How to choose a really good job. How to choose the job of your dreams so that the work process is only enjoyable

Your favorite job, which you go to with pleasure - more than 70 percent of people dream of this, getting up at the very early hours on an alarm clock, and literally “wandering” into their stuffy, disgusting offices literally on the machine. Almost a third of life is spent on labor activity, and it is truly terrible when you do not do what you would like to do all your life. How to find a job to your liking? What if you can't figure out what you're addicted to? If you are asking these questions, then this article is for you.

Why do we take jobs we hate?

The roots of problems, oddly enough, always begin in childhood. Parents, for the most part, take upon themselves the right to decide who their child should become in the future. Undoubtedly, they are guided only by good intentions, wanting to give the child all the best. But often they are the reason that a person gradually begins to hate his workplace.

Children are suggestible, and the advice of loved ones becomes serious instructions for them. Not everyone at a young age understands well what they would like to do in the future. And instructions from adults are taken for granted. The child goes to the university that mom or dad chose, then gets a job on their own advice, and, in fact, becomes the one whom the parents wanted to see in it. And only later, some realize that all this time they were led by relatives, and not by their desires. Yes, but changing everything is already so difficult.

Here comes fear, insecurity or banal laziness, which become an obstacle to taking life into your own hands and finally starting to act on your own.

But not everyone, realizing that they are occupying the wrong place, can understand exactly what they would like next. How to find your favorite job, and is it so important to do what you like? This is what the next chapter is about.

What threatens doing an unloved thing

Some agree to "not their place" because of a good salary or a prestigious position. Others may choose a job for a convenient schedule or location. Still others are simply led and act on the instructions of their elders. But the same fate awaits everyone: a feeling of dissatisfaction, lack of joy at the thought of work, frequent fatigue, fatigue, difficult getting up in the morning, headaches, apathy, poor sleep, a feeling of hopelessness, and as a result of all - depression.

Psychologists say that if a business is not loved, then no benefits, whether it be a high income or a very convenient mode, will cover the negative feelings that a person experiences while doing it. Therefore, finding a job you like is good for both psychological and physical health. When work brings pleasure, the body does not feel tired, and it seems that the energy reserves are endless. Difficulties become less significant, and stresses are easier to bear.

How to find yourself

In order for a business to bring satisfaction and joy, you need to understand well what you would like to do. But the problem is that some people like too many areas and they can’t decide, others, in general, can’t find themselves and no matter what they undertake, they soon get bored. There are several ways that help answer the question “how to find your favorite job?” and better understand yourself.

  1. One of the easiest and most beautiful ways to figure out what kind of employment you would like is to do this: imagine the situation that you are very rich. You do not need to "plow" for the sake of money, and have everything you need for a prosperous life for many years to come. Now think about what you would do for your own pleasure. Ask yourself the question: “What can I do to feel satisfied?”.

Some will probably think that in this position you can not get carried away with anything. But practice shows that any person needs self-expression through any activity.

Take a closer look at the thoughts that will visit you at the moments when you visualize a similar picture. Perhaps you should seriously think about the area that presented itself to you, if you were in the intended image.

  1. Try to analyze your talents and abilities. Think about what you do best, what things are easy, what is done without much effort. Asking the question “how to find a job you like?”, just follow what your gut is striving for.

If you occupy a serious leadership position, but your mind trembles at the sight of indoor flowers and you are ready to take care of them for hours, you should not be afraid of such thoughts, and consider that this is not serious at all. Even being fond of indoor plants, you can develop a successful business by becoming a professional florist or breeding rare specimens.

Do you find it much easier to calculate with tables and numbers than finding customers for the products your company sells? Maybe consider a career as an accountant?

  1. Another good tip on how to find a job you like is to visit a psychologist. A competent specialist will allow you to release into the conscious those dreams, aspirations and desires that may be hidden in your subconscious. In turn, this will help you hear yourself, understand what you really want.

