Symptoms and treatment of viral laryngitis. Causes, provoking factors. Chronic laryngitis in adults

Sore throat accompanies many diseases of the respiratory system, and quite often patients do not consider it necessary to see a doctor, hoping that everything will go away on their own or they will cope with the pain on their own. Viral laryngitis is one such disease that can appear not only due to viruses or other causes, but also occur as a complication of other diseases. In such cases, it is very important to be under the supervision of a doctor in order to replace new symptoms in time and prevent health problems.

In this article we will talk about what viral laryngitis is, what symptoms it is accompanied by, why it occurs and what consequences it is dangerous.

Laryngitis is a viral disease or bacterial, depending on the nature of the pathogen, characterized by inflammation of the pharynx.

The disease occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Exposure to various viruses– influenza virus, rhinoviruses, microviruses, measles virus and adenoviruses.
  2. General hypothermia, excessive abuse of cold drinks, inhalation of cold air.
  3. Smoking inhalation of polluted air exhaust gases, industrial emissions and toxic substances.
  4. Overexertion of the vocal cords, which occurs mainly when screaming, constant loud speech, due to professional features singers, speakers and teachers.
  5. Too dry and warm indoor air.

Clinical picture of the disease

Laryngitis, regardless of whether it is viral or bacterial, can occur as an independent disease, or it can develop against the background of an already existing sore throat, pharyngitis and other diseases. respiratory tract as their complication. The main difference between viral laryngitis and bacterial laryngitis is that if the causative agent of the disease is a virus, there is a runny nose, sneezing, hyperemia of the throat mucosa.

At bacterial nature disease symptoms can be very diverse and depend on the type of bacteria. Viral laryngitis can occur in acute or chronic form.

The acute form is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. A burning sensation (see) and dryness in the throat, as well as a sensation of a foreign body in the throat.
  2. Violation of well-being, fever, chills.
  3. A change in voice - it becomes rougher, hoarseness appears, and it is also possible that the strength of the voice weakens, up to its temporary loss.
  4. Painful barking cough, sometimes with sputum discharge, runny nose.
  5. Sore throat as well pain during respiratory movements.

In chronic laryngitis, the following manifestations are observed:

  1. Persistent voice disorders - hoarseness, loss of voice, changes in voice timbre throughout the day.
  2. or foreign body, burning and itching in the throat.
  3. Perhaps a short-term increase in body temperature to subfebrile indicators.
  4. Troublesome dry cough.


Like any other disease, laryngitis can lead to complications.

The most frequently occurring are:

  • mediastinitis;
  • impaired mobility of the larynx;
  • permanent change of voice.

Important! Laryngeal edema and stenosis are serious complications requiring emergency medical attention, as they can lead to suffocation and respiratory arrest.

Diagnosis of laryngitis

To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor, during which he will conduct an examination. oral cavity, lymph nodes, vocal cords and throat. This is done to detect and determine the degree of inflammation. Then you need to take a smear to determine the form of the disease.

In addition, laryngoscopy and radiography, PCR diagnostics and virological tests can be used in the diagnosis. These techniques are used to determine the type of virus, detect laryngeal edema and non-closure of the vocal cords.

How to treat viral laryngitis

In order to fully treat the disease, you need an instruction describing all the methods that can be used both as prescribed by a doctor and with your own hands, without harm to health.

Viral laryngitis and the treatment of this disease imply, first of all, the observance of absolute bed rest and silence for the vocal cords. Among the prohibitions are hot and spicy dishes, spices and solid food, which can serve as an irritant for the inflamed mucosa.

shown drinking regimen, at which it is recommended to drink up to 3 liters of fluid per day. It can be mineral waters, juices, various teas or warm milk. Not last place in the treatment of viral laryngitis good nutrition and airing the room and humidifying the air in it, as well as the absolute cessation of smoking and alcohol during the illness.

Successfully applied and inhalation. For rinsing, use soda and saline solutions, herbal decoctions and beetroot juice.

Inhalations can be carried out with mineral waters, herbs and essential oils, soda solution. The price of these funds is small, but they are very effective in coping with unpleasant symptoms and facilitate general state during illness.

Drugs for laryngitis are taken only as directed by a doctor, depending on the need. Commonly used are vasodilators, decongestants, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agents, and expectorants for coughs.

From the photos and videos in this article, we learned about what causes viral laryngitis, what symptoms it accompanies, what complications are dangerous, and what methods doctors use to diagnose this disease.

Children are most susceptible to pathology, the immune system which is just beginning to form, and the mucous membranes of the larynx are still very thin, delicate and sensitive.

The danger of viral laryngitis lies in its tendency to rapid progression and the ability to lead to severe complications, therefore it is extremely important to know which symptoms should be a good reason to see a doctor.

Causes of illness in children and adults

The main reason for the development of this type of laryngitis is the penetration of viruses or pathogenic bacteria into the human body. This happens in the background:

  • SARS, flu, colds;
  • immune suppression - negative changes in immune status child or adult;
  • severe stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • scarlet fever;
  • measles;
  • whooping cough;
  • diphtheria.

What virus causes laryngitis? This disease can be caused by viruses belonging to the families:

  • adenoviruses;
  • rhinoviruses.

But often the disease develops after the Varicella-Zoster virus enters the body, which causes herpes zoster and chickenpox, as well as the measles virus. It is possible to find out exactly which of them led to the development of this form of laryngitis only after conducting laboratory tests.

Clinical manifestations of pathology

Symptoms of viral laryngitis depend on its form - acute or chronic. Let's consider each of them.

Signs of an acute form of pathology

At acute form Viral laryngitis of the patient is disturbed by the following symptoms:

  • sore throat;
  • dryness in the mouth;
  • paroxysmal dry cough, which after a few days can become productive;
  • aphonia or hoarse voice.

