy.

A child during an illness should drink a lot, this will reduce the intoxication of the body. And also breathe fresh and humidified air. Dr. Komarovsky constantly emphasizes this. He argues that in the acute period of the illness (fever and severe malaise), it is necessary to provide such conditions at home, and after the onset of a stable improvement in well-being (even if there is still a cough with sputum, but the temperature has dropped, the child’s appetite and good mood have returned) do not forget about walks in the open air. It must be remembered that a hoarse baby can be taken out for 20-30 minutes outside in windless sunny weather and be sure to choose the right clothes so as not to overheat or overcool the child.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the above described are not exact diagnoses, but their possible options, in which the child may hoarse. Therefore, it is absolutely not recommended for parents to independently treat wired wheezing in an infant, and even more so, to give him any medications without consulting a pediatrician! Such an irresponsible approach will endanger the life and health of the baby. It is possible to help a small child, provided that the main cause of the ailment is accurately determined. Therefore, do not refuse additional examinations if the doctor suggests them.

When breathing, wheezing in the lungs in a child without fever and cough can often be heard before the development of the inflammatory process in the lungs. Children may exhale and not cough for a long period of time, despite the fact that a pathological process begins in the lungs caused by a cold, infection or infection with a virus. In addition to the fact that the child may hoarse, it also becomes difficult for him to breathe.

In addition to bacteriological, fungal or viral invasion of the organs of the respiratory system, the child may begin to wheeze after a foreign object enters the throat or trachea. The smallest particles from plastic toys even reach the bronchial space. They are inhaled by young children during the game and the kids themselves may not even notice how this happened. Especially if the child has an addiction to put everything in his mouth, and the parents showed temporary inattention and could not prevent the tragedy. Then the child shows signs of oxygen starvation, his breathing becomes rapid, and whistling and extraneous noises are heard from the chest, provoked by the closure of part of the respiratory canal.

It is possible to treat wheezing of this origin only in a hospital setting. The baby is hospitalized in a medical facility and manipulations are carried out to remove a foreign object from the respiratory system. The type of therapeutic procedure depends on in which part of the throat, trachea or bronchioles the harmful object is located. If traditional methods fail to extract it, then in order to save the child's life, doctors can perform a surgical procedure with tissue dissection.

The life of the baby and the degree of preservation of the cerebral cortex in working condition depend on the efficiency of the actions of doctors, since prolonged oxygen starvation leads to the death of its cells.

When this kind of disease manifests itself with a cough and fever, the clinical picture of the pathology becomes clear. The most difficult thing is to diagnose problems in the lungs in infants. Wired wheezing without coughing is not immediately detectable, as the baby cries and makes many accompanying sounds, and his breathing is not always deep enough for parents to immediately hear the problem.

It is most dangerous when wheezing in a child is caused by latent pneumonia. The baby may not cough, and his body temperature remains within the normal range. Meanwhile, the disease progresses and, as it develops, it can turn into such complicated forms as croupous, with multiple foci. All symptoms of latent pneumonia appear on the same day. The temperature rises, breathing becomes more difficult, a strong cough joins. Prior to this, the presence of a hidden threat could only be indicated by the fact that the child periodically began to wheeze. It would seem that this is a minor symptom, but it cannot be ignored so as not to provoke a more serious disease. It will take at least 3 weeks to treat a complicated form of pneumonia.

Wheezing classification

Extraneous noises from the lungs of a baby without coughing and raising the temperature are divided into several types. Their classification, as well as the sound itself, depends on the disease that affected the respiratory tract. In general, wheezing in young children is as follows:

Symptoms of wheezing without fever and cough

In addition to the main symptom of a disease of the respiratory system in the form of extraneous noise coming from the lungs, in 85% of cases a child always has indirect symptoms of an atypical development of the disease. These include the following signs of a painful state of health of the baby, namely:

  • weakness and constant fatigue appear (the child is naughty, cries for no reason, behaves extremely restlessly);
  • headache (as a rule, it intensifies in the evening, and in the morning it may be completely absent);
  • dizziness (often the child is in a semi-conscious state with complaints of a sharp darkening in the eyes and staggering);
  • severe shortness of breath (at the same time, it occurs even after minor physical exertion in the form of a game or a walk);
  • complaints of aching or sharp pain in the chest (parents should be alert no matter how often the baby complains of discomfort in the outer side of the chest or in the back area);
  • excessive sweating (intense sweating is observed in a room with normal climatic conditions, and increases during sleep);
  • palpitations (due to the reduction of the bronchial lumen, less oxygen enters the blood and the heart is forced to work more intensively);
  • pain when turning the body (mostly discomfort comes from the side of the ribs).

Of course, this whole complex of symptoms is observed against the background of wheezing of various types and degrees of severity. Quite often, these same signs appear before the onset of pneumonia. In order to prevent the development of this lung disease and then not treat it for a long period of time, you need to lift the child's T-shirt and ask him to take a deep breath and hold the air. At this point, you need to lean your ear against your chest. If inside the lungs the respiratory channel begins to wheeze, then you should not wait until the temperature rises, the child begins to cough and breathe heavily - you need to show him to the pediatrician.

Signs in the chest

Due to the fact that young children cannot talk about their pain in the chest area, and wheezing from the lungs is not always audible, it is necessary to pay special attention to the following symptoms:

  • complete rejection of the breast;
  • restless behavior during wakefulness and sleep;
  • frequent stools and regurgitation;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • bluish edema appeared around the eyes, lips and wings of the nose;
  • the child starts crying for no apparent reason.

As a rule, all these signs are companions of wheezing in infants and possible harbingers of future pneumonia provoked by mycoplasma, pneumococci, streptococci or pathogenic viruses. It is these biological agents that most often affect the lungs of newborns.


In the case of diagnosing extraneous noise in a child, doctors do not wait until he begins to cough, wheeze, or additional breathing problems appear. The baby is hospitalized in an inpatient department, where they take blood for analysis, take smears from the mucosa and part of the sputum, if this is separated during a cough. In case of suspicion of pneumonia, a fluorography of the lungs is done, only after this the child begins to be treated.

In the process of therapy in the complex, the following drugs are used:

  1. Mucolytic. They thin the sputum that has accumulated in the bronchi and contribute to its speedy removal from the body. They are especially effective when, after diagnosing wheezing, the baby has a dry cough.
  2. Expectorants. This is a group of drugs that can cause additional contraction of the muscles of the chest and accelerate the movement of sputum from the bronchial canal to the tracheal opening.
  3. Bronchodilators. Expand the narrowed bronchi, which contracted under the influence of spasm or were clogged with mucus. Their expansion contributes to a better passage of sputum and the removal of wheezing. Breathing becomes clear, the child stops coughing and returns to the previous way of life.

It is important to remember that the selection of the type of drug is performed only by the attending pediatrician, taking into account the age category of the child and the type of his disease. Self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby. Therefore, with timely seeking medical help, therapy is always successful and does not last longer than 2 weeks.

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