Also, psychologists often offer to pass special tests that determine a person's propensity for certain professions.

  1. The human psyche is so arranged that we get much more satisfaction and pleasant experiences when we do something for others than someone does for us. To try to understand what activity will bring you joy, a simple way will help - think about what you can give people. Surely you know how to do something that is in demand, what is needed, if not all, but some. Maybe you knit beautifully, and there are always those who want to buy your product, perhaps you draw beautifully or understand the repair of household appliances. What services would you like to provide to others? Think seriously about the answers you receive.
  2. Remember childhood dreams. They are the very best guides that can lead you to your favorite activity. Of course, many of the dreams will seem silly and frivolous to you today, but try to highlight exactly those dreams of a profession that lasted with you the longest, and maybe they are still alive in you to this day. Think about it.

What steps to take

It’s not enough just to sit and think about how to find a job you love. Water does not flow under a lying stone, and this is the truth. You need to start taking steps that will definitely lead you to what you are striving for.

  • Drive away any fears associated with a change of activity. Don't think about what people will say if you suddenly quit your career in the office and go into the clothing industry. Remember that this is only your life and only you have the right to decide how to act.
  • If you have a job, but you don’t like it at all, don’t rush to quit. Be like interviews, see what others have to offer, don't jump to conclusions. You can leave when, when choosing, you will have no doubt that the new proposed place is better than the present one.
  • Are you just starting your working career? Look like internships in different companies. Let you not earn money for several months, but you can feel the atmosphere of this or that activity well.
  • Don't be afraid to try new things. You won't be able to fully understand whether a job is right for you or not until you do it. Dreaming of becoming a fashion designer, sit down and cut a dress. If you want to have your own store, get a job as a seller and see if you enjoy communicating with customers.
  • Don't neglect learning. If you feel that you have enough knowledge or skills for the desired position, do not skimp on training courses. Investing in yourself is always worth it.

Remember that only your favorite thing will bring you real joy, which will spread to all areas of life.

Are you looking for a job? Then you are wondering how to choose a job that you like. There are a lot of vacancies, and a good specialist has a question, what position does he want to apply for. You need to approach the choice of your life path consciously. How to do this, read below.

Work must be enjoyable.

Have you been educated and have already gained experience? Or maybe you are just starting your search for your first job? How to make the right choice? See the vacancies that are currently the most in demand. You need to look for a job in your specialty. There is no point in chasing a big salary if you don't like a job that pays well.

How to choose a job to your liking? Think in what area you want to be realized? Do you dream of becoming a doctor, artist, officer or athlete? Consider where to start. You will have to build a career from the bottom. You can apply for a position that will bring you closer to your dream in some way. If you want to become a doctor, you can go to work as a nurse, if you dream of being a designer, apply for the position of design assistant.

Starting from the bottom is not scary. If you are a talented person, you will be able to achieve a lot and quickly climb the career ladder. You can get an education in the field of your specialty by directly combining work with study.

Stimulus for development

How to choose a job? One of the mandatory criteria should be personal growth. It is impossible to work at one workplace all your life. Some people succeed, but don't worry if you don't succeed. It's good to change jobs from time to time. You will be able to study the "kitchen" of several enterprises from the inside and find out how they work, find out all the pros and cons of offices.

The main criterion for a person who is looking for himself should be personal growth. If a company gives a person the opportunity to develop, that's good. Bringing your own ideas to life, mastering and practicing new techniques, you can become a good specialist. Don't be afraid to take the initiative. It is punishable only where In developing companies, enterprising employees are worth their weight in gold. Before agreeing to a particular vacancy, talk to the employees of the company. If they say that they like the job, that the company gives them the opportunity to develop, then act decisively, you will not lose.


Don't know how to choose a job? Ask at the first interview if you will have career growth. Agree, working all your life in the same place is not the best prospect. A person who has nowhere to strive will quickly get bogged down in his routine. The lack of an incentive for development will affect the work in the worst way. When there is healthy competition in the company and a person has the opportunity to climb the career ladder after some time, he will have an incentive to develop. The person will make efforts to work well and efficiently. You will engage in self-development, which means you will not stagnate.