This is how viral laryngitis often manifests itself in adults, in children clinical picture has some differences. In older patients total loss voices are one of the most common symptoms that may not go away for 3-10 days. If untreated, the pathological process can spread to the trachea.

Chronic form

Symptoms of chronic viral laryngitis in adults are somewhat blurred, so they can be confused with signs of other otolaryngological pathologies. But there are still differences, and they are:

  • the presence of a persistent specific cough;
  • constant hoarseness of voice;
  • causeless wheezing in the throat.

Symptoms are manifested or intensified against the background of the development of respiratory viral diseases. This kind of laryngitis differs from all others.

Viral and bacterial laryngitis - what's the difference?

How to understand if a patient suffers from viral or bacterial laryngitis? There are differences in symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment:

  • Inflammation of the larynx is always accompanied by an increase in body temperature. With bacterial laryngitis, body temperature rises to 38 ° C and above, with viral laryngitis - up to 37 - 37.9 (less often it can reach febrile marks).
  • The viral form of laryngitis is cured within a few days, the bacterial form - within 5-7 days.
  • With viral laryngitis, apply and antiviral drugs, which is quite enough for a complete cure. At bacterial form diseases of inhalation is not enough - it is necessary mandatory application antibiotics.
  • Viral laryngitis is diagnosed by general analysis blood and urine, bacterial - through bakposev to determine the pathogenic microflora.

As a rule, the development of viral laryngitis occurs first, and only then, against the background of the addition secondary infection, its bacterial form arises.

Which doctor treats viral laryngitis?

The profile doctor treating all types of laryngitis is an otolaryngologist. But not only an ENT can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, but also a pediatrician, therapist or family doctor.

However, other specialists should be contacted only if it is not possible to consult an otolaryngologist.

Diagnostic procedures

Diagnosis of viral laryngitis consists of the mandatory conduct of several procedures. Comprehensive examination- the main pledge of the production accurate diagnosis:

  • Pharyngoscopy - superficial examination of the mucous membranes of the throat. It is carried out for all diseases of the respiratory tract, but the doctor will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis based on its results.
  • Laryngoscopy - a procedure performed by special device- laryngoscope. An unpleasant, but necessary manipulation, with the help of which the doctor assesses the condition of the vocal cords. The procedure is performed only when there is a strong hoarseness of voice, patient complaints of pain in the vocal cords and discomfort in the lower larynx when swallowing.
  • General analysis of blood and urine .
  • Virological blood test . Such an analysis is carried out in order to find out which virus caused the development of laryngitis. It is performed in the case of an unidentified etiology of the disease (if it arose on its own). The study is carried out infrequently, since viral laryngitis as an independent pathology is an extremely rare anomaly. In addition, not all clinics have the equipment to perform such manipulation.

The methods for diagnosing viral laryngitis in children and adults are the same, but the therapy has significant differences. For this reason, self-medication is highly undesirable.

Pathology treatment methods

Treatment of viral laryngitis should begin with the complete isolation of the patient and the exclusion of stress on the vocal cords. If this is not done, then irreversible processes can begin in their tissues, which will lead to a lifelong distortion of the voice.

It is important to get rid of the cause that caused the development of pathology. Taking antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs is the main element of the therapy regimen.

It is necessary to treat viral laryngitis in optimal conditions for the patient. You can create them at home, for this you just need to regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. If the air in the room remains dry even after this, you can purchase a humidifier, or put a clean towel soaked in water near the patient.

Air humidity plays a key role in the treatment of all types of laryngitis.

If a dry cough occurs, the patient is shown taking expectorant syrups (BronchoStop, Pectolvan Ivy or Pectolvan C, licorice root syrup, etc.). If the house has an inhaler or, you can do inhalations with Mukolvan or ordinary saline. These funds also help to thin the mucus that has accumulated on the walls of the larynx and vocal cords.

Treatment of young children

Viral laryngitis in children is more severe symptoms, moreover, it often causes the development of such a life-threatening condition as stenosis of the larynx. For this reason, parents are strictly forbidden to independently take measures to relieve the symptoms of pathology.

Viral laryngitis in children often causes fever, so if the attack developed at night - and this is what happens in most cases - there must be an antipyretic in the house. This is the only drug that parents are allowed to give without prior approval from the pediatrician.

So, the treatment regimen for viral laryngitis in a child should include the use of:

  • inhalations with a nebulizer for stenosis - Pulmicort, Ventolin, Nebutamol, Flixotide are used;
  • expectorant syrups or tablets - Bronholitin, Ambroxol, Ambrolitin, Mukaltin, etc .;
  • antiviral drugs - Amizon, Novirin, Rimantadine, etc.

You can do it in parallel steam inhalation with essential oils or decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus or calendula. Home treatment of viral laryngitis in children is possible only in the absence of symptoms of croup. If laryngeal stenosis has already developed, the child is immediately hospitalized in a hospital, since the narrowing of the lumen of the larynx or its complete blockage is fatal!

Disease prevention

To prevent the development and complications of viral laryngitis, it is necessary:

  • completely cure the pathologies that caused its development;
  • do not self-medicate - this will help to avoid serious complications;
  • do not interrupt therapy after the first positive dynamics has been noted;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • to immunize the child;
  • accustom the child to healthy lifestyle.

If the immune system is too weak, it must be constantly trained. Hardening and taking immunostimulants will help the body more effectively fight viruses that cause the development of such a dangerous disease as viral laryngitis.

Useful video about laryngitis in children

Laryngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, may be part of symptomatic complex with ARVI, and independent disease. Inflammation of the larynx due to a viral infection is viral laryngitis.

The causative agents are most often rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, less often measles viruses and chickenpox. The disease is extremely common in patients of any age and is diagnosed in the majority of those who consult a doctor with symptoms of a cold.

Causes of viral laryngitis

The main cause of acute viral laryngitis is infection from a person with acute respiratory viral disease through direct interaction. ARVI is transmitted by airborne droplets when coughing, sneezing, or simply by shaking hands. Usually virus attack opposes immunity, therefore infection is possible only with a weakening of general and local immunity.

The body's defenses can be weakened by the following factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • chronic diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • allergies;
  • dysfunction of nasal breathing;
  • tension of the vocal cords;
  • damage to the mucous membrane of the larynx;
  • eating cold or hot food;
  • chemical burn;
  • inhalation of hot dry air;
  • stress.

The incubation period is short, usually 1-5 days. A viral infection is actively developing these days, and the carrier of the disease becomes a source of infection. Children who were in direct contact with the patient, fall ill immediately, in the first hours.

Symptoms of the disease

At the first stage of the disease, the virus causes swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx, epiglottis. The vocal cords become red, swollen and thickened, and a sore throat appears. In not in large numbers thick clear slime, it gets on the vocal cords, causes tickling and dry barking cough - characteristic symptom viral laryngitis. The voice changes timbre, becomes rough, hoarse or disappears altogether.

The inflammatory process in the larynx is accompanied by inflammation of nearby lymphatic vessels- submandibular, cervical, supraclavicular. Lymph nodes increase in size, become painful on palpation.

As the disease progresses, the glottis narrows significantly, causing shortness of breath. If left untreated, viral laryngitis is highly likely to develop into stenosis - this emergency, characterized by difficulty breathing due to partial or complete closure of the larynx.

Stenosis requires emergency assistance, and when breathing stops - surgical operation and resuscitation activities.

If not start timely treatment, on the inflamed surface of the larynx are attached pathogenic bacteria, usually Haemophilus influenzae or pneumococcus, and laryngitis goes from viral to bacterial. Further, the infection "goes down" down, laryngotracheitis progresses, turning into inflammation of the bronchi.

Laryngitis, in addition to local symptoms, is characterized by general, characteristic of all viral diseases:

  • malaise;
  • chills;
  • fever;
  • weakness;
  • pain in the body and joints;
  • headache;
  • runny nose.

Features of the disease in children

In children, viral laryngitis starts abruptly with a high fever and a sudden sore throat. Behavior changes immediately: babies refuse nipples and breasts, and older children become lethargic and refuse to play. It is important to start treatment in time to prevent the spread of infection and possible complications.

AT childhood along the entire length of the larynx, the submucosal layer is very pronounced, in which, during inflammation, severe swelling. The mucous membrane, especially under the glottis, swells and develops subglottic laryngitis or " false croup» - stenosis of the larynx and obstruction of the upper respiratory tract.

It is difficult for the child to breathe, the breath is strained, the exhalation is whistling. This condition requires immediate medical attention and hospitalization.

Another complication is epiglottitis, inflammation of the epiglottic cartilage. characteristic feature diseases - salivation, since the pain when swallowing is so severe that the child cannot swallow saliva.

Catarrhal epiglottitis can change to purulent when an abscess forms in the epiglottis. Children with epiglottitis are shown hospitalization in the ENT department, where, in case of deterioration, they can be transferred to intensive care.

Treatment of viral laryngitis

It is carried out in a complex and consists of three parts:

  1. Etiotropic therapy
  2. Pathogenetic therapy
  3. Symptomatic therapy.

Etiotropic treatment

Directed to a specific pathogen, so treatment is prescribed depending on the etiology of laryngitis: viral or bacterial.

Most often, the pathogen at an early stage of the disease is not identified, therefore, broad-spectrum antiviral agents are indicated for use:

On the 5-6th day of the disease, a bacterial infection may join. In this case, antibiotics are indicated, which are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Pathogenetic treatment

It consists in inhibiting the course of the development of the disease. The pathogenesis of laryngitis is inflammation in the larynx, followed by increased edema.

Viral laryngitis in adults is treated with the following non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs):

  • ibuprofen. The drug has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and is available in the form of suppositories, tablets, suppositories, ointments, gels and syrup. For the treatment of the respiratory system, drugs are used rectal administration and ingestion. The dosage depends on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease.
  • diclofenac. The release forms are very diverse: tablets, solution, ointment, gel, suppositories, drops. Used as a remedy complex therapy infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract with increased pain syndrome.
  • Paracetamol. Release form: tablets, suppositories, suspension, syrup, solution.

Medicines of this group are taken as prescribed by a doctor, no more than 5-7 days. Their action is aimed at suppressing inflammation, reducing pain and reducing the manifestations of fever.

Preparations of this group can also be used in the treatment of viral laryngitis in children. However, permitted to use medicines are only Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, which are prescribed for severe pain and high temperature.

Antiallergic drugs help relieve swelling of the vocal cords:

  • Desloratadine (Erius);
  • Loratadine (Claritin);
  • Fenkarol;
  • Fenistil;
  • Kestin;
  • Clemastin and others.

In childhood, Loratadine and Fenistil are usually prescribed. Antihistamines prevent the development of laryngeal stenosis in adults, and false croup in children.

In a situation with compensated stenosis of 1-2 degrees that has already happened, hormonal drugs are prescribed - Dexamethasone or Prednisolone. Hormonal drugs, especially in injections, are used exclusively in a hospital under the supervision of a physician.

Symptomatic treatment

Sent for cupping external manifestations laryngitis: cough and hoarseness.