Friendly team

Find out how the boss treats his subordinates. If the director is a tyrant, then think twice before applying for a vacancy. It is impossible to work with a person who makes decisions depending on his mood.

Decent salary

Salary plays an important role in choosing a job. You must adequately evaluate your skills and abilities. It makes no sense to work for a penny. Charity is done by people with good financial condition. If you don’t have a few extra millions in your bank account, then you shouldn’t waste your time on a low-paying job. Evaluate your abilities soberly. Work takes up most of your time. It is she who will feed you and give you the opportunity to relax the way you want. If there is no career growth in the company, then you will work all your life for a penny. Such a prospect is not very bright.

How to choose a job to your liking? Find a specialty in which you want to realize yourself, and submit your resume to several companies with similar activities. Have you received multiple responses? Immediately specify what prospects you will have. It is not always worth agreeing to the highest salary. If you have career prospects, then you can make a long-term investment. In this case, you will trade time for experience, which will later bring you money.


Working close to home is ideal. If you manage to find a company that is located near your place of residence, consider it a great success. A person spends most of his time at work. Traveling around the city is tiring and takes away precious hours of rest.

But it is not always possible to find a job near home. What to do in this case? If you rent an apartment, then there is no problem. You can rent accommodation somewhere near the company where you will work. What if you are the owner of an apartment? In this case, it makes no sense to agree to travel to another part of the city in order to work there for 8 hours. Appreciate yourself and your time. You can find a job somewhere closer. Do you think it's stupid to give up on a dream if it is geographically removed from you? A person who thinks so has never spent two hours on the road. Such trips will tire and infuriate.

If you cannot find a job closer, offer the director of the company remote cooperation. Working from home is convenient. You will be able to go to the company not every day, but twice a week, for example.

How to apply for vacancies

A person always has the right to choose a job. You can agree to any option you like. But how to choose a dream job? Go to a few interviews, and then write down on a piece of paper all the pros and cons of the options. You need to choose the company where there will be more pluses. What criteria should be used to make a choice? Evaluate the location of work, team, management, career growth, salary, the possibility of self-realization and motivation for development.

How to choose between two jobs? Sometimes decisions are made intuitively. Man always knows what he wants. You can flip a coin. It is not necessary to watch what will fall out - heads or tails. The moment the coin is in the air, you will already know for sure which outcome you like best.

Should work be a hobby?

This question torments many. What is your opinion on this matter? Work takes up a large part of a person's life, so it goes without saying that it should bring pleasure. It's great if you can make a living doing what you love.

What is important when choosing a job? Moral satisfaction from what you do. If you enjoy your day, then the job is right for you. But work is not the only way a person should live. Reading, traveling, sports, needlework, mind games - all this can be considered as a hobby. The fullness of life should be maximum so that the person feels good. So don't worry if your work is not a hobby. The main thing is that the work of your life brings pleasure. You can find free time for leisure activities.

Choose a job you like it is often very difficult for many people. This is due to the fact that a person is poorly versed in the characteristics of his personality and finds it difficult to decide which job suits him best. In addition, it also happens that the job chosen by a person does not correspond to most of his skills and abilities, he cannot realize himself in this profession, because of which the person becomes very sad and there is a feeling that life is wasted. So how do you choose a job to your liking so that it meets all the requirements? We will talk about this in our article.

How to choose?

In order to learn how to choose the right profession to your liking, you need to consider the mistakes that are very often made by people who are in search of their profession.

    The most common mistake that causes problems with finding a profession to your liking is wrong choice of education. Many young people go to this or that educational institution only because it is prestigious, or because their parents said so. Also, a very common reason for the wrong choice of an educational institution is the principle: “for the company”. Many students are afraid to join a new team, so they prefer to choose an educational institution where there is someone they know. Graduating from such an educational institution, a person understands that he received a diploma of a profession for which he is not suitable.