  • First of all, the patient should bed rest, whisper or remain silent to reduce the tension of the vocal cords. It is worth refraining from spicy foods, smoking, cold or hot, as well as carbonated drinks. From drinking, preference is given to decoctions of diuretic and diaphoretic herbs.
  • There should be humidified air in the room, it is good to use special air humidifiers, and in the cold season, you can simply place an open container of water on the heating radiator. Laryngitis is a viral disease, so you need to exclude the contact of the sick person with healthy family members, especially children, and if necessary, use a medical mask.
  • A painful dry cough is stopped by antitussives - Libexin, Tussin plus. These drugs suppress cough reflex, but not breathing, so their use is safe even in childhood. Good therapeutic effect give capsules Gelomirtol and Gelomirtol forte, the action of which is not aimed at suppressing cough, but at inhaling the respiratory tract "from the inside". Since laryngitis produces a small amount of mucus and sputum, the use of mucolytic and expectorant drugs is not advisable.
  • From local preparations the most effective sprays on an antiseptic basis - Hexaspray, Ingalipt, Oracept. If a secondary bacterial infection has joined the viral laryngitis, use Bioparox. For children, the use of sprays is contraindicated up to 3-6 years due to the risk of spasm of the glottis, so they are advised to simply drink decoctions of sage or chamomile.
  • Inflammation of the mucosa is well removed by rinsing with decoctions of chamomile, calendula and oak bark. Warming half-alcohol compresses with dioxidine will help relieve discomfort in the throat and restore the voice.
  • It is possible and necessary to treat viral laryngitis with the help of inhalation, but only with the use of a nebulizer, which is capable of creating the smallest drops of the active substance. Alkaline is used as a solution for inhalation. mineral water(Borjomi), decoctions of chamomile and sage, from medical preparations - Dioxidine or Sofradex.
  • Breathing over steam is contraindicated, since warm large drops of steam will only cause a new attack. unproductive cough. In children, the hot steam is especially likely to burn the respiratory tract, which will subsequently lead to a severe deterioration in the condition.
  • Another physiotherapeutic agent is magnetotherapy in the larynx, usually it is prescribed to patients in a hospital. At home, in the absence of elevated body temperature, you can visit the sauna, where the air is hot, but, unlike the bath, dry. Hot steam is contraindicated.

Uncomplicated laryngitis is treated at home and is cured in 1-1.5 weeks. A good effect is achieved by combining traditional methods treatment with folk medicine. It is important to continue treatment even after symptoms have subsided, as viral form laryngitis can become chronic.

If the condition worsens, you should consult your doctor again or call emergency care, since a completely harmless disease can turn, both for a child and for an adult, into a serious complication with a threat to life.

Prevention of laryngitis

It is to increase the body's resistance pathogenic microorganisms. Hardening is also recommended cold and hot shower, more often to be on fresh air try to avoid talking in the cold.

If attacks of laryngitis occur frequently, in these cases it is necessary:

  • do not stay in places during epidemics large cluster people;
  • ensure living in a clean room with humidified air, which will eliminate contact with dust particles and other allergens;
  • try to dress according to the weather to avoid hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • balance nutrition;
  • apply hardening techniques;
  • follow the daily routine.

Viral laryngitis is diagnosed in most patients who seek medical attention because of a cold. When the disease occurs, inflammation of the mucous membrane, a violation in the work of the vocal cords.

Viral laryngitis: etiology

The disease often appears on the background of a cold, less often it is preceded by measles, whooping cough and scarlet fever. Unlike many other forms, viral nature disease is characterized by an abrupt onset of the disease. A person can go to bed healthy in the evening, and wake up at night from a sharp and.

The first place among the reasons is occupied by respiratory viruses. Great importance voice load also plays a role in the formation of the disease, especially with the use of a hard attack.

It also matters anatomical feature Reinke spaces, violation of lymphatic drainage, local water exchange. Edema occurs in any department, quickly spreading to others, causing acute stenosis.

Causes, provoking factors

The main reason for the development of the disease is a direct interaction with a respiratory viral disease. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, you can get infected through a banal handshake. The attack of viruses must be resisted by immunity, but infection is possible when it is weakened. The provoking factors are:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.
  • Nasal breathing disorders.
  • Excessive strain on the vocal cords.
  • Stress.

The incubation period lasts up to 5 days. At this time it happens active development virus. The carrier of the disease becomes the source of infection. Children can get sick in the first hours after contact.


The first symptoms include a general deterioration in well-being. Strong appears. There is a narrowing of the glottis, which makes it difficult to breathe.

What is laryngitis

In adults

The characteristic features are:

  1. , which is aggravated by swallowing saliva and food.
  2. Frequent bouts of unproductive coughing.

Intoxication of the body occurs, so sweating, aching hands and feet appear. Cough in the first days unproductive, excruciating. After a few days, it becomes moist, the swelling goes away. There is a high probability of occurrence. The latter is one of the main signs by which we can say that laryngitis is of a viral nature.

In children

The larynx of a child has a special structure. A pronounced submucosal layer is preserved along the entire length. When it becomes very edematous, the mucosa swells. This gives rise to . As the disease progresses, it becomes difficult for the baby to breathe.

The child begins to take forced posture- sitting with your hands on your knees. When inhaling, the wings of the nose retract. If appeared in the background, it became difficult for the baby to breathe, call ambulance. If this is not done, then stenosis may occur due to partial or complete closure of the larynx. When breathing stops, you will need resuscitation and surgical intervention.

Symptoms and treatment of laryngitis:

Diagnostics and research methods, necessary tests

When examining a patient, the condition of the patient's vocal cords is checked, and dysphonia is assessed. The doctor examines the vocal cords using special instruments. This makes it possible to get complete picture about the nature of inflammation and swelling. In the presence of hemorrhages on the mucosa, it is possible to assume the development hemorrhagic form illness.

The physician must determine whether inflammatory reactions from the lymph nodes, nose, mouth, throat. This establishes a connection between laryngitis and other pathological processes. Additionally, the larynx is examined with a laryngoscope. If necessary, a tissue sample is taken for.

In the diagnosis of the disease is used:

The latter makes it possible not only to identify the virus, but also to prescribe a more effective treatment regimen. To clarify the severity of the inflammatory process, X-rays and the larynx and trachea are used.


May be treated with medication folk methods. Special attention given to pregnant women. For them, a special scheme of influence is selected.

A person suffering from inflammation of the larynx needs a large amount of warm drink. It is desirable that it be alkaline. Mustard baths for hands and feet are used as distractions. When exacerbating the process, keep silence, this will allow you not to break your voice completely. In babies, make sure that there is no strong crying.

The room where the patient is located should be with optimal temperature regime and humidity level. Dry air provokes an increase in symptoms and the spread of swelling. Fried and smoked foods, cold and hot dishes, spices should be excluded from food.


The viral form of laryngitis is not treated with. The emphasis in treatment is on application. You should start drinking them on the first day of the onset of symptoms. After that, their effect is not so noticeable. These funds include:

  • Interferon-based drugs. Candles and Laferobion are suitable for patients of any age.
  • Synthetic. They stimulate the destruction of the cell membrane of the virus. A popular remedy is Bronchomunal.
  • Medicines natural origin. Children are prescribed Immunoflazid. The rest is appointed Aflubin.

Since viral laryngitis causes swelling of the larynx, it is used to relieve it. This is a cure medicine. Antihistamines slightly lessen the pain.

If the body temperature is very high, medications are prescribed based on and. Dosage and form of release depend on the age of the patient.

Local treatment is aimed at relieving inflammation from the throat and pain. Sprays are used:, Oracept,. If a bacterial attack has joined the viral attack, then Bioparox will help to cope with the disease.

Folk remedies

Boiled beet juice has an anti-inflammatory effect. They need twice a day. For rinsing, it is also used, diluted in boiling water. deal with viral infection dill seeds will also help. They are poured with boiling water, infused for 40 minutes. The resulting broth is drunk in small portions.

Treatment of laryngitis folk remedies:

Features of treatment during pregnancy

It is imperative for a pregnant woman to be at rest. You need to drink as much water as possible, tea with the addition of lemon, honey, mint, rose hips is welcome. Warm gargles will speed up the healing process. The doctor will select drugs that have only local action. To combat cough, Imupret, marshmallow root, is prescribed.


Viral laryngitis is treated with inhalation. With a dry cough, it is advisable to use Pulmicort and

Viral laryngitis is diagnosed in the majority of adults and children who come to medical facilities with symptoms of this disease.

Specific symptoms of viral inflammation of the larynx

Despite the fact that laryngitis is quite common in adults and children, not everyone knows how it can be distinguished from the common cold. But belated treatment is fraught with "omission" of inflammation in the trachea and bronchi, the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, and in children - possible seizures false croup.

The fact that this is not a cold, but laryngitis, can be indicated by the following symptoms:

Sore throat. Patients describe that they have a burning or tearing in their throat, they want to eliminate this tickling by coughing. The pain is aggravated by eating food and swallowing saliva. Cough. A person who has ever heard a patient with laryngitis coughing will be able to suspect the disease only on this basis. Cough is frequent, obsessive, unproductive, not bringing relief. He is described as "barking". In children, when coughing, metallic notes can be heard, in which case you should be on the alert: this symptom indicates that the lumen of the larynx is extremely narrowed, an asthma attack is possible. Temperature rise. Temperature indicator- one of the criteria by which it is possible to determine the nature of the disease, viral or bacterial. General deterioration of well-being. Laryngitis is accompanied by lethargy, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite. In children up to a year, whims, strong crying, and anxiety are noted.

It is known that laryngitis is viral, bacterial, allergic. Also, the disease occurs due to mechanical or toxic irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Determining the cause of the disease, namely the type of pathogen, plays a key role in the nature of the treatment.

Viral laryngitis occurs due to influenza, parainfluenza, rotavirus or adenovirus infection, other acute respiratory viral infections, and manifests itself specifically.

The disease has a short incubation period– from 1 to 5 days. This is due to the fact that the microorganisms that provoke it, viruses, multiply extremely quickly. In children who have had direct contact with a sick person, viruses can multiply to an amount sufficient to make them sick in just a matter of hours. Babies often "bring" viral inflammation of the larynx from kindergarten and schools. The disease manifests itself sharply. The pain occurs suddenly, in parallel the temperature rises. You can see how children's mood and behavior change literally before our eyes: babies can refuse to breastfeed and cry, older children are naughty, do not want to play and study. It is at this point that it is necessary to start treatment with antiviral drugs in order to prevent viruses from multiplying further and diseases from progressing. After all, own defensive forces organisms are not yet mobilized, and a person's own interferon begins to be produced in humans only on the third day from the onset of the disease. Temperature rise. As a rule, with viral inflammation of the larynx, the thermometer immediately rises to 38 ° C and above. The fever may last 2-4 days or longer if treated late. Rhinitis. Although a runny nose is not a symptom of laryngitis, it often accompanies the disease, as viruses attack the entire nasopharyngeal mucosa.

How to treat viral laryngitis

Unfortunately, even modern pediatricians very often “reinsure themselves” and prescribe antibiotic treatment for children with symptoms of SARS or laryngitis. But if the disease is viral, antibacterial drugs will not only not speed up recovery and help avoid complications, but can also backfire with dysbacteriosis and serious allergic reaction. You need to be well aware of one thing: antibiotics against viruses are powerless, therefore, before starting the treatment of laryngitis, it is necessary to determine its nature.