    Another mistake when choosing a job is stereotypes. A person can be created for a particular profession, but subconsciously reject the option of such work only because others consider the work not fashionable or not relevant.

    It is far from rare that a person likes a certain side of a particular work and does not think that in fact, behind a forty-minute theatrical performance, there are long months of hard work and sleepless nights.

    A very common mistake when choosing a profession - underestimating one's physical or mental abilities. You may like the work of an athlete or a designer, and you certainly want to work in this area, you should assess your health and imagination, and only then make a decision.

If you correctly evaluate your abilities and talents, you can choose a job that you like, which will bring you not only income, but also positive emotions. And for this you need to do the following: take a blank sheet and write on it all the professions that, one way or another, attract you, or that you would like to master. Do not be afraid to write even childish frivolous fantasies, as a deep analysis of the profession will help you determine in which area some aspects of your dream job could be realized. At this point, it is very important to understand that you should write only your desires, and not the thoughts of friends or relatives.

Looking at the finished list of professions, try to remember what brings you a feeling of joy and happiness, what you like to do. Remembering, draw parallels with your desired professions, and find out which ones your abilities correspond to. Cross out those professions that do not correspond to any of your hobbies.

To choose a job that will please you, it is important to remember that work should not only generate income, but also help you realize your potential. That is why it is very important to connect your hobbies with work. By doing errands that you like to do, you will receive money and will not be too stressed.

In order to find a job to your liking, you can follow planning methodology. To do this, you should make a plan for the year ahead, the main goal of which should be to do something specific. For example: “In a year I want to earn the first million” - after that, you need to schedule tasks for each month and each week. You can write down how much you plan to earn in a week, as well as set for yourself the necessary minimum that you are capable of in order to achieve the desired result.

But it happens that your skills and abilities are very well suited for a particular job, but it does not bring you joy at all. This is due to the incompatibility of your temperament with the chosen work. Next, we will consider what kind of work is suitable for a particular type of temperament.

Which job is right for you?

In order to find out what kind of work suits you, you need to relate it to your temperament. To do this, we have compiled a small list of the main character traits, and also selected professions that may be suitable for them.

    If your temperament type is choleric, then you are different love for difficulties and the ability to quickly overcome them. You will succeed where good concentration, perseverance and energy are required. For choleric people, professions such as pilot, surgeon, driver, cook, geologist, investigator, journalist, dispatcher and diplomat.

    The melancholic type of temperament is characterized by a characteristic "inhibition" of the nervous system, as well as increased sensitivity to the activities of others. Melancholics are contraindicated in work, the basis of which is communication with people. It is best for this type of temperament to choose a job such as artist, seamstress, writer, veterinarian, locksmith, painter, agronomist, radio mechanic and accountant.

    Sanguine people are different energy and high performance. They are happy to grab onto several things at the same time, but quickly lose interest and leave the case halfway. It is contraindicated for this type of temperament to choose work that requires constant attention and, moreover, is monotonous. Sanguine people are suitable for such professions as doctor, manager, engineer, waiter, organizer, teacher and salesperson.

    Phlegmatic person.
    Phlegmatic people are very patient and persistent people, better than which no one can cope with monotonous work. For this type of temperament, work such as engineer, botanist, physicist, mechanic and surgeon.

Thus, based on your type of character, it will be much easier for you to choose a job that you like, which will bring you both income and joy. But it should be borne in mind that the recommendations indicated in the article may not always be suitable for every person. Still, better listen to your heart and follow your dream.

How to choose the right job? A few practical tips.

Hi all! Each of us in our life is faced with a job search. This becomes far from easy for most of us. Today it is very difficult to find a suitable one for you, well-paid, for which you will want to go and give all one hundred percent. In this regard, I will give some practical advice.

Now it takes a lot of time and effort to look for a job, people first of all pay attention to the monetary component of their future profession, not taking into account the fact that it is almost impossible to achieve a positive result without love for one's work.