Antiviral drugs should be started with the manifestations of the first symptoms of inflammation of the larynx. Usually, the doctor prescribes a drug that belongs to one of three groups:

Preparations containing human interferon or stimulating its production. Treatment of viral diseases, including laryngitis, in adults and children from the very younger age Maybe rectal suppositories Laferobion and Viferon, nose drops Laferon and Nazoferon.
Synthetic immunomodulators. The substances included in their composition are aimed at destroying the cell membranes of viruses. With inflammation of the larynx, Bronchomunal, Ribomunal, Groprinasin, etc. are most often prescribed.
Preparations plant origin. They stimulate their own defenses and affect the viruses themselves. Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and inflammation of the larynx as a consequence of it is possible with Aflubin, Resistol, Oscillococcinum, Esberitox. For children there is good drug Immunoflazid.

In parallel with the antiviral agent, antiallergic treatment is undertaken. It has been proven that any viral disease there is allergic component. In addition, antihistamines help relieve inflammation of the mucosa, and therefore affect pain and the nature of the cough with laryngitis. Universal remedy for children from birth to 3 years - suprastin. Older kids are prescribed L-cet, Tsetrin in syrups, adults - the same drugs, but in the form of tablets.

Antipyretics for viral inflammation of the larynx should be taken carefully and only if the temperature has risen above 39 ° C in adults and 38.5 ° C in children, otherwise the duration of the disease will be longer. An increase in temperature is evidence that the body is resisting the disease, there is no need to interfere with it if this increase is not critical. If the patient has a fever, Paracetamol or Nurofen should be taken.

You can help the body fight the virus by taking vitamin complexes, in particular, ascorbic acid.

Symptomatic treatment of viral inflammation of the larynx comes down to taking cough medicines (Stoptusin, Sinekod), resorption of tablets, lozenges and lozenges from the throat (Faringosept, Efizol, Lysobact, Strepsils), the use of aerosols (Ingalipt, Chlorfillipt, Angilex). Also effective inhalation therapy. As the patient recovers, when the patient begins to cough, he needs to drink Mukaltin, ACC, Prospan or another expectorant drug.

Sick with viral inflammation mucous membrane of the larynx is recommended bed rest and abundant warm drink. Tea with raspberry, viburnum, blackcurrant - very good means with this kind of illness. Milk with honey, soda or alkaline mineral water soothe an irritated larynx and help you clear your throat.

Viburnum jam

Even if viral laryngitis began to be treated on time, the patient got better, you need to be on the alert, on the 5th-7th day of the disease, a bacterial infection is possible. Then the question of taking antibiotics will be raised again.

Video: Laryngitis in the program "School of Dr. Komarovsky"

Inflammation of the larynx - laryngitis - is most often caused by viruses. The most virulent (infectious) representatives of the families Adenoviruses, Rhinoviruses. But the cause of the disease can be other viruses, for example: measles, chicken pox. If you do not start to properly treat viral laryngitis in time, then there can be dangerous complications.

What happens with viral laryngitis?

In inflammatory diseases of the larynx, there are changes in the mucous membrane of the vocal folds, the mucous membrane of the larynx and the epiglottis itself.

At the beginning of the disease, pathogenic viruses cause mucosal edema, which activates local immunity. In this case, the vocal folds thicken, swell, blush. Clear mucus accumulates on the mucosa small quantities. It flows onto the vocal folds, provokes a dry, unproductive cough. Due to inflammation of the vocal folds, the voice changes, it becomes more hoarse, rough, and can completely disappear. If left untreated, the inflamed mucosa is attached pathogenic bacteria, most often pneumococcus or Haemophilus influenzae, and viral laryngitis becomes secondarily bacterial.

In some cases, the inflammation "goes down" below, laryngotracheitis develops with a further outcome in bronchitis. Children often develop an isolated inflammation of the epiglottic cartilage - epiglottitis. This condition in childhood is extremely dangerous due to the general serious condition, exhaustion of the body and the danger of asphyxia. Epiglottitis is also common in adults, such as with measles or chicken pox.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx causes inflammation of the regional lymph nodes (cervical, submandibular, supraclavicular), lymphadenitis develops. Changed lymph nodes are enlarged, their palpation is painful. As the disease progresses, changes in the vocal folds increase. Due to increased edema, the glottis narrows more and more, shortness of breath appears, and without treatment, laryngitis can develop into stenosis. Stenosis of the larynx is an emergency condition requiring emergency treatment, and in case of decompensation - surgical intervention and hospitalization in the intensive care unit.

Main symptoms

Like all inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, laryngitis is accompanied by common symptoms:

Malaise. Temperature rise. Sweating. Weakness, ache.

Features of the course of the disease in children

larynx in children's body has its own structural features. A very pronounced submucosal layer is preserved along the entire length of the organ, especially in the subglottic region. With inflammation of the larynx in children, a pronounced edema increases in the submucosal layer, the mucosa swells (especially under the vocal folds) and a condition called "false croup" develops.

Unlike true croup, which occurs only with diphtheria, false croup can develop with laryngitis caused by absolutely any pathogen. As the condition worsens, it becomes increasingly difficult for the child to breathe. Breathing is accompanied by a long strained breath and the same long whistling exhalation. little patient can take a “forced” position that facilitates breathing - sitting, resting his hands on his knees. When inhaling, the wings of the nose, supraclavicular fossae and intercostal spaces are retracted. False croup or subglottic laryngitis is a condition that requires immediate treatment.

If you see that against the background of hoarseness and coughing, the baby has shortness of breath, it becomes harder for him to breathe - be sure to call an ambulance, do not wait for the condition to worsen. The ambulance will provide the necessary emergency medical care transporting baby for hospitalization.

In addition to false croup, laryngitis in childhood is dangerous for the development of epiglottitis. A typical sign inflammation of the epiglottis in children is salivation. Epiglottitis is accompanied by severe pain when swallowing. Swallowing is so painful that the child cannot even swallow saliva. The voice also changes, it becomes nasal, as if there is something in the throat. Catarrhal inflammation of the epiglottis during epiglottitis can be replaced by purulent, then an abscess of the epiglottis will occur - a formidable complication, dangerous by various intrathoracic purulent processes, mediastinitis. Children with epiglottitis must be hospitalized in an ENT hospital, with the possibility of being transferred to the intensive care unit if their condition worsens.

How to treat viral laryngitis?

Treatment of viral laryngitis can be divided into several parts:

Etiotropic. Pathogenetic. Symptomatic.

Etiotropic therapy

Implies the impact on a specific pathogen. Since the infectious agent is often unknown, at the onset of the disease, antiviral drugs with relatively a wide range actions: Groprinosin, Aflubin, Anaferon, Viferon (suppositories), Genferon (suppositories and nasal spray). When attaching the bacterial flora, it is necessary to take an antibiotic. Which antibacterial drug to use - the doctor will recommend to you.

Pathogenetic treatment

It is aimed at suppressing the development of the disease. In the case of laryngitis, the pathogenesis of the disease consists in inflammation and an increase in edema. In adults, anti-inflammatory drugs can be used from NSAID groups: Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam, Paracetamol. This group of drugs should not be taken longer than 7 days, always after meals and after consulting a doctor. In children, the use of ibuprofen and paracetamol is allowed, but in the treatment of babies, this group of drugs is prescribed only for high fever or severe pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs reduce pain syndrome, inhibit inflammation, reduce the manifestations of fever.

To reduce swelling of the vocal folds, apply antihistamines: Loratadine (Claritin), Desloratadine (Erius), Clemastine, Kestin, Fenistil, Fenkarol and others. In children, Loratadine is more commonly used under various trade names, Desloratadine and Fenistil. Taking antiallergic drugs for laryngitis is the prevention of false croup in children and stenosis (due to edema) in adults. In difficult cases, when compensated stenosis (1-2 degrees) has already developed, hormones are used: prednisolone and dexamethasone. The use of this group of drugs, especially in the form of injections, is possible only in a hospital.

Symptomatic treatment

As the name implies, it is aimed at reducing the manifestations of the disease. The main symptoms of laryngitis are dry cough and hoarseness. A few tips to relieve a cough from laryngitis:

To get rid of a painful, hacking dry cough, you can take medicines that suppress the cough reflex- Tussin plus, Libeksin. Tussin plus is based on the substance dextromethorphan, which suppresses the cough reflex, but does not suppress breathing. Therefore, Tussin plus is safe even in children. Myrtol-based capsules - Gelomirtol and Gelomirtol forte - have also proven themselves well. These drugs relieve cough without suppressing it, "inhalation from the inside." It is useless to take expectorants (Lazolvan, Mukaltin, Gedelix, Bromhexine, Erespal and others). Since the inflammatory process is not accompanied by active sputum formation, mucolytic drugs are useless here. Inhalations can and should be carried out with laryngitis, but this can only be done if there is an inhaler-nebulizer The nebulizer produces the so-called "fog", consisting of the smallest droplets of the active substance. Can do alkaline inhalation with mineral water, phytoinhalations with sage, chamomile; you can also do inhalations with sofradex or dioxidine. Hot steam inhalations will not only not help, but can even harm, especially when it comes to children. Babies cannot always sit quietly during this procedure, they bend too much or, on the contrary, move far away from the source of steam. Hot steam burns the respiratory tract, temporarily alleviates the condition, followed by severe deterioration. local treatment. The most effective for laryngitis are local medications in the form of a spray. Healing lozenges and lozenges are more effective for pharyngitis (inflammation back wall pharynx), angina. With laryngitis active substance does not fall on the inflamed mucosa. You can use antiseptic-based therapeutic sprays: Ingalipt, Oracept, Hexaspray. At accession of bacterial flora it is possible to apply Bioparox. It must be remembered that most medicinal sprays are contraindicated for use in young children (some in children under 3 years old, others under 6). Contraindication due to the danger of reflex spasm of the glottis. Babies can be recommended to drink a decoction of chamomile, sage in small sips. Physiotherapy. In addition to inhalations, which are physiotherapeutic methods, with laryngitis, magnetic therapy is used on the larynx area. You can also visit the sauna, with dry hot air (not steam). Video: Dr. Komarovsky about croup and laryngitis in children

Viral laryngitis, despite all its seeming harmlessness, may be enough dangerous disease both in children and adults. Epiglottitis, false croup, epiglottis abscess, stenosis - formidable complications a simple disease. Laryngitis is treated outpatient settings, often simple correct home treatment enough for a full recovery. The main thing is to consult a doctor and follow all his recommendations correctly. Remember that in many cases, taking antibiotics for laryngitis is useless due to the viral nature of the disease. When the condition worsens, it is necessary to urgently seek further advice or call an ambulance.

If you have any questions, you can ask them here.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the lining of the throat. It can be both an independent disease and a manifestation of infections. Viral laryngitis is usually caused colds, less often - measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever. It also contributes to the development of this disease severe hypothermia body, use alcoholic beverages, smoking and straining the vocal cords. The disease progresses rapidly, and the acute phase lasts no more than two to three weeks.

Symptoms of laryngitis

The first symptoms of viral laryngitis are cough, headache, fever and a general deterioration in well-being. At the initial stage, the disease causes a dry cough, which subsequently flows into a wet one. Often the disease causes pain when swallowing. Due to the narrowing of the glottis, breathing becomes difficult, wheezing appears, the voice becomes rougher. In acute viral laryngitis, the throat dries up, there is a feeling of tickling.

Causes of laryngitis

The main cause of laryngitis is infection with a viral or bacterial infection against the background of weakened immunity (as a result of stress, hypothermia, etc.). The disease may also have viral origin, and be the result of mechanical damage to the nasopharyngeal mucosa (burns, overexertion, trauma) or allergies.