When choosing a job, first of all, I advise you to pay attention not to the financial component, but to love and the zeal to work in this particular area, to do what you have a soul for.

Let the first time you will not receive a lot of money, but in what is close and really interesting to you, you will make progress. It will certainly be appreciated in the future.

Now they are specialists who love their job and live by it in a very big way. The most important thing is the feeling of love for your work, and everything else will follow by itself.

Therefore, pay great attention to the choice of the future university, thereby advance towards your goal and fulfill your dreams.

And further. Many people ask me: "How to find summer?" Do you think that there is a lull in the career field in the summer? Get a job in the summer is quite real!

Summer is a "hot time" for seasonal vacancies. Sending their staff on vacation, managers are trying to find a temporary replacement for him. As a rule, such employees are quickly recruited.

Having received a seasonal job, you can work, gain experience and, of course, add a couple of positive lines to your resume. Not infrequently, temporary employees are offered to continue working on a permanent basis!

After all, there is even a saying: “There is nothing more permanent than a temporary job.”

Hot days do not coincide with the holidays for all enterprises - producers of drinks and ice cream, for example, go on vacation in winter.

And in the summer, these employees work hard, and most likely, they are looking for an employee like you!

Also, the profession that you dreamed of as a child can be a great help in finding a job.

Have you ever thought: “Who do children most often want to be in childhood and how many people achieve their professional dreams?”

This question was of interest in the UK and, after conducting a survey, found that about one in five people fulfilled their childhood dreams of a particular career.

Approximately 10% of men said they wanted to be football players, 10% were going to be aircraft pilots and 7% were thinking about a military career.

About 20% of the women surveyed in childhood dreamed of working as a nurse or a doctor, and the profession of a teacher was in second place.

A career in politics was the least desirable for both boys and girls - only 1% saw themselves in the future in this capacity.

However, despite high expectations in their youth, few actually go to work from their childhood dreams, only about 15% of people follow the professional direction that seemed most attractive to them in childhood.

I wish you to get into these 15%! I think these people are really happy!

And some more interesting and useful information for job seekers. What do you think, who else can help in this difficult matter? You will never guess - a pelican !!!

Yes, yes, because according to Feng Shui, this is the best assistant for those who are looking for a job! There is even a simple ritual.

You need to find or print a black and white photo or picture of a pelican. It is good when the bird looks to the right or goes from left to right. It means moving from the past to the future.

It is even better if you put money in his beak or what you are dreaming about now, for example, you can simply draw it.

Then this pelican should be placed on the north side of the kitchen. Then - look at the picture more often and imagine the work of your dreams. A pelican will definitely help! Such methods are also called visualization.

This method helped me myself when I dreamed of traveling to the sea. I placed a beautiful picture of the sea next to the monitor - I often looked at it and, voila - after a while my dream came true!!!

So do not sit, but act and your dreams will come true!

It often happens that a person is guided through life by the opinion of other people, whether they are parents, friends or some kind of authority. We all live and make decisions under the pressure of society. Decisions about choosing a place of work and career, life partner, place of residence. But are these solutions always optimal? Of course not! Most people in the world do not do what they want. They seem to be living a different life. To be like them, every day to trudge longingly to an unloved job - is this what you want? It is not necessary to waste your life on a job that does not suit you! Sometimes it’s enough to look at yourself from the outside and understand that something is wrong with your life, it’s time to change something!

Magazine IQR developed an online psychological test " what job suits me ". We invite everyone to take our rapid career guidance test for free - it only takes two minutes. You do not have to spend money and time filling out long boring questionnaires offered by various career guidance centers. The main professional inclinations of a person can also be identified by short testing.

How to choose a profession - test

How to choose a profession

it choice test type professions. By answering just 12 short questions, you will get a percentage propensity for various types of employment according to your psychotype. The resume will contain an approximate list of professions that would suit you best.

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