There are two forms of laryngitis: acute and chronic.

Acute laryngitis

In acute laryngitis, the patient develops dryness and itching in the mouth, cough, planted or completely absent voice. In young children, mucosal edema and respiratory failure may occur. Often, the inflammatory process covers not only the larynx, but also the trachea.

At proper treatment the acute form lasts 7-10 days, and does not pose a serious threat to health.

But if you let everything take its course, the disease can cause irreparable harm to the body and become chronic.

Chronic laryngitis

Chronic laryngitis is the result of multiple acute laryngitis or long inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Also, the development of this ailment is promoted by smoking, alcohol, overstrain of the vocal cords, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, some heart and lung diseases.

Common symptoms of the disease are the appearance of a specific cough, the voice becomes hoarse, wheezing occurs. Patients often complain about fatigue vocal cords, feeling of constriction in the throat.

The development of chronic laryngitis begins with a feeling of discomfort in the throat, pain when swallowing, which immediately disappears after taking a warm liquid.

Then there is a feeling of a foreign body in the throat, you constantly want to clear your throat. Further development depends on the type of laryngitis:

Catarrhal laryngitis is the most mild form diseases accompanied by cough, sore throat, slight hoarseness.

Hypertrophic laryngitis - characterized by the presence of strong wheezing, sore throat and cough. On the vocal cords small growths form, which cause symptoms.

Atrophic laryngitis - is a consequence of the thinning of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Patients suffer a lot coughing, dry mouth and hoarseness. With coughing fits, it is possible bleeding. This form of the disease is characteristic only of adults, it practically does not occur in children.

Laryngitis in children

The causes of viral laryngitis in children and adults are the same. But in a child, by virtue of more weak immunity, viruses are much easier to overcome the nasopharynx and enter the larynx.

Laryngitis and tracheitis are the main differences.

In the initial stage, the disease manifests itself in the form of a runny nose and a slight dry cough. Then wheezing appears and the timbre of the voice changes. Breathing quickens, air is drawn in with a characteristic whistle. In the future there are bouts of suffocating cough, aggravated at night and in the morning.

The disease is accompanied by pallor of the face, a bluish tint may appear on the lips, the temperature rises sharply.

Treatment of laryngitis

In the acute form of the disease, the load on the vocal cords should be removed, and within 5-7 days, speak only in a whisper. In the room with the patient, it is necessary to maintain a normal microclimate: regular ventilation, air temperature should be 18-22 degrees, and humidity should be at least 50%.

Also, until the moment of healing, it is strongly recommended to drink more warm liquids and completely eliminate smoking, spicy and very hot food. In the treatment of viral laryngitis, it is necessary to eliminate the source of the disease - viruses and bacteria. In this case, the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs and antibiotics.

Inhalations and applying compresses at night help to relieve symptoms and speed up the healing process.

For inhalation, it is better to use infusions of medicinal herbs and drugs that promote expectoration. It is necessary to carry out this procedure two or three times a day.

Treatment of viral laryngitis must be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor. If you fully follow his recommendations and conduct a full course of treatment, the disease will pass in a couple of weeks. But, if left untreated, laryngitis can turn into chronic form, and it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. Besides, chronic processes often lead to irreversible changes in the larynx and vocal cords, which can only be cured with the help of surgery.

In children and adolescents, this disease is more severe, and you need to be extremely careful with them.

In children, the larynx is much narrower than in adults, therefore, with swelling of the mucous membrane, the lumen narrows, which is especially severe cases leads to complete obstruction of the airways. In such a situation, urgent surgical intervention to cut the trachea. And with prolonged chronic laryngitis, plastic surgery of the vocal cords is often required.

Treatment of laryngitis with folk remedies

There are many folk recipes aimed at eliminating symptoms and speeding up recovery. For treatment, along with medicines, are used medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects.

Inhalations with potato pairs have proven themselves well. To do this, it must first be boiled in a peel, drained and placed on mint or chamomile leaves. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day.

A good anti-inflammatory effect has the juice of ordinary boiled beets, which should be gargled 2 times a day. You can also use honey diluted in boiling water in the proportion of one teaspoon per glass for rinsing.

Also, to eliminate viral laryngitis, dill seeds are used, soaked in boiling water and infused for at least 40 minutes. The resulting decoction should be drunk daily in small portions.

It is important to remember that treatment with folk remedies is possible only on early stages diseases.

If the symptoms worsen, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the most appropriate procedures and drugs. At improper treatment disease can lead to serious complications and become chronic. This is especially true for children, in whom a complication of the disease can lead to severe consequences, even death.

Inhalation for laryngitis

Inhalations with laryngitis are extremely important. With each procedure, the solution envelops the vocal cords, protecting them from harmful effects factors environment. When carrying out inhalation, it is necessary to ensure that the steam is cold enough and does not burn the already inflamed mucous membrane of the larynx. For procedures, you can use a special inhaler, or you can make it yourself out of paper. In order to maintain a protective film on the vocal cords and mucous membranes, it is necessary to inhale vapors at least 4-5 times a day.

Inhalations are most conveniently and effectively performed using a special device - a nebulizer. Under the action of ultrasound, the liquid with the drug turns into a mist and is sprayed to the patient through a special mask or tube. The droplets of the substance have low temperature, which minimizes the risk of irritation of the already inflamed mucosa and ligaments. But for children with elevated temperature the use of a nebulizer is strictly prohibited, as this can only aggravate the situation.

In any case, before starting any self-treatment visit a qualified professional.

Only a doctor can deliver correct diagnosis and recommend appropriate complex treatment, including antibiotics and antivirals.

Why is laryngitis dangerous? Who is at risk? How to treat laryngitis? Discuss the presenters and guests of the TV show “Live great! Laryngitis or false croup